THE DOVER LUMBER y° Sash, Win...

xni DOVER, MOBBIS COUNTY, JERSEY, SATDBDAY. SEPTEMBEB 15, 1883. KO. 41 THE IRONERA PDBLIIHID E7£BV HilDBBAY BV The Dover Printing Company, PDBUBHElia ANu I'ttOKIETUlLS. Gfl.09 on Biaa^w««t next dour U Tba Rationai;Uflion JBauk. One Year, - - - - - Six Mouths, - - - - Three mouths, - - - - - £2.00 - ~ - l.UU ADVERTISING BATES. •FAOt 76[* 1 MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRONCo, DOVER, N. .7. n '1 31 [IS. 3 1HW. fi <m <; (io (j /io| 11 00 8 no 10 do la rio lr. on IB JH) 112 no 11 01) i:t on n>2r* 1!) (M as on 41 00 ti you. !ji ft IMt 10 01) 14 00 IB (W 1>1 (HI y?i riO a? w (Ti <)0 Oornor of ll!ti'>U*i'U itul HIH;<!L-I St*. DOVEU. N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. III I.i' •jl/TAHLQN PITKE ATTOItxr Y, STEAM ENGINES, COMPRESSORS IKON unit BUAHS UAUTIPiUH, FORGING of ill DESJ /~1 E0. O. UUMMIMS, M. Ji., GENERAL PltiVCTITIONKll, 1ND. SPECIALIST IN THE THKATMKK' OF MALARIAL WSKA^ES. OFFICE AT THIS STICKLE HOUiE, T c. uiEKWiiiin, E. ar. DOVEK, N. J. ANATA3K3 OFOUUH ANP MINGUALH, KOilVHYS OFMINKS. L. W. THURBER, yUPEHINTKXDICST OF PUJ1I.IC KCHOOT^ OF J1OUMB COUWEY. OFFICE AT H. H. JlllKr^R'* "TOU1 DOYBB, N. J. , Special nflice liours on tiiUuuUvs Irum 8 A. it. till 12 M. 11 ELY, THE TAILOR, NEXT TO rAKDEB A OLA.KK'rf, J>O\T" I if n K A. BENNETT, M, U. mo rm-sici.i.-:-*N» B"»' DG\KU,S, J. OmoK 'fltu tt A. H. Hutms. f I to Uanil 7 to 8P. M. On ami aftor ftl«it 1st mil linvn hia suonnd floor nf Huirhoiirii) builtli it rtciice, corner of Gnkl aud Clitt-Uidt MiBlit calls at rmldenw. WM. T. ALLEN. H.J. IML3IE1 ALLEN & PALMER, BUILDERS, SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. County Collectors Notice! I »ill L ii i- r i ". i " ssr.i v ' . :- onto 11 n r, I l I I i l •- f '«"' ' W n , v«,','. ; A DIJllLDIl HTINHOPL N Con tract n for uulhlinps tftiifiii from tin 1 <n cavating of the cellar, B!iilinau.TiiilHi«rii i^Iicd, Alttfl &ftVi^< DoflY*< IMiuiln, Mmi»Unj;ft, IR-UIIP. fiJSSllBBililawii.'Mattrialdcowt.nllr mi hand, Hlate roofiHc. 8 '-" FRANK GIE3, MASON AND BUILDER, '»d Jc.LI.iBB prompaj Bl loft at William It. llakir^ oareFu! anil |ironu)t allculio i B. BERKT, CHESTER, N. J-, BEEIl, 8ARSAPAHILT.A, SODA WATER, 8EGAHS, TOUACCOS, A«. POOL AND BILLIARD T-aULE. OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter an^Builder, bun reroMcd to Tlravl> r»roflb«0onlrtl H cl .li»« l«iil SEAR THE CASH. BASIN. Jobbing anil rcpairmi: |ini JOHN D'RUMMKII'B SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON. SUSSEX STREET, ibrtTr«ntteMiH8IOSnOCfiE»D4Dcpit,l DOVER, N. J. Tim nlkco hfta biion entirely rolittpa in a nrjal HBTIN&BTJCK, Bouse, Sign and SrsamUl Fmbs, ORAINEB9 GILDERS und PAPKn IIAKG. ER8 Contract* [akeo anil mntorii»isniniinhiM. .lore', n«« mToiiglit * Kliitun. 1 . ame-ioto. P. O.BO1183. A >piioUllr oiSo of ausccll oollius- J. MARTIN. •"-!• *• •"'""• KANOUSE & MOLLER, BOTTLED LAGEES ALE, POBTBB, MINEUAIi WATEES, OIDEE, He, li WBOIESALE AS» nETAIL, Oto oHor Ibo bosi »nj mimt libci»l lainec- DOVEB, N. J- NEWARK. N.J. 711 &713 BiWAD St. Ol'iOS AM, THE 1'EAH. Till. Sflll>!)I ilf S('ll(tlilM .' Tin | I.-t ,,f ,,!,ic,::, Mr i«,lrndf,:, in ill J.J.VJiEELAND,' CARPENTER AND BUILDER, DOVER, If. ,T. O KI-miC iiiljui.iii.K Iliv Dim r I.nml n Cnm- ^III'lillX'lliilillH llll,i IlKtlLTUllft l,f t'V.TV Ll!n! illr- Illsllfll lur Luil^milH. Jtlljljlnr; a UJI ClIlUJ. SLATE ROOFING. A. B. BEERY, C'lIESTEK, JV, J., iliiLk-f in IHiV OOODH, UltOaBIilES A.KD l'huVi-;I0NH, IJKATUEB AND PIMlINGH, JitJOTH AN)> SHOlitt loortK-r | css«rn, tobao- fuh, i-.n.l it> !;u't*vi-ryl)uLi,'whi«U i^ Kcuot.illv l i { 'I U THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUiLOENG, UlachwcUIHit I IJ ¥tt Hot Air Furnaces, Of Win Intot iml "Hint n r In anniirti.ifutof Utovtb I I I COOK, I'AliLOJ 11 <YIIN<< STOVES, RANGES, LAKTEUNH AND UiilTTAMA WAKE, TIN & JAPAN WARE, FKUIT CANH, Ac TIN AT-EXAKDEIt WJGHTOK. inlifTUith.10711. I-lvr /"I O TO.TdHKj'il VOKK'K !•', ilf C0OKINO UT ItANi.lKrl ASDlilWHV.S m'WtillX. f -^ t) Tit TO!!, YoTiKV-I I'OI? I'MiMlF 1 AND r nri'/Nc IKMIM AMI Di'i-rur.sTovi:-. IKMI i' .\i,L i DRESS GOODS cst line of Dress iio ami Triiiintiugs at A R N D l'AKOEE & CiAKK'S, UIjAriKVvELl, HT., DOVE].. ¥RS.1. TREWARTHA, Sussex St., Dover, 19 KAKlKfi AKPT-irfAJ/l'V OP THE WHOLESALE TRADE ORANGES, LEMON'S, AUi KlXtJSOF FltlHTS AND NUTS, etc., PURE CONFECTIONERY, Joseph Yorl$ -IiHtKISTHWN, MI.G.W.McftAVIT DENTIST, ra -MB wuenn tin snu, DOVEH, N. J. RISING SUN" YEAST! I'UIIK, HE.ft ho Seneca Falls Yeast Co., (UJHTF-D.) ASK YODIt (JB0CEI1 FOR IT! BRDEN & BUNNELL, AilK AGENTS FOIt I will e o I r h n 1 Li a l l H|TL O t ll i j, -•I,, I . I n I I R Jl n I) l l fntb Jl p ll i i um b.l n 1 lllHQkpepji Biok HI! NLtt EMIIIC Ht Ar Gr vul llu I « 1 Cot k i (.HUH tlieb a lati I i tl fnrll AIBO ihTpsJH rtta l i f t ] Ht\ (, SInV i 111 O I i 1 rflt» » If or HL1IM1 11 1M VvINFrl L ] \1 a eltulcc mil of iKltPiYUtL. CUTL1 Hi , Wooded, Coi>jifr, i'lsin a^d Jni>»iinori L .Hr*I Oil (n COAL, ncinfi miptly rtU- faclurit' isincBs lor pfbiic u-tis ir, lirasi, Lead, UMTK a nic ianjjo o K""'^^^*, A JJTJNNELL. nk n Ilifir ]>!ac<- o 01:1 Iron, [T,)p. eubiicki! taker 18831 SPRING. 1883! Opening of MILLINERY GOODS MRS. jXwiTHERIDGE, POET 0KAH,N.J. All pnreonfl wishinganything In her line will profitby baying other.• D00K8, PAPEMS, NOTIONS, CANDIES, NOTfl, PIPES, TOBACCOS, FAMILY GROCERIES! n lutin c.h Sm of tlio Best K>ntent Plovir, knl Trcolon Hum ami li«ul<lcrK,Piiicnutrcr,CIircii; unit laurel est ^rmlci or On nurd unoilx, and nil iiii|Hlt«(iltUi- itniiicliolil line at W.M. tl. BAKER'S, Dover, IV. J. AGHICUUUnAL IMPLEMENi'S Seeds, Fertilizers,. evcrvtliiiiB for FARM AND OAKDEN. VOORHEES BROTHERS, Morristown, N. J, BEND FOB CATALOGUE. BL V. B. SEAEING, CARPENTER and BUILDER, BLACKWELL Sr. 1D0\Elt,N. J. Slate g Witlt better TuoiliticiH 1 am enabled to pot •ii SLVl'IJ HOOI'S cheaper tbn» ovitr ufiing ioue but ILo hcMqiiBiily of wliitu mid em- iloyitij; firht-cluBS luucliriuiiMt- I cuu fjuur- ,utuo muleiial and woik in ovtry particu- nr, Tiir Sheatliing Felt nl»oy»on huud. UuUd Outobor 13th, I860. THE 1'Ol'ULAB SUSSEX St. GROCER, Groceries uml IVo 1 SEASONABLE FRUITS, i i- , ii ti i r Vh I I ( 1 1 i i i I ; I i I * r i I I I V 1 PASSAGh 1 iGKETS Qiieenstown, Liverpool, Norway, Sweden, White Stur Lims, linti.m Line, Line, Line, State Line. JHIAFTS ihsucd »! IIMV< -it niti'«. j,n- H»ll,-t.- -II Kl,, l.ill'l, II \illl, f^xlliUI.I, v ,,r *,>,<!• n . ' clu-.-i-liillv .'. o.:\y ttui- in Ti-^-HUiUHr.vcnu-iLtBi.f llflll.'illHlVlllillC*. E.Lindsley&Son.flgents. II WHO BUY WAGONS H. P..SANDERSON. -IWUSfjEY ft SON, A. \\\ TMl-II/:il, ,U:U1U1F, COt:. Vnlm T011N «. DrCKi:it4(IS-, KUflKNK I'.UJL, 0. 1IOM,Y, '" '» WHITLOPK.'. r,i:wrs, 1)1!. HTIflHH, Jfi Mil. I'KTKIIHON, M., AN' II0I1V. N. J. FOI.OK, ITFrilV.N LINDSU5Y, JEHBE LA.M1IJON, HTEl'lTEN EICKEItHON", ^EO, 15. KQUIH1W, % I!. MITNPO\ T , JOHN D. EVANS, LBWfS IIUHD, K. fOOI'ftlt, •r, N. .1. IT, K. ,1. ll.ivci, N. J. Ni-wn-li, N. .1. ll'i,mn"m;;, N. J. . DriiVflK-.N. .1. 1)"nvr', N. J. ATi-Ti<lliaiii, N. .T. iaiUirtsrfit.'N. J. Htai.Uiuu. H. J. J. 8'iujlnir,., N..T. Millou, N. J . pover.M.J. Dover. N. J. CliesW. N. Dover, N. ?, ]?<IV<T, N, J IKM'M Lalso, H. J Olivier, N. J. h M. J!. A. U. 1JYHAM Real Estate, Life and Fire Insurance Agents OFFICE ON BLACKWELL STREET, DOVER, (TWO DOORS PROM BAKER'S STORE.) .N1 rl.kJ djr.lid i n t h e »II)V«( cuiniHi.iIrn fi.i i:<f mill Hie liitiullim [•, itm i Mittiiiii Life. ineiii'jMii'iitfd 184T. ffi uu Fiit! Itis. t.'o.. Uiit-tfonl, Ct. Cnsh oapilui J?4,OCM>,O00. Sun Fiiv Otiii'f, LoOiion, liughtnd. Orgiiiiizea 1710. lim iiuil Prim-nriiil, IDoiitKiu, Em-laud, C.IHII anpi'Ial $C00,OOO. Agi-iuwluwttl V»ru Inn. Oo., WutnjtowD, N. Y. Oaib onpitat 83O0.000. Dcivrr, N. J, Ohentfr, N. J ailne Hill, N. J Biiccimniini., N. J Dovfr, N. J i, N. .T E. H. HKELLENGPH, ENKINHft CO., 1)11. IIIiSHY WIOOIKf WATFIAN M(iDAV(T, JAMES DUFFOIlD, VVILE1NS0N. GADDI9.tCO., Nc-watb, N. J, E1IOENE It. COlty, Rparlft, N. J i. O. UIEU,VUiTH, PUVIT.M.J LHWIH nPICKIt, Of)vpr, N. J JAMES TURNED, Culifon, N. J 1MIL VASNlIiR. finpca*(i!iiift. N. J I. II. HTEPHKNS, Mt. Olivo, N. J !OIIBE1T nitOM. Dovar, N, J J. D.FITZaBUAU), Ktn-urfe, N, J. MIt.S, KEV. WAKElt HMITIl, Mt. WILLIAM KING ROOT AXIS SHOE HMKEll. D o - c o r , 3ST. O". Tiio bc^t ivorii n( liiwcfit. |iricci. I?rpr.iiiiif! Hstris CDLBIJ Savings Sank, THK M:W JISUSKV 70| &7Cfi BROAD STIIKET\ JVEtVARK. IV. .1. iwrOftiiisii NiHioTinl IJiiiil;. nnni« i!n Kit), uruiiil HT'i"ii H(-[it. ;it, nml (ifiVtu mij>i.Ti(ir BUSINESS EDUCATION OF YOUNCt MEN ,\NIJ I.ADIK.S. P Ln cmi Bludiciracrn mK. Tin'turn sel cipaliiMtmiKlit 1 riiKi-il I'T 1 -- tliio' linrcJrcit !< «r. AI! tliccomra liortljand, T.V|ii'-u'i tllbrmkF. TlioIV Caalocuo find culkgc [>i»|itr tt* G-ly O. T. MILLER, Principal Jinil l*rnpriPtnr E.DUM&BR0. Improved Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus SarSi Stores, Sehools,* Church?, ml all niKJinor nf prirato and piiHro bniklin^ii, 104 MARKET St., NEWARK. The Old Reliable Milliner and Dress-maker! MRS. GEO. FARE, POUT 0RAM, Jf. J., fllOBUtlSTOWN, N. J. ENflV W. JUfjLKlE, President. II. T.HULTJ, Hec'j RiidTrea* JIASAOKKS: KvnrC. I'ITSIIV, A. Ji.Hn.t,, AMBtH. Cll Iliw LKMA I'llI C A r ft. I Omn ilieily iiom !> A. 31. Io 4 1*. i>[. nnil fin Stttiirday ercuings fi-oiu1'Ui»uMuuft. DCIH»BI(S HI ltd t' on orlK'fore rue TKM'tl I>AV OF JAft'UAKV, itno n-inaitiinir in Maukoutbc I IKS I IIAV OF JULY, will he entitled tati I:IOIIIIIH T interest. Ot'liositsiiunlc oniir before tlie FIFTH ii\Y OK AIMtli.iin,] ,,.. miitnini; in Eliuik imthe I'lHST DAVOI'JIILV, ivillbec>iititlpil ti> SnmutliO isitcrebt. OeiiOHilMma lie «tn or bcfori 1 th TBi\Tll D.I V OP.J 1! J>V,an»I re u»;»ii.iii.- in 1$»HU nn tU. Tllth IIAV OF .IAMJAHY, will li entitled to O tiiontliH' iatficst. l ) i U l r<>imiiiiiii£ In Hiuik on (lit be dititlcritottmouths' iiitertHt OLJVERCH]LLED7LOWS Biat iii tlie Aciae ll.ui 0 «oU !>)• ns. I L'uUivntar, Iny Sulky Plow, Grain and Garden Seed Drills, Walter A. Wood's Mowers, REAPERS andSINDEES. Ihomas & Field Wheol Hay Rakes, AMERICAN HAYTEDDERS, M'oii'd Fan Iliilla, ILcvcr ami Trcail Powers, TlirpRlnTff, Olrnnrrs, ^c, .uilall otlifr nrnt-clapn [aiming Imiiltmcnla. SEEDS and PEETILIZER8, VOORHEES BROTHERS, MORRISTOWN, N. J. JOSEPH VA.S DYKE, 7rftvoliu JOHN DAWE itr open far bntlneu In his now B*atau- runt null can MHnmnodato a nnmlier of boor J e n oareMcm&tile tanai; u veil u p1 j good meals at all houn, at Icrw prioeo, BUcfcwliaiBrikDll D THE DOVER LUMBER offers to buildfsm the bnst opportunities in the pimthiigQ of LUMIiBll ol ovory grailo anddesoiiptiou iuuludiag LOW PRICES und the great udvuntiige of having Xmmber Worked to Order hy nuxcliiuory at the plnco ^Ylle^o it ia purchased, greatly lessening tlie coat of "building by the groat suviag iu manual labor. Our stock ahmya ineludoa Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings fttitl LUJIIJEB of over}' doscription, and ospocial paiue aro taken to givo Bitifttictbu iu every partiular } p , p p to givo Biitif-ttictbu iu every particular. GEOKOE llicniiiDa, Prosidcnt. "WM. II, LAHDERT, Hoe's and TIOM I. W. , Gm'l llaanger. Freeman Wood, INSURANCE AGENT. Lcgslly authorizwl agent of tin follewiiigflrat Ira-llic best in UioworH: LONDON iimUjIVEHrOOTj aad OLOltE, Ciiintnl $20,000,000. JANOASHIHE ul MAh'CHEBTEB, Capital 810,000,000. tOYAL OP LIVERPOOL, Capital ©10,000,000. rniLADELPHIA. Capilul $5,000,000. HUDSON COUNTY, Jersey City, Capital 830O.U0O. North Britifth «n<l Itereantiln InHiirmien R<i. if Ltmiliin nnJ Jiili-nbnrffh ; capitil (10,000,000. iRiirniicc Co. of Sow lorltj .HBunnffl Corpcritlon of IIIRHHUWO CO., SlttWMwUa- iwtciicHter Firo Insurance Oompany (o yorfe, capital itritW.DOO. 1 ( i s AmniCAS 31.000.000 FJHE ASSOCIA.TION OF PHILADELPHIA. r. v -• J3.C0O.00C TAL C0O.OK Freeman Wood, c~ or tlio p.!«c*i nut] Pollen M»Ri»tr*lo aum:t:im Vh iH«tal 11,000,000. Tim London i Tl BEST PUCE orits Mini for mijnynjeiit iu tliifl Krrlion In D. ROLLER'S, BOSSES RT., (s.-i:irTOT'nr.mitPOK,t DOVCIt, IS. J. , received anil place*] in putiUou TBBEE FINE NEW Billiard Fool Tables CROCKERY. Uiimcraiid Tea Seis in iHcoi ntvil White lirtinUe and C. C. Wnre, Uec«ta(uil nnil Plain Toilet Wan-, DJnJoIica Wnre, ltockin^hnm Waw, Velio w U'nre, Stone Ware, nml every tliilift tin tlio Crockery Hue itt flic lo^vcgt iirtsslble prices nt WM. II. BAKER'S, Dover, N. .\. ORCHESTRION is lino Juat been atippliafl mVo new moBlo id will delight the put tons or tlio bouse mote [mover, lurnlihing masio oqnal to i brui HaolOOploCUB OEO. EHRKT0 OEUSBTLkTZD LAGER BEER •Jtt»j» <mdraught ftnd (hobeat of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS ^Jf*j« provided ftir HJB pfclrtpj of UE 1 a'0P2HA'n0D8S iii M i> B I L U U t S BOOUB. J- B. PALMER, BEEMER & PALMER will cniilintie MmlniHincKS at tlio ,,U wliml Biiil ciiitlt'iivur l<> konp a larco nsBorinioiit o fiomla in liiH lino of trade, cuoaiutlng or COAL AND WOOD! Scranton nml Leliifli of nil aiw aUn Hi- Miraii^uH Coal lor hlukimittiinir. Cord Flag Stones : Curbing, PHOSPHATES I A vnriciy nf liriuulg uf mun.Urd farlliizera WHAMN'S, >:. FRANK COB'S, STOCKJUIUDGE MANIJIIES. MftSONS' MATERIALS 1 Hnnl a a it Vila Bcic«, Umo, Cement, Cal- eineil I'InKtrr, H»fr, Pirc nnd prOnt Brick, Tire Ol»y. Ordure will bo Steam Circular Saw Mill. far hard wood Inmhor cat ia may alE? and «0cbrfli leuoued wood br »le. '.'•'•' Dorer, S. J, TECGS. JOHNSON. er mil deiterln ' CHESTER. Prof. Abbey repeated hutunm Cbutor OOUM Hall onFriday evanlng liurt; It ra Vefon, only two or three now being Introduced. At 8 o'olook the g filed in and toofc tieir pUnu on tlie rtage, wtlch we «hall bare f SIUD a moment te de- aorito. It wubte of aa «lov«Ud platform 8 fyet In depth, extending the wtin> width vt tte tall, and resthftct I ? * to : f t fiUk itl fixaatpt; j -vitb«m*«at:<ihtlra,batatLtUi oo contained only tyro plain bansllM without f bnoki. Tbe pnweealum «u a wonderful a i f t i i U i l ld of mioroicopio iluit, whioh zondeied tbat ngL [ne» Tidbloi the ibotlighta VAN ttro is mW, the one an ordinary bmoiet lamp, tlio oilier a tin rollo of the fUy» of the old t^l- lawdip«ltnodenilsedbj being flttel wltt ft terosenD nun burner, »•)& thste TBre^iujionil- ed above tlia lioadB of too slogan; » :r|pod oalioa eprtaln, /wkd by time sad mail tlie worse at wear, u diminutive ia 1(« proporiioiu u nob only tobo toe itortby half but ulna loo murow evoa to reiioli fromthe ceUiog to floor, was utilised W form » private dreflilng room to tlie nortlt-Trtrt corner for •' JodcfUali" And tlie vaaM tie fcrraet'tnrlde. Tho scenes—veil—far the -mmt of sametblng bettor one bad only to f»noy t t o d n t t otyvitii and lUH atwafeea "wall foiming the tsek- gromid, tlio outlinep«iciUii|BOfi>n unknown coiitlaent, witb a (pike to inark it* giiogropli- iaal centre, and usil holes tbe principal «ltlea f interest, while [ilnoos of leaser imporbuico ere rcijreiontedfayblUtcrs nnil partleica of rnvol in the plastering; fissures and n t showed tlie vurimia water ooureea, nnd the grant net Work of railway systems and public loroufc'lifurcg Could bo raoagBitml In the ngor trjiolu^n tbrouifli the diut j itn<l for the the of variety, wlilobiatbeiipioo of all tULugH, QB Jiail no iniotl to draw very exu-iiftivtiliy IKin liis liiuifrfnntloii toiliscovi:r n fubit re- uvlilwiL^ tontvioftfliinUmiCHiK in t'.r ntn »f !i « i illnntnhmi rr HI.IIII ll,iu*("f tint IK jir •!-]•'• milt i Wilt PI II tllO ml I 1. t \lill Hint in i! n>l nCilti-.liii i MII lurui Hill ].b i. till. H mtiitrdbi iltiini A,1m t ' ]).r,i, N I i cli<iti,"vi. IIHH.SIMJH ^ i h lf . In Mi. <•<! Mini k 11 II II ir IIIH t <>< - m <>rt< n n Hhni . a mrV^lfi Id l«, Him. Cnrri< »(illni m Hha.j., rtl.rill, t il voice, that, gir iicit uf -culture. Tlio ;IJII'!>IVII to roll out. nitlnmt imii'li <• flnr( an ii unugUt tin- iiiHjiinilii'ii frum ii iTiiiiiptd uiimscriiit, tlirniigli it iiiiirnliinHi' glneniiR iid- Th« Fartucr Hay" iioi.ff Frcil't CJPS «tiiiKht JudfJinli" witli Hiiuh JI WO(!-]IC-ROIHS cuprps- iin tlmt «"P luirillj inavr wliiiilito cuiumtner- ntamost, VrMl w " JodMliah." In xpeuhiug cfJcilfiiHnli" we nro romfuiioil Hint boenmo ant l to to ix^t'iill tILC? wonlfl, IIIH brairny bun IH I'miifjlit t.> «liiold IIIH fiwuint; vinag t. Xhf "rccnllert" would iTL come, BO Ii rr-w tlmitiiimifcilptof aoiiiPtlihiR CIHO wlik hclil, in thfi 1'rr.fMeor'H fnco and iiiglo noiju oh, Willie Ablcy nnd I led tlieimelvea right i man on tlio f PORT MORRIS. Soawd»yl nun tbstownpiuap. , Mr. StaplM l*d iae Temperance folki ia the U*a of tU« fitaoaope Bsiarm Club on Sunday •fterwwn. Addrewm won'mad* by Be?. Mr, Bondman! who (Konpled tke* pnl- pit of tha PM-byU'rian dumb, ^ortiinj and ev«sinff. KM Cfcftrlu Decbaco, Ftink OTfeal, IUM, J. Sbieldi and stoen, not for- getting B. F. Halnw. TkeMnnotilittli«PfMbjt«rUui Charthtn wmocnlnewM fotradad ootae text "Ood in Leve," and in toe eraolng, c prored aUthtae lUngs; Stand," or M»ne- tti lik Four or fiye wagpa loud* of Tenipeniue people went from StanltopD to toeTenoper- BUC* wmp meeting *t SpAtta, T m * W , U- Bide) tbose who dnra in tieir oiro. ooaT»y- ancei, «ad tftej ofuue tonio sober. J A gun olttb from Brooklyn, aumbarlng US or 190, miiit to Hopatoong on ToeBdijr Md ie talk of 1 n»MDg ttopfttoong*perm»neiitrt<>ttoB, Iftbey do I guws it will have to OKVQ » iUtfere. kou»o "or (ne wtowr, % i It Usaid J a w b Wlilteafill> who o^riei hii ^nninafl&igyet, vu married laat ftatur» day. That ia rumor, . I *tked tbogenial vloe fraaldent of tl HMkettBtown Bank the other d»j, whoie wont faalt fiiat he l» a Dowoorat, who WM going to be the Democratic nominee for Governor anil the gentleman np'lied.: "Tbey aay he I>in this t ' I thought for a mo- inent bo meant liimwlf andJ t u about DOQgratulflto him wlien be »aid: "Tiie eta- dldato of Sufliox aita two seata back oa tlio ither aide." I looked, and beliot ^oolimu was there t Tbo D. L. il W. B. U. b picking up quite > Oelgit treffin. Elgbt trains of I eatuo li«rc fraui Washiugton from tintarday tRbt until Muuday liiorniuc. inclusive, AI- Mii\l>(e.ilntii in Htn iiuil c mi Tim n.\, Pridii i.mJ SitunliO (.viiJiiifiH m rolnlh, Miimln^ iifumiuii Th flixtmO ig Mill mln tin Mitliodwt tlinrcli, Tliu in -uniiiK 11,, irustMH of tlm I'tciA n iidnirili Iii \ot rl.uilul tiiiiiiniiiniii 11M 1 Mr VIUH, I I.hul.ll; of til II > in KUl"K I i"> IHI.1 lot C«u.,, M«ni,.h «ou.,, a* tlio h th. .1. l Mlimi i.i Ihf ,S[ii , Hull wtil toh p u i n Mils I I,.Ml,.: I i i i r h n h x i l m h i i Horn. in ]iUitl( unto sat tint tin ill I Ci 1 tlnitlii fiui llllllld Jt- Mi ifut rounbii (vniiijj If Mi Mab.i inlU'tintlniMiiiiiB U( W I Jill ul IK ntti in ho fi r lit liliinli.iifs ,jllll«tJW()> •OHOLii t l m u i u > II <li ny atb- tirh niiijikto A jilt tf iiritkn mid i nrliiulieeuliiitl Hinii-Hhcy lK>gnu. "I lidvn IIPOII takiiiB tbo 'EIIA' for j mck" »iid ono ofourP!iRiii<'cni-"liiit I tak« t only for t!i« locul IKUVK." It in lioncst Jiitm Hill, tlie futliir «f flie<»]i jioKlnyi-, mid tlm tariff iinofltlycdiiuriiilly. fou have also mid'tlic SITN" snid IIIH flr«-- i—"and (l)iit in. inoHtl.v I'dilariiillv, nil ihout tlie(-i'*iitd(.ri-aini«d~n»id fraud." "You iy toll OQfi (ITLy(fillip J'»\i JlW[\M' r llllVMVl IV l hft wti« Jtfk. uii'own notione," nti i»f tlio unuinoe tbout nil tbu iicw wl.ich iir D. J. FL0CKTOWM- Early front lim killed thn luirkwbnat. Dr. I 1 . S. Hanu, of thin inoiiiitain, |wii«<lnn ofllrn in Oennuu Vnllcy, OJ.J ,1 I nn* tci irttlin t ti coltrind tn cntoti, but I. Wo nr<! pEtrotiiclj happy torn '^oiili T n Ilnft" vrn* iiiinonncr-d fui ilywiftiwc couW eay as mt'ti lur "The runner Hoy''wilh itn "ImiRb ijj stick," "11m Thri-fl Old Maids" vitli Hit n,-lil(dierry Hciiio' 1 -nitli Itu riJiciiloiw CQH lines, nml ivTl (itlirtu of it fliniilar Icincl. Yes, ivo Jiiivo Imd nmiifili »ti\m sort of iiouheimL nnd Iho pcojilo of Chcslnr nrn wdiiry mill ilia- rovul 1iy witlilmldiHg thrir jmtron;iRt fruin tliemi cmI crtufu incuts i no one known lut- r IIOTV, or is more iiiiuliiicil tti set \tn n ttr»t- (bscrvatloiiB, ytt ciiiidwr I-OIUJII-IH UM to voiti •f tlio |ifo]jlc". l^pt wit hiivo nn nilly nr»tiHPi!hfi Iiud I douht nut lint Hint ie enmit-licadcd roiiriiiK Hyoiiaof CLes- sunft luu-k from St. Jo«P]ih's pic-iiic lust Buturtliij cvruiiii; in A drmikvii RtitfWT i,,g nroufU'd mid not ilmliiig hh lint, uti iV.iuicd -with tlio dchiDton tlml u had tnlKtt it in.oTiltt thnt l.liny 113 fun ;it his so; ho started off od nl tmttt 1 , but soun brouglit up, bo uc in lVriy St., whom bin pw ho luky darkne b of the In uii nml throntflnod ter, wlio find Io iirl anfuty. In Ii fired twu nbota illt; till- ji:litiiito Ihc rcrnriroglouiliPMlioUn, kill JitH nether find iii glilinr'n for protects™ n n-wroujdit •.olirlnm h, iftci tliciuundtLcii sturlc to overtake tUeui borwtumud :appiiig IIIH gun and placing tlio butcliei fit on tlio table in order Io linvoit handi AlicutU Lu tho ^uiv^riuj; Hoab of ! 8t|.wlr< ffger, HIIOUU ho prcMutno to interfere li lutumst of peace and good order an on i rortnnr oucnnion, bfi laid down mid went 3ji. Ilia mother and sinter did not darero- io that night. It hiw bee ported that a certain young h f ti b inuti [I) in townhan, for gome tirao, boca treat- IC UIH nisU'.i' Biuuncfully in nut permSttiag cr tofio to any of tho neigh Imrn, or allow- ig lior to attend cohool, ami whenever lio win BO inclined pounds IKJP utninrolfully. n noveraloccnaions'Squire Yawper liiwliccn immmicd to iut^rfern, and one dny this rnlling I'ifl nttcatfon to tlifi cnec nnd earned tlv rgingliimin belmlf of tlin ^Irl toenforce tho iw. As n general tiling anonyinotiR coni- lunlcfltionH arc thrown in tho wnnto baitkoL nd no notice tnketi uf them, lmt -wliat idemtion tlio 'S<|iiiro will giro this I don't know j IiowoTer, if tho -writer is very snlici- lous tlmt ao mo thing Undone tlicy 'wowld Via more likely to accomplish tbclr end if tlioy would muko a st mien [-forward atatmni ;iiing thd» rnunoi, not to Tie roatlo public, as a gunroutco of good faith to " ea (.list lio could have Home reason to movo ia tlio matter- The mambora of . Council Ni i, U. A. M.oi Chester fc«l BMHIQ ppnntn a feitiralon Wodneiday afternoon and evening, but bad to poatpone it on Hoount of the -weather. Although Wo need tlio rfljn roqr tnnoh yet vro regret Uwir dlwppoiat- ment, ia nmogt enjoyatlo tims TH aaticl- pnted, onUrened by the Cheater Comet BiaO. , A groat deal to» tioaQiaid latdy Df the potato rot. Upon inquiry of tlm fluroa» In tbJi Motion I find only the flrtt planting luu flid&ii ttUtlttaf i p g n t r hoi not bwm i l M t i l ia tie loatt and tb« field ine&omiouM. Mr, Jams* "WigglnB took BB in lila miter tbo otter day aai ihoirAd me orlj-tiro btubeli of tbt Sum ITunuotli Feu-li I nan arer Men, tha product of one lnuliel'lpirating. •... - > , : Ono A»T this weak Mn. Wm, H. Henry, of •within Qip lut .dxjrtm proaonted ker htXM- Mr. pan UM. B»n. Cook, and Un. BeWoft TJtas, of IlMiemtawn, been mending ft 'Soffit/ OT«W«>P of tha poor *rf uttoriD|froiniilc«nplrtflV'pl<a to wport. OMSITIK- tinfl bison enllod upon Shmiingiir or^nn. Mi«8 LyUia Kuiijon catl- tvt«i>'» gtitting ft Blmningar orjfftn with "uliime lji'Un" nttaclicd. Won't Ploektow Tronto thin place Miss Liwio vicit to Dola Sunday S Our fo •r Imeket ott t :d. Ddlictn tin mountain, nnd dftuglitt-r, of : i 1 . a. st*piionH of irkir IIJW ro turned from 1 iro. Wo glndlf welcome 1 udnllj ot tho orgiin in t iC-r t^w-lior, WO iv- di>.]()lnr ti) (ho r tlie wliirti flip tliiiiks nro m»t tit ftir chiMrtuto wit on m long nl a time. I think BO too. A grit nd fiuiiilftj- School uniun plciilu ia licliiR arrniiRPd tit It o plftoo on Saturday, fic'I.U'inbiT IStli, ut BtiJd's Luke. Two or aiitifiimtcd. Eieollcnt addrenwa (ire ox- pi-ctcl from thfl HCTB. H, W. Vdiirhees, D. B- Citlliiii* nnil Dr. Mnjri,,, He r . Alfred Ilillor. I). I)., ot'IIiirtwiok SiMii nrr, New York, ia d l h spertwl to bo prcsnit and culiveu tb« time, ii lioIn WPII neqimintoil nud BOwelnoiue. Wm. FiDck, of this plnco, vnfl awakened on Tucmlny inoraiiig hj tho smell of emok« in llioliouao. Digcncery iound their bannHfal jiurlnr all in n flame. Hn gave nn alarm to is futujot wlio HVCH in tbn i^ftmc iiouan, and ;- very iiewev-criiig hard work and carrying liter flity yards the reat of tho imildinRwaa »vti\ frnm tho flaniCB. It wna suppoHod that tho flro orlglnnUd in the obimncy, wlduh net Mr. LndiJ. -wddant of tM- fcr»BimiberDf TMN p ^ IJE, dlftd at hia rMt4anM in t U rtxwotljof Brook- in tU Utor oit/, U buriedlnEvergrWDC«Mrt«rr,«aiKl»y. When » joith, Hr.DoCwnp moved to this PIMO from BerkabJiv, witb bis notlier, brother utd •btw. jl4ha<niipoHeued 0/* lively tern- twrttd tJ«tt l t y 4 » tDakaproinineiLtplaee[n Wdoty, thorongt* entrgetiD andambition* vtbtenr be »t' tamptwlUdidWtU. At bi»ti™iAfcaw«» •Dperior worlanas [ powaMed of a good voice d grwt fo»dne«a fox uiixio, lwd under j dlfflouHles prooarad * jMd mtuioaled. tuution. Whea jut tutoring manhood be td tilf wltb. UM Pmbjteriaa u d from that time UxA an active in- oliiualiautton. He WM » leader of tie choir, load Ite ilngfnj is the Sunday Sohooi and in the pnjer amting, and on moDj apodal Deeaaloiu. Hla life «eai«d to bo mado up of aong, Mid hy hb Uvely, cb«*r- fnl, oprifltt Md knanly life, be oommande4 thorMpeet aifd admiration all who knew him. Aa a aon and brother to wit afl tbat coidd bft desired. ThathiawidowodiJiother&ndinvaHil aboald be mil prorided for, be iu erer wanlytopractice M l f d i l d l d b i Hi« loyalty to and tender euro fol ttwm WM one of IIIH uulilent truite, Whui mure otui lie i&iA totlie praise of a mnn, that it lie conHlilorcd tbo iufart unit li o rt |p of mother as the firsl aud leading uf lita oartlily dittieaf Thin eoa truly be Bflid of and little did wo think tlioi tbat so suon we vould M\L-. ofrecUrdii.Klu«i.ii ii liin dty iu tlie. Jull lu.nHI I, l.loilniiut J.IMHJI of iliwi: wan :«lwly ilb liiiuittid wliichlic Litjjml tu rc- Ffiw liK.nths. Hut hit Crra^r in Jli* t l.«> mtlire.l. fimi n tu-to nim:i- 1m •• HtrJvniily ill mid rapidly grew *<[i«cri»c bufliiiig incdJcnl iikill nnd fill tliut d-.'votDil iViciuU nmld do, find Sattir- tiny at 4 .iViwk f. M. his ..[.U-lt paaw-d tvw*y, nml inin,*-, «-<• hoi»i, fiujtiitg In tLi Hi-nvcuij ulmir, It in .cr.yuiultliiisinie.deii Inking it way uv.\ il h lard tti r.'.uliu- it «r to tweomo Ifecon- :-ilwl. Uiittltti Luril kiiouTth t»«nt and doeth Thews wto \,« ninuikul rii,:crUmmcnl iu tLu UnjtliHt chuirli ut ]>r«ke«llli», W«duc«dttj >7«niug tlio lS*ih just, .Mr. Kyeromi nf Pat- frmm nnd ihp choir (if whleli In*in a IHCHSIKT, nro to be the Ringers. Thtitnitcrlfliiiiiiont U «x- i_;pd to nrt good as the ono lust Sliring, ili a cuuuidoralile eflort mil. F. MOUNT FREEDOM. n DI'IWOIB in HUH vicinity liavi! comuicncoj h« Full term, with tcuclirrH itufolhiwa: Ctn- Jrovp, HiwH. It. Dalryiuple j WoHo, llrri. lamina Cronu •\V T <.rtiiinu ; JUt. Krrcdoiu, ili«n Juliu Vounurt. Mifte Anun\V«U«i« iigniu upasi'd in lh» Forcpt Hill district. Tlit> Mi-tuiidiHt fi'rtlTa!, Turailoj «vmiing, y, pc(.jp)n being tUt. It <[[,« liuld uiider ii- Ojiilykc'd largo oEd commodldiut tent. oiilsHiil'i llmirt furniitlied the mimic fur ffwion and acquitted tlniiuaelvea m a bl i- Stile, DBtly ml, wdoing n H I iijju l,ti«g <'ly»ut<if .laLgcryot. HrwitytotliiidiffrrflmiiiBrlftt*. U tins PrwibytVrinii parHonnKe n wnok lay f!V«.iii(f, September 23tli, invite], iccomn very dry nnd dusty. wife of Oniftlio, Nob., wero In tliis rlaoo nud vicinity wliieli nil ncil, nn it Iiud Thei, luiting CalifurniniinnieiliiKelj. Dr. Wolfe, of Fatunon, and liia brother ^'liarlos of Kowailt, si-re, in attendance at liurcL lnHt Sun flay. Tliu body of tbo wife nf Lutber huwmuce, aa l>tougljt hemfrom Dover for burial in the fresbjrtcrlan centetory, sho lmvinK formerly y, aK formerly re, on Munday laiL Itav. Wm. II. rtcComiict, her, proacbed tho sermon, i tsted in tho services by Mpears. Smith nnd Howard of tlila plaoe. flro to tho lire rd burnod th; tlio cell»r imd burned bnrrelH und canned fruit, and theneo to tlie parlor, whsro was deatroyetl tlio plnno, the wliolo pnrlor unit, id n nunihcr of valnirliln nicturcB, amonc which w ojiictn b a of tw g bo arc 0 Cnil, b •which Lad juat Iicun frtMaud. Loea bi •WO and «G00. KCT. A. liiller, D. D-, will i-reaoli to u« nstt Suudtij' ut 5:30 p. Jl. Auou. BUDD'S LAKE- WflLad anothiT ICTCTO front on Mundr.y inoniiug, u-Liuhdid eonniderablo daiiing* to cornt butsk^ln'Ht nnd ^ui'd^u tru^t. Jfick Frust ifliuukliifj bin opp^iiriuicd niucli cnrlior than for yearn. Front on tlie 4th of Septem- ber is BomctbSnK very wiiunwl in lbin eeo- On Mnndiiy ninrniiiR tliu thcriiniiiictur in thirty dogrers nnd fco far Tlio bonrdcm 'd. r boinl gnod now. i Tuesday. if "JRW iVoutun it'ii ig UciutB and too kotol, tho jirt :hloh liavo lindftvery good HOMO Tlio fisltbie 1 aiiRbt Torty bi iDua black bn«i Mr. II. O. Bennett is putting up the collar wallofnaowhonso on tho property which ho purchased of Mr. Mnnn, who tu\«feaonuk- dnwnall tho cottages and oulbtii!dingo .•which he i>urobssed witli the Boss property. Tiii«we<tb* 1BhavingtfioBosB lioaso taken down. lie It grenllj lDproTing iho rroperty and I understand that next Bumnmr thore w hDiucu pill up on the prem- Hr. A. J. Dnke la udding a newpluta to Mr. Mann's iooae. John nd Hugh k jTTftTd and H HeDougtl are doing thfi oarponter work. Tho new road from tha Lake mod up to UnB'alBMldtdt flUbd od, which great bnproT«nont and makw tisprop- srtr eafler of MOBH thui th« idd nad. Kr. J.M. Sharp w « np ou Hoada; and nMday. BolanBTing tho tin roof erf tha hotel pUtta painted. Jan»a CaUagbui doc* the work. Ber.E.0. P. Deyo preached an szMllfint •emum on Sunday erasing In Uit Lake Ckap«I is qnJt lar ^l Ckap«I is q g^ TU« Uwthw a Mid wik for thB temper- anMoatnpn«etInBat Sputa. I nndentaad thtMW lE^Uh & t le«tu»afttBlaalwp*tl» lut thrso eyeidm™ of thU weak. I" think C shall hear them, MlhaT«ieTwlwni»blB-tol»r I : STANHOPE. Tho lato frotthm dtcidi-Jtbo iat« of tlio iiuckwJitot crop. Tho prico of buckwheat will no doubt bo BOhigh tbnt it will bo •laa«.l nmong the iiixurlefl. Frank P. L'roMOi) hna lwon to tho city on a [fiit Mining hii friendH uad looks tbo bolter >r ie. There n-ns a grand (ucumiim on Tucflday .at from NowYork city to tho Mt. Avling- >a hotel, Lake Hopataoiig, romposed mostly if OcrniMia, among whom waa Mr. Aaleu- iramU, a former owu?r of tho httko Viev :OLI«O. They wcru accompanied by a, fint nsd bandofmuaid. A. G. Mfibeo vi\\ be nniunj ul tbU week jBaiB and tho members of tho Stauhopo Ite- wir. Clnb arti ?ual£Uig ]ircparat]ocs lo giro im a gTnmt reception. No doubt many •will o led to do their work over ognlu. Tlie rouuion of tho I5th N. J. Regiment and ie 81US0I County Fair u» the Boxt pbrni. ofi-PHortfor a good timo that our people •will attend. Wild ducks and pifoona have put In an ap- ptsrance fur tbo full Bpasonand Hportswon am ttuiiouidy loofcinn atUr them. Thpro han lioen n oliap in tow from Nowton plujiug tho uring-loop bnni aoMs on Homo of our boyi. Ho always winB wheutbey jmt their monejup. They had ought to know hnttar tlinn tale o sharper ou W« owngamo. But when we recollect thM Iho wiflcrt pooPlo aro Homotinea Uion Loon tiucli tilings, wo see how it in ourselves. eek GERMAN yALLEY. Saturday morning hut, ciuue unloiOWTi. TJin linger Btowlwtifle lioa \>eou closed for Home time past, hna now been rented ti> * IWneaii maker by the nniuo oflTwo. Willct, next week. * " " * T ° lVo widcratoad B colored barber from As- .nirywna to occupy oiio hnlf of tlm rtnre, but doiidtlcnow wln'tiitT it will pro TO it fniluro oriiot, biithope not.iiait aooictiling t t u t bnn long been uccded in Gorman Valley. Mm, C. H. Jl. hana sunflower in her Tan] flu HMlk of which aHamuwflhcliw tvrounA it nud in 12 feet htftli, tho (lownrmciurarinBIS g, If any J like [Q hear from t «8 Eofia Lawrenco g 1 beat it we f Kcwarlr bna been •ending a few dny8 witb Mis. Kate Uyfo. Mis» Mary Ilydf bwbeen visiting related in Urooklya and Newark for ;bo post two Tbo Lutheran Ch Rev. A lllllcr. Ho i t Sabbftth i rning ; ih van TTOU filled )ut ar oar former paator, !iipy the pulpit 'in*. With bia title, of Prof, "and D. D~ Srtfli' 'tZ aiftlnii ua young lookitif; aa cccr. Nanehua LiuiUbcrry, of BprinEtown, bad omocowB killed on tho railroad this (Wed- DHAKESVILLE. City boariem have .kipped j.jMn.Elgst 8b.h»b, ra •tile in Fenta «o.«,,rk.t rtlk Mn. Duttl. Potter, daugitw of WM. Ei BK». A Hrtea ofeveuingrawtiDeiai« being held tlKMlooHoiue! all th« dllerant onbo- staraiiiisHTO., irllboul re.p.<!t to .at, reUWnepart!,.! »l p r U|liiu tl» ireubUoi of tuB wnter." *. Wtnodoe a Sourlstting Iron firm of Deter aaveitlM "fonitg of ,ulogtytlma." Cku- am.ii.te j«o doltE •njtU»-j' ta «,„ „ , . D»4KETIHJ*K

Transcript of THE DOVER LUMBER y° Sash, Win...

Page 1: THE DOVER LUMBER y° Sash, Win Intot iml "Hint n r In anniirti.ifutof Utovtb I I I COOK, I'AliLOJ 11



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Oornor of ll!ti'>U*i'U itul HIH;<!L-I St*.


I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.III I.i'






I K O N u n i t B U A H S UAUTIPiUH,


/~1 E0. O. UUMMIMS, M. Ji.,





T c. uiEKWiiiin, E . ar.






OFFICE AT H. H. JlllKr^R'* "TOU1

DOYBB, N. J., Special nflice liours on tiiUuuUvs Irum 8 A.

it. till 12 M. 11


I if n


mo rm-sici.i.-:-*N» B"»'DG\KU,S, J .

OmoK ' fl tu tt A. H.Hutms. f I to U anil 7 to 8 P. M.

On ami aftor ftl«it 1st mil linvn hiasuonnd floor nf Huirhoiirii) builtli itrtciice, corner of Gnkl aud Clitt-UidtMiBlit calls at rmldenw.





County Collectors Notice!

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ssr.i v ' . :-o n t o 11 n r , I l I I i l •-

f ' «" ' ' W n , v«,','. ; A D I J l l L D I l


Con tract n for uulhlinps tftiifiii from tin1 <ncavating of the cellar, B!iilinau.TiiilHi«rii i^Iicd,Alttfl &ftVi< DoflY*< IMiuiln, Mmi»Unj;ft, IR-UIIP.fiJSSllBBililawii.'Mattrialdcowt.nllrmi hand, Hlate roofiHc. 8 '-"


' »d Jc.LI.iBB prompaj Blloft at William It. llakir^oareFu! anil |ironu)t allculio






Carpenter an^Builder,

bun reroMcd to Tlravl>r»roflb«0onlrtl H cl .li»« l«iil

SEAR THE CASH. BASIN.Jobbing anil rcpairmi: |ini



SUSSEX STREET,ibrtTr«ntteMiH8IOSnOCfiE»D4Dcpit,l

DOVER, N. J .Tim nlkco hfta biion entirely rolittpa in a nrjal

HBTIN&BTJCK,Bouse, Sign and SrsamUl Fmbs,ORAINEB9 GILDERS und PAPKn IIAKG.ER8 Contract* [akeo anil mntorii»isniniinhiM.

.lore', n«« mToiiglit * Kliitun.1. ame-ioto.P. O.BO1183.

A >piioUllr oiSo of ausccll oollius-J. MARTIN. • " - ! • *• •" ' ""•




Oto oHor Ibo bosi »nj mimt libci»l lainec-


NEWARK. N.J.711 & 713 BiWAD St.

Ol'iOS AM, THE 1'EAH.Till. Sflll>!)I ilf S('ll(tlilM .'

Tin | I.- t ,,f ,,!,ic,::, Mr i«,lrndf,:, in i l l


DOVER, If. ,T.

OK I - m i C iii l jui . i i i .K I l i v D i m r I . n m l n C n m -

^III'lillX'lliilillH llll,i IlKtlLTUllft l,f t'V.TV Ll!n! i l l r -I l l s l l f l l l u r L u i l ^ m i l H . J t l l j l j lnr ; a UJI ClIlU J .



iliiLk-f in IHiV OOODH, UltOaBIilES A.KDl'huVi-;I0NH, I J K A T U E B AND PIMlINGH,JitJOTH AN)> SHOlitt loortK-r | css«rn, tobao-fuh, i-.n.l it> !;u't*vi-ryl)uLi,'whi«U i Kcuot.illvl i { ' I U



Hot Air Furnaces,Of Win Intot iml "Hint n r I n

anniirti.ifutof Utovtb I I I

C O O K , I ' A l i L O J 11 <YIIN<<





AT-EXAKDEIt WJGHTOK.i n l i f T U i t h . 1 0 7 1 1 . I - lvr

/ " I O T O .TdHKj' i l VOKK'K !•', ilf C 0 O K I N OUT ItANi.lKrl ASD lilWHV.S m'WtillX.

f -^ t) Tit TO!!, YoTiKV-I I'OI? I'MiMlF1 ANDr nri'/Nc IKMIM AMI Di'i-rur.sTovi:-.IKMI

i' .\i,L i

DRESS GOODScst l ine of Dress iio

ami Triiiintiugs at



UIjAriKVvELl, HT., DOVE]..

¥ R S . 1 . TREWARTHA,Sussex St., Dover,

19 KAKlKfi A KPT-irfAJ/l'V OP THE




FltlHTS AND NUTS, etc.,


Joseph Yorl$-IiHtKISTHWN,



ra -MB wuenn tin snu,DOVEH, N. J.


ho Seneca Falls Yeast Co.,(UJHTF-D.)




will e o I r h n 1 Li a l l H|TL O t ll i j ,-•I,, I . I n I I R Jl n I) l l f n t b„ Jl p ll i i umb.l n 1 lllHQkpepji Bio k H I ! NLttEMIIIC H t Ar G r vul llu I « 1 „Cot k i (.HUH tlieb a lati I i tlfnrll AIBO ihTpsJH rtta l i f t ] Ht\ (, SInV i 111 O I i 1 r flt » » Ifor HL1IM1 11 1M VvINFrl L ] \1 a

eltulcc m i l of iKltPiYUtL. CUTL1 Hi, Wooded, Coi>jifr, i'lsin a^d Jni>»iinori


.Hr*I Oil (nCOAL, ncinfi

miptly rtU-faclurit '

isincBs lor pfbiic u-tisir, lirasi, Lead, UMTK anic ianjjo o K"" ' ^^^* , A JJTJNNELL.

nk nIlifir ]>!ac<- o

01:1 Iron, [T,)p.eubiicki! taker

18831 SPRING. 1883!



All pnreonfl wishinganything In her linewill profitby baying other.•



of tlio Best K>ntent Plovir,knl Trcolon H u m ami

li«ul<lcrK,Piiicnutrcr,CIircii; unit laurelest ^rmlci or On nurd unoilx, and niliiii|Hlt«(iltUi- itniiicliolil line at

W.M. t l . BAKER'S,Dover, IV. J .


Seeds, Fertilizers,.evcrvtliiiiB for FARM AND OAKDEN.





Slate gWitlt better TuoiliticiH 1 am enabled to pot

•ii SLVl'IJ HOOI'S cheaper tbn» ovitr ufiingioue but ILo hcM qiiBiily of wliitu mid em-iloyitij; firht-cluBS luucliriuiiMt- I cuu fjuur-,utuo muleiial and woik in ovtry particu-nr, Tiir Sheatliing Felt nl»oy»on huud.

UuUd Outobor 13th, I860.



Groceries uml IVo1

SEASONABLE FRUITS,i i- , i i ti ir Vh I I ( 1 1 i i i I; I i I

* r i I I I V 1


Qiieenstown, Liverpool,

Norway, Sweden,

White Stur Lims,

linti.m Line,



State Line.J H I A F T S i h s u c d » ! IIMV< -it n i t i ' « . j , n -

H » l l , - t . - -II K l , , l . i l l ' l , I I \ i l l l , f ^ x l l i U I . I ,

v , , r * , > , < ! • n . ' l H i i . i i i i i . t r . t i i c l u - . - i - l i i l l v

.'. o.:\y t t u i - i n T i - ^ - H U i U H r . v c n u - i L t B i . fl l f l l l . ' i l l H l V l l l i l l C * .





-IWUSfjEY ft SON,A. \ \ \ TMl-II/:il,,U:U1U1F, COt:. VnlmT011N «. DrCKi:it4(IS-,KUflKNK I'.UJL,

0. 1IOM,Y, '" '»V.isWHITLOPK.'. r,i:wrs,1)1!. HTIflHH, Jfi









•r, N. .1.

IT, K. ,1.

ll.ivci, N. J .

Ni-wn-li, N. .1.

ll ' i ,mn"m;;, N. J .

. DriiVflK-.N. .1.

1)"nvr', N. J .

ATi-Ti<lliaiii, N. .T.

iaiUirtsrfit. 'N. J .Htai.Uiuu. H. J J .8'iujlni r,., N..T.

Millou, N. J .pover.M.J.Dover. N. J.

CliesW. N.Dover, N. ?,

]?<IV<T, N, J

IKM'M Lalso, H. J

Olivier, N. J.


M. J!. A. U. 1JYHAM

Real Estate, Life and Fire Insurance Agents


. N 1 r l . k J d j r . l i d i n t h e » I I ) V « ( c u i n i H i . i I r n fi . i i :<f m i l l H i e l i i t i u l l i m [•, i t m

i Mittiiiii Life. ineiii'jMii'iitfd 184T.ffi uu Fiit! Itis. t.'o.. Uiit-tfonl, Ct. Cnsh oapilui J?4,OCM>,O00.

Sun Fiiv Otiii'f, LoOiion, liughtnd. Orgiiiiizea 1710.

lim iiuil Prim-nriiil, IDoiitKiu, Em-laud, C.IHII anpi'Ial $C00,OOO.Agi-iuwluwttl V»ru Inn. Oo., WutnjtowD, N. Y. Oaib onpitat 83O0.000.

Dcivrr, N. J,Ohentfr, N. J

ailne Hill, N. JBiiccimniini., N. J

Dovfr, N. Ji, N. .T



LHWIH nPICKIt, Of)vpr, N. JJAMES TURNED, Culifon, N. J

1MIL VASNlIiR. finpca*(i!iiift. N. JI. II. HTEPHKNS, Mt. Olivo, N. J!OIIBE1T nitOM. • Dovar, N, J

J. D.FITZaBUAU), Ktn-urfe, N, J.MIt.S, KEV. WAKElt HMITIl, Mt.



Tiio bc^t ivorii n( liiwcfit. |iricci. I?rpr.iiiiif!

Hstris CDLBIJ Savings Sank,


7 0 | & 7Cfi BROAD STIIKET\

JVEtVARK. IV. .1.iwrOftiiisii NiHioTinl IJiiiil;. nnni« i!n Kit),uruiiil HT'i"ii H(-[it. ;it, nml (ifiVtu mij>i.Ti(ir


P Ln

cmi BludiciracrnmK. Tin'turn selcipaliiMtmiKlit 1

riiKi-il I'T 1 --tliio' linrcJrcit !<

«r. AI! tliccomraliortljand, T.V|ii'-u'itllbrmkF. TlioIV

Caalocuo find culkgc [>i»|itr tt*


Principal Jinil l*rnpriPtnr

E.DUM&BR0.Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus

SarSi Stores, Sehools,* Church?,ml all niKJinor nf prirato and piiHro bniklin^ii,


The Old Reliable Millinerand Dress-maker!


fllOBUtlSTOWN, N. J .

ENflV W. JUfjLKlE, President.

II. T . H U L T J , Hec'j RiidTrea*


AMBtH. Cll




r ft. I

Omn ilieily iiom !> A. 31. Io 41*. i>[. nnil fin Stttiirday ercuingsfi-oiu1'Ui»uMuuft.

DCIH»BI(S HI ltd t' on orlK'fore rueTKM'tl I>AV OF JAft'UAKV,itno n-inaitiinir in MaukoutbcI IKS I IIAV OF JULY, will heentitled tati I:IOIIIIIHT interest.Ot'liositsiiunlc on iir before tlie

FIFTH ii\Y OK AIMtli.iin,] , , . .miitnini; in Eliuik imthe I'lHSTDAVOI'JIILV, ivillbec>iititlpilti> SnmutliO isitcrebt.OeiiOHilM ma lie «tn or bcfori1 th

TBi\Tll D.I V OP .J 1! J>V,an»I reu»;»ii.iii.- in 1$»HU nn tU. TllthIIAV OF .IAMJAHY, will lientitled to O tiiontliH' iatficst.

l ) i U l

r<>imiiiiiii£ In Hiuik on (lit

be dititlcritottmouths' iiitertHt


A c i a e l l . u i

0 «oU !>)• ns .

I L'uUivntar,

Iny Sulky Plow,

Grain and Garden Seed Drills,

Walter A. Wood's Mowers,


Ihomas & Field Wheol Hay Rakes,


M'oii'd F a n Iliilla,

ILcvcr ami Trcail Powers,

TlirpRlnTff, Olrnnrrs, c ,

.uilall otlifr nrnt-clapn [aiming Imiiltmcnla.





JOHN DAWEitr open far bntlneu In his now B*atau-

runt null can MHnmnodato a nnmlier ofboor J e n oareMcm&tile tanai; u veil up1 j good meals at all houn, at Icrw prioeo,BUcfcwliaiBrikDll D

THE DOVER LUMBER y °offers to buildfsm the bnst opportunities in the pimthiigQ of LUMIiBllol ovory grailo and desoiiptiou iuuludiag LOW PRICES und the greatudvuntiige of having

Xmmber Worked to Orderhy nuxcliiuory at the plnco ^Ylle o it ia purchased, greatly lessening tlie

coat of "building by the groat suviag iu manual labor. Ourstock ahmya ineludoa

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsfttitl LUJIIJEB of over}' doscription, and ospocial paiue aro taken

to givo Bitifttictbu iu every part iular} p , p p

to givo Biitif-ttictbu iu every particular.GEOKOE llicniiiDa, Prosidcnt."WM. II, LAHDERT, Hoe's and T I O M

I. W. , Gm'l llaanger.


Lcgslly authorizwl agent of tin follewiiigflrat

Ira-llic best in UioworH:


OLOltE, Ciiintnl $20,000,000.


Capital 810,000,000.

tOYAL OP LIVERPOOL,Capital ©10,000,000.

r n i L A D E L P H I A .

Capilul $5,000,000.HUDSON COUNTY, Jersey City,

Capital 830O.U0O.North Britifth «n<l Itereantiln InHiirmien R<i.

if Ltmiliin nnJ Jiili-nbnrffh ; capitil (10,000,000.iRiirniicc Co. of Sow lorltj

.HBunnffl Corpcritlon of


iwtciicHter Firo Insurance Oompany (oyorfe, capital itritW.DOO.1


r . v - • J3.C0O.00CTAL C0O.OK

Freeman Wood,c~ or tlio p.!«c*i nut] Pollen M»Ri»tr*lo

aum:t:im VhiH«tal 11,000,000.

Tim Londoni

T l BEST PUCEorits Mini for mijnynjeiit iu tliifl Krrlion In

D. ROLLER'S,BOSSES RT., (s.-i:irTOT'nr.mitPOK,t

D O V C I t , IS . J ., received anil place*] in putiUou TBBEE


BilliardFool Tables

CROCKERY.Uiimcraiid Tea Seis in iHcoi

ntvil White lirtinUe and C. C.Wnre, Uec«ta(uil nnil PlainToilet Wan-, DJnJoIica Wnre,ltockin^hnm Waw, Velio wU'nre, Stone Ware, nml everytliilift tin tlio Crockery Hue ittflic lo^vcgt iirtsslble prices nt

WM. II. BAKER'S,Dover, N. .\.

ORCHESTRIONis lino Juat been atippliafl mVo new moBloid will delight the put tons or tlio bouse mote[mover, lurnlihing masio oqnal to i b r u iHaolOOploCUB


LAGER BEER•Jtt»j» <m draught ftnd (ho beat of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS^Jf*j« provided ftir HJB pfclrtpj of

UE 1 a '0P2HA'n0D8S i i i Mi> •




will cniilintie Mm lniHincKS at tlio ,,U wlimlBiiil ciiitlt'iivur l<> konp a larco nsBorinioiit ofiomla in liiH lino of trade, cuoaiutlng or

COAL AND WOOD!Scranton nml Leliifli of nil aiw aUn Hi-

Miraii uH Coal lor hlukimittiinir. Cord

Flag Stones: Curbing,

PHOSPHATES IA vnriciy nf liriuulg uf mun.Urd farlliizera

WHAMN'S , >:. F R A N K COB'S,


MftSONS' MATERIALS 1Hnnl a a it Vila Bcic«, Umo, Cement, Cal-

eineil I'InKtrr, H»fr, Pirc nnd p rOntBrick, Tire Ol»y. Ordure will bo


Saw Mill.far hard wood Inmhor cat ia may alE? and

«0cbrfli leuoued wood b r »le.

' . ' • ' • ' Dorer, S. J,

TECGS. mil deiterln '

CHESTER.Prof. Abbey repeated W» hutunm

Cbutor OOUM Hall on Friday evanlng liurt;

It ra Vefon, only two or three nowbeing Introduced. At 8 o'olook the gfiled in and toofc tieir pUnu on tlie rtage,wtlch we «hall bare f SIUD a moment te de-aorito. It wubte of aa «lov«Ud platform 8fyet In depth, extending the wtin> width vttte tall, and resthftct I ? * to : f tfiUk itlfixaatpt; j-vitb«m*«at:<ihtlra,batatLtUi oocontained only tyro plain bansllM without

f bnoki. Tbe pnweealum « u a wonderfula i f t i i U i l l d

of mioroicopio iluit, whioh zondeied tbat ngL[ne» Tidbloi the ibotlighta VAN ttro ismW, the one an ordinary bmoiet lamp,

tlio oilier a tin rollo of the fUy» of the old t^l-lawdip«ltnodenilsedbj being flttel wltt ftterosenD nun burner, »•)& thste TBre^iujionil-ed above tlia lioadB of too slogan; »

:r|pod oalioa eprtaln, /wkd by time sadmail tlie worse at wear, u diminutive ia 1(«

proporiioiu u nob only to bo toe itortby halfbut ulna loo murow evoa to reiioli from theceUiog to floor, was utilised W form » privatedreflilng room to tlie nortlt-Trtrt corner for•' JodcfUali" And tlie vaaM tie fcrraet'tnrlde.Tho scenes—veil—far the -mmt of sametblngbettor one bad only to f»noy t todnt t otyvitiiand lUH atwafeea "wall foiming the tsek-

gromid, tlio outlinep«iciUii|BOfi>n unknowncoiitlaent, witb a (pike to inark it* giiogropli-iaal centre, and usil holes tbe principal «ltlea

f interest, while [ilnoos of leaser imporbuicoere rcijreionted fay blUtcrs nnil partleica ofrnvol in the plastering; fissures and nt showed tlie vurimia water ooureea, nnd the

grant net Work of railway systems and publicloroufc'lifurcg Could bo raoagBitml In thengor trjiolu^n tbrouifli the diut j itn<l for thethe of variety, wlilobiatbeiipioo of all tULugH,QB Jiail no iniotl to draw very exu-iiftivtiliyIKin liis liiuifrfnntloii to iliscovi:r n fubit re-uvlilwiL^ to n tvio ftf liinUmiCHiK *» in t'.rntn »f !i « i illnntnhmi rr HI.IIII ll,iu*("f tint

IK j i r

• ! - ] • ' •

milt i Wilt PI

II tllO

• ml I 1. t

\ l i l l Hinti n i! n>l


i MII l u r u i


].b i.

till.H mtii trdbiiltiini A ,1m ' ]).r,i ,N

I i cl i<it i ,"vi .I I H H . S I M J H ^

i h

l f. In Mi.<•<! M i n i

k 11 II II

ir IIIH t <>< - m

<>rt< n n Hhni

. a mrV^l f i Id l«,Him. Cnrri< »(illni m Hha.j., rtl.rill, t

il voice, that, giriicit uf -culture. Tlio

;IJII'!>IVII to roll out. nitlnmt imii'li <• flnr( anii unugUt tin- iiiHjiinilii'ii frum ii iTiiiiiptduiimscriiit, tlirniigli it iiiiirnliinHi' glneniiR iid-

Th« Fartucr Hay" iioi.ff Frcil't CJPS «tiiiKhtJudfJinli" witli Hiiuh JI WO(!-]IC-ROIHS cuprps-iin tlmt «"P luirillj inavr wliiiilito cuiumtner-

ntamost, VrMl w " JodMliah." In xpeuhiugcfJcilfiiHnli" we nro romfuiioil Hint boenmo

ant lto to ix t'iill tILC? wonlfl, IIIH brairny bunIH I'miifjlit t.> «liiold IIIH fiwuint; vinagt. Xhf "rccnllert" would iTL come, BO Iirr-w tlm itiiimifcilptof aoiiiPtlihiR CIHO wlikhclil, in thfi 1'rr.fMeor'H fnco and iiiglo


oh, Willie Ablcy nnd Iled tlieimelvea right i

man on tlio f

PORT MORRIS.Soawd»yl nun

tbstownpiuap. ,Mr. StaplM l*d iae Temperance folki ia

the U*a of tU« fitaoaope Bsiarm Club onSunday •fterwwn. Addrewm won'mad* byBe?. Mr, Bondman! who (Konpled tke* pnl-pit of tha PM-byU'rian dumb, ^ortiinj andev«sinff. KM Cfcftrlu Decbaco, FtinkOTfeal, IUM, J. Sbieldi and stoen, not for-getting B. F. Halnw.

TkeMnnotilittli«PfMbjt«rUui CharthtnwmocnlnewM fotradad ootae text "Ood

in Leve," and in toe eraolng, cprored aU thtae lUngs; Stand," or M»ne-tti lik

Four or fiye wagpa loud* of Tenipeniuepeople went from StanltopD to toe Tenoper-BUC* wmp meeting * t SpAtta, T m * W , U-Bide) tbose who d n r a in tieir oiro. ooaT»y-ancei, «ad tftej ofuue tonio sober. J

A gun olttb from Brooklyn, aumbarlng USor 190, miiit to Hopatoong on ToeBdijr Md

ie talk of1 n»MDgttopfttoong*perm»neiitrt<>ttoB, Iftbey doI guws it will have to OKVQ » iUtfere. kou»o"or (ne wtowr, % i

It U said Jawb Wlilteafill> who o^riei hii^nninafl&igyet, v u married laat ftatur»day. That ia rumor,. I *tked tbo genial vloe fraaldent of t lHMkettBtown Bank the other d»j, whoiewont faalt i» fiiat he l» a Dowoorat, whoWM going to be the Democratic nominee forGovernor anil the gentleman np'lied.: "Tbeyaay he I> in this t ' I thought for a mo-inent bo meant liimwlf and J t u aboutDOQgratulflto him wlien be »aid: "Tiie eta-dldato of Sufliox aita two seata back oa tlioither aide." I looked, and beliot^oolimu was there tTbo D. L. il W. B. U. b picking up quite

> Oelgit treffin. Elgbt trains of Ieatuo li«rc fraui Washiugton from tintardaytRbt until Muuday liiorniuc. inclusive,AI- Mii\l>(e.ilntii in Htn iiuil c mi Tim

n.\, Pridii i.mJ SitunliO (.viiJiiifiH mr o l n l h , Miimln^ iifumiuii Th flixtmOig Mill mln tin Mitliodwt tlinrcli, Tliuin -uniiiK 11,, irustMH of tlm I'tciAn i idni r i l i Iii \ot rl.uilul tiiiiiiniiiniii

11M 1 Mr V I U H ,

I I .hul . l l ;of til

II > in KUl"K Ii">

IHI.1 lot t»C«u.,, M«ni,.h «ou.,, a* tlio

h th. .1. l Mlimi i.i Ihf ,S[ii, Hull w t i l to hpuin Mils II,.Ml,.: I i i irhnhxilmhii Horn.

in ]iUitl( unto sat tint tin ill I Ci

1 tlnitlii fiui

llllllld Jt-

M i



(vn i i i j j If Mi Mab.i

i n l U ' t i n t l n i M i i i i i B

U( W I Jill

ul IK ntti in

ho fi r lit

l i l i i n l i . i i f s

, j l l l l« t JW()>

•OHOLii t l m u i

u > II

<li ny


t i r h niiijikto A jilt t f iiritkn mid inrl i iul ieeul i i i t l Hinii-Hhcy lK>gnu.

"I lidvn IIPOII takiiiB tbo ' E I I A ' for jmck" »iid ono ofourP!iRiii<'cni-"liiit I tak«t only for t!i« locul IKUVK." I t in lioncst JiitmHill, tlie futliir «f flie<»]i jioKlnyi-, mid tlmtariff iinofltlycdiiuriiilly.

fou have also m i d ' t l i c SITN" snid IIIH flr«--

i—"and (l)iit in. inoHtl.v I'dilariiillv, nilihout tlie(-i'*iitd(.ri-aini«d~n»id fraud." "You

iy toll OQfi (ITLy (fillip J'»\i JlW[\M'r llllVMVl IV

l hft



uii 'own notione,"nti i»f tlio unuinoetbout nil tbu iicw

wl.ich iir

D. J.

FL0CKTOWM-Early front lim killed thn luirkwbnat.Dr. I1. S. Hanu, of thin inoiiiitain,

|wii«<lnn ofllrn in Oennuu Vnllcy, OJ.J

,1 I p»nn* tciirttlin

t ti

col t r ind tn cntoti, but

I. Wo nr<! pEtrotiiclj happy torn'^oiiliTn Ilnft" vrn* iiiinonncr-d fui

ilywiftiwc couW eay asmt'ti lur "The runner Hoy''wilh itn "ImiRbijj stick," "11m Thri-fl Old Maids" vitli Hit

n,-lil(dierry Hciiio'1-nitli Itu riJiciiloiw CQH

lines, nml ivTl (itlirtu of it fliniilar Icincl. Yes,

ivo Jiiivo Imd nmiifili »ti\m sort of iiouheimL

nnd Iho pcojilo of Chcslnr nrn wdiiry mill ilia-

rovul 1iy witlilmldiHg thrir jmtron;iRt

fruin tliemi cm I crtufu incuts i no one known lut-

r IIOTV, or is more iiiiuliiicil tti set \tn n ttr»t-

(bscrvatloiiB, y t t ciiiidwr I-OIUJII-IH UM to voiti•f tlio |ifo]jlc". l pt wit hiivo nn

nilly nr»tiHPi!hfi Iiud I douht nut lint Hint

ie enmit-licadcd roiiriiiK Hyoiiaof CLes-sunft luu-k from St. Jo«P]ih's pic-iiic lust

Buturtliij cvruiiii; in A drmikvii RtitfWTi,,g nroufU'd mid not ilmliiig hh lint,uti iV.iuicd -with tlio dchiDton tlmlu had tnlKtt it in.oTiltt thnt l.liny

113 fun ;it his so; ho started off

od nl

tmttt1, but soun brouglit up, bouc in lVriy St., whom bin pw

ho luky darkneb of the In

uii nml throntflnodter, wlio find Ioiirl anfuty. In Ii

fired twu nbotaillt; till-

ji:litiiito Ihc

rcrnriroglouiliPMlioUn,kill JitH nether find iiiglilinr'n for protects™ nn-wroujdit •.olirlnm h,

iftci tliciuundtLcii sturlc

to overtake tUeui bo rwtumud:appiiig IIIH gun and placing tlio butclieifit on tlio table in order Io linvoit handiAlicutU Lu tho ^uiv^riuj; Hoab of !8t|.wlr<ffger, HIIOUU ho prcMutno to interfere lilutumst of peace and good order an on i

rortnnr oucnnion, bfi laid down mid went t«3ji. Ilia mother and sinter did not dare ro-

io that night.

I t hiw bee ported that a certain youngh f ti binuti [I) in townhan, for gome tirao, boca treat-

IC UIH nisU'.i' Biuuncfully in nut permSttiagcr tofio to any of tho neigh Imrn, or allow-ig lior to attend cohool, ami whenever liowin BO inclined pounds IKJP utninrolfully.n noveraloccnaions'Squire Yawper liiwliccnimmmicd to iut^rfern, and one dny this

rnlling I'ifl nttcatfon to tlifi cnec nnd earned tlvrgingliimin belmlf of tlin ^Irl to enforce thoiw. As n general tiling anonyinotiR coni-lunlcfltionH arc thrown in tho wnnto baitkoLnd no notice tnketi uf them, lmt -wliatidemtion tlio 'S<|iiiro will giro this I don't

know j IiowoTer, if tho -writer is very snlici-lous tlmt ao mo thing Undone tlicy 'wowld Viamore likely to accomplish tbclr end if tlioywould muko a st mien [-forward atatmni;iiing thd» rnunoi, not to Tie roatlo public,

as a gunroutco of good faith to "ea (.list lio could have Home reason to movoia tlio matter-

The mambora of . Council Ni

i, U. A. M.oi Chester fc«l BMHIQ p p n n t na feitiralon Wodneiday afternoon and

evening, but bad to poatpone it on Hoount ofthe -weather. Although Wo need tlio rfljnroqr tnnoh yet vro regret Uwir dlwppoiat-ment, ia nmogt enjoyatlo tims T H aaticl-pnted, onUrened by the Cheater CometBiaO. • ,

A groat deal to» tioaQiaid latdy Df thepotato rot. Upon inquiry of tlm fluroa» IntbJi Motion I find only the flrtt planting luu

flid&ii t t U t l t t a fi p g n t rhoi not bwm i l M t i l ia t i e loatt and tb«

field ine&omiouM. Mr, Jams* "WigglnB tookBB in lila miter tbo otter day aai ihoirAd meorlj-tiro btubeli of tbt Sum ITunuotli

Feu-li I n a n arer Men, tha product of onelnuliel'lpirating. •... - > , :

Ono A»T this weak Mn. Wm, H. Henry, of

•within Qip l u t .dx jrtm proaonted ker htXM-

Mr. pan U M . B»n. Cook, and Un. BeWoftTJtas, of IlMiemtawn, been mending ft

'Soffit/ OT«W«>P of tha poor *rfuttoriD|froiniilc«nplrtflV'pl<a

to wport. OMSITIK-

tinfl bison enllod upon

Shmiingiir or^nn. Mi«8 LyUia Kuiijon catl-tvt«i>'» gtitting ft Blmningar orjfftn with"uliime lji'Un" nttaclicd. Won't Ploektow

Trontothin place

Miss Liwiovicit to Dola

Sunday SOur fo

•r Imeket ott t:d. Ddlictn

tin mountain,nnd dftuglitt-r, of

: i1. a. st*piionH of

irkir IIJW ro turned from 1

iro. Wo glndlf welcome 1

udnllj ot tho orgiin in t

iC-r t^w-lior, WOiv- di>.]()lnr ti) (ho

r tlie

wliirti flip tliiiiks nro m»t tit ftir chiMrtutowit on m long nl a time. I think BO too.

A grit nd fiuiiilftj- School uniun plciilu ialicliiR arrniiRPd t« tit It o plftoo on Saturday,fic'I.U'inbiT IStli, ut BtiJd's Luke. Two or

aiitifiimtcd. Eieollcnt addrenwa (ire ox-pi-ctcl from thfl HCTB. H, W. Vdiirhees, D. B-Citlliiii* nnil Dr. Mnjri,,, He r . Alfred Ilillor.I). I)., ot'IIiirtwiok SiMii nrr, New York, ia

d l hspertwl to bo prcsnit and culiveu tb« time,ii lio In WPII neqimintoil nud BO welnoiue.Wm. FiDck, of this plnco, vnfl awakened on

Tucmlny inoraiiig hj tho smell of emok« inllioliouao. Digcncery iound their bannHfaljiurlnr all in n flame. Hn gave nn alarm to

is futujot wlio HVCH in tbn i ftmc iiouan, and;- very iiewev-criiig hard work and carryingliter flity yards the reat of tho imildinR w a a

»vti\ frnm tho flaniCB. It wna suppoHod thattho flro orlglnnUd in the obimncy, wlduh net

Mr. LndiJ.-wddant of tM-

fcr»BimiberDf T M Np ^

IJE, dlftd at hia rMt4anM in t Urtxwotljof Brook-in t U Utor oit/,

UburiedlnEvergrWDC«Mrt«rr,«aiKl»y. When» joith, Hr.DoCwnp moved to this PIMOfrom BerkabJiv, witb bis notlier, brother utd•btw. jl4ha<niipoHeued 0 /* lively tern-t w r t t d t J « t t lt y • 4 »tDakaproinineiLtplaee[n Wdoty, thorongt*entrgetiD and ambition* v t b t e n r be »t 'tamptwlUdidWtU. At bi»ti™iA fca w « »•Dperior worlanas [ powaMed of a good voice

d • grwt fo»dne«a fox uiixio, lwd underj dlfflouHles prooarad * jMd mtuioaled.

tuution. Whea j u t tutoring manhood bet d t i l f wltb. UM Pmbjteriaa

u d from that time UxA an active in-oliiualiautton. He WM » leader of

tie choir, load Ite ilngfnj is the SundaySohooi and in the p n j e r amting, and onmoDj apodal Deeaaloiu. Hla life «eai«d tobo mado up of aong, Mid hy h b Uvely, cb«*r-fnl, oprifltt Md knanly life, be oommande4thorMpeet aifd admiration all who knew him.Aa a aon and brother to wit afl tbat coidd bftdesired. ThathiawidowodiJiother&ndinvaHil

aboald be mi l prorided for, be i uerer wanly to practice M l f d i l dl d b i Hi« loyalty to and tender euro folttwm WM one of IIIH uulilent truite, Whuimure otui lie i&iA to tlie praise of a mnn, that

it lie conHlilorcd tbo iufart unit lio rt | pof mother as the firsl aud leading uf litaoartlily dittieaf Thin eoa truly be Bflid of

and little did wo think tlioitbat so suon we vould M\L-.ofrecUrdii.Klu«i.ii

ii liin

d t y iu tlie. Jull lu.nHI

I, l.loilniiut J.IMHJI

• of iliwi: wan :«lwly

ilb liiiuittid wliichlic Litjjml tu rc-Ffiw liK.nths. Hut hit Cr ra^ r in Jli*

t l.«> mtlire.l. fimi n tu-to nim:i- 1m•• HtrJvniily ill mid rapidly grew*<[i«cri»c bufliiiig incdJcnl iikill nnd

fill tliut d-.'votDil iViciuU nmld do, find Sattir-tiny at 4 .iViwk f. M. his ..[.U-lt paaw-d tvw*y,nml in in,*-, «-<• hoi»i, fiujtiitg In tLi Hi-nvcuijulmir, It in .cr.yuiultliiisinie.deii Inking it wayuv.\ il h l a rd tti r.'.uliu- it «r to tweomo Ifecon-:-ilwl. Uiittltti Luril kiiouTth t»«nt and doeth

Thews w to \,« ninuikul rii,:crUmmcnl iu tLuUnjtliHt chuirli ut ]>r«ke«llli», W«duc«dttj>7«niug tlio lS*ih just, .Mr. Kyeromi nf Pat-frmm nnd ihp choir (if whleli In* in a IHCHSIKT,nro to be the Ringers. Thtitnitcrlfliiiiiiont U «x-

i_;pd to b« n r t good as the ono lust Sliring,ili a cuuuidoralile eflort

mil. F.

MOUNT FREEDOM.n DI'IWOIB in HUH vicinity liavi! comuicncoj

h« Full term, with tcuclirrH itufolhiwa: Ctn-Jrovp, Hiw H. It. Dalryiuple j WoHo,

llrri. lamina Cronu •\VT<.rtiiinu ; JUt. Krrcdoiu,ili«n Juliu Vounurt. Mifte Anun\V«U«i« iigniuupasi'd in lh» Forcpt Hill district.Tlit> Mi-tuiidiHt fi'rtlTa!, Turailoj «vmiing,

y,pc(.jp)n being tUt. It <[[,« liuld uiiderii- Ojiilykc'd largo oEd commodldiut tent.oiilsHiil'i llmirt furniitlied the mimic furffwion and acquitted tlniiuaelvea m abl

i- Stile, DBtly

ml, w doing n



l,ti«g<'ly»ut<if .laLgcryot.


U tins PrwibytVrinii parHonnKe n wnoklay f!V«.iii(f, September 23tli,invite],

iccomn very dry nnd dusty.wife of Oniftlio, Nob., weroIn tliis rlaoo nud vicinity

wliieli nil

ncil, nn it Iiud


luiting CalifurniniinnieiliiKelj.

Dr. Wolfe, of Fatunon, and liia brother

^'liarlos of Kowailt, si-re, in attendance at

liurcL lnHt Sun flay.

Tliu body of tbo wife nf Lutber huwmuce,

aa l>tougljt hem from Dover for burial in the

fresbjrtcrlan centetory, sho lmvinK formerlyy, a K formerlyre, on Munday laiL Itav. Wm. II.

rtcComiict, her, proacbed tho sermon,i tsted in tho services by Mpears.

Smith nnd Howard of tlila plaoe.

flro to tho lire rd burnod th;tlio cell»r imd burned bnrrelH und cannedfruit, and theneo to tlie parlor, whsro wasdeatroyetl tlio plnno, the wliolo pnrlor unit,

id n nunihcr of valnirliln nicturcB, amonc

which w ojiictn


a of twg

bo arc 0 Cnil,b

•which Lad juat Iicun frtMaud. Loea bi•WO and «G00.

KCT. A. liiller, D. D-, will i-reaoli to u«nst t Suudtij' ut 5:30 p. Jl. Auou.

BUDD'S LAKE-WflLad anothiT ICTCTO front on Mundr.y

inoniiug, u-Liuhdid eonniderablo daiiing* tocornt butsk^ln'Ht nnd ui'd^u tru^t. JfickFrust ifliuukliifj bin opp^iiriuicd niucli cnrliorthan for yearn. Front on tlie 4th of Septem-ber is BomctbSnK very wiiunwl in lbin eeo-

On Mnndiiy ninrniiiR tliu thcriiniiiicturin thirty dogrers nnd fco far

Tlio bonrdcm'd.

r boinl

gnod now.i Tuesday.


" J R W

iVoutun it'iiig UciutB and too kotol, tho jirt:hloh liavo lind ft very good HOMOTlio fisltbie 1aiiRbt Torty biiDua black bn«iMr. II. O. Bennett is putting up the collar

wallofnaowhonso on tho property whichho purchased of Mr. Mnnn, who tu\« feaon uk-

dnwnall tho cottages and oulbtii!dingo.•which he i>urobssed witli the Boss property.Tiii«we<tb* 1BhavingtfioBosB lioaso takendown. lie It grenllj lDproTing iho rropertyand I understand that next Bumnmr thore

w hDiucu pill up on the prem-

Hr. A. J. Dnke la udding a new pluta toMr. Mann's iooae. John nd Hugh

kjTTftTd and H

HeDougtl are doing thfi oarponter work.Tho new road from tha Lake mod up to

U n B ' a l B M l d t d t flUbdod, whichgreat bnproT«nont and makw tisprop-

srtr eafler of MOBH thui th« idd nad.Kr. J.M. Sharp w« np ou Hoada; andnMday. BolanBTing tho tin roof erf tha

hotel pUtta painted. Jan»a CaUagbui doc*the work. •

Ber.E.0. P. Deyo preached an szMllfint•emum on Sunday erasing In Uit LakeCkap«I is qnJt lar ^ lCkap«I is q g ^

TU« U wthw a Mid wik for thB temper-anMoatnpn«etInBat Sputa. I nndentaadt h t M W l E ^ U h & tle«tu»afttBlaalwp*tl» l u t thrso eyeidm™of thU weak. I" think C shall hear them,MlhaT«ieTwlwni»blB-tol»r I :

STANHOPE.Tho lato frotthm dtcidi-Jtbo iat« of tlio

iiuckwJitot crop. Tho prico of buckwheatwill no doubt bo BO high tbnt it will bo

•laa«.l nmong the iiixurlefl.Frank P. L'roMOi) hna lwon to tho city on a[fiit Mining hii friendH uad looks tbo bolter>r ie.

There n-ns a grand (ucumiim on from Now York city to tho Mt. Avling->a hotel, Lake Hopataoiig, romposed mostly

if OcrniMia, among whom waa Mr. Aaleu-iramU, a former owu?r of tho httko Viev:OLI«O. They wcru accompanied by a, fintnsd bandofmuaid.

A. G. Mfibeo vi\\ be nniunj ul tbU weekjBaiB and tho members of tho Stauhopo Ite-wir. Clnb arti ?ual£Uig ]ircparat]ocs lo giroim a gTnmt reception. No doubt many •willo led to do their work over ognlu.Tlie rouuion of tho I5th N. J. Regiment andie 81US0I County Fair u » the Boxt pbrni.

ofi-PHortfor a good timo that our people •willattend.

Wild ducks and pifoona have put In an ap-ptsrance fur tbo full Bpasonand Hportswonam ttuiiouidy loofcinn atUr them.

Thpro han lioen n oliap in towfrom Nowton plujiug tho uring-loop bnniaoMs on Homo of our boyi. Ho always winB

wheutbey jmt their monejup. They hadought to know hnttar tlinn tale o sharper ouW« owngamo. But when we recollect thMIho wiflcrt pooPlo aro Homo tinea Uion Loontiucli tilings, wo see how it in ourselves.



Saturday morning hut, ciuue unloiOWTi.

TJin linger Btowlwtifle lioa \>eou closed for

Home time past, hna now been rented ti> *

IWneaii maker by the nniuo oflTwo. Willct,

next week. * " " * T °

lVo widcratoad B colored barber from As-.nirywna to occupy oiio hnlf of tlm rtnre, butdoiidtlcnow wln'tiitT it will pro TO it fnilurooriiot, biithope not.iiait i« aooictiling t t u tbnn long been uccded in Gorman Valley.

Mm, C. H. Jl. han a sunflower in her Tan]flu HMlk of which aHamuwflhcliw tvrounAit nud in 12 feet htftli, tho (lownrmciurarinB ISg ,

If anyJ like [Q hear from t«8 Eofia Lawrenco


1 beat it we

f Kcwarlr bna been•ending a few dny8 witb Mis. Kate Uyfo.

Mis» Mary Ilydf bw been visiting r e l a t ed

in Urooklya and Newark for ;bo post two

Tbo Lutheran Ch

Rev. A lllllcr. Ho

i t Sabbftth i rning ;

ih van TTOU filled ) u t

ar oar former paator,!iipy the pulpit

'in*. Withbia n « title, of Prof, "and D. D~ Sr t f l i ' 'tZaiftlnii ua young lookitif; aa cccr.

Nanehua LiuiUbcrry, of BprinEtown, badomocowB killed on tho railroad this (Wed-

DHAKESVILLE.City boariem have .kipped

j . j M n . E l g s t 8b .h»b, r a•tile in Fenta • «o.«,,rk.t rtlk Mn. Duttl.Potter, daugitw of WM. EiBK».

A Hrtea ofeveuing rawtiDei ai« being heldtlKMlooHoiue! all th« dllerant onbo-staraiiiisHTO., irllboul re.p.<!t to .at,

reUWnepart!,.! » lp r U | l i i u tl» ireubUoi

of tuB wnter." *.Wtnodoe a Sourlstting Iron firm of Deter

aaveitlM "fonitg of ,u logtytlma." Cku-am. i i . t e j«o doltE •njtU»-j' ta «,„ „ , .


Page 2: THE DOVER LUMBER y° Sash, Win Intot iml "Hint n r In anniirti.ifutof Utovtb I I I COOK, I'AliLOJ 11

THE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,

Saturday, Kept. 15,1SS3.


filateGonvonHoo, to be fcdil»t Tufc r QvetoHonw.'intto«U.TnrTrpntnM. no

TUESDAY, BEPTEMHER 18in, 1883,* Ai;12o'eWkH.. to nominate a carnlfdate for

G t b p t d tit tlie etuuiue Ni

ltTnte fue Imodrei d

Th* Jt$*U f>! reprtwulfllim tituler tliU <nwill lif (tne'deiffeatofuruticli two }>mi4n?d Ripablfeiui vnp* r u t »t ft* U«f . 'MHWI f-iG o r a n * iniiliisBUt*. j»nrt oimdeltTnte furtorb fraction tbcreof e x u d l IdT<*tw»! mnrlftMl t tu t everr t<iwu«liii•ball bfi wjtrcwntwl liy nl 1mi*t one dplejrat*.

l i OP wtirfa /\T*HUHI nine* the l u i

•£ the apportionment to ciditlng townships

B y «rder of the Bcpntilican State Exeeuti-

OAERET A. HOTJAET, Chairman.JoB* T. Poi tea , Secretary.

The Democrat* lw»Te become the victimsof ft Terj b»d Abbetl.

Joel p«Ver i*n't the nut of u iccidinttfaatlnppenn three times.

Then. A- BemlriokB, tlie tail nod of tbold Democratic ticket of '76, hw declaredforfrea tra4* and free wbiskev.

Mr. Andrew Albriftht Is fidvi^M to bantu p the man who Uught fattn his trade u t

U i l and roe him (or damage*.

Jtuj( fancy ex-Gor. Bandoipb, AttorneyOeaemlStoektonand others of that Uk siporting Leon Atbett for Governor I

T&e P«DDBjlvtni« Democratic LegislatureU stOl inaefldonwid proposes to hold on

. Vbifa there's s dollar in the Treasury.

Thii is the second time the DemocnU' haw -nominated a New Yorker for Gorer-, nor, timplj bwausa he hat a bed room in

Kew Jersey,

The season has arrived when candidatesfor office in Warren conDtr announcetaetoulvas ID tha papers over the signattiiof V Many Democrata,"

When Uie people of this State select theirGubernatorial nat t tM this full they willprobably seek a more perpendicular stick ofU b h Xa Abbett. '

Amopg thothtiweek have been th

ufferers bytbe frostpromising crop of

Democratic candidates for Governor. Coch-n n and Ontler were badly nipped.

The people of New Jersey will doubtless. prove, able to eonlione tha contact at their

own affairs without importing s New Yorklawyer to help them'. Leon Abbett must

\~ A colored pap«in South Jersey havinRannounced that tha colored voters wouldBopport Mr. Cutlor Tor Uonrnor, the Tren-ton Times Jiste " TVbo in creation ia A. W.OaUer?" This U cruel.

- The Banner BtlU devotta columns of space•" —vwhf ch no one reacU—to the o.ise of Pitz

John Porter, bat cannot Hud room to telltlie people of Morris county how a tariff forrevenaa will benefit labor.

Frank James, the wholesale burglar and'murderer, lias lma acquitted In'Hhaouribya inry composed exclusively of Demo-crats. [ They believed En a principle of lhelrparty and tamed tbs rawal oat.

The Canadians complain that they are1 unable to ship thncb iron ore U> Ibis countryunder the new tariff. Tha work should DOITha completed by ad win isle ring Ibe Gamekind of a dose to Spain and Africa.

' Albright sayi that all he paid for t'of being a Democratic gubernatorialdata was t2OO expended for beer for thiboys. Mr. Albright's month appears to habeen cut after Ibe Judge Hoadley f attera.

' . If the report of the New XorkSniwhich ought be good Democratic antbei

• ' —b» true, than a more noisy, ill^order,.. ^and tnrbolent mob never assemblad in iht

SUte of New jersey than the Democrat!.convention of jeotctday.

We doubt the propriety of holding th<.Bapnbllcan State oonventionBO soon afte* (fae Deuocrats, If all th* reports about thnDemocratfo conTentiDn be traa Trontoa whave to thortraohly bestir herself in order Iget cleaned np by Tuesday next.

Abrain S. Hewitt ia row announced ascandidatfi for the presidency. This bus Wsuspected ever sines be told a reporter thhe waa willing to taica it thoagh he kne<tbatWitOilugloa was'ftJlea'with Gpit«au-waiting for great statesmen like himself.

As goea eextaiu States, so goes the Union,nsect to be the cry before electiocannot K«v Jersey lead off on this idea andqlect theXalional ticket?—American Sentry.Because there Isn't BIIOTRB of tha Nationalelement in this State to formulate a leadinidea.. . - • .

Tha triumph of the Democracy is thehope of the Bepublie.—PWafield Constitu-tionalist. But whore woold have been thhope of the Bepnblio if the Democnticparty hid been successful ia 16G4 on a platform which declared tha war for th« Unloim lallare ?.- '

' We regret extremely that cm frieud othe Hunterdon Democrat has seen fit to

A WEAK CANDIDATE.Thu Oemoeratic Convention yerferday nom-

inated Leon Abbett for Govercoi. Tiik isno RnrpriflA, aa it waa ganeraGy oonoeded forfleveral days before tbe cooTention that hehad the power to nominate himself or d i etate who itic CApdidBtn uhould be, But Usnomination U a very vmk uoe uflIIn tb« fi«rt plae hails from Hudsoocounty, and was educated ia the pemiciouBacaoal of politics exit ing in lliat eounty,which has made about every graduate Ofdistasteful to tbe better cUse of people. Hbelong! to tbe MoDermott and MoAdooo l u i of politici.n. and they a nf riends and political associates. Then, again,be is a New York lawyer who altaply naea" w Jersey us a wroreoient place of rdenoe, whkih will mak<> bim diataBtefn

clan of people wlin bpUere thaGovernor of New Jtmey nhnnld be idefled witb the buaraMa or profewiona] inter-ests of bio State. But that which will ope-rate most ainmfrfy Rgainothira la his publicrecord, which in most onsavory to tha poo.pla who reoollect bJ« raliagswhen be wot Speaker of the House of As-sembly a few yean ago- Grave gwere then bruited about and they him elnorbeen re-iterated. Three years Bp>, whenthe nomination for Governor was in bii

tp, and it ™ oooceded by all that liewonlj receive It, he <nddsnly withdrew fromIbe oanvasa. It fau often been auerted finesthat ha withdrew bmanse of a quiet menacethat If be accepted bla reooid B I B publicoffidd would be attacked. On Wedneadaylaat, tbe day bdfore the convention, tbeTrenton Time* appeared with a carefullyppprepared attack upob bimi

j ; damag-ging chargee against him, which it is believ-ed emanated from the Democratia leaderswho were opposed ticharge* put

htm. These openipon bis taeltle and bep

either bad to accept the Dominatioa tacit assent to their truthfulness by de-clining. It la also well known tbat Meesm.Kelsey, Little, Lee, and other Democraticleaders, who hare been the wheel horses oftheir party in past Gubernatorial campaigns,are bitterly hostile to Urn, and sought inevery way possible to defeat bis nomination.As the incomicg Governor will sot havepatronage enough to make him daugemmto these gentlemen, they will in all probabit-itr fail to give him any substantial aid inbis oanvawi, and it is doubtful if they do notin a quiet way endeavor io cowfORt his de-Teat Be is a decidedly weak candidate for

LEON ABBETT'S RECORD.Tho Trenton Time*,» paper that voices

beMotiu)«oto of tho better element of tbeJemootstit leaden, w o e out on Wedoeada/

and g m the following roasoM why Abbattshould not be nominated:

W* propoae to suggest very briefly wmea tbe nutters tbat are sure to be taken upby the Republicans in the event of hte nwn-ituktiou. The erident mUiiM&orioei tha Be-putillcan papwa take iuhia ma timed Domina-tion " • symptom not to be disregarded b jthe Democrats. It is not well to please yoniAilvenories. Mr. ibbett h « been in tattibranptum nf th* IionfnlnlarA, ha." bom oon.nooted witb tbe Oily GoTprnm*-nt nine* ilirBnuufead OaramliwJmi WM n w e d , Rod !~believed to nave aided its putsaaa. tbroufi-liwhioh the city bM benrj almost bankrupted ;hat been receiving large salaries ntl tbewhile from MM t rwrary ; and fajtenoniHy be-Ifeved to have Uea tbe T«reert of that «fty.

II will b t oTiaTRpa in Wert Jersey th»t hi?position M OoTPmor will b« u">d to cbnnutthe reprffs.>nU'iou in lite State tlironijb aOnnatitntion&l Convention. It will be chargrf again in the rural oountiee that JerwyOiry, bavir•ufl«avor ii

n the rural counties that J e yng pot bop*le«ily in debt, b» willin hie pocttion to get the taxes be-

th S l t t li t h t dryin hie pctt ion to get he tax

loRfrinK to the Slat* to relive that dry.We UKYB heard mentioned many things in

bii lejririntiva carwr. wbiob. if true, wirlsurely defeat trim. I t ia explicitly chargedthat be demanded and received money (orl f l l T B aetioo while a membpr of the

; thatne d«reat«d a Domic ratio re-districting bill while Speaker; tbat til thftlobby be was the agent of corporations, andreceived large lunu of money for Influencing'igUlation.

He was, we are told, the author of the FiveGountj net; tbat be opposed the si* percent. law, and favored making th& mnrtfia-ftor pay thb taxes; that ha roted fur theOattolic Protectorate bill. Io West Jerseyit Ii believed tbat hia influence remoTedJudge Fancoaet and appointed Judge Beed' " ' W t l d t t t bill or

!he reason that from the beginie end of the campsigu he

ling to thf'ill hare U

drop aido of the tariff. diacas-•ion, for we had hoptd tbat atleaat oiDenocratio paper in the State would elabo-rata folly the Democratic i d e t t i u t protec-tion docs not op«nt« to the benefit W labor.

In convening the Democratic conventionjirtBrdiy Senator HoPhewon arid tbe oleo-tioa ibis year w « the preoorsor of the oon-tcrt next year, -Then **by God's help tlrucnls wtm!d be torned oat." We belie'

' tb'B is the firat.pweon record whero a Dem-ocrat W had the tanwrity to expect htjpfroia that direction.

The lait session of tbe Pennaylvania Leg-' islatura; nnder Itepnblieao rule cost th«' S(ata *500,O00. Under the sroat ciy of

"reform"! the Democrats carried the StatelasifalL Thus far the ezpanaea of thai

. LefiWatoro hare been over «tf000,000 amthe end Is not yet. Democratic " reform'ia always- a big thing—on paper.

The only decontion fn the fcaDwhero.tfaapemoeratk State OonrenUon met yes-tenlajr.waa-ft portrait of Andrew-Jackson.

' Before tbe atomiy, noisy, turbulent crowdbad got'through with their bostnen thespirit of the hero of Kew prlesns resolvedtbitbflnoTtrwaicaaghtin imob,companywhfle isywted wKh a mortal frame.

' ^Qor. ' SAidolpb and otter prominentPpinocrsts went down to s«s Jo*l Parker onthTeye of the coareution snd tnaDugfat bimk> iS*ln Income thtiittox of hi* psrtjand

Ll?adH throng* another troubled sea. But,•7,600 a year aa Sapmma Ooort Jnclge. wasmore potent with Joel tbao »8,O0pli;yWra» Gowmor, and be barfened hU heart

Oongreaiman F*rrel told a reporter of the-TWnfon Tfm« oo Uonday that SenatorOoehran, of .Sossex, informed him k i twinter that '!Bsbonldn't afford to be dov-•erpor ondez way • cfrcaawtaocea; that it

''•would «wthim *M,0OOa year inJoai of.Uuipcm." We felioitate thoScnabir tbatibe,. wnTWition yestarda; did not * demandofWm this great t « r i « « .

lAftw aU t ie talk about protocang Ameri«as labor U sxploded, UM faet nmains, tbat

iarga empbytri, with rare nceptlons, paythe least wages' they possibly can —Con-

* «tttatkmsUst. That's a verj ttalural betBat (be idea of protection ia

S o much Ihst smploysoirm have'to pay' more for it, whioh they

1 wopid ctecrWly do if abesp foreiSnt i U t d t o * '

6tand on tbe defensive, and it will requireall his efforts to word off the vigoroun <w-Bflults that will be made upon him. Mr.Abbett fitly represents tLe ulapdatb, elementin politiia, and bdng a bold operator endforcible talker has attained to a certain pop.

jlnritj nuiDiig tbe lower element of bis party,long the better class, who have always

regarded bim with distrust, he will have noardent su pporters and will doobtless receive

thorn many a bock-banded blow. Hienomination makes for the Republican party

very bright prospect Indeed, and theyhave only to aval) themselves of a splendid

pportunity to elect the next Governor ofSew Jeraey.


While the ERA b&s no desire to anticipatetbe action of the Republican county cUon In the matter of the Sonatorahip, andhis no candidate in advance to be nominatedor killed, it still baa a desire to nee fairnessaccorded to any gentleman who may be acandidate for that position. This we tbinlcthe Jerseyiuan fails to extend to Mr. Toung-blood In its editorial hut week referring to

ie history ut Senatorial contests in thiscounty. That there baa been but one. Sena.

' (Mr. Cofab) re-elected in thin countynee 1844 Is doubtless tbe m u l t of an a c

oident rather than the following of any es-tabliBbedrule ia relation to the matter. ThatDr. Beach would hove been ro-nominatod bytbe party If be would have accepted the Jer-aeyman well knows. Bnt the re-election ofMr. Oobb fnrclEhes n precedent, If tbat wereneeded, to warrant the ambition of any can-didate fora like honor. This the Jersey-man seeks to offset by a epeoions plea thathla retention in (bo Senate at tbat time waaBO particularly desirable tbat "h i bis can-vass for re-election ho waa materially aidedIn a quiet way by tfaa late Judge Lathrop andother Democrats, and ran nearly 800 aheadof bis ticket In this oonnty." Witb all re-spect for onr contemporary we think thiistatement is entirely too broad and Dot war-

• f that election.

t and appointed Judge B dWe are told, too. tost a bill or

_ J S found in Mercer connty•rainst bim. afUrwards with olhen ignoredWithout further FpecifioatioB, it U evidentif all or any considerable number of thesecharges are true, tbe Democratic party willbe on the defensive from the nonr the con-vention adjourns.

Tbe mnmbeni of the ennrention, beingforewarned, should satisfy themselves beforastarting the moet scaniilous campaign intbe liistory of tho State. Unfortunately, itmast be said that several delinquencies ofthe gravest character are to be added to the

Tbe platform adopted at Trenton jester'day ebowe that tbe Democrats o* Kaw Jer-« y have made a completa back down fromtheir position liwt year on the tariff. ThenMr. E. Caulletd, of Morris, was on the Com-mittee on Resolutions and wrote a plankwhich took unequivocal ground in favorof ft tariff for protection. This year theysdopi the Oblo plank which favors "a tarifffor revenue" with the brazen assertion that

uob "will give protection and to home productive industry and la*

' A proportion which no Democrat in tbeState can satisfactorily demonstrate. It tsa humiliating concession to tlie free tradeand low tariff principles of tbe party inother States. We do not know if Mr. Can-fleld WRI on the Committee on lieeolntyesterday, but i(Lo was we think we canwifely say that (hia plank waa not adopted

ritbout bis protest.

State Board of Equalization.The New Brunswick Times ears: If toero

1 one thing more absurd than another iniu this State it 1# tlie

matter nf personal property. In every const?1 are nhgurilly undent atad, but, in•», the contrast 1B almost atartlUij.B clvo the StaM oBBGBsment laat

year liy counties, of peraonal property, vitballeged debts deducted t

AssesB- Assess-Coantiee. ments.

atjp « m.m Middlesex...*2,249,505ten ....'. '2,m,m Alonmouth.. 2,095.40)Snirton,. 181780O Morrie 3111.141

Essex IQ.980,000 Somerset.... 2,000,900OlonceBtcr.. 2.S11.8W Sussex 1.33!),396Hudson 6,840,200 Union 2,H)3.28l)Hunterdou., 3,000,029 Warren 3,294,020Hereer 6,630.130

Can any < >1f bdiotIludmiu couait.v only UAH a little

i thati per-

Theseted by tbs returns of thaese show tbat the tWsidentiul Electors at

tha head of the B«publiean ticket lbat yearreceived 4,283 voles, to i,833 for Ur. Oobb,HhowiDg that the latter ran only 50 votesibead of bis ticket. In nearly all the townships of thii econty tbo vote was remark-ably even, there being only three townshipswhere there was a difference of more thanfour votes between the total) of Mr. OobbmS the EepubUcaa ElevLora. That Mr.iAtbrop'espeoiaUydistlneuished himself intbe Interest* of Mr. Oobb is not shown bythe returns from bit township, where Mr.Oobb ran but four votes ahead of his ticket.Tbe three townships where Mr. Oobb ra-ceived his principal ex<esa of votes wereMorris, his home, where he ran 11 voteshead, donbtless heeaase of hia own per-

sonal popularity, and Handolph and Box-bury, whete he ran 28 ahead through tli<unusual efforts nmdo for him by tbe Re-publican leaden In Ibis vicinity. So if Mr.Latbrap and other Democrats exerted them-selves in the interest of Ur. Cobb their ef-

> not productive- of wiy percep-tible effect upon the returns. With the*flgnres before us we cannot think that tbe

I'S arg-imeotli a fair one, and woareGomewhat surprised that onr mallyacenrato contemporary ehould have made it.

'ROTECTlON AND THE SILK INDUSTRY.Mr. Porter1* letter front CreTold, pabliiifc-

ed in Monday's Tribune, ia entirely devoted> A discussion of the nilk indastry in Ger-

many ami elsewhere. Hesbova tbatdnrinRthelasttenortvelveyears the manufactureof Bilk fau declined in England and France,and increased In the United States and Ger-many. Dnring this period the product* ofsilk mannfaotnrea In Ihla country have in-creMed from *C,O0O,0O0 to 910,000,000, andthe wages from •1,013,286 to 1870 to $9,-HB,7Q5 In 1880. The traatxr of peraoasemployed in tbe aiik indostry has Increased

Owmany from 77,334 in 1BT5 to 130,020at the present time. Germany now importsabout 7,BG5,000 ponnda of raweUlc, about1,500,000 pounds more than she did nineyean ago, whiis England Importa about£,000,000 pounds lea raw material than §bedid in 1871. Wa*w have materially changed

all tho ooanbiM referred to. Uponcartful ciaminatioq Mr. Porter findl thattA» Matamenh made by Hr.'Wjdkoff, to theeffect that there is paid for similar Ubor iuaQk masnZadun In thla eosntoytwloe 1mnch u In England, tpproximatelf three

1 aa high u in German; and Fraooe,and feur times M high u In Italy, Is varynearly correct so Car w i t applies to Ger>

07. H« takes elaborate pains to provet the average earning* of tho German

flflk worker s » not over $107 a J« r , whiletiiossofthe United States arc about $300.Tho wonderful increase in the exports Ofna&afactDret of Bilk from Germany tiocetfco Empires return to protection is

" * mnarkahlfl ripu of th* times.

eonul property tuau Mercer, or that Cumdencounty bas *300,000 less than the adjoiningHtnall county of Qlonocatert Monmouth isput dawn at lew ngures than cither Uictdle-HOX, Slorria, Ilcrgdn, Olonceater,' HnntardoD.Salem, Somerset or Warren. Union—-withtlie tlroe cities of Hallway, Plainaeld anilEUiatteth-pfiUB out less than Hunterdon orWnrrati, and only nlout CMO.OOO more thanSalnml " There is eouielhlng rotten in Pen-mark" when such figures as tbe above nracalled upon to do duty as faet*. New Jerseyvery badly necda on intelligent State Boardof Equalization, Bay one member iron ea«liCongressional District.

STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY;The time la drawing near to hand when

State Agricultural Society w0] open i ts qiter centennial exhibition at Wvrttly Ftwhich it located on a beautiful ipat, anline of tbe Pa. S . H. between KeirarkEUtabeth, aMeteible % rail front all part*Hit State. &nce the orgftnliation of thisciety more than a qnartcr of a ennturj sffih*rp lmre heen many and atriidng chongiinaugurated la tbe hiubandman'a roeotliTho thriflr fRrmer1* life Is very differentan* now. Ttte ncytW anil emAte have 1laid nnidi-, and tbeir pla«» taken hymower nnd reapnr; the flail it numbernrnonntuetbiniri ef thp pant; the handhat trireii way to th-! bone rnkc on6 tbe ftito the tedder, and thp laborious mot hod «floading liar in the burn by hand to thathorse ponpr. llic general introductionlabor saving implements and moeliiuerj

lift has work (id venders dnrlnc; 11. Projjn1** of a similar clinrncUr bnI lt« way Intonll thel.wnobe«af prodoiDda*trie*. The Urceilinx°fblooded:

cattte in onr Bute has mode rapid •tridM,while thfl infiuirin nf jmrc blood into our eom-

U haanotiecoW.T improved tbelrvifor dairy purposea. Along Bids and arwitb thew hare been t lo advances madi(liffewnt r?rt» of tbe State, in rattinglone* for tbe road and draft met, wltaakei this brunch mare profitable than foi

In farm, orohardandgardenproduetiluting advance* hare lw»en mode in itopifarieties and better metliods of culture.iave numerous instances hi our Slate Tme bandred bimhols of (hnllnd cornwen grown on an acre of ground; elxt,

bushels of oate. forty-five bushels of -nhealand three hundred lioshels of potatoes. Th6f»(e Society can fairly and jiutlv Uy olalto a sbare of tbe credit in bringing about aneatUfactory results. Their phut from 11outlet to the present ba« liwsn to enaonnand foster rocthods which should mako tfunBcr1* life lens laborious and more profilble, ntid their annnal eihibitione give warrant to tbese facts. Tho coming exhibitionwhich will lie opened on tlie 17th iniU, ai

itinncd for five days, will, we are nasureb« snperinr in pvi>ry deportment to thoseprevious years. The season hn» been favora-ble for growing crops, nnd 1 lie premiums have

ile larger, Every department of thiStato Fnir ia at n rule complete in itealf,

ifiKlucted to make others wore itttroGtire. Tlieri! la no question, but tlist n visittlm grmiiirln, during the coming cxbibitiowill prove a profitable investment to eve;fanner In the State, for tUe tiaio and mono;eipcndcd, One or two dar i can be spentthe grounds during tbe week of the Pair, wit!

' toiure aud profit. Not only am the cliniceat products of onr farm' to be seen there

choicest and best eltlrcniahvnyo to he found on tho grounds in larginumbers. •

Fighting Record of tho 19th Regiment-Tlwi fu11r>witi|( Ji tue flgiitiug record of t

Etli Regiment, the reunion I>1' wUltb vrUl 1lietil nt Newton, on the IStli lust. It speaksfor itself, ( in; elHti-na should taku n lfvol

ion, and oil in their powto make it o grand eucccs. Oo to Newtnwith your team and show that you arc intcsted.

1 FrcdcricksbuTB, Virginia Dec. 13-14,1803 " B ' f t May 3, Ufl3 Si.lainIIPte.hta' " May 3,4 VmitWiD'a Crowine '• June G to 1*5 flettysliurg, Fcnn. July 2-3

T FujilmtowTi, Md. July 108 Kappalmauock Sta'n, Va. Ont, 1210 Mine RQQ, ' " NovlaO" WUderncss, " May 5 to 7

l i a C. H., " Mny Bl & Salient • " "

14 Sulienr,IB Gayle iiouse,18 Ny River,17 Worth Anna18 Pi1718IS l


" May 12" May 1*" Mny 17

lers Arbitrate, Don't Litigate.Tbe law favors arbitration ns a peaceful

and Inexpensive method of settling difficul-ties. Jn many of the 8tatca them are etat-ntory proriaionfl, by which a judgment ofthe Cohrtnay be rendered on the award orfinding of arbitrators, concerning a matterduly eabmllted to them. It ia almost alwayspossible to take a cue out of Court tradanbmlt it to referees at any stage of its pro-

roflB. In the absence of any statutory pro-isioni, It ia always lawful far parties to

agree to submit their differences to arbitra-tors and abide by their decision. The agree-meot to dn so may be either oral or written,but the latter is the better way. The formla not essential, except that the messingshould be carefully expressed. It ii custo-mary, in addition to the agreement, for the

partlcKtoexMitt* io B n arbitra-tion bond', conditioned on eacn party per-forating the award given by the arhltratora,whatever it may be. If Ibe award Is prop-erly made, It tben becomes binding on theparties,

Arbitration is mi l worth considering byfariuen, who find tbutnaolvca in disputeabout some simple question of fact, aa, forinstance, the amount of damage which A'abreeelty cattle hove dwto what -waa Uio Titluc

J'« core, orof A's sheep which

wore kilted by U'a bad dog. Sueb questionstan generally be qnlekly, cheaply and jtutlysettled by one or more fair-minded neigh-b d dd^

yburs, and tae expense,ti f lt i C r t

y and aggrava-b i d d

p ^y ggtion of a anlt in Court may 'thus be avoided.—American Agriculturist for September,

• •• . • Knighti Templar.Tin, twenty fifth annual conclave of the

Grand Commandery of Knights Templar ofNew Jersey was In acttlon at Trenton Toaa-day. The following offleani were elected fortbo ensuing year: Grand Commander, Ed-ward Clift, of Bordentowni Deputy GrandCommander, Thomas W. TQden, of JenteyCity; Grand OcncraUstlmo, John TV. Acker-nun.ofJcrMyCity; Grand Captain-General,Isaac A. Bcberta, of LambertvUla; GrandPrelate, Bev. James E. Wilson, ef Burling-ton; Grand Senior Warden, Edward W.PtiBB, of Etiwbeth; drand Junior Warden,Isaac C.Gition., of Camden ; Grand Treas-urer, Fredericlc G. Wkoer, of Bordentowu;GranABecorOer, Chaa, Becbtel, of Tnmton}

Trenton | Grand Bword bearer. Chsa.S.Lea,of Newark i Grand Warden, Albert D. Win-field, of Patenon; Captain of Gaarda, Am.isHo well, of Trenton.

TbeTnnUni Emporiom sayii "Oneofbe ptomitunt zaen who bat been mentioned

a candidate for Governor on the Dema-crttSe ticket retnarked but CTening tbat

for or was elected Governorwas politically dead thereafter, and bethought tbat the Inoklest thing for a Oov

s to die about the expiration of thetime of bis office. A great many of them,

h , would stand better in bittory1 In tb« opinion of th* peoplo who woulda take thenuelvM out of Ifaat obsoorUyo whioh, otherwise, thejy wen certain to

It is now iMltcnd tbat Stars Doneyhelped to get op the bogus Deuteronomymanuscript.

-Severe Drouths, • •'••The fatenon Prws n y i t '<We have re-

oently come across an Interasdng record ofsevere dronths, dating back a i f u u thelanding of thoPilgrima. All wbo think thedrouth which we bare just pasted through,

tsanexoepUonal'one, for length, will dowell to read the following account: In tbeSummer of 1623 .tnere were 31 days ia suo-cewsfon without rain; 1630 41 j 1658, W;Ifl73,i5; 1688,81; 17M. 83; 17C6, 40; 1790,« t irao,' 12S; 1790, ftt; 37B1, S3; 1802, Si;1813,26; 1874,20 ; 1875, S8. "It wpl be seenthat tbe longest drooth that over occnrrol In

America i In the Snmmer of 1762. mwhich JMW no rain fell from Hay to Bepteir.ber, making 133 Oays. Httaj of cor oonntryrmen wen mupelkd to send to EDgland forhay and grain and various article* or foodfur bolhnun and licaet.*

. Damaea fo Crept by Frott.On Piid»y nlgUtofUft n e k tliare was •>

severe frost extending over the States orlima, Missouri, Wlsnonrln, MlnntsoU andDakota Territory. In ecvenl localitiu wn-tcrfroBe. Tbe principal damage was mflic^ed o& the corn erop, which, in many vlaeefl,was nlmott raiiieu. Probably about two*fifths or H,t crop Li too States nuntd waa de-•tnyed. Wheat; ouU and other crona werennt afleded. On flundar night ibere was asooond frost througboot thi SUM* of low*,few Jersey. Ohio, Illinois, Fe&nsylvanbk

19 Ifauovor C. H., " Mny 28 '20 TolojMitooiT, " Jlny 31 '31 Colil Harbor, . " Juno 1 to 13 '23 Petersburg. " JtmoI6to22'23 Woldon RnilroQil, -' June 2324 Sniotcr'B Gap, •' July 1825 Strasburg, " Aug. 14M WinohesSr, " Aug. 17 . '27 Chnrleatown, " Aug. 21 . '28 Oi*qunu, " Bepl. 1»29 Hshcr'a Hill, <> Sept. 3130 New Mnrltet, " Sept. 2481 Ocdar Creek, " <Oct IB82 Hatch's Kim, " Feb. 0 1883 Fort StMtiuan, " llnr. 2584 Capture oi 1'etcrab'g "Apr i l 3 <85 FarniviUe, " April 7SO Leo'a surrender A ppo-

mnttox U. H " April 0 •

Weekly Iron ReportThe Engineering And Mining Journal of last

SatiinloywyB:AKBKICAH PIO,—SepUmbet UIUB fur

been a severe disippointment. Tboro is n<ueo In denying that the eviiienoaa of 1provement in August, which were 00 cnrefull;nursed and were made BO much of, havo agaiidisappeared. I t is true that many furnaei

re out of blast, anil yot it is t rue also tbatIB proiiutdon Is ntfll ahead of the regnirc-tents,, The excess, it is true, U not great,

but stnl tbero it an exocsi, so that oven No.1, -which for a while was snarcn, can now lieobtained without difficulty. There is notmuch shading of prioes, however, chiefly forthe reason thnt it 1B not bolloved that lowerfigurea would tempt bujors. The fact ia, thatconsumption in very much narrowed down.Eastern consumer* who supply tho nulla iritbmachlueir and coatings are doing very UttJebusiness. The great ear manufacturing <tabUahments and the many other worka-whichsupply the railroodB ore dohig oomparativelylittle. The stove trade is only moderatelyactive, and the only brftttoh hi which thereunusual activity Is tbe pipe makers, who aios busy as they can be, and are behind iutheir orders. Tliin 1* not a glowing pletnre,hut \re bdiovo that it dotoly refieota thecondition of the trade.

Transactions daring Uie weeic have boon 1a moderate scale. "We quote Vo. 1 Foundry,131.60 and 133; No. 2, $10 and «31, flcoor.linnto quality; and Gray Forge, W8.25 and (1&G0all at tide-water. Bessemer Fig Ia lifeleM,and Bptegolelsen is fjaiet at 930.60 and $30.'for 30 per. cent, ot wtieh figure a 1000-ton lotchanged hands. Lower grades are dull atC5aridK2C.DO.

Contesting the Central Railrond Lease.Tho Trenton Times says tbat Henry G.

Pitnpy, Esq., counaol far Alfred SiilU andJohn H. Ledgorwood, Eiqentors of the estatof tho late Stephen Vail, who had for yeanbeen President of tbe Central Railroad, hafiled a bill m the Court of Chancery prayingfor an injunction against the Philadelphia &.Sending Company, with 5 view to the annulraeiLtnf It* lease of the Central and the laitor's return to a Uoeelvonhlp. Tie Execu-tor* hold 2,M0 Bbnrea of tha Central stock.They voted against the ratification'of thelease. The liUt alleges that the leasemade at a low rate, and that the Central B.K.; if property managed, could make a profit»f aix per cent, for the aharehoiaew. It then

a to speak of tho good condition orthe Central, its immense trade, chances forBuooeaa, etc An attack is madn on the ftill-

i. Beading, which. It doelareo, la, and Btruggllng to save itself from

absolute financial- win. The lease of theCentral, therefore, was as outrage, says thebill, oad tho present Boara or Central Direc-tors TO pat In office merely to effect that

Grand Standard-beanur, John W. Lindsay, of lease. Other allegation i or n similar naturevrfll eoms up for «rgume_

before the Cuancelkir on the fourth Tueeday


Tbe Hainsville H. E. Church -wOl be Medi-ated on'Thorsday of next week.: Fred. C. Toll™, of Phmipsturg, bas A

to paoi an examlnatioa at West PoiuiA biaek Itaaa eanght in Swartswood 1

tho fftlusrday weighed jusi five pooBda,The Haekettatown Instltete h u opened

with «larger attendanee of puplla than ever.Tbe number of school children in Sussex

:..T.ntj is less by 1,234 tbaniwelva yearsA Camp of Sons ofVeteranahas been organ-

ised in Washington and named alter Gen."totex. - •.';'. - . ; ;•'•• " ,

David Van Syekle, of Andersonttrwn, War-ren county, dislocated his tmfler jaw wUlicoughing. „

Thofcl] term of the Sussex. Court* waa avery brief one, t h e n being only fourready for trial.

D .B . hook* (Petroleum V. Nasby) vUtedMajor Deatty, or Waahiostun, last week.Ho doubt he got a "big ad."

Tbe annual convention of the Sussex Countylunday School AsaoeiaUon will bo held in

Newton on Wednesday, tho 36th.The Sussex Oranir:ua*ra nominated TVia.

Iliff, of Andover. for SiWflson, ofllardjuton.

Throe ymiKg bovr jtom Kewtua have leftlinnie for tlie fur WatU on n sealutng fciur.Tbey had omploywl ihdr spare time wading

ona hook agfnt and ladies' pet, is rn-a lMvin* Washington with ft heavy

L A . Vail, whose daaAtanOxovntd, ia « bnHter Qtbt. Wp. P. VaO, <Jotuiaonmuqb Wawan odiraty, Tbe lattexB i>rother-Iu-law «f John I Blair.

There wwiroW, fluee. nights lant we«k; ithe Sand Lake on tie Hinbun Mouotaln*,

T &lake t h b surnmet was 1 >V Ju l j , «.&"; A'gwt, « . » • . = ;

Warden Kihihcn, of W«rr«n oount;has been engaged tbe past week In dcstro t

ingSsh bosket* in tbi> Delaware river. Hetore out anil sent adrift two large basketsnear tbe Sussex lute last week,

Eugene Avar*, of IibertyviUe, Sussexuuty, iave decamped after a brief moniedjierieuce of flje moutht. Atwordiag t« tbe

Deckertown ln0ej»end«irt he is « " grand aonof a wealthy 1iaebali>r,r a relationship ciiffi-cultof - - "

Jim Tucker, a oolorcJ cripple, living Inmountains of Biuiex,makes a gtwd liiing BJproducer, ile has over TOO hens and sellsan average 9Q0 dsien otslou large numbers oft coflera tothe Summerhotels.

r Tattle's Comer,an egg aud chiekct)

s per month, be-

Compound Tar pough Ryrup-The Masauls a t bonfl for the UM of this

valuable coraiwuBd tot the cure of coughs,colds and coLBtonption No family should bewithout i t Bold onltf nt the Brick Drag

««"• - 7.—-'We Have Ji^t Rscaived

two btutdred doien fta and table spoonj.Alia table cutlery, lkD]W and lantern* Bt

" t HoningU.a'0. i

Pure, whole and psrdered spices, of allkinds, «t Klllgore's Prtig Store.



GEO. McCRACKEN'S,Biackwell St., Dover.

AWNINGSiitarM and urlfRte Iiouaoa nia<1e. Also

omLDBBH'fl raNTS for tale, 7x7 fret 6Inches square by

W. S. COLLAItD,- :. . Tjplioll


Dove K.J.

remaining uncla imedIa tbePost OMce nt Dover. N. J .

I/orer, N. J., Sept. Hth, IB8S,Msry V«ro,U. J. Mnore,Mrs. Marry,X.lm Itudcn,

— , Goo. Eturfcvant,.ijj»hp«, ! Jobu Btickol,iu Jfiuater, It- H. Wallace.Po QiiUIn anr of tbe abore letters isy "ad-listd" and giro.dele of this list.

:' r. Q. Ui HINOHMAN. P . M.

. W. Armstrong,Dharlss Ounrter, -Mi 48 Jo ley Vora,.Frctl. Uprton,l L J

FUNDR AI.S I• i imiaui Diusit ProBts appreciated

.VJL QasUtyabdworkmansliipoftbebanlMy tbanka for liberal patronage In tbe past.Orders by felegrapb moasenffor or telephone

attended to. -JOHiUOXES, UndtrUker,

nookiwaj-, K, 3,

MARRIED.IMUbE-HAYENCAMl'-At BooliBwav, ontbe Bib lest.,'bvEev, IS. H Conkliu, JfloolKlmUIe aud Kilty Eaveucamp, both vGreen Pond. ;

iXTEIX—CARLT&E-A-t W.ahiDglon Val-ley, ucar Horrtftmn. Bept. 19th, bv Eev.J«HM P. Brew«irr, J. C. Axtdl, ol MewYork efty, and JUsa Anna M. Osrhele, ofChaster.

IAVIS—Dl ^At tbo Preabjlerlun ....'ngnstBtxt.liy Hcv. J.

™.<J Stanhope, ai

SHiW—KAKOUS^-At tbe PreBbjlerlan P a rBomgo. Itnckanar, September Ht ,Uji :ev,J.O.ATorilt, CUwleo Bliiw, of I^onsvllle,and Ulna Jcanfe Kauoneo, orFoWemll-


••<-•>-"• D I E D . .AWDEKCE-In Ffret Bt.t Dover, Sop Urn Ii or8th, Jennie T. Litrrenco, aged 37 years, 8months and 16 dara. '

4iLLXEIIlna<>ld4. lBovcr lS2ptimberSth,Hsrab Lonlis, inhnt ttangliter of LorensoD. and Ropenft 0, Tillyer, aged 3 mo ~and 17.,.«ayi. j .

AOKSOS-At Esiilon, Pa., ficpttmWr 121b,Karab Aun Jielidn, formerlj ot Dover, d68 yours, 6 tponttj %uA 12.TayH.

Uiiien wanteil a,t Sliilson, Kansas. Goal

fenrfeat thick; prico paid fa. jpei b u b a l ;

teady trorh for 60 to 100 men If tfaoy are at

SJttlion vrltLln 10 Jays. Uluore mikv $3 to

per day. Board 4* por week.



Notice of Settlement.Nollco i« hereby' Kiven that tbo accountstho eebsfriber,; Executor of Henry Me-

irlsn. ncocaecd, «illl bo audited md statedthe Surrogate, and reported far lettlemoc

the Oroiians? Ooort ot the Oonntv of Moii, on MONDAY, tho fifth day orHovembi

HENB^ II. BRIKKEnHOFP,. •; Brian 01 iff, Bin? Sine,

Ditea, Ang. 281b, M8S.;: New tori

Administrator's Sale.The Bnlacriber. !Adntinistrotop of UaUai, Ford, deo'd. viUeoll at Public Auction DTo Bromines of SWpheii J . Palmer, in Dover

i 14th,bo penwual pfojwrty of said deeeasod,i tdnKinpnrtofJ two-seat spring woaon,o-lwtf table, BWcfc- satehel, a umbrefta":

IruukSjlwa bedatead, wash BUnd, BLACKVALNUT fltABULE TOP BEli ROOMID1T, 9 pieces; set bod springs, h i t

feather hetiV bolster and pi

JSff X2SaletocommDaoe'atae'alDekF.lL Terra 1

DRY GOODS!9lh ptaplo sad FiDcy, Drett 8Ilk.,u Ooo&m, Trlnmlag SUk« »nd Satlnn,MU, H*»tnry«»a Ifoilont, and; pertalnlMs; to a, complete drrAn stock nt prices snre to salt at

WM. 11. BAKKR'S,Dover, N. J.

has been attending tlie recent "trade

Hies" in Kev Turk and parcliawd

largely luDameatjoa and BlttQkete, III

domesUos Bever*) cases ofTJoks at a

gocd quality for. /eather beds and pit

lows may be bed at a radgcuiao from the

regalur prices of about seren cents per

yard. In GINGHAM a reduction

about tea per cent, upon the regular

wholesale price of tbe best goods oi

wo thousand yard*. Iu MUSLIN

both lileacbed and brown of about tei

per cent on standard brands. Sat Uie

cases of BLANKETS are decided bit-

gains which are so rarely met ns to be

phenomenal; a splendid blanket may be

bad at & reduction of About fifty per

cent, on the quoted price of the agents

of them. There can be no question

r to any one who baa seen them

as to tUe bargains we are oflexiog ia all

of these goods. Oar Pall styles in CAR.

P-EIS ate daily amping and tbe prices

ate as low u they i m e been for years.

pall and nee the bargains. We propose

to sell these goods and have marked

them to sell. < : ' 'W. 8. BABBITT,

Ucrriatowp, K. J.


SILKS anflYELYETS.Isaac N, Doty & Go,,



Colored Silk Department.Special Bargains—To Open tlie Fall Season.

Wo offer 1 Oittc Sl-fnch OltOS OBAINrRESSBILUti st I I , ever; ynrd of vhlcti

Is north 11.25.

Black Silk Department.epeoial Birfiniog-To Open tlio Fall fieaion.

Waoffrr 10 pirces extra lieavyGItOB OHAIN,ill S9i tnebea wide, at fl.OO per yard.This ts, by far, tho beet vilae wo have

offered Kt' t l . and u tho lot Issmall, intending purctiasers

should examiao at onco.




169 & 161 Market St.,

Newark. N. J.




hiveentered upon ibe ATjlTJMN TBABS with complete and fresh stocks of all kind, ot



C H I N A W A R E i m YELYETS AID SILK MTETEE1at reduced p r l e o lomaUe m o m tM b > t e ,lol,pt|ol,,||j on,nD,, of IU,,,, now popul.r gooai. In ,,iamnn .

TIp.S!"r^.ti«'to'<! D R E S S T R I M M I N G Sa few weeki*

Our 0BIN1 TI4 8ET8 ndoad W p«r »t.KOS8BO3B " •' LOO •• «ESO. WIUMW " 76 " "





Fancy China Caps and Sanoers,

Vegetable Dishes,

Majolica Ware,

aud in tact everything Ton willfind in a flrec-clRBB CrockeryE&tabliRlnuent.




SUGARSare sold chrap to oar cnnlsmcri,




LADIES' H O S E ! MUSLIN AND WOOL UNDERWEARand all (be tblogs Ibat perUiu to a well stoc^-d PltY 0U0D3 EUCtfE , all ol which will

Le sold at tbe lowed pu^ible prie^B.

THE GROCERY DEPARTMENTrcplute as taual willi at! the vcciie of Hie )nui«< lmld, iiict-litip i-vury demand Iu „»

ntock witli frtuli utid Rood nrticluK ai rcawimble rateb.








ver offered for inspection in Dover in ARTISTIC DESIGNS,RICH COLORINGS and REDUCED PRICES are among


Brussels from 75c, up! Ingrains from 25c, up!Oil.

in all widths, OIL CLOTH RUGS in Aulumn Colors and HewDesigns. In our FURNITURE DEPARTMENT you can buy

a SOLID WALNUT BED ROOM SUIT of eightpieces lor i jss- io .oo.

3f. W. D1CKE18S0X, Hlm-kweli St., Dover.


Men's Suits at - - $2.85" Pants at - - 70

Children's all WoolSuits at - - - - 3.75

Men's Black Hats at 50Good Mixed Half Hose IS

My MERCHANT TAIL-ORING DEPARTMENT isfull of the best Foreign andDomestic Novelties at pricesto suit the trade and I cansuit .ill who come and look.







q a ) Ull) ,„„, , . D E , y , n B 0 F u i i r A T I O j i N DJ . r WATCHES KUW SO MUCH TEDDI^D AND SOLD AB0UHD I D E



NEWARK, N. J.Hcsnecirully invll,. the cilizons of Dover and vicinity (u (hfir

new and vlcjjanr Rtock or

FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS,imUBp, mill in vu.«- of i|,l, fuci «li..y l,nv« nowon

Slllc a ioiii|,lite line c>f


Nos. 795 and 813 BROAD ST.,


3?J. a".you want to wear the best STVU-1S o r OLOTHLVG, «nd L.sure you arc getUns Hie latest fashiou plitti- vat, NCC our


'SUITScomplete for $12, $13, $14, S15. 516, gig.


at $10, $12 and $15. And our IJIMENSE STOCK of PEE-PE0T FITTING PANTS, cut from the very latest styles

of CASSIMEEE and W0ESTEDS at $4, $5, $6, $<•

c vonr Itfinembcr vc can SHOW TOD =11 ibe LATEST STILES, ami citbat ELEGANT NEW CUI on your sarracnt» rcliidi il i j imi.nn<ihlij Io obtuinID smitH coDceros, while onr LOW MANUFACTURERS NET PHICES will boband fnllj 20 PEE CEN1'. BELOW osoal retail rates.

MAIL us yonr ADDRESS ami wo will eenrt jon SAMPLES of tbo EIiE-QAKI STILES OF GOODS wo ore using tbi! Fa'l in t ip n.nnufiicliiro olgarmcDIB for oor fine city tnule.


Nos. 70S & 813 BHOAD St.,

TiKi, DOME'TIO"mASTMFNT S S ? ? S Vi?"""""',';',!'"' w-"kC«r«- ,

31IoS;:tSlC3r^.3V BROS, eh X7-QS B l o n d St.,



E.K™.ta, L.: c.,a w°i!,!gTx":i,sir1?s,1£S:.^;KiT.w'.'t-'!3i "•

•ROF. AMO3 AI.LOWAY, I^nninn.M. MULVEY, A. M.. W. WINKEB. S.«x.Uvr/.



Shop on Clinton St., Dover,



Page 3: THE DOVER LUMBER y° Sash, Win Intot iml "Hint n r In anniirti.ifutof Utovtb I I I COOK, I'AliLOJ 11

fHE 1B0N ERA.SATURDAY. Sept. 16th, 1883.

-J*• B W S-

at Chatham nejctTues-

Tha mMtirel<Jome thing of tliB w^k t« the

Mr. E. A. Monroe L M m-ived homo from

Dr. Hove l iu returned t» Newark fromBndd'i Lake.

Thought Bro. Garrison would be sorry ho•aid ve had the itch.

BcpnWiean primary t!u*-PrldBy—eveningIn Hollei'a Open Home.

J. J . VfoeUnd lion tlm tout root for buildingJ. TV. Baker's now house.

Miss Etta Hutohler, of Bo on ton, twhes tlioBeach. Glen noliool this year.

TheRoofcaTray tf. E. Church steeple is beingrepainted hy the SIeiin. For.>e.

floo. Rfchnrdu, Jr., leaven nest week forProf. Yates' eolool at Snratoga, N. Y.

Hr. and Mrs, Goo. C. Eylimd. of 8uuo«-aunna, havo srrivfid Lome liom Eiirupe,

W. S. Wright h doubling tLi: «b.> imd a -paoiiy uf'lua organ factory ut i-'mnktin.

Tha iron fur tlio new;.. <>n Iliid^m•ttCOtTill borollotl nt the Dover Irnu Wuik-i.

The ticket thin fall cimtiiins font1 numi'h--Governor, Seuntor, Clerk uml jWe-Kililviiimi.

Gen. MoClellau, wife aint iluuijlitiT miv mthe Dover depot laat Saturday valtin<; :iir ntrain.

Fred. Simpsou, of Dover, uud WillTiiipi'tt,

Geo. Gerard, u recent i;rudIon solool Jn t-eaoliiiigtbi' nvl

Tailcy.Mr. E. H. Vauninr, of SH

Monday jnenibig for it twoDakota.

from tlioMorria Plains Ar-ylrecaptured.

Edward Thobaud, nn <>lil i

SOD, died on Thursday of luii

of 85 years.Tho PrcBhjtnricii Clmrolu

tended a eall to Kev. Dr. ThHorrlatown.

Bev. TLOB. Tyaek, of Spurtllopaatoratoof tlio I'reHbv!Springfield.

Thu HoiLtli Home til Hrliulind moro clients hat Suinlnyon Sept, Uih.

Fnll trade will noon coiiniitiusoof priuttr'rt ink will turnyour direction.

Tho moruiiiK train fromWoilnesflay striick and Jdll.'.lGcnnnn Valley.

A festival of tlin Peapaih Itpotted the BUUK sum of $228 ithe oburcli ilolit.

Mrs. Lutlier IAWIVUO, «was tnkou ill IitHt Fi-lduy uudeiclt hut a single diiy.

JIaj. Anderson IWt lms the!li tlio diviftiuu of Grand Ami.ton next Wednesday.

toIiilcolIoimtc(»iiR,unrflnirainumbered over 500 pprstiiiH.

Tlioprlno of tlio innrn wibridge wa* inoorrcotly ntutedshould liavc rend $3 pvv yard

J.B, Punster, of H<-manl*peach troos wo lac)cu willi!>ranchea touched tha j;rniiiiil

Ed. Noifilibour rrturuod Utlego t l i s week and Steward Ngame institution on a, fmsliiiia

Tho lilack-miit-h Klmp com

Ilooiton Paper Coimmn.v i

ml ui


.[ .ml

>N, 11


H i m

ii. F

(. i»

i inn







iy ui

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ell1 ei

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ftl ic 1ll.u-k

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Vil1 li

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Hri i l i s


•cl ("I,


A v i

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111 "I

Tlw frost played hatpo with th» eheitaatt.' Dr. Situ b named M ono of Ou a w U.

#Mr. Vrad. T. Import left op *rid«y U# i

his homo in Cwrtoa, low*.Dr. ffa B. Deny hap p l w d a

In lila oi&ea on Oretutrd rtwafc

Mr. CttGerr9«ivft<llrat tt TotM lBtheDem-i C

Sunoel J. Benjamin, of WbtppMiy, h u twoBun flowers DO hii pta» meamulng 48 and O

A paper eaHed "Charon. udHome/ 'hMappeated at Bloamlsgdale. I t ii aditod byB«y. Wm. Btout, pMtcr of tbe U. B. Obu«li.

Bav, Jolm Fatfll will preaob In the Vint U,E. Ohnroh on Sunday morning next In•Image, and Bov. Isaac Thomas in the even-

.GOQ. H. V, Hoke, of Korth Catolin*, il thefirst to avail hiuuelf of tbe new portal notet jstem in order to pay a eubtcriptum of theEn*.

Mls» QUBSIC Clmmbrc, of tide place, wliilirisitiag Sirs. W. H. Parker nt DeSoto, Nebikft, bad i picnic given In lier honor by 1MM

C.'arila HTP nut for tlie niFirringe on S«pt, 2t)if City Ti-«asiiriT Axtfil, uf Hormlown. m:IUB Kllit M., .t..Lii;ltt'".'o( Saniuel A. Puttcr-uii.uiStnitford, Conn.

Hi'v. Jr.H. M. T-'rccniiiti will lm onn <•


u ]>u mln

- .f !.<-


- ch i in [licni Liiv.n

k , i - ( ' \ i » - c ! c i | I ' l l ." '

-.iiFii n l t i i r T r u n k

r M i.t-Ut- Sr; t1.H ^ n i n n v . t In

i:iliH,]ii;i,c(ni-I,ijr]itC<.ni].itn.>Unt4 lii..( futinT. Mr. John K. Vnil.I T . llc.n'ci ' i itlv p]iici<il ttiu njil l t i;.• in^tiliitioim in Albany, uud i a n o iin Hii'liLjiiiti.

r then 1 i.i iidi tin1 li'iiwt High «f anyHto t lK- twumi iu i t l i o i io f M. 8. Oi

iiH T.-HI iiswUli liiHj.nrl.v

«ill only hu u iiiK'Btiuu (i

* miy.iril.v,

,, ft W. Kullioad will will

ttlnl libto tl

fixity c.'iii-s wl.i.n'. A HJWUHI trnin

l {.:it:i lllVt'l

H III pt-ltJliE Li

Itnlt i ' Mi|i}>n! ntul Ti-ll in tin t 'nr

•t fi'i-n-hml Kiitimliiycvi-niiiKnn

li-::. Tlr. Aillnir \V. ('(imlift. l:i(

cii hi . |ili i Iiin l in

n>, nini t. CIIII.'M'I vhi i 'h pii i lnbulr lo inMiPiin * nt« rtui

Bloudny noun uml IT an luirnoci.

Bev. J . J. Rued, fimuerlyorilieNriTTiirkM.E. Confweni'p, rr-iviiti)- in New York cily,hiti acoeptod a will to Cincinnati.

O .F . Galu«i lorPlttaton,I>]l d»wn npair of stairs ut Ho out on on Wfilnosday niglituud put^iia Bhoulclfr out of joint.

8am. Jones was expelled ln«t Fridny nijiht. ?'from tho Morrifltowu flvn iloimrtmciit, not fur" "-|anfbllii)t, birt'fnv ncgK-cl nf iliil.y.

J . tt. Laurent, the Piiniiack drtpntivf. Imitlioan gr«ated nil oomplniiit of J. TV. (Milmrtwho brings clmrgus uf nssiiult nad Imtlmy.

Millie Christine tlio tw».h«-nderl cnlt.r.-d girl

loft Doris' show nt Rcadini;. Bin; i-rceiv*d

9J.OO0 por irork salary inn! l}100 Air oxpcnwis.

A Childron'a Fnir, for tint liiwfll «f tin.ChiUtriin's Hume,-will lm held iu Ht. Ji.lm'sicotflry, IJooiiton, to-inmrow—Saliivdny—uf-(crnnoii.

Mr. D. A. Wildrkk's objrotloii tnbridge ut IlmlgiiLiHtrft'tliiis lifi'iiovton allowaueo of $500 ft»t tli" tl«»mgo


Tlin n ho i niion tho JtHlmilii-

'on.1 flmrrb ..f

vt'rtan-* «f Hi.

Clmrobcfi !n tliio pkco, tlm Si

flciula hiiviiiR rejected tho

Flint Clmieh.

A prfTOtO rtiCR]lli0H Of Prof. JoMqtll B,

WUilo'a UliPHtDr (Imiftiiut filnsscH will 1)l1 1M'111

lliin—VHiliiy—fiviitiim;, ILL tli a rt'iiidcntP of Mr.

IV ro. E. Uollis.

Tho ileleuiiteH from Now York oily ami

midultj to tho EppuhHenn Stntc i-onvcui ion at

ElolifloWl BpringB, will po liy \ray of tlu> !>.,

L. & W., tlirongu Dover.

Aaron KoliorU, of Irniiin, was pk-kiiiL! ««t

ft cartridge iiu Tuopilay wlicii it vrn t «ffi t-im^

•which timo two of Anrou'a fiugiTs Jmve tioun

doo. Rlortlon, of Pomp ton I'lunix, win. mailc:

himself eanrcn of tor brfng indiotnl l.y tlie I tot

Grand Jury for lcni>piiij! ft disonlcrly IIOHBC,

ilia leon arrestofl nnd plnnpd in juil.

Sixty-tlirco nnw Btudnntu rnturrd C(i]i>iii:i»'rt

DllBfnoBH Collego lust wri'li, wliich is ninrc

tbnii (louttlo tlio number tlmt culorril iliirinj;

the first veelt of SoiitcinlHT a year :ij;<i.

Our fonner towiiBinaii. Ridinril Pcnrnc,

E8q.,haBbeoii nfllkte.1 liy the death of Vm

third daughter, Ncclio, which ormrrc l at

Hnlfunft oQ, Micl^f on Wodmjftilfiy of ^n^t


The new pnntor of iho flrrc Slcthmli^t

Cburnh ie ROY. W. B. Knse, who cuiiii'H lure

from Elklioni, Maryland. liuv. .1. W. Tatn-

ijlyu.tBOlatopitstor, lias benn nppointed tu

Iteanlt Pond, Pa.

This year's oyatcru art mttd t o l l m a n mi-

iwitnlly plump nnd luacitnm condition. Mncli

pf lostyenr'a crop wni not tiilicn fi'imi t:m

udda to tho auii].Iy.

Jolm P. V»n OrJpu, wlin llv.-s rilW't'-l Mil-

ford, Pawnio county, cmnc uvcr into M.H-IJM

county and tliraiilicd Clms. A. Jloiikc »i •'-•f-

forBon tovi«hip. Mr. Vim Orden u ««w «t"l'-

A doion iueml>crB of tlie I-en-a-po Sot-iiti

CluliboRtnnn interoHtinj; baudjeap Iiilltiird

tournament lnnt Moiitlur evi'niiij.' Four

game* arc played iwoli iiin'.itniiil tho contest

will last about three weeke.. Tho Canadian Court bita grant fd tli« "1»1'1»-

Cation for,tho oitrnditinu of Lev! 1>. Jiirninl.It li Bald whilo in Oaunda lie took Hit1 n«th of

' aUeglano* to tbe British erov™,linniiii;io<;iiiiin toohnioal adviintago tLerchv,

It U an old adtigo that a ecml Julyouet moans n hot Septomliur amiTlio retnnrlcalily cool wunibor we lmlatin September would neom to prove tlmttl»woi« notmiioli truth in this nn.vinj,'.

Tha Uondolplt DomocratB last Snmniny

Obaa,n. Hunson, 0. A. Oillen nnd H- Oan-fleld, witliSI. V, B. ataihisf, JOJ,. 11. Kfisli-bonraud Wm. Uorminglimn alteriiiitesi,

OflB. Ponglity, a colored ehrircc.l•with. BtBalbR M50 from Anrain imrjra, ofMontville. HU wlmrcalmuts nr« not fennwn.

' Morrk WrujLt, ,^1 IS jwird, *!..» c..I<.ml,^M Jin^Bted on Tiicailuy OH an lu^umi'lice.

Sof&natl't atoain BU.W mill, between Cnlifnuand kmntalnVnie, wns Minictl lum. flalunliynjgbt, It is anrpoiMl to lavo bt-cu nciiiilcn-ially u t on flro by o pnrly ""t c<11>" '"m t ' "F-vno roa»Md inma pom in the mill. L»aa

At Greenwood Lako, en tlio NcWyUrk title,U Is iaid, tLej are fining (IsnormQn traia *. to410 for having atriped batm in their pofificaaion

d Au-ituhnr.hud HO

ofle«BtliwihairiiiMmiidvBman WM flnoS »10 laat week for offending inthat way.

The Dorer Firemen's Iteliof Aasooifttion h ueleotcfl. Fred. H. Beach, Wm. U.Lambert and

• Daniel Moltoeai delegates to the State Oon-Tantiontoboaeia!nDotcrSept.3atl». AlUi-naUM,Ja*.B.MBlja, H.L. Soddoii «ul Bob-

miid :a tin

It i- In.t tliii l m ii.-iii l

s t a l k i»f t

t thirtlh'4. Pur. a mnall (•ftiilt H» tin; top when Truin. Tlilrf is mini dmitlinl HOB how easy tlio miiudywtifc of n moment to trot

fld uud x]iriul:Ie suit oa uamb

A dtiCoi.

icwoftlio Worrlrt Plolnn Anyluni


ytlllHOI)Tlll)l g

liiy imtl imido uiTiiiifiemcuts for tho grading»f tliRirroiiiiil^iiiidtlioiiialiiiijt of ^ocdani.-h .ilhcr i»i]>ro wncntfl ns M'III Kivo thoH'oacliea t.. tho hiiiUlint,' n diilunuit and niiicUi!n>v npiit'iiram-e.

I^-flnlrr'n tannery nnd tho I>., L. 4 W.;hii' IIIIIIM: nt Bt™uil«imrjr, l'a., vvm liun•jimdny nii{lit, with Bovi.'ntwu oara loaded,vif h 1 ui. rauniiij; n ln^ of iJKM.IKM. Tim (nn-icry Dini'loyi'd 1W iiH'n, nil of ii-limii ar^hrowa iiuL «( «<>il(, $20,000 vurlh of bark


Anthnii-itc r<ml v ill \>o lii^lifr. All tin-

Viinsyh'diiiii mini's or, MUTIIIII.V of IIIKI -,-c''k

(I tn

Kmt. i f l i > i root* n.l tw,m,h-

ily CJHIMC an iivi-i-jy of ll t ty ccnth per Inn

Mv. W m , I I . M((..<>• niM |>i>.^ini; i!i<> lh'ld

lifivl>tiviil I-1. rnrl:r-r. of (riir^tn-, wns .;i;;-11^ liI.-s [iiilatnt^. uml In: p i r k n ! ,ij. mnl

1.1,,^-bt (uu . ; two "rdiiM.vv 1. l.,' l.ini l.!1;, v,-!,ir!,

Mu notli IViir] ' • f in

ciiiii'i'rt uf vlt In ]>« 1.1 inlli

won, N. ,1., i


Tim D ( ' kolU.-i

wi'ver, aii«lfi> tlmt tlioCiiinpiiunull tii-Ui-ti* t« cmim-atits tmlNiili; Of tlm pooling bimiiiPBstlio C<to rreeive lupi-r cent, imilrr tliin v

I in I'm

wimt M imy 1yB E with them ns an ad-

i-iiii.-n rewnrd, n kiicl: of rt-il apiiliv. N««- tlin.>i.«:Ht.e in fur tho rity ln'i'l'lo to ]>nr tlii-ir'imntry cousins loll" siimiin'i1 visitn, tulcltij!imiic vltli tlirui iu tho full tlio aide .if rod

What, liiiirn a!i|n-i)])riat<( tlniii Hint th« j-fiird i i i f i

i'r pii^ijiiro ihimlill)8tiii;u"f1i-(;ti!il H


D tho

-df Nu

ii-d n

t John lliil in: uiatlo oiirnililin:o yc;iM. Tin-, l>ciiLiic!'aectotliirtl)i(>|i<>»ition to ha'lulufluld Tlian.

In tin- United Stnteu Circuit Court nt Trtn-m im Momhiy tlecisinu was n-servwl nn ccr-

n l.^al niirnlioiiN mfMHl hy tbo defendantin (hn ca-oor J. IJ. Ctirtirt, Trustee, vw. tlio N..1. Ki.ii> Co. Tin- npi,liciitirni of Churls \V,

aiaiKliniraii nctiDlltiL uud letltin of iH-rtniu

,; tahon from (lio niina niaofl 187(1, -was re-

A imtlicr utep in (lio Mtruililio.: of Jamtrd,i. fiiRitlvo CulltT(or of MI.MIOH.-X omint.v,i lirci! tiiken, Tho Court al Wcllaiul lmcidi-il that rli? fact* s:pon wliidi tins cliarco

(•» lij-hi* dirertioii-imniititlitc forSor,v. An

jical will lio Uihf'ii to Toronto, and aa, in

nt cane, tlif nrjjuiiinil will not ho rcaubed

A Testli

d ii long wny off.

notml Worthily Bostowctj.Tim new of tho KiiBtou Express, on tb« D.

IJ. & V. lJiiilromi, nn Hnmlny prcMtitcd Con-•Inrh.r Di-vnc witb ft lmiidHonio rilvor lamp uanni-xjn-ptsiimortlicir rcRnni fur him. Con-rtili'turPcuMJ luni; aj;o won tbo cutocniof theinivrliiijjimlilii! by IiiH iiaifonu courtesy tonil in the <lhHmi-«o nf 111* ilntiefl, nnd it inpit•niltiR to Inmw tlin! Hits f i l ing h Blmroil Kliom lid i« dailr aaBoi-ktcd.So ninn rtn make himself moro gononillyllkotl, nr mart! curttinlly hntcil, than 1lm rail,wny foiiilnclwr, mnl the oao who lioooinoa DMpujiuliiriiHCouiliioHirDovooinust cam It by

:rit, aa h(i lm« ilonO.

The Tallest Snako Story.Whilo pnrao nmiilajrcoi at fbo par Rhona

wpro playing bull at nooii-tima thB other dayhoy emio ourosa and killed a water pilotihaut three and n hiilf feet In length and olinch uquHual thfcjctiotis (hat t&flj oaf If open,jrlitn n largo hraod af lively yoong pQqti rann ovorr dlreotion. They luooeoded In tfll-

iuf,' thirty-ri» and tblpfc t l a t a few got away,TliQ yoiqsg reptilw Unnred a H»tunfl iflrtino*for Dght ant wool* »tt*ofc with giaa* enam-» stick held out to t a r n W4 beUltTO thatLhls li tn» nioet renuritabla nwko »tory ofthe

. , S t o p , . . , , . • • / . . •

6top that MDgli hy WngXX Cough flyrap.

SCINTILLATIONS OF TME DIAMOND.The Hewton £Bf»n this ve«k rone down

twvUy an the tn>tmeat tiair club rwelvwlatth* aftndi of the Horria oloh Istm, gy t l h t a d i gtlwHHr&m. of aw Banner, ao money h utan xeedTBd for ear fan, ai agreed, andthey not only keep hack taa g*w money,but «alo tbo ball ftunlihed hy one of t ieHoTrton nine. Tba general opinion of ti>e«P«JtatoiiUtli*tHotri«towii Lu th» wontu t of hoaalami evet teen on a hall field, andalthough tJuSewtoB nine wen fbolly owd»betorethat if their oppm«Btt erercourage to'eonu to Sswton, and play on ftfield v k M tt* vfcole nine oan be Man t*oaoe, tUoy will 1« nloaly mnned." liteHerald oddat "That <Hwug«r Lowe1 toldrtut v u ontnu, when ha aUted that ha had

never agrMd to pay their expeniu, it (• onlyy to aaj taut a letter iil

fromhlni on Batnrdij, in vMeh he tetnathedid agrea to pay the Nmrton nine'slarfare, and that the memiieTa of his olubhw authoriiDd hfni to liluke suoh terms,

witUstandlng they denied any knowledge ofeuoh an arrangement on the ball field, He

g further, and has the cheek to rf-qMtthd Newton Tjcyi to si;ml them u chui-

s to piny in Newton at an early date, rmdpay their fares to Newton, ant! nay* tlioy willtry to ruiBi) »ne-linlf Ihfl moni-y duo th

ml Hdu.l il on•ee rirle this

try to wcomui.xlate t- .Ut.-, when thu b.

o I Tlie lm

WhoH will

i «lll fo

iftilDllt. Hi

lowii. M'i'il

IIUM IndlfmiiWhc

t ly

u>y «

IT ilii-

<'«no to Morris-iin Mt. Hoj.BdnVnil their proiioni-i Momstowii and

tlmy did not iwk for *XJM'I>WSH, mnl tiudurrnlou us v?cl] ui iu couiiterty thry owo "Ml. Hope club a gmnu on tlioir t;roiiuilH,n«k Ilitwo mining IXITR to imy tboia mot:nr what they liavo a right to link tree injxlultiliun of tbu HmuIU-Ht iiolaloiw gru

Tbt! Sloutit Hojio Cricket Club wi-utSuwark ou We!lii»H(liiy to pluy a jtstniu who8i>i!onil«Ievuu«f tno Ni-wark club. '1


COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEOiNGS.The September meeting T M ueld oa Mon-

day evening. PKeoBt—Mayof mohardi, Jd Smith, and Cunncllaion McD«It,

,ina«l6y«idWhltlooi. Themtaoflart meeting wexe read and *pproT6<L

A commniiiaation w u teoeired from (AMEtagkotr Banaett, aalcbg for Gut aonfltm*-tipo of the offioon reomtly eleated by the

i eompitabw of the fin depuuneata eonflmed.

HUrihal nported oo wne«ta aud dxtawnpe BWKnnniBdstod *Uh lodgingi daringAugiut E e Q r t t e d and ordered flbd.

reported t ie oau ofg m. Tonlda for viola-

tion of the haiiltn lava, MoompMded wtthW, the anuunt of the fine lew tlio oo«t ofkeeping the norm, The report VM r««lTedead (ho money ordered paid iat* the te

A titi id fA petition p yreceived from mtdanu oEast Bergen street, aaktng that aroutngi be

pat in at Meadow street and Bailroad avanne.Deferred to Street Committee with power.

A petition was received from E. SIolxiskinj; pcnuluion to build a wall on the bank

of the river along hii property, «<«UaoUwdl nod Estei streets, to wid.Iraighten tho rornl by tlie river. Beforred3 Street Committee.A iiolition WIIH Tpccived ft

(lul)di aiiil! oi Urn

-il to cHiolntrd

the pr;idoMt of Him-

tif tlit>

I (olhi'(•nariliiinii MoUavil, u''ii tlircn |niHts and li•!•'( tind two on Mt. Ifopo iLveiiiw, nil readylighting, witb tbo icqiicst that tlio t*<uiHiept tbo curoiuid lighting of tbo mluolion they wore ticoontuil unit tlm I:

lighter was directed to light and caru

Billt an follows wore audited and oriltircdpaid: Imiao 0 . Kay, f3; Jaa. P. Kb-lloy, H;.Ion. P, Kelloy, Mawhnl, »50 ; P. J. Ci" litor, *25; Dover Printing Co., (17.30;CtrpornMon pay roll for An«mt, (511.57.

Tlio apodal comniitUo apjiointmi to iuvctigato tho olaiin of M. L. Hiblilo for (S3, fi

rngoa ulli'g«d to IIQTO linen dono Ub>ti liy tho waste of witter from tbe strn<icnted their r«iiwt. Tln-y bud fimiid tlmtuigo bail hrE'ii do

'Inim. On iiiiitiii

ind tin' ninmm! r

It briiii; M;]mrtf:


Tin' :,[inHill.

nd t ulnynl i

f tl.o i'.ii-i.icr, mill a\,»\

II j ; lliul l ln ' to imihl, IIHVK bisL'u noun) vei

lour plu.viiiii oil liutli didca.

AHthr,ir.thltc«lniont rt:-imion Ukiw plot

u HID :»lli tho Imau bull tlirowlni; vnntogt in

Dover for a si>ld mwlnl given by J. H. lteilly

ill tnko plnco Saturday, Wd

Tho Fort Oram olab beat tlio Irondalea last

faturdny by n Hi-oro of 31 to 10.

FREEHOLDERS' PROCEEDINCS.Tho Suptotnbor tnootuig of tbo Mot

County Frueliuldera waiibeld on Woduoadny,ith all tbo uiemlera jirosoct except Mr.jipett. The miimtea of tbo but maeting

woro rond and approved.A oommunieation waa roonlvcd fruni Jnoob

Simon, ofPoofRon, ulaiming $100 for damageorgun and wngon, caiteed b>i n defootiyc

bridRB at Illbornin. On motion it wus it-irrcd to Frooholilor Tippott, of Eookuwny,ir iuvcetigutlou.TLe Committ« on Maunnls reiiortcd tb id

Lhoy were ilelayDi! by some fault of tlio IIIII)r. Thev would ho mailed to tiio Freo-Minitfcwtlayn.i CdiuinittPft nn Sicnm Ilcntiiip reportediiutljirolmbility tbo new boilor «-[iixl in niK-ratii'u tlm IIHI of iwst w

Tlio • fur lh '

ilid .Illll); iiftl

I'oml HIm, hul

, tn liuibl n In-(tilell Mill ii litu 1K1K. La te r

•rid»c, iH'iir inslit. T i n bi-iiU-o

Tlio Director tiio

I'd riilniiltlin^, which Inil.v. hlioillil iln. Tin, terni-Lj(Ut fct'l boldiv t?ic jict

it!bt it. ivoulil Imrillj Inoil of tbo .-nuaty tn Sjiiil,

Mr. LnHpy lhnugl.t th<! briii;

MtiuiM. Lnwy, Saiilb and Ci»n

Tin) Po1 f-niinly nllU'i'in.Ti.Liso oa Wcdni

lw-UBliiii. Mmrs, Smitb, Brit tin mnl Lo

Freeholder Merritt nskod for two cun

riilRfH botweni JeiTerson towartbiji nnd I1

lio cutiiLty. HcHsru. Mcnitt, Tiiijiott i

;ixig and Corrull wen aii|»ilnU!d.

Frt-Rhol'lrr Honicinx nfkn-il a iwnlulii.i

bn effect that nil brblgo IIIIIH bo rasneil u]

!oll(iclivdy when |iro]iiTly CIUWBPII. Adi

•d. Hoard niljoitnit'il-


On Fridny montohii Higgi, of Dmftw

B ho (Hncovori'1d liDrtesi it Ith him

;es Stole(If l»nt M i-V, w a Mr

ut tI..i-l

iB bii mothor'n bowo. i. family j.«t, nppdlimit thirty yearn. Jolin »iipiionerl hl.t nrol li-••ln-law Imd Iwen in curly mnl had mails tbprehaiiKe for n uliort 1'tmn. Tlnm niutliTflooil until itlxrnt II u'dnck. ivlmn POIIIO IIIC:mut tlio plnoo aiiggcatcd Unit " Clinrlcy"

iniclit lmvo tioeii tiloku, Ui; initiinliiilcl],'

nt jmiuta, About the (tiimo Uuio .Mnrahuliellfly, of tlilfl place, ivoelveil info nn at ionmt a hnnft hail been alalen from h. C. Oawl.ich, of Short Hille, who traced liim in thisin-ctbu na<l mrired in Dover. Hn anil tlio[nrtffrnl tU i went nn to DriikcHTlllo nndmml that tbo borM loft tli ere bolougodtoloodriob, but that tlio tlilnv-oB had gmm DO•ith his buggy n»d bnnieim. Tlmt they wrrcojudcos of horse ilufeli in nil own by tbeirilung finch mi old horse, wben flit-j mij;bt

bavo talien ono of H n . Rlgga' valuable groyafrom an adJoinhiB stall. Tbo thieves iranftUroagn Stanhope about one o'olook Frlda<rmorn ing- 7be7 4 M believed ia have Iwuntwo ynung rain of bbqnt 19 joan, ono of

liom la a negro. Srom later, iaformation

received it U further believedtHiAod Q^ tll^f itotan pn|>ortbetween lUrd'i }"ok and Boston. Oa Mon-day iforatial KeliojWeivod infimnation thattlteywen coming toward Dover on a canal

l e a t ^ g there M l tMkWSioTriwdi. Abon*twolvn. o-olook the w a n aijht Hr. R, p .

oouplo of ebanwtora reMunblitig^the abqn,•win Inioirwl their, yrij,XtTkef-inTa doabfr.W th* thi.T«, making taeir way bwk t^

• • • 0 % , • ' - • i - ' \ ~ ' , • • ! * ' • • • • • • . - , • ; ' - • - " '


LAKE HOPATCONO.It in not tmiiioHe.l ia tbiu artudu ti>

tmytliiiifr i,, j.artieular jtriiiso oi'Liiko Hecoug, TlioH-swho lutvo Bimi IH nbajioBurroumlingHinust havo mi indelible im]Bioil on their minds that tbo spot ID OI(jront Ufttural bnnuty, needliig only thotivntioii uf i-milly urthttlo people nnd itresponding expenditure uf numoy to nmko Itone of tho moat intorpating vueaHon spots inour littlo 8lato, It and Greeiiwooii Lako oretbu mily bodiaa of water of any filzo witLtntbe liniita of Now Jersey and Jjotb may bomade fairy snotn for Suramor travolor«.

Uutw T to tho Lako whoee titleliottds this artiolo to awoken ea interest inthe inkde of eomn oniiltalists in tliia eoctbuof tbo State, It is a goodly spot. Plcaaanltour ding bouses, with well laid nut groundsmtlks nnd drives, would pay wall on tiniuTewtiucnt, It would pay 1WRI»IBO tho fidenf-trnvpl for tho txttxt favr yemB is aui'o t<turn fruni tlie eea-aLoro to nnob quint uuukt

[lie inoiintnins. All the "cities liy thiwill ha n pe nt

n ; tmt tho (luntora vill go to tho I

r tin-i rk liiid mil

Ity df tlmNiiw ili<


mli ini l t lK- m i w l o f our iH-oplii urn timl-nt Iliat (In- liKiiintLiiiisnri. ; , 1 I , T nil do,! '*

rcci-eaiion mnl pliyi-ii-ul f^firiwe.k« lluiiatci.iii; luib many inlvnntfl(;efh all tin-, hisnillcr IJHIJCM uC tins KiiMtfrnH do iiol liiwi-, It b m (loiHtimtly CIUITI^-



vet ii lake

lay i l l win

Cr«at 6port at Uks Hopateeng.The Wwbliigtoa and Fountain yim Cinbi,

of BMOUJB, IT, Y., made an eumndon ta theift. Arflnitoii BmW at Lake Bopatcon* onTn«d»y, Thod*yraanuwtdellgiitftiloBe.and the put? , YbieJh numliend aioat outhandled u d fifty pmoai, t u kooomnaniedbyftf lubMubandofi ixtorapW. Upontheli arrival at BwftteoBg toti tht f y A ' b i X

to the Ht. Arlington, whn«l lA M. A ntbttwttKl luttok

V M fimnd awaitingof witch then were rowing race* on tlie lake(ortLreepriM*,thiifintofwhlolwMTonbyMi. 1,8. Hasan, tbe Mcoudby Mr. W, E.Trott, and the third hy Mr. Jacob Janur.Than came * tplendiil dlnaer, whiah proprie-tor Ooderdonk urved up hi a upanta Abtiaghall wiioli n* had emoted especially far thisocwiaJoniratikle of th« hotel. The board waaoovend wtOi good things and ths " spread "w u donbtloM the flnert of the teaaon in thawparts. After tho dlmior theipigeon shooting tournament, from trap*, forthree valuable prizoi, wliieli brought out lomejfthe finest expert (Uootuig ever wltneaudibout here. There were flftsen antriei andtho conditions wcro mine and go oat. AfterlUootiug a numbpr of rounds tietni'Mj prizeivimiers were anally loft In tha contest, each>f wiiom hid killed 14 hirdj etroight. Mr.llcduau wlasiid Ids ICtli bird itud twk ttildirize. sir. Kuruey mUsed hia 17th bird andivon seeond prize, leaving the flrrt trophy to~>r. Whin, wli-j 17 in euuestaion. There.v<t,- also four prizes fur riflo ahootlug, whichliTii wnuiirt followa: Mr. Fitsw first; Mr.lciir,.*, Hiivond; Mr. JolinPoyaor, third, and

Hr. I.iviiijr^tmi, Jiiurtb. Tho party loft fomum ul 7 o'clock in tlio evtnlujt, ddightei.vitli the lake KIIA tlio trio. County Colieotor-iuubcrl unit Mr. Mulilou Pitney, of Cover,


t hy itivitiitiouith tho Uix.okljn

y ,nd enjojod tlwii

Tlie Fifteenth Re-Union at Newton-The wtciitioii wliiib the peoylu of Bui

will fe'ivo tbo 15th New Juraey vettitans atNewton nest Wediitmlajr will duubtleu be

ne ot tlw timiRt dtmiuiiiitrations ever witness-J iu thit Northern part afNow Juraoy. Tho

ill bu iniiilb up an fullimn rUmiKi MuiMhn!, Lieut. Col. Wi

ni nnd sistecu aidn; Mounted Eieort, AVIIKOU.

Fii-Ht Uivinion—Col. II. C. Clark, Manlial}

minted Fiml'utrol; Maud; Iuvited OuoaU

Bccuud Diviniou—Oeu, (Juiajiboll, Uarshali

id Aides i Hover Drum t'orpa; 15th N. J.

oliinteuini ISailcy's lluttcry; Ubiubora of

iout. t!iil, Wi

Tliir.l litvirt

ulv»i Kfiutl

ml ; (it'll. Krnl Dndd l'«a

mdiir mand ofI. ]). !mi-Ciil. DHVJM, JlaraLal and•I'B DOVIT Uandi Muj. Andi,vor; Murmtuwu Uimtl| Goo.if Miiljiwirk 1'OBI, of llnokettstown;

I'll willyi't nun-jit invitatution ui'dtliN. J. Hc-gini

ml llainl; l'at-

wbioh it it

ii Veterui

cUiiuipinj-; Kittaliniiy HUB

Tom Keenan'E 'doa of DoingGood.

Cvfii-viioily nearly kniiiVH or hiiti betud of

tdUlMlil Tlll'K.lll.V L

dttgyouiicn'llov.oeluthi-s lyin« drmili

r> t i l l lio lioffiiiio «ohi

gfound a atul-

d in roiigli audmid iiHl<>ep near

win. In' wu

•1 that li<!

nd wild nn, Than he leara-•r and had aUrtod

!> vith ^ 0 in his pookot tnnit uf elutheii. Ou

nmioiiiulhoml i

a f 13, a ticketjoting I ralvi

with every barrel loaded. Aftor getting him'CEibrininii oumlitioii Tom WODt over tooil's olothiiig «tor« witb him, saw thatis trauHlbnnod iatn it pretty roapootahlo

looking follow in bis new clothe*, emptied UavoruudstutktoUiuitlll ho iturtod furon tho Cbofltcr train. Tho young man

nopuied to be very jieulloat ovor hid folly audwu thankful to thu friend who hod bo en so

ilioitoui for his good. Such aot« as this donot tnako mneli of n show tu tbo outwardworld, but BUOII pmoticnl holp given to tho

jrtimate vletlnitt of driuk will do vastlye goad than many loud jn-ofcssloDB.

Whon tho Beach Cle:

ncigbhorlioonch Olen

>dof Hibcruin, as to

-mild U

July Stli.

tan ofiiforlo VIK. atlcii,•ill'l' lit. MoiTMtlllVlL lllitwc,

II All.'ii.mi.v Mini l]u-!»,n1 fulhiwinj; 111" viirn (!«utut nin-arij- hniiriho HOJ

limit plaeu July-iI

In Explanation.21i«EsilMt week, In noting the eflortatbr

a union of th* swo Hethodiet onunluia ID tollp)»oa,MidtlicpMtor of tba Beoond V, &Cfconk wajDppoMdtoit Ja mponte eith-er Rev. Mi. MoCormialc, or aon l hllnt«M*t, oppetw in print tothat the editor of tbl» p«per knows nothingabout the Second M. X. Chuwk orlta putor.Then I* 00 denial of what va taid-onlyroundabout way of intimating that m> tanlied about it. Well, our authority U a proin-fnent affidal i raHer of fits feaond H- E.Ohmjoli, wftotoid n> openly, and n it inVArofoo»fldeiiee,dutBe?.»r. H Cormlokiraa oppoud to tiie aslaa. Ai Ulntrfttlnstoe paitor1! petition, oar informant elatedthat at a recent eonfuenee where tlie matteriraa under dfaeurfon, wnw of tli*•polca ol tba plaawnt relftUoni BOW exlitingbetween the oburehM, vhfln Mr. UoCowlfiktali It reminded him of a •toy, which heioU, about a. follow*; A roan nnd irife hidJiotUvodplaatantlytogetuer.aad onetime tnawife called barhuiDand'i attention io a tat andd on the hearth, and Mked lint haw

yjEot along io nlooly, irhen the nui-land replied, "Tou j u t tie them togetheranduevhattoey Till do." Thui Mr. Ho-Conniolclntinifttodthatif the two chnrobuwere tied togetier a ibnOar uwnlt wvoldfallow. We tad no intention of publishingthii when It m i told ui.bnt do io now to ibowoar caption, critle tlftt we know more of thematter than he mippoiM. The EtU tuAno thought of mlnepriwintiiig anybody inthe manor and would like to eee tlie onarohes Joined happily together in one great, strongcongregation, u they would bo in aueh anorent. But we duo't propoao to suffer our-solrei, even by inneado, and if HOT. Hr. Mo-Cormlck. or any ofliia friends, will nay tbftttho foregoing !• untrue he can love tho nameof.oar Informant.

Dangers from Impure Water.Too nmohreltaueekplaaed on the l

of taatc, night, and «uoU in determining tbeut«rufarhiklngwat«r. tttaafuetwhiou

hiw boen repeatedly illustrated tliat watermay ho odorleig, tastoleu, and oolorle»t andyet be full of danger to tboao who uThe woent oatbrotk of typhoid fever in Uow-burg, & X., It an example, having been caus-ed by water which WM elear mi withomtu ta or "10011. It is also a foot that even mchemical analysis wmetlinH will M l to show8 d&ngoTOUB contamination of tho -water, andwill always fail to dotoot the specific poleonIf t lo water is infeotsd with dlstdiargea uf aainfcoUono nature. It la therefore urged tinttlie source of the water supply should be keptfree from all possible means uf oontaminathmby tewagc. I t is ouly In tbe knowledgeperfect cleanliness that safety is guaranteed-

A Circus Actor Burned<lliflm Showlqs, formerly of filaakB U11U,

N.J . , n performer in Dorto'InttrOoonu C ^OUB, was bndly uarnod wbilo the show waa atOrange, in this State. As ho WM passing thijlaoo wlioro thf lamps wero being filled, bolighted a olgut and- threw the burning mutchfrom him. I t fell Into ivu open can of gaso-' and tho inSnntmabla fluid at onoo Otwhed

into n. bliMO, Bbuwlus, seeing the mlaohlofand the danger of tho ignition of tho tents,piokod up tho can, now blnniug furiously,

ad currying It out of tho tent, throw it-here it iiould do no harm. Bo vat so bom-

«d about the upper port of tba body, nnd BDdlsablod that lio bad to bo sent to bis hone

Long Branch, Hia InJorioH aro meh thai'tbuy will disable him for tho test of tbo » *

and parents uoalring lo eauoatc theirdaughters for profit, should call and

-0 thn floursaoi study oftorod by Cole-tnan'sBitilneesCollege, Newark.N. JT- Prof.nloraan is a buslnfiBS edttoatori no&nyaoWO of his graduates arc in prcipoiouabUBUiesaii nearly ovary eity and vfilago la the United

I t ooats no more to nttend this InaUtnUon,with its superior appointments, tltun H doeato attend ui ordluary ono. Wo have you—men in attundnnoe who have oomo oyora,lmiles througli tho inuuenoo of formnr gradit-slue, paaelng by Booroa of go-atiUmt businessOOllBgBS.

Our teaohers aru gontloinon of the highestiluuiwtor, and havo been whoted with great

In iniuil the imjiotianco or reo-

Romai-kable Work of a Pump.n their work at tlio Toabo mioo rooontlr

tboy out into ait old tulue wlilah let a volumeof water upon them, giving them mote waterfor a timo tban thoy eonid baniUc.' Thowat«r finally drowned a No. 4j Blake pumiidown iu tho uiiue, but they boilt. up aa ox-himitpipo over It and oontinued to work Itwith oomprosiod a!r. The pump workedsplendidly, throwing fifty gallons per minuteuntil U waa submerged eevon f'oet under thewater, aud tboa only stopped bocauu of i

ill of dirtlihiery.

the wall which blocked tuo

fi, Solid Morris County Mule-Tho Hewtou corroepoudent of the Decker-

l l dwait roaeivod hero for mo at tbo slate quarry.Chief Crook who was in charge of Its trans-portation bitohsd tu it a team of Iioraea todrag it up from tlie depot, Tho team failedo budge it- " No UBO going it blind." «agelv

roninrked tlio chief "lut us tclegrnph toRncknway, whore it camo from, nnd find, out

ow many tennis it took t<> liaiil It dowuwra," TU»y did aud tbo oiiswer came tack,




a Mwt fur tint

!<• [InionUUIa-

All His Proporty to His Young Wlfo.n Jlorrisluwn on Ta-iida.v tlm Originirt IIIMI liffori- it tho I'.ISO <>rtlio will (it,-. Gia. Umwii. Mr. Hrowu iwiilodft-arkfiirinniiy yi'Bi--, ami wan l'»«idiint(In. Hnmli,!ilt Kim IiiHiininic C'naijilint livo i-niw iif-n lie inarricd Minn Eiivs who was tliwi ii nieihhcr of IIIH da

Stiii.luy Si-liiK.1 of Ibo Firut Congiml Chnn-li. lli> wn« nearly 70 yearsI Him was IH. llr. itiMwn died in iMiulIson

in. 10 luHt. T«-u duvs Imloro his dsatli

rtj to lib. .VOUIIK 'wife.liimteHtiiit; tha lust willit wns lundo uudfli- ciiBo will be contii

oBtn>yfiil it

rntlifd lilt.

Krnia : Dai

;apo from Drcwi

y ilmil.l of Lo.

ii, of Si'i»t. l»t, wts copy tliofiillt)'

II u!1 th.: littu LtswJM C. linnl, lnul atllluyciipo fnumlnm-riiiiK:vJdll.IlHnI rnfUidt.)^wbiiw.m

tin* Hi'iahl ollicu .viirfi-nliiy nnd xlit. of llu'. tfiTililf nrciibiiit (but. bcffl

i-iald. Ii FmiiH tbatiiiadcimcfogH'i.rtl,i|iial;u HWOIIS cajihhfd tho lit-iinil p i n n e d all fnnrnf the mva into.m.l that t!t« crnrt tlieu driftedkern, \ihirli rolk'il with terriblaforoe

ookp.I fromCuptaiii t'oillicboiit fniiii

>at ami liohl liim them till a great wi»ln'd liittt off again, nnd when they caughtiinlitt vnmlonil. Thoy ngnhi put his bodyi tin; hunt mil kept It Ibcro till It escapedi nir weakened mul cih an sting grasp nndink in tlie Hen. Aftt-r oifjlit liours of buttlingith tho WIIVOH, tlmy renobed tho ehuro,hero Mr. llurd was uiiabla to walk, tiia left on the sand iionrly doadwhila Deg-T and M«t«a1f went for lialp. Wlion llnrd

s;idnp(l 6lr*n-tii to walk, bo started out witb:ls tin thing nearly torn from Ills body, on il

thirst frmn swallowing

-. found ircbofholp. Aftnr thirty IIOUMfl»hc., . with

mipifl nwoUpn too lorgn for binliido nigtiH ofdUtrcs* nnd wita talilm bi-Ht that could ho done. As publiabedi the Herultl ycBtenlay, Dr. I) uol) an an, of

Wi!u^nj;ton, wns scut for and took obargo oftbu pntinnt, who Improrcd s., mncli tbnt hoivaBabloyestordfty tn oomo to tliooity, and>a» riiuniH at thu Vim llama. Ills uouuten-mco shown Brunt marks of (ufforing, and ha'P.P\K that. Iin wfli rescued from tho very gnleaifdenth. Mr. Hurd ia a gentleman of for-Biuc, who has i«oontly purohnsod a fruitranch at Cnlton, anil TVO taut wQl uovormore ombaxk ia a tttlo y«(tai oa our usual];} y

eea while oarthquokp q waves areshinring aorqaa the ocean, oarryip.Lj dangerimd destruction in theirtraip. ThbiDasswtllhereaftet beoflrqo mein.or«blo for Its monrnfal•ml tacrihle result*, and oan a aver be for-gotten hy the aniriTori of the trip. "'~ •

Cold Weathor,Cold weather la oointag *4il Jon ehquJdEo

(Q KOIffoteVDnig Store and buy your BIBMand patty to beep ft oat, He hw »U sl»sand ktndt,

Lead and E I M eombbied IS the b«st paintmode. Bold U tho Brlofc Drag Stora. . '

»t Berry's Hardware store.

The Largest Steal on Record-Mr. ,T. L. Whitloek, of Chicago, ha» been

, Council in i WhitlDok,ig otbi

an incident which, illuetratosin of tliu particularly wi«h<. tiv*«. While a gontloi

wan itbfteiit. from the city for tho Hutnmorti'imo tliioron uciiiully nt<ilo MB eutirs lionso,•niiving it away with nil bla furniture undiithirpuKHL^hiiiH, anil whoruvcr thoy took ittln-y HO ['Miipleloly reuiKloled and. oliangediU appraranoe that wlen tbo owner retainedit canld not bo found hi tbo city. From hlapiirnonnl kimwlwlfiii Mr. Wliltlook knows thisto bo » fact. Wo don't want to Iiro in Cti-

A Cold Uorning<Laat HouJay raonung w u probably t i t

coldest known tans early la the Benson to tliooldest inhabitant. In Dover tho tl|cnn,oniQterMl to BV> d«gre«B above wro-rwiUiln two do,greoa of freesing—nnd In somo other parts oftills vicinity ice actually forawt Tha frostwas very heavy aud tenue and a greatamount of danjago wot all parts ofKarris county. Whole fields of oara andbuckwheat were killed, and the vegetablesremaining Iu the numerous gardens wore com-pletely destroyed. ..The OQ14 wtw gonoral allovor tho ooqutry that cmrnlng and a ya»tamount of damages was done to tliQ comcrops of the Weal. ' • -

Sheep Slaughtered by Thieves.Mr.J.D. Palmor, of Franklin, prides 1dm-

Mlf upon tbo fUie stock on hU place, and ea-pflciuUyblsflookofBheBp. They ore OxfordDOWUB ami a n said by good judges who bavoseen them to ha tho flnnstln theoouaty. Ue-ocutly ho mUaod tlirco of thoao fine nnlnaats,nnd opou Investigation iound their ronulnain thu wuoda. All tho Indication• showed nn-rnistakoably that the iboep had been coaxedInto tlio woods by thieve* and than ilaughUjr-

" id dreiued. 'hit draoinstanoo lias patwillmakiMr. Pal

it unupon

mer upon his guard andta wilimfortnbla for »ny whq may vich a sbUKbtcr in tho (uturti.

Retolutfoni,As it has pleased yroVMeneo to" remove cur

worthy sister, Martha, Uo wlfB of j M o bKun.1, from onrintdit, we, the membeni ofUjtfinonjr Council, No, 6, of thaBcvanlgns ofIndnatry, Uovct, N.J. , ,do hereby a x p K B sour sympathy to tba beiwrvml busband andfamily in the great loM they bAve lastsisedby the death of our said sister.

S i d for and on behalf of said Council


;, ; . . . , .. Pain..Pain driven awiy by using XJ? Coumbnwun Knigiir'pgBfltow

Broeih and niu^lu loading at Beny's H»rd-

0. U* A. M-Tbo St«t« Council of flio 0. tl. A. M. wil•eel at Siilnin, N. J., oil WDdllosdity EOItlm raiiranontativcn of Dover Council, No. 0ro Menu™. C. II. ICajrloa nud A. S. Berry

ilteruntcfl, Qr-o, Ciirlinrt nuil John II. LyoilNiitiiinnl Ciiniiell of tho order will meet

it Lynn, Mriaa., on Tucmlny, Bopt. 25tli. Ex-ntn Coiineillor Win. 8. Wright, of BuDoorkoepeV of tho National Coiindl

will bo in attcudanco, after which hoinako ti tri|i tiirmigb tlio Eust.

Uillbroolt Churoh.The work of putting the cburoh property

at MiUbi-ook In good oondltlun Is pro^rcflsiugfinnly, tlio workmen being now ongaged iigraining tho ulterior, which will also 1)pupereil and tha coiling knljoniined. A nowpicket fence will ha plnaed in front ol tli acburoh nni] tho burying ground will bo Bur-rounded with a new pine hoard fouoo. tThOchurcli will bo rc-openait for worsui]] oa Sun-day, !fild Inat, wlion snino of the former pas-tow aro cxpaoted to bo prosont.

A Promising Vein of Ort,For some months the Now Jersey Iron

Company navo been prespeoting for ore witha.linmou'ldrillupon tbolr Port Ornm prop-erty with varying pftwpeota of success. Woare glad to learn, however, that they 1Buooooded in atrfWng a verv promiebg veto,tbo di1U having gone through about twenty-five feet of vein matter, of which fully' Qftoenf«ot Is pure ore They KK now removing tliodrill and will prospect Iu another location.

' - BODNTON.An effort ia being muds to rorivo the Y. II,

C. A.,walOjiglve8tiopeofsueo«Bs. Tbe meet-ings until wittdn a few weeks hove boon verydimly attended. FortwoSttndays tfie wemhas been well Ailed, probably duo to tboprefl-enee of V. W. Hainmond witi his cornet.

Dr. Carpenter anil wifo ipont a few hawsat Split Hook ono day last week and 'broughtlioma twelve nlao ploJkereL ^:

The uddltion to the old ltonso oppodto Dr.Ryonoa's will lmprpvo its nppsaranoa eon»ld-oxably. ' '• ; ,- , . - . . •, > -

Biohatd Thomas will eatfll Tale this year,Jainje Carter tefti WbdnosdBy fot Prinoeton.

lUoliartl and Abram Durysa aamo in townyesterday bringing a captive in the person ofa yonjig eoloredman about IB yoani of ago,named Wrigbt, ion of a John Wright, or kot-U»* known aafBlaofc Jaok." I t teem, thisyoung.Wright, with two othBrs, had gouowrong an l stolen nma. money. The othersore ftt l i t e r^ , but Wright In the guost of HontaOmartln awaiting a hearing.

Dt. Oaruentor claims tonavocsuglit ablnokl a w weighing two ppunila five ounces, bent-tag Harry Boartsmore's h « t MOWI by

Hono thMTea poised turotigli loreff IO flloaoly punned by an officer

that they took to tho woods and escaped torthe time. The horses wero stolen hi the up-par part of theoouaty.

One of the Newark jianersiuu a'reprwen-tattve hen In tlio sliapa of a cnusy aboomaker.

Old Washington Hall lias hocii oomplotolyremodeled and Ii no longer a iliagrooa, but acredit to our town. Bios.

NAUCHHIGHTVILLE,Furmart are eutttng corn which pruvoe to

is winter bi not far off1. Indeed wo nave hadnlmoBt wtnter weather, leo having formed inthfa vicinity laetvroek.

The TOIB comes very woloomo this time,"IIowdiyitls,""iBn'titilu8ty,"aadllkoox-prewiona will doubtless now cease.

There seeras to bo a fair attendance at thepnblie sobnol. Uiii Hoflman gtvoa satlafao-Uonastewhortoall. ; .

Wss Jopnio Lake hoc left ua again, to tooobUiopubUoBeuoolotHaiklBbiirney. Wo shallmiss ner as a teaohor In tlie Sabbath School.

MtaiAlloaCortrightis attcndlnfl « selectschool at Mr. BlaotTord'a noar Mllltown. Z,

STANHOPE.IniliaV«thadIat «hnr«li lua Sunday thairmon In tbo morning waf about " Pcculinr

roaplo."! CM^ pooplo nro known by twomarks, purity and good work*. In tbo even-ing the subject was, " I W to obtain morograce," Cram tho words, " Seek and yo shall

Mr. Frank Cox lost a speedy and valtiablsorteto-dfty.

Deimttie RMlpM.Aa Iow» Uaauwtfo wuda Hii* redpe forHikiss, and wyt s " We 4W not like ondk'

at our hotuM, hat we like these." Oa* oupSew Orleani uota*au, half a oup of watw," "actpof ihortfiubigltliliiMTboof lut-t«r oi Uxif OK of nie* beef dripping}, anteaijMMHjful eaoa of ginger, cuia»m<m, assoda. Do not tut enough Soar to makeaud dough, but have It ai toft u you cuand yet have tbe aoolrfea smooth."

TUi is a» wreelkntwdpefor Oraaam gcuuand dltfM* ftom any befora givtnt On* capofarshiunftoBT. one oup of fine flow, twoeggs, two mips of nrwt milk, one-fourth oftoaspocmfal of wit. Have tbe gem pans bot,and tbB oven bot, and twenty minute* ~be long enough to bake them.

Delicious littU o&kM for abildren axe na* equal parti of arrowroot and wheat flour,»little salt, a small lump of butter, sod anw«t with Bw«et milk. Boll them quite thin,mixing the dough hard; out in fancy shapes,snd bake in a quick oven.

A C r » t Clothing House.We call attention to tha advertisement

Ooo. Wat«ra It Co., of Newark, oa toe oppo-site page. This bouse In one of tbe greatestclothing institutions in the Btateud onr Mor-rUoounty Mends will Bnd it wfll pay Hum

consult then-goods and prioos in makingtheir uuiohBws of fall and winter garment*.

•"• " » t <Good Reading; for t Littd Mnnsy.

Iiovell'i Library, comprise* alt t i e latartaud most popular library ptoduotioos, put ina molt oonvenient form for reading. 8. H.Breeio has formoil a eluh otld Is supplyinjithem witit all the books of tldi kind they cauraid at tie low ooat of $1 for (wo years,

Crapsi.Partl&fi wishlnB grapau oan apply to Mr.

John Buckley, at the railroad depot, who willnil all orders promptly.

I he Immense Ssleimode l>y tlio N. V. Clothing Co,, in tbo SUukloHouse building, lave Induced them to atay

loiigor. . .

The Ureest Uneof heating itovee, took atov«s, ranges, fur-naces, &c, at tho lowest prlooa at Allan'tllosiagtou'e.

Lamps.Tho finost assortment of Lamps, Burners,

Cbitnnioa and beat Kerosene Oil at tho UriekDrugstore.


_— —following lucent unso-ottod testtmouUls from former uruduataii.

Far other loters wo our new cataloguo:II, Lunbflohcr, Bookkeeper for White, Corbin

&,Co,r RookvUle. Conn.I havo boon talking with tbroo or fourouiig meu of thlti phioc, who aro nbout to OL-x some husiuesH aolleg&j I, of oourse, ree-jumeadod your icliuulta tlieraiondlmvooon-

Tlnoed thorn that you rtoi* tl« Listruotor theyeliould liuvo. NOTH—Mr. LuubsoUer ban sentlie five ettnlciits at different tlmus during thepnstyoar. , ;C. H. Btioraem, Bookkeeper for Loudou and

Olobe Insurance Co.] Huwerk, N. J,la-niy ojilciun ua youug man can afford to

miss tha opvutHuU^.ofmttuf snob » busi-ness eiltiouttou at jour Ctilloga affords.E, E. Ellis,' Gtoa, it, Y., of ttio firm of Ellis &

jUdrfoil •Doloman's Biisincss College aonnotholp but

suoooed under ite nrosont manageinDntV> J. Bpauldlng, Forkaton, Pa., Justica of the

Pro£ Colemfln spared no pains to aid as Inour studios. The lectures he gnvo us on tlmsoionoo of aoeouuts aud bUBiiiega woro wellworth our time aud tbe money spent hud woolitainod no further knowledge.T. E. Han-is, Oifonl. UIM., of tho firm of

Harris & Co., MerohuniB.I Khali porsuudB all tho young men I oan to

attend your College, for there H no letter

Geu. AtlduBon, Bookkeeper, Philadelphia, p 0 ,When flwt placed itnifer jovv oaro I was af00" uuuntry hid, but Made rapid progrcua.

Since I left you I bnvo never boon out of a

DJiismorc, Secretory Juiiotion BurHiuliiff Co., Wnyiieaburg, P».

.. idcr Pnif. Colnmnu nrcoud to none oftlio Imalnuna uiluuuiora oftiMlny.

i. li. l'reseott, Mqivlmnt, St. AlbniiB, Me.A *« •* « * n . . . . — 1 . . . . * • . . ! . I t ff_ _ . •


clmiit,irtiiyi ih b

, St. Albn lift onnt k i

Any y o g tbetter invoBtnicnlthan by tnkins a, ooitrsti o»trinjtii>niiiiUei'JH(>nsn*. UoIeiiiiHiiiiidl'aliiis.. Uirs-t, Ucrcor, I'll., Ui.nlp.r in nil kinds ..

I-'nrnituro, ftrnilimto «nH8:i.RornrnllllioymmEiiiun to inu in tM» ni'i'llm,

mil r Will do niy nunoAt tn send tlii-m t.i .von!W. Cook, Jlookkuojwr tii Atwutfr & Ciirttr

NoWLirk, N..I.

ii . iiioinna, iinoniii'^jici- for . i(. Kolierl-•on. MercLaiit, Elimiintlili.ivn, Ky.

Allow mo tut ima uf ,y<mr fjnnt-f ntiidei.U touiRratiilatoyoimiioii yimr uticeftH*. UtibiirVHotmllynoquniiiltuI vitb IVoIWurn Colo-an ODfl Pnllim, I tulco ploimiiri! bi rccoiu-enditig tlioir Collr^u to yiu imlilio.Hcorgo Ii. Orovoiing, riiillliisluirj,', N. J .

] DID rending law, mul wlntlovor auoemmay have uttsfiiod I cinwidcr thnt the ibnn-

duuvu waa laid while uniler your tutoiuhlnlast year.

Call or write for the fluent School Cataloguevor pnbUiined,Evening Sohuol opens Sept. 5th.


FALL GOODS.For Ladiefl and Misses Merino

Underwear, Ladies aud MissesWaterproof Circulars nnd New-ports niid fine Bashvt Flannel*

u all colors go to tlie store ofWM. II. itAKElt,

Dover, N. 3,









. ae.)




It will bo lo soar intorwll to tar It Kill joro's Oornur Unis 8tor« »h«n in nu t ol an jling Ia Ibo Dros .na Mo.lloln. «»•, •« I alu lo tep " ONLY TII3 HBHT' >ud buy oull! BGUABLE UANCffAOTimii B .lid DBALG1U3.


1883. -FAIX" 1883.


Cidor Pi-esses, Corn Sliolljrs, Foiltlcr Cutters, Apple

Pftrers, Coal Scoops, Shovels anil Sieves,




SIGN OP Till; PADLOCK,Hlacliwell Slrecf DOVER, N. .1.









We also have a full line of semistiff or flexible hats -which, willreadily conform to any head. Wehave never before been able to pre-sent to our customers so large aline of HATS at such extremelylow prices as we now have.







SUCCASUMA, N. J .dealer In Btore», lUngst, TIIIINU*, eto. Kr-•rvtblnfc new In thsialinpi conntantljin itoclt.Fire iDiimnca riilis iu tlie b u t cotupmlej.

Clothing DepartmentBOYS SUITS.

Everything new and serviceablefor boys in the way of SCHOOLSUITS, especially adapted for thewear and tear of the season andsold at prices far below what theycan be made for at home. Parties •who bny their children's clothing-of ns always remain our customers.

Page 4: THE DOVER LUMBER y° Sash, Win Intot iml "Hint n r In anniirti.ifutof Utovtb I I I COOK, I'AliLOJ 11

A ttupoy Ending-Shortly belore teren o'oloofc tbe

morning A milk wtgou with redtnrnid into Pbartatte avenueWoodward. At tlie same monie_. .milk wagoa wUV a view of tlie toaemiton tlie rover turned iutp CbarlotloPark.

Tdey met.»JCbo diiFer'oJ the ooo bad ft lung

n»sl u melancholy look. Tha tfrivitisi ntUac liiul a ftt fact: e.u*ltoo front teefb.



noseer ot

y p pTim driver of one tamed tad and

green, and bis e,?es flashed, *nri liis liniistuoil op, a*i*4 tlierc was murder in bise y e Tlio driver ot tbe other wemeilto pick down into bw bootn. nod b'<looked wiUJj around for u club.

" Yon byeoa 1" yelled tlie first."Tim oUf r waa the prompt reply.At tbnt moment a polieenmo came up

and remarked that if tliere was any rowgoing on Bfi ranted to taka a baud in.

*' I'll cruali' him 1" howled ttie onowitb iliQ long nose.

" I defy yoa 1" whooped tlie one witli

Then liia melancholy drkar of themilk Wflgon witb re<3 wheels told «storj,He had eourt«l A girl in tbt) suburbs for

• fi?e years, Tlie; loved nud went engaged. They were to bove been mnrrioJtills fall, bathe witb tlie •Jusemile land-tOApO eftme along, wearing a new Vmof paper collar, a se?etitj-fhe cent pipe

. and ustog real hwr oil on bis Jocks, jtaHlie von the girl's admiration and uflfec-fciqn. Sbo bad left tlie old fir tbe new.

'•>nri I'll palFcrize Lim I" bowled tberejected.

*'ri l lea^Uimacorpse I"cUirpedttie• Accepted.

By-nnd-bye they agreed to leave thesettlement of the case to tbe officer, andbotb mnda a solemn promise to abidehis decision,

"Well," said the officer, utter delib-crating arbite* " a girt should marrywhere alie lores. Sbe evidently prefersa man with two teetli gone to one witlia long nose. Still, the rejected hastaken her on iwo excursions, giveobern fifty-cent fan, and bonglit more orless eacdy. H« sliould Uate some dam-ages,"

*' I'll give him three quarts of milfe,"uBBounced iUo lucky mnii.

••Ana 111 never take it," said Mel-nuulioly,

" My decision ia lUnt jon mast allowhimniueqanrtd," remarked Ihe officer." I figure hie octnnl damage nfc 83, bo Iknock off twenty shillings for the oaro-fot-c bo has taken iu sparking tlie girl."

There ww a wtr ol words orrr tbedecision, t a t Uie one finally gtwe iu,and tbe other accepted, and tlie milkchanged caoa and the men eliouk bande.

" That's what I like to sec," observedttie officer. "Why ebould two menflglil over n woman wbon a little candidtalk and nine quarts of milk will bringttbant a happy arrangement 9 Drive on,my children, and may the cream of Imp*pineaa attend you I"

How Long

Probably no better division of timehue ever beea piad© limn tlint into threeeqaul periods oF eight hoars each, eightIiouia given to business, eight to read-ing and improvement, nnd tbe remain-ing eight to sleep. Tbe celebratedAlfred divided bU time in tliis way. Ib&?« long thought that tbe mitiveAaUricaa requires mora sleep Ibim tlioEuropeao. For mysell, I Sad tliat olneor ten lionrs Bleep io a Btngle nigbt willcure me of all trifling maladies, vitlitrfaicb, from time to time, I ninny bonAicted, gome eilrsonliDBry advicebia been given by certain distingnisbedporaons,- with reference to the time de-voted to sleep, but each writer falls intotbe common blunder of applying a rnlato nil which ha finds good in bis owncase. Bialiop Taylor advises three honrs-WeBleyv BoggeEtB BII HB tbe lertsl timeihatswiil utlswer. He declares that dol-ing bis life'ue never knew any one toretain vigoroaa health CTCU for a yearwith n leas quaality than six hours, andba tbougufc that women required morethan men.

Escesi of sleep is very bad in its in*flnenee, produt<ea dullness of mind andbody, corpulency, and disposition tonpoulexy, b'enco Galen calls sleep thebrother of death, and says nothing ismore pcralcions wben carried to excess,Tbe Americans Bhoatdj go to bed at nineo'clock sm<l rise between fiio end six,I do not mean to say that circamrtancesmay never justify tbeir silting np untilmidnight, or later, bnt I am simply in-teresting tfaa voice ol physiology, Ifthe nvcrng-Q American, with tbe narrowcbest ami small -vitnlJty, would retire atniuo o'clock, he wonld liveBoma yearsloogcr, and each year wooMaffbtd himmore bnppineas and ability to work.Bat American women most need a changeto early lioars. Tbeir ensj nerves,nenralgia and other evidences of prema-ture decay -ttonU lio at cmco obeoxed,and they would bcoome yoaoger andfairer, What with tight oorseta, pastrycaadi^, fumnce beat nnd midnight,American girls begin to fade at twenty,nod women are old at forty. .

A Telegraphic Blunder.Telegraphic anecdotes being in order

' reminds as of n dispatch which someyears ago a hairiness man in Boston sentto bis correspondent In Mew York, re-questing bim to bare a room reservedlor bim at the bate], as ho sbonld comeonlb&l afternoon, .

Arrived late at nigh t be stood serenely^bphifld ibe crowd nf tbe old AstorHonw\Wlio wVe Wfiisterine their .names, eventill tbe clerk begun to turn the -appli-

, cnoU away for.luck of room, assured' tuat bis dispatoli in ailvnace mnathave

seeaced awommodatioti, bafwdnprised nnd indignant to find that' DOorder for a room nod been received, andwas obliged to bunt up lodgings {Ot tb

b lEarly next: morning, in rojpoasa to

tba demaud it Ws dwpalcb bod beenreceired. bis corresponded replied IDthe Afflrnutirei nnj said (but a storehotuellaa been lured for bim in BeaveralKeib* ordered.

"A. store honse 1 I never ordered astore bouse.** •

TILB dispatch was produced. I t read" Sbstt be on to-nigh I ; bare room in ostore liooiA seemed at once."

Application at tliB telegraph office re-vealefl tlie (net tba yoaDff woman wboreceived (he message aa it came elowljfrota the.wire supposed the operator tsdbean abbreviating C?) the apellinc ot themesage, whfob orrginall/ road : "Haveroom in Astor Honse Eecored at onoe.".Tbe tttTfelon ot 1-etor aoS addition o¥ ,7^,no '* n" prDfraoccl qoile a different reanlltUiio wuacfliied.,

' A giinUeman vko'Ltd a scolding ^ia answer to an inqniry nft*r her henl'tb,'u id sbo wng pretty well* ouly subject attjmos to » "breaking oat intbomontb/

"Oao-bftlf t ie world don't know HowUleotbtixluUUroI'VexoliiimedB g j ping woman. "O, well," aaid *er neigh-bor, -'don't worry about it tian'ttiult il they don't know.1

Pntjlwr Against Tlue,

Talking against time ii commba iaCongress bnt praying ag&iosfc time i» Uiedanee af\a clever Brooklyn child, wbo'ill know bow to gat ber right* when

gtie cornea itt night of Ibem.TUB fire borned jew ia tbe Franklin

stove, tha oatiraH asleep on tbe rug, BDCnot ft mouse «tirred behind *he wainteat as tha mother wrote by a shadedlamp witb a noiseless pen. All tbeltouipat on slipper* ol velvet when littleBase vent to bed for steep, and ahewere enemies, nod she fought bim to tbelast eye-loan. Her voice came from tinbedroom now with 00 sound of eur-reuder in it. I t was better to bo atprayer than to he asleep, ikud of courseno one could reprove her foe praying.

O Iiord," said ube, " make me good,and let me go in tbe omnibns to seeAant Margaret, uud all <be an ills andnieces anil mothers. Seep me safe, fo

&ot to go and 8BB aant Murgaret, »msee «bat I caa see. Don't let it, oisnow, or rain, for I m a t io go in tbeomnibus to nee annt Margaret very mnchindeed, and all tbe aunts and nieces andmothers. Make mo welt so tbat Ico in the omnibus ; please do. Blessgrandpa and grandma, anut Kate and

it Sophia and Mr. Cuaa. Swan. Blesipupa nnd mama, aud make us all goodso tbat we can go to heaven at last, forJeans sake. Atneu."

Tbere wns n ebort pause and tben tbewide-awake, defiant voice went on ;

"Keep grandma from dying beforeEbo gets here. Don't let anything hap-pen to her. Don't let any bears or wildbeasts cat me np. Bless grandpa end

lAma and Mr. Chas. Swuo and auutKate and anut Sophia." .

Another pause a little louger than tbe&nt, and tbe uneonquered begun ngais

" I long for npplca. I long lor milk.I long for pie. I long to be good. Iwish I liod not tbat cold. I long forsome water. I long for some wine. Ilong (or Boino browu bread, I long [<some molasses, t long for some whiteiretid, I Joug to bo a woman, I thank

Theo that it did not rain or snow. Giveme a clean spirit. Let ma be goodwbon papa is hero for it grieves liim tohave me u&ughty, and bt> buys me tilings—playthings. I have prayed tUat j

lid go fo sleep. Tbat makes threeprayers."

A yawn, a long-drawn drawn breath,tnd tben silence presently announcedLlmt tha laBt prayer was answered, andsleep reigned.—Editor's Drouer.m flar-per's Magazine for September.

1)o not be Afraid to Pray.

Wlion Sir JamcB Antlcrsoh Erst went:o eea he joined a eUip Tfbere tlte menin ihe forecastle respected the boy ouhis kn«ea, and did not molest him,amongst tbeir number being one wbotook 0 special interest in tha boy as acountryman, and rejoiced in tbe nameat " Scotch Bob." AU went well tiltthey reached Calcutta, end (mothersailor was shipped for the voyage home,whose name was " English Bob," to dis-tinguish bim from tba other. YoangAnderson kneeled down as usnal to prayat nigbt, when a)) of a sodden a bootwas thrown at Lira, and then another,by " EDgUxli Bob}" who took offence attrhat he called "canting hombng."''Scotch Bob," bearing tbe noise, cameto the rescue of his compatriot, andthere was a fight, the Scotchman gettingtha .beat or it. Next ntgnt young An-derson was afraid to kneel down oa as-aid, and turned into bed prajerleaa.Presently ont be was palled and plantedID the deck by bis former defender,' Heotch Bob," who shook him and said,'You little rascal, do yon tbinkl&m

going to fight far joa and then see yonact tuns ? If you are not afraid of yonrMaker's anger, I'll make TOO timid ofnine, so come ont and say. yonr pray-irs ?" ^ .

Perfectly SaUifled.

Whon we made the landing at tbetown of Waterproof, La,, tee overflowbad readied tbe second-story windowsof ail the booses. On tbs roof of an

idoned, grocery sat & ragged darkeyin the moat complacent manner, and asthe boat swung in a lady passenger, wbobad exhibited the greatest cariosityabout arerything all tbe way down fromViekflbnrg, onoglit tufa nama of tbe townand harried forward to the captain BQdsaUc

11 Captain, they say this town ia calledWaterproof."

Tea, ma'am."Sat the water is all over it, yoa see,

Tbe name is iuoomiateut wiih facia.""Ob, tbey didn't have reference to

;he town itself ia enlliag it Waterproof,"ohaeklod tbe old man, "Wbat thejmeant vas that tbe water would neverreach tbat nigger oa tbe roof over there."

"01>, tlmt'ait, ch? Well, tbat makesit plain, nnd I don't believe It will eitb'er I" fihe said as she retained to herchair.

A HunBlifnr HoBbtnd.A eaasiiioy bnflbftnd makes B merry,

beaatifnl home, vorth having, worthworking for. If a man is b » « y , cheery,eopiiderate aocl •ympolhetio, hi* wifsings ia bet heart over ber i M i g«nd her mftoctiag b&eket, csaats thehours till he returuB at Bight, and re-news her yontb ID tbe eeenrity she feelsof bis approbation and admiration.

Sou may tUiuk it weak or childish, iisou please, bot i t 'a tba admired Iwho hears words ot praise an! receivessmiles of commendation, who in capable,discreet aufl executive. Wo h»timid, meek, Belf-distra«li»g little bodyfairly bloom into strong, self-reliant vo-maBiiood, under tbetonioandtheonrdialofcampuoionBliip witU a baabaod whoreally went out of hid way to find oocndon for Bhowipgfaer bow fully be trustedber judgment, and bow tenderly hedeferred to her opinion.

In home life there should be no jar,no striving for place, no iusiaprerogatives, or divisions of interest.The husband and the wife Mfl encli tbecompliment of the other. And it i« jnitu much bis duty to be obearfu! as ithers to be patient; Ills rigbt to brinejoy iiilo tbe door, ss it is hen to sweepnod garnisli the plenswit interior, Afamily where tbe daily walk of tlie fathermakes life & festival is filled with some

iaglike heavenly benedic Ion.

llutiff on Circumstantial Erldencc.

In 17il3 a gentleman on bis way toHull was robbed by a highwayman. Hestopped ut the next inn, aud in desorio-

fT his loss stated tbat he always markedhi» coins. SLortly otter letiring to aprivate iiarlor he was waited on by thelandlord, wbo inforaied him that he bodlienrdofhis (Hie traveler's) ndventnre,asked the time of tbe robbery, and said

ipeoted bis hostler, who of latebad plenty of money. Oontinui ag,

said that shortly before lie bod seattlie bustler to obange a guinea, who ro"turned after cldrlf, saying be could notchange it. The landlord noticed tbecoin was not tbe one be gave him, butbefore he heaiil oJ tbe robbery lie hudpaid it to a oouutrymao. He suggestedthat the hostler, who was tuen asleepunder the influence of liqnor, be search-ed, which being dose, the marked coins,mftwsoue, were found ia bis pockets.He was tried and hanged, but years alter,narda tbe landlord, being at the point ofdeath, confessed he did the robbery,managing to reach bis ina by a shortmt, and bnviug paid out one of the coins

before fled ing they were marked lie tookadvantage ot aa errand lie bad sent tiebosUei on and bis drunken condition toplace the marked coin ia his pockets, andtbe evidence of Ibe countryman bangedhim.

le last niglita swarm of mosquitoes etaggered aa itwere, along Montgomery street, and afterperforming some siuazipp; gyrations onthe wing, tumbled to the ground. Tbiantics; of the wiogod peats were Bore-

W tbat they attraoted attention.The; very ranch resembled in eotlon,dmnken pereoits, .and this led aa excitedand ioterealed entomologist to trace outthe cause for tbe peculiar cocdnct of too1

"moekeels," By catefally followingthe flight of tbe insects backward, tbaentomologist w n e across Sarob Fleet,lying upon the eidewalk;,.wiQnil tfllaep,her principal Cdyering being the swarm!of mosqnitoes, whipb were' lancbJDg'offher. Every mosqaito who. took popperbecame glorionaly drank; and reeled offdown tlie street in tbe manner named.Home oE tUm died witb delu-imn txe-mens, IQ horrible agonies at remaree,acconat of tbeir folly in tonobing thewhisky Boaked woman, for the protec*tionoftheinfieotB, an officer carried Sanbto the Station Varna,—J, G, Journal

IT WAa Ala* BIOHT,—A man who wotlooklag tbrongh a second band store inBrooklyn, with a view of finding a bedttead to salt bun, finally examined one,

Mid askedt \ ' ' . . .Aje jon care there are no bags in

tnisP" .R 1 Thy dot podutod was oadt

of my own family I We got It vben mybrodder Moses ros here, end now be himgone avay I sell it for balf-prioal"

" Boo X believe it b u bugs io.""Ompossible, myfrehdt Myvif

so neat dot if abe knew, of spoh tings iodwaonsoabagogmry." . .

"And Til be banged if here imi't proof I"exclaimed the customer, as be paintedto M w d n i b b t idwdnpeuibBbt

Vfiellt Vaclll", The outomer was going ont with oheart broken look on his face, wben tboother detoined bim and said:

'"Dot's nil right after nil. Efyonpnydot pedttead yon knpw you hat bugsfrom » respectable family 1 Hoses vanhead clerk in Bochcsler, and you knowI VM bere 27 JBUB iu pewoBes."

Spflfld a. cent less than your net in-come, and you will klwuys ba rict.

Ftre'&ud sword are bat alow engines<af dentraetion- in oomptriion with tbebabbler.

aaJf lnvl i i tkat . i tbe mlclroa<l; thcooc IB) north sand fort; mlnnlei ve«t fl

roa.l, in ft line of Jc«*j.l» B. Wbmkr'* land;ICUCQ rjunloK stouc lii» line £]) sfiatii tenterora west twenir-two ctikiu* to a he«p ofaucB; tlnnea (3} wrath thietjr-foiir dpficeeseMtfroeliaJii* and BHp Jioka to * >ie*P ofIOMB 1 lh<moe <S) sootb elEliiy-thren IIPR IKMipt tlirw cbaliis slid t reni j" tlnkn to t lii>a|) i»

_joutw iu *Un(. «f Mw. WLwl.r ' i ISHTI ;tiirncoli) niirtb loo liegnu oast hreutj-.thrn<> chim*

__ . ._ •ehJat io lliu p'aoeof bosinntus, finUiDini-oiHliUor«iaud liftp-thiee bauiirc'iithB ol an ttreof land, be tliot«tiie ttirro or ifgi. ' Tha slinva d(tcriUofl lotof Unil M a part of tlie real e*iat)' of JicobArnold, dee d, end «tilati « U disulttl bf Ills

cir 'at-lao1 hj »«ruon)nnt amoag tfaemaolvcs.TUB SECOKD I^rr is tlm ramo lot ibat K M

^onTPjtti tiv 8It*f H. Arnold aud irife. hf aminf Otobi-r 4th, 1847, Itnttcd ind bounded t tlolloo1*: Tltfg i« a p i r t of wlt«t la caIJ«<l theBtoiiw lot, ai,r| Ie wtuillatii). BfponinS fntbo middle ot tlie afnrrii and Sassei turnpikerrwd, at tlm norllieaal 001 nar of SaffUftl D.ArooM'fl Und ; (nonce runatLg alotiR liii line

» eaanp (1) Rnatti ien degrees west tweutyr « rh»inB «-ui finyfit'.k«t0 4 t i a e o f « r e .licel«r'x land ; 'lieuoo (2) Bontb eighty-tit roecvtc» oattt «is cbaiuB aud ciclity-tffo lmVia licjp nr i tone i ; t enco (8) eontb ll/tr-

FPE d i g n e s siitl ililrtc mlautea eiet fireHius and seventy liots'to a heap of ftocesf;CDCC (i) north ten dotrees oast ttcedtr-ioursfn«and ilxtf linbB In tbo middle of nU\rupllcc road; thpnee (5] north eorentj-Hilgreen and forty wtautea east twelvecluiasti CGVCU linfcfl to the place of bocinnine. con-ning twtuty-Eevco tores »ud thirty-moandredtlii ol t n jwrc, I>P tho e«me more ora. QEOBGEW.JENKIN*.

MaBldr in Clianecrr of a- J.lated July IQ1I1.1BS3. 112 DO

Worth KemtiuUflrlsis,Kev.TDeWUt Tdlmflp.e reoentlj said

o tlie pnlpit:

When men tliink of their death tbeyare apt to think of ii only in connectionwith their spiritual welfare, and not Dfthe devastation iu theboosabold which

ill coma became of tbeir emigrationfrom it. I t is meanly selfish. For yoa tobe so absorbed in tbe heaven to wbiohyon ore going tbat yoa forget what is tobecome of yoor wife and children afteryoa are dead. Ton can go oat of thisworld no)> leaving a dollar, and yet diehappy if yoa coald not provide for them.You can trust them in the bands of theGod wbo own all the harvest and theherds and the flooka ; bat if yoa ooald

y the nasesHinetjtfl no. & benefit certifi-cate and neglected them, it is a meantblng for yea to go np to heaven wbileUej go into the poor house, "Set at

death move into a mansion river frontand they move into two rooms on thefourth story of a tenement honso on aback street. When they are ont at tbeelbows and toe knees, tba thought ofyonr splendid robe in heaven will sotkeep them warm. The minister maypreach a splendid Bermon over yoor re-mains, And tbe quartet may sing likefour angels alighted in organ loft, batyonr death will be a swindle. Ton hadthemetuiato jw-videfor tbe comfort ofyoar household, when yaa lftftit, aadyon wfebedly negleoted eo to do."

He Found Tbe Clam.

Axnan ot tiong Braooli recently enter-ed a refltaarant and aaid:

"Have you any olam chawdor t""We have,"replied t ie waiter.*' Bring me a plate."A.platafal was placed before him, and

he set to work with great gnito. Afterbo bad taken about u dozen spooaf als,he drew a pair of op&ra glasses (com liisuocket nod looked intently at tbe chow-der for some time.

Then be Jumped in tbeairnndsljonted"Enrekal"41 Wiut's tbatir^aslietl tbe proprietor." TvegotUl" yelled theainor." dot wlat?" asked tlio restatiroteor."Aclaml"" Great Scott 1" yelled the proprietorbe'a got tbe olam," ;And before the diner could say n

TTord, tbe proprietor picked tbe olam upin a pair of gold pinchers and bare: ittriumphantly to the kitchen, threw it

ifk into a huge boiler of cbowder endlid :',' Wlto dealt the chowder to that dark

haired man over there?"I did," slid tbo awistani oook,

: Thott JQU are discharged for dealingont tueclooj we use for Cooking, pnr-poses."—Ptwfc.

emihoa, floiendanla. Pi. fa,Cor sale uf mart en fir J premiaei. Be torn-ibla to October Turm, A^D. 1883.

EoniED 0. LiMt, SoVr,

BT vlitno or (ho Abare stated writ or Bertraciasin niylianas,lRualt expoHeforsslB

at public vendue, at thi Court House, in Mot-rinoini,fi.J.,onWQKDA.Y. the 6th 3*s (it OCTOBER BDst,

A, D. leas, bolffoon I ho bonr* of IS to. and B'clock V. St., tliftt ia to an; lit 2 o'clock In tlmiftemooa of Hid daf, til tbat trwt or pirceloflaudsod premises, tujH>!u»fter p»rtlonl»rl)feiortbed, .ifi-vtc, l ; b B M>'1 W P R in tba

Qsblpof UeDdbam.lit tbi.Ooooty of Uor-t» **& Rt&te ol Hew Jeney, bnltsd anil

bounded tu follows, to-wit; * 'friritmtog in tlio tniddlo of tbs TVlsltlBfrton

a n p r t i , a tho northwcit porner of landlorworlj owned bt Jerome hi Stont, tbuncoon a coarse along hia line (1}- ooatb. t^entj-nine degrees *ud thlrtr rottmtep eo»t, flveolialcs and treat? a<r« Itakn to a, comer Unaof tbe uld Sloat farm; tlienoe RloDgbleliiw

weitflfty-onefinks; tbeooa (3) north tmaljnine dogrMB nnn tbirtjr raSoaiea woat 6veolialcs anil twenty-ave link* to the middle vl

iu tornpiso roht; tbooce (4) nortb alxtydcRress nnd tblrty alante* eaut 3rtf^one Kni«to Hie place of befildiiiiig, ooatoiulag tit outj-alt huodreaUii of an »ore of Und, be the <»meDiose or Inea ; befnj; the same lirewlaus cunveyod to tbe toli Qtttniine Quattn t>T Jame*Kice and wife, by deed .tiled III,rob attb, 1BB8*w\ lecorded in tlie Morris Oouutv Olork'aOffloc, Jtfflook O 7 of Deed»f p««en lia, io .

WILUAM H.HOlVELL.Bberiff,ng. 1st, 1883. Kt (

BOBIHESS.—" Sir I" began astranger, as he walked directly np to abusiness man on South street yesterday.

I am striotl'; • «"ness."" So «m Z.4 .II Good 1 I believe every man sbonlditii&h money fox bis own tombstone,"- So do I.""Goodag&inl I TOtit to raise $50 to

pay for a stone to stand at my grave.What DssisUcce will yoa render tbe entorprise? I want a business answer.1

' Ion shaU hav& i t six, I will aid tboenterprise by farniahiag the, corpse I"

Tbe stranger harried off without erenmentioning the sort of epitaph be de-

gned basing engraved on tlie soaredae,--WaB Strat Ifeus. r. ; •;' - ' • - i ^ « • " » • « • ' • '• / ,


George F. Pentecoet esys j " I wishevery day ol my life I could wear theseknee-breeches ol mybjoyclesajt." Wellthen venr'eDvCkoige, wear 'em. Oot'etnioff clear ofp'toaroar neclc i£ yoawish ; and wear a pair tbat look like ashirt collar witti lefls. Thii ia t freocountry, and if tbo parffon wants todrcwfllikB a rope walkn- it i« hifl rightAnd if tbe ^oiinetii of cmlisaUon is looancomlortahle, the ptOfcteasiTe man m*yJait paint lib legs and fkip aronnd witli-ont anj ttCwserB. Bother tbe trowBera,ouyhow.—Burlington Eauihsye.

jQKW,— Wo arc M Tgood an when wo possess »joyfal heart

Aoger Is like nio, it breaks itvdf nponthat on wbloh It JUk.

Tbare is no dispute manaffed witbonpiksion, and je t there fa seared a dispn Isworth a. pusiuo.

He wbo rfflwivea a good, torn shoaldDBver/orget i t ; be who dot* one, iliutildoarer remember it.

JaOtttoearj of KQV Jerwj—ft-twww J

d e n m i irobto X,. H*«o l«r» beJoan B . fitetwn nan H»rr(pt HtcUfin b)«wifp, ami SMUJVI* Blue, arfea**irt»- -**•Tor n l e of U)nrtj;ifud PIVEQIM*. BelnrrKUe to OctoW Term A- Ii. 1SS3.

K&UUNB P. HAMSr , Sui'r.T>Tt i r tnea r tia sbDFO ititfld v n t of fieriX> UeiM.lonc directed. i*iotil ant of IbeGinrtfifOhstioorrof Sow Jmef. I nli*H e i -iHiRBfor » l e *t Public TcniJae, at Hit CourtHon*e, in UorriituvR, K. f., onWEDSEBDiV, lite SCtb d*y of Bept.

i , D.1883, between the konn oIWM. vn&o'clock P. H., tbat is Io Mr *t 3 o'clock In tmtriernoun or «W a»y, all the (olklwiogde-icnbdl tracts ur parcoli or had »nd ptetalaet,•liaale, Ivlntr ana briDe in tba towuauip "1Bspdolpb', tu tfa<> Count? oi MorHd, »t>d Sutcot New lettey, l-uttvd «o(J bnontlcif »* Mlowa:

Tim first two laU »re «tai te la (lid town-ulilp vt Randolph, iu ttie Conn If of MorrH,tMlug t ie ii-ion tU*t wora cunf*5*d to J»eo"»L. Umo br d*cd Irora Jobu A, Bf?«nt • « ' J*H, Keistiboor, eiecntore of EiepI en C- B«n»tdi-ora*cd, d»t<d Naiemticr Itt, 1870, and an?'itftcin ilcKribtd MfoHuBB i

TUB fiara I ^ T jf ft nood lot, and fa part <ifb t w l l«Hb B k M BeliHilt>s fu

the e ofli

d lot,w M.

t 8

i* Deiva 7.07 8.(15 4.07 (J.HS7.t4 B.ia * .H fl.*7

Vorno . . . . 1-. 7.10 fl.18 4.10 fl.fiiO a l l f o n . . . . 7.B8 9.33 4.118 C M

und B r o n L • ' 8.SO 10.3.1 5 8fl 8.28" fl.1511^15 8.11 fl.OT•• 9.42 l l . M fl.J9 B.80« 8,»9 11.18 8.46

Bound BronL. . . .RWaftbeth-.r . . . .N k l

SHERIFF'S SALE!a CMneoryof NowJottoy—Bslwccn Jaa iesC.r u r g e r , Ail mi nl s tin tor of John P . lawyer,JceciufctJ. comiilalnant, mil Will l im OiWDii•nil Hcslcr A. OBDIUD IIIB wife, Ellen A.H»G»r, Prudeoco Prnvost and PeariOQ Pro-rant her linebfiutl, Tden* Norton sad IV|I-11s p Norton lior bnsbmi), Sarah Pfnliar nudjolin A. Fiiber bf>r buabaad, Eiieabelb Naj-Wnnr t Daniel Nnflor brr hiiBband, AnnaElieabath flmith ami Daniel a. Smith burlinaband, Jncrili Ojmnii »ud fiarah Oamnnhie wire, Wliit.Ueitl Guerin, »nd tbe' i r- t I l-« ^ q r l g M e d prom


(SI0B1U-4ANIJ U S S £ X ' D 1 V I U I 0 N . )O e p o U l a Muff t o i l s , Coat of fl»iol»y S t . »ud

fuQtaf UiiriHtopbcr S t .

lias; MONDAY., J O H E l g l h , 1888.LEAVE NEW X0I1K.

L. i l . (Eaatuu Man Tra inhoDU-uaat lag Httli Lliu Buuututi l iruucii *i U m v i t k

T Jjoontoji 1 tiiM Oucjilcr LlrA^icJj a l Uovt^r fui

\Vater ioo, f«4U(H)vcr iSoivtoa nud ailIBU; t h e J).,Xi. ft W. It . B . a t Wanniui

r i n e a , k o m a r , U{tr(laud,t)jrt&aaw, O B I . „ .d p j u i M ou t h e Lfcckuwacca and liloatau-J& mi Deliwatfc t a d Huduou UulrDsdE;

toad a n d ItBhlgli Bad Bu igueUmua Huilrondfor Be th l ahem, BI»noh Dlinflk, Hfc*dint anda«rri iborc. ' . '

At 7.3U A. H. Blngtiaoitcn Mail (Drawingoaia Ow<ntt«ohadJ (rom Mow Vork via. Puf•iLtn «ud Boootoa, tttu* tUtaagli to Wtvt

3ap, ritroadebUtg, Haranton, O n » | llepmil BluohkmtBa. coontcUnc at l)ovor wit

liuster JUMliotd, a t Waterloo nilli BamuiLailrokd lor Attdover, Sewloa a td all ot»-ion*j a I DeJufftJO With Blairslowu Jly., a.1KKntoni witi) rflporaBbnre Pivlafon for Pitta>c, Kingston, \1TilkfiBbtxre, D*avilt«. SwtU-

imbftjand, Ao, faMecgari. taimff tblsicaiultuia H«v S o t t , PtUteaa andUoontoa- - oonnooi at WaMlilnston with train for

"-wbttfg, Eiittm, tiottaloliem, Ukntovu,iburjf andjKiintp on tha L*h^h Vallej,

Busquolnuu JUiroi i p n r e witb Belvidero Dif idon o

B. forlA»l>(irUlUe. Treat cu ami PhilaAt».«»

Drawing B«oai Oare) W«tor Gap, B: S i B b t Owuo


Estate of Stephen ii. Hunt,deceased,

PDBSUAKT to tbo order of the titirrogatiof Ilia County of Sorrla, m»do on tin

twcDty-flnt <1ay of APROit, A, D. oao (Uoaaapd eijrtit haodred and eiffhty-three, notice iibenbr RITCO to »(l fieriona t*TicR clMmi.aninet the u l i u ofBloplien B . Huiit, Juts oliGo Coaots of Uorrii.deoeMied, io pmieal tbe•ame, noder o»th or affirmation, fo t h m n b«ciiberton or nefoitt tne twenty-flrai-dar 01May next, being mna tnonina from (lied»t«of aaidorder: and aay.croditor neglect-ing to bring in and exhibit faia or lier claim,

T*ro»Uj or affirantion, wltljin tbe tinio BOiUd, will be forcrer hxtrtd at Ills ot I

•otion therefor against tba Executor.Dated thfl twonty.urBt day of August A,

LYMAS H . lUitaON,Executo

O b l N

TERHUNE & FREEMAN,show all the latest dcHlgus in


TENT AND VAWETY OP BTO0K.LADIB^* SKWTS, 60c., 5,^,, 60c,,75o,, fife,

Sic., 8S0., ( I , *1.15, 11.23. $14S, tl.60,*I.l>3,fl.GO. f 1.70,12.3S, ( 3 M, S3 aud upwards.

L&D1ES' CH.E»JSK3, 30c, BSc, 40., Me.,file, GOo.. 74c., 7Sc, 880,, S5t;.t t l . $1,10,«1 12,»1.1S. U.39, t l . ao . »1.93,tl.M, and upward 1,

l a D I E S * DltAffElW, 99o., 40c., 4So., fiOo6to,, 6So.t GOo., 7ft;., 75o., 85o., 95o., l l . l t t , J1 .•ud opwards. •

L l s m s ' NIOBT OOWNd, 6Go.t 8O0., Bfla.,039,, SI. «lv03, «L.U, * l . l0 , ti.n, t l ,15, $1^9•1.15, *I.60, t l .BO,«.25 aoil n^warda.SOo.,1113. '

I.ADma1 OOBSBT COTEBS, 330., «>o., « c . ,6O0., lOo., One. and npmutf*.

LAt)lE3'flHIBTCirEMI^E,00o.1II.G3, (1.7B.CHILDKE.VS SBOUT SLIPS, 60c., 7(1:.,I(is5H'T8;(MNO SttJPS, IZas. H.75, »5,INFANTS' FLANNEL" BLANKEI8, HJ!

t u n . • • < • • • - • • • , . • • « - •

I>FANTH' WOIiSTED 8ACQUES, Kte., II,*l.»,tt.36. .INFATfT8'VrinTEMEBIN0OLOAK8,KNITBiKra. BODTKES, fte., 4c.LADIES' HASD BAOS, 00c., t l , »1.10, (1.13

Sl.S5,*1.7S,*3aoil upwards. 'aamtranf EflRlbffi anfl IniertinKs frou

perT*rUtO tLoOj tbe belt Tarietj Dt an;

t>e conriDced. The beat JEftfEJT JAOKETSf 2M ld tt>e cofor %

riDcetold W



RUTGERS COLLEGE(Chartered aa •• Qaocn'i Gaflefr* " is 1770.)

Kew BrUBMwtck, S . J . I boat fr. N . York, r,P « . R . B . Tear betin* (t-suminationa for a

l t ) B » 1 8 3 3) p .


(•loo c. ,1, ,j aa, *J50. (tsoAddWoanlEoiloii-nienti. Newl

coam tboroosli. A>npls provision fur EuwTiTM, Jomor ana Beoloryew.

S DEPARTMENT.The Hew Jenej State OoU^e to Fromots

"ijcriotilture and t ie Heotanio ArU.Sdenflfls Bcbool or itigb prad.O! row neb, "Sogineerinc to

d"AfHQHotadOhoniJBirrTtiaroUBb work *itb oogiUal Celd-prujfict

In Easincerlng and Sorreying. Gavrnl Ubo-ratortworkiiT Cbenjlurr, wfili fkjllforeMh ituiJenL A wed-ctiiilpped.iealObMmto^raritndenU'iue. Pallcoarsein Draughting,xcnRAft&r

UlnfonnaUon Inoauicffme. Qradnalei wbib tbeti, naifonnir Mcnr* profittPlft po«i

dreM Swretirf Betgtrf OolJef .KEUnX EDVUSS SUBB, PL D- C

SMITH & E1CKHART; (Bacetuon to Ira 0. Oouper,)


CfminoU ukm isd mitertiU tnniMitd Tir



Bonn T. B«m. Ion 9. limiD.

fljBiraaAir B. E. or KBW mssst,BlQH 0 E I P Q E BUWCU.


(or pimonjter Lraiut, to takecfieotJCTNE HU.. IBM.

Ix Knr l o a i , fool of Ubertjr St., Nortb rfeer,Lt Baoonut, Jeu-ull'i fffaarf.foot of folioo 8L*" ~ dcpoUP. 4H.B.B. Btbanil

WauditerI«oto»Noirarl t - . , . .'Aatbeih :

B d B k


1 ^S8.80

. . . . . . 10-09

!! '. '.!!" sioa 11.08g.09 11.13

";.!'•'.'• 8.3* u '^ai ,X. l.«t. A.M.P.



« E V JERHEV LEQAL TEST,UA0SINBR7 o rxS . -Wc Uke niauisiilnoryaot! other F « r j O ( U . These

_ , _ . J H J w**fiTa tb"ra the boonfit of oof vpor/pot ••HsfcotJon, 'xni, •« qnilltr and prlM, ffr no win,Extra Engine Oil Brick Prosed OH,•Tallow Engine Oi., W. B. Bmrm Oil,

o, 1 Engine, W. B. Whale Oil,HA Ertrine Oil, Frime Neatafoot Oil,[perm Macbiocrv Oil, Nu. 1 Kratefoot Oil.

I MuoWnery Cil. B. HflHliffbt Oil, 150°,

W, Pare Sftlso1 Oil,Prime WWte, llfl*,Gaimlfne. 90".Da»k OftpOil,


829 11.S08.B5 ttMBAl 11 428.U n .4*8,60 1LB08.S8

.. . B.M 19.030.07 ia.07

Arrive O.l55ia.Jfia""T n

* /K. F. _C.43fl-W6-sn(5 587.M

4 . » 7.074,10 7.174.18 7.31

.1.95 7.80


l&rttoj ; . ' . ' . ' j . '

. .M . p. itc.aoi.»».9o B «U90 1.t0 8.38 fi.fii6.83 1.80 8.33 B.60

. . . . . . 64S £ . « 6.08,. . . . : . A.i* t.U (111

8.48 <US8.62 0.1 D8.68 fill1

i.OO 0.90


A. K. A. V. A.M. A. K- F. « . P. HOliQttcr . 0.60 8.0S 8BD 11.00 3.03 COOQermao VaUcy 7.05 8.30 9.0*11.16 4.06 CIS Headquarters for 0RAN8ES,



MOBBIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co.*> e th iodGrcon " 10.07 19.10 8.09ooltkii ft. Fulton a t " 10.00 12 00 7.0010.80iwYork " ' 9.63 tl-87 6.M fl.BTCoOFeyanre* can be procured a t Germsuliev to and frota Sohuolej'* Mcant« lo ; uta a d t r i to and from Badd'a L a k e ; a t Kenvil«n<l frflm U k e Hoostenttir.

New York lime fi tlio atacdtri) , aa Indicatedtbo Block iq High Bria^e Btstion. The Com-

pany roBervee lbs rlgUt to varr tba raiiDing ofr»ln«Jroia tlil* tltao table as eircnmiUnoes

wqni re .EABTOK OONKKOTIOKB.—CoDDcetJon ia made

it Hijrh BndtfA t o and bora E a i t o a .E . WOOTTEN,Gon Haoager.

H.P .Bi t J JWIN.Qef t . ESstetn P M U - Afi't,o. o. HANOOOK; oon. P«B«.A ro'kTB't


.„ .__. ._, ._, nd llnflali

loglmmtoa tvt Utl(» Aud UtuUfluid BpriugB,A i U U O A* s . po fo r«iOO M . E M ton Exprena.At 1J00 P , U. felmlrt Ksj>[«a>, Drawing Uoou

Oara att««h»d m u Uurangb 10 W*tor O»p, Stroudiburg, Bonntou, Btuoliuntaii, Bynwu** »udL>»w«8oannMUnnat BCMQUJH wiih L u k . k BloomihnuB. B . fovHttatmt. VTondBK. Klngiton And WWtet-t a m . PaMBogWi taUflg tbli t n l a from New

York,Patenoii ana Boonton cm connect i t W"-"ng( on wita I n l n Ka, 0.

beiveNev Sort a t3 .30 p , K (EMton ireM) L-onneoilng at Waterloo for Andover,

Newton kud Uriiiiclirllle, and at I'hHlipeburfwitb Lehiglt Yailav Rsllrotd &ad Lebicli tvut.auaquonannn S. it. IorBethlchomtAiiantDwnaeading tod Hi-tri-l>utg.

4.10 p, M, tforanton Hpeolil oonueclicg aDover wiih Cluster H. « . ; at Waterloo withSUBBOXJI. B.

*i3O p . u . , L V T W EiprBHB Tor Bnmu.

•aeaito and bclawarc HsUroad.) Oliatharallsdiaou, MorriHtuwu. UordarmtiStllGuvi"UockawajAUd Dover.

lugatMnbtiru^nmmlt 'cbti^baiu 'uail i i[orrSatown anil all etfttiona west to Hackswn.connectiut' a t Waterloo with tram

T:od". J I . (tatf&a'iMl Buffalo Ei . from HowYork (elucpfiik' onrn attiulieil) via. I'd tor BO 11 &Doontoa UiruuRli to Water OScrsnton, ainslnmioo, Lisle,land, Uoinar, tijiaaaBS i>ud UBfiefEO,At BiDghamiouffith .train for Greene,Olford

Three Large Storeswell filled with tlio ka l ing luifcles Df trade iu tuo various ljranehes. Tbe flrtt \lepi«i



train runs tbiouuli tu Oiwego BottslRichdeld Springs {bat not to Itbaea) S

ion foiAtTiSsUh&tbam,

Far CcrnarJitille, BftntiUUlincrton, HUrling, GlUetU, Berkolcy H«igaud all stations on PASMIO and Dolawarc&. (N. S. Wnit lAne BaUicud) 7:30,18:10U. »a<1 *:M and ;VM P. M.

A B l A S O H E B B


U, Berkolcy H«ighVd D l F

; DOtERTTllij TABLE.TrabiB wri»e anfl depart bma t hU alavlloi

i fallows:BAJTPoinro

JiwegoEipte,Daret Eiprei

Sorantoa CpeoUP 8:91" -5nEiproiB: : fl;4SI

^AMetn. ,; -11(16

Elate* £*».•£ • ixiiKiatonJIaf l -}:UOafiegeSsprest* ; E-.07DaVor Aeoom, U:60BaR4o RzpreiB* '8.-07


na lb i l* 8:6UBiproBB 10:3'

p.u.Povor Aoeom. 13:35

L Eipresi 2:C

Eacton Express S33

Dovor £xpre«a SH'ketlitown Bin , 7OawBgb E i p / 8OawBgb E i p /DorerAeeom.|

• T » . BooalOB Bttnoli .


A.U.16.37 -10.1710.07


P.JS,B.32 ObMter6.19 Eortoatf-09 IrodBJ6.04 BaccMUBB*B.00 HeOlUlliTlUt'6.63 TortOrtm0.47 DoTEf

A.H.1, 7.89





8HITH8 ' COST]!ACTORS1, M1SIXO ASDM A S D F A C T 1 J R E B 3 " S D r r U E S .



Seeds and Fertilizers,SAFES AND SCALES







D. 8. SOBBI80N,


TIE ItKIREAH OIL COMfAJf,raANCFAorcaKa* AND «rnoi**ta*LB DaU*«BB# «r


damnarto^otndffonE nxtona (tradatmtnnfcoturmi br ua »t our «nrbn, oon-

^ t d t t l t ITB

" Orown" Iiigfat Gompomid,"Fn«aftifi" Dark Gompoaiuli

» Orown" Wonl Oil,3lainlm. SolnJIc Oil,Ko. ISninfile Oil,Itesm Befitted Fflsaa5o

xBre8r>enn Sijnrol OH,V. Shafied Friop laid CM,K. H«!iiliclt Oil. ISO1. .P. W.ter m i t e Oi l .»» .W. mtfa Colton Brad Oil,W. TcnoVOotfon Seed Oil.O 86

Soerm HioHnic Oil,ig Oil, iPrfotfni'Oil.'

Dn^oriiea HaplliM, «11 Grivitita!.oiri


CARPET WEftVma AND MAKING!m t m i n da n*T»PBT hnMln

Vln»: off nit ran)"**, nifilmiit o<w>ior t be bmfneaw ansblis m e to do flie

N BT.. POTBH. fSRAB n . . T, ft "W. I










619 & 621 BROAD St,NEWARK, N. J.

m u siocss m,

D O V E R , 1ST. O*.

Poaitlre moriog poppet valves. No IOSH from friction, nowaato itiimrt* bv ttllilo or lotar1

ilr Indwtion ralveg, HlgheHt puBsiblo T)er cent ofiroo air. Eennomieal au^ durobJo. Ootaogao on applicfction. (pally eeoared hy p&tciitB.i •

. BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubnlor, Flue, Vertical and

Portable. Insurance policy with .


D O V E R , 3XT.

ranged tlioir bnaineas iu (Iimo dojuirtiuciits,






for Ult binds «t ImilJinsB, itwl Uic cuiulrccihm

Ult(llD[.''i fll!|iBH;i[!>D<!lHl. *

ill 1,0 at Ilia ollioi; i,i Dover, ll.l i 'lnor vf

T H E IKON EEA Uuildlzig, on FI1IDAV OF I^AdH

WEEK, from fl:W A. H. IO 5:M ]•. M.





lisbi Ow 7! k s ,


Estate of Slalilon D. Fora,dcceiised.

PUJISUANT lij tlio imiur of U10 Rimo^iito11I tlm C m n i r or Morris, undo on*t!iu

ftDrt fight

lui-f.tttbor iininmiiinn.'lo thu oubnorFCr"^ir tierurti ttie *uUu-\n h ilny of Ajiril noit.liein^•1:110 IIH.IIUJS from tlio i\w> ot said outer; aiSiiivr-rMlilor iH'fflfiitiB" to lirlnjr 111 nnii ei-

•ii/i'i! wiibm j aMim^rSu iKi i i bo 'S^[invri'it ot hii» V-T SitiT ^iciiciii Uiercfur auiiustthe AilninUtiftd.r.

Ditutt flic- Bistto^tith day, . / July A. D. I8S3.A. JUDSON COB,

GEO. MANNinvites a. cull from al! hit, friomSK \n liin \\htim OLINTONaTllEKT.ivlit'fe for their amtHfJ

FINE POOL TABLEnii(] ii nc!l liKcil aud cotujikilo

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYai\ iif\v am! in 1'erfWt oriltT. A!H.), tlio lioalLKOEIW iiid tilbur drhiliH, und ilia clmiccutHEOAIW. All who favor mo with a oitll -villlincl thcmwuIrcB atrtoably oiilfrlaiiietl and"elltrealfd. GEO. MANK.



Musical Instruments!

and la eacli branch a ew nud w p k t e fctoelw ot R0<n\*. 'just flpnneil, IIIIK n liir(-:> vtm-k at

Fieconil depar tment ,

BOOTS AND SHOES,every kind of wear, cmbrucini; nil tlint In now- in vaUoru nud dvirnble in Bctvice

Tbe tbird tlepiirinient in d tvo led to



Scud for catalogue of fi\ e tentiiiidic. New orgauB sold for 8O;euts per tveeh.

WM. S. WRIGHT,Blaokwell St., Dover, N. J.



mnko B EpccifiMy of thu mnmifacture of





EEPAIRING IN AIL BRANCHES.We liKYe uls© milled to our business tlie snlc of ItEADY-M ADR

CAKltlAOKS,n"'l linve just rvceivt'fl a CiVIt I^OJVU of BU«-CilKH nud SI'ISIAU U'AUU.XS. whicli \re offer ut r e J i

low liguics. l»L*liASK CALL AND MXAfllAR




The cheapest niul best steel wire fencing in (he mar-ket. At niniiufiictiircr's prices.

RUPTURESOare<! by the 0 0 L U N 0 8 ' METHOD in from

80 Io 90 d«J« "fitboat fprlng t t n sc o r stoppingwork, KRWdJete or M e or pa Hod of affliction.

rices moOtn te , Addro«Box65,Ht»nhope, M.J,

Or eatl »1 Jr«ich Boor Home, oppotlte thoFmbtUrtaaObaieh. W-lT


_. „_ _„ ,—uafljln itoelc.JFlra Pinnace rilu JD toe but compiaJej.

to-ij ,. . -






jiEi'AuiiNa l'lioairrLY AITENDED TO.



PORT ORAM, N. J.ITTOU dll t l ie principal tiQes of HieamBbipBJ ? rioin is'uw York to Livurpool a t LOWESTIUTKH. MBO W U F T 8 OK GltKAT HRITA1NAND IHELASD. Ifl-



Sportisunon's G-oods,Spi l l nn tn l iuo , Lantc%TOo*I. I lurnl ivmii

Anil I'Dittiimn T r o u t , Dlnclt Bftsl

Itcpls, lilncs, Flics, Honks, Ruslccts, etc

A fill! awortmniit wiiis-tnutly on liaiid of beat

Sr^ocli ft^il I^EIIEEIO XdOaAi^g Guns,



Another Solid and Very Inter-

esting Fact About

A etraiiRW in Nuw Esy i t was fntlunatu ...Retting 0 barrel of " COMMEItCE- wlilcliCftuatilUni tu •• culliuse" n» (ul lowi:

QESTS:—Dnrlnc the punt 27 years I haveasetl all (be prominent braaile of r L O U u bathave oever Leforo f<mncl BO uniform aqualM'aBlhB"Oommerce," 'so perfectly (ulapUti tiany lilnQ of pastry ami citimitic otir mujjlihortafter to erclaim " nuat iw»mit ulcrt'aray wliitibnacolt soil bread you always liavo an;l mid

I am now nfiing my second ham-1 ami ft-R!.fearful it wonlrt not prom aacooil a t (lio oilnibet It cannot bo eiodlcil. Our mcrcltant d i lnot know wiicrc it w«9 nimlj but a circular ofvuurs recnals " its Immc." KTITTts all Mike. Ia tlio fmt effiwion

JOHN H. MALLOBY,Gon*J Uaa'e ' r Oalifonl I'.irlr.





K. A. Wilkinson, prei'l



Nursery and GreenhousesUOItilli} ST . , SroilRISTOV.S, N. J .




FLOWER GARDENSliitD ODT ijru oiitEb ion.


Thotbnru's Flower Seeas. FOR SALE.

r TELEPHONE QkVL iBi. ?5-j7

aily inarLfininff, whifili shown lio_i« filviilS

WINES, LIQUORS and CiGftRSof tlie beat, ati<] ho ulabca tlit- iknkrFi

. . uuliont !Uis Oouuij- wnnld gite him a cult(whicL will paP them) hvtota bnying clac-

^, All ordec* «eut b j mail will teccivapt attention,

J . 3, BiOKOFP,Poror, N. J;






VIOLA BRAND,ml (ako no other. I t H always E o o d - o i a InMica nfiim every titno. Sanderson on tillsno brand increased h is floor t rade 600 i«tant. 29-tf


Estate of Stephen L« Swayze,deceased.

PTJRRUANZto tlia wtlcr t l Ihn SnrroB&tiiuf Hie County of Mnrrn. n i l Jo on tho

ttphttfititli day or Angus t. A.. D. ODD tfaognndeiclit hundred ami pijjlitv-tliree, notice ii

il QK ha vin lit hundred ami pijjlitv-tliree, notice ii'liF Riven to nil P ^ B H Q K ha vine cli lmii m t tliocfltr.tonrHfftilien T,.Hwa*20. laleoCCounty of Horrid, deceased, fo present tha

ip.iiiKipr ontli o r atlirtnation, io Ihfi sab-lirr, nn o r UPr^m thn eighteenth daT of

tiPict, tioing uinq montli* from thft flatsaiil order ; and any cre j i to r iiRglectlDff toiRin ninl v i h i l n t tnn nr hur nlaim, nuclor

or nflinnalton witlun tlio t ime io limited,\m forcvpr liarroil of l iU or lior aotion

rplnr a/iainst tho Adminis t ra tor .ated tLo eighteen t b Hnj of August , A. £ •

KOBEItT n . 8WAY2E,Aamloiolrntur,

3w Bonud Brook, N. J-




ill 1)8 Holt! licrciilter at tlio Offlco o t

IL V. SANDERSON'SCARTHAGE IlKrDSlTORY, Pdraons IWnR .on I- in the country" cuu writn for r*toa to o»erjrpaint Wo st. Hucli infor ra*tion will bo for-


Estato of William j , LeFevre,


PTTItSTJANT to [ho onlcr of tbo Snrropitenf lhi> Conctv of Mnrrln, ia»ae on tbe

biirtcentli day nr Attgnst, A. D. ono IbunHitnd'iRlit tmndved iml i'ifiliij-llirBt>, notion 11i^rrbj (,'ivrn to all pcraoii* h iv ing nlafrd»• '- • - - >tWillinmJ.IioFfl?re.lstouf

•if.ilceoHKwI, to present the

iclion ihiitPtor n.eali\i!tr llio AAtninlitntJJitcJ tbu fourteenth fhyofAtigrtat*.D.


Notice of Settlement.otice in lietfiby RITPD thaltiiOicwrintanlatibccribfr.AsiilRneeorCliirlPBA. Biraini;

EnEtne liuciJtDnn, partDert, Inrolrenttors, will bo nnrtiifd ftnd lUt td br the

Barro^iln. »nd rerortcd for wttltnient jo tboOrpbina'Oaart ot liiaOonotTot Koni»,onJlopiUy tha flrlt 0&; of October next ,

rETEE O B T J O K 1 > 6 * ^