The Difference Between Feeders and Non-feeders Geology 2010 With Illustrations -Use-libre

1 1 The geometric difference between non-feeders and feeder dikes Nobuo Geshi a , Shigekazu Kusumoto b , Agust Gudmundsson c a Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8567, Japan b Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, 930-8555, Japan c Department of Earth Sciences, Queen's Building, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, UK ABSTRACT Feeder-dikes bring magma to the surface; non-feeders become arrested and never reach the surface. The differences, if any, between these dike types remain largely unexplored because, in the field, it is normally unknown if a particular dike is a feeder or non-feeder. Here present measurements of feeder and non-feeder dikes exposed from depths of more than 200 m to the surface in the walls of the AD 2000 caldera collapse of the Miyakejima Volcano, Japan. A typical feeder thickness reaches a maximum of 2-4 m at the surface, decreases rapidly to about 1 m at depth of 20 - 40 m, and then remains constant to the bottom of the exposure. By contrast, a typical non-feeder thickness reaches a maximum of 1.5-2 m at 15 - 45 m below the tip, and then decreases slowly with depth to 0.5-1 m at the bottom of the exposure. We propose that free-surface effects and magmatic overpressure (driving pressure) changes during the eruption cause the overall shape of a feeder to differ from that of a non-feeder. Keywords: dike emplacement, magma pressure, rock properties, crustal stresses, surface deformation, volcanic hazard Geology, 38, 195198, 2010 INTRODUCTION Most volcanic unrest periods do not result in an eruption (Newhall and Dzurisin, 1988). Even those unrest periods where a magma-filled fracture, a dike, is known to have been injected from a magma chamber do not normally result in an eruption



Transcript of The Difference Between Feeders and Non-feeders Geology 2010 With Illustrations -Use-libre

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    The geometric difference between non-feeders and feeder dikes

    Nobuo Geshia, Shigekazu Kusumotob, Agust Gudmundssonc

    a Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8567, Japan b Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, 930-8555, Japan c Department of Earth Sciences, Queen's Building, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, UK

    ABSTRACT Feeder-dikes bring magma to the surface; non-feeders become arrested and never reach the surface. The differences, if any, between these dike types remain largely

    unexplored because, in the field, it is normally unknown if a particular dike is a feeder or non-feeder. Here present measurements of feeder and non-feeder dikes

    exposed from depths of more than 200 m to the surface in the walls of the AD 2000 caldera collapse of the Miyakejima Volcano, Japan. A typical feeder thickness reaches a maximum of 2-4 m at the surface, decreases rapidly to about 1 m at depth of 20 - 40 m, and then remains constant to the bottom of the exposure. By contrast, a typical non-feeder thickness reaches a maximum of 1.5-2 m at 15 - 45 m below the tip, and then decreases slowly with depth to 0.5-1 m at the bottom of the exposure. We propose that free-surface effects and magmatic overpressure (driving pressure) changes during the eruption cause the overall shape of a feeder to differ from that of a non-feeder.

    Keywords: dike emplacement, magma pressure, rock properties, crustal stresses, surface deformation, volcanic hazard

    Geology, 38, 195198, 2010

    INTRODUCTION Most volcanic unrest periods do not result in an eruption (Newhall and Dzurisin,

    1988). Even those unrest periods where a magma-filled fracture, a dike, is known to have been injected from a magma chamber do not normally result in an eruption

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    (Pollard et al., 1983; Bonafede and Rivalta, 1999; Gudmundsson, 2003). Since dikes (including inclined sheets) supply magma to all fissure eruptions, understanding the conditions that either stop (arrest) the dike tip or allow it to reach the surface are of fundamental importance for understanding unrest periods and for assessing volcanic hazards and risks.

    There have been some geometric studies of feeder dikes close to craters (Gudmundsson, 2003; Gudmundsson et al., 1999), but no systematic studies of thickness variations of feeders and non-feeders in highly active volcanoes, primarily because the most active parts of volcanic edifices lack suitable outcrops of dikes. The Miyakejima Volcano is probably unique because the caldera collapse in A.D. 2000 (Geshi et al., 2002) generated a 200-450 m high, subvertical outcrop that is ideal for detailed geometric measurements of non-feeders and feeders.

    Here we report the first results on the dikes in this outcrop. The focus is on (1) detailed measurements of the thickness variation of feeders and non-feeders as a function of depth and host-rock properties, (2) the overall geometric difference between the feeders and non-feeders, and (3) a general conceptual model to explain the difference.

    DIKES IN THE CALDERA WALL The Miyakejima Volcano, a basaltic - andesitic stratovolcano on the volcanic front of

    Izu - Mariana subduction zone (Fig. 1A), is one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. There have been repeated flank fissure eruptions through a radial dike system in the volcano, with smaller summit eruptions, for at least the past 10 ka (Fig. 1B) (Tsukui et al., 2005). The summit, a basaltic stratocone built primarily between 10-3 ka, collapsed at around 2.5 ka. The resulting caldera was subsequently buried by an intracaldera cone until about 1 ka. The A.D. 2000 caldera, 1.7 km across and about 450 m deep, dissects both the earlier stratocone and the later intracaldera cone (Fig. 1B; Geshi et al., 2002; Geshi, 2009).

    We observed165 dikes in the caldera wall, some of which can be traced vertically for up to 350 m (Fig. 2). The average dike thickness from all the measurements is 1.3 m, whereas the maximum measured dike thickness is 9.9 m. Some dikes in the caldera wall

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    show en echelon arrangement of segments, but most are offset in an irregular manner (Fig. 2). Most of the dikes strike radially from the central vent area which was destroyed during the caldera formation. The dike frequency is highest in the northwestern sector of the caldera walls, where the 10-2.5 ka deposits are exposed.

    The dikes in the caldera wall are of two types; feeders and non-feeders (Fig. 2). All the non-feeders terminate either by tapering away inside layers or ending bluntly at layer contacts, indicating that the dike segments seen in the caldera wall did not reach to the surface. Some 95% of dike-segments in the caldera wall are non-feeders although it is impossible to know if segments of the non-feeders reached the ground surface away from outcrop. The number of non-feeders exposed in the caldera wall (>100), however, is much greater than that of surface eruption fissures (

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    dike segmentation, cross-cutting younger dikes, hydrothermal alteration, brecciation by the caldera collapse, and debris cover. The representative five non-feeder dikes and three feeder dikes are shown in Figure 3.

    For a typical non-feeder, the thickness increases from the tip to a maximum of 1.5-2.1 m at 15-45 m below the tip, and then decreases slowly with depth to 0.5-1 m at the bottom of the exposure (Fig. 3). Below the maximum, the rate of decrease of dike thickness is typically about 0.5 m/100 m. For example, the non-feeder dike 90-04 (Fig. 3) increases its thickness to 2.1 m at 45 m below the tip, and then decreases its thickness to 0.8 m at a depth of 180 m. The thickness of segmented dikes locally changes at the segment boundary but generally decreases with the depth (Fig. 3).

    For feeder-dikes, the thickness distribution is very different (Fig. 3). Typically, the thickness reaches a maximum of 2-4 m at the surface, decreases rapidly to about 1 m at depth of 20-40 m, and then remains constant to the bottom of the exposure. For example, the thickness of the feeder to the 1535 fissure eruption (Fig. 3) peaks at 3.5 m at the base of its spatter cone. Then it first decreases rapidly to about 1.0 m at a depth of 30 m and then remains essentially constant to the bottom of the exposure at 100 m.

    FACTORS CONTROLLING DIKE THICKNESS One remarkable feature of the non-feeder dikes is the general and gradual thickness

    decrease below the maximum at a few tens of meters below the tip. We suggest that this thickness decrease is primarily related to the decreasing magmatic overpressure (driving pressure) and increasing host-rock Youngs modulus with depth. This follows, in a simple way, from the following equation (Sneddon and Lowengrub, 1969):



    212 (1)

    where b is the thickness (strictly, the maximum thickness) of the dike, Po is the magmatic overpressure (the pressure in excess of the normal stress on the dike at the point of thickness measurement), is Poisson's ratio and E Young's modulus of the host rock at the point of measurement. L is the dike controlling dimension, that is, the smaller of the dip and strike dimensions of the dike.

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    Eq. (1) has been used by many workers as a simple model for dikes and sills (Delaney and Pollard, 1981; Gudmundsson, 1990; Poland et al., 2008). For E = 1GPa (compliant, near-surface rocks) and = 0.25 (Bell, 2000), the average magmatic overpressures of the non-feeders 90-01, 90-02, 90-03, and 90-04 are 7-12 MPa. These values are similar to those obtained by many other workers (Delaney and Pollard, 1981; Gudmundsson, 1990; Poland et al., 2008).

    The magmatic overpressure or driving pressure is given by (Gudmundsson, 1990): demro pghP (2)

    where r is the density of the host rock, m is the density of the magma, g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the dip dimension or height of the dike (positive upward from the source chamber) at the point of thickness measurement, pe is the excess magmatic pressure in the source chamber before rupture and dike injection (normally equal to the in situ tensile strength of the rock), and d is the stress difference between the vertical and the horizontal compressive stress at the point of dike-thickness measurement. Since most dikes are pure extension fractures, d is generally equal to the difference between the minimum and maximum principal compressive stresses at the point of measurement.

    From Eqs. (1,2) it follows that the overpressure of a propagating dike increases with increasing dip dimension (height) of the dike above its source chamber so long as the average density of the host rock layers is greater than the magma density. When Po increases, it follows from Eq. (1) that, other things being equal, the dike thickness increases. Thus, the thickness of a dike normally decreases, and its strike dimension increases, that is, the dike becomes thinner and longer along strike, with increasing depth below the point of maximum overpressure (Gudmundsson, 1990), in agreement with the present measurements (Fig. 3).

    Gas expansion may decrease the density of basaltic magma at very shallow levels in the volcano. Initial water contents of the basaltic magmas of Miyakejima are estimated at 2 wt% (Kuritani et al., 2003) and the magmas already contained bubbles when they intruded into the volcanic edifice. Thus, even if the density of the rock layers through

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    which the dike propagates decreases toward the surface, so does the magma density. Consequently, the buoyancy term in Eq. (2) results in the dike overpressure and, from Eq. (1), thickness may increase down to a few tens of meters below the surface. Below this depth, however, the overpressure generally decreases as the dike height h above its source chamber decreases. Also, as a result of compaction of the porous and poorly-consolidated pyroclastics in the volcano, Youngs modulus generally increases with the depth. Thus, from Eq. (1), an average increase in Young's modulus and decrease in overpressure results in the dike thickness decreasing with depth below its maximum.

    In addition to the general thickness trends, there are irregular, local thickness variations in both dike types (Fig. 3). There is, for example, an abrupt thickness increase in dike 110-01, a local "bulge", at 75-85 m below the dike tip where the dike dissects poorly-consolidated scoriaceous tuff. Similar dike-thickness variations have been observed, for example, in layered sedimentary rocks (Baer, 1991).

    This irregularity in thickness is, we propose, primarily related to abrupt changes in the physical properties, primarily Young's modulus, of the rock layers that the dikes dissect. Although Young's modulus generally increases with depth, as explained above, it may vary abruptly between compliant or soft poorly-consolidated pyroclastic layers and stiff lava flows and welded layers. The difference in stiffness between these layers may easily reach a factor of ten, and occasionally a factor of 100 (Bell, 2000).

    DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The essentially constant thickness of a typical feeder dike, except for its near-surface

    part, suggests the buoyancy of the magmas was gradually lost during the eruption, and that the magma reached a stress-equilibrium with the host rock at the end of eruption. We attribute the rapid dike-thickness increase toward the surface in the uppermost 20-40 m to two factors. One is the elastic free-surface effect (Isida, 1955; Pollard et al., 1983; Gray, 1992), which effectively means that due to lack of constraints at the free surface (as half the elastic space is "removed"), on meeting the surface the fracture (here the dike) tends to open up. The second factor is erosion of the dike walls due to thermal and dynamic effects (Bruce and Huppert, 1989).

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    Feeders propagate and grow as non-feeders before they reach the surface. Therefore, the geometric difference between these types of dike, as described above, is primarily a reflection of the feeders reaching the surface. A non-feeder largely keeps its original emplacement geometry, whereas once a feeder reaches the surface its magmatic overpressure gradually falls, during the course of the eruption, and its thickness decreases to balance the horizontal stress in the host rock.

    In conclusion, this study shows that there are significant differences between the overall geometries of feeder-dikes and non-feeders, indicating that the non-feeders reflect the overall shapes of magma-filled fracture before eruption whereas the feeders reflect the overall shapes at the end of eruptions. The magmatic pressure within a typical feeder seems to equilibrate with the host rock during the eruption so that, except in the near-surface part, its thickness becomes relatively constant. Thus, the feeder thickness does not reflect the emplacement conditions, but rather the conditions at the end of the eruption. This is in stark contrast with a typical non-feeder which largely keeps its original thickness. Thus, the geometry of an exposed non-feeder is an indication of its magmatic overpressure, a controlling factor in the mechanics of dike emplacement.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Hiroshi Shinohara and Teruki Oikawa for helpful suggestions,

    Valerio Acocella, Mike Poland, Alessandro Tibaldi, and Sandra J Wyld for helpful review comments, and the Japan Meteorological Agency (Miyake Observatory) and the local government of Miyake Village for support during the field surveys.

    REFERENCES Bell, F.G., 2000, Engineering Properties of Rocks, 4th ed, Blackwell, Oxford. Bruce, P.M., H.E. Huppert, 1989, Thermal control of basaltic fissure eruptions: Nature,

    v. 342, p. 665-667. doi: 10.1038/342665a0. Baer, G., 1991, Mechanisms of dike propagation in layered rocks and in massive, porous

    sedimentary rocks: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 96, p. 11,911-11,929. Bonafede, M. and Rivalta, E., 1999, The tensile dislocation problem in a layered elastic

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    medium: Geophysical Journal International, v. 136, p. 341-356. Delaney, P.T., and Pollard, D.D., 1981, Deformation of host rocks and flow of magma

    during growth of minette dikes and breccia bearing intrusions near Ship Rock, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1202.

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    Gray, T.G.F., 1992, Handbook of Crack Opening Data: Abington Publishing, Cambridge UK.

    Gudmundsson, A., 1990, Emplacement of dikes, sills and crustal magma chambers at divergent plate boundaries: Tectonophysics, v. 176, p. 257-275. doi: 10.1016/0040-1951(90)90073-H.

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    Isida, M., 1955, On the tension of a semi-infinite plate with an elliptic hole: Scientific Papers of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima University, v. 5, p. 75-95.

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    Poland, M.P., Moats, W.P., Fink, J.H., 2008, A model for radial dike emplacement in composite cones based on observations from Summer Coon volcano, Colorado, USA. Bulletin of Volcanology, v.70, p. 861-875. doi: 10.007/s00445-007-0175-9.

    Pollard, D.D., Delaney, P.T., Duffield, W.A., Endo, E. T., Okamura, A.T., 1983, Surface deformation in volcanic rift zones: Tectonophysics, v. 94, p. 541-584. doi: 10.1016/0040-1951(83)90034-3.

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    Sneddon, I.N., M. Lowengrub, 1969, Crack Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity: Wiley, London.

    Tsukui, M., Niihori, K., Kawanabe, Y., 2005, Geological Map of Miyakejima Volcano, Geological Survey of Japan. (In Japanese with English Abstract)

    Figure 1. A) Locality map of Miyakejima Volcano. B) Outline of the caldera formed during the 2000 eruption and the radial trends of major eruption fissures (broken lines).

    Figure 2. A) Part of the dike swarm in the northwestern part of the caldera wall (a.s.l. means "above sea level"). The blue arrows indicate dike 90-01 and pink arrows indicate dike 90-04. B) Feeder dike to the AD 1535 scoria cone, with a thick tip indicated by the upper arrow and its thin lowermost exposed part by the lower arrow. The thickness variations of these dikes are presented in Fig. 3..

    Figure 3. Variation in thicknesses of 5 non-feeders and 3 feeder-dykes. Notice the widely different overall geometries of the dikes, as well as the abrupt local thickness changes in many of them. Horizontal broken lines show segment boundaries (S.B.). Host-rock lithology is shown in the diagram for dike 110-01, showing a local bulge in tuff layer.

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