The Developing Brain A New Paradigm for The 21 st Century Tim Callahan, Psy.D.

The Developing Brain A New Paradigm for The 21 st Century Tim Callahan, Psy.D.

Transcript of The Developing Brain A New Paradigm for The 21 st Century Tim Callahan, Psy.D.

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The Developing Brain A New Paradigm for The 21 st Century Tim Callahan, Psy.D. Slide 2 Paradigm Shift scientific revolutions are inaugurated by a growing sense that an existing paradigm has ceased to function adequately in the exploration of an aspect of nature Thomas Kuhn Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Diverse People, Diverse Learners, Diverse Brains Slide 6 Nurturing Environments 2009 Institute of Medicine Report: Substantial Interrelationship Among Disorders Common Set of Conditions - The Environment 1. Minimize Toxic Events 2. Teach, Promote, Reinforce Pro-social Behaviors 3. Monitor & Limit Problem Behavior 4. Foster Psychological Flexibility Biglan, Flay, Embry, Sandler -2012 Slide 7 Flexible Brains in Uncertain Times Slide 8 Technology Slide 9 Plato & The New Technology [Writing] will introduce forgetfulness into the soul of those who learn it: they will not practice using their memory because they will put their trust in writing, which is external and depends on signs that belong to others, instead of trying to remember from the inside, completely on their own. (Phaedrus 275a-b ) Slide 10 Slide 11 By Design: Survival & Adaptation Accumulated Complexity Brain Regulation & Health Biological Nature of Relationships Developmental Operating Systems Slide 12 Evolutionary Mismatch Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 Neurotransmitters Serotonin Dopamine Epinephrine Norepinephrine GABA Slide 19 Threat/Stress Management System By Design Dialogue Between Old & New Immune System Developed Through Exposure Cortisol Cascade Crisis Hyper-Excitable Systems Instinct Management Slide 20 Stress Just Right Not Too Much, Not Too Little Slide 21 Too Much Stress Brain Damage - Shrinks Neuronal Networks Wires Brain Toward Instinctual Survival & Fear Hyper Vigilant to Anticipated Threat Panic with Uncertainty, Change Prone to More & More Crisis Life Not Safe, Predictable, or Controllable Fragmented Sense of Self Behavior Problems = Solutions Slide 22 Slide 23 Impact on School Performance Academic Performance Standardized Testing Math & Verbal Developmental Delays Language Delays Special Education Needs Repeated Grades Behavior Problems Bullying Absence & Truancy Removal & Exclusion Slide 24 Trauma, Stress & Adverse Childhood Experiences, 3.4 million referrals nationally, for 6.3 million kids in 2012 62% investigated, 17.7% substantiated (686,000) 75% neglect, 15% physical, 10% sexual, 10% emotional Birth to one - highest 50.9 - girls, 48.7% boys 44% - White, 21.8% - Hispanic, 21% - AA Impact & Cost *Child Welfare Information Gateway -2014 Slide 25 Nature Nurture Michelangelo Every block of stone has a sculpture inside of it, it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. Slide 26 Biological & Symbiotic Slide 27 Spheres of Development Slide 28 Slide 29 Slide 30 Pruning Slide 31 Asymmetry of the Teen Brain Slide 32 Gender Differences Same But Different 1% of 30,000 Genes Hormone Marinates Different Circuits for Same Task Compatible Complex Brains By Design Slide 33 Plasticity & Resilience The Compensating Brain Neuroplasticity Adaptability Trauma, Stress & Resiliency Neuronal Connectivity Health Creating Environments Relationships as Anchors Slide 34 The Recipe Safety Dignity Compassion Respect for Individual Differences Brain & Body Health Nurturing Environments Readiness Relationships Praise Stimulation & Rest Curiosity Humor, Playfulness Prosthetics Lifespan Development Slide 35 Slide 36 [email protected]