The Detox Course - Pure Vitality University · The Detox Course Table of Contents Toxins: How They...

The Detox Course Table of Contents Toxins: How They Affect Us 2 How Disease Happens 10 The Table of Homotoxicology 12 The Five Levels of Health 14 How to Detox 15 Colonics 21 How to Detox the Colon 22 How to Get Toxins Out of Fat Cells 23 Using a Far Infrared Sauna 24 Choosing the Best Sauna 26 Sauna Comparison Chart 30 Setting Up A Detox Area 32 Using a Sauna Basics 34 Contraindications 35 Intensive Sauna Protocol 38 Sauna Detox Waiver Examples 44 Supplement List 46 Sauna Cleanse Log 51 Increasing Niacin and Supplements 59 Re-Stimulations and Healing Crisis 60 Safety Issues 62 If You Liked This... 64 Module 4: Detox • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 1

Transcript of The Detox Course - Pure Vitality University · The Detox Course Table of Contents Toxins: How They...

Page 1: The Detox Course - Pure Vitality University · The Detox Course Table of Contents Toxins: How They Affect Us 2 How Disease Happens 10 The Table of Homotoxicology 12 The Five Levels

The Detox Course Table of Contents

Toxins: How They Affect Us 2

How Disease Happens 10

The Table of Homotoxicology 12

The Five Levels of Health 14

How to Detox 15

Colonics 21

How to Detox the Colon 22

How to Get Toxins Out of Fat Cells 23

Using a Far Infrared Sauna 24

Choosing the Best Sauna 26

Sauna Comparison Chart 30

Setting Up A Detox Area 32

Using a Sauna Basics 34

Contraindications 35

Intensive Sauna Protocol 38

Sauna Detox Waiver Examples 44

Supplement List 46

Sauna Cleanse Log 51

Increasing Niacin and Supplements 59

Re-Stimulations and Healing Crisis 60

Safety Issues 62

If You Liked This... 64

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Toxins: How They Affect Us

Detox. There could not be more confusion about what people mean when they say

‘detox’ these days in the alternative health field. In this module, we will do a deep dive into

what it means to detoxify the body and talk about various detox methods because some of

them are not very effective. This topic is very important for you to fully understand because it

takes utilizing detoxification these days to get people well.

Most people are affected by toxins in the body, but they are unaware of how these si-

lent killers are contributing to their fatigue, brain fog, sugar cravings, inability to lose weight,

and disease.

When you say the word “detox”, some people think of colon cleansing, or a juice fast,

or a supplement package they saw at the local health food store. Or they may think of drug

rehab centers, which call withdrawing from recreational drugs a “detox”, which is really just

about getting off the drug, not removing all of the toxins from the body. The problem is that

all of these things only have a limited detoxification effect and only remove toxins from the

body that are already in circulation. They are not removing the toxins that are hidden away in

your fat cells, the fat-soluble toxins that have slowly been accumulating over the decades,

which are poisoning your body. In this module, you will learn why those toxins are so harmful

and how to get them out of the body safely and effectively, which can enable you to feel more

energy, more mental clarity, and reverse the signs of disease.

So, what are toxins? A toxin is any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful ef-

fects in the body. These include airborne pollutants like diesel fumes, synthetic household

cleaners, heavy metals, pesticides, and inflammatory food substances like artificial sweeteners

and food additives.

Experts call the total amount of toxins stored in the body at a given time our toxic

“body burden.” They note that when our total body burden passes a certain point, organs of

elimination slow way down, kind of like your water filter when you haven’t changed it for a

while. And we will talk more about this in just a minute.

Doesn’t our body have a way to detoxify itself? Yes, it’s true that the body has a de-

toxification system built right in: The liver filters out environmental toxins that circulate in the

blood, the kidneys flush out digestive byproducts like uric acid and mineral buildup, and the

lungs filter the air we breathe. The skin eliminates toxins through sweat, while the intestines

remove those neutralized toxins out of the body.

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But it’s also true that our bodies aren’t always up to handling the sheer amount of toxic

chemicals that we modern humans are exposed to on a daily basis, and that this can lead to

health problems.

Unlike any other time in human history, we are now living in a world that is more toxic

than it ever has been in the past. Our exposure to toxic substances has increased due to envi-

ronmental pollution, chemicals in our foods, and pharmaceutical and recreational drug

use. 100,000 new chemicals have been created since WWII. Of these, only a fraction have

been tested for their safety.

Even in the most pristine places on earth, scientists have found disturbing levels of

man-made chemicals in the wildlife, plants, and water of these areas. This is because they are

released from smokestacks, dumped into oceans, lakes, and rivers….sprayed on food crops,

and used in manufacturing. They are dispersed by the wind, rained down onto soil, taken up

by plants and animals who eat the plants, and then by humans who eat the plants and ani-


Each year, chemical companies in the US make over 6 trillion pounds of 9000 different

chemicals and releases over 7 billion pounds into the atmosphere and environment. There are

more than 3,000 chemicals deliberately added to our food and the average home contains

more than 1,000 chemicals (flame retardants on our furnishings, chemical cleaners, new car-

peting, formaldehyde in furniture, etc..).

Because these toxins permeate our air, water, and food, they make their way into our

bodies. The average American now carries a “body burden” of hundreds of synthetic chemi-

cals. The Environmental Working Group is currently testing the blood, urine, and tissues of

average people around the world to determine the full scope of industrial pollution in people

and have found all kinds of chemicals. These chemicals have been linked to cancer, brain and

nervous system disorders, birth defects, and all sort of health problems.

Let’s look at some individual chemicals for a moment. Phthalates are the main chemi-

cal in plastics that provides the flexibility and resilience to plastic. Phthalates are found in ad-

hesives, detergents, flooring, raincoats, cosmetics, plastic bags, children’s toys, fast food pack-

aging, and other common items. They can leech into our food from food packaging. When

you put food into plastic containers and especially when you heat the food in those containers,

the chemicals leech from the plastic and get into our food. Once inside our bodies, phthalates

can cause infertility, weight gain, insulin resistance, and even breast cancer.

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Dioxins are another man-made compound that is created when we manufacture plas-

tics, pesticides, and other chemicals. They are a by-product of industrial manufacturing. They

are one of the most potent causes of cancer known to man. Dioxins damage the liver, thyroid,

and the immune system. Studies show that nursing infants can consume as much as 18 times

more dioxin in one year than the maximum “safe” lifetime dose as recommended by the CDC.

Is it any wonder that childhood cancer is the number one cause of death by disease in chil-


Pesticides are one of the most harmful chemicals to the human body because of the

way they damage the nervous system. They are designed to damage the nervous system of

bugs, because that’s how they kill them. That’s how they work. Pesticides are sprayed on

crops, used in schools, office buildings, restaurants, and churches. Pesticides are even used

directly in homes! I remember when I was young, my parents had an exterminator come

spray the inside of our home every few months. No one even told me to leave while he did it

and I can still remember what that stuff smelled like. I was exposed at a very young age to

pesticides. Pesticides are used on most food that is grown and people tend to think that the

thick peel will protect it from reaching the inside, but that ‘s not true. These pesticides end up

in the soil the plants are grown in too and when watered, are taken up by the roots into the


And it is not just chemicals we are exposed to in our environment. Sometimes the air

inside our homes can be more toxic than the air outside our homes! The average new carpet

outgases over a dozen chemicals, all of which can cause disease. Anderson Labs demon-

strated just how toxic new carpeting can be. They placed a little patch of carpet in the bottom

of a glass jar with some mice. In some of the samples, the mice actually died!

Indoor air quality in many homes has been found to have more toxic chemicals in it

than outdoor air. Because we spend so much time indoors, this has a dramatic affect on our


Construction materials are one source– like paints and wallboard, wallpaper, plywood,

pressed board, and furniture, contain formaldehyde and other toxic compounds. Sofas, mat-

tresses, insulation, and other home furnishings are coated with flame retardant chemicals and

pesticides. Air fresheners, cleaning chemicals, bug killers, bleach and fabric softeners, are just

a few of the chemicals you will find in your average home. Most people don’t think that these

are toxic. They don’t think they are being exposed to things at home that are endangering

their health.

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According to research that has been done, pesticides, heavy metals and other chemi-

cals adhere to dust particles and can enter our homes on the bottom of shoes. A National

Cancer Institute study found residues of 34 toxic chemicals in household carpet dust.

Other people have higher exposure to chemicals in their workplace. Certain occupa-

tions, such as painting, or working in chemical or plastic manufacturing plants will cause

higher exposure levels. There is a list of all the occupations with a higher risk of toxic expo-

sure on the Toxicity Test you took. It lists all the different industries that have a higher expo-


Chemicals are called endocrine disruptors, meaning they damage the hormone recep-

tors on our cells. These receptors are meant to receive the hormones produced by the body,

and then send the appropriate signal to the cell- telling it what to do. But the chemicals have

a similar structure to the hormones and can fit exactly in the hormone receptors just like the

hormone does. So what happens is that the hormone cannot get to the cell receptor site be-

cause the chemical is in it’s place. That is why we have so many hormonal issues nowadays.

This can be why taking a supplemental hormone is often ineffective because it cannot

get into the damaged hormone receptor site. These chemicals are hormone mimics that

scramble messages and jam signals in our body. This is one reason why hypothyroidism is

rampant in our country. It’s not that we are deficient in hormones, it’s that we have toxic

chemicals blocking their ability to do their job.

What are the main systems of the body that are affected by toxic chemicals? The ma-

jor systems of the body affected by toxic chemicals are the immune system, neurological sys-

tem, and the endocrine system.

By blocking the action of our hormones, these chemicals can cause infertility, fatigue,

depression, mood swings, low thyroid function, adrenal issues, memory loss, endometriosis,

and loss of libido.

They have an adverse effect on the immune system and can cause anything ranging

from decreased immune function, increased sensitivity and therefore allergies, and autoimmu-

nity. Many chemicals are known to cause LUPUS. The book, the AutoImmune Epidemic is a

great resource if you want to learn more about the connection to toxins and autoimmune dis-

eases. The most concerning health effect is the increased risk of cancer. These types of tox-

ins are carcinogens, meaning that they cause cancer. Many studies have shown that exposure

to certain chemicals, pesticides, have a 4-6 times the risk of developing cancer.

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The endocrine system is also severely affected by toxins. The endocrine system is

made up of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus, and pancreas.

The most common symptoms of damage by toxins to the endocrine system are sleep distur-

bances, changes in energy level or mood, changes in appetite and bowel function, changes in

sexual desire or in menstrual cycle, and loss of hair or change in skin texture.

The thyroid gland is particularly affected by chemicals because they can cause a de-

crease of T3 and T4 levels. Thyroid imbalances are at an all time high now and so many peo-

ple don’t feel any better on thyroid hormone.

Toxic chemicals have also been linked to lowered fertility levels, and increased risk of

still births and miscarriages.

Let’s look at just heavy metals for a moment. These are metals that are harmful to

the body and are found in many things. Aluminum is a metal that can cause brain degenera-

tion, dementia, and memory problems, digestive disorders, skin rashes, and nerve damage. It

is found in antiperspirants, antacids, laxatives, baking powder, cigarette filters, soft drink cans,

cookware and foil, and dental fillings.

Cadmium can cause acne, arthritis, cancer, emotional problems, heart disease, high

blood pressure, kidney and liver damage, and nausea. It is found in auto exhaust, cigarette

smoke, fertilizers, paints, fungicides, and rubber.

Mercury is one of the most toxic metals that exists and can cause: birth defects, head-

aches, hearing loss, insanity, learning disabilities, nerve damage, digestive problems, yeast

infections, candida overgrowth, nausea, and thyroid problems. It is found in adhesives, cos-

metics, dental fillings, drugs, paint, contact lens solution, pesticides, fabric softener, tuna fish

and swordfish, and vaccines.

There are even more heavy metals, but this is just a few to show you how toxic they

are and how common they are in our everyday environment.

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Symptoms Associated With Toxicity

What are the symptoms of toxic exposure? Symptoms of toxic overload can include

pretty much anything, but here are the common signs:


Brain fog

Compromised digestion

Shin rashes or burning anywhere in the body

Respiratory problems such as asthma

Low thyroid function

Adrenal fatigue


Irritability and Mood Swings

Joint Pain



Sensitivity to chemicals or fragrances

Memory loss

Elevated liver enzymes


Heart problems





Even major diseases have been linked to toxic exposure, such as cancer, diabetes, Lu-

pus, Autism, etc.

Many times I have found certain chemicals to be the trigger in people suffering from

chronic disease. After asking several questions, such as “when did your symptoms start?”

“What was going on in your life at that time?”... When I ask these questions, they remember

bombing their house for fleas just a few months prior to the onset of their symptoms. Or they

moved into a new mobile home just before they came down with asthma. Or their basement

flooded and they started having mold grow in their house. Or they grew up near a factory.

Or how as kids they ran behind a spray truck that sprayed for bugs that came down their

street every week. Suddenly they are able to make the connection of what that truck was

spraying and they are able to understand why their health broke down.

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The Cumulative Effect

For some people, they remember a toxic exposure that was significant, but for most

people, it was not one major exposure or one incident that harmed their health. It was min-

ute amounts of everyday chemicals that have added up over the decades that is compromising

their health. And that is why it is so hard to realize the role these toxins play in our health.

We don’t think that perfume, hair spray, new carpet smell, paint fumes are harming us in the


Each toxic chemical may not be much by itself …they are measured in parts per billion,

and the safe levels of each one are set by the EPA based on their harmful effects. But are

those levels really safe? When EPA sets safety limits, they look at each contaminant sepa-

rately. For example, they look at mercury, and set a safe limit, then they look at dioxin, and

set a safe limit for dioxin. Researchers know what mercury does in the body, and they know

what dioxins do in the body, but what they don’t know is what these chemicals do in combi-

nation with each other in the body. This has not even been researched! So, while we are ex-

posed minute amounts of each chemical, what’s happening is that we are being exposed to

sooo many of them, that it adds up very quickly in reality. It is the grand total of all these

in combination with each other that cause the most damage.

So, in terms of it’s cumulative effect, in this case 1+1 does not equal 2, but more like

10! Parts per billion of these compounds add up quickly when you are exposed to so many of

them. It is estimated that the average person has to detoxify around 500 chemicals each day!

The problem is that the human body was not designed to detoxify all of these foreign chemi-

cals. Our body detoxifies what it can, but it can only handle so much. So, what the liver can-

not handle, gets tucked away in our fat cells, and the result is that we slowly build up a toxic

burden in our bodies, and stockpile these toxins in our tissues.

Toxicologists and physicians are fully trained to identify a person who has been acutely

poisoned by a toxic chemical. But they are NOT trained to identify or treat someone who has

become ill over time from small daily exposures that are far below the level that would be con-

sidered potentially threatening. And this is what is happening to us right now.

Not long ago scientists thought that the placenta shielded umbilical cord blood — and

the developing baby — from most chemicals and pollutants in the environment. But now we

know that at this critical time when organs, vessels, membranes and systems are being knit

together from single cells to a baby in a span of weeks, the umbilical cord carries not only the

building blocks of life, but also a steady stream of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesti-

cides that cross the placenta as readily as residues from cigarettes and alcohol.

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In a study by the Environmental Working Group in 2005, they found an average of 200

industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood from 10 babies. Tests revealed a

total of 287 chemicals in the group. The umbilical cord blood of these 10 children, collected by

Red Cross after the cord was cut, contained pesticides, consumer product ingredients, wastes

from burning coal, chemicals used in fast food packaging, clothes and textiles — including the

Teflon — and dozens of widely used brominated flame retardants and their toxic by-products.

Of the 287 chemicals they found, 180 of them cause cancer in humans or animals,

217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal devel-

opment in animal tests. The dangers of being exposed to this complex mixture of carcinogens

and neurotoxins has NEVER been studied.

Chemical exposures in the womb or during infancy can be dramatically more harmful

than exposures later in life. Substantial scientific evidence demonstrates that children face

higher risks from their body burden of pollution; children's vulnerability comes from both rapid

development and incomplete defense systems, like the immune system.

Here are some more reasons why they are more harmful:

A developing child's chemical exposures are greater pound-for-pound than those of adults.

An immature, blood-brain barrier allows greater chemical exposures because their brain is

not even developed yet.

A baby's organs and systems are rapidly developing, and thus are often more vulnerable to

damage from chemical exposure.

Systems that detoxify and excrete industrial chemicals are not fully developed yet.

The longer future life span of a child compared to an adult allows more time for adverse

effects to arise.

The Environmental Working Group is working to understand the full scope of industrial

pollution in humanity in their Human Toxome project. They are using cutting edge techniques

to test blood, urine, breast milk and other human tissues for industrial chemicals that enter the

human body as pollution in food, air, and water, or from exposures to ingredients in everyday

consumer products.

The blood and urine of the adult group contained 372-448 of 543 industrial com-

pounds, pollutants and other chemicals tested, including chemicals linked to brain and nervous

system toxicity, reproductive toxicity and fertility problems, as well as immune system toxicity.

So, Instead of asking if the person is toxic, the question that should be asked is how much and

how best to detoxify them!

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How Disease Happens

If you had acne and treated it with conventional drugs to suppress it, and now your

acne is “cured” but you now have allergies that you didn’t have before - did you really cure the


Most people think yes, you’ve solved the skin problem and now you have a different

problem to take to the allergy specialist. This is the fallacy of conventional specialization! And

it doesn’t take the entire body into consideration.

In reality, the acne is an inflammatory process that the body produces to try to get rid

of some kind of toxin, whether from outside or a toxin produced by the body itself. For some

reason, it couldn’t be eliminated at the level of normal excretion (sweating, urination, mucus,

etc.). So it had to bring in the heating quality of inflammation to do the job.

When you suppress that process, you push it more deeply into the system, where dif-

ferent symptoms crop up, and now they’re even more difficult to treat and begin to involve

tissue degeneration.

Homotoxicology is a wonderful visual aid and model for understanding how disease is

created, so that when you have symptoms you can see the larger context of what they really


The table on the following pages shows the various phases the body uses to try to get

rid of these toxins, and the various conditions that can appear at each phase. The idea is that

we want to get the condition to move in the healing direction, to push the toxins out of the


But commonly, drugs such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatories are used to make

symptoms go away, and they’re very good at that, but we’ll see how they actually can sup-

press this healing process and lead to a progression of the disease process.

To understand the disease process, let’s look deeper into Homotoxicology. Homotoxi-

cology is the study of the effects of toxic substances on human beings. It is a clear way to

understand how disease originates and how it is also cured. It was originally formulated by a

German doctor, Dr. Han-Heinrich Reckeweg, who was an MD, a pharmacologist, and a homeo-

path. In 1955, he studied the effects of pharmaceutical drugs on the human body. He stud-

ied what happened in the body when the body’s symptoms were suppressed.

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After discovering what the body does in order to cope with the toxicity of the drugs, he

created homotoxicolgy to explain this process the body goes through in it’s battle against tox-

ins. According to Dr. Reckeweg, all diseases are expressions of the way the body is dealing

with toxins, in it’s attempt to counteract and expel them. When the body can no longer expel

them, for whatever reason, the body tries through increased pathological means to make up

for the damage already sustained. This process goes through 6 distinct phases:

1. The Excretion Phase where the body is exposed to a toxin or microbe and the body

will then get rid of the toxin quickly through various body orifices. Examples: Diarrhea,

vomiting, sweating, coughing, etc…

2. The Reaction Phase is where the toxins are removed by the body reacting against

them through inflammation. Examples: fever, or any other inflammatory condition that

ends with itis. Examples: Bronchitis, Conjunctivitis, Thyroiditis, etc...

3. The Deposition Phase is where the body has been unable to get rid of the toxin any

other way and it will get deposited in the body’s tissues, such as connective tissue or fatty


The above phases are easily and naturally reversible. But once the body is forced to deal with

the toxins in the following phases, more damage occurs to the organs themselves and it is

harder and harder to reverse and heal from.

4. Impregnation phase is where the toxin build up causes disease to occur in the

body’s weakest organ. What started out as a cough in phase one, moves into acute bronchi-

tis, has now become chronic bronchitis.

5. Degeneration phase is where the organ is increasingly and irreversibly damaged.

From bronchitis, now it has turned into emphysema as it’s damaged the lungs.

6. Neoplasm or Cancer phase is where the cell genes are damaged and cancer is

created. What was once emphysema is now lung cancer.

When the body cannot excrete toxins, such as when medications are taken to suppress

the natural response of the body or from other blockages such as constipation, it creates in-

flammation to try to get rid of them. If this natural response of the body is suppressed with

more medication, the body has to deposit the toxins somewhere in the body where they will

be walled off and isolated from the rest of the body. Eventually this manifests in a tumor or

other cancer as the body encapsulates the toxins.

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The Table of Homotoxicology

Once the body’s symptoms cross the line of Biological Division, it means that the body

has more damage from toxins and will be harder to heal from it. Creating healing in the body

while the symptoms are still minor is the goal as it’s easier to reverse.

As the body heals, sometimes the person will experience an expelling of the toxins be-

cause they are working their way backwards through the chart (right to left) instead of pro-

gressing forwards through the chart (left to right). This is what a Healing Crisis is all about.

The body is finally able to expel the toxin that had been suppressed inside as it heals.

Healing Crisis is part of detoxification, but don’t worry, it’s just temporary. When you

start giving your body the support it needs, it will start to clean out the old stuff that has accu-

mulated over the years and rebuild your body from a cellular level.

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It is a short, temporary detoxification process that usually only lasts a few hours or a

few days. These symptoms don’t usually resemble sickness, such as a sore throat or a fever,

but rather will typically be a flare up of your typical symptoms that you have experienced in

the past. That is how you know it’s a healing crisis and not the flu! Your body is taking the

time to deal with those areas of your body that need to be healed. You could experience di-

arrhea, constipation, aches and pains, headaches, rashes, irritability, fatigue, or nausea.

Sometimes you can even have emotional healing reactions, where old emotional pain that you

have stuffed down is able to come to the surface so it can be released. Just let it go and allow

yourself to heal.

When a healing crisis is over, you will feel even better than before it began. Your

health will have reached a higher level. If your symptoms continue and you do not start

to feel better, it is not a healing crisis. You could just be sick or reacting to something. Stop

and seek the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Everyone will experience different things during a detox, so it is important to be open

to whatever your body needs to go through to regain your health. Be in a place of curiosity

and not judgement because everyone of us is different and our healing journey will look differ-

ent from others. But just remember what’s on the other side of a healing crisis, is a level of

health that you have never experienced, so it’s worth it!

I want to break this down into an even more simple diagram here. This is called the

Five Levels of Health. So the longer someone has been unhealthy, the more degeneration

takes place in their body and the longer it will take to get well. The less time someone has

been sick, the quicker their body will respond to natural methods of healing. People ask me all

the time how long it will take for them to regain their health, and that’s a very hard question

to answer. It really depends on their level of health, their body burden of toxins, and how

long they’ve been sick.

People in levels 1-4 can detoxify their body with the methods in this program. For

those in levels 3 and 4, just know that the longer they have been chronically sick, and the

higher the level of toxins in their body, the more detoxification it will take to bring the body

back to health. I was in Level 4, so it took me a couple of years to regain my health. Most of

my clients are not that sick and it only takes them a few months and then they are much bet-


While I wish that everyone was strong enough to detoxify their body, the truth is that

people in level 5, which may have advanced disease, poor organ function, or are in their eld-

erly years, cannot detoxify their body on a deep level.

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The Five Levels of Health

Using the Table of Homotoxicolgy as a reference point, you can see that everyone is at

a different level of health. In the chart below, you will see the 5 different levels of health.

The longer someone has been unhealthy, the more degeneration takes place in their body

and the longer it will take to get well. The less time someone has been sick, the quicker their

body will respond to natural methods of healing.

People in levels 2-3 will be the majority of your clients who will come to you, looking

for answers. Level 4 will be more compromised and will be more challenging to get better be-

cause it will require both more effort and more time. They will also require more detoxification

to bring their body back to health. It’s not uncommon to take a year or two for these people

to get well. People in Level 5 will probably not be able to even make it to your office. They

can be risky to work with and require an experienced practitioner because you have to work

with them differently and monitor them closely.











Needs Help


Needs Medical




Robust health,

No symptoms

Good, some


Several symp-


Barely able to

get through day

System in


Energy Level Plenty Fair Some fatigue Fatigue most of


Cannot restore



Excellent Good Avoids physical


None Survival issues



Alert and


Good Some brain fog Severe brain fog Unaware



Balanced and


Good Others notice

emotional prob-


Focused mostly

on the negative





Mildly toxic Generally Toxic Moderately


Very toxic Severely toxic

The Five Levels of Health

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How To Detox

We are now living in a very toxic time as we have already covered. Detoxification is

all the rage, and there are so many detox programs out there from juice fasts, to colonics,


While it is important to cleanse the colon, the kind of detoxification we are referring to

is full body detoxification, where chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, etc...are removed from

all the cells of the body. Juice fasting and other food programs will help to remove toxins out

of the body, they are not able to fully remove all toxins from fat cells which have accumulated

over decades.

Even clients may not understand detoxification and how it works, they just intuitively

know that they need it. And many of them want to jump right into detoxification. The prob-

lem with that is that they must already be eating a good, organic diet BEFORE detoxifying the

body because the body must have good nutrients to replace the toxins in the cells or it will

simply hang on to them. This is why so many cleanses make people feel really bad– either

they do not have enough good nutrition going in their body or their elimination channels are

not open and working optimally.

Two things cannot be in the same space in the body, and if there is a toxin in the cell,

the good nutrients cannot get in unless the toxin comes out. This is an important concept for

you to remember.

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The Tipping Point

The body detoxifies these chemicals in our liver. Our liver is like the filter of our body.

It takes whatever we are exposed to and uses an antioxidant called glutathione, to detoxify it.

For each chemical molecule we are exposed to, we use up one molecule of glutathione to de-

stroy it. It is the most important antioxidant we can have to maintain our health.

The problem is that when our body uses glutathione to detoxify a chemical molecule,

the glutathione used to detoxify it, is used up in the process. That means your body has to

make more, and more. Nowadays, the average person has to detoxify over 500 foreign

chemicals a day! We are in an accelerated state of detoxification. This means that the

particular nutrients that the body uses for detoxification are being used up at a faster rate.

Our liver is working much harder now to keep up with it. And many times it cannot

keep up. It’s just like when you have too much stuff to clean in your house and you can’t get

to it all….you put stuff in the closet, the attic, or the basement. You put stuff there so you can

get to it later when you are not so busy…Well, your liver does the same thing. There is so

much it has to detoxify, that it cannot get to it all, so it will have to store the toxins in our

body instead. It stores them in our fat cells, because they are fat-soluble. Fat that is both

beneath our skin and around our organs. The brain and nervous system are predominantly

made up of fatty acids, so the toxins can also be stored there, causing many effects from mo-

tor impairment to mental confusion. Chemicals that are stored in our fat cells damage our cel-

lular chemistry. When the body is under stress, they move from the fat into the bloodstream

and can be carried to any organ in the body. As the toxins start accumulating in our fat cells

and as they increase, the body begins to have symptoms. And eventually, when you are ex-

posed to more than your body can handle, there is a tipping point in which these toxins be-

gin to cause symptoms and therefore disease.

So, what happens when your body is low in glutathione or your liver cannot handle the

load? Let’s look at an example. If you wear your dry-cleaned clothes to work, your body will

use glutathione to detoxify the trichloroethylene you are exposed to, and your body may fall

behind on synthesizing enough glutathione for later on in the day. For example, you might be

the only person at work to get a headache from the new paint or carpeting. Because you are

low in glutathione, you are not able to detoxify the fumes as well as your co-workers. You will

not have enough to protect you from the everyday chemicals that damage the body and cause

disease. Because these toxins are in such a high quantity now, they overwhelm our body’s

ability to detoxify them and they slowly accumulate. How high the total body burden gets,

determines how fast we go downhill with disease.

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Three things determine how your body responds to this onslaught

of toxins:

1. How many toxins you are exposed to

2. How protective your diet is in antioxidants and other nutrients

3. How well your detoxification system (Your liver) works

What can you do?

As practitioners, you can easily overwhelm your client with thinking about how many

chemicals they are exposed to every day. Give them just a few things to start with, such as

switching to natural pest control or using natural skincare products.

How To Detoxify the Body

Juice fasting, colon cleansing, chelation therapy, raw food diets, the Master Cleanse,

Epsom salt baths, fasting, footbaths, etc…. There is a lot of different ways to detox, so it’s no

wonder people are confused! What’s really the best way to detox the body? The truth is that

some cleanses work and other don’t. Some are hard on the body and others are gentle, yet

effective. Let’s look at a few of them.

Some cleanses are only focused on certain areas of the body. For example, colon

cleanses are single organ cleanses and are great if you have had chronic constipation, but they

will not address toxins in your fatty tissues. In the same way, a liver flush will only cleanse

the liver. These cleanses have their place, but as you will see soon, they are meant to be a

part of a bigger detoxification of the entire body.

Unfortunately, water fasting and cleanses that involve maple syrup, lemon juice and

cayenne pepper do not provide enough nutrients to give the body the support it needs to de-

tox, and can actually cause more harm than good. Raw foods and juice fasts are better be-

cause they provide more nutrients to support the body, while allowing the body to start to re-

lease toxins. They improve the digestive system and immune system and while they certainly

detoxify the body to a certain extent, they are not as good at pulling chemical toxins in our fat

cells out of the body.

Ionic footbaths are a new fad in alternative health and only offer a limited detox, if

any, to the body. I’ve yet to see published research that supports the claims that are made by

the manufacturers of these units. I personally have tried them and have not seen lasting

benefits from these footbaths and do not recommend them to my clients.

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In order to detoxify the body successfully, the first thing you need to do is make sure

the body is able to move the toxins out effectively. It makes no sense to do a cleanse if the

toxins can’t get out! This is a serious mistake you cannot afford to make.

Why is this important? Imagine what would happen if you decided not to take the

garbage out of your house. Your house would fill up with garbage, things would start to pu-

trefy, and your house would become an unhealthy place to live!

If your large intestine is clogged with waste you are not eliminating, it is just like you

not taking the garbage out of your house: Your house/body will become unhealthy and you

will reabsorb toxins that were meant to be eliminated. There is no possible way you can

achieve good health if this first thing is not addressed. Every successful natural healer focused

on this area of the body before anything else! They knew if the bowel was not healthy, the

body COULDN’T be healthy. Nothing in your body can heal or rebuild you are reabsorbing

toxic waste through the colon.

Most people don’t really like talking about this subject, so you may not know what

good bowel habits are. You are supposed to have a bowel movement 2-3 x a day. If you

watch animals, that is what they do. And babies have their diapers changed after every meal.

But somewhere along the way, we got busy with other things that were more important and

didn’t recognize that good elimination is THE most important thing in maintaining our health.

When we eat processed foods that are hard for the body to break down, they stay in

the digestive tract for a long time. What happens over a lifetime of eating processed, hard-to-

digest foods? Because they take so long to be digested, a major backlog develops, turning a

healthy digestive tract into an unhealthy system where bad bacteria can thrive and all of your

eliminative channels slow down. This leads straight to chronic constipation.

We put so much effort into cleaning the outside of our bodies, but what about the in-

side? Our skin will never be healthy, our liver will never be healthy, our bloodstream will never

be clean until the large intestine is clean. Every cell in your body becomes as toxic as the con-

dition of the intestines.

A toxic, under-functioning bowel can also cause weight gain around your abdomen,

which is right where the colon is. People have lost POUNDS of weight with just cleaning out

their bowel with colonics!! One client had an area in her abdomen that she thought was just

fat, but when she got up from the colonic table one day, it was gone! Her stomach was flat in

that area! She sure was happy about that!

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Because digestion and elimination are so critical to many systems of the body, getting

that area working properly FIRST can affect other areas of the body that seem unrelated. For

example, a client with joint pain might find that their joint pain improves when you support

their digestion and elimination, without even working on their joints directly.

So the first step detox program is Healthy Elimination

Bowel movements are a great way to check how well the body’s flow system is work-

ing. You can get a good indicator of overall health from looking how well this area of the body

is working. It is the first thing I want to know when working with a new client. How often are

your bowel movements? Fun topic, I know, but the problem is that most people do not realize

what a healthy bowel movement actually is. If you were to ask people, most of them say that

they have “normal” bowel movements. But in this day and age, normal can mean once a

week! I guess it’s normal for them! But that is not at all what it should be if they want to be


All the great natural healers of the past had one thing in common. They all believed

that the cause of most disease was a toxic bowel, constipation, or bad elimination. They all

believed that by our retaining pounds of old, infected waste material in the colon, this material

would be reabsorbed into the body and affect nearby organs, make the blood toxic, and cause


Now, for the first time in history, conventional medical doctors are starting to agree.

You would think that our intestinal health is in better shape than ever before, but it's worse

than ever in American history. Processed foods and high stress levels have caused major

problems with our colon. Refined foods, like white flour, when mixed with water kind of act

like glue in the intestines and can gum up the works! Our sedentary lifestyles do not promote

healthy peristalsis action of the colon, and our high stress levels can shut down the entire sys-

tem! Stress causes you to get tense and your digestion actually slows down!

The incidence of diverticulosis, which are bowel pockets, has increased dramatically

over the last 40 years. The Merck Manual states that in 1950, only 10% of adults over the age

of 45 had this disease; in 1955, 15%; in 1972, 30%; and in 1987, almost half. The latest edi-

tion states that the incidence increases rapidly in people over age 40 and that every person

will have diverticulosis if they live long enough. Constipation is the new normal.

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In Dr. Bernard Jensen’s book, Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care, he mentions a

study that was conducted while he was attending the National College of Chiropractic in Chi-

cago. Of 300 cadavers, 285 claimed to have normal bowel movements with no constipation.

In fact, some stated that they had 5-6 bowel movements each day. What was discovered dur-

ing the autopsies was that out of the 300 cadavers, 285 had constipation issues! Some of

them had colons that were so impacted, that the colon was 12 inches in diameter. This waste

matter, literally decomposing away in the large colon, begins to create a very unhealthy envi-

ronment where bad bacteria is produced, poisonous toxins accumulate and fermentation is


This toxic waste matter can adhere to the wall of the colon and builds up layer upon

layer over the years like plaque on an artery, narrowing the passageway for digested food.

Doctor Bernard Jensen in his book, Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management, reports that

autopsies performed confirm it is black and has a hard rubbery consistency. The role of the

small and large intestines is to absorb digested nutrients from our food. The nutrients are ab-

sorbed directly into the blood vessels which line the wall of the intestines and are then assimi-

lated it into our body's tissues. But if these layers of putrefying waste accumulate on the wall

of the bowel, it not only prevents the absorption of nutrients but the actual toxins produced

are absorbed directly into the blood.

What are some signs of healthy elimination?

There should be at least 2 bowel movements per day

There should be no straining, cramping, pain, or excessive gas

They should be somewhat soft and yet also hold together

The color should be brown

There should be very little odor

The transit time (the time it takes food to go from your mouth, be digested, and exit the

body) should be 12-24 hours. Most Americans have a transit time that is measured in days

or weeks! To test your transit time, eat lots of beets for one meal or take 6 capsules of

activated charcoal and note the time and date. When you see the color in their stool, you

will have your transit time.

For colon cleansing, there are two ways to do this: colonics or oral supplements. Colon

Hydrotherapy also known as colonic irrigation, colonic, high colonic, or a high enema is a safe

and gentle internal colon cleanse. It cleans the bowel of waste and toxins through the admini-

stration of purified water into the colon.


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During the colonic, the client lays comfortably on a treatment table, with a towel

around the waist. Initially you will lie on your left side for the insertion of the small disposable

speculum. This is gently inserted into the rectum, through which warm, purified water is

passed into the colon. Shortly afterwards you will roll over onto your back for more comfort

during the remainder of the treatment. The colonic treatment takes approximately 45 minutes.

The water should be a non-pressurized system, which is very important. With some colon hy-

drotherapists, special abdominal massage techniques are used to facilitate the release of more

waste and colon reflexology points are also worked on the feet to support the cleanse. This

will make the cleanse even more effective because it is stimulating the colon to release more

waste from the colon, especially areas where there are bowel pockets or blockages.

The water washing the colon will gradually enable the removal of harmful toxins from

the entire colon. The therapist can determine what state your colon is in and determines if

there are bowel pockets, mucous or even parasites. You should also know that throughout the

colonics there is no odor, sound or mess.

Once the colonic is finished, you will visit the restroom and let the remaining water

come out of the colon.

So how often should you do colonics? One or two colonics are usually not enough for

most people who are constipated. A series of colonics for consecutive days, while you are

fasting is the best way to do it because they will build on each other, each day, as more is re-

leased from the colon. Most people will need between 4 and 8 or more colonics to get the

most health benefits.

It is important to take capsules of activated charcoal or bentonite clay on the days that

you do the colonics to absorb any toxins that might get recirculated. These are called toxin

binders and will bind with any toxins so you don’t just move them around in your body. You

will also use them later when you do the sauna protocol.

After the colonics are finished, be sure to load up on a really strong probiotic to replen-

ish all the good bacteria that have been washed out of the colon. If you don’t do this, you can

have a lot of gas and digestive problems, so be sure to do this! You can take 4-5 capsules for

a few days to rebuild the good bacteria that were washed out.

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Detox the Colon

Choose the one best suited to the clients needs:

A gentle nudge: Use Colon Clear by Energetix, take 1-2 at dinner

Gotta get things moving: OxyPowder, start with 4 at bedtime

Roto-Rooter: Colonics, start with a series of colonics because one is not enough for most

people. A series of 5+ colonics administered every day or every other day can be highly

effective. They need to be spaced closely together because they build off of each other.

Support the Liver Supporting the Liver is also very important!! Why is this important? As you already

learned in Module 3, your liver is working OVERTIME to help your body detoxify itself! Any

support you give it will be much appreciated! Keeping your liver happy will help keep the rest

of your body happy!

Recommend one or more of these:

Pure Body Clear by Energetix, take 3 twice a day

Phosphatidyl Choline, such as PPC by Nutrisal

Milk Thistle Extract (Silymarin) or Dandelion Root

Liver-Tone by Energetix or other liver homeopathics

Clients need to avoid these things that harm the liver:

Pharmaceutical drugs

Recreational drugs


Fried Foods

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Aspartame and other food additives


Heavy Metals

Strong negative emotions

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How To Get Toxins out of Fat Cells

Now that your body is able to eliminate toxins from the colon, and the liver is sup-

ported, the next step is to get those toxins out of the fat cells!

There are two ways you can do that with a client:

Supplements: help remove toxins from the body

Far-Infrared Sauna program: the best way to reduce the body burden

Because not everyone has access to or can use a sauna, there are certain supplements

that can reduce the body burden of toxins. This is a good option for anyone who cannot han-

dle the heat of a sauna. They are not quite as effective as the sauna detox protocol, but they

will help clients who are unable to use the sauna.

Using Supplements

The two supplements that I have seen work well for this are:

Acetyl-Glutathione or Liposomal Gluathione


I’ve given you two options to use and you can test the client to see which one is best.

Acetyl-Glutathione is a unique form of glutathione that gets into your cells better than other

forms of glutathione and will help detoxify the body. Most glutathione supplements are bro-

ken down in the body and do not get into the cells in a useable form. Acetyl or Liposomal glu-

tathione are able to increase the body’s glutathione levels and detoxify the toxins in circula-


Zeolite is a natural mineral that binds with toxins in your body and helps eliminate

them. This supplement is safe for babies and children and even pregnant women to take.

Just start out with a lower dosage for children.

Homeopathic nosode detoxifiers (such as Energetix –Chord remedies) work best for

non-chemical removal of things from the body such as vaccine toxins, bacterial detox, etc…

They do not work as well for pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental chemicals.

We now have hundreds of chemical compounds in the body, so a more broad spectrum detox

is best for that, such as the far infrared sauna or the forms of glutathione mentioned above.

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Using a Far-Infrared Sauna

The best way to detoxify the entire body of fat-soluble toxins is with a far-infrared

sauna. The sauna protocol we are about to give you will not only remove toxins in circulation,

but it will also remove the toxins that have accumulated over your lifetime, which are in the fat

cells and tissues of the body. A sauna is ideal because it utilizes the skin as an organ to elimi-

nate the toxins, which is a gentle way to detoxify the body because it takes the stress off of

the liver and kidneys, which are already overworked when someone is toxic.

A sauna is an incredible tool for health and has been used in many cultures around the

world for maintaining health. Using a sauna regularly will enable your body to stay well amidst

a toxic environment. You can have a sauna in your office for clients to use regularly, or rec-

ommend the client purchase their own sauna which can be a valuable investment.

There are many different brands of saunas, and you need to make sure you are not

using a sauna made from toxic materials. Any man made material contains chemicals and

when it’s heated, those chemicals can offgas into the air, which is counterproductive to detox.

So, that is why most saunas are made out of natural wood. You need to be careful to avoid

any wood products with chemicals, such as plywood, as well as fabric portable saunas for this


There are different types of heaters that can be used in a sauna to facilitate sweating.

There are different types of saunas and the main difference is what the heat source is– what is

causing it to be hot. A traditional “dry sauna” uses heat from rocks or other heating elements

to warm the air, which in turn warms your body. So a dry sauna must rely only on indirect

means of heat: first, convection (air currents) and then, conduction (direct contact of hot air

with the skin) to produce its heating effect. It warms you up from the outside in, like an


And then you have a far-infrared type of sauna. This is a type of sauna that uses light

to create heat. It heats you from the inside out. It uses heating elements mounted on the

walls of the sauna which emit far infrared radiation that is invisible to the eye, and is a wave-

length on the electromagnetic spectrum. Because an infrared sauna instead relies upon light,

it can heat your body directly without significantly warming the air around you by penetrating

your body up to 3 inches for a heating effect that allows more activation of your sweat glands

compared to dry sauna. So an infrared sauna doesn’t feel as hot as a dry sauna, but you

sweat as much or more. This type of sauna operates at a lower temperature than most other

saunas, so it is more comfortable and easier on the body. It has also been proven to remove

more of the fat-soluble toxins from the body than other types of saunas.

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Far infrared saunas typically use either a carbon or ceramic heater, which do not turn

red hot like the heating elements inside a conventional dry sauna, but instead produce invisi-

ble, far infrared heat. This is the same type of heat as produced by the sun, but without any of

the effects of solar radiation. In fact, the far infrared rays you get in an infrared sauna corre-

spond closely to the body’s own radiant energy, so that body tissues absorb close to 93 per-

cent of the infrared waves that reach the skin.

Body tissues that need an infrared boost selectively absorb infrared rays. The tissue

will only use the infrared rays in areas where it is needed. After boosting a tissue’s infrared

energy, the remaining rays pass onward harmlessly. This phenomenon is called “resonant ab-

sorption.” Our bodies radiate infrared energy through the skin at 3 to 50 microns, with most

output at 9.4 microns.

Our tissues normally produce infrared energy for warmth and tissue repair. Tissue pro-

duction of infrared energy is associated with a variety of healing responses. This is one po-

tential explanation of why many people feel so energetically rejuvenated and balanced from

contact with far infrared waves in an infrared sauna compared to feeling “drained and dehy-

drated” after a dry sauna experience.

The far infrared sauna also releases more fat soluble toxins than a conventional dry

heat sauna because you release more fats in sweat rather than just water. Sweat contains

mainly water, but the sweat of people using a far infrared sauna will not only contain water,

but will also contain cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, heavy metals (such as mercury, aluminum,

and arsenic), nicotine, sulfuric acid, ammonia, and other dangerous environmental toxins. So

the sweat of someone in a far infrared sauna is actually about 80-85% water and 15-20% tox-

ins. So, the body is releasing MORE of the fat soluble toxins from the far infrared sauna. It’s

more of an oily based sweat. So you do not get the same kind of detoxification effect from

exercise as you do from a far infrared sauna. A conventional sauna that operates at a high

temperature will cause the sweat to contain less fats, as it contains mostly water.

And as you will learn later on in this module, there are specific nutrients you can com-

bine with a far infrared sauna to help the body release even more of the fat soluble toxins

from the fat cells to accelerate the detox process.

So, in summary, the lower temperatures of far infrared sauna, combined with the reso-

nance effect of the wavelength enables this type of sauna works best for most people. It is

the best way to remove fat soluble chemicals from the body and is a great way to help people

get healthy, even if they have serious health issues, Lyme disease, and cancer.

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Choosing the Best Sauna

Should you invest in your own sauna? You can simply refer your clients to your local

gym or spa to use a sauna. But, when you do this, you may get mixed results– your client

may not have any control over the temperature of the sauna, or how clean it is kept, or even if

there is a shower to rinse off after you use it (yuck!). Do they even wipe down the sauna

regularly between people that use it?

However, when you own your own sauna, you have control over everything, and it will

be something your clients can use to maintain or regain their health. It is a good investment if

you want to provide a detox program for your clients.

When it comes to buying a sauna, it can be very difficult! There is a lot of misinforma-

tion and a lot of companies making inferior products. You not only have to wade though all

the different types of saunas to figure out which one is best, but you also have to pick a repu-

table manufacturer. And unfortunately, sauna companies come and go quicker than you can

say the word detox! Many are unethical and will go out of business to avoid paying debts,

only to open back up under a new name. Yes, it’s really that bad. There are some factors to

consider when purchasing a sauna and we will go over the most important things you need to

know in this lesson.

The main thing to consider is the materials a sauna is made out of. You want to have

the materials be as natural and as non-toxic as possible because anything that is heated can

potentially offgas toxic compounds into the air. Many companies are selling portable saunas

made out of man-made materials or they may contain lots of glues or other chemicals. What

happens when you heat them up? Toxic compounds get released into the air, only making the

client more toxic! You cannot detoxify the body while being simultaneously exposed to toxins.

This is why most saunas are made out of wood.

Another important factor is the amount of EMF’s that are emitted by the heaters and

electronics in the sauna. EMF’s can hinder the ability of the body to get well if they are at very

high levels. Most sauna manufacturers do not even care about this as it’s not something most

people are aware of as it relates to health, but it is important. There are a few companies

that provide information on EMF levels of their saunas. Now just keep in mind that levels

should be around 2-3 milligauss or less if possible. While you want to avoid very high levels,

it’s fine to have levels around this range. The client typically gets exposed to much higher lev-

els in their daily life from other sources, so this amount is minimal when all exposures are

taken into consideration.

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The Anatomy of a Far Infrared Heater

Which type of far infrared heat emitter is better, ceramic or carbon panel?

Ceramic Heaters: Ceramic emitters are older technology and most sauna manufacturers

use a newer type of far infrared heaters made from carbon panels. The main disadvantage of

ceramic heaters is that they get very hot and they don’t distribute the heat evenly.

Carbon Panel Heaters: Carbon panels are newer technology and they are able to distrib-

ute the heat more evenly over large panels. Most far infrared saunas sold in the USA are Chi-

nese-made and the vast majority use carbon panel heaters that are made in China. They are

made of a plastic sheet with a paint-thin coating of carbon. The plastic helps disperse the

heat, but it also has a very big problem: as it’s heated, it will offgas chemicals, which is not

good! Or some sauna manufacturers put black fabric over the heating panels, but this blocks

the far infrared wavelength and reduces the beneficial effects significantly.

One of the main differences in the ceramic and the carbon heaters is that the carbon can emit

a more pure far infrared wavelength, depending on how they are made as you will read about

in the next section.

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There are very high quality carbon panel heaters available that are made in Japan or

South Korea (Daiugin). The heating panels that deliver the FIR are made of carbon zirconium

crystals. MPS Global is one company that has the superior technology on the market today be-

cause they are the only company to use the zirconium crystal in its pure diamond shape. Every

other manufacturer has crushed this crystal into a paste before using it in their heating panels.

Dr. Hildegard Staninger, an industrial toxicologist, tested many brands of far infrared

saunas to determine if they actually emitted far infrared radiation. She found very few compa-

nies besides MPS Global that actually emitted pure far-infrared. They had near or middle in-

frared as well as far infrared. Some sauna manufacturers actually intentionally include these

wavelengths in their saunas, calling them “full spectrum”. But that is not what you want to be

exposed to regularly! Pure far–infrared is ideal.

In Dr. Staninger’s research, she explains that the advantage of using the carbon zirco-

nium crystals is that it creates a steady stream of pure far-infrared radiant heat that is from 4

to 16 microns. There are no photons and 1/2 electron spin, which is the basic definition of FIR

in any CRC Press Handbook of Physics text. The use of these panels will create a temperature

which does not cause any burning of the skin or ill effects upon its surfaces.

Vital saunas is another sauna manufacturer that uses carbon fiber heating panels in

their saunas which produce low EMF levels. They have been in business for over 8 years and

provide a quality product with excellent customer service.

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Our Recommended Brands for Carbon Far-Infrared Saunas

Vital Saunas

ClearLight Saunas

Other companies that have supposedly carbon heater technology don’t even come

close to the saunas above. The technology really does make a difference!

Portable Zip-Up Style Saunas: Are They Good?

Have you seen those bizarre looking saunas that zip up and your head sticks out? You

can get them for only a few hundred dollars, so it sounds like an economical way to detox,

right? Wrong! Saunas are made out of wood for a reason. It is completely non-toxic. You

could also use glass or tile for a sauna. But any man-made material, whether it’s plastic, vinyl,

fiberglass, etc….will offgas chemicals or VOC’s into the air when heated.

Do you really want to be breathing in dioxins while you are detoxing? Of course not, and it is

not possible to detoxify the body if it’s being exposed to toxins during the detox process. If

you are exposed to toxins while in a sauna….it just won’t get you well and can even make you

feel worse. Avoid these types of saunas at all costs. They are not worth it. You would be

better off saving up for a better quality sauna than to get one like that.

Other Things To Avoid:

Some manufacturers will use some near infrared radiation in their saunas, talking about

the health benefits, calling them “full spectrum”. But near infrared is not healing to the body

and should not be used in a sauna. Exposure to near infrared radiation has been shown to

cause cataracts, and does not offer the same healing benefits as far infrared.

Check out the sauna comparison chart of the following page to help break down all the

details of the most typical kinds of saunas.

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Sauna Comparison Chart

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Far Infrared


Portable Infra-

red sauna

Material Wood Wood, etc. Wood Vinyl

Heat Source Electric


Steamer Far Infrared


Infrared or Far

Infrared Heater



180+ 160- 180 120-140 120-140

Humidity None High None None

Comfort Uncomfort-


Hard to


Comfortable Comfortable











How it


Heats air Hot steam Penetrates body Penetrates body



Yes Yes Yes No– potential


Medical Use Used by


No data Used by


No data



97% water

3% toxins

97% water

3% toxins

80-85% water

15-20% toxins

80-85% water

15-20% toxins


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Sauna Maintenance: How To Keep It Clean and Toxin-Free

If you buy your own sauna, it’s nice to know what to do to use it properly and how to

maintain it. Right after you buy a sauna, you need to…

Wipe it down with a wet washcloth to remove sawdust residues. Then turn on high with-

out anyone in it to let it offgas any glues that were used during the manufacturing process.

Let it air out before using.

Cover the surface of the sauna to protect the wood– plexiglass or a towel can cover the

floor. Pillows or cushions can be placed on the benches for more comfortable seating.

Cover them with towels each time you use the sauna.

After you use your sauna, you will need to…

Remove all towels and have them laundered with only natural, fragrance free detergents

after each use of the sauna.

Wipe down anything that came into contact with sweat, such as the sauna door handles,


Using a wet washcloth, wipe the interior of the sauna regularly to maintain cleanliness and

remove any residue of toxins. This does not have to be done after each day. You can do

this periodically.

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Setting Up A Sauna Detox Area

When you provide sauna detoxification in your office, it’s important to remember that

the amount of toxins released from the body is significant. You may not be able to see them,

smell them, or feel them, but there are significant toxins that are coming out of your clients

skin via sweat, and you should see their sweat as the hazardous waste that needs to be

cleaned up properly. So, I want to go over a few key points in regards to how you set up

your detox area and how the area should be cleaned.

Your detox area with the sauna should be in a mold-free, chemical-free environment.

An air purifier and a water purifier are highly recommended. The client will have a more suc-

cessful detox if there are less chemicals in the immediate environment of the sauna during the

cleanse. You should also minimize EMF and wireless exposure as many clients are also af-

fected by this type of radiation. Use hard wired internet connections in your office to lower

this risk.

It’s important that every surface in the area where the client will be doing this cleanse

is able to be wiped down, sanitized, and kept clean. If you have clients with chemical sensitiv-

ity, it is imperative that any toxic residues can be cleaned off of any surface to prevent a reac-

tion they might have. Many level 4 clients are chemically sensitive, so this is also for their

own protection. Damp washcloths should be used to wipe down floors, door handles, toilet

seats, and anything a client touches. A spray steamer can be used to sanitize surfaces without

adding chemicals to the area. Essential oils can be used as well, but some clients may be sen-

sitive to them and their aroma, so just keep this in mind.

All seating and cushions should be covered with a leather or vinyl type of material that

can be cleaned easily. Any fabrics, seating, or upholstery that is porous (non-cleanable) is

not recommended for the detox area.

For the same reason, carpeting on the floors is not recommended. Non-toxic hard-

wood floors, tile, or laminate is ideal.

The sauna should have comfortable seating for clients because they will be spending a

lot of time in the sauna. You can put large cushions on the wooden benches inside the sauna

and cover them with towels, so you don’t have to wash the cushions regularly. The floor of

the sauna can be covered with a sheet of plexiglass or towels to keep the wood clean of any

sweat/toxins. Ideally, sweat should never touch bare wood in the sauna.

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A shower should be in close proximity to the sauna if possible, so that your clients can

wash all the toxins off of their skin before they leave your facility. Have scent-free, natural

soaps and products in the shower to avoid any exposure to synthetic chemicals.

A washer and dryer is also ideal to have on site, but if this is not available at your facil-

ity, you can put the dirty towels in plastic bags and take somewhere to launder. Just remem-

ber to avoid scented detergents, fabric softeners, etc… When handling dirty towels, it’s recom-

mended to wear gloves or wash your hands immediately afterwards due to the high amount of

chemical residues on the towels from sweat.

Electrolytes, trace minerals, and binders should be on hand for clients to take after

they use the sauna. Be sure to have a source of pure, filtered water available for clients.

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Using a Far-Infrared Sauna: Basic Level

There are a couple of different ways in which you can use a far infrared sauna. If you

only work with clients who are not very sick, you can incorporate some light detox in a far in-

frared sauna as part of their overall health maintenance. And they would also benefit from the

intensive sauna detox program on the next few pages as well. These clients can use a sauna

1-2 times a week for several months to boost their health, detoxify their body, and maintain

optimal health.

It can be as simple as having the client do light exercise by walking on a treadmill, run-

ning, rebounding, help to mobilize toxins, followed immediately by using a far infrared

sauna. This helps to stimulate the lymphatic system and move toxins into the bloodstream.

Because you sweat out the toxins along with the good minerals in your body, it is im-

portant to replace the minerals that are lost in sweat. A good multivitamin and trace mineral

supplement is mandatory if your client is using a sauna 1-3 times a week.

On the next few pages, we have outlined a basic sauna protocol that can be used for

people who are not very sick. This is the protocol we give clients who choose to purchase

their own sauna for home use. The additional nutrients support the body and enable the cli-

ent to have good results with the cleanse. The sauna can be used once a week, or several

times a week for this protocol. It’s a light, gentle cleanse that does not need direct supervi-


Be sure to have:

Multivitamin/mineral: Food-based is best.

Trace Minerals: If your multi doesn’t have enough trace minerals, taking an extra sup-

plement may be necessary.

Electrolytes: Sodium and Potassium are the first 2 minerals lost in sweat. If you don’t

replace them, you will get symptoms of a deficiency.

Toxin Binders: While the toxins are being released, the last thing you want is to reab-

sorb them! Taking chlorella or other green foods will help bind with toxins and enable

them to be eliminated rather than reabsorbed.

Antioxidants: Acetyl– Glutathione, Vitamin C, Protandim, or Alpha Lipoic Acid are great

for supporting the body during a sauna detox.

Fresh Vegetable Juices: Drinking freshly made organic vegetable juice while in a sauna

is a good choice in addition to plenty of filtered water. Make it right before getting in the

sauna and you will infuse your cells with extra nutrition while your cells dump the toxins!

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Contraindications for Sauna

How to detox children:

From ages 1-6, use oral supplements, such as zeolite or homeopathics, not a sauna

7 years old and above can use the sauna at a lower temperature, and less time:

15-20 minute sessions are best. Do 2-3 sessions back-to-back with breaks in between

for them to come out and cool down.

Give them cool drinks, juices, and or smoothies, to drink, even ice can help keep them cool

A wet washcloth can help them feel more comfortable in the sauna

They must be monitored at all times!

Pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding:

Cannot detox their body while pregnant or breastfeeding

They should detox their body about 6 months BEFORE they try getting pregnant or after

breastfeeding is over.

Contraindications to Sauna use:

Some medications will prohibit a client from being able to use a sauna such as: Blood thin-

ners, anti-psychotics, anti-seizure medication.





After surgery: if wounds are still open

High Hypertension: For clients on blood pressure medication, if the diastolic number is 90

or higher, they cannot use the sauna.

Get a medical doctor to sign a waiver and monitor a client who is in a state of fragile

health (Level 4) during a detox in a sauna (see intensive sauna cleanse for level 3-4).

Asthmatics can have trouble breathing in a sauna

Bone marrow transplant or organ transplant recipients

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Sauna Instructions

Cautions: Before starting to cleanse in a sauna, you must have had 6 or more hours of sleep

the night before. You must be eating well, a minimum of 3 healthy meals per day, not skipping meals.

The sauna must be in a clean, toxin-free, mold-free environment.

Journal: You must be sure to document all physical and mental symptoms on your form

every day you use a sauna. See the sauna journal form in this guide.

Turn on sauna to preheat. Start out a lower temperature, then after a few times of us-

ing it, you can slowly increase as you increase in tolerance.

Make 16-20 ounces of green vegetable juice or have it already made up and waiting

in the refrigerator. Have extra filtered water on hand.

Do light exercise if possible. This will help to mobilize toxins from the fat cells.

Get into the sauna with your juice and/or water in hand so you can drink it. And take

your multi-vitamin and trace minerals now.

Stay in sauna for about 25-30 minutes. ** If you get too hot, lightheaded, faint,

weakness, muscle cramps, or your heart starts beating hard, get out of the sauna and turn

down the temperature of the sauna. Drink water and take some electrolytes. If you get

nauseous, take some cell salts. Lie down until this passes. Don’t get back in the sauna

until the next day or until approved to continue using the sauna by a practitioner. **

Take a 10-15 minute break. Notice how you feel.

Get back into the sauna for another 25-30 minutes. You should be drinking at least

20 ounces of water or vegetable juice each time you are in the sauna. Keep sipping even

if you are not thirsty.

Get out of the sauna, cool off, and take your electrolytes: sea salt and potassium

tablets- 2 of each or more if you sweat a lot. Or 1 packet of ElectroMix and sea salt in a

glass of water. Be sure to take extra calcium and magnesium if you sauna 2 times a

week or more.

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Cool down a bit and then take a cool shower before doing anything else. Even though

you cannot see it, there are toxins in your sweat that should be washed off of your skin so

that they are not reabsorbed.

Take your Chlorella or other green powders, such as spirulina, with a meal each day

that you sauna and also any other supplements.

Write down any symptoms or feelings you noticed and if you feel better, the same, or

worse after you used the sauna today.

Sauna Maintenance

Using a wet washcloth, wipe the interior of the sauna regularly to maintain cleanliness and

remove any residue of toxins.

Be sure to cover all surfaces of the sauna with clean towels that are laundered with only

natural, fragrance free detergents after each use of the sauna. Pillows or cushions can be

placed underneath the towels for a comfortable seat to sit on.

For any residual odors, leave the door open between use or put a portable air purifier near

the sauna with the door open so it can purify the air.

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The Intensive Sauna Protocol

For level 3 and 4 clients, there are typically more toxins in the body, drug residues, and

other factors that are compromising their health. In this situation, an intensive sauna detox

program is the best way to go. This is the same program that I (Becky) did when I was very

sick years ago. The reason why this works so well is because it removes the stored toxins

from the body in the quickest way possible and provides a high level of support (physically and

emotionally) as well as daily accountability which helps the client get well. It is an effective

detox because it is a deeper level detox: it pulls out toxins from the fat cells of the entire body

and rejuvenate the body more quickly than anything else I have ever found. For compromised

clients who are in a health crisis, this type of detox can get them the most healing benefits in

the shortest period of time because they use the sauna every single day for several weeks.

This condenses their healing timeline and allows them to recover much faster.

This intensive sauna protocol uses detox activators that push the toxins out of the cells

and stimulates the healing process to occur at a fast rate. Because of this, there are some

considerations that need to be taken into account so that the client has the best experience

possible. I will go over these things so you understand the process in detail.

This intensive sauna detox program is based on the research of L. Ron Hubbard, the

founder of Scientology. In the 1970’s, he found that drugs remained lodged in the fatty tis-

sues and continued to affect a person decades after they had taken them. He found that

these drug residues in the tissues could account for flashbacks and cravings. He also found

that every kind of drug, toxic chemical, preservative, pesticide, or industrial chemical can also

be stored in the fat cells of the body over time and do harm to the body.

He developed a program to rid the body of these chemical and drug residues from the

fatty tissues. He called this program the Purification Program and administered it at Scientol-

ogy churches because he reasoned that when chemical toxins are not burdening the body, it is

much easier to become more spiritually attuned. He wrote about it in his book, Clear Body,

Clear Mind (see older editions). Ron Hubbard just happened to find that combining certain

nutrients, exercise, and sauna could accelerate the detox process more than by just using a

sauna alone. His methods are now used by environmental medicine doctors to remove pesti-

cides or chemicals from the body of people who have been exposed to hazardous toxins. So,

the cleanse we are about to share with you is based on this protocol. But we have taken it

even further than he did to make it even more effective. It provides the ultimate detoxifica-

tion experience for clients to reverse serious disease because it is one of the few ways to

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remove all of the stored toxins from the entire body in a short period of time so you can reju-

venate the body at a cellular level. It really is the ultimate cleanse! One difference in the

Hubbard protocol and the one I just covered in this module is the addition of niacin, Vitamin

B3, taken right before exercise. Niacin is Vitamin B3 and along with B1 and B2 is needed for

the Phase 1 detox. Niacin, nicotinamide and nicotinic acid are all forms of Vitamin B3 but nia-

cinimide plays no part in detoxification. It is the niacin that causes flushing that is the only

kind to be used effectively for detoxification. Niacinamide will not have the same effect.

The reason niacin is used is because it bursts open fat cells (this is called lipolysis) to

release chemicals or drugs that are stored in them. Once the toxins have been released they

are flushed from the body through the skin and intestines. That is why it’s important to take a

binder of some type (chorella, bentonite clay, activated charcoal) to absorb what’s being re-

leased in the intestines.

Another difference in this program is that the client uses the sauna every single day for

3-5 weeks, depending on how long it takes them to complete this program. The reason for

this is that each day builds on the next one as more and more toxins are eliminated from the

body by the niacin and the far infrared sauna. If you skip a few days, it will affect the results

and can keep the client from getting the most benefit. It is ok to take one day off a week, but

any more than that is not recommended. So, this cleanse requires a high commitment from

both the practitioner AND the client to commit to this intense of a process. But the rewards

are well worth it.

This type of intensive protocol has been used to remove recreational drug residues,

pharmaceutical drug residues, heavy metals, pesticides, and other environmental toxins safely

and effectively from the body. It has even been proven to raise the IQ of people who under-

take it by at least 7 points! It is wonderful for those clients who are not responding to a

healthy diet and supplements. It is great for clients with Lyme diease, in which it is used in

conjunction with antimicrobials for the infection because so many people with chronic Lyme

have a high body burden of neurotoxins and do not detoxify effectively.

This cleanse can be intense as the drug and toxins residues get released from the

body. There is a chance that the client can experience healing crises as toxins come out of

the fat cells, get into the bloodstream, and then come out of the body via sweat, stool, or

urine. The client may get a re-stimulation of the drugs they took in the past as they come out

of the body. This could look like a momentary high or other uncomfortable feelings. Some cli-

ents may smell things coming out of their skin. We have smelled cigarette smoke, cocaine

residues, chemical odors, and all kinds of things in the sweat of clients….anything is possible.

There could be other symptoms associated with removal of these toxins so quickly, such as

nausea, headaches, skin rashes, etc…So, this cleanse has to be done carefully, and for this

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reason, the client has to meet certain criteria to be cleared to do this cleanse. A medical doc-

tor should sign a waiver that the client is healthy enough to participate in this program, which

keeps covers liability issues and enables you to obtain additional lab or medical testing if

needed in case something comes up.

For some of the clients who need this cleanse, the physical suffering they have gone

through has affected them mentally and emotionally, and they typically need emotional coach-

ing during this cleanse. In addition, there can be emotional memories stored in the tissues of

the body, and as the toxins come out, so do old emotional traumas. Emotions can come to

the surface and provoke an emotional response in the client, so it’s something that you need

to take into consideration. Using coaching techniques to help them through this process can

be very beneficial to the client. Our sauna detox facilitators are trained in emotional coaching

techniques so that they can address these things as they come up.

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Contraindications for Intensive Detox

Before we get into the specifics of administering this intensive detox program, you will

need to be sure your client meets certain criteria to be able to go through this detox. Some

health conditions or certain medication are contraindicated for this cleanse. Here is a list of

the contraindications:

People on blood thinners, such as Coumadin

People who are pregnant or breastfeeding

People who have just had surgery or have open wounds

People on anti-psychotics, such as Paxal

People with seizures or are taking anti-seizure medication

People with very high blood pressure (above 90 is too high)

People with Lymphoma

People with Hepatitis or HIV

Before you clear someone to do this program, you want to also know a few other things:

How much recreational drug use in the past? Heavy? Mild? [Heavy drug use in the

past will be an issue during the cleanse as these drugs will be coming out of the body and

can cause re-stimulation effects. Extra care must be taken in this situation.]

Are they able to get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep a night? [If they are unable to

get at least 6 hours of sleep each night, then they will not do well on this type of program.

The insomnia must be improved before starting an intensive detox program.]

Do they have any chronic constipation or digestive problems? [Constipation will

keep toxins in the body, which is counterproductive to detoxification. So, this issue needs

to be addressed before the sauna detox starts. Several colonics or Oxypowder can be a

good first step to cleansing the colon in prep for sauna detox. Be sure the keep this client

on a good protocol to support healthy elimination during the entire sauna program.]

Are they able to eat regular meals? [This detox program requires a high level of nutri-

ents to enable the body to let go of the toxins and rebuild from a cellular level, so the cli-

ent must be able to eat 3 full meals a day or 4-5 smaller meals. If digestion is compro-

mised or they have leaky gut, it’s important to heal the gut before doing this detox pro-

gram. One month of gut healing foods and supplements is often enough to support the

body before detox takes place, but you will need to assess each case individually.]

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Are they heat intolerant? [Some people with red hair do poorly in heat. Some health

conditions may be aggravated by heat such as asthma or Lyme disease. In this case, it

may be prudent to test out the client in the low temps of a far infrared sauna for a few

sessions to see how they handle it before you approve them for the intensive sauna detox.

For clients with Lyme, we turn down the temperature of the sauna a few degrees and then

work up as they get better. This is done on a case by case basis.]

Do they have parasites or an acute infection? [Serious infections need to be ad-

dressed BEFORE starting the program.]

Are they able to exercise? [Movement is an important part of this program because it

will help to mobilize toxins and support lymphatic drainage. The movement does not need

to be intense– simply walking on a treadmill for 20-30 minutes works.]

Are they compliant? [This is a rigorous program that requires a high level of commit-

ment on your part as well as your client. Clients need to be invested in this process be-

cause it will be uncomfortable at times. It requires dedication, consistency, following in-

structions, and eating a clean diet to be successful. If a client decides to stop this detox

only part of the way through it, before full recovery has been reached, there could be un-

pleasant symptoms that linger because the toxins were not able to be removed from the

body. You need to get your client’s full commitment to the process before you begin wot

work with them. ]

Once you have assessed your potential cleanse candidate and they pass these criteria,

you can start the sauna cleanse preparation process. Before the client steps foot into the

sauna, there are a few more steps to go through.

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Detox Preparation For Client

Medical Supervision: You need to have the client’s primary doctor or a holistic

doctor that you work with look over this clients current health situation and signing a waiver

approving them to do the sauna detox program. We have a document that explains the ele-

ments of the detox program to the doctor and they are able to sign their approval that the cli-

ent is able to undertake the cleanse at this time. There is an example document on the fol-

lowing pages. Be sure to customize this for your business and have your attorney look over it.

Health Evaluation: The next step is to do a health evaluation if you have not done

it already. You will need to be sure that the client is taking not only the supplements for their

overall health, but also additional cleansing supplements that will be used during the detox

program. It is very important to oversupply the body with nutrients because both toxins and

minerals will be lost in sweat. So, if a client already has a deficiency of a vitamin or a mineral

before they start the detox, it will only get worse over time. There are specific vitamin, min-

eral, and amino acid deficiencies that can be caused by exposure to toxins, alcohol, or drug

use. So, the additional supplements will not only correct any deficiencies that may be present

but they will also help to support the body during the detoxification process. Trace minerals

are given to replace what is lost in sweat. The exact nutrients recommended will be given on

the following pages.

Orientation of the Client To the Detox Program: It’s important to be sure

that the client understands what this cleanse is all about and how beneficial it will be to their

overall health, even if there are some ups and downs along the way. They need to under-

stand that they will be in the sauna every single day and should not take days off during this

program. Explain to them the different elements of the program and that they are expected

to eat healthy, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water to be eligible to continue on the pro-

gram. If they do not follow the guidelines, they will not be approved to use the sauna the

next day. They need to have a high commitment level to follow through during this program.

It’s important to share how toxins and stored negative emotions can also come to the

surface during this process. How long it takes a client to finish their intensive detox program

varies depending on toxicitiy levels, so while most people can do 24 days and get benefits,

some people will need more time than that. Be sure to let them know that you will evaluate

their progress towards the end of the time frame and change the end date if needed.

Here is a brief description of the elements of the program and an example waiver.

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I, ______________________________, attest that I have no known illness, disease,

or any infectious condition that would limit, prevent, or harm me from participation in

light exercise and sauna. I have been informed by the staff of [insert your business

name and your name]. about any physical, mental, or emotional risks related to this

sauna program and it’s related nutritional supplement regime.

I understand that this process is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any

disease and that the information provided is educational. I have been advised that

any changes in diet or nutrition should be reviewed by my healthcare practitioner and

have in no way been encouraged to stop or adjust any prescribed medications.

I have read and understood the above information and I hereby give my willing con-

sent to fully participate in the 30+ day sauna program. I agree to hold harmless [Your

business name and your name] for any physical, mental, or emotional harm that may

be occasioned during my participation in the 30+ day sauna program.

______________________________________ Date: ________________

Client Signature

______________________________________ Date: ________________

[Your business name] Staff Signature

I have examined the above named patient and found no medical reason why he/she

should not do the Sauna Exercise Program.

______________________________________ Date: ________________

Doctor’s Signature

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ELEMENTS OF THE SAUNA PROGRAM AT [Insert your business name]

Nutritional Supplements:

A multi-vitamin/mineral, trace minerals, electrolytes (sodium and potassium), amino

acids, and niacin provide nutritional support to ensure that the body does not get defi-

cient in any nutrients during this sauna program.


30 minutes of exercise after taking the niacin helps to stimulate circulation. Brisk

walking or running on a treadmill is preferred.

Far-Infrared Sauna

Immediately after exercise, the client enters a far-infrared sauna for a 30 minute ses-

sion. The far-infrared sauna operates at a lower temperature than most saunas– only

about 128 degrees Fahrenheit. After the session in the sauna, the client comes out of

the sauna for a cool-down period of about 10 minutes. Then the client goes back into

the sauna for another 30 minute session. This cycle may be repeated once more for a

total of three 30-minute sessions in the sauna. Then the client will shower and take

electrolytes to replace what was lost in sweating.


It is essential to drink at least 1/2 gallon of water and other liquids each day in addi-

tion to the 64+ ounces that are consumed during the sauna program.


Eating at least 2 cups of fresh or lightly steamed vegetables is required every day dur-

ing the sauna program. This nutrition is essential to helping the body detoxify and re-

build itself.


The client is asked to get at least 8 hours of sleep per day, and will not be able to do

the sauna program for the day if they get less than 6 hours of sleep. This cleanse can

be too stressful on the body if there is not adequate rest.

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Detox Program Supplement List

In addition to the normal supplements a client might be taking, such as a multivitamin,

probiotic, digestive enzymes, etc, here are the sauna specific supplements to add to them.

Activators: Niacin is the main activator that helps the body release more toxins be-

cause it bursts open fat cells (this is called lipolysis) to release chemicals or drugs that are

stored in them. Niacin is given everyday at the start of the program, right before the person

starts to exercise. They begin by taking only 50 mg a day and gradually build up the dose to

1000 mg or more over a few weeks. By gradually increasing the dose you will avoid the severe

niacin flush. The goal is to get a light niacin flush. Niacin dilates the capillaries, increases cir-

culation and releases histamine from cells which will cause the skin to flush, feel hot, but is not

harmful. It’s bringing blood and toxins closer to the surface of the skin, so that when the per-

son gets into the sauna, more toxins come out in the sweat than if they didn’t take the niacin.

Amino Acids: Amino acids are the building blocks of the body and they help regulate

neurotransmitters, enhance immune function, and provide many health benefits.

Antioxidants: Antioxidants are also given during this program to support the body’s

detox pathways, neutralize free radicals, and enable the body to produce more glutathione.

Alpha lipoic acid, glutathione precursors, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Vitamin C, etc.

Binders: Chlorella, bentonite clay or activated charcoal are important in their role as

binders of toxins during this program. Taking these things on an empty stomach will help pre-

vent any circulating toxins from being reabsorbed in the GI tract. When doing this program,

the activators push out more toxins from the fat cells so there are toxins not only released in

sweat, but also come out in the GI tract, urine, and stool. Binders help to hold on to any tox-

ins after they are released from cells and tissues and keep them from just getting lodged

somewhere else in the body. They hold onto them so they can be escorted out of the body.

It is best to take them right after the sauna each day on an empty stomach if possible.

Polyunsaturated Oils: As stored fats and toxins are mobilized by this intensive

cleanse, it’s important to use healthy oils to replace some of the mobilized fats in the body.

It’s also been shown to increase the excretion rate of certain compounds from the body.

Phosphatidylcholine (PhosChol), evening primrose oil, and other unsaturated fats are used for

this reason. When giving PhosChol, just have the client use the gel caps. If this is not avail-

able, use cold-pressed vegetable oils, along with lecithin granules to help the oils be absorbed.

This is to replace the oils lost in sweat and bind with any toxins in the GI tract.

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Extra Vitamins and Minerals: Because of the additional sweating during this pro-

gram, the body will not only lose the toxins, but also minerals and vitamins. It is important to

oversupply the body with nutrition, so be sure the multi you use contains more than the RDA

daily limit for nutrients. For example, the B-Complex that you use should contain around 50

mg of each B vitamin. Calcium and magnesium need to be increased as the cleanse goes on

over time to replace what is lost in sweat.

After 12 days of this cleanse, increase the vitamins, minerals, and give extra calcium

and magnesium. If you started the cleanse with 4 multi tablets, at this point increase to 6

each day. If the calcium and magnesium dosage starts out at 1000 mg per day, increase to

2000 mg once you are a couple of weeks into the cleanse. Magnesium causes loose stools or

diarrhea once you reach saturation in the body, so keep this in mind. You can use this to your

advantage for clients with constipation.

Plenty of liquids to replace what is lost in sweat: Of course, it is very important

to keep the client hydrated during this cleanse. While everyone sweats at a different rate, the

minimum amount of liquid to be consumed is 16 ounces for each 30 minute sauna session.

Fresh organic raw vegetable juices are a good thing to use to while in the sauna because it not

only supplies fluids to the body, but also vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in a bio-available

form. This is a great thing to use for compromised clients who may have malabsorption is-

sues. Drinking juices while in the sauna will enable the nutrients in the juice to be fully ab-

sorbed. Do not use fruit juices or non-organic juices if possible. Water that is used during this

program should be highly purified with a neutral or alkaline pH, rather than an acidic pH.

Electrolytes: Excessive sweating causes a loss of sodium and potassium from the

body. And calcium and magnesium can also become depleted over time, so it is important to

give electrolytes to people each day of this program. If they are not given sufficient electro-

lytes, signs of heat exhaustion or sodium depletion can occur.

We provide electrolytes in tablet form as sea salt and potassium gluconate. These can be or-

dered from Peter’s Choice Nutrition Center (see next page for info).

Cell Salts: Cell salts are homeopathic minerals that are important during this program

and are especially helpful for nausea during this program.

High Intake of Fresh Vegetables: A clean, organic diet is obviously recommended

while on this program. Organic vegetable juices should be used to avoid pesticide exposure

during the cleanse. An emphasis should be on a high amount of vegetables each day as green

leafy vegetables provide the chlorophyll that helps to bind with toxins in the GI tract.

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Supplement Sources List

Here is a list of the recommended supplements and suppliers for the intensive sauna detox.

Peter’s Choice Nutrition Center

(888) 324-9904, (323) 667-1894

4879 Fountain Avenue | Los Angeles, CA 90029

These items can be ordered in bulk at wholesale prices. They can be ordered in small bottles

for resale or 1000 count bulk bags for cleanse use in your office.

Niacin (capsules in 100 mg, and in 500 mg)

Sea Salt tablets

Potassium tablets

Cell salts

Trace mineral tablets

Emerson Ecologics

Alpha Lipoic Acid (Geronova R-Plus)


Chlorella: BodyBio

Amino Acids (My Aminoplex or Klaire Labs’ Amino Acid Complete)


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Supplement Protocol Example

This cleanse goes against the typical recommendation of 4-6 supplements because the

client needs extra nutritional support during this process. It’s not unusual for the client to take

8-12 supplements a day on this program.

Life Essence Multi– 4 per day

Evening Primrose oil or Fish oil-4 per day

Milk Thistle– 4 per day

R-Plus (alpha lipoic acid)- 2 per day

Calcium citrate/magnesium gluconate– 6 per day

My Aminoplex (amino acids)– 1 scoop (use during cleanse)

Chlorella– 2 after sauna

Liquid trace minerals– 2 tsp.

Vitamin D– 5,000 IU

Vitamin C– 3 grams a day

Plus the niacin, electrolytes, and oils taken during the sauna program each day

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How To Structure This Program

While each client that does this program follows the same general sauna format, it’s

important to customize it for certain health problems. Of course, you are already doing this

for their supplements. You put them on the best supplements for their particular health is-

sues, then you add the detox program supplements on top of that.

There may be times when you will need to address other factors with clients during the

detox program. For instance, if your client has infections or Lyme, we have the client use our

Rife machine before they do their sauna for the day. It is very helpful to include this as part of

your detox program because the rife machine kills pathogens and will enable the client to have

less Herxheimer reactions because the sauna will help remove the toxins from the die off from

the body quickly each day. Many level 4 clients with Lyme indicators will respond much better

to this type of protocol than if they only used the Rife machine alone.

If your client has smoked heavily or has any lung issues, using medical grade ozone

over their lungs each day before they start the cleanse can help detoxify the lungs even more


Documentation: Documentation is very important to the success of your client dur-

ing this program because it will help you adjust nutrient levels, assess how the cleanse is pro-

gressing, and have a big picture view of the client’s overall improvement. There are 2 ways to

do this. First of all, each day of the cleanse, you need to track the clients main symptoms,

food intake, water intake, what happened when they took niacin, how they did in the sauna,

after the sauna, and how they feel as compared to when the started that day. You want to

record every thing that can be recorded so you are monitoring everything. We provide the

form that we use on the following page. Make lots of copies of this form and use it each day.

The client has sections that they will fill out and you will fill out the rest.

Another great way to document a client’s progress is with the Symptom Survey. All of

the clients main symptoms are listed and each day, the client rates the severity of the symp-

toms on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst. This will help you track trends in overall

improvement over time, which can be tricky due to the ups and downs experienced by the cli-

ent. Sometimes clients feel like they are not getting better, but when you ask about each

symptom and look at their overall progress using this document, you can see more clearly if

progress is being made or not.

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Sauna Cleanse Log Name: ________________________

Current symptoms:

_______________________________ _______________________________

Total hours of sleep last night: ______ Do you feel well rested?


Nutrient protocol taken? Yes No Amount of H20 consumed: ________

Cravings for any food/drink/drugs?


Any other supplement or meds taken? _______________________________

Vegetables eaten: (types & amounts) _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

Date: _______ Admin: _______ Day: ___

Niacin amount: (mg) _________________

What reaction did client get from niacin?


Niacin reaction compared to previous day? Same Less More

Exercise before sauna: _______________

Total time exercising: ________________

Sauna cycles/minutes Notes 1st cycle: ____ minutes ___________

2nd cycle: ____ minutes ___________

3rd cycle: ____ minutes ___________

Weight at start of today’s detox: ________ Weight at end of today’s detox: ________

Blood pressure at start: _______________

Blood pressure at end: _______________ Sea salt amt: ____ Potassium amt: _____

What did you experience since your last sauna? (Mental, emotional, physical, etc…)

What did you experience while exercising? (Mental, physical, emotional, etc..)

What did you experience while in the sauna? (Mental, emotional, physical, etc..)

Any realizations, positive thoughts or ideas? (use back of paper if needed)

How do you feel compared to your arrival time today? Same, better, worse?

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Symptom Survey

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Instructions: In each column, enter a number from 0 to 10 indicating better, worse, or the same and by

how much since your last visit. 0 means you have no symptom and 10 means that this symptom was as bad as you have ever experienced it.

0 = Best 10 = Worst

Visit Date:

List Symptoms

Here —->>

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Overview of Intensive Sauna Protocol

The Basics Must Be Met: There are some fundamental basics that need to be met

in order for the client to detoxify in the sauna each day. They must be hydrating, eating regu-

lar healthy meals, taking their supplements, and getting enough sleep. If you try and detox

the body without meeting these basic criteria, the cleanse will not go well and the client will

feel worse.

Client Check In: Find out how client is feeling, how much sleep, check vitals (weight

and blood pressure) and fill out form. Be sure that client meets criteria for cleansing today

before you begin the detox. If client does not meet the criteria (not enough sleep, etc..), then

they will not be able to cleanse that day.

Cleanse Activators: Niacin is taken each day, along with the amino acids, and trace

minerals to start the detox process. 50 mg of niacin is given to start the detox, and it will

slowly and incrementally be increased over time as the cleanse progresses. The amount of

flushing the client experiences from the niacin and the clients symptoms determine how much

you give them.

Exercise: Immediately after the cleanse activators are taken, the client needs to start

moving, whether that is walking on a treadmill, using an elliptical, bouncing on a mini-

trampoline, running, etc… This stimulates the lymphatic system and will help to move toxins

out of hiding and into circulation. 30 minutes is the goal, but some clients who are weak and

fatigued may need to start out with 15 or 20 minutes and work up to 30 minutes.

Sauna: After exercise, the client changes clothes and gets into the preheated far infrared

sauna with a 16 ounce glass of organic vegetable juice (ideally unpasteurized). They stay in

the sauna for 30 minutes, then come out for a short cool down break of 5-8 minutes, then get

back in for 30 minutes. The client is in the sauna for 3-4 30-minute sessions each day. The

client should be drinking about an ounce of liquids for each minute they are sweating.

Electrolytes, Oils, and Binders: After the sauna sessions are completed, electro-

lytes are taken to replace what is lost in sweat. Depletion of electrolytes can cause head-

aches, fatigue, weakness, and potentially heatstroke. One serving of electrolytes should be

given for each 30 minute session. Binders are also given to bind with any circulating toxins in

the GI tract so they are not reabsorbed.

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Client Check Out: Find out how client is feeling after sauna is over and fill out form.

Write down if there was a niacin flush and document the details of the cleanse. Have the cli-

ent fill out the bottom of the form. Make sure the form is filled out completely and client can

leave for the day.

Clean Up: Wipe down every surface, remove and launder dirty towels, and let the sauna

air out.

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Step-by-Step Intensive Sauna Protocol If you have a sauna in your office for clients to use, this is the protocol you will want to

train your staff on the proper use of the sauna with clients. This is how you walk a client

through a sauna detox from beginning to end.

Preparations before the client arrives:

The interior of the sauna should be clean. If there are any odors lingering in the sauna, open up the door for 30 minutes or use ozone or an air purifier to purify the air.

Turn on sauna to preheat (start at 128 degrees for most people).

Put clean towels over seat cushions, floor, and put the mat outside of the door. Have pure, filtered water on hand for client to drink and clean glasses.

Have freshly made vegetable juice ready for client.

Put several wet washcloths in a bowl to have available for clean up.

Client arrives:

Greet them and have them place all personal items in the bathroom or in another area

out of the way. Explain to them what they will be doing today and see how they are feeling.

Make sure they have had adequate sleep the night before (no less than 6 hours). If they are

not feeling well, be sure to get a practitioner’s approval or wait to start the cleanse until the

next day.

Explain how the sauna works and tell them what to do if they feel worse in the sauna.

Here is an example of what you might want to say:

“This is a far infrared sauna, which operates at a lower temperature than most other

types of saunas. We like this type because your body releases more of the fat soluble toxins

in your sweat. Each day when you come in, I will ask you how you feel, monitor your blood

pressure, and give you a few supplements to take. Then you will have three 30-minute ses-

sions in the sauna with a 5-10 minute cool down break between them. You will drink fresh

vegetable juice while you are in the first sauna session, then you can drink filtered water for

the remaining sessions.

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“During this detox, there are a lot of toxins coming out of the skin, even though you

may not see them or feel them. Because I don’t want to risk recontamination, you will use our

shower to remove all the toxins and sweat right after you finish the detox every day, so you

don’t reabsorb the toxins on your skin. Be sure not to touch your phone or any of your things

when you go into the bathroom, just go ahead and rinse off first, just to be safe.

“I can adjust the temperature of the sauna, so let me know if it’s too hot or not hot

enough. It takes most people 5-10 minutes to start to sweat. When you are in the sauna, if

you start to feel lightheaded, dizzy, weak, or uncomfortable in any way, please just get out of

the sauna and sit down on the bench. You don’t need to get permission, just get out.

“Keep drinking plenty of water during this entire time. You should be drinking one 16-

20 ounce glass of liquid each time you are in the sauna. You will take electrolytes to replenish

the minerals you lose in sweat at the end of your session. Let me know if you have any ques-

tions. Are you ready to get started?”

Client Check In: Fill out the form, find out how much sleep they got last night, write down

any current symptoms they are experiencing, check blood pressure, and weigh them on the

scale. Notate all client symptoms and experiences on the form.

Give Client Cleanse Activators (Niacin, Amino Acids, and Trace Minerals): Start with

100 mg of niacin (can use 50 mg if they are very compromised) along with a serving of amino

acids, and 2 trace mineral tablets. The niacin can be emptied out into water so it is more eas-

ily absorbed. Tablets take time to break down and so it’s better to use capsules/powder.

Exercise: Now the client needs to get on a treadmill or do another form of exercise for

about 30 minutes. During this time, watch their skin for a niacin flush. The flush will need to

be documented each day, along with all of their symptoms because this will tell you when you

can slowly increase the amount of niacin that they take.

Sauna: Immediately after exercising, the client can get ready to go into the sauna. The cli-

ent can wear a bathing suit or sports bra or just have a towel wrapped around them while in

the sauna. Let them go to the bathroom and undress.

Open the sauna door for them to get in and hand them their juice. Make sure they are drink-

ing 16 ounces of liquids minimum for each 30 minute session that they do. Ask them if they

prefer to have the lights on or off, music on or off, while in the sauna.

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Let them know that you will be keeping track of the time they are in the sauna, but if

they need to come out before their time is up, that is perfectly fine. Set your timer and be in

the room with the client as much as possible to keep an eye on them. Put a towel on the

seating area where they will get out and cool down so that they don’t get sweat on the cush-

ions of the seating.

After they have been in the sauna for 30 minutes, invite them to come out for a 5-10

minute cool-down break. Give them extra water as needed and ask them how they are feel-

ing. Make a note of it on their form. After 5-10 minutes, they can go back into the sauna for

another session. Set the timer. Once their 30 minutes is up, have them come out of the

sauna for another break. Repeat one more 30-minute session, then they can cool down be-

fore they shower.

Electrolytes, Oils, and Binders: They need to take electrolytes– 2 sea salt tablets, 2 po-

tassium tablets. If they are a really heavy sweater, they may need more. Now is when you

give them the oils, such as PhosChol gel caps (or other oils mixed with lecithin in some juice

or water), along with 2 chlorella tablets. These will replace any fats lost in sweat and will help

to bind with circulating toxins that may still be in the GI tract so they will not get reabsorbed.

Shower: Once they have cooled off, they can shower off. Be sure to have them leave any

dirty towels in the sauna. The bathroom will have clean towels and washcloths.

While Client is Showering:

Use the wet washcloths or mop you already have on hand to wipe the floor in the sauna room

to remove any residual sweat on the floor and other surfaces client touched as well as the

walkway to the bathroom. Be sure to wipe your shoes from any residual toxins you may have

picked up from walking around.

Client Check Out:

Before they leave for the day, have them sit down again, and find out how they are feeling.

Take their blood pressure and have the client fill out the remainder of their form, writing down

any feelings, symptoms, or realizations they had while doing the detox. You want to make

sure they are letting you know how they feel now as opposed to how they felt when they first

arrived today: “Do you feel the same, better, or worse than before you arrived today?” Be

sure this is written on their form. If they feel really bad or are having a reaction, tell a practi-

tioner!! Sometimes, they may need extra electrolytes or cell salts.

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Clean Up:

Use a wet washcloth or mop to wipe down all surfaces, doorknobs that client touched, the

bathroom floor, sink handle, toilet lid, seat, and toilet handle, and anything else that might

have gotten sweat on it.

Put all dirty towels in the sauna, gather them up, and put into hamper or washer to be laun-

dered. Wash your hands before touching anything else.

Wipe down the sauna floor and door knobs of sauna. Every few days, you will need to use

several damp washcloths to wipe down the interior wood of the sauna for any toxins that may

have become airborne via sweat. You do not need to use anything other than water for this.

If you want to use something besides water, just add a little fresh lemon juice to the water

you clean with because other clients may react to other products or essential oils.

Leave the door of the sauna open so it can air out.

Wash hands after clean up is finished.

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Increasing the Niacin and Supplements

The niacin flush is being used therapeutically to help push more fat soluble toxins out

of fat cells and into circulation so they can be released in the sweat. It is also bringing blood

to the surface of the skin so that will increase circulation by vasodilation, and move those tox-

ins closer to the skin so they can be removed while in the sauna. Niacinamide does not pro-

vide this effect, so it is NOT recommended. During this niacin flush, the client may feel symp-

toms they may have experienced in the past, or nausea, skin rashes, headaches, emotional

stress, etc….This is good because that means the toxins are coming out. It’s important to not

push the client too hard and allow this removal of toxins to be effective but also safe.

When you start out by giving the client 100 mg of niacin, they may or may not get a

flush. If they have food on their stomach, it will minimize the effects of the flush. So, keep

that in mind. Using the powdered form of niacin and emptying the capsules into water will

help the client absorb it better and may help them to flush.

Even when the niacin does not cause a flush, it is still working, so don’t worry if the

client does not flush some of the days during this program. The goal is to slowly start increas-

ing the niacin dose over the weeks so that you gradually work up to 1000mg or more.

When to increase the niacin: You start out at a low dose (50 or 100 mg) and

give the client this amount every day until they no longer flush and are no longer are having

strong detox symptoms. If they did not sleep well, or have any significant symptoms such as

nausea, hold the niacin dosage steady at whatever level you have reached so far. You do not

need to push their body harder if they are still dealing with some detox symptoms.

If they have not had a flush from that dose and they are not in the middle of a healing

crisis, you can increase the dose from 100 mg to 200 mg. This will typically cause the client to

have another flush and will push out more toxins. Hold them at this dosage until they no

longer flush and any detox symptoms die down. Then go up to 300 mg. Continue in this way

until the client finishes their cleanse. Once you reach 1000 mg of niacin, you can increase in

500 mg increments instead of 100 mg increments.

Don’t forget that the multivitamin and other minerals will need to also be increased as

you increase the niacin. You will need to increase the multi and calcium/magnesium after the

first 12 days of this cleanse. This will help to keep the nutrients in the correct ratio and pre-

vent any deficiencies from showing up as the client continues to sweat heavily.

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Re-stimulation and The Healing Crisis

As the client sweats out the residual drugs, toxins, and chemicals from the body, any

number of symptoms can occur. These are related to a healing crisis or detox reactions as old

toxins, medications, drug residues, etc, come out of the body at an accelerated rate. The cli-

ent may experience symptoms of nausea, headaches, skin rashes, fatigue, aches and pains,

and other symptoms they have had in the past. This is caused by the niacin pushing out tox-

ins and as these things get released from fat cells, they are momentarily in the bloodstream

before they are released from the body in sweat.

These symptoms can show up in many different ways. For instance, the client may

feel a temporary numbing effect in the mouth as dental anesthetics are released from the

body. They may emit chemical odors if they were exposed to pesticides, paints, or other

harmful chemicals in their lifetime. They can have a restimulation of the drugs they took in

the past. Old injuries they had may flare up then diminish as they heal. They may taste a

metallic or chemical taste in their mouth. They may smell like chlorine if they worked as a life-

guard or where in chlorinated pools for years. Anything is possible!

These symptoms can happen at any time during the program, but will gradually dimin-

ish as the client comes closer to the end of their program. When clients are experiencing this,

they can come out of the sauna to take a break if they are too uncomfortable. Offer them ex-

tra fluids, electrolytes and cell salts, and then see if they can continue to use the sauna to

move the toxins out. You can lower the temperature of the sauna to make it more comfort-

able if you need to. The answer to these reactions is to continue to move the toxins out via

sweat. These reactions are typically very short lived and can subside by the time their sauna

sessions are over for the day. Peppermint essential oil and cell salts can be helpful for nausea.

Clients may need to lie down if they are feeling bad when they get out of the sauna. They

may feel better if they shower between sauna sessions to remove the toxins from their skin.

Occasionally, the client may feel worse after the cleanse due to these symptoms and

need to just to stop the detox, and get some rest. They should feel better the next day.

If they show any signs of heat stroke or dehydration, be sure to read the following

pages and take precautions. If you are following the guidelines exactly, they should not have

this problem. Variations in this program are not recommended. It is important to follow this

protocol as written. It has been tested and proven to work very well as recommended.

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When To End the Detox Program

The amount of toxins varies in each person, and you really have no way of knowing

someone’s body burden. You can get a general idea based on their health history, but it’s just

an estimate. Some of your clients will find that they get the most symptom improvement after

2-3 weeks of consecutive days in the sauna. Other clients who have had more significant ex-

posures or have been sick for many more years, may need 4-5 weeks of this continuous sauna

use before they feel good.

The ideal way to administer this protocol is to have a general timeframe in mind, but

keep the exact completion of the program open so that it can be continued as long as neces-

sary. The end of the program is not dependant on how much niacin the client is taking, but

rather how they are feeling and whether or not they are having any detox reactions.

The sign that the client has achieved the most benefit from this program and is nearing

completion of the cleanse is they will have an enhanced feeling of well being, mental clarity,

relief of most of their symptoms, and they are no longer having detox reactions taking the nia-

cin and or using the sauna. This indicates that the majority of the toxins in their body have

been removed and now they can stop the cleanse.

If a person stops this cleanse too soon, while there are still toxins coming out of the

body, they will not get the full benefit and may require ongoing sauna use. In this case, the

client should continue to use the sauna 1-2 times a week until the detox reactions stop.

Once the client has reached completion of the program, the increased amounts of nia-

cin and other nutrients is not stopped abruptly. The niacin should be slowly decreased over

the next week. For instance, if they are taking 1000 mg when they stop the detox program,

the next day, they should go down to 500 mg, and then the following day go down to 300 mg,

and so on until they are off of the niacin.

The other minerals and vitamins can be lowered back down to the amounts that were

taken at the start of the cleanse and maintained at that level for several months. The body

will continue to get benefits even after the sauna is stopped and so it is important to continue

the multi, antioxidants, and other supplements even if the client is no longer using the sauna.

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Safety Issues

For Nausea:

Give client Cell Salts– and let them dissolve in their mouth. Repeat if needed. Pep-

permint essential oil can also be used.

Heat Problems:

If the client is having a hard time breathing normally, they need to come out of the

sauna immediately and not get back into it for the rest of the day.

Heat cramps (caused by loss of salt from heavy sweating) can lead to heat exhaustion

(caused by dehydration), which can progress to heatstroke. Heatstroke, the most serious of

the three, can cause shock, brain damage, organ failure, and even death.

The early symptoms of heat illness include:

Profuse sweating



Muscle cramps

Later symptoms of heat exhaustion include:


Dizziness and lightheadedness


Nausea and vomiting

Cool, moist skin

Dark urine

The symptoms of heatstroke include:

Fever (temperature above 104 °F)

Irrational behavior

Extreme confusion

Dry, hot, and red skin

Rapid, shallow breathing

Rapid, weak pulse



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What to do for Heatstroke

Have the person lie down in a cool place. Raise the person's feet about 12 inches.

Apply cool, wet cloths (or cool water directly) to the person's skin and use a fan to lower body tem-

perature. Place cold compresses on the person's neck, groin, and armpits.

If alert, give the person beverages to sip, or make a salted drink by adding a teaspoon of salt per

quart of water. Give a half cup every 15 minutes. Cool water will do if salt beverages are not avail-


For muscle cramps, give trace minerals and cell salts and massage affected muscles gently, but

firmly, until they relax.

If the person shows signs of shock (bluish lips and fingernails and decreased alert-

ness), starts having seizures, or loses consciousness, call 911 and give first aid as


Do NOT underestimate the seriousness of heat illness, especially if the person is a child, elderly, or


Do NOT give the person medications that are used to treat fever (such as aspirin or acetamino-

phen). They will not help, and they may be harmful.

Do NOT give the person salt tablets.

Do NOT give the person liquids that contain alcohol or caffeine. They will interfere with the body's

ability to control its internal temperature.

Do NOT use alcohol rubs on the person's skin.

Do NOT give the person anything by mouth (not even salted drinks) if the

person is vomiting or unconscious.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call 911 if:

The person loses consciousness at any time.

There is any other change in the person's alertness (for example, confusion or seizures).

The person has a fever over 102 °F.

Other symptoms of heatstroke are present (like rapid pulse or rapid breathing).

The person's condition does not improve, or worsens despite treatment.

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