The DELIA Project

Port-Ent-Ass SIGs: 22 May 2008


Alan Paull of APS Ltd discusses the DELIA project.

Transcript of The DELIA Project

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Port-Ent-Ass SIGs: 22 May 2008

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ADoM What?

Project outputs: A set of structured centralised processes to

describe admissions A model which practitioners can access and

augment Exploration of whether existing web services

can be re-used A demonstrator A central generalised view of service patterns

in admissions to feed into DELIA and PortisHEad projects

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ADoM Why?

Project outcomes Raised awareness of the benefits of a service-

oriented approach in e-Admissions A basis for designing effective and responsive

systems and structures Link with XCRI through descriptions of usage of

courses information from the perspective of admissions staff

Use of less paper as institutions see the value and potential of doing things electronically

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ADoM Starter home

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Port-Ent-Ass SIGs: 22 May 2008

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University of Nottingham (lead) Manchester Metropolitan University UCAS APS Ltd

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Explore processes needed by admissions staff to define and handle enhanced applicant information

Explore use, and support development of, structured Entry Profiles, including benefits to applicants and to referees;

Scope and demonstrate electronic services that would make Entry Profiles linked to structured personal statements and references work - improving processes for admissions staff

Prototyping work to find out what IT support will best help admissions staff to process enhanced applicant information

Demonstrating Enhanced Learner Information for Admissions

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Support improved matching of applicants to courses Assist with subsequent effect on retention Investigate processes needed by HEI admissions staff

to handle new, enhanced applicant information What changes might be needed at UCAS? Clarify collective understanding of the changing

admissions environment

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Focus on ‘intended practice’ Analysing current practice for handling a range of

‘extra’ information sources currently in operation at the University of Nottingham and elsewhere

Requirements engineering approach, building on ADoM model

Structured Entry Profiles: towards a new exemplification; example implementation from HEI viewpoint

Good practice guidelines: Entry Profile creation and how to use structured information in decision-making

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Making Entry Profiles now

UCAS system (Web-link)

Create draft Entry Profile

Authenticate user


<<include>> <<include>>

Approve Entry Profile (HEI) <<include>>

Authorise Entry Profile (UCAS)

<<include>> <<include>>

Publish Entry Profile (UCAS)

HEI Entry ProfileCo-ordinator

HEI Entry ProfileEditor

HEI Entry ProfileApprover

May be:Admissions office staffAdmissions tutorsAcademic staffMarketing officersWidening participation staffInternational office staffTechnical/IT staff

UCAS Approver

<<actor>>UCAS Course Search

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Making Entry Profiles in the future

UCAS courses information system

Authorise Entry Profile (UCAS)

Publish Entry Profile (UCAS)

UCAS Approver

Collect Entry Profile

HEI Entry ProfileCo-ordinator

<<actor>>HEI Entry Profile

publishing service

<<actor>>UCAS Web-link

<<actor>>UCAS Course Search

HEI courses information system

Create and edit draft Entry Profile

Authenticate user


Approve Entry Profile


HEI Entry ProfileCo-ordinator

HEI Entry ProfileEditor

HEI Entry ProfileApprover

May be:Admissions office staffAdmissions tutorsAcademic staffMarketing officersWidening participation staffInternational office staffTechnical/IT staff

Publish approved Entry



For example web service. Could be used to feed all systems that require Entry Profiles<<actor>>

HEI Entry Profilepublishing service

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Other areas of interest

Structured Personal Statements: Will applicants create them? Will selection staff in HEIs want them? And how will they use them? How do structured Personal Statements

relate to ePortfolios? Information about school performance

Can we provide tools to make use of this type of data effective and efficient?

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The End

Students’ Structured Entry Profiles for e-Admissions: Aspects of the DELIA


Further information:Alan Paull Sandra [email protected]

[email protected]