The Definitive Guide to Timeless Style


Transcript of The Definitive Guide to Timeless Style

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Welcome to The Definitive Guide To Timeless Style! I’ll explain more about what you’re going to learn in the introduction to this eBook, but I just wanted to thank you for taking the time in downloading this eBook, trust me, you won’t regret it. I’m going to highlight 5 key tips for ways to enhance your personal style, and ways you can implement these 5 key tips into your current wardrobe.

Contents Page 3: Introduction Page 4: KEY TIP 1 - Defining Your Style

- What suits you? - Breaking comfort zones - Feeling confident - Taking inspiration from trends and icons

Page 7: KEY TIP 2 – Being Consistent - Two important ways to be consistent with

style Page 8: KEY TIP 3 – Timeless Pieces

- Blazers and how to wear them - Shirts and how to wear them - Sweaters and how to wear them - Jackets and Coats - Jeans and how to wear them - Other timeless pieces

Page 19: KEY TIP 4 – Paying attention to details Page 21: KEY TIP 5 – Grooming Page 23: Conclusion

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Introduction I really wanted to thank you right from the beginning, and congratulate you on taking the first step to enhancing your personal style. The Definitive Guide To Timeless Style has been created to offer simple tips into enhancing your fashion style, whoever you are. Whether you’re someone who has never really paid much attention to your appearance before, or you’re someone who classes yourself as a fashion guru, The Definitive Guide To Timeless Style is for everyone. There seems to be a sense of information overload in todays market, but this guide strips everything down and focuses on ways to define your own personal style and how to keep things timeless. Timeless style isn’t a trend; so it isn’t going out of fashion next year believe me! Timeless style is something that has been around for centuries, and will continue to stamp its mark on fashion for centuries to come. I’m going to highlight some timeless pieces to implement into your wardrobe along with ways to wear them, explain how you can define your own personal style, how to become consistent when dressing, how you can break comfort zones and feel confident, enlighten you into some simple grooming tips plus so much more. You will learn something from this eBook whatever aim you’re trying to achieve… trust me! Who are you though? I hear you ask. I’m Paul McGregor, founder of the online retailer Brighterman who specialize in men’s accessories, I also write for various fashion publications online and offline. I’m a men’s stylist also, and have worked on various shoots along with offering a personal shopping experience. The personal shopping side of things is something new for me with a recent client of mine being one of the youngest self-made millionaires George Montagu Brown, but the fashion journalism and style advice I’ve been doing for years. I front the Personal Shopping team at Brighterman, and have also presented at various fashion events including the Fashion Colloquia, which was held at the London College of Fashion presenting “The Future Of Menswear”. I’m your average Joe, and really enjoy what I do. I want to make it clear that anyone, and I mean anyone, can take heed on this advice and enhance their personal appearance. My aim is to help as many people as possible achieve their style ambitions, and I know this eBook will get you to where you want to be. Enough about me, lets talk about YOU! Handy Tip: Read this through once, and make notes. When you’re next shopping or looking for new clothing, use this as a guide and refer to relative sections. LETS GET STARTED…

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KEY TIP 1: Defining Your Style Defining your style is the most important step to follow, when establishing your newfound appearance. The Definitive Guide To Timeless Style has been created, to help aid men with the enhancement of their style. Focusing on timeless trends, the tips shared will typically be relative to most of you reading this, but with personal enhancement, the best way to receive positive results is by determining what changes need to be made on a personal level. With this being said, defining your style is something you should be thinking about. What Suits You? The Definitive Guide To Timeless Style is going to make things easy for you, recommending different ways to dress in a timeless manner, meaning what you read in this guide isn’t going out of fashion anytime soon. Finding out what suits you is something you probably already have a good idea about. What do you wear most of? What gets you the most compliments? What clothing gives you confidence? All of these questions can be answered to help you decide what suits you, and don’t be afraid to ask loved ones and if you’re feeling even braver, ask people you’ve never met before if an outfit suits you! A great exercise is to take out about 8 things you wear the most and ask yourself why you like them and why you wear them. Whenever I do this with clients, it’s quite interesting to find that most men don’t actually have a reason to why they wear their favorite pieces. In fact a lot of men cant even pick 8 things out of their wardrobe! Can you? I’m going to touch on in further detail what clothing suits you as the eBook goes on, discussing factors such as fit, fabric and detailing. But for now, just make sure you have a good idea in your head yourself of what you think suits you. It will be important as this chapter progresses. Breaking Comfort Zones When we dress each day, we typically dress in the same manner. It’s called being in your comfort zone, and it’s something the majority of people don’t like leaving. As with anything to do with personal appearance and life in general, being in a comfort zone and being afraid to break it is something we all do. Whether it’s the fear of public speaking, the fear of changing your hairstyle or the fear of driving, everyone becomes in a comfort zone and doesn’t like adjusting to change. “A comfort zone is like a muscle, stretch it often and watch it grow” – maybe I’m getting too philosophical on you now, but breaking a comfort zone is hugely important if you want to enhance your style.

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I’m not asking you to jump out of an aeroplane and parachute 40,000 feet, I’m simply asking you to break the comfort zone of wearing the same over and over again. Has someone ever suggested you to wear an item of clothing and you’ve replied, “That doesn’t suit me”? We all have including myself, and it’s because we fear wearing something we’ve never worn before. Take heed of advice given within this eBook and advice other people have given you, and don’t be afraid to step out of that comfort zone and wear something you’ve never worn before. I’m not even suggesting within this guide that you wear a pink suit, or dress in leopard print or wear a fur coat with a pimp stick… I’m talking about trying a new colour, a new style of trouser, a different style of shoe or even a slimmer fit. I’m tailoring to the needs of the modern man, and not the guy who wants to be an extrovert and stand out drastically from the crowd. So don’t sweat… Feeling Confident Developing your own personal style is something, which is, you guessed it, personal. You need to determine what clothing makes you feel confident, and display that confidence when you wear it. When I talk about feeling confident with what you wear, I don’t mean hide back into your comfort zone. Wear something different and feel confident when you wear it! If you feel confident in the way you dress, the people around you will notice and compliment you. Wearing something new and wearing in unconfidently will only draw negative attention towards you. Feel proud of that new item of clothing you’ve worn and never worn similar before. The way you carry yourself with confidence and holding your posture all contributes to that word we’re aiming to achieve… STYLE. Taking Inspiration From Trends and Icons Another way to help define your style is by looking into fashion trends and style icons. I can hear you quaking in your slippers as I’ve just mentioned, “fashion trends”, but fashion trends are extremely good guides to research into. A fashion trend is there to be looked at, and to take features of it in which you like to implement into your own style. A fashion trend shouldn’t be imitated; I personally think imitating a trend simply adds no originality or uniqueness. For example: A trend called the heritage trend is based around fabrics and textures, and the way you combine different textures into a look. This is a key feature in which you could implement into your personal style, instead of wearing cotton or polyester all the time; add a different texture such as knitwear or wool. This is just an example and I don’t want to confuse you, but you should get the idea of how to take inspiration from fashion trends. Just remember, take inspiration from trends, and don’t imitate them.

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Everyone’s got role models right? James Bond, James Dean, David Beckham, Prince or even me? (Please!) Jokes aside, taking inspiration from someone you like within the public eye can help you develop your personal style massively. Again, don’t imitate the fashion style of James Bond or David Beckham; take a look at some photos and note down what you like about them and what they’re wearing. These can be implemented into your personal style, and is great way of defining yourself. Do you like the way David Beckham isn’t scared of wearing new things? Are you a fan of the way James Bond dresses with elegance, focusing on fit and suiting up? Make notes, and what you like can easily be implemented into your current wardrobe. Defining your style is hugely important, and this step shouldn’t be discarded. Once this tiny bit of research into YOU has been done, your journey towards timeless style is heading towards the finish line. Working out who you are and what you like is going to make anything else to do with style and personal appearance seem so much easier. TRUST ME

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KEY TIP 2: Being Consistent Consistency is something you should be focusing on once you’ve defined your own personal style. Laziness can creep in at anytime, so it’s important to be consistent. The good thing here is that you’re already consistent with the way you dress. Those t-shirt and jeans combinations you’re pretty consistent with aren’t you? Loose fitting clothing your probably also consistent with at the moment. You see consistency isn’t an issue and it isn’t something we need to work on, we just need to change what we’re consistent with wearing. It’s a good thing you’re reading the Definitive Guide To Timeless Style then ay! As by defining your own personal style, and coming away with some fashion tips on what you should be wearing, being consistent with your new style wont be a problem. It never has been and never will be, just change the style you’re consistent with. 2 Important Ways To Be Consistent Consistency with style is natural to everyone; it’s something we don’t think about. So the first step is to be aware of it. If laziness starts to creep in and you feel like chucking on that baggy t-shirt and jeans, recognize that you’re becoming inconsistent and adjust yourself. Refresh your memory and look at how you redefined your style. Once this guide is completed and you’re starting to develop your appearance more, don’t fall into the inconsistent stage. Refreshing your memory of how you want to dress every now and then will decrease the chances of inconsistency occurring. This is a really important step, but isn’t something I want you to dwell on. Just remember the two killer ways to keep ahead of inconsistency and you wont find this to be a problem. Remember being consistent is natural; we just need to be aware that inconsistency with the way we dress can creep in at anytime. Look at the way guys used to dress, as my grandpa would like to say “back in the day”. They never became lazy and inconsistent; looking smart, elegant and stylish was something they always did naturally at a consistent level.

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Timeless Pieces So you’ve got a good idea on how you want to dress, you’ve also realized the importance of being consistent, so why don’t we touch on some clothing and fashion tips? Remember once you’ve defined your personal style, these steps will come naturally and will only be used as a guide. The good thing with timeless style is it relates to every man out there, and isn’t something no one can benefit from. It isn’t a trend for this season, but a mistake next season. These are garments that were popular centuries ago, and will be popular in a century’s time as well.

Blazers Everybody has worn a blazer, but everybody sees them as just formal garments. You wear a blazer to a job interview, to a wedding, to church, to a funeral etc., and this “occasional wearing” means that people categorize the blazer as a formal piece, and don’t like wearing them for anything else. This is where you’re wrong, as a blazer can be utilized in so many other stylish ways. It can be worn over a casual shirt, paired with some jeans and casual footwear. Sounds basic right? But a blazer adds style immediately and effortlessly when used in this manner. Take away the blazer from that look and you’re left with an unstylish casual shirt, jeans and footwear combination. The blazer adds an elegant touch, and will always add style whatever you wear it with. You want to focus on a slim fit blazer, something that looks tailored. There are so many blazers available in today’s market at a variety of cuts and sizes, which you can experiment to find one that offers a tailored look. If you’ve got the money to head down to a tailors and get a blazer tailored made, then do so, but don’t feel like you have to due to the range available to us today. One of the big problems that seems to crop up whenever a blazer is mentioned is ‘are they different from suit jackets?’ and is then usually followed by ‘…and can I wear a suit jacket by itself anyway?’. The answer to these questions is simple; the only difference between a suit jacket and a blazer is the matching trousers. People wear suit jackets with jeans and a tee shirt all the time and nobody is none the wiser. Blazers come in all kinds of fabrics, from cotton blends to tweeds through to wool and corduroys and each material and style offers a different style. If you want to play it safe, opt for a cotton blazer, as this is perfect for any occasion.

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Tips On Wearing Your Blazer

• Pairing a blazer over a t-shirt, with jeans. This adds a casual style to a look. Opt for a neutral colour such as Black, Grey and Navy and you can utilise it in some many ways.

• Go for the preppy look and match a fitted blazer with some cotton chinos, a buttoned down shirt and some brogues or loafers.

• Layer a sweater underneath a blazer, pairing with jeans and smart shoes. The sweater adds a different texture to the look, but also adds a casual element.

• Use a blazer to neutralise colour. If you’ve got a coloured shirt or some coloured trousers your desperate to wear, layer a neutral blazer to neutralise the bright colouring.

There’s so many ways to break down the traditional suit, and taking away the element of the suit trousers and utilising just the blazer can enhance your style drastically. Please please please don’t use a blazer just for occasions; its versatility is never ending…

The next page shows some ways to wear a blazer, highlighting the versatility and elegance the blazer carries. Take inspiration from these photos and whatever draws your attention; consider ways to implement it into your own personal style.

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Buttoned down shirts are always great to have, giving you the ability to add elegance to a look. With shirts, you want to focus on two things: fit and design. See you need to get the balance right between draping off your shoulders and clinging on to your shoulders. Get advice from other people, because if you’re used to loose fitting shirts you’re going to be quite reluctant to liking a slimmer fit. So many of my clients have moaned about how tight something has been on them, when really, it’s the perfect fit. Take inspiration again from photographs, and make sure the shirt fits perfectly. A plain white shirt can look great if it’s the perfect fit, a plain white shirt can look ugly if it isn’t. Design is another factor you want to focus on, as a shirt is typically going to be layered. What I mean by this is on most occasions; you’ll be wearing something over the shirt such as a blazer, cardigan, sweater or coat. So you want something, which is going to add another dimension to your look. If you want to add colour a shirt is the perfect piece, because what you layer over it can be neutralized. What I mean by this is, a grey blazer can neutralize a red shirt. That’s a handy tip to remember if you want to wear colour subtly: A darker tone can be used to neutralize the colour. Here are some images of guys wearing shirts perfectly, in a timeless fashion.

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For some reason I hate the word “sweater”, so I was pretty shocked when I found the inspiration to include them into this eBook. I don’t know what it is, maybe the fact it reminds me of that awful school uniform I once had to wear on a daily occasion (that yellow sweater has scarred me for life). Or maybe it’s a result of being forced to wear that awful purple knitted sort from Grandma every time I felt a chill. Or even that it was the nasty headmasters trademark garment? Whatever it is I find myself currently staring at a wardrobe filled with them. My now ex headmaster would be proud of my current collection. A sweater is the perfect timeless garment, and is something you should be looking at implementing into your style. I would be surprised to hear of anyone having not worn a sweater. Whether through choice or otherwise is another question entirely. Originally designed to aid sweat during exercise, a sweater can be used in different ways to either casual down a look or formalise one.

A sweater is a great addition to any smart/casual look, and it’s the most popular way of wearing this timeless garment currently. Implementing sweaters over a slim-fit shirt and paired with denim jeans or chinos, and topped off with a tie creates a smart/casual look fit for most occasions. In my eyes, there are two key combinations available to you if you want to wear the sweater in an elegant manner; the first is by layering a shirt underneath, and the second ‘go-to’ option you have for achieving effortless elegance with a sweater is layering it underneath a blazer.

Layering A Shirt Underneath

When looking to pull off this look, pay close attention to the fit of the sweater. Something too slim fit can leave the shirt looking ruffled underneath. The cut of the sweater is important too, so consider whether you’re going to opt for a V-neck or a crew neck. Wearing a crew neck is great if you’re wearing just a shirt underneath, simply showcasing the collar. If you’re wearing a tie/bow tie or want to draw more attention to a bold shirt, opt for a V-neck sweater.

The next page shows some examples of wearing the sweater in this way. Use them as inspiration

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Layering A Sweater Underneath A Blazer

I’ve already touched on blazers, and layering a sweater underneath a blazer is a great, timeless look to achieve. This time, by pairing a smart piece like a blazer against a more casual piece such as a sweater, it creates a relaxed aesthetic that is still refined and chic. It is much less formal than pairing a blazer with a shirt, especially if you choose to simply use a crew neck on its own underneath.

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With this timeless combination you have the ability to experiment with how smart or casual you want your look to be. The looks below will show you just how much variety there is when it comes to creating your own take on the combination:

A sweater can also be worn casually, and is a great addition to looks which aren’t so preppy. Wearing a sweater casually can add another

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dimension to your look. You can integrate coloured or patterned sweaters into your layering to give your outfit a shot of life, or use a classic neutral sweater to anchor that patterned shirt I touched on previously. Other alternatives are knitted, relaxed sweaters layered under statement jackets. We’re going to touch on timeless jackets next, and layering a casual sweater underneath can add a timeless feel. How you like to wear yours casually really just comes down to personal preference. Layered underneath, over the top or simply on its own with jeans – the sweaters versatility makes it a must buy and a wardrobe staple for all men.


It depends on what part of the world your from, but in Britain, a coat is a necessity! A jacket/coat is a statement piece, and investing in quality and design is going to enhance your personal appearance. I’ve talked about layering quite a bit, and a jacket/coat is always going to be the top layer, so pay attention to it the most. As for styles of jacket/coat, there’s plenty available to us on the market and in my eyes there’s too many styles to choose from! So I’m going to highlight a few styles of the jacket and coat, and touch briefly on ways you can implement these into looks.

The trench coat is in my eyes, the perfect timeless coat. The trench coat was developed as an alternative to the heavy serge greatcoats worn by British and French soldiers in the First World War. Yes, the First World War and they’re still in trend today. Both Burberry and Aquascutum claimed the invention of the Trench Coat, with Aquascutum's claim dating back to the 1850s. It’s the perfect coat for adding elegance and style without hardly any effort; it carries style so all you need to focus on is fit. If you go for a darker tone, it goes with any look. Another alternative similar to the trench coat are macs.

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Quilted jackets and coats are another timeless addition. It’s always nice when we find a style of jacket that works within that smart/casual divide so well, and the quilted jacket defiantly does that. It adds that heritage feel, and is a great top layer. Have you heard of the brand Barbour? They really took the quilted jacket to new levels, producing high quality quilted jackets focusing on fabric, fit and lightness.

Last but not least, this is a jacket that’s perfect all year round. It can be used as a top layer or even as a secondary layer, and it’s the definition of a timeless piece. I’m talking about the denim jacket. Love it or hate it, a denim jacket can be utilised into a casual look or a smart look. It can be worn in a variety of different ways with a variety of different garments, and it’s never going to look out of place. Levi’s first denim jacket was sewn in 1905, and sold to compliment its existing line of jeans and work wear. The denim was tough, and it held up against the wind, the cold, the rain, and whatever else a workingman could throw at it. A jacket made of raw, dark denim channels this spirit, and shows off a subdued, classic style. Tips for wearing a denim jacket are simple.

• Never ‘double up’ on denim. If you’re wearing a denim jacket, that means no denim jeans, and definitely no denim shirts.

• Pay attention to detailing within the jacket, adding a handkerchief to the denim jacket pocket is a great touch.

• To preserve the wash, treat the jacket as you would if it were a pair of jeans. Wash infrequently, and expect some shrinkage with hot-water washes.

• Don’t wear the jacket too often. If you do want to wear it often, mix it up by layering a coat over it sometimes.

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The most timeless form of trouser available is the jean. I personally haven’t met someone who has never worn jeans before, but I’ve come across A LOT of people who wear jeans badly. The problem is, a lot of guys have one particular jean style they like, and there’s nothing that’s going to change their mind. Your jeans are like a body part to you, and what you’re used to you are not going to change! Again it’s going back to that comfort zone I talked about, try something different and take heed from this advice. As much as we love to think that it is only women who need to worry about body shapes, I’m afraid its equally important to us guys. So bear in mind the fit of the jeans. Here are some helpful tips to do with jeans:

• Guys with slender frames, you are more suited to the skinny fit. Hate them or love them, slender body frames are going to pull these off better than anyone.

• A straight leg jean will work for most guys. Jeans today are made in a variety of cuts, but the straight leg normally comes up perfect for most men.

• Washed denim is fine, cut denim isn’t • Get jeans, which fit perfectly around your waist. A belt isn’t stylish

when it has new holes spiked in to hold them beloved jeans of yours up. A belt shouldn’t be used for the function of holding up your trousers; it should be used to add detailing to a look. So get the perfect waist fit!

• The slimmer the leg of the jeans you opt for, the longer your legs will appear.

Jeans go with anything, making them the perfect timeless trouser. Other alternatives are chinos, cords and tailored suit trousers.

Other Timeless Pieces

I hope you’ve enjoyed the fashion side of things, and haven’t got too confused with the terms used. I’m not introducing you to any style of clothing you haven’t heard of already, so this should all be pretty relative to you. The timeless pieces I’ve gone into detail about you should be looking at taking the tips offered on board, and implementing them into your wardrobe now. Your going to hopefully already own a coat, a pair of jeans, a sweater and a blazer. But hopefully the tips and photos have offered you the chance to use them better, or to even realize that the fit or style is lacking and should be taken to the charity shop immediately! Here are some other timeless pieces and some helpful tips:

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• Accessories such as ties and belts are timeless pieces. Accessories should get more attention, as they add that extra attention to detailing a lot of guys slack with. A tie is one of the most timeless accessories to date, but should be used more often than just for occasions. Similar to the blazer, a tie can be used to achieve that preppy, elegant look. It offers style and elegance as soon as you start wearing it, and is a great addition to any outfit. Jewellery and watches are timeless, and something you can’t go extremely wrong with.

• Shorts are timeless in the hotter seasons. Again go for something that is focused on fit, and don’t opt for anything, which are longer than your knees. Opt for neutral colouring yet again, as a neutral colour means you can implement them into any look.

• Everyone needs shoes right? Here’s some timeless footwear styles you can’t go wrong with.

1. White trainers are perfect for casual looks, but don’t start implementing them into smart, preppy looks. Your outfit can be elegant and stylish, but the simple addition of white trainers can ruin this. Opt for white, elegant trainers with no crazy designs.

2. Loafers are great for preppy looks. Perfect for summer, go for decent quality leather and make sure they’re clean.

3. Brogues are back, and in my eyes, never disappeared. Again go for hardwearing brogues as these can be worn on most occasions. Brogues are great shoes to add automatic elegance, transforming a standard pair of jeans from casual to smart.

4. The black derbies are something I’d highly recommend to you. Black Derby shoes will see you through anything, and a decent hardwearing leather Black Derby will be your new best friend. Perfect for all occasions, they add a sartorial touch to any look. They’re highly versatile and extremely timeless.

There we have it, you’ve started to define your own personal style along with realizing the importance of staying consistent. You’ve just been given some timeless clothing and accessories you can start implementing into your current wardrobe, along with ways you can wear them. You’re pretty much set to becoming a stylish gent! We’ve covered the bulk of things here, so although it may seem like information overload, you’re pretty much good to go! These last two tips are still extremely important though, as these will transform average style into perfect style.

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Paying Attention To Details

So we’re slowly starting to see a rise in men paying attention to their appearance, you’re one of them and you’re doing the right thing! The days of lazy styling are coming to an end for most but we are still seeing simple mistakes being made. You tend to know what you are going to wear each day, but neglecting some basics can leave your style looking sloppy. Paying attention to details can transform an average style to a perfect style. And here’s how:

• Accessories - I hate to admit it, but accessorising is something women do a lot better than us. They know the importance of spending that extra amount of time accessorising a look. They add accessories for a multitude of reasons; to subtly reinforce the theme/look they are going for, to show some individuality or personality, to add focal points and intrigue to sections of their outfit, to tie together the top and bottom half, or simply to enhance sections that need it – the list is endless. Us men on the other hand seem to fall short when it comes to accessorising – only wearing the bare necessities such as underwear, a belt, socks and carrying a decent wallet. A belt shouldn’t be used just to “hold up your trousers” and a hat shouldn’t be used to just “stop your scalp from sunburn” – everything you wear should compliment you, and should add to the overall style of your look. Men’s accessories give us the freedom to add detailing to our looks, and add simple touches of elegance. If you’ve got a pocket, aim to utilise it by adding a delicate touch with a pocket square. If you’ve got things to carry, don’t stuff your pockets – get yourself a decent holdall or satchel which is functional, stylish and will give your outfit those clean and elegant lines we are aiming for. So much effort can be put into what you’re wearing for an occasion, but it can easily be ruined by something as simple as stuffing your pockets with your wallet, phone, freshen ups and diary.

• I’ve banged on about fit quite a lot already, but it’s hugely important. Unfortunately, with the increasing responsibilities and commitments the modern man faces, most have less time to try things on – combine that with the increase of online purchasing, and it makes it very easy to buy something that isn’t the PERFECT fit. Many will purchase what they think is their size online and then when it doesn’t fit perfectly they “can’t be bothered to return it” – it will do, so to speak. You will enhance your style dramatically by paying just that little bit more time on ensuring what you are wearing is the right fit. For those that have never had this epiphany, you are probably still wearing the wrong size. Going

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up or down a size can produce a completely different look – a medium may produce quite a loose fitting shirt, giving more of a relaxed and casual feel, where as a small could produce more of a slim fit, giving more off a tailored, elegant feel. It’s that extremely thin line that can define your style, and it really is important to spend that extra bit of time considering the finer details whenever you dress.

• Fabric is another area we should be looking to pay attention to and combining a variety of textures into one look can be extremely effective. Something as simple as layering a cable knit jumper into your outfit can add another texture and depth to a look, whilst opting for a tweed or corduroy blazer rather than a typical cotton version can a whole new element to an existing outfit. Combining fabric and textures can surprisingly add a lot more to the overall style of a look than you first think. Like with accessories, investing in a variety of superior materials will also help give your look the polish and quality that you desire – enabling you to really look and feel like a million dollars. Spending the time and money necessary to purchase garments in materials like tweed, cashmere, hand spun wool, high quality soft leather etc. will bring ANY item and therefore your outfits up a notch instantly.

Spending extra time on the finer details, and taking note of simple ways to add elegance can really enhance your overall style. Paying attention to what you are wearing each day is a great habit to get into, but don’t let things slack by not paying attention to the additional considerations of a well-dressed male.

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Paying attention to the finer details ties in perfectly with grooming. Again I’m not asking you to start wearing make up, no, that isn’t stylish. But paying attention to grooming every day is going to enhance your personal appearance. Applying moisturizer will help protect your skin, and shaving regularly will leave you looking a lot cleaner and elegant. Here are some surprising facts:

• A recent survey proves that most men now spend more time getting ready than women

• The average man spends just 19p less a month on grooming products than a woman, splashing out £25.22, or £302.64 over the course of a year.

• One in three men said they didn't see why they shouldn't take as long as women.

• In 1997 the Men’s Grooming industry was worth around 25 million pounds – In 2010 it was worth 137 million pounds.

These facts show that the average man is now a lot more receptive to personal grooming than they were ten years ago. The growth really is amazing, and the figures are continuing to grow with the majority of men now spending more time on their appearance. Here are some grooming tips to get you on your way:

• Had the same hairstyle for 10 years? Change it! Women again know the importance of keeping things fresh as they change there hairstyle more times than we change clothes. I’m not advising all men to be like women when it comes to personal appearance, but keep things fresh. Get advice from your local barber and again research into some hairstyles you’d like to achieve. Styling your hair is a must also; there are plenty of online guides on how to achieve a hairstyle.

• Moisturize, it isn’t feminine. Its just paying attention to your skin, and skin care is something you should pay attention to. Even if your moisturize once a week, its better than nothing at all. In 20 years time you’ll thank me as your skin will be protected, and won’t be drooping.

• Wash. Sounds stupid but wash once a day. A quick shower isn’t washing either, wash thoroughly using product.

• Shaving once a day will keep you looking fresh and elegant. Stubble isn’t such a bad thing, and neither is a beard depending on the look you’re trying to achieve. But keep it trimmed, and pay attention to it rather than letting it grow wildly

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• Dental care should be a huge focus of yours, keeping your teeth clean and breath fresh will enhance personal appearance massively.

Them points are the fundamentals into men’s grooming, it sounds a lot but really its something you should already be doing. If grooming is something you really want to work on, feel free to contact me.

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To Conclude

You should now be able to define your style and hopefully you’ve realised how you want to dress. You know not to be inconsistent, and you’ve got some invaluable tips on what clothing will help you establish that timeless style. You also know paying attention to details is key, along with personal grooming. If you slack when it comes to the finer details, a look can be diminished. Timeless style is something anyone can achieve, and enhancing our personal appearance isn’t as daunting as it may first seem. Take these basic tips and you’ll be fine, trust me! If you have any personal queries you want answered, don’t hesitate to contact me. I try to respond within 24 hours to every request and I’m not talking one-sentence answers! Thanks for taking the time in download the eBook and reading this guide, you wont regret it. You’ll receive a nice few handy tips in your inbox within the next few months, so keep your eyes peeled.

Thanks again,



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Bonus Want to know some good news? By downloading “The Definitive Guide To Timeless Style” and getting to the end, you will receive a FREE personal 1 to 1 styling session with me. We can chat via Skype, MSN, Facebook, or email, and we will spend about 20 minutes going through some ways to develop your own personal style.

All you need to do is email [email protected] with your name, style objectives and most importantly, this UNIQUE



You must include the code, otherwise you’re email will not be registered. You will receive a reply within 48 hours of emailing with booking arrangements.

So what are you waiting for? Speak to you soon!

Paul McGregor