The days of elijah (part 5)

The Days of Elijah

Transcript of The days of elijah (part 5)

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The Days of Elijah

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Introduction• How often have you faced DISAPPOINTMENT?

Discouragement? DESPAIR? At one time or another, every HUMAN being faces DISAPPOINTMENT. And most of us have felt discouraged at some point in our lives. Sometimes a person’s DESPAIR can be so deep that he or she LOSES HEART and FEELS utterly HOPELESS. Under the weight and burden of DESPAIR, the person’s heart begins to FAINT and to sense TOTAL DEFEAT. Such feelings can lead to long periods of DEPRESSION and can even lead to suicide. One of the strongest men to ever SERVE GOD, the prophet ELIJAH, was gripped by a SPIRIT of DISCOURAGEMENT and DESPAIR. In the GREATNESS of his MINISTRY, he had to LEARN to DEAL with DISCOURAGEMENT and DESPAIR.

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Introduction• We will encounter DISCOURAGEMENT and

DESPAIR in LIFE and MINISTRY in order to TEST our STRENGTH and PERSEVERANCE. Proverbs 24:10 says, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small”. The word “STRENGTH” (koach) means “FIRMNESS, vigor, CAPACITY, substance”. TRIALS reveal a person’s STRENGTH. Note TRIALS- at times- may OVERWHELM us, resulting in the DIMINISHING of our STRENGTH. In that day we must learn to pray, “Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint (overwhelmed). Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psalm 61:1-2).

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Introduction• The LORD is the STRENGTH of His people

(Exodus 15:2; Psalm 18:2; 27:1; 28:7; 118:14; Isaiah 12:2; Habakkuk 3:19). His PRESENCE, POWER, LOVE, and SALVATION meets our NEED and DELIVERS us from and through every TRIAL and the SPIRIT of DISCOURAGEMENT and DESPAIR. Infusing us to CONQUER these crises in life, the LORD will SAVE us, NURTURE us, EMPOWER us, and REASSIGN us to COMPLETE the WORK and MINISTRY of the KINGDOM of GOD.

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When Zeal Meets Despair• Fueled with a PASSION for TRUE REVIVAL and BURNING with a ZEAL for GOD, ELIJAH was eager to TURN the HEARTS of the people BACK to the LORD God (1 Kings 18:37). The PROPHETIC MINISTRY of ELIJAH is to TURN the HEARTS of the FATHERS back to the HEARTS of the CHILDREN and the CHILDREN’S HEARTS back to their FATHERS’ HEARTS (Malachi 4:5-6). This prophecy will be discussed at length later.

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When Zeal Meets Despair• Remember ELIJAH had just confronted and

CHALLENGED the PROPHETS of Baal to a contest (1 Kings 18:17-40). The LORD God sent FIRE from HEAVEN to CONSUME the SACRIFICE that Elijah had prepared. In the wake of this demonstration that exposes Baal as a false god, the Israelites reaffirm their faith in the LORD as God, and ELIJAH SLAYS all the PROPHETS of BAAL. Elijah, by his own testimony, was “very zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts” (1 Kings 19:10). He was POSSESSED by a ZEAL for the LORD that would NOT TOLERATE the presence of JEZEBEL leading the people away from God and polluting with Baal and Asherah worship.

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When Zeal Meets Despair• Also remember that in answer to ELIJAH’S PRAYER, the LORD sent a DOWNPOUR of RAIN upon the EARTH ending a 3½ year drought (1 Kings 18:41-46). The closing scene of this chapter showed AHAB and his CHARIOT rushing back to JEZREEL, with ELIJAH out RUNNING the CHARIOT to the entrance of the city (v. 46). It was UNDENIABLE; the LORD was WITH ELIJAH. He felt the STRENGTH and POWER and PRESENCE of the LORD God in his life.

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When Zeal Meets Despair• Now note what happened. AHAB rushed in to tell

JEZEBEL about the spectacular EVENTS that had just happened (1 Kings 19:1). In an accusing tone, he blamed Elijah for killing all the prophets (v. 1). Neither the king nor the queen was moved to repent by the spectacular demonstration of God’s power. They were NOT ready to REPENT, not ready to turn from their wicked behavior and false worship. As a matter of fact, JEZEBEL was NOT IMPRESSED. Upon hearing the report, she sent messengers to Elijah stating, “So may the gods do to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time” (v. 2).

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When Zeal Meets Despair• For some reason, at this point Elijah’s

COURAGE, BOLDNESS, and ZEAL FAILED him. DESPAIR, FEAR and INTIMIDATION from Jezebel suddenly gripped his heart. He knew what she did to the other prophets, now she was determined to destroy him. ELIJAH did not hang around to give JEZEBEL the opportunity to carry out her threat. HE RAN for his life. He was evidently still in the city of Jezreel as she was (1 Kings 18:46) when he received her threat. It is remarkable that JEZEBEL’S THREAT TERRIFIED ELIJAH as it did.

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When Zeal Meets Despair• Note ELIJAH had just DEMONSTRATED by the CONTEST of FIRE that the LORD is GOD and that the gods of JEZEBEL, to whom she now appealed in her curse, had NO POWER at all. Evidently, ELIJAH’S FEAR sprang from the POWER and POSITION and INFLUENCE that JEZEBEL possessed. Rather than RESTING IN GOD and/or TRUSTING GOD for protection as he had for the past 3½ years, ELIJAH RAN for his LIFE. He ran all the way into the Kingdom of Judah to the southernmost town in the land, Beersheba.

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When Zeal Meets Despair• Still FEARFUL that he might be discovered by

Jezebel’s spies, he told his SERVANT to STAY BEHIND and he TRAVELED alone one more DAY’S JOURNEY (about 15 miles) into the Negev desert (1 Kings 19:3). Finally, he SAT down under a BROOM TREE (a desert bush that grows to a height of 12 feet and provides some, though not much, shade) and RESTED (v. 4). He was so DISCOURAGED he PRAYED that he might DIE that night (v. 4). Elijah had FORGOTTEN the LESSONS that God had been teaching him at Cherith, Zarephath, and Carmel. His EYES were on his CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES rather than on his HISTORY with the LORD.

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When Zeal Meets Despair• His statement that he was “no better than his

ancestors” (v. 4) suggests that he was NO MORE SUCCESSFUL than his FOREFATHERS in ousting Baal-worship from Israel. Exhausted and discouraged, Elijah laid down and prayed for death. Falling asleep, he was AWAKENED by the TOUCH of the ANGEL of the LORD (v. 5). This ANGEL had PREPARED freshly BAKED BREAD on hot stones and a JAR of WATER for him to eat and drink, which he invited Elijah to consume (v. 6). This he did and returned to his rest (v. 6). This is the THIRD TIME that was MIRACULOUSLY FED. In his life, ELIJAH was FED by: (1) The RAVENS (30-fold) (1 Kings 17:6); (2) The WOMAN (60-fold) (1 Kings 17:9); and now (3) The ANGEL of the LORD (100-fold) (1 Kings 19:5-6).

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When Zeal Meets Despair• Again the ANGEL of the LORD TOUCHED ELIJAH, perhaps after he had slept for some time, and urged him to EAT MORE FOOD since the JOURNEY before him would require MUCH ENERGY (1 Kings 19:7). Moses and the Israelites had traveled in that wilderness for 40 YEARS, sustained by the MANNA God had provided for them and learned lessons of His faithful care and provision (Exodus 16:1-35).

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When Zeal Meets Despair• Now Elijah would traverse the same desert for 40 DAYS and NIGHTS, sustained by the BREAD God provided and would learn the same lessons (1 Kings 19:8). A direct trip from BEERSHEBA to MOUNT HOREB (the ancient name for Mount Sinai) would have taken ELIJAH only about 14 DAYS on foot (a distance of 200 miles). Note MOUNT HOREB (Mount Sinai) was the very PLACE where GOD had REVEALED HIMSELF to MOSES and ISRAEL and where He had entered into a covenant with them (Exodus 19; 24).

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What Are You Doing Here?• Arriving at one of the MOUNTAINS in the Sinai

range ELIJAH found a CAVE, hiding himself; he took REFUGE in it (1 Kings 19:9). Note ELIJAH did what the OTHERS whom JEZEBEL threatened to KILL, they HIDE in CAVES; he HIDE in a CAVE. There he received a REVELATION from the LORD God. The LORD asked him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (v. 9) Note the LORD had NOT SENT him there as He had directed him to other places (1 Kings 17:3,9; 18:1). So, ELIJAH was THERE because of FEAR (1 Kings 19:3). ELIJAH’S RESPONSE revealed that he FELT completely ALONE and DEFENSELESS against the UNGODLY FORCES that threatened to overpower him (v. 14).

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What Are You Doing Here?• FEAR and DISCOURAGEMENT caused him

to SEE only the DARK side. He sensed FAILURE in spite of his being ZEALOUS, killing the prophets of Baal, fire from heaven, and an abundance of rain. Standing on the MOUNTAINSIDE outside the CAVE, ELIJAH witnessed what Moses had seen in those mountains centuries before (Exodus 19:16-18) and what he himself had seen on Mount Carmel only a few days earlier (1 Kings 18:38,45), namely, the GLORY of the LORD demonstrated in the WIND, an EARTHQUAKE, and FIRE (1 Kings 19:11-14).

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What Are You Doing Here?• But on this occasion the LORD was NOT in ANY of these, that is, they were just demonstrations of His power. After all these, the LORD spoke to ELIJAH in a GENTLE WHISPER (v. 13). Recognizing this as the MANIFEST PRESENCE of GOD, ELIJAH covered his FACE with his MANTLE and walked to the MOUTH of the CAVE. Standing before the LORD, once again, God asked, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (v. 13) The REPLY of ELIJAH was the SAME as earlier (v. 10). He felt LONELY and DEFENSELESS.

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What Are You Doing Here?• The LORD told ELIJAH to COME OUT of

HIDING. As long as he was HIDING, he was NOT EXECUTING the ANOINTING. The LORD told ELIJAH to LEAVE there, to GO BACK the WAY he came (i.e., through Israel) to DAMASCUS (1 Kings 19:15). The LORD gave him THREE ASSIGNMENTS: to ANOINT HAZAEL as KING of the Arameans in Damascus (v. 15), to ANOINT JEHU as KING of Israel (v. 16), and to ANOINT ELISHA from Abel Meholah (v. 16) as his own successor. Through these THREE MEN of GOD, the LORD would complete the PURGE of BAAL worship that ELIJAH had begun.

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What Are You Doing Here?• This means that the ANOINTING on ELIJAH was

so HEAVY that it was to be DIVIDED among these THREE MEN. Unfortunately, ELIJAH only ANOINTED ELISHA directly. ELISHA, his protégé, ANOINTED HAZAEL (2 Kings 8:7-14) and JEHU (2 Kings 9:1-3). Inquiry, was Elijah afraid to anoint what he feared? Elijah’s fear had distorted his perspective of reality, causing him to think he was all alone in his struggle. The LORD God gently SPOKE to ELIJAH to EMPOWER him and REASSIGN him to ministry. His encounter with God BROKE the FEAR of Jezebel off of his life. From this point on he never ran from Jezebel again.

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Page 23: The days of elijah (part 5)

Don’t Hide The Anointing!• One of the greatest challenges facing the Body of Christ today is how to deal with the powerful influence of the JEZEBEL SPIRIT that is so pervasive throughout the land. Part of the difficulty stems from the fact that this same spirit has gained a foothold within the Church. Acquiescence, toleration, and inattention on the part of many have allowed the enemy to sneak into the camp and cause strife, division, and confusion.

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Don’t Hide The Anointing!• The JEZEBEL SPIRIT ATTACKS relationships, finances, health, and reputation. Because it SEEKS TO KILL or CUT OFF the influence of the true prophetic voice, the JEZEBEL SPIRIT lies behind much of the current epidemic of silencing the VOICE of GOD in the earth. Under the sway of the JEZEBEL SPIRIT, a church loses its vision and vitality, becoming sidetracked from its mis sion of proclaiming the gospel of JESUS Christ and focusing instead on secondary issues.

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Don’t Hide The Anointing!• The JEZEBEL SPIRIT is working to gain preeminence in the segments of society that are the most influential: the entertainment industry, the media, the educational system, and the family. JEZEBEL IS AFTER OUR CHILDREN, to snuff out an entire generation and prevent the transfer of godly heritage, values, and principles. The nations are in deep trouble, but there is hope.

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Don’t Hide The Anointing!• ELIJAH APPEARED in his day to

CONFRONT, EXPOSE, and DESTROY JEZEBEL. His INFLUENCE gave rise to ELISHA, a spiritual son with a “DOUBLE PORTION” anointing, and to JEHU, a HOLY WARRIOR whose passion for God burned like a cleansing fire, and to HAZAEL, a KING who looked different and was not an Israelite but fought for the LORD. In the same way GOD RAISES up “ELIJAHS”, He is RAISING up “ELISHAS”, and “JEHUS”, and yes, “HAZAELS” in every generation to do BATTLE with JEZEBEL and her systems.

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Don’t Hide The Anointing!• The SPIRIT of ELIJAH is ALIVE in the land, rising up

in the hearts of more and more believers, a spirit that declares “NO TOLERATION!” for JEZEBEL’S INFLUENCE. “NO TOLERATION” for the PROPHETS of BAAL- the New Age gurus, the priests of pluralism and neo-paganism, and the sages of secularism and humanism! NO TOLERATION” for the purveyors of filth, immorality, and godlessness who flood the homes and minds of much of the world through television, music, and movies! GOD WANTS TO SAVE them, but HE also WANTS TO DESTROY the demonic spirit that controls them and infects millions of people, particularly young people. The HOLY SPIRIT wants to CLEANSE the MIND and invade them with a new breed of godly influences.

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Don’t Hide The Anointing!• GOD is ZEALOUS to DESTROY the WORKS of JEZEBEL in the land, and He will begin by PURIFYING HIS own HOUSE first. He is SEARCHING the HEARTS and MINDS of believers for any atti tude or mind-set that tolerates the spirit of Jezebel, anything that opens the door to manipulation, control, and rebellion. God is saying to His children, “I am going to break that spirit off of your life. I will not tolerate Jezebel any longer”.

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Don’t Hide The Anointing!• God is RISING to DESTROY the influence of Jezebel in the land. He is urging those of kindred spirit to arise with Him, those of the “ELIJAH GENERATION”, who boldly cry out, “O LORD… today let it be known that You are God… that this people may know that You are God, and that You have turned their heart back again” (1 Kings 18:36-37). COME OUT of HIDING! JEZEBEL must be DESTROYED!

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Conclusion• Experiencing DISCOURAGEMENT and DESPAIR

are EMOTIONS that we all face from time to time. Even LOSING HEART and RUNNING AWAY from the LORD will often plague our lives. The LIFE and MINISTRY of ELIJAH remind us that often SUCCESS and ZEAL will collide with DESPAIR and DISCOURAGEMENT. It is during those moments that we experience the LOVE and GRACE of the LORD. He will SAVE us, NURTURE us, EMPOWER us, and REASSIGN us to COMPLETE the WORK and MINISTRY of the KINGDOM of GOD. He will ENCOURAGE and RECHALLENGE us to FULFILL the assigned task. His LOVE will REINVIGORATE us with a RENEWED PURPOSE in order to continue ministering.

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Conclusion• God met Elijah’s need and He will meet our need also. For no matter what we experience, God never leaves us alone. He is always present to encourage us and to guide us as we walk step-by-step. The LORD promised, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5); “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20). In, with, and through Christ, we are “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37).

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The Days of Elijah