THE DAILY TUESDAY JULYT,..-Ig&4 DEATH BARTLETT · and Chaffee will make a jingo executive committee...

THE ST. PAUL DAILY G^OISE, TUESDAY MORNING, JULYT,"..-Ig&4_ _4___ Official paper of the City and Connty. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED ; by* the" st. PaUL GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, No. 321 Wab'ashaw Street, St. Paul. ' ST. PAUL, TUESDAY, JULY 1. "M; TERMS OF THE GLOBE. 6EVEN ISSUES PER WEEK— BY CARRIER. One Year, payable iritbdvance ........ $8 00 Six Months,' payable in advance ........... 4 25 . Three M0nth5........... ......... 2 25 ' Per Month .'....'..'.. ....'..........'.y.. : ... 75 SIX ISSUES PER WEEK— BY MAIL, POST- ;.;;;. AGE PAID. . '." On« Year....*... ..........'.". SG 00 . Six M0nth5.;;......... •• 3 50 Three Months ......V 2 00 One Mouth •' •• 70 All mail subscriptions payable invariably in advance. Seven issues per week bymail at same rates as \u25a0 by carrier. v' .:,•'\u25a0 . SUNDAY GLOBE. By Carrier— year S3 00 By per year, postage paid.. 150 « WEEKLY GLOBE. ByMail—postage paid, per year SI 15 WASHINGTON BUREAU. The Washington News Bureau of the St. Pan. Globe is located at 1,424 New York avenue Residents of the northwest visiting Washington and having matters of local interest to give the public will receive prompt and courteous atten- tion by callingat or addressing the above num- ber. All letters" bo addressed to give the name and Washington address of the sender, to ensure attention. The Globe can be found on gala at t follow- \u25a0 ingnews stands in Washington: \u25a0NATIONAL HOTEL, METROPOLITAN HOTEL, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE GLOJIE AT CHICAGO. Tbe Globe has an editorial, news and business bureau at Chlcngo, with a special wire running from the Chicago to the St. Paul office. The Globe office at Chicago is located at room 11, Times building,corner Washington street and Fifth avenue. Visitors from the Northwest to Chicago are cordially invitedtto call at the Globe office, which will be found open duringthe great- er portion of every night, as well as day. The Globe is on sale at the following news stands inChicago ; PALM HOUSE, GRAND PACIFIC, SHERMAN HOUSE. SUTHERLAND'S, 97 Adams street. P SUTHERLAND'S, Expoaition Building' DAILY AViiATIIJSiriIUI.I.ETIX. Office Chief StoNAT. Officer, ) Washington, D. C, June 30, 9:56 p.m. f Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations named. UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. St. Paul 20.89 07 W - Clear j La Crosee 29.88 70 S Fair \ NORTHWEST. j tut, Ther. Wind. Weatner. ( Bismarck 30.02 58 N Clear \ Ft. Garry 89.98 48 N Fair '.Minnedosa..^.. 30.03 41 NW Clear \Moorhead 29.98 50 N Clear liuapelle 30.04 45 W Clear tit. Vincent..... 29.98 54 N Fair I NOHTIIEHS ROCKY MOUNTAIN SLOPE. \ i-.;* Bar. Ther, Wind. Weather. Ft\ Assinaboine.29.94 72 SB Clear Ft] Buford 80.08 08 NE Clear Ft! CiiHter 20.80 71 NW Fair He>na 20.88 70 S\V Clear Ilulron, D. T... .20.09 CO N Clear MjJdiclnenat.... 89.00 HZ S Cl'dy / UFPBn LAKES. VJ .v; Bar. Th«r. /Wind. Weather. ,/Duluth. 20.82 CO SW . Clear DAILY LOCAL MEANS. Bar. Thor. Dow Point. Wind. Weather 20.931 09.5 65.9 . W Fair Amount rainfall. .38; Maximum thermometer 87.0; minimum thermometer 04.5; daily range 82.5. River— Observed height 4 feet, 2 Inches. Fall in twenty-four hours, 1 inchns. The highest speed of wind yesterday was 32 miles M hour, from 12:35 to 13:50 p. m. Notk Barometer corrected for temperature and elevation. \u25a0\u25a0..•<->; P. F. Lyons, Sergeant, Signal Corps, 11.. A S. TO-DAYS WEATHER. Wasiii.viitox,D. C, July 1, la. Indica- tions for the upper lakes: Local rains, followed by slightly cooler and fair weather, with light, variable winds. Upper Mississippi valley: Slightly cooler and partly cloudy, with local showers and light, variable winds; Missouri valley: Fair weather, preceded in the southern portion, local rains with variable winds, proba- bly shifting to northeast and southeast and cooler weather in southern portions, stationary in central and northern portions. YESTERDAY'S MARKETS. St. Paul market quotations were unchanged yesterday. Milwaukee wheat fell l&c&ljacfor July uml August. At Chicago Wheat was equally weak, closing 17<c lower for July, l'/ic for August and l^c for September. Corn declined l?i@l&c; oats closed at ,'iOc for July and 2GJ£c for AngUSt. Pork was a little firmer, closing at 519.40©15.90 for July and August. .Stocks opened higher on Wall street yesterday, but the market Weakened under the Influence of Union mil Central Pacific, and became depressed. The narket dosed '-\u25a0\u25a0• I'j per cent, lower than on Saturday. The stock exchange will be closed from 3p. in. Thursday till 11 a. m. Monday, .lul\ Tfk The chairman of the Republican state .committee ofNew York has the record of de- claring thai Blalnc cannot car.y that state. To tin averment of the New York Tribune thai Logan speaks French and Spanish, the Richmond Dispatch exclaims: "Is that what you call it 1 We luid thought it was an at- tempt to speak English." The Augusta (Ga.,) Chronicle is struck with the ludicrousne&s of the formation of the Re- publican ticket and "the growing conviction through the North Logan Is too big for . tho till of the ticket. Me and Jim" is the way Itshould read." \u25a0 The Cleveland Plain Ikder pays the the proposed Garlield monument to be placed iv Lake View park in that city looks like a lighthouse. As it will be visible from Lake " Erie a big lantern may be put on the top and the monument utilized that way. The Philadelphia Titnrx makes the signifi- - cant comment that Senator Don Cameron's 'Inside opinion of B. F. Jones at the head of the Republican organization in this coun- try would be Interesting." It is an opinion, however, that will uot get into print. Jake Austin-, of Fergus Falls, has rc- reeelved his reward for his fidelity to Knute Nelson and his attempt to haul down the j Kindred flag which was stretched across the street in Fergus two years ago. He was yes- terday appointed Receiver of the Fergus j Falls land office and will now be more patri- ' otic th* v ever. TiHH'ou the lentiaJ campaign Is .hardly inaiuranted tin Bl&iue headquarters an- already sending to the truly good Repub- lican papers such ' editorial matter as the tattooed candidate desires us.-d. He pro- poses to supervise the Republican editorial - columns of the country with the imperious censorship of a Czar. "V^Ait . Indignant corrcspoDsleut sends the . Gi.uue a eotumunie&tJoa asking by the *£i/16««r?'JVww ''deprecates the Fourth of /Jnlyt'* The answer is. plain enough. The rvtirtd editor is a Wats' nosed Xova Scotian and the pile driver sub hopes to "bane on to bis job a little longer by abusing this eon- try and toadying to the English. The P. P. has the piles, bad. Brother Blame has caused it to be an- nounced that he will make his campaign headquarters at Augusta, "only running down to his summer cottage at Bar Harbor when he is tired and needs rest." After the summer is over Brother Blame will have all the time to "rest" in, and it is hoped he will not get too "tired" to make it interesting be- fore the early part ofNovember. The Portland, Maine, Advertiser gives the following crumb of information regarding the antecedents ofßlaine'6head Whooper-up. The Advertiser says "Steve Elkin's father is a staunch Democrat and an out-and-out Thur- man man, but he seems to have permitted his son to worship the Golden Calf of spoils Republicanism." Many a worthy father is brought to sorrow by a wayward son. It appears that the good Deacon Nettleton attended the game of base ball at White Bear on Sunday and made a report of it for his Sabbath-breaking Monday morning issue. Since he swore to the assessor that the Tri- bune was worth only $12,000 and asked Nimmocks $250,000 the good Deacon has grown reckless. It is time that the Congrega- tional club took him in hand and spanked him. MeHenderson who as chairman of the Re- publican national convention went to Maine to report the proceedings to Mr. Blame ex- presses his disappointment about the Blame feeling in the East. He found no enthusiasm, and nothing like the heartiness tnat appears to exist westward. The fact is "down East" the public knows the man, and that know- lege is an absolute barrier to enthusiasm. It operates like a mill-stone. Mr. Wm. C. Wiiitsey, formerly corpora- tion counsel of the city of New York, where he resides, and who is also the son-in-law of Hon. Henry B. Payne, of Ohio, is a delegate to the Democratic national convention. To a fellow Harvard Law School graduate he re- marked on Saturday: "It's all bosh about Cleveland; he's only an air-bubble on the political surface. But don't be afraid who- ever -we nominate is going to win." So say we, all of us. The question is being discussed whether or not Minister Lowell should be pensioned. He is clearly disabled, and the causes of his disability have arisen during his period in the government service. Under such cir- cumstances he seems to he wholly eligible. The Government ha6no right to require a man to occupy a position where his duties consist of eating fine dinnore, and drinking nice wines, and when he gets the gout, turn him adrift. The pension should be liberal. The Prohibitionists continually run against snags. At Saline, Kansas, six saloon keep- ers were convicted under the new prohibi- tion constitutional amendment, and sen- tenced to fine and imprisonment. Anappeal was taken to the Governor of the state, and the showing made that the Prosecuting At- torney packed the juries that convicted the men. Upon this basis the Chief Magistrate found it to be his duty to pardon the con- victed men, as dishonest prosecution is a persecution not contemplated by the law. The Baltimore American professes to have acquired inside information to the effect that Postmaster General Grusham will not return to the bench, as he expects to retain his pres- ent Cabinet position under Blame's adminis- tration. How is that for cheek. Suppose Blame should have an "administration" (which he won't) think of seeing an old pump like Grusham in it. Mulligan Jim wants the Steve Elkins kind of men when he he has occasion to use any. Brother Grusham may as well order his tin office "shingle" painted, he will need by the time the paint gets dry. Minnesota is to be especially honored next week by the assembling at Faribault of the fifth annual conference of principals and superintendents of the institutions for the Deaf and Dumb in the United States and Canada. Prof. Noyes, superintendent of the Minnesota institution, extended the invita- tion for the conference which was promptly accepted. It is expected that there will be from seventy-five to one hundred institutions represented having the oare of from eight to ten thousand of the afflicted. The session will begin on the evening of the 9th and continue three days. It will be one of the most notable conferences ever held in the state. . The Boston papers are yearning to be in- formed "who Jones is, anyhowl" and some of the Pennsylvania papers seem Inclined to furnish the information. For instance, the Philadelphia Times expresses the opinion that, "Benjamin F. Jones will make & highly respectable and solid chairman of the Repub- lican national committee, with great ability in drawing and commanding checks for the committee's exchequer; and Elkins, New and Chaffee will make a jingo executive committee toput the money where it willdo the most good and run the campaign on general high jinks methods." The Harris- burg Patriot takes the same view, as it says "there is one obvious advantage in giving the chairmanship of the Republican national committee to Mr. B. F. Jones, of Pittsburg. Elklne, Chaffee and New can hold a carnival of corruption about him and he'd never find it out." ________ A V AV VEAL FOR HARMONY. The Fourth district Republican committee is to meet at Minneapolis to-morrow to take into consideration what shall be done in ref- erence to Mr. Barker's nomination of J. B. Gilfillan for congress. Mr. Gilfillandoes not represent the Republican party; he does not represent any principle. He was not nomi- nated by the Republican party and the Re- publican party is not bound to support him. He represents the distinguished Barker and Barker only, by whom he was nominated. Under such circumstances it is fitting that the District committee, together with the wisest and best men of the party, should as- semble and counsel together. The Globe trusts that wisdom and moderation willchar- acterize the meeting to-morrow. It will re- quire wise action to prevent disaster at the polls. Mr. Fletcher could lead the party to victory inNovember, while Mr. Gilfillan will lead it to certain defeat. Under such circumstances, if Mr.Gilfillan is the patriotic and loyal Republican, the Globe estimates him to be, he will place the crown which Barker gave him in the hands of the Republican committee and request them cither to nominate Mr. Fletcher themselves or call a new convention with that object in view. Mr. Barker could nominate but he cannot elect Mr. Gilfillan. Disfran- chised Washington county, like Banquos' ghost, will not down, and Mr. GHtillan owes |it to his party, as a patriotic duty, to step aside . from the illegal and unenviable position in i which Mr. Barker has placed him, and loin \u25a0 with the Globe and the Minneapolis Tribune ! and Minneapolis Journal in giving Mr. Fletcher the candidacy which he fairly and justly merits. The Globe appeals to Mr. Gilfillan in the interest of harmony to make this sacrifice to save the party. The claims of the Republi- can party upon Mr. Gilfillan are surely greater than those ofof Mr. Barker, and the Globe implores him to take this manly and patriotic action before it is too late. He is young. oily and vigorous, and ifboth he and Barker live, as they doubtless will, other opportu- nities will arise to do them honor. The Pitmen- Prat and Dispatch are actuated solely by their small local prejudices in urg- ing Mr. GLliiilan to run, simply because he was the means of defeating, for the time, the man who was opposed to their local candi- ! date. The Globe rises above such narrow | local prejudices and cannot, therefore, ap- prove the illegal candidacy of Mr. Gllfillau. It is not in the interest of Mr. Fletcher that the Globe approves the meeting of this committee but in the interest of harmony and justice. The Fourth district is Republican if the party can be united. Mr. Gilfillan can, probably, unite Mr. Barker, but he cannot unite the party. By the love he bears the organization which has so fre- quently honored him, he should step aside and permit Major Camp to declare Mr. Fletcher the only and rightful nominee of the Republican convention of the Fourth district. That would be manly and just and would avert the disaster, which every good Republican can not but view with horror, of a Democrat representing this district in Congress. It is rare that the Globe feels 60 deeply and keenly the importance of preserving the integrity of the Republican party, but on this occasion personal preferences should be subordinated to the public and party welfare, and on our bended knees, or even all fours, (so to speak) the Globe joins the Tribune and Journal in urging Mr. Gilfillan to save the party by gracefully placing the Barker crown in Major Camp's historic hat at the committee meeting to-morrow. Do it and Blessings be thine, loyalGil, ever more. Mb. Blame is applying the slave-drivers lash to such members of the Republican party as itis possible for him to terrorize and force into his support. The Washington correspon- dent of the New York Sun makes the state- ment that immediately ou his return to Wash- ington from a visit to his father, Mr. Walker Blame spent two days in going through the departments, especially the Treasury and In- terior. He inquired if there were any per- sons in the departments who were disposed tokick, bolt or be lukewarm, and he was told that there did not seem to be any very great enthusiasm. When Mr. Blame asked for the names of the more prominent officers in the departments who were disaffected he was un- able to get them from the chiefs of bureaus. However, by dilligent inquiry he was able to make quite a list. Those men will either have to change their tactics and simulate an enthusiasm they do not feel or they will have to go next March, ifMr. Blame is elected. President Arthur states that he reappoint- ed Murray, Governor of Utah for the reason "that he is the most offensive man to the Mormons that the country contains not ex- cepting Edmunds." This is a singular con- clusion for the Executive to arrive at, for ev- erybody knows that under the Murray-Ed- munds dispensation Mormonism has flour- ished as never before in the same space of time. The Mormon missionaries have been successful as never before, in this country, and abroad, and Mormonism is stronger to- day than ever before. But suppose it be true that Murray is the most offensive man to the Mormons the country contains, is that a creditable motive on which to base Executive action 1 Is it not contemptible trifling with grave and important duty i The truth is Ar- thur's only desire in the matter is to get along with itin the easiest way possible, and to continue Murray, was, so far as he is con- cerned, the smoothest thing to do, and from force of sheer indolence he did it. The Mor- mons won't disturb his fishing excursions this summer. CURRENT COMMENTS. Tite religious statistics of the United States, looked at from four different points inthe course of the present century, presents some very in- teresting and instructive features. Inthe year 1800 the total population was 5,305,925. Of these there were Protestant, 1,277,052; Eoman Catholic, 100,000; unclassified, 3,928,873. In 1850, out of a total population of 23,191,876, there were Protestants, 12,723,158; Roman Catholics, 1,614,000; unclassified, 8,854,718, In 1870, out of a population of 38,538,371, the Protestants numbered 24,041,486 ; Roman Catho- lics, 4,600,000; not classified, 9,916,885. And in the year 1880, out of a total population which had swelled to 50,152,860, there were 36,031,974 Protestants, 6,367,000 Roman Catholics; not classified, 7,753,893. BEorNNrNG with the next college year the study of the Greek and Latin languages and their literatures, becomes elective, and they are dropped from the list of studies prescribed for the llacheior of Arts degree, byHarvard college. This ie in pursuance of a progressive policy which characterises the curriculum of that insti- tution. It will be a gratification, if nothing more, to observe how these languages will fare under the elective sygtem, and how many stu- dents willavail themselves of the privilege to elect not to bother with the dead languages. Tr the Natchez Democrat is correctly informed It is no great hardship to have a life sentence to the penitentiary of Mississippi, located at Jack- eon. That paper says that this class of prisoners have the freedom of the city, and "That some of them are seen day after day in citizens' clothes going about the streets of Jack- son, and they cannot be distinguished from the citizens of the town." From this it might be inferred that the citizens of Jackson, generally, are life convicts, and are having their board and lodging at the expense of the state. The meeting of the National Educational As- sociation during July, at Madison, Wisconsin, willbe the largest and most important meetings ever held in the country. From New England alone, more than five hundred teachers will at- tend. President Thomas Bicknell announces that the preliminary arrangements are about completed, and if all anticipations are realized an impetus willgo out from the meeting that will valuably advance tho educational interests of every section in the United States. Joaquis Miller is an advocate of teaching practical mechanics in the public schools. He was lately called into court and was disgusted with a lawyer who asked a witness to tell the jurywhat kind of a tool a jack-plane is. He thinks that if the lawyer who asked the question had been taught something of mechanics at school he would have learned enough not to have asked so simple a question. To the putting of that question is attributed the fact that the law- yer lost his case. London Tntth asserts that Prince Bismarck has arranged the betrothal of Prince Frederick William, hereditary Grand Duke of Baden, and Princess Hilda r-l Nassau, with a view to the reconciliation of the Duke of Nassau with Prus- sia, and the establishment of the family of Nassan's succession to the Dutch throne in case the Prince of Orange, Crown Prince of Holland, dies. Kuruias N. Potter, D. D., who has just been elected Bishop of Nebraska, is a son of the late Bi?hop Alonzo Potter, of Pennsylvania, a nephew of Bishop Horatio Potter, of New York, and the younger brother of Bijhop Henry C. Potter. He has lately resigned the presidency of Cnion College to accept that of Hobart College. Amas daring a lifetime of 50 years, accordiag to a paper recently read before the Academy of Sciences, Paris, Eleeps away an aggregate of 6,000 days, works away the same period, eats away 2,000 days, walks away 800 days, is ill daring 500 days, and amuses himself with the remainder of trig half century on earth. Thz gambling mania ha? a new Illustration in "Fly-loo,"a new gambling game that is openly played incheap liquor saloons. The players set around a table each one having a lamp of engar infront of him. Then each player puts a dime or quarter into pool, and the man on whose sugar a 3y alights rakes in the wealth. A CoyxrcTUXT man abandoned his wife, eloped witha married woman end spent the funds of a Good Temperance's Lodge of which he wi< the treasurer. For all this he was fined one dollar and sent to jailfor thirty days. The "exact and equal justice" of the old-time Blue-laws seems to have reacted with a vengeance. Abiblical student has arranged the following: What Sunday is to the Christians Monday is to the Greeks, Tuesday to the Persians, Wednes- day to the Assyrians, Thursday to the Egyptians, Friday to the Turks and Saturday to the Jews. Th*Foreigner* Daily is the title of a newspa- per published inthe City of Mexico in four lan- guages, Spanish, Preach, German and English. The manager of Qthe polyglot is a Yankee, and every man who runs may read. The Princess Dolgoronky, widow of Alexander 11., willspend the summer at the Belvedere at Lucerne on the Lac dcs Quatre-Cautons. The hotel has been returned for her and her children. Queen Elizabeth is said to have had a fond- ness for boiled sea gulls, quince cheese and hartshorn jelly, dainties unknown to the nine- teenth century bill of fare. Thk Chicago public schools have taken up type writing in a limited way. A class of twenty-flve is permitted to practice two hours a week. The largest pleasure steam yacht in the world is in process of building for Baron Nathaniel Rothschild, and will be launched during July, An Icelandic illustrated monthly is to be pub- lished at Copenhagen, under the editorial direc- tion of Bjornsljernc Bjornson. The Boston Kindergartens have just passed their most prosperous year. drawlng~toTclose. A Youngr Forger Convicted— Drygoods Lifters bentenced. The Cracker Bakers Acquitted—The Uncer- tainties of Law. Herman Smith was tried by a jury in the district court yesterday for forging an order for $5 and was promptly convicted. He was asked several times to write the name of the party forged and did it to correspond with his aitempt in the order in question so ex- actly as to leave no question of his guilt. F. M. Burlison and M. McDermott, for stealing satin from Smith's drygoods store, on Seventh street, both plead guilty to the larceny and took a twin sentence of two years in the penitentiary each, where they willadopt striped goods for apparel. In the case of Geo. Brown and Carl Fink- beiner, who were indicted by the grand jury for assault with dangerous weapons upon Henry Blom,on the sidewalk^after the break- ing up of the baker's ball on west Seventh street, on the evening of Aprii27. Gebhard \u25a0Woolrich, Esq., appeared for the accused, and Brown being tried first was acquitted by the jury without leaving their seats. This action also acquitted Finkbeiner, whom County Attorney Egan held to be the least likely to be convicted on the indictment. Blom, it will be remembered, was found, af- ter the ball, bleeding fearfully from wounds inflicted with a knife. The last case taken up was that of Chas. Schleif for bastardy, the prosecuting witness being Margaret Fuchs. The case was orig- inally tried inHose township, where the par- ties are resident, before Justice Hoyt, who bound over the prisoner to this court. W. C. Goforth, Esq., appeared for the defendant and moved the court for dismissal ou the ground that bastardy was a civil case .and not a criminal one, citing 37 Moine for authority, "that if any action for bastardy is tried in a criminal court the trial will be void." The motion was overuled by Judge Brill on the ground that the district court of Ramsey "had jurisdiction in both civil and criminal actions." The impanneling of a jury was proceeded with, to three of whom the criminal oath was administered and to the other nine the civil oath. Goforth at this point objected to the three jurors who had been sworn on the criminal oath, whereupon the court excused them. Goforth then raised the objection against their places being filled on tbe ground a jury had already been em- paneled in the case and was overrruled. The state placed its first witness on the stand, when it was developed thut the original com- plaint had been sworn out before a notary public instead of a justice of the peace, the statute making the swearing out of a com- plaint compulsory on a justice. Goforth ob- jected to any further testimony being taken in the case on thegronnd the court had no jurisdiction, which objection was sustained by the court, the juryperemptorily dismissed, and the court adjourned. Sehleif having re- gained his freedom thus suddenly made tracks for liberty, while the poor girl and her parents immediately took out a new warraut for his arrest, and seemed very much ag- grieved at the curious turn the law had taken. If the Lloyd Porter murder trial is taken up the May term will probably close by Wed- nesday night, and if not the criminal trial will come to a close to-day. Lost His Pocket Book. J. B. Robbins, who does business at No. 137 East Seventh street, complained at the city hall last night that he had had his pocket picked Of a pocket book containing either $691 or $791, he could not tell which. He said he had it in his pocket when he and his wife went out to take the show case in, and when he got back into the store the pocket book with the money was gone. Two men were ar- rested on suspicion, and simply because Mr. Robbins saw two men in front of ths store when he went out there. He could not iden- tify the two men that were arrested as being the ones he saw, while his wifo did not think they were the ones that were there. They were accordingly discharged. IT '9 FOUND. After the above was written the officers went down to Robbins' house and found the pocket book in the back yard. The case is a very peculiar one, and it is rendered still more so from the fact that when Officer Walsh questioned Mr. Robbins as to what bank he drew the money from he refused to tell, and claimed that he was not obliged to tell where he got the money, though he pre- viously stated that he drew it out of a bnnk to pay a bill wiih. It seems very strange that he should have asserted that the pocket book was taken from his pocket, when it was in fact in his back yard. The officers were very indignant about the transaction. Inquests on the Drowned. Deputy Coroner Horst held an inquest at 12:30 yesterday at Guthuzz <fc Rolkstroh's, the Eighth and Wacouta street undertakers on thebody of "Dutchy" +be stranger boat hand, knocked off under a barge by a hay chain on the steamer St. Paul on Friday,and the verdict was accidental drowning. At 1o'clock at the same place an inquest was held by Dr. Horst on the body of tbe lad Dennis McCarty, drowned above the upper levee while bathing on Saturday afternoon and the same verdict was rendered. It came out at the hearing that Jerry McCarthy, a brother of the deceased, and two other boys, one of whom is a wild roving character, named Edmunds, were all bath- ing together. They all could swim but Den- nis, and the Edmunds boy took him out be- yond his depth where he sank. Jerry, his brother, tried to rescue him and had hold of him when he came to the surface and sank the second time, but was not strong enough to brine him ashore and was forced to aban- don him. The body of the boy found drowned at Lake Johnson on Sunday, was identified as that of a son of a German named, Schieff, living in Minneapolis, where the remains were taken yesterday, Donations Asked. Donations of children's clothinz will be thankfully received at the Relief society of- fice, No. 141 East Ninth streeth. as applica- tions have been frequent of late which the secretary has been unable to supply. Outer wear and underwear for boys and girls of all aces and sizes, from infancy to twelve or fifteen years is needed. Also children's shoes. R. Haix, Secretary Relief Society. St. Paul, June 30, 1884. Ban Away from St- Peter. Supt. C. K. Bartiett, of the St. Peter In- sane asylum, notified Judge McGrorty, of the probate court, yesterday, that August Proc- tor, sent up from St. Paul last May, having recovered, had run away last Thursday. He said his insanity was produced by intemper- ance, and asked that if he put in an appear- ance in the city and did not behaye to have fcj^arrested and sent back. DEATH OF BARTLETT PRESLEY. One of the Oldest Settlers of St. Paul And in Business Here Since 1849. Captain and Chief in the Volunteer Fire De- partment-Public Spirited and Kind Hearted. Death From Blood Poisoning, lei-suiting 1 io in Heart Disease. A considerable part of the community was surprised yesterday afternon to learn that Bartlett Presley was dead. Ho has been here so long, was so well known, and was always about so hearty and well that it never seemed to occur to any one thut he was like- ly to die. But it seems that his health was far less rugged than it was supposed to be, and at 2:30 yesterday afternoon he expired at his residence on the corner of Summit and Dayton avenues. The immediate cause of his death was heart failure. That is to say, his heart ceased to operate, owing to his blood being thin and in poor condition. It is well known that about two years ugo, Mr. Presley, while out riding, was thrown from a carriage and had one of his legs broken below the knee. From this accident he fully recov- ered, and was as well as ever, apparently. For many years Mr. Presley has been in the habit of going south to spend the winter, re- turning in May or June. Last fall, as usual, he migrated to the south. Some time during the winter one of his legs, that had troubled him some herein St. Paul, began to give seri- ous cause for alarm. This was not the leg, however, that was broken, as many have er- roneously supposed, but it was the other. The first indications of trouDle were produced by the appearance of a hard lump on the leg above the knee. Though somewhat painful it was not sufficiently so to arrest immediate attentiou, and the deceased did not allow itto interfere with the ordinary en- joyments to be found in the south during the winter months. As time wore along the lump assumed larger proportions until it be- came necessary to do something. The limb by this time had swelled to nearly twice the ordinary si*. . He consulted eminent phy- siciaqs but they could do nothing for him. He then went to Chicago and submitted the limb to the inspection of specialists. None of them helped him. Most of them did not know what to make of it, and putting a lit- tle iodine on the swelled part of the limb the specialist sent him away saying that the swell- ing would come down. It did- not decrease but kept growing worse. He then went to St. Louis where the iodine remedy was again recommended and applied with no better re- sults than at Chicago. The deceased then went to the Hot springs which proved as use- less as all other efforts. He then, thinking that possibly it might be a cancer, went to Rome, New York, where he was examined with care, and was informed that the trouble was not cancer but something else. Getting i)O assistance from any quarter, and especially none from specialists, and the spring time coming on the deceased re- turned to St. Paul about the Ist of May. The limb at this time was very much swollen and had been for several weeks. Doctors Murphy and Hand were called in and a very thorough examination was made, and the conclusion was arrived at that there was a gathering of matter beneath the surface. An incision was made and a large quantity of matter was removed. After this the swelling went down a good deal and Mr. Presley appeared to improve. Sunday he was up and yesterday morning he was ap- parently better and lay down on the lounge. About noon he began to fail and died at 2:30 In the afternoon, of what is called blood poisoning. PERSONAL DESCRIPTION. The following description of the deceased was prepared and published by Mr. T. M. Newson, in his "Pen Pictures," in the Globe of March 16, 1884: "That short, chunky man, talking slowly, is the gentleman whose name heads this par- agraph. He is a little different from the or- dinary cut of men; has a solid, lymphatic characteristic, but a pensiveness which marks the man of thought and the man of business. He was born in Germany in the year 1823; was raised in St. Louis; married in 1843; moved to Galena in 1849, and from thence came to St. Paul the same year. He com- menced with nothing forty years ago, dealing iv fruits, etc., and from this he drifted into the retail and wholesale grocery business, but of late years he has made fruits his specialty, dealing largely in them, and buy- ing directly from the points where they arc raised, eastern California and other places. He was the original fruit dealer in this city, and to-day is by far the heaviest merchant in this line. Mr. Presley was a member of the common council three continuous years, and chief engineer of our fire department for three years. He purchased the first steam fire engine brought to St. Paul. He took the position of chief engineer at a time when the department was in bad odor, and left itin an elevated and efficient condition. What is remarkable, he is the only merchant in St. Paul, or in the state, who has been continu- ously in business forty years. He is a living illustration of a fact, that a legitimate busi- ness closely adhered to for a series of years, willprove triumphant in the end. Inperson Mr. Presley represents the German type of man, with heavy features and a slow and cautious movement. He speaks a little broken and somewhat thick, owing to a throat difficulty, yet expresses himself in a clear and terse manner. He is never idle; never has been. Always attends to his own business and plods on day after day with renewed determination to add something more to his financial gains. When chief of the fire department, who does not remember tbe kindly acts of his departed wife, who, in the coldest of weather, when the jaded firemen were almost ready to give out, she replenished them with hot coffee, not once but many times; of her presenta- tion of flags to the gallant boys ; of her con- stant efforts to encourage and sustain them ? And who was kinder to the firemen than ]}. Presley? Many a once yonng man, now growing gray, will remember these kindly acts these sweet memories of a by-gone day. Mr. Presley erected yearsago, various tenement houses on Eighth street, and among the number was one known a3 the Clubhouse. Only a few years ago he built an elegant bus- iness block on the site of his old stand, and to-day he is estimated to be worth $200, (#>o. Quiet, unobtrusive,industrious,soiid, yet pub- lic spirited and enterprising, Mr. Presley ought to be satisfied with bis success, and from what we know of the man, we guess he is." HIS FAMILY. * Mr. Presley was twice married. His first wife died about three years ago. Subse- quently he was married to Mrs. Wingfield, the daughter of Capt. John Martin, who sur- vives him. THE FUXEEAI/. The funeral will take place from bis late residence on the corner of Summit and Day- ton avenues, at 2 p. m. to-morrow, under the auspices of the Knights Templar, of which he was a prominent member. Attention Sir Knights. Headquarters Damascas Com. No. 1K.T. ) St. Paul, -Iply Ist, 1884. $ Ton are hereby notified to report at the Asylum in full dress on Wednesday, July 2d*at 2 p. m., sharp, to attend the funeral of Sir Knight Bartlett Presley. By order of the E. C. Geo. S. Acker, Recorder. Attention Firemen. All firemen of the old volunteer fire de- partment and all members of the present fire department are requested to meet at the court house corner of Wabasbaw ana Fifth streets, at 7:30 p. m., on Tuesday, July 1, for the purpose of making arrangements to attend the funeral of our late brother fire- man, Bartlett Presley.- By order of the president fire department association. "Loch Hzbtlb, Secretary. SWEETS OF JUSTICE, A Bad Quill— A Wholesome Chronom- eter. He Shot Cock Kol>ln—Results of Whoop- inji It Up, Etc. It was a tame morning at the municipal court yesterday, although it was the hottest of the season atmospherically. J. Quill, a young desperado who had just finished a term of five days at the workhouse for drunk- enness, was arraigned for drawing a revol- ver on a Uniyersity avenue man six months ago, and was given a chance to go out to raise $20 fine with no officer in eight, in hopes that he would feather out of town, it being considered the cheapest w»y to be quit of him. W. Wilson, the JY.ckson street young mulatto nigqt shooter, said he was guilty of planting a laden pill in the leg of }ne Cum- mings, and was sent to the county jail to await the action of the next grand jury. Kate Filbert concluded she wouldn't have her case cracked open in the court on a charge of street promenading at unseemly hours and forfeited her ?15 bail. E Anderson, who got on a terrible bender and whooped it up in the tunnel on Sabbath afternoon, paid in a $10 fine and registered a vow that if he ever got in a budge again he would find a place to do it in where the contingent expenses were not so ilat-footed, P. Poison and N. 'Goslin, a pair of twin drunks, were so melted with the heat that they couldn't crush a fly, were given five days each, while F. Johnson on being dis- missedforthe same offence on account of the patrol wagon's failing to back up its complaint for bringing him in from Iglehart street the night before, shuffled out the door in high glee at his escape from the coppers. Arthur Hoffman was arraigned and com- mitted to the county jail for a hearing for larceny to-day. Arthur's troubles had all oc- curred on acconnt of a watch belonging to another fellow mysteriously getting into his pocket, for the life ofhim how he could not tell. Truly we live in dangerous times when tickers thus assume to themselves arms and legs. Caught on the Wing. Gov. Ordway of Dakota, soon to be ex- Gov. Ordway, came in from Yankton yester- day noon and took the afternoon train for Bismarck. He was captured by a Globe representative during bis brief stay. The governor was found to be bigbly pleased with the quashing of the "indictments against him and also happy over the fact that he had secured orders from Washington for an investigation both of himself and Attorney General Campbell. He seemed to think that the in- vestigation would show tho malice and false- hood of his accuser. In relation to appoint- ment of bis successor Gov. Ordway expressed himself very cordially. Mr. Pierce was a man whom he knew very well, a very good man, highly educated and well qualified for the place. He presumed it might be some weeks before he turned over the office, us Gov. Pierce had considerable to attend to be- fore assuming the position. Petition for a Receiver. It will be remembered that some time since the firm of Mayo &Clark, dealers in iron and hardware, became financially em- barrassed, and one of the members went east to arrange for some relief to their busi- ness. What the result of the trip was is not known, but it is presumed that the easement sought was not forthcoming, as yesterday Messrs. Nichols & Dean and Averill, Russell & Carpenter filed papers in the district court asking that lhcy be adjudged insolvent and that a receiver be appointed. The petition- ers sold and delivered goods to Mayo tt Chirk, and took their notes for the amounts due. The petition will l.m heard in special term at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Unlijrhted Streets. On Sunday evening the moon went down at 11:30, at midnight the electric lights were extinguished, and the skies being cloudy the streets of the city were left iv inky dark- ness, not a single gas light being visible. Last night the siinie state of things existed at midnight, with the exception of a solitary gas light burning on the corner of Third and Wabushaw streets. It would seem that *o large a city as this should be lighted with street lamps at night when there is no moon- light, not only a matter of public con- venience but of public: necessity for peace and safety. A Talk With Hon. P. B. Smallcy. The Globe met Hon. P. B. Smalley, of Vermont, yesterday, who was on his way to Dakota. ,Mr. Smalely. has for eight years been the Vermont member of the Demo- cratic National committee, and has been selected by his fiiate convention for the next four years. Mr. Sraalley express great conficence in Democratic suc- cess the coming campaign but does not champion any particular candidate. He is a believer in the ability of the Democratic con- vention to harmonize upon a strong and acceptable candidate and the Vermont del- egation will favor that man. Providing: for the Persecuted. Odessa, Juno 29. number of Jews have been returned hero as destitute British-sub- jects, from Cyprus, whither they had emi- grated to avoid persecution. The British consul is sending them to homes In the in- terior. Tilden and JlcndricJcs Demanded. To the Editor of the Globe : Wheat Field, Near Waiipeton, Da., June 28. In your Issue of to-day you head your dispatches, "Who Shall It Bel* 1 From the wheat field of Dakota comes the answer Samuel J. Tilden it shall be I There is no other man. Inthe purity and greatness of his soul he willheed the crisis and save the government of Washington. He Is a pat- riot, and he will immolate. He will heed the voice of the. people ; aye, I may almost Bay the voice of God. Shall patriots let history show the shame and decadence of the government of our fathers to have begun in that centennial year of 1870? No! Let us restore! Let us right the wrong! Let us do what we should have done in 1880. By the grace of the Ruler of the universe the opportunity is still ours. Let the chairman of the New York delegation on the Bth of July, rise In the convention at Chicago, and nominate Sam- uel J. Tilden and Thomas A. Hendrlcks. This is what the people want, and this Is the emblem for the flag on the ship of state. B. Magofjux, Jr. The Hutu of the Hour. To the Editor of the Globe : One set of men are anxious that the Dem- ocrats would blunder bo that the Republicans would have an assured victory. And there are men who care less for party than for gen- eral safety, and who therefore wouldlike Re- publicans and Democrats alike to put up good men, so that in any event the country would ' be well served. In the interest of the Democratic party the leaders should hesitate to express i preferences or condemn men in advance. No man can foretell the action of a conven- tion, and the delegates that will remain alike unpledged and unbiased will be the delegates that will be most valuable to tbelr constitu- ents and- the country. Minnesota, inpartic- ular, being a Republican state should hesi- tate to commit itself to any man, but rather should be ready to cheer on by voice and vote the action of the Democratic states that will elect a candidate of that party, if one is to succeed. A good thing would be for the delegates to keep their minds to themselves, and give the Inter- viewer and the gossips a cold shoulder. The best men should be selected, but the states that will elect ought to be heard from before our people willselect their man. Look Ox. Calender's Minstrels. This famous troupe open at the Opera house Thursday night. They are stronger and funnier than ever. The sale ofBeats.begins at 9 a. m., on Wednesday. -.. SETTLING DIFFERENCES. July 7th, tho Date Set For The Re* storation of The Spring Tariff on The Upper Mississippi. [Special Telegram to the Globe. | Chicago, June 30.—The freight managers of the lines interested in the upper Mississi- \u25a0 ppi river traffic met at Commissioner Car- man's office to-day, and after a long session agreed to restore all rates July 7, to the basis of the spring tariff. It was also decided to allow the boat lines the old differentials. This dispose! of one more troublesome disturbance In the North- western. Had matters not been fixed up at to-day's meeting a lively fostlade would have been inaugurated, which would have severe- ly tested the bulwarks of the Northwestern pool. The Illinois Central and St. Paul favored the Northwestern a week 1 :iir > with their ultimatum, which was to openly cut rates to all common points with the North- western should the latter not come to time before July 1. The Northwestern people were satisfied that their competitors meant busi- ness, and they were more than ready to come to terms. At the conclusion of the conference proper the members engaged iv an informal discussion of Central lowa mat- ters that business haviug been more or less demoralized since the collapse of the Central lowa Traffic association. The result of the convention was gratifying in that it was decided to call a meeting looktnj toward the re-establishment ol the Centra. lowa Traffic association, tobe held at Com- mi.-sioner Carman's office to-day. The pros- pect of an early settlement of the Dcs Moines differences, the only remaining unpleasant- ness in tbe northwest, is good. WISCONSIN MATTERS. Conniving: at Illegal Voting— The St, Croix & Wisconsin Railroad Company. [Special Telegram to the Globe.] MaSISON, June 30. The jury in the United States court brought in a verdict ol guilty against Geo. Ililes, James Hiles and W. R, Jarvis, ol Dexter, for allowing illegal votes to lx; polled in the congressional contest of IS^:3 between Judge Parks and Mr Stephenson. W. li. Jarvis was recommended t" the mercy of the court. Judge Dunn fined Geo. Hiles and costs, amounting in all to about $2,000 James Hiles $500 and W. L. Jarvis $100. Gov. Rusk has appointed Charles If. Nbyi a sheriff of Florence county, in the place of J. E. Redmond, resigned. There were filed with the secretary of - to-day articles of incorporation of the La Crosse and La Crescent ferry company, with a capital stuck of 830,000, and the St. Croix & Wisconsin Railroad company, with a capital stock ol $1,080,000. This is a consolidation of tho St. Croix iV; Chippewa Falls and of the St. Paul & St. Croix Railroad companies, with Hon. Charles L. Colby as president, and Howard Morris as secretary. Work is progressing rapidly and trains will be moving from Chippewa Falls to St. .Paul by the Ist of January. SHE BEAT DR. TANNER. A Kansas Woman Fasts Fifty-Threa Days Before She Dies. Atciiison, Ks., June 30. Lizzie Brasley, of White Cloud, Dcnniphan county, Ks., the woman who started to commit suicide by starvation, succeeded Sunday morning at 3 o'clock. Sho wholly abstained from food for a period of fifty-three days, during which time sho also stubbornly refused to speak. .Before beginning self- etarvation, she had laid seven weeks on a bed of sickness, and her system was there-, fore much reduced when Bhe began. An autopsy revealed the fact that her organs were all perfectly healthy. The formal ver- dict of the physicians was death by starva- tion. When she took the strange freak sho had been in an unpleasant quarrel with hei father, and the loss of a little niece, whom Bhe had reared, discouraged her. She re- solved dpon suicide. She lirst tried chloral) and that failing she quit eating. The Illinois State Convention. [Special Telegram to the Globe. | Pbokia, 111., June 30. The advance guard of the Democratic state convention bun ar- rived and the hotels arc preparing to pack people closer than sardines in a box. The weather is very hot. Northern Illinois favors Cleveland, and southern Illinois, McDonald for president. Harrison has the call on the governorship, and may accept if allowed to dictate the tariff plank in the platform, and if promised the support of Illinois for vice president. City Comptroller Guer- ney, of Chicago, who Is here, gays Harrison docs not hunker for the governorship. Trumbull, Winston and Melville W. Fuller, have the bulge for delegate at large from Cook. An effort will be made to beat Mike McDonald for delegate from the Third dis- trict, with a German. Palmer, Koener, Morrison, Marshal, Higbee and Oberlyj arc mentioned for delegates at large from the south. The liquor dealers have engaged rooms for a delegation to force an anti-licence. plank Into the platform. Good Work for a "Leper"' Plymouth, Eng., Jane 30.— While a gang of twenty-live convicts were at work hero one of the number threw a large stone at tbe warden, which struck him on the bead, Inflicting a stun- ning blow. The entire gang then ruHhod for him. Alife convict named Stephens outHtrip- ped the others and seized the Warden's rifle and ammunition mill Bred upon the advancing con- victs, six of which he seriously wounded. When amnnition was exhausted Stephens clubbed five others with the rifle, and when assistance ar- rived he was completely exhausted, Tbo dc tails of the affair were promptly reported to tho government and the home secretary gave orders that Stephens be Immediately released from prison and rewarded. When the good news wus made known to Stephen! be fainted. A Chimney Fire Scare. A chimney in the stone block opposite the state capltol on Wabashaw street got on a furious burn at 6:80 last evening, and so completely covered the roof with smoke as to give residents in that part of the town a big scare. Several hook and ladder boys from the Central fire house obeyed the call made upon the department, and mounting to tbe roof gave the fire a thorough dose of salt and soon quenched it. A Quaint Celebration^ HliODUnr, June 29.— celebration of the COOth anniversary of the charming of the Children of Hamelin by the pled piper, be- gun yesterday, was concluded to-day. Children disguised as rats emerged from doorways and repeated the procession of yes- terday, running gaily behind a piper, fol- lowed by the town folks all dressed In cos- tumes of the period of the piper. The chil- dren followingthe piper finally disappeared in an improvised cave In the river bank. Louisiana Consols. New Orleans, La., June 23.—State Treasurer Burke gives notice that the Interest maturing July 1, on Louisiana consols will be paid by the State National bank, fiscal agency, Few Orleans where the coupons have to be stamped to con- form to the recently adopted debt amendments. Twoper cent, in paid until January, 1885, after which time, under the debt amendment, the in- terest i- increased to four per cent. The etat« treasurer has asked the legislature to appropriate funds to enable him to stamp the bonds and pay the interest InNew York and London. Suicide. Providence, June 29. Charles J. Wil- kinson, paymaster of the Providence & Worcester railroad, killed himself late to- night. / Willie, son of Michael and Mary Lyons died yesterday and will be buried from the family resident*, ©a _MiMl»»if pi street, at 2 p. m. t>day. y' v

Transcript of THE DAILY TUESDAY JULYT,..-Ig&4 DEATH BARTLETT · and Chaffee will make a jingo executive committee...

Page 1: THE DAILY TUESDAY JULYT,..-Ig&4 DEATH BARTLETT · and Chaffee will make a jingo executive committee toput the money where itwilldo the most good and run the campaign on general high


Official paper of the City and Connty.


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Office Chief StoNAT. Officer, )Washington, D. C, June 30, 9:56 p.m. f

Observations taken at the same moment oftime at allstations named.


Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather.St.Paul 20.89 07 W


j La Crosee 29.88 70 S Fair\ NORTHWEST.

j tut, Ther. Wind. Weatner.( Bismarck 30.02 58 N Clear\ Ft. Garry 89.98 48 N Fair'.Minnedosa..^.. 30.03 41 NW Clear\Moorhead 29.98 50 N Clearliuapelle 30.04 45 W Cleartit. Vincent..... 29.98 54 N FairI NOHTIIEHS ROCKY MOUNTAIN SLOPE.

\ i-.;* Bar. Ther, Wind. Weather.Ft\ Assinaboine.29.94 72 SB ClearFt] Buford 80.08 08 NE • ClearFt!CiiHter 20.80 71 NW FairHe>na 20.88 70 S\V ClearIlulron, D.T....20.09 CO N ClearMjJdiclnenat.... 89.00 HZ S Cl'dy


VJ .v; Bar. Th«r. /Wind. Weather.,/Duluth. 20.82 CO SW . Clear


Bar. Thor. Dow Point. Wind. Weather20.931 09.5 65.9 . W Fair

Amount rainfall. .38; Maximum thermometer87.0; minimum thermometer 04.5; daily range82.5.

River—Observed height 4 feet, 2 Inches.Fall in twenty-four hours, 1inchns.The highest speed of wind yesterday was 32

miles Mhour, from 12:35 to 13:50 p.m.Notk

—Barometer corrected for temperature

and elevation. \u25a0\u25a0..•<->;P. F. Lyons,

Sergeant, Signal Corps, 11.. AS.TO-DAYS WEATHER.

Wasiii.viitox,D. C, July 1, la.—

Indica-tions for the upper lakes: Local rains, followedbyslightlycooler and fair weather, with light,variable winds. Upper Mississippi valley:Slightly cooler and partly cloudy, with localshowers and light, variable winds; Missourivalley: Fair weather, preceded in the southernportion, local rains with variable winds, proba-bly shifting to northeast and southeast andcooler weather in southern portions, stationaryin central and northern portions.

YESTERDAY'S MARKETS.St. Paul market quotations were unchanged

yesterday. Milwaukee wheat fell l&c&ljacforJulyuml August. At Chicago Wheat was equallyweak, closing 17<c lower for July, l'/ic forAugust and l^c for September. Corn declinedl?i@l&c;oats closed at ,'iOc for July and 2GJ£cfor AngUSt. Pork was alittle firmer, closing at519.40©15.90 for July and August. .Stocksopened higher on Wall street yesterday, but themarket Weakened under the Influence of Unionmil Central Pacific, and became depressed. Thenarket dosed '- \u25a0\u25a0• I'jper cent, lower than onSaturday. The stock exchange will be closedfrom 3p. in. Thursday till 11 a. m. Monday,.lul\ Tfk

The chairman of the Republican state.committee ofNew York has the record of de-

claring thai Blalnc cannot car.y that state.

To tin averment of the New York Tribunethai Logan speaks French and Spanish, theRichmond Dispatch exclaims: "Is that whatyoucall it1 We luid thought it was an at-tempt to speak English."

The Augusta (Ga.,) Chronicle is struck withthe ludicrousne&s of the formation of the Re-publican ticket and "the growing convictionthrough the North Logan Is too big for

. tho tillof the ticket. Me and Jim" is theway Itshould read."

\u25a0 The Cleveland Plain Ikder pays the theproposed Garlield monument to be placed ivLake View park in that city looks like alighthouse. As it willbe visible from Lake"Erie a big lantern may be put on the top andthe monument utilized that way.

The Philadelphia Titnrx makes the signifi--cant comment that Senator Don Cameron's'Inside opinion of B. F. Jones at the headof the Republican organization in this coun-try would be Interesting." Itis an opinion,however, that willuot get into print.

Jake Austin-, of Fergus Falls, has rc-reeelved his reward forhis fidelity to KnuteNelson and his attempt to haul down the jKindred flag which was stretched across thestreet inFergus two years ago. He was yes-terday appointed Receiver of the Fergus jFalls land office and willnow be more patri-


otic th* v ever.

TiHH'ou the lentiaJ campaign Is.hardly inaiuranted tin Bl&iueheadquartersan- already sending to the truly good Repub-lican papers such

'editorial matter as the

tattooed candidate desires us.-d. He pro-poses to supervise the Republican editorial-columns of the country with the imperiouscensorship ofa Czar.

"V^Ait. Indignant corrcspoDsleut sends the. Gi.uue a eotumunie&tJoa asking by the*£i/16««r?'JVww ''deprecates the Fourth of

/Jnlyt'* The answer is.plain enough. Thervtirtdeditor is a Wats' nosed Xova Scotianand the pile driver sub hopes to "bane on to

bis job a little longer by abusing this eon-

tryand toadying to the English. The P. P.has the piles, bad.

Brother Blame has caused itto be an-nounced that he will make his campaignheadquarters at Augusta, "only runningdown to his summer cottage at Bar Harborwhen he is tired and needs rest." After thesummer is over Brother Blame willhave allthe time to "rest" in, and itis hoped he willnot get too "tired" to make itinteresting be-fore the early part ofNovember.

The Portland, Maine, Advertiser gives thefollowing crumb of information regardingthe antecedents ofßlaine'6head Whooper-up.The Advertiser says "Steve Elkin's father is astaunch Democrat and an out-and-out Thur-man man, but he seems to have permittedhis son to worship the Golden Calf of spoilsRepublicanism." Many a worthy father isbrought to sorrow by a wayward son.

Itappears that the good Deacon Nettletonattended the game of base ball at WhiteBear on Sunday and made a report of it forhis Sabbath-breaking Monday morning issue.Since he swore to the assessor that the Tri-bune was worth only $12,000 and askedNimmocks $250,000 the good Deacon hasgrown reckless. Itis time that the Congrega-tional club took him in hand and spankedhim.

MeHenderson who as chairman ofthe Re-publican national convention went toMaineto report the proceedings to Mr. Blame ex-presses his disappointment about the Blamefeeling inthe East. He found noenthusiasm,and nothing like the heartiness tnat appearsto exist westward. The fact is "down East"the public knows the man, and that know-lege is an absolute barrier to enthusiasm. Itoperates like a mill-stone.

Mr. Wm. C. Wiiitsey, formerly corpora-tion counsel of the city of New York, wherehe resides, and who is also the son-in-law ofHon. Henry B. Payne, of Ohio, is a delegateto the Democratic national convention. Toa fellow Harvard Law School graduate he re-marked on Saturday: "It's all bosh aboutCleveland; he's only an air-bubble on thepolitical surface. But don't be afraid


ever -we nominate is going to win." So saywe, all of us.

The question is being discussed whetheror not Minister Lowell should be pensioned.He is clearly disabled, and the causes of hisdisability have arisen during his period in

the government service. Under such cir-cumstances he seems to he wholly eligible.The Government ha6no right to require aman to occupy a position where his dutiesconsist ofeating fine dinnore, and drinkingnice wines, and when he gets the gout, turnhim adrift. The pension should be liberal.

The Prohibitionists continually runagainstsnags. At Saline, Kansas, six saloon keep-ers were convicted under the new prohibi-tion constitutional amendment, and sen-tenced to fine and imprisonment. Anappealwas taken to the Governor of the state, andthe showing made that the Prosecuting At-torney packed the juries that convicted the

men. Upon this basis the Chief Magistratefound it to be his duty to pardon the con-victed men, as dishonest prosecution is apersecution not contemplated by the law.

The Baltimore American professes to haveacquired inside information to the effect that

Postmaster General Grusham willnot returnto the bench, as he expects to retain his pres-ent Cabinet position under Blame's adminis-tration. How is that for cheek. SupposeBlame should have an "administration"(which he won't) think of seeing an oldpump like Grusham in it. Mulligan Jimwants the Steve Elkins kind of men when hehe has occasion to use any. Brother Grushammay as well order his tin office "shingle"painted, he willneed by the time the paintgets dry.

Minnesota is to be especially honorednext week by the assembling at Faribault ofthe fifth annual conference of principals andsuperintendents of the institutions for theDeaf and Dumb in the United States andCanada. Prof. Noyes, superintendent of the

Minnesota institution, extended the invita-tion for the conference which was promptlyaccepted. Itis expected that there willbefrom seventy-five to one hundred institutionsrepresented having the oare of from eight toten thousand of the afflicted. The sessionwill begin on the evening of the 9th andcontinue three days. Itwill be one of themost notable conferences ever held in thestate. .

The Boston papers are yearning to be in-

formed "who Jones is, anyhowl" and someof the Pennsylvania papers seem Inclined tofurnish the information. For instance, thePhiladelphia Times expresses the opinionthat, "Benjamin F. Jones willmake &highlyrespectable and solid chairman ofthe Repub-lican national committee, with great abilityin drawing and commanding checks for thecommittee's exchequer; and Elkins, Newand Chaffee will make a jingo executivecommittee toput the money where itwilldothe most good and run the campaign ongeneral high jinks methods." The Harris-burg Patriot takes the same view, as itsays"there is one obvious advantage in givingthe chairmanship ofthe Republican nationalcommittee to Mr.B. F. Jones, of Pittsburg.Elklne, Chaffee and New can hold a carnivalof corruption about him and he'd never finditout."


The Fourth district Republican committeeis to meet at Minneapolis to-morrow to takeinto consideration what shall be done inref-erence to Mr. Barker's nomination of J. B.Gilfillan forcongress. Mr.Gilfillandoes notrepresent the Republican party; he does notrepresent any principle. He was not nomi-nated by the Republican party and the Re-publican party is not bound tosupport him.He represents the distinguished Barker andBarker only, by whom he was nominated.

Under such circumstances it is fitting thatthe District committee, together with thewisest and best men of the party, should as-semble and counsel together. The Globetrusts that wisdom and moderation willchar-acterize the meeting to-morrow. It will re-quire wise action to prevent disaster at thepolls. Mr. Fletcher could lead the party tovictory inNovember, while Mr.Gilfillan willlead it to certain defeat.Under such circumstances, ifMr.Gilfillanis

the patriotic and loyal Republican, the Globeestimates him to be, he will place the crownwhich Barker gave him in the hands of theRepublican committee and request themcither to nominate Mr. Fletcher themselvesor call a new convention with that object inview. Mr. Barker could nominatebut he cannot elect Mr.Gilfillan. Disfran-chised Washington county, like Banquos'ghost, willnot down, and Mr.GHtillan owes

|it tohis party, as a patriotic duty,to step aside. from the illegal and unenviable position ini which Mr. Barker has placed him, and loin

\u25a0 with the Globe and the Minneapolis Tribune!and Minneapolis Journal in giving Mr.

Fletcher the candidacy which he fairly andjustly merits.

The Globe appeals to Mr. Gilfillanin theinterest of harmony to make this sacrifice tosave the party. The claims of the Republi-can party upon Mr.Gilfillan are surely greaterthan those ofof Mr.Barker, and the Globeimplores him to take this manly and patrioticaction before itis too late. He is young.oily and vigorous, and ifboth he and Barkerlive,as they doubtless will, other opportu-nities willarise to do them honor.

The Pitmen- Prat and Dispatch are actuatedsolely by their small local prejudices in urg-ingMr. GLliiilan to run, simply because hewas the means of defeating, for the time, theman who was opposed to their local candi-!date. The Globe rises above such narrow|local prejudices and cannot, therefore, ap-

prove the illegal candidacy of Mr.Gllfillau.Itis not in the interest of Mr. Fletcher thatthe Globe approves the meeting ofthis committee but in the interest ofharmony and justice. The Fourth district isRepublican if the party can be united. Mr.Gilfillan can, probably, unite Mr. Barker,but he cannot unite the party. By the lovehe bears the organization which has so fre-quently honored him, he should step asideand permit Major Camp to declare Mr.Fletcher the only and rightful nominee of

the Republican convention of the Fourthdistrict. That would be manly and just andwould avert the disaster, which every goodRepublican can not but view with horror,of a Democrat representing this district inCongress.Itis rare that the Globe feels 60 deeply

and keenly the importance of preservingthe integrity ofthe Republican party, but onthis occasion personal preferences should besubordinated to the public and party welfare,and on our bended knees, or even all fours,(so to speak) the Globe joins the Tribuneand Journal inurging Mr. Gilfillan to savethe party by gracefully placing the Barkercrown in Major Camp's historic hat at thecommittee meeting to-morrow. Doitand

—Blessings be thine, loyalGil,ever more.

Mb. Blame is applying the slave-driverslash to such members of the Republican partyas itis possible for him to terrorize and forceinto his support. The Washington correspon-dent of the New York Sun makes the state-ment that immediately ou his return to Wash-ington from a visit to his father, Mr. WalkerBlame spent two days in going through thedepartments, especially the Treasury and In-terior. He inquired ifthere were any per-sons in the departments who were disposedtokick, boltor be lukewarm, and he was toldthat there did not seem to be any very greatenthusiasm. When Mr.Blame asked for thenames ofthe more prominent officers in thedepartments who were disaffected he was un-able to get them from the chiefs of bureaus.However, by dilligent inquiry he was able tomake quite a list. Those men will eitherhave to change their tactics and simulatean enthusiasm they do not feel or they willhave to go next March, ifMr.Blame iselected.

President Arthur states that he reappoint-ed Murray, Governor of Utah for the reason"that he is the most offensive man to theMormons that the country contains

—not ex-

cepting Edmunds." This is a singular con-clusion for the Executive to arrive at, for ev-erybody knows that under the Murray-Ed-munds dispensation Mormonism has flour-ished as never before in the same space oftime. The Mormon missionaries have beensuccessful as never before, in this country,and abroad, and Mormonism is stronger to-day than ever before. But suppose it be truethat Murray is the most offensive man to theMormons the country contains, is that acreditable motive on which to base Executiveaction1 Is it not contemptible trifling withgrave and important duty i The truth is Ar-thur's only desire in the matter is to getalong withitin the easiest way possible, andto continue Murray, was, so far as he is con-cerned, the smoothest thing to do, and fromforce of sheer indolence he did it. The Mor-mons won't disturb his fishing excursionsthis summer.


Tite religious statistics of the United States,looked at from four different points inthe courseof the present century, presents some very in-teresting and instructive features. Inthe year1800 the total population was 5,305,925. Ofthese there were Protestant, 1,277,052; EomanCatholic, 100,000; unclassified, 3,928,873. In1850, out of a total population of 23,191,876,there were Protestants, 12,723,158; RomanCatholics, 1,614,000; unclassified, 8,854,718,In1870, out of a population of 38,538,371, theProtestants numbered 24,041,486 ;Roman Catho-lics, 4,600,000; not classified, 9,916,885. Andin the year 1880, out of a total population whichhad swelled to 50,152,860, there were 36,031,974Protestants, 6,367,000 Roman Catholics; notclassified, 7,753,893.

BEorNNrNG with the next college year thestudy of the Greek and Latin languages andtheir literatures, becomes elective, and they aredropped from the list of studies prescribed forthe llacheior of Arts degree, byHarvard college.This ie in pursuance of a progressive policywhich characterises the curriculum of that insti-tution. It will be a gratification, if nothingmore, to observe how these languages willfareunder the elective sygtem, and how many stu-dents willavail themselves of the privilege toelect not to bother with the dead languages.

Tr the Natchez Democrat is correctly informedItis no great hardship to have a life sentence tothe penitentiary of Mississippi, located at Jack-eon. That paper says that this class ofprisoners have the freedom of the city, and"That some of them are seen day after day incitizens' clothes going about the streets of Jack-son, and they cannot be distinguished from thecitizens of the town." From this it might beinferred that the citizens of Jackson, generally,are life convicts, and are having their board andlodging at the expense of the state.

The meeting of the National Educational As-sociation during July, at Madison, Wisconsin,willbe the largest and most important meetingsever held in the country. From New Englandalone, more than five hundred teachers will at-tend. President Thomas Bicknell announcesthat the preliminary arrangements are aboutcompleted, and ifall anticipations are realizedan impetus willgo out from the meeting that willvaluably advance tho educational interests ofevery section in the United States.

Joaquis Milleris an advocate of teachingpractical mechanics in the public schools. Hewas lately called into court and was disgustedwith a lawyer who asked a witness to tell thejurywhat kind of a tool a jack-plane is. Hethinks that if the lawyer who asked the questionhad been taught something of mechanics atschool he would have learned enough not to haveasked so simple a question. To the putting ofthat question is attributed the fact that the law-yer lost his case.

London Tntth asserts that Prince Bismarckhas arranged the betrothal of Prince FrederickWilliam, hereditary Grand Duke of Baden, andPrincess Hilda r-l Nassau, with a view to thereconciliation of the Duke of Nassau with Prus-sia, and the establishment of the family ofNassan's succession to the Dutch throne in casethe Prince of Orange, Crown Prince of Holland,dies.

Kuruias N. Potter, D.D., who has justbeen elected Bishop of Nebraska, is a son of thelate Bi?hop Alonzo Potter, of Pennsylvania, anephew of Bishop Horatio Potter, of New York,and the younger brother of Bijhop Henry C.Potter. He has lately resigned the presidencyof Cnion College to accept that of HobartCollege.

Amas daring a lifetime of 50 years, accordiagto a paper recently read before the Academy ofSciences, Paris, Eleeps away an aggregate of6,000 days, works away the same period, eatsaway 2,000 days, walks away 800 days, is illdaring 500 days, and amuses himself with theremainder of trighalf century onearth.

Thzgambling mania ha? a new Illustration in"Fly-loo,"anew gambling game that is openlyplayed incheap liquor saloons. The players setaround a table each one having a lamp of engarinfront of him. Then each player puts a dimeor quarter into pool, and the man on whose sugara 3y alights rakes in the wealth.

ACoyxrcTUXT manabandoned his wife,elopedwithamarried woman end spent the funds of aGood Temperance's Lodge of which he wi< thetreasurer. For allthis he was fined one dollarand sent to jailfor thirty days. The "exact andequal justice" of the old-time Blue-laws seems tohave reacted with a vengeance.

Abiblical student has arranged the following:What Sunday is to the Christians Monday is tothe Greeks, Tuesday to the Persians, Wednes-day to the Assyrians, Thursday to the Egyptians,Friday to the Turks and Saturday to the Jews.

Th*Foreigner* Daily is the title of a newspa-per published inthe Cityof Mexico in four lan-guages, Spanish, Preach, German and English.

The manager of Qthe polyglot is a Yankee, andevery man who runs may read.

The Princess Dolgoronky, widow of Alexander11., willspend the summer at the Belvedere at

Lucerne on the Lac dcs Quatre-Cautons. Thehotel has been returned for her and her children.

Queen Elizabeth is said to have had a fond-

ness for boiled sea gulls, quince cheese and

hartshorn jelly,dainties unknown to the nine-

teenth century billof fare.

Thk Chicago public schools have taken up

type writing in a limited way. A class oftwenty-flve is permitted to practice two hours aweek.

The largest pleasure steam yacht in the worldis inprocess of building for Baron NathanielRothschild, and willbe launched during July,

AnIcelandic illustrated monthly is to be pub-

lished at Copenhagen, under the editorial direc-tion of Bjornsljernc Bjornson.

The Boston Kindergartens have just passedtheir most prosperous year.


A Youngr Forger Convicted— Drygoods

Lifters bentenced.

The Cracker Bakers Acquitted—The Uncer-tainties ofLaw.

Herman Smith was tried by a jury in thedistrict court yesterday for forging anorder for $5 and was promptly convicted. Hewas asked several times to write the name ofthe party forged and did itto correspond withhis aitempt in the order in question so ex-actly as to leave no question of his guilt.

F.M. Burlison and M. McDermott, forstealing satin from Smith's drygoods store,on Seventh street, both plead guilty to thelarceny and took a twin sentence of twoyears in the penitentiary each, where theywilladopt striped goods for apparel.

Inthe case of Geo. Brown and Carl Fink-beiner, who were indicted by the grand jury

for assault with dangerous weapons uponHenry Blom,on the sidewalk^after the break-ing up of the baker's ball on west Seventhstreet, on the evening of Aprii27. Gebhard\u25a0Woolrich, Esq., appeared for the accused,and Brown being tried first was acquitted bythe jury without leaving their seats. Thisaction also acquitted Finkbeiner, whomCounty Attorney Egan held to be the leastlikely to be convicted on the indictment.Blom, itwillbe remembered, was found, af-ter the ball, bleeding fearfully from woundsinflicted with a knife.

The last case taken up was that of Chas.Schleif for bastardy, the prosecuting witnessbeing Margaret Fuchs. The case was orig-inally tried inHose township, where the par-ties are resident, before Justice Hoyt, whobound over the prisoner to this court. W.C. Goforth, Esq., appeared for the defendantand moved the court for dismissal ou theground that bastardy was a civil case .andnot a criminal one, citing 37 Moine forauthority, "that ifany action forbastardy is

tried in a criminal court the trial will bevoid." The motion was overuled by Judge

Brillon the ground that the district court ofRamsey "had jurisdiction in both civil andcriminal actions." The impanneling of ajury was proceeded with, to three of whomthe criminal oath was administered and to theother nine the civil oath. Goforth at thispoint objected to the three jurors who hadbeen sworn on the criminal oath, whereuponthe court excused them. Goforth then raised

the objection against their places being filledon tbe ground a jury had already been em-paneled in the case and was overrruled. Thestate placed its first witness on the stand,when itwas developed thut the original com-plaint had been sworn out before a notarypublic instead of a justice of the peace, thestatute making the swearing out of a com-plaint compulsory on a justice. Goforth ob-jected to any further testimony being takenin the case on thegronnd the court had nojurisdiction, which objection was sustainedby the court, the juryperemptorily dismissed,and the court adjourned. Sehleif having re-gained his freedom thus suddenly madetracks for liberty, while the poor girland herparents immediately took out a new warrautfor his arrest, and seemed very much ag-grieved at the curious turn the law had taken.

Ifthe Lloyd Porter murder trial is taken

up the May term willprobably close by Wed-nesday night, and if not the criminal trialwill come to a close to-day.

Lost His Pocket Book.J. B. Robbins, who does business at No.

137 East Seventh street, complained at thecity hall last night that he had had his pocket

picked Of apocket book containing either$691 or $791, he could not tell which. Hesaid he had itin his pocket when he and hiswife went out to take the showcase in, and when he got back intothe store the pocket book withthe money was gone. Two men were ar-rested on suspicion, and simply because Mr.

Robbins saw two men in front of ths store

when he went out there. He could not iden-tify the two men that were arrested as beingthe ones he saw, while his wifo did not thinkthey were the ones that were there. Theywere accordingly discharged.

IT '9 FOUND.After the above was written the officers

went down to Robbins' house and found thepocket book in the back yard. The case is a

very peculiar one, and it is rendered stillmore so from the fact that when OfficerWalsh questioned Mr. Robbins as to whatbank he drew the money from he refused totell, and claimed that he was not obliged totell where he got the money, though he pre-viously stated that he drew itout of a bnnk

to pay abill wiih. It seems very strange

that he should have asserted that the pocketbook was taken from his pocket, when it wasin fact in his back yard. The officers werevery indignant about the transaction.

Inquests on the Drowned.Deputy Coroner Horst held an inquest at

12:30 yesterday at Guthuzz <fc Rolkstroh's,the Eighthand Wacouta street undertakerson thebody of "Dutchy" +be stranger boathand, knocked offunder abarge by a haychain on the steamer St. Paul on Friday,andthe verdict was accidental drowning.

At1o'clock at the same place an inquestwas held by Dr. Horst on the body of tbe ladDennis McCarty, drowned above the upperlevee while bathing on Saturday afternoonand the same verdict was rendered. Itcame out at the hearing that Jerry

McCarthy, a brother of the deceased, and

two other boys, one of whom is a wild rovingcharacter, named Edmunds, were all bath-ing together. They all could swim but Den-nis, and the Edmunds boy took him out be-yond his depth where he sank. Jerry, hisbrother, tried to rescue him and had hold ofhim when he came to the surface and sank

the second time, but was not strong enoughto brine him ashore and was forced to aban-don him.

The body of the boy found drowned at

Lake Johnson on Sunday, was identified asthat of a son of a German named, Schieff,living in Minneapolis, where the remains

were taken yesterday,

Donations Asked.Donations of children's clothinz will be

thankfully received at the Relief society of-fice, No. 141 East Ninth streeth. as applica-

tions have been frequent of late which thesecretary has been unable to supply. Outerwear and underwear forboys and girls of all

aces and sizes, from infancy to twelve or

fifteen years is needed. Also children'sshoes.

R. Haix, Secretary Relief Society.

St. Paul, June 30, 1884.

Ban Away from St- Peter.Supt. C. K. Bartiett, of the St. Peter In-

sane asylum, notified Judge McGrorty, of the

probate court, yesterday, that August Proc-tor, sent up from St. Paul last May, havingrecovered, had run away last Thursday. Hesaid his insanity was produced by intemper-ance, and asked that ifhe put in an appear-ance in the city and did not behaye tohavefcj^arrested and sent back.


One ofthe Oldest Settlers of St. PaulAnd in Business Here

Since 1849.

Captain and Chief in the Volunteer Fire De-partment-Public Spirited and


Death From Blood Poisoning, lei-suiting1 ioinHeart Disease.

Aconsiderable part of the community wassurprised yesterday afternon to learn thatBartlett Presley was dead. Ho has been hereso long, was so wellknown, and was alwaysabout so hearty and well that it neverseemed to occur to any one thut he was like-ly to die. But itseems that his health wasfar less rugged than itwas supposed to be,and at 2:30 yesterday afternoon he expiredat his residence on the corner of Summitand Dayton avenues.

The immediate cause of his death washeart failure. That is to say, his heartceased to operate, owing to his blood beingthin and in poor condition. It is wellknown that about two years ugo, Mr. Presley,while out riding, was thrown from a carriageand had one of his legs broken below theknee. From this accident he fully recov-ered, and was as well as ever, apparently.For many years Mr. Presley has been in thehabit of going south to spend the winter, re-turning in May or June. Last fall, as usual,he migrated to the south. Some time duringthe winter one of his legs, that had troubledhim some herein St. Paul, began to give seri-ous cause for alarm. This was not the leg,however, that was broken, as many have er-roneously supposed, but it was the other.The first indications of trouDle were producedby the appearance of a hard lump on the legabove the knee. Though somewhatpainful it was not sufficiently so to arrestimmediate attentiou, and the deceased didnot allow ittointerfere with the ordinary en-joyments to be found in the south during thewinter months. As time wore along thelump assumed larger proportions until it be-came necessary to do something. The limbby this time had swelled to nearly twice theordinary si*.. He consulted eminent phy-siciaqs but they could do nothing for him.He then went to Chicago and submitted thelimb to the inspection of specialists. Noneof them helped him. Most of them did notknow what to make of it, and putting a lit-tle iodine on the swelled part of the limb thespecialist sent him away saying that the swell-ing would come down. It did- not decreasebutkept growing worse. He then went toSt. Louis where the iodine remedy was againrecommended and applied with no better re-sults than at Chicago. The deceased thenwent to the Hot springs which proved as use-less as all other efforts. He then, thinkingthat possibly itmight be a cancer, went toRome, New York, where he was examinedwith care, and was informed that the troublewas not cancer but something else. Gettingi)O assistance from any quarter, andespecially none from specialists, and thespring time coming on the deceased re-turned toSt. Paul about the Ist ofMay. Thelimb at this time was very much swollen andhad been forseveral weeks. Doctors Murphyand Hand were called in anda very thorough examination wasmade, and the conclusion was arrived atthat there was a gathering of matter beneaththe surface. An incision was made and alarge quantity of matter was removed. Afterthis the swelling went down a good deal andMr.Presley appeared to improve. Sundayhe was up and yesterday morning he was ap-parently better and lay down on the lounge.About noon he began to failand died at 2:30Inthe afternoon, of what is called bloodpoisoning.


The following description of the deceasedwas prepared and published by Mr. T. M.Newson, in his "Pen Pictures," in theGlobe of March 16, 1884:

"That short, chunky man, talking slowly,is the gentleman whose name heads this par-agraph. He is a little different from the or-dinary cut of men; has a solid, lymphaticcharacteristic, but a pensiveness which marksthe man of thought and the man of business.He was born in Germany in the year 1823;was raised in St. Louis; married in 1843;moved to Galena in 1849, and from thencecame to St. Paul the same year. He com-menced withnothing forty years ago, dealingiv fruits, etc., and from this he drifted intothe retail and wholesale grocery business,but of late years he has made fruits hisspecialty, dealing largely in them, and buy-ing directly from the points where they arcraised, eastern California and other places.He was the original fruit dealer in this city,and to-day is by far the heaviest merchant inthis line. Mr. Presley was a member of thecommon council three continuous years,and chief engineer of our fire department forthree years. He purchased the first steamfire engine brought to St. Paul. He took theposition of chief engineer at a time when thedepartment was inbad odor, and left itin anelevated and efficient condition. What isremarkable, he is the only merchant in St.Paul, or in the state, who has been continu-ously in business forty years. He is a livingillustration of a fact, that a legitimate busi-ness closely adhered to for a series of years,willprove triumphant in the end. InpersonMr. Presley represents the German type ofman, with heavy features and a slow andcautious movement. He speaks a littlebroken and somewhat thick, owing to athroat difficulty, yet expresses himself inaclear and terse manner. He is never idle;never has been. Always attends to his ownbusiness and plods on day after day withrenewed determination to add somethingmore to his financial gains. When chiefof the fire department, who does notremember tbe kindly acts of his departedwife, who, in the coldest of weather, whenthe jaded firemen were almost ready to giveout, she replenished them with hot coffee,not once but many times; of her presenta-tion of flags to the gallant boys ;of her con-stant efforts to encourage and sustain them ?And who was kinder to the firemen than ]}.

Presley? Many a once yonng man, nowgrowing gray, will remember these kindlyacts

—these sweet memories of a by-gone day.

Mr.Presley erected yearsago, various tenementhouses on Eighth street, and among thenumber was one known a3 the Clubhouse.Only a few years ago he built an elegant bus-iness block on the site of his old stand, andto-day he is estimated to be worth $200, (#>o.Quiet, unobtrusive,industrious,soiid, yet pub-lic spirited and enterprising, Mr. Presleyought tobe satisfied with bis success, andfrom what we know of the man, we guesshe is."

HIS FAMILY. *Mr.Presley was twice married. His first

wife died about three years ago. Subse-quently he was married to Mrs. Wingfield,the daughter of Capt. John Martin, who sur-vives him.


The funeral willtake place from bis lateresidence on the corner of Summit and Day-

ton avenues, at 2 p. m. to-morrow, underthe auspices of the Knights Templar, ofwhich he was aprominent member.

Attention Sir Knights.

Headquarters Damascas Com. No. 1K.T. )

St. Paul, -IplyIst, 1884. $Ton are hereby notified to report at the

Asylum infull dress on Wednesday, July

2d*at 2 p. m., sharp, to attend the funeral ofSir Knight Bartlett Presley.

By order of the E. C.Geo. S. Acker, Recorder.

Attention Firemen.

All firemen of the old volunteer fire de-partment and all members of the present firedepartment are requested to meet at thecourt house corner of Wabasbaw ana Fifthstreets, at 7:30 p. m., on Tuesday, July 1,

for the purpose of making arrangements toattend the funeral of our late brother fire-man, Bartlett Presley.-

By order of the president fire departmentassociation. "LochHzbtlb, Secretary.


A Bad Quill—A Wholesome Chronom-eter.

He Shot Cock Kol>ln—Results of Whoop-injiItUp,Etc.

Itwas a tame morning at the municipalcourt yesterday, although it was the hottestof the season atmospherically. J. Quill, a

young desperado who had just finished aterm of five days at the workhouse for drunk-enness, was arraigned for drawing a revol-ver on a Uniyersity avenue man six monthsago, and was given a chance to go out toraise $20 fine with no officer in eight, inhopes that he would feather out of town, itbeing considered the cheapest w»y to be quit

of him.W. Wilson, the JY.ckson street young

mulatto nigqt shooter, said he was guilty ofplanting a laden pill in the leg of }ne Cum-mings, and was sent to the county jailtoawait the action of the next grand jury.

Kate Filbert concluded she wouldn't haveher case cracked open in the court on acharge of street promenading at unseemlyhours and forfeited her ?15 bail.

E Anderson, who got on a terrible benderand whooped itup in the tunnel on Sabbathafternoon, paid ina $10 fine and registereda vow that ifhe ever got in a budge againhe would find a place todo it in where thecontingent expenses were not so ilat-footed,

P. Poison and N. 'Goslin, a pair of twindrunks, were so melted with the heat thatthey couldn't crush a fly, were given fivedays each, while F. Johnson on being dis-missedforthe same offence on account ofthe patrol wagon's failing to back up itscomplaint for bringing him in from Iglehartstreet the night before, shuffled out the doorin high glee at his escape from the coppers.

Arthur Hoffman was arraigned and com-mitted to the county jail for a hearing forlarceny to-day. Arthur's troubles had all oc-curred on acconnt of a watch belonging toanother fellow mysteriously getting into hispocket, for the life ofhim how he could nottell. Truly we liveindangerous times whentickers thus assume to themselves arms andlegs.

Caught on the Wing.Gov. Ordway of Dakota, soon to be ex-

Gov. Ordway, came in from Yankton yester-day noon and took the afternoon train for

Bismarck. He was captured by a Globerepresentative during bis brief stay. Thegovernor was found to be bigbly pleasedwith the quashing of the "indictmentsagainst him and also happy over the factthat he had secured orders fromWashington for an investigationboth of himself and Attorney GeneralCampbell. He seemed to think that the in-vestigation would show tho malice and false-hood of his accuser. In relation to appoint-ment ofbis successor Gov. Ordway expressedhimself very cordially. Mr.Pierce was aman whom he knew very well,a very goodman, highly educated and well qualified forthe place. He presumed itmight be someweeks before he turned over the office, usGov. Pierce had considerable toattend to be-fore assuming the position.

Petition for a Receiver.Itwill be remembered that some time

since the firm of Mayo &Clark, dealers in

iron and hardware, became financially em-barrassed, and one of the members wenteast to arrange for some relief to their busi-ness. What the result of the trip was is notknown, but itis presumed that the easementsought was not forthcoming, as yesterdayMessrs. Nichols & Dean and Averill, Russell& Carpenter filed papers in the district courtasking thatlhcy be adjudged insolvent andthat a receiver be appointed. The petition-ers sold and delivered goods to Mayo ttChirk, and took their notes for the amountsdue. The petition will l.m heard in specialterm at 10 o'clock Saturday morning.

Unlijrhted Streets.On Sunday evening the moon went down

at 11:30, at midnight the electric lights wereextinguished, and the skies being cloudythe streets of the city were left iv inky dark-ness, not a single gas light being visible.Last night the siinie state of things existedat midnight, with the exception of a solitarygas lightburning on the corner of Third andWabushaw streets. It would seem that *olarge a city as this should be lighted withstreet lamps at night when there is no moon-light, not only a matter of public con-venience but of public: necessity for peaceand safety.

ATalk WithHon. P. B. Smallcy.The Globe met Hon. P. B. Smalley, of

Vermont, yesterday, who was on his way toDakota. ,Mr. Smalely. has for eight yearsbeen the Vermont member of the Demo-cratic National committee, and has beenselected by his fiiate convention forthe next four years. Mr. Sraalleyexpress great conficence in Democratic suc-cess the coming campaign but does notchampion any particular candidate. He is abeliever in the ability of the Democratic con-vention to harmonize upon a strong andacceptable candidate and the Vermont del-egation willfavor that man.

Providing: for the Persecuted.Odessa, Juno 29.

—number of Jews have

been returned hero as destitute British-sub-jects, from Cyprus, whither they had emi-grated to avoid persecution. The Britishconsul is sending them to homes In the in-terior.

Tildenand JlcndricJcs Demanded.To the Editor of the Globe :

Wheat Field, Near Waiipeton, Da.,

June 28.—Inyour Issue of to-day you head

your dispatches, "Who Shall ItBel*1 Fromthe wheat field of Dakota comes the answer—

Samuel J. Tilden it shall beI There is noother man. Inthe purity and greatness ofhis soul he willheed the crisis and save thegovernment of Washington. He Is a pat-riot,and he willimmolate. He willheed thevoice of the. people ;aye, Imay almost Baythe voice of God.

Shall patriots let history show the shameand decadence of the government of ourfathers to have begun in that centennialyear of1870? No! Let us restore! Let usright the wrong! Let us do what we shouldhave done in1880. By the grace of theRuler of the universe the opportunity is stillours. Let the chairman of the New Yorkdelegation on the Bth of July, rise In theconvention at Chicago, and nominate Sam-uel J. Tilden and Thomas A. Hendrlcks.This is what the people want, and this Is theemblem for the flag on the ship of state.

B. Magofjux, Jr.

The Hutuof the Hour.To the Editor of the Globe :

One set of men are anxious that the Dem-ocrats would blunder bo that the Republicans

would have an assured victory. And thereare men who care less for party than forgen-eral safety, and who therefore wouldlike Re-publicans and Democrats alike to put upgood men, so that in any event the countrywould

' be well served. Inthe interest of the Democraticparty the leaders should hesitate to expressipreferences or condemn men in advance.

No man can foretell the action of a conven-tion, and the delegates that willremain alikeunpledged and unbiased willbe the delegatesthat willbe most valuable to tbelr constitu-ents and- the country. Minnesota, inpartic-ular, being a Republican state should hesi-tate to commit itself to any man, but rather

should be ready to cheer on by voiceand vote the action of the Democraticstates that will elect a candidateof that party, if one is to succeed. A goodthing would be for the delegates to keep theirminds to themselves, and give the Inter-viewer and the gossips a cold shoulder. Thebest men should be selected, but the statesthat willelect ought to be heard from beforeour people willselect their man.

Look Ox.

Calender's Minstrels.This famous troupe open at the Opera

house Thursday night. They are stronger

and funnier than ever.The sale ofBeats.beginsat 9 a. m., on Wednesday. -..

SETTLING DIFFERENCES.July 7th, tho Date Set For The Re*

storation ofThe Spring TariffonThe Upper Mississippi.

[Special Telegram to the Globe. |Chicago, June 30.—The freightmanagers

of the lines interested in the upper Mississi- \u25a0

ppi river traffic met at Commissioner Car-man's office to-day, and after a long sessionagreed to restore all rates July 7, to thebasis of the spring tariff. Itwas also decided to allow the boat lines theold differentials. This dispose! of one moretroublesome disturbance In the North-western. Had matters not been fixed up atto-day's meeting a lively fostlade would havebeen inaugurated, which would have severe-ly tested the bulwarks of the Northwesternpool. The Illinois Central and St. Paulfavored the Northwestern a week1 :iir> withtheir ultimatum, which was to openly cutrates to all common points with the North-western should the latter not come to timebefore July 1. The Northwestern people weresatisfied that their competitors meant busi-ness, and they were more than ready tocome to terms.

At the conclusion of the conference properthe members engaged iv an informaldiscussion of Central lowa mat-ters that business haviug beenmore or less demoralized since the collapseof the Central lowa Traffic association. Theresult of the convention was gratifying inthat itwas decided to call a meeting looktnjtoward the re-establishment ol the Centra.lowa Traffic association, tobe held at Com-mi.-sioner Carman's office to-day. The pros-pect of an early settlement of the Dcs Moinesdifferences, the only remaining unpleasant-ness in tbe northwest, is good.


Conniving: at Illegal Voting—The St,Croix & Wisconsin Railroad

Company.[Special Telegram to the Globe.]

MaSISON, June 30.—

The jury in theUnited States court brought in a verdict olguilty against Geo. Ililes, James Hiles andW. R, Jarvis, ol Dexter, for allowing illegalvotes to lx; polled in thecongressional contest of IS^:3 between JudgeParks and Mr Stephenson. W. li.Jarvis was recommended t" the mercy ofthecourt. Judge Dunn fined Geo. Hilesand costs, amounting in all to about $2,000James Hiles $500 and W. L. Jarvis $100.

Gov. Rusk has appointed Charles If.Nbyi asheriff of Florence county, in the place of J.E. Redmond, resigned.

There were filed with the secretary of -to-day articles of incorporation ofthe La Crosse and La Crescent ferrycompany, with a capital stuck of 830,000,and the St. Croix & Wisconsin Railroadcompany, with a capital stock ol $1,080,000.This is a consolidation of tho St. Croix iV;

Chippewa Falls and of the St. Paul & St.Croix Railroad companies, with Hon. CharlesL. Colby as president, and Howard Morris assecretary. Work is progressing rapidly andtrains willbemoving from Chippewa Falls toSt. .Paul by the Ist of January.


A Kansas Woman Fasts Fifty-ThreaDays Before She Dies.

Atciiison, Ks., June 30. Lizzie Brasley,of White Cloud, Dcnniphan county, Ks.,the woman who started to commit suicide bystarvation, succeeded Sunday morning at 3o'clock. Sho wholly abstained from foodfor aperiod of fifty-three days, during whichtime sho also stubbornly refusedto speak. .Before beginning self-etarvation, she had laid seven weeks on abed ofsickness, and her system was there-,fore much reduced when Bhe began. Anautopsy revealed the fact that her organswere all perfectly healthy. The formal ver-dict of the physicians was death by starva-tion. When she took the strange freak shohad been in an unpleasant quarrel withheifather, and the loss of a little niece, whomBhe had reared, discouraged her. She re-solved dpon suicide. She lirst tried chloral)and that failing she quit eating.

The Illinois State Convention.[Special Telegram to the Globe. |

Pbokia, 111., June 30.—The advance guard

ofthe Democratic state convention bun ar-rived and the hotels arc preparing to packpeople closer than sardines in a box. Theweather is very hot. Northern Illinois favorsCleveland, and southern Illinois, McDonaldfor president. Harrison has the call on thegovernorship, and may accept if allowed todictate the tariff plank in the platform, andifpromised the support of Illinois for vicepresident. City Comptroller Guer-ney, of Chicago, who Is here, gays Harrisondocs not hunker for the governorship.Trumbull, Winston and Melville W. Fuller,

have the bulge for delegate at large fromCook. An effort willbe made to beat MikeMcDonald for delegate from the Third dis-trict, with a German. Palmer, Koener,Morrison, Marshal, Higbee and Oberlyj arcmentioned for delegates at large from thesouth. The liquor dealers have engagedrooms fora delegation to force an anti-licence.plank Into the platform.

Good Work for a "Leper"'Plymouth, Eng., Jane 30.—While a gang of

twenty-live convicts were at work hero one ofthe number threw a large stone at tbe warden,

which struck him on the bead, Inflicting a stun-ning blow. The entire gang then ruHhod forhim. Alife convict named Stephens outHtrip-ped the others and seized the Warden's rifle andammunition mill Bred upon the advancing con-victs, six of which he seriously wounded. Whenamnnition was exhausted Stephens clubbed fiveothers withthe rifle, and when assistance ar-rived he was completely exhausted, Tbo dctails of the affair were promptly reported to thogovernment and the home secretary gave ordersthat Stephens be Immediately released fromprison and rewarded. When the good news wusmade known to Stephen! be fainted.

A Chimney Fire Scare.A chimney in the stone block opposite the

state capltol on Wabashaw street got on afurious burn at 6:80 last evening, and socompletely covered the roof with smoke as togive residents in that part of the town a bigscare. Several hook and ladder boys fromthe Central fire house obeyed the call madeupon the department, and mounting to tberoof gave the fire a thorough dose of salt andsoon quenched it.

A Quaint Celebration^HliODUnr, June 29.— celebration of

the COOth anniversary of the charming of theChildren of Hamelin by the pled piper, be-gun yesterday, was concluded to-day.

Children disguised as rats emerged fromdoorways and repeated the procession of yes-terday, running gaily behind a piper, fol-lowed by the town folks all dressed In cos-tumes of the period of the piper. The chil-dren followingthe piper finally disappearedin an improvised cave In the riverbank.

Louisiana Consols.New Orleans, La., June 23.—State Treasurer

Burke gives notice that the Interest maturingJuly 1, on Louisiana consols will be paid by the

State National bank, fiscal agency, Few Orleanswhere the coupons have to be stamped to con-form to the recently adopted debt amendments.Twoper cent, inpaid until January, 1885, afterwhich time, under the debt amendment, the in-terest i-increased to four per cent. The etat«

treasurer has asked the legislature to appropriatefunds to enable him to stamp the bonds and paythe interest InNew York and London.

Suicide.Providence, June 29. Charles J. Wil-

kinson, paymaster of the Providence &Worcester railroad, killed himself late to-night. /

Willie, son of Michael and Mary Lyonsdied yesterday and willbe buried from thefamily resident*, ©a _MiMl»»ifpi street, at 2p. m. t>day.
