THE DAILY SEPTEMBER 1IO JapaLac- · 2009....

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 1IO T IS H Ui DR B W MCUICHAN WRITES OF CHINA INTERESTING LETTER FROM MIS- SIONARY OF THIS CHURCH Explains Mode of Habits and Living ef People of FarOff Orient and Reports Progress On last Sunday at the evening serv- ice Rev Tbos P Hay of the First Presbyterian church read to the con- gregation a most Interesting letter from Rev H W McCutchan the mis sloaary sent out by this church to China IasBUCB as many members of the church were prevented from attend lag this service and taking Into con BideratlOB tho fact that the letter will prove of deep Interest not only to them but to the public generally Tbe Sun II permitted to publish tho same through tbe courtesy of Mr Hay The Letter Suchlen China July 1 1909 Iy Dedr Dr Hay In my last let ter to you I think I mentioned the fact that Rev B C Patterson suffer- ing a very severe attack of pneumon- ia 1 am glad to say that in due time he recovered his health About tbe same time Rev W F Junkin wet with a very painful accident In which one of his lower limbs was broken not far from the hip joint He was in bed six or eight weeks but now he has gone out on an itinerating trip Notwithstanding these misfortunes- the condition of affairs here Is very encouraging In general the opposi- tion to Christianity to be decreasing and the native Christians do not suffer so much per- secution and ridicule as they formerly- did The women here have manifest- ed a strange desire to learn and the missionary ladles are kept busy teach lag them from the catechism and Gospels Several women are learning- to read a task which for them Is difficult beyond our power to Imagine The Chinese women themselves say that they are stupid to kill and no one can dispute that statement During the past few months eighteen persons have been received into this church including one teacher and ten students from the boys school and two students from the girls school Wo now have four native teachers aad fiftyeight boys In our school Three of the teachers and twentyfour of tile boys are church members and several other boys have asked to bo baptized but have been advised to walt a while 80 you see that the weight of influence In this school Is very strongly In favor of Christianity We hope that at least a few of these boys will become ministers of the Gos pel and If you could see their bright intelligent faces and think of the good work they may be able to do in tho coming years I believe you would agree with me that after all the school work is the most promising- of all our missionary activities I do not mean to underestimate the Im- portance of all kinds of work but of course the final Issue from a human standpoint rests with the educated native Christians themselves A few weeks ego I beard a splendid sermon by of our native helpers His subject was Evidences of Christian- ity and he showed a breadth of scope which was really wonderful I have heard this man preach so often that I am familiar with his peculiar- ities of expression and can under- stand him fairly well on some sub- jects A good deal of work has been done on the new school building and we hope to build more next fall Wo art building only one story high a plan which does not impress Americans very favorably but tho Chinese con- sider these buildings quite symme- trical and handsome and I am Untrn lug o like thorn butter For several months this ruglon suff- ered from a drought wkkh HiMilly same o iwkHm ifcit tk mtkH r rttNl la KwrvMliNM U prior t- IN rein tlntiwM luh M Mi4uM r- H4 M W m SMpflbNl Hh stir feom NSMtttw uh ahull tkwy m 4r 4- ti Mj Mi t It I mid tSt AlMMtl- H r tn l 0 IttM lu uitt as seems grad- ually one w r r f rt I I ut e11 II I n- e III 1 t ry t I be- t r chili svrKI hNKarr Nad N r4MKI- 1tht tiriy4o lir4aval lkr KNIT N s 0 Iklfl1LMI I iNMa plwrita 11 i4ai ib rttu lint t4 sss t l I Ih- N v h E Uw Eu ar a t j- i s ciiii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < + + JapaLac- A Combined Varnish and Stain Revives old woodwork furniture and floors by cov- ering the mars anti scratch- es at the same time pro- ducing a brilliant and dura ble finish What JapaLac Is For Interior woodwork- of all kinds Floors Furniture Porch Furniture Iron Work Carriages Vagons Etc Baird Hardware Co- a doorway extensively decorated like the entrance to an exhibition hall at a carnival except that all these deco rations were white which Is the Chinese mourning color We learned that this was the funeral of an old grandmother Beside the door were papercovered figures of persons eight or ten feet In height Nearby was- a small booth full of musicians These native musicians know only one tune which is not a very good one but they use It at weddings and funerals alike except that sometimes the fu neral music also has a drum In this part of the country a wedding is call ed a happy affair In other places It Is called a red happy affair and- a funeral Is called a white happy af- fair the colors referring to the which afford the best means of distinguishing between the two affairs- I have recently beard a curious story of superstition Several months since some parties of native survey- ors passed through this part of the country In the Interests of proposed railway lines These men used for- eign Instruments and wore some for- eign clothing so of course they arous- ed the suspicions of the local natives Soon a report was heard that these had scattered abroad a vast number of loose hairs only a few Inches long When one of these hairs drifts Into the ashes of an incense urn the hair becomes a worm which causes a pestilence In the family own- ing the urn So the people have been busily sifting the ashes of their urns to find and burn these hairs and thus avoid a pestilence Such things may seem ludicrous at first but It IH real- ly very sad to think of these countless millions of human beings living in constant fear of sonic such evil In- fluence They are willing to believe almost anything except the truth and some of them are even believing the truth when It Is taught to them I have ordered for you our mission publication a small magazine called The IllMonthly Bulletin If you fall to receive It please let me know 1 hope that you will find It interesting 1 shall be very glad to hoar from you or from uuy of your conitrttga lion who have limn to writs With kindest regards to nil very sincerely yours II W McClTCIIAN Heavy liuiwr Wood mak a mud- dy pliuidy coiupluxloii kNulMchi- milKtHk ItHllKtftftkHt TklH Wood imtktM you v k jwU sickly il r dink UkMMi IMHni nmkiM UM bkwM r l rw l rv t i rfMt deco- rations hI Itar 111111 1 surveyors s risk host Itk- rku h1 plait bun our s wNl4- Is Kt 1Mr N Math slit N t- rMgr Ibh ueh All K4 IN hr aln ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + LUMBER MEN TO GET THEIR MONEY BACK ABOUT 1000000 ORDERED PAID IN REFUNDS Yellow Pine Shipper Coming Into Their Own by Interstate Reparation Order WASHINGTON Sept order Involving approximately 1000000 and which is issued against the railroads operating in several of the Southern States was issued yesterday by the Interstate Commerce Commission The money must be paid by the railroads to members of the Central Yellow Pine Association which is made up of mill men who have ship- ped large amounts of yellow pine lum ber over various railroads of the South and on which it is claimed ex- cess freight charges were levied Yesterdays order Includes principal ly the cases affecting Louisiana Ml- slsslpjil and Western Alabama- The charges made by the railroad amounted to two cents per hundred pounds in excess of the amount which the commission had laid down as an equitable rate and tbe case had been In the courts and before the com mission for more than a year DEATH OF MRS ROBINSON Our community was saddened Sun- day by the sudden death of Mrs Llna Robinson nee Jones which occurred- at her home Worthington Springs Sunday Sept 5 1909 in the twen- tieth year of her life Sad indeed Leaving us only a few months ago a bride in the bloom of youth and young womanhood It seems hard to realize she is dead leaving in her place a beautiful little daughter only a few days old She leaves besides her husband a father mother three sisters and one brother a dear old grandmother rela- tives and a host of friends to mourn her death TIs hard to break the tender cord When love has bound tbe heart TIs hard so bard to speak the words Must we forever part Dearest loved one we have laid then In the peaceful graves embrace Dut thy memory will be cherished Till we see thy heavenly face A FRIEND Rochelle Fla Sept S 1909 ORANGE HEIGHTS NOTES ORANGE HEIGHTS Sept S Beecher Dickerson moved his family- to Kings Mill one day last week Caesar Reddish lost a calf last week Something bit off the end of Its tongue while it was eating grass and it died soon after A horse belonging to Geo Fletcher was bitten by a snake one day but it has recovered Saturday Sept 4th Arthur Dv shields Invited twelve of his friends to celebrate his tenth birthday with him A pleasant time was had School opened Monday morning of this week with Mr Asa Hrantly a teacher Thirty pupils were present Miss Fannie McMllllan visited in Melrose this week When last heard from Dr and Mrs Curtis were In Alaska many many miles from hone Uen Lutupklns was homo Sunday lie Is employed in the express office- In Gainesville To Be Happy You must have rood health You cant haw health If your liver U not titling Its dutyslow but MoHlHg is KtilHg ow all tlu turn uml r suck elmiMi iuncr itallanl- llerbiH wak a w rftl Itwr kM ib kiwMAih and inimU right ami MIIB H luuu ia fi u lure dtiUI iMN tl want ads do WOTM t tatt- ttau nil 4li r l r iur com IH fact they uri u u SAn I I 1 halt to b I The real Com- missions one year oid re- cently goal sure A Ir 11 il 4LNww t tk1 b 1IMI that Its brikrrs ant sisal Oata ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > + + l U t ftfilfc N lfc Mi t 4 U Aw tm4Mrtm4Um9 N Al Ii 1 It t I stilt 0 hi- t k J tl t I 0 4 t t hi i jt t II Ii I Ii I 1 oilli wide Nvt1- Ik a pee 1k4 pet 1 ltii t a wIi wke It i ft ti s1Ali IMt Iluatt pke1 let w 1 Nrr Mid MM aIt111NtIhhlMtaii ip I11 > + + THE CURE FOR SCROFULAT- he usual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands of the sores and ulcers body skin affections troubles eyes and general poor health The inherited poison transmitted through- the blood weakens this fluid and placo of its nutritive manhood or womanhood handicapped by and stunted growth given in early life would have prevented this It would have cleansed and the blood of the taint and or womanhood Is the very best remedy for Scrofula It down to tho bottom of the trouble and cleanses the circulation of all scrofulous matter the weak diseased blood with strength and healthbuilding qualities and under the purifying effects of great sir S S S on weak qualities fills the circulation with scrofulous matter saps tho Vitality- of Thousands of children born a have spent their childhood in constant physical suffering and grown and perhaps later somo disease of the bones or joints developed S s S their and assisted each to grow into strong healthful manhood S S S goes remedy of pass away s no minerals any and is an absolutely treatment for children even infants of say age Literature about Scrofula and an THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO which with 4 to all in ATLANTA dGA > ESTHER B JORDAN W W HAMPTON JORDAN COMPANY INSURANCEPOR- TER BIOCK OAINESVILLE FLORIDA Fire Life and Accident COOK AUTOMOBILE COMPANY F B MYERS Manner AGENCY Dont be misled for none are so as this MasHie Street BUICK FltrMi G S Merchant Co sad Jsfcfctm IH Staple and Fancy Groceries Grain Garden Seed and Fertilizers SOUTH SIDE SQUARE GAINESVILLE FLORIDA Hlfnest market price paid fer Chickens Eggs and oth Produce A Complete stock of Hay Cora Oats Flour Bras Teal Cottoa ideal sad Rye We baadle caly the Very lest goods- at Lowest Prices sad guarantee aatlaCactloa always Ii lte aoa BUICK IiI Hsvile teed Oc i good Retailers ATLANTIC PLUMBING COMPANY- We Go Hunting Get the Game WHY bcau we handle all tin standard material such sw 1orless Wstcr Closet Coiuliinatinn I iiiilton Gem NoJKU s IvowDown Tank Also Math Tubs Lavatories and Hifil Grade Kran Goo l all guaranteed for tier years 213 E Liberty i for W- and 1 Phone I l 1 151 < < + BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA Is a homtly expreriflion- 1iit tluu Hiaiiil wht n you lilt ilown- at night in a liuiue that nt rottottMl by in ur uri HnnuK i ft- M wonl for n HMiu with A M CUSHMAH Agent Gainesville i is nbout d f Po Itt tultltllig t- nI huB l lit t- hl er paid littit I In- II fllfWIt 1 04 rte s t h11 yOU I I Ito I t ai rlhtrlitl r- tg i tit i ttlt iis r t i t It t1liIi J

Transcript of THE DAILY SEPTEMBER 1IO JapaLac- · 2009....


    T IS







    Explains Mode of Habits and Living

    ef People of FarOff Orientand Reports Progress

    On last Sunday at the evening serv-ice Rev Tbos P Hay of the FirstPresbyterian church read to the con-gregation a most Interesting letterfrom Rev H W McCutchan the missloaary sent out by this church toChina

    IasBUCB as many members of thechurch were prevented from attendlag this service and taking Into conBideratlOB tho fact that the letter willprove of deep Interest not only tothem but to the public generally TbeSun II permitted to publish tho samethrough tbe courtesy of Mr Hay

    The LetterSuchlen China July 1 1909

    Iy Dedr Dr Hay In my last letter to you I think I mentioned the factthat Rev B C Patterson suffer-ing a very severe attack of pneumon-ia 1 am glad to say that in due timehe recovered his health About tbesame time Rev W F Junkin wetwith a very painful accident In whichone of his lower limbs was brokennot far from the hip joint He wasin bed six or eight weeks but now hehas gone out on an itinerating tripNotwithstanding these misfortunes-the condition of affairs here Is veryencouraging In general the opposi-tion to Christianity to be

    decreasing and the nativeChristians do not suffer so much per-secution and ridicule as they formerly-did The women here have manifest-ed a strange desire to learn and themissionary ladles are kept busy teachlag them from the catechism andGospels Several women are learning-to read a task which for them Isdifficult beyond our power to ImagineThe Chinese women themselves saythat they are stupid to kill and noone can dispute that statement

    During the past few months eighteenpersons have been received into thischurch including one teacher and tenstudents from the boys school andtwo students from the girls schoolWo now have four native teachersaad fiftyeight boys In our schoolThree of the teachers and twentyfourof tile boys are church members andseveral other boys have asked to bobaptized but have been advised towalt a while 80 you see that theweight of influence In this school Isvery strongly In favor of ChristianityWe hope that at least a few of theseboys will become ministers of the Gospel and If you could see their brightintelligent faces and think of thegood work they may be able to doin tho coming years I believe youwould agree with me that after allthe school work is the most promising-of all our missionary activities I donot mean to underestimate the Im-portance of all kinds of work but ofcourse the final Issue from a humanstandpoint rests with the educatednative Christians themselves A fewweeks ego I beard a splendid sermonby of our native helpers Hissubject was Evidences of Christian-ity and he showed a breadth ofscope which was really wonderful Ihave heard this man preach so oftenthat I am familiar with his peculiar-ities of expression and can under-stand him fairly well on some sub-jects

    A good deal of work has been doneon the new school building and wehope to build more next fall Wo artbuilding only one story high a planwhich does not impress Americansvery favorably but tho Chinese con-sider these buildings quite symme-trical and handsome and I am Untrnlug o like thorn butter

    For several months this ruglon suff-ered from a drought wkkh HiMillysame o iwkHm ifcit tk mtkH r

    rttNl la KwrvMliNM U prior t-IN rein tlntiwM luh M Mi4uM r-

    H4 M W m SMpflbNl Hh stir feomNSMtttw uh ahull tkwy m 4r 4-

    ti Mj Mi t It I mid tSt AlMMtl-H r tn l 0 IttM lu uitt


    seems grad-ually






    rt II ut



    I n-e III

    1 t





    tr chili

    svrKI hNKarr Nad N r4MKI-1tht tiriy4o lir4aval lkr

    KNIT N

    s0 Iklfl1LMI I

    iNMa plwrita 11 i4ai ib rttulint t4 sss t l I Ih-

    N v hE Uw Eu ar a

    t j-







    > ¬


















    > <



    JapaLac-A Combined

    Varnish and


    Revives old woodworkfurniture and floors by cov-ering the mars anti scratch-es at the same time pro-ducing a brilliant and durable finish

    What JapaLac Is ForInterior woodwork-

    of all kindsFloors

    FurniturePorch Furniture

    Iron WorkCarriages Vagons Etc

    Baird Hardware Co-

    a doorway extensively decorated likethe entrance to an exhibition hall ata carnival except that all these decorations were white which Is theChinese mourning color We learnedthat this was the funeral of an oldgrandmother Beside the door werepapercovered figures of persons eightor ten feet In height Nearby was-a small booth full of musicians Thesenative musicians know only one tunewhich is not a very good one butthey use It at weddings and funeralsalike except that sometimes the funeral music also has a drum In thispart of the country a wedding is called a happy affair In other placesIt Is called a red happy affair and-a funeral Is called a white happy af-fair the colors referring to the

    which afford the best means ofdistinguishing between the two affairs-

    I have recently beard a curiousstory of superstition Several monthssince some parties of native survey-ors passed through this part of thecountry In the Interests of proposedrailway lines These men used for-eign Instruments and wore some for-eign clothing so of course they arous-ed the suspicions of the local nativesSoon a report was heard that these

    had scattered abroad a vastnumber of loose hairs only a fewInches long When one of these hairsdrifts Into the ashes of an incense urnthe hair becomes a worm whichcauses a pestilence In the family own-ing the urn So the people have beenbusily sifting the ashes of their urnsto find and burn these hairs and thusavoid a pestilence Such things mayseem ludicrous at first but It IH real-ly very sad to think of these countlessmillions of human beings living inconstant fear of sonic such evil In-fluence They are willing to believealmost anything except the truth andsome of them are even believing thetruth when It Is taught to them

    I have ordered for you our missionpublication a small magazine calledThe IllMonthly Bulletin If you fall toreceive It please let me know 1hope that you will find It interesting

    1 shall be very glad to hoar fromyou or from uuy of your conitrttgalion who have limn to writs Withkindest regards to nil very sincerelyyours II W McClTCIIAN

    Heavy liuiwr Wood mak a mud-dy pliuidy coiupluxloii kNulMchi-milKtHk ItHllKtftftkHt TklH WoodimtktM you v k jwU sickly il rdink UkMMi IMHni nmkiM UM bkwM

    r l rw l rv t i rfMt



    Itar 1111111



    riskhost Itk-

    rku h1 plait bun our s wNl4-Is Kt 1Mr N Math slit N t-

    rMgr Ibh ueh All K4 IN hr aln





















    Yellow Pine Shipper Coming Into

    Their Own by Interstate

    Reparation Order

    WASHINGTON Sept orderInvolving approximately 1000000 andwhich is issued against the railroadsoperating in several of the SouthernStates was issued yesterday by theInterstate Commerce Commission

    The money must be paid by therailroads to members of the CentralYellow Pine Association which ismade up of mill men who have ship-ped large amounts of yellow pine lumber over various railroads of theSouth and on which it is claimed ex-cess freight charges were levied

    Yesterdays order Includes principally the cases affecting Louisiana Ml-slsslpjil and Western Alabama-

    The charges made by the railroadamounted to two cents per hundredpounds in excess of the amountwhich the commission had laid downas an equitable rate and tbe case hadbeen In the courts and before the commission for more than a year


    Our community was saddened Sun-day by the sudden death of Mrs LlnaRobinson nee Jones which occurred-at her home Worthington SpringsSunday Sept 5 1909 in the twen-tieth year of her life

    Sad indeed Leaving us only a fewmonths ago a bride in the bloom ofyouth and young womanhood Itseems hard to realize she is deadleaving in her place a beautiful littledaughter only a few days old

    She leaves besides her husband afather mother three sisters and onebrother a dear old grandmother rela-tives and a host of friends to mournher death

    TIs hard to break the tender cordWhen love has bound tbe heart

    TIs hard so bard to speak thewords

    Must we forever part

    Dearest loved one we have laid thenIn the peaceful graves embrace

    Dut thy memory will be cherishedTill we see thy heavenly face

    A FRIENDRochelle Fla Sept S 1909


    ORANGE HEIGHTS Sept SBeecher Dickerson moved his family-to Kings Mill one day last week

    Caesar Reddish lost acalf last week Something bit off theend of Its tongue while it was eatinggrass and it died soon after

    A horse belonging to Geo Fletcherwas bitten by a snake one day

    but it has recoveredSaturday Sept 4th Arthur Dv

    shields Invited twelve of his friendsto celebrate his tenth birthday withhim A pleasant time was had

    School opened Monday morning ofthis week with Mr Asa Hrantly ateacher Thirty pupils were present

    Miss Fannie McMllllan visited inMelrose this week

    When last heard from Dr and MrsCurtis were In Alaska many manymiles from hone

    Uen Lutupklns was homo Sundaylie Is employed in the express office-In Gainesville

    To Be HappyYou must have rood health You

    cant haw health If your liverU not titling Its dutyslow butMoHlHg is KtilHg ow all tlu turnuml r suck elmiMi iuncr itallanl-llerbiH wak a w rftlItwr kM ib kiwMAih and inimUright ami MIIB H luuu ia fi ulure dtiUI

    iMN tl

    want ads do WOTM t tatt-ttau nil 4li r l r iur com

    IH fact they uri u u





    halt to

    b I

    The real



    one year oid





    Ir 11 il


    tk1 b 1IMI that Its brikrrs antsisal Oata











    l U t ftfilfc N lfc Mi t 4U Aw tm4Mrtm4Um9

    N Al Ii 1 It tI stilt0hi-

    t k J tlt I 0 4 tt hi i jt t II Ii I Ii I

    1 oilli wide Nvt1-Ik a pee 1k4 pet 1 ltii t

    a wIi wke It i ft ti s1Ali IMt Iluatt pke1 letw 1 Nrr Mid MM aIt111NtIhhlMtaii ip I11





    he usual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands of thesores and ulcers body skin affections troubleseyes and general poor health The inherited poison transmitted through-the blood weakens this fluid and placo of its nutritive

    manhood or womanhood handicapped by and stunted growth

    given in early life would have prevented this It would havecleansed and the blood of the taint and

    or womanhood Is the very best remedy for Scrofula Itdown to tho bottom of the trouble and cleanses the circulation of allscrofulous matter the weak diseased blood with strengthand healthbuilding qualities and under the purifying effects of great


    S S Son weak

    qualities fills the circulation with scrofulous matter saps tho Vitality-of Thousands of children born ahave spent their childhood in constant physical suffering and grown

    and perhaps later somo disease of the bones or joints developed S s S

    their and assisted each to grow into strong healthful manhoodS S S goes

    remedy of pass away s no mineralsany and is an absolutely treatment for children even infants

    of say age Literature about Scrofula and anTHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO

    whichwith 4








    Fire Life and Accident


    AGENCYDont be misled for none are

    so as this

    MasHie Street



    G S Merchant Cosad Jsfcfctm IH

    Staple and Fancy GroceriesGrain Garden Seed and Fertilizers


    Hlfnest market price paid fer Chickens Eggs and oth Produce

    A Complete stock of Hay Cora Oats Flour Bras Teal Cottoaideal sad Rye We baadle caly the Very lest goods-

    at Lowest Prices sad guarantee aatlaCactloa always


    lte aoa


    IiI Hsvile







    We Go Hunting

    Get the GameWHY

    bcau we handle all tin standardmaterial such sw 1orless WstcrCloset Coiuliinatinn I iiiilton GemNoJKU s IvowDown Tank AlsoMath Tubs Lavatories and HifilGrade Kran Goo l all guaranteedfor tier years

    213 E Liberty


    for W-






