The Daily national Whig. (Washington, D.C.). 1847-08-13 [p...

IVOR THLVG TOA G. SXETHE.Y, Attorney unit Counsellor nt LAW, WASHINGTON, B.C. Praptirn in iho Supreme Court of the United Mules, nu,| j. i[ie eouru of Maryland, Virginia, and Ihn District of Columbia, and ACTS AS AC EXT for persons b'aW.ig b.sin"ss Congress, the War, Treauuiy, Navy,and C.neriil Dost Office De pnrtrnents, the Cent a: Land Cilice, Pension Office Office of Indian Affairs. Potent Office, «Stc. &c. OFFICE Missouri Avenue, between ifil and 4, streets. rcf Particular atlcnlion pud to ti e procuring o' the Bounty duo to Soldiers ot the I niud -States under the law i f Peb. 11, IH4V, and to the procuring ot Patents for new Inventions. ^ ap U.ltf I TO IIVVENTORS. PATENT AGENCY AT Washington Cily.D.C. T WILLIAM P. ELLIOT, FOKMEULY bK THE PATENT OFFICE. rpHE SUBSCRIBER, for more than twenty years P connected with the Paient Office, and for many year* official Purveyor of the City of Washington, having relinquished all business connected with hi* Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying departments, in order to devote his whole time and attention to the service of Inventors, Patentees, and persons interested in Patents, and to establish a permanent Agency at the Seat of Government for the use and benefit of that important class of the communj > ty, oilers his services to all persons desiring to make inquiries respecting the originalitv of Inventions and discoveries, and the practice or obtaining Patents iu (he l/nited Stales, and relating to all kinds of business required 10 he transacted at the Patent Office such as making searches, and preparing papers and drawings for applicants for Patents Caveats, Assignments, Agreements; amending Rejected Claims, and presenting thorn for re examination; attending to Appeal Caries, Interfering Applications, and drawing up papers relating thereto, and to taking evidence respecting tlio originuliiy of Inventions. He will also attend to making out petitions for the rei suing, renewal, .extension, and restoration of lost Patents; apply for Withdrawals, and for Patents for Additional Improvements and Designs; make Disi latrncrs, and procure copies of Patents, Deeds, Drawings, Ac., and have thorn recorded* He will flho superintend Commission!) for taking testimony ('ourts in the several States. lie will likewise at* tend to the drawing of Bill* in Equity, in case* ol Appeal, and attend to the case* at court; to giving opinions on the legality of Intents granted, and legal opinion* on ail other points touching Patent issee; to furnishing copies of decision* on points ol law relating thereto to e xplaining the practice of our curts in deciding Patent cases and to all business ol a legal character relating to Patents. In the discharge of the above named duties,the subscriber wilt be absisted by gentlemen of the highest legal attainunlit and by artists of the first eminence. 'J'he subscriber having (during a tour through Ku' r>pe) made arrangements with able ami responsible Agents in London and Pahiu, will attend to the procuring of Patents in England and Fuanci;, and will explain the practice of procuring patents in other } ortifri Countries. l he undersigned.offers hi- services to Agents and Applicants lor Patcnis residing out of Washing'on, whose cases may have been rejected at the Patent Office, ori acc unt ol defective claims, or the misapprtihen. ion of the Examiners, arising} from obscure description*. In such cases he will make the requited examination* and )>crsonal applications, and necessary amenduients to the paf>ers. His long experience in this branch of the business will enable turn to give satisfaction. When it is known that many of the rejected claims might be carried through the office successfully, if properly presented and explained, the importance of this biaiich of the Agency will be duly appreciated. The subscriber will also attend to procuring Modi Lb where required to lie made from drawings ol written descriptions. ALo to having draw fugs done in Lithography. His terms will be according to the nature and extent of the services to be performed. The usual retaming fee, however, ol live dollars, will generally he expected in advance. The charge for making an exiauiinatiou will be about five dollars. 'Pirn other charges for the. simplest cabes will be as follows; For preparing papers. viz.* Petition, specification and oath . . t . $5 00 For |repining original drawings . ^ 6 00 Ho. duplicate . . 6 00 For Agency fee ... ft 00 For complex eases the charge* will vary from f-M) to 1100. For integrity of character, jier-ons unacquainted with the undersigned are respectfully referred to member* ni>d ex-iuembera of Congress who have resided iu Wa»hin«5ton and for qnalificaUon* ho re his own works, (one .»f 'which is ihe design of the building in which ihe Pu'cnt Olhce in arranged,) and to the annexed testimonial of an individual well known to the wholv country, and to whom, more than any one else, it is tnd* >ted for the present nlemlid establishment, and excellent code of lawf elating to Patents that refl ict so much credit on hi-1 name. i'tbUtnonial of the Hon. H. L. Ellsworth, Lot-. Cutnmusxio itr of Patents. Patlut Chick. February 15, 184*. Mr. wilii»m P. Elliot, who has been former!) employed in ih«» Patent Oificc as Draughtsman, &.C.,! having eytahlifched a Patent Agency in the City of Washington. I take great pleasure in recommending him as a pvnileman worihy of confidence, and a* being parucularlv qualified to take charge of any bu pmeBb requiring a knowledge <rf Mechanical Science, Progretki of the ArU». and Patent Improvements. Mr. Elliot in ul*o well acquainted with the practice of fhia Ottice. IIkvht L. Ellsworth. Office directly'tpposilc the I a'rnt Office, corner of F and Eighth hired*. (TTAII Letters on business must be post paid. W. 1>. ELLIOT, pine 11 . ly Solicitor for Patents. ri^HE UNDERSICiNED having examined a set 1 of Cochrun's Mups of Sacred Geography, rubmittid to their itn-pvetion by Mr. Win. Hoben Monroe, toko pleasure in certifying that, in their judgment, they cannot fail to be greatly useful to Sabbath Schools, and highly interesting as well auseful in families. They would thcelore highly recommend them to the favorable notice of p 'I Sabbath Schools and others. .Alexandria, July iiblh, 1816. 6°'VGj5lakV, \ Pa!,l°" M- K C,,ulth' John McCormick, Supt. M. E. 8. School Elias Harrison, Pastor 1st Pres. Church Janics McKejuie, Supt. u S. School. John S Reese, Pastor Af. P. Church. i ii'/ium »ivvu»iiiivn) OUJM. P>. SCIIOOI. .V. 8. Eliksoii, Principal Female Boarding School. Washington City. N. J. B. .1/oigaii, Pablor, Foundry Congrcga on. .1 VV. French, Rrclor IVol. E. Church. Geo. W. Samson, Pastor E aticet BapLnd Church. Ncpliiuuft Tuatin, Chaplain tJ. S Senate Win. H. Jt/ilburn, Chaplain I ouse Itcnw. Alum a M. Lincoln Fhe!p*, Principle of Patap^o Fctnale limlitute. W. B Kdwards, Preacher in charge Charles* s»t. »>/ L.Church, Baltimore, JMd. VV. Itohert Mmroe han submitted to our inepeclion awl of Coehr,in'« Map* of Barred Geography nttil we hue deter mined lo u*e thein in Uieis Inati tu'ion. CALEB h. HAl.I.riwri ! A, Him Alexandria Boarding ttiiiool, 7lh month 88tli, '"lb. \V. K. MONKOi;, %, f'liyetUr Ml. B.illllti ire " Itie |>niH'i[>al ai;cM «>ulh of N. Y match III.-Iff DKNTAI. SUIUiKflY: T PAItMhhb, firm of UtH'ar and f'amielr |j, Hitrgieal, Iterative, anil Mttliaiiiuil DUN'I I r. ma) lie 0 II |irofe.einnally front !t ni. |,> f, I', tit., al lit" ofPcc, «here lie hn» hern located for the hoI three year". Orrica and Ht.t,iii>.Ncx. Pcini trntie, between !flh and lOlli an. POTASH. r- p d\ lh». polaeh forfait. Juat rrreivrd hy CHABLEH bTOTT, bbhbvhwbivhhmmmmhi REGULAR PACKETS. LINE OF PACKETS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL. Ml ML ML ML rp0 Httil from Philadelphia the 25th of evejy X month, aud Iruiu Liverpool the 12th of every month FliOM PHILADELPHIA TO LIVEKPOOJL. Tkos. P. Cojk, Capt. "I H. F. Mierukvu Feb. 25 .1 line "5 Oct. 25 Swank, (new) Capt. ! E.'J'uricy iMai.25 July 25 .Nov. 25 Swiqurhmiiui, Capt. | A. Turley. April 25 Aug. 25 Dee. 25 WpitWilrtg, (new) Capt. J. \V. Mhrcken |May 25 Srpt 25 |.Dn. 25 FROM LIVERPOOL, TO PHILADELPHIA. Surank, (new) (Japt. E. Turloy Jan. 12 .May 12 Sept 12 Susquehanna, Capt. A. Turley Feb. 12 iJunc 12. Oct. 12 ll'yoK'hig, (new) Capt. J. W. Mierckcn Mar. i2 July 12 Nov. 12 Thus. P. Cape, Capt 11. F. Miercken |Apt 12 |Aug. 12 Dee. 12. These are first-class Philadelphia built Hhips having cpaciotis and elegant cabins, and combining every quality to render them cafe and expeditions conveyances. They are abundantly supplied with stores of (he best kind, and sail punctually, taking advantage of the low and ice boats on the Delaware. Passage to Liverpool, f 80 ; to Philadelphia, £20, without wines. H.& A. UOPE A CO., Philadelphia. BROWN, SHIPLEY <& IM)., Liverpool. JZSSv BUrnsil AND NORTH AMERICAN 3*S& ROYAL MAIL 8TEAM SHITS, ol 1200 tons, and 400 horse po.\er each. Under contract with the Lords of the Amiralty. HI BERN I A, Captain Alexander Ryrie CALEDONIA, Captain Edward ii Lott BRITANNIA, Captain John Hewitt CAMBRIA, Cap. Chas. H. E. Judkins ACADIA, Captain William Harrison. The four steamships now building, are The AMERICA, The NIAGARA, » CANADA, " UROPA. Will sail fiom Liverpool mid Boston, via Halifax, 88 lollows: From Boston. From Liverpool. Hibcrnia,on 1st ap. IS47. Cambria, on 'Sth up. 184/. Cambria, on 1st may'47. Caledonia, on 20thap '47. Caledonia,on lGtli may'17 Dritania,on 4th may '47. Passer grrs luggage to bo on board the day previous to sailing. Passage money.from-Boston to Liverpool, $120 do. do. to Halifax, $20. No berth secured until paid for. These ships carry experienced burgeons. No freights except specie received on days of catling. D. BKIGHAM, Jr. Agent, At Harndon Ac Co.'s, No. 6 Wall at., N. Y. may 14 tf (Xj* In addition to the above line between Liverpool and Uullifux. and Boston, a contract has been entered into with Her Majbaly's Government, to establish a line between Liverpool and New York direct. The steam chips for this set vice are now being built, and early next year due notice will be given of the time when they will start. Under the new contract the steamers will soil every Saturday during eight months, and every fortnight during the other four months in the year, going ulternaetly between Liverpool and Halifax and Boston, and between Liverpool and New York. may 14-»f JOHN CONNELLY, CABINET. CHAIR, AND SOFA MANUFACTURER AND UNDERTAKER THE Mitwril.IT begs leave to return hi. thank, tn hi. friends and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage which thry have beatowed on him, and would respectfully inform ihent that he ha, on hand a general aaMir mcnt of Cabinet FurniI urn will I'll tin will unll .nni -h..., fur .....K nr nr. prux'td poprr. He is constantly manufacturing al! kind, of furniture of the latest style and most a| proved pattern; such as. Mahogany dressing Bureaus " spring real Sofas " rocking and parlor Chairs " card, centre, and dining Tables " \\ nrdrolres ^ " 1? cdsteads And, in fact, cveiy thing usually found in a cabinet ware room. Undertaking. He is also prepared to attend funerals at tin shortest notice and on the most liberal tortus; and he is confident that from his long experience in attending funerals, that he will give entire satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. J'tHN (JONNBLUY, Tth altcct. b-twceii II and I. may 20 ly TEOPLE'd LINK OF STKAA1BOATS FOR ALBANY, From the foot ol (Jour 11 and t direct, New York. At 5 o'clock, p. m..Landing til intermedialt place*. j ^ The Kienmbo U Rochester, Copt. A 1 Hitchcock, will leave on Moruloy. Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday oftcrnoftna, at 6 o'clock. The Klcamhoat Columbia, Capt. W. W. Tup per, will leave on Tuesday, Thursday, and JSalur| day a 'tcrnoons, at 6 o'clock. At persona arc forbid trusting any of the boa' of this Linu without a written order from the captains or agent*. For passage or freight apply on board tho boats or to P. C. Hhultit, at the oitfee on the whaif. mif 19 u' HARTFOKD AND NEW HAVEN STEAMBOAT AJS1J 1UJEROAI) LIME From Peck HI p East R.vcr, New York Viu ./Veto J '.uvtoi. rpME steamer Trmelltr, ('apt. Bower®, will leave _|_ evt ry morning, Hundavs excepted, at H o'clk. Htlurning, will leave New Haven at 1} o'cloc) p. tn. Railroad cars will leave New Haven on the am val of the above boat,conveying p s.cngersto Hart ford, Springfield and Northampton and intermedi ate places. A Bo to Boston, arriving at the latter place at about 7 o'clock same evening, The steamer New York, CapL Peck, will leave New York every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, ard Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Returning a boat will leave New Haven every evening at 11 o'cloc^. N.B Freight will not be received for the day boat after b o'clock p. in. COR HARTFORD, DIRECT. The steamer New Champion, Capt. I. fevrc, will leave every Monday, Wednesday und Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. The steamer Globe, Capt. Ronth, will leav-» every Tuesday, Thursday and Haturd iy afternorj, at 4 o'clock. For further information enquire of J. Sax ton, IIX South street; (i. W. Conies, '283 Pearl atraet, or at No. 8 Buttery place (upstair*) New York, may 80 if " Sonic tliiwjfi ran Iilone as in II as others.''1 SUPERIOR SODA WATER, C. F A IK^U f I All At CO., corner of Iftth 1 . street »ml New V..rb .v. - pared to fnruUh the public the above delirious hrv. e.rnge, with a full usaorlineni of Syrup, eaiefully prepared by themselves. Their apparatus in rntirely ikw, and constructed on the latest and most approved principle. They flatter In inaelve* ihat their Soda Waler is equal, if not superior, to any ill the city, and invite the public to call and judge for tlieinselvc*. Soda Fountain* filled to Older at the shortest no* tice- f may'22 dOm FBE3H GROCERIES^ rpllio HSCKIBFR is now receiving an I additional aii| ply of grocci ic comprising Ficesh Teas, (loll're r»f various kitifU New Orleans, Porto liico, and St. t'roix sugar* l)o do do inolasset. Sugar hnu^c sirup and molasses Fr« eh spires, ground and «tng round Sprim, ndaei mine, ami mould candles Tom."to Nino-, catsups, anrh >vie#, die. Sardines avid Curry pomhrs Snrsnparillii airiip. fancy soap Military shaving aonp, dec. Oiange county butter 100 cured hums 100 superior shoulder* A Urge supply of cigar* and lohtcoo j 'J o which he invited aiuuliou K. JIOLMKA, ti'i i'tci BALTIMORE tfc OHIO RAILROAD SUMMER ARRJJVGEMEJYT. Hours of DEPARTURE of il&pMMUgei trains on the M»in Kti'in stnl Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1st May, 1817. Main Klein WESTWJ1RDL Y. For Cumberland, Hiucock, Marlin»burp, .. .. Harper's Ferry, Winchester,'Frederick. ( ^ EiiicoU'* Mills, and intermediate depots C c by the regular train, j a. m. For Frederick and intermediate station*) > ^ by extra train, except Sunday, $ EASTWARDL Y. From Cumberland, daily, regular train, at 8 a. m Hancock, d>i do IOJ 44 Maitinaburg, do do ll£ " Harper's Ferry, do do 12^ p. m Fadenek, daily, except Sunday extra train, 8 a. m l)o do by regular train, ii p. m Ellicott's Mills, daily, by several train:;, at 7 a. m. 12 m. and iA p. m. Fare in either direction between Cumberland and Baltimore, $7, ami'or intermediate distances at tin uniform rate of X cents per mile. Through tickets ure issued between Baltimore and VVheeling, respectively, $11 Between Baltimore and Pittsburgh, It) Between Philadelphia and Wheeling, 1J Wa*hi:ift't»it Branch. From Baltimore at (ij a. m. and p. m. daily. Do do 9 a. m. daily, exept Sunday. From Wa?hington at Ha. «, and 5^ p. m. daily. Do do 12 p. m. daily, except Sunday. By order: D. J. FOLEY, Agent, may MO/i.VI.YG UMlal tf J-l2 o'clock. FOll ALBANY AND TROY, Landing at Culdwell's, West Point, Ncwburg, Hampton, Poughkeepaie, llyde Park, Khinebtck, 1.1. KeJ Hook, Bristol, Catskill, Hudson, Ooxsaekie, and Kinderhook. Faro reduced. Breakfast and dinner on board the boat. The "steamboat Niagara, Capt. II. L. Kellogg will have the steamboat pier, foot of Barclay at., on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdiy, at half-past 8 o'clock, returning on opposite days. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to F. U. Hall, at the oiiice on the. wharf. do hI Havro, Willi am Ihlli 1, The Mcond Hieanirr of lliia line in du- conrn of coueliuclioiii end will lie in readme** in the men ing fall. may M- If REGULAR MAIL LINE flJ577f>J&V JiOJTOJV JUVD dV VOIi.K Ily the fust and vplondid at earner* Rhode Inlandan<' Or gim, (JT; Hour of leaving New York changed lo ft p. in rpHK steamer* Ithode Island. t.Japu Poller, and JL Oregon, Capi. 'l hayvr, will run throughout (hr Kcat-on, in connection with the rtunington and Providence and UomIoii ami Providence railroads, h nving New Yo'k daily, Hmidaya trxcepie I, Irom pici No. I, North Hiver, at 6 o'clock p. in., or upon the arrival of the mail train from Lioxton. The*e flearner. are unmrpaKxed in Mpecd, splendor ami comfort, ha' ing each of them HO largo com- rnodiona private state omnia and berth* for 000 persons, U'-hidcM large private room* lor lumilies, ant) parlor*. These steainei* ore officered by trie moat experienced men, and will shorten the passage between New York and Boston from one aiul a bull'to two hours, thereby arriving in ample time lor ail the line* horn Boston4 north and east. The Orneon will leave New York Tuesday. Thursday and Ha urday. Leave Huuiington Monday, Wednesday and Friday. J I he Khode Island xar«|| leave New York Monday, Wedneiduy and Friday. I.I'UVC SioiilnRt,.nf ur«l»y,'l'lnu-.lsv anil H.luiI day. N.I!.. Passenger* on the arrival of the wtenmera hI Hloningtori proceed immediately in the splendid railroad car* to Providence and 13 »ton without nny lay ; and a baggage master accompanies each train through to Boston, to tnko charge of the hagFor paasaee, bertha, state room*, or freight, application may he ni .d* to the agent* on the wharf, and at the oflicu No. 10 Battery place, iNsw York. .1 ' JYWHT LfJtE. FOR ALBANY AND TROY DIRECT. From the foot of Courtlandt street, Now York. Passengers inking (his boat wilt arrive in time to take the morning train of cars from Troy went to Buifuto, iind nortli to Saratoga ami Lake tiunrgp; The low-preaaure steamboat Empire, Cu plain B. Macy, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 o'clock p m. The low-pressure steamboat Columbia, Captain W. Tupper, on M« ndays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 0 o'clock, p. in. No freight taken after 5 o'clock. , For passage or freight apply on board, or at the office on the wharf. may 19 tf pioiElFs LINE OF .S TEAMBOATS FOR ALBANY. Duitij) Sundays excepted. Through o'clock p. m..from the pier between Courtlandt and Liberty streets, New York. Steamboat hnetc Newton, Capt.Wm 11. Peck, will leftvo on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, at C o'clock. Steamboat Htndrik Hudson, ('apt. R. G. Cnittendoni, will leave on Tuesday,- Thursday, aiu) Sat urday evenings, at 0 o'clock. At f> o'clock p. m., I'itiding at intermediate pfac< 6. From the foot df Barclay slfiet, New York. Steamboat South America, Capt. Thomas N. (dulse, will leave on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.afternoons, at 6 o'clock. Hteamboit North Ani-rica, Capt. It. H. Furcy, will leave on Tuesday,, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons, at 5 o'clock. The above boats will at all times arrive in Albany in ample time for the morning curs for the East and Went, Freight taken at moderate rates, and none taken after 1 1-2 o'clock p. m. All persons nrv turbid trusting any of Ihc bonis d"this Line without a written order from the captains or agents. For passage or freight apply on board, or to P. (J. Shulit, at the office on the wharf. may id if OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION CO. U. S Mail Liw: to Cuwrs and Southampton, and lire men, Tho splendid in w steamship WASHINGTON, 1700 tons hurthon. Freddie Hewitt, commander, will start from New York oil the lat of June next, carrying the II. 8. Mail. Who will touch hi Cowes anil {Southampton to Inn.I passengers ami freight, unil deliver the mails for England, Franco, and Belgium, and will then procccd to Breuv rhavrn. Keturning, will leave UremeiliHvnj '.ho Jiflth of Jutlb. The Washington ic built in the strongest manner, with a view to being converted into a ship of w ir, and subject at any lirno to inspection by officers appointed by the President, both during and after construction. She has two engines of 1000 horse power each, and aacommodalionH for 140 first class, and 44 second class pnaw ngers. Passage from New Yoik to Southampton or Bremen, first class, £'\I0; second class, $00. Po>sagc from Bremen and Southampton to New York, first elans, $1.00; second class, $G0. She will carry nhoui 300 tons freight, which will he charged according to the nature of the goods offering. All letters must pass through the Post ()ffic«. Paicelb. for which bills of lading will be signod, will be charged $5 coi h. For Freight or Passage, apply at the Office of the. Ocean Hi. am Navigation Company, 44 William et. corner of Walfstreet, New York. 15., General Agent. Agent at Southampton, Dat, Cuoi.rkt, A Boss. THE PLUMBE NATIONAL DAOUEERIAN UALL.ERV, tluncert Hull, I'um. av., ovtr Todd's Hat Store. TWO I'ATENTS UKANTtP UKDKK TIIK UHEAT SKALOFTHK UNITEO STATES. A WARDED THE GOLD and Silver Medals, cm. four Hr*-C premium* a; J two highest honors, at the National, 'he Massac, bust* It the N m V rk, and tlu* IVnn .ylvnuin e? ibitions. r the nrns. r iendid colored Daguefreoty («.'s and heat apparatus. C3* Portraits taken in any weather, in the most exquisite style. Apparatus and Stock wholesale and retail. 'Instructions given ill the art. july 27.3m UMKi 1.IMKM.1YIE! I tfl&lf fc bushel* freah burnt Lime for sale by u. ward <v son, at their Lumber Vurd on 12ih street. rnny"0 DK.C A. Van ZivikH'h Health Restore live Fills is a medicine which not only cures but prevents disease, capable of great resul's, and equally rulculat d to be safely used for apparently small ones. We all know how dreadful and dan' gi rotiK a seated bilious disorder is, and we ore also well aware of the seeming insignificance of i's warnings or ineipieiicv. The individual sulleriug from slight pains in his che-t, hack, or sbmiach, or from occasional nausea, dull headache, cxt-eme nervousness, sleeplessness, trilling prevaricution of ap petite, an other disagreeable visitations so c niuion- ly and foolishly looked upon an unimportant, may not know that those symptoms, treated so contemptuously, are the consequences of a diseased state of the liver, which if not remedied, will lead either l speedy death or a h>i»R tiain of unbearable ills .which arc known ly the following names: Ilypochondria, mania, dizziness, slow fevers, epilepsy, asthma, dropsy, rheumatism, chlorosis, convulsions, nausea, nervousness, craptns, gout, pleurisy, jaundice, irritability, and vio'rnce, dyspepsia, hysfo.rcs, scurvy,foul stomach, dry coughs, glandular alTVctions, colds, tore throats, various disorganizations of the groat inte-tinc, strictures and spn*m«>dic complaints inirrnally, eruptions, shortness of breath, heartburn, neuralgia, vildi inflammation, flatulence, gastric fevers, Ate. Sometimes, too, there ensues art irregular action of the heart Take these pills and suffer no more. WY.VIT \ KHTCHUM, 121 Fulton St., N. Y., Genera! Agents; and add by CHAKEESSTOIT npril 24.Gino. FOR BALTIMORE 'T»1L, r THE commodious steamer Colum SmSnK hi a, Captain Geo. Guyther, having tesuined her regular trips, will leuve Hi ley's wharf, tti Washington, at (i, afld Alexandria at 7 o'clock, iti the morning of Wednesday, the 25tn. inst., and ol every succeeding Wedneaduy, for Baltimore; ond. returning, will leave Commerce street wharf, in that city, for the Ui^trict of Columbia, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of every Saturday, taking off ond landing passengers and light freight at all the usual landings on the Potomac river. Freights will be taken at low rates and withou any charge (or wharfage at Baltimore. WM. GUNTON.Presrdent. Dr. Christie's Galvanic flings and Mag- netic Fluid. HjlHIS remarkable invention, which has receivtd I. the almost universal approbation of the medical profession of Great Britain, comprises on entirely new application of Galvanism, as a remedial agent by means of which the ordinary Galvanic Batteries. Electric and Magnetic. Machines, &c. arc entirely, diapuneed with, and the mysterious power of Galvnn istn applied without any of the.objections which urlinseparable froiu the general mode now in me. The Galvanic King- have bicn uc.«d with entire success in all oases of rheumatism, acute or chronic, applying to the head, face, or limbs ; gout, tic-doloreu*, toothache, bfonChitis, vertigo, nervous or sick headache, indigestion, paralysis, paUy, epilepsy, tits, cramp, palpitation of the heart, apoplexy, stillness of the joints, spinal complaints, lutnbngo, neuralgia, nervous tremors, dizziness of the henjJ, pains in the chest and side, genfcral debility, deficiency of nervous and physical energy, and all nervous disorders. In cases of confirmed dyspepsia, which is simply n nervous derail go merit of the digestive organs, have been been found er/unlly successful. Their cxtiuorditmry effects upon the system must be witnessed to be be bolived, and as a certain preventive for the preceding complaints they are equally recommended, rite rings nro of different prices, being made of ail sizes, and of Various ormuncnful patterns, and can Ihj worn by the most delica'e female without the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the sensation is raher agreeable than othcrwi&o. Thk Galvanic Bklth,Bkacklkth, BaniiHjOartkrs, Nkck lacks, &c. Ac. These articles are adapted to tlm waist, arms, wrists, limbs, ankles, or any part of the body with perfect cotivtiniGneb. The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater benefit in cases of bronchitis or affections of the throat gcncri ally also, in cases of nervous deafness; and with almost uniform uccesaar a ;:evcii*ive for appoplcry, Christie's Magnetic uid is used in eonncirion with the Galvanic King*. ami uS! their modification* This composition has been p. out meed hy tin; French Oh« mists to be one of the mind cxtrnordi-, na.y discoveries of modern science. Full explanations and directions accompany it. The combined inventions arc in every way perfectly harmless; they are at prices within reach of nil. and the discoverer only requests a fair trial, as a lest of llioir surprising titljcticy and permanent benefit. GlIlllKTI h's (JAI.VASIU 8tIIKNHTHKNIN'0 Pf,A8tbmh..These articles form another valuable application of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They .»re an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Kings and their .Modifications.acting upon the same principle, but having the advantage of more local application* They are confidently rcc6mendcd as n valuable addition in the speedy cur of rheumatism, acute or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as u positive remedy incases of pain and weakness m the cheat or back, pain in the side, in asthmatic allcctions, and in weakness or oppression of the puhnmiary organs. In spinal complaints their eflerts nro of the most decided ehaiactcr, and they have often been used with complete success. They are of tin greatest advantage in pains arid weakness of the breast, and are highly rccojnincuded for many of those complaints to which females are especially li1 able. As an efhetual ineann for strengiheiiing the gyMetn when debilitated with disease end other cau- a preventive for cold*« mid in all uitcciioiis of the cheat ^encially, tin: Ciiilvanic tUrenglhcning PIoktinb will be found of gieat and permanent ailvau! t'»gc. (fj* CAUTION. The celebiity and success of then? article* hove caused thorn to be counterfeited by unprincipled person*. Dr. Chrialie cautions the public against spurious imitations. lie ha>; but one authorized agency in oach city of the Union, where the geuumo articles can bo procured. The only agents lor Washington ure. M. H. STEVENS 61 EMMONS, Nun. I and 2 Brown's Hotel, Peon, avenue. Explanatory pamphlets, Ate. may be had gratis, with tho strongest testimonials of tucccss and bene tit. TjlAiX niK.WVAUK, CHINA, & GLASS, £ j Tho>. Puracil has just imported, per ships Lib uty and Ohio, from Livt-rpoo), and other sources, eighty-four packages of the iiIhivc articles, umong.l wlih-.h are. French, Engli li, India, Biuestonc, W <». and Ironstone dinner, dessert, tea, collbe, and toilet sets Rich gold-band w liilr and figured China Tea set., or pieces detanked Cut and plain hall lamps Fol.n, aiJis, Liverpool and Mand lamps and wicks i.mijj giasse*, girandole.*, I\n»\ handle and other knives and forks in sets of lirty-oni- pairs or separate Heal silver and imitation table, tea and dessert spoons t Plated and Herman silver castors llrass.ind plated candlesticks , Plated rake-baskets, waiters, in sets or detnehed Kre» lib and American ten and enflce sets Codec biggins and urns 1 asking flashes, shovel and longs, ke. J -VII ol which will be sold wholesale and retail at vi v low prices tor cash l'irst rpiality stone and Britannia ware at the fae ti rv prices An extensive and good assortment of common ware, sn blc for re tail groceries The subscriber solicits a call from his friends and the piibliv generally, at his store, opposite Brown's Hotel, IVmi. Avenue, assuring them that ho is deter-I mined to sell as cheap as the very cheapest lor cash. TllOS. rUKSELL. INSIDE VENITIJIN WINDOW BLINDS. >> IIjIJIAIM LSKJVjliy Dealer and Manufacturer' tf Inside Vcnitian Window Blinds, south side Ponn. av. between 9tli and lOih streets, Wachingt 11. BLINDS of ull & zes and stylos furr., hod to order. Hplit Dl.ndi, plain and painted, of all s zes. Mra-s fixtures and trimming* fur»"bl»ed. Linen and transparent Curtains put up in the host style. Fife-acrcciis and w'ido paper for curtains, very cheap. All work done on rca>onAble terms and with promptness. , N. H. OIJ Blinds n paired and repainted. june233m SHANNON,DALB SPRIJN(iS~ JS\ar Charleston, Jefferson co.t Va. J. J. A BELL, PlUJPKIKTOIl. I HAVE L E A s E D for a term of ycurs this delightful IV/I'I'llHJN(i FLACK, and will have it open for the reception of company on the 1st of June. The proprietor pledges himself that nothing shall be spared on In* art, or of tho e in bis employ, to render the time of hi* visiters agreeable. His fare, Ac. shall be second to thut of no o'her watering place in Virginia. His bur will be furnished the best of liquors of every kind; and, in fact, it will be the proprietor's determination to rentier this one of the most pleasant and delightful summer retreats in Virginia. The \irturs of the water have h.en fully touted in cares of iheumalism, drcipsy, or dyspepsia, and persons afflicted vaiih either of lho»e diseases will find gicut relief from the bathing, &c. The proprietor has a line coach unci team, which will ineeu passengers daily at Charleutown, on the arrival of the cars, to convey them to and Irom the Springs. Terms: $9 for the fust we*k, $8 thereafter; 50 per day. may 19 tf FACTS NOT FARLES! T\R. SCHWARTZF.'S I / < lit'ono-Tlivrinn I A cur. Pills. warranted to cure ill eight houra Alti, DR. PCHWARTZIVS COMI'OUM) EXTR.1CT Of S.'lRS.irjMI.Ul suitublo lor every month in the ye-r, wuri. rite to relieve Rbeumnli-rii, Bronchitis, Scrofula Neuralgii, constitution a ellVu is of f^yphilU, erup'tvc d'seines, and all others a»i:iug fr.iin itnpiKiiics of lint hlo< d. The above medicines may be had wholesale or retail, at the roprielor's store. Peon, avenue, 2d'door east of 3d street, Washington City. iune23 eotf FOR RENT.*.The dwelling over the 8lwrtt occupied by Mrs. Hamilton, on 81 gijjyb Pennsylvania avenue,south side, between e2*H0B Ninth and Tenth streets, containing seven tine sized room*. and in pood ord r. To n small family the rent will be moderate. Inquire of Mrs. Hamilton* june* $1 50 BECK'S $1 50 l)A(> l ERltEOI VPE ItOrUIS, Hemmed In the comer of 7th fine' and I'liin. avenue, over Slott's Dm::; Store. ACCURATE and highly finished I'crtraits for fit 50, Groups in proportion. ost Mobtksi ca'.es attended to with promptitude and certain success at a reasonable advance. A share of the public patronage is most respectfully solicited, june 1 tf J. H. R. BECK. JYKir MIUTAUV WORK. D. APPLETON Co., '200 Broadway, Now York, have lately published in a fino mylo.Element* of Military An and Science; or course of Ii,strucion in Strategy, For ideation's Titrfiea of Buttles, Ac., embracing tlio duties of .St if, Infantry, Cnva'ry, Artillery, unci Engineer*. Adapted to tlu> use of Voluhtcc * and Militia. By H. Wager Hallock, A. M., Lieut, of Enginoers, U. S. Army. 1 Vo. l?mo. illustrated. Price $ I 60. * For those who take pleasure in Htudying the art of wdr, au<l ti'pecially for those whose profusion in that f arms thin must prove a vn'uublo work.. The author appear*) to bo jierfectly well iuforinril in military tactics, ami has illustrated hm in-eructions by various drawings and plana, whiyh make them solve* understood. 'Phu various mean*. of national defence are minutely set fori h--: lu; position ami character of the fortificali ns, en our Northern Irontier c jwclallyi an: accurately 'described, nnJ the duties ami orgau'jt ion of each arm of iho nationa defence. iufatitry, cavalry, artillery, end eiigim era . Wt WIXU ...v.... w. .. ~ >t*cni Jo have been apart d to innko an authentic and instructive hook.".Commercial Advertiser, august 2.if NEW ' MINERAL WATER, M A S U F A C T O R V , Coil.MKK OF OHKEN AND Ol.lVB STREETS, Qkonr.*ktown. L). C. rilHK SlJBbt. KlURR having commenced the i manufacture of Minkiiai. WAtfu, takes tho liberty to inform his friends and tho publi in general, that he is now propared'to supply them regularly every d iy with this delightful evi ra .e, hy leading their orders at Mr John Iiulhmunn\s Wine store, Pennsylvania avenue, between 4^ and Oth streets Washingt ii or at his residence. The water used is taken from n spring on tho piemines of the Sub crihrr, w> II known to the physician* and tho public for yielding the lies: and purest water either in Washingt. n or Georgetown. I , 'J he u'inuHt care will ho paid in manuficlurin?, tho Mineral Water, and the public can icly upon re-1 ceiving a pure and superior article. The subscriber takes pleasure to call the attontion of the public to the annexe certificate. (tKonoKYowN, June 16, 1847. We, the undersigned, physicians, have, at the in vitation of Mr. J. Roll er, caicfully examined his Mineral Water K-.tahlishment, and tako pleasure in pronouncing our entire satisfaction with his superior and neat arrangements. The apparatus and hot ling machine annexed. a production of tho l.ite t Amtricau invention, so constructed as to ensure a lull u- d perfect saturation of gas to a degree heretore unknown to us. Tho water used for its in tup» is pure and wholesome, and the care taken in tho proce-s, as well as the clem.lineas pervading th whol 'cstabli hini nt. meets with eur entire approbation, and induce* ii* to recommend it to the public, as a very supplier and healthy arlie!e. J. A. lUTCnii;, M. P. II. MAURUDKK, At. I). J. K1LKY, M.'u. CIIA8. H. Clt.AGl.V, M. I). ISBNJ. B. COHliKH, M. I). J. Al. THOMAS, Al. U. TH08. MILLION, M. D. T. B. J. KJ1YE, M. f>. july 27 4t J. ROTHER. J'ropiiotor. Superior Mailolm Wine, Azv J AMES FlTZ(>bUAIiO respectfully invito MrmherH ofCongresH, citizens and other*, v ho may ilrairo to have (superior Madeira Wine, fine Co^nnc Btnmly, ami other first rate opinions Ihjuon, to call at his Confectionary ami Fruit Si. re, on the the United State* Hotel. .Iuiiiim Fitzgerald keep® cniifttantly for aalc the very heat wine, liquora, fruit and confectionary article*, which can he procured ot the moftt respectable hoMMTH in the country. Ilia Madeira Wine wan imported by him* If in 1810, and cannot he excelled nt any wino or liquor atore in thi* city. Ilia Brandy, Ho'land Gin, and old Monnngahela wlii*ky. are of the very firat quality. Call, ta-dc. and judge for yourncivca. OCj* The Fine Ilrown Btmit, nnd good Philadelphia Ale constantly on hand. IIANI)UIM,9, A,C. Neatly printed at tUe OUivc ul lire Nat, Whig. THE ILLUSTRATED WZLTQJ* J1JV1) UOTTOJV. In one vol. ICmo., wi h four fine engravings on on mIi el, ami numerous engravings on wood. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANUL B, FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Collated with llio various English editions, and containing additional notw and a Biographical Proface by lie Ameiican Author. Two parts. 12ino., 03 J cents each, or one volume clo li, #1 50. " I havb l.ecn a great follower of fishing myself, and in its cheerful solitude have pused/ftrno of the happiest hours of a sufficiently huppy life.".Pshy's Natural Theology. "I. has been made extremely valuable to fisher- men, but it worth far more to every body for its charming li eralure.".Christian Inquirer. "It breathes the very spirit of innocence, purity, and simplicity of heart: there arc manv choice old verses interspersed in it; it would sweeten a man's temper at arty time to read il; it would Christianize every discordant angry passion; pruy make yourself ' pcquiinted with it.".Charles Lamb in a letter to Co eriJgo. "Its simplicity, its sweetness, its natural grace 1 siul happy i itermixture of grave strains, with the precepts of angling, have rendered this book deserv- 1 edly popular.'.IIa linn's Literature of Kuropc. { "That well known work has an extreme simplici'y, and an extremo interest arising out of its very sitiipl city. In the description of tLh ng tackle you perceive the piety and humanity of the author's min i, Wis is the best pastoral in the la* guagc, not excepting Pope's or Phillips'.".Hazlilt.jn paper * of ho Kound Table. Published and for sale by WILK.y A i'U I K AM, 161 Broadway. august G1 KEEN HPKING H YDROPATH I(TINS T1r TUTE in Bal irn re County, M miles on the Susquehanna Kailroad, and 10 miles by the Keistcrs* i town Turnpike from Baltimore. This institution r will he opened on the 12th of August, for the reccp- tion of Pulienls and under the direction and charge of William Bode, M. D late of Washington city, upil of iln ceb hratcd Prie*.ni% founder of the *y«- i lew. I The proprietors bring comimnj that an inM'tu- tion of this kind would he a ble-siiig to the sick, ami [ the invul of our city and state, and those of our sister stales, who would resort to this mode of.cure, have spared neither pains nor means to place this institution oit a f oting with those of this country, at- ter the plan of thrse in Germany. 'I he Iioujc has r been newly painted and furnished with new furin* i ture, and specially atti red and arranged for comfort to the pat cuts and Inr the utmost efficiency of the i treatment. A new Bith house has been added to the main hou c, containing all the necessary bath apparatus. A Doucho'houFO is building whii h will contain 4 douches: [3 for ladies rfnd 2 for gentlemen] which will have a fall of from 13 to 18 feet, ami in volunle from to inches in diameter. i 'There sre four large springs on the place at n t temperature of 01° Furenhfit, highly impregnated With carborric gas in constant etier ve.senee. The i water is rernarjtahly light and all the springs are ihadcJ by large trees. Walks lead from one to the i other, giving ample opportunity for Wulking. The ( place is known as one of (he heal hieot and mostd*'- \ lightful in Maryland. * As iiydr.'pathic Institutions are not, places rf amusement, but are only for the trek and invalid., i every thing more readily may and will be done to f promote thtir comfort and health. Neither is the i time of visiting or enter ng them c*nfi cd to one ( -eason hut they »re open at all iru-ons of the year. \ Bxp -rience having proved that the «inter or cold » s'osons arc. fully ea favorable to the progress of the ii cure, us the summer or milder seasons, psnrticulurly | in « chronic affections. No induccimuts will he held out to the epicure, but the table will he supplied with wholesome and nutritious and abundant food to restore a hrokendown or ldmsrd count it lit ion t. a more than ordinary health. Ail exciting clrinUn and spic s arc entin ly forbidden, chocolate, milk and » water, being the only drinks allowed. Rich patient mu-t provide himself with a mil- i tress, u leather bed of about 12 lbs. h double blanket;, four coaruo linen sheets, 3 yards long nnd 1 £ wide; 4 lorn; and 4 abort towels, a mo ning gown, a pair \ of india*rubber shucs; and -J pint goblet or tumbler; The price of Hoard, including the use of all the bath apparatus, the Doctor's fee, and the attendance c of the bathing servon's for each patient, is $12 per week.when tw«j or three persons occupy the same i room the charge it) each will bo $10 per week. All applications for admission must be made to W. bu e, M. D. Green Spring, Baltimore county ^ po*t ptiidi ' v august t DR. SHBW'S Wati r Cure Institution at, (Oyster Buy), near New York, is now opened for the reception of pa'i-nts. Passage daily from I: Fulton Market, (steamboat Croton), at 3 o'clock, p. f tn. or persons may go by the Long Island Railroad, i; ns for as Hi<ks\ille, at OA a. in.; also in the afternoon, each day. For healthful news and beauty of location, it is believed this pine is unrivalled; and the nu- uirrous and very copious Sprit p.* arc of gteater pur- c iiy than tho e of any othur establishment in this or L the old c< untry, so far as analyses have heen given, v The terms of hoard and treatment shall he made as moderate as is consistent with the necessary expert- p H'\s of on establish merit of this kind. Tho charge, f "«VU»*UI a.iu IMYCOVmHllUII of the patient's case, will vary from five to ten dollars per week. Persons will ring their sheets, blun- 5 kds, towels, and injec ion instrumciiU, or these may s ho hired or purchased on reannahle terms at the o*Uhlishment. For further particulars uddrcss post paid, Joel Whew, M. D.» cither at New York City or WyOnset, Long Island, Now York, City patient', f will he treated at Show's residence, 47-Bond street. New York. p N. H.. For some weeks during the hottest wea- ^ flier, Dr. Whew will be able to attend to patients at his oilier, (47 Uoudslrc t), only on Hat tirdays, from 10 a. nr. to 2 p. m. ju y 31 tl THRESH f«ROCERUSH, BUTTEIt, 6c CHEESE F The subscriber has oil hand, a fresh supply » n every drscriptiun of goods in his line, which he ot fers on reasonable terms. 50 bigs Java, Rio, Laguyra, Maricaiho, ami AN (| rican COFFEE ^ 25 cheats and half-chests Gunpowder, Imperial, (| Old Hyson, Young Hyson, and Black n TEAW . 10 ca»cs very choice Tea. 12 lbs in each, for families 1500 pounds double refined and 2d quality Loaf Sugar , 11)00 pounds ciuthed and pulveied Loaf Sugar 1000 do whitevHavuna tlo ( 1000 tlo brown do do , Porto Rico and New Orleans do Do do and St Croix Molaesev H Sugar-house and New Ibenn HAup Ground and uuground Hpicca, of every vb- rietyj Catsups, Curry Towrder, French and other v Mustards | Olive*, Capers, Sardines, and Anchovies fialid Oils, in fla»ks arid hotilea f 700 gallons winter-si rained and common Oil. fruitw. j 60 whole, half, and qr. boxes Raisins 8 casks Currants ( i hhls. Dried Apples f 'do do CJretjii do { 2 canes Pruiies, in jarjaiut fancy boxes .30 drums Wmjrna Figs 26 bbh Eastern Cranberries ?00 pound* soft »hellcd Alinorids A 50 do Filberts. t RUTTEIl AND CHEESE. 28 tub* choice Welsh Butter v :J0 boxes superior Cheese t Sapsngo do f 31 bble pink-eye Potatoes I 40 <lo extra brand New York Fl»ur 40 do Virginia do I r>0 pockets 13uckwheat I i boxes do < 23 bbls holf and qr. do. « FISH. I Nackcrcl, Cm1, Hliad, Slid Hemng. y CANDLES. 20 boxes Sperm Candles I 10 do patent do* 10 do Adamantine do n Brooms, Mitn, I'nils, Baskets, Ac. c 20000 Begnlin, l.n Norma, Principe, and other a brand Cigars. f 8YLVANU8 HOI.MES, « ap dl4.Iff 7lhstreet. MRS. NEWMAN, Milliner nnd Dress-Maker 1'a. avenue, between i7th and 18th street. ( * _.,.I WILL BE PUBLISHED IN WASHINGTON, H 1). C., ON THE SEVENTH DAY OK DECEMBER .NEXT, NUMBER ONE OK . The United States Reporter, A DAILY JOURNAL )K IJOVUUrtMfchT, LEGISLATIVE, AM) (jEttEHAL NEWS. r|lHE SUBSCRIBER is now enabled to au.1. nounco the completion of h's arrangements for he establishment of a well org iiiiaed and independent Journal of News al the e at of the General Government. The loading features of the United Stales Reporter vi!I he the following I. Early intelligence of the movements of the vaj iouM Departments of the Government, in reference ,o domestic affairs and to th* foreign ielation* of the country, will bo given with 6cr ul<>us fidelity. Possessing peculmr facilities for obtaining information, he "Reporter" will bo enabled frequently to comn inicute, exclusively, intelligence of the most irolorlunt character. >1. The Verbatim Reports of tho Proceedings and D bates of the United Stale* Venule, which the proVictor in <bound to furnish daily to that body, in ac:ordancc with tire terms of the contract uiado at the :!oae of lust h ssion oi Congress. The arrangements low in ide w'.ll at once fully secure to theSenate of he United States an authentic and complete record >f its d bites; and to il«o a great'y charged degree.the benefit of the experience, sagaciy, and stalcuinanship f that body, to which they lave ever looked with solicitous and respectful regard. III. The Proccedii gs and Debates in the Home >1 Representatives w.ll also ho given with fullness, mpartiality, and promptitude. Each day's record vill be completely mude up, and appear in the "Rejorlrr" next morning. IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceedings and Debates of all Mate Legislatures w II be regularly given. Members of Congress, and all classes of ru Icra, will thus be kept fully and systematically ufornu'd of donnsic legislation in all sections of the United Malts. V. Early Intell gcnce of all important movements n the Legislatures of (jrcat )Jri ain and France, will >o communicated by every steamer from Europe, hrnugh"reporters in London and Paris, who possess X'culiar facilities for obtaining information. VI. The Genorol News of the Day will be given na condensed form, with nnlu try and attention. Such is u briel view of what the 'United Mates Reporter" is designed to be. All the plans and aringements Have been well matured, and the hope is onfi.lenily cherts1 ed. that the "United States Re>otter" will prove itself an energ* tic, industrious, lignitied an«l perfectly independent journal, li will lave no patty political bias. The proirietor, by the terms of his contract with tho Senate »f the United Slates, is bound to the condition that be p p r shall c train no politics' discussion except lie dcbitcs." li will lie a vehicle ol mtv3.not the irgan of anv set of opinions. The grand aim of ho subscriber is to establish at the scat ot Governuent a fa (litill and prompt r< potter of all sorts of ntelligeuce.a responsible agent. on which thepoltic au, the business man, the manufacturer, the mechanic, arid every one interested in the allttiru of Joiigress utid\lhe Government, may rely at all limes vi h implicit confidence. It is believed that the establishment of such a reia'blc Journal of intelligence, on terms which place t within the reach of the g.col musses of the pco« >le, at the commencement of what promises to be a nost inter.; ting and eventful period in the history of Jongre&i-ional proceedings, will bu regarded with famr by all clashes of community; and having thus lata! his objects, tho subscriber respectfully solicits liberal and general support lVom (he enlightened itlhlic of the United Mutes. JAME8 A. HOUSTON, Stenographer to the Senate of the United States. hen continue*! t«» give it insmnil doses, from /wo to fircc tea spoonsful!, which resulted in a happy re nvciy. Since lin n I have hem using it. constantly it niy family, in chjim of cholera uioibus, cholera nfnfitum, dinrrhwa ami g< neral debility, nrul in very instance found it highly beneficial. Some :onuli'utions, however, require much larger doses han others. JOS. D. JENKINS. tiluff/on, & 6\, ISlfJ. It IS with feeling", of gratitude as well as pleasure hut I take this method of giving my testimony of he giem estimation which I entertain f<»r your iuraluahle compound. In justice not only to tho mclieine, hut lor the benefit of others who may be sufiruig from the same malady, Dyapcpsio, with which was for y«nr.-. ufflietcd, I feel it a duly incumbent m ino to stale thai I am now iest red to perfect lealtli. When coinmcnced Inking the Colleton Jitter* it was a laatresort* My debility from in-' ligestimi was »o great that a cure was looked upon ih almost hopeless. After Inking it regularly and jerscveringly for some time, my strength- and digestive powers were entirely restored. I have never iikcn a single doro 0f any other medicine for more ban live years past. I can now cat the richest food vithout any unpleasant feelings whatever. I have Jho used Colleton Hitters freely in my family for fioltra 4 rifimtum, cho/trn nwrhtu, general debility, md aa a tonic nfler fever, with great success. As a J family medicine I derm it invaluablo, and do con- A cicmiouidy recoinruond it A. M. ft Hf. Johns Colleton, 8, C., December, lH4ft. For mk by the only Agent for the District of ;ulumbi», ii, liUMAiNS, no -unui'u cuuics ivporur win ne pruned on large and handsome ahcet, and issued every running, except Sunday*, at the rate of six dollars per tnniiiu; single copies, two cents. In connection with the daily paper, there will bo esued from the nunc establishment. THE MIRROR OF CONGRES8. This publication will contain exclusively the rcj lorts of the proceeding" and debates of the Congress if the United Htatfls. It w II be issued eeini-wcekly, n an elegant <p>ar,'o form, throughout the sessions if Congress, and will bo furnished to subscriber*} at lie ra c of two dollars for the long scmiou, and ore lollar for ti e short session. It is hi lit ved that this jre national work w ill be deemed indispensable in lie library of every public institution, politician, and irolessionnl man throughout tnc country ; and that it viil lie regarded by tho great mass of the people « lie very best political text book Tor their own intruct'on and that of their children. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Throughout the sessions of Congress, Exlr(ltvr\\\ ic i'Siied from the ollice of the "United States Remoter," containing the mports of all such debates aa nay po sess particularly exciting interest. All newspapers throug' out the United Hates, who mblish this prospectus once a week from this date ill the meeting of Congress will bo entitled loan exhunge with tho 'United Hiatcs Reporter," and will ie pluci d on the list of those to whom the Extras vill be despatched. All subscriptions and communications to be post aid, addressed "J. A. Hou ton, United Slates Relorter, Washington, I) C." Wo.-bington, D. C. July 20, 1847. Xj'Agent h»r Baltimore: VV. TAYLOR, 4 and Jnrvis Buildings: who is authorized to receive j ubseriptions. iulv 118. lawtN 1 COLLETON BITTERS. 11HKSE Bitter* are purely a vegetable corn pounds and arc offered to the public from iriiu iple of benevolence, under the fullest convic ion that they will bo found a safe and Hovercign omedy for Dynpeptsin. They havo been trium- ihnutly tented, not only by mime of the moat repectfthlc families and physicians in the Stale of inuth Carolina, who have famished ample testi- k lony as to their decided excellence, but also by the roprictor, who, for ion years, suffered all the gloom acidcnt to that stubborn and distressing disease. They possess the peculiar excellence, denied to aost other Bitters, of not proving injurious by coninued use. They contain not a single deleterious ngredient, and, as seen from the directions which ccompany each bottle, may bo given with entire afcty to an iuldiil in the month. With pjrnsurje, nnd for the benefit of mankind, I end you a certificate relative to the Colleton Biters. * In the year 1833, when the cholera was in liarleston, S. was compelled to scud a servant o the city. On his return, he was suddenly attacked with most violent pain in his bowels, so much so is to cau^r apprehension that he would expire in a hort time, if medical«id could not bo procured. I itfmcdiatcly icsorted to the Colleton Bitters, by givng a w ine gin' s full at a dose. In the course of a try abort time it acted as an emetic, and throwing urn at the same time into a profuse perspiration. I

Transcript of The Daily national Whig. (Washington, D.C.). 1847-08-13 [p...

Page 1: The Daily national Whig. (Washington, D.C.). 1847-08-13 [p ] · the law i f Peb. 11, IH4V, andto the procuring

IVORTHLVG TOA G. SXETHE.Y,Attorney unit Counsellor nt LAW,


Praptirn in iho Supreme Court of the UnitedMules, nu,| j. i[ie eouru of Maryland, Virginia, andIhn District of Columbia, and

ACTS AS ACEXTfor persons b'aW.ig b.sin"ss Congress, theWar, Treauuiy, Navy,and C.neriil Dost Office De

pnrtrnents, the Cent a: Land Cilice, Pension OfficeOffice of Indian Affairs. Potent Office, «Stc. &c.

OFFICEMissouri Avenue, between ifil and 4, streets.

rcf Particular atlcnlion pud to ti e procuring o'the Bounty duo to Soldiers ot the I niud -States underthe law i f Peb. 11, IH4V, and to the procuringot Patents for new Inventions.

^ap U.ltf



Washington Cily.D.C.T


OFFICE.rpHE SUBSCRIBER, for more than twenty yearsP connected with the Paient Office, and for many

year* official Purveyor of the City of Washington,having relinquished all business connected with hi*Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying departments,in order to devote his whole time and attentionto the service of Inventors, Patentees, and personsinterested in Patents, and to establish a permanentAgency at the Seat of Government for the use

and benefit of that important class of the communj >ty, oilers his services to all persons desiring to makeinquiries respecting the originalitv of Inventions anddiscoveries, and the practice or obtaining Patents iu(he l/nited Stales, and relating to all kinds of businessrequired 10 he transacted at the Patent Officesuch as making searches, and preparing papers anddrawings for applicants for Patents Caveats, Assignments,Agreements; amending Rejected Claims,and presenting thorn for re examination; attendingto Appeal Caries, Interfering Applications, and drawingup papers relating thereto, and to taking evidencerespecting tlio originuliiy of Inventions. Hewill also attend to making out petitions for the rei suing,renewal, .extension, and restoration of lostPatents; apply for Withdrawals, and for Patents forAdditional Improvements and Designs; make Disilatrncrs, and procure copies of Patents, Deeds,Drawings, Ac., and have thorn recorded* He willflho superintend Commission!) for taking testimony('ourts in the several States. lie will likewise at*tend to the drawing of Bill* in Equity, in case* ol

Appeal, and attend to the case* at court; to givingopinions on the legality of Intents granted, and legalopinion* on ail other points touching Patentissee; to furnishing copies of decision* on points ollaw relating thereto to e xplaining the practice of our

curts in deciding Patent cases and to all businessol a legal character relating to Patents. In the dischargeof the above named duties,the subscriber wiltbe absisted by gentlemen of the highest legal attainunlitand by artists of the first eminence.

'J'he subscriber having (during a tour through Ku'r>pe) made arrangements with able ami responsibleAgents in London and Pahiu, will attend to theprocuring of Patents in England and Fuanci;, andwill explain the practice of procuring patents in other} ortifri Countries.

l he undersigned.offers hi- services to Agents andApplicants lor Patcnis residing out of Washing'on,whose cases may have been rejected at the PatentOffice, ori acc unt ol defective claims, or the misapprtihen.ion of the Examiners, arising} from obscuredescription*. In such cases he will make the requitedexamination* and )>crsonal applications, andnecessary amenduients to the paf>ers. His long experiencein this branch of the business will enableturn to give satisfaction. When it is known thatmany of the rejected claims might be carried throughthe office successfully, if properly presented and explained,the importance of this biaiich of the Agencywill be duly appreciated.The subscriber will also attend to procuring ModiLb where required to lie made from drawings ol

written descriptions. ALo to having drawfugs donein Lithography.

His terms will be according to the nature and extentof the services to be performed. The usual retamingfee, however, ol live dollars, will generally heexpected in advance. The charge for making anexiauiinatiou will be about five dollars.

'Pirn other charges for the. simplest cabes will be asfollows;For preparing papers.viz.* Petition, specificationand oath . . t . $5 00For |repining original drawings . ^ 6 00

Ho. duplicate . . 6 00For Agency fee ...ft 00

For complex eases the charge* will vary fromf-M) to 1100.

For integrity of character, jier-ons unacquaintedwith the undersigned are respectfully referred tomember* ni>d ex-iuembera of Congress who have residediu Wa»hin«5ton and for qnalificaUon* ho his own works, (one .»f 'which is ihe designof the building in which ihe Pu'cnt Olhce in arranged,)and to the annexed testimonial of an individualwell known to the wholv country, and to whom,more than any one else, it is tnd* >ted for the presentnlemlid establishment, and excellent code of lawfelating to Patents that refl ict so much credit on hi-1name.

i'tbUtnonial of the Hon. H. L. Ellsworth,Lot-. Cutnmusxio itr of Patents.

Patlut Chick. February 15, 184*.Mr. wilii»m P. Elliot, who has been former!)employed in ih«» Patent Oificc as Draughtsman, &.C.,!having eytahlifched a Patent Agency in the City of

Washington. I take great pleasure in recommendinghim as a pvnileman worihy of confidence, and a*being parucularlv qualified to take charge of any bupmeBb requiring a knowledge <rf Mechanical Science,Progretki of the ArU». and Patent Improvements.Mr. Elliot in ul*o well acquainted with the practiceof fhia Ottice. IIkvht L. Ellsworth.

Office directly'tpposilc the I a'rnt Office, cornerof F and Eighth hired*.

(TTAII Letters on business must be post paid.W. 1>. ELLIOT,

pine Solicitorfor Patents.ri^HE UNDERSICiNED having examined a set1 of Cochrun's Mups of Sacred Geography,rubmittid to their itn-pvetion by Mr. Win. HobenMonroe, toko pleasure in certifying that, in theirjudgment, they cannot fail to be greatly useful toSabbath Schools, and highly interesting as well ausefulin families. They would thcelore highlyrecommend them to the favorable notice of p 'I SabbathSchools and others.

.Alexandria, July iiblh, 1816.

6°'VGj5lakV, \ Pa!,l°" M- K C,,ulth'John McCormick, Supt. M. E. 8. SchoolElias Harrison, Pastor 1st Pres. ChurchJanics McKejuie, Supt. u S. School.John S Reese, Pastor Af. P. Church.i ii'/ium »ivvu»iiiivn) OUJM. P>. SCIIOOI..V. 8. Eliksoii, Principal Female BoardingSchool.

Washington City.N. J. B. .1/oigaii, Pablor, Foundry Congrcga

on..1 VV. French, Rrclor IVol. E. Church.Geo. W. Samson, Pastor E aticet BapLnd

Church.Ncpliiuuft Tuatin, Chaplain tJ. S SenateWin. H. Jt/ilburn, Chaplain I ouse Itcnw.Alum a M. Lincoln Fhe!p*, Principle of Patap^o

Fctnale limlitute.W. B Kdwards, Preacher in charge Charles* s»t.

»>/ L.Church, Baltimore, JMd.VV. Itohert Mmroe han submitted to our inepeclionawl of Coehr,in'« Map* of Barred Geographynttil we hue determined lo u*e thein in Uieis Inati

tu'ion.CALEB h. HAl.I.riwri ! A, Him

Alexandria Boarding ttiiiool, 7lh month 88tli, '"lb.\V. K. MONKOi;, %, f'liyetUr Ml. B.illllti ire

" Itie |>niH'i[>al ai;cM «>ulh of N. Ymatch III.-Iff

DKNTAI. SUIUiKflY:T PAItMhhb, firm of UtH'ar and f'amielr|j, Hitrgieal, Iterative, anil Mttliaiiiuil DUN'II r. ma) lie 0 II |irofe.einnally front !t ni. |,> f,I', tit., al lit" ofPcc, «here lie hn» hern located for thehoI three year". Orrica and Ht.t,iii>.Ncx. Pcinitrntie, between !flh and lOlli an.

POTASH.r- p d\ lh». polaeh forfait. Juat rrreivrd hyCHABLEH bTOTT,




Ml ML ML MLrp0 Httil from Philadelphia the 25th of evejyX month, aud Iruiu Liverpool the 12th of everymonthFliOM PHILADELPHIA TO LIVEKPOOJL.

Tkos. P. Cojk, Capt. "IH. F. Mierukvu Feb. 25 .1 line "5 Oct. 25

Swank, (new) Capt. !E.'J'uricy iMai.25 July 25 .Nov. 25

Swiqurhmiiui, Capt. |A. Turley. April 25 Aug. 25 Dee. 25WpitWilrtg, (new) Capt.J. \V. Mhrcken |May 25 Srpt 25 |.Dn. 25FROM LIVERPOOL, TO PHILADELPHIA.

Surank, (new) (Japt.E. Turloy Jan. 12 .May 12 Sept 12Susquehanna, Capt.

A. Turley Feb. 12 iJunc 12. Oct. 12ll'yoK'hig, (new) Capt.J. W. Mierckcn Mar. i2 July 12 Nov. 12Thus. P. Cape, Capt11. F. Miercken |Apt 12 |Aug. 12 Dee. 12.These are first-class Philadelphia built Hhips

having cpaciotis and elegant cabins, and combiningevery quality to render them cafe and expeditionsconveyances. They are abundantly suppliedwith stores of (he best kind, and sail punctually,taking advantage of the low and ice boats on theDelaware.

Passage to Liverpool, f80 ; to Philadelphia, £20,without wines.

H.& A. UOPE A CO., Philadelphia.BROWN, SHIPLEY <& IM)., Liverpool.

JZSSv BUrnsil AND NORTH AMERICAN3*S& ROYAL MAIL 8TEAM SHITS, ol 1200tons, and 400 horse po.\er each. Under contractwith the Lords of the Amiralty.

HI BERN I A, Captain Alexander RyrieCALEDONIA, Captain Edward ii LottBRITANNIA, Captain John HewittCAMBRIA, Cap. Chas. H. E. JudkinsACADIA, Captain William Harrison.

The four steamships now building, areThe AMERICA, The NIAGARA,» CANADA, " UROPA.

Will sail fiom Liverpool mid Boston, via Halifax,88 lollows:

From Boston. From Liverpool.Hibcrnia,on 1st ap. IS47. Cambria, on 'Sth up. 184/.Cambria, on 1st may'47. Caledonia, on 20thap '47.Caledonia,on lGtli may'17 Dritania,on 4th may '47.

Passer grrs luggage to bo on board the day previousto sailing.Passage money.from-Boston to Liverpool, $120

do. do. to Halifax, $20.No berth secured until paid for.These ships carry experienced burgeons.No freights except specie received on days of catling.D. BKIGHAM, Jr. Agent,

At Harndon Ac Co.'s, No. 6 Wall at., N. Y.may 14 tf(Xj* In addition to the above line between Liverpooland Uullifux. and Boston, a contract has been

entered into with Her Majbaly's Government, to establisha line between Liverpool and New York direct.The steam chips for this set vice are now beingbuilt, and early next year due notice will be givenof the time when they will start. Under the newcontract the steamers will soil every Saturday duringeight months, and every fortnight during the otherfour months in the year, going ulternaetly betweenLiverpool and Halifax and Boston, and between Liverpooland New York. may 14-»f


THE Mitwril.IT begs leave to return hi. thank,tn hi. friends and the public generally, for the

very liberal patronage which thry have beatowed onhim, and would respectfully inform ihent that heha, on hand a general aaMir mcnt of Cabinet FurniIurn will I'll tin will unll .nni -h..., fur .....K nr nr.

prux'td poprr. He is constantly manufacturing al!kind, of furniture of the latest style and most a|proved pattern; such as.

Mahogany dressing Bureaus" spring real Sofas" rocking and parlor Chairs" card, centre, and dining Tables" \\ nrdrolres ^" 1? cdsteads

And, in fact, cveiy thing usually found in a cabinetware room.

Undertaking.He is also prepared to attend funerals at tin

shortest notice and on the most liberal tortus; andhe is confident that from his long experience in attendingfunerals, that he will give entire satisfactionto those who may favor him with their patronage.

J'tHN (JONNBLUY,Tth altcct. b-twceii II and I.

may 20 lyTEOPLE'd LINK OF STKAA1BOATSFOR ALBANY,From the foot ol (Jour 11and t direct, New York.

At 5 o'clock, p. m..Landing til intermedialtplace*.

j ^The Kienmbo U Rochester, Copt. A1 Hitchcock, will leave on Moruloy.Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday oftcrnoftna,at 6 o'clock.

The Klcamhoat Columbia, Capt. W. W. Tupper, will leave on Tuesday, Thursday, and JSalur|day a 'tcrnoons, at 6 o'clock.At persona arc forbid trusting any of the

boa' of this Linu without a written order from thecaptains or agent*.

For passage or freight apply on board tho boatsor to P. C. Hhultit, at the oitfee on the whaif.mif 19 u'


From Peck HI p East R.vcr, New YorkViu ./Veto J '.uvtoi.

rpME steamer Trmelltr, ('apt. Bower®, will leave_|_ evt ry morning, Hundavs excepted, at H o'clk.Htlurning, will leave New Haven at 1} o'cloc)

p. tn.Railroad cars will leave New Haven on the am

val of the above boat,conveying p s.cngersto Hartford, Springfield and Northampton and intermediate places. ABo to Boston, arriving at the latterplace at about 7 o'clock same evening,The steamer New York, CapL Peck, will leave

New York every Tuesday and Thursday afternoonat 4 o'clock, ard Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock,

Returning a boat will leave New Haven everyevening at 11 o'cloc^.N.B Freight will not be received for the dayboat after b o'clock p. in.

COR HARTFORD, DIRECT.The steamer New Champion, Capt. I. fevrc, will

leave every Monday, Wednesday und Friday afternoon,at 4 o'clock.The steamer Globe, Capt. Ronth, will leav-» everyTuesday, Thursday and Haturd iy afternorj, at 4

o'clock.For further information enquire of J. Sax ton, IIX

South street; (i. W. Conies, '283 Pearl atraet, or atNo. 8 Buttery place (upstair*) New York,may 80 if

" Sonic tliiwjfi ran Iilone as in II as others.''1SUPERIOR SODA WATER,

C. F A IK^U f I All At CO., corner of Iftth1 . street »ml New V..rb .v. -

pared to fnruUh the public the above delirious hrv.e.rnge, with a full usaorlineni of Syrup, eaiefullyprepared by themselves.

Their apparatus in rntirely ikw, and constructedon the latest and most approved principle.They flatter In inaelve* ihat their Soda Waler isequal, if not superior, to any ill the city, and invitethe public to call and judge for tlieinselvc*.Soda Fountain* filled to Older at the shortest no*


may'22 dOm

FBE3H GROCERIES^rpllio HSCKIBFR is now receiving anI additional aii| ply of grocci ic comprising

Ficesh Teas, (loll're r»f various kitifUNew Orleans, Porto liico, and St. t'roix sugar*

l)odo do inolasset.Sugar hnu^c sirup and molassesFr« eh spires, ground and «tngroundSprim, ndaei mine, ami mould candlesTom."to Nino-, catsups, anrh >vie#, die.Sardines avid Curry pomhrsSnrsnparillii airiip. fancy soapMilitary shaving aonp, dec.Oiange county butter100 cured hums100 superior shoulder*A Urge supply of cigar* and lohtcoo j'J o which he invited aiuuliou K. JIOLMKA,

ti'i i'tci


Hours of DEPARTURE of il&pMMUgeitrains on the M»in Kti'in stnl Washington

Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1stMay, 1817.


For Cumberland, Hiucock, Marlin»burp, .. ..

Harper's Ferry, Winchester,'Frederick. ( ^EiiicoU'* Mills, and intermediate depots C c

by the regular train, j a. m.

For Frederick and intermediate station*) > ^by extra train, except Sunday, $EASTWARDL Y.

From Cumberland, daily, regular train, at 8 a. m

Hancock, d>i do IOJ 44

Maitinaburg, do do ll£ "

Harper's Ferry, do do 12^ p. mFadenek, daily, except Sunday extratrain, 8 a. m

l)o do by regular train, ii p. mEllicott's Mills, daily, by several train:;, at 7

a. m. 12 m. and iA p. m.

Fare in either direction between Cumberland andBaltimore, $7, ami'or intermediate distances at tinuniform rate of X cents per mile.Through tickets ure issued between Baltimore

and VVheeling, respectively, $11Between Baltimore and Pittsburgh, It)Between Philadelphia and Wheeling, 1J

Wa*hi:ift't»it Branch.From Baltimore at (ij a. m. and p. m. daily.Do do 9 a. m. daily, exept Sunday.

From Wa?hington at Ha. «, and 5^ p. m. daily.Do do 12 p. m. daily, except Sunday.By order: D. J. FOLEY, Agent,


MO/i.VI.YG UMlal tf J-l2 o'clock.FOll ALBANY AND TROY,

Landing at Culdwell's, West Point,Ncwburg, Hampton, Poughkeepaie,llyde Park, Khinebtck, 1.1. KeJ Hook,

Bristol, Catskill, Hudson, Ooxsaekie, and Kinderhook.Faro reduced. Breakfast and dinner onboard the boat.The "steamboat Niagara, Capt. II. L. Kellogg

will have the steamboat pier, foot of Barclay at.,on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdiy, at half-past8 o'clock, returning on opposite days.

For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to F.U. Hall, at the oiiice on the. wharf.

do hI Havro, Willi am Ihlli 1,The Mcond Hieanirr of lliia line i» in du- conrn

of coueliuclioiii end will lie in readme** in the mening fall. may M- If

REGULAR MAIL LINEflJ577f>J&V JiOJTOJV JUVD dV VOIi.KIly the fust and vplondid at earner* Rhode Inlandan<'

Or gim,(JT; Hour of leaving New York changed lo ft p. in

rpHK steamer* Ithode Island. t.Japu Poller, andJL Oregon, Capi. 'l hayvr, will run throughout (hr

Kcat-on, in connection with the rtunington and Providenceand UomIoii ami Providence railroads, h nvingNew Yo'k daily, Hmidaya trxcepie I, Irom piciNo. I, North Hiver, at 6 o'clock p. in., or upon thearrival of the mail train from Lioxton.

The*e flearner. are unmrpaKxed in Mpecd, splendorami comfort, ha' ing each of them HO largo com-rnodiona private state omnia and berth* for 000 persons,U'-hidcM large private room* lor lumilies, ant)parlor*.

These steainei* ore officered by trie moat experiencedmen, and will shorten the passage betweenNew York and Boston from one aiul a bull'to twohours, thereby arriving in ample time lor ail theline* horn Boston4 north and east.The Orneon will leave New York Tuesday.

Thursday and Ha urday.Leave Huuiington Monday, Wednesday and Friday.JI he Khode Island xar«|| leave New York Monday,Wedneiduy and Friday.I.I'UVC SioiilnRt,.nf ur«l»y,'l'lnu-.lsv anil H.luiIday.N.I!.. Passenger* on the arrival of the wtenmera

hI Hloningtori proceed immediately in the splendidrailroad car* to Providence and 13 »ton without nnyd» lay ; and a baggage master accompanies eachtrain through to Boston, to tnko charge of the hagFor

paasaee, bertha, state room*, or freight, applicationmay he ni .d* to the agent* on the wharf, andat the oflicu No. 10 Battery place, iNsw York..1 '


From the foot of Courtlandt street, Now York.Passengers inking (his boat wilt arrive in time to

take the morning train of cars from Troy went toBuifuto, iind nortli to Saratoga ami Lake tiunrgp;The low-preaaure steamboat Empire, Cu plain

B. Macy, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaysat 6 o'clock p m.The low-pressure steamboat Columbia, Captain

W. Tupper, on M« ndays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,at 0 o'clock, p. in.

No freight taken after 5 o'clock. ,

For passage or freight apply on board, or at theoffice on the wharf.may 19 tf

pioiElFs LINE OF .S TEAMBOATSFOR ALBANY.Duitij) Sundays excepted.

Through (» o'clock p. m..from the pierbetween Courtlandt and Liberty streets, NewYork.

Steamboat hnetc Newton, Capt.Wm11. Peck, will leftvo on Monday, Wednesday,and Friday evenings, at C

o'clock.Steamboat Htndrik Hudson, ('apt. R. G. Cnittendoni,will leave on Tuesday,- Thursday, aiu) Sat

urday evenings, at 0 o'clock.At f> o'clock p. m., I'itiding at intermediate pfac< 6.

From the foot df Barclay slfiet, New York.Steamboat South America, Capt. Thomas N.

(dulse, will leave on Monday, Wednesday, Friday,and Sunday.afternoons, at 6 o'clock.

Hteamboit North Ani-rica, Capt. It. H. Furcy,will leave on Tuesday,, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons,at 5 o'clock.The above boats will at all times arrive in Albany

in ample time for the morning curs for the East andWent,

Freight taken at moderate rates, and none takenafter 1 1-2 o'clock p. m.

All persons nrv turbid trusting any of Ihc bonisd"this Line without a written order from the captainsor agents.For passage or freight apply on board, or to P.

(J. Shulit, at the office on the wharf.may id if

OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION CO.U. S Mail Liw: to Cuwrs and Southampton, and

liremen,Tho splendid in w steamship WASHINGTON,1700 tons hurthon. Freddie Hewitt,

commander, will start from New York oil the lat ofJune next, carrying the II. 8. Mail.

Who will touch hi Cowes anil {Southampton to Inn.Ipassengers ami freight, unil deliver the mails forEngland, Franco, and Belgium, and will then procccdto Breuv rhavrn. Keturning, will leave UremeiliHvnj'.ho Jiflth of Jutlb.The Washington ic built in the strongest manner,

with a view to being converted into a ship of w ir,and subject at any lirno to inspection by officers appointedby the President, both during and after construction.She has two engines of 1000 horse power each,

and aacommodalionH for 140 first class, and 44 secondclass pnaw ngers.Passage from New Yoik to Southampton or t«

Bremen, first class, £'\I0; second class, $00.Po>sagc from Bremen and Southampton to New

York, first elans, $1.00; second class, $G0.She will carry nhoui 300 tons freight, which will

he charged according to the nature of the goods offering.All letters must pass through the Post ()ffic«.Paicelb. for which bills of lading will be signod, willbe charged $5 coi h.

For Freight or Passage, apply at the Office of the.Ocean Hi. am Navigation Company, 44 William et.corner of Walfstreet, New York.

15., General Agent.Agent at Southampton, Dat, Cuoi.rkt, A Boss.


tluncert Hull, I'um. av., ovtr Todd's Hat Store.TWO I'ATENTS UKANTtP UKDKK TIIK UHEAT

SKALOFTHK UNITEO STATES.A WARDED THE GOLD and Silver Medals,cm. four Hr*-C premium* a; J two highest honors,

at the National, 'he Massac, bust* It the N m V rk,and tlu* IVnn .ylvnuin e? ibitions. f« r the nrns. r iendidcolored Daguefreoty («.'s and heat apparatus.

C3* Portraits taken in any weather, in the mostexquisite style.

Apparatus and Stock wholesale and retail.'Instructions given ill the art.july 27.3m

UMKi 1.IMKM.1YIE!I tfl&lf fc bushel* freah burnt Lime for sale by

u. ward <v son,at their Lumber Vurd on 12ih street.


DK.C A. Van ZivikH'h Health RestoreliveFills is a medicine which not only cures

but prevents disease, capable of great resul's, andequally rulculat d to be safely used for apparentlysmall ones. We all know how dreadful and dan'gi rotiK a seated bilious disorder is, and we ore alsowell aware of the seeming insignificance of i's lir.itwarnings or ineipieiicv. The individual sulleriugfrom slight pains in his che-t, hack, or sbmiach, orfrom occasional nausea, dull headache, cxt-eme nervousness,sleeplessness, trilling prevaricution of appetite, an other disagreeable visitations so c niuion-

ly and foolishly looked upon an unimportant, maynot know that those symptoms, treated so contemptuously,are the consequences of a diseased state ofthe liver, which if not remedied, will lead either lspeedy death or a h>i»R tiain of unbearable ills .whicharc known ly the following names: Ilypochondria,mania, dizziness, slow fevers, epilepsy, asthma,dropsy, rheumatism, chlorosis, convulsions, nausea,nervousness, craptns, gout, pleurisy, jaundice, irritability,and vio'rnce, dyspepsia, hysfo.rcs, scurvy,foulstomach, dry coughs, glandular alTVctions, colds, lingcr.ngtore throats, various disorganizations of thegroat inte-tinc, strictures and spn*m«>dic complaintsinirrnally, eruptions, shortness of breath, heartburn,neuralgia, vildi inflammation, flatulence, gastric fevers,Ate.

Sometimes, too, there ensues art irregular actionof the heart Take these pills and suffer no more.

WY.VIT \ KHTCHUM,121 Fulton St., N. Y., Genera! Agents; and add

by CHAKEESSTOITnpril 24.Gino.


THE commodious steamer ColumSmSnK hi a, Captain Geo. Guyther, havingtesuined her regular trips, will leuve Hiley's wharf,tti Washington, at (i, afld Alexandria at 7 o'clock,iti the morning of Wednesday, the 25tn. inst., andol every succeeding Wedneaduy, for Baltimore; ond.returning, will leave Commerce street wharf, inthat city, for the Ui^trict of Columbia, at 4 o'clockin the afternoon of every Saturday, taking off ondlanding passengers and light freight at all the usuallandings on the Potomac river.

Freights will be taken at low rates and withouany charge (or wharfage at Baltimore.

WM. GUNTON.Presrdent.

Dr. Christie's Galvanic flings and Mag-netic Fluid.

HjlHIS remarkable invention, which has receivtdI. the almost universal approbation of the medical

profession of Great Britain, comprises on entirelynew application of Galvanism, as a remedial agentby means of which the ordinary Galvanic Batteries.Electric and Magnetic. Machines, &c. arc entirely,diapuneed with, and the mysterious power of Galvnnistn applied without any of the.objections which urlinseparablefroiu the general mode now in me.The Galvanic King- have bicn uc.«d with entire

success in all oases of rheumatism, acute or chronic,applying to the head, face, or limbs ; gout, tic-doloreu*,toothache, bfonChitis, vertigo, nervous or sickheadache, indigestion, paralysis, paUy, epilepsy, tits,cramp, palpitation of the heart, apoplexy, stillness ofthe joints, spinal complaints, lutnbngo, neuralgia,nervous tremors, dizziness of the henjJ, pains in thechest and side, genfcral debility, deficiency of nervousand physical energy, and all nervous disorders.In cases of confirmed dyspepsia, which is simply nnervous derailgomerit of the digestive organs, tl.cyhave been been found er/unlly successful. Their cxtiuorditmryeffects upon the system must be witnessedto be be bolived, and as a certain preventive for thepreceding complaints they are equally recommended,rite rings nro of different prices, being made of ailsizes, and of Various ormuncnful patterns, and canIhj worn by the most delica'e female without theslightest inconvenience. In fact, the sensation is raheragreeable than othcrwi&o.Thk Galvanic Bklth,Bkacklkth, BaniiHjOartkrs,Nkck lacks, &c. Ac. These articles are

adapted to tlm waist, arms, wrists, limbs, ankles, or

any part of the body with perfect cotivtiniGneb. TheGalvanic Necklaces are used with greater benefit incases of bronchitis or affections of the throat gcncrially also, in cases of nervous deafness; and withalmost uniform uccesaar a ;:evcii*ive for appoplcry,

Christie's Magnetic uid is used in eonncirionwith the Galvanic King*. ami uS! their modification*This composition has been p. out meed hy tin;French Oh« mists to be one of the mind cxtrnordi-,na.y discoveries of modern science. Full explanationsand directions accompany it. The combinedinventions arc in every way perfectly harmless; theyare at prices within reach of nil. and the discovereronly requests a fair trial, as a lest of llioir surprisingtitljcticy and permanent benefit.

GlIlllKTI h's (JAI.VASIU 8tIIKNHTHKNIN'0 Pf,A8tbmh..Thesearticles form another valuable applicationof the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They.»re an important adjunct to the genuine GalvanicKings and their .Modifications.acting upon the same

principle, but having the advantage of more local application*They are confidently rcc6mendcd as n

valuable addition in the speedy cur of rheumatism,acute or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as u

positive remedy incases of pain and weakness m thecheat or back, pain in the side, in asthmatic allcctions,and in weakness or oppression of the puhnmiary organs.In spinal complaints their eflerts nro of themost decided ehaiactcr, and they have often beenused with complete success. They are of tingreatest advantage in pains arid weakness of thebreast, and are highly rccojnincuded for many ofthose complaints to which females are especially li1able. As an efhetual ineann for strengiheiiing thegyMetn when debilitated with disease end other cau-

a preventive for cold*« mid in all uitcciioiis of thecheat ^encially, tin: Ciiilvanic tUrenglhcning PIoktinbwill be found of gieat and permanent ailvau!t'»gc.

(fj* CAUTION. The celebiity and success ofthen? article* hove caused thorn to be counterfeitedby unprincipled person*. Dr. Chrialie cautions thepublic against spurious imitations. lie ha>; but oneauthorized agency in oach city of the Union, wherethe geuumo articles can bo procured. The onlyagents lor Washington ure.

M. H. STEVENS 61 EMMONS,Nun. I and 2 Brown's Hotel, Peon, avenue.

Explanatory pamphlets, Ate. may be had gratis,with tho strongest testimonials of tucccss and benetit.

TjlAiX niK.WVAUK, CHINA, & GLASS,£ j Tho>. Puracil has just imported, per ships Libuty and Ohio, from Livt-rpoo), and other sources,eighty-four packages of the iiIhivc articles, umong.lwlih-.h are.

French, Engli li, India, Biuestonc, W <». andIronstone dinner, dessert, tea, collbe, and toiletsets

Rich gold-band w liilr and figured China Tea set.,or pieces detanked

Cut and plain hall lampsFol.n, aiJis, Liverpool and Mand lamps and wicksi.mijj giasse*, girandole.*,I\n»\ handle and other knives and forks in sets of

lirty-oni- pairs or separateHeal silver and imitation table, tea and dessert

spoons t

Plated and Herman silver castorsllrass.ind plated candlesticks ,

Plated rake-baskets, waiters, in sets or detnehedKre» lib and American ten and enflce setsCodec biggins and urns

1 asking flashes, shovel and longs, ke.

J -VII ol which will be sold wholesale and retail atvi v low prices tor cash

l'irst rpiality stone and Britannia ware at the faeti rv pricesAn extensive and good assortment of common ware,sn blc for re tail groceriesThe subscriber solicits a call from his friends and

the piibliv generally, at his store, opposite Brown'sHotel, IVmi. Avenue, assuring them that ho is deter-Imined to sell as cheap as the very cheapest lor cash.



>> IIjIJIAIM LSKJVjliyDealer and Manufacturer' tf Inside Vcnitian WindowBlinds, south side Ponn. av. between 9tli

and lOih streets, Wachingt 11.BLINDS of ull & zes and stylos furr., hod to order.

Hplit Dl.ndi, plain and painted, of all s zes.

Mra-s fixtures and trimming* fur»"bl»ed.Linen and transparent Curtains put up in the

host style.Fife-acrcciis and w'ido paper for curtains, very

cheap.All work done on rca>onAble terms and with

promptness. ,

N. H. OIJ Blinds n paired and repainted.june233m

SHANNON,DALB SPRIJN(iS~JS\ar Charleston, Jefferson co.t Va.J. J. A BELL, PlUJPKIKTOIl.

I HAVE LEA sE D for a term of ycurs this delightfulIV/I'I'llHJN(i FLACK, and will haveit open for the reception of company on the 1st ofJune. The proprietor pledges himself that nothingshall be spared on In* art, or of tho e in bis employ,to render the time of hi* visiters agreeable.His fare, Ac. shall be second to thut of no o'herwatering place in Virginia. His bur will be the best of liquors of every kind; and,in fact, it will be the proprietor's determination torentier this one of the most pleasant and delightfulsummer retreats in Virginia. The \irturs of thewater have h.en fully touted in cares of iheumalism,drcipsy, or dyspepsia, and persons afflictedvaiih either of lho»e diseases will find gicut relieffrom the bathing, &c. The proprietor has a linecoach unci team, which will ineeu passengers dailyat Charleutown, on the arrival of the cars, to conveythem to and Irom the Springs.Terms: $9 for the fust we*k, $8 thereafter;

50 per day.may 19 tf

FACTS NOT FARLES!T\R. SCHWARTZF.'SI / < lit'ono-Tlivrinn I A cur. Pills.warranted to cure ill eight houra


COMI'OUM) EXTR.1CT Of S.'lRS.irjMI.Ulsuitublo lor every month in the ye-r, wuri. rite torelieve Rbeumnli-rii, Bronchitis, Scrofula Neuralgii,constitution a ellVu is of f^yphilU, erup'tvc d'seines,and all others a»i:iug fr.iin itnpiKiiics of lint hlo< d.The above medicines may be had wholesale or

retail, at the roprielor's store. Peon, avenue, 2d'dooreast of 3d street, Washington City.

iune23 eotf

FOR RENT.*.The dwelling over the8lwrtt occupied by Mrs. Hamilton, on

81 gijjyb Pennsylvania avenue,south side, betweene2*H0B Ninth and Tenth streets, containing seven

tine sized room*. and in pood ord r. To n smallfamily the rent will be moderate. Inquire of Mrs.Hamilton* june*

$1 50 BECK'S $1 50l)A(> l ERltEOI VPE ItOrUIS,Hemmed In the comer of 7th fine' and I'liin.

avenue, over Slott's Dm::; Store.ACCURATE and highly finished I'crtraits for

fit 50, Groups in proportion.ost Mobtksi ca'.es attended to with promptitudeand certain success at a reasonable advance.

A share of the public patronage is most respectfullysolicited,june 1 tf J. H. R. BECK.

JYKir MIUTAUV WORK.D. APPLETON Co., '200 Broadway, Now

York, have lately published in a fino mylo.Element*of Military An and Science; or course of Ii,strucionin Strategy, For ideation's Titrfiea of Buttles,Ac., embracing tlio duties of .St if, Infantry,Cnva'ry, Artillery, unci Engineer*. Adapted to tlu>use of Voluhtcc * and Militia. By H. Wager Hallock,A. M., Lieut, of Enginoers, U. S. Army. 1Vo. l?mo. illustrated. Price $ I 60.

* For those who take pleasure in Htudying the artof wdr, au<l ti'pecially for those whose profusion inthat f arms thin must prove a vn'uublo work..The author appear*) to bo jierfectly well iuforinril inmilitary tactics, ami has illustrated hm in-eructionsby various drawings and plana, whiyh make themsolve* understood. 'Phu various mean*. of nationaldefence are minutely set fori h--: lu; position amicharacter of the fortificali ns, en our Northern Irontierc jwclallyi an: accurately 'described, nnJ the dutiesami orgau'jt ion of each arm of iho nation a defence.iufatitry, cavalry, artillery, end eiigim era.

WtWIXU ...v.... w. ..~

>t*cni Jo have been apart d to innko an authentic andinstructive hook.".Commercial Advertiser,

august 2.if


M A S U F A C T O R V ,

Coil.MKK OF OHKEN AND Ol.lVB STREETS,Qkonr.*ktown. L). C.

rilHK SlJBbt. KlURR having commenced thei manufacture of Minkiiai. WAtfu, takes tholiberty to inform his friends and tho publi in general,that he is now propared'to supply them regularlyevery d iy with this delightful evi ra .e, hy leadingtheir orders at Mr John Iiulhmunn\s Wine store,Pennsylvania avenue, between 4^ and Oth streets

Washingt ii or at his residence.The water used is taken from n spring on tho pieminesof the Sub crihrr, w> II known to the physician*

and tho public for yielding the lies: and purest watereither in Washingt. n or Georgetown. I ,

'J he u'inuHt care will ho paid in manuficlurin?,tho Mineral Water, and the public can icly upon re-1ceiving a pure and superior article.The subscriber takes pleasure to call the attontion

of the public to the annexe certificate.(tKonoKYowN, June 16, 1847.

We, the undersigned, physicians, have, at the invitation of Mr. J. Roll er, caicfully examined hisMineral Water K-.tahlishment, and tako pleasure inpronouncing our entire satisfaction with his superiorand neat arrangements.The apparatus and hot ling machine annexed. i»

a production of tho l.ite t Amtricau invention, so

constructed as to ensure a lull u- d perfect saturationof gas to a degree heretore unknown to us.

Tho water used for its in tup» is pure andwholesome, and the care taken in tho proce-s, as

well as the clem.lineas pervading th whol 'cstabli hinint. meets with eur entire approbation, and induce*ii* to recommend it to the public, as a very supplierand healthy arlie!e.

J. A. lUTCnii;, M. P.


J. K1LKY, M.'u.CIIA8. H. Clt.AGl.V, M. I).


J. Al. THOMAS, Al. U.TH08. MILLION, M. D.T. B. J. KJ1YE, M. f>.

july 27 4t J. ROTHER.J'ropiiotor.

Superior Mailolm Wine, Azv

J AMES FlTZ(>bUAIiO respectfully invitoMrmherH ofCongresH, citizens and other*, v ho

may ilrairo to have (superior Madeira Wine, fineCo^nnc Btnmly, ami other first rate opinions Ihjuon,to call at his Confectionary ami Fruit Si. re, on the

the United State* Hotel..Iuiiiim Fitzgerald keep® cniifttantly for aalc the

very heat wine, liquora, fruit and confectionary article*,which can he procured ot the moftt respectablehoMMTH in the country. Ilia Madeira Wine wan

imported by him* If in 1810, and cannot he excellednt any wino or liquor atore in thi* city. IliaBrandy, Ho'land Gin, and old Monnngahela wlii*ky.are of the very firat quality. Call, ta-dc. andjudge for yourncivca.

OCj* The Fine Ilrown Btmit, nnd good PhiladelphiaAle constantly on hand.

IIANI)UIM,9, A,C.Neatly printed at tUe OUivc ul lire Nat, Whig.


In one vol. ICmo., wi h four fine engravings onon mIi el, ami numerous engravings on wood.


FIRST AMERICAN EDITION.Collated with llio various English editions, and containingadditional notw and a Biographical Profaceby lie Ameiican Author.Two parts. 12ino., 03 J cents each, or one volume

clo li, #1 50." I havb l.ecn a great follower of fishing myself,

and in its cheerful solitude have pused/ftrno of thehappiest hours of a sufficiently huppy life.".Pshy'sNatural Theology.

"I. has been made extremely valuable to fisher-men, but it i« worth far more to every body for itscharming li eralure.".Christian Inquirer.

"It breathes the very spirit of innocence, purity,and simplicity of heart: there arc manv choice oldverses interspersed in it; it would sweeten a man'stemper at arty time to read il; it would Christianizeevery discordant angry passion; pruy make yourself 'pcquiinted with it.".Charles Lamb in a letter toCo eriJgo.

"Its simplicity, its sweetness, its natural grace 1siul happy i itermixture of grave strains, with theprecepts of angling, have rendered this book deserv- 1

edly popular.'.IIa linn's Literature of Kuropc. {"That well known work has an extreme simplici'y,and an extremo interest arising out of its verysitiipl city. In the description of tLh ng tackle youperceive the piety and humanity of the author'smin i, Wis is the best pastoral in the la* guagc, notexcepting Pope's or Phillips'.".Hazlilt.jn paper *of ho Kound Table.

Published and for sale byWILK.y A i'U I K AM, 161 Broadway.


G1 KEEN HPKING HYDROPATH I(TINST1rTUTE in Bal irn re County, M miles on theSusquehanna Kailroad, and 10 miles by the Keistcrs* i

town Turnpike from Baltimore. This institution r

will he opened on the 12th of August, for the reccp-tion of Pulienls and under the direction and chargeof William Bode, M. D late of Washington city,upil of iln ceb hratcd Prie*.ni% founder of the *y«- i

lew. IThe proprietors bring comimnj that an inM'tu-

tion of this kind would he a ble-siiig to the sick, ami [the invul d» of our city and state, and those of oursister stales, who would resort to this mode of.cure,have spared neither pains nor means to place this institutionoit a f oting with those of this country, at-ter the plan of thrse in Germany. 'I he Iioujc has r

been newly painted and furnished with new furin* i

ture, and specially atti red and arranged for comfortto the pat cuts and Inr the utmost efficiency of the i

treatment. A new Bith house has been added tothe main hou c, containing all the necessary bathapparatus. A Doucho'houFO is building whii h willcontain 4 douches: [3 for ladies rfnd 2 for gentlemen]which will have a fall of from 13 to 18 feet, ami involunle from l£ to inches in diameter. i

'There sre four large springs on the place at n t

temperature of 01° Furenhfit, highly impregnatedWith carborric gas in constant e tier ve.senee. The iwater is rernarjtahly light and all the springs areihadcJ by large trees. Walks lead from one to the i

other, giving ample opportunity for Wulking. The (place is known as one of (he heal hieot and mostd*'- \

lightful in Maryland. *

As iiydr.'pathic Institutions are not, places rfamusement, but are only for the trek and invalid., ievery thing more readily may and will be done to fpromote thtir comfort and health. Neither is the itime of visiting or enter ng them c*nfi cd to one (-eason hut they »re open at all iru-ons of the year. \

Bxp -rience having proved that the «inter or cold »

s'osons arc. fully ea favorable to the progress of the ii

cure, us the summer or milder seasons, psnrticulurly |in « chronic affections. No induccimuts will heheld out to the epicure, but the table will he suppliedwith wholesome and nutritious and abundant foodto restore a hrokendown or ldmsrd count it lit ion t. a

more than ordinary health. Ail exciting clrinUn andspic s arc entin ly forbidden, chocolate, milk and »

water, being the only drinks allowed.Rich patient mu-t provide himself with a mil- i

tress, u leather bed of about 12 lbs. h double blanket;,four coaruo linen sheets, 3 yards long nnd 1 £ wide;4 lorn; and 4 abort towels, a mo ning gown, a pair \of india*rubber shucs; and -J pint goblet or tumbler;The price of Hoard, including the use of all the

bath apparatus, the Doctor's fee, and the attendance cof the bathing servon's for each patient, is $12 perweek.when tw«j or three persons occupy the same i

room the charge it) each will bo $10 per week.All applications for admission must be made to

W. bu e, M. D. Green Spring, Baltimore county ^po*t ptiidi '


august t

DR. SHBW'S Wati r Cure Institution at,(Oyster Buy), near New York, is now opened

for the reception of pa'i-nts. Passage daily from I:Fulton Market, (steamboat Croton), at 3 o'clock, p. ftn. or persons may go by the Long Island Railroad, i;ns for as Hi<ks\ille, at OA a. in.; also in the afternoon,each day. For healthful news and beauty of location,it is believed this pine is unrivalled; and the nu-

uirrous and very copious Sprit p.* arc of gteater pur- c

iiy than tho e of any othur establishment in this or Lthe old c< untry, so far as analyses have heen given, v

The terms of hoard and treatment shall he made as

moderate as is consistent with the necessary expert- pH'\s of on establish merit of this kind. Tho charge, f

"«VU»*UI a.iu IMYCOVmHllUIIof the patient's case, will vary from five to ten dollarsper week. Persons will ring their sheets, blun- 5kds, towels, and injec ion instrumciiU, or these may s

ho hired or purchased on reannahle terms at the o*Uhlishment.For further particulars uddrcss postpaid, Joel Whew, M. D.» cither at New York Cityor WyOnset, Long Island, Now York, City patient', fwill he treated at Show's residence, 47-Bond street.New York. pN. H.. For some weeks during the hottest wea- ^flier, Dr. Whew will be able to attend to patients athis oilier, (47 Uoudslrc t), only on Hat tirdays, from10 a. nr. to 2 p. m. ju y 31 tl

THRESH f«ROCERUSH, BUTTEIt, 6c CHEESEF The subscriber has oil hand, a fresh supply » n

every drscriptiun of goods in his line, which he otfers on reasonable terms.

50 bigs Java, Rio, Laguyra, Maricaiho, ami AN (|rican COFFEE ^

25 cheats and half-chests Gunpowder, Imperial, (|Old Hyson, Young Hyson, and Black nTEAW .

10 ca»cs very choice Tea. 12 lbs in each, for families1500 pounds double refined and 2d quality Loaf

Sugar ,11)00 pounds ciuthed and pulveied Loaf Sugar1000 do whitevHavuna tlo(1000 tlo brown do do ,

Porto Rico and New Orleans doDo do and St Croix Molaesev H

Sugar-house and New Ibenn HAupGround and uuground Hpicca, of every vb-

riety jCatsups, Curry Towrder, French and other

vMustards |

Olive*, Capers, Sardines, and Anchoviesfialid Oils, in fla»ks arid hotilea f

700 gallons winter-si rained and common Oil.fruitw. j

60 whole, half, and qr. boxes Raisins8 casks Currants (i hhls. Dried Apples f

'do do CJretjii do {2 canes Pruiies, in jarjaiut fancy boxes

.30 drums Wmjrna Figs26 bbh Eastern Cranberries?00 pound* soft »hellcd AlinoridsA50 do Filberts. t

RUTTEIl AND CHEESE.28 tub* choice Welsh Butter v

:J0 boxes superior Cheese t

Sapsngo dof31 bble pink-eye Potatoes I40 <lo extra brand New York Fl»ur40 do Virginia doIr>0 pockets 13uckwheat Ii boxes do<

23 bbls holf and qr. do. «

FISH. INackcrcl, Cm1, Hliad, Slid Hemng. y

CANDLES.20 boxes Sperm Candles I10 do patent do*10 do Adamantine do n

Brooms, Mitn, I'nils, Baskets, Ac. c20000 Begnlin, l.n Norma, Principe, and other a

brand Cigars. f8YLVANU8 HOI.MES, «

ap dl4.Iff 7lhstreet.

MRS. NEWMAN, Milliner nnd Dress-Maker1'a. avenue, between i7th and 18th street. (





. The United States Reporter,A DAILY JOURNAL


r|lHE SUBSCRIBER is now enabled to au.1.nounco the completion of h's arrangements forhe establishment of a well org iiiiaed and independentJournal of News al the e at of the General Government.The loading features of the United Stales Reporter

vi!I he the followingI. Early intelligence of the movements of the vajiouM Departments of the Government, in reference

,o domestic affairs and to th* foreign ielation* of thecountry, will bo given with 6cr ul<>us fidelity. Possessingpeculmr facilities for obtaining information,he "Reporter" will bo enabled frequently to comninicute, exclusively, intelligence of the most irolorluntcharacter.

>1. The Verbatim Reports of tho Proceedings andD bates of the United Stale* Venule, which the proVictorin <bound to furnish daily to that body, in ac:ordanccwith tire terms of the contract uiado at the:!oae of lust h ssion oi Congress. The arrangementslow in ide w'.ll at once fully secure to theSenate ofhe United States an authentic and complete record>f its d bites; and to il«o a great'y chargeddegree.the benefit of the experience, sagaciy,and stalcuinanship f that body, to which theylave ever looked with solicitous and respectful regard.

III. The Proccedii gs and Debates in the Home>1 Representatives w.ll also ho given with fullness,mpartiality, and promptitude. Each day's recordvill be completely mude up, and appear in the "Rejorlrr"next morning.IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceedings and

Debates of all Mate Legislatures w II be regularlygiven. Members of Congress, and all classes ofru Icra, will thus be kept fully and systematicallyufornu'd of donnsic legislation in all sections of theUnited Malts.V. Early Intell gcnce of all important movements

n the Legislatures of (jrcat )Jri ain and France, will>o communicated by every steamer from Europe,hrnugh"reporters in London and Paris, who possessX'culiar facilities for obtaining information.

VI. The Genorol News of the Day will be givenn a condensed form, with nnlu try and attention.Such is u briel view of what the 'United Mates

Reporter" is designed to be. All the plans and aringementsHave been well matured, and the hope isonfi.lenily cherts1 ed. that the "United States Re>otter"will prove itself an energ* tic, industrious,lignitied an«l perfectly independent journal, li willlave no patty political bias. The proirietor,by the terms of his contract with tho Senate»f the United Slates, is bound to the condition thatbe p p r shall c train no politics' discussion exceptlie dcbitcs." li will lie a vehicle ol mtv3.not theirgan of anv set of opinions. The grand aim ofho subscriber is to establish at the scat ot Governuenta fa (litill and prompt r< potter of all sorts ofntelligeuce.a responsible agent. on which thepolticau, the business man, the manufacturer, the mechanic,arid every one interested in the allttiru ofJoiigress utid\lhe Government, may rely at all limesvi h implicit confidence.

It is believed that the establishment of such a reia'blcJournal of intelligence, on terms which placet within the reach of the g.col musses of the pco«>le, at the commencement of what promises to be anost inter.; ting and eventful period in the history ofJongre&i-ional proceedings, will bu regarded with famrby all clashes of community; and having thuslata! his objects, tho subscriber respectfully solicitsliberal and general support lVom (he enlightened

itlhlic of the United Mutes.JAME8 A. HOUSTON,

Stenographer to the Senate of the United States.

hen continue*! t«» give it insmnil doses, from /wo tofircc tea spoonsful!, which resulted in a happy re nvciy.Since lin n I have hem using it. constantlyit niy family, in chjim of cholera uioibus, choleranfnfitum, dinrrhwa ami g< neral debility, nrul invery instance found it highly beneficial. Some:onuli'utions, however, require much larger doseshan others.

JOS. D. JENKINS.tiluff/on, & 6\, ISlfJ.

It IS with feeling", of gratitude as well as pleasurehut I take this method of giving my testimony ofhe giem estimation which I entertain f<»r your iuraluahlecompound. In justice not only to tho mclieine,hut lor the benefit of others who may be sufiruigfrom the same malady, Dyapcpsio, with whichwas for y«nr.-. ufflietcd, I feel it a duly incumbentm ino to stale thai I am now iest red to perfectlealtli. When coinmcnced Inking the ColletonJitter* it was a laatresort* My debility from in-'ligestimi was »o great that a cure was looked uponih almost hopeless. After Inking it regularly andjerscveringly for some time, my strength- and digestivepowers were entirely restored. I have never

iikcn a single doro 0f any other medicine for more

ban live years past. I can now cat the richest foodvithout any unpleasant feelings whatever. I haveJho used Colleton Hitters freely in my family forfioltra 4 rifimtum, cho/trn nwrhtu, general debility,md aa a tonic nfler fever, with great success. As aJfamily medicine I derm it invaluablo, and do con- Acicmiouidy recoinruond it

A. M. ftHf. Johns Colleton, 8, C., December, lH4ft.For mk by the only Agent for the District of;ulumbi», ii, liUMAiNS,

no -unui'u cuuics ivporur win ne pruned onlarge and handsome ahcet, and issued every running,except Sunday*, at the rate of six dollars per

tnniiiu; single copies, two cents.In connection with the daily paper, there will bo

esued from the nunc establishment.THE MIRROR OF CONGRES8.

This publication will contain exclusively the rcjlorts of the proceeding" and debates of the Congressif the United Htatfls. It w II be issued eeini-wcekly,n an elegant <p>ar,'o form, throughout the sessionsif Congress, and will bo furnished to subscriber*} atlie ra c of two dollars for the long scmiou, and orelollar for ti e short session. It is hi lit ved that thisjre national work w ill be deemed indispensable inlie library of every public institution, politician, andirolessionnl man throughout tnc country ; and that itviil lie regarded by tho great mass of the people «lie very best political text book Tor their own intruct'onand that of their children.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.Throughout the sessions of Congress, Exlr(ltvr\\\

ic i'Siied from the ollice of the "United States Remoter,"containing the mports of all such debates aa

nay po sess particularly exciting interest.All newspapers throug' out the United Hates, who

mblish this prospectus once a week from this dateill the meeting of Congress will bo entitled loan exhungewith tho 'United Hiatcs Reporter," and willie pluci d on the list of those to whom the Extrasvill be despatched.All subscriptions and communications to be post

aid, addressed "J. A. Hou ton, United Slates Relorter,Washington, I) C."Wo.-bington, D. C. July 20, 1847.Xj'Agent h»r Baltimore: VV. TAYLOR, 4 andJnrvis Buildings: who is authorized to receive j

ubseriptions.iulv 118. lawtN 1


11HKSE Bitter* are purely a vegetable corn

pounds and arc offered to the public fromiriiu iple of benevolence, under the fullest convicion that they will bo found a safe and Hovercignomedy for Dynpeptsin. They havo been trium-ihnutly tented, not only by mime of the moat repectfthlcfamilies and physicians in the Stale ofinuth Carolina, who have famished ample testi- k

lony as to their decided excellence, but also by theroprictor, who, for ion years, suffered all the gloomacidcnt to that stubborn and distressing disease.They possess the peculiar excellence, denied to

aost other Bitters, of not proving injurious by coninueduse. They contain not a single deleteriousngredient, and, as seen from the directions whichccompany each bottle, may bo given with entireafcty to an iuldiil in the month.

With pjrnsurje, nnd for the benefit of mankind, Iend you a certificate relative to the Colleton Biters.*

In the year 1833, when the cholera was inliarleston, S. was compelled to scud a servant

o the city. On his return, he was suddenly attackedwith most violent pain in his bowels, so much so

is to cau^r apprehension that he would expire in a

hort time, if medical«id could not bo procured. Iitfmcdiatcly icsorted to the Colleton Bitters, by givnga w ine gin' s full at a dose. In the course of a

try abort time it acted as an emetic, and throwingurn at the same time into a profuse perspiration. I