The Daily intelligencer (Seattle, W.T. (Wash.)) (Seattle ... · DULY INTELLIGENCER. Tuesday, Sept....

DULY INTELLIGENCER. Tuesday, Sept. 13. 1881. Mum pa is prevalent in town at tbe present writing. Sberidan and trorpe will arrive this evening by tbe Otter. Sir Ch«B Tupper and party left Vic toria for Kan Francisco, on their way back to Canada, on tbe Dakota last Saturday. The Pair announcement for 1481 will be fonnd in another column. It only partially indicates what tbe Associa- tion intend doing to make the coming Fair attractive Tbe steamer Empire loading Carbon Hill ooal is tbe only vessel at present at Taooma, no craft tx»ing at the miil wharf. Tbis wharf is being renewed by tbe piiedrivt-r at this time. Tbe s'eamship Mississippi, as will be seen by the advertisement elsewhere, wi'l leave Seattle for Hun Francisco next Friday morning |«t 5 o'clock, taking freight and passengers. Instead of $750,000 paid for tbe Car- bon Hill coal mine by tbe Central Pa- cific ltailroad Company, we are now informed that the amount was $.>20,000. The pro|>erty, it is thought, cost the former owners admitting which aod placing the selling price at jhe lower figure named, will leave 'Aim a profit of $270,000. The Dearborn brothers are expected to retnru from tbe East about tbe Ist of October, when they will come to make this their place of fnture and permanent abiding. There wilt to three ot them this time, two being married, and their oming is expected to have risible effect in quickening things in the southern end ot towa. FHKIOMT COMIMO.? Oa the schooner Haeueaa. which sailed (ia the line of Cbaa H Wells) from Sea Francisco for this port ou the 4th inst., is freight consigned to hound ports as follows: To Ooupevile ?D Pearson, 33.pack- ages. To New Tacoma?J P Chflberg 12 packages, Barlow 4 Brother I*o. To Steilaoooos -E It Rogers 32 pack- ages, Pineus it Packscher 00. ToOlympia?B 0 Ward 256 pack- ages, J Chilberg 83, D J Chambers &, Hon 101, B Frost 47, A Farqubar 2. J Meacbam A Co 21, Samuel Stork 50, L Bettman 38. To Seattle?Hehwabasher Bros A Ce 819 packages. Kellogg & Snyder 141, L Reinig 425. H E Levy 9, J H Sander- son 42, Dougan & Wright 20, A MeliW horn 181, fi Baxter & Co 58, Marring ton & Smith 1049, Joe B »rren 1, Foas A Borst 161. Cbilherg Bros 36. K W Wustboff 415, S O C 64. Sohns A Son 50, 0 P Stone A. Co 246. W Meydeo- bauer 20, Waddell A utiles 148, Wald & Campbell 52, Slorab A Co 83. THK ELIT.A AKDKKSOK AOAIN ?J*M. Wallace, an old aod experienced engi- neer, is here waking an examination of tbe machinery of tbe steamer Eliza Anderson. It seetns tbst parties in Alaska are negotiating for ber par cbase, and -ith that view are having the inspection made A report will »a famished to Capt. Tbos. Wright, ber owner, who will be here froui A 1 ska on the 20th, when it is thought orders for her immediate repair will given. She will have a new boiler, newcabias, end otber ueoesaaries to put her in a comfortable aed seaworthy oooditioa. Bio BooW.?ln the purchase of the coal mine, the new company came Into possession of a very large scow, or barge. 140 ieet long, 30 feet beam and 6 feet depth of hold; on wbiob the loaded car* were formerly transported Heroes Lake Washington Of late it has been of no «*e It Is now intended to have the huge thing repaired a little and sent around to the Columbia river where it can be put to use. To build such a craft would cost about #SOOO. GONE TO THE PENITENTIARY ?Ar- thur Perry, in charge of Sullivan and Kuowlcs, both convicted of tbe crime of assault with intent to commit niur- der, and seetencjd to two years in the Territorial i'emtentiwy. started on the Zephyr yesterday morning for Baatao. The prisoners ware band cuffed, but bad no shackles on. buon ACOBDENT?Tbe steamer Otter blew out a flee last evening while comiag from Taooma, which caused bar to arrive here a couple of hours late. Bhe will not go up the Bound ia the morning as asael, bnt re- main here for repairs. Tbe Zephyr will oonneot with the train and bring the tonight. OPPOSITION.?The steamer Welcome, Capt Thos Branaao, left Yaaler's wharf for lisoonner and way ports yesterday morning, taking a good freight and fair list of paseengors. The people of tbe eastern side of tbe Sound now 1 ave a steamer adequate to their ncds, and are to Iw oougratulated on their good fortane. DCATU or Dn. PLYLKY ?Dr. K. R. Pljf ley, who baa beeri » uttering from an attack of tjphotd fever for the paat few weeks, died at bia reaideeoc in tbie oity, Sunday twormug at four o'olook. The funernl took place from the Bap- ti»t church yeeterday. The .doctor leave* a wife aud aon io thia city. Ta» WUXAMKTTB.? This steamship will Mil for Sau Frsucisoo this mora* ing «t 6 o'clock, Ukiog 9000 tou oI Seattle conl aud the following passen- |Mi: H, McA'.w, J. Koro, C. Han- ford, Joo. McCreaoy, E Celtert, Mrs. Calvert. O. A. Bisbop, M». Bishop. Uoiko TO Coi ißAoo.? Mr. McAlecr will be a paaaenger on tbe Willaooettn this atoning, hound for Sao Krancisoa, from wbieb plaoe he will prooaed to Colorado, where wmal months will be ?pent in pursuit of health and reore ation. PUUUIT Pa*TT.?A plaxmat party took plane at Joha Galea's residence on Lake Uuioo Uat Batnrd«j «wmof. Tbe BBaio good and *wj iody io| «H pind by U*« eo«pl«« tfcaA slSwdsd. COI BT PROCEEDING* SATCftDAT, Sept 10. Port Hlakely Mill Company vs. Henry Livingston -It we* adjudged that the sale of 59Y% acres rf land in section 26 north. range 2 east, to the Company be confirmed. Ab Kow *i Swan Anderscc?Eferred to S B Vrooman. E A Turner vs Jamea McNaught? Dismiseed on plaintiff 's motion at plain- tiff's cost and without prejadice. D B Jackson vs Richard Holyoke Judgment for i laiatiff tor s#6 ? 13, with coa's, <ic. Tbe accounts of the Tnited States Marshal were approved by the Ourt. Wm Anderson was held to bail in tbe sum of WOO to appear at tbe next term of Court for trial. Wm Baunton vs Benjamin Stretch and Cbas H Low?Judgment against W D Scott, tbe bondsman, for $153 "4: After discharging tbr «*rier and bai- liffs, and allowing the jiirymen tb ir per diem aod mileage, Court adj -mu d till Oct. 19tb. 1881. bC*.DBI> TO Dbabh ?The Victoria Cob,i,i*t narrates this: The family of Abraham Wbittaker, who lives back of St Louis College, ate plunged in the deepest grief by a shocking accident which resulted in tbe death of the youngest child, a little boy of sixteen moBtM. It appear* thai ft kettle of boiling water bid been taken from tbe stove between 10 and 11 o'clock yester- day forenoon, and carefully placed by Mrs W under the table so as to be, as she thought, entirely out of the way of tbe young children. In tbe of the Mother for a few moments the child entered the kitchen with a hand- ful of plums. One of these plums fell ?ad rolled under tbe table close to tbe kettle. The oafertaeete little fellow eer ambled after it catching bold of the apout upset the kettle with its boiling contents over his shoulders and back. Dr Trimble was called as soon es possible, and every means reewrted te to afford relief, but sritbnat avail, for death pat an end to its sufferings in an hour and a half. HKAL ESTATB ?The following are the transaetious in real estate, as re- corded in the Auditor's offioe, since oar last report; Anpie Murray to W R Brawl ey, lot 5 ID block Is, Maynard's addition, \u2666 1950 Cbristiaa Wist to Mary L Spersecki, half of lot 11 in block 19, North Seat- tle, #179. H McAleer to Lila M Hilton, lot 15 in block 32, *2OO O B Wright to Tbos Burke, lot 2 ia block B, A A Denny's addition. S4OOO. Watson C Squire to Mary B Leary. lots 5 and 8 in block CD Boreu's ad- dition, S4OO. E A Turner to J R Lewis, block 8 in Bayaide addition, S4OO. M J Poptius to Catherine Burritt, lots 8 and 10 io block 1. Fairview, f 100. L V Wyckoff to Jas Crawford, three- fourth* of kit 1 in block 7, Maynard'g addttioe, known ss the Bank Exchange property, SIO,OOO. ACCIDENT.? Last Wednesday Mr L M Bobbins, wbile putting so addition OD MoCowan's residence in North Beat« tie, lull from the roof to the floor and bruised himself quite badly. Hi* aokle wan sprained severely and he will be compelled to use a crutob for ?owe weeks. We understand he bad an aocident policy, and will draw ten dollsrs per week while unable to work. Bio DAI'S WORK.?One bandied and seventeen carloads of ooal came in over tbe C & P 8 Railroad, from Newcastle, last Saturday between the hoars of 4 o'clock am. and 8 p.m. The cars carry aboat tea toas each, which would make tb<* day's work 1170 tons of ooal. This, we believe, is tbe largest amount of ooal ever brought ovar tbe road hi the same length of time. \u25a0 \u25a0 ? i \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ROBBER ARHBSTXD?TJ Ankeny, one of the three fallows who broke jail at Albany. Oregon, a few weeks since, was arrested in Seattle by offioer Wool- ary Friday night oa satpioMO. After his arrest be acknowledged everything. An oflieer will be over im a 4a v or so to take him back, fie was implicated in a robbery and was awaiting trial. GBTTUW ALO*9.?The Orefng Im- provHMMl Tympany's new Umatilla, now on tb- way out from New Ynrk« arrived at Valparaiso prior to tbe 9th at September. Bbe is ex- pected at Portland about tbe 10th of October, and will be ready to take ber first oargo of ooal froos Seattle before November Ist. It ie PS ported thai the trade in pine leaves, wbiob was started Wilming- ton, N. C, aboat two yearn a#a, baa inereaaad sa rapidly that tbe demand cannot be snpplted. The leaves are ased for stuffing mattresses and otber purposes. \u25b2 atndent of law at Bono baa juat bora killed to a ioH. and a Bother ig hopeleaaly wounded there io (twboapi- tal. It la only a law daja ainc* a atudent io Berlin bad bis ooee »Uab«d oleao off in an unarm or ed aaUr oonteat Tam ITT bcaoot.?PlarenU iotecdmg to aeod children to ike Trinity pariah eebool daring tbe awteain term, com- mencing Sept 19th. are rrqueetad to communtoate with the Bar Mr WaUoo, rector of Trinity Church, daring tbe preeent week. e6 Std Bay yoor geoU' furnishing good*, hata, eape and eigan at J. A McPhea'a. He keep* a fine stock, and telle cheap. Call and examine goods Nan door to Hi ti \u25a0>tinker Broe A Co.'s, Commercial street. Brattle. W. T. . dtf Aak lor Oox. Taa** Gardeer* eelebtated foot wear. None £enuu»e without their stamp. H. Jeeee, sole agent. }BO lm. Don't feed yoai children Impore oan- diee when joa can get tbe pare ataff at Piper's Tb« Btad«b*tor to lb* atabd*rd VIMS of the world. For a*l« bj Wild 4 CMipbdl. B*Uof tcp*, fc-Uf aUla. U. M W«ld *6w|Wli *«« IN THE PROBtTK COIIIT. I V HALL. JCDGB In re estate ot Anne Eliz* Saiith? John BeM, executor. Will proven by Jobs D Reynold"" and Isaac A Palmer, tbe subscribing witnesses Executor's bond filtd at ?1000. In re estate of Ktiph Fontaine?L J Colman, administrator. Personal pro perty ordered so.J. TIRED OF LIFE?'A FEW dajs siuce currency wesgiven to a rep rt tbit a lad had been drowsed near tbe Gorge. By many it was suppos<d that the ru- mor waa not well authenticated, but subsequent events go to »bow that it was true The boy, whose name was Isaac Peart, arrived here from the West Coast about a fortnight ago on tbe schooner Thornton and on reaching port atisented himself from tbe Vessel Inquiries we<e made and it was ascer- tained that id company with two other boys be bad g'-ne op the arm in a canoe. On reacning tbe rapids he said: 'I want to dr-'Wti myself,' and rocking the frail craft quickly upset it Thrown into the witer the boys all struck ont for shore and t«n of them succeeded in re aching laud, but Pe*rt seems to Lave sunk suddenly. The circumstances wer kept q-iiet by tbo surviving lads, who were not so sort- that tbe deceased aas drowned. On Saturday afttrnoon, hoe ever. the body of the poor boy was found floating in tbe water near tbe An investi Its' ion sr». hi'ld and Dr Jack* »u g*ve a certificate of 'death from drowning.' The boy bad a brief but painfully chequered career, and to tbo absence of fritiudly car* may l>e attributed bis death.? Victoria Standard. A* OKIOOK WOOLEN FACTORY.?ID tbe wooisn factory at Oregon City vast quantities of sulphur are used annually and the expenditure for this substance alone amounts to h e< usiderable figure. It ia estimated that '2OOO cord* of wood are annually burned in the dyehouse in generating steam Htid for heating purposes This factory gives employ, cuent to over 150 bandit, exclusive of bosses and superintendents, and its monthly pay roll aggregates over S6OOO. Of the operatives 60 are Chinese. 30 females, 2 boys, and the balance adult males. The average monthlv ship meut of goods exceeds in value £45 000, which is at the rate of 404<>,000 aunu- ally. The msjor part of the goods pro- duced here arc shipped to California, where they are manufactured iuto clothing and gold to jobbers and retail dealers Among other tbinijs fir which tb« O. C. Mfg. Co. is noted, are blank- et*. tlaui els, shawls, robes, over* coating, eassi rner-s, and stocking yarn. Tins company produces ca*simere that will compare favorably with aDy that from the East or Europe. A factory like this is badly needed on the Sound, and there is no better loca- tion for it than Seattle. MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS. Charles Naher, of this city, has not only made arrangements whereby be is prepared to st II riANos and ORGANS and all KIM) of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE at San Francisco price*, but has thoso instru- ments on bai d and keeps them in stock, so that tb<\u25a0 public can examine what they are buying before purcbss inif. Beware of frauds who advertise instruments for sale when they have nothing to show wheti a customer calls. luatruments sold cheap for cash, or on tne installment plan. Send for illus trated catalogue aud prices. all tf Pocket and table cutler? and shears ?an enormous assortment Best in kes, at Wald & Campbell's. s4 tf Genuine Singor Hewing Machine needles AO cents per dozen, at Clayton Bros. ] 11: tf. Best lot of Btoves, Haines, &c. north of Bau Francisco, at J Sebram & Co.'a Give them a call. EOTEL ARRIVALS ARLtSGTCS BOCSE, Cap! Sunnon*. 8 F J W Hullran, Arisen* A iarvy. <tt> R Holyokr, J»e..b« ck 11 Ha.Toiansou, do Mr* Arts A ?! cbil, do J tto* , (to HCM. Q lltan, do GB 8 mom. 4n Mi* Gou-bor, 8 ( UIOUTW. Pert Urvbard J UO.UL»U'-T, WWI PI U 11 Kraft. P< p * CS etrou, do A 8 R*m«*. <0 Wn Willliir. do B H«P iae. Point Aitc; A H Ki ig. Ci'.v 11 Wtwdi, TMiUad Cipi 8 P 8 C R»a'er, H Bmlcj, City V W Staarllag. Vancouver CPS k mi, do W A Rlw.flT Ja- Uorru, do RH Collier, So T auk Dekum. Portland A V Muoa, do Mr* P vtk in, do Mr- A Wrysoulh. I. id* W 8 Jami-oa, fl.ii.Mr t H*up ly, GAMBLE H'.W ENGLAND HOT PL A L S.i-tiC<-r, B jk l> A i Biker, Dj»atni-b E Liugne. Suotootnl*ti Mr. Uotai. City H G Recaa. Portland Ml** bowo*. do J t Quifley, 8 f Mr* Dwyer, Tac >mi Mil! M B U*ll, Portland Rev R B .k-r. Olyoipia Mi* Do kr, Reeton G A Ahbol\Oakland W Willi* a*, Im PoiAt a ScUowll. Bi.k--y A Mrlvrr, do Dr Boulv 8 f Mr**v>r«, Ofyrp.i L PCmhioit, 8 P &K* rIVT C WM. pun B 4kf y Mr U*a, Nwctiik P C Haw, a tail* iir»r Car Bailant. do TO B i*a do Mr* SfH-tfecfc-, T-.coaa P Eaier* n, d-j OCCIDKStAL HOTEL J K U Hrtckrt, ft t'.iiuond* W 0 T*c >tnj Q K goutb, P.eiUco»<a F J Stnitn, Aj s»k L Sjrrl, il« (f f liLint CDTusmS t . M D »r* <l, Bl.kelr M.n FiiiliWO IV U B.mlJio. V.vlur » 0 S / u J M. B ikflf H A do IT 1 ruin, CKv SI C Wjl'» W»:n W J L3TOO», Wt.Mlhjr ImJ B WnlUc*. P^riUoJ rtrvi Iktl »» Know. If yoa m ?uS'-niu wua a *\u25a0»« Goagh. Cold. ' tHluu, Btvncbnu, Ccn»uiapttun. low of roice. Belling in Ihe throat, or any *ff*> tloa of the turret or tao«>s wa know that Lt Kiw't New l)t*c. yhiiv ? will girr fo O liumxtu e r»lt f. *>know uf bun- . diwda of wn it lit* i ompie'eij cnr»l, m l lh»» vU<rc all other Okediciura bid f*tied. Ho other remedy cm *uew attthalf u tu*ay r«rmuMiil cum. Row to gtr* joo MiiilKtarji proof iktl Dr. Kio* » New Duoovary wiit cure JOB of Aatb. ma. Bruuehtti* LU( Fever. Oonawuptioa. »*vrre Onuka tM Cold*. <«a . r anj Thr»*« . r LmiXaM tf yoa w.U eail »t Hell >*ts * Ani'.rr- mb * City Drug Mlur* you can f*t a trial boelefrv* of ooa*.oe » rwgaiaraue butth> Iu» 11. Hodge. i>*> nt h Co.. wk»lMi« agent*. Portlaad. \u25a0\u25a0rkUa** Arnica Malta. Tha br«t Balv* :o the wor!J for Cut*. Brni ***. SON*. Clear*. Mall Bbecn. rarer Soma. Tatter, ""n?* Jhllblaiu*, Omi *ad *1! kiada of ttu Hrnyitoe*. Tau «U)t» ta fiatuiM<i to riea perfect *atUfactioa m every caoa, or mooav refunded box For **J*by Aellogg * Mil*. Hodge, l>a* la h Oa., fkufe \u25a0ate AgaaU. Portiaad. daily j """ CART). Uf Dm Md*rwg»»i deatrra to Uf onu the pe<>- |ta«f gaattia ami *xuuty that ha h*a located |MM*a*tl| la Mania for Um nncae of prao. ggtl ua fwtmmUm He nay V Miui at hi* ?amiWkMfl tiding. *a Frvot *®**t, corner of OolatatMa. (aauaacaoa each *tre*t| whara ha wtH ha ptOMMdtooeeaU who way ha la need of >n Mllw All «nml ?oa lk» Hath M»l» fiiMfllj patterned at th* Mat lanmiMi prvewa. *4* *-0 OAIkE. Vrnom. Mrb«le'a lutalllble Intmioa, Guarantor! to cure promptly tnd per- manently every case of (rooorrbtM, Gleet Mi l White*, no matter of b«w long sUtidu e.if directionsare foHawed. Internal medicine not recommended or A care guaranteed or mr»iuy refunded. For sale by Kellogg Jc An- derson, wholesale and retail drozgists, Seattle W. T -»»«- - - 500.000 SHIUbLn, Fiuest quality, at F. W. WCSTHOFF'B. K'JCHM we'l, dentist office in Squire's Opera House. First class dentistry work done at reasonab e rates. n»3tf New patterns and an immense quan- tity of wall pa*>er have been received at Aiderson's pa nt shop tor the sum- n»er and fall trale. jel6*tf Paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, &o Felihlle. ted Mt-dera prices, at Wal l «!c Campbells'. §4 tf If you want any Rtni 01 a sewing ma* blue denned or repaired send to C'ayton jllrtf. SEATTLE MARKET. Wheat ?Good cWn I'ugetSoun J 9 100 lbs 90«$$1 10 Oat*?i'ertou $22 .10 , Floor?Leading brands, in Jobbing lots, $5 50 Bran?Per ton sl&t»2ti H>utoea-»Per bushel t&^soe Onions?New California l\o | Wool ?Per lb 22c UAlUß?CaHtornia it i:tslte Eastern 1H« Home cared 19c Bacon ?fciiiee 16a Shoulders ... lOtijlic Lar .?California, in palls l»o In tins ISo Batter- Choice In rolls $ lb SS®27« Common 13»li Hay?Tlnioihj par too, baled sll6O Fruit?Apple* par bus. naw ........... 75c | .. Oranaee. t»b..\ $4 Lemons, t> 100 M SO Eggs?f*r Aozen *H« Poultry?Chickens «> dozen $4 00 Spring do. do $2 50w,3 60 Beef?Per lb BH<s4e Oo foot 2«»'iHc Pork?Per -i 6c On foot ....' ae Mutton?Per IK 8c On foot i^ic Bldea ?Dry 15c Orueii, light To .. tiO lUe. and over 8 Tallow ?Per lb S&tfJie V (STELLA NEOUS. DEXTER HORTON & CO., jBANKERS SEATTLE, W. T. UCPOMITS UECKIVKD ANP ACCOUN'ts KEPT Ht.'BJRCT TO CitltCK l>« HBAFT. Stfjhi Baetianfre and T.lpzr*i>hi» Traualer ot, Jao : fr'raucisco. Portland and New York. and >lxt?-day bitl* Of Karbantedrawn In -U nH to "u'l direct ou l.oudon, avaiiat le anywhere tn Kur.'ito. j Money loaned ou *;>i>rny*d security. Bonds, Stories, and ether valuables received On dt po»ii for *>afe keeping. Collection trade and pr«>reeds prxopily remitted. ootlfWltf MONEY EXCHANGE S£V-VJLC? K. ( y OLD, SILVER AND GREENBACKS EX- : \ T changed at the rery loweat rate*. Cash paid for City and County Warranti Alto for aale, a very largo clock of Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes. Pipes. »V(*? iVe. L. B. H ARKNESS, Mitl str«a« t Ja4-tf Near On nun arc (al. Seattle, T.T, LACiER BEER. Drink Beer made at the celebrated Eagle Brewery OF MUKILTEO. Thia is declared to i»e the BEST BEER MADE ON PUGBT * SOUND! Call for it and take no other. F. V. SNYDER & CO., ? 8-dAwtf Proprietor* To Settlers in Whatcom County. LAND OFFICE BU9ISEBS Of every description can be 4*ne at LACONXEB. W. T. filing aa4 making final proo'a on and Pro Tin* a(> and paying for Htmratmda (AM prior to Jmi W. IUM with, ent rmlttaix-)', mlttTwioo or advertiatßg; Oom- rrrtiDg pusrUiftlofHi Into Proving op and |n*lFg for Timber Lai<d»; not tea to make CiAl proof; Oillrctinv double miuimma ?xoaaa: Preparing Penaton paper*. I h>ve plat* of ? i.ffi tal »'irr>-ye<l tewasblp la » h»ic itn county. and »il> furniaa tracts ga oa abort notice to panlea filing na laada here. Baa of plat 4 rt*. Am- riran Settler * limde. Hili'e L odlng Land and Mtoinit Caaea, Tfce Ka-porter, remaining all Uwa and rullnga of tbr Urneral Land Oftce. Ala b»ra Any and a-1 matiera connected with land* promptly a*<l to and pal through e*p«Mioualy. JAMES k. OILXILAVI). ar-artf Lac<moer, Whatcom co , W. X. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION V. S L*vd OmcM AT Otrwru. W. T..1 24lh. 18M. t X ' OTICK IS HEREBY OIVES THAT CCBTM JN D. MromteM has flied uotic* oi in taction to make fin*: proof before lit*Cters of the biatrial Court. ha oOn la DmilU, W. T m Saturd ay, th« Ntb d*y at uetoktr. LXi IH, m V*M*uptfna I) ». No MM for tfca k*l «* of W* andß* oi BE% at McliM ?». "ra«*J»S Mrtfa. ru«*( ?\u25a0at. Ha nnvii wttoaara \u25a0franßo»>-U. Mno> ma Bawil, John MeCay and fharl«» McAlliitfar, all at Benton, King ooaatj » T. auiT-Aw J T. HBO mi. Baglatar. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. V. B. Lun> Omcm *>Otmru, W. T, I Bra* |l«. IBR. i VTOTICB IB HEREBY OKBB THA* liVK Juhaw» baa ftiad iett« of istaatton to aiaka final proof bafor* tka Bcrister aa4Bac<4var of Um laM Uftea U Olympte,W. T.,a» Vadnaaday. UM ttal day of Itftmtar. I.D m. on Be«aat«ad application So rrei. for tha BE* of BEVi aad B Ed at SB* a* aaeuaa M. towiattp to »wth.rwai ? Mat, lad addtttoo&l aotry 80. MM for W* of B Alt at arcttoaM. um-hp Mahler.' L*C ZSTV >\u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0, atfaTcT caola. Eia(cowt), V T. w»4w 1. r. BBOWB. lijlßß. fit UNION & LttlllUFBBB SllllE, W.H. BOW Proprietor, Commercial (trett, Oppoatta Arlington Houae. ACADEMY Of TUB Holy Names WILL BZOPRT Tuesday, Aug. 10* 1881. Pniilawfl] aarara an adnatap *7bate| praaant tha IKday tor rtawfiaHan. ? jtMf CL. EBMONIN, Coffee and Spice Manufacturer. ftottA Omfi wU Jtouuc* atw. *wmmM}oj* rßinnm oosk UWUW \u25a0, ww um COMMBRCIII STREET CHOP, COFFEE |AXD OYSTER HOUSE. IIOUMO Open nil Night. Board oer week. - ? MOO Meals, 20 Oysters In every style. - 20 BuekwheatCakee and Honey. with Coffee, - - - IS Coffee i>nd Cake - - 10 Chicken Dinnere 38 Hr Monday Dinners from U m. to 7 p.m. a specialty* Baring now fitted op my Restaurant In elegant style, and Improved my kitchen arrangement \u25a0 eo as to enable me to furnish my Kosete with more variety and In a style of rookery »*r excellence, I am prepared to accommodate the pnbM< . eitbs* day or night, with whatever they may dartre to eat. served by attentive vraltan and cooked In all the Unproved modern style*. Thankful to tba citizens of Paget goad for the liberal patronage bestowed on 'be late firm of Rickard* k Bolthower, I aak from tha public a ocnttnnanee of the aasae, aixl assure them that strict attention to bosinwa, honest and upright dealing, constant care to plaaas their tastaa and make them happy, will be the future doty at . WfLUM RICHARDS \u25a0SI M/ Proprietor. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! mm FROM TNI OtVWPIA OYSTER BEDS, 11£ Everv Style, AT THE SADDLE ROCK O. Commercial street. At U Oats ptrftal* tut 0. cauta, rnimn.. I MISCKLLANKOUB. | WE WILL SEND FRHB mnoTtn " \ I ELECTRIC \ LRW TT DEVICESA « BcKs, Bands, etc. \ 1 0. A. JOV. E M..M 0. M \ 1 Ot ttx ty ol //y/&T' j / DR. JOy^ELECTRI^JEVICES ifur Mil Trial before Purrkmißf. TO MEN ?fiflVrtng from Nrnon a WralmrtxH. (<rn- frml Itrbilli.t. I«v->i «>f Nerv .? Force or \">,ur, or ! any iliv rvnuUtnc from AnrsKs nn<l niim C*r»ss. or to any mir h 111 u-ted with Kheutua ttam, Neuralgia. Par.«ly*i!», Spinal i Kidney or Liver Trouble*, l.anie Hack. and other Pitmsniif Ihf vilnl Oinni. Alto wv>mkn tum- bled with DtaaaMS peculiar to tlieir s. x. relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. Tkrw nrf the oulj Klretrlr Itrilm or lyplliinnt that hatr *»rr been roa>tr«rtr«l ?elemthe priurt- plf*. T heir lhoroujch*effletot»cy pmc- Ut'allf proven with the nuial wonder Oil ane rraa and they have the lilghe*! rmlorae- men la from the nana* eminent and ?dentine meat uf tuii'ilra. Stvnd at once ! At tkKilc Cl vlng all InformatH>a free. Addrosa the man u feet urera, WAGNER A CO.. Car. Iltkl|r» AT. and Jarkaoa St., Cklrafo, 111, ?uIT-lydftw SBmiß SMIIJ,, COLUMBIA AND PUQET SOUND R. R. CO. PROPRIETORS. MANCFACTCBK&I Rough and Dressed Flooring, d?o., SASH. DOORS, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. JS L Maolilno Sliop Is rotMotai with the If ill, wht-i* all ktada of Repairing and Building or STEAM ENGINES is dunk. a AINO, ftrxl rlanN Jlarhine worh promptly exerntvd. J. 31. COMAN, \u25a0hfctf Aaaletant Hupt. SNOHOMISH EXCHANGE Isaac Cathcart, Proprietor, SNOHOMISH CITY. W. T. Ever? el ort will be ntaJo to maintain the rep tatlon K3quii ed by thla Hotel ax the Beit Hotel in Snohomish County, M>d lb* Cleanest keut House in Tei'y The Table will be supplied with llie beat the mark*! iflorda. The Bar will be furnished with Brht-claa* Wink*. LiviUOka an 4 Uiujuw. uH-wtf UUAC CATHCAitT. Iron Works KAVIUG TAKKM THK AB'iVK WORKB. formerly occupied by Messrs.o. Fox and "mde of 11*' 1a °' W 10 tur« nil STEAM ENGINES Boilers, Pumps, Water Wheels AUDI HORSE POWER MACHINERY' For Public Buildings or Private Dwolli n«a, And all kinds of general work lu ray Una. executed satisfactorily, HARRY LOTT, Noaltfo. U T iHOI'OWTK MUJULB FRESH EVERY DAY. Molasses Candv And a variety of Fmh and Fare liome-mnde Candle*. Cakes of Every Description. WEDWN« t'AKIX On hand and mad* to ordar at abort notice. MIZiK BREAD Frmli every morning »t PiPEIfH o'/l'Ckm»f Confectionery and Baktcy. SEATTLE NURSERY, One mile east oi Yesler'a Wharf on tha road to f-*ke Washington. The larg.-et ooUertlon of Fnut and. Orna- mental TrocaßE ADD Evergreen and Deciduous * BHBt'BH W THE TEHBITOUT. ?"'I °>*»r Plant* *p ? Bnjbs wwi mail Fruits and eholf BosouetsJMC Applsa ft and upwards per bandr. rewnfUaM apwatil* hand*S(l.C_ Piomi and Prune* fit and oiiwirdu " Cherries SJP and upward* " M G. W. LA WTOl*. Proprietor. nl-dtf Tf?* \u25a0" m fZl*\ A* ?\u25a0**»?» ll»w tM pMH.nI! ,****? ?»>! R . riSeeataa) Saiwoiusad tmpouro.-Y OJ IK- .F, T2. -?? ?*?' r»»i«Tw7t to? ni **" ?* "" \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0«'» M" w Mb. *"'".*7 , w " l^Vf u* aM »«« n.i, «M »?» V&t M 4. «u| i*a wf ««M »o.i*/n. . ?wanJ&K*St-teßMsfc»-w, **_ * ?-lttawasKMHwe*- MISCELLANEOUS. ASK FOR (Fnion India Rubber Co/s Pure Para Cum CRACK PROOF Rubber Boots and Costs. BrWARt Of IMITATIONS! BK >CRr THF BOOT? ARE STAMPED "CRACK PROop " oa the Wlr and hate the I'l RE GfM SmiNOs oo the foot and loatep. wt.ii-h their crack In* or breaking. TT*Y will l*»t t VKI as long aa any others manufactured. Tor aa'e by ail dealers. ALL KIND* RfBBER BELTt>G, PACKING, HO-E. PPRIXiJs. CLOTHISC, BOOT* ASP SHOES. ere , Goodyear Rubber Co. R.H.PEABE.Jr. I i-r,,,. 8. M. RI'HYON. l a«lft-.t*w3ru Sao Francisco GRAIN BAGS For Sale IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. Art** S. BAXTER & CO., avis dSwtf Front street. teat tie Bead This! AT THE Tivoli Beer Hall, OCCIDENTAL fcjCABS, Can be found a cool |lw at San Francisco Beer. TIS FUJI. They beep the largest stock of Bottled Bute of any beer se-oon in tae city. awid tf "SIOO REWARD. 1 __ ' I WILL BAY THE ABO VI BEWABD FOB THI capture and letm u of the two prisoners who escaped from the king ooacW jail o* Ik night of August 10th. DESCRIPTION: SrLLrVAW, alias Robert Mathews, k about fire feet tea iwhesia hlght. K years «M. baa a short mustache, stands erect; black hair interspersed with gray, and weighs about 160 pounds. DAWTELB is a you tißfellow, k years old: black bushy hair and black nosteehe. Wore checkered shirt, bine overalls wuh spring bottoms and low cut shoes. Fifty dollars will be paid fbr the arrant and re- tarn of either, or one hundeod doliixa for both. ITV. WYCKOFF, au!B-tf Sheriff King county. NOTICE. ANT PARTIES HOLDING BNOBOMISH COUN- ty Scrtp dated prior to January let, 18T8, are requested to prexent it to the Treaaurer of aaid ouunty at bis office in bnohoiulnh City, W. X.. for redemption. LOT WIIJITH, Treeeorar of Suohotulfth County, W. T. Dated thia Bth day of Auguat, 1881. alStfw Fulton Market Hereafter good Diuners will be served at Hie Fulton Market KVKKY DAY AT IS M. For S5 Cent*. Dinner* at from 4to ? o'clock, K<caau-Guj>]><'ia accordingly, au2l-tw SB H "ML M. IV O" LABOR EXCHANGE OFFICE, OLD' STAND, Corner Oominarrial and Waahlngtcn atreeta. CIU.W* »OR VKdiili 1 FURNISH KD AT eil(Mf ) notice to all parti of Puget Bound. AL6O GENERAL REAL E'TATK AND COiKISMOH BCSINEBr Alao dealer* in Choice Cigars and Totaooo ? cooMaa a co. BLACKBERRIES ICEIOW'8! Bariag efaged % large UMoat of BLACKBERRIES, 'tfe arp prepared 10 en order* In Ma toenit at abort Bottoe. Alao, fteah Native and California Constantly on hand. L R BIGKLOW L OO , Jffl.ti Oorner Third »ud Un oa atn-ett.. HOTELS The Arlington, THE MODEL HOI EL OF THE NORTHWEST, \ Is now open for business. J. Wa NfllTH, C. P.FABRAB. Proprietor*. Mtle. W. Ta. 1v»l. *w\XtS NEW ENGLAND H «» r JF JTC Mj Corner Commercial & lain St*., ? * Soattlo, W. T. THE NEW ENGLAND r.Wfi ?adM« Mwwnilitlmn Hi famlliaa are uau Thla Inn U I*l WLT BCILT, !? HARD nn UD tkroagbout, bM larga tad vail furnUhn? \u25a0no? «II lltrai nTm hurl nn t%> European aaa to tad at nodanta pricaa. Bent Hotel in the City. L. C. HARMON, ml-if. Proprietor. OCCIDENTAL H OTKXi SEATTLE, W. T.. BOARD AND LODGING AT MODERATE RATES Tkii is the Largest Hotel \u25a0 North of San Francisco, lad is FIRST - GLASS In all Respects. PREB COACH TO Ml PROM TUB HOUSE JOHN COLLINS & CO., jel PHOPBIETORR MARIETTA HOTEL La Conner, W. T. MILTON B. COOK, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS NEW AND NEWL*' Fl RNISHKP, 8008 A'JCOMMOOATIONS, With tha Comforts of a Private House. The Tab!a will be round unexceptionable. The Bar la fnrniefced with the Snout Wlnee, Liquors sad Cigars. Ik has s lame wetl-Stted BILLIARD HOOSS rurnlshed with the best modern Tables. Nothing will be left uadoae la oar efforts to make ths gneeta comfortable. TBftMS IODDUTI. mS-dawlr r \u25a0» RESTAURANTS. Aldus Restaurant rROKT OTBKKT, THE BEST ON THE COAST. ruurr CLASS REGULAR DINKS*, 4:30 to 7 p.Bi., fox SOB. FURNISHED ROOMS. Open Day and Night. JACK LIVY, aaT-U Maaager. i? !

Transcript of The Daily intelligencer (Seattle, W.T. (Wash.)) (Seattle ... · DULY INTELLIGENCER. Tuesday, Sept....

Page 1: The Daily intelligencer (Seattle, W.T. (Wash.)) (Seattle ... · DULY INTELLIGENCER. Tuesday, Sept. 13. 1881. Mum pa is prevalent in town at tbe present writing. Sberidan and trorpe

DULY INTELLIGENCER.Tuesday, Sept. 13. 1881.

Mum pa is prevalent in town at tbepresent writing.

Sberidan and trorpe will arrive thisevening by tbe Otter.

Sir Ch«B Tupper and party left Victoria for Kan Francisco, on their wayback to Canada, on tbe Dakota lastSaturday.

The Pair announcement for 1481 willbe fonnd in another column. It onlypartially indicates what tbe Associa-tion intend doing to make the comingFair attractive

Tbe steamer Empire loading CarbonHill ooal is tbe only vessel at presentat Taooma, no craft tx»ing at the miilwharf. Tbis wharf is being renewedby tbe piiedrivt-r at this time.

Tbe s'eamship Mississippi, as will beseen by the advertisement elsewhere,wi'l leave Seattle for Hun Francisconext Friday morning |«t 5 o'clock,taking freight and passengers.

Instead of $750,000 paid for tbe Car-bon Hill coal mine by tbe Central Pa-cific ltailroad Company, we are nowinformed that the amount was $.>20,000.The pro|>erty, it is thought, cost theformer owners admittingwhich aod placing the selling price atjhe lower figure named, will leave 'Aima profit of $270,000.

The Dearborn brothers are expectedto retnru from tbe East about tbe Istof October, when they will come tomake this their place of fnture andpermanent abiding. There wilt tothree ot them this time, two beingmarried, and their oming is expectedto have risible effect in quickeningthings in the southern end ot towa.

FHKIOMT COMIMO.? Oa the schoonerHaeueaa. which sailed (ia the line ofCbaa H Wells) from Sea Francisco forthis port ou the 4th inst., is freightconsigned to hound ports as follows:

To Ooupevile ?D Pearson, 33.pack-ages.

To New Tacoma?J P Chflberg 12packages, Barlow 4 Brother I*o.

To Steilaoooos -E It Rogers 32 pack-ages, Pineus it Packscher 00.

ToOlympia?B 0 Ward 256 pack-ages, J Chilberg 83, D J Chambers &,

Hon 101, B Frost 47, A Farqubar 2. JMeacbam A Co 21, Samuel Stork 50, LBettman 38.

To Seattle?Hehwabasher Bros A Ce819 packages. Kellogg & Snyder 141, LReinig 425. H E Levy 9, J H Sander-son 42, Dougan & Wright 20, A MeliWhorn 181, fi Baxter & Co 58, Marrington & Smith 1049, Joe B »rren 1, FoasA Borst 161. Cbilherg Bros 36. K WWustboff 415, S O C 64. Sohns A Son50, 0 P Stone A. Co 246. W Meydeo-bauer 20, Waddell A utiles 148, Wald& Campbell 52, Slorab A Co 83.

THK ELIT.A AKDKKSOK AOAIN ?J*M.Wallace, an old aod experienced engi-neer, is here waking an examinationof tbe machinery of tbe steamer ElizaAnderson. It seetns tbst parties in

Alaska are negotiating for ber parcbase, and -ith that view are havingthe inspection made A report will »afamished to Capt. Tbos. Wright, berowner, who will be here froui A 1 skaon the 20th, when it is thought ordersfor her immediate repair will b« given.She willhave a new boiler, newcabias,end otber ueoesaaries to put her in acomfortable aed seaworthy oooditioa.

Bio BooW.?ln the purchase of thecoal mine, the new company came Into

possession of a very large scow, orbarge. 140 ieet long, 30 feet beam and6 feet depth of hold; on wbiob theloaded car* were formerly transportedHeroes Lake Washington Of late ithas been of no «*e It Is now intendedto have the huge thing repaired a littleand sent around to the Columbia riverwhere it can be put to use. To buildsuch a craft would cost about #SOOO.

GONE TO THE PENITENTIARY ?Ar-thur Perry, in charge of Sullivan andKuowlcs, both convicted of tbe crimeof assault with intent to commit niur-der, and seetencjd to two years in theTerritorial i'emtentiwy. started on theZephyr yesterday morning for Baatao.The prisoners ware band cuffed, butbad no shackles on.

buon ACOBDENT?Tbe steamerOtter blew out a flee last eveningwhile comiag from Taooma, whichcaused bar to arrive here a couple ofhours late. Bhe will not go up theBound ia the morning as asael, bnt re-main here for repairs. Tbe Zephyrwill oonneot with the train and bringthe tonight.

OPPOSITION.?The steamer Welcome,

Capt Thos Branaao, left Yaaler's wharffor lisoonner and way ports yesterdaymorning, taking a good freight andfair list of paseengors. The people oftbe eastern side of tbe Sound now 1 avea steamer adequate to their ncds, andare to Iw oougratulated on their goodfortane.

DCATU or Dn. PLYLKY?Dr. K. R.Pljf ley, who baa beeri » uttering from an

attack of tjphotd fever for the paat fewweeks, died at bia reaideeoc in tbieoity, Sunday twormug at four o'olook.The funernl took place from the Bap-ti»t church yeeterday. The .doctorleave* a wife aud aon io thia city.

Ta» WUXAMKTTB.?This steamshipwill Mil for Sau Frsucisoo this mora*

ing «t 6 o'clock, Ukiog 9000 tou oISeattle conl aud the following passen-|Mi: H, McA'.w, J. Koro, C. Han-ford, Joo. McCreaoy, E Celtert, Mrs.Calvert. O. A. Bisbop, M». Bishop.

Uoiko TO Coi ißAoo.? Mr. McAlecrwill be a paaaenger on tbe Willaooettnthis atoning, hound for Sao Krancisoa,

from wbieb plaoe he will prooaed toColorado, where wmal months willbe?pent in pursuit of health and reoreation.

PUUUIT Pa*TT.?A plaxmat party

took plane at Joha Galea's residence onLake Uuioo Uat Batnrd«j «wmof. TbeBBaio good and *wjiodyio| «H pind by U*« eo«pl«« tfcaAslSwdsd.


SATCftDAT, Sept 10.Port Hlakely Mill Company vs. Henry

Livingston -It we* adjudged that thesale of 59Y% acres rf land in section 26north. range 2 east, to the Company beconfirmed.

Ab Kow *i Swan Anderscc?Eferredto S B Vrooman.

E A Turner vs Jamea McNaught?Dismiseed on plaintiff's motion at plain-tiff's cost and without prejadice.

D B Jackson vs Richard HolyokeJudgment for i laiatiff tor s#6 ? 13, withcoa's, <ic.

Tbe accounts of the Tnited StatesMarshal were approved by the Ourt.

Wm Anderson was held to bail in tbesum of WOO to appear at tbe next termof Court for trial.

Wm Baunton vs Benjamin Stretch andCbas H Low?Judgment against W DScott, tbe bondsman, for $153 "4:

After discharging tbr «*rier and bai-liffs, and allowing the jiirymen tb irper diem aod mileage, Court adj -mu dtill Oct. 19tb. 1881.

bC*.DBI> TO Dbabh ?The VictoriaCob,i,i*t narrates this: The family ofAbraham Wbittaker, who lives back ofSt Louis College, ate plunged in thedeepest grief by a shocking accidentwhich resulted in tbe death of theyoungest child, a little boy of sixteenmoBtM. It appear* thai ft kettle ofboiling water bid been taken from tbestove between 10 and 11 o'clock yester-day forenoon, and carefully placed byMrs W under the table so as to be, asshe thought, entirely out of the way oftbe young children. In tbe ofthe Mother for a few moments thechild entered the kitchen with a hand-ful of plums. One of these plums fell?ad rolled under tbe table close to tbekettle. The oafertaeete little felloweer ambled after it catching bold ofthe apout upset the kettle with itsboiling contents over his shoulders andback. Dr Trimble was called as soones possible, and every means reewrtedte to afford relief, but sritbnat avail, fordeath pat an end to its sufferings in anhour and a half.

HKAL ESTATB ?The following arethe transaetious in real estate, as re-corded in the Auditor's offioe, since oarlast report;

Anpie Murray to W R Brawl ey, lot5 ID block Is, Maynard's addition,

\u2666 1950Cbristiaa Wist to Mary L Spersecki,

half of lot 11 in block 19, North Seat-tle, #179.

H McAleer to Lila M Hilton, lot 15in block 32, *2OO

O B Wright to Tbos Burke, lot 2 iablock B, A A Denny's addition. S4OOO.

Watson C Squire to Mary B Leary.lots 5 and 8 in block CD Boreu's ad-dition, S4OO.

E A Turner to J R Lewis, block 8 inBayaide addition, S4OO.

M J Poptius to Catherine Burritt, lots8 and 10 io block 1. Fairview, f 100.

L V Wyckoff to Jas Crawford, three-fourth* of kit 1 in block 7, Maynard'gaddttioe, known ss the Bank Exchangeproperty, SIO,OOO.

ACCIDENT.? Last Wednesday Mr LM Bobbins, wbile putting so additionOD MoCowan's residence in North Beat«tie, lull from the roof to the floor andbruised himself quite badly. Hi*aokle wan sprained severely and hewill be compelled to use a crutob for?owe weeks. We understand he badan aocident policy, and will draw tendollsrs per week while unable to work.

Bio DAI'S WORK.?One bandied andseventeen carloads of ooal came in over

tbe C & P 8 Railroad, from Newcastle,last Saturday between the hoars of 4o'clock am. and 8 p.m. The carscarry aboat tea toas each, which wouldmake tb<* day's work 1170 tons ofooal. This, we believe, is tbe largestamount of ooal ever brought ovar tberoad hi the same length of time.

\u25a0 \u25a0 ? i \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

ROBBER ARHBSTXD?TJ Ankeny,one of the three fallows who broke jailat Albany. Oregon, a few weeks since,

was arrested in Seattle by offioer Wool-ary Friday night oa satpioMO. Afterhis arrest be acknowledged everything.An oflieer will be over im a 4a v or so to

take him back, fie was implicated ina robbery and was awaiting trial.

GBTTUW ALO*9.?The Orefng Im-provHMMl Tympany's newUmatilla, now on tb- way out fromNew Ynrk« arrived at Valparaiso prior

to tbe 9th at September. Bbe is ex-pected at Portland about tbe 10th ofOctober, and will be ready to take berfirst oargo of ooal froos Seattle beforeNovember Ist.

It ie PS ported thai the trade in pineleaves, wbiob was started i» Wilming-ton, N. C, aboat two yearn a#a, baainereaaad sa rapidly that tbe demandcannot be snpplted. The leaves areased for stuffing mattresses and otberpurposes.

\u25b2 atndent of law at Bono baa juatbora killed to a ioH. and aBother ig

hopeleaaly wounded there io (twboapi-tal. It la only a law daja ainc* a atudentio Berlin bad bis ooee »Uab«d oleao offin an unarm ored aaUr oonteat

Tam ITT bcaoot.?PlarenU iotecdmgto aeod children to ike Trinity pariaheebool daring tbe awteain term, com-mencing Sept 19th. are rrqueetad tocommuntoate with the Bar Mr WaUoo,rector of Trinity Church, daring tbepreeent week. e6 Std

Bay yoor geoU' furnishing good*,hata, eape and eigan at J. A McPhea'a.He keep* a fine stock, and telle cheap.Call and examine goods Nan door to

Hi ti \u25a0>tinker Broe A Co.'s, Commercialstreet. Brattle. W. T. . dtf

Aak lor Oox. Taa** Gardeer*eelebtated foot wear. None £enuu»ewithout their stamp. H. Jeeee, soleagent. }BO lm.

Don't feed yoai children Impore oan-

diee when joa can get tbe pare ataff atPiper's

Tb« Btad«b*tor to lb* atabd*rdVIMS of the world. For a*l« bjWild 4 CMipbdl.

B*Uof tcp*, fc-Uf aUla. U. MW«ld *6w|Wli *««



In re estate ot Anne Eliz* Saiith?John BeM, executor. Will proven byJobs D Reynold"" and Isaac A Palmer,tbe subscribing witnesses Executor'sbond filtd at ?1000.

In re estate of Ktiph Fontaine?L JColman, administrator. Personal property ordered so.J.

TIRED OF LIFE?'A FEW dajs siuce

currency wesgiven to a rep rt tbit alad had been drowsed near tbe Gorge.By many it was suppos<d that the ru-mor waa not well authenticated, butsubsequent events go to »bow that itwas true The boy, whose name wasIsaac Peart, arrived here from theWest Coast about a fortnight ago ontbe schooner Thornton and on reachingport atisented himself from tbe VesselInquiries we<e made and it was ascer-tained that id company with two otherboys be bad g'-ne op the arm in acanoe. On reacning tbe rapids hesaid: 'I want to dr-'Wti myself,' androcking the frail craft quickly upset itThrown into the witer the boys allstruck ont for shore and t«n of themsucceeded in re aching laud, but Pe*rtseems to Lave sunk suddenly. Thecircumstances wer kept q-iiet by tbosurviving lads, who were not so sort-

that tbe deceased aas drowned. OnSaturday afttrnoon, hoe ever. the bodyof the poor boy was found floating intbe water near tbe An investiIts' ion sr». hi'ld and Dr Jack* »u g*ve acertificate of 'death from drowning.'The boy bad a brief but painfullychequered career, and to tbo absence offritiudly car* may l>e attributed bisdeath.? Victoria Standard.

A* OKIOOK WOOLEN FACTORY.?IDtbe wooisn factory at Oregon City vast

quantities of sulphur are used annuallyand the expenditure for this substancealone amounts to h e< usiderable figure.It ia estimated that '2OOO cord* of woodare annually burned in the dyehousein generating steam Htid for heatingpurposes This factory gives employ,cuent to over 150 bandit, exclusive ofbosses and superintendents, and itsmonthly pay rollaggregates over S6OOO.Of the operatives 60 are Chinese. 30females, 2 boys, and the balance adultmales. The average monthlv shipmeut of goods exceeds in value £45 000,which is at the rate of 404<>,000 aunu-ally. The msjor part of the goods pro-duced here arc shipped to California,where they are manufactured iutoclothing and gold to jobbers and retaildealers Among other tbinijs fir whichtb« O. C. Mfg. Co. is noted, are blank-et*. tlaui els, shawls, robes, over*

coating, eassi rner-s, and stocking yarn.Tins company produces ca*simere thatwill compare favorably with aDy that

from the East or Europe. Afactory like this is badly needed onthe Sound, and there is no better loca-tion for it than Seattle.

MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS. CharlesNaher, of this city, has not only madearrangements whereby be is preparedto st II riANos and ORGANS and allKIM) of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE at SanFrancisco price*, but has thoso instru-ments on bai d and keeps them instock, so that tb<\u25a0 public can examinewhat they are buying before purcbssinif. Beware of frauds who advertiseinstruments for sale when they havenothing to show wheti a customer calls.luatruments sold cheap for cash, or ontne installment plan. Send for illustrated catalogue aud prices. all tf

Pocket and table cutler? and shears?an enormous assortment Best in kes,at Wald & Campbell's. s4 tf

Genuine Singor Hewing Machineneedles AO cents per dozen, at ClaytonBros. ] 11: tf.

Best lot of Btoves, Haines, &c. northof Bau Francisco, at J Sebram & Co.'aGive them a call.


ARLtSGTCS BOCSE,Cap! Sunnon*. 8 F J W Hullran, Arisen*A iarvy. <tt> R Holyokr, J»e..b« ck11 Ha.Toiansou, do Mr* Arts A ?! cbil, doJ tto* ,

(to HCM. Q lltan, doGB 8 mom. 4n Mi* Gou-bor, d»8 ( UIOUTW. Pert Urvbard J UO.UL»U'-T, WWI PIU 11 Kraft. P< p *CS etrou, doA 8 R*m«*. <0 Wn Willliir. doB H«P iae. Point Aitc; A H Ki ig. Ci'.v11 Wtwdi, TMiUad Cipi 8 P8 C R»a'er, H Bmlcj, City

V W Staarllag. Vancouver CPS n» k mi, doW A Rlw.flT Ja- Uorru, doRH Collier, So T auk Dekum. PortlandA V Muoa, do Mr* P vtk in, doMr- A Wrysoulh. I. id* W 8 Jami-oa, fl.ii.Mrt H*up ly, GAMBLE


A L S.i-tiC<-r, B jk l> A i Biker, Dj»atni-b

E Liugne. Suotootnl*ti Mr. Uotai. CityH G Recaa. Portland Ml**bowo*. doJ t Quifley, 8 f Mr* Dwyer, Tac >mi

Mil! M B U*ll, Portland Rev R B .k-r. OlyoipiaMi* Do kr, Reeton G A Ahbol\OaklandW Willi*a*, Im PoiAt a ScUowll. Bi.k--y

A Mrlvrr, do Dr Boulv 8 fMr**v>r«, Ofyrp.i L PCmhioit, 8* rIVT C WM. pun B 4kf y

Mr U*a, Nwctiik P C Haw, a tail* iir»r

Car Bailant. do TO B i*a doMr* SfH-tfecfc-, T-.coaa P Eaier* n, d-j

OCCIDKStAL HOTELJ KU Hrtckrt, ft t'.iiuond* W 0 T*c >tnj

Q K goutb, P.eiUco»<a F J Stnitn, Aj s»kL Sjrrl, il« (f f liLint

CDTusmS t . M D »r* <l, Bl.kelrM.n FiiiliWO IV U B.mlJio. V.vlur »

0 S / u J M. B ikflfH A do IT 1 ruin, CKvSI C Wjl'» W»:n W J L3TOO», Wt.Mlhjr ImJB WnlUc*. P^riUoJ

rtrvi Iktl »» Know.Ifyoa m ?uS'-niu wua a *\u25a0»« Goagh. Cold.

' tHluu, Btvncbnu, Ccn»uiapttun. low of roice.Belling in Ihe throat, or any *ff*> tloa of the turretor tao«>s wa know that Lt Kiw't New l)t*c. yhiiv

? willgirr foO liumxtu e r»lt f. *>know uf bun-. diwda of wn it lit* i ompie'eij cnr»l, m l lh»»

vU<rc all other Okediciura bid f*tied. Ho otherremedy cm *uew attthalf u tu*ay r«rmuMiilcum. Row to gtr* joo MiiilKtarjiproof iktlDr. Kio*» New Duoovary wiit cure JOB of Aatb.

ma. Bruuehtti* LU( Fever. Oonawuptioa. »*vrre

Onuka tM Cold*. <«a . r anj Thr»*« . rLmiXaM tf yoa w.U eail »t Hell >*ts * Ani'.rr-mb * CityDrug Mlur*you can f*ta trial boelefrv*of ooa*.oe » rwgaiaraue butth> Iu» 11. Hodge. i>*>nt h Co.. wk»lMi« agent*. Portlaad.

\u25a0\u25a0rkUa** Arnica Malta.Tha br«t Balv* :o the wor!J for Cut*. Brni ***.

SON*. Clear*. Mall Bbecn. rarer Soma. Tatter,""n?* Jhllblaiu*, Omi *ad *1! kiadaof ttu Hrnyitoe*. Tau «U)t» ta fiatuiM<i toriea perfect *atUfactioa m every caoa, or mooavrefunded rrwHK.frbox For **J*by Aellogg* Mil*. Hodge, l>a*la h Oa., fkufe\u25a0ate AgaaU. Portiaad. daily

j """


Uf Dm Md*rwg»»i deatrra to Ufonu the pe<>-|ta«f gaattia ami *xuuty that ha h*a located|MM*a*tl|la Mania for Um nncae of prao.ggtl ua fwtmmUm He nay V Miui at hi*?amiWkMfl h« tiding. *a Frvot *®**t,cornerof OolatatMa. (aauaacaoa each *tre*t| whara hawtH ha ptOMMdtooeeaU who way ha la need of>n Mllw All«nml ?oa lk» Hath M»l»fiiMflljpatterned at th*Mat lanmiMi prvewa.*4* *-0 OAIkE. Vrnom.

Mrb«le'a lutalllble Intmioa,

Guarantor! to cure promptly tnd per-manently every case of (rooorrbtM,Gleet Mi l White*, no matter of b«wlong sUtidu e.if directionsare foHawed.Internal medicine not recommended or

A care guaranteed or mr»iuyrefunded. For sale by Kellogg Jc An-derson, wholesale and retail drozgists,Seattle W. T

-»»«- - -

500.000 SHIUbLn,Fiuest quality, at


K'JCHM we'l, dentist office in Squire'sOpera House. First class dentistrywork done at reasonab e rates. n»3tf

New patterns and an immense quan-tity of wall pa*>er have been receivedat Aiderson's pa nt shop tor the sum-n»er and fall trale. jel6*tf

Paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, &oFelihlle. ted Mt-dera prices, at

Wal l «!c Campbells'. §4 tf

If you want any Rtni 01 a sewingma* blue denned or repaired send toC'ayton jllrtf.


Wheat ?Good cWn I'ugetSoun J 9 100lbs 90«$$1 10

Oat*?i'ertou $22 .10, Floor?Leading brands, in Jobbing lots, $5 50

Bran?Per ton sl&t»2tiH>utoea-»Per bushel t&^soeOnions?New California l\o

| Wool?Per lb 22cUAlUß?CaHtornia t» it i:tslte

Eastern 1H«Home cared 19c

Bacon ?fciiiee 16aShoulders ... lOtijlic

Lar .?California, in palls l»oIn tins ISo

Batter- Choice In rolls $ lb SS®27«Common 13»li

Hay?Tlnioihj par too, baled sll6OFruit?Apple* par bus. naw ........... 75c

| .. Oranaee. t»b..\ $4Lemons, t> 100 M SO

Eggs?f*r Aozen *H«Poultry?Chickens «> dozen $4 00

Spring do. do $2 50w,3 60Beef?Per lb BH<s4e

Oo foot 2«»'iHcPork?Per -i 6c

On foot ....' aeMutton?Per IK 8c

On foot i^icBldea ?Dry 15c

Orueii, light To.. tiO lUe. and over 8

Tallow ?Per lb S&tfJie





Stfjhi Baetianfre and T.lpzr*i>hi» Traualer ot, Jao: fr'raucisco. Portland and New York.

and >lxt?-day bitl* Of Karbantedrawn In-U nH to "u'l direct ou l.oudon, avaiiat le anywhere

tn Kur.'ito.j

Money loaned ou *;>i>rny*d security.

Bonds, Stories, and ether valuables received Ondt po»ii for *>afe keeping.

Collection trade and pr«>reeds prxopily remitted.ootlfWltf


( y OLD, SILVER AND GREENBACKS EX-: \ T changed at the rery loweat rate*.

Cash paid for City and County WarrantiAlto for aale, a very largo clock of

Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes. Pipes.»V(*? iVe.

L. B. H ARKNESS,Mitl str«a« t

Ja4-tf Near On nun arc (al. Seattle, T.T,

LACiER BEER.Drink Beer made at the


Eagle BreweryOF MUKILTEO.

Thia is declared to i»e the


SOUND!Call for it and take no other.

F. V. SNYDER & CO.,? 8-dAwtf Proprietor*

To Settlers in Whatcom County.LAND OFFICE BU9ISEBS

Of every description can be 4*ne atLACONXEB. W. T.

filing aa4 making final proo'a onand Pro Tin* a(> and paying forHtmratmda (AM prior to Jmi W. IUM with,

ent rmlttaix-)', mlttTwioo or advertiatßg; Oom-rrrtiDg pusrUiftlofHi Into Provingop and |n*lFg for Timber Lai<d»; not teato make CiAl proof; Oillrctinv double miuimma?xoaaa: Preparing Penaton paper*.I h>ve plat* of ? i.ffi tal »'irr>-ye<l tewasblp

la » h»ic itn county. and »il> furniaa tracts ga oaabort notice to panlea filing na laada here. Baa ofplat 4 rt*. Am- riran Settler *

limde. Hili'e L odlng Land and Mtoinit Caaea, TfceKa-porter, remaining all Uwa and rullnga of tbrUrneral Land Oftce. o« Ala b»ra Any and a-1matiera connected with land* promptly a*<lto and pal through e*p«Mioualy.

JAMES k. OILXILAVI).ar-artf Lac<moer, Whatcom co , W. X.


24lh. 18M. tX ' OTICK IS HEREBY OIVES THAT CCBTMJN D. MromteM has flied uotic* oi intactionto make fin*:proof before lit*Cters of the biatrialCourt. ha oOn la DmilU, W. T m Saturd ay,th« Ntb d*y at uetoktr. LXi IH, m V*M*uptfnaI) ». No MM for tfca k*l «* of W* andß*oi BE% at McliM ?». "ra«*J»S Mrtfa. ru«*(?\u25a0at. Ha nnviiwttoaara \u25a0franßo»>-U. Mno>ma Bawil, John MeCay and fharl«» McAlliitfar,all at Benton, King ooaatj » T.

auiT-Aw J T. HBO mi. Baglatar.



Juhaw» baa ftiad iett« of istaatton to aiakafinal proof bafor* tka Bcrister aa4Bac<4var of UmlaM Uftea UOlympte,W. T.,a» Vadnaaday. UMttal day of Itftmtar. I.D m. on Be«aat«adapplication So rrei. for tha BE* of BEVi aad BEd at SB* a*aaeuaa M. towiattp to »wth.rwai? Mat, lad addtttoo&l aotry 80. MMfor W* of BAltat arcttoaM. um-hp a»

Mahler.' L*C ZSTV >\u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0, atfaTcTcaola. Eia(cowt), V T.

w»4w 1.r. BBOWB. lijlßß.

fitUNION &

LttlllUFBBB SllllE,W.H. BOW Proprietor,

Commercial (trett,

Oppoatta Arlington Houae.



Tuesday, Aug. 10* 1881.Pniilawfl] aarara an adnatap *7bate| praaant

tha IKday tor rtawfiaHan. ? jtMf

CL. EBMONIN,Coffee and Spice Manufacturer.

ftottA OmfiwU Jtouuc* atw. *wmmM}oj*

rßinnm oosk UWUW \u25a0, ww um




Board oer week. - ? MOOMeals, 20Oysters In every style. - 20BuekwheatCakee and Honey.

with Coffee, - - - ISCoffee i>nd Cake - - 10Chicken Dinnere 38Hr Monday Dinners from U m. to 7 p.m. a


Baring now fitted op my Restaurant In elegantstyle, and Improved my kitchen arrangement \u25a0 eoas to enable me to furnish my Kosete with morevariety and In a style of rookery »*r excellence, Iam prepared to accommodate the pnbM< . eitbs*day or night, with whatever they may dartre toeat. served by attentive vraltan and cooked In allthe Unproved modern style*.

Thankful to tba citizens of Paget goad for theliberal patronage bestowed on 'be late firm ofRickard* k Bolthower, I aak from tha public aocnttnnanee of the aasae, aixl assure them thatstrict attention to bosinwa, honest and uprightdealing, constant care to plaaas their tastaa andmake them happy, will be the future doty at


WfLUM RICHARDS\u25a0SI M/ Proprietor.




11£ Everv Style,AT THE

SADDLE ROCKO. Commercial street.

At U Oats ptrftal*tut 0. cauta, rnimn..






1 0. A. JOV. E M..M 0. M \1 Ot ttx ty ol //y/&T' j /


Mil Trial before Purrkmißf.TO MEN

?fiflVrtng from Nrnon a WralmrtxH. (<rn-frml Itrbilli.t. I«v->i «>f Nerv .? Force or \">,ur, or

! any iliv rvnuUtnc from AnrsKs nn<l niimC*r»ss. or to any mir h 111 u-ted with Kheutuattam, Neuralgia. Par.«ly*i!», Spinal

i Kidney or Liver Trouble*, l.anie Hack. and otherPitmsniif Ihf vilnl Oinni. Alto wv>mkn tum-bled with DtaaaMS peculiar to tlieir s. x.

reliefand complete restoration to healthguaranteed. Tkrw nrf the oulj KlretrlrItrilm or lyplliinnt that hatr *»rrbeen roa>tr«rtr«l ?elemthe priurt-plf*. Their lhoroujch*effletot»cy h« pmc-Ut'allf proven with the nuial wonder Oil ane

rraa and they have the lilghe*!rmlorae-men la from the nana* eminent and?dentine meat uf tuii'ilra. Stvnd at once

! At tkKilc Cl vlng all InformatH>a free. Addrosa theman u feet urera,

WAGNER A CO..Car. Iltkl|r» AT. and Jarkaoa St., Cklrafo, 111,




Rough and Dressed

Flooring, d?o.,


MOULDINGS.JSL Maolilno Sliop

Is rotMotai with the Ifill, wht-i*all ktada of

Repairing and Buildingor


AINO, ftrxl rlanN Jlarhine worh

promptly exerntvd.

J. 31. COMAN,\u25a0hfctf Aaaletant Hupt.


EXCHANGEIsaac Cathcart, Proprietor,

SNOHOMISH CITY. W. T.Ever? el ort will be ntaJo to maintain the rep

tatlon K3quii ed by thla Hotel ax the

Beit Hotel in Snohomish County,M>d lb*

Cleanest keut House in Tei'y

The Table will be supplied with llie beat themark*! iflorda.

The Bar will be furnished with Brht-claa*Wink*. LiviUOka an 4 Uiujuw.uH-wtf UUAC CATHCAitT.

Iron WorksKAVIUG TAKKM THK AB'iVK WORKB.formerly occupied by Messrs.o. Fox and

"mde of11*' 1a °' W 10 tur« nil


Pumps,Water Wheels


For Public Buildings or PrivateDwollin«a,

And all kinds of general work lu ray Una. executedsatisfactorily,



Molasses CandvAnd a variety of Fmh and

Fare liome-mnde Candle*.Cakes of Every Description.

WEDWN« t'AKIXOn hand and mad* to ordar at abort notice.MIZiKBREAD

Frmli every morning »t

PiPEIfHo'/l'Ckm»f Confectionery and Baktcy.

SEATTLE NURSERY,One mile east oi Yesler'a Wharf on

tha road to f-*ke Washington.

The larg.-et ooUertlon of

Fnut and. Orna-mental TrocaßE


Evergreen and Deciduous *

BHBt'BH W THE TEHBITOUT.?"'I °>*»r Plant* *p ?

Bnjbs wwi mail Fruits and eholf BosouetsJMCApplsa ft and upwards per bandr.rewnfUaM apwatil* hand*S(l.C_Piomi and Prune* fit and oiiwirdu "

Cherries SJP and upward*"


G. W. LA WTOl*.

Tf?* \u25a0" mfZl*\ A* ?\u25a0**»?» ll»w tM pMH.nI!,****? ?»>!

R . riSeeataa) Saiwoiusad tmpouro.-Y OJ IK- .F,T2. -?? ?*?' r»»i«Tw7t to? ni

**"?* "" \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0«'» M" w Mb.*"'".*7 , w "

l^Vfu*aM »«« n.i,

«M ?« »?» V&tM4. «u| i*awf ««M »o.i*/n. .

?wanJ&K*St-teßMsfc»-w, **_*




(Fnion India Rubber Co/sPure Para Cum

CRACK PROOFRubber Boots and Costs.



oa the Wlr and hate the I'l REGfM SmiNOs oo the foot and loatep. wt.ii-h

their crack In* or breaking. TT*Y willl*»t tVKIas long aa any others manufactured.

Tor aa'e by ail dealers.


ASP SHOES. ere ,

Goodyear Rubber Co.R.H.PEABE.Jr. I i-r,,,.8. M. RI'HYON. l

a«lft-.t*w3ru Sao Francisco




S. BAXTER & CO.,avis dSwtf Front street. teat tie

Bead This!AT THE

Tivoli Beer Hall,OCCIDENTAL fcjCABS,

Can be found a cool |lw at

San Francisco Beer.TIS FUJI.

They beep the largest stock of Bottled Bute ofany beer se-oon in tae city. awid tf




I WILL BAY THE ABO VI BEWABD FOB THIcapture and letm u of the two prisoners who

escaped from the king ooacW jail o* Ik night ofAugust 10th.

DESCRIPTION:SrLLrVAW, alias Robert Mathews, k about fire

feet tea iwhesia hlght. K years «M. baa a shortmustache, stands erect; black hair interspersedwith gray, and weighs about 160 pounds.

DAWTELB is a you tißfellow, k years old: blackbushy hair and black nosteehe. Wore checkeredshirt, bine overalls wuh spring bottoms and lowcut shoes.

Fifty dollars will be paid fbr the arrant and re-tarn of either, or one hundeod doliixa for both.ITV. WYCKOFF,

au!B-tf Sheriff King county.


ANT PARTIES HOLDING BNOBOMISH COUN-ty Scrtp dated prior to January let, 18T8, are

requested to prexent it to the Treaaurer of aaidouunty at bis office in bnohoiulnh City, W. X.. forredemption.

LOT WIIJITH,Treeeorar of Suohotulfth County, W. T.

Dated thia Bth day of Auguat, 1881. alStfw

Fulton MarketHereafter good Diuners will be served at Hie

Fulton Market


Dinner* at from 4to ? o'clock, K<caau-Guj>]><'iaaccordingly, au2l-tw



Corner Oominarrial and Waahlngtcn atreeta.

CIU.W* »OR VKdiili1 FURNISH KD AT eil(Mf) notice to all parti of Puget Bound.


Alao dealer* in

Choice Cigars and Totaooo? cooMaa a co.


Bariag efaged % large UMoat of

BLACKBERRIES,'tfe arp prepared 10 en order* In Ma toenit at

abort Bottoe. Alao, fteah

Native and California

Constantly on hand.L R BIGKLOW L OO ,

Jffl.ti Oorner Third »ud Un oa atn-ett..




Is now open for business.

J. Wa NfllTH,

C. P.FABRAB.Proprietor*.

Mtle. W. Ta. 1v»l. *w\XtS


Corner Commercial & lain St*.,? *

Soattlo, W. T.

THE NEW ENGLAND r.Wfi?adM« Mwwnilitlmn Hi famlliaa are uau

Thla Inn U I*lWLT BCILT, !? HARD nnUD tkroagbout, bM larga tad vail furnUhn?\u25a0no? «II lltrai nTm hurl nn t%>

Europeanaaa to tad at nodanta pricaa.

Bent Hotel in the City.

L. C. HARMON,ml-if. Proprietor.





Tkii is the Largest Hotel\u25a0

North of San Francisco,lad is

FIRST - GLASSIn all Respects.




MILTON B. COOK, Proprietor.


With tha Comforts of a Private House.The Tab!a will be round unexceptionable. The

Bar la fnrniefced with the Snout Wlnee, Liquorssad Cigars. Ik has s lame wetl-Stted

BILLIARD HOOSSrurnlshed with the best modern Tables.

Nothing will be left uadoae la oar efforts tomake ths gneeta comfortable.

TBftMS IODDUTI. mS-dawlr

r \u25a0»


Aldus RestaurantrROKT OTBKKT,


4:30 to 7 p.Bi., fox SOB.

FURNISHED ROOMS.Open Day and Night.

JACK LIVY,aaT-U Maaager.
