The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1970 Daily Egyptian 1970 10-7-1970 e Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: hp:// Volume 52, Issue 11 is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1970 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1970 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation , . "e Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970." (Oct 1970).

Transcript of The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

Page 1: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

Southern Illinois University CarbondaleOpenSIUC

October 1970 Daily Egyptian 1970


The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970Daily Egyptian Staff

Follow this and additional works at: 52, Issue 11

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1970 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1970 byan authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended Citation, . "The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970." (Oct 1970).

Page 2: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

rity police

· ted to remove

111· no is Central • to raise rates

Hearlllp 011 AA UllilotaC..D­tn I ll.allroed «> ra..-lt8,....rru .. are «bedWecl for Tburoday and Prlday •• SRJ.

Tbo _,.I&IP. 10 be beld bJ t.h • llller-u Commerce CommLNLOo ... a a.m. LnMuc­tleroy Aud:ttorlum wt:re aJ)..

~ Tueoday bJ Tom Scbenchel, a<udo nt body preoldeiX, aod ll.d Hammood, • ,.......,. to tbo Cb&ncel)or lor Stllde111 llel&tlot>a.

flam mood ul4 <bo IC watu lO nee ua rate-1 20 per c:e«. "Tbe JliH Ulereuee ••Y--barclllllp 01t ..._. ot sru.·· ~ HamtDOIIII - tbat a"*fta mllb< ba lbcc:ed 10 10 bltcbllWIII u a dlltaper at. ti.....Uft-Htllld ~~~ac ... ·,


- &lterbOtl<re, eepec~Uy 1n •iDle-r ••• ~ndlel • old tbe pn;­

poeed fllcreue ......wl deo burden Carbood.alo r .. l<lau Wl>o depend on lbo 1r a 111 ror . tra.uporuuon to "We need O't"'nrbelmln& oru­dtca and communn) support •• the hurtna• ... Schorocbol UJd. He and Hammond called for ••toul community lnYOIYe­mem·• at rbe hearlnaa •

Hemmond P!d 1M boar1J11a wUJ beiJn Tbuncl.ay and wUJ carry Oft!' tO tf the-re •• oufttae• reepo._. People wbo UllnOI te.ut)- Tb"r oda y are u.raed to Frt4ay eeealoa, trllJcb WIU bepn at a a.m •• or to •u.bmtr • wrtnen ta~ "'<be Sr'*"' ~OffiCe, __

m~ to !be COIIUiliaa-

~- ....... .., .. ______ _ - _,. _ .. - __ ., ... --..,. -Sooio-

lut atiaute -a-w. 11u -"·-..... .....,.._ otO'Y-. """""lor Roipllll. ICytlao .11 .1

City challenges residency requirements ~ .

lenp: a.ny lt'Udrm wbow non ­UnlftT81rJ add.~•• .,.. ow ­lllclo Carl>ondele. Sbe uyo obe will ue U. SIU dlreaory "' d>oc$:.

" ~lor hUDlJJuy Entrl:'prUH -be -'D If !be - dlnclDry wtU be anliai>ie bJ ,..... • I.

... __ .,. ____ If"•

_,. ... .._,.. ..... _ .. -=--


drn)1ng lhem ttr opponu.nlll 10 pen1cJ,_tr :· Thoma a ••td.

Tbomaa . who t. a autr ctlrec::tor at Pro)e:a 11. anon­pant.a.a_n 1'0'&-h voc Ina pro­p-am. a.aid be baa aaM.Ir&.ne:r• rram tl~ federal pernmon< ,.... <be -- • rip '" ~will be upheld.

Tbo-a o&ld F~cloral rnu­obal.o will lie o.-eU&I* . II oec:e oaary, to wotdl U. potU . He Uld be •IIJll'Ch !be -pro1>1e.... 1n r11e 1om predllct. ~!!"' " r Word. ;ea­........,. O.l'k, Bl4 .. tnt ot Ida otfka II t<! ...ptar -re. Ito aaJd II dler an ~war. dla-r will baft to woer1ty IIIIa -•·

xoatDr J..... CUban II·

CartiOoldaJe. - :.:::!"' lia:llll ... _........ In

u. 5IU 4lftcaxr CDllld -~~. .......... ot CutoaDdllo •

Page 3: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

CHICAGO: A school ~em withe goei:Tuchlng

Daily Egyptian Sl • .tOO llartlng ... .,., (10 tne>n~Nt 10 <Yya palelncalion • 10 csays aicll lea.,.

-'"..,-.,_ P81d ~IZalion _,____ -aooc..--·-· .. _ ::.:-..:: ==-~ - 0!!. 1'. ,.. ........................

... - .. --- -:;;::::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;-;;:;-="===~=======:::::: .... ~ ........ ~ ....... . ____ ,____

-· ......... o.~r ........ ---· .-.. .......... --................. __.. ..... .......................... _ ..... _ . ............... .._.. ~\==--- .. ____ _. ..... ........,_ -----·-----. ---~ ------__ ........... __ ------=::.:..- .:::=-: --..- &.611oa

8C.1\Jt")000 1:

1 . ., '•I

CATES OPE!' I 7 :00 p .. m. SHOW STARTS 7·30 p.m .


I ~

Page 4: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

r A.ctitfitie.

You've got the world on a string in a Woolrich Fringed Vest. c.. ,.,., - """' 1M cro.d wtm •hon9 -·• """ a tunMlft - of plalcla or IOflctl Pula ,_ l~o Into body - s. If .,.. -"' _, - • lot -·· -.-: xa.a.M.LAbootS15 PY9p'a 121020 Aboult12.

LONDON <API - Volua~Mr ~ aft wwt:lal bard u a ella Ia ·Hentord • o111re to belll die odftace ol a aew -J. UDder a field dleJ """"""re4 a Roman

ball -· 4ill1al beet 10 ~rd .c:eMUr)'. ~ ell& .... uaeartt.d • 2:0

tooc accdan ol die boc room wbere palrlc.l&n Romana lolled ar le L........, durtnf r.belr occu • p&llon ol BTUaln.

n.e .. r:b bloct lo alonplclo 1notber Roma.o a.rc.hheclll.ral rellc found a

Delta announ e

Wednesday 1s . 1 D .... ,

Ribeye - Frie• . Salad

11 or Schooner ( 4 · 9 p • I 30<



COlt 45 Matt Uquor introduc;:es the ~It game for game adulla.·

Page 5: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

-;. • .. r

·: it' r


Page 6: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970


' '

.,_..._ ......... ___ _ .............. .~.. ... -....... ............ _ ............ . , , .... _._._~ ..... - ......................... -Ita ...... - ........ ..,. .. .. ____ .....,_...,_ .. -..,... __ to __ ..,_ ..

~ ........ ---·­................ -.. .--­__ ....,. .. _....._ __ ..... ~- -- ... .._.. cto...U..

• IStS 1. Dey'9 ~ ,.. 1D loee

.-pea for ,._. ~ ud die ai4u ~ 1111a wm '12 .,. "'dll>tr ar.~~CD<*,..tJlf • ...,__ v .. "'lro.r -'*U..dle-"'aal­....,. .. ....,~.,,_..,._ -tilde frX:>da. nie ol*r ...,ermoa .... _.. - - ,.... paraa - ~ f1l -r ada1ta -d bani. bodlt • .aa1fkzd llDII -ered ID mate ~ -- k t. .... ,. lr u dlelr ~ -.. y,.. may -­wtdl diem lu daD 't diacredlt dlelr COD­tJ1tludoM.

2. Tbef"l! tty ID CCIInUt JI'OII ID die Idea diM ,.... coUeso u .. ~ • . aod a .. tDOI t:l die 2RWNf•hrnrnr .. !be anact apjl)a die e0ne. admlniacratloD ~o lsbttler,UTDpDtaDdwu"uoain~

SDSen, lor e:rampl.e, - """"" to dt.rupc die coUesea by de-Ill die npr110 eewa pra~euon, de«erminr die

cun1cul!la> - - ~ .-.-... 3. lbeJ'U ut ,.,.. llO ,&baaclaD )'OUT baalc commoa ..,..., Gampu extrem­t.m thrhea on apeclouA -raiB&tlona. wild -~. - ..., .. r10ed allep­Dooe. Com:'IU l.uuec f1l aate an wrappe~ !n alopna llDII clldleo. DD&­matlc autemeiiUI are l.uued u If dle1 -re - f1Dal tnldl.. You .-d care­luliJ e- die r-. Oaa't bllDclly follow COII{KI f1l ac:noa ouaellted by extremJato. ODD't Ft !n'IO!ftd lA a c:aua ,._ becaua It aeema "faaldoo­ahle" or tbe "tbtna to do." RMioGal dUCOIUJocl aod ratloaal aoalyala an needed more than before~

4. Tbey'U try to -lop )'001 to I

mood ct neptlnam, puaimt.m md alleoatlon-toWUd yoouraeU, )'OUT llcl>ool , )'OUT natJoo. lbla t. one ct tbe .._. toel41oua <11 pew Lett pot.aoaa. SDS &Dd Ita al1lea )NIIIe Amerlca esclalftly tTOm a na ... Tbe7 _"""""'....._ poaldft and eonatr'tldtft. 'MID teadli m .a ~' ct btnel"lleaa, defeatum llDII rancor. I woul ~ IJb ,.,.. to ll:now )'OUT COWJttY II>CJJ'e 11111111at:ely. I woulll wam 1"" ID loot for die deeper omlfy ­laa forces ID America , tbe rnooda ct natlooa.l c:ban=r, de~rmlnauan and uc.rtflco ~ an wortiaa ID corroect

dleee na... Tbe real ·~· "' our udoa u die -r clmorallt:J,decenc:y - -..c:!eDce .wbld> rtatu ""' ..-.-.. c:orrecu envr llDII wona for equal ~ lllldor die ln. · ·s. n.1'b ~ ,_ m &rea­

peer die law - .... die ..... eliforce· met11 tllllcer. -cone.,. .....S..IU-1QDC1 frkDdl wllo are pollco ctncera.


.v ......... , ..... ~·Widle pabca "ppp". 112, are ...,.... ne CIIDcu ,._ ,._ ..... u- ..... ~ u ,...r,te-d __ _

6. They'll tell .,.. diM .. , - ... Ia .........._ - J1Plll tr'• .• _, .. or •'ldealiak" Ill aooct..-. Here Ia one ct die - -... ct pew Lett appeal.o-- If ao .....ut'ooraoarc:b­lat •• bean u lo doe riP place. If br feelo br Is doloc eomedlil!flor ''lluman­try•• or a ''bllbrr cauae.' tbeo Ilia act, """ If lllrpl, Ia )ladt1al>le. Remembr r

---~ .. Tbrai­Je..,s ·•ln<:ertq< f1l die perpetratDr -· DOl u.olwe bim from re oponolblllry. Hla acto ""' -.:. tbe r~&~~m, il~• aDd property ct o<bera. JllR brio& 1 litUdem or befnc 011 c.ampu; ctoea ncx auu:uaadcally c::t:Jder t.mmu.nlty or Jnnt Ucenae to ·.-to.latr tbr law. Jua~ be ­cauae you doo't lib a lew~.,..·, mean you can vlolatr It wltb lmpuntry.

7. lbey'U ut ,.,.. to be lit ... that you, a.a a atudeal: and, J. r~ ~ T •

leaa by democ.rartc meana to ef1ect cba.nae- lll our 810dery. Remernbr:r thr · boot.• OlD American b..Utory you h.ayoe read. lbey tell me arory ol me c.rc-au"' oell· renewal ct tb1a na<lon t b r o u 1 b cbaoiiO. Public oploioo tlme after time baa broup oew pollclea, aoal• &Dd me· .-a. 1be -'f'ldual Ia nut helpleu pr cau&tJl in ·~auc.ra_cy·• aa lbeae e Itre mt..ra c.latm ..

8. Tbey'U eoc:oun~C )'001 to burl brlcl:.o aDd atone a lootead of lope&! ar­r;ument atm.- who~ wllb )'OUT •t.ew.. I rel'!lr'mber an old uytna: "He who at rltea tbe flrot blow baa run out of tdeao . " V lolencc Is u anc1en1 u me c.a'ft: man; •• up-to-dale u [be Weadlermm. Dud> llDII lojllry, tear, dUtnlat. ~.~. couo­tr.r rloleftele-d!He a.,_t'rom'tlo~.

Tbe ... ry U8e "' .. ~o~ence ·-· tbe ~ucily "' ratlooaJ .-.... In tbe sos. Ita lnai>!Ury to con>e up wltb any In· rellt,.nt tritique ct our aoc:lety.

Pe raorwly, I claD't dllnt tbe ouctoot tor ca.rn­pua unre"' tllla !JAr II ao bleat u ao""' pro­pbeu ct peu.l'?'"m proclaim. Tbe oltuadon at aome c:ollete• lo ooerloWI but crnalniJ ""' bopelc;lao.

AJonc wltb mllllona ct odie¥ adulta, I'm ::.Ottl.ol on die .,... maJority ct -. wt1o remalll !air · m1Ddo4.11Dluaat, ~. tu a1eo ttnB abaoK ctrtalo budc llfi*IIIM "' ...... ~. rerrpecr for doe rtlla ~ odwn - 1 wtllloP.,.o to I am coafldmc our Wdl lila aoc beea mlaJUced.

Page 7: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970




IIONDAY'THRU SATVRIJA t !l:f!IJ AM. ro 9:00,. .IlL

ID:iJo~,J6.'"'P.M. 5Aft W.ON YOUR 'IOI"AL. FOaD au.L

ATSAVMAJlT _ ......... _ .. , ... If r- _..,. ... i& llS.OO

, ...... - 191.00. ,.,. •r r- -otr roo~.- ;

--~ -lll"c..l'l'-....... ...1':. ,c., ~.Ut..J))..,U .....ll.w . a&.n.~B .. !lJS .,_,._

1·» J .. 41'8 • !\ ll) \ !i ... u f~!»JU 4!fl



98t HlJNT[II THMI FTY 58 PORK -69 BUCKYIT0~ 29 W~ENERS ~ WAR~~'~L~[O ~ I ft ~t~J~~!~KIIl LB~ 1 kl •N~ '"' U1

I lb. Pia :.

I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1'1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • • • • WESSON •· • P1LL5 11URY • • RINSO U NC : "Zl • • • • FLOUR • • DETERGENT • • • • • • • • OIL ~ ··w BTl

• • .. • • • • • '"' 4$~ ·~~ • • ' 99~

• • SS~ u,,

• • (SAY • .. • . I • • • • SA VL Ut • • , . • • • • • • • . .... ' """ • ..,... .. l.-• .,... ('*"""" ~~ lthl__,. • • • • ..A,..,. ~ ... ,.... •-" . ..., ··-r-- ,.., .A ... ·-· • ti!M ·~- l .-d (- ~*"',.. .. ,...,. UMI_., • ......... '"""' ..... ..... l'rt. II), 1•111 • • l..o•po- p~4 tlwv 1\.t N .... t 1'-. t IU 1•10 • • r.,.,.. .......... ,..,. ' ..... , '"' ht ... ,.. • • • • • • • J I I I I I I I I I I 1 ·1 I I I I I I I I C I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I , I 1 .1 I I

Page 8: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970


Commilteu to carry oul council plan

to benefll Thompaon Point raide""


ve • ••D41l• LARRY"!' FUEL




_., _ _ .,...., .... -,...._ .. ~ .... -... ---­---... - ....... ------~ -~--...., .. ....,.._

Page 9: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970


WoA~----r­.... ~ • .._~<11 ~ a-mars Udpala­u.,. lluRJia.

Coin~tee to propose . .

redilction of GS hours .,'-""Y......, ~ a c:ourooe for ·

Qootw~ltlllfWnw forctp ....-... ID "U-r~ ~ America." Tbc

Tbe Cenn&J Studllte Coal- ScbooJ of Tec:llllolocJ bu ..._ mlttH wUl a-ppotar nro addl- uoduc:ed a c:our• 1n ••cre-






-. a



uoaal aLuclent repreooenuu..,a arlwtry til Scleftc>e and Ted>- 1-----------------------------"1 10 rbe ~ommuree and .U.C.. noloQ" for General S<udka, a prOI)Oeal ro ·- die :recca_..,•• mar 11 be C&lt­Cftleral Sludlotl reqtl1r - ..,._. til IOUMr tbe A or from M ro 7) -. • ., doe C -. ftrot t.ll n>eeliDS ar % p.m. Tbe Vletn..,_ S:udlea W~y 1D Willi C <II Woody Ce_lftr, Voilbt Slid, bu l.lllo HaU, Jolul W. VotcJrt, clcall of r~ a cour.., 1D Geoar&l Sllldlea, aald TWI4&y. "Cultural Trad1Uo011 of IDdo-

Tbe Ill" a u.m on the ... ...., c.btJII," wlllcb would CODII ... of for Wedae-y'a --. a -• .....,._ ID Vollfl' aalcl, wt11 be tO latto- either die B or C area. d:uca ... committee meiDMre- •n.• cour• propoeala Tbc taclllly repre...,... rlfte oo wUJ be ~dle...S at Wecl8ee­tbe c:ommlnee wiU Include a day'e _,., .. be added. DeW -.-r, Jolin 11. Verdu!A, A c:oJielit left! eumiOitlon u.uctare prof-r ~- Prosraa • ..-.s by !be <Jon&l Admtnletrat._ Alld CoUep BJUra...,. Euadulloe Poundauona. BciU'l. VoiiJII 11Jc1. WllJ re-

Two O<lldeouepr--lfta - huJ action at doe meet-baft already been •le<:ted 10 1111· Tbta .,...ram, be es-


39( 39(

3 ~ker giant with Lettuce & Tomato

tbe commluee, Vot&ht coo- pia-. would aJJow MUdelna .._------------~~~--------------1 liAI*!. Daft atta.., 0""- 10 -Wy --.&ID General r J.5 ure 5n*nr"CCIIIIIC1l.andMu:r- Stutiea ~'I',_ 1!J pro- ¢ ray ......_ SIUdetll aowr- ftclncJ tiUm1Dtt--III1 .. ...UUiftOtber..,.. eo.--. .... cbaiips ,. HAMBURGERS ._. ~ Blaclt betti1 ~ 1D dta GeMre1 .t.mntc:an Snadl•'lllillbe U... s...-. i'rop'am, Voi&IK IIJd, 1---------;;;.;~;;;.;;.;,;;;.;::::;..,;;;;.~:;;.,;;;;..;;;;,.;:..l=;...-~--~--t dler.,ac~uare AdftaeiDI,!!lCca- ';Tbepn~pU~bq b>~ 2 PI'ece~Chickeo ' edr-. Vollbt aiad, 'lffll np- ly cbupll ...,. 196:. 111 ra•llllbeaudi .. IDtbecom- rile' put few,..,.......... FrJ'A<> - - Roll IDl._, , rwaUud diet _.I~- '-"'

Tbol cca- WlU ...., ... _ a ·cltftne ~<II u- t--..;..----------------~------"""---""'1 •tn COUI"II JII'OPOMU - ,........ ... dial a o-nJ &>IIIIMI by fal:lrky -.blra, Sbldiaa ~ID needarollne Ill eat~~. .. •• lnrend 110 IP- lncrea&IJII bulbott7 (0 -

Pf'CI'N CUUIA - .. pro- IDDdelalbll ~" .-Ja anc1 ,..., 11" - &cae111De -. m. qur­aranttoo to ~ odlolr 1111', YOIIPI •1<1. .a. -u-

. IJ!llllt. G.S • .,_.._ - wtll aliD .._ a U-s-. ol lbe - ~ ... JRII'UI <II dtlr6-.,..,

ala WUJ recet.-w flll&l Kttoa a aa.rat !lnoiBn ~ 10 dta--..., oa.r. WllJ ............. .--.. ,_.. ~-....._ ~ --.__. _..._..... . .

Kut ... ky ...._are ·

,ra-trneoMir llell'lll;t

~.X)'.~ A 60 1111.~.

-al -·· ..... dlociola1lt .... lint liiM dl'tJW .Ill • aa-.,... •Ill -cal DeW~ arWia'lM3_...__ ~K.....,

Burger Mart 908 W. Main

Kosher Corned le f .Roost leef· Italian IHf Kosher led Hot~ Polish Saus...- . Bologna& C .. •••• . Salami & Chee .. --laked Ham

Page 10: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

r .



equipment ordinance

by City Council N.ncy CG&I. ~1 WortL.t p.,... tV ~ • ...,. .. ._ • pwt110n em lht- -! T- of u..-w.., .. , __ .,........., __ -·---- .... ~ R. lt.- Jr .)

1.-, -n O.O.R ,_.nSF ACTION

RH ~P TIRES 2 rcw ~lS

~ tl'h.m-S87 Y ~ HI<!> S.ILUNOIS

Salukl Bus Servlc·e Why Fight Traffic? Look for a Parking Spot?

Ride the Saluki Bus-Save the rest!!

ONLY $7.00 per quarter

(..UilaiJN ·,.­.4U roul#• dMr~- f-)

All Five Routes tiow in Operation


nckets availabJ• from all Bus Drivers

Uni ersit) Center Central Ticket

Beware the Body Shirt S,natc~Mm.

Ywrefeir..,......._,_..., eVen"-tllodriWrt.

-~-- ........ ,.. ... -- .. _.,...,... ..., ...... ......... . ,..~~ .... ,...,... .................... _ ............... 2 .... CIIIIIs

Page 11: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

r:: -


Alpha's interview pledge candidates

Alpba Pbl Alpha fn~rnlry, ~u Eta Ct.pmr, ..UI bold l.nten·~•• ac &.lO p..m. Wed­oeacloay In the 160oor....._ol Scbaeldor ~· Bnaab To· wera fo r ~n'ate-d ln pU.<~~U>a.

Anyone lll\&b&e 10 artend tbe llir:erriew • bould amtaa Ror Jonra u ~9-

lovers lane

Page 12: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

Sound ()f fres.ervation Hall brings jazz to cenvoeations

dl'icl: - .. ID - recelloed c:anbip for die -

-· .. callec:daa --­an at............._t."'"-1!1 dead. . .. .:.:~ =~==~u: ..... til Carllaadlle ID -- • ~ • :... rntnl. .., de-

cided fD b""f - ol Ill'/ -': 1D die I.J!aMralty CD

n.d - If ... ,... be taere-.!,. •• be Aid. ~

an. F~r·a wood can­... care..r bepa ""'"'diu~ ,ea.-. - Ill Gllleoa Coamy, TeDD.., Ida btnbplace. "My ,aRJU -re poor and-re - a!lle to pve me mys, " lln'. Farmer rec&ikd. ''Oar ay-1 ...... .- oeven ,.... ... old-a n'l&1l came lO our houae WUb • tOY cb:L Since my bmUy couldn't buy - ooe , 1 dec.lde<l to do die aelt best dlln&." be aaid.. "I found a pock-t t..lle and bepa to cam out .., lrnttadoa d. tbe ...U I had seen. Since lilt!' I have bee~ carvtna wood."

Rev. Farmer. •botte: wood carvlllp have been < xhlblttd

. In t:beMUwa~ArtMu.eiUII, n~ly uaea any penern on hU: can~d lot.n!l.

__ 10 __ _


---"'·~ ------...-

-- ./ -~ ( / ~- \

1 •

~ ~-

Page 13: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

WASHINGTON (AP)-A Manatlekl'o actlOawutat- wu uUed up lD tbe Senate

Married Students Family Pirnic.-

E ve~reen' Park Sun. - Od. 11,1970 - 2p.m. propoeed con 1 r t rut I o· n al ea a1t:er coUap.r of effona o ... Sep. . 8 bul opponent• Upt

amend.thent 1o proride lor tbe to find a comprom_i8e ma1 u l:om t.eU. brouctu w • elcctiOII of tbe Prealdem by would reaohe tbe '"-· Yote. \ ou Rnnlf I J'8f'l.lllf<' of llot 0..11.., Hun ...

~~d ~~:'~ Tbe propoee4 ame.ndmem. rJ.:::.= ~~~.::n:; and f Al~t'n-d IJiah 11 Jca• WIIU 1.ner m.. ,...,_ apprOYed by tbe - ID by M&MIIeld prOYadea tJw Come Y'ALL ember elcctiOna. ,_..._of IUl year by 1 tbe propoooed ameoclment aa-

Mijorlty leader loltlte S~-7'0 -.....sw~J ""'be called up 1n tbe Se110te

U&1181'Jcld, 1>-U-., oluiJied ,.•_-.;;.;.;.;;eed...;;.,;;;bf;..;.J>rea.;;.;,;;;;lde;;.;.;;•;..;.;N,;;Imll..;;..;;:_•;;:pJ.a::;;;;;..hel;.;;.;.ore;;,;,;;..;NoY.;;.;.;.· .:.'6;;.;·~--, I.;;;;:;======J:I:a:":":a=BaJ=:I~a::======~ WWII- ._,. 10 pul tbe r C<>IUOYeUiat .,.,... - RBGHT SALVAOE STEIEOS and tO •aea1e I petldoa, dw ••• to be YOted on T..say, IO CUI off tbe clebete.

Sen. Btrch 81yb, D-lnd., c:blef Senate llpOII8D1' of tbe ... ...,. • • told .... ,... mere ..... par- • poet~ tJoe ·-of c~ .. wt11 be beld or, II tbn'e ... dial tbe ·~aJ ......... '--

Will ~ ~ 't.. a:.::


Freight Salvage Outlet Store



0 • • 0 , ::. .ft 2


"' , • " i' ...

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.................... _ _. ....... ~ ...... _ ..... ___ -~ ...... ... ... ..... ......, .. .,....,_....., ..................

Page 14: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

~ _..., - - ....-. - w..- .. ..--..~ar------. (-by ..... . 11.1(-Jr.l •

u~ week will feature

~ .. ,. A~ 1D Oraloe. lbe Se ­

CIIrilr PalJcit CI>Dduct ,_ s-­aob tros l 10 $ 1.111. bur. wtdl t be -r al ble)'Ck .. Qllllplla It .. lmpoul~ 10 pruec~ nery .-.

Tile beM --. m llnloo. Is 10 u~ :r-r bfkto

JaM z.._, ... , a....,..._ ~'"will> 1>1a al!lce. ~ Poallce ~pmdle.,. ~. - -. """-crtrted 'Wblk h&YlJ>& your bike~ ·

are ..n blcJidH • e&II>J*S m die .-Jdplr c:ba1D _.___ Jl-'" will> us wiU- ~­d!lll _.- ~ nv bd0110- ti!U IIUI!lJDer, tbal Is . - II from lriJo& otoleo,"" wlddo ~ .._.,.,.._.., AccordiJ!c 10 Wl.n Zummal- l>raU uid, ··tt dae l ""~ a I!Aqde doefla. leD, 11>e had Iller bike s-rte<l a II">>d -er1ficatl0a a( prop<r ~ 10 Onte, die lar- &Dd cbaJJ>e<l to die radi: _., o....,nbtp wbea 11 Ll found. "

.. -~ eaua al 1 bib aiWae SmUll Hall. Tbr mecbod al rep.unll<><> llltDa IU!Iea u lpor&Dce .., "'1 had rwo -cbi.W .,.. tbe LaYol~• 1 trip to ,-., '>l l die part al die _.,. IIO:e," ·ae. A.l4.. "One wu Seeunry Pollcr heo6quanc rs

"'li".: F' 1 1o.t .al our oro- WT11ppe-d lhrou&l> tbe ~~ - •" ol L'IU n it ) Part lell blba becauae - au bib &Dd t!>e othe r t~ tbo to flU out 1 ohon form .

Two years of French taught in 2 quarte r s A eu _,.a day, flftdaya ICUUr .. lei tbe two- tum

1 - cour• Ia Fretlch wt11 bloet wtU C»¥-er 32 quaner .,. --.t m I I..-.. du!"- bow-a of wort-tbe equtn .Jeru iJII ,...JIICT &Dd apr1:ft1 qu&rttt~f two ~au <>1 to..-uaae stud)

.. sru. -· nonnol lo&da .

exprc1C"d to iipe&k French • • much .._, poaalbte t.h rou.,hou l rtw cour&e' .

Co-aupr:f"\' t..c»r wub Kt lktor t• F r a_nt Gunder eon, uwt nK -

Said to be tbe tlrat IUC.b oc­cele.nted c<>ur.. 11 ooy U.S. eollep eampua, It Ia -on tJuut~ loopllp procrama cleft lope<! at .. u.s. Depart­-· ol State' a Por dp Sen-11:4 !Ditldlle &Dd tbe ~IUury l.aap!qe Sellool at MotUerey, C aUl •

Ki lU.r cmpbaatzcd tbaJ tbr !:~r': ' ~:C'!::.~:,'!.u•~:"~( ~~~ c.ou.ra ta 1111 cla.a.a:room wor-k. them ar Wood ) Halt . l-30 and Snode!"l waU be p roVIde<! ta pe W~kr Hall • .,_

c.aaeu ea and for rr::========::;J outAide II be




Fri & Sui


If you know 1 pt cCiftlk*tnc 1r1

ABORTION this rnes.up ml&ht even uve her IHe! ........... ,_., .. __... _____ ........,. ... _., ___ _ en. ..... a.., Uft "-"'-~ ,.. __ ...... _ ew&.t'M .... ~~

~Ad~--- .... ............... ., ........... .. --Lall ,.. .... ntlfftlltM .. -JOCl.CIX) .............. .. ......... ~ ....... ,.... ----_ .._ __ _ ~ ............. ~ ...-c..~ ...... .. ,..,.. .. ---..... -............ -·------- ................ .. ...... ...,. d!IM ._te lft --.... --c-~ ... ___ ,_ _________ ..... ___ _ __ _ CM_. . . _.,._ ... _,.._ :.-:==-:-::= ......... llflriiCI .... .. c.-.. ow .....,.._. ...... ...

·-­--.....-.....-.­______ .,...... __ .... _ ......, ___ __ -·--

Page 15: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

Weekly awardS given

Here- '• anodd.tlyfTor!lbi8C' ­b.all. • • From lbr Ume tbe fNI )Dr lr~cue ba.wt:.ll au n . ed, In llio. wxU 194ft -a 'out ol 70 ~·rs-nac one I e 1 1 u e pe_,.rw: r.a­ftnl.dte-d wbh two team• brt"' tied tor Una ar cbc NM! of 1 aea~. bul lD only 16 ~·ro rrom 1946to 1962. oclclly

Fl•e d.U'I'e rent prn· ~up tn rie l ,

Natloul L.e- In 19--59-62, ud die An•_,..,.,,.

.... _ 1n 19411

College Life In • Co. I

Coii · SA9 . 211-9 S1 :! W MAIN ...................


:- to help Othen i" "••d.

=-~~--= • .., ....... ...-tc. JSI C&. ..


~.0:::; r= ~-.. c.u,:::;. ,... !f.. -.1 r. • ,... ..., •• ::;~·-. '::t. CS::; ~~..- ~ u r· . ...OA

-i11d ,VUU dtHt 'l .. ,.D ..


Page 16: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970

•• liCe. --- ..n.. ' --~~.- .... -.,:.: ;~~~-=-=

I "'o. =n: fi, 'fo.~-= ............ c:.b•Jc-ait,....._. P:' ..... • P . . o.•::t• =.or.:·.::..--~ ~:,-::.. ":il".r .:~ -. """

Posro COLLECTORS ..... .,.~IIOCK

COIIC:VIl' 'OITI .. , .......... ..,..... .... r....,.~ ...... .............. _...1 ..... -.. ~--~,......-,.,_,.. ..... ,, ......... A-: a...... . c.-. . ..... 1.

'rlett~..,...,..r ..... , .................... ~ .,.,....... ___ .r-..,... 1111 1 ..... Pt1. hn. • ..,..,_ ....

--. .. . 53.49 --v ' --.... $4.09

11lt Radl's . .._.

.... ---. ... -td.---. a--..~ -... eo..- -· Jllll. ......... -A&C ~ tad: _.. sco.:e. ........... ~ JIIIGA, .

l.A.IIilo( ·~ l»tA-w-..

- n...-r- ...... ~- paD., l .r..&lll ..... ........,... p:D.. CaD ......... -.. ~-~~='a:; """'""' ..... '*"-.,._, _,.. ~ • .- ... n·. _........,c,-..~...._w .

7711. l Tli A


V IHVL 11~--~ • n VUojiV\. TOT~L ----- .....

Hun I .. Boys Saho8P' Sian' --- ~ .. .. c.~ . .....

c ..... sc ..-diLl ..... ~ .. caa. 111~ c:u:- 30 -n ......, --- ..... f.JD. 1'01 5. IlL Tr. A

1111.\ -----= i'rf!!ic .... .,_._ = Tol••••••• ,..,...,. • ,......,.... :::" 0: :::::=~ --17~~


S2.7S S2.99 S3.99

M lltOl..U IN STOCk ALL ,-,qT Q4,1ALJTY.


N--. Ma1 102 N. 100. St.

...,., .. o , lllloooit ,....,., .n.ft

------~ ........... cno_.. ....... ~ ........ ,... ......... ~~. Oc:L ID. I•t..

lU I A

CAR STBtE0S AT (.'OST! IIIOT-'"'OLA • CJUUG llAMGLa ---Tapa.. ....... Oilly SS . 19

CAU Ilea s.9-1662

l.alttiiiJ:fwa..,.....r .._ .._.._

=:.=~-~~ Co¥ c-.. ....... ..__,.., . ... Dl. hl1 .a 54' 10 , ,., ~r MU $.1'9. CAlf ...... 11.!10/ -._ M ­•o t t .. . p•u• • L Ptt.. • SJ -4.1)4..


s,.aa:; r.- - l.~ ,...,..,.. - .

Ul ~ :..=:. ·:;:;.: = A· Z ldul . .-,o W ......_ 4Jl fll1 .


• ......., ~ Jr . w s.- •• -r..­.. ~c-. .u ~ttO-. .,.,._ ,.,_ ...,.. = :S~. r.---.: a:::: .. - .:::::t;, .._ -::--...:-. ---~·-= T'ra.lll-r -.IOdD,~ct.. -~ .. .......... -.w­f&Sl. 111M ... ,..._ ........................ ..._an. 111 ..

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~-·--AI&(J'tlllle ., \n~'t':.:: ......... lkfL ..... C$7 ............

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T-.c:::llld-..-n ._.. ___.. ...

=-=--~.::.~ ..,. auuh.,. ~~ ....,... can .. - ..... ,.,....., ..,..~ ... , . -.. ca.- .. .-Udlk hdJ .. , • .._

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=.· ::..~~ - .,.., _ Wf-.-1. Jllltl £

KAAA TE l.£SSONS ... .._....._,... ..... •v. - 'IICMIUI - CH!t&....Oa&N


ror liiOft lnfonnation at11 549-871 o .r ... a ""'

=·a:.=~ ..... . .. ,_ .... II. c.:-rr-~ .... ~---~ .. ~au. c:::MM~ .. ., ....... _,c:a..-Dr'tltoto ..... l" .......... ..., ...... "".......... ,.. .._ .. -.... ................ _ ........ __ ~~~-:d c ................. ,.,.._ ... ... -....~ ......... ~~ c:-.:.~. -17~


=-~~;.,..·-= ................... .. -.··--·­.... 17 .. -L_....-= ,_ ___ -~---,;;.

Page 17: The Daily Egyptian, October 07, 1970


Daily Egyptian

WfiC!nftdly , October 1, 1;]10

Ka~sas harrier team presents strong challenge to Sahikis

out ~ni wi]J ponsor 'map and oompass' meet

. • raalea . v_,__.__ • ....., •• ....,..~ --·---- ~ ... c:-.-111*. • .

..... IMitAtlltl

Air Force's Parker ta over total offense lead

NEW YQIU';(API-81*Pa.t-­R r Ill .....,._ A1r force lou .u....- St&afonl' • Ilia Pt.otaa aa No.I tGDI ol· ............ c~~e ........ . mapr ~ r-ll&lJ f&IIJ· ..... ,..-,- wu dUll II

J1U8111 II lUI '• - • daac. ......._ .., ..._.. ~ s,ona tantc.,