HAILWAYJIECORD. XaaiVALNDDEPAHTUREOF TRAIN? l'lioflAptOh1o and Aonltkwetrn TraintmorM follows: No. 1 ("r.piewj le&ven at :10 a.m.; No. & (mmil) at 9:'Z .ra.; iSo. ;ot.d.j-to- 'j a ocmtrifKlaUonl ftt 410 p.m. So. 1 (expreMj) prrirw i. zd a.m.; ro. v rr:?-- i i:m p.n:.: no, fc, trtntfUm ammndfttion. :2u .m. (dlT timet. Mmn.a Aim! lifti KinU Train move .oliow.: Na. 1 leave AjiS.y at 4:40 p.m.; axrir& at p.m ; No. Si avm atn a. in.; anive ai 7.0j KTriTcaat r,:Aj r..ia. toamiriik nod W a1tIII Tnln mo76 as follows: Kat mail vm liiT at 4:40 a.m.; earca ai p.m , insu dally ai .m. BrownnvilJe wxramijai.ori leave iiiJ except dnnda?. at 4:io innll -- ivea dal at 4: it) p.m. trftwwivllle aromiuo1aoa arriviri dally, cxjept i un lay, at :.Vi4vm. (City Jxe.) tf emptiia and 'iinritiiu Train move a follow) ;.ly time): ihronph ex pre lea re dMly at p.m. Mnil auU exprew teaTeaaai:y at 7:J0 .vm. Homorvliie luconwaodatioti oany, crpt HiiUflar,t .::.& r.ri. Tiironyhex prt M arrives daily et 11 "'J a.M. Mail anl ex press arrive dally at :JJ p.m. eoraervllte acciinico- - cation arriVo'-- lai.y, t , at 8:50 a. a f llmili janl 1iin-iMfr-- j rain move ai toiiowi.; Atw Orlcaiin mail iev 'laiiv at ft: 30 i.ra.; fre.sht Ilim iaily, i x; ,l Hui .y. at 3;J5 .bi. i;v uiifj-iti- niau arnvfcav.;y at 'J .r) a.m.; freight srrlvt !aily, except titinday, at li;U p.m. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. Passenger anj uprj tralli : on Ibe road seeiu to hold thei'- - own, mi'withs'and-i- n (be dull esc.n, firs the Li'.ilt, Jtjuk Democrat, if Mom! ay. A jbdumkkt of 1 '!, (M) his been ("ranted in favor of ilie fi uh r.i l'a( itic railroad Sfjaind Ihe t'lliforri rortd. An execution wan irfu-i- l an i ths Bber.ff has lev- in! upon Ihe iroi-riv- . Tne sale is adver- tised or Augisl 27! h. Ths Mobil and Norlhw.slern road, which extend from Glendale eomliwar-- Clirxsdale, AIis., 11 (o be hu-ikIk- ! V 10 Mmiphi. Tno r.utK dUtn-- ; tn to lh Memphis and Viksh , betof will be ttiroiifrh an - . '"I ts'nroad, and Irr. and lhir .nil irt Sarminjr coun- - t7 those of I1 iW.h' wilt b protected and V cl a 'r, To TP' pa t tlitm'elvei saint dUlioncn'. T jBr it there are any cn the oaiHTiilp, '; Albaur and Chicago iytnD, tU tuanaem-- u will hrealtr ecforce the fill that i ihall na; 10 mil jheu dots not ( U 'ct.aaj a ticket before i(araoR the Irain, an-.- ihil the conitnctor P!!!' i thi-- j;iJ be pMH. n"-- r a check, which tr" ill redrtu the oiunef if rei-L- t 1 at hot ticket office Within ten da;s. Thb RaUro-u- l GuvVt'n rCord of railroad accident in the mo'Dth cf June thows a total of SI accidents, in wh:c!i 38 pern on ) wi-r- killed and ft5 r,j'irtd; an incrense'cf 19 ac cidenH and cf '6 peisona Lill-d- , and a de- crease cf 98 ir.inreJ, an compirod with June of lan year. The k'x month of the current year lo the end of June &o r a lotil cf 811 accidm 21 killtd and 808 injured; a monthly average of 13 ) ace'desnts, 37 killed and 13 injuml. Jun-- j wan below the aer- - e for the half year, txcp: in ihe number' of killtd. ThiS'. Lauii., Iron M ii:ituin and fjjuth-rn- , it is elated, br. ctf-r- d ta build a bro:f a!(e road from Liitle K-x- to Hot Hjrinv' within a yeir from dale of contract, with n agreement on (be vrt of Ihe Mountain Valley Holtl Compiny ih it it in lo complete the connection with Mountain Valley, with the pririlege of utiliainp the running stock between thesi pointa. 'J'ne hotel company M5ree to grad and lie ifte road between Hot tiptionB aud Momi'.alti VilieT in coaxidera-io- o of thia compromiw. Present appear- ances iwlicati th l the road will be com. pie ted. VEGETABLE COM I'M UN . CDS? J?2 LYD1A E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOTmP. fir aH tka PatafWl CaUlU aai Weald aauBm ta our bewt female popalatlaav 4 Hedlclao for TToman. Inventod bj iWomta. Prepared by a Womaa. f at (apMtwt a41(al Vbmrrrj timet thm Dawa af ItlaUry. tVU rpTirrt tba drooping spirits, invigorates and hartnonica the orfttuita rtincUons, fflTas lavUdty and firnuvri to tho trtp, restore the natural lrurtre toth eya, ami planta on tlw pais hck of womaa tba treat, ros- - nf UXe'i spring and early rummer tlma. tTPhysiciana Use It and Prescribe It Freeiy. It removes Imintncas, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weak ocas of ths stomach. That of bcarindr down, couainfr pftln, welfflil cuid barkache, Is slvnrr" permanently cared bj ita nae, f r the ears f Kldaey Cosaplalaisofolther sea iiila Compound la sarpaascd. t.TiT f. nxmiAM blooi pfbifiek vilt frn'llrjito srury voatiee of iJuin"r frtun tli Wood, and ixiv Umt and ftrrn,rth to ths ayrteifl, ol . uuj wotaaa ox cbliU. Insist on Aaviofj U. 1l th lb lycmpoond and Blood Purifier are prppared U3an.l W'"rn Avenue, Lynn, Maas. Price ol cf t her, U Six botfteetv Bent by mail in ths forts of pills, or oflnecnes, on rsceipfe of prtoo, ai purbro for elthsr. Mrs. Iinkhom freely answers sU letters of Inquiry. EncloaeSua stamp. Bend (or pamphlet. Vn family nhnuM !, without T.YTTA t PUnrnAKI t lvr.O. I'llJaS. htr cure cmiittinitioii, bUlutAsneaa aca Wrpiilitx oC the liver. S5 ceuts pur box. alU)rnBK.Bts.- - 0 M Ml Milt UESOJtTS. Hot and Warm Springs IIot 3l BfadiKoa County, M. V, LAROEST H Hrl and moBt Delightful Hesort In klectrin Bella rooa. icuralou Tluet ou aalo at all princlal poiutf. JTur tiifonnatio:i a Mre?s WAI.M KfBtN'CS fX)MPANY." Q. A. GUDOKK, Mallacer, Warm Faring t'ostolnco. U. O. P' K. f. 0laL. UiHiidei.t I'blaU'n Old Point Comfort, Ya UYUELl MOTJCIi! OPE!) ALL TM K TEAK. . And Areomuiailnlea IDUit IJao.t". Esce)'' lent Boating ami Kiihlni;. and the Bnthiuf the finest on the Allautic CoaMt. I crms lets lor the ao commodalloaifKtvQ thtiuaayiusortln the country. UNDER ONK MANA'lEMKNT, The White Sulphur Spring Hoti 1, COTTAOF.3 iKO B EST AU RANT, Sjlrebrlrr c.aamy. Went WlrKluIng tippBN J nun 1SIH. 'I'll MMt IvI.b'Blerf Kesnrtin Ihertoul'i. C.lwMo tool anil itcllKhtlul: waters wonderful In their UiupipeuliR ettettn. Term., S i &o per day. I'2I Xr week, and 175 er inoulb. Circu'ari. di.';rlM r hyuienio adraul-- c of either ptiro. furulsol on afplicathm. II VIIOKUIT4 romi.-lo- r and lu. KIDNEY WOKT. K CHEAT CURE. Aa it id lor all w j d:cc?i of th.l KIDNEm.P.IVEk. AND DOWtLS. It oleanaca thq v8Urm cf Lh. aorld njiiaon that enuao. tiio drca'iftU mutTcricK wliicb oxi Ui9 vlct.'!na of RheumAtim can rcUij.. 'of tha votii tbrr.'s of thia trrribla diaeftse aavo Doen q.ucluy rcueved. and in aaort urn. PERFECTLY CUKSO. ntlfT, fl. till! IIMIK 1IUV, KH.U i.V PUI'CC1ST9. It-- I'rr ran In. hv rtnil. WfXT,9. RI IHAE PSOS .. UTirlmrtcTi Vf REMOVAL. Police ot ji&?movul. MATDWaTLL haa remored hi THO.S. Irom Union street lo So. 2U! Second Street, near poatooleo, where be will fura!h any kind ol work In bl liuo at lao Tery lowest pr'1' 1!a and belere pun::.Jn li wll'; tie REAL ESTATE AMI RENTAL. . B. i. W. PAKKKat. O.B.PARKR&SOfl, Rental Agcnts AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS 285 Ilaia Street. ATTENTION GIVEN TOTHS KRNTAL 8PKCIAL cloe t'ollect lone and Frompt aval. "t a..f w - W. A. Wheatley U.S.COMMISSIONER AND- - Real Estate Agent 281 Main, Near Madison. FINANCE AND TRADE- - FINANCE. Money continues eay, with moderate de- mand and nscbadgeof rates, triuchrnle at 6 to 8 per ceof. discount. Tixing-i?;,,r'- compromise bonls are s'ronf. ciearinrs Balances Aimt 7lh .Wi,l& 41 Thus itr thia U4! .71 K9 7i) S7 12 Kame time laxl week... .. K.t,67:; vo '.V.SOfi sx Same wee-- last yuar..... 3(1,340 44 Exchaoi(e oo New York buying at par, selling at I premium. Ku'ern eolton bills buying at p;rceot.diacoun', selling at par; and exchange oo Mew O.leaaa J discount baying, and par selling. Bank Ktockn Bank of Commerce, 135 bid, 143ankeil; First National, 118; Gerinaa Na- tional, &)0; Manhattan, 16iC170; 8lam Na- tional, m bid, 130 asked; Union and Plant- ers, 145 bid. Insarea:e stacks Rome-- . 0 offered; Blulf City, 100; Peoples, 85; Pi anters, 115; Pbos-ni- x, 9(1; Memphis City, lOOlOU; Hernando, lOllO; Vanderbill, 135)15. Ktilroad bonds Cntsapeakr, Ohio and Southwestern tint niorlgaie, ? asked; and IVnn-i- .. .. fuM...kl. i i - - I t u j j' 10 iuij Cbarlw;toD first mortgage bond', 7k, 114; do. wcood mortiracrs bonds. 7 IUH.ii Kili- - do. consols, 104; Memphis and Little Rock nr morigage bonds, b-- , 8d; Misaiwippi and leDneiwee consols, A 123; do. B 10S, Miscellaneous 1 aklnir-Diftri- d Comoro. ow bonds. 61: Merrhji.u' -- a (mpress Company, n- e- jUl. 135; Mera- - Memp- b- w,ltr lionp'.ny, bonds with -- wraed interest. Dr: do. stock. 190 bidi Memphis City bonrfuj old) 34(ivoS; bonds, t0fe71; coupons from old bGnds, 34; from compromise bonds, 70; ledger balances, 34; jiidr"ent8 on coupons and bonds, 34t paring indebtednes, 34; Shel- by ocutttjl (Memphis and Ohio railroad) 6', 100; warrant", 95; Mississippi leyee bonds and coupon?, District No. 1, 10; do. scrip, 10; Baok of Tenneeee notes, new issue, 8o; Crittenden county (Ark.) warrants, 65aj70; Dcsba county, 60; MissiHiippi county ,6070. By Ttleerapb. Nr.w York, Ansnsl 7. Money in good d m ind and npply, 2fS per cent., closed at 2 percent. Prime mercantile pp.-r,4if- 6 perctht. riterline echnge bankers' bills etrady, 483J; demand. 4871. Eoads Ooyernments lower for 4i and 4Ji. Ktilwayi somewhat fircuen Slate securiues steidyi Bonds There was an active selling moTe-me- nt in lha slock market in the forenom, which et limes was alroo t panicky in the en- deavor to get rid of stocks. The moying cause to all this was mainly apprehensions of the c iRserjiiences f tbe telegraphers' strike. After 12:30 o'clock the market was lees ac- tive, srd, though there was a further decline of 4(5.5 p?r cent, in the general list in the bait hour before 1 o'clock, there was an up- ward reaction af ler 1 v?t o'clock of Jl per cent., the latler for Wabiah preferred and PaciCc Mail. In Ihe last hour there was a pretly general revuVion of stniiment in Ihe slock market and a general advance In prices, ranging from t to I per c-- , in the elnral list, wilh some e.opliunal advances of il prceat. in Burlington and. Quincy, 2 per cent, in Bankers' and Merchants' Telegraph and 3 per ctnt. in Clevelaud, Columbu, and Iodianapolie. In the final dea- ling the jaarket was strong, and, with the excepiio ol ten or twelve s'.ocks, all the closing prices were higher than those of last evenine;. The Evening 1'ost sajs: "1'ue ririocip 1 governing indu-euce- a in the stock hiaiket have been apprehension of there-sui- ts of the telegraphers' strike. Thia may efm at variance with tha facts when it is seen that the price of Western Union itself was more firmly maintained than almoit any other stock, while prices of those stocks whose property wonld be least affected by the strike, whether it was successful or not, wtn i.i some cases tha most depressed. West- ern Union, however, it is generally believed, was sustained only by purchases ol Gould. There' is gr)od reason to believe that tbe market is being manipulated to soma extent, and that there is a large short interest which will have to be covered as neon s there i a possibility of settlement of the preeent telegraph difficulties. Toere ia nothing in the general stale of trade or finance, or in ihe country at large, to.cause any con- siderable decline in prices of either securiliss or rommod:tits." Closing quota'.io is were as follow?: oeviBK va.rrs. U. s. Ss. 10?. 4s, 119. 14S, US,', Pacific 68 Ot 1895, 119. BONDS. C. P. frets, 128 T. P. land grants, 40. Krie seconds, 1117. T. P. Bio . div.77J4. Lehiirh dill na.a . u v. r. nrnie, an;. Louisiana consols, tit U. P. l. nd grauis, 12V MiaMjUrl Os. U. P. siuk. lund, 1UJ'. Bt. Joseph, 106. Virginia 6a, 118. St P. H. C utati, IC9. Vs. con., ex-r- S6 t Tenn. 6s. old, 40. )Va. conaola pfd, 40. itcuu. 6s, uuw. 40. STOCKS. Adams Express, my, Mobile A Ohio, 13't AiieKaeny ueutrai. i.v,3. Mori In k Essex, lli Alton Si Torre H., li Nash, ai Chat.. w. A. T. H. pld, 60. N. i. Oeutral, Sf.'i. American KxpreaB, 67. N. Si W. pld. SS. B. , C. R. AN, St. Northern Pacific, 47. . Canada .Southern. 81. North'n Pao. pld, biyr Uealral facitiu. US norinwestern, UueaapeakedtUhio.70' Northwestern. vla.HM. 11. cSO.. lat pld. 10,14 New York Central, lo,1,. C. di U. 2.1 pf a, 2i Ohio Central. 8. Chicago b Altc.n. 120 Ohio b Mlssusippl, SO J A A. ptd. I ts. Ohio Aj Miaa. pfd, 1(M. C. B. eiCJ., lu. Ontario Western. xir;4 Ch., St. L ft N. O., 'Xii Oregon Trans.. 74;. C, St. L. A P., 78. PaciflcMall, 35H. i;. nt. ti. 6i f. pld., n4. vanama, vs. C, Han. A (J., 4j. P.. D. at E.. Uli. v. a t;.. vj. Pittsburg, lii llel. A Hud., 64. Pullman Pal Car, 29. Del. A Lack., 10$. Readlcg, bVa. Donrer Rio i., 1VA, Rock Island, 121. Erie, iSli. lltUij. F.. tk. Erie pio, 34. B.LA8. f. pld. &iAt leuiiesfce, 75 8t. U at 8. F. 1st pfO, JVr East Telia, pfd, 7'.,. Ht. Paul. S'i rort Wayne, it. Bt. Paul Did. 113. IHannibal A St. loa. 40. BL P.. M. di M.. iOti It. A tit. J. pfd, Ht. Paul A Omaha. 45'i. Harlem. l'l. ft. Paul A O. old. 3;. Huti'lou Texas, Cr. lexaa PaciGc. itl. Illinois Ceuiral, UU4. t'lnon ptcldc, VJ'i. h. U. A W.. 25 U. H. Kxprem, 60 Kansas A Texas, 26. W. St, L. at P., VI. lku Shore at Wtwt, W. 8t. U A P. pfd, 3i liiae hlmre, 107?i. WellstsFargo's Ex.. IiiiUviile A- Naah., Westeiu Union. 't'Jl-i- - L., N. A. A Cbi., 40. Hnme'iuko, I'K- - Mar. Ai Cm. Ixt pfd, 10. Iron Silver. 310. Mar. at Clu. 2d pld, 5 Ontario. 29. Mem. A Charleston. 33. Quicktilver, tyi. Michigan Central, 67. yjuicksilvcr pfct, 25 Mi llli. A BU 1., U. fouth Pacific, . M.nn. A St. L. pfd, VP,i tifUo, . M'Minurl PaclBc. 1 No sales. tAsked. Transactions aggregated 290,000 shares, aa follow!--: 6,0f0 Cjntral PaciQc, 29,000 Lackawanna, 17,110 Denver, 7,000 Erie, 10,000 Kaosts at Texa.", 7,utu Lake Hioro, i on sv. A Nav, 12.0 0 Missouri lciflo. l ,( n N. Y. i.'cutral, 15.000 Northern Pauitie. 1.1 000 16 0m Northern Pac pld,, 18,000 Texas Pacific, 1I,000 Union Vsciflc, o.lioo Wabash Paeillc, l,ouo Western Uuton, 12.0J0 Oiegou Traus'con. 17,000 Wabash pfd. Niiw Okuans, August 7. Sight ex- change on New York i'i per (1000 premium. S tr.irg (xchane bankers' .bill, 485. London. August 7. Consols, 99 ; 1U0J ; Illinois Central, 34 j; Pennsyl- vania C uiral, 69. N w York tleolral, IS; Erie, 31, ; seconds, 97; Reading, 28 1. Bul- lion gone intj back on balence X 106,-00- 0. 1'aiiis, August 7. Raates, 80f. 77JO. THE COTTON MIUKETN. Ihe local market opened and closed steady and prices advanced Sties GOO baler, 100 bales nf wh eh were f ir export, and 500 btlee lor spinucrif. Yesterday Monday Ordinary. . .... 1 Good tinlinary Low Mldd'ing - P!j 9- - Mlddlini! .. .. 92 OS Good M.d.lling ....1- 0- 9J4 Middling Fair .-.- 10! 10, Fair ... m iom. rtom. 1 iNass Mlddllnc. 8Tic: eood middllne. 04-- .. Stains Grind ordina.y, 77i"5; low middling, b'c; middling. b'- - COTTON STATEMENT. livruis. Ailguit 7, 1883. Stock September 1, 1S32. 1,6.15 Received 20 deceived previously 609,166 610,821 Shipped . . . 514 Shipped previously.... 496,108 Bunt ... ....... 47b Motne cousumptiou to date .. 1,229 498,356 Stock, ruunlug account 12,165 iMpori. Tims far this week . 17.' Thus far last week.., 151 8;uce iMipteuiber lat.. 5F9,186 ifemphls and Charleston Railroad.. - 10 Wagoua aud oUier sources 10 TotaL..... .. 20 zporu. Thua far this week.. 1 iium (itr lat wec-- 8. 2 Since ScpPjrtHxir 1st. . . ..49C.612 Steamers North...... Total . 514 The N?w York sp3t market opened quiet and firm; at 12:10, ea y; at 2:14, weak; clor-ir- g weak at previous day'a (i uotalions. Sales, 4)7 baleii; contracts, 2200 bales. Yes'erday Mondav Ord n ary... 7 7 6 Good tr.liliary...ww.n ... S 13-- S 13-- Low 9 13--16 9 13-- Midillps ,1UW 10'i U.Kd jMiddling 1. Middling fair 111, 12'i ml Tus New York future mrket oreoed sleazy at advsn; at 10:29 ess?; at 11:33, eacy; at 12:39, steadier; at 1 :37, qniei ; at weair; closing easy. Sales, 110.CO0 balee. Closing quotations were as follows: Yesterday Mondav January .....10 C4 H10 0." 10.lhol0.19 lo 2S910 30 Mar h.... 10 26al0.28 10.39 alO.41 011710.39 ln.51 10 A3 May ....10 48 910.50 A Juue.w...m- - .. d 19 Ju!y.... ... Aiuur.t loi:;aio.n 10 28'fj St.tnirtir 10.14410.1'. 10 27 910 28 o. ".(r( r ui.ii.ijiaof 10.1i Noreuit.t-- r 9 Of. a) 9 VI 10.O9 410 10 ber 9.9. J 9.98 10.llMl0.12 The Niw Orleans spot market opened quiet ! at prrvious daj's quotation ; at 1:30, quiet MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-"WEDNESD- AY. THE ATJGKCTST S, 1883. and eteadf: c'oine quiet and steidy and prices unchanged. Kaei, 409 baits. Yesterday Monday Ordinary Oood Ortllnary low Middling vs iildilli;ir 6ood atiddllaa-.- . 10 1- 0- The Kew Orleans future market opened steady; at 11, steady; at 12:07, barely steady; ' 30, steady; at z:io, s;eaoy; t imiuj h- - ' as. Salts, 41,000 balef. We quote port nr.. f . c( irbt cln recivtd, is follows: the prict-i- l . Yesterday Monday s;i3 9i; looiriou! Jannary ......i.u. . 9 10 Ualu.15 February . ? " 10 1J10.26 atarr;h . lOtfSHt... 10.:j6nl0;:7 v,;0 49 May . " . . V.JZ11111 M ... ""W June.... a in.5w- - Joly -i- aj Akrut .HwHorna corns fteptember.. e ei oj j9C October . 9 70 9 ;t 9 !r5 9.M November....... 9.71 .'s) 9T2 9.a t S Veoemoer 9.. J 9 9 74 9.314 S.32 DAILY EULLETIf K. Hplte Of Rec'tG Prtce. Stock Market. Galveston. . Steady. C72 Kew Orl.-atta- . 8i9 6'l,29 Mobile . Bull. 1 5 LA Bavanliah .... Steedy. 415 lihsrloaton Quiet. 3J rtiimluBton... Quiet. Norfolk 6iealy. 'J:, 10.615 Baltimore .... Cjuiet. 10, ji 14.671 few York Weak. 10't 15V2KI Boston.- - ... Uteady. 5 101-- i 6.IM) Philadelphia. Firm. 40 10;, 5,913 St. touts. Unlet. 28 Adjust . Steidy. 91 Note New bale at Mobile. Day'a receipts. ?,? Day's reuelp's, 1KS2. 5--6 Uay's receipts lsnl ...1,9.0 CONSCIJDATED 6TATFMENT. Tnia lAt Last Week Week. Year. Receipts 4 days . 5 188 S.553 2 0bl Kxwv-ij- i to Gnxi Britain 7,Sil! 9,4.11 r.,5.'7 Exports to continent 2.W1 3.7;; BPwks at all porta 289,:l57 318,989 174.356 Thia Last lear Year. Year. Before. Receipts since Hept. 1st.. I5,28,2 4.616,204 5,722,69:5 Forelau exnorU Seot 1st 4 KJ.ri2.s.3.4,.K). ioii4.4.y9.lo4 Stock at U. 8. porw 2i9 ;:7l 172, JoS 240,727 Increane in receipts. ll,3l2.0-- . The Liverpool spot market at noon was qnot-- d hnrdenirg. halRs, 12,000 biles, of which J 100 bales were American. 14,700 brles.oi which 270J bales were Ami At 12:5: Uplands,5Jd; Orleall'.oia. Tbe Liverpool future market at noon wis quoted strong; Augus'.-Septem- b r, 5 42 641; September October, 5 41 641; October-Novembe- , November-Decembe- December-Jannar- y, 5 40-- 6 H; January-February- , 5 d; April-Ma- r, 5 48 64 I. At 3: December January, 5 Man- chester firm. At 3:30: November-Drcmlie- r, 5 39 64d. At 4: Augu.t-Sepieiuber- , 5 40 64J;Sep-ttmber-Oc'obs- r, 5 5 I 6 Jan- - uary February, 3 March-Apn- l, 5 44 64d. Futures closed easv. (lENEUAL TKAPK. At the Merchants' Exchange business con- tinues dull. The local qaotations were as fol- lows: Meatt and lard quiet; flour steady and unchanged;cornmeal steady; sugar fiim; cof- fee advancing; molasses dull; ricifirm; nails firm; hay quiet aod firm strictly choice good demand! prirfle dttll and nominal, prairie neglected; corn weak; oMs quiet and dull; bran dull; apples qubl; potatoes quiet; cab- bagemarket bare, new exhausted; onions quiet; beans market bftrc; butter dul, little doing; cheeae quiet; chickens abundant and unchanged; egs steady, good demand and light receipts; dried frnit market bare ap- ples, good demand, dried peaches neglected; cotton seed oils steady; cjtlon seed meal qui- et. Oranges scarce and not quotable; lem- ons advanced; rfeanu's scarce and higher. Other articles unchanged in tone and price. The Merchants' Exchange price current con- tinues to note telegraphic reports very IMPORTS. Four thousand e grit hundred and fi ty rlls bagging, 212 lea bacon and bsm, 593 ska brau, 5 pkgs butter, 930 bu corn, 20 pkgs cbeew. 72 sks otiee, 40 hd cattle, 27 pkgs eggs, 3622 brls fl ur, 409 bales hay, 5000 bdis iron ties, 399 pkgs lard, 15 cars lumber, 185 brls meal, 10 brls molas-ws- , 121 kgs nails, 653 sks oats, 53 brls onions, 4 cars balk pork, 45 brls sugar, 90 pkgs tobacco and 124 bile wbirky. ex row Fifteen brls apples, 124 r'la bugging, 99 T l..A..n .. 4 1...... IO 1. . I. A - U... I ter, 110 bn corn, 2 pk cheese, 130 aksceff e, 615 brls fljur,85 bales hay, 31 bdls iron ties, 63 rkgs ard, 2 cars In oilier, 1 IS brls meal, 34 brls molasses, 122 kgt nails, 20 sks oats, 1 brl onions, All brls potatoes, 3 cars balk poik, 6 brls packed pork, 3 hhds sugar, 91 brls eugtr, 208 pkgs tobacco and 40 brls whisky. BIEAD3TUFFS. Cobw White aod mixed tfOc, from store. From levee or depot round lots in bulk-ghell- white, 50c; sacked, 54555c. Flour From store extra, 3 50; double extra, $4 25; triple extra, 1b 25; family, to 50; cnoice, s6 75; fancy, $3(SM5 25; extra fancy, i6 25;oj6 50; patenb, 7(7 50; round lots from levee or track 10(jf15e cheaper. Cornmeal Standard, 2 75 from store; 5. cheaper from mill, levee nd track. Oats Vnit, 52c from store; mixed, 4tf 47c; d, 3S: from store. It uod loLa from levee, white, uone; mixed, 37 10c; 30.-- . Bran From store, 13 pe ton; round lots from levee, $14. Oatmeal In half barels, $3' 5004 50 from store. Hay Choice, from store, 90c; prime, 65:; prairie, 35c; rouud lots from levee or depot, i'Z(ay per ton cheaper. Cracked Wheat In half barrels, $4 50 05 trout store. Hominy and Grits From store, $3 50 04. Rice Louisiana, common, 67c; jc Buffalo, August 7. Wheat nothing doing in spring; sales of No. 2 red, 97c$l; while, $1 12.. Corn dull; sample selling at 51(2532. OaU nominal, 40c. Niw York, August 7. Flour steady. Wheat cash lots fc and options (alc higher and strong; ungradsd, il 0401 "10. Rice steady wilh a fair demand. Detroit, August 7. Wheat steady; cash, 88jc; August, red, 89 Jc; No. 2 white, 9i)J:; No. 3 white, 80Jc; N I. 2 red, 89?; rejectel, 70c. Corn brm; No, 2, cash, 63c bid. Oats dull; No. 2, 34J;:; No. 2 white, 37c. LociftvlLLE, Auust 7. Flour quiet but firm; higher grades, 56 2506 50. Wbeat quie jNo. 2 red winter, il 13. Corn dull; No. 2 while, 5252Jc; No. 2 mixed, 5CJ0 51c. Oa!s quiet; mixed Western, 30c. New Orleans, August cur hightr gmde-- , $5 2o'a,5 90. Corn, 60084c Oals new St. Liuik No. 2, 39jc; old, 44c; old Gal. ni, 391 45 '. C'ornmai freab, (2 75 02 SO. Hav prime, $15010; choic, tl7 50. K'.ce L:uisiitna ordinary to choice, 46;. CmciNiATt, Angu-- t 7. Flour firmer but not quotably hi; ftmily,$4 5005; f incy, $5 205 75. Wheat demand fair and re- ceipts higner; No. 2 red win er, epo', $1 06t 01 07. Spot orn demand iair and prius higher, 50c Oils in go id demand, 2S03Oc. Eye steady, 5"j056:. Milwaukee, August 7. Wheat quiet; ctnh or August, 1; il 01 j; October, $103 Corn s'ronger; No. 2, 53)c; rejected, 46c. Oals steady but quiet; while, 36c; No. 2 delivered. 33r. Kye strong and active; No. 1, 58c; No. 2. 56c Barley dull and taej; No. 2, 69070c; extra No. 3, 48050c. Toledo, O., August 7. Wheat active aod a shade r; No. 2 red, ca-- $1 091; An-gnt- t, $1 09j; September, $1 11; October, il 13; November, $1 15; the year, 1 09i; January, 1 IS, lore dull; high mixed, 55:; N 2, ca-- h or Aui;nt, 53j bid; Septem- ber, 53Jc bid; October, 53j?; rejected, 49a; no grade, 42c. Oals firm; No. 2, cash, or Au- gns', 2Sj; S ptetuber, 2i'lc bid; ihe year, 28i bid. Baltimore, August 7. Flour firm; How- ard s!rel and Western superfine ,13 2503 75; ex:r,$4 i4 75; family, i5 2506. .Wheat-Wes- tern higher but inactive, except lor spot; Nr.2win:erred, po', $1 15t l 151; Angust, $1 15101 151; September, $1 1601 17; Oc- tober, 1 18,01 IS;; November, $1 20, 121; Dcsaiber, $1 2 bid. Corn Western a shade better and dull; mixed, ppoi, 61 jc bid; August, 62Jc asked; S.'pUmbir, 610 63o; Oc'.ober,62 ,62Ji;; November, 6O061i Dais steady; Western, while, 41043c; mixed, 39041c. Kye quiet, 58060c. St. Louis, August 7. Flour dull and 5j lower; family, 3 7503 85 choice, $4 550 4 65; fancy, 45 1505 60. Wheat hihr nt slow; No. 2 red, il O501 05 cash, tl Oo0 1 Obj At)gust,il 0701 07J tl 19'aM 09 October, $1 11J01 11J November, $1 0-- bid the year, closing weak and lower tosul; No. 3 red, 93c0tl 00,. Corn high-- r but inactive; 47047 cash and August, 47047Jc September, 47 i047:Oito-ber- , 41u ajvenibsr, 41042c the year. Oats higher but slow; 25i025c cash, 2oJc Au- gust, 25025c Sepiemoer, 24ic tbe year, 2SJ 0291c May. Bye higher, 64x Barley no market. Cornmeal lower, $2 45. Chicago, Augnst 7. Flour nominally un- changed. . wbeat in an 'reproved demand; opened easier bnt closed etronger; $1 (04 AutiM,. tl 0201 021 ISeptember, fl 03.0104 Oc ubjr, $1 05 November, fl 01 00 j the jear; No. 2 Chicago spring, $1 00j; No. 2 red winter, $1 07. Corn ac- tive, firm ami higher; 53jc cash. 52,(52c August, oi'a ov;c eeptemoer, cvxijc ;r, 43c Nov ember, 45Jc ths year. OaU in good demand and firmer; 28i'29e cash, 27 (Sj275e Angustj 2s;(S2CJs September, 26i9 26,c October, 2CK26.3 the year, iiyo strong and hitrbe. , oj Boceipts Floor, 13,000 brls; wheat, 64,000 bo; corn, 289,000 bn; oats, 48,000 bo; rye, 18,000 bu; barley, 3000 bu. Shipments Flour, 8500 brie; wheat, 7500 bo; corn, loy.UW cu; oats, ou; rye, isuy on barlev. 1500 bu. Grain in store August 6th Whsat, 5,730,- - UUV ou; corn, i,ini,wu ou; oais, oyo.uuu bu; rye, 307,000 bu; barley, 21,000 ha. Total, all kinds, s,dro,uuu on; same time last year, du. PROVISIONS, 2li28s; dairy, 29( Bt7TTf?S V. 181; cjuntry, 1020c 22cj bctierine, -- t. 15(16c; small Cheise 1111. ""nc horce che'se, 15 lb at .f'- - sugar-Mes-s Pobk-J1- 5iS 3o rfr - vfi bl. cured hams, packed, 1415-:- ; eon. 12cf3Ai: clear rib sides, 8Jc UriK Pohb- - I 7.r side- -, dear tlb sides, 7 Jo; shoulders, 6jc Labii Tierce, 9jc; P;J W, OlOc; buckets, 1010Jc; half buca'i lOJ'iilOi-- ; 10j: 10-!- b tin?, 10c; b "tins, 10c; tins, 10,c Nevy York, August 7. Pork quiet but firm new mess, 15 37Jai6 50. Lard firm; prime steam quoted at 8.70(8 Js. Bai.timoke, Augnst 7. Provisions dull and beavy. Eutterdull; Western, packed, 81 6c; creamery, 1923c Kggs firm, 16(sl7c. New Orleans, August 7. Pork inactive, 114 50. Bacon quiet; should lower, 7c; long clear and clear rib, Si Sugar-cu- r d bams io good demacd and higher; choice cinvasttd, llj15c Louisville, Aagnst 7. Provisions qoief. Pvrk new mess, $15. Balk mea:s saoul-der- s, 6c; c'eur rib, 73; clear sides, 8c. Bs-co- n shoulders, 71c; clear rib,r; clear, 9c. Sugar-cure- hams, 13143. Lard choice kettle-ren- di rad, 12c St. Louis, Augunt 7 Butter dairy, 12 17c; creamery, 18a20c. Eggs, llI2e. Pork dull; jiuoine.iia 3913 60. Bjcon slow; Ion el?ar, 7jo; short rib, 7ic; short clear. 8J. Bulk meats dnl'j long clear, 7.30c; short rio, ah:)r' cWar, Lard nominally 7,c. Cincinnati. August 7. Pork Juil, tli 14 20: ard firmer, 8c Bulk meals firmer but not quolably higher; shoulders, 6Jcj clear rib, 7c. Bacon hrnler but not quotably higher; shoulders, 7Jc; clear rib, 0- -i clear, 8c Buiter dull; choice Western 15; choice Central Ohio, 12c. Chicago, August 7. Pork firmer, light trading; tl2 75fl2 87 cash, 112 75(o)12 80 Augns', 13 8212 83 September, 12 95 g) 12 971 $12 12J12 15 the year. I.?.fl IP iI demand and steady; 8.35 83c cashQr.Augusl, i.4!)a3,J Septem- ber, S.45(2J8.4i Jc Ujluoer, ifovrmber, 8.15iaj8.17Jc the year. Bulk meats easier; shoulder., 6c; short rib, 7.15c; short clear, 7.60c. Builerquiet; fair to fau-- creamery, 15021c; good to fancy dairy, 12(S(ltjc. ' GROCERIES. Sugar Pure white, 91c; off white, 9c; yellow, 809c; open kettle, 7J0Sc; re- fined A, 9109?; granulated, 9j01Oo; pow- dered, lOj(0IOic; cut lo', lOj01Oc Coffee Common, 8j09c; ordinary, 9 09c; fair, 901Oc; prime Rio, 101011c; choice, 111012c; fancy, 121013c; old gov- ernment, 20025c Molasses Louisiana, common to fair, 33035s; prime to choice, 45050c; centri- fugals, 30040c; syrop, 40050c Canned Goods, Etc. Prices per dosen: Pineapples, $1 50; peaches, 2 lb, standard, il 60; seconds, $1 40; tomatoes, stan- dard, tll. 10; $1 3001 40; straw- berries, $1 2501 50; raspberaie., fl 150 1 50; blackberries, $1 1001 25; green gages, $150; pa an-- , il 60; plums, $1 5'J; green corn, (1 1001 50; green peas, 9Oc0 $120; cove oysters, full weight, fl 15; cove oysters, full weight, b, H 85; cove oysters, light weight, b, 65c; cove oys- ters, light weight, 11 23; condensed milk Crown, 6 250Q SO; Eagle, $3 25; Swia. $6 2506 25. Salt Per car-loa- $1 35 per barrel; $1 50 in sacks; pockets, bleached, 2107c; coarae, $1 15. Soap 406Jc per pound. Bagging and Ties Bagging, lOSqllJc, according to weight. Ties, arrow, $1 400 1 45. Baltimore, August 7. Coffee firmer; Rio, cargoes, ordinery to fair. 81(ai91c Sues lete.lj; A Trofr, 8S7 " New Orleans, August 7. Coffee R-o- , cargoes, common to prime, 71010?. Sugar higher; common to good common, 6ij(2i7t:; fair to fully fair, 8c; prime to choice, 8jc; yellow clarified, 8J0SJC Molasses centri- fugal, 20020c. Few York, August 7. Coffie quiet; fro, 7c. ugar quiet; clarified, 707c; extra i clarified, 7107-- ; white extra clarified, 7c; yellow clarified, 66jo; eff A, 7J0c; standard A, 8108.c; granulated, 8 13 16c Molasaea l refining, 25c. HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES. Vegetables O.iions, Narihero, pack.d, 2 7503 per barrel. Potatoes, packed, il 23; buying 60(2t75c loose. Cabbage Northern sold at f303 50 per crat-- ; loose, J708 per 100. Kr.U', in barrels, c!04; in halt-bai-re- $2. Garlic, $1 per hundred. Fruits Omnsres --Soarcj and nil quj'-abl- e. Leojou-"- , io 5008 per box; fan-- y Me -- una, Jo' 50. Bananas, il 5002 50 per bunch. Cocoauuts, $50S per hundied. Peanuts Virginia, hand-picke- 11012:; Tennessee, 8 a, 81c; roasted, 2c higher; shelled, 12 j. Al- mond', 19(320c Texas pecans, 11014c ; 304c English walnuts, 14016c Filberts, 13c. Bratil nuts, 100101c Ktisins London layers, S3; Imperial, f4. Brandy cherries, 13 25i 3 50 per doxen. APPLE4 New, t202 50 per barrel packed buying at $101 60 loose. Dried apples, 8 09c per pound from store. Dried peacher, 45c from store. Cranberries, $16 per bar- rel. Pickles, medium, bsrrel, $7 50; half-barre- l, $4; 1 pint jars, tl 25 per doxen; 1 quart jars, $17502 per doz?n. Cider Missouri, $S0S 50 per barrel, and $4 50 per half-barr- ; Kentucky barrels $7 50. Vinegar 121016c per gallon. Fish Mackerel, 10-t- b kit. No. 1,95s ; Ni. ?, 85a ; 15-l- No. 3, 65c ; halt barrel, $4 75 06. White fiih, No. 1, per half-barre- l, $6. Poultrx- - Cbickeos, $103, according to quality. Turkeys, $11018. Ducks, $3 6004. Eggs 15016c. Pigs' Feet In barrels, $8 5009 ; s, 14 2504 50 ; kegs, $2 25. ' PELTRIES, HIDES AND LEATHER. Hides,Etc No.l dry flint hides,16c; No. 2 dry hides, 121013c ; salt hides, lO012c; No. 1 green sail hides, 507c ; No. 2 green salt hides, 6c; green hides, 50Sc Beeswax-pri- me yellow, 28030c; tallow, 707c; gin sens, ier pound, $1 60. Dserskins prime, 25033c Leather Oak' sole, per pound, 35040c; 27030c; harness, 36(a)40; skirting, 73040c; French calf, $4060c per doxen. doaaeslic calf, i3O045c per doxen. Caudles Full weight, 15c Feathers Prime, 40c Wool 25035e per pouad; unwaahtd, 18023; borry, 1001 6e. ,, WHISKY, ETct. Brandies Cognac, $5016 ; peach, $3 50 3 60 ; apple, $203 60. VVinfs Imported port, $1 5004 ; sherry, $1 5504 ; champagne American extra dry, 19010; Piper Heidsick, $26028; Mumtn'a et'a drv. $28030; Pomery Sec, .31 500 33 50; W. Cliquot, $31 50033 50; claret, $i 7509 per box ; Catawba, 6 6009. Whiskies Redistilled, 90d (& $1 50 ; straigh', $1 6004, according to age. St. Louis, August 7. Whisky steady, $1 14. Louisville, August 7. Whisky s'eady, $1 13. Cincinnati, August 7. Whisky steady, $1 13 Chicago, Auut 7. Whisky unchanged. New Orleans, August 7. Whisky un- changed. Baltimore, Angust 7. WhUky quiet, $1 ltU0l 17. HOUSE-BUILDIN- G MATERIALS. Bricks, lime and cement quiet at former prices. Framing Lumber Yard prices Koigb, $15 per 1000 feet; dressed, $30; yellow pine flooring, $25; shingle, $304 60; lathing Poplar, $1 75; cypress, $2 per 10J0 laths. Extra prices for extra lengths above 20 feet. Lime and Cement Alabama lime, 95o0 tl a barrel; Tennessee, 85090c; Louisville cement, $1 7001 75 a barrel; Roaedale $2 50 a barrel ; Portland, $5; plaster of Paris, 2 50. Nails f3 35 per keg. HORSES AND MULES. The mule market is well supplied with ail auaiiiies. Tne horse market is dull. Mules No 1 drav mules, 4 to 7 years old, 16 to 16 bands, $2000250; 15 to 16,$15t9 185; 15 to 15. $1350150; 14 to 15, $1000125. Hordes Good driving, $1250200; beavy draft, loO(2ViW; saddle horses, H(32oO; plugs, 4075. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Keceip'scf cattle the pau week have been quite light here; there is a light sopply; prices nrm as quoted; prospects for next week's market favorable. Milch cows are very dull. Sbaep and lambs are in light s.ipply; fair demand for belter grades. Quo tations: Corn-fe- d Cattle Choice to extra, none received. Grass Cattle Choice, 4104c; good, i fa0oC' ',ir mediaa, 2i'33i:; commoD, Sheep ahd Lambs Choice, per lb 4c; medium03j:;common,perhead,;i01 50; choic lambs, per lb, 5031c; medium, dt head, $2 5003. Cowa and Calves Good milch cows with vounaj calves, per head, f 15030; yearlings, Jo08. The above quotations are Irom actual daily sale. Chicago, August 7. Hogs receipts, 12,-0- head: slow: 10c lower- - liaht. A 5 80; tnir .nirh.m. K I OA"-- 1 , ,. 1 - i - , i .jfj x f - nr av T packing and shipping, 5 15(51-- 40. Cattle jeceipis, Diuvnsao; steady; experu, t 650 w w jcuua to cnuace. zo zo a o .o. LOUIS. AOgUSt 7. Hon lower weak: liirht. 1560'o5 75: mire-- i U anrxji m. " m j . cm ovaj or. xceiDia. iihi I rt. t snipmsnts, 1900 head. Cattle receipts, 1700 ueau;a:owand lower; top, Jo 906; good to choice shinDin?. f5 4VSJi 7S. T..-- . 13 5004 05. ' PcTROLtUIVl MARKETS. Coal-Oi- l Wholesale lots, 13c per galloS. Cleveland. An?n?t 7. Piroi.nm . ' " 'lfto "I. Prr.ZBnilo Ad?0' 7. Petrohum weaker bat fairly .WliveV Vald cenificatea closed HtlK'i. COTTON-3ta7-Cottoh-Se- ei Meal Prime, 18 per lo per oar-loa- d lots. Cotton-See- d Oiiji Crndf 3O03(Jj pur gallon, on round lots of 100 to 500 brls. Summer yellow refined oil, 420153 in car- load lots; summer white, 50c Winter yel- low, 62c; winter white. 54c according to quantity. C joking oil, job lots, 45c. DRY GOODS-Ne- York, August 7. The movement of goods is of a very good quality, and through personal selecuone, orders for dupli-e- a MMrinaaU, and many deliveries on old eDgsgnnJ distribution is preserved of much steadiness. Tin demand is mostly to meet new wants whereby is ebown that at many interior markets tbe jobbing trade is doing a good business. Seasonable special- ties and patterned g.ods of every kind are doing well through many moderate takinge, but while a good aggregate sales is reached the market is not aclivr. BOILER MAKERS. OLD RELIABLEBOILEn YARD. ROBT. LEWIS & CO., ?7;: SHEET. 4 IRON WORKERS. aSS Particular atteation given to Repairing team- - boat Jaoaiem mm . 'iS street, star rlvaur. Main pills. J"JI - 1 Pscowa 8TMR. CoPrnPdeUro-nW- ?o-hs- a BoUer. ... Slwsys on ha.. "Mawaawaw stea jhqatS. HJ-CIAi-a NOilix. Stkameb mark twain w. p. i, J. D. Fuller. clerk.Je&aaiaEStC will leave for HALE'S POINT and all mi .au'ii-lng- s EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY at o'clock o.m.. until farther notice. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. SI. Lontn and Nxvr Orleans Ancbor i.iai V. St. Atoll FOR CAIRO AND 8T. LOU 18. Jity ol t. JLoiiis Dan Able.. master. win leave auevator Dnlldlng THIS LAI, Aug. 8th, at 10 a.m. For freight er pannage apply to C t Hai.L, Pass'r Agt, A D STORM, rtnp t. JOli NEW Oil LEANS. Si. I.snls sad sietr Orlesai Aaicnor Line. For Vickjnurg. Natccti and New Orieane. J ohuA. udder Vfm. Baiter am leave auevator asaitoing Tttla ua i, atu. 8th, at 10 a.m. For freight or postage appiy to ': L. Hai.1., Pa.s. Agent. AD STORM, hup'. tOU LOUISVILLK AND ClNClNNAll Meinpbls anil Obio River racket Co. FOR LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI Bleaioer Vint Mkinkle, a. M. M. Deem master Harry Prt ctot....cicia Leaves as above FRIDAY, Auj. 10U1, at 6 p.m. For information inquire oa boaru, or lo R. W. I.IGHTBUKNK.G. K.aud T. aki., 7 Monroe. LKJS iittt. 61KAM 414t. for tMeaiatale. Heleaiaaiaa friars Fol at. .aaca taaa aaa a m jtl! Stacksr Lee master t Putt Bhodea.. will leave as above oa e cry HOMial, WRDNluiDAY and FR1DA t. Bt S p.m., reserving the riaht to pass all landings the captain may deeut unsafe. Oiace. aau. 4 atauiKn aiitait. JaMES I.bK. jr., Bnpcrinlenent. FOK UtCjw.LA. ly 11. si. Mail Jror Ban doiph, Foltou, Osceola and way landiog. Ueau Adams, rmrrh J. H. Cooper..msAtor U. D. TomLLuoa..u.t.a wui itetfo ieuipQitoVui at'JinDAk, waCUrla-1)-DA- aid FKIuAi, at 6 p.m., reserving the right to pans all laudiugs tne cap.aiu may deem unsafe. For iuforuuiliou apt' J on board, or to No. 4 Maui-sons- t. J Aate t.KK. I a., iMipennteudent. FOR ST. FRANCIS K1VER. The 5L Francis River 1'ruonportalioa Co's VERY LIGHT U. S. MAIL oi'lCAUKK X1A JtatJfiJK, r-- TZ O. K. Joolin . ... master, Will leave Memphis at very I oesday Even-lut- e aa o w'oioaufor all noints on He Francis River in place of the Rene alacreaoy. J. If. RABHAUi. Mipt. FOR WHITE AND BLACK KIVERS. BILT HARK! A. I SI K Memphis White sad MlKCat aalver V. fit. Ball rktt. For Indian Bay, fit. Charles, Clarendon, Derails Bluff, Ilea Arc Augusta, Jackson port, Searcy, Batesrlile, Powhatan and Pooahontas The new aud elegant paaseuer atcatmair JTosie llarry, H. B. Harry ...master, ill leave MvmDbis KVllRY a . fORDAY at f o'clock p a,, connecting direct wi.J taeuewLlack Biver united states van l acket, MiLl' MAKKY, lor Powaatan and Pocahontas, and wilit the Daily Packets lo Batesville and Upper White xlywa. TaKustt ioa to all iKiuta. K r. u; u I cuustKued to Milt HarrvLine. MamDh-- or will be prompt.y forwarded. at. n. LHjttitJUKJi, AKeat, No. 7 Molinie Htrcel, Memphis. FOR SI'. PAUL. St Loui3 and St Paul Packet Co. Tbe sly Elae or Slde-Wlie- Pansoger Pacaetaes Ibe tter Jalsalsslppl. ST. PAUL STEAMERS LEAVE 8T. . .It" a. Mi.iwl u o 4 ......1 - . , and Friday at 4 o'clock cm. titeatuers leave 8L Louis daily, at i o'clock p.m., lor Hannibal, ctuiucy aud Keokuk For pAMeuger aod freight ratei apply to HKNKY il. LOWH, Agent, Font of Jetlersou street, Memphis. FOK ARKANSAS CITX. (eamun ana irkansMllli ratcatrt (Is, Adm U.S. Mail Line For Helena, Friars Polal. Conuordla, Terrene. Ariianaaa 1ty ana rnna a. a.-'i- ae new rasxeoer steatmet k.,VAAa JLaaJAJJAS.jxli, at. it. tneox... mas)r a. w. outlaw u.eia Laavos every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 5 p.m., reserving tbe right to pass all landings the iaiuuu may ueeut uneate. For Inloriaation apolvat No. 4 Madison street. ELEVATOR COJU'AS . Brain and Package Elevator Co. rrriLL bo a general RHCETV1NG, FOR- - V V vatiiise a si of ateamboats and bargea losded or uuioaded with tispatcn. r relent delivered la cars ol roads entering the city. Ample storage room for duik or sacked erain. mtircoanaisa. machincrv. etc Freight received and stored in elevator at owner's risx unless ordered msurea. R. OALLOWtV, Hnperlntenilent. ROYAL HAIL LINE To the Nelherlantla. The First-Clas- s Steamshira of this Line AM- STERDAM, ROTTERDAM, K'HIKDAM, ZAAN-DAM- LRtRDAM, W.A. 8C'H0LTN, P. C A LAND, MAAS, carrying the United Stales Mail to the Netherlands, leave NEW YORK regularly every ntuH11JAI,llll auniKUAJl alia AMSTER- DAM alternately. First Cabin. (70: Second Cabin. ta); Steerage, f 26; from Rotterdam and Amster dam, u.t'AZtI A, be.'l aseai. No. Ti Sooth William street. New Yoik. TRUSTEE'S SALE. 1 rnutee's Sale. BT virtue ot three several deeds of trust made by W. J. Saint and wife, Susan D. Saint, to James A. Anderson, trustee, one oa the 10th day of March, IaTo, and recorded in Book 105, page . and one on the 20th day of May, 1S75, aod recorded in Book 107, page 510: and also one on the 14th day of February, li'.i, and recorded lu Book 110, page aoo : and by virtue of a final decree awarded in the cause of J. W. Dnlard el ai. va. W. J. Saint et al.. No. 4391, Chancery Court, Shelby county, wherein the said James A. Anderson was removed as trus- tee, aud 1, C. . Smith, appointed in hia aiead to carry out the terms of aaid trusts, and upon de- mand ol the beneiicuuiea in tul-- l trust, nn.a., I will oa Satnrday, Ihe lllh Day or Aagast, I89S, at Whitehaven, in the Thirteenth Civil District of Shelby county, Tenn., ofler lor tale, and sell to Hie aigbest bidder, for cash, the following de- scribed real estate, One lot at Whltehaveo, ehelby county, on the Mississippi and Tennessee railroad, and described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake loo feet from tbe center line of the track ot the MiaaUaippi arid Tennessee railroad, in tbe. west boundary line of the depot groanda ot said railroad, 410 feet from the northwest corner of said depot grounds; running thence southwardly en said line aud parallel wilh it (the said railroad) for a distance of 381 feet to an iron stake; thence westwardly, and at right angles to the line of said railroad, lor 1460 leet to a stake in the west bound- ary line of F. M. Wh-te'- a land ; thence ocrui-wardi- y with said line for 21 leet to a stake ; thence eaitwardly and parallel with tbe second line 1340 feet to the beginning stake in the ground of said railroad, containing (12) tweive acres, more or leas, beiug the same land conveyed lo W. J. Saint by F. M. White. Tne right of redemption, bometfead and dower In said land ia barred, and Ihe utle to said land is believed to be perfect, but I sell and convey only as trustee. u. r.. aatiin, trustee. Green A Adams aud B. T. Pollard, boia, wed RIVER NEWS. STEAMERS LEAVING. THIS DAY. Friars Points Coahoxa. Lee, S p.m. Osceola Dun Aoahs, Co. per, g p.m. St Lonis. Cm or St.Lora. Able. lOan. New Orleans. JoHir A Sctodex, Baker, 10 ajn. lot RaD AY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Arkansas City.. .Kate Anaxs. Thnnday, S pjn. aiouii, siasx twaiw. Tbrarsday, t p.m. vmoanau vixt SHncxxs. Friday, 6 p an. White Biver losix Haxet. Eaturdar. s D.m. MOVEMENTS AT THE LEVEE. dmrtus. Cons Millar, Cincinnati; Cell Ait tup tits, 5u Louis; City of tcksburg, Vicksborg. Departure. Central City, S. Louis: City of ickeburg, S'. L5ui; Belle Memphis, Vick'borg; Coos Millar, Cincinnati; Ida Lee, St. Fraccia river; Ida Darragh, ArSan- - aas river. Boats Due Down Dan Adams anl Joho A. Scudder. Scat Due Up. Coahoma and City of St. taiuir. ReeelpisCTeslerday. Cons Millar 1859 brls flour, 15 brls whis- ky, 135 brls oil, 20 brls vineear. 133 brls ce ment, 34-- empty oil barrels, 500 brls salt, 15 tea hams. 70 tern nails. 153 ska oats. 84 ak. bran, 344 baits hay and 3600 pkgs sundries; iotaL 7074 packs?. Belle Memphis 1556 brls flour. 47 brls meal, oris onions, 40 brls Tin-ga- r, 6 brls park, 10 brls molasses, 15 kegs cider, 86 tea and bx. bacoD, lard and hams, 44 crates cab-big- e, 500 eks oats. 200 sks bran. 55 aka .. afiAflrl!. u : n . i V-- - -- waoop, i norae, iia h ales hay, 329 sks corn, 6 coops chickens, 30 ek.' seed snd 1291 pkgs sundries; total, 8280 psfcarg.:,. FUTURE MOVEMENTS. TJW Vint Shinklei Capt, M. M. Deem, is the Frihiay packet for all points oo the Ohio river as 'w as Cincinnati. The Mart Twain, Capt. W. P. Hall, ia the packet tomorrow evening at 5 o'clock for Hales Point aod alt wa landings, Col. J. D. Fulk-- r in the cmse. The John A. Ecut'dar, Capt. Win. Baker, is ths Anchor-Lin- e packet this morning at 10 o'clock lor New Orleans snd all way points. Geo. Baker is her clerk. The Dean Adame, Capt. Henry Cooper, is I lie Lee-Lin- packet this evening at 6 o'clock for acd the upper bends. Hugh Tomlinsos and Charles Bourne are her clerks. The Kate Adams, Capt. Mark B, Cheek, is tbe United States mill packet evening at 5 o'clock for Arkansas City and all way landings. . W. Ootlaw is in charge of her office. The Coahoms, Capt. Stack L:e, ia the picket this evening at 5 o'clock for Helena, Friars Point and all way landings. Piatt Bhodea is her clerk, assisted by Will Dar- ragh and Will Ashlord. The elegant passenger steamer City of St. Lou is, Capt Dan Able, is the Anchor-Lin- e packet this niorniog at 10 o'clock for Cairo and S'. Louis. Willi'" Ai umq and Tony ' -- tdf;e her clerks. ' Harry, Capt. Milt B Harry, is IHE Jow jcr an pojnuJ on wtiiie the Saturday P- - - Jacksonport, and river, goirg through v. Jor making connections wilh PW. While and Black river?. GENERAL NEWS. .Ei'-ini- fair. Weather continues of the fell persuasion. Receipts by river yesterday, 30 sacks of cottoc-see- d. Most time some of the bends packets would be pulling in with the first bale of the sea-ion- . James B. Bray came down second clerk of the Cons Millsr in place of Lowell Irner, who stopped off a trip to recreate. At the elevator yesterday 15,274 packages were discharged from the Btlie Memphis and Coos Millar. That looks like business. The Ida Lie, for St. Francis, and Ida Darragh, lor Arkansas river, both went out with fair Bhowings ol freight yesterday. Signal Service report: Biver 16 feet 1 inch ris 6 inches yesterday. Declines are" reported f om all other stations without ex- ception. TiiK City of Vicksbnrg got away for St. Louis yesterday morning slier adding 60 bar- rels of oil, 20 sacks of wheat, 4 head of mules nd a lot of sundries. Mr. J. E. Massengalb has charge of the office of tbe Bjlle Memphis this trip, Mr. Henry E. Coibin having stopped off at St. Louis preparatory to a summer excursion East. The Cons Millar arrived from the Ohio yesterday with 7074 pickages, which she dis- - charged ai the elevator, and took oa iOO bales ol cotton, 4i8 barrels ot oil, 200 sicks ot brsn, a lot ot sundries anl a lair list ol people. aod left for Cincinnati la-i- t night The Belle Memphis, in from St. Louis yesterday morninj, brought 82E0 packages of freight for Memphis, and after taking on 150 kegs of beer and 10 tons of sundries, left for vicksborg before dark. Her Memphis freight discharged here fooled 504 tons. LAWREsiCEnURGCcrrespondencaC ncinnali Enquirer; ' The funeral cf William T. Ferris tooit place yesterday from Trinity church. Wiih the death cf Mr. Ferris the career of the lat survivor of the td steamer Mo- - xlle is ended, be being one of the few who escaped alive when Ibe boat was blown to pieces. Ihe Mcx:Ile blew up all her boilers at Cincinnati, and killed nearly every soul on board. Mr. Ferris boarded her to go to his home in Lawnnceburg, but not liking the appearance of a heavy weight on the aafety valve, walked through the cabin and jumped overboard just as the explosion took puce, lie swam ashore and thereby escaped." The "victim" of the following notice which we clip from the Evansville Journal, cf Monday, is well and favorably known in these pule: "Capt. J. B. y resigned his P' anion as captain of the steamer Fashion Saturday, and is now no longer connected with the llenilcreon racket Company. We understand Capl. Barry will engage in busi- ness on shore. Cap'. Lloyd W. Whitlow hse been appointed Cap. successor. We are sorry to lose Capt. B.-rr- bat it will be nuis to the river reporters as well as the shippers alorg shore lo have Capt Lloyd as his successor instead of a stranger. Yon see Cap!. Lloyd is an eld- -' irner in this trsde, snd is not only 'everybody's friend,' but every- body is his friend. With Capt. Lloyd and Bob Baldwin on the Fashion, everybody ought to be more than satisfied." Tbe Otber Nlile of Ibe Story about that anraj hi araraaii'a. Having published cne side of the story about tbe affray between the officers of the City of Vicksbnrg and Mr. B. M. Darnel), which occurred alDarnall's Landing a couple or so of weeks ago, we try to do justice to all parties by publishing Mr. Darnell's side, which we cup Irom tbe JHew Madrid Slur, ol last Saturday: -- lne loilowiog is in detail a correct statement of every fact, and all con. venation between the parties: The morning of Ju'y 16:b, when the Vicksburg landed at Darnell's Lsnding, K. M. Dsroalteaid to the clerk from tbe bank, Ihere is a horse to to a ward.' - Tbe mate said, in an insulting tone of voice, 'How in the h 1 can I get a horse oa at such a d d place?1 Darnell re plied, 'The horse can be taken down tbe sloping bank below tbe stage and then on over short planks.' Whereepoa the mate swore viciously, saying tha horse could not be taken on that wa. Dirnall paid no for-ib- er attention to (lie mate. The horse was taken down the bank at tbe place indicated by Darnali, and rs the clerk walked toward the stage Darnali said: 'Clerk, the other boats have been charging $2 50 for croseiog horses over the river here.' The clerk re plied, gruffly, 'It don't matter to me what the other boats have been charging, I will charge card ratts on I tils horse.' Darnali then said: 'I don't e what you charge, I want you to address me politely.' The clerk then said he would talk to Darnali as he pleased, Darnali said: Jf you do, 1 will sisp your Isce oa. the cerk said: Ujn t you at tempt it.' Dirnall slapped al the clerk with his open hand, but did net touch him. The clerk then placed hia hand in his pocket in a ihreateoir.g manner, as if be intended to shoo:. The mate stepped to the side of the clerk snd b gin curinz Dirnall, as only that class of men can cure, using most inde cent and vulgar language within 10 feet of some of thi female members of Darnell's family, who were standing on the bank io plain view. Darnali then drew bis kni'e and kept back the burly mate, who must weigh at least 190 pounds, and the clerk, who ia not s boy. aa claimed, but, as his ap pearance indicates, and, as I have been told, is 6 years of age. Darnali made no threat as to what be would dj at another time, and was then, and had been for two weeks, sick and mie ol il.. hum " J. B. "Oa tie return trip of tbe Vicksburg.W. L. Alexander, E q., saw the parties who had heaped upon Darnali such uncalled for abase nreoared with Distal and a tieavy stick, with which they evidently intended to assault Darnali. Tbe stick waa not a walking-stic- k, but lrer and shorter. The passengers were told by an officer of tbe boat, just before land ing at isarnau t, 'nat mere wuum w serious trouble at Darnell's if be attempted to resent the vulvar insult of the mate. When the Virk-bori- ? landed at Daruail'a, Wednesday. the mate, when addressed by touch- ing tbt matter of the vulgar language need by him Ih-- previous trip in tbe presence of his I Darnall'.l family, attempted to draw pie'ol, when one of tbe Watson boys, stand- ing near, who is Darnall's nephew, presented his pistol and told the mate to hold op bis . . . ft , ai,.. Ti.rn.ll n trlxmA a Colt's revolver from the mate's hand, which he hid drawn half way out of his pocket, and threw it into tbe river. Wat son then lowered his pistol aod placed it in his pocket Pan Watson then took an elm stick not as large as nan's wrist, as stated un oar, oi July z.ln, nut 1 inch in diameter and 2 feet long with which he genteelly chastised the vulgar braggart who had so wantonly abased his uncle nod blackguarded hia uncle's family. No blows were sir nek tbe mate save those by Dan Wat son ana uree oy xt. M. Darnell. Dan Wat- son was told by his uncle to stop, which he did. Just then, while Darnell was standing with his back to the boat, two pistol shots were tired at him by tbe officers on board the boat. Darnell then went twenty steps to a log, behind which was shotgun, the onlv one on me Dane, which be took in his hands and went on to the boat to ascertain who nrea tne saots, but tailing to do so left the boat after having comnlimented the parties who fired at his back for the gallant manner : L , : . .i n i . . . ,. iu waa-- a uiey jnstantiy,jiea to a nicung place. a ue mate was not taken on ins boat man insensible condition, as stated by the Slar'i informant snd as stated by the csptain cf tne xieiens, out was up and going about in two days after the affray. All siatementa in the Star of Joly 27th. touchios the eur-iec- t cf wis aimcnity not in accord with tbe state- ments herein contained, are incorrect. This same male, a few months since, entirely witnout provocation, shook a large stick over Lisn vtnison at a landing above, and threat ened to knock hie brains ont. which offense. doubtless, from recent events, his been draw ing interest. j. m. RIVER AND WEATHER. Omci Bwnai. Sxavicz, n. 8. A. Maatrais, Taws.. Aagnst. 7. ISO. The following observations are taken at tha same moment ot Ume(l:08p.ra.) at all tbe stations Changes. Abovw low water. Fall. Feet Jnch Feet Inch Feet. Inch Cairo ,. Chattanooga ClnciuDaU.H. Davenport.- -. Dnbuana Fort Smith. lleiena.. Keokuk... La Cross Leavenworth Little Rock Axmisviiie... 7 Meoaoatlat. 10 Nashville.... 4 t New Orleans S omana .. 8 Pittsbnrg 2 BhreveoorL- - ( 8L Louis 18 St. Paul .. 2 Vlcksburg., 22 Below bench mark. Toeiow high-wat- mark. Iff, 4. METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. TLne, Bar. Tho Wind. Weather. 6:08 a.m. 30.149 M.K. HA it. 2 :0s p.m. 30.095 80 K.W. Fair. IQiOSsvaa. 4 0U.O74 JX N.K. (Clear. Maxima m tempssaturs, 83. Minimum temperature. 66. PrrrgBUBG. Ausust 7. Noon 9 ft 10 Inches, and iaUinsr. WtW ...I'ni . Night River 2 IM7 Innha. r.iii.-VTTv- r.- clear and pleasant, Cincinnati. Amrnst 7. N. t?;.. io feet 11 inches, and falling ur-- ,i . oool; thermometer 74. arrinl- - w Memphis; Will Kyle. New Orleans. laiewvrtiat. Auiru.t 7. 17. t : . i . tag with 7 feet 1 Inch In the canal and 6 feet 4 SI!hM In th. hnl. .V. . ..J,. U, ptsvr tarf EVANTVILTJ' t7 -No- on-Biver 10 feet einrbes, snd falling. eatiwcUaaidjoool; thermometer 60 to 7V3. BnslaO Vint Shinkle, Cincinnati, HJ6 p?- - Departed: VihtShinkie, Memphis, 7 Cairo, August 7. Noon Biver SI leC1 2 Inches, and falling. Weather clear end pleasant Arrived: City of Helena, Vlcksburg, lep.n.; Ruth, Pomeroy, am. ; Port Bads and barges, St. Louis, noon. Departed: City of Helena, St. Louis, 11 6m.; Patrol and barges. New Orleans. 7 am. ; atemphla, 7 a.m. ; Port Bads and barges, St.lLouis. 9 am.; John A. Scudder, New Orleans, 10 p.m.; W. P. Halllday. SL Louis, noon. See Addtritmof aHser IVetss oat Fourth Page. t. 8. . " Has been' more destructive to human health and Ufe than war. pestilence and famine combined." Bo said a distinguished writer many years ago. and it is as true y as then. The poor victim of Blood Disease is drugged with Mercury to cure the malady, and then dosed with Iodides to cnrehlm of the Mercurial Poisoning: but Instead of any relief, the Brat breaks down h is general health and make, him a cripple, and the otber rains bis digestive organs. To those afflicted in this way Swift's Spe- - . cifle Is the greatest boon on earth, and is worth more than its weight In gold. It an- tidotes this Mercurial Poison, tones op the system, and brings the sufferer back to health and happiness. Every tenon who has ever been salivated should by all means take a thorough eourse ot this remedy. JarrvKsoxruajt, Twiggs Oo., Oa. Five years ago I found on my plantation a colored man who was badly diseased. He stated that five yean before he had con- tracted a violent case of Blood Poison, and had been treated by many pbyalclaiis, all falling to enre him. I treated him with Swift's Sped 6c, and In a short time he waa aound aud well, and has not had a symp- tom of the disease since. D. M. HUGHES. One gentleman who had been confined to his bed six weeks with Mercurial Rheuma- tism has been cured entirely, and speaks In the highest praise ol 8. 8. 8. CHILES A BERRY, Chattanooga, Tenn. lOOO BRWA1D Will be paid to any Chemist who will find, on. Analysis ol 100 bottles 8, B. 8., one par- ticle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mUnerel substance. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, Drawer S, Atlajtta, Oa. for trw Tittle Brink, whin srUi be mailed free. Price-Sm- all slse. 91 per bottle. Latin slae (holding double quantity), ft n aer bottle. All druggists sell It. PORTABLE FORGES. Clin Me Co 161 8. JelTenoa St--, C. leas, III. 300 VARIETIES of SCALE Best Quality at Lowest Prices Wagon or Cotton Scales, $49 3-T-on, S50. 4-T- $60. Brass Beam and Beam Box Included. 700-l- b. Cotton Bean & Fr&jme, $43 PORTABLE FOQGEf A rood Farfe for Fara ar Sbob, $ltj All ataes at halt aanal prices. Blacksmith Tools of All Kind , Hundreds of Specialties at Low Prteea. esirSeod for CireaUr and Price IisU- -! MIIIX BKOS. at ro, Aa-eat- .ssH. T.SS. PLUAitllitt, I. A. BALLET. WITT. JTATBfflLEY & CO. PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS an aataxatas is PIMPS, PIPES, HOSE, ETC, 29i Second Street. Meamtsnia J. W. X. BROWNE, esaVPIpes, Watsar-ri- fscwer-rtac- e, IavaVripvea, Plaatssera Brass Work. Piaasbwrs'lrwa 4Js4s,tlss riztareaaasl FlsUasna. Case Work. Laer WIbmI Mills few rasaslaa TKLKPHOHB ORDERS TO BBOWNEt THE IJLVHBEft, 4 XadliM Street, KMpaia. earce, Snggs PetS Grocers, Cotton Factors 269 and 262 Frenl btreet, Tea' Fa&rTTI OZAKKB, Late Oaaoca at May. O. H. DEN ISO N. Late wlthOrglu Broa A Co. OZANNE, DENISON & AfABrrACTCRERsl OF TIHWARK AID DtlLEU IB STOVES, UMPS, OILS, CUTLERY. Etc Booflna;, Gattaring and lob Work Done to TXo. 257 -- 2 MAIlff STREET MEMPHIS. TEHB'. EC ER WHOLiESAIiE LlemDliis. CO. REFRIGERATORS, WATER-COOLER- S, L Y.SIOPM CO WHOLESALE GROCERS, fotton Factors and Commission Llerchanto LIQUORS CIGARS AND ITOB ACCOS, 336 Front Street, cor. BI!LIjARB COTTON alnd General Commission Merchants, KOS. S03XND 304 FSONT OTBKET. MEMPHIS. J. TO aT. A. Haat, C. 9. J. T. FAflGASOH & GO. Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors 369 Front Street. Mempbta. Tenn. """"" "rtr1 rtrni will hiTnnnrrirarnl alliinllss Staple and Fancy Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, avata will sell as Low as the LowesV THE LIVERr.10RE FOUfJDflV AIVJO MACIIIIIJE COJatPAJTY, 17 Adams HU, BtempUa, Tmam GENERAL AGKNT8 Brawaell a Oak's Entjiaeaaac Maw Ills, aklaaer ak Wssst KasHaea, Deasts ajteaoa Pwnaps, Dalsiae Steaaa reaps, Craws B e sjleans Fata pa, OatrirasTal Bteasa T. Pyae'i Cora aad Wheat Mi Keedyl Hand, Hyarawlle FOX. OnjUl Order. 174 IFOR And Manufacturers of almost EVERYTHING the Machinery lias. WRITR FOR TLLTT BTR J. B. eODWlS. J. R. GODWIN & CO. Cotton Factors, AGENTS FOB TBCB t3Q Front Streets Cor. A B. TreadwelL A.B.TREADlnJELL 4k CO Cotton Factors,Wholesale Grocers No. UUTON MEMPHIS, TENS. OFFER FOR HALE Barging, 10.000 Bundles Ties, 200,000 Pounds Bacon. 60,000 Pounds Pork, wo Barrels Mess ponr. l.wu rm iara. l.uou Boxes l.aiu Baga uonne, 1 OHO Rnirar. 1 ..SI 10 Rarrala it & A Oo Together with a full line of OfMMl., WaolessaK, Etc. We offer M. A. raimass ate a a.'s jeieDrasa s otsvrra. aiso, via sens nawaiif imsuui, aa iviusi PRICES. Our lacilitiea lor Hawaii! an are aasarpasseil. CoualgumeuUi of Cotton so- li ci led, snd libers! aovsnoes me on sume J STRICTLY DAVID PAKK ItkDDES. ISo. Front street, SPECIAL ATTENTIOW PATD TO WBtaBIBra is ff . Davis. Jsaa auiivaua. 232 STREET, LASQ8TATF. B Main -- TTirfer'a IMowa, KBA1ICH ABO ai m s- -a m ..MW for CaUlognes. 133 and if n GEO. Late with Bras. In 11 6,000 Rolls Balk soap, ftarrAl. Flonr. Case ihsi." Union. Memphis. Ten & OOFFIET FACTORS Bala. . - aatAU Parker. I.L.W nr. -- - ti a irnll aaeoka - - "--- pm ilu Paagbt Devnriaa; Herseirewer, Ialeetwrs, Barry's Maw. Baraaea'a Wrssgkl -- Iroa rsaelas;. Crest lac aaxt Oraaawealal Iran Wasvat. Brass Wrwaabl-Irw-a 11 p aaal aTltttags. aad team-Few- er Elevatara, A TF ! CATAIAXlTTlt Ia Dm DLLMti. Com. Merchants, STAB IXrTTOlI GUT, Union, Memphis, Tena. S. 8. Trefadwell, LOW TO THE TtAAOEl mi narreis v inecar. 200 Barrels z. 'xsi aeira nana, iuo unaa suatar. &.000 Barrela Salt. S.500 Pkjra. HANAUER & CO WHOLESALE. . JOB! M. FAKKIMITeM. - Memphis, TenneaMesB;. A3 WELL AS 8ALI4 Ol" HATB OOB at. i. Carat e IE at Ft ER. M. D. PATTXBaOM. & Street, Memphis, HavITa Navfea, avcalest. sft BACH. S3ABLEK. E. WITaBTABfl aw (. ausai vrteuasai i at, CkVOUOai WAT KB KM, rCf saabe Cev aatat suantta. Asssrlnsa. HtCm TU 256 AXI 258 FBONT STIXEET, ON COMMISSION. Madden & Farringtoa, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, S70 O own All cotton lnsorea unwasotnOTwia, iiuuuciw. aoapis iscauues lor a oa Ceuon. Quick sales aud prompt returns, oar soot to. a. Wholesale Groeera, Cotton faetoni; A) d Commission Merchant!. and 234 Front St., Uemphis, Tczn. Bstasea Astaaaa aaat JeaTerswav Mr. L. N. devotee his whole tame to the Weighing and Sale of all Cotton charge. Cotton Warehouse, Washington street. A. D. X. SiangstaQ No. 302 CblUed Dwaitsat BasSs, Molasses, Tobaooo, COTTOIC. lBtrmsted Company Warehoose- - BAEtET ItawlMea vlr wtw tnixaa. WHOUS1I.I SIUIH All rTBUIHIas, 2TETS3Ia IHIOTLTSB Bole Acenta lor the following nnt-cla- si Durtraaasotsi STEINVAY AND WEBER rtl. at Writ, n.n S. SSS 1 ( , i i i I i I ! I. i .1 n J

Transcript of THE DAILY earce, Snggs PetS · 2017. 12. 17. · HAILWAYJIECORD. XaaiVALNDDEPAHTUREOF TRAIN?...

Page 1: THE DAILY earce, Snggs PetS · 2017. 12. 17. · HAILWAYJIECORD. XaaiVALNDDEPAHTUREOF TRAIN? l'lioflAptOh1o and Aonltkwetrn TraintmorM follows: No. 1 ("r.piewj le&ven at:10 a.m.;


l'lioflAptOh1o and AonltkwetrnTraintmorM follows: No. 1 ("r.piewj le&ven at

:10 a.m.; No. & (mmil) at 9:'Z .ra.; iSo. ;ot.d.j-to- 'j

a ocmtrifKlaUonl ftt 410 p.m. So. 1 (expreMj)prrirw i. zd a.m.; ro. v rr:?-- i i:m p.n:.: no,fc, trtntfUm ammndfttion. :2u .m. (dlT timet.

Mmn.a Aim! lifti KinU Train move.oliow.: Na. 1 leave AjiS.y at 4:40 p.m.; axrir&

at p.m ; No. Si avm atn a. in.; anive ai 7.0j

KTriTcaat r,:Aj r..ia.toamiriik nod Wa1tIII Tnln mo76 as

follows: Kat mail vm liiT at 4:40 a.m.;earca ai p.m , insu dally ai.m. BrownnvilJe wxramijai.ori leave iiiJexcept dnnda?. at 4:io innll -- ivea dal

at 4: it) p.m. trftwwivllle aromiuo1aoa arriviridally, cxjept i un lay, at :.Vi4vm. (City Jxe.)

tf emptiia and 'iinritiiu Train movea follow) ;.ly time): ihronph ex pre lea re

dMly at p.m. Mnil auU exprew teaTeaaai:yat 7:J0 .vm. Homorvliie luconwaodatiotioany, crpt HiiUflar,t .::.& r.ri. Tiironyhexprt M arrives daily et 11 "'J a.M. Mail anl ex pressarrive dally at :JJ p.m. eoraervllte acciinico- -cation arriVo'-- lai.y, t , at 8:50 a. afllmili janl 1iin-iMfr-- j rain moveai toiiowi.; Atw Orlcaiin mail iev 'laiiv at ft: 30i.ra.; fre.sht Ilim iaily, i x; , l Hui .y. at 3;J5

.bi. i;v uiifj-iti- niau arnvfcav.;y at 'J .r) a.m.;freight srrlvt !aily, except titinday, at li;U p.m.

PERSONAL AND GENERAL.Passenger anj uprj tralli : on Ibe

road seeiu to hold thei'- - own, mi'withs'and-i- n

(be dull esc.n, firs the Li'.ilt, JtjukDemocrat, if Mom! ay.

A jbdumkkt of 1 '!, (M) his been ("rantedin favor of ilie fi u h r.i l'a( itic railroadSfjaind Ihe t'lliforri rortd. Anexecution wan irfu-i- l an i ths Bber.ff has lev-in! upon Ihe iroi-riv- . Tne sale is adver-tised or Augisl 27! h.

Ths Mobil and Norlhw.slern road,which extend from Glendale eomliwar--Clirxsdale, AIis., 11 (o be hu-ikIk- ! V 10

Mmiphi. Tno r.utK dUtn-- ; tn tolh Memphis and Viksh

, betofwill be ttiroiifrh an - . '"I ts'nroad, andIrr. and lhir .nil irt Sarminjr coun- -

t7 those of I1 iW.h' wilt b protectedand V cl a 'r,To TP'pa t tlitm'elvei saint dUlioncn'.

T jBr it there are any cn theoaiHTiilp, '; Albaur and Chicago iytnD,

tU tuanaem-- u will hrealtr ecforce thefill that i ihall na; 10 miljheu dots not ( U 'ct.aaj a ticket beforei(araoR the Irain, an-.- ihil the conitnctorP!!!' i thi-- j;iJ be pMH. n"--r a check, whichtr" ill redrtu the oiunef if rei-L- t 1 at hotticket office Within ten da;s.

Thb RaUro-u- l GuvVt'n rCord of railroadaccident in the mo'Dth cf June thows a totalof SI accidents, in wh:c!i 38 pern on ) wi-r-

killed and ft5 r,j'irtd; an incrense'cf 19 accidenH and cf '6 peisona Lill-d- , and a de-

crease cf 98 ir.inreJ, an compirod with Juneof lan year. The k'x month of the currentyear lo the end of June &o r a lotil cf 811accidm 21 killtd and 808 injured; amonthly average of 13 ) ace'desnts, 37 killedand 13 injuml. Jun-- j wan below the aer- -

e for the half year, txcp: in ihe number'of killtd.

ThiS'. Lauii., Iron M ii:ituin and fjjuth-rn- ,it is elated, br. ctf-r-d ta build a bro:f

a!(e road from Liitle K-x- to Hot Hjrinv'within a yeir from dale of contract, with

n agreement on (be vrt of Ihe MountainValley Holtl Compiny ih it it in lo completethe connection with Mountain Valley, withthe pririlege of utiliainp the running stockbetween thesi pointa. 'J'ne hotel companyM5ree to grad and lie ifte road between HottiptionB aud Momi'.alti VilieT in coaxidera-io- o

of thia compromiw. Present appear-ances iwlicati th l the road will be com.pie ted.


CDS? J?2


fir aH tka PatafWl CaUlU aai WealdaauBm ta our bewt female popalatlaav

4 Hedlclao for TToman. Inventod bj iWomta.Prepared by a Womaa.

f at (apMtwt a41(al Vbmrrrj timet thm Dawa af ItlaUry.

tVU rpTirrt tba drooping spirits, invigorates andhartnonica the orfttuita rtincUons, fflTas lavUdty andfirnuvri to tho trtp, restore the natural lrurtre totheya, ami planta on tlw pais hck of womaa tba treat,ros- - nf UXe'i spring and early rummer tlma.tTPhysiciana Use It and Prescribe It Freeiy.

It removes Imintncas, flatulency, destroys all cravingfor stimulant, and relieves weakocas of ths stomach.

That of bcarindr down, couainfr pftln, welfflilcuid barkache, Is slvnrr" permanently cared bj ita nae,

f r the ears f Kldaey Cosaplalaisofolther seaiiila Compound la sarpaascd.

t.TiT f. nxmiAM blooi pfbifiekvilt frn'llrjito srury voatiee of iJuin"r frtun tliWood, and ixiv Umt and ftrrn,rth to ths ayrteifl, ol

. uuj wotaaa ox cbliU. Insist on Aaviofj U.

1l th lb lycmpoond and Blood Purifier are prpparedU3an.l W'"rn Avenue, Lynn, Maas. Price olcf ther, U Six botfteetv Bent by mail in ths fortsof pills, or oflnecnes, on rsceipfe of prtoo, ai purbrofor elthsr. Mrs. Iinkhom freely answers sU letters ofInquiry. EncloaeSua stamp. Bend (or pamphlet.

Vn family nhnuM !, without T.YTTA t PUnrnAKIt lvr.O. I'llJaS. htr cure cmiittinitioii, bUlutAsneaaaca Wrpiilitx oC the liver. S5 ceuts pur box.alU)rnBK.Bts.- - 0


Hot and Warm Springs IIot 3lBfadiKoa County, M. V,

LAROEST H Hrl and moBt Delightful Hesort Inklectrin Bella rooa.

icuralou Tluet ou aalo at all princlal poiutf.JTur tiifonnatio:i a Mre?s

WAI.M KfBtN'CS fX)MPANY."Q. A. GUDOKK, Mallacer,

Warm Faring t'ostolnco. U. O.P' K. f. 0laL. UiHiidei.t I'blaU'n

Old Point Comfort, YaUYUELl MOTJCIi!

OPE!) ALL TM K TEAK. .And Areomuiailnlea IDUit IJao.t". Esce)''lent Boating ami Kiihlni;. and the Bnthiuf thefinest on the Allautic CoaMt. I crms lets lor the aocommodalloaifKtvQ thtiuaayiusortln the country.

UNDER ONK MANA'lEMKNT,The White Sulphur Spring Hoti 1,

COTTAOF.3 iKO B EST AU RANT,Sjlrebrlrr c.aamy. Went WlrKluIng

tippBN J nun 1SIH. 'I'll MMt IvI.b'BlerfKesnrtin Ihertoul'i. C.lwMo tool anil itcllKhtlul:waters wonderful In their UiupipeuliR ettettn.Term., S i &o per day. I'2I Xr week, and 175 erinoulb. Circu'ari. di.';rlM r hyuienio adraul-- c

of either ptiro. furulsol on afplicathm.II VIIOKUIT4 romi.-lo- r and lu.



Aa it id lor all w j d:cc?i of th.lKIDNEm.P.IVEk. AND DOWtLS.

It oleanaca thq v8Urm cf Lh. aorld njiiaonthat enuao. tiio drca'iftU mutTcricK wliicboxi Ui9 vlct.'!na of RheumAtim can rcUij..'of tha votii tbrr.'s of thia trrribla diaeftseaavo Doen q.ucluy rcueved. and in aaort urn.

PERFECTLY CUKSO.ntlfT, fl. till! IIMIK 1IUV, KH.U i.V PUI'CC1ST9.It-- I'rr ran In. hv rtnil.

WfXT,9. RI IHAE PSOS .. UTirlmrtcTi Vf


Police ot ji&?movul.MATDWaTLL haa remored hiTHO.S. Irom Union street lo

So. 2U! Second Street,near poatooleo, where be will fura!h any kind olwork In bl liuo at lao Tery lowest pr'1' 1!a

and belere pun::.Jn li wll'; tie


O.B.PARKR&SOfl,Rental Agcnts


ATTENTION GIVEN TOTHS KRNTAL8PKCIAL cloe t'ollect lone and Fromptaval. "t a..f w -


AND- -

Real Estate Agent281 Main, Near Madison.


FINANCE.Money continues eay, with moderate de-

mand and nscbadgeof rates, triuchrnle at 6

to 8 per ceof. discount. Tixing-i?;,,r'-

compromise bonls are s'ronf.ciearinrs Balances

Aimt 7lh .Wi,l& 41Thus itr thia U4! .71 K9 7i) S7 12Kame time laxl week... .. K.t,67:; vo '.V.SOfi sxSame wee-- last yuar..... 3(1,340 44

Exchaoi(e oo New York buying at par,selling at I premium. Ku'ern eolton billsbuying at p;rceot.diacoun', selling at par;and exchange oo Mew O.leaaa J discountbaying, and par selling.

Bank Ktockn Bank of Commerce, 135 bid,143ankeil; First National, 118; Gerinaa Na-tional, &)0; Manhattan, 16iC170; 8lam Na-tional, m bid, 130 asked; Union and Plant-ers, 145 bid.

Insarea:e stacks Rome-- . 0 offered; BlulfCity, 100; Peoples, 85; Pi anters, 115; Pbos-ni- x,

9(1; Memphis City, lOOlOU; Hernando,lOllO; Vanderbill, 135)15.

Ktilroad bonds Cntsapeakr, Ohio andSouthwestern tint niorlgaie, ? asked;

and IVnn-i- .. .. fuM...kl. ii - - I t u j j' 10 iuijCbarlw;toD first mortgage bond', 7k, 114;do. wcood mortiracrs bonds. 7 IUH.ii Kili- -

do. consols, 104; Memphis and Little Rocknr morigage bonds, b-- , 8d; Misaiwippi andleDneiwee consols, A 123; do. B 10S,

Miscellaneous 1 aklnir-Diftri- d Comoro.ow bonds. 61: Merrhji.u' -- a(mpress Company, n- e- jUl. 135; Mera- -

Memp- b- w,ltr lionp'.ny, bonds with--wraed interest. Dr: do. stock. 190 bidi

Memphis City bonrfuj old) 34(ivoS;bonds, t0fe71; coupons from

old bGnds, 34; from compromise bonds, 70;ledger balances, 34; jiidr"ent8 on couponsand bonds, 34t paring indebtednes, 34; Shel-by ocutttjl (Memphis and Ohio railroad) 6',100; warrant", 95; Mississippi leyee bondsand coupon?, District No. 1, 10; do. scrip,10; Baok of Tenneeee notes, new issue, 8o;Crittenden county (Ark.) warrants, 65aj70;Dcsba county, 60; MissiHiippi county ,6070.

By Ttleerapb.Nr.w York, Ansnsl 7. Money in good

d m ind and npply, 2fS per cent., closedat 2 percent. Prime mercantile pp.-r,4if- 6

perctht. riterline echnge bankers' billsetrady, 483J; demand. 4871.

Eoads Ooyernments lower for 4i and 4Ji.Ktilwayi somewhat fircuen Slate securiuessteidyi

Bonds There was an active selling moTe-me- nt

in lha slock market in the forenom,which et limes was alroo t panicky in the en-deavor to get rid of stocks. The moyingcause to all this was mainly apprehensions ofthe c iRserjiiences f tbe telegraphers' strike.After 12:30 o'clock the market was lees ac-tive, srd, though there was a further declineof 4(5.5 p?r cent, in the general list in thebait hour before 1 o'clock, there was an up-ward reaction af ler 1 v?t o'clock of Jl percent., the latler for Wabiah preferred andPaciCc Mail. In Ihe last hour there was apretly general revuVion of stniiment in Iheslock market and a general advance In prices,ranging from t to I per c-- , in the elnrallist, wilh some e.opliunal advances of ilprceat. in Burlington and. Quincy, 2 percent, in Bankers' and Merchants' Telegraphand 3 per ctnt. in Clevelaud, Columbu,

and Iodianapolie. In the final dea-ling the jaarket was strong, and, with theexcepiio ol ten or twelve s'.ocks, allthe closing prices were higher thanthose of last evenine;. The Evening1'ost sajs: "1'ue ririocip 1 governing indu-euce- a

in the stock hiaiket havebeen apprehension of there-sui- ts

of the telegraphers' strike. Thia mayefm at variance with tha facts when it is

seen that the price of Western Union itselfwas more firmly maintained than almoit anyother stock, while prices of those stockswhose property wonld be least affected bythe strike, whether it was successful or not,wtn i.i some cases tha most depressed. West-ern Union, however, it is generally believed,was sustained only by purchases ol Gould.There' is gr)od reason to believe that tbemarket is being manipulated to soma extent,and that there is a large short interest

which will have to be covered asneon s there i a possibility of settlement ofthe preeent telegraph difficulties. Toere ianothing in the general stale of trade or finance,or in ihe country at large, to.cause any con-siderable decline in prices of either securilissor rommod:tits." Closing quota'.io is were asfollow?:

oeviBK va.rrs.U. s. Ss. 10?. 4s, 119.14S, US,', Pacific 68 Ot 1895, 119.

BONDS.C. P. frets, 128 T. P. land grants, 40.Krie seconds, 1117. T. P. Bio . div.77J4.Lehiirh dill na.a . u v. r. nrnie, an;.Louisiana consols, tit U. P. l. nd grauis, 12VMiaMjUrl Os. U. P. siuk. lund, 1UJ'.Bt. Joseph, 106. Virginia 6a, 118.St P. H. C utati, IC9. Vs. con., ex-r- S6t Tenn. 6s. old, 40. )Va. conaola pfd, 40.itcuu. 6s, uuw. 40.

STOCKS.Adams Express, my, Mobile A Ohio, 13'tAiieKaeny ueutrai. i.v,3. Mori In k Essex, lliAlton Si Torre H., li Nash, ai Chat.. w.A. T. H. pld, 60. N. i. Oeutral, Sf.'i.American KxpreaB, 67. N. Si W. pld. SS.B. , C. R. AN, St. Northern Pacific, 47. .Canada .Southern. 81. North'n Pao. pld, biyrUealral facitiu. US norinwestern,UueaapeakedtUhio.70' Northwestern. vla.HM.11. cSO.. lat pld. 10,14 New York Central, lo,1,.C. di U. 2.1 pf a, 2i Ohio Central. 8.Chicago b Altc.n. 120 Ohio b Mlssusippl, SO

J A A. ptd. I ts. Ohio Aj Miaa. pfd, 1(M.

C. B. eiCJ., lu. Ontario Western. xir;4Ch., St. L ft N. O., 'Xii Oregon Trans.. 74;.C, St. L. A P., 78. PaciflcMall, 35H.i;. nt. ti. 6i f. pld., n4. vanama, vs.C, Han. A (J., 4j. P.. D. at E.. Uli.v. a t;.. vj. Pittsburg, liillel. A Hud., 64. Pullman Pal Car, 29.Del. A Lack., 10$. Readlcg, bVa.Donrer Rio i., 1VA, Rock Island, 121.Erie, iSli. lltUij. F.. tk.Erie pio, 34. B.LA8. f. pld.&iAt leuiiesfce, 75 8t. U at 8. F. 1st pfO, JVrEast Telia, pfd, 7'.,. Ht. Paul. S'irort Wayne, it. Bt. Paul Did. 113.IHannibal A St. loa. 40. BL P.. M. di M.. iOtiIt. A tit. J. pfd, Ht. Paul A Omaha. 45'i.Harlem. l'l. ft. Paul A O. old. 3;.Huti'lou Texas, Cr. lexaa PaciGc. itl.Illinois Ceuiral, UU4. t'lnon ptcldc, VJ'i.h. U. A W.. 25 U. H. Kxprem, 60Kansas A Texas, 26. W. St, L. at P., VI.

lku Shore at Wtwt, W. 8t. U A P. pfd, 3iliiae hlmre, 107?i. WellstsFargo's Ex..IiiiUviile A- Naah., Westeiu Union. 't'Jl-i- -

L., N. A. A Cbi., 40. Hnme'iuko, I'K- -

Mar. Ai Cm. Ixt pfd, 10. Iron Silver. 310.Mar. at Clu. 2d pld, 5 Ontario. 29.Mem. A Charleston. 33. Quicktilver, tyi.Michigan Central, 67. yjuicksilvcr pfct, 25Mi llli. A BU 1., U. fouth Pacific, .M.nn. A St. L. pfd, VP,i tifUo, .M'Minurl PaclBc.

1 No sales. tAsked.Transactions aggregated 290,000 shares, aa


6,0f0 Cjntral PaciQc, 29,000 Lackawanna,17,110 Denver, 7,000 Erie,10,000 Kaosts at Texa.", 7,utu Lake Hioro, i on sv. A Nav, 12.0 0 Missouri lciflo.

l ,( n N. Y. i.'cutral, 15.000 Northern Pauitie.1.1 000 16 0m Northern Pac pld,,18,000 Texas Pacific, 1I,000 Union Vsciflc,

o.lioo Wabash Paeillc, l,ouo Western Uuton,12.0J0 Oiegou Traus'con. 17,000 Wabash pfd.

Niiw Okuans, August 7. Sight ex-

change on New York i'i per (1000 premium.S tr.irg (xchane bankers' .bill, 485.

London. August 7. Consols, 99 ;

1U0J ; Illinois Central, 34 j; Pennsyl-vania C uiral, 69. N w York tleolral, IS;Erie, 31, ; seconds, 97; Reading, 28 1. Bul-lion gone intj back on balence X 106,-00- 0.

1'aiiis, August 7. Raates, 80f. 77JO.

THE COTTON MIUKETN.Ihe local market opened and closed steady

and prices advanced Sties GOO baler, 100bales nf wh eh were f ir export, and 500btlee lor spinucrif.

Yesterday MondayOrdinary. . .... 1Good tinlinaryLow Mldd'ing - P!j 9--Mlddlini! .. .. 92 OSGood M.d.lling ....1- 0- 9J4Middling Fair .-.- 10! 10,Fair ... m iom. rtom.

1 iNass Mlddllnc. 8Tic: eood middllne. 04-- ..

Stains Grind ordina.y, 77i"5; low middling, b'c;middling. b'--

COTTON STATEMENT.livruis. Ailguit 7, 1883.

Stock September 1, 1S32. 1,6.15Received 20deceived previously 609,166 610,821

Shipped . . . 514Shipped previously.... 496,108Bunt .......... 47bMotne cousumptiou to date .. 1,229 498,356

Stock, ruunlug account 12,165iMpori.

Tims far this week . 17.'Thus far last week.., 1518;uce iMipteuiber lat.. 5F9,186

ifemphls and Charleston Railroad.. - 10Wagoua aud oUier sources 10

TotaL..... .. 20zporu.

Thua far this week..1 iium (itr lat wec-- 8. 2Since ScpPjrtHxir 1st. . . ..49C.612

Steamers North......Total . 514

The N?w York sp3t market opened quietand firm; at 12:10, ea y; at 2:14, weak; clor-ir- g

weak at previous day'a (i uotalions. Sales,4)7 baleii; contracts, 2200 bales.

Yes'erday MondavOrd n ary... 7 7 6

Good tr.liliary...ww.n ... S 13-- S 13--

Low 9 13--16 9 13--

Midillps ,1UW 10'iU.Kd jMiddling 1.Middling fair 111,

12'i mlTus New York future mrket oreoed

sleazy at advsn; at 10:29 ess?; at 11:33,eacy; at 12:39, steadier; at 1 :37, qniei ; at

weair; closing easy. Sales, 110.CO0balee. Closing quotations were as follows:

Yesterday MondavJanuary .....10 C4 H10 0." 10.lhol0.19 lo 2S910 30Mar h.... 10 26al0.28 10.39 011710.39 ln.51 10 A3May ....10 48 910.50 AJuue.w...m- - .. d 19Ju!y.... ...Aiuur.t loi:;aio.n 10 28'fjSt.tnirtir 10.14410.1'. 10 27 910 28o. ".(r( r ui.ii.ijiaof 10.1iNoreuit.t-- r 9 Of. a) 9 VI 10.O9 410 ber 9.9. J 9.98 10.llMl0.12

The Niw Orleans spot market opened quiet !at prrvious daj's quotation ; at 1:30, quiet

MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-"WEDNESD- AY.THE ATJGKCTST S, 1883.and eteadf: c'oine quiet and steidy andprices unchanged. Kaei, 409 baits.

Yesterday MondayOrdinaryOood Ortllnarylow Middling vsiildilli;ir6ood atiddllaa-.-. 10 1- 0-

The Kew Orleans future market openedsteady; at 11, steady; at 12:07, barely steady;

' 30, steady; at z:io, s;eaoy; t imiuj h- -

' as. Salts, 41,000 balef. We quoteport nr..

f. c( irbt cln recivtd, is follows:

the prict-i- l . Yesterday Mondays;i3 9i; looiriou!

Jannary ......i.u. . 9 10 Ualu.15February . ? " 10 1J10.26atarr;h . lOtfSHt... 10.:j6nl0;:7

v,;0 49May . "

. . V.JZ11111 M ... ""WJune.... a in.5w- -

Joly -i- ajAkrut .HwHorna cornsfteptember.. e ei oj j9COctober . 9 70 9 ;t 9 !r5 9.MNovember....... 9.71 .'s) 9T2 9.a t SVeoemoer 9.. J 9 9 74 9.314 S.32


Hplte Of Rec'tG Prtce. StockMarket.

Galveston. . Steady. C72

Kew Orl.-atta- . 8i9 6'l,29Mobile . Bull. 1 5 LABavanliah .... Steedy. 415lihsrloaton Quiet. 3JrtiimluBton... Quiet.Norfolk 6iealy. 'J:, 10.615Baltimore .... Cjuiet. 10, ji 14.671few York Weak. 10't 15V2KIBoston.- - ... Uteady. 5 101-- i 6.IM)Philadelphia. Firm. 40 10;, 5,913St. touts. Unlet. 28Adjust . Steidy. 91

Note New bale at Mobile.Day'a receipts. ?,?Day's reuelp's, 1KS2. 5--6

Uay's receipts lsnl ...1,9.0CONSCIJDATED 6TATFMENT.

Tnia lAt LastWeek Week. Year.

Receipts 4 days . 5 188 S.553 2 0blKxwv-ij- i to Gnxi Britain 7,Sil! 9,4.11 r.,5.'7Exports to continent 2.W1 3.7;;BPwks at all porta 289,:l57 318,989 174.356

Thia Last learYear. Year. Before.

Receipts since Hept. 1st.. I5,28,2 4.616,204 5,722,69:5Forelau exnorU Seot 1st 4 KJ.ri2.s.3.4,.K). ioii4.4.y9.lo4Stock at U. 8. porw 2i9 ;:7l 172, JoS 240,727Increane in receipts. ll,3l2.0-- .

The Liverpool spot market at noon wasqnot-- d hnrdenirg. halRs, 12,000 biles, ofwhich J 100 bales were American.14,700 brles.oi which 270J bales were Ami

At 12:5: Uplands,5Jd; Orleall'.oia.Tbe Liverpool future market at noon wis

quoted strong; Augus'.-Septem- b r, 5 42 641;September October, 5 41 641; October-Novembe-

, November-Decembe- December-Jannar- y,

5 40-- 6 H; January-February- ,

5 d; April-Ma- r, 5 48 64 I.At 3: December January, 5 Man-

chester firm.At 3:30: November-Drcmlie- r, 5 39 64d.At 4: Augu.t-Sepieiuber- , 5 40 64J;Sep-ttmber-Oc'obs- r,

55 I6 Jan- -uary February, 3 March-Apn- l,

5 44 64d.Futures closed easv.

(lENEUAL TKAPK.At the Merchants' Exchange business con-

tinues dull. The local qaotations were as fol-

lows: Meatt and lard quiet; flour steady andunchanged;cornmeal steady; sugar fiim; cof-

fee advancing; molasses dull; ricifirm; nailsfirm; hay quiet aod firm strictly choice gooddemand! prirfle dttll and nominal, prairieneglected; corn weak; oMs quiet and dull;bran dull; apples qubl; potatoes quiet; cab-

bagemarket bare, new exhausted; onionsquiet; beans market bftrc; butter dul, littledoing; cheeae quiet; chickens abundant andunchanged; egs steady, good demand andlight receipts; dried frnit market bare ap-

ples, good demand, dried peaches neglected;cotton seed oils steady; cjtlon seed meal qui-

et. Oranges scarce and not quotable; lem-

ons advanced; rfeanu's scarce and higher.Other articles unchanged in tone and price.The Merchants' Exchange price current con-

tinues to note telegraphic reports very

IMPORTS.Four thousand e grit hundred and fi ty rlls

bagging, 212 lea bacon and bsm, 593 skabrau, 5 pkgs butter, 930 bu corn, 20 pkgscbeew. 72 sks otiee, 40 hd cattle, 27 pkgseggs, 3622 brls fl ur, 409 bales hay, 5000 bdisiron ties, 399 pkgs lard, 15 cars lumber, 185brls meal, 10 brls molas-ws- , 121 kgs nails, 653sks oats, 53 brls onions, 4 cars balk pork, 45brls sugar, 90 pkgs tobacco and 124 bilewbirky.

ex rowFifteen brls apples, 124 r'la bugging, 99 Tl..A..n .. 4 1...... IO 1. . I. A - U... I

ter, 110 bn corn, 2 pk cheese, 130 aksceff e,615 brls fljur,85 bales hay, 31 bdls iron ties,63 rkgs ard, 2 cars In oilier, 1 IS brls meal, 34brls molasses, 122 kgt nails, 20 sks oats, 1brl onions, All brls potatoes, 3 cars balkpoik, 6 brls packed pork, 3 hhds sugar, 91brls eugtr, 208 pkgs tobacco and 40 brlswhisky.

BIEAD3TUFFS.Cobw White aod mixed tfOc, from store.

From levee or depot round lots in bulk-ghell-

white, 50c; sacked, 54555c.Flour From store extra, 3 50; double

extra, $4 25; triple extra, 1b 25; family,to 50; cnoice, s6 75; fancy, $3(SM5 25; extrafancy, i6 25;oj6 50; patenb, 7(7 50; roundlots from levee or track 10(jf15e cheaper.

Cornmeal Standard, 2 75 from store; 5.cheaper from mill, levee nd track.

Oats Vnit, 52c from store; mixed, 4tf47c; d, 3S: from store. It uod loLa fromlevee, white, uone; mixed, 37 10c;30.-- .

Bran From store, 13 pe ton; roundlots from levee, $14.

Oatmeal In half barels, $3' 5004 50from store.

Hay Choice, from store, 90c; prime, 65:;prairie, 35c; rouud lots from levee or depot,i'Z(ay per ton cheaper.

Cracked Wheat In half barrels, $4 5005 trout store.

Hominy and Grits From store, $3 5004.

Rice Louisiana, common, 67c; jc

Buffalo, August 7. Wheat nothingdoing in spring; sales of No. 2 red, 97c$l;while, $1 12.. Corn dull; sample selling at51(2532. OaU nominal, 40c.

Niw York, August 7. Flour steady.Wheat cash lots fc and options (alchigher and strong; ungradsd, il 0401 "10.Rice steady wilh a fair demand.

Detroit, August 7. Wheat steady; cash,88jc; August, red, 89 Jc; No. 2 white, 9i)J:;No. 3 white, 80Jc; N I. 2 red, 89?; rejectel,70c. Corn brm; No, 2, cash, 63c bid. Oatsdull; No. 2, 34J;:; No. 2 white, 37c.

LociftvlLLE, Auust 7. Flour quiet butfirm; higher grades, 56 2506 50. Wbeatquie jNo. 2 red winter, il 13. Corn dull;No. 2 while, 5252Jc; No. 2 mixed, 5CJ051c. Oa!s quiet; mixed Western, 30c.

New Orleans, August cur hightrgmde-- , $5 2o'a,5 90. Corn, 60084c Oalsnew St. Liuik No. 2, 39jc; old, 44c; oldGal. ni, 391 45 '. C'ornmai freab, (2 7502 SO. Hav prime, $15010; choic,tl7 50. K'.ce L:uisiitna ordinary to choice,46;.

CmciNiATt, Angu-- t 7. Flour firmer butnot quotably hi; ftmily,$4 5005; f incy,$5 205 75. Wheat demand fair and re-

ceipts higner; No. 2 red win er, epo', $1 06t01 07. Spot orn demand iair and priushigher, 50c Oils in go id demand, 2S03Oc.Eye steady, 5"j056:.

Milwaukee, August 7. Wheat quiet;ctnh or August, 1; il 01 j;October, $103 Corn s'ronger; No. 2, 53)c;rejected, 46c. Oals steady but quiet; while,36c; No. 2 delivered. 33r. Kye strong andactive; No. 1, 58c; No. 2. 56c Barley dulland taej; No. 2, 69070c; extra No. 3,48050c.

Toledo, O., August 7. Wheat active aoda shade r; No. 2 red, ca-- $1 091; An-gnt- t,

$1 09j; September, $1 11; October,il 13; November, $1 15; the year, 1 09i;January, 1 IS, lore dull; high mixed,55:; N 2, ca-- h or Aui;nt, 53j bid; Septem-ber, 53Jc bid; October, 53j?; rejected, 49a;no grade, 42c. Oals firm; No. 2, cash, or Au-gns', 2Sj; S ptetuber, 2i'lc bid; ihe year, 28ibid.

Baltimore, August 7. Flour firm; How-ard s!rel and Western superfine ,13 2503 75;ex:r,$4 i4 75; family, i5 2506. .Wheat-Wes- tern

higher but inactive, except lor spot;Nr.2win:erred, po', $1 15t l 151; Angust,$1 15101 151; September, $1 1601 17; Oc-

tober, 1 18,01 IS;; November, $1 20,121; Dcsaiber, $1 2 bid. Corn Westerna shade better and dull; mixed, ppoi, 61 jcbid; August, 62Jc asked; S.'pUmbir, 61063o; Oc'.ober,62 ,62Ji;; November, 6O061iDais steady; Western, while, 41043c; mixed,39041c. Kye quiet, 58060c.

St. Louis, August 7. Flour dull and 5jlower; family, 3 7503 85 choice, $4 5504 65; fancy, 45 1505 60. Wheat hihr

nt slow; No. 2 red, il O501 05 cash,tl Oo0 1 Obj At)gust,il 0701 07J

tl 19'aM 09 October, $1 11J01 11JNovember, $1 0-- bid the year, closing weakand lower tosul; No. 3 red, 93c0tl 00,.Corn high-- r but inactive; 47047 cash andAugust, 47047Jc September, 47 i047:Oito-ber- ,

41u ajvenibsr, 41042c the year. Oatshigher but slow; 25i025c cash, 2oJc Au-gust, 25025c Sepiemoer, 24ic tbe year, 2SJ0291c May. Bye higher, 64x Barley nomarket. Cornmeal lower, $2 45.

Chicago, Augnst 7. Flour nominally un-changed. . wbeat in an 'reproveddemand; opened easier bnt closed etronger;$1 (04 AutiM,. tl 0201 021 ISeptember,fl 03.0104 Oc ubjr, $1 05 November, fl01 00 j the jear; No. 2 Chicago spring,

$1 00j; No. 2 red winter, $1 07. Corn ac-

tive, firm ami higher; 53jc cash. 52,(52cAugust, oi'a ov;c eeptemoer, cvxijc ;r,

43c Nov ember, 45Jc ths year. OaU ingood demand and firmer; 28i'29e cash, 27(Sj275e Angustj 2s;(S2CJs September, 26i926,c October, 2CK26.3 the year, iiyostrong and hitrbe. , oj

Boceipts Floor, 13,000 brls; wheat, 64,000bo; corn, 289,000 bn; oats, 48,000 bo; rye,18,000 bu; barley, 3000 bu. ShipmentsFlour, 8500 brie; wheat, 7500 bo; corn,loy.UW cu; oats, ou; rye, isuy onbarlev. 1500 bu.

Grain in store August 6th Whsat, 5,730,- -UUV ou; corn, i,ini,wu ou; oais, oyo.uuu bu;rye, 307,000 bu; barley, 21,000 ha. Total,all kinds, s,dro,uuu on; same time last year,


PROVISIONS,2li28s; dairy, 29(

Bt7TTf?S V. 181; cjuntry, 1020c22cj bctierine, --t. 15(16c; small

Cheise 1111. ""nchorce che'se, 15 lb at .f'- - sugar-Mes-s

Pobk-J1- 5iS 3o rfr - vfi bl.cured hams, packed, 1415-:- ;

eon. 12cf3Ai: clear rib sides, 8JcUriK Pohb-- I 7.r side- -, dear tlb

sides, 7 Jo; shoulders, 6jcLabii Tierce, 9jc; P;J W,

OlOc; buckets, 1010Jc; half buca'ilOJ'iilOi-- ; 10j: 10-!- b tin?, 10c;

b "tins, 10c; tins, 10,cNevy York, August 7. Pork quiet but

firm new mess, 15 37Jai6 50. Lard firm;prime steam quoted at 8.70(8 Js.

Bai.timoke, Augnst 7. Provisions dulland beavy. Eutterdull; Western, packed,81 6c; creamery, 1923c Kggs firm,16(sl7c.

New Orleans, August 7. Pork inactive,114 50. Bacon quiet; should lower, 7c;long clear and clear rib, Si Sugar-cu- r dbams io good demacd and higher; choicecinvasttd, llj15c

Louisville, Aagnst 7. Provisions qoief.Pvrk new mess, $15. Balk mea:s saoul-der- s,

6c; c'eur rib, 73; clear sides, 8c. Bs-co- n

shoulders, 71c; clear rib,r; clear, 9c.Sugar-cure- hams, 13143. Lard choicekettle-ren- di rad, 12c

St. Louis, Augunt 7 Butter dairy, 1217c; creamery, 18a20c. Eggs, llI2e.Pork dull; jiuoine.iia 3913 60. Bjconslow; Ion el?ar, 7jo; short rib, 7ic; shortclear. 8J. Bulk meats dnl'j long clear,7.30c; short rio, ah:)r' cWar,

Lard nominally 7,c.Cincinnati. August 7. Pork Juil, tli

14 20: ard firmer, 8c Bulk meals firmerbut not quolably higher; shoulders, 6Jcjclear rib, 7c. Bacon hrnler but not quotablyhigher; shoulders, 7Jc; clear rib, 0-

-i clear,8c Buiter dull; choice Western15; choice Central Ohio, 12c.

Chicago, August 7. Pork firmer, lighttrading; tl2 75fl2 87 cash, 112 75(o)12 80Augns', 13 8212 83 September, 12 95 g)12 971 $12 12J12 15 the year.I.?.fl IP iI demand and steady; 8.3583c cashQr.Augusl, i.4!)a3,J Septem-ber, S.45(2J8.4i Jc Ujluoer, ifovrmber,8.15iaj8.17Jc the year. Bulk meats easier;shoulder., 6c; short rib, 7.15c; short clear,7.60c. Builerquiet; fair to fau-- creamery,15021c; good to fancy dairy, 12(S(ltjc.


GROCERIES.Sugar Pure white, 91c; off white, 9c;

yellow, 809c; open kettle, 7J0Sc; re-

fined A, 9109?; granulated, 9j01Oo; pow-dered, lOj(0IOic; cut lo', lOj01Oc

Coffee Common, 8j09c; ordinary, 909c; fair, 901Oc; prime Rio, 101011c;choice, 111012c; fancy, 121013c; old gov-ernment, 20025c

Molasses Louisiana, common to fair,33035s; prime to choice, 45050c; centri-fugals, 30040c; syrop, 40050c

Canned Goods, Etc. Prices per dosen:Pineapples, $1 50; peaches, 2 lb, standard,il 60; seconds, $1 40; tomatoes, stan-dard, tll. 10; $1 3001 40; straw-berries, $1 2501 50; raspberaie., fl 1501 50; blackberries, $1 1001 25; greengages, $150; pa an-- , il 60; plums, $1 5'J;green corn, (1 1001 50; green peas, 9Oc0$120; cove oysters, full weight, fl 15;cove oysters, full weight, b, H 85; coveoysters, light weight, b, 65c; cove oys-ters, light weight, 11 23; condensedmilk Crown, 6 250Q SO; Eagle, $3 25;Swia. $6 2506 25.

Salt Per car-loa- $1 35 per barrel; $1 50in sacks; pockets, bleached, 2107c; coarae,$1 15.

Soap 406Jc per pound.Bagging and Ties Bagging, lOSqllJc,

according to weight. Ties, arrow, $1 4001 45.

Baltimore, August 7. Coffee firmer; Rio,cargoes, ordinery to fair. 81(ai91c Sues

lete.lj; A Trofr, 8S7 "

New Orleans, August 7. Coffee R-o- ,

cargoes, common to prime, 71010?. Sugarhigher; common to good common, 6ij(2i7t:;fair to fully fair, 8c; prime to choice, 8jc;yellow clarified, 8J0SJC Molasses centri-fugal, 20020c.

Few York, August 7. Coffie quiet; fro,7c. ugar quiet; clarified, 707c; extra i

clarified, 7107-- ; white extra clarified, 7c;yellow clarified, 66jo; eff A, 7J0c;standard A, 8108.c; granulated, 8 13 16cMolasaea l refining, 25c.

HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES.Vegetables O.iions, Narihero, pack.d,

2 7503 per barrel. Potatoes, packed, il 23;buying 60(2t75c loose. Cabbage Northernsold at f303 50 per crat--; loose, J708 per100. Kr.U', in barrels, c!04; in halt-bai-re-

$2. Garlic, $1 per hundred.Fruits Omnsres --Soarcj and nil quj'-abl- e.

Leojou-"- , io 5008 per box; fan-- y Me --

una, Jo' 50. Bananas, il 5002 50 per bunch.Cocoauuts, $50S per hundied. PeanutsVirginia, hand-picke- 11012:; Tennessee,8 a, 81c; roasted, 2c higher; shelled, 12 j. Al-mond', 19(320c Texas pecans, 11014c ;

304c English walnuts, 14016cFilberts, 13c. Bratil nuts, 100101c Ktisins

London layers, S3; Imperial, f4. Brandycherries, 13 25i 3 50 per doxen.

APPLE4 New, t202 50 per barrel packedbuying at $101 60 loose. Dried apples, 8

09c per pound from store. Dried peacher,45c from store. Cranberries, $16 per bar-rel. Pickles, medium, bsrrel, $7 50; half-barre- l,

$4; 1 pint jars, tl 25 per doxen; 1quart jars, $17502 per doz?n.

Cider Missouri, $S0S 50 per barrel, and$4 50 per half-barr- ; Kentucky barrels $7 50.Vinegar 121016c per gallon.

Fish Mackerel, 10-t- b kit. No. 1,95s ; Ni.?, 85a ; 15-l- No. 3, 65c ; halt barrel, $4 7506. White fiih, No. 1, per half-barre- l, $6.

Poultrx-- Cbickeos, $103, according toquality. Turkeys, $11018. Ducks, $3 6004.

Eggs 15016c.Pigs' Feet In barrels, $8 5009 ; s,

14 2504 50 ; kegs, $2 25. '

PELTRIES, HIDES AND LEATHER.Hides,Etc No.l dry flint hides,16c; No. 2

dry hides, 121013c ; salt hides, lO012c;No. 1 green sail hides, 507c ; No. 2 greensalt hides, 6c; green hides, 50Sc Beeswax-pri- me

yellow, 28030c; tallow, 707c; ginsens, ier pound, $1 60. Dserskins prime,25033c

Leather Oak' sole, per pound, 35040c;27030c; harness, 36(a)40; skirting,

73040c; French calf, $4060c per doxen.doaaeslic calf, i3O045c per doxen.

Caudles Full weight, 15cFeathers Prime, 40cWool 25035e per pouad;

unwaahtd, 18023; borry, 1001 6e. ,,

WHISKY, ETct.Brandies Cognac, $5016 ; peach, $3 503 60 ; apple, $203 60.VVinfs Imported port, $1 5004 ; sherry,

$1 5504 ; champagne American extra dry,19010; Piper Heidsick, $26028; Mumtn'aet'a drv. $28030; Pomery Sec, .31 50033 50; W. Cliquot, $31 50033 50; claret,$i 7509 per box ; Catawba, 6 6009.

Whiskies Redistilled, 90d (& $1 50 ;straigh', $1 6004, according to age.

St. Louis, August 7. Whisky steady,$1 14.

Louisville, August 7. Whisky s'eady,$1 13.

Cincinnati, August 7. Whisky steady,$1 13

Chicago, Auut 7. Whisky unchanged.New Orleans, August 7. Whisky un-

changed.Baltimore, Angust 7. WhUky quiet,

$1 ltU0l 17.

HOUSE-BUILDIN- G MATERIALS.Bricks, lime and cement quiet at former

prices.Framing Lumber Yard prices Koigb,

$15 per 1000 feet; dressed, $30; yellow pineflooring, $25; shingle, $304 60; lathingPoplar, $1 75; cypress, $2 per 10J0 laths.Extra prices for extra lengths above 20 feet.

Lime and Cement Alabama lime, 95o0tl a barrel; Tennessee, 85090c; Louisvillecement, $1 7001 75 a barrel; Roaedale

$2 50 a barrel ; Portland, $5; plaster ofParis, 2 50.

Nails f3 35 per keg.

HORSES AND MULES.The mule market is well supplied with ail

auaiiiies. Tne horse market is dull.Mules No 1 drav mules, 4 to 7 years old,

16 to 16 bands, $2000250; 15 to 16,$15t9185; 15 to 15. $1350150; 14 to 15, $1000125.

Hordes Good driving, $1250200; beavydraft, loO(2ViW; saddle horses, H(32oO;plugs, 4075.

LIVE STOCK MARKET.Keceip'scf cattle the pau week have been

quite light here; there is a light sopply;prices nrm as quoted; prospects for nextweek's market favorable. Milch cows arevery dull. Sbaep and lambs are in lights.ipply; fair demand for belter grades. Quotations:

Corn-fe- d Cattle Choice to extra, nonereceived.

Grass Cattle Choice, 4104c; good, i

fa0oC' ',ir mediaa, 2i'33i:; commoD,

Sheep ahd Lambs Choice, per lb 4c;medium03j:;common,perhead,;i01 50;choic lambs, per lb, 5031c; medium, dthead, $2 5003.

Cowa and Calves Good milch cows withvounaj calves, per head, f15030; yearlings,Jo08.

The above quotations are Irom actualdaily sale.

Chicago, August 7. Hogs receipts, 12,-0-

head: slow: 10c lower- - liaht. A5 80; tnir .nirh.m. K I OA"-- 1 , , . 1- i - , i .jfj x f - nr a v Tpacking and shipping, 5 15(51-- 40. Cattlejeceipis, Diuvnsao; steady; experu, t 650w w jcuua to cnuace. zo zo a o .o.

LOUIS. AOgUSt 7. Hon lowerweak: liirht. 1560'o5 75: mire-- i U anrxji m." m j . cm ovaj or. xceiDia. iihi I rt. tsnipmsnts, 1900 head. Cattle receipts, 1700ueau;a:owand lower; top, Jo 906; goodto choice shinDin?. f5 4VSJi 7S. T..-- .13 5004 05. '

PcTROLtUIVl MARKETS.Coal-Oi-l Wholesale lots, 13c per galloS.Cleveland. An?n?t 7. Piroi.nm .' "'lfto "I.

Prr.ZBnilo Ad?0' 7. Petrohum weakerbat fairly .WliveV Vald cenificatea closedHtlK'i.

COTTON-3ta7-Cottoh-Se- ei

Meal Prime, 18 per loper oar-loa- d lots.

Cotton-See- d Oiiji Crndf 3O03(Jj purgallon, on round lots of 100 to 500 brls.Summer yellow refined oil, 420153 in car-

load lots; summer white, 50c Winter yel-

low, 62c; winter white. 54c according toquantity. C joking oil, job lots, 45c.


York, August 7. The movementof goods is of a very good quality, andthrough personal selecuone, orders for dupli-e- a

MMrinaaU, and many deliveries on oldeDgsgnnJ distribution is preserved ofmuch steadiness. Tin demand is mostly tomeet new wants whereby is ebown that atmany interior markets tbe jobbing trade isdoing a good business. Seasonable special-ties and patterned g.ods of every kind aredoing well through many moderate takinge,but while a good aggregate sales is reachedthe market is not aclivr.




4 IRON WORKERS.aSSParticular atteation given to Repairing team- -

boat Jaoaiem

mm . 'iS street, star rlvaur. Main pills.J"JI - 1 Pscowa 8TMR.

CoPrnPdeUro-nW- ?o-hs- a BoUer.... Slwsys on ha.. "Mawaawaw

stea jhqatS.HJ-CIAi-a NOilix.

Stkameb mark twain w. p. i,J. D. Fuller. clerk.Je&aaiaEStCwill leave for HALE'S POINT and all mi .au'ii-lng- s

EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY ato'clock o.m.. until farther notice.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.SI. Lontn and Nxvr Orleans Ancbor i.iaiV. St. Atoll FOR CAIRO AND 8T. LOU 18.

Jity ol t. JLoiiisDan Able.. master.

win leave auevator Dnlldlng THIS LAI, Aug.8th, at 10 a.m. For freight er pannage apply to

C t Hai.L, Pass'r Agt, A D STORM, rtnp t.

JOli NEW Oil LEANS.Si. I.snls sad sietr Orlesai Aaicnor Line.For Vickjnurg. Natccti and New Orieane.J ohuA. udder

Vfm. Baiteram leave auevator asaitoing Tttla ua i, atu.8th, at 10 a.m. For freight or postage appiy to': L. Hai.1., Pa.s. Agent. AD STORM, hup'.


Vint Mkinkle, a.M. M. Deem master Harry Prt ctot....ciciaLeaves as above FRIDAY, Auj. 10U1, at 6 p.m.

For information inquire oa boaru, or loR. W. I.IGHTBUKNK.G. K.aud T. aki., 7 Monroe.

LKJS iittt. 61KAM 414t.for tMeaiatale. Heleaiaaiaa friars Fol at.

.aaca taaa aaa a m jtl!

Stacksr Lee master t Putt Bhodea..will leave as above oa e cry

HOMial, WRDNluiDAY and FR1DA t. Bt S p.m.,reserving the riaht to pass all landings the captainmay deeut unsafe. Oiace. aau. 4 atauiKn aiitait.

JaMES I.bK. jr., Bnpcrinlenent.

FOK 11. si. Mail Jror Bandoiph, Foltou, Osceola and way landiog.Ueau Adams, rmrrhJ. H. Cooper..msAtor U. D. TomLLuoa..u.t.a

wui itetfo ieuipQitoVui at'JinDAk, waCUrla-1)-DA-

aid FKIuAi, at 6 p.m., reserving the rightto pans all laudiugs tne cap.aiu may deem unsafe.For iuforuuiliou apt' J on board, or to No. 4 Maui-sons- t.

J Aate t.KK. I a., iMipennteudent.

FOR ST. FRANCIS K1VER.The 5L Francis River 1'ruonportalioa Co's


X1A JtatJfiJK, r-- TZ

O. K. Joolin . ... master,

Will leave Memphis at very I oesday Even-lut-eaa o w'oioaufor all noints on He

Francis River in place of the Rene alacreaoy.J. If. RABHAUi. Mipt.


BILT HARK! A. I SI K Memphis Whitesad MlKCat aalver V. fit. Ball rktt.For Indian Bay, fit. Charles, Clarendon, Derails

Bluff, Ilea Arc Augusta, Jackson port, Searcy,Batesrlile, Powhatan and Pooahontas The newaud elegant paaseuer atcatmair

JTosie llarry,H. B. Harry ...master,

ill leave MvmDbis KVllRY a . fORDAY at fo'clock p a,, connecting direct wi.J taeuewLlackBiver united states van l acket, MiLl' MAKKY,lor Powaatan and Pocahontas, and wilit the DailyPackets lo Batesville and Upper White xlywa.

TaKustt ioa to all iKiuta.K r. u; u I cuustKued to Milt HarrvLine. MamDh--

or will be prompt.y n. LHjttitJUKJi, AKeat,

No. 7 Molinie Htrcel, Memphis.


St Loui3 and St Paul Packet Co.

Tbe sly Elae or Slde-Wlie- PansogerPacaetaes Ibe tter Jalsalsslppl.

ST. PAUL STEAMERS LEAVE 8T. . .It" a.Mi.iwl u o 4 ......1 - . ,

and Friday at 4 o'clock cm.titeatuers leave 8L Louis daily, at i o'clock p.m.,

lor Hannibal, ctuiucy aud KeokukFor pAMeuger aod freight ratei apply to

HKNKY il. LOWH, Agent,Font of Jetlersou street, Memphis.

FOK ARKANSAS CITX.(eamun ana irkansMllli ratcatrt (Is,

Adm U.S. Mail Line For Helena, Friars Polal.Conuordla, Terrene. Ariianaaa 1ty anarnna a. a.-'i- ae new rasxeoer steatmetk.,VAAa JLaaJAJJAS.jxli,

at. it. tneox... mas)r a. w. outlaw u.eiaLaavos every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 5p.m., reserving tbe right to pass all landings theiaiuuu may ueeut uneate.

For Inloriaation apolvat No. 4 Madison street.


Brain and Package Elevator Co.rrriLL bo a general RHCETV1NG, FOR- -

V V vatiiise a siof ateamboats and bargea losded or uuioaded withtispatcn. r relent delivered la cars olroads entering the city. Ample storage room forduik or sacked erain. mtircoanaisa. machincrv.etc Freight received and stored in elevator atowner's risx unless ordered msurea.

R. OALLOWtV, Hnperlntenilent.

ROYAL HAIL LINETo the Nelherlantla.

The First-Clas- s Steamshira of this Line AM-STERDAM, ROTTERDAM, K'HIKDAM, ZAAN-DAM-

LRtRDAM, W.A. 8C'H0LTN, P. C A LAND,MAAS, carrying the United Stales Mail to theNetherlands, leave NEW YORK regularly everyntuH11JAI,llll auniKUAJl alia AMSTER-DAM alternately. First Cabin. (70: Second Cabin.ta); Steerage, f26; from Rotterdam and Amsterdam, u.t'AZtI A, be.'l aseai.No. Ti Sooth William street. New Yoik.

TRUSTEE'S SALE.1 rnutee's Sale.

BT virtue ot three several deeds of trust madeby W. J. Saint and wife, Susan D. Saint, to

James A. Anderson, trustee, one oa the 10th dayof March, IaTo, and recorded in Book 105, page .and one on the 20th day of May, 1S75, aod recordedin Book 107, page 510: and also one on the 14th dayof February, li'.i, and recorded lu Book 110, pageaoo : and by virtue of a final decree awarded in thecause of J. W. Dnlard el ai. va. W. J. Saint et al..No. 4391, Chancery Court, Shelby county, whereinthe said James A. Anderson was removed as trus-tee, aud 1, C. . Smith, appointed in hia aiead tocarry out the terms of aaid trusts, and upon de-mand ol the beneiicuuiea in tul-- l trust, nn.a., Iwill oaSatnrday, Ihe lllh Day or Aagast, I89S,

at Whitehaven, in the Thirteenth Civil District ofShelby county, Tenn., ofler lor tale, and sell toHie aigbest bidder, for cash, the following de-scribed real estate, One lot at Whltehaveo,ehelby county, on the Mississippi and Tennesseerailroad, and described as follows: Beginning atan iron stake loo feet from tbe center line of thetrack ot the MiaaUaippi arid Tennessee railroad,in tbe. west boundary line of the depot groanda otsaid railroad, 410 feet from the northwest corner ofsaid depot grounds; running thence southwardlyen said line aud parallel wilh it (the said railroad)for a distance of 381 feet to an iron stake; thencewestwardly, and at right angles to the line of saidrailroad, lor 1460 leet to a stake in the west bound-ary line of F. M. Wh-te'- a land ; thence ocrui-wardi- y

with said line for 21 leet to a stake ;thence eaitwardly and parallel with tbe secondline 1340 feet to the beginning stake in the groundof said railroad, containing (12) tweive acres,more or leas, beiug the same land conveyed lo W.J. Saint by F. M. White.

Tne right of redemption, bometfead and dowerIn said land ia barred, and Ihe utle to said land isbelieved to be perfect, but I sell and convey onlyas trustee. u. r.. aatiin, trustee.

Green A Adams aud B. T. Pollard, boia, wed


THIS DAY.Friars Points Coahoxa. Lee, S p.m.Osceola Dun Aoahs, Co. per, g p.m.St Lonis. Cm or St.Lora. Able. lOan.New Orleans. JoHir A Sctodex, Baker, 10 ajn.

lot RaD AY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY.Arkansas City.. .Kate Anaxs. Thnnday, S pjn.

aiouii, siasx twaiw. Tbrarsday, t p.m.vmoanau vixt SHncxxs. Friday, 6 p an.White Biver losix Haxet. Eaturdar. s D.m.

MOVEMENTS AT THE LEVEE.dmrtus. Cons Millar, Cincinnati; Cell

Ait tup tits, 5u Louis; City of tcksburg,Vicksborg.

Departure. Central City, S. Louis: Cityof ickeburg, S'. L5ui; Belle Memphis,Vick'borg; Coos Millar, Cincinnati; IdaLee, St. Fraccia river; Ida Darragh, ArSan- -aas river.

Boats Due Down Dan Adams anl JohoA. Scudder.

Scat Due Up. Coahoma and City of St.taiuir.

ReeelpisCTeslerday.Cons Millar 1859 brls flour, 15 brls whis-

ky, 135 brls oil, 20 brls vineear. 133 brls cement, 34-- empty oil barrels, 500 brls salt, 15tea hams. 70 tern nails. 153 ska oats. 84 ak.bran, 344 baits hay and 3600 pkgs sundries;iotaL 7074 packs?.

Belle Memphis 1556 brls flour. 47 brlsmeal, oris onions, 40 brls Tin-ga- r, 6 brlspark, 10 brls molasses, 15 kegs cider, 86 teaand bx. bacoD, lard and hams, 44 crates cab-big- e,

500 eks oats. 200 sks bran. 55 aka ..afiAflrl!. u : n . i V--- - - waoop, i norae, iiah ales hay, 329 sks corn, 6 coops chickens, 30ek.' seed snd 1291 pkgs sundries; total, 8280psfcarg.:,.

FUTURE MOVEMENTS.TJW Vint Shinklei Capt, M. M. Deem, is

the Frihiay packet for all points oo the Ohioriver as 'w as Cincinnati.

The Mart Twain, Capt. W. P. Hall, ia thepacket tomorrow evening at 5 o'clock forHales Point aod alt wa landings, Col. J. D.Fulk--r in the cmse.

The John A. Ecut'dar, Capt. Win. Baker,is ths Anchor-Lin- e packet this morning at10 o'clock lor New Orleans snd all waypoints. Geo. Baker is her clerk.

The Dean Adame, Capt. Henry Cooper, isIlie Lee-Lin- packet this evening at 6 o'clockfor acd the upper bends. HughTomlinsos and Charles Bourne are her clerks.

The Kate Adams, Capt. Mark B, Cheek,is tbe United States mill packetevening at 5 o'clock for Arkansas City andall way landings. . W. Ootlaw is in chargeof her office.

The Coahoms, Capt. Stack L:e, ia thepicket this evening at 5 o'clock for Helena,Friars Point and all way landings. PiattBhodea is her clerk, assisted by Will Dar-ragh and Will Ashlord.

The elegant passenger steamer City of St.Lou is, Capt Dan Able, is the Anchor-Lin- e

packet this niorniog at 10 o'clock for Cairoand S'. Louis. Willi'" Ai umq and Tony' --tdf;e her clerks.

' Harry, Capt. Milt B Harry, isIHE Jow jcr an pojnuJ on wtiiiethe Saturday P- - - Jacksonport, andriver, goirg through v. Jormaking connections wilh PW.While and Black river?.

GENERAL NEWS..Ei'-ini- fair.Weather continues of the fell persuasion.Receipts by river yesterday, 30 sacks of

cottoc-see- d.

Most time some of the bends packetswould be pulling in with the first bale of thesea-ion-


James B. Bray came down second clerkof the Cons Millsr in place of Lowell Irner,who stopped off a trip to recreate.

At the elevator yesterday 15,274 packageswere discharged from the Btlie Memphis andCoos Millar. That looks like business.

The Ida Lie, for St. Francis, and IdaDarragh, lor Arkansas river, both went outwith fair Bhowings ol freight yesterday.

Signal Service report: Biver 16 feet 1inch ris 6 inches yesterday. Declines are"reported f om all other stations without ex-ception.

TiiK City of Vicksbnrg got away for St.Louis yesterday morning slier adding 60 bar-rels of oil, 20 sacks of wheat, 4 head of mules

nd a lot of sundries.Mr. J. E. Massengalb has charge of the

office of tbe Bjlle Memphis this trip, Mr.Henry E. Coibin having stopped off at St.Louis preparatory to a summer excursionEast.

The Cons Millar arrived from the Ohioyesterday with 7074 pickages, which she dis--charged ai the elevator, and took oa iOO balesol cotton, 4i8 barrels ot oil, 200 sicks ot brsn,a lot ot sundries anl a lair list ol people.aod left for Cincinnati la-i- t night

The Belle Memphis, in from St. Louisyesterday morninj, brought 82E0 packages offreight for Memphis, and after taking on 150kegs of beer and 10 tons of sundries, left forvicksborg before dark. Her Memphisfreight discharged here fooled 504 tons.

LAWREsiCEnURGCcrrespondencaC ncinnaliEnquirer; ' The funeral cf William T. Ferristooit place yesterday from Trinity church.Wiih the death cf Mr. Ferris the career ofthe lat survivor of the td steamer Mo--xlle is ended, be being one of the few whoescaped alive when Ibe boat was blown topieces. Ihe Mcx:Ile blew up all her boilersat Cincinnati, and killed nearly every soulon board. Mr. Ferris boarded her to go tohis home in Lawnnceburg, but not likingthe appearance of a heavy weight on theaafety valve, walked through the cabin andjumped overboard just as the explosiontook puce, lie swam ashore and therebyescaped."

The "victim" of the following noticewhich we clip from the Evansville Journal,cf Monday, is well and favorably known inthese pule: "Capt. J. B. y resigned hisP' anion as captain of the steamer FashionSaturday, and is now no longer connectedwith the llenilcreon racket Company. Weunderstand Capl. Barry will engage in busi-ness on shore. Cap'. Lloyd W. Whitlow hsebeen appointed Cap. successor. Weare sorry to lose Capt. B.-rr- bat it will benuis to the river reporters as well as theshippers alorg shore lo have Capt Lloyd ashis successor instead of a stranger. Yon seeCap!. Lloyd is an eld- -' irner in this trsde, sndis not only 'everybody's friend,' but every-body is his friend. With Capt. Lloyd andBob Baldwin on the Fashion, everybodyought to be more than satisfied."

Tbe Otber Nlile of Ibe Story about thatanraj hi araraaii'a.Having published cne side of the story

about tbe affray between the officers of theCity of Vicksbnrg and Mr. B. M. Darnel),which occurred alDarnall's Landing a coupleor so of weeks ago, we try to do justice to allparties by publishing Mr. Darnell's side,which we cup Irom tbe JHew Madrid Slur, ollast Saturday: -- lne loilowiog is in detail acorrect statement of every fact, and all con.venation between the parties: The morningof Ju'y 16:b, when the Vicksburg landed atDarnell's Lsnding, K. M. Dsroalteaid to theclerk from tbe bank, Ihere is a horse to toa ward.' - Tbe mate said, in an insultingtone of voice, 'How in the h 1 can I get ahorse oa at such a d d place?1 Darnell replied, 'The horse can be taken down tbesloping bank below tbe stage and then onover short planks.' Whereepoa the mateswore viciously, saying tha horse could notbe taken on that wa. Dirnall paid no for-ib- er

attention to (lie mate. The horse wastaken down the bank at tbe place indicatedby Darnali, and rs the clerk walked towardthe stage Darnali said: 'Clerk, the otherboats have been charging $2 50 for croseioghorses over the river here.' The clerk replied, gruffly, 'It don't matter to me what theother boats have been charging, I will chargecard ratts on I tils horse.' Darnali thensaid: 'I don't e what you charge, I wantyou to address me politely.' The clerk thensaid he would talk to Darnali as he pleased,Darnali said: Jf you do, 1 will sisp yourIsce oa. the cerk said: Ujn t you attempt it.' Dirnall slapped al the clerk withhis open hand, but did net touch him. Theclerk then placed hia hand in his pocket in aihreateoir.g manner, as if be intended toshoo:. The mate stepped to the side of theclerk snd b gin curinz Dirnall, as onlythat class of men can cure, using most indecent and vulgar language within 10 feet ofsome of thi female members of Darnell'sfamily, who were standing on the bank ioplain view. Darnali then drew bis kni'eand kept back the burly mate, who mustweigh at least 190 pounds, and the clerk,who ia not s boy. aa claimed, but, as his appearance indicates, and, as I have been told,is 6 years of age. Darnali made no threatas to what be would dj at another time, andwas then, and had been for two weeks, sickand mie ol il.. hum " J. B.

"Oa tie return trip of tbe Vicksburg.W. L.Alexander, E q., saw the parties who hadheaped upon Darnali such uncalled for abasenreoared with Distal and a tieavy stick, withwhich they evidently intended to assaultDarnali. Tbe stick waa not a walking-stic- k,

but lrer and shorter. The passengers weretold by an officer of tbe boat, just before landing at isarnau t, 'nat mere wuum w serioustrouble at Darnell's if be attempted to resentthe vulvar insult of the mate. When theVirk-bori- ? landed at Daruail'a, Wednesday.the mate, when addressed by touch-ing tbt matter of the vulgar language needby him Ih-- previous trip in tbe presence ofhis I Darnall'.l family, attempted to drawpie'ol, when one of tbe Watson boys, stand-ing near, who is Darnall's nephew, presentedhis pistol and told the mate to hold op bis. . . ft , ai,.. Ti.rn.ll n trlxmA

a Colt's revolver from the mate's

hand, which he hid drawn half way out ofhis pocket, and threw it into tbe river. Watson then lowered his pistol aod placed it inhis pocket Pan Watson then took an elmstick not as large as nan's wrist, as stated

un oar, oi July z.ln, nut 1 inch indiameter and 2 feet long with which hegenteelly chastised the vulgar braggartwho had so wantonly abased his uncle nodblackguarded hia uncle's family. No blowswere sir nek tbe mate save those by Dan Watson ana uree oy xt. M. Darnell. Dan Wat-son was told by his uncle to stop, which hedid. Just then, while Darnell was standingwith his back to the boat, two pistol shotswere tired at him by tbe officers on board theboat. Darnell then went twenty steps to alog, behind which was shotgun, the onlvone on me Dane, which be took in his handsand went on to the boat to ascertain whonrea tne saots, but tailing to do so left theboat after having comnlimented the partieswho fired at his back for the gallant manner: L , : . .i n i . . . ,.iu waa--a uiey jnstantiy,jiea to a nicung place.a ue mate was not taken on ins boat maninsensible condition, as stated by the Slar'iinformant snd as stated by the csptain cftne xieiens, out was up and going about intwo days after the affray. All siatementa inthe Star of Joly 27th. touchios the eur-iec- t cfwis aimcnity not in accord with tbe state-ments herein contained, are incorrect. Thissame male, a few months since, entirelywitnout provocation, shook a large stick overLisn vtnison at a landing above, and threatened to knock hie brains ont. which offense.doubtless, from recent events, his been drawing interest. j. m.

RIVER AND WEATHER.Omci Bwnai. Sxavicz, n. 8. A.

Maatrais, Taws.. Aagnst. 7. ISO.The following observations are taken at tha

same moment ot Ume(l:08p.ra.) at all tbe stations


low water. Fall.Feet Jnch Feet Inch Feet. Inch

Cairo ,.ChattanoogaClnciuDaU.H.Davenport.- -.DnbuanaFort Smith.

lleiena..Keokuk...La CrossLeavenworthLittle RockAxmisviiie... 7Meoaoatlat. 10Nashville.... 4t New Orleans Somana .. 8Pittsbnrg 2BhreveoorL- - (8L Louis 18St. Paul .. 2Vlcksburg., 22Below bench mark.

Toeiow high-wat- mark. Iff, 4.METEOROLOGICAL RECORD.

TLne, Bar. Tho Wind. Weather.6:08 a.m. 30.149 M.K. HA it.2 :0s p.m. 30.095 80 K.W. Fair.IQiOSsvaa. 4 0U.O74 JX N.K. (Clear.

Maxima m tempssaturs, 83.Minimum temperature. 66.PrrrgBUBG. Ausust 7. Noon 9 ft10 Inches, and iaUinsr. WtW ...I'ni .

Night River 2 IM7 Innha. r.iii.-VTTv- r.-

clear and pleasant,Cincinnati. Amrnst 7. N. t?;.. io

feet 11 inches, and falling ur-- ,i .oool; thermometer 74. arrinl- - wMemphis; Will Kyle. New Orleans.

laiewvrtiat. Auiru.t 7. 17. t : . i .tag with 7 feet 1 Inch In the canal and 6 feet 4SI!hM In th. hnl. .V. . ..J,. U,

ptsvr tarfEVANTVILTJ' t 7 -No- on-Biver 10

feet einrbes, snd falling. eatiwcUaaidjoool;thermometer 60 to 7V3. BnslaOVint Shinkle, Cincinnati, HJ6 p?- - Departed:VihtShinkie, Memphis, 7

Cairo, August 7. Noon Biver SI leC12 Inches, and falling. Weather clear end pleasantArrived: City of Helena, Vlcksburg, lep.n.; Ruth,Pomeroy, am. ; Port Bads and barges, St. Louis,noon. Departed: City of Helena, St. Louis, 11

6m.; Patrol and barges. New Orleans. 7 am. ;atemphla, 7 a.m. ; Port Bads and barges,

St.lLouis. 9 am.; John A. Scudder, New Orleans,10 p.m.; W. P. Halllday. SL Louis, noon.

See Addtritmof aHser IVetss oat Fourth Page.

t. 8. .

" Has been' more destructive to humanhealth and Ufe than war. pestilence andfamine combined." Bo said a distinguishedwriter many years ago. and it is as true y

as then. The poor victim of BloodDisease is drugged with Mercury to curethe malady, and then dosed with Iodides tocnrehlm of the Mercurial Poisoning: butInstead of any relief, the Brat breaks downh is general health and make, him a cripple,and the otber rains bis digestive organs.To those afflicted in this way Swift's Spe- - .cifle Is the greatest boon on earth, and isworth more than its weight In gold. It an-tidotes this Mercurial Poison, tones op thesystem, and brings the sufferer back tohealth and happiness. Every tenon whohas ever been salivated should by allmeans take a thorough eourse ot thisremedy.

JarrvKsoxruajt, Twiggs Oo., Oa.Five years ago I found on my plantation

a colored man who was badly diseased.He stated that five yean before he had con-tracted a violent case of Blood Poison, andhad been treated by many pbyalclaiis, allfalling to enre him. I treated him withSwift's Sped 6c, and In a short time he waaaound aud well, and has not had a symp-tom of the disease since.


One gentleman who had been confined tohis bed six weeks with Mercurial Rheuma-tism has been cured entirely, and speaks Inthe highest praise ol 8. 8. 8.

CHILES A BERRY,Chattanooga, Tenn.

lOOO BRWA1DWill be paid to any Chemist who will find,on. Analysis ol 100 bottles 8, B. 8., one par-ticle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or anymUnerel substance.

THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,,Drawer S, Atlajtta, Oa.

for trw Tittle Brink, whin srUibe mailed free.

Price-Sm- all slse. 91 per bottle. Latinslae (holding double quantity), ft n aerbottle. All druggists sell It.


Clin Me Co161 8. JelTenoa St--, C. leas, III.

300 VARIETIES of SCALEBest Quality at Lowest Prices

Wagon or Cotton Scales, $493-T-on, S50. 4-T- $60.Brass Beam and Beam Box Included.

700-l- b. Cotton Bean & Fr&jme, $43

PORTABLE FOQGEfA rood Farfe for Fara ar Sbob, $ltj

All ataes at halt aanal prices.

Blacksmith Tools of All Kind ,

Hundreds of Specialties at Low Prteea.esirSeod for CireaUr and Price IisU--!

MIIIX BKOS. at ro, Aa-eat-

.ssH. T.SS.




an aataxatas isPIMPS, PIPES, HOSE, ETC,

29i Second Street. Meamtsnia

J. W. X. BROWNE,esaVPIpes, Watsar-ri- fscwer-rtac- e,

IavaVripvea, Plaatssera Brass Work.Piaasbwrs'lrwa 4Js4s,tlss riztareaaasl

FlsUasna. Case Work. LaerWIbmI Mills few rasaslaa


BBOWNEt THE IJLVHBEft,4 XadliM Street, KMpaia.

earce, Snggs PetSGrocers, Cotton Factors269 and 262 Frenl btreet, Tea'

Fa&rTTI OZAKKB,Late Oaaoca at May.

O. H. DEN ISO N.Late wlthOrglu Broa A Co.


STOVES, UMPS, OILS,CUTLERY. Etc Booflna;, Gattaring and lob Work Done to







fotton Factors and Commission LlerchantoLIQUORS CIGARS AND ITOB ACCOS,

336 Front Street, cor.


alnd General Commission Merchants,KOS. S03XND 304 FSONT OTBKET. MEMPHIS.

J. TO aT. A. Haat, C. 9.

J. T. FAflGASOH & GO.Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors

369 Front Street. Mempbta. Tenn.""""" "rtr1 rtrni will hiTnnnrrirarnl alliinllssStaple and Fancy Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars,

avata will sell as Low as the LowesV


17 Adams HU, BtempUa, TmamGENERAL AGKNT8

Brawaell a Oak's Entjiaeaaac Maw Ills,aklaaer ak Wssst KasHaea,Deasts ajteaoa Pwnaps,Dalsiae Steaaa reaps,Craws B e sjleans Fata pa,OatrirasTal Bteasa

T. Pyae'i Cora aad Wheat MiKeedyl Hand, Hyarawlle




And Manufacturers of almost EVERYTHING the Machinery lias.WRITR FOR TLLTT BTR

J. B. eODWlS.

J. R. GODWIN & CO.Cotton Factors,


t3Q Front Streets Cor.A B. TreadwelL


Cotton Factors,Wholesale GrocersNo. UUTON MEMPHIS, TENS.

OFFER FOR HALEBarging, 10.000 Bundles Ties, 200,000 Pounds Bacon. 60,000 Pounds Pork,

wo Barrels Mess ponr. l.wu rm iara.l.uou Boxes l.aiu Baga uonne,1 OHO Rnirar. 1 ..SI 10 Rarrala


A Oo

Together with a full line of OfMMl., WaolessaK, Etc. We offer M. A. raimass atea a.'s jeieDrasa s otsvrra. aiso, via sens nawaiif imsuui, aa iviusiPRICES. Our lacilitiea lor Hawaii! an are aasarpasseil. CoualgumeuUi of Cotton so-li ci led, snd libers! aovsnoes me on sume






ff . Davis. Jsaa auiivaua.





--TTirfer'a IMowa,

KBA1ICHABOai m s--a m..MW

for CaUlognes. 133 and

if n

GEO.Late with Bras.



6,000 Rolls Balk

soap,ftarrAl. Flonr.


Union. Memphis. Ten


Bala. . - aatAU Parker. I.L.W

nr. --- ti a irnll aaeoka

- - "---pm ilu

Paagbt Devnriaa; Herseirewer,Ialeetwrs,

Barry's Maw.Baraaea'a Wrssgkl --Iroa rsaelas;. Crest

lac aaxt Oraaawealal Iran Wasvat.Brass Wrwaabl-Irw-a 11 p aaal

aTltttags.aad team-Few- er Elevatara,


Ia Dm DLLMti.

Com. Merchants,STAB IXrTTOlI GUT,

Union, Memphis, Tena.S. 8. Trefadwell,


mi narreis v inecar. 200 Barrelsz. 'xsi aeira nana, iuo unaa suatar.&.000 Barrela Salt. S.500 Pkjra.




- Memphis, TenneaMesB;.A3 WELL AS 8ALI4 Ol" HATB OOB

at. i. Carat



&Street, Memphis,

HavITa Navfea, avcalest.

sft BACH. S3ABLEK. E. WITaBTABfl aw(. ausai vrteuasai i

at, CkVOUOai WAT KB KM, rCfsaabe Cev aatat suantta. Asssrlnsa.




Madden & Farringtoa,COTTON FACTORS


O own All cotton lnsorea unwasotnOTwia, iiuuuciw. aoapis iscauues lor aoa Ceuon. Quick sales aud prompt returns, oar soot to.


Wholesale Groeera, Cotton faetoni;A) d Commission Merchant!.

and 234 Front St., Uemphis, Tczn.Bstasea Astaaaa aaat JeaTerswav

Mr. L. N. devotee his whole tame to the Weighing and Sale of all Cottoncharge. Cotton Warehouse, Washington street.

A. D. X.

SiangstaQNo. 302









Warehoose- -


ItawlMea vlr wtw tnixaa.


2TETS3Ia IHIOTLTSBBole Acenta lor the following nnt-cla- si Durtraaasotsi


rtl. at






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