THE DA LY C0MM0NW1 - University of V THE DA LY...

i V THE DA LY C0MM0NW1 SALTH. VOL. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. FEBRUARY 15, 1856. NO. 118. THE (' (1 .11 II WEALTH VILL BE PUBLISHED KVEBT MONDAY, WED NESDV1', AXD FRIDAY, By A. G. HODGES & CO.. STATE PRINTERS At THREE DOLLARS PER. ANNUM, paya- ble in advance- - The Wf.kkly Commonwealth, a large mam- moth sheet U puhlislied everv Tuesday morn- ing at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in Our tprru-- lor advertising, either in the Weekly Commonwealth, will be as liberal as in ant of the newspapers published in the west. UTAH leitnr unou business should be post- paid to inswre attention. REVISED STATUTES OF KENTUCKY, By C. A. WlckliOe, St. Turner, fc S. S. iVieholns. COMMISSIONERS ATrOINTED EV THE LEGISLATURE: PROVED AND ADOPTKD BY THE LEGISLATURE', Just published and may be obtained at THIS OFFICE, or at "VM. M. TODD'S BOOK STORE. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES ' OF THK 0 0 N VT ENT 1 0 N , i A I. LED TO MODIFY, AMEND OR THE CONSTITUTION OF KENTUCKY, 'OFFICIAL REPORT, ) Now published aii'l for aln at the Office, al $5 per copy. The work contain 1KW p:Lge-- ' 1,(1lin,i in b0itl Uw Binding. ANDREW MONROE. K. A. LOO N. MONROE & LOGAN, VTTOllX EY S V T I, AW . i nrnrif .i.p. KV FFICEontho East side of Sixth street, between 0 Jefferson, nonrtlie C ourt House yard. April 11, 18S5 tf. GEORGE STEALEY, CIVIL k MINING ENGINEEK. AND LAND SURVEYOR. JO" Office at Smith, Bradley ft Co., Land Agent, & Randolph street, South side, between Clark and Dear- born alrjets, Chicago, 111. Sept. 14, tf. S. T. WALL. JOHN W.riNNFXL. WALL & FINNELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COVINGTON, KY. oiTu K, Third Street, Opposite South end Cmr Hall. W. ox F. practice in the Coans of Kenton, Campbell, Grant, Boone, and Nicholas, and the Court of Appeals, at rauWfort. May 5, tf. & - JOHN M. HARLAN. ATTOKSEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. Office on St. Clair Street, with J. & W. L. Harlan. refer to Hon. J. J- Crittenden, l Gov. L. VV. Powell, Frankfort, Ky. Hon. Jamk9 Harlan, Taylor, Turner Co., Banker, Lexington, Ky. G. H. Monarrat& Co., Bankers, Louisville, Ky. W. Tanner, Louisville, Ky. July 23, inZi by. E. RANDOLPH SMITH. SOLOMON L- - SHARP- - SHARP, SMITH &C0., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 9, Randolph Street, Aug.25, 154 If. ' CHICAGO, ILL. JOHN W. APPLEGATE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, PL'BLIC, and Commissioner to take NOTARY the Acknowledgments of Deeds, .Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, Arc, for Kentucky. Illinois, Missou- ri, ludlana.and New York. Office, North-Ea- comer of Fourth and alnutsts., Oiuclnnati, Ohio. Jan. 11, 1850. T. N. LINDSEY, A T T O It X E Y AT LA V , Frankfort, Ky., llf ILL practice Law in all the Courts held in Frankfort H aodthe adjoining counties. His Office is at his resi- dence, near P. Swigert's, entrance on Washington street. Fraukfort, Feb. 2li, 1849, 751-- tf. MORTON & GRISWOLD, llooksellers, stationers, Uinders, and Uuok and Job frinlera, Mala atreet, Louisville, Ky., constantly on iianu a complete assortment of HAVE Medical, Theological, Classical. School, and Miscellaneous Books, at low prices. Paper of every description. qualitv,and price. ir7Collees, Schools, and Private Libraries supplied at a'small ad vance on cost. H'holtsalt or RtlaU. April 1, lKi: 051-b- y. GEORGE ". CUADDOCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. FRANKFORT, KY. removed to East side of St. ( lair street, OFFICE Telegraph Office. Will practice Law in all the Courts held in Frankfort, and adjoiningcountie-.- Dec. 7, 1H.W If. "John room an. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Otllce on :lair Street, next Door to .Morne's Telegraph Ollice, lip LI j practice in all Hie L ourts held in Frankfort, and W iu Oldham, Hf nry. Trimble and Owen counties. iJct. '28, 1K.',X MO I. E HEAD & BROWN. Partners in the PRACTICE OF LAW, attend to all business confided to them i,i the UrlLL of Appeals. Federal Court, and other Courts which hold their Nfsioin at Frankfort, hy. One i.r loth may alwa be foiin.t al IheirortW. lo five ennnvd ortransuct business. h'ranktort, Jan. li, l.VJ by. JOHN A. MONK HE, ATTOKNEV AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KV. iTlLL pravtice Law in the Courts held in Frankfort and adjoining couiiiis. lie will, at ( oiituii"ioin r of leed. take the acknowledgment?- - of tvds, and other writing to be usd or recorded in other States; and, as Connniioiit-- r under the act (tf Cntijrrcss. aitcn.l !o the taking of depositions, atlidavits.e. Office, Federal Court Clerk's Uttifc, Old Hunk. Frankfort, June G, lf.Vi by. JOHN C. HERN DON. A TTORSH A' A T I, A V , rrnnkfort, Ky. liriLL practice in all the Courts held in Frankfort the Anderson. Owen. Woodford, and Shcll.v Cir- cuit Courts and will attend to t,t. collcclion of debts in any part of the Suite. Office on Si. Clair street, second door above the Court House. will atteud to the preparation ami prosecu- tion of the claims or soldiersto boumv land, f.,r proper- ly lost, and for arrears of pay. April 1. 1849 5!0-t- f. C. PROAL, PREMIUM Saddle, Harness and Trunk Warehouse, Number ixtv-On- e, Third Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. C. G. GRAHAM, Apent. April 6m. at Frankfort. FALL AND WINTER S3 CO OL as? FURNISHING GOODS. am now receiving mv slock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AMI FURNISHING GOODS, consisting in part of Overcoats, Business Pants, Oversacks, Business Vests, Dress Frocks, Shirts, Dress Pants, Under SMrts, Dress Vests, Drawers, Business Coats, Half Hose, Shirt Collars, &c, &c. My entire slock of Clothing was got up by the. celebra. ted establishment of IV. T. Jennings Sc Co., AVv York, and are WARRANTED to be made in the MOST AP- PROVED STYLE AND MANNER. Persons wishing to purchase, and all others, are in vited to call and examine my slock Sept. Sfi, 15j. JOHN M. TODD. Y 0 IT NG AMERIC A CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Corner of Main and St. Clair Strret, FRAXKVORT, KY. WEILER & GETZ, A VING taken the corner room in the new building of H Mr. Bacon, have opened an entirely new slock ol Eeady-mad- e Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Umbrellas, &c, which tney will sell at prices lower than ever before otter- ed in this market. They invite all to give them a call. ns they art confident of being abb- lo please both in the quality and price of iheircoods. September 12, 1B5A. JOHN M. TODD. DKALER IN GENTLEMEN'S clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, :HILDR.S ( l,(HIII.(;, Ac, Ac, HODGE' BUILDING, 3T. CLAIR ST., Frankfort, Kentucky. proprietor having purchased none but the bent THK and such as he can warrant, hopes by strict attention to business, and polite attention to his custom- ers, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. The need of such an establishment ban been lone felt in this city. April 4. 1855. COACH FACTORY. 4. O - - t HEMING & aUIN, constantly on hand a fine assortment of t ar KEEP any kind of Carriage made lo order and o1 the, best materia). We have purchased the sole right o Everett's Patent Coupling, for the counties of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln nud Garrard. N. B. We would call the attoittion of purchasers to our Spring assortment of Carriages. jry All work made by us warranted for one year. April 2, 1855 U'. WILLIAM MORRIS- JOHN J. HAMFTOr. MORRIS & HAMPTON HAVE ju-i- opened, in the room formerly occupied b; Lampton, on SL Cluir street, next doorlo Fier-son- Confectioner;, a large and well .selected assort tnent of COOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, jut Imported from the Ea?t, and equalling if not sur passing in variety, elegance of staple and nkw.nsss, an; ever before ode red in this market. These articles art sill new, having been purchased only a fnw da;s tdnc-- from the best manufacturers of Philadelphia and New Vork, and are warranted of the best workmanship uul a la mode in pattern. The aiteution of purchasers is par- ticularly Invited to their unrivaled assortment of fancy shoes for both ladies and gentlemen's wear, sMocted fo summer use, and to their superb stock of Hats, of ever shape and hue, from the recherche white silk ventihitet. head-piec- as light, atrial and poetic as a fairy's dream, to the woolen skull-ca- or a o cent straw hat. Then stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY is large and well selected. The public are invited to call and examine this stock of goods, and if Lbeydesirt to purchase new and good articles, will uo doubtflndb thoir advantage. Frankfort, .March 22, 1854 tf. NOTICE! the information of my customers and thepublu FOR subjoin my terms, in order that persons having ac- counts With me niny be prepared to settle them upon presentation. TEHMS: All running accounts, for which arrangements for credit have been made, are due and payable on the Is; of January. 1st of May, and 1st Septeinberin each year All charges, w here no credit has been agreed upon, will be considered cash transactions, due and payable upon presentation. Interest charged on accounts not p;tid nt maturity. frr Flour and seeds strictly cah. Jan 3. K. L. SAM CEL. Frankfort Normal School for Boys, fRANKFORT, KY. fllHEnext Session of this Institution will open on the X second Monday of September, in the room fonnt-r- l occupied by lr. Hensley asan otllce, on Ann street. Just south of .Main. Tuition per session of iu weeks as here- tofore, in the primary, junior, and senior departments, $10, .Sl; and $20, respective. .SIHNKY WILBVK. Sept. 1, 1855 wA tw 3m. II. TAYLOR, JR. ISAAC SHE L It Y . W M. SHOt'St TAYLOR, SHELBY & CO., BANKERS . U r K h;ive this day opened an Ottieo in the city of Lex li ington, for the purpose of transacting A Hun king. Exchange, ;init Col- lecting ilnsiness Wti are at all times prepared to check upon the prin-ipa- l cities of the I nited Si.nes, and lo make collections lereon. W e will allow interest on deposits, lo be with jrawn at pleasure, and transact whatever business is generally connected with private banking. Approved paper can be cashed at any time during onVe hours, from 9 A. 1. to F. .M. Oct. DENTAL .SURGERY,' BY E. G. HAMBLETON, M. D. uperaiton." in Uie. Teeth w ilibe directed by a Ulf knowledge, both of Surgery and .Medicine; ibis being the only afe guide to uniform success. From this he is enabled to operate with far less pain to the pa- tient, void of danger. All work warranted; the work- manship will show for itself. Calls will be thankfully received. TrOtnce, at his residence on Main street. Frankfort, May 27, lH.v BOOTS AND SHOES. a splendid stock of the above poods for Ladies. IHAVK Children, and Servants, which I will stdl as low as anv house In Frankfort. Call and examine be- fore vnu purchase at. HUMPHREY EVAN'S Ko'v. 21. 1855. " Shoe and Book Store. Colognes, Perfumery, Toilet, Soap, &c. FINE assortment of Colopnes, Perfumery, Toilet A Soap and Tovsof all varieties. Decembers V. S. WEST & CO. HATS A.DCAPS for Nesrrocs. verv low at WOOL HUMPHREY EVAN'S. Not. 21. Shoa and Book Store. AM ERICA X AM) I T A LI A MARBLE WORKS. WILLIAM CRAIK, Opposite the c. Ht. ITnir Street FRANKFORT, KY , HAVING purchased of KNIGHT 6c CLARK their entire stock of Marble Monument s. Tombs. cVc, I will con tinue to fjnihtoord jl'; i !'i'';iV).:!;, 'SwrWyjlJi! iJ.'i'a Monumenu, Tablets, Tombs. Head Stonr. HI W?i'ii'iSJrOTiTOM'--emee- lo, T-- r Sr'Si jiS-b- Topa, Counter. ifl Mji;? ,9 Marble line, at short w esi1 r--f s r?B notice an in the verv v - el:i best stvle. I have ;, l , - .i e5! 'secured me services oi SiHsyS 0"0 of the besi of de- - ' I' VW' Philudelnhm, and f? ' pledge nivselfloget up (tetter work than has ft ever been finished in ITrnnt fnr t nrrl c -- fegood as can beHnish- - J.'iaicd elsewhere. i'r.11 .1 Iron Bailing, Verandahs. &c. I have a great variety of designs at the shop, and will furnish the work at manufacturers price. WILLIAM CRAIK. Jan. 15, IKS. Yeoman copy. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, The office of this Company has been removed to Pinker ton's Drug Store on Main Street, in Han tin's New Building, FRANKFORT, KY. UK Messenger and Express freight will leave Frank- fort 0 for Louisville at 10 minues before 8, A. M.; and for Lexington will 5; o'clock P. M. Packages received here from Louisville at o'clock. P. M., and from Lexington and F.nd ot that point at 7,' o'clock, A.M. ADAMS EXPRESS CO. U. W. OWEN, Agent, Dec 21, 1855 by. nt Frankfort. NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. LITHGOV &TIUTCIIESON. IT" E would respectfully inform the citizens of Frank-- fort and vicinity, thai we have opened a shop two doors from the Wooden Bridgcs-an- next door to B. fc J. Monroe's Law Office, where we are prepared to do ali kinds of work intrusted to our care; all we ask is a fair trial and we know you will not go awav disappointed. Dec. 5, 5 If. L1THGOW & HI..TCHESO.N. Dissolution. heretofore under the style THE Urin of Todd & Goodwin, in the Confectionery and Grocery business, was dissolved thisriay by mutual consent. All those Indebted to the late Arm, are requested to come forward and make payment, and those having claims against the firm will please present them for set- tlement. II. L. Goodwin retires from the concern. Either one of the firm is authorized to use the name of the firm in settling accounts. DABNEY TODD, Aug. 1,'55, Aug. 15. Hl'GH L. GOODWIN. DABNEY TODD, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERIES & GROCERIES, ST. CLAIR ST., BETWEEN MAIN BROADWAY, (T. P. Pkrson't Old Stand.) FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. constantly on hand a full selection of Confec- tioneries, Toys, Fancy Arliclei, and Groceries, where he wit be pleased to see his old friundsaml custom- ers. Aupr. 10, lr'55 If. BOOK BINDING. A. C. Keen 011 Informs bis friends and former customers, that having regained his health, he has purchased back from A. G. Hodges the Bindery sold lo him In November last, and will give bis whole attention to lis management. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to the establishment. ITr CLERKS will be furnished with KKCOHD BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and of the very best quali-t- v of paper. TT73 BLANK BOOKS of every description, manufac- tured at short notice, to ord'r. on reasonable terms. Rinderv at the old stand, over Harlan's Law Office. Frankfort, July 31, tf. C ANT A L HOT E L, JOHN T. ROBERTS, Proprietor, PRAXKKORT, KY. .Nov. 7, 1855. FRANKLIN HOUSE. FRANKFORT, KY. returned to my former Tavern ritand, at HAVING end of the Bridge, I have titled it up and now have it In good order, to accommodate any who may favour me with a call. Travelers, transient visitors, and boarders may rely on all care being taken lo ren- der t lem comfortable. A few Members of the Legislature can find comforta- ble and quiet boarding during the coming session, and In all cases my bills will b2 modorate. I have also attached a good stable and careful ostler. R. T. COLKMAN. Nov. 9, 18.r5 3m. Yeoman copy. MANSION HOUSE. Corner of .Main and St. Clair Sln'et, FRANKFORT, KY. undersigned would notify his friends aud the 11HE generally, that he hiis purchased the interest of J. T. Luckett inthUold established and well known Hotel, and will continue lo entertain the public in the best manner that the markets. Ate, will allow. He has eniraged the services of his Ym. K.Taj lor. who is well known to a large portion of the traveling community, as a man of business, and who will have charge of the office, fie asks the patronage of the pub- ic and will endeavor to deserve it. May3, l&W. KKN. LUCKF.TT. FRANKFORT HOTEL. Corner ofOroadwav and Ann SrreetA, FRANKFORT, KV. undersigned haying taken this well known house 1HK occupied by Mr. D. Meriwether) respectfully solicits a "share of the public patronage, and by close a- ttention to business, and keeping such a houe as this heretofore has been, will endeavorto inerilthe confidence of the traveling community. June W, 1H55 tf. B- - WASSON. FALL AND WMT-TTODS- . GAINES & PAGE. received larpre stock of Knll nnd iuler UAVKJnst of every description. Call and cvaniine be- fore purchasing elsewhere, as ni"H prom- - and quick sales is our mollo. In addition to our larce stock nl' goods we have on hand a larae supply of Hats and Cap?, uliich we ill sell at reduced prices. September lu, l.Vi. STRANliE DEVELOPMENT. .Men are daily bniijriiiK to light new SCIENTIFIC the inarch of progre-- s is onvtar.l; per- sons Bald, or becoming so, will be pleased to learn that Science and long research combined, have brought be- fore the public the greatest wonder or the auk, ip llio article of EMERSON'S AMERICAN HAIR RESTORA- TIVE, a sure rurc for Bulitnes-'- and to prevent lluir from falling. See circulars, to be had of Agent. Sold by J- M. MILLS, Agei,'. C. E. Fisher ci Co., Proprietors. No. 57, Superior st Cleveland, o. May 3. 1H.)4 if. To Owners of Georgia Land. ITAVING associated myself with V. C. Nesbil, of It Hawesville. Kv., to sell Georgia lands on commis- sion at private sale, we offer our services to owners of such lands, and lo act as agents to protect the same from tax sales and fraudulent titles. Owners living out of tiie State are continually losing their lands by tax sales or intruders under false titles, and it is the interest of owners lo have an agent in the State to protect their lands. J. C. EDWARDS, Macon. Georgia. W. C. NESBIT, Hawesville. Ky. RLPERENC'iti. Gov. H. V. Johkson, MUlidgeville, Ga.: Col. Pulaski Holt, Macon. Ga.: Col. Y. T. Wateins. Macon, Ga. March 19, 1855 ly. TODD'S BOOKSTORE, ,o. 1, (misert's Row, St. Clair Street, FRANKFORT, KY. IHAVK had the above named establishment neatlv re. have Just received mv FALL and WINTER supply of Books, Stationery, Boots, Shoes, Hats,! Caps, &c, &c, Which persons wishing to purchase would do well lo call and examine before buying elsewhere, as lam deter- mined to sell upon as favorable terms as auv other house inihecity. Oct. li, livi.-,- . vm. M. TODD. 1L U. MILLER, ll'OCLU respectfully inform the citizens of Frankfort, It and the public, generallv, that he has taken the Tin Shop formerly occupied b his father, and intends carry- ing on the Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Manufacturing in all iLs various branches. He will aHo keep on hand the best HEATING AND COOKING STOVES in the Western countrv. All kinds of Job work executed with neatness and dispatch, and in a durable manner, all work done bv him warranted to give satisfaction or no pay required. He pledges himself to do work on as good terms as any house in the city, and hopes by prompt attention lo business to receive :t fair share of tiie public patronage. Metalic Itooriiit:, ;utlei int;. Spouting, fcc. Done in the best and most workmanlike mannerand on reasonable terms. Shop on Broadway st reel. West side, opposite lie Cap- ital Square. Dec. '.'1, 1855 by. H. R. .MILLER. NEW" (iJM)DS! BA KE E & R U NY A N, ST. CLAIR STREET, TWO DOORS FROM POST OFFIcr:, FKA.NRFORT, KY., HF. now receiving their uual larce and splendid sup-pl- y of Fanry and Maple, Fall and Winter Dry GoudM, also new style Silk and Straw llonneU, a large assortment of Hat, Boots and Shoes, and furnishing goods. Carpels, Oil Cloth, &e.. Glass and Ciueenware, ail w hich they will sell low for cosh or prompt paying customers on the usual time. They iiivne ait to come and examine their stock, certainly the une-- t neral and complete that can he found in this ci . Sept. 14, ltSV 3m. Wli."H. GR AIN GER , PHOENIX F 0 LT N J) R V . TENTH ST. BETWEEN MAIN AND THK RIVER, Louisville, Kcntiukv., MANUFACTURES Steam Engines for irrbt. Saw, and Cranks, Spur "Wheels, Seg- ments tor Cotton Gin WueeN, Holehkiss' Reaction Wa- ter Wheels; a general assortment of wrought and cast MilUVork, fcc, fcc. Tl Orders from a distance- wilt receive prompt at- tention. Feb. 12, tf- NEW B LSI X ESS. rpHE undersigned has taken the third room from the 1. corner of Ann street on Main street. In J. H. HAN-NA'- Block of Buildings, for the purpose of transacting a UtiERL Al(TIO. AXD COMMieSlOX IIIMNLWS. He will also connect with the said business an AGRICULTURAL DEPOT, where mav be found alt the latest improvements Id Agricultural Impliments, as well as all descriptions of aeeus required by tanners in this vicinity. He hopes this enterprise will receive the encouragement of the farming community, upon whom be depends for the success of this branch of his business. Consignments of Merchandise at Auction or private sale are solicited. Jan. 19, 1855 tf. SA.M. C. SAYRES. NEW G00DS!NEV GOODS!! TATE & CHINN, HAVE opened in Ha con's new building on Main street, flock of Pall and Winter Dry Goods of every description, 'which they are determiued lo sell at prices which cauuol fail to suit. Their stock is one of the liuestever brought to the city, and selected with spe- cial reference to the wauts of this community. They in- vite all theirfriends and the pjbhc in general to give them a cull and examine their stock. Sep H, H55 tf. W. H. KEENE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER ST. CLAIR AND WAl'PING STREETS, Frankfort, Kentucky IS now reeeivinga largo and ehoice assortment of Gro-- 1 ceries, W ines, Liquors, Arc, which he will sell at very s mail profits for cah, or lo prompt customers on usual terms. Hisstock is perhaps the largest in the city, and every article of the beslquality that can be purchas- ed. Call, examine, ami be convinced. Aug. 155. The Old Weiler House TO BE CLOSED OUT CHEAP! HE STOCK OF CLOTH L Gat No 3 Brown's bulld-- . ing. St. Clair street, will ba sold at extremely low pric- e-, iu order to clo.-- e the concern. There a tine stock of ready-mad- e Clothing, Underwear, &c, which will be sold very low for CASH, as the business must be closed. Ali persons indebted to the firm arc requested to come forward within sixty daysaud settle up, and those having claims against u will please present them immeuiatelv. SOLOMON WKILKR, Oct. 19, 1H55. CHAS. b. GKTZ. FINE LIQUORS. II ALF pipe superior (extra) old Fale Otard Brandy; l, pipe superior old Fale Otard Brandy; ; pipe Hue Fale Krandv, F. Robins Co.; S; pipe fine Pale Brandy. Ginird; :, li)e line London lock Brandy; eask i.ild .Madeira Win; casks Howard. March iV Co., Madeira Wii.' u cask Howard, .March ok Co., Madeira; eask Howard. Marched Co., .Madeira; t4 casks tale Sherry Wine: : cysiobl Scotch Whisky; casks old Fori Wine; :t eases, X bottles) Still Catawba; 1 cases (iH boltlesl Sparkling Catawb:i; lb baskets (Heidick) Champagne; 4 baskets (Great western) Chunpague. 4 baskets (Ducal Grape) Champagne; W baskets (assorted brands) Champagne; 5 bbls. superiorobl Whisky: 3d bbls. superior 3 year old Whisky; i!U bbls. superior 2 year old Whisky. On hand and sale b the barrel, gallon or in glass, bv ov. l'j. 155. GKAV tf; TOH1L Proclamation by the Governor. $300 REWARD. In the name and bij the authority of the Commonwealt A of Kentucky. Y1JHKIF.AS, it has been made known to mo that SamM. Y H. (hewn, who was cotillne.j in the eotinty jail nf Spene-e- comity lor the murder of Satntiei Lindirmaii. did, on the iWth October, escape from the jail of aid county, and is now going at large. Now, therefore, I, Ciurlks s. Morkiu:u, Governor of the Commonwealth aforesaid, do hereby offer a rev sr I itf Three Hundred Dollars for the apprehension rif uie said Samuel H. Dews, and his delivery to the .; ikr f Spene-- eiiiuitv. w ttbin ne vear from this date. .V TEsT1-V(- H ftKKEtjF I have hen-nu- set my band, and caused the seal nf ) J.. S. the Commonwealth t be aitKc-d- , done at ( ) Frankfurt, this 1st day of November, 1h.., and - in the G4th year of the Commonwealth. R the Governor: C. S. MOKKHKAH. n Brown, Secretary nf Suite, DESCRIPTION, .said Des i about five feet two inches high, heavy built, arge hands and feel, coarse sandy hair and a Sad- dler by trade. STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE. UNDERSIGNED intending to leave the State THE at private sale their Steam Saw Mill, situa ed one mile above Frankfort, with ten acres of ground at- tached. The Mill has one upright saw with lath saws attached, all of the latestiinprovements and in good order. The Mill is well locirted with a good run of custom. The laths, for which there is a great demand, will pay a large portion of the running expenses. Those wishing to en. iruge in the business would do well to call and examine for themselves. GILL & WATSON. Frankfort, Sept. 12 tf- - Yeoman copy tf. Fall Style of Hats. Hayes, Craig & Co's and Oakford'a, "Premium1' Hatmanufacturedlnthe U. S. Call and seeluem. Sept. 10. H. BVANS. Nurserymen, Fruit Growers & Farmers. THE NEW YORK HORTICULTURAL REVIEW: A JOURNAL OF SC BIRD AX ART. St PER II LY AND PROFl'SBLY ILLU9TRATFD. Devoted to the Advancement of the Rural Int eu In America. fliHlS is one of the largest and most elaborate works o X the kind in the world. Rural Architecture forms one of the principal feature Each number contains from two to four ougravings ot model cottages, from designs by eminent and skilful architects. Space is also assigned lo the tasteful art o Landscape Gardening; engraved plans of gardens u. every st le, and adapted to the peculiarities of different orders of architecture, beautify the w ork. Engravings of new fruits, new flowers, uew vegetable. &c, are illustrated and described as soon as their qualities can be determined, forming the most coinpleteand elegant Manual of Rural Husbandry' evet attempted. An experienced corps of practical writers, seven ;r. number, are engaged to fill iu columns. it contains seventy large pages, and is printed on the Quest d paper, manufactured expressly. Terms: perannum, payable invariably iu advance Fifty cents commission on each subscriber allowed t those who act s agents. 51, but) will be distributed at the end of the year among those who send us the twenG largest lists of subscribers. These premiums will be paid in enh. The Hrst premium will be $500. The following are selected from hundreds of similai notices, voluntarily contributed by contemporaneou publications: The HoRTin:ntR.iL Revikw deserves the mostlibem. patronage. It is not only eminently practical, bul i? written in astylethat equalstbe best efforts of the late A J. Downing. Knickerbocker. The most elegant and useful book of the kind that ha ever come under ourobservation. Register, Mr. Reagles,the Editoroflhe Hortu oltcral Review, isa practical pomolngist, and one of the finest scholars our country boasts of. He possesses the glow ing descrip- tive powers of Dickens, the elegant gossip ofWalpole, combined with a thorough knowledge of rural art. State Police Tribune. Fanner, buy it for oursons buy it for your daugh tors. It is a rich intellectual treat; a rare combination of tJicj beautiful and the useful. Argus, A". V. We had thought that in Downings's death, the eloquent advocate of rural adornment had become only a cherish- ed remembrance; bul in Mr. Beagles we discover ui. equally rich mine of mental wealth, that betokens the influence ofthe spirit that is gone. .Montrose Tribune. Advertisers w ill find this an unsurpassed medium nl publicity, as the Horticultural Review circulates ex- tensively in every State in the Union. Advertisement inserted at the rateoflOper page. WOOD ENGRAVING. Those requiring Wood Engraving, can have their orders executed in an unrivalled manner. Special atten tion is given to views of ANIMALS; an experioocec English Draughtsman is engaged for this express purpose. Persons livingat a distance can forward a daguerreotype ofthe object by mail they wish engraved, which will' be a sufficient guide to obtain a perfect facsimile. Stock Breeders w ill be dealt with on very liberal terms. Oca Exchange List is already "very large. A furthei extension is not desired, unless publishers are willing lo give Ihe above advertisement several insertions in theii respective papers. Agricultural Books can be furnished on every use ful subject, from both English and American publisher, by enclosing lo our address the price ofthe book, requtr ed. Specimen copies will be forwarded on the receipt o 18 els. in postag. stamps. C. REAGLES, Publisher, 2ri Broadwav, New York. Dec 19, 1K55 6 m. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF LONDON. Amhorltcd Capital ... 10,000,000 REFCRCNCCl IN PHILADELPHIA. ATWOOD 6l Co., JOUM FaRNCM, John Grioo, Gioroc a. Stoart, MYlRii, Clauuorx A Co. Wm. M'Oki, Al Co., Power, & VVeiohtuan, White, Stepuens or Co. Agvul for Uiu United Statua FKKOKKlCK KATCHFOKD STAKR. United Slate., branch Office, rio. Pu, .South Fourth 41.. Philadelphia. Agent for Covington, Ky. P. S. BUSH, Corner of Madirion and Cooper irtrets. liisureatiiroughoul the State. Will furnish blank ap- plications upon request, 3d, lh5j u. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, O F F 1 CE o . 4 . WALL STRUCT. CASH CAPITAL,, $300,000 Ob AM'T Of ASstiTS June 30, '55, 747,972 4 1 AMOU.M' OF LlAUiLI I IIJS, 53,677 6 This Company continues to insure buildings, Merclian lisp. Ships iu Porlaud their cargoes. Household Fur- niture and personal property generally, against loss or liamaire !y Fire, on favorable terms. Losses Kipiitnhly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. II. WINGATE, Airent, Aug. iS. IliSi. Frankfort, A'j. LIFE INSURANCE. Ml'Tl'AL BENEFIT. Ohio Lire insurance Company, of Cincinnati. Ouio. CAPITAL STOCK, .... $100,0(11. ALL PAID J.Y A.YD SECURED. THE undersigned having been appointed Agentforthe Company, is prepared lo receive proposition for Insurance at his oilico in this city. Pamphlets con- taining the rates of premium, nnd full information in re- lation to Lite Insurance, are furnished free of charge. J. C. HKRXDOA'. 1rs. Snked cV Kodman. Agent. Aledieal Feb. 20. Iftiif if. "fire and" marine insurance. Hudson River Insurance Company, of Waterford. New York. Capital $300,000 Cash Capital $200,000! rnHE undersigned having been appointed Agent to the X above Company, is prepared Lo insure all property, such ns i usually insured iu the city of Fraukfort and vicinity, and upon shipments of Merchandise and Fro duce, upon as fair terms as any other responsible office. AW losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. rCrJ("Hce near the Court House. Satisfactory references will be given upon application, as to the solvenev of this Coinpan . j. C. HERNDON, Feb. 20, lKi2 tf. Agent. SAMUEL'S NEW ESTABLISHMENT. SAMUEL, Barber and Hair Dkksser, is HENRY inform his friends and the public that he it again established in comfortable and commodious rooms and ready lo attend fo all who may give him a call. Hi? new establishment - in the building of Col. Hodges, on St. Clair si reel. He solicits public patronage, and hopes that his old friends and customers especially, who patron ized him before the Into fire, will now find their wa back b hi shop. March 12, 1H.V b . CHI LD KEN'S CLOTHING. f HAVE liifl small lot of FALL A.YD HI.Y I TF.R CLOTIII.Yd FOR CHILDRE.Y, consisting rl COATS. PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, JACKETS. Sl'SPF.XllKKS. GLOVES, &c. Those who hnve childrei to clothe had t.eU-- call early. " 1S. JOHN M. TODD. Sundries. VTAILS, Buckets, Bankets, Mackerel, Cigars, Tobacco, ll Cans, Sardines, Powder, Leatl, Shot, Pepper, Spice, Candles, Soap, Indigo, Table Salt. Crackers, Soda, lllack ing, &c, Vc. Aug. 2i. 1P55. W. H. KEENE. GAS FIXTURES. KEXXARD & CO., Lexisoton. Ky., beg leave to citizens of Frankfort that thev have on hand a large stock of GAS FIXTURES, including B. 5, 4. and31ight Chandeliers, 2 and lielu pendenls, 3 fold" 4 fold and single Bracks, Drop Lights, tic. nil manu- factured by Messrs. Cornelius, Baker & Co., Philadel- phia, and will be sold as low as thev can be had West of Philadelphia and put up, if desired', in the best manner. We would also be pleased to RUN PIPE in stores, dwellings, or public houses, on the best possible terms, having superior workmen now engaged in the business for us in Lexington. We ask a call. KEXXARD & CO. Always on hand, a large stock of CARPETING CUR-''-vI- GOODS, PAPER HANGINGS, and PIAXO ORTES for sale on reasonable terms. K. dc CO. Lexington, Jan. 4, 1854 If. STILL GREATER ATTRACTIOX8' GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1856. Fifty-secon- d Volume! The IMoneer Hagazino: Especially devoted to the wants ofthe Ladies of America, llf HERE this Magazine is taken in a house, no other is V wanted, as It compromises all that could be obtain-e- by taking three other Magazines. New Features for 1856. A new and very interesting story will be commenced in January, by Marion Harland, author of "Alone." and "Hidden Path,1' two novels that have created an Immense sensation in the literary world. Also Miss Virginia F.Townsend will commence in the Feb- ruary number a Nouvellette, which we know will strong- ly interest the readers of the "Book." Stories by an English Authoress. How to make Wax Flowers and Fruits. With en- gravings. The Nurse and the Nursery. How to make a Bonnet. Troubles of an English Housekeeper. The Art of Sketching Flowers from Nature. With'en-graving- To be copied by the learner on paper to M colored. Maternal counsels to a Daughter. Desinged to aid her in the care of her health, the improvement of her mind, and the cultivation of her heart. New style of Illuminating Windows and Lamp Shades, with engravings. Poetry and History of FingerRings, illustrated; Shells forlhe Ladies, and where they come from, with engrav- ings. This is only giving an idea of ourintentionsfor lHSC.-N- ew designsof interest to the ladies are springing up everyday; we shall avail ourselves of evervihing that can interestthem. Infact,uGodey's Lady's Book," will possess the interest of any other three magazinos. In addition to the above will be continued in each No. Godey's splendid Steel engravings. One hundred pages of reading. Godey's challenge Fashion Plates. In this as in ever other department, we defy rivalry orimitation Embroider) patterns. Any quantity of taera are given monthly. Model Cottages. Dress making, with diagrams to cut by. Dress patterns Infant's and Childrens DressesAll kind of Crochet and Netting Work Cloaks, Mantelets, Talmas. Collars, Chemisetts, Under Sleeves, Bonnets, Window Curtains, Broderie Anglaise Slippers, Caps Cloaks, Evening Dresses, fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing, Robes for Night and Morning, Carriago Dresses, Bridal Dresses, Wreathe, Mantillas, Walking Dresses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing. Capes and Cloaks of Fur in season. Crochet and Netting Work, printed in colors. DRAWING LESSONS for Youth. lOOOdcsigns, Music, 93 worth is given every year; the Nurse and the Nursery, with full instructions; "Godey's invaluable Recipesupon every subject. We would advise all who intend to subscribe to send in their orders soon, for if we do not make duplicate ste- reotype plates, it will be difficult to supply the demand. We expect our list for 1856 will reach lotJ,uOu copies. The best plan of subscribing isto send your money direct to the publisher. Those who send large amounts had bet- ter send drafts, but notes will answer if drafts con not b procured. Letters had better be registered itouly cotts live cents extra, andiheir safe reception is insured. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE One copy one year, $3. Two copiesone year,$5. Thre copies one year, $6. Five copies one year, and extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies $IU. Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the per- son sending the club, making nine copies, $15. Eleven copies one year,audan extra copy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies, 920. TTpThe above Terms cannoi be deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Magazine both one year for $4 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both one year for $3 5u. The money must be all sent at one time for any of the Clubs. TTr Additions of one or more to clubs are received at club prices. TT7A Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct to any Postmaster making tie request. irTWecanalwayssupply back cumbers for the year, as the work is stereotyped. Subscribers in the British Provinces, Who send for clubs, must remit 30 cents extra on ever; subscriber, to pay the American postage to the lines. Address L. A. GODEY, No. 113, Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Nov. 7, 1865 wSatn. 5 CHERRY PECTORAL, . For the rapid Cure of (01 (.IIS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BR0XCMTIS,WII00PiXG-C0rG- H, CROUP, ASTHMA, MD CONSUMPTION. Among the numerous discoveries Science haa mado Is this generation to facilitate the business of life increase its enjoyment, and even prolong the term of human ex- istence, none cau be named of more real value to man- kind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines yot known, can so surely cou-ro- l and cure the numerous varieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from our midst thousands and thousands every year. Indeed, there is now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has at length been found which cttn be relied on, to "cure the most dangerous the lungs. Our space here will not permit ust publish any proportion ofthe cures affected by it use, but we would present the following: and refer further enquiry to my American Almanac, which the agents belo named, will always be pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, and indisputable proof of these state- ments. Office of Transportation, Laurens R. R. S. C.t Aug. 4, lf53. j J. C. Ayk. Dear Sir, My little son, four years old has just recovered from a severe attack of malignant Scarlet Fever, his throat was rotten, and every person that visited him, pronounced him a dead child. Having ued your Cherry Pectoral in California in the winter of lfTiO, for a severe attack of Bronchitis, with entire suc- cess, 1 was induced to try it on my little boy. 1 gave him a every three hours, commencing in the morning, and by ten o'clock at night. I found a deci- ded change for the better, and after three days use, lie wasable to cat or drink without pain. ltsuse in the above named disease will save many a child from a premature grave, and relieve the anxiety'of many a fond parent. For all affection; nf the Throat nnd Lungs, believe ii the best medicine extant. A feeling of the deepest gratitude, prompts me in addressing you these lines, butfor your important discover)1, my li'tile boy would now have been in another world. I am yours, with great respect, J. D. POWELL. Supt. Trans., L. R. K. Rock Hill, (Summerset Co.,) N. J., July 21, IftS. Dr. ,1. C. Aykr. Si nee your medicine has been known here, il has a greater demand than any other congh remedy we have eversold. It is spoken of in terms of unmeasured praise by those who have used it, and I know of some cases where the best they can say of it, is not too much for the good it has done, "l take pleasure in selling it, because I know that I am giving; mv cus- tomers the worth of their money, and I feel gratified in seeing the benetit it confers. Please send me a further supply, and believe me Yours, with respect, JOHN C. WH1TLOCK. P. S. Almost any number of certiHctttes can be sent you, if you wish it. Wlnsor, C. W., June 26, 1852. J. C. Aykr. Sir: This may certify that I have used you r Cherry PiscTOKALforupwardsbf oneyear, and it is my sincere belief thai 1 should have been in mv grave ere thistime if I had not. It has cured me of a danger- ous affection of the lungs, and I do not overstate my convictions when ( tell you it is a priceless remedy. Yours very respectfully, 1). A. McCULLIN, Attorney at Law. Wilksbarre, Pa., September 28, I860. Dr. J. C. Aykc. My dear Sir, Your medicine is much approved of by those who have used its composition is such as to insure and maintain its reputation. I invariablv recommend it for pulmonary affections, as do man v of our political physicians. I am your friend. CHAS. STREATEK, M. D. Prepared by J. C. AYER, Chemist, Lowell, Mas. Sold bv J. M. Mills, Frankfort; Dr. B. Cloak, Ver- sailles; Wm. Wilson, MortonsviUe; J. Dedtnan, Law- rence burr, J. L. EUingwood,Shelbyvill,andby Agoi in every town iu Kentucky. Dec. 5, 1855 wSttw3in.

Transcript of THE DA LY C0MM0NW1 - University of V THE DA LY...

Page 1: THE DA LY C0MM0NW1 - University of V THE DA LY C0MM0NW1SALTH. VOL. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. FEBRUARY 15, 1856. NO. 118. THE ('(1 .11




THE (' (1 .11 II WEALTH




At THREE DOLLARS PER. ANNUM, paya-ble in advance- -

The Wf.kkly Commonwealth, a large mam-moth sheet U puhlislied everv Tuesday morn-ing at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in

Our tprru-- lor advertising, either in theWeekly Commonwealth, will be as

liberal as in ant of the newspapers publishedin the west.

UTAH leitnr unou business should be post-paid to inswre attention.




Just published and may be obtained atTHIS OFFICE, or at "VM. M. TODD'S



0 0 N VT E N T 1 0 N ,



Now published aii'l for aln at the Commonwkai.thOffice, al $5 per copy.

The work contain 1KW p:Lge-- ' 1,(1lin,i in b0itlUw Binding.



VTTOllX E Y S V T I, A W .i nrnrif .i.p. KV

FFICEontho East side of Sixth street, between0 Jefferson, nonrtlie C ourt House yard.April 11, 18S5 tf.



JO" Office at Smith, Bradley ft Co., Land Agent, &Randolph street, South side, between Clark and Dear-born alrjets, Chicago, 111.

Sept. 14, tf.



COVINGTON, KY.oiTu K, Third Street, Opposite South end Cmr Hall.

W. ox F. practice in the Coans of Kenton, Campbell,Grant, Boone, and Nicholas, and the Court of Appeals,at rauWfort. May 5, tf.

& -


FRANKFORT, KY.Office on St. Clair Street, with J. & W. L. Harlan.

refer toHon. J. J- Crittenden, lGov. L. VV. Powell, Frankfort, Ky.Hon. Jamk9 Harlan,Taylor, Turner Co., Banker, Lexington, Ky.G. H. Monarrat& Co., Bankers, Louisville, Ky.W. Tanner, Louisville, Ky.

July 23, inZi by.




REAL ESTATE BROKERS,No. 9, Randolph Street,

Aug.25, 154 If. ' CHICAGO, ILL.

JOHN W. APPLEGATE,Attorney and Counsellor at Law,

PL'BLIC, and Commissioner to takeNOTARY the Acknowledgments of Deeds, .Mortgages,

Powers of Attorney, Arc, for Kentucky. Illinois, Missou-

ri, ludlana.and New York.Office, North-Ea- comer of Fourth and alnutsts.,

Oiuclnnati, Ohio. Jan. 11, 1850.


Frankfort, Ky.,llf ILL practice Law in all the Courts held in FrankfortH aodthe adjoining counties. His Office is at his resi-

dence, near P. Swigert's, entrance on Washington street.Fraukfort, Feb. 2li, 1849, 751-- tf.

MORTON & GRISWOLD,llooksellers, stationers, Uinders, and Uuok and

Job frinlera, Mala atreet, Louisville, Ky.,constantly on iianu a complete assortment of

HAVE Medical, Theological, Classical. School, andMiscellaneous Books, at low prices. Paper of everydescription. qualitv,and price.

ir7Collees, Schools, and Private Libraries suppliedat a'small ad vance on cost. H'holtsalt or RtlaU.

April 1, lKi: 051-b- y.


FRANKFORT, KY.removed to East side of St. ( lair street,

OFFICE Telegraph Office. Will practice Law in allthe Courts held in Frankfort, and adjoiningcountie-.-

Dec. 7, 1H.W If.

"John room an.ATTORNEY AT LAW,

Otllce on :lair Street, next Door to .Morne'sTelegraph Ollice,

lip LI j practice in all Hie L ourts held in Frankfort, andW iu Oldham, Hf nry. Trimble and Owen counties.

iJct. '28, 1K.',X

MO I. E HEAD & BROWN.Partners in the

PRACTICE OF LAW,attend to all business confided to them i,i the

UrlLL of Appeals. Federal Court, and other Courtswhich hold their Nfsioin at Frankfort, hy. One i.rloth may alwa be foiin.t al IheirortW. lo five ennnvdortransuct business. h'ranktort, Jan. li, l.VJ by.


FRANKFORT, KV.iTlLL pravtice Law in the Courts held in Frankfort

and adjoining couiiiis. lie will, at ( oiituii"ioin rof leed. take the acknowledgment?- - of tvds, andother writing to be usd or recorded in other States;and, as Connniioiit-- r under the act (tf Cntijrrcss. aitcn.l!o the taking of depositions, atlidavits.e.

Office, Federal Court Clerk's Uttifc, Old Hunk.Frankfort, June G, lf.Vi by.


rrnnkfort, Ky.liriLL practice in all the Courts held in Frankfort

the Anderson. Owen. Woodford, and Shcll.v Cir-cuit Courts and will attend to t,t. collcclion of debts inany part of the Suite.

Office on Si. Clair street, second door above the CourtHouse.

will atteud to the preparation ami prosecu-tion of the claims or soldiersto boumv land, f.,r proper-ly lost, and for arrears of pay.

April 1. 1849 5!0-t- f.


Saddle, Harness and Trunk Warehouse,Number ixtv-On- e, Third Street,


April 6m. at Frankfort.


in part ofOvercoats, Business Pants,Oversacks, Business Vests,Dress Frocks, Shirts,Dress Pants, Under SMrts,Dress Vests, Drawers,Business Coats, Half Hose,

Shirt Collars, &c, &c.My entire slock of Clothing was got up by the. celebra.

ted establishment of IV. T. Jennings Sc Co., AVv York,and are WARRANTED to be made in the MOST AP-

PROVED STYLE AND MANNER.Persons wishing to purchase, and all others, are in

vited to call and examine my slockSept. Sfi, 15j. JOHN M. TODD.


CLOTHING EMPORIUM.Corner of Main and St. Clair Strret,


WEILER & GETZ,A VING taken the corner room in the new building ofH Mr. Bacon, have opened an entirely new slock ol

Eeady-mad- e Clothing, Furnishing Goods,Hats, Umbrellas, &c,

which tney will sell at prices lower than ever before otter-ed in this market. They invite all to give them a call. nsthey art confident of being abb- lo please both in thequality and price of iheircoods.

September 12, 1B5A.




HODGE' BUILDING, 3T. CLAIR ST.,Frankfort, Kentucky.

proprietor having purchased none but the bentTHK and such as he can warrant, hopes by strictattention to business, and polite attention to his custom-ers, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Theneed of such an establishment ban been lone felt in thiscity.

April 4. 1855.


HEMING & aUIN,constantly on hand a fine assortment of t arKEEP any kind of Carriage made lo order and o1

the, best materia). We have purchased the sole right o

Everett's Patent Coupling,for the counties of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln nudGarrard.

N. B. We would call the attoittion of purchasers toour Spring assortment of Carriages.

jry All work made by us warranted for one year.April 2, 1855 U'.



ju-i- opened, in the room formerly occupied b;Lampton, on SL Cluir street, next doorlo Fier-son-

Confectioner;, a large and well .selected assorttnent of

COOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS,jut Imported from the Ea?t, and equalling if not surpassing in variety, elegance of staple and nkw.nsss, an;ever before ode red in this market. These articles artsill new, having been purchased only a fnw da;s tdnc--

from the best manufacturers of Philadelphia and NewVork, and are warranted of the best workmanship uula la mode in pattern. The aiteution of purchasers is par-ticularly Invited to their unrivaled assortment of fancyshoes for both ladies and gentlemen's wear, sMocted fosummer use, and to their superb stock of Hats, of evershape and hue, from the recherche white silk ventihitet.head-piec- as light, atrial and poetic as a fairy's dream,to the woolen skull-ca- or a o cent straw hat. Thenstock of

BOOKS AND STATIONERYis large and well selected. The public are invited tocall and examine this stock of goods, and if Lbeydesirtto purchase new and good articles, will uo doubtflndbthoir advantage.

Frankfort, .March 22, 1854 tf.

NOTICE!the information of my customers and thepubluFORsubjoin my terms, in order that persons having ac-

counts With me niny be prepared to settle them uponpresentation.

TEHMS:All running accounts, for which arrangements for

credit have been made, are due and payable on the Is;of January. 1st of May, and 1st Septeinberin each year

All charges, w here no credit has been agreed upon,will be considered cash transactions, due and payableupon presentation. Interest charged on accounts notp;tid nt maturity.

frr Flour and seeds strictly cah.Jan 3. K. L. SAM CEL.

Frankfort Normal School for Boys,fRANKFORT, KY.

fllHEnext Session of this Institution will open on theX second Monday of September, in the room fonnt-r- loccupied by lr. Hensley asan otllce, on Ann street. Justsouth of .Main. Tuition per session of iu weeks as here-tofore, in the primary, junior, and senior departments,$10, .Sl; and $20, respective.

.SIHNKY WILBVK.Sept. 1, 1855 wA tw 3m.




U r K h;ive this day opened an Ottieo in the city of Lexli ington, for the purpose of transacting

A Hun king. Exchange, ;init Col-lecting ilnsiness

Wti are at all times prepared to check upon the prin-ipa- lcities of the I nited Si.nes, and lo make collections

lereon. W e will allow interest on deposits, lo be withjrawn at pleasure, and transact whatever business is

generally connected with private banking.Approved paper can be cashed at any time during

onVe hours, from 9 A. 1. to F. .M. Oct.


uperaiton." in Uie. Teeth w ilibe directed by aUlf knowledge, both of Surgery and .Medicine;ibis being the only afe guide to uniform success. Fromthis he is enabled to operate with far less pain to the pa-tient, void of danger. All work warranted; the work-manship will show for itself. Calls will be thankfullyreceived.

TrOtnce, at his residence on Main street.Frankfort, May 27, lH.v

BOOTS AND SHOES.a splendid stock of the above poods for Ladies.IHAVK Children, and Servants, which I will stdl

as low as anv house In Frankfort. Call and examine be-

fore vnu purchase at. HUMPHREY EVAN'SKo'v. 21. 1855. " Shoe and Book Store.

Colognes, Perfumery, Toilet, Soap, &c.FINE assortment of Colopnes, Perfumery, ToiletA Soap and Tovsof all varieties.

Decembers V. S. WEST & CO.

HATS A.DCAPS for Nesrrocs. verv low atWOOL HUMPHREY EVAN'S.Not. 21. Shoa and Book Store.



Opposite the c. Ht. ITnir StreetFRANKFORT, KY ,

HAVING purchasedof KNIGHT 6c CLARKtheir entire stock ofMarble Monument s.Tombs. cVc, I will continue to fjnihtoord

jl'; i !'i'';iV).:!;, 'SwrWyjlJi! iJ.'i'a Monumenu, Tablets,Tombs. Head Stonr.

HI W?i'ii'iSJrOTiTOM'--emee- lo, T-- rSr'Si jiS-b- Topa, Counter.

ifl Mji;? ,9 Marble line, at shortw esi1 r--f s r?B notice an in the vervv -

el:i best stvle. I have;, l , - .i e5! 'secured me services oi

SiHsyS 0"0 of the besi of de- -

' I'

VW' Philudelnhm, andf ? ' pledge nivselfloget up

(tetter work than hasft ever been finished in

ITrnnt f n r t nrrl c

-- fegood as can beHnish- -

J.'iaicd elsewhere.i'r.11 .1

Iron Bailing, Verandahs. &c.I have a great variety of designs at the shop, and

will furnish the work at manufacturers price.WILLIAM CRAIK.

Jan. 15, IKS. Yeoman copy.

ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY,The office of this Company has been removed to Pinker

ton's Drug Store on Main Street, in Han tin's NewBuilding,

FRANKFORT, KY.UK Messenger and Express freight will leave Frank-fort0 for Louisville at 10 minues before 8, A. M.; and

for Lexington will 5; o'clock P. M.

Packages received here from Louisville at o'clock.P. M., and from Lexington and F.nd ot that point at 7,'o'clock, A.M. ADAMS EXPRESS CO.

U. W. OWEN, Agent,Dec 21, 1855 by. nt Frankfort.



IT" E would respectfully inform the citizens of Frank--

fort and vicinity, thai we have opened a shop twodoors from the Wooden Bridgcs-an- next door to B. fc J.Monroe's Law Office, where we are prepared to do alikinds of work intrusted to our care; all we ask is a fairtrial and we know you will not go awav disappointed.

Dec. 5, 5 If. L1THGOW & HI..TCHESO.N.

Dissolution.heretofore under the style

THE Urin of Todd & Goodwin, in the Confectioneryand Grocery business, was dissolved thisriay by mutualconsent.

All those Indebted to the late Arm, are requested tocome forward and make payment, and those havingclaims against the firm will please present them for set-

tlement. II. L. Goodwin retires from the concern.Either one of the firm is authorized to use the name ofthe firm in settling accounts.

DABNEY TODD,Aug. 1,'55, Aug. 15. Hl'GH L. GOODWIN.




(T. P. Pkrson't Old Stand.)FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY.

constantly on hand a full selection of Confec-tioneries, Toys, Fancy Arliclei, and Groceries,

where he wit be pleased to see his old friundsaml custom-ers. Aupr. 10, lr'55 If.

BOOK BINDING.A. C. Keen 011 Informs bisfriends and former customers,that having regained his health,he has purchased back from A.G. Hodges the Bindery sold lohim In November last, and willgive bis whole attention to lis

management. He respectfully solicits a continuance ofthe patronage heretofore extended to the establishment.

ITr CLERKS will be furnished with KKCOHDBOOKS ruled to any pattern, and of the very best quali-t- v

of paper.TT73 BLANK BOOKS of every description, manufac-

tured at short notice, to ord'r. on reasonable terms.Rinderv at the old stand, over Harlan's Law

Office. Frankfort, July 31, tf.


PRAXKKORT, KY..Nov. 7, 1855.

FRANKLIN HOUSE.FRANKFORT, K Y .returned to my former Tavern ritand, at

HAVING end of the Bridge, I have titled it up andnow have it In good order, to accommodate any whomay favour me with a call. Travelers, transient visitors,and boarders may rely on all care being taken lo ren-

der t lem comfortable.A few Members of the Legislature can find comforta-

ble and quiet boarding during the coming session, andIn all cases my bills will b2 modorate.

I have also attached a good stable and careful ostler.R. T. COLKMAN.

Nov. 9, 18.r5 3m. Yeoman copy.

MANSION HOUSE.Corner of .Main and St. Clair Sln'et,

FRANKFORT, KY.undersigned would notify his friends aud the

11HE generally, that he hiis purchased the interestof J. T. Luckett inthUold established and well knownHotel, and will continue lo entertain the public in thebest manner that the markets. Ate, will allow. He haseniraged the services of his Ym. K.Taj lor.who is well known to a large portion of the travelingcommunity, as a man of business, and who will havecharge of the office, fie asks the patronage of the pub-ic and will endeavor to deserve it.

May3, l&W. KKN. LUCKF.TT.

FRANKFORT HOTEL.Corner ofOroadwav and Ann SrreetA,

FRANKFORT, KV.undersigned haying taken this well known house

1HK occupied by Mr. D. Meriwether) respectfullysolicits a "share of the public patronage, and by close a-

ttention to business, and keeping such a houe as thisheretofore has been, will endeavorto inerilthe confidenceof the traveling community.

June W, 1H55 tf. B- - WASSON.


GAINES & PAGE.received larpre stock of Knll nnd iulerUAVKJnst of every description. Call and cvaniine be-

fore purchasing elsewhere, as ni"H prom- - and quicksales is our mollo.

In addition to our larce stock nl' goods we have onhand a larae supply of Hats and Cap?, uliich we illsell at reduced prices.

September lu, l.Vi.

STRANliE DEVELOPMENT..Men are daily bniijriiiK to light new

SCIENTIFIC the inarch of progre-- s is onvtar.l; per-

sons Bald, or becoming so, will be pleased to learn thatScience and long research combined, have brought be-

fore the public the greatest wonder or the auk, ip llioarticle of EMERSON'S AMERICAN HAIR RESTORA-TIVE, a sure rurc for Bulitnes-'- and to prevent lluirfrom falling. See circulars, to be had of Agent.

Sold by J- M. MILLS, Agei,'.C. E. Fisher ci Co., Proprietors.

No. 57, Superior st Cleveland, o.May 3. 1H.)4 if.

To Owners of Georgia Land.ITAVING associated myself with V. C. Nesbil, ofIt Hawesville. Kv., to sell Georgia lands on commis-sion at private sale, we offer our services to owners ofsuch lands, and lo act as agents to protect the same fromtax sales and fraudulent titles.

Owners living out of tiie State are continually losingtheir lands by tax sales or intruders under false titles,and it is the interest of owners lo have an agent in theState to protect their lands.

J. C. EDWARDS,Macon. Georgia.

W. C. NESBIT,Hawesville. Ky.

RLPERENC'iti.Gov. H. V. Johkson, MUlidgeville, Ga.: Col. Pulaski

Holt, Macon. Ga.: Col. Y. T. Wateins. Macon, Ga.March 19, 1855 ly.

TODD'S BOOKSTORE,,o. 1, (misert's Row, St. Clair Street,


IHAVK had the above named establishment neatlv re.have Just received mv FALL and WINTER

supply ofBooks, Stationery, Boots, Shoes, Hats,!

Caps, &c, &c,Which persons wishing to purchase would do well locall and examine before buying elsewhere, as lam deter-mined to sell upon as favorable terms as auv other houseinihecity.

Oct. li, livi.-,-. vm. M. TODD.

1L U. MILLER,ll'OCLU respectfully inform the citizens of Frankfort,It and the public, generallv, that he has taken the Tin

Shop formerly occupied b his father, and intends carry-ing on the

Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Manufacturingin all iLs various branches. He will aHo keep on handthe best HEATING AND COOKING STOVES in theWestern countrv. All kinds of Job work executed withneatness and dispatch, and in a durable manner, allwork done bv him warranted to give satisfaction or nopay required. He pledges himself to do work on asgood terms as any house in the city, and hopes by promptattention lo business to receive :t fair share of tiie publicpatronage.Metalic Itooriiit:, ;utlei int;. Spouting, fcc.Done in the best and most workmanlike mannerand onreasonable terms.

Shop on Broadway st reel. West side, opposite lie Cap-ital Square.

Dec. '.'1, 1855 by. H. R. .MILLER.

NEW" (iJM)DS!B A K E E & R U N Y A N,


HF. now receiving their uual larce and splendid sup-pl- y

of Fanry and Maple, Fall and Winter DryGoudM, also new style Silk and Straw llonneU, a largeassortment of Hat, Boots and Shoes, and furnishinggoods. Carpels, Oil Cloth, &e.. Glass and Ciueenware,ail w hich they will sell low for cosh or prompt payingcustomers on the usual time. They iiivne ait to comeand examine their stock, certainly the une-- t neral andcomplete that can he found in this ci .

Sept. 14, ltSV 3m.

Wli."H. GR AIN GER ,



MANUFACTURES Steam Engines for irrbt. Saw, andCranks, Spur "Wheels, Seg-

ments tor Cotton Gin WueeN, Holehkiss' Reaction Wa-ter Wheels; a general assortment of wrought and castMilUVork, fcc, fcc.

Tl Orders from a distance- wilt receive prompt at-

tention.Feb. 12, tf-

NEW B LSI X ESS.rpHE undersigned has taken the third room from the1. corner of Ann street on Main street. In J. H. HAN-NA'-

Block of Buildings, for the purpose of transacting a


He will also connect with the said business an

AGRICULTURAL DEPOT,where mav be found alt the latest improvements IdAgricultural Impliments, as well as all descriptions ofaeeus required by tanners in this vicinity. He hopesthis enterprise will receive the encouragement of thefarming community, upon whom be depends for thesuccess of this branch of his business.

Consignments of Merchandise at Auction or privatesale are solicited.

Jan. 19, 1855 tf. SA.M. C. SAYRES.


TATE & CHINN,HAVE opened in Ha con's new building on Main street,

flock ofPall and Winter Dry Goods

of every description, 'which they are determiued lo sellat prices which cauuol fail to suit. Their stock is one ofthe liuestever brought to the city, and selected with spe-cial reference to the wauts of this community. They in-

vite all theirfriends and the pjbhc in general to givethem a cull and examine their stock.

Sep H, H55 tf.



IS now reeeivinga largo and ehoice assortment of Gro-- 1

ceries, W ines, Liquors, Arc, which he will sell atvery s mail profits for cah, or lo prompt customers onusual terms. Hisstock is perhaps the largest in the city,and every article of the beslquality that can be purchas-ed. Call, examine, ami be convinced.

Aug. 155.


HE STOCK OF CLOTH L Gat No 3 Brown's bulld-- .ing. St. Clair street, will ba sold at extremely low pric-

e-, iu order to clo.--e the concern. There a tine stockof ready-mad- e

Clothing, Underwear, &c,which will be sold very low for CASH, as the businessmust be closed.

Ali persons indebted to the firm arc requested to comeforward within sixty daysaud settle up, and those havingclaims against u will please present them immeuiatelv.


FINE LIQUORS.II ALF pipe superior (extra) old Fale Otard Brandy;

l, pipe superior old Fale Otard Brandy;; pipe Hue Fale Krandv, F. Robins Co.;

S; pipe fine Pale Brandy. Ginird;:, li)e line London lock Brandy;

eask i.ild .Madeira Win;casks Howard. March iV Co., Madeira Wii.'

u cask Howard, .March ok Co., Madeira;eask Howard. Marched Co., .Madeira;

t4 casks tale Sherry Wine:: cysiobl Scotch Whisky;

casks old Fori Wine;:t eases, X bottles) Still Catawba;1 cases (iH boltlesl Sparkling Catawb:i;

lb baskets (Heidick) Champagne;4 baskets (Great western) Chunpague.4 baskets (Ducal Grape) Champagne;

W baskets (assorted brands) Champagne;5 bbls. superiorobl Whisky:

3d bbls. superior 3 year old Whisky;i!U bbls. superior 2 year old Whisky. On hand and

sale b the barrel, gallon or in glass, bvov. l'j. 155. GKAV tf; TOH1L

Proclamation by the Governor.$300 REWARD.

In the name and bij the authority of the Commonwealt A ofKentucky.

Y1JHKIF.AS, it has been made known to mo that SamM.Y H. (hewn, who was cotillne.j in the eotinty jail nf

Spene-e- comity lor the murder of Satntiei Lindirmaii.did, on the iWth October, escape from the jail of aidcounty, and is now going at large.

Now, therefore, I, Ciurlks s. Morkiu:u, Governor ofthe Commonwealth aforesaid, do hereby offer a rev sr I

itf Three Hundred Dollars for the apprehension rif uiesaid Samuel H. Dews, and his delivery to the .; ikr fSpene-- eiiiuitv. w ttbin ne vear from this date.

.V TEsT1-V(- H ftKKEtjF I havehen-nu- set my band, and caused the seal nf

) J.. S. the Commonwealth t be aitKc-d- , done at( ) Frankfurt, this 1st day of November, 1h.., and

- in the G4th year of the Commonwealth.R the Governor: C. S. MOKKHKAH.

n Brown, Secretary nf Suite,

DESCRIPTION,.said Des i about five feet two inches high, heavy

built, arge hands and feel, coarse sandy hair and a Sad-dler by trade.

STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE.UNDERSIGNED intending to leave the StateTHE at private sale their Steam Saw Mill, situa ed

one mile above Frankfort, with ten acres of ground at-

tached.The Mill has one upright saw with lath saws attached,

all of the latestiinprovements and in good order. TheMill is well locirted with a good run of custom. Thelaths, for which there is a great demand, will pay a largeportion of the running expenses. Those wishing to en.iruge in the business would do well to call and examinefor themselves.

GILL & WATSON.Frankfort, Sept. 12 tf- - Yeoman copy tf.

Fall Style of Hats.Hayes, Craig & Co's and Oakford'a, "Premium1'Hatmanufacturedlnthe U. S. Call and seeluem.

Sept. 10. H. BVANS.

Nurserymen, Fruit Growers & Farmers.



St PER II LY AND PROFl'SBLY ILLU9TRATFD.Devoted to the Advancement of the Rural Inteu In America.fliHlS is one of the largest and most elaborate works oX the kind in the world.

Rural Architecture forms one of the principal featureEach number contains from two to four ougravings otmodel cottages, from designs by eminent and skilfularchitects. Space is also assigned lo the tasteful art oLandscape Gardening; engraved plans of gardens u.every st le, and adapted to the peculiarities of differentorders of architecture, beautify the w ork.

Engravings of new fruits, new flowers, uew vegetable.&c, are illustrated and described as soon as their

qualities can be determined, forming the mostcoinpleteand elegant Manual of Rural Husbandry' evetattempted.

An experienced corps of practical writers, seven ;r.number, are engaged to fill iu columns.

it contains seventy large pages, and is printed on theQuest d paper, manufactured expressly.

Terms: perannum, payable invariably iu advanceFifty cents commission on each subscriber allowed tthose who act s agents. 51, but) will be distributed at theend of the year among those who send us the twenGlargest lists of subscribers. These premiums will bepaid in enh. The Hrst premium will be $500.

The following are selected from hundreds of similainotices, voluntarily contributed by contemporaneoupublications:

The HoRTin:ntR.iL Revikw deserves the mostlibem.patronage. It is not only eminently practical, bul i?written in astylethat equalstbe best efforts of the late A

J. Downing. Knickerbocker.The most elegant and useful book of the kind that ha

ever come under ourobservation. Register,Mr. Reagles,the Editoroflhe Hortu oltcral Review,

isa practical pomolngist, and one of the finest scholarsour country boasts of. He possesses the glow ing descrip-tive powers of Dickens, the elegant gossip ofWalpole,combined with a thorough knowledge of rural art.State Police Tribune.

Fanner, buy it for oursons buy it for your daughtors. It is a rich intellectual treat; a rare combinationof tJicj beautiful and the useful. Argus, A". V.

We had thought that in Downings's death, the eloquentadvocate of rural adornment had become only a cherish-ed remembrance; bul in Mr. Beagles we discover ui.equally rich mine of mental wealth, that betokens theinfluence ofthe spirit that is gone. .Montrose Tribune.

Advertisers w ill find this an unsurpassed medium nlpublicity, as the Horticultural Review circulates ex-

tensively in every State in the Union. Advertisementinserted at the rateoflOper page.

WOOD ENGRAVING.Those requiring Wood Engraving, can have their

orders executed in an unrivalled manner. Special attention is given to views of ANIMALS; an experioocecEnglish Draughtsman is engaged for this express purpose.Persons livingat a distance can forward a daguerreotypeofthe object by mail they wish engraved, which will' bea sufficient guide to obtain a perfect facsimile. StockBreeders w ill be dealt with on very liberal terms.

Oca Exchange List is already "very large. A furtheiextension is not desired, unless publishers are willing logive Ihe above advertisement several insertions in theiirespective papers.

Agricultural Books can be furnished on every useful subject, from both English and American publisher,by enclosing lo our address the price ofthe book, requtred.

Specimen copies will be forwarded on the receipt o18 els. in postag. stamps.

C. REAGLES, Publisher,2ri Broadwav, New York.

Dec 19, 1K55 6 m.


Amhorltcd Capital ... 10,000,000REFCRCNCCl IN PHILADELPHIA.

ATWOOD 6l Co., JOUM FaRNCM,John Grioo, Gioroc a. Stoart,MYlRii, Clauuorx A Co. Wm. M'Oki, Al Co.,Power, & VVeiohtuan, White, Stepuens or Co.

Agvul for Uiu United StatuaFKKOKKlCK KATCHFOKD STAKR.

United Slate., branch Office, rio. Pu, .South Fourth 41..Philadelphia.

Agent for Covington, Ky.P. S. BUSH,

Corner of Madirion and Cooper irtrets.liisureatiiroughoul the State. Will furnish blank ap-

plications upon request,3d, lh5j u.



CASH CAPITAL,, $300,000 ObAM'T Of ASstiTS June 30, '55, 747,972 4 1

AMOU.M' OF LlAUiLI I IIJS, 53,677 6This Company continues to insure buildings, Merclian

lisp. Ships iu Porlaud their cargoes. Household Fur-niture and personal property generally, against

loss or liamaire !y Fire, on favorable terms.Losses Kipiitnhly Adjusted and Promptly

Paid.II. WINGATE, Airent,

Aug. iS. IliSi. Frankfort, A'j.


Ohio Lire insurance Company, of Cincinnati.Ouio.


THE undersigned having been appointed AgentfortheCompany, is prepared lo receive proposition

for Insurance at his oilico in this city. Pamphlets con-taining the rates of premium, nnd full information in re-lation to Lite Insurance, are furnished free of charge.

J. C. HKRXDOA'.1rs. Snked cV Kodman. Agent.

Aledieal Feb. 20. Iftiif if.

"fire and" marine insurance.Hudson River Insurance Company, of Waterford.

New York.

Capital $300,000Cash Capital $200,000!

rnHE undersigned having been appointed Agent to theX above Company, is prepared Lo insure all property,such ns i usually insured iu the city of Fraukfort andvicinity, and upon shipments of Merchandise and Froduce, upon as fair terms as any other responsible office.AW losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid.

rCrJ("Hce near the Court House.Satisfactory references will be given upon application,

as to the solvenev of this Coinpan .

j. C. HERNDON,Feb. 20, lKi2 tf. Agent.


SAMUEL, Barber and Hair Dkksser, isHENRY inform his friends and the public that he itagain established in comfortable and commodious roomsand ready lo attend fo all who may give him a call. Hi?new establishment - in the building of Col. Hodges, onSt. Clair si reel. He solicits public patronage, and hopesthat his old friends and customers especially, who patronized him before the Into fire, will now find their waback b hi shop.

March 12, 1H.V b .

CHI LD KEN'S CLOTHING.f HAVE liifl small lot of FALL A.YD HI.YI TF.R CLOTIII.Yd FOR CHILDRE.Y, consisting rlCOATS. PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, JACKETS.Sl'SPF.XllKKS. GLOVES, &c. Those who hnve childreito clothe had t.eU-- call early.



Sundries.VTAILS, Buckets, Bankets, Mackerel, Cigars, Tobacco,ll Cans, Sardines, Powder, Leatl, Shot, Pepper, Spice,Candles, Soap, Indigo, Table Salt. Crackers, Soda, lllacking, &c, Vc.

Aug. 2i. 1P55. W. H. KEENE.

GAS FIXTURES.KEXXARD & CO., Lexisoton. Ky., beg leave to

citizens of Frankfort that thev have onhand a large stock of GAS FIXTURES, including B. 5,4. and31ight Chandeliers, 2 and lielu pendenls, 3 fold"4 fold and single Bracks, Drop Lights, tic. nil manu-factured by Messrs. Cornelius, Baker & Co., Philadel-phia, and will be sold as low as thev can be had West ofPhiladelphia and put up, if desired', in the best manner.

We would also be pleased to RUN PIPE in stores,dwellings, or public houses, on the best possible terms,having superior workmen now engaged in the businessfor us in Lexington. We ask a call.

KEXXARD & CO.Always on hand, a large stock of CARPETING CUR-''-vI-

GOODS, PAPER HANGINGS, and PIAXOORTES for sale on reasonable terms. K. dc CO.Lexington, Jan. 4, 1854 If.



Fifty-secon- d Volume! The IMoneer Hagazino:Especially devoted to the wants ofthe Ladies of America,llf HERE this Magazine is taken in a house, no other is

V wanted, as It compromises all that could be obtain-e-by taking three other Magazines.

New Features for 1856.A new and very interesting story will be commenced

in January, by Marion Harland, author of "Alone." and"Hidden Path,1' two novels that have created an Immensesensation in the literary world. Also

Miss Virginia F.Townsend will commence in the Feb-ruary number a Nouvellette, which we know will strong-ly interest the readers of the "Book."

Stories by an English Authoress.How to make Wax Flowers and Fruits. With en-

gravings.The Nurse and the Nursery.How to make a Bonnet.Troubles of an English Housekeeper.The Art of Sketching Flowers from Nature. With'en-graving-

To be copied by the learner on paper to Mcolored.

Maternal counsels to a Daughter. Desinged to aid herin the care of her health, the improvement of her mind,and the cultivation of her heart.

New style of Illuminating Windows and Lamp Shades,with engravings.

Poetry and History of FingerRings, illustrated; Shellsforlhe Ladies, and where they come from, with engrav-ings.

This is only giving an idea of ourintentionsfor lHSC.-N- ew

designsof interest to the ladies are springing upeveryday; we shall avail ourselves of evervihing thatcan interestthem. Infact,uGodey's Lady's Book," willpossess the interest of any other three magazinos.

In addition to the above will be continued in each No.Godey's splendid Steel engravings.One hundred pages of reading.Godey's challenge Fashion Plates. In this as in ever

other department, we defy rivalry orimitationEmbroider) patterns. Any quantity of taera are given

monthly.Model Cottages.Dress making, with diagrams to cut by.Dress patterns Infant's and Childrens DressesAll

kind of Crochet and Netting Work Cloaks, Mantelets,Talmas. Collars, Chemisetts, Under Sleeves, Bonnets,Window Curtains, Broderie Anglaise Slippers, CapsCloaks, Evening Dresses, fancy Articles, Head Dresses,Hair Dressing, Robes for Night and Morning, CarriagoDresses, Bridal Dresses, Wreathe, Mantillas, WalkingDresses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing. Capes andCloaks of Fur in season. Crochet and Netting Work,printed in colors.

DRAWING LESSONS for Youth. lOOOdcsigns, Music,93 worth is given every year; the Nurse and the Nursery,with full instructions; "Godey's invaluable Recipesuponevery subject.

We would advise all who intend to subscribe to send intheir orders soon, for if we do not make duplicate ste-reotype plates, it will be difficult to supply the demand.We expect our list for 1856 will reach lotJ,uOu copies. Thebest plan of subscribing isto send your money direct tothe publisher. Those who send large amounts had bet-ter send drafts, but notes will answer if drafts con not bprocured. Letters had better be registered itouly cottslive cents extra, andiheir safe reception is insured.

TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCEOne copy one year, $3. Two copiesone year,$5. Thre

copies one year, $6. Five copies one year, and extracopy to the person sending the club, making six copies$IU. Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the per-son sending the club, making nine copies, $15. Elevencopies one year,audan extra copy to the person sendingthe club, making twelve copies, 920.

TTpThe above Terms cannoi be deviated from, nomatter how many are ordered.

Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Magazine both oneyear for $4 50.

Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazineboth one year for $3 5u.

The money must be all sent at one time for any of theClubs.

TTr Additions of one or more to clubs are received atclub prices.

TT7A Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct toany Postmaster making tie request.

irTWecanalwayssupply back cumbers for the year,as the work is stereotyped.

Subscribers in the British Provinces,Who send for clubs, must remit 30 cents extra on ever;

subscriber, to pay the American postage to the lines.Address L. A. GODEY,

No. 113, Chestnut street, Philadelphia.Nov. 7, 1865 wSatn.


CHERRY PECTORAL, .For the rapid Cure of




Among the numerous discoveries Science haa mado Isthis generation to facilitate the business of life increaseits enjoyment, and even prolong the term of human ex-

istence, none cau be named of more real value to man-

kind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the HealingArt. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broadcountry, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine orcombination of medicines yot known, can so surely cou-ro- l

and cure the numerous varieties of pulmonary diseasewhich have hitherto swept from our midst thousands andthousands every year. Indeed, there is now abundantreason to believe a Remedy has at length been foundwhich cttn be relied on, to "cure the most dangerous

the lungs. Our space here will not permit ustpublish any proportion ofthe cures affected by it use,but we would present the following: and refer furtherenquiry to my American Almanac, which the agents belonamed, will always be pleased to furnish free, whereinare full particulars, and indisputable proof of these state-ments.

Office of Transportation,Laurens R. R. S. C.t Aug. 4, lf53. j

J. C. Ayk. Dear Sir, My little son, four years oldhas just recovered from a severe attack of malignantScarlet Fever, his throat was rotten, and every personthat visited him, pronounced him a dead child. Havingued your Cherry Pectoral in California in the winterof lfTiO, for a severe attack of Bronchitis, with entire suc-cess, 1 was induced to try it on my little boy. 1 gavehim a every three hours, commencing inthe morning, and by ten o'clock at night. I found a deci-ded change for the better, and after three days use, liewasable to cat or drink without pain.

ltsuse in the above named disease will save many achild from a premature grave, and relieve the anxiety'ofmany a fond parent. For all affection; nf the Throat nndLungs, believe ii the best medicine extant. A feelingof the deepest gratitude, prompts me in addressing youthese lines, butfor your important discover)1, my li'tileboy would now have been in another world.

I am yours, with great respect,J. D. POWELL. Supt. Trans., L. R. K.

Rock Hill, (Summerset Co.,) N. J., July 21, IftS.Dr. ,1. C. Aykr. Si nee your medicine has been known

here, il has a greater demand than any other conghremedy we have eversold. It is spoken of in terms ofunmeasured praise by those who have used it, and Iknow of some cases where the best they can say of it,is not too much for the good it has done, "l take pleasurein selling it, because I know that I am giving; mv cus-tomers the worth of their money, and I feel gratified inseeing the benetit it confers.

Please send me a further supply, and believe meYours, with respect, JOHN C. WH1TLOCK.

P. S. Almost any number of certiHctttes can be sentyou, if you wish it.

Wlnsor, C. W., June 26, 1852.J. C. Aykr. Sir: This may certify that I have used

you r Cherry PiscTOKALforupwardsbf oneyear, and itis my sincere belief thai 1 should have been in mv graveere thistime if I had not. It has cured me of a danger-ous affection of the lungs, and I do not overstate myconvictions when ( tell you it is a priceless remedy.

Yours very respectfully,1). A. McCULLIN, Attorney at Law.

Wilksbarre, Pa., September 28, I860.Dr. J. C. Aykc. My dear Sir, Your medicine is much

approved of by those who have used its composition issuch as to insure and maintain its reputation. I invariablvrecommend it for pulmonary affections, as do man v ofour political physicians. I am your friend.

CHAS. STREATEK, M. D.Prepared by J. C. AYER, Chemist, Lowell, Mas.Sold bv J. M. Mills, Frankfort; Dr. B. Cloak, Ver-

sailles; Wm. Wilson, MortonsviUe; J. Dedtnan, Law-renceburr, J. L. EUingwood,Shelbyvill,andby Agoiin every town iu Kentucky.

Dec. 5, 1855 wSttw3in.