THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION The civilization of ancient Greece began more than 2500 years ago (461 to 431 B.C.) but the ideas of the ancient Greeks continue to influence the way we live today. Greece is made up of a peninsula and a group of islands in southeastern Europe. A peninsula is a piece of land that is almost surrounded by water. They developed democracy, where people govern themselves rather than being ruled by a king. The ancient Greeks also divided their land and created over 100 city-states. This allowed men to vote for their leaders and laws. The most famous city state was Athens. The center of Athens was built on a hill called the Acropolis. Since the Greeks also valued beauty and imagination, they built beautiful temples to honor their Gods. The Parthenon is one of the most famous temples made out of white marble to honor the goddess Athena. Many buildings and architecture around the world are modeled after the Greek architecture. In 1776 BC, many of the city-states began competitions amongst each other called the Olympics. During this time all wars between the city-states were postponed. According to legend, it was Hercules who first called the games “Olympic” and established the custom of holding these events every four years. The ancient Greeks were graceful and lived simple lives, ate plain foods, and dressed in simple tunics. To again honor their gods and goddesses, wrote many stories, myths, and dramas. These plays and stories continue to be performed and told today. The people of ancient Greece could not farm most of their mountainous, rocky land, so they became excellent sailors who traveled to distant lands. Greek sailors learned from many different cultures and likewise spread their ideas to many lands far from their home. Alexander the Great also spread Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean area by creating a great empire across the region. The people of ancient Greece attempted to explain the world through the laws of nature and made important discoveries in science. The Greeks had great philosophers, mathematicians, and physicians. Hippocrates was a doctor who influenced the way we practice “modern medicine.” Ancient Greek geographers are also who divided the world into regions we still use today. The lands west of Greece are still known as the Western world, while the lands east of Greece are referred to as the Eastern world. A cradle is a small bed for an infant. Many of the ideas that flourished in the Western world were “born” in ancient Greece. This is why Greece is often known as the Cradle of Western Civilization.


Page 1: THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION · THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION T he c i v i l i z a t i o n o f a n c i e n t G r e e c e be g a n m o r e t ha n 2 5 0 0 y e a r s a g o


The civilization of ancient Greece began more

than 2500 years ago (461 to 431 B.C.) but the

ideas of the ancient Greeks continue to

influence the way we live today. Greece is

made up of a peninsula and a group of islands

in southeastern Europe. A peninsula is a piece

of land that is almost surrounded by water.

They developed democracy, where people

govern themselves rather than being ruled by a

king. The ancient Greeks also divided their

land and created over 100 city-states. This

allowed men to vote for their leaders and laws.

The most famous city state was Athens. The

center of Athens was built on a hill called the

Acropolis. Since the Greeks also valued beauty

and imagination, they built beautiful temples to

honor their Gods. The Parthenon is one of the

most famous temples made out of white marble

to honor the goddess Athena. Many buildings

and architecture around the world are modeled

after the Greek architecture.

In 1776 BC, many of the city-states began

competitions amongst each other called the

Olympics. During this time all wars between

the city-states were postponed. According to

legend, it was Hercules who first called the

games “Olympic” and established the custom of

holding these events every four years.

The ancient Greeks were graceful and lived

simple lives, ate plain foods, and dressed in

simple tunics. To again honor their gods and

goddesses, wrote many stories, myths, and

dramas. These plays and stories continue to be

performed and told today.

The people of ancient Greece could not farm

most of their mountainous, rocky land, so they

became excellent sailors who traveled to distant

lands. Greek sailors learned from many

different cultures and likewise spread their

ideas to many lands far from their home.

Alexander the Great also spread Greek culture

throughout the Mediterranean area by creating

a great empire across the region.

The people of ancient Greece attempted to

explain the world through the laws of nature

and made important discoveries in science.

The Greeks had great philosophers,

mathematicians, and physicians. Hippocrates

was a doctor who influenced the way we

practice “modern medicine.” Ancient Greek

geographers are also who divided the world

into regions we still use today. The lands west

of Greece are still known as the Western world,

while the lands east of Greece are referred to as

the Eastern world.

A cradle is a small bed for an infant. Many

of the ideas that flourished in the Western

world were “born” in ancient Greece. This is

why Greece is often known as the Cradle of

Western Civilization.

Page 2: THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION · THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION T he c i v i l i z a t i o n o f a n c i e n t G r e e c e be g a n m o r e t ha n 2 5 0 0 y e a r s a g o

The civilization of ancient Greece began more than 2500 years ago from 461 to

431 B.C.. However, the ideas of the ancient Greeks continue to influence the way

we live today. Greece is made up of a peninsula and group of islands in

southeastern Europe. A peninsula is a piece of land that is almost surrounded by


The people of ancient Greece could not farm most of their mountainous, rocky

land, so they became excellent sailors who traveled to distant lands. Greek sailors

learned from many different cultures and likewise spread their ideas to many

lands far from their home. Alexander the Great also spread Greek culture

throughout the Mediterranean area by creating a great empire across the region.

1.How would the Greek’s influence around the world have been

different if they had good farmland?

2. What is it called when you spread your beliefs, religion, food,

clothing, and styles from one place to another?

Page 3: THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION · THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION T he c i v i l i z a t i o n o f a n c i e n t G r e e c e be g a n m o r e t ha n 2 5 0 0 y e a r s a g o

The ancient Greeks developed the system of government called democracy,

where people govern themselves rather than being ruled and controlled by a king.

The ancient Greeks also divided their land and created over 100 city-states since

the rough terrain made it difficult and time consuming to get from place to place.

This also allowed men to vote directly for their leaders and laws in their local areas

and towns instead of places they never traveled.

3. What type of government began in Ancient Greece?

4. What did they create by dividing land across the country and why

was it needed?

5. How is Athens democracy different from the US democracy? How is

it similar?

Page 4: THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION · THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION T he c i v i l i z a t i o n o f a n c i e n t G r e e c e be g a n m o r e t ha n 2 5 0 0 y e a r s a g o

The 2 most famous city states were Sparta and Athens. The center of Athens

was built on a hill called the Acropolis. Since the Greeks also valued beauty and

imagination, they built beautiful temples to honor their Gods. The Parthenon is

one of the most famous temples made out of white marble to honor the goddess

Athena. Many buildings and architecture around the world are modeled after the

Greek architecture.

6. What buildings and structures found in today’s society can you list

that were modeled after the ancient Greek architecture?

7. What specific details do you notice that they have in common?

8. What is the belief of having more than one God? Can you name some

of the Greek Gods?

Page 5: THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION · THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION T he c i v i l i z a t i o n o f a n c i e n t G r e e c e be g a n m o r e t ha n 2 5 0 0 y e a r s a g o

In 1776 BC, many of the city-states began competitions amongst each other

called the Olympics. During this time all wars between the city-states were

postponed since the games were meant to honor their Gods and keep the Gods

happy and bring people together. Beginning seven days before the Olympic Games

got under way and ending seven days after them, the Olympic Truce allowed

athletes, artists, their families and ordinary pilgrims to travel in total safety in

order to participate in or attend the Games and to then return home afterwards.

According to legend, it was Hercules who first called the games “Olympic” and

established the custom of holding these events every four years.

9. Why did the Greeks feel the need to begin an Olympics?

10. What do you think the word Olympic stands for and why do you

think it is only held every 4 years?

Page 6: THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION · THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION T he c i v i l i z a t i o n o f a n c i e n t G r e e c e be g a n m o r e t ha n 2 5 0 0 y e a r s a g o

The ancient Greeks were graceful and lived simple lives, ate plain foods, and

dressed in simple tunics. The Ancient Greeks grew olives, grapes, figs and wheat

and kept goats, for milk and cheese. They ate lots of bread, beans and olives. In

the Summer months there were plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to eat and in

the winter they ate dried fruit and food they had stored like apples and lentils. As

most of the Greeks lived very near the sea, they also ate a lot of fish, squid and

shellfish. The Greeks wore light, loose clothes. Long pieces of colourful fabric

were held in place by pins at the shoulders and a belt round the waist. They were

made from wool in the winter or linen in the summer.

To honor their gods and goddesses and keeping with their beliefs and values,

they wrote many stories known as myths, and dramas. These myths often used

disobeying, lying, fighting and going against a god in order to teach a moral or

lesson. These plays and stories continue to be performed and told today.

11. Why were the Greeks food choices so minimal?

12. What is a moral?

13. Why did the Greeks feel the importance to write and perform these

myths and dramas?

Page 7: THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION · THE CRADLE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION T he c i v i l i z a t i o n o f a n c i e n t G r e e c e be g a n m o r e t ha n 2 5 0 0 y e a r s a g o

The people of ancient Greece attempted to explain the world through the laws

of nature and made important discoveries in science. The Greeks had great

philosophers, mathematicians, and physicians. Hippocrates was a doctor who

influenced the way we practice “modern medicine.” Ancient Greek geographers

are also who divided the world into regions we still use today. The lands west of

Greece are still known as the Western world, while the lands east of Greece are

referred to as the Eastern world.

A cradle is a small bed for an infant. Many of the ideas that flourished in the

Western world were “born” in ancient Greece. This is why Greece is often known

as the Cradle of Western Civilization.

14. Using the webquest page, what were some of the great scientific

inventions and math ideas “born” in Ancient Greece?