The Consumerization of ·...

The Consumerization of Learning Why intuitive, consumer-first learning technology wins

Transcript of The Consumerization of ·...

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The Consumerizationof LearningWhy intuitive, consumer-first learning technology wins

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The Consumerization of Learning eBook

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Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Five Best Practices for Building a Consumerized Learning Strategy 6

Consumerization in Practice at ON24 10

Conclusion 11

The purpose of this e-book is to help organizations, learning and development (L&D) professionals, human resources (HR) departments, and business leaders navigate today’s constantly changing work environment through the concept and idea of consumerizing the learning experience at work.

The Consumerization of Learning Guide

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Inside, you’ll find information about:

• What the consumerization of learning is and why it is happening

• How consumerization is impacting the learning landscape

• A comprehensive guide to help leaders, L&D and HR staff, and organizations meet workplace challenges and succeed in a tough, but opportunity-rich, environment

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The Consumerization of Learning eBook

Let Learners LearnTraditional L&D—one-way, hierarchical, and increasingly irrelevant—was built for a workplace that no longer exists. Organizations must be prepared for the multidirectional nature of learning today, the constant flow of new information, and the ever-present need to acquire new skills.

The essence of consumerized learning is as follows: the learning people do for their jobs must reflect the reality of how they learn in their personal lives–period.

Good employees are an organization’s most important resource, and human capital costs can make up roughly

70% of corporate operating expenses. Giving employees the tools and content they need to succeed is a smart and necessary investment in the future.

At the same time, corporate learning is being democratized and consumerized. What does this mean? At the most basic level, this means that learning at work is starting to look like the way people learn at home and in their daily lives. It means that people at work demand a more engaging learning experience. The core elements of consumerized learning include:

• Continual, self-directed, learning via an intuitive interface

• Engaging content that people want to use regularly

• Fresh, relevant information that keeps up with the market

1. 2. Bersin, J. (2016). Predictions for 2016: A Bold New World of Talent, Learning, Leadership, and HR Technology Ahead. Oakland, CA: Deloitte Development, LLC

In a recent survey, more

than three-quarters

of firms said culture,

engagement, leadership

gaps, and L&D were

among the top factors

impacting today’s

businesses and employees.

Consumerized learning

technology can help meet

and match all of the

challenges of these factors.

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The term “consumerization” refers to the phenomenon of business products and services evolving to resemble the personal products and services people use at home and in their daily lives.

Think about it like this: does anybody lookat TV listings anymore? No. We expect to be able to stream any episode of any show we want at any time. Our interactions with technology must be real, intuitive, and enjoyable.

Today, the same goes for technology in an organization, and specifically for learning and development in a business. Employees know how to navigate the vast array of information available to them. They do it everyday using consumer-first products like Google and YouTube. What many organizations are now starting to realize is that employees’ use and knowledge of digital tools gives them the power to be savvy consumers at work as well. Their tools must reflect this shift.

What is Consumerization?

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58%more prepared to meet future demand when invested in building a culture of learning

The Value of Consumerizing Learning for the EnterpriseConsumerizing learning can be daunting for L&D professionals because it is a new way of approaching corporate learning, but there are tremendous opportunities and benefits to offering a consumerized learning solution at work.

When an organization designs its learning and development programs based on the needs of the person—the learner—the act of learning becomes enjoyable. People begin to cultivate a desire to learn. A recent article in the Atlantic/Pearson Opportunity Poll found that to upgrade their skills, 56% of workers look first to their workplace for on-the-job-training and 27% of workers wanted access to online courses3. This is why businesses today need learning technology that is not viewed as a chore or task.

Consumerized learning empowers employees to take ownership of their own professional development, by providing an intuitive learning experience that people want to engage with. It presents the opportunity for employees to identify gaps in their own skill sets.

This is why embracing consumerized learning creates a tangible and continuous learning culture, which we’ve seen generate such benefits as increased worker productivity and higher employee retention rates over the long term. Businesses that invest in building a culture of learning are 58% more prepared to meet future demand and experience 37% greater employee productivity4. Consumerized learning drives business performance and closes skills gaps.

Consumerizing learning forthe enterprise by the numbers

3. The Atlantic Media/Pearson Opportunity poll, conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International surveyed 1,276 adults living in the United States by landline and cell phone from February 10 through 25, 2016.4. High Impact Learning Culture: The 40 Best Practices for Creating an Empowered Enterprise, David Mallon, Head of Research, Bersin by Deloitte



of workers look to their workplace first for on-the-job-training

of workers want access to online courses

37%experience greater employee productivity when invested in building a culture of learning

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The Consumerization of Learning eBook

Stop Trying to Control the Details

To truly succeed, L&D, HR and organizational leaders must be willing to empower their employees to learn. This means being comfortable

letting go of control when it comes to developing training content. Relinquishing some control over learning and training content is at the very core of a successful consumerization strategy.

Great training content that keeps up-to-date with changes in the market enables employees to identify and address their own skills gaps. This is more important than ever because in today’s world, jobs are being reinvented every 3-5 years. This creates the skills gap, which only promises to widen over time. It is no longer possible for a centralized training team to be equipped to handle all the changes occurring in the market across industries and job functions. This is why employees must take more ownership and control over their own learning and development.

We will fail to bring our learning strategy into the future if we do not learn to let go of some control over how and when training occurs in our organizations,

Five Best Practices for Buildinga Consumerized Learning Strategy

1Implementing effective L&D and training is actually not a time-management or resource challenge. The real challenge lies in providing access to great content that people find intuitive and want to consume. Why? If the content or platform is poor and difficult to use, people won’t use it, and that’s that.

In these situations where learning isn’t just a low priority, but it is actively avoided, people will never make time for learning or training. It’s human nature.

The good news is that we will make time to connect with up-to-date and engaging content, delivered on a solid technology platform. This is what consumerizinglearning is all about.

In order to embrace consumerizing learning, we must be willing to face some key truths:

Truth 1

The best learning content is not always created or maintained in-house.

Truth 2

Sticking with the current learning platform because of inertia is not going to cut it.

Truth 3

Curate, curate, curate (See best practice 2 about curation as the key to learning design).

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The Consumerization of Learning eBook

You must address these key questions:

• What platforms do employees like and use today?

• How do they learn outside of work?

• What topics do they want to learn?

• How do people learn?

• What do they need to succeed?

• What will the answers to these questions be in one or three years?

Here’s what you can do to curate your learning content:

Vet learning content on your own

Spend time finding the best professional learning content and vet it yourself. Is this content you’d enjoy learning from? Is it easy to use?

Personalize your learning experience

Just because you’re relying on learning technology to provide you with relevant business content on core topics, it doesn’t mean your own content is no longer valued or important. This is why you must use a learning technology that supports and helps to distribute your own proprietary learning content.

Curation: The Key to Learning Design

Businesses require a well designed learning solution.

With a sea of information at peoples’ fingertips, content curation is becoming an increasingly important L&D function. A consumerized learning solution not only curates high-quality content for organizations, but it also gives L&D professionals an easy way to design, manage, and present that content to their employees.

Don’t just set employees loose on the internet or company intranet. There’s a lot out there, and most of it isn’t high quality or accurate. Use a learning technology that has already been curated so that you’re putting your best learning foot forward.


Don’t just set employees loose on the internet or company intranet. There’s a lot out there, and most of it isn’t high quality or accurate.

Know Your People

Organizations often focus learning and training goals around business needs. While

this is important, we must refocus our efforts on the needs of learners themselves. If you don’t know your “audience,” you can’t design the best content nor guide them to the best content.


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The Consumerization of Learning eBook

Is easy to useCan be accessed via an intuitive, robust interface and doesn’t require its own training program.

Invest in the Right Technology

Choosing the right learning technology is essential. There are many solutions out there. The key to selecting the right one for your organization is finding one that is usable and engaging. Without an intuitive platform for people to use, it won’t matter how good the content is.

Select a learning technology that:


Puts the learner firstWhat they need, how they learn, how they engage.

Has top-quality contentOnly the most engaging and timely information will get the desired consumption and performance results.

Is truly mobile andon-demandEasily accessible, on-the-go, at any time.

Is customizableFor employees’ unique needs, learning abilities, and professional development approaches.

Is cost effectiveOrganizations don’t have unlimited cash or never-empty pockets. Find a solution that is effective and scales with you as you grow.

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Build a Cultureof Learning

Too often organizations make learning a low

priority. To achieve the kind of learner engagement that significantly increases employee productivity and performance, leaders must reshift their priorities and create actual paradigm shifts in their internal cultures.

Here are ways to build a culture of continuous learning:

• Rework internal/corporate processes and structures to better facilitate and encourage continuous learning.

• Provide consistent on-demand opportunities for employees to access the best, most up-to-date, and relevant learning content.

• Continuously gather employee feedback, take it seriously, and use it to modify and perfect your learning programs over time.

• Facilitate and support mentorship opportunities

• Encourage employees to learn from real-word, on-the-job situations.


The key to harnessing the power of consumerized learning is to give employees the best tools and resources that make them truly want to learn at work. If a learning program is not engaging, is underutilized,or is cumbersome to use, it’s time for it to go.

Consumerizinglearning transforms L&D from an “I should do it”to an “I want to do it.”

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ON24 needed to equip its engineers with the right learning resources to grow and advance

in their careers. While the ON24 engineering team was already highly skilled, Brent Rojas,

Director of Engineering at ON24, wanted to ensure his team was empowered to handle the

unknown and equipped to work on all technical projects that came their way.


ON24 began their evaluation of online learning solutions to meet their engineering

team’s development needs. They previously leveraged in-person training but soon

realized this wasn’t a scalable solution. Brent ultimately chose Udemy for Business

because of its technical content quality, flexibility and reliability.

Through Udemy for Business, ON24 engineers can keep their skills fresh. The team

has already consumed over 70 hours of course content. Some of the most popular

courses include:

• The Complete Web Developer Course by Rob Percival

• Complete JavaScript: From Fundamentals to Functional JS by Frontend Masters

• C++: From Beginner to Expert by Arkadiusz Włodarczyk

• Learn and Understand AngularJS by Anthony Alicea


The response to Udemy for Business has been very positive. Nearly 80% of the team has

adopted the platform. They enjoy the flexibility of learning on the go via their mobile devices

and the modular format of courses that come in bite-sized, easy to digest lectures. On

average, each person on the engineering team has engaged with 9 hours of course content.

ON24 plans to expand Udemy for Business internally and will continue to

leverage Udemy for Business as a strategic partner to develop their employees’

interpersonal and technical skills.

How consumerizing learning drives real results at ON24

Key Results

“Through Udemy for Business, we’ve been able to be proactive and provide a baseline of knowledge – of say, Angular, for example – so we can utilize our engineering resources no matter the project. We believe Udemy for Business

is crucial to making sure we continue to develop our employees’ skills.” Brent Rojas, Director of Engineering ON24

Engineering team

engagement with the Udemy

for Business platform

Average engagement time

with Udemy for Business




The ON24 webinar and video marketing platform enables companies to deliver interactive content across multiple channels.In addition to industry-leading marketing webinars, ON24 customers use the platform for virtual training, talent development, and more.

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The Consumerization of Learning eBook

ConclusionThe days of top-down, traditional training are no longer relevant in the world we live in today. The workplace needs a consumer-first, intuitive learning solution that encourages employees to learn in the moment of need.

To get the productivity-boosting training results necessary to compete in today’s highly competitive business environment, organizations need to figure out how to successfully empower their employees to learn and facilitate a true culture of continuous learning.

They must harness the enormous power of modern technology—as well as employees’ skill at navigating it—to find and leverage the best learning technology.

Consumerized learning is the solution to these challenges. Today, thanks to technological advances driving consumerization, we can create a nimble, engaging learning solution that employees want to use on their own terms to get better at their jobs and advance in their careers.

Let Udemy for Business Help YouNavigate the Consumerization of LearningTo date, Udemy has helped more than 11 million learners around the world get the information they need to succeed in their jobs and lives. Its intuitive, on-demand, online learning platform has been highly rated by people around the world and is now available to organizations that want to enable their employees to learn on a daily basis.

Udemy’s high-quality business content is a curated collection of 1,800+ courses that cover a wide variety of business topics. Udemy for Business fully embraces the

consumerization of learning by building the most engaging learning product for people to use. As a result, content consumption on our platform has tripled since 2015. Our most active learners spend an average of 30 minutes learning each time they use Udemy for Business.

Check out our high-quality and diverse content collection and robust, intuitive learning platform for more information. We’re excited to help you get started with consumerizing your learning and development strategy.

11M 1,800+ 3XThe number of people around the world that use Udemy to get the

information they need to succeed personally and


The number of high-quality, curated courses

in the Udemy for Business content collection

The amount that content consumption on Udemy for Business has

increased since 2015

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About Udemy for BusinessUdemy for Business is a consumerized learning platform that empowers organizations to address their biggest workforce challenges, no matter what they are. Built for businesses striving to be at the forefront of innovation, Udemy for Business offers relevant, engaging learning anytime, anywhere. The 1,800+ high-quality courses are taught by the world’s leading experts and range from programming and design to marketing and stress management. In addition to its extensive content collection, Udemy for Business enables organizations to easily and securely assemble and distribute proprietary content in one central place.

High-performing organizations including PayPal, Lyft, T-Mobile, Barclays, ON24, Century 21 and Pitney Bowes choose Udemy for Business to upskill their workforce and drive learning forward.

Bring Udemy into your business today. Email us at [email protected]

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