The Consumer Marketer's Guide to Data - Polygraph

Copyright 2012-2013, Notice Technologies Inc. The Data Driven Business The Consumer Marketer’s Guide to Data How to Take Advantage of Big Data November 2013


A quick primer on how we attack big data projects for marketers, and the questions that can be solved by becoming more data-driven.

Transcript of The Consumer Marketer's Guide to Data - Polygraph

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Copyright 2012-2013, Notice Technologies Inc.

The Data Driven BusinessThe Consumer Marketer’s Guide to DataHow to Take Advantage of Big DataNovember 2013

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Robert Starek, CTO• 3-time startup founder, Chief Architect• 11 patents in big data, data security and

management• Windows Azure Cloud services expert

About Us

Chris Treadaway, CEO• MBA, University of Texas• Microsoft 2005-2008, last role as Group

Product Manager, Web & Social Media Strategy• Co-Author of bestseller, Facebook Marketing An

Hour a Day May 2010, 2nd Edition May 2012• Charter “Facebook Developer Hero” &

participant in Facebook Developer Customer Council

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Stages of Marketing Competency

Manage by Feel Analytics Data Literate Data Optimized

Reliance on expertsReliance on opinion

Use of “vanity” marketing &

operational metrics

Collection of databut data is beingused primarily forbasic community

management decisions

Data heavily integratedin culture and is used

to help make keydecisions & drive sponsored

content campaigns

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Data Strategy & Implementation


• Audit available information & opportunities, and how data is currently used• Analyze data sets and reconfigure/clean them for easier analysis• Establish processes for collecting and storing data properly/accurately


• Understand the needs of key stakeholders and decision-makers• Audit current key KPIs being used and operational impacts• Find opportunities for new, data-driven metrics and propose new solutions


• Create dashboards that integrate opportunities, findings, and new procedures• Train executives on how data can improve customer experiences & better inform decisions• Produce custom reports and analyses on demand as business needs require

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Mapping Customers to “The Funnel”

• Each stage of the funnel is an opportunity for optimization

• Rarely do organizations mine & understand the data to better optimize the funnel in its entirety

Social Media

Web Site


Loyalty Programs

Social media turnscustomers into advocates & “free” person-to-person marketing/evangelism

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Understanding Customers

What and how often customers buy• The products and services each customer is buying

and has bought in the past• The frequency of purchases of each product

Segmentation & Contribution to Revenue• Is there a functioning segmentation that is accurate

and relevant to the marketing context?• Does customer data (internal and third-party) suggest

a different or modified customer segmentation is necessary?

• Is segmentation used in a way to help maximize revenue & profit?

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Understanding Purchase Decisions

How they decide between competitors• What are the key decision-making criteria (e.g. price,

convenience, quality, brand association, etc.)?• What interactions are needed to make a purchase


How customers buy• What channels do they use to buy products?• What other related activities or interests might impact

buying decision/process or product use?

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Understanding Marketing Touch

What pre & post-sale interactions do customers require• How do our various marketing channels perform?• How does e-mail, social media, and mobile marketing

translate to revenue?• What information does the customer require after a

visit?• Can marketing channels impact other KPIs?• How has couponing & event marketing impacted my

business?• Does the data suggest greater or lesser investment in

certain parts of the marketing mix?

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Understanding Customer Evangelism

How do you turn customers into evangelists for your product/service?• Who are your repeat customers?• Are they influencers in the social media channel?• Are you calculating the number of influencers that you

have, how often they are communicating, how positive they are, and how they impact other KPIs for your business?

• Are they transmitting positive messages about your product(s), your employees, your brand?

• Are specific experiences highly correlated to creating new evangelists?

• Are your influencers communicating more/less frequently?

• What makes your influencers communicate with their friends/followers more often and more positively?

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Data for Predictive Marketing

Who are your customers?

What have they done?

What do they like?

What have they said?




What customers will do in the futureWhat tactics & strategies should be usedFuture RevenueSegmentati








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Anatomy of a Project

• Custom Data Projects have up to 4 core elements– Data Audit – assessing where are we currently– Normalization – fixing what needs to be fixed– Visualizations & Analysis – getting answers

from the data– Strategy & Operations – putting a data-driven

approach into practice

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Anatomy of a Project – Data Audit

• What is available to inform executives better?

• What is on the wish list & what are the operational difficulties inherent in getting it?

• What can be collected that is not currently being collected & used in decision-making?

• Are you collecting all the data you need in a useful, repeatable, and scalable manner?

• What third-party data could be beneficial to arrive at a better understanding of business or customers?

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Anatomy of a Project – Normalization

• Editing & reshaping of raw data to allow for analysis– E.g. data example to the right needs to

be cleaned – data formatted properly and consistently for analysis

• Can data be exported in time frames necessary for decision making?

• Is all data exportable in consistent and largely automated ways?

• How is reporting & analysis done currently? Can it be standardized and optimized for efficiency?

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Anatomy of a Project – Visualizations/Analysis

• Bringing data to life with visualizations to inform decision making

• Better understand a specific business problem through data

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Anatomy of a Project – Strategy/Operations

• Who currently uses data to improve operating efficiency & make more money?

• Are there opportunities to create dashboards to easily provide insight that is needed?

• Who is empowered to see certain KPIs and when?

• Can data/analytics help people perform their jobs better?

• What training is necessary to become a more data-driven organization?

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Customer Testimonials

“Mindblowing. The most actionable analysis of customer data we’ve ever seen.” Director of Media

Responsible or over $1b

Ad spend for Fortune

50 consumer brand

“Polygraph enables scenarios we’d only hoped we could do sometime soon. It’s like they’ve bugged our offices.”

Sean Carlos Fleming

Director, Web & Text Analytics

“Groundbreaking work for the television industry.”

Senior Vice President

$1b Local Media Conglomerate

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Getting Started

Contact us for a free consultation & needs assessment. We can put a package together that is designed for your success and budget.

Chris Treadaway, CEOPolygraph [email protected]