The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The...

©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD ENGLISH SPELLING SKILLS Information about the design of this test can be located in the following peer-reviewed journal: Daffern, T., & Ramful, A. (accepted). Measurement of spelling ability: Construction and validation of a phonological, orthographic and morphological pseudo-word instrument. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2018 ©Dr Tessa Daffern [THE COMPONENTS OF SPELLING TEST: PSEUDO-WORD VERSION]

Transcript of The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The...

Page 1: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

The Components of Spelling Test (CoST)

Pseudo-word Version

Grades 5 and 6


Information about the design of this test can be located in the following peer-reviewed journal:

Daffern, T., & Ramful, A. (accepted). Measurement of spelling ability: Construction and validation of a phonological,

orthographic and morphological pseudo-word instrument. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal


©Dr Tessa Daffern


Page 2: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Components of Spelling Test (CoST): Pseudo-word version

General guidelines

▪ Students must not study the pseudo-words in advance of testing;

▪ Students should be encouraged to attempt all items in this test. However, if a student is clearly having significant trouble with the more difficult pseudo-words and has not attempted more than five pseudo-words in a row, the student can be asked to stop;

▪ Each pseudo-word is to be dictated naturally, without deliberate or artificial emphasis of any particular feature, including a phoneme, syllable or morpheme.

▪ To complete this test, each student is required to hand write each pseudo-word as it is being dictated by the test administrator (e.g. a classroom teacher or clinician including an education psychology specialist).

▪ A rest period (e.g. 15 minutes) can be provided between the delivery of each spelling component (Phonological Component; Orthographic Component; Morphological Component).

▪ To score the student responses, use the Scoring Sheets provided and follow the error analysis guidelines specified in the tables. Use a coloured marker to record any errors and to score the items as correct (1) or incorrect (0). For each item that is incorrectly spelled, record the student’s incorrect spelling attempt. For each pseudo-word in the Phonological Component, the entire pseudo-word must be correctly spelled for a single point (1) to be awarded. For each item in the Orthographic and Morphological Components, a single point is awarded if the target grapheme unit (item) is correct. A sample of a student’s response to each word is provided in the appendix, along with the corresponding results recorded in the Scoring Sheets.

Materials required

▪ Response Sheet: Each student completing the hand-written CoST: Pseudo-word version requires a complete copy of the Response Sheet for each component of the test.

▪ Scoring Sheet: A copy of the scoring sheet for each spelling component is required per student.

▪ Administration Instructions: These include the pseudo-words to be dictated.

▪ Pen or pencil for each student taking the test.

Page 3: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Administration Instructions

Instructions to give to students The test administrator orally provides the following instructions to the student/s prior to dictating the pseudo-words specified in each subscale of the CoST:

“I am going to ask you to spell some silly made-up words. Some of the silly made-up words may be easy to spell; some may be difficult. If you are not sure how to spell a silly made-up word, spell it the best you can.”

Phonological Component “Listen very carefully because I will only say each silly made-up base word two times. Sound out each word as best you can. Please do not talk or look at anyone else’s work or let anyone else see your work. Let’s start with the first silly word: ‘tid’ [wait for 2 seconds], ‘tid’ [wait for10 seconds]; ‘vosh’ [wait for 2 seconds], ‘vosh’ [wait for up to 10 seconds] …”

Orthographic Component Part A: “I am going to ask you to spell some more silly made-up base words. Remember to listen very carefully because I will only say each silly base word two times. Spell each as best as you can. Let’s start. … ‘glibble’ [wait for 2 seconds], ‘glibble [wait for up to 10 seconds] …”

Part B: “I am going to ask you to spell some more silly made-up base words. Remember to listen very carefully because each silly word will only be said two times. There may be more than one way to write these silly words, but you only need to spell each silly word in one way in the space provided. Let’s start…”

Morphological Component “I am going to read aloud sentences that have some made-up words in them. You will need to fill in the missing silly made-up word in each sentence. I will tell you what that made-up word is, so listen very carefully and think about the meaning as I read each sentence aloud. Spell the missing made-up words as best as you can. I will read each sentence once only. ‘Here is one slaby (pronounce as in ‘baby’). Here are two slabies’ (pronounce as in ‘babies’) [wait for up to 10 seconds]; ‘I zay the food. He zays the food’ …”

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©Dr Tessa Daffern

Administration Instructions: Phonological Component

Instructions for test administrator: Read aloud each pseudo-word twice only,

allowing a wait time of no more than two seconds before the repetition. Provide

no more than a ten-second wait time before proceeding to the next pseudo-word

in the list. Keep the wait times consistent for each pseudo-word.

Monosyllabic pseudo-words

1. tid

2. vosh

3. masp

4. zod

5. plang

6. bemp

7. swub

8. stont

9. hish

10. grund

Disyllabic pseudo-words

11. drablosh

12. stiglap

13. grombant

14. flubspong

15. stishump

16. tashblonk

17. blongtup

18. yaplind

19. zishbleng

20. humblont

Polysyllabic pseudo-words

21. brantimog

22. glantinosh

23. trumplashong

24. drenlimpot

25. beglitend

26. astishond

27. shrebandist

28. yostingflish

29. prashlengsap

30. shamplondob

Page 5: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Administration Instructions: Orthographic Component

Part A instructions for test administrator: Read aloud each pseudo-word twice

only, allowing a wait time of no more than two seconds before the repetition.

Provide no more than a ten-second wait time before proceeding to the next

pseudo-word in the list. Keep the wait times consistent for each pseudo-word.

Part A

1. glibble (pronounce short vowel as in ‘dribble’)

2. lidge (pronounce short vowel as in ‘bridge’)

3. blove (pronounce long vowel as in ‘stove’)

4. bittle (pronounce short vowel as in ‘little’)

5. vible (pronounce long vowel as in ‘bible’)

6. blunk (pronounce as in ‘sunk’)

7. shrount (pronounce vowel as in ‘mount’)

8. teggle (pronounce as in ‘heggle’)

9. grack (pronounce as in ‘track’)

10. shoy (pronounce as in ‘toy’)

11. medge (pronounce as in ‘hedge’)

12. tobble (pronounce as ‘gobble’)

13. glown (pronounce vowel as in ‘clown’)

14. floble (pronounce vowel as ‘noble’)

15. studge (pronounce as in ‘fudge’)

16. brove (pronounce vowel as in ‘grove’)

17. pluddle (pronounce as in ‘puddle’)

18. rugove (pronounce vowels as in ‘above’)

19. zoy (pronounce as in ‘toy’)

20. strount (pronounce vowel as in ‘mount’)

21. glurry (pronounce vowel as in ‘hurry’)

22. blount (pronounce vowel as in ‘mount’)

23. slove (pronounce vowel as in ‘glove’)

24. tigle (pronounce vowel as in ‘bible’)

25. bloin (pronounce vowel as in ‘coin’)

Part B

1. thould (pronounce as in ‘should’)

2. splew (pronounce as in ‘threw’)

3. grawl (pronounce as in ‘crawl’)

4. spow (pronounce as in ‘now’)

5. blate (pronounce as in ‘slate’)

6. teeb (pronounce as in ‘seed’

7. zern (pronounce as in ‘turn’)

8. grite (pronounce as in ‘bright’)

9. drote (pronounce as in ‘wrote’)

10. gley (pronounce as in ‘sleigh’)

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©Dr Tessa Daffern

Administration Instructions: Morphological Subscale

Instructions for test administrator: Read aloud the sentence prompts below. All words and

pseudo-words in each sentence need to be dictated aloud, including the pseudo-words in

bold font. Each sentence is to be read once only. Provide no more than a ten-second wait

time before proceeding to the next sentence.

Inflected suffixes

1. Here is one slaby (pronounce long vowel as in baby). Here are two slabies. [plural from CCVCV] 2. I zay the food. He zays the food. [third-person singular present from CVV] 3. I will vipe. You are viping. [present progressive from CVCV] 4. I have one hox. She has ten hoxes. [plural from CVC] 5. This chair is vate. It is the vatest chair. [superlative from CVCV] 6. There was one rone. Now there are five rones. [plural from CVCV] 7. I ate one stozy. My friend ate two stozies. [plural from CCVCV] 8. I would like to tig. They are tigging. [present progressive from CVC] 9. They greech the wall. She greeches the wall. [third-person singular present from CCVVCC] 10. There was one ved. Now there are four veds. [plural from CVC] 11. I will clom today. Yesterday, I clommed. [past tense from CCVC] 12. Her pen is stibe. My pen is stiber than hers. [comparative from CCVCV] 13. Here is one slote. Here are two slotes. [plural from CCVCV] 14. They will zeep today. Yesterday, they zept. [past tense from CVVC] 15. I have a griss. They have two grisses. [plural CCVCC] 16. She will zete to school. He zetes to school. [third-person singular present from CVCV] 17. I will kide. I am kiding. [progressive from CVCV] 18. I will gry the floor. He always gries the floor. [third-person singular present from CCV] 19. His ball is greb. My ball is grebber. [comparative adjective from CCVC] 20. I will fleat to the shops. He has fleaten to the shops. [past participle from CCVVC]

Derivational suffixes

21. A person with little gression is not very gressionate. [noun to adjective]

22. She will stompose. Her stomposition will be good. [verb to noun] 23. The man snegs. He is called a snegger. [verb to noun] 24. A person who makes plagic is called a plagician. [noun to noun] 25. The dog was greppy. The dog barked greppily. [Adjective to adverb] 26. I will donfact the table. Donfaction will make the table strong. [verb to noun] 27. A person who vods is called a vodder. [verb to noun] 28. He needs to ronliss. He will feel better after making a ronlission. [verb to noun] 29. I like to slampete. A slampetition is fun. [verb to noun] 30. A person who can hote is called a hoter. [verb to noun] 31. They will fodreate. A fodreation is needed. [verb to noun] 32. I trect the cat. I am trective of the cat. [verb to adjective] 33. It is better when the stelp is stelpful. [noun to adjective] 34. I like this froy. It is very froyish. [noun to adjective]

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©Dr Tessa Daffern


35. The opposite of mabure is immabure. 36. A wrong flud is a misflud. 37. The opposite of redular is irredular. 38. A person who is not bleam is unbleam. 39. The opposite of lesterate is illesterate. 40. To stib again and again is to restib. 41. The opposite of freem is unfreem. 42. If the glab fades away, it will disglab.

Greek & Latin Roots

43. The aquabost ran out of water. Write aquabost. 44. Sundophobia is a fear of sund. Write sundophobia. 45. The flagosphere is round. Write flagosphere. 46. This autodrost moves slowly. Write autodrost. 47. The psychobot knows when I am happy. Write psychobot. 48. My hydrogleb ran out of water. Write hydrogleb. 49. The audiostap is loud. Write audiostap. 50. A chronoslud tells us what the time is. Write chronoslud.

General scoring guidelines:

Use the Scoring Sheets to analyse and score spelling errors.

For all items, mirror reversals of graphemes (letters) are accepted as correct, unless they lead to other correct

graphemes (e.g., tid as tib; plang as qlang). Both upper and lowercase letters are accepted as correct.

In the phonological subscale:

For substitutions, the assumption is that the phoneme is substituted (e.g. STIGLAPE instead of STIGLAP or STISUMP

instead of STISHUMP). If letters are correct but written in an incorrect order (e.g. MAPS instead of MASP or VOHS

instead of VOSH), record each phoneme as a substitution error.

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©Dr Tessa Daffern

Scoring Sheets [Page 1 of 5]

Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version [Grades 5/6]

Student Name:

Date: Grade:


Phonological Component


Orthographic Component


Morphological Component


Australian Test norms for Pseudo-word-G-5-6 CoST Percentiles Phonological score Orthographic score Morphological score

5 7 13 15

10 9 18 18

25 13 21 27

50 18 25 36

75 24 29 40

90 26 31 46 95 28 32 48

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©Dr Tessa Daffern

Scoring Sheets [Page 2 of 5]


Monosyllabic pseudo-words

Epenthesis Addition of 1

or more phonemes

Elision Omission of 1

or more phonemes

Substitution Phoneme is substituted


incorrect grapheme

Target Graphemes (circle incorrect graphemes if applicable)


1. tid t i d /1

2. vosh v o sh /1

3. masp m a s p /1

4. zod z o d /1

5. plang p l a ng /1

6. bemp b e m p /1

7. swub s w u b /1

8. stont s t o n t /1

9. hish h i sh /1

10. grund g r u n d /1

Sub-total /10

Disyllabic pseudo-words




Target Graphemes (circle incorrect graphemes if applicable)


11. drablosh d r a b l o sh /1

12. stiglap s t i g l a p /1

13. grombant g r o m b a n t /1

14. flubspong f l u b s p o ng /1

15. stishump s t i sh u m p /1

16. tashblonk t a sh b l o n k /1

17. blongtup b l o ng t u p /1

18. yaplind y a p l i n d /1

19. zishbleng z i sh b l e ng /1

20. humblont h u m b l o n t /1

Sub-total /10

Polysyllabic pseudo-words




Target Graphemes (circle incorrect graphemes if applicable)


21. brantimog b r a n t i m o g /1

22. glantinosh g l a n t i n o sh /1

23. trumplashong t r u m p l a sh o ng /1

24. drenlimpot d r e n l i m p o t /1

25. beglitend b e g l i t e n d /1

26. astishond a s t i sh o n d /1

27. shrebandist sh r e b a n d i s t /1

28. yostingflish y o s t i ng f l i sh /1

29. prashlengsap p r a sh l e ng s a p /1

30. shamplondob sh a m p l o n d o b /1

Sub-total /10


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©Dr Tessa Daffern

Scoring Sheets [Page 3 of 5]


Part A: Pseudo-words Target Graphemes (position/context dependent) Scores

1. glibble -bb- /1

2. lidge -dge /1 3. blove -ove /1

4. bittle -tt- /1

5. vible -b- /1 6. blunk -k- (-ck- and -c- are wrong) /1

7. shrount -ou /1

8. teggle -gg- /1

9. grack -ck (-c and -k are wrong) /1 10. shoy -oy /1

11. medge -dge /1

12. tobble -bb- /1 13. glown -ow- /1

14. floble -b- /1

15. studge -dge /1 16. brove -ove /1

17. pluddle -dd- /1

18. rugove -ove /1 19. zoy -oy /1

20. strount -ou- /1

21. glurry -rr- /1 22. blount -ou- /1

23. slove -ove /1

24. tigle -g- /1

25. bloin -oi- /1

Sub-total /25

Part B: Pseudo-words Acceptable grapheme responses


1. thould -oul- -oo- /1 2. splew -ew -ue -oo -oe -ough /1

3. grawl -awl -aul -all /1

4. spow -ow -ough /1 5. blate -ate -ait -aight -eight /1

6. teeb -ee- -ea- -ebe -ie- -ei- /1

7. zern -er- -ir- -ear- -ur- -our- /1 8. grite -ite -ight -eight /1

9. drote -ote -oat /1

10. gley -ey -ay -eigh -ae /1

Sub-total /10


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©Dr Tessa Daffern

Scoring Sheets [Page 4 of 5]

MORPHOLOGICAL COMPONENT (PSEUDO-WORDS) Inflected suffixes Target graphemes Scores

1. slabies -bies /1

2. zays -ys /1

3. viping -ping /1

4. hoxes -xes /1 5. vatest -test /1

6. rones -nes /1

7. stozies -zies /1 8. tigging -gging /1

9. greeches -es /1

10. veds -ds /1 11. clommed -mmed /1

12. stiber -ber /1

13. slotes -es /1 14. zept -ept /1

15. grisses -sses /1

16. zetes -tes /1 17. kiding -ding /1

18. gries -ries /1

19. grebber -bber /1

20. fleaten -ten /1

Sub-total /20

Derived suffixes Target graphemes Scores

21. gressionate -nate /1 22. stomposition -sition /1

23. snegger -gger /1

24. plagician -ician /1 25. greppily -ily /1

26. donfaction -tion /1

27. vodder -dder /1

28. ronlission -ssion /1 29. slampetition -etition /1

30. hoter -ter /1

31. fodreation -tion /1 32. trective -ive /1

33. stelpful -pful /1

34. froyish -yish /1

Sub-total /14

Continued on next page …

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©Dr Tessa Daffern

Scoring Sheets [Page 5 of 5]

MORPHOLOGICAL COMPONENT (PSEUDO-WORDS) [continued] Prefixed Pseudo-words Target graphemes Scores

35. immabure imm- /1

36. misflud mis- /1

37. irredular irr- /1 38. unbleam un- /1

39. illesterate ill- /1

40. restib re- /1 41. unfreem un- /1

42. disglab dis- /1

Sub-total /8

Latin & Greek roots Target graphemes Scores

43. aquabost aqua- /1

44. sundophobia -phobia /1

45. flagosphere -sphere /1 46. autodrost auto- /1

47. psychobot psych- /1

48. hydrogleb hydro- /1

49. audiostap audi- /1 50. chronoslud chrono- /1

Sub-total /8


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©Dr Tessa Daffern

[First Name] [Surname]

Boy / Girl

CoST: Pseudo-word Version Response Sheet [Page 1 of 9]

Student Name: _______________________________________ Grade: ________

Date: ______________________________ Gender: ____________________

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Phonological Component





















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©Dr Tessa Daffern

CoST: Pseudo-word Version Response Sheet [Page 2 of 9]

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Phonological Subscale, continued











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©Dr Tessa Daffern

CoST: Pseudo-word Version Response Sheet [Page 3 of 9]

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Orthographic Component Part A





















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©Dr Tessa Daffern

CoST: Pseudo-word Version Response Sheet [Page 4 of 9]

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Orthographic Component Part A, continued






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©Dr Tessa Daffern

CoST: Pseudo-word Version Response Sheet [Page 5 of 9]

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Orthographic Component Part B











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©Dr Tessa Daffern

CoST: Pseudo-word Version Response Sheet [Page 6 of 9]

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Morphological Component

1. Here is one slaby. Here are two _______________________ .

2. I zay the food. He _________________ the food.

3. I will vipe. You are _____________________ .

4. I have one hox. She has ten ______________________ .

5. This chair is vate. It is the ___________________ chair.

6. There was one rone. Now there are five ___________________ .

7. I ate one stozy. My friend ate two ___________________ .

8. I would like to tig. They are _____________________ .

9. They greech the wall. She ____________________ the wall.

10. There was one ved. Now there are four ___________________ .

11. I will clom today. Yesterday, I _____________________ .

12. Her pen is stibe. My pen is ___________________ than hers.

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©Dr Tessa Daffern

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Morphological Component [Page 7 of 9]

13. Here is one slote. Here are two _______________________ .

14. They will zeep today. Yesterday, they ____________________ .

15. I have a griss. They have two _______________________ .

16. She will zete to school. He __________________ to school.

17. I will kide. I am ___________________ .

18. I will gry the floor. He always __________________ the floor.

19. His ball is greb. My ball is ________________________ .

20. I will fleat to the shops. He has __________________ to the shops.

21. A person with little gression is not very _____________________ .

22. She will stompose. Her __________________________ will be good.

23. The man snegs. He is called a _______________________ .

24. A person who makes plagic is called a ____________________ .

25. The dog was greppy. The dog barked ____________________ .

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©Dr Tessa Daffern

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Morphological Component [Page 8 of 9]

26. I will donfact the table. ________________ will make the table strong.

27. A person who vods is called a __________________________ .

28. He needs to ronliss. He will feel better after making a ______________ .

29. I like to slampete. A ______________________ is fun.

30. A person who can hote is called a _______________________ .

31. They will fodreate. A _______________________ is needed.

32. I trect the cat. I am ________________________ of the cat.

33. It is better when the stelp is ________________________ .

34. I like this froy. It is very _______________________ .

35. The opposite of mabure is _______________________ .

36. A wrong flud is a _______________________ .

37. The opposite of redular is _______________________ .

38. A person who is not bleam is _______________________ .

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©Dr Tessa Daffern

CoST Pseudo-word Response Sheet: Morphological Component [Page 9 of 9]

39. The opposite of lesterate is_______________________ .

40. To stib again and again is to ______________________ .

41. The opposite of freem is ______________________ .

42. If the glab fades away, it will _________________________ .

43. The __________________________ ran out of water.

44. _____________________________ is a fear of sund.

45. The _________________________ is round.

46. This _________________________ moves slowly.

47. The _________________________ knows when I am happy.

48. My _________________________ ran out of water.

49. The _________________________ is loud.

50. A __________________________ tells us what the time is.


Page 22: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Appendix Sample of completed Response Sheets and corresponding Scoring Sheets Student Response Sheet: Phonological Component

Page 23: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Scoring Sheet Sample: Phonological Component

Page 24: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Student Response Sheet: Orthographic Component Part A

Student Response Sheet: Orthographic Component Part B

Page 25: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Scoring Sheet Sample: Orthographic Component (Part A and Part B)

Page 26: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Student Response Sheet: Morphological Component

Page 27: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Student Response Sheet: Morphological Component (continued)

Page 28: The Components of spelling test: pseudo-word version · 2019-08-06 · ©Dr Tessa Daffern The Components of Spelling Test (CoST) Pseudo-word Version Grades 5 and 6 A MEASURE OF STANDARD

©Dr Tessa Daffern

Scoring Sheet Sample: Morphological Component