the complete road design software of nepal SMART ROAD is a...

SMART ROAD is a high-end road designing application that helps users to generate effective and accurate road designs. With an extensive set of features and a simple, easy to use interface Smart Road saves you a lot of time and money by producing automated design and detailing of almost any road type. SMART ROAD offers almost all kinds of road design options. It supports both baseline survey method (DTM) and centerline survey method and covers a wide range of functionalities including functions, data collections, terrain modelling, contouring, volumes, profiles and cross-sections. In spite of being a robust software, Smart Road’s user interface has been carefully engineered to enable the most elaborate road design operations at the push of a button. SMART ROAD KEY FEATURES : DESIGN CREATIVITY The dynamic placement and change functionality in smart road speeds the creation of alignments. “Rubber Band” flexibility allows user to place and edit alignments, encourages creativity and fast assessment of design and with feature like zoom/pan ”at mouse wheel” providing ease and comfort while design. With cut/fill calculations “On the fly” the end result is informed decisions, prompting better quality design. PAVEMENT LAYER AND SUB-GRADE DESIGN Pavement layer generator modals the entire road pave- ment complete with variable pavement configurations. Volumes are produced as a by-product of the design process delivering information required when needed. FINAL REPORT SMART ROAD gives interactive AutoCAD compatible drawings of plan, profile and cross-section with proper frames and sheet management. It can promptly calculate quantities and has easy and fast processing of large number of data. User can customize drawing frames with page numbers and markings. CROSS-SECTION DESIGN SMART ROAD can update cross-section from the horizontal and vertical alignments automatically and promptly. It provides variety of standard structures by default, which can also be customized as per the user’s requirement. Also these customized structures can be used time and again. As smart road is very powerful software, it can promptly update the cross-section along with the changes made in any parameter with preview. SMART PLOTTER As found in other softwares, printing has always been a tedious job in preparing design report specially drawings (Plan, profile and sections). Smart plotter which comes with smart road enables users to print as much pages as wanted with a single command from any Auto CAD versions itself. The software has been developed using state of the art technologies that conform to the highest international standards while also including all standard norms set by The Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR), Department of Roads (DoR). THE COMPLETE ROAD DESIGN SOFTWARE OF NEPAL Plan in DTM Profile Cross-Section Smart Plotter

Transcript of the complete road design software of nepal SMART ROAD is a...

SMART ROAD is a high-end road designing application that helps users to generate effective and accurate road designs. With an extensive set of features and a simple, easy to use interface Smart Road saves you a lot of time and money by producing automated design and detailing of almost any road type.

SMART ROAD offers almost all kinds of road design options. It supports both baseline survey method (DTM) and centerline survey method and covers a wide range of functionalities including functions, data collections, terrain modelling, contouring, volumes, profiles and cross-sections. In spite of being a robust software, Smart Road’s user interface has been carefully engineered to enable the most elaborate road design operations at the push of a button.

SMART ROAD KEY FEATURES : DESIGN CREATIVITYThe dynamic placement and change functionality in smart road speeds the creation of alignments. “Rubber Band” flexibility allows user to place and edit alignments, encourages creativity and fast assessment of design and with feature like zoom/pan ”at mouse wheel” providing ease and comfort while design. With cut/fill calculations “On the fly” the end result is informed decisions, prompting better quality design. PAVEMENT LAYER AND SUB-GRADE DESIGNPavement layer generator modals the entire road pave-ment complete with variable pavement configurations. Volumes are produced as a by-product of the design process delivering information required when needed.

FINAL REPORTSMART ROAD gives interactive AutoCAD compatible drawings of plan, profile and cross-section with proper frames and sheet management. It can promptly calculate quantities and has easy and fast processing of large number of data. User can customize drawing frames with page numbers and markings.

CROSS-SECTION DESIGNSMART ROAD can update cross-section from the horizontal and vertical alignments automatically and promptly. It provides variety of standard structures by default, which can also be customized as per the user’s requirement. Also these customized structures can be used time and again. As smart road is very powerful software, it can promptly update the cross-section along with the changes made in any parameter with preview.

SMART PLOTTERAs found in other softwares, printing has always been a tedious job in preparing design report specially drawings (Plan, profile and sections). Smart plotter which comes with smart road enables users to print as much pages as wanted with a single command from any Auto CAD versions itself.

The software has been developed using state of the art technologies that conform to the highest international standards while also including all standard norms set by The Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR), Department of Roads (DoR).

the complete road design software of nepal

Plan in DTM



Smart Plotter

SMART ROAD- AT A GLANCEData Interoperability Interactive Design Editing

Alignment Design Quantities and Reports

Smart Road plays significant role in the process of road design and are left aside by the currently available road designing software packages. Some of these are listed below under their respective module heads:

- DTM bundled in a single package of a software copy

- Possibility of reflection of existing structures by importing data using the DTM’s import point method.

- 3D view of existing terrain with user controlled viewing angles

- Possibility of generation of cross-section at desired chainage according to user requirement at the design time while working with DTM

- Easy alignment placement and move-ment with real time curve reference generation during IP.

- Extensive parameters display option in plan such as road width, walls, drains, extra widening, Cut/fill details etc.

- Extensive parameters display option in profile such as design level, ground level, cut/fill, soil type, side drain, super elevation.

- chainage and R1 reflection in drawing window

- Real time reflection of vertical aligment with garde during movement

- Possibility of locating the relative cross-section and plan from profile window

- Real time reflection of design change done in the cross-section.

- Customize cut/fill lines - Customize structures like drains, walls

with GUI. - Customize drainage structures with

typical drawing - Custom cut/fill area - Copy paste any structure in any cross-

section - Edit existing cross-section data from

same window - Copy structures and ground level from

adjacent cross-section - Updating cross-section with preview

- Customize drawing frames with GUI - Export drawing with proper sheet

management including page no. and chain age

- Fast drawing export over 30 km in about 10 min.

- Export horizontal alignment data relative to drawing sheets of plan and profile.

- Co-ordinate data and bearing data are interconvertible

- Both offset and stepping method support with auto conversion from cross-section

- Bench mark and surface data input

Smart Tech is a dynamic, multipurpose IT outsourcing company based in Kathmandu, Nepal, which comes with over six years of experience in overall web design and CAD application development. With an impressive lineup of experienced professionals who are committed to client satisfaction.

SMART TECH SOLUTION Pvt. Ltd.Shantinagar, Kathmandu, Nepal

Contact No: 9851118494E-mail:[email protected] Web:

SMART ROAD 2009SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS• Software: Microsoft .net framework 3.5, AutoCAD 2007 or higher• Processor : Pentium 900Hz minimum, Pentium P4 1.5Ghz or equivalent and higher• Operating System : Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 • Memory: 512MB minimum, 1GB or higher recommended • Disk space: 1GB• Input Device: Mouse/Keyboard






- Ability to import data from Active Excel and CSV files.

- Available to utmost stand alone environment with high quality, fully functional CAD- tools built in.

- Uniform integration between CAD platforms (DWG environment)

- Advanced and Dynamic tools for interactive alignment creation.

- Comprehensive geometric reporting including “on the fly” volumetric to allow optimization of cut/ fill percent-ages.

- Variety of transition types to most international standards.

- Consecutive Alignment creation.

- Ability to edit section elements by slope or push out points, updating Cross-Section, Profile and Plan views simul-taneously.

- Rapid design throughout the abil-ity to restrict designs with pre-defined boundaries (e.g. Right of Way limits)

- Automatic extraction of Quantities for estimating.

- User-definable horizontal, vertical alignment and Cross-section geometry reports.

- Customizable drawing frames and proper sheet management.


Structure Customization

Contour Generation in DTM