The Comenius Sustainable Cook · The Comenius Sustainable...

The Comenius Sustainable Cook Book

Transcript of The Comenius Sustainable Cook · The Comenius Sustainable...

Page 1: The Comenius Sustainable Cook · The Comenius Sustainable Cook Book. January Clear Soup of Turnips Ingredients: Preparation: 300g turnips 100g

The Comenius Sustainable Cook Book

Page 2: The Comenius Sustainable Cook · The Comenius Sustainable Cook Book. January Clear Soup of Turnips Ingredients: Preparation: 300g turnips 100g


Clear Soup of Turnips

Ingredients: Preparation:

300g turnips 100g leek 100g shallots 2 soup spoons oil 1 soup spoon sugar 1litre water 1 cube of vegetable stock 1 star aniseed 2 pinches of allspice Salt (to taste)

Wash and clean the turnips and leeks. Peel the shallots. Cut everything into strips. Heat the oil and steam the vegetables. Sprinkle the sugar on and let it caramelize. Pour

the water on and let it boil and dissolve the cube of vegetable stock. Add salt , star aniseed and the pinch of allspice. Bring the soup to the boil and let it

simmer for 10 minutes on a low heat.

Sausage and Broccoli

Ingredients: Preparation:

800g sausage

2 kg broccoli

olive oil


red hot pepper


Wash broccoli

Fry in a pan the garlic and red pepper with oil

Add broccoli, cover with a lid and cook

In another pan, cook the sausage

Add the sausage to the broccoli

Serve hot.

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Beetroot and Goat’s Cheese Salad (good served with Duck or on its own)

Ingredients: Preparation:

2 cooked beetroot (not in vinegar) 3 pears 3 1/2oz/100g soft goat’s cheese A handful of pea shoots 4 tbsp raspberry and hazelnut dressing

(see below) A ginger nut biscuit, bashed to coarse


Raspberry and Hazelnut Dressing

Slice the beetroot very thinly. Use a hand-blender to purée the other beetroot with 1 of the pears. Rub through a sieve to make a smooth purée.

With damp hands, roll the goat’s cheese into 12 marble-sized balls. Chill in the fridge. Swirl the purée onto serving dishes, spreading it with the back of a spoon. Arrange over

the pear slices, beetroot slices, goat’s cheese and pea shoots. Drizzle with the dressing and scatter with the ginger nut crumbs. Serve straight away

Ingredients: Preparation:

4 tbsp white wine vinegar

2oz/50g raspberries

4 tbsp hazelnut oil

2 level tsp English mustard

Use an electric hand-blender to purée the raspberries and vinegar together. Sieve the mixture, throwing away seeds and sediment.

Measure 4 tbsp of the raspberries vinegar into a small jug and add the mustard. Blitz together with the hand-blender.

With the motor running, slowly dribble in the oil until all has been incorporated into an emulsified dressing. Store in the fridge.

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Wedding yeast cake/CZ

Wedding yeast cake is a special cake, which is baked for wedding occasions. It’s home-made pastry. Each part of the Czech Republic can have a different recipe.


1. 200g of sugar

2. 250g of butter

3. 1250g of smooth flour

4. 80g of yeast

5. 750ml of milk

6. 4 eggs

7. salt

8. 1 vanilla sugar

9. lemon peel

10. cottage cheese

11. plum butter

12. ground sugar


Give 1 spoon of sugar, a little salt and yeast into the warm

milk. Wait for rising. Than take a bowl and put flour, sugar,

4 yolks, 1/8 of a litre milk, butter, grated lemon peel and

yeast. Make a well developed dough. Wait for rising on a

cold place.

When waiting for the dough, prepare stuffing. Mix cottage

cheese, sugar and vanilla sugar together. Sometimes we

can add raisins too. When we have prepared the dough, make

small hillocks and give stuffing into it. Hide the stuffing into the dough

and made a sphere. Give a little plum butter and a mixture made

from flour, butter and ground sugar on the top of each cake.

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Pot of Kale and Minced Meat

Ingredients: Preparation:

600g kale

250ml water 1 teaspoon salt 1 large onion 100g streaky bacon 1 soup spoon oil 400g ground meat Salt and pepper to taste 1 small can of tomatoes 3 soup spoons mustard paprika

Wash the kale, brush and wash again, then chop it. Bring the water to the boil, pour in the salt and chopped kale and cook. Drain the kale. Clean the onion and cut into cubes. Dice the streaky bacon and put in a saucepan with

oil. Sauté the onions and bacon together. Add the ground meat and fry. Season with salt and pepper. Add the ground meat mass together with the tomatoes to the kale. Stir in the mustard and

cook for a further 15 minutes.

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Ingredients: Preparation:


olive oil,

meat gr. 300

tomato sauce, 1,5

red wine, a glass;

meat broth, ½ liter;

lasagna gr. 500 of lasagna;

ground beef, gr. 200;

fresh ricotta cheese, 500 gr;

pecorino cheese, gr. 100;

Parmesan, gr. 50;

mozzarella cheese, gr. 500;

eggs, 3;


red pepper

Fry the onion in the oil.

Add the meat, sprinkle with some wine that you will evaporate.

When the meat has browned, add the tomato sauce ; elongated with the remaining wine and then, when it has evaporated, with a bit of broth.

Gradually add the broth and then basil, red pepper or chilli.

Cock the sauce for two hours.

Mix ricotta cheese with a pinch of salt and a spoonful of salsa.

Boil the pasta in plenty of water

Pour a ladle of sauce, lengthened with water in the pan, arrange a strip of lasagna, spread the ricotta cheese and add the sliced mozzarella cheese, a sprinkling of pecorino cheese.

Add sauce and cover with a strip of pasta prepared in the reverse direction to the first.

Make another padding, like the first, with ricotta, sliced mozzarella cheese, pecorino cheese and tomato sauce

Cover with foil and bake at 180 degrees in the oven for 30 minutes, remove the foil and cook making sure that it does not dry out too much.

Let stand and cool slightly before cutting and serving.

Bubble and Squeak


4 tbsp butter ½ cup onion, finely chopped Leftover mashed potato Any leftover vegetables, cabbage,

swede, carrots, peas, Brussels Sprouts, finely chopped

Salt and freshly ground black pepper Fried bacon pieces (optional)


In a large frying pan melt the butter, add the chopped onion and fry gently for 3 mins or until soft.

Turn the heat up slightly and add the mashed potato and vegetables. Fry for 10 mins turning over in the melted butter two or three times ensuring the potato and vegetables are thoroughly reheated and browned on the outside edges.

Press the potato mixture on to the base of the pan with a spatula and leave to cook for 1 min. Flip over and repeat.

Serve. An alternative is to mix the potato and vegetables and form into small patties then Try as above. Bubble and squeak makes a lovely lunch with a fried egg on top.

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5 Lemon




wash lemons

slice them

slice ginger

put lemons and ginger into a jar

add honey

close the jar and put it into a fridge

This mixture is very good when you have sore throat.

You can prepare tea of it. 1 spoon of the mixture can

be poured over it.

Our grandmothers used to prepare this mixture every

year and I really think it works.

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Carrot and Celery Salad with Pumpkin Seeds

Ingredients: Preparation:

600g carrots 400g celery 200g apples Lemon juice Sugar 50g pumpkin seeds

Wash, peel and grate the carrots, celery and apples. Mix together. Season to taste with sugar and lemon juice Roast the pumpkin seeds (without oil) in a pan for about 5 minutes. Distribute the carrot, celery and apple mixture into bowls and

sprinkle with the pumpkin seeds.


Ingredients: Preparation:

Flour 250 gr

25 g sugar

75 g butter, softened

5 g salt

5 eggs

1 yeast

1 l water

450 gr sugar

1 lemon peel


Combine flour, sugar, butter into small pieces, salt and crumbled yeast, then put all these ingredients in a large bowl with an electric mixer and knead until dough is smooth, add the eggs one by one and mix well .

Let the dough rise in the same bowl by covering with a damp cloth for about 2 hours.

In a buttered mold with central hole, bake at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Now, while it is cooking, prepare the syrup: heat but don’t boil the water with the lemon peel, rum (according to your taste), and sugar, until the sugar has dissolved, then remove the lemon peel.

Take the Babà out of the oven, pour the syrup plentifully over and place in refrigerator at least three hours before serving.

You can decorate with cream, fruit, cream as you like, but it is also delicious on its own.

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Spring Green Cabbage Stir-Fry

Ingredients: Preparation:

1 spring cabbage 1 spring onion 1 chili 2 tbsp oil 1 garlic ginger Soy sauce 3 small chicken breasts Pinch of salt and pepper Rice

Heat the oil in a frying pan, add spring onion Add the garlic, chilli and chicken to the pan and cook for 4-6 minutes on high heat until the

chicken is sealed and tender then add soy Add the spring cabbage to the pan stir fry and then serve with rice .

Rhubarb and Apple Crumble

Ingredients: Preparation:

3 sticks of rhubarb

2 apples

4 table spoon water

8 table spoon caster sugar

1 table spoon ginger

110g/6-7oz flour

110g/4oz butter, softened

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.

Cut the rhubarb into 7½cm/3in long sticks and place on an oven tray, sprinkle with the

water and caster sugar and roast in the oven for 10 minutes.

Once cooked, remove from the oven, sprinkle over the ginger and mix well.

Fill an ovenproof dish about 4cm/1½in deep with the rhubarb.

Rub the butter into the flour and sugar to make the crumble topping. Sprinkle over the

rhubarb and bake in the oven for 35-45 minutes, or until the crumble topping is crisp and

golden-brown and the rhubarb filling has softened and is bubbling

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Easter stuffing/ SZ Preparation:

Ingredients 300g turkey meat-beast 4 egg white 200 ml milk 6 rolls 200 g broccoli 100 g red pepper 20 g butter 100 g parsley, cut nettle Salt, pepper, nutmeg


Diepholzer Moorschnucken-Pot (sweet and sour)

Ingredients: Preparation:

600g Moorschnuckenlamm 150g onions 150g root vegetables (carrots, leeks

and celery) 2 apples Oil Salt and pepper Rosemary and thyme 1 litre cider 120g honey 2 soup spoons cider vinegar 2-3 soup spoons tomato paste

To make the marinade, bring the cider, honey, cider vinegar, salt and thyme to the boil and then let it cool. Let the lamb marinade for 1-3 days.

Dice the onions, wash the root vegetables. Wash, peel and dice the apples. Take the meat out of the marinade and sieve and save the liquid. Cut the meat into 2 cm

cubes. Glaze with a little marinade and tomato

paste and sauté. Add a little flour to dust the meat and

then let the meat simmer in the marinade for 40-60 minutes.

10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the vegetables and then the apple closer to the end of cooking. Season with spices and herbs.

Cut rolls pour with milk Cut broccoli and red pepper Mix rolls with meat, vegetables Add salt, pepper, parsley, nettle, nutmeg, eggs Whip egg white and stir into the mixture Put the mixture into the tin Bake for 50 minutes Serve with vegetable salad

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Ingredients: Preparation:

For the filling

200g whole wheat, soaked for 24 hours in several changes of water (or alternatively use 440g canned cooked wheat, also called pastiera di grano, available from some Italian delicatessens)

500ml milk

½ lemon, zest only

1 tsp ground cinnamon

2 tsp vanilla sugar (make your own by adding a vanilla pod to a pot of sugar, leave for 1-2 days for the flavour to develop)

½ orange, zest only

300g ricotta cheese

4 large free-range eggs, separated

125ml orange flower water (available from large supermarkets and specialist Middle Eastern delicatessens)

150g candied peel, finely chopped

225g caster sugar

butter, for greasing

icing sugar, for dusting

For the filling, drain the soaked whole wheat (if using) and place in a pan with the milk and lemon zest. Simmer for 3-4 hours over a low heat.

When the grain is tender, add the ground cinnamon, vanilla sugar and orange zest. Remove from the heat, cool, cover and place in the fridge until the next day.

For the pastry, place the sugar, butter and eggs into a bowl and beat until smooth. Add the flour and stir to make a smooth pastry. Set aside in a cool place for at least one hour.

Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5.

To continue making the filling, if you have soaked the whole wheat (according to the instructions above), remove it from the fridge. If you are using the canned cooked wheat, add it to the lemon zest, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and orange zest.

Beat the ricotta in a large mixing bowl with the egg yolks and the orange flower water. Add the candied peel pieces and the flavoured grain to the ricotta mixture.

Beat the egg whites in a separate bowl with the sugar until light and fluffy. Fold them gently into the ricotta using a large metal spoon.

Butter a large flan tin 35cm/14in in diameter.

Roll two-thirds of the pastry out into a circle that will cover the base of the tin, as well as the sides. Press this pastry into the flan tin, covering the bottom and sides with an equal thickness.

Pour the ricotta mixture into the pastry case. Roll out the remaining pastry, cut into long strips and use these to make a lattice top for the tart.

Bake in the oven for about 45 minutes.

Allow to cool and dust with icing sugar. Serve in slices.

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For the pastry

150g caster sugar

150g butter or lard

3 large free-range egg yolks

300g plain flour

Slow roast chicken with homemade gravy and roast potatoes

Ingredients: Preparation:

2kg chicken 50g soft butter 2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves (or use

1 tablespoon dried), plus sprigs to serve 1litre chicken stock 2 tablespoon flour 1¼kg potatoes, halved or quartered if

large 2 tablespoon flour 4 tablespoon sunflower oil

• Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3 and put the chicken in a roasting tin. Put the butter into a small bowl and add the herbs and plenty of seasoning. Pour half the stock into the tin. Use a large sheet of tin foil (or a couple of smaller pieces) to cover the chicken and scrunch together the foil along the edges of the tin so the whole thing is sealed. Put in the oven and set your timer for 2 hrs.

• Carefully remove the foil from the chicken, increase oven to 220C/200C fan/ gas 7, and put the chicken back in for another 30 mins. If you're making the Crunchy roast potatoes put them in now, under the chicken. After 30 mins, take the chicken out of the oven and lift it onto a serving dish (move the potatoes up). Snugly cover the chicken with foil and set aside while you make the gravy.

• To make the gravy: • Tip the chicken juices and stock from the tin into a jug. Put the tin over a medium heat on

your hob and use a wooden spoon to stir in the flour with a splash of the juices to make a paste. If you want, spoon the fat off the top of the chicken juices in the jug, and then gradually stir this into the tin to make a smooth gravy. Add as much of the rest of the stock as you need to make a good gravy, then serve with the chicken.

• To roast the potatoes: • Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 6. Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil, add the

potatoes, then boil for 5 mins. Drain the potatoes well, then shake in the colander (or back in the pan), to rough up the edges a little. Tip into your largest roasting tin and sprinkle with the flour and some salt. Stir, then drizzle over the oil and stir again so that no dusty flour remains.

• Roast for 50 minutes, putting them in the oven on the bottom shelf when you take the foil off the chicken. When you take the chicken out, give the potatoes a stir, then they should need 20 more minutes to finish on the top shelf while you make the gravy and set the table.

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300 g potato

50 g celery

1 onion

2 cloves of garlic

100 g dried mushrooms



50 g carrot

pepper, salt

30 g parsley



Peel potatoes and vegetables and wash them Cut them into smaller pieces Put mushrooms into a pot with water and let them there for 30

min. Fry vegetables Add potatoes and mushrooms Pour water – 1,5l Add salt, pepper Boil this for 30 min Add marjoram Add roux

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Classic Fricassée of Chicken

Ingredients: Preparation:

1 whole chicken 2 litres of water A pinch of salt 1parsley root 1 carrot 80g butter or margerine A little flour 1 litre chicken stock Meatballs Cauliflower or asparagus 1 small tin of mushrooms Lemon juice or white wine 1-2 egg yolks 2 soup spoons water

Wash the chicken thoroughly and with the heart, stomach and throat in-tact simmer in salted water over a low heat. Add the parsley root and carrot after 1 hour.

When the chicken is tender, remove the meat from the bones and cut into bite-sized pieces.

Make 1 litre of chicken stock. Melt the butter and sauté with the flour until pale yellow. Add the chicken stock little by

little, whisking as you go. Bring to the boil and add the meatballs and let simmer for 10 minutes on a low heat.

Blanche the cauliflower/ asparagus and put them together with the mushrooms into the sauce. Season with salt and lemon juice and stir in the whisked egg yolk.

Put the chicken into the fricassee and garnish as desired. Serve with rice.

Stuffed Artichokes

Ingredients: Preparation:

6 Artichokes

1 lemon

150 g Baked ham

150g mozzarella cheese (or another melted cheese)

6 eggs



Seed oil

Clean the artichokes, leaving only the tender part

Put them in water with lemon juice

blanch in salted water

drain and allow to dry

put into each artichoke ham and cheese cut into cubes

pass each artichoke in flour then in beaten eggs with a pinch of salt and finally in the breadcrumbs

fry in hot oil

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Cherry and Almond Tarts

Ingredients: Preparation:

75g self-raising flour 12 rounded teaspoon morello cherry

jam 100g butter , softened 75g ground almonds 75g golden caster sugar 2 medium eggs 25g flaked almonds 100g icing sugar , sieved to decorate

Very thinly roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface. Stamp out 12 x 9cm circles with a fluted cutter, if you have one, and use to line a bun tin. Spread 1 rounded teaspoon of the cherry jam in the bottom of each tart.

Beat together in a mixing bowl the flour, butter, ground almonds, caster sugar, eggs and almond extract. Beat until smooth, then divide between the tarts. Scatter over the flaked almonds.

Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 with a baking sheet in it. Bake on the heated baking sheet for 30-40 minutes until golden. Cool the tarts a little, then add a splash of water into the icing sugar to make a runny icing. Drizzle over the tarts and leave to set.

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Traditional Czech meal – fried cauliflower/CZ

This meal was traditionally prepared by my old grandma. We have it as the main course on New Year´s Eve. I think this meal is one of the

traditional meals of my country. It is easy to prepare and anyone can cook it.

Ingredients: 500 g cauliflower Salt 50 g wheat flour 5 eggs 100g breadcrumb


Wash the cauliflower and cut it to pieces

Add salt

At first coat cauliflower in wheat flour, then in whisked eggs

Finally coat it in breadcrumbs and start to fry it

When the cauliflower is gently brown, take it out.

Enjoy your meal.

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Strawberry Mousse

Ingredients: Preparation:

375g strawberries Sugar 1 packet vanilla sugar 4 leaves gelatine 2 soup spoons water 1 cup cream

Wash the strawberries and make a purée. Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the puree. Let the gelatin swell and dissolve in a bowl as instructed on the packet. Stir the mixture into the strawberry purée and put it into the fridge.

Whip the cream until it is stiff. Leave some cream and some nice strawberries for decoration and serve it with the mousse.

When the strawberry mixture has set, stir the cream into it and keep it cool until you serve it. Garnish with strawberries and the rest of the cream.

Octopus ‘alla Luciana’

Ingredients: Preparation:

600 gr of octopus

300 gr of ripe tomatoes

1 clove of garlic

1 red pepper

50 ml of oil


Wash the octopus under running water

Cut the beak, eyes, and the bag.

Place the octopus upside down in a saucepan.

Wash the tomatoes and cut them into chunks, then add the octopus with the olive oil, red pepper cut into small pieces, and a clove of garlic.

Seal the pan with parchment paper tied tightly with string around the edge of pun.Put the lid and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes.

Remove the paper now the oven and the lid. (Be careful when you remove the paper from the pot 'cause you could burn yourself with the steam)

Turn up the heat and simmer to reduce the sauce of the octopus until it becomes thick and color scuro.

Put the octopus to “Luciana” with their sauce in a bowl, adding croutons, and sprinkle the whole thing with chopped parsley

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Asparagus Quiche

Ingredients: Preparation:

125g asparagus tips halved 300g frozen British broad beans 5 medium free-range eggs beaten 75ml crème fraîche 100ml semi-skimmed milk 30g Italian hard cheese, grated 100g white Cheshire cheese , crumbled ½ x 28g pack fresh mint leaves picked

and chopped ½ teaspoon vegetable oil, for greasing 1 x 270g stonebaked ciabatta 100g Italian style peppery salad 1 tablespoon balsamic glaze

Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4. Put the asparagus and broad beans in a pan of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Drain and run under cold water. Pop the broad beans out of their skins (or you can leave them whole) then set the veg aside.

Put the eggs in a bowl and whisk in the crème fraîche and milk. Stir in the hard cheese and Cheshire cheese along with the asparagus, broad beans and mint.

Grease a 16cm x 26cm baking tin and line with baking parchment. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 25-30 minutes, until light golden and set.

About 5 minutes before the end of cooking time, put the ciabatta on a tray in the oven to warm up. Slice and serve with wedges of quiche, and salad with a drizzle of balsamic glaze over the top. The asparagus season in Britain officially starts 23rd April and ends on Mid-

Summer’s day, 21st June.


½ l Milk

2 Eggs

200g Smooth flour

2 soup spoons of sugar

Pinch of salt

Vegetable oil (for frying)

Nuggeta, marmelade, whipping cream, ice cream, fruit, etc.


Put milk and eggs into a bowl

Whisk them

Add flour, sugar and salt

Mix them

Batter is done Pour the batter into the frying pan with a


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Fine Potato-Asparagus-Soup Ingredients: Preparation:

500g asparagus

salt, sugar 375g new potatoes 40g striped bacon 125g cream white pepper a little bit lemon juice 1 pan chervil or 1 bunch parsley

Wash and hull the asparagus and cut up the woody ends. Then cook the paring and the ends of the asparagus in water and add sugar and salt, simmer it for ten minutes.

Now cut the asparagus in small pieces, hull, wash and dice the potatoes. The bacon is also diced.

Drain the paring of the asparagus and catch the stock. Refine the asparagus pieces in the stock twelve minutes and take it out then.

Cook the potatoes 15 minutes in the stock and puree it. Now beat the cream semi-rigid and fold it in the pureed potatoes.

Taste the soup with salt, pepper and lemon juice and heat the asparagus in it. Roast the bacon crunchy. Wash the herbage and hash them.

Add the herbage and the bacon to the soup before serving.

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‘Parmigiana’ of Aubergine

Ingredients: Preparation:

1,5 kg Aubergine

300g Mozzarella cheese

½ Onion

a few basil leale

150gr Parmesan

Olive oil

2 cloves of Garlic


1400ml tomato sauce

seeds oil

500gr Flour

2 eggs

Fry for a few minutes the olive oil with the onion and the garlic,then add the tomato sauce.Lastly, add the salt and basil leaves, then turn off the heat.

Wash the aubergine and cut them into slices along the length and half a centimeter thick.

Put the aubergine first in the flour and then in the egg, brown them on both sides.

Fry them in hot seeds oil

In a sauce pan with a fund, formed a layer of aubergine, spread them with sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and Lie down on the slices of mozzarella cheese. Keep up the alternating layers.

Finish with aubergine covered with tomato sauce and parmesan.

Put “parmigiana” in the hot oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes

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Victoria Sponge

Ingredients: Preparation:

4 medium eggs

225g sugar

225g self-raising flour

225g unsalted butter, softened

2-3 tbsp milk or water

Icing sugar for the top

Jam for the centre

Cream for extra decadence

Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas 4. Butter 2 x 18cm sandwich or cake tins and line the bases and sides with baking parchment.

Whip your butter till soft and light. Use a strong hand and a wooden spoon or a handmixer.

Add the sugar. Whip till pale and fluffy – give it about 5 mins. You’ll see a change in colour.

Add eggs one by one, beating them in as you go. If the mix splits (it’ll look a bit lumpy and separated), add 1 tbsp of your measured flour.

Sift in the flour. Gently fold everything together with a large spoon – no beating at this stage.

Trickle in a little liquid, little by little until you have a nice buttery mix. It’ll be relatively thick mix.

Spoon into the prepared tins. Bake in the centre of the oven for 20-25 mins or lightly golden on top and a toothpick or knife inserted in the centre comes out clean.

Cool before removing from tin.

Slather one cake with your choice of jam, cream, butter cream, etc. Top with the other cake. Dust with icing sugar.

It will take up to 20 minutes to prepare and it will take 25 minutes to cook. It will feed 8 people.

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Kynuté ovocné knedlíky ( Fruit dumplings with strawberries)/CZ


400 g whole grain flour

¼ litre of milk

1 teaspoon of butter

1 spoon of powdered sugar

1 yolk

pinch of salt

½ cube of yeast

fresh strawberries (or other fruits)

For decoration:

cottage cheese

melted butter


Mix milk, a bit sugar and yeast and let to ferment

Pour flour, the rest of sugar and salt into the bowl and

add yolk

Add leaven into the bowl

Knead into a dough

Leave to rise for at least half an hour in warm place

Cut into pieces and wrap around the fruit

Leave the dumplings to rise again then boil in a large

pan of water for around 10–12 minutes.

Finally take them out of the water and prick with a fork.

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Filled Courgette with Feta Cheese Ingredients: Preparation:

6 middle-sized zucchinis 0.5L bouillon 300g feta cheese 1 onion 1 garlic clove 4 table spoons of olive oil 250g ground beef 2 table spoons of mixed-hashed

herbage 1 tablespoon of parsley nutmeg, salt, pepper

Wash and dry the zucchinis. Then divide them in halves and take out the pits. Pour the bouillon in a stew-pot.

Crush the feta cheese with a fork, hull the onion and the garlic clove and hash them. Heat the oil in a pan. Add ground beef, onion and garlic clove and roast it. Take the pan from the cooker and add feta cheese, herbage and parsley. Taste it with the flavorings and fill it in the zucchini-halves.

Bake it for 30 minutes at 200° in the open stew-pot.

Spaghetti with Seafood

Ingredients: Preparation:

24 clams

24 mussels

1 pound spaghetti

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon crushed red pepper

4 cloves garlic, shaved very thin

1/2 cup squid, sliced

16 pieces shrimp

8 pieces sea urchin

Cook the clams and mussels with 1/2 cup water until cooked. Reserve the liquid. Remove the meat from inside the clams and mussels; discard the shells.

In boiling salted water, begin cooking the spaghetti. Simultaneously, heat up the extra-virgin olive oil on medium-high heat in a large saute pan. Add the crushed red pepper and shaved garlic and slowly saute. Just when the edges of the garlic become lightly browned, remove the pan from the heat and add a large ladle (approximately 8 ounces) of the pasta cooking water to the saute pan. Put it back on the heat but do not increase the flame.

When the pasta is three-quarters of the way cooked, remove from the boiling water to the saute pan. Reserve the cooking liquid.

Continue cooking the spaghetti using the reserved pasta cooking liquid, as needed. Add more clam/mussels liquid to achieve creaminess. Just before the pasta is cooked, add the clams, mussels, squid, and shrimp. Finish cooking the pasta with all the seafood until al dente.

Remove the seafood pasta from the pan and toss with the sea urchin. Serve immediately.

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Sussex Shrimp Toast

Ingredients: Preparation:

2 eggs 1/2 pint shrimps 1 tablespoon milk 1 teaspoon anchovy essence

Peel the shrimps. Separate the egg yolks from the egg white. Mix the egg yolks with the anchovy essence into a saucepan. Mix the shrimps and the small amount of milk in too. Heat until the mixture thickens stirring all the time.

Beetroot Icecream

Ingredients: Preparation:

2 vanilla pods/3 drops of vanilla extract 2 whole beetroots 500ml/16fl oz double cream (see tip) 70g/3oz sugar 3 egg yolks

Peel, chop and boil the 2 whole beetroots until soft. Halve the vanilla pods lengthways and scrape out the seeds or add the 3 drops of vanilla

extract. Add the pods/extract to the cream and bring to the boil, then add the sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks in a large bowl then slowly whisk in the hot cream mixture.

Add the pieces of beetroot into the ice cream mixture. Pour the mixture through a fine sieve into another bowl and whisk in the vanilla seeds.

Pour the mixture into a freezer-proof container and freeze for 2-3 hours, or until set.

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Apple Strudel/CZ

Almost every time I visited my grandparents my grandma made this meal. It’s typical for Czech cuisine, especially for Valachian Region. It’s

made of apples and it’s usually very sweet. We call it Apple strudel.

List of ingredients:

1kg of apples

1 tea spoon of cinnamon

1pack of ready-made pastry


1pack of vanilla sugar

1pack of powdered sugar



Prepared pastry must be defrosted.

Wash the apples, peel them and grate them on the coarse grater.

Roll the sheet of pastry and put grated apples on it.

Sprinkle the apples with cinnamon, raisins and vanilla sugar.

Roll it up and spread the egg on surface.

Put it into the oven and bake it till it gets a golden color.

Sprinkle with sugar on the top and serve.

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Cauliflower Casserole Ingredients: Preparation:

1 cauliflower 50g butter 3 table spoons flour 125ml milk 2 eggs salt nutmeg 200g spaghetti 200g boiled ham 50g Emmenthaler cheese

Wash the cauliflower, split it into florets and cook it for 20 minutes in salt-water. Melt the butter and sweat it out with flour. Then deglaze it with 125ml cauliflower-water

and add the milk. Simmer the sauce for ten minutes and cool it down. Add the egg yolk and flavor it with salt and nutmeg.

Beat the egg white until fluffy and add it. Now cook the spaghetti and fill a casserole in turn with the spaghetti, boiled ham and the

florets of the cauliflower. Douse it with the sauce. Dredge it with cheese and bake the cauliflower-casserole at 220° for 10-20 minutes.

Torta Caprese

Ingredients: Preparation:

300 g blanched almonds

300 g of dark fair trade chocolate

250 g butter

200 g sugar,

5 eggs

a pinch of salt

sugar to taste sliced almonds enough

Spread the almonds on a baking sheet in a single layer and toast them in the oven at 200 ° C for two minutes, or until they begin to brown. Let the almonds cool, then chop coarsely.

In a small saucepan, melt the chocolate and then the butter, remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool, stirring occasionally.

Separate the egg whites from the yolks and whisk egg whites until stiff add a pinch of salt.

Whip the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy.

Gently stir in the chocolate mixture and add butter and chopped almonds to the beaten egg yolks.

Add the egg whites into the mixture, stirring from the bottom up not to remove the compound.

Lined with greaseproof paper a mold of 24 cm in diameter and pour in the mixture.

Bake at 180 ° C for about an hour. Remove from the oven and let the cake cool.Before serving at the table, sprinkle the cake with plenty of icing sugar.

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Butternut Squash and Feta Frittata

Ingredients: Preparation:

225g peeled and cubed butternut squash

225g peeled and cubed sweet potato 6 medium free-range eggs beaten 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 red chillies, deseeded and thinly sliced 100g organic Greek feta, crumbled 20g Italian hard cheese, finely grated 50ml 50% less fat crème fraîche 1 tablespoon olive oil 6-10 fresh sage leaves 80g bag sweet herb salad ½ x 270g stonebaked ciabatta to serve

Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4. Put the butternut squash and sweet potato in a bowl with a little water and cover loosely with clingfilm. Cook in the microwave for 5 minutes on high. Drain and tip into a large bowl. Add the eggs, garlic, chillies, feta, hard cheese and crème fraîche. Season with freshly ground black pepper and mix gently until everything is combined.

Heat the oil in a 20cm ovenproof frying pan and pour in the fritatta mixture. Top with the sage leaves and cook over a medium-low heat for 10 minutes. Transfer to the oven and cook for a further 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven, slice into wedges and serve with the sweet herb salad and slices of ciabatta.

Valašský frgál s povidly (Sweet cake witch jam from Wallachia)


500g semi-coarse flour

2 yolks

125g butter

75g icing sugar

250ml milk

35g yeast

pinch of salt

teaspoon of lemon peel

plum butter


mix yeast, sugar, milk and flour and prepare leaven

mix butter, sugar, yolks, leaven and other ingrediences and

let to rise for 2 hours

roll the dough on baking sheet and cut out to circle

apply a filling from plum butter and sprinkle with crumb

(mix semi-coarse flour, sugar and butter)

bake in oven (180°)

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Pumpkin Soup with Cheeseballs Ingredients: Preparation:

2.5kg pumpkin 500g leek 150g onions 60g butter oil salt, pepper 3-4 teaspoons curry 1L vegetable stock 250ml white wine ½ L milk 20g butter oil 1 teaspoon salt 250g semolina 2 egg yolks ½ bunch marjoram 125g Allgäuer Bergkäse 125ml cream 150g cream fresh

Wash the onions, the leek and the pumpkin and cut it into stripes or cubes. Steam the onions in butter oil. Put 2,2kg pumpkin with salt, pepper and curry to the

onions. Deglaze it with vegetable stock and white wine and simmer it for 20 minutes. Cook the semolina with milk, salt and butter oil and cool it down. Then add the egg yolk,

the marjoram and the cheese. Puree the pumpkin soup and add the rest of the pumpkin and the

leek. Cut off little cheeseballs and put it in the soup. Cook it covered for about ten minutes. Add cream fresh and cream

and taste it.

Pasta with Beans and Mussels

Ingredients: Preparation:

250g mixed pasta

1,5 l water

100g beans

1 kg mussels


Olive oil

A clove of garlic

In a saucepan, cook the beans in a quart of water

In another saucepan, fry the oil with the garlic clove, add the mussels and 0,5 l of water.

when the mussels are cooked, peel them and add to the bean broth. Filters the juice of the mussels and add it to the bean broth

Cook the pasta in broth, let stand for a few minutes

Serve with a bit of pepper

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Bread and Butter Pudding

Ingredients: Preparation:

50g currants, raisins or sultanas 200ml whole milk Vanilla pod, quartered Zest of ¼ lemon (optional) 75g slightly stale bread 8 slices of slightly stale bread 2 free range eggs 2 tablespoons caster sugar 120ml double cream 1 tablespoon sugar Nutmeg, to grate

Put the milk into a small pan with the vanilla pod. Bring to a simmer, then turn off the heat, add the lemon zest and allow to cool.

Butter the bread and your baking dish, and arrange half the slices in overlapping rows inside. Beat the eggs together with the sugar until well mixed, and then remove the vanilla pod from the milk and discard before beating the milk and the cream into the egg mixture. Pour a little more than half over the bread, add the soaked fruit if using, and leave for 20 minutes.

Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Arrange the rest of the bread in a second layer in the baking dish and drizzle over the rest of the custard. Dot with the rest of the butter, scatter with sugar and grate some nutmeg over the top.

Place in a roasting tin and and fill halfway with water to make a bain marie. Cook for 35 – 45 minutes until golden brown. Allow to stand for 10 minutes before serving.

BRAMBORÁKY ( potato pancakes)/CZ


1 kg potatoes

120 g smooth flour

2 eggs

1 dl milk

1 small garlic

Spice: marjoram, caraway, salt, pepper

Oil for frying


Peel the potatoes.

Grate them.

Put potatoes in the bowl with all ingredients.

Mix everything.

Pour oil on the frying pan.

Spread the mixture over the frying pan.

Turn the pancake from both sides.

One pancake will be done in about 5 minutes

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Goose breast-Filet with Orange Sauce

Ingredients: Preparation:

600g goose breast salt, pepper 2 table spoons rape oil ½ L poultry stock 2 untreated oranges 100g sugar 100ml vinegar 100ml sherry 1 tablespoon liquid butter 2cl orange liqueur flour to fix it

Roast the goose breast in hot oil and add the chicken stock. Stew it for 60 minutes in a closed roasting tin in the oven at 180°. In between, baste it with

roast stock. Take the meat out after the cooking time. Pour the roast stock through a filter. Then wash

the oranges. Hull one orange firmly and cut the paring in fine strips. Blanch it for a short time in a bit of boiling water. Squeeze the oranges.

Caramelise sugar and vinegar for the sauce. Deglaze it with sherry and 250ml roast stock (if necessary fill it up with poultry stock) and let it boil down a bit. Add the butter and the orange juice and boil it up. Fix it with flour and taste it with the orange liqueur. Add the orange stripes and serve it.

Pizza with Escarole

Ingredients: Preparation:

225g white flour

10g yeast

20g lard

50ml water

350g escarole

40g raisins

30g salted anchovies

1 teaspoon salted capers

extra virgin olive oil

1 chilli pepper

1 clove garlic

50g black olives

30g pine nuts

Mix flour with salt, add by degrees warm water and yeast - melted in a bit of water . Knead until you'll obtain a soft and elastic dough, then add oil.

Leave the dough to rise for three hours.

In a saucepan fry the olive oil with the garlic

Add the escarole with olives, raisins, pine nuts and chopped anchovies

After a few minutes remove the garlic

Line a baking sheet, oiled, with the pizza dough, spread with the help of a rolling pin

Pour over the escarole, add capers and chilli pepper, and cover with the remaining


Prick the surface of the pizza with a fork and put the pizza

escarole in the oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Serve it warm

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Carrot and Corriander Soup

Ingredients: Preparation:

450g Carrots – peeled and chopped 1 Onion – peeled and chopped 1 potato 1 teaspoon ground corriander 1.2 litres vegetable stock Handful of corriander leaves Pinch of salt/pepper to taste

Heat the oil in a large pan, add the onion, then fry for 5 mins until softened. Stir in the ground coriander and potato, then cook for 1 min. Add the carrots and stock, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat. Cover and cook for 20 mins until the carrots are tender.

Tip into food processor with the coriander. then blitz until smooth (you may need to do this in two batches). Return to pan, taste, add salt if necessary, then reheat to serve.

Cheesy Leek and Potato Pie

Ingredients: Preparation:

3 leeks , cut into chunks

small knob butter

pinch dried rosemary or thyme

450g potatoes (1 very large baking potato is perfect), chopped into thick slices

140g melting cheese , such as cheddar, cut into small chunks

500g pack shortcrust pastry

1 egg , beaten

Put the leeks, butter and herbs in a pan, cover and cook over a low heat for about 20 mins until very soft, stirring occasionally. While the leeks are cooking, put the potatoes in a pan of cold water, bring to the boil and simmer for 4-5 mins until just cooked. Drain the potatoes and stir into the cooked leeks. Leave to cool, stir in the cheese and season with plenty of pepper and salt if you want. The filling can now be chilled for use the following day, if you like.

Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Divide the pastry in two and roll one of the pieces to the size of a dinner plate. Transfer this to a baking sheet and roll the remaining pastry and any trimmings to a round about 5cm bigger than the first. Pile the filling into the middle of the round on the baking sheet, leaving a 4cm border. Brush the border with the beaten egg, then drape over the larger piece of pastry. Trim the edges to neaten, then press the sides together with your thumb. Brush the tart all over with egg. Bake for 35-40 mins until golden. Leave to rest for 10 mins before cutting into wedges and serving with beans or greens.

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Kyselica (Soup of sauerkraut)


400g sauerkraut

50g butter

100g onion

300g potatoes

100g dried mushrooms

150g sausage

100g sour cream

Spice: black pepper, salt, caraway seeds, bay



Put the sauerkraut to the pot.

Add a liter of water and spice (black pepper, caraway seeds,

bay leaves)

Boil until it is soft.

Peel the onion and potatoes and chop them.

Put them to the pot with dried mushrooms.

Fry the onion and sausage in butter.

Add the fried onion And sausage to the pot.

Cover and let simmer for 30 minutes.

Pour the sour cream on it.

Flavored with the salt.

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Filled Roast Apple with Orange-Walnut-Cream

Ingredients: Preparation:

60g walnuts 60g dried apricots 1 orange 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 package vanilla sugar 30g sugar 2cl orange liqueur 4-6 sourly apples 75g walnuts juice and paring of an untreated lemon 200g cream 2 packages vanilla sugar 4cl orange liqueur

Hack the walnuts and dice the apricots. Squeeze the oranges and mix the juice with walnuts, apricots, cinnamon, one package vanilla sugar, sugar and orange liqueur.

Wash the apples, cut off a top and unhinge the apple core. Fill the apples with the mix and put the top on it. Then put in a buttered casserole and

roast it for 35 minutes at 190° in the pre-heated oven. Hack the walnuts very fine for the walnut-cream. Whisk stiff the cream and add vanilla

sugar, orange juice, orange paring, orange liqueur and the walnuts. Serve the walnut-cream with the roast apples.

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Ingredients: Preparation:

Flour 600gr

4 eggs + 1 egg yolk

2 tablespoons sugar

Butter 80 gr

1 glass of limoncello or rum

Grated rind of half a lemon

A pinch Salt

seeds oil

Honey 400 gr

colored sprinkles

100gr candied orange

Place the flour on a work surface, knead it with eggs, butter, sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon, a glass of rum and a little salt.

Give him the form of a ball and let rest half an hour.

Then knead again briefly and divide it into bullets as large as oranges,

cut it in little squares of an inch that you will place on a floured cloth.

Fry a few at a time in hot oil.

Melth the honey in a pot large enought, take it off the heat and put “struffoli” in it stirring gently

Place in a dish

Pour the sugared almonds and candied fruit.

Chocolate Beetroot Brownies

400g whole raw beetroot (3-4 medium beets)

100g unsalted butter, plus extra for the tin

200g bar plain fairtrade chocolate (70% cocoa)

1 tsp vanilla extract 250g golden caster sugar 3 eggs 100g plain flour 25g cocoa powder

Peel, chop and boil the 2 whole beetroots until soft. Halve the vanilla pods lengthways and scrape out the seeds or add the 3 drops of vanilla

extract. Add the pods/extract to the cream and bring to the boil, then add the sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks in a large bowl then slowly whisk in the hot cream mixture.

Add the pieces of beetroot into the ice cream mixture. Pour the mixture through a fine sieve into another bowl and whisk in the vanilla seeds.

Pour the mixture into a freezer-proof container and freeze for 2-3 hours, or until set.

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A typical Czech meal - Sirloin beef in cream

sauce. In Czech „Svíčková na smetaně,“

because it´s the most favorite meal in Czech

Republic. It is often served at Christmas.


750 g beef sirloin

150 g celery root

1 large onion

150 g carrots

75 g parsley

150 g butter

50 g bacon chopped into

small wedges



5 peppercorns

3 allspice berries

lemon juice a pinch of thyme

3 bayleaves

250 ml cream


100 g of rough mustard

2 tablespoons of plain flour

lemon slices

cranberry sauce


Interland meat with bacon Add salt, pepper

Sprinkle with chopped onion, grated root vegetable(carrots, celery, parsley)

Drizzle it with lemon juice.

Melt butter and pour it over the meat

Leave it for a day in the fridge

Next day pour a little water over the meat

Braise in the oven

Then remove the spices – mainly baylleaves

Add the mustard and 2 tablespoons of plain flour

Roast it

Add the cream and cook on medium heat

Finally strain it. Add salt, lemon slices and sugar.

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This cook book is designed to encourage the user to cook using sustainable foods; that is, foods that are produced organically, fairly and /or locally when in season.

We hope that you enjoy reading and attempting some of our delicious recipes from across Europe.

The Comenius Students 2012-2014

Bexhill High, Bexhill on Sea, England Gymnazium Jana Pivecky, Czech Republic

Graf Friedrich Schule, Diepholz, Germany Liceo Scientifico F. Severi, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy