The Colville examiner (Seattle, Wash) 1918-10-26 [p 8]Dr. of Suggestive Therapeutics DRUGLESS...

Page 8 C. C. DILL Democratic candidate for Congressman Albert I. Kulzer of Chewelah Democratic Candidate for State Representative .Al Weatherman of Addy Democratic Candidate for State Representative W. H. Graham Democratic Candidate for Sheriff Clair Hunt Candidate for County Commissioner Second District Republican Ticket Wm. Gillings Candidate for Assessor Democratic Ticket Ed Gibson Candidate for Commissioner Second District Democratic Ticket A taxpayer of county for 30 years. Platform—Honesty, economy, good roads A. V. Downs of Northport Candidate for County Treasurer Democratic Ticket A resident of Stevens county for 29 years. Better known to old-timers as "Lon" Downs. A lifetime of experi- ence in clerical work. FOR STATE SENATOR Announcement Hon. C. R. McMillan of Orin, can- didate for state senator for the joint district of Stevens and Pend Oreille counties, is one of the progressive farmers of the Colville valley, where he has lived since 1884, coming west from Colorado at that time. His first employment was the manage- ment of the flouring mill plant at Arden. In 1888 he was elected to represent Spokane and Stevens county in the last territorial legislature and served for the then ensuing term of that body. Twenty-six years later he was elected to the state senate, and in both periods of service he made an enviable record for economy with a special care for the best interests of the people. As a citizen he has raised his family here, and two of his sons are now in the .service of their country. He has set the mark of patriotic service by being one of the largest buyers of Liberty bonds and stamps, and is a liberal contributor to the Red Cross and kindred activities. His services in the legislature in the light of his past experience as a mem- ber of that body are a special need at this time when legislation arising out of war conditions require men with a firm understanding of emer- gency conditions. Mr. McMillan was born in Cedar- ville, Ohio, of Scotch parentage in 1858. Were he a'younger man he says he would now be in the service, but he is thankful that he has three sons who are at the disposal of his country. Chief Justice John F. Main, who is a candidate for reelection to a six year term on the supreme bench occu- pies the most responsible and exacting position on the supreme bench.» By virtue of his position, Chief Justice Main must not only pass upon every case which i.s decided by the supreme court, but also act as executive of the court and direct its work. B. F. Cook of Chewelah Candidate for Sheriff Republican Ticket J. F. Jarvis of Chewelah Democratic Candidate for Commissioner THIRD DISTRICT For city treasurer I hereby announce myself as a can- didate for the office of city treasurer of the city of Colville at the primary election Nov. 5.— W. W. Campbell, adv J. L LABBWXLL IS A The Coiville Examiner, Saturday, October 26, 1918 CANDIDATE FOR CLERK For the office of county clerk a capable man is offered by the dem- ocratic ticket in the person of J. L. Lasswell, who has been a resident and a taxpayer of"Stevens county for 15 years. He has devoted his attentions to clerical work for the last 20 years, but has never held office in Stevens county. He served as county as- sessor and as deputy auditor in Yak- ima County before coining here, and has had the necessary clerical exper- ience to enable him to handle the du- ties of county clerk with perfect sat- isfaction. Mr. Lass well was one of those who built the Colville flouring mills, in the days when this territory was growing fast, but not far enough along to support a flouring plant. He has been one of the men to build up this county, and has a grown family, three of the children residing in Col- ville. The clerk's office in the past years ha.s been a profitable office for the county, receiving more money than the cost of the office. During the last year, however, the cost of the office ran nearly a thousand dollars over the of the preceding year, cutting the profit! of the county to only $325. It is believed that by^an economical management of thy of fin"-, it can again be made to help bear the cost of carry- ing on other county business, and Mr. Lasswcll has pledged himself to run the office with one deputy and make the office a profitable one for the tax payers. Fur any itching sUm troubtw, piles. scssma, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald Ih>h(l, herpei, scabies, Doan's Ointment is highly recommended. i;o« a box at nil .stores.—adv Your county is behind in its War Savings pledges. Buy W. S. S. DELIGHTFULLY DEU3CIOU3 NEAR BEER SERVCD-AT- ALL'DRINKING' PLACE* *6ASK-AT-THE-FOUNTAIN^ IflMiP-PHOPUCISrOtt I OTYOim DBUGBIST. SPOKANE *S ~GRETfEST TAILOR and CLOTHIER HußHng It Back" L R. Dolby Co. Iggjgg Apple Storage Ample Cold and Common Storage Facilities at The Arctic Co. 116-124 Pacific Aye. Spokane Wash. HOTEL TOURAINE Solicits your patronage while in Spolcrfne. EUROPEAN PLAN Rates 58 cents and up. Reasonable rates - by week or month. } block from poat- omce, near new Monroe Street bridge. Full view down Riverside Avenue from Lobby. Wm. Snow, Prop. R. H. Snow, Mgr. Spokane, WuhlngtoD LEONARD'S BARGAINS 40 feet of good six-inch belting. Two good phonographs, reasonable price. DeLaval separator. Brass, copper, iron, wool, rubber, furniture, bought at highest prices. Gun, furniture and buggy repairing. Leonard's Second Hand Store Main Street Colville I CAMILLA BENSON Dr. of Suggestive Therapeutics DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Chiropractic and Mechano-Therapy methods employed. Chronic and Nervous diseases a specialty Office inLane BaUdinf. CatvlU* Wash. Stomach Trou bl. Kwnale DlHsaas Constipation Appendiciti* LWerTrouM* Indication Lumbago . jumUHihiii Rheumatism Infantile I'amlraU Kidney DiMaaw f.rnly.n Inwmnla LsOrtppe. Asthma Nanrous trouble and kindred ailmanu are •ueces*- fullr traetad. No charge far consultation. Com* and talk ever your ease, and learn whether you can be helped. AI wats pIMUMd toBXplftln th© druff lam methods. COLVILLE LAND CO. SELLS LAND Will buy or fell for you, with satisfac- tion guaranteed. Ask us. We furntah all information on lands. Reference*— Our past customers or any Coiville bank. COLVILLE LAND CO. O. N. Bell L. M. McFarland COLVILLft WABH. (THE LEGAL NEWS J Advertisement. I \OTKK OF PRIMARY ELECTION »'OB CITY OKKU'EHS IN TUB GITY ••» coITVII.I.K, WASHINGTON. Notice is hereby given that a prl- mary election to nominate candidate* to lie voted for at the general municipal election to be held in the city of Col- vi Hi-. Washington, on the flrst Tuesday after the first Monday in December, 1918, willbe held in the city of Colvllle, county of Stevens, state of Washington, on the fifth day of November, 1918. The polls will be open from elevea o'clock in the morning until eight o'clock In the evening of said ttay, un- less at the hour of closing there are any electors in the polling places de- siring to vote and who are qualified to participate therein, and who have not been able to do so since appearing- at the polling place, in which case said pells shall be kept open reasonably long enough after the hour of closlag to allow those no present to vote. Said primary election will be held at the usual voting places In each pre- cinct. The party designation and the names and addresses of all persons for whom nomination papers have been (lied tnso* fur as the same shall affect the electors of said city are as follows: Office, treasurer—W. W. Campbell, Colvllle, Washington; party designation, citizens. Office, clerk—J. H. King. Coiville, Washington; party designation, eltl- tens, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of aald olty i ids seventeenth day of October, ltll. (Heal) J. C. HARD. City Clerk. Kii-Ht publication. October 17.' Mil;, November 2. 1918. ' NOTION OF SAI.K State of Washington, county of Stev- Notice is hereby given that. In ac- cordance with an order heretofore en- tered on the 11th day of October, 1918. by the board of county commissioners of the county of Stevens, state of Washington, directing that the real property hereinafter described, ac- quired by said county of Stevens for delinquent taxes under tax foreclosure suit and sale, be sold as required" by the law.i of the state of Washington, by the undersigned county treasurer of said county, I will on the 16th day of November,l9lß, commencing at the hour of 9 o'clock a. in. of said day and con- tinuing until the hour of 4 o'clock p. in. ol' the day. unless the property herein- after described shall sooner be sold, at the front door of the court house in Colville, in said county and state. »ell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property sit- uated in said county, towlt: Lots 1 and 2 and the southeast quar- ter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter ot section 3, township 34 north, range 41, east Willamette meridian, Stevens county, Washington. And notice is further given that if necessary 1 will adjourn said sale to the same hours from day to day by announcement made at the time and place of said sale, or at the time and place to which said sale may be ad- journed. Terms and conditions of sale, cash. Dated at Colvllle, Washington this 19th day of October. 1918. IRVING D. SIIX, Treasurer of Stevens county. Washington. (Oct., 19-Nov. 9) CALL FOR GKNRIIAL Xl Sill SCHOOL WARRANTS All warrants drawn on the general fund of the following school districts to and including warrant numbers giv- en, are hereby called for payment and interest ceases from this date. Dated at Coiville. Washington, this 19th day of October, 1918. nist. No. 2, to and including warrant No. 1697. 10, to and including warrant No. 277. 13, to and including warrant No. 377. 15, to and including warrant No. 139. 17, all warrants. \u25a0 21, to and including warrant No. 213. 22, to and Including warrant No. 1665. 26, to and Including warrant No. 268. 29, to and including warrant No. 117. 12, to and Including warrant No. 348. 88, to and including warrant No. 92. 39, to and Including warrant No. 711. 42, to and Including warrant No. 310. 53, to and Including Warrant No. 826. 54, to and including warrant No. 813. 72, to and including warrant No. MS. 80, to and including warrant No. 391, 94, to and including warrant No. l»5. 96, to and including warrant No. 118. 97, to and including warrant Ne. 116. 99, all warrants. 104, to and including warrant No. 72. 106, to and Including warrant No. 215. 107, to and including warrant No. 142. 113, all warrants, 117, to and Including warrant No. 84. 120, all warrants. 122, all warrants. 133. to and Including warrant No. 110. 138, to and including warrant No. 106. 139, to and including warrant No. 736. 141, to and Including warrant No. 119. 142, to and including warrant No. 141. 146, all warrants. 154, to and including warrant No. 881. 156, all warrants. V 169, to and including warrant No. 710. 162, to and including warrant No. 67. 163, to and including warrant No. 84. 164, to and including warrant No. 109. 168, to and Including warrant No. 114. (7. H. 2, to and including warrant No. 981. P. H. 3, to and Including warrant No. 1065. HIVING D. SILL. Treasurer of Stevens county, Wash. By Barllda McKeown, Deputy. (Oct. 1»-Nov. 2) CLASSIFIED OFFERINGS BONDS—LIBERTY BONDS, and all listed bonds bought and sold. Writ* or phone for price and quotations. IRVING WHITEHOUSE COMPANY, 805 Alaska Building, Seattle; Davenport Hotel Building, sipokaae. JfOTICH OF 1 HBARING ON I.VTIK- TIOI TO IKLL COUNTY PHOPHKTI To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that an ap- plication has heretofore been -wade to the board of county commissioners by !•:. D. Germain for the sale of the following described county property, towit: The southwest quarter of section 12 in township 28 north, of range 40, east Willamette meridian, and that said property was sold to \u25a0aid >\u25a0:. D. Germain, but it appears that there was an error in the preceedlngs of said sale and that it is-necessary to resell said property In order to clear Therefore it is hereby ordered that a hearing be had on said application on Saturday, November 9, 1918, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the com- missioners' room In the cuurt house in Colrllle, Washington, at which time and place any person or persons hav- ing any objections to offer as why said property should not be so sold. shall appear and offer their objection* thereto. The 'liaid board 6f county commis- sioner* deeming it to be to the best interests of the county to dispose,of said property. [>ated at Colville, Washington, this Utb day of October. 1918. Marie T. Gales, county auditor. By Will C. Spadden, deputy. (Oetber IS-Novwnbri».) MITUH OF SPBCIAL MUNICIPAL KLBCTION. Notice U hereby gtv-en that on Tues- day. November i, lilt, a special muni- cipal election will be he 14 In the city of Colvllle, Washington, tor the pur- pose of voting- upon the question of ratifying and validating wrUln war- rant Indebtedness of said olty, arawn on the water fund. Said Indebtedness sought to ba ratl- ded and validated doea not exceed the •matttatlonal imitation* of Indebted- ness which max be Incurred with the nraent of three fifths of the voters of aald city. The voting plaeea ror the election will be the usual pollin* places In each precinct, and amid election will be con- ducted in accordance with the general election laws of the state or Washing- ton, no far as applicable and consistent therewith. The election offlcers appointed for the city primary election, held on the same date, will have oharge of this election. The polls will ba open at eleven o'clock in the morning and will etOM at eight o'clock In the evening. In witness whereof I have hereunto net my hand and affixed the seal of aald city tills third day of October. l»lt, J. C. HARD, City Clerk. First publication, October (, 1*11; last. October 26. 1918. \OTHK OK SCHOOL BOND SALN State of Washington, county of Ste- Sealed bids for the purchase of bonds to be issued by school district No, 38, of Stevens county, Orient post- office, Washington, to the amoifnt of $500, to run five years, optional after two years, will be received at my of- fice in the court house at Colville, Washington, up to 2 o'clock p. in., Sat- urday, October 26. 1918. at which time and place bids will be opened and con- sidered. Didders will name price of- fered and Interest asked. Said bonds and interest will be payable at the of- fice of the county treasurer of Ste- vens county. Interest on saiii bonds to be payable annually. Right is re- served to reject any and all bids. The assessed valuation of said dis- trict for the year 1917 la 128.167- Dated at Colville. Washington, this 28th day of September. 1918. INVING n. SILL. Treasurer of Stevens county, Washington. (Sep. 28-Oct. 19) \OTICK TO CHHDITOHN No. 1523 In the superior court of the state of Washington, in and for the county of Stevens. In the matter of the. estate of P. L. Stlckney. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed admlnis- and has duly qualified accordingly, and that all persons having claim* against said deceased are required to serve .tuch claims, duly verified, with the necessary vouchers, upon the under- signed at Columbia Hotel, Gifford, Washington, or upon L. B. Donley, his attorney of record at his'office at Col- ville, Washington, and file such claims with the proof of such service in the office of the clerk of the above named court at the city of Colville, Washing- ton, within six months after the first publication of this notice, or they will be forever barred Date of first publication of this no- tice is October 12. 1918. K. D. Wllbert. Administrator of the estate of P. 1* Stickney Deceased. L. B. Donley, Colvllle Washington, attorney for the estate NOTICB OK WATER HMJIIT APPLICATION State of Washington, office of hy- draulic engineer, Olympia. To whom It may concern: Notice is. hereby given that J. P. Uettridge of Valley, county of Stevens, state of Washington, under date of July 16, 1918, filed with the state hy- draulic engineer, Olympia, Washing- ton, an application for a permit to divert the public waters of Colville river In an amount of two cubic feet per second, subject to existing rights, from May 15, to July 1, and from September 1 to November 1 of each year, for the purpose of the irri- gation of 130 acres of land, the north half of the northeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and ten acres in the north- east quarter of the northwest quar- ter of section 34, township 81 north range 40, east Willamette mer- idian, and continuously for domes- tic use, that the approximate, point of diversion Is located in the north half of the northwest quarter of section 3, township 30 north, range 40. east Willamette meridian A map showing the location and dimensions of said canal, and the place of the pro- posed diversion and use is on file in the office of the state hydraulic engineer Olympia Washington, together with such other information as Is required by law. Any person, firm or corporation whose right will be injuriously affect- ed by the said application may file with the state hydraulic engineer, at Olympia, Washington, such objections or representations, in writing, .as he may desire to make, within thirty days after date of publication. Witness my hand and official seal this Sth day of October, A. D. 1918. Marvin Chase, state hydraulic en- gineer. NOTICE In the superior court of the state of Washington for Stevens county. The State of Washington, petition- er, versus C. L. Stephenaon and Jane Doe Stephenson, his wife, respondents. To the above named respondents: In the name of the state of Washing- ton: ' You are hereby notified that the above named petitioner,' the state of Washington, will on the 16th day of Novembor, 1918, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. or as soon thereafter as said petitioner can be heard at the court house of .Stevens county, Washington, in the city of Colvllle, in said county and state, in the court room of said court before the judge of the superior court thereof, present to the above entitled superior court and Judge thereof the petition In the above entitled pro- ceeding, which has been filed In the office of the clerk of said court. The object of said petition is to con- demn and appropriate the hereinafter described land and property, and to vest the legal title of the same in the state of Washington, for the con- struction and operation of a state road thereon and thereover, said state road forming a part of the state road known as the Inland Empire Highway the same being a highway connecting with the Sunset highway at or in the vicin- ity of the city of Ellensburgj thence by the way of North YakI ma, Kenne- wlck, Pasco. Walla Walla, Dayton, crossing the Snake river in the vicin- ity of Central ferry. Coif ax, RoKalia Spokane, .Deer Park, Loon Lake, Col- ville, to the International boundary line at Laurier. Ana the said »etlt4eaer in and by said proceeding -seeks to have the Professional Column Dr. I. S. Clark PhyaMan and Barton Dorra.n-Lf nch Bid* Dr. R. S. Wells i'hrtkiin and Surwon Bank of OolrilU Kid* O«cephcgej276_jtegjd«nc« phene Itttt Dr. J. W. Henderson Pkysicltn and ?ura-eon Office over PoetoAc* DR W. F. DIFFKNBACHEK Dentist Dorman-Lynch Bid*. Dr. 0. F. Vinson Uentist Postofflce Bldg. Dr. Jno. J. Ingle Denti.t Lane Bldg. Phone 196 Camilla Benson DrugleM Phyelcian Consultation free Offices in Lute bldg. L. C. JESSBPH Lawyer Pint National Bank Bldf. W. Lon Johnson Lawyer 8-4-5 Rickey Bldg. John B. Slater Attorney at Law Colviile H. Wade Bailey Lawyer Bank of Colviile Bidg. Osee W. Noble Lawyer Lane Bldg. Colviile R. A. THAYfciP'" —— Lawyer First National Bank Bid*. J. B. Thomas Civil engineer, land tturveyor. Colviile Stevens County Abstract Co. Henry R. Spedden, Mgr. Abstract* of title to Stevens county lands ai ,1 mines. P**"" 51» Colv>ll« IIAII.WAY TIMK IAUI.K Leaves Arrives Spokane NORTHBOUND Colviile 8:55 a. ra li:20 p. m. 5:56 p. m 7:56 p. m. Leaves Arrives Colviile SOUTHBOUND Spokane 7:58 a. m U:SS a. m. 1:60 p. m. __.„. ttH p. m. Leaves SUNDAY Arrive* Spokane NORTHBOUND Colviile 8:55 a. m 12:17 p. m. Leaves Arrive* Colviile SOUTHBOUND Spokane 3:40 p. in .„ 7:80 J*s»«n«i .Bwou«h th \u25a0 old eatablbhed boushVbr Ifanubc?'" ™* ""'"* qukkly aa/nport on patfnUbMtjr. We ««4 wit- ontaor no hw. Write for our fre* book of 300 nettled Inventions. D. SWIFT & CO. Patent Lawyers. Eitab. IBS 9. .307 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. court find and decree that the use hereinbefore and In Maid petition men- tioned .and set forth in a public uso and that the public interest requires the prosecution of the enterprise and road in said petition set forth, and that to condemn and appropriate the Biiiii land and property is essential, required and neceasary for the purpose of said enterprise and road, and then to procure the court to cause a jury to be called and impaneled to ascer- tain and determinethe compensation to be made in money to the said respon- dents for the condemnation and ap- propriation thereof; or in case a jury be waived, as in other civil cases in the courts of record in manner pre- scribed by law, then to procure such compensation or damages to be ascer- tained and determined by the court or the judge thereof, aa provided by law; and to assess and award such compen- sation or damages to you, the said re- spondents; all to be done and the judg- ment or decree of the court to be ren- dered in accordance with the laws and statute!) of the state of Washington in such cases made and provided; and that upon payment of such damage* or compensation and costs by the *aid state of Washington, to you, the sai.l respondents, or .depositing; the same with the clerk of said court, then and thereupon, to procure the court to en- ter a judgment or decree of appropri- ation, condemning and appropriating the said land and property to, and vest- Ing- the legal title thereof in the said petitioner, the state of Washington. The said land and property aa to bo condemned, appropriated and taken is situated in the county of Stevens and the state of Washington, and bounded and described aa follows: A tract of land in lots 1, 2 and 8 block 1 of the plat of We*t Clayton' all in the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 24, town- ship 29 north, range 41 east Willam- ette meridian, said tract of land being more particularly described aa follow*' Beginning- at the east one-quarter corner of section 24, township 29 north range 41 east Willamette meridian; thence S.0 # 17' B. along the east boun- dary of said section 24 a distance of 30 feet: thence S. 89' 48' W. a diatance of 80 feet to the southeast corner of block 1 of the plat of West Clayton- thence continuing S. 89* 4S' W. along the north boundary of said block 1 a diatance of 118.8 feet to the southwest- erly boundary of the right-of-way of the Inland Empire Highway aa now surveyed and of record in the office of the State Highway Commissioner, oiympia, Washington; thence S. 47" 67' E. along- said southwesterly boun- dary of the right-of-way of the Inland Umpire Highway a distance of 1(0.8 feet to the east boundary of said block 1 of the plat of West Clayton; thence N. 0* 17' W. along the east boundary of said block 1 a distance of 108.8 feet to the point of beginning and con- taining 0.14 acres more or less. That the owners, tenants, encum- brancers or Honors or other persons or parties interested in said land or property or any part thereof, so far as can be ascertained from the public record*, are you, the above named re- spondent*, p Pated July 1, 1918. THE STATE OK WASHINGTON. Petitioner. By W. V. TANNER, Attorney general. GLEN J. FAIRBROOK. Assistant attorney general. U B. DONLEY. It* Attorney*. W. V. Tanner, attorney general; Glenn .1. Kairbrook, assistant attorney general; L B. Donley. attorney* for petitioner. Post office address: Temple of Jui- tice, Olympic, Washington. Sep. 88-Kov. ». \u25a0El Vvfl fir MM SSABkm \u25a0ft jßJlj^^^^^^^ }

Transcript of The Colville examiner (Seattle, Wash) 1918-10-26 [p 8]Dr. of Suggestive Therapeutics DRUGLESS...

Page 1: The Colville examiner (Seattle, Wash) 1918-10-26 [p 8]Dr. of Suggestive Therapeutics DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Chiropractic and Mechano-Therapy methods employed. Chronic and Nervous diseases

Page 8

C. C. DILLDemocratic candidate for


Albert I. Kulzerof Chewelah

Democratic Candidate for


.AlWeathermanof Addy

Democratic Candidate for

State Representative

W. H. Graham

Democratic Candidate for


Clair HuntCandidate for

County CommissionerSecond District

Republican Ticket

Wm. Gillings

Candidate for

AssessorDemocratic Ticket

Ed GibsonCandidate for

CommissionerSecond District

Democratic Ticket

A taxpayer of county for 30 years.Platform—Honesty, economy,

good roads

A. V. Downsof Northport

Candidate for

County TreasurerDemocratic Ticket

A resident of Stevens county for 29years. Better known to old-timers as"Lon" Downs. A lifetime of experi-

ence in clerical work.



Hon. C. R. McMillan of Orin, can-didate for state senator for the jointdistrict of Stevens and Pend Oreillecounties, is one of the progressivefarmers of the Colville valley, wherehe has lived since 1884, coming west

from Colorado at that time. Hisfirst employment was the manage-ment of the flouring mill plant atArden. In 1888 he was elected torepresent Spokane and Stevens countyin the last territorial legislature andserved for the then ensuing term ofthat body. Twenty-six years laterhe was elected to the state senate,and in both periods of service he madean enviable record for economy witha special care for the best interestsof the people.

As a citizen he has raised his familyhere, and two of his sons are now inthe .service of their country. He hasset the mark of patriotic service by

being one of the largest buyers ofLiberty bonds and stamps, and is aliberal contributor to the Red Crossand kindred activities.

His services in the legislature in thelight of his past experience as a mem-

ber of that body are a special needat this time when legislation arisingout of war conditions require menwith a firm understanding of emer-gency conditions.

Mr. McMillan was born in Cedar-ville, Ohio, of Scotch parentage in1858. Were he a'younger man hesays he would now be in the service,but he is thankful that he has threesons who are at the disposal of hiscountry.

Chief Justice John F. Main, who isa candidate for reelection to a sixyear term on the supreme bench occu-pies the most responsible and exactingposition on the supreme bench.» Byvirtue of his position, Chief JusticeMain must not only pass upon everycase which i.s decided by the supremecourt, but also act as executive of thecourt and direct its work.

B. F. Cookof Chewelah

Candidate for

SheriffRepublican Ticket

J. F. Jarvisof Chewelah

Democratic Candidate for


For city treasurer

Ihereby announce myself as a can-didate for the office of city treasurerof the city of Colville at the primaryelection Nov. 5.— W. W. Campbell, adv


The Coiville Examiner, Saturday, October 26, 1918


For the office of county clerk acapable man is offered by the dem-ocratic ticket in the person of J. L.Lasswell, who has been a resident anda taxpayer of"Stevens county for 15years. He has devoted his attentionsto clerical work for the last 20 years,but has never held office in Stevenscounty. He served as county as-sessor and as deputy auditor in Yak-ima County before coining here, andhas had the necessary clerical exper-ience to enable him to handle the du-ties of county clerk with perfect sat-isfaction.

Mr. Lass well was one of those whobuilt the Colville flouring mills, in thedays when this territory was growingfast, but not far enough along tosupport a flouring plant. He hasbeen one of the men to build up thiscounty, and has a grown family,three of the children residing in Col-ville.

The clerk's office in the past yearsha.s been a profitable office for thecounty, receiving more money than thecost of the office. During the lastyear, however, the cost of the officeran nearly a thousand dollars over of the preceding year, cutting theprofit!of the county to only$325. Itis believed that by^an economicalmanagement of thy offin"-, it can againbe made to help bear the cost of carry-ing on other county business, and Mr.Lasswcll has pledged himself to runthe office with one deputy and makethe office a profitable one for the taxpayers.

Fur any itching sUm troubtw, piles.

scssma, salt rheum, hives, itch, scaldIh>h(l, herpei, scabies, Doan's Ointmentis highly recommended. i;o« a box atnil .stores.—adv

Your county is behind in its WarSavings pledges. Buy W. S. S.






HußHng It Back"L R. Dolby Co. Iggjgg

AppleStorageAmple Cold and Common Storage

Facilities at

The Arctic Co.116-124 Pacific Aye. Spokane Wash.


Solicits your patronage while inSpolcrfne.

EUROPEAN PLANRates 58 cents and up. Reasonable rates -by week or month. }block from poat-omce, near new Monroe Street bridge.Full view down Riverside Avenue from

Lobby.Wm. Snow, Prop. R. H. Snow, Mgr.

Spokane, WuhlngtoD

LEONARD'S BARGAINS40 feet of good six-inch belting.

Two good phonographs, reasonableprice.

DeLaval separator.

Brass, copper, iron, wool, rubber,furniture, bought at highest prices.

Gun, furniture and buggy repairing.

Leonard's Second Hand StoreMain Street Colville

I CAMILLA BENSONDr. of Suggestive Therapeutics

DRUGLESS PHYSICIANChiropractic and Mechano-Therapy

methods employed.Chronic and Nervous diseases a specialty

Office inLane BaUdinf. CatvlU* Wash.Stomach Troubl. Kwnale DlHsaasConstipation Appendiciti*LWerTrouM* IndicationLumbago . jumUHihiiiRheumatism Infantile I'amlraUKidney DiMaaw f.rnly.nInwmnla LsOrtppe. AsthmaNanrous trouble and kindred ailmanu are •ueces*-

fullr traetad.No charge far consultation. Com* and talk everyour ease, and learn whether you can be helped.AIwats pIMUMd toBXplftln th© drufflam methods.


Will buy or fell for you, with satisfac-tion guaranteed. Ask us. We furntahall information on lands. Reference*—Our past customers orany Coivillebank.

COLVILLE LAND CO.O. N. Bell L. M. McFarland


(THE LEGAL NEWS JAdvertisement. I


mary election to nominate candidate* tolie voted for at the general municipalelection to be held in the city of Col-vi Hi-. Washington, on the flrst Tuesdayafter the first Monday in December,1918, willbe held in the city of Colvllle,county of Stevens, state of Washington,on the fifth day of November, 1918.

The polls will be open from eleveao'clock in the morning until eighto'clock In the evening of said ttay, un-less at the hour of closing there areany electors in the polling places de-siring to vote and who are qualified toparticipate therein, and who have notbeen able to do so since appearing- atthe polling place, in which case saidpells shall be kept open reasonablylong enough after the hour of closlagto allow those no present to vote.

Said primary election will be held atthe usual voting places In each pre-cinct.

The party designation and the namesand addresses of all persons for whomnomination papers have been (lied tnso*fur as the same shall affect the electorsof said city are as follows:

Office, treasurer—W. W. Campbell,Colvllle, Washington; party designation,citizens.

Office, clerk—J. H. King. Coiville,Washington; party designation, eltl-tens,

In witness whereof I have hereuntoset my hand and the seal of aald oltyiids seventeenth day of October, ltll.

(Heal) J. C. HARD. City Clerk.Kii-Ht publication. October 17.' Mil;, November 2. 1918. 'NOTION OF SAI.K

State of Washington, county of Stev-

Notice is hereby given that. In ac-cordance with an order heretofore en-tered on the 11th day of October, the board of county commissionersof the county of Stevens, state ofWashington, directing that the realproperty hereinafter described, ac-quired by said county of Stevens fordelinquent taxes under tax foreclosuresuit and sale, be sold as required" bythe law.i of the state of Washington,by the undersigned county treasurer ofsaid county, I will on the 16th day ofNovember,l9lß, commencing at the hourof 9 o'clock a. in. of said day and con-tinuing until the hour of 4 o'clock p. in.ol' the day. unless the property herein-after described shall sooner be sold,at the front door of the court housein Colville, in said county and state.»ell to the highest bidder for cash, thefollowing described real property sit-uated in said county, towlt:

Lots 1 and 2 and the southeast quar-ter of the northeast quarter and thenortheast quarter of the southeastquarter ot section 3, township 34 north,range 41, east Willamette meridian,Stevens county, Washington.

And notice is further given that ifnecessary 1 will adjourn said sale tothe same hours from day to day byannouncement made at the time andplace of said sale, or at the time andplace to which said sale may be ad-journed. Terms and conditions ofsale, cash.

Dated at Colvllle, Washington this19th day of October. 1918.

IRVING D. SIIX, Treasurer ofStevens county. Washington.

(Oct., 19-Nov. 9)


All warrants drawn on the generalfund of the following school districtsto and including warrant numbers giv-en, are hereby called for payment andinterest ceases from this date.

Dated at Coiville. Washington, this19th day of October, 1918.nist. No.2, to and including warrant No. 1697.

10, to and including warrant No. 277.13, to and including warrant No. 377.15, to and including warrant No. 139.17, all warrants. \u25a0

21, to and including warrant No. 213.22, to and Including warrant No. 1665.26, to and Including warrant No. 268.29, to and including warrant No. 117.12, to and Including warrant No. 348.88, to and including warrant No. 92.39, to and Including warrant No. 711.42, to and Including warrant No. 310.53, to and Including Warrant No. 826.54, to and including warrant No. 813.72, to and including warrant No. MS.80, to and including warrant No. 391,94, to and including warrant No. l»5.96, to and including warrant No. 118.97, to and including warrant Ne. 116.99, all warrants.104, to and including warrant No. 72.106, to and Including warrant No. 215.107, to and including warrant No. 142.113, all warrants,117, to and Including warrant No. 84.120, all warrants.122, all warrants.133. to and Including warrant No. 110.138, to and including warrant No. 106.139, to and including warrant No. 736.141, to and Including warrant No. 119.142, to and including warrant No. 141.146, all warrants.154, to and including warrant No. 881.156, all warrants. V169, to and including warrant No. 710.162, to and including warrant No. 67.163, to and including warrant No. 84.164, to and including warrant No. 109.168, to and Including warrant No. 114.(7. H. 2, to and including warrant No.

981.P. H. 3, to and Including warrant No.


Treasurer of Stevens county, Wash.By Barllda McKeown, Deputy.(Oct. 1»-Nov. 2)


BONDS—LIBERTY BONDS, and alllisted bonds bought and sold. Writ*or phone for price and quotations.IRVING WHITEHOUSE COMPANY,805Alaska Building, Seattle; DavenportHotel Building, sipokaae.


PHOPHKTITo whom it may concern:Notice is hereby given that an ap-

plication has heretofore been -wadeto the board of county commissionersby !•:. D. Germain for the sale of thefollowing described county property,towit: The southwest quarter ofsection 12 in township 28 north, ofrange 40, east Willamette meridian,and that said property was sold to\u25a0aid >\u25a0:. D. Germain, but it appears thatthere was an error in the preceedlngsof said sale and that it is-necessary toresell said property In order to clear

Therefore it is hereby ordered thata hearing be had on said applicationon Saturday, November 9, 1918, at thehour of 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the com-missioners' room In the cuurt house inColrllle, Washington, at which timeand place any person or persons hav-ing any objections to offer as t» whysaid property should not be so sold.shall appear and offer their objection*thereto.

The 'liaid board 6f county commis-sioner* deeming it to be to the bestinterests of the county to dispose,ofsaid property.

[>ated at Colville, Washington, thisUtb day of October. 1918.

Marie T. Gales, county auditor.By Will C. Spadden, deputy.(Oetber IS-Novwnbri».)


Notice U hereby gtv-en that on Tues-day. November i, lilt, a special muni-cipal election will be he 14 In the cityof Colvllle, Washington, tor the pur-pose of voting- upon the question ofratifying and validating wrUln war-rant Indebtedness of said olty, arawnon the water fund.

Said Indebtedness sought to ba ratl-ded and validated doea not exceed the•matttatlonal imitation* of Indebted-ness which max be Incurred with thenraent of three fifths of the voters ofaald city.

The voting plaeea ror the electionwill be the usual pollin*places In eachprecinct, and amid election will be con-ducted in accordance with the generalelection laws of the state or Washing-ton, no far as applicable and consistenttherewith.

The election offlcers appointed forthe city primary election, held on thesame date, will have oharge of thiselection.

The polls will ba open at eleveno'clock in the morning and will etOMat eight o'clock In the evening.

In witness whereof I have hereuntonet my hand and affixed the seal of aaldcity tills third day of October. l»lt,

J. C. HARD, City Clerk.First publication, October (, 1*11;

last. October 26. 1918.

\OTHK OK SCHOOL BOND SALNState of Washington, county of Ste-

Sealed bids for the purchase ofbonds to be issued by school districtNo, 38, of Stevens county, Orient post-office, Washington, to the amoifnt of$500, to run five years, optional aftertwo years, will be received at my of-fice in the court house at Colville,Washington, up to 2 o'clock p. in.,Sat-urday, October 26. 1918. at which timeand place bids will be opened and con-sidered. Didders will name price of-fered and Interest asked. Said bondsand interest will be payable at the of-fice of the county treasurer of Ste-vens county. Interest on saiii bondsto be payable annually. Right is re-served to reject any and all bids.

The assessed valuation of said dis-trict for the year 1917 la 128.167-

Dated at Colville. Washington, this28th day of September. 1918.

INVING n. SILL. Treasurer ofStevens county, Washington.

(Sep. 28-Oct. 19)


In the superior court of the state ofWashington, in and for the county ofStevens.

In the matter of the. estate of P. L.Stlckney.

Notice is hereby given that the un-dersigned has been appointed admlnis-

and has duly qualified accordingly, andthat all persons having claim* againstsaid deceased are required to serve.tuch claims, duly verified, with thenecessary vouchers, upon the under-signed at Columbia Hotel, Gifford,Washington, or upon L. B. Donley, hisattorney of record at his'office at Col-ville, Washington, and file such claimswith the proof of such service in theoffice of the clerk of the above namedcourt at the city of Colville, Washing-ton, within six months after the firstpublication of this notice, or they willbe forever barred

Date of first publication of this no-tice is October 12. 1918.

K. D. Wllbert. Administrator of theestate of P. 1* Stickney Deceased.L. B. Donley, Colvllle Washington,attorney for the estate


State of Washington, office of hy-draulic engineer, Olympia.

To whom It may concern:Notice is. hereby given that J. P.Uettridge of Valley, county of Stevens,state of Washington, under date ofJuly 16, 1918, filed with the state hy-draulic engineer, Olympia, Washing-ton, an application for a permit todivert the public waters of Colvilleriver In an amount of two cubic feetper second, subject to existingrights, from May 15, to July 1, andfrom September 1 to November 1 ofeach year, for the purpose of the irri-gation of 130 acres of land, the northhalf of the northeast quarter and thesouthwest quarter of the northeastquarter and ten acres in the north-east quarter of the northwest quar-ter of section 34, township 81 northrange 40, east Willamette mer-idian, and continuously for domes-tic use, that the approximate, pointof diversion Is located in the northhalf of the northwest quarter ofsection 3, township 30 north, range40. east Willamette meridian A mapshowing the location and dimensions ofsaid canal, and the place of the pro-posed diversion and use is on file in theoffice of the state hydraulic engineerOlympia Washington, together withsuch other information as Is requiredby law.

Any person, firm or corporationwhose right will be injuriously affect-ed by the said application may filewith the state hydraulic engineer, atOlympia, Washington, such objectionsor representations, in writing, .as hemay desire to make, within thirtydaysafter date of publication.

Witness my hand and official sealthis Sth day of October, A. D. 1918.Marvin Chase, state hydraulic en-gineer.

NOTICEIn the superior court of the state ofWashington for Stevens county.The State of Washington, petition-er, versus C. L. Stephenaon and Jane

Doe Stephenson, his wife, respondents.To the above named respondents:In the name of the state of Washing-

ton: 'You are hereby notified that theabove named petitioner,' the state ofWashington, will on the 16th day ofNovembor, 1918, at the hour of 9:30o'clock In the forenoon of said day. oras soon thereafter as said petitionercan be heard at the court house of.Stevens county, Washington, in thecity of Colvllle, in said county andstate, in the court room of said courtbefore the judge of the superior courtthereof, present to the above entitledsuperior court and Judge thereof thepetition In the above entitled pro-ceeding, which has been filed In theoffice of the clerk of said court.

The object of said petition is to con-demn and appropriate the hereinafterdescribed land and property, and tovest the legal title of the same in thestate of Washington, for the con-struction and operation of a state roadthereon and thereover, said state roadforming a part of the state road knownas the Inland Empire Highway thesame being a highway connecting withthe Sunset highway at or in the vicin-ity of the city of Ellensburgj thenceby the way of North YakI ma, Kenne-wlck, Pasco. Walla Walla, Dayton,crossing the Snake river in the vicin-ity of Central ferry. Coifax, RoKaliaSpokane, .Deer Park, Loon Lake, Col-ville, to the International boundaryline at Laurier.Ana the said »etlt4eaer in and bysaid proceeding -seeks to have the

Professional ColumnDr. I. S. Clark

PhyaMan and Barton Dorra.n-Lf nch Bid*

Dr. R. S. Wellsi'hrtkiinand Surwon Bank of OolrilU Kid*O«cephcgej276_jtegjd«nc« phene Itttt

Dr. J. W. HendersonPkysicltn and ?ura-eon Office over PoetoAc*

DR W. F. DIFFKNBACHEKDentist Dorman-Lynch Bid*.

Dr. 0. F. VinsonUentist Postofflce Bldg.

Dr. Jno. J. IngleDenti.t

Lane Bldg. Phone 196

Camilla BensonDrugleM Phyelcian

Consultation free Offices in Lute bldg.

L. C. JESSBPHLawyer Pint National Bank Bldf.

W. Lon JohnsonLawyer 8-4-5 Rickey Bldg.

John B. SlaterAttorney at Law Colviile

H. Wade BaileyLawyer Bank ofColviile Bidg.

Osee W. NobleLawyer

Lane Bldg. Colviile

R. A. THAYfciP'"——Lawyer First National Bank Bid*.

J. B. ThomasCivil engineer, land tturveyor. Colviile

Stevens County Abstract Co.Henry R. Spedden, Mgr.

Abstract* of title to Stevens county lands ai ,1mines.

P**"" 51» Colv>ll«

IIAII.WAY TIMK IAUI.KLeaves ArrivesSpokane NORTHBOUND Colviile8:55 a. ra li:20 p. m.5:56 p. m 7:56 p. m.Leaves ArrivesColviile SOUTHBOUND Spokane7:58 a. m U:SS a. m.1:60 p. m. __.„. ttH p. m.Leaves SUNDAY Arrive*Spokane NORTHBOUND Colviile8:55 a. m 12:17 p. m.Leaves Arrive*Colviile SOUTHBOUND Spokane3:40 p. in .„ 7:80

J*s»«n«i .Bwou«h th \u25a0 old eatablbhedboushVbr Ifanubc?'" ™* ""'"*qukkly

aa/nport on patfnUbMtjr. We ««4 wit-ontaor no hw. Write for our fre* bookof 300 nettled Inventions.

D. SWIFT & CO.Patent Lawyers. Eitab. IBS9.

.307 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.

court find and decree that the usehereinbefore and In Maid petition men-tioned .and set forth in a public usoand that the public interest requiresthe prosecution of the enterprise androad in said petition set forth, andthat to condemn and appropriate theBiiiii land and property is essential,required and neceasary for the purposeof said enterprise and road, and thento procure the court to cause a juryto be called and impaneled to ascer-tain and determinethe compensation tobe made in money to the said respon-dents for the condemnation and ap-propriation thereof; or in case a jurybe waived, as in other civil cases inthe courts of record in manner pre-scribed by law, then to procure suchcompensation or damages to be ascer-tained and determined by the court orthe judge thereof, aa provided by law;and to assess and award such compen-sation or damages to you, the said re-spondents; all to be done and the judg-ment or decree of the court to be ren-dered in accordance with the laws andstatute!) of the state of Washingtonin such cases made and provided; andthat upon payment of such damage*or compensation and costs by the *aidstate of Washington, to you, the sai.lrespondents, or .depositing; the samewith the clerk of said court, then andthereupon, to procure the court to en-ter a judgment or decree of appropri-ation, condemning and appropriatingthe said land and property to, and vest-Ing- the legal title thereof in the saidpetitioner, the state of Washington.

The said land and property aa to bocondemned, appropriated and taken issituated in the county of Stevens andthe state of Washington, and boundedand described aa follows:

A tract of land in lots 1, 2 and 8block 1 of the plat of We*t Clayton'all in the northeast quarter of thesoutheast quarter of section 24, town-ship 29 north, range 41 east Willam-ette meridian, said tract of land beingmore particularly described aa follow*'Beginning- at the east one-quartercorner of section 24, township 29 northrange 41 east Willamette meridian;thence S.0 # 17' B. along the east boun-dary of said section 24 a distance of30 feet: thence S. 89' 48' W. a diatanceof 80 feet to the southeast corner ofblock 1 of the plat of West Clayton-thence continuing S. 89* 4S' W. alongthe north boundary of said block 1 adiatance of 118.8 feet to the southwest-erly boundary of the right-of-way ofthe Inland Empire Highway aa nowsurveyed and of record in the office ofthe State Highway Commissioner,oiympia, Washington; thence S. 47"67' E. along- said southwesterly boun-dary of the right-of-way of the InlandUmpire Highway a distance of 1(0.8feet to the east boundary of said block1 of the plat of West Clayton; thenceN. 0* 17' W. along the east boundaryof said block 1 a distance of 108.8feet to the point of beginning and con-taining 0.14 acres more or less.

That the owners, tenants, encum-brancers or Honors or other personsor parties interested in said land orproperty or any part thereof, so faras can be ascertained from the publicrecord*, are you, the above named re-spondent*, p

Pated July 1, 1918.THE STATE OK WASHINGTON.Petitioner.By W. V. TANNER, Attorneygeneral.GLEN J. FAIRBROOK. Assistantattorney general.U B. DONLEY.It*Attorney*.

W. V. Tanner, attorney general;Glenn .1. Kairbrook, assistant attorneygeneral; L B. Donley. attorney* forpetitioner.

Post office address: Temple of Jui-tice, Olympic, Washington.Sep. 88-Kov. ».

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