The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

THE COLONNADE The Official Student Newspaper of Georgia College October 4, 2013 Volume 90, No. 7 Single copies free Miller Bell is missing. Well, not the actual Miller Bell who died in 1941, but his portrait is gone. It went miss- ing during the 2006 reconstruction of Geor- gia College’s honors dorm, Bell Hall, which isn’t exactly cause for alarm. What is a bit mysterious, though, is that this isn’t the first time the portrait has vanished. Plus, Miller Bell is kind of a big deal. “In 1907, Miller ran for the office of mayor of Milledgeville,” according to Ni- cole Mitchell, a GC graduate student. “He won the election by a majority of only seven votes. But he was so popular that he was reelected eight times, serving from 1908 to 1924.” Not only did Bell serve Milledgeville, he also helped GC develop its name and repu- tation. “When Bell Hall was built in 1928, there was very little question it would be named [for him]. [He was] a major citizen of this town … Bell introduced innovations to Milledgeville and got it up to speed,” Bob Wilson, history professor and campus his- torian, said. The photograph of Bell is one of the best on record, according to Wilson, although its artist and date are unknown. After it disap- peared the first time, Wilson uncovered the portrait while scouring the basement of Ter- rell Hall in 2001. IRIS COCHRAN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The Village is still overcrowded due to the highest freshman enroll- ment in Georgia College history, leaving 16 students in two apartments built for four. The problem may not be resolved anytime soon. “Most schools will take 108 to 112 percent capacity because basically the schools know that you have to take more than you are going to have come in the fall because you know that a number of students are going to leave,” Larry Christenson, executive director of University Housing, said. When fall semester began, 36 of 1,392 incoming freshmen were as- signed to live six to eight per four- bedroom suite at The Village. Living eight to a suite, students pay the Tri- ple-Room Rate – $2,570 per semester for a 15-week term. This is compared to the normal rate for a four-bedroom apartment – $3,788 per semester. “When you actually look at it, the cost of The Village per week is actu- ally lower than it is on central cam- pus,” Christenson said. After receiving complaints, Uni- versity Housing moved some stu- dents back on campus, leaving only 16 of the freshmen at The Village. However, overcrowding was also due to non-freshman students. “We’ve had 50 more returning stu- dents stay on campus this year along with the most freshmen we’ve had in about five years,” Mark Craddock, associate director of operations for University Housing, said. Cindy Mclanahan, marketing co- ordinator for Housing Operations, explains that future overcrowding may lead to more incoming freshman living at The Village eight to a room. Christenson suggested that the situa- tion is likely. “What I’ve been told is there will be additional freshmen next year above and beyond the number they brought in this fall,” Christenson said. Freshmen were surprised when finding out they would be living in a mostly upperclassman environment. “We are all eight people that signed up a little bit late for housing,” Willi Fissenewert, an exchange stu- dent from Germany, said, “and that’s how we came to eight people to one dorm” Craddock said these students did not know when signing up for hous- ing they would be placed in The Village. Instead, they found out after University Housing sent out an email before the last orientation session to inform students where they would be living. Some students complained about having to live so far away from class- es and Downtown. “Yes, I mean it was unexpected because I wanted to live on campus, and I was worried about space and commuting to Main Campus,” fresh- man physics major Tim Powell said. Other students like where they live and like the people with whom they live. Christenson explained that the rates are set in advance and have to be approved by the Board of Regents, the governing body for higher educa- tion in Georgia. Freshmen pack overbooked Village Defining the South with food Be back later, y’all! The government shut down, sure, but what does that mean for you? No work? No military? Less PandaCam? No. No. And yes. There are real effects. PETE SOUZA / WHITE HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHER Shutdown page 2 Foodways page 2 The mystery of Miller Bell’s vanishing portrait PHOTO COURTESY OF BOB WILSON The History Club poses with Miller Bell’s portrait after it was found by Bob Wilson (far left), Georgia College’s campus historian, in the basement of Terrell Hall. 500 The percentage increase of of college costs, according to Forbes. INSIDE NEWS FLASH News Calling all volunteers.................................................2 The Short List............................................................3 A&E All eyes on the big screen.......................................7 Senior curator brings new form of art................7 Sports Bobcats pink out to beat breast cancer .............10 Tennis brings home regional wins.......................10 QUOTABLE NUMBER CRUNCH See Sports on page 10 Free flu shots available to students Flu shots will be available on Wednes- day, Oct. 9, in the Nursing Lab of the Health Science Building. From Oct. 10 onward, flu shots will be available in the Student Health Center. Community News.........................................4 “We don’t stop fighting, even when it gets tough.” - Gretchen Krumdieck, GC volleyball head coach See Opinion page 5 As told by Sophie Goodman – Senior Reporter Mystery page 2 HELEN HARRIS CONTRIBUTING WRITER Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French writer famous for his book on the physiol- ogy behind taste, is most known for the quote “Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are.” Craig Pascoe, a history professor at Geor- gia College, applied this quite literally in his graduate course “Southern Foodways and Traditions,” which explores what “Southern food” really is and how it impacts the South’s identity. “Food is an important part of the history of the South, and Southern literature is filled with food references that have important cul- tural meanings,” Pascoe said, explaining how the class came about. Pascoe has taught a study-abroad course, “Understanding Italian History and Culture Through Food”, for the past two years in Florence, Italy, which is connected with Api- cius, a cooking school with the Florence Uni- versity of the Arts. “The students do the same kinds of re- search and are involved in ‘hands-on’ projects that the students in the Southern foodways class are,” Pascoe said. The class is for graduate students and is taught at GC’s Macon campus. There is, how- ever, one undergraduate student who was per- mitted to take the class based on his genuine interest in the topic. “I like learning about the South and learn- ing about how the things you eat have a his- tory behind them,” the undergraduate student, Alex Bullard, a junior history major, said. The students have already gone to the Bu- ford Highway Farmers Market and several restaurants in Atlanta. The outing was essen- tially a “food crawl” on Buford Highway. CONSTANTINA KOKENES SENIOR REPORTER The government has shut down. Weed is now legal. Murder will go unpunished. Anar- chy erupts in the streets all across the country. Just kidding – although it is a bit concern- ing that some people actually do believe that all crime is suspended (a quick search on Twit- ter will show naïve teenagers celebrating their false hopes). So what does the government shutdown mean for the country? In order to understand that, you first need to understand why this hap- pened. In laymen’s terms, the House and Sen- ate must agree on how to fund different areas of the federal government. When an agreement can’t be made, Congress has to close down. Cliché, but it’s true. The Washington Post cleverly published an article explaining how the shutdown works. According to the Post, “not all government functions will simply evaporate … Social Security checks will be mailed, and veterans’ hospitals will stay open.” The U.S. military, air traffic control, emergen- cy medical care, border patrol, federal prisons, most law enforcement, emergency and disaster assistance, the U.S. Postal Service, the Federal Reserve, etc. will continue to operate, but there is the possibility of facing a furlough (which essentially means they’ll work without pay). However, most federal agencies – ranging from the Food and Drug Administration to na- tional parks – are closed while the House has DAVID WICKER / SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER One of the apartments where students are still living eight people to four bedrooms. Here’s what the shut- down means: We’re all in big trouble. Leisure.....................................................................6



Transcript of The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

Page 1: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

The ColonnadeThe Official Student Newspaper of Georgia College

October 4, 2013 Volume 90, No. 7 Single copies free

Miller Bell is missing. Well, not the actual Miller Bell who died in 1941, but his portrait is gone. It went miss-ing during the 2006 reconstruction of Geor-gia College’s honors dorm, Bell Hall, which isn’t exactly cause for alarm. What is a bit

mysterious, though, is that this isn’t the first time the portrait has vanished. Plus, Miller Bell is kind of a big deal.

“In 1907, Miller ran for the office of mayor of Milledgeville,” according to Ni-cole Mitchell, a GC graduate student. “He won the election by a majority of only seven

votes. But he was so popular that he was reelected eight times, serving from 1908 to 1924.”

Not only did Bell serve Milledgeville, he also helped GC develop its name and repu-tation.

“When Bell Hall was built in 1928, there was very little question it would be named [for him]. [He was] a major citizen of this town … Bell introduced innovations to Milledgeville and got it up to speed,” Bob Wilson, history professor and campus his-torian, said.

The photograph of Bell is one of the best on record, according to Wilson, although its artist and date are unknown. After it disap-peared the first time, Wilson uncovered the portrait while scouring the basement of Ter-rell Hall in 2001.

IrIs CoChranContrIbutIng reporter

The Village is still overcrowded due to the highest freshman enroll-ment in Georgia College history, leaving 16 students in two apartments built for four.

The problem may not be resolved anytime soon.

“Most schools will take 108 to 112 percent capacity because basically the schools know that you have to take more than you are going to have come in the fall because you know that a number of students are going to leave,” Larry Christenson, executive director of University Housing, said.

When fall semester began, 36 of 1,392 incoming freshmen were as-signed to live six to eight per four-bedroom suite at The Village. Living eight to a suite, students pay the Tri-ple-Room Rate – $2,570 per semester for a 15-week term. This is compared to the normal rate for a four-bedroom

apartment – $3,788 per semester. “When you actually look at it, the

cost of The Village per week is actu-ally lower than it is on central cam-pus,” Christenson said.

After receiving complaints, Uni-versity Housing moved some stu-dents back on campus, leaving only 16 of the freshmen at The Village. However, overcrowding was also due to non-freshman students.

“We’ve had 50 more returning stu-dents stay on campus this year along with the most freshmen we’ve had in about five years,” Mark Craddock, associate director of operations for University Housing, said.

Cindy Mclanahan, marketing co-ordinator for Housing Operations, explains that future overcrowding may lead to more incoming freshman living at The Village eight to a room. Christenson suggested that the situa-tion is likely.

“What I’ve been told is there will be additional freshmen next year above and beyond the number they

brought in this fall,” Christenson said.

Freshmen were surprised when finding out they would be living in a mostly upperclassman environment.

“We are all eight people that signed up a little bit late for housing,” Willi Fissenewert, an exchange stu-dent from Germany, said, “and that’s how we came to eight people to one dorm”

Craddock said these students did not know when signing up for hous-ing they would be placed in

The Village. Instead, they found out after University Housing sent out an email before the last orientation session to inform students where they would be living.

Some students complained about having to live so far away from class-es and Downtown.

“Yes, I mean it was unexpected because I wanted to live on campus, and I was worried about space and commuting to Main Campus,” fresh-man physics major Tim Powell said.

Other students like where they live and like the people with whom they live.

Christenson explained that the

rates are set in advance and have to be approved by the Board of Regents, the governing body for higher educa-tion in Georgia.

Freshmen pack overbooked Village

Defining the Southwith food

Be back later, y’all!The government shut down, sure, but what does that mean for you? No work? No military? Less PandaCam? No. No. And yes. There are real effects.

Pete Souza / White houSe PhotograPher

Shutdown page 2Foodways page 2

The mystery of Miller Bell’s

vanishing portrait

Photo courteSy of BoB WilSonThe History Club poses with Miller Bell’s portrait after it was found by Bob Wilson (far left), Georgia College’s campus historian, in the basement of Terrell Hall.

500The percentage increase of

of college costs, according to Forbes.

InsIde news Flash NewsCalling all volunteers.................................................2The Short List............................................................3A&EAll eyes on the big screen.......................................7Senior curator brings new form of art................7SportsBobcats pink out to beat breast cancer.............10Tennis brings home regional wins.......................10

Quotable Number CrunCh

See Sports on page 10

Free flu shots available to students

Flu shots will be available on Wednes-day, Oct. 9, in the Nursing Lab of the Health Science Building. From Oct. 10 onward, flu shots will be available in

the Student Health Center. Community News.........................................4

“We don’t stop fighting, even when it gets tough.”

- Gretchen Krumdieck, GC volleyball head coach

See Opinion page 5

As told by Sophie Goodman – Senior Reporter

Mystery page 2

helen harrIsContrIbutIng WrIter

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French writer famous for his book on the physiol-ogy behind taste, is most known for the quote “Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are.”

Craig Pascoe, a history professor at Geor-gia College, applied this quite literally in his graduate course “Southern Foodways and Traditions,” which explores what “Southern food” really is and how it impacts the South’s identity.

“Food is an important part of the history of the South, and Southern literature is filled with food references that have important cul-tural meanings,” Pascoe said, explaining how the class came about.

Pascoe has taught a study-abroad course, “Understanding Italian History and Culture Through Food”, for the past two years in Florence, Italy, which is connected with Api-cius, a cooking school with the Florence Uni-versity of the Arts.

“The students do the same kinds of re-search and are involved in ‘hands-on’ projects that the students in the Southern foodways class are,” Pascoe said.

The class is for graduate students and is taught at GC’s Macon campus. There is, how-ever, one undergraduate student who was per-mitted to take the class based on his genuine interest in the topic.

“I like learning about the South and learn-ing about how the things you eat have a his-tory behind them,” the undergraduate student, Alex Bullard, a junior history major, said.

The students have already gone to the Bu-ford Highway Farmers Market and several restaurants in Atlanta. The outing was essen-tially a “food crawl” on Buford Highway.

ConstantIna KoKenessenIor reporter

The government has shut down. Weed is now legal. Murder will go unpunished. Anar-chy erupts in the streets all across the country.

Just kidding – although it is a bit concern-ing that some people actually do believe that all crime is suspended (a quick search on Twit-ter will show naïve teenagers celebrating their false hopes).

So what does the government shutdown mean for the country? In order to understand that, you first need to understand why this hap-pened. In laymen’s terms, the House and Sen-

ate must agree on how to fund different areas of the federal government. When an agreement can’t be made, Congress has to close down.

Cliché, but it’s true. The Washington Post cleverly published an article explaining how the shutdown works. According to the Post,

“not all government functions will simply evaporate … Social Security checks will be mailed, and veterans’ hospitals will stay open.” The U.S. military, air traffic control, emergen-cy medical care, border patrol, federal prisons, most law enforcement, emergency and disaster assistance, the U.S. Postal Service, the Federal Reserve, etc. will continue to operate, but there is the possibility of facing a furlough (which essentially means they’ll work without pay). However, most federal agencies – ranging from the Food and Drug Administration to na-tional parks – are closed while the House has

DaviD Wicker / Senior PhotograPherOne of the apartments where students are still living eight people to four bedrooms.

Here’s what the shut-down means: We’re all

in big trouble.


Page 2: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013


Tired of driving around looking for a parking space?

Located downtown, adjacent to east campus

Call Dr. Michael Rose at 478-457-7447

Problem = Solved!

Calling all volunteersGINA WEBBER


If you stroll through Downtown Milled-geville on the fi rst Friday of every month, you’ll fi nd yourself in an unusually vibrant atmosphere. Chalkboards line the sidewalks, live music echoes throughout the four down-town blocks, bars and restaurants prop open their front doors and an eclectic group of pa-trons fi ll the streets. This is Milledgeville First Friday, a monthly event hosted by Milled-geville Main Street.

Milledgeville Main Street is an organiza-tion dedicated to promoting local economic development within the community. The organization hosts events and fundraisers throughout the year, including this month’s Deep Roots Festival.

In August, Milledgeville Main Street was named 2013 Downtown Development Pro-gram of the Year at the Georgia Downtown Awards of Excellence Event and Conference, topping 96 other Georgia Main Street pro-grams.

In February 2011, Main Street held the inaugural First Friday, and 32 months later it continues to grow throughout the community.

“I think the event has gained a tremendous new number of regulars to the Downtown area, but at the same time I meet people that ask me what First Friday is,” Carlee Schulte, director of Milledgeville Main Street and a Georgia College alumni, said.

Milledgeville Main Street’s First Friday committee consists of seven to 10 volunteers, but Schulte invites GC students to join in planning and volunteering for First Fridays.

“We would love to have some students to help plan and serve on the committee. We meet once a week to plan and prepare, and there is work to be done the night of to make sure everything goes smoothly,” Schulte said.

Each First Friday has a theme, such as June’s Beach Bash, September’s Taste of Milledgeville and October’s Fall Frenzy. This Friday’s Fall Frenzy will have activities for all ages including pumpkin painting, live music, a candy drop and the Fall Line Farmer’s Mar-ket. Shops and restaurants will be open late, as well.

Students are encouraged to arrive Down-town a few hours earlier than usual and ex-plore the lively atmosphere that First Friday brings to the streets of Milledgeville.

For more information, visit

PETE SOUZA / WHITE HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHERPresident Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden listen as they are updated on the federal govern-ment shutdown and the approaching debt ceiling deadline, in the Oval Offi ce, Oct. 1. From left, Kathryn Ruemmler, Counsel to the President, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Director of OMB, and Alyssa Mastromonaco, Deputy Chief of Staff.

ShutdownContinued from page 1...

A ‘smoke-free’ campus


“I was looking in the bowels of Terrell and there was this portrait of Miller Bell, just down there in Terrell,” Wilson said.

The History Club assisted Wilson in re-touching and cleaning up the portrait after he found it. It was reinstalled in the lobby of Bell Hall later in 2001.

“It looks like a fairly contemporary paint-ing…it looks like it might have been painted in the 1970s or 1980s or it could have been commissioned for Bell Hall, but I don’t know,” Steve Elliot-Gower, director of the honors program and associate professor of political science, said. The portrait is actually a photo-graph, but that it can be mistaken for a painting is credit to its quality.

When the portrait went missing the second time, the mystery really started.

“At fi rst I thought it might’ve been taken to where we have a lot of college memorabilia,” Wilson said.

When the portrait did not turn up there, Wil-son continued his hunt.

“I thought let’s look [in Special Collections]. … I went through all the frames,” Wilson said. “I’ve done it several times so it’s hard to think that I’ve overlooked it.”

Despite his numerous searches, Wilson has yet to give up. As the campus historian, he is

on a personal mission to uncover the portrait’s location. Some theories of its current where-abouts have been discussed among professors, but for Wilson it remains a mystery.

“I have no clue [what happened to it]… Who’s had this for seven years and what would they want with Miller Bell?” Wilson said. “It’s vanished and its very upsetting to me because not only did we recover it, but we’re putting it in now for the ages, and now it’s gone.”

Wilson’s personal goal is to hang a portrait of each person a building is named after in the correct building.

“I want a portrait of Alice Napier in Napier Hall. I want a portrait of Ethel Adams in Adams Hall. I want a portrait of Guy Wells in Wells Hall,” Wilson said.

With this goal in mind, Wilson has yet to give up on the mystery surrounding the portrait of Miller Bell.

This portrait was lost, then found, then lost again. Now Wilson and other historians are waiting for the portrait to be found once more, to give the GC students an idea of where this college came from and how far along it has come.

“Students should be able to associate a name with a face. We can do all of that with Parks and Maxwell, but at the moment we can’t with Miller Bell because the portrait is gone,” Wil-son said. “I can only characterize that as a mys-tery.”

“The group tried numerous dishes at each restaurant. The idea was to understand that Southern foodways is multi-cultural,” Pascoe said. Indo-nesian, Thai, Columbian and Chinese were among the vari-ous food types tasted.

“We went to the market just to see and try the weird-est stuff we could – to see how the South is changing as we are infl uenced by more cul-tures,” Bullard said about the food crawl.

Students’ engagement, interactivity and immediate application of what they are learning in the class separate this course from others in the history department and GC.

“Normally you are in a classroom and you just sit there and listen to a lecture for an hour,” Bullard said.

“We’ve had guest speakers – people from the Atlanta Jour-nal Constitution and Mercer professors that talk to us about random food topics. It’s really cool.”

There is the question of how learning about food fi ts under the history department’s umbrella, but Claire Wilkin-son, senior history major, ex-plained that history and food are often closely intertwined.

“A place that comes to mind for me is Louisiana. It has such a distinct food cul-ture that stems from its unique history, and this is one of the things that sets it apart from other places in the country. To learn more about cultures like this and how food is often tied to a place’s culture and history is fascinating,” Wilkinson said.

One of the paramount goals of the class is to defi ne South-ern food, but that is not as simple as it sounds. The tech-niques and methods used to

prepare food in the South are numerous – going far beyond just the deep fryer.

“Many people simply de-fi ne Southern food as fried chicken, collards, cornbread, et cetera,” Pascoe said. “How-ever, trying to put it into a simple, generic and one-di-mensional defi nition is wrong. Southern food can mean different things to different groups of Southerners.”

The South has been resil-ient with the infl ux of cultures that have established them-selves in the region, but each contributes some of its own fl avors and style to the larger Southern palate. Through these reinterpretations, the South’s food landscape be-comes more dynamic and fl a-vorful.

It’s this blending that Pas-coe wants students to consider in answering the central ques-tion of the class: What makes us who we are, and why do we live in this certain way?

MysteryContinued from page 1...its tantrum. If our food and

drugs aren’t checked, we will all become subjected to mad cow disease or anthrax poi-soning, among other things. All of the animals at the na-tional zoos will die because no one will be there to feed them. PandaCam, livefeed of baby pandas, is no longer running.

Okay, just yanking your chain again – except for the PandaCam. That is a tragedy that must be fi xed immedi-ately; what are we going to do if we can’t see adorable baby pandas taking naps? Re-ally though, this is a serious matter.

The government hasn’t shut down since 1996, when it shut down twice in one year, according to the Con-gressional Research Service Report found in the Post’s article. The cost of the shut-down is, quite frankly, dev-astating. NBC News reports that the price tag for the shut-down is “about $1.6 billion

a week, $300 million a day or $12.5 million an hour.” We’re assured later on in the article that it’s technically not a large amount of money, as the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is about $16 trillion. Not a large amount of money – as if $300 million a day is so easy to come by for most of us.

Yes, technically they’re right; it’s not a large amount of money in comparison to the budget. But as each day goes by, more money is spent which will weaken our crip-pled economy even more.

Let’s reel it in for a minute and talk about what it means for Georgia College. Fortu-nately, it doesn’t mean much.

“The impact of the fed-eral government shutdown on Georgia College is, at this point, minimal,” Associate Vice President for Strate-gic Communications John Hatchel said in a statement released to The Colonnade. “At this point, the majority of [GC’s] funding has already been received by the univer-sity for this semester.”

Hatchel assures that GC offi cials will “keep a diligent eye” on the shutdown and will be “ready to respond to any changes that may affect the university, its students, faculty and staff members.”

So we’re all good here; although it’d be nice to have a few days off. If the govern-ment doesn’t have to go to work, why should we?

Okay, okay, work is impor-tant – that’s why. We’re the generation that can change things, but we have to work for it. We’re the ones that will potentially hold the positions of those in Congress who are responsible for the shutdown. The country could possibly be in the palm of our hands! The future is now!

Got a little carried away there, but that doesn’t make it any less true. This shutdown is important, so educate your-self on why it’s happening, how it can affect the country and how to avoid this in the future, so we don’t ever have to go without watching baby pandas eating bamboo ever again.

FoodwaysContinued from page 1...

Page 3: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013


Tired of driving around looking for a parking space?

Located downtown, adjacent to east campus

Call Dr. Michael Rose at 478-457-7447

Problem = Solved!


At long last, coffee and doughnuts

BRI BERGMAN / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERA worker reaches for a coffee pot during the rush at Dunkin’ Donuts/Baskin Robins’ grand opening on Sept. 26. On the opening day, a line stretched out the door and into the parking lot at 1966 N. Columbia St.

The top news stories from all over the world as collected, curated and composed by Sarah K. Wilson

TH E . S H O RT . L I ST





Well, this is comforting. A 3-pound helicopter drone crashed in Manhattan on Monday, landing only a few feet away from a man. Although the drone crash has spooked many, police have declined an investigation, as no law was apparently broken. The memory card on the drone revealed that the drone was fl ying about 20 to 30 stories above the area near Grand Central Station. As of yet, there’s no answer as to why the drone crashed. (ABC News)

And the dealers are back on the streets! Silk Road, the infamous website known for offering secretive ways to order illicit substances by use of bitcoins, has been shut down by the federal government. Its founder Ross Ulbricht (AKA “Dread Pirate Roberts”), 29, was arrested in a library in San Francisco. He has been charged with narcotics traffi cking conspiracy, computer hacking and money laundering. We’re guessing that his fortune of bitcoins will not bail him out of jail. (TIME)

The world has lost one of its great authors. Tom Clancy, 66, died on Tuesday in a Baltimore hospital, his publisher confi rmed. Clancy had published dozens of best-selling books, including “Rainbow Six” and “The Hunt for Red October”. Many of his books went on to become blockbuster movies, such as 1987’s “Patriot Games”. His last novel, titled “Command Authority”, will be published on Dec. 3. (The New York Times)

Are...are we thinking of the same guy here? Russian President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. According to the International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation of Peoples of the World (what a name), Putin has been nominated because he “actively promotes settlement of all confl icts arising on the planet.” Not surprisingly, Putin’s past in the KGB, his administration’s violence, nor his supplying of weapons to Iran was mentioned in the letter of recommendation. The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on Oct. 11. (The Daily Mail)

1 32


Plain SpeakingPlain SpeakingMARK WATKINS


During the senate meeting on Sept. 27, the Student Govern-ment Association (SGA) passed a resolution (19-1-0) to make the Chief of Staff an offi cial execu-tive position.

In truth, this isn’t exactly unexpected. The Chief of Staff has been part of the Executive Branch for three years now and acts as an important liaison be-tween the President and the staff. The resolution, written by senior senator-at-large Sean Espinosa, just makes the Chief of Staff an offi cial part of the Executive board and adds the standards can-didates have to meet.

By itself, the resolution might not be worth too much discus-sion, but it highlighted a poten-tially fl awed system of amending resolutions.

During the discussion of a

resolution, senators can propose amendments – friendly and un-friendly. Friendly amendments are ones accepted by whoever wrote the bill, and unfriendly are ones not accepted. The latter can still be passed, but it takes a two-thirds majority vote from the senate.

This happened twice during the discussion about the Chief of Staff. An amendment was pro-posed, Espinosa declined, the senate voted, the amendment passed. Both wound up hurting more than helping (i.e. President Victoria Ferree was stripped of her staff) and really needed to be repealed, which they were... by one person.

A senator proposed a friendly amendment (which, mind you, can’t be objected to) repealing the past two amendments, and naturally Espinosa accepted.

Plainly, all it took to repeal two amendments passed by a

two-thirds senate majority about a revision to the Constitution, the governing document of SGA, was one friendly amendment.

SGA’s constitution makes no mention of friendly or unfriendly amendments and has no language detailing how to repeal amend-ments to resolutions. Nor does it mention friendly and unfriendly amendments and how the two work in with each other.

This leads to the idea that yes, one person can overrule a two-thirds majority by an unobject-able proposition. That’s a lot of power for one person.

It may be that the checks and balances on resolution amend-ments are a little off kilter, but this seems more of a mishap than an abuse of power. Even so, if the scales can be evened out with some additions to the Constitu-tion it would make the amending a resolution a fairer and more se-cure process.

Did we miss something? Tweet us at @GCSUnade or vent to us on our website

Page 4: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

Octo, 2013 • Editor, Sophie GoodmanCommunity

The arts significantly boost student achievement.



Sept. 23 12:17 p.m. The old childhood saying, “Look both ways before crossing the street,” still holds true. A student was trying to cross the street at the intersection of Hancock and Clarke streets when he was hit by a car. His left knee was injured, and he was taken to the Oconee Regional Medical Center. *


NOTE: If you would like to see any events on the calendar, please send them to [email protected].

Friday, September 6

2 p.m. “Death of a Salesman” (Russell Auditorium)

7:30 p.m. Guest artist: Ranjani Prabhakar (Max Noah Recital Hall)

Sunday, October 6

3:30 p.m. LinkedIn workshop (Chappell 113)

6:30-8 p.m. “Muslim Journeys: Let’s Talk About It - In the Country of Men” (Anne Moore’s Children theater)

7-8 p.m. Tim Mooney portrays Moliere (Black Box Theatre)

Monday, October 7

*Incident does not appear on map


W H A ’S H A P P E N I N



Sept. 23 8:27 p.m. Offi cer McKinley went to Sanford Hall because two guys had allegedly been drinking and smoking pot the previous weekend. After McKinley talked to them, the guys admitted having booze in their room. McKinley, according to her report, also found some pot, a grinder and other paraphernalia. Also in the room was a designated smoking sign which the two guys allegedly admitted to stealing from a smoking area. The case was sent to the student judicial board.



Sept. 25 12:36 a.m. Sgt. Purvis, Offi cer McKinney and Offi cer McKinley went to Parkhurst Hall because someone was unconscious, vomiting and in need of medical help. When they got there, the unconscious person had come to and was trying to clean up his puke. The person admitted to drinking, turned over the rest of his alcohol and was told to clean up the rest of his mess. The case was sent to the student judicial board.


Reports obtained from GC Public Safety


Wednesday, October 9

9 a.m. Midterm grades posted

12-12:50 p.m. “Times Talk: a Federal Balanced Amendment - Unworkable or Making American Voters Match Our Taxes with Our Desires?” (LITC 2nd fl oor)

Friday, October 4

7-10 p.m. Xala (A&S Auditorium)

8 p.m. “Death of a Salesman” (Russell Auditorium)


Sept. 27 6:24 p.m. Two guys were allegedly cursing and being downright rude to the staff at the Donahoo Lounge. Offi cers Smith and McKinley went to the scene and told both guys they were not allowed to step foot on GC property again. A copy was given to the guys, and they left peacefully. *


Sept. 28 12:24 a.m. Offi cer McKinney went to Wells Hall because a guy might have had alcohol poisoning. The guy agreed to take a blood-alcohol test and blew a .14. A friend provided him with the alcohol, which was confi scated. It was then revealed that the guy had a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and taken to the Milledgeville jail. The case was also sent to the student judicial board.


Sept. 28 12:53 a.m. A guy was really trying to impress his girlfriend, so he resorted to extreme measures. Offi cer Smith and Offi cer McKinley allegedly heard the guy yell, “F--- the police!” The two offi cers went up to him and talked to him. The guy was trying to look “hard” for his girlfriend. He also had been drinking underage. The case was sent to the student judicial board. *


Sept. 28 1:30 a.m. Offi cer McKinney saw a car driving with no headlights on. He pulled the vehicle over and the driver allegedly admitted to drinking alcohol. She took a breath test test and blew a .03. Her car was parked, and a friend picked her up. The case was sent to the student judicial board for underage drinking. *


Sept. 28 1:58 a.m. Offi cers Smith and McKinley allegedly saw a guy fall and roll onto the street. They went up to the guy who’d lost his balance, had bloodshot eyes and smelled like booze. The guy said he had been drinking underage and was only trying to walk home. The offi cers took the guy home and the case was sent to the student judicial board. *



Page 5: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

October 4, 2013• Editor-in-Chief, Constantina KokenesOpinion


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Constantina KokenesEditor-in-Chief

Mark WatkinsNews Editor

Marilyn FerrellA&E Editor

Lee McDadeSports Editor

Scott CarranzaPhoto Editor

Ansley Burgamy Leisure Editor

Sarah GraceAd Manager

Alex Patafi oAsst. Ad Manager

Tayler PittsAsst. Photo Editor

Sarah K. WilsonAsst. News Editor

Bethan AdamsAsst. Sports Editor

Madalyn ShoresDesigner

Kathryn WardellAsst. Designer

Zach KeepersWeb Editor

Lauren CorcinoAsst. A&E Editor

Andy HittSpotlight Editor

Sophie GoodmanCommunity News Editor

Michael KingBusiness Manager

Joe KovacCopy Editor

Macon McGinleyFaculty Adviser

COPYRIGHTSAll stories and photographs appearing

in this issue and previous issues, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by The Colonnade.

In the Sept. 27 issue, the link on the Wilson Writing Con-test Ad is incorrect. It should read “infox” instead of “info.”

In the Sept. 27 issue, the date for Roald Dahl’s “Willy Wonka” is wrong. The play takes place on Feb. 26 - March 2.

If you feel anything we’ve printed or posted online has been reported in error, please send an email to [email protected].

When talking to any adult who is part of the Baby Boomer generation, they seem to always have something to say about the Millennial generation. Nor-mally their opinions go along the lines of how spoiled, entitled and lazy we are. They like to say that they had it so hard and that we don’t have to work half as hard as they did when they were younger and in school.

Just yesterday, we were discussing how one of The Colonnade’s editors was on the phone with their mom, and she just starting ranting about the govern-ment shutdown. Through her rant, the editor kind of zoned out until she started discussing how our generation isn’t so much the cause of the shutdown but how we need to live up to the generation be-fore us.

It seems like people think that people my age don’t do anything but sit on Face-book, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pin-terest, MySpace and Vine all day. Being in our early 20s, we really love getting sucked into “Grey’s Anatomy” on Netf-lix or scrolling through the dashboard on Tumblr, but we are way more than that.

Our generation has a huge advantage because we have so many opportunities because of the Internet academically, and we also use the Internet for a great amount of entertainment.

The truth of the matter is, though, we feel like we have succeeded even more than the generation before the Millenni-als.

Most of us were majorly pushed into going to college, and now we are the most educated generation in American history.

According to Forbes, college costs have risen more than 500 percent, and our debt from student loans has gotten larger because of that. Still, we go to college and pay to get a good education to be able to go on and have a good profession. But somehow we’re still considered spoiled and good at making excuses.

We also are graduating into a recession with even fewer jobs available to us, but we’re taking it upon ourselves to be able to stand out and make ourselves valuable to a company, organization or business.

We can no longer simply get a de-gree and get a job. To make a statement for ourselves, we have to have a list of expertise: a degree, experience, employ-ment, portfolios, good grades, volunteer work, foreign language studies, writing skills and even more.

Meeting all of those requirements is not lazy whatsoever. If anything, it proves how hard we have to work to just simply get an interview for a possible job.

We should not be known as a reck-less generation. Yes, sometimes we’ll be caught texting too much or all of the time. We might not be caught up on every im-portant news event or political race, or we might not know every piece of American history. But we do know what is going on right now, and we are better versed in be-ing apart of this generation, and we know how we are going to change the future of this country.

People can say how we are lazy or en-titled as much as they want to, but the fact is that we are the future. We are the busi-nessmen and women, the artists, the re-porters, the scientists, the presidents, the janitors, the bankers, the “everything” for the next 50 years. We deserve more opti-mism and more respect. We are putting in a lot more work than people think to reach our American dream.

We think that fellow Millennials would agree with us that even through all of the social media and Netfl ix we have, we still work as hard as we can to con-tinue seeing our country succeed, and to even help prevent having our government shutdown again in the future.

Our Voice

Millennials are not a failed generation and should be given

more respect and optimism


ing apart of this generation, and we know how we are going to change the future of

People can say how we are lazy or en-

LITTER BOXTHETHETHETHETHETHENot cool parking police. My friend parked on the curb in the lot by Bell for literally 20 minutes tops because we were unloading some

heavy stuff to take inside! She goes back downstairs, and SURPRISE! Thirty dollar parking ticket!! What the heck?! It’s not like she planned to park there all day! It was temporary!!! AND it’s not even that busy

at 4:00 in the afternoon. Rude.

I was super excited about the internship fair and the opportunity to learn more and network with the place I’m planning on applying to. Too bad the person working that table was a complete moron. That or scientists reclassifi ed penguins as mammals without my knowledge.

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A golfcart rides into town... By Zach Keepers

... we are way more than that.

“Oh my God, I turned off The Colonnade!”- Scott Carranza, Photo editor

“TRACY POWER IS A SAINT!”- Andy Hitt, Spotlight editor

“I made an ad asking people to send in corrections, and I spelled ‘accuracy’ wrong...”

- Alex Patafi o, assistant ad manager

It is extremely frustrating that there are no men's clothing stores in Milledgeville. TJ Maxx doesn't even carry

men's shoes and the selection of stores at The Small is horrendous. No wonder why the men of Millegdeville are

so poorly dressed.

The arts significantly boost student achievement.


While I was busily bussing ta-bles at my local asian bistro, I over-heard an interesting conversation between a server and a customer. The server, being somewhat un-educated on the recent government shutdown, asked the Army-enlisted customer to explain the situation.

What came out of his mouth was not only laughably false but also displayed an eye-rolling level of in-competence.

“The reason the government shut down is because the House doesn’t want the Senate to pass the Obamacare bill.”

Verbatim. Sadly, this was just the begin-

ning of my long day, tirelessly wad-ing through political comments and arguments based solely on over-heard conversations and assump-tions. Rarely did I come across an argument that had a factual back-bone.

But, my, what a backbone the uneducated have.

Now mind you, I was/am not fully educated on the subject, but I have been dedicating time to under-stand and evaluate the actions our government has taken, and I have done so not only for knowledge but to relay the facts to those around me. When I do engage in a political joust, I speak knowing full well the source of my words and don’t argue based on assumptions.

We live in a beautiful world where we can get the news instant-ly. Almost every pocket is equipped with the voice of the people, as well as the facts. Cross-referencing sources of information can be done

in a few minutes, and news can be made within 150 characters. Hot topics spread like wildfi re and ev-eryone has something to say.

If all of this is true, why am I still watching Jimmy Kimmel videos of people stumbling over the differ-ence between Obamacare and the Affordable Healthcare for America Act? (Hint: They’re the exact same thing)

I think it’s time for “we the peo-ple” to take a step back and evalu-ate our consumption of knowledge. A democracy cannot run on this growing level of incompetence. To truly unlock our potential as citi-zens, we must educate ourselves. And I’m not talking about a simple peruse through Wikipedia.

Now, I don’t want everyone fl ocking to their local libraries and cracking the spine of some dusty tome. It simply means opening up a Web browser, typing in a few key words and taking it all in. We are so fortunate to have all of this infor-mation yesterday. So, when some-thing as devastating as a govern-ment shutdown does occur, we will be ready to discuss and respond in the best way possible.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools be-cause they have to say something.” Plato has never spoken truer words. I refuse to be bombarded with asi-nine conversations about already-passed bills on my way to class. Let us “study to show ourselves approved” as the good Lord put it so plainly. It’s not hard, just follow these simple steps:

Google it.

Coming outWhy I switched parties,why you should care

Google itA surplus of information,a shortage of intelligence

I fi gured it would be a bad idea, but I was trying to kill some time.

I had exhausted my lives on “Candy Crush Saga,” made about three new Spotify playlists and was literally out of options. I knew going in that I was probably about to get bombarded by ignoramus after ignoramus, misguided rage and misinformation.

Still, I trekked on through the abyss of applications on my phone until I reluctantly tapped my thumb on that little blue bird.

Alas, the content resulting from the subsequent pull-down/refresh of my Twitter app came as a sad surprise.

Approximately .4 seconds after the government pulled a ’95 and shut itself down, it seemed like every person on Twitter had formed the most intelligent opinions in the universe – except, ironically, the notoriously expressive people of my generation.

Growing up strapped in my identity-crushing Catholic school uniform with my raging Republican parents, I often felt out of place. I tried to single-handedly rebrand the Republican Party by being my ostentatious, openly-liberal self while still maintaining (R) as my political affi liation. I’m pretty sure all I did was confuse people.

Thus, coming out to my parents was one of the most liberating experiences of my life. Coming out as a Democrat, I mean.

I’m surprised that the generation with the most access to information is the one that cares the least about it. Maybe it’s reverse psychology:

The more something is thrown in your face, the less you want to pay attention to it. I know it works that way with interpersonal relationships (think Stage Five Clinger), so why should it be any different with knowledge consumption?

Regardless, the apathy of my generation when it comes to politics is disheartening. The issues that directly affect us and our futures are simmering on the back burner when they should be the main course.

This country just made groundbreaking progress regarding human rights. We’re on the verge of an economic upturn. So why does it seem like as a nation, we’re more divided than ever?

With so many rumors swirling around about what caused the government shutdown, it’s easy to throw in the towel and call it a day. I’ve heard so many say, “I just gave up,” or, “I don’t keep up with politics anymore,” and with so much information available, that isn’t acceptable. I took the initiative to explore politics, and it has become a large part of who I am as an adult. The most empowering privilege we’re given is the ability to educate ourselves.

Furthermore, why does all the misinformation not outrage us? Why are we not hungrily seeking the truth and the steps to take action? As the up-and-comings of the country, we have an obligation to inform ourselves and act. Knowledge is power, and we have so much of it at our disposal. Let’s utilize it.

And don’t worry, coming out isn’t as bad as you’d think.



Page 6: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

October 4, 2013• Editor, Ansley BurgamyLeisure

Buy 6 Donuts

Get 6 Free!

1966 N. Columbia St. Milledgeville, Ga. 31061. Call us at 478-453-3330. Must bring in coupon to redeem offer. Expires 10/15/2013. Limit one per customer.

Now Open 5 a.m. -11p.m.

Thrifting is the new fad in the fashion world. With Halloween right around the cor-ner, how are college students supposed to af-ford a funky-but-cute costume? The answer is in “Thrift Shop,” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Just walk into a thrift shop with $20 in your pocket and go crazy.

Instead of spending a minimum of $40 at Party City or some other brand store, where every costume is literally the same, venture out to a thrift shop. Thrifting allows the wearer to be unique and design their own costume without having to sew everything to-gether. Sewing a costume together may seem like a great idea in retrospect, but when you’re fi ngers are bleeding from sticking yourself with the needle so many times, it may not be too much fun.

Girls, so many of costumes at big brand name stores involve short skirts, which prob-ably shouldn’t be considered skirts, and shirts that may show off a little too much. With thrifting, you can put together your outfi t and look how you want. For guys, when your girl-friend wants you to match, like Sandy and Danny from “Grease,” don’t spend an enor-mous amount of money; instead go to a thrift shop for some worn out jeans and a leather jacket.

In order to test the accuracy and reli-ability of thrifting, one of our own, Jon Whit-ing, hit the streets of Milledgeville to fi nd the perfect Halloween costume. He sifted through piles of dusty clothes – some with stains, others without. After looking through an as-sortment of items, he fi nally saw it – an old lumber mill jumpsuit. It was fl awless and it only cost $2 – an excellent steal. Then he ran into the next part of his costume, an Electrolux vacuum cleaner. The thing with thrift stores is that you don’t have to pay the asking price. Whiting haggled with the cashier until the price was right and fi t his budget. Instead of paying the asking price of $25, he only dished out $10.

Once Whiting gathered his items, a theme began to form at the forefront of his mind. With a lumber mill suit and an old vac-uum, “Ghostbusters” was the quintessential theme. The theme of the costume was now formed, however there was still one essential piece missing. Whiting went out once more in search of a pair of boots. He had lots of luck and ended up with an awesome Halloween

costume for only $20. Thrifting has tons of benefi ts, but

before you start, you need to make sure you know a few key factors. First, make sure you know how much you want to spend. Some-times, clothing at thrift stores can be so cheap; people buy them in bulk and overspend. Also, most thrift stores usually only take cash, so make sure you stop by the ATM before you go. If you go in with an open mind, you are bound to fi nd something downright amaz-ing. Whiting is an example of going in with an open mind and fi nding the perfect costume for the day of ghosts, ghouls and goblins. With this in mind, go thrifting instead of spending your monthly budget on one night.



with the needle so many times, it may not be

Girls, so many of costumes at big brand name stores involve short skirts, which prob-ably shouldn’t be considered skirts, and shirts that may show off a little too much. With thrifting, you can put together your outfi t and look how you want. For guys, when your girl-friend wants you to match, like Sandy and Danny from “Grease,” don’t spend an enor-mous amount of money; instead go to a thrift shop for some worn out jeans and a leather

In order to test the accuracy and reli-ability of thrifting, one of our own, Jon Whit-ing, hit the streets of Milledgeville to fi nd the perfect Halloween costume. He sifted through piles of dusty clothes – some with stains, others without. After looking through an as-sortment of items, he fi nally saw it – an old lumber mill jumpsuit. It was fl awless and it only cost $2 – an excellent steal. Then he ran into the next part of his costume, an Electrolux vacuum cleaner. The thing with thrift stores is that you don’t have to pay the asking price. Whiting haggled with the cashier until the price was right and fi t his budget. Instead of paying the asking price of $25, he only dished

Once Whiting gathered his items, a theme began to form at the forefront of his mind. With a lumber mill suit and an old vac-uum, “Ghostbusters” was the quintessential theme. The theme of the costume was now formed, however there was still one essential piece missing. Whiting went out once more in search of a pair of boots. He had lots of luck and ended up with an awesome Halloween Photo Courtesy of Jon Whiting

How to go thrifting for a Halloween costume&

GC embraces the world of zombies with the premiere of “Birth of the Living Dead”


Zombies are not only invading the media, but also life here at Georgia Col-lege. The documentary “Birth of the Liv-ing Dead” will premiere Oct. 20 in Arts and Sciences Auditorium.

The documentary examines “Night of the Living Dead,” one of the most iconic zombie movies ever made.

This is the second fi lm of a six part in-dependent fi lm festival sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the library and Alpha Lambda Delta.

“It’s a documentary about how it was made at the time, which is really interesting,” Mary Magoulick, professor of English and interdisciplinary stud-ies said. “I never knew that they did it on this shoestring budget. They bought this old farmhouse in Texas and they had their friends come and be actors and lo-cal people who were just like, ‘Sure I’ll be in this crazy fi lm.’”

The fi lm, set to premiere the week before Halloween, shows how the epi-demic of zombie movies started.

“It’s really fun and interesting. You get an idea, even if you’ve never seen ‘Night of the Living Dead,’ you don’t have to because they give you the summary and show scenes from it in the course of this documentary,” Magoulick said. “It also shows why it was such a phenomenon and why they think zombies continue to be such a popular subject of fi lms and television shows in our society even to today.”

Magoulick paired up with Joe Wind-ish, associate director of instructional technology support and operations, and Max Yarus, sophomore rhetoric major and president of Alpha Lambda Delta.

Together, they travelled to Atlanta over the summer in order to screen the top 40 fi lms.

“We all watched screenings of forty some odd fi lms and we fought to the death for the rights for the fi lms to come through our school,” Yarus said. “We

ended up with the six fi lms that we have because of that.”

The fi lm series is organized by South Arts, which is an organization that pro-motes art in the south.

GC received a grant from the Nation-al Endowment for the Arts and also re-ceived funding from the College of Arts and Sciences and the library. Through this money, it was able to not only host each movie but also have the fi lmmaker come to GC and complete workshops and mingle with students.

“It’s [a] good opportunity for us [and] for anybody interested in fi lm at any lev-el, if you just like watching fi lms, if you want to study fi lms, if you want to make fi lms, this will be a great opportunity for you,” Magoulick said.

Not only will it be a great opportunity for both the school and its students, the movie also has perfect timing.

“It’s coming the week before Hallow-een and it’s also coming the weekend after the new premiere of ‘The Walk-ing Dead.’ So everybody is going to be in their zombie mode,” Yarus said. “They’re going to want to watch every-thing about zombies. They’re going to have watched all of the episodes coming up of the season and then they have our movie.”

Due to the fi lm festival being new, some have yet to hear about it, but ex-citement is still in the air.

“I have never heard of [“Birth of the Living Dead”], but I’m a big ‘Walking Dead’ fan,” Charlie Faber, freshmen computer science major said. “It sounds very interesting.”

The six-part fi lm series started off with a bang, but expectations reign high for this upcoming fi lm. Zombies are a major attraction, drawing hordes of crowds to see new fi lms. Halloween is right around the corner and zombies are the main at-traction. With the hype and excitement of Halloween, this fi lm is sure to be a hit.

ended up with the six fi lms that we have because of that.”

Arts, which is an organization that pro-motes art in the south.

al Endowment for the Arts and also re-ceived funding from the College of Arts and Sciences and the library. Through this money, it was able to not only host each movie but also have the fi lmmaker come to GC and complete workshops and mingle with students.

of “Birth of the Living Dead”

“It also shows why it was such a phenomenon and why they think zombies continue to be such a popular subject of fi lms

and television shows in our society even to today.

”-Mary Magoulick

GC embraces the world of zombies with the premiere GC embraces the world of zombies with the premiere

Page 7: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

October 4, 2013• Editor, Marilyn FerrellA&E

Buy 6 Donuts

Get 6 Free!

1966 N. Columbia St. Milledgeville, Ga. 31061. Call us at 478-453-3330. Must bring in coupon to redeem offer. Expires 10/15/2013. Limit one per customer.

Now Open 5 a.m. -11p.m.

The Tournées Film Festival

A� Eyes on the BigSCREEN


Five fi lms were screened last week during Georgia College’s fi rst French fi lm festival, executed by the French Honor Society Pi Delta Phi.

Ryan Bennett, senior French and psychology major, thought it would be a good way to get the student body to be aware of the Honor So-ciety.

“Before this event, I felt that we were doing little to nothing to on-campus involvement,” Bennett said. “We had no campus outreach activity or anything.”

After showing interest in the idea, Bennett wrote a grant proposal for $1,800 in May. The grant eventually came in August, and Bennett and Lucine Colignon began planning the festival.

“The grant is an $1,800 grant,” Coli-gnon, senior mass communication and French major, said, “which is really help-ing us buying the distribution rights be-cause we cannot show a movie if we don’t have those rights.”

The Tournées Festival presented a lineup of fi lms heavy with emotion and familiar-ity. They included “Les Emotifs Anonymes” (Romantics Anonymous), “Monsieur

Lazhar” (Mister Lazhar), “Le Hérisson” (The Hedge-hog), “17 Filles” (17 Girls) and “L’affaire Farewell” (Farewell).

“We really tried to fi nd movies that would portray dif-ferent social issues and just try-ing to touch as many topics as possible,” Colignon said.

The fi lm “Monsieur Lazhar” unveiled the grieving processes of students and teachers at a pub-lic grade school after a teacher’s suicide. The late teacher’s replace-ment, while dealing with the loss of his wife and children, helps his stu-dents recover from their sudden loss.

While some GC students in atten-dance were seeking extra credit, one student’s chance viewing of “Mon-sieur Lazhar” resonated with her per-sonally and professionally.

“I really think it was brilliant,” Sara Strickland, senior community health major, said. “It brilliantly showed the, what I say, accurate portrayal of emotion dealing with suicide. It showed what I think [is] a really good response to how to deal with suicide. Mental health is actually where I want to go into, so this really fi ts.

An acoustically-local night for all


Mary Butker plays fi rst. She’s on the small raised platform in the basement of Blackbird, singing a song she learned from a friend – a friend she has been missing a lot lately. It’s Tuesday, around 8:15 p.m., and her voice sounds effortlessly pure like a harp.

The overhead lights suspended between the black-painted rafters shine on the 17 or so people sitting at tables and on box seats against the wall. Most people look like they’re in college, and only four drink cof-fee.

“Bury me far from my uniform, so god will remember my face,” Mary sings.

It’s a song by Joe Pug, and Mary thinks it might be about a Nazi who, after the war was over, realized his mistakes and repent-ed, but she’s not exactly sure.

The fl oor creaks as barista’s fi x coffees behind the bar upstairs. The basement is cool and drafty, as it always is. She can play two more songs before she reaches her limit for the night, and she chooses two originals. They sounds as good as the fi rst. She steps down to applause.

John, who is usually at work about now, steps onto the stage. He’s wearing a blue shirt and looks like he might have played football in high school.

Mary dims the lights during John’s sec-ond song, and a few more people noisily come down the wooden stairs at the back of the room. John casts a big, black shadow on the wall behind him after the lights dim. The shadow of his guitar weaves as he strums.

His third song is one he wrote, and it’s about meeting someone, a girl perhaps, un-der a Magnolia tree and running away some-where.

“Save me from this lonely heart,” he sings, eyes closed. It’s dim and diffi cult to make out from the other side of the room, but a girl puts her head in her hand in the middle of the song. She gets up and walks quickly upstairs just before the song ends.

Everyone claps for John because he is a good singer, and because, as Mary said earlier, everyone is a family here, or at least most everyone -- there are some new faces. After he’s played his three songs, Mary calls Sam onstage.

Sam has short black hair and wiggles his head side to side sometimes when he plays. He plays his cherry-red electric gui-tar acoustically and wears a black shirt that says, “Cause that’s how I roll” on front.

His fi rst song is “Say it ain’t so” by Wee-zer, and he belts the chorus:

“Say it ain’t so, oh whoa/ Your drug is a heartbreaker/ Say it ain’t so, oh whoa/ My love is a life taker.”

Three people take out their phones before the end of the song. They look at me as I look at them. I’m on my phone too, taking notes, but only because my pen ran out.

Sam’s next song is “About a Girl” by Nirvana, and it sounds alright.

“I need an easy friend/ I do with an ear to lend/ I do think you fi t this shoe/ I do but you have a clue”

You could argue that Kurt Cobain never really sounded “good” in the sense of be-ing pleasant to listen to. His music was raw and visceral, and people liked that. It was grunge.

Sam fi nishes the song. People clap, but fi ve of them, including the three people on their phones, leave before he starts his last song from the Foo Fighters. Like all his oth-ers, Sam plays from memory – no notes or tabs. He plays gently on his big red guitar.

Amber is up next. She has long chest

Experiencing a Tuesday night at

Blackbird Coffee with multiple musicians

Film Festival page 8

Acoustic page 8

Senior curator brings new

form of art to campus


Walking into the white-walled halls of the Black-bridge Art Gallery , the constant beat of Michele Schuff’s internal metronome propels the spectator forward. The eye is drawn fi rst to the bright yellow pieces on the left end of the hall, then to the deep blues on the other and fi nally to the neutrals, the browns, golds and greys, that lie in between.

The exhibit, “Measure for Measure”, is by Atlanta artist Michele Schuff, whose work has been featured in exhibits all over the world, and is curated by senior art major Charlotte Maier.

According to her artist statement, her inspiration for the works in the exhibition comes from time and differ-ent ways of measuring it, which she incorporates in her artwork through repetition and layering.

“I was kind of obsessed with the idea of a metro-nome,” Schuff said. “I wanted to examine the space that is created when one is fully focused on a creative en-deavor and to tap into that state of mind. Time could be momentarily suspended in the gap between the beats; collectively these beats and gaps make up a body of work, a life, a collection of lives.”

The events in Schuff’s life at the time she was mak-ing this collection of works contributed to her obsession with time, or a lack there of.

“My mother was very ill when I started this body of work in 2011,” Schuff said. “Time became intense and precious. Staring at the heart monitor and wondering how many beats a heart can make- or if each of us has a fi nite number of beats- and wanting to make the most of the time we had seemed important.”

Schuff’s artwork is an exploration of a state of mind, achieved through complete concentration on a single creative task. All sense of time is lost, and the idea be-comes all-consuming.

“I imagined a space outside of time might exist when one is entirely engaged in some kind of creative work- where everything drops away and that one can tap into a completely alive, creative state of consciousness where time becomes irrelevant,” Schuff said in her artist state-ment.

The exhibit consists of encaustic works and a single installation. Encaustic is an ancient art form used by the Greeks and Egyptians that involves a mixture of melted wax and pigment applied to a surface.

“The word encaustic means ‘to burn in,’” Schuff said. “The basic process involves layering the molten encaustic medium and infusing the layers of medium/paint to each proceeding layer with some form of heat- a tacking iron, blow torch, heat lamp.”

When considering different artists for her senior exhibition, Maier liked the idea of bringing some of Schuff’s encaustic works to Georgia College. According to Maier no encaustic works have been featured at

BRIE BERGMAN / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERVisiting artist Michele Schuff reveals her art in Blackbridge Gal-lery Hall as a part of Charlotte Maier’s senior capstone. Maier chose Schuff because of her use of encaustic in each of her pieces.

Schuff page 8

I wanted to examine the space that is created when one is fully focused on a creative endeavor and to

tap into that state of mind.-Michele Schuff

The Tournées Festival attracts and enlightens students on different regions, cultures and people of the French language

Page 8: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

8 The Colonnade oCTober 4, 2013


Reception with the lmmaker follows. Sponsored by GC Library, College of Arts & Sciences, and Alpha Lambda Delta

Sunday, November 17

Sunday, February 9

Sunday, March 9

Sunday, April 13

coming up...coming up...



nut hair that hangs to the middle of the shoul-der blades. Her shoes are bright red.

She doesn’t say her name or what she’s go-ing to sing, just starts plucking and slapping the strings in a punchy but still sing-song rhythm.

Her voice sounds old beyond her years – full-bodied and resonant – but still light enough to be surprising and sweet.

Everyone claps when she finishes her first song. She tucks her chin, burying a small, white smile and shrugging her shoulders.

Mary sits down next to me. We talk about what it’s like running Acoustic Night, and she says it’s simple. For her, music is a good hobby. Mary ex-cuses herself twice to tell performers they’re next onstage. She gives people high-fives when they say something she likes or to end a conversation.

I miss the names of the next two performers, and half listen to their performances because I’m still talking to Mary. After the girl with a soft voice and a ukulele, Mary sends the last per-former on stage, Mark (not me).

Mark is by far the oldest person in the base-ment. He wears a full white beard buzzed to the same length as his hair – cut to a five guard, I’d say. He wears his checkered, black-and-white

button-up tucked into his jeans. He has a lazy eye, and stands onstage when everyone else sat.

“I feel like Ralph Towner, and if you don’t know who that is, you should go home and look it up,” he says just before he starts.

His music is lyricless and made of a single gui-tar. He is the most animated and emotional per-formance of the night.

He tilts his guitar up and down his body, and he flies up and down the neck – practiced hands pinning frets. He strums and picks through in-tricate riffs, wagging his head during the harder parts. He bends the last notes wildy and ends in a rush of noise. People clap.

After his first song, Mark walks off the stage and stands in the middle of the room. The dim yellow lights from overhead glow golden on his white hair. He says he hates microphones, and then talks about how he loves microphones, but only large diaphragm microphones, and if we had one of those in here it would be picking up the noise from the middle of the street. He is hard to follow and harder to quote.

“I love microphones, so I hate microphones,” he says and launches into another lyricless song.

It doesn’t really matter whether it’s good or not. Mark is an entertainer, and it’s obvious he loves being here. It wouldn’t too much of a sur-prise if he looked forward to Acoustic Night each week. He gives the night a flourish, and he’s there every week.

AcousticContinued from page 7...

Brie Bergman / Senior PhotograPherMichele Schuff ’s exhibit, “Measure for Measure,” features multiple works of art that represent the artists theme of the perception of time. One of Schuff ’s inspirations is a metronome and the ways it measures beats. Her mom’s illness is another inspiration, so with the two combined she creates rhythm and repetition through her art that is emotional and resonating amongst viewers.

It was just very tender, and it was raw.”

Strickland attended the film with her roommate who was receiving extra credit.

This being Pi Delta Phi’s first big event on campus, the idea of hosting a film festival presented both fundamental and entertaining aspects of let-ting the French department’s voice and presence be known. Will Little, masters of history graduate student, says films help audiences generally grasp concepts of life, specifically French life.

“I’ve taken two classes on using film to understand cul-ture and how people think,” Little said, “and I think that a film festival is a crucial ele-ment for students to see film to understand these cultures and different ideas that might not be as similar to American ideologies. That way, it’d be easier to see it in a film rather than to read it in a book. Film is a useful medium to understand culture and to understand dif-ferent ways of life.”

The $1,800 grant is renew-able for five years, and the French department hopes to turn The Tournées Festival into an annual event. Accord-ing to Bennett, hosting more large events on campus could help fund the department and provide scholarships to French majors.

“It’s been relatively suc-cessful, I’d say, especially for the first year,” he said. “By do-ing this yearly, not only can we get the French department vis-ible on campus and get people interested in the department, but we also hope to start build-ing up funds in our account so we could offer a scholarship to one of our French majors.”

The French department hopes for more in-depth rec-ognition from students after The Tournées Festival. The department is often presented with the misconception of be-ing associated only with study abroad programs, and it strives to interest students in the more abstract elements of learning the French language.

“One of the things that we struggle with in the Language Department is making people

think of us as an academic function and not just a travel function,” Peggy Elliott, assis-tant professor and coordinator of French, said. “By learning French or Spanish or any other language, what you’re also do-ing is learning the culture and the intellectual capacity of another group of human be-ings. So by exposing people to French film as an art form, hopefully it’s making people think of French as something other than just grammar and vocabulary.”

Elliot is aware of people’s common interests and wants students to recognize foreign languages as an entertaining resource for knowledge.

“People are interested in learning, interested in the arts, interested in literature and have their own of all of those things, so we want people to think of it as something interesting, fun and exciting. It’s getting the community involved in French at large,” Elliot said. “For me, as a professor, I like the idea that it’s making our students work together, learn to work together on a project and to take pride in what they’re do-ing as students of French.”

Film FestivalContinued from page 7...

Georgia College before the “Measure for Measure” exhibit.

“I thought it would be good to bring in an artist that works with encaustic to GC, just to give people a kind of diversity,” Maier said.

Maier, as curator of the exhibit, has led the process of the event from start to finish, combining her art major and event planning skills.

“My role as curator was to find an artist to come to Georgia College and to pick out some works of theirs that we could make an exhibition with.” Maier said. “I researched a bunch of artists and then found my artist, Michele Schuff, contacted her, went on stu-dio visits, and checked out the artwork.”

During installation week, Maier’s role was to hang and install the art and the light bulbs, following the exhibition through, from concept to construction. Besides her unique medium, Maier says she also chose Schuff as her artist for her style and use of color and texture.

“I really like [that] her work is mini-malistic but it’s really, really intricate at the same time,” Maier said. “From far away it looks like there’s one color, but you get clos-er, and you see that there’s all these different

colors emerging from the one color that you thought was it.”

Maier hopes the exhibition will bring in students that may not have an appreciation for art.

“I just want to get people in the door first of all and I think once people are in the door then they can start to experience that jour-ney,” Maier said. “I want people to gain an appreciation for art, or, if they already have one, a deeper appreciation for art in general.”

The exhibition changed sophomore psy-chology major, Ashley Granchamp’s, views of art.

“It was interesting because it had a lot of different textures, which is weird to me because when I think of art, I don’t think texture. I think of paint on a canvas,” Grand-champ said.

Schuff’s goal with the exhibit is to in-spire students to follow their own path and do what they love.

“I hope that students will be encouraged to stretch the boundaries of whatever me-dium they work in, and to make what they dream about making regardless of obsta-cles.,” Schuff said. “It would make me very happy if a student saw something in these works that inspired them, in any way.”

Measure for Measure, featuring Schuff’s encaustic pieces on time and space, runs from Sept. 23 to Oct. 18 in Blackbridge Hall Art Gallery.

SchuffContinued from page 7...

Page 9: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013


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The Colonnade checks in on GC’s growing Bobcats

Housing: Grove ParkCourse Load: 17 hoursMajor: Athletic TrainingHometown: Atlanta, Ga.High School: Parkview High SchoolColonnade : What is the biggest difference between sophomore and freshman year?Chandley : You are finally getting into classes that have to deal with your major. I mean, not living in the dorms is a lot better, and you feel like you already kind of know the routine for school. Colonnade : How are major classes going?Chandley : Good. I enjoy them a lot more than the core classes. They’re harder, but I have more motivation to do them. Colonnade: How do you best manage your time?Chandley : I use my planner. On the days that I have a later class, I wake up early. I prioritize my schoolwork; I look at my agenda for the week and see what I have coming up, and I’ll spend time studying the different subjects leading up to those. Colonnade: What GC student organi-zations are you involved in?Chandley : I hold positions in ADPi.

I’m the Leadership Chair and am the Junior Philanthropy Chair. I am also a YoungLife leader.Colonnade: What is your favorite Milledgeville pastime activity?Chandley : I like to go to the Green-way. It’s so good. I haven’t gone enough. I also like to be outside on front campus.Colonnade: Where do you see your-self in three years?Chandley : Oh boy, three years. Gradu-ated from Georgia College. Oh my gosh, I’ll be graduated from college in three years! Hopefully either at a physician’s assistant school, or an athletic trainer for either a high school or college. Also, working in a facility.

By Andy Hitt



SPOTLIGHTThe Colonnade checks in on GC’s

growing Bobcats

SPOTLIGHTThe Colonnade checks in on GC’s

growing Bobcats

Meet Leah Chandley

Fun Facts:Fun Facts:

I’ve only lived in Georgia.

I played five sports in high school.

I want to live in Africa when I get older.




Page 10: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

October 4, 2013• Editor, Lee McDadeSports

Cross Country:Oct. 4 vs. USC Aiken InvitationalVolleyball:Oct. 4 7 p.m. @ UNC PembrokeSoccer:Oct. 5 7 p.m.. @ Clayton St.

“It’s always a good night when we can play volley-ball and support a good cause.”

-Gretchen Krumdieck, head volleyball coach


Upcoming Games Quote of the Week Notable Stat

43The percent of Milledgeville

citizens under the poverty line, according to the US

Census Bureau

Football season is now in full swing, and the whole nation is tranquilized every weekend, glued to the TV.

One of my cousins in Chicago refused to show up to a family reunion because it was “no-pants game day.” Football fans are hard-core and tradition dies hard. Then there’s Georgia College: no foot-ball team, but plenty of tradition.

One tradition I particularly love is bringing a “GC football: still undefeated” sign to unsuspecting football games.

Until GC caves and gets a foot-ball team, there will always be a debate on whether it would be positive or negative for the school or city. But something is happen-ing across the country that is very surprising: Student attendance at football games has declined, most notably in the Southeast.

The Wall Street Journal recent-ly noted that “Georgia students left empty 39 percent of their des-ignated sections of Sanford Sta-dium over the last four seasons, according to school records of student-ticket scans. Despite their allocation of about 18,000 seats, the number of students at games between 2009 and 2012 never ex-ceeded 15,000.”

These are students attending UGA, whose football team just beat powerhouse LSU 44-41. If student attendance is low at UGA, then GC may not have a chance.

Another question to consider is if GC even has enough Bobcat spirit to support a team. Volley-ball’s fi rst game had an amazing turnout, but the athletic pride from the student section could always peter out. On the other hand, the Bobcat pride it takes to lug the “undefeated” signs to other foot-ball game shows dedication.

With the freshmen classes get-ting bigger and bigger, GC could potentially have a football team in the future, especially if tailgat-ing were an option. Any sporting event with tailgating would gen-erate enough school spirit, which is part of the problem with lack of game attendance. Students are too comfortable under their tents or in front of their TVs, close to the fridge and easy access to WiFi.

Even if tailgating at home is pulling students away from the bright stadium lights, there are always alumni, family and local fans who will buy tickets, and any kind of ticket sale will generate cash fl ow for the school and its surrounding city.

In 2008, UGA brought in $85,554,395 in total revenue for the football season, according to ESPN. If parents, alumnae and fans spent money on football games, bought food Downtown and stayed at hotels every week-end, the whole of Milledgeville could benefi t with increased rev-enue.

For a city with 43 percent of its population below the poverty level, according to the US Cen-sus Bureau, football could be just what everyone needs.

Smaller colleges are creating football teams left and right, or resurrecting programs that died long ago.

Mercer, Georgia State and Kennesaw State are just a few col-leges who jumped on board with the football spirit.

“It’s a trend. In recent years, more smaller colleges and uni-versities are starting football pro-grams or restarting those shuttered long ago,” Evin Demirel wrote in an article for SB Nation.

Many crave a football team for our liberal arts college, and many defy the idea.Maybe the “GC Football: still undefeated” signs will show up at our own football games in the future.

Still Undefeated


Pink OutBobcats breast cancer

to beat

ELLIE SMITH / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERClockwise from top left: The GC volleyball team brings its hands together during the pink out game against Flager College. Freshman defensive specialist Ashton Bigler has her eye on the prize as she serves the ball into play. The Bobcats share a moment of jubilation following a successful play during the Bobcats Beat Breast Cancer event.

Georgia College sports marketing class teamed up with GC athletics to host a ‘pink out’ volleyball game to kick off October as breast cancer awareness month.


Pink whistles, referee fl ags, headbands and shoe-laces brightened the Centennial Center as the Geor-gia College volleyball team battled Flagler College in the Bobcats Beat Breast Cancer game, eventually losing three sets to none.

Throughout the game, the GC volleyball team refused to let their losses on the court discourage them.

“I think we did a good job of staying in the game,” outside hitter Rachel Reynolds said. “Even

when Flagler got their leads and we were falling down, we did a good job of picking each other up and pushing through it. We knew that Flagler was a good team. We’ve played them before and they beat us in three, so I think it was more of a give it back to them and show them what we are made of.”

Even with the loss of the game looming over the team, GC volleyball head coach Gretchen Krumdi-eck encourages her team to develop a fi ghter’s men-tality.

“We need to believe in ourselves a little more,” Krumdieck said. “We have good heart and I think that we do believe in ourselves, we just need to

prove it to the other team. We didn’t stop and we didn’t quit even though we were down by a lot. We got back up and were still swinging hard. We don’t stop fi ghting, even when it gets tough.”

Through the use of social media, fl yers and an-nouncements, the students spread the word about the pink-out game. The Sports Marketing class and GC Athletics teamed up together to provide hands-on experience working in the marketing fi eld for their students. Bobcats Beat Breast Cancer was the theme created by one of the sports marketing groups to kick-off breast cancer awareness

Tennis brings home crucial regional winsSAMANTHA BLAKENSHIP


Both men’s and women’s tennis teams posted wins last weekend at the ITA Fall Regional Championship in Sumter, S.C. with Yannick Hass advancing to the round of 16 on the men’s side and Macy Polk to the quar-terfi nals on the women’s, the tourna-ment saw several Bobcats in the latter stages of the draw.

Steve Barsby, head men’s and women’s tennis coach, was satisfi ed with his teams’ performance.

“I thought we played pretty well, both guys and girls,” Barsby said. “For the girls, we had three freshmen. They all played well and competed hard.”

Of those three freshmen, two, Polk and Hannah Serdinia, posted wins over seeded players. Seeding is anoth-er way to rank players in tennis. The lower your seed, the better. Polk beat out the number two seed on her way to the quarterfi nals where she lost in straight sets to Columbus State Uni-versity’s Beatriz Leon.

Polk won the fi rst set against the No. 2 seed, Olivera Jokic of CSU, sin-gle-handedly shutting down her oppo-nent 6-0. Jokic fought back in the sec-ond to win it 7-5. But Polk regained her form and was able to close out the third and decisive set 6-1.

“I think the fi rst set I played really well and I played better than I thought

Volleyball page 11

Tennis page 11

HAVE A RESPONSE? Send it to colonnadesports@gcsu.


Page 11: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013


NICOLE PITTS / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERPierre Thomas avoids a tackle and beats the defender. On Sunday, Sept. 29, the Georgia College Football Club dominated its fourth game of the season after travelling to Lawrenceville to play Georgia Gwinnett College, improving its overall record to 3-1. After an extra 40-minute warm up due to waiting on referees to arrive, the game fi nally got off to a slow but positive start. Pierre Thomas scored his fi rst goal of the night within the fi rst half of the game. Not long into the second half, he scored a second goal for the team. However, the shining moment happened in the last fi ve minutes of the game when Alex Champion scored the third and fi nal goal. It took getting around several defenders before he could kick the ball into the lower opposite side of the goal from where he was standing. The players had been roughed up, were exhausted and drops of sweat ran down their bodies. Despite it all, the win was worthwhile for the team as it improved its overall record and boosted team morale.

GCFC wins, improving recordwas going to. And then

[in] the second set she battled back… I was tested more in the third set to see if I would pull it out or not,” Polk said of her three set defeat over the No. 2 seed.

Barsby was impressed with the freshman’s performance considering this is her fi rst major tournament at the col-lege level.

“I knew she [Polk] was good but to go out there as a freshman in her fi rst real big tournament with all the teams there, I thought she might be a little nervous, but she… com-peted and did really well,” Barsby said.

Several on the men’s side also performed well this weekend. Along with Hass, who made it to the round of

sixteen in the A draw, GC’s sophomore Mattia Campus advanced to the fi nals of the B draw, beating fellow bobcat and teammate freshman Kyle Kinsler in the quarterfi nals.

“Well, I think I was a little bit nervous in the beginning [of the tournament], but I also knew that… I had a chance to win,” Campus said. “I felt like I played pretty good and… match after match… I gained confi dence.”

Campus played fi ve match-es on his way to the fi nals, winning all of them in straight sets. He was awarded Bobcat Athlete of the Week for his dominating performance in the B pool.

The tournament marks the end of the teams’ fall seasons, but Barsby says the teams will use this weekend to gauge what needs to be improved on before the spring season.

“When it got deep in matches or deep in points we

sort of went away a couple of times and didn’t compete as hard as I really wanted them to,” Barsby said. “We just need to improve on our overall toughness in regards to really competing and really going af-ter it deep in the points.”

Both teams are looking forward to the spring season, each hoping to capitalize on their individual strengths.

“On our girl’s team our strength is we’re… a little deeper than we were last year as far as talent and level so that’s going to be nice,” Bars-by said. “On the guy’s side it’s... that we’re young. We’re young. We’re enthusiastic. We’re still trying to fi gure it out in regards to competing, but I think that’s going to be good.”

Now that the fall playing season has come to a close for the tennis teams, both will start conditioning and prepar-ing for their main playing sea-

Tennis Continued from page 10...

for the month of October.“It’s always a good night when

we can play volleyball and sup-port a good cause,” Krumdieck said.The remainder of the season will bring new challenges, but the GC volleyball team remains optimistic about their upcoming matches.

“I think we are going to do re-ally well,” Reynolds said. “We played a lot of teams in our con-ference and we have done a good job with that. I think we are going to work on getting more wins in the column and just keep working hard.”

The GC volleyball team is working toward earning a spot to compete in the Peach Belt Con-ference. Eight out of 10 volleyball teams will be selected to compete against each other for the title of Peach Belt Conference champi-ons.

“We all want to make it to the conference tournament,” setter Micayla Patterson said. “If you ask anyone of us, we’ll tell you that that is where we want to be. We can do it. We just have to win a couple more games and we’ll be there.”

VolleyballContinued from page 10...

ELLIE SMITH/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERFreshman outside hitter Rachel Rice unleashes on the ball during Bobcats Beat Breast Cancer night. Although the Bobcats lost to Flagler 3-0, the team fought to the end.

Page 12: The Colonnade, Oct. 4, 2013

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