The ·college I Eye · Sheppard and E rnest B tho Sta te, the visiting teacher ls n....

I The ·college Eye VOL. 15 MARYLAND STATE T'f:AOHERS COLLEGE AT BOWIE-QECEMB ER, 1947 Assistant Supervisor Has Office Here By EVELYN ROBERTS CJ GJJT DELEGATES TO ATl'END E.S.4.J>.S.T. B1 ANNA BANKS VISITING TEACHER E XPLAINS \VORK 87 MARY RIOHARDSOl'f DR. Kl'ITRELL FLAYS SPANKING Mr. George M. Crawrord, having The student body hu eelected ll P en recently appointed assistant ei ght delegates to attend the Eaat- t-111>en·ls or of colored schools In :lfaryland. took bl.s office at thb MISI! Angellna Craft, Prince George's C?unty vialtlng te&eher, ern States Association of Pro!es- speaking before the assembly on 81onal School s for Teachers which October 1 O, explalne<! the role or D7 EVELYN RQBERilJ "Spanking Is war on a mlnla.ture ac-al-0," declared Dr. Flerrunle Kit- trell, head of the home ecouomlc:, department at Howard u"ntveraity, In a talk bere on October 16 . SpeakJng on "C hild .OevelopmeDt," Dr. Kittrell eJtplo.lned that when a child has to span k ed, one may rest assured that the mother, teac her or counse llor has railed. <<>liege on Oc tober l. He was ror- will hold lt s Annual Spring Con- visiting teacher. 1 11e rl y princ ipal of Moton High r<:i ·cn ce o n :l'lo.rc h l8, 19, and 20 flc hool. Westm ln tter. at the 8. otel Commodore In New York City. Th e repreEe ntatlves from each After tracing the de velopment of the moveme nt from advanced s tudies In th e fields oc sociology, p:,yc ho!og y, and soci al "' · ork In the cla!!s a r e: J\'re shman, All ee Waters early part or th e 20th Ce ntury. and Ve rnon Wl h, on; Sophomore, Miss Crart ta lked or the re lation- Art hu r Nea l a n d Gertrude Je nkins; !!hip of th e visi ting teacher to the Stres s ing the Importan ce ot pro- p er gui da n ce ror deslrable chlhl Jun ior. W Iiiia m l\ioore and Maud clo.:,noorn t eac h er. to th e pupils ll oust on: a nd Se ni or. Ge rtrude a nd to th e c-ommunlt)'. Hired by g rowth, th e s peaker ma de these She ppar d an d E rn est th o State, the vi s iting teacher ls n. su gges tions: Give dir ections ooce: " l• ' reedom Th r ough Edu cation·· part o! the sch ool start. She gi ve th em s imply; bo sure y ou have is 'he con re ren co the me to be de- ,.ids the teacher In m eeting and the c hild's a tte nti o n: be cons!nent with you r guidance. ,•elop ed thr o ugh t he us e or panel solving hcttlll\ p1·oblc ms, pro bl e ms prest>u tatl ons a nd dlsc usslous. of low me ntality a nd poor att e n- Dr. Kittr ell urged Inte lligent aDd Rt ud e nt c onfere n cc11 will covl!r da n ce In gene ral. continuous s tudy oC children from ldE' I.U! of natlonai a. nu lnte rna lionat I Th e speake r' s closing remarks o bservation a nd Cr om books. , Ob- tlgn ,iflca n ce .as well as problems 1•m phnsized the fact that th e wor\t servalion e nabl es us to see thei r 1>artlc11la rl y sl gn !fl cant to under- Is m a inl y ot a preve ntiv e nature, be ~a vlor a nd then anal yse It. It gradu ate!! In te rms or their campus I th e main problem be ing "to get l11 ve ry Impo r tant to know w hat to actlvl11e s and lh·es. both academic I th e child In sc hool and keep him ~xpect of a c hild at diffe r ent ag~. :. nu ex1.ra-cur rl c ular. I there." lack or this knowledge results In STATE STAFF INCREASED BY SEVEN the setting or goals tba.t arc unat- tainable. Said Dr. Kittrell, "Wbe»- nr SEDONIA CARR ever a child ha.s to !!Ira.In tor a Seven new mt.mbera ha,·e been Mrs. Mamie L. Fitchett, our goal, It Isn't worth achie"l!og.'' An- added to our faculty this year. t,ou eekeeper, jolne the Bowle f9.m- 0th er "must" In helping chjfdren ~frs. Thora Kelly Brown, In - lly fro1"9 Euton, Md. A graduate develop Is "thinking In terms of lCr. Geor ge Cra,\dortl t la uclor In French a!!d music, of lhe normal school at Hampton Individual differences." Mr. Crawford Is a native or East comes to us trom Phlladelphla. Jnstltute, she l1as taught In Tai - In discussing overprotection ol rr l ncess Ann e and res ides In West- Rhe 111 a graduate of the Phlladel- bot and Kont Count>· public schools children by parent!, tbe home minister. He was graduated from ph la Musi cal Academy, a B.A. ror many years. Mr11. Fitch ett saya ~conomlst stated tha.t they (the Bowie Normal School In 192 6 a nd from BenMlt College, ruid earned that she waa p-eeted wtt)l ,. wa.rm 1.'hlldren) should be allowed to after teac hing three years In the her M. Mus. from Nortbwtstern and pleasant atmosphere aDd until cl, 'me nuu;· school at Westmlnlster, llnlverslty, EvaMton, Tillnols. She now, she has enjoyed her work h t! entered Morgan Collge; there ba.s appeared In piano recitals In bore. h e rPct:lve cl his B. s. degr ee, major- Ph llad e lphla and vicini ty, In New Mnr. Etta Mari e Read, dormitory fng an scien ce and Engll:ih. He at- J ers ey and In Connecticut. \Vbeu director, comes Crom Wa.shlng- l• ·n d ed Hll mpt on I nstitut e and Mked he r Impression of Bowle, ton. D.C. A graduate or Benedict. T Pni pl e Unh·ersl ty, r eceiving his ~h e said. "I a m e njo)lng n1y work " oll eg e. Columbia. S. C., r ecei ving ,,1 ust <>r"1' <legr ec In •39 fr om the an d Bowl e , ·e ry muc h. I :i B. S. In e ducation, sh.- Is now lotte r. rou nd t he stu de nts very helpful do ing g raduate wo rk at Ho warJ :"lnd co01 :n:• ra ll"te. I a m s ur e that l- ni vers lt y. Mrs. H ead hu aer veG Mr. 1•rawtor d has hud ;, 1 lccl al I :<h!lil con.trn ue to d o s o." as matron -ind par t tim e t eacher v, ork In ch:mu,n lar)· currlculu111 at i:ri· ow up as rast as possible an.:l become Independent_ We s hould te glad to have c hlldr en make de- cisions for themselves. Dr. KJttr ell point ed out th e need C or att e ntion to c hild heallh with th o stateme nt , "l am sur prl.sed to see how man) ch il dr en in this cou ntry a r e hungry, " Sh e s pokil 11 1 l ength on th e " hidd en hu nger'' Cr om whi ch t hey suffe r because they do n ot ~cl pro per rund. ·' An. I r tl e ch it(! probn bl) doci>n't get , nough calcl11111 .. JI c•hlldren arc ,---------------- ... - =· I ------------- Sophomore Wins Nat ion al· A .vard 87 ANNA BA..'1KS .\l ,TttF.A 1•n ooron. 1- ' JR 'T 1:,,, 'J'KE ~ .\ '1'1 0~ 1'! 0. 1 ,t - , Alt hea Proc to r, 60J)bomo, .- brought laurels to he rf e ll, lb ll owl c a nd to Mar) 11\nll wh en ~e ,•meri;ed first prize w1nnl •r in tb t' 11:atJ o nal Tuberc\llo~is Essa} Con te:!'t.. During Impressive c&n· Moni es. Dr. D. Cnnby nobmson, ell ecutlve se cretary of the :\fa._ry. land Tube rculosis Assoclo.Uon, rep. ru1c nling the national orgal>h,a. tlon, macte the awarcls at a epf'cliil u.-mbl,l· on No\'ember ~1. r-or .her wor k, Altht~ l"ec(.i ... ~a a gold medal and a c heck for $ !10 )fr:1., spons or ot the ontc.,t he re, was awarded a testimonial and Or. He nry w~ PTP!entec! 4 hron11:e pl ac 1ue f or t he co lleg t:. A IE O pres 11nt a.I th.- ~.>.Cro.i~."' wcr,• ~rs. Ern 1:s1 C"ry. ol' lht l l eal th .Educall on 80;,1·,1, Pr Jn• ,, <1torht.' 1 ·ount ), .\1 rs. t h,•; nn., .su- iwn hor or l ht' 1Jl1Mrtmen t In P• Ince Geori:r, •:,: ,trs. \loon. DI· 1 l'ctor or h, ·allh t>du,·1111011 1n Hat•, 11 orr l"lt): :\Ir. i' . tu l H111llu1:tor, ~talc •up,n·iso1· an,J .\Ir. Gcor~ T, 11\Ph- a.nd hill! taken part ,n. t ht' "<'rl,~hot•s rondncte<l hy th,• <;tale I wJ'lartn1e11t of F.ducnllon at .\l an· - lt:11\.J i-:tatt> 1'P1tCht>r8 C'ulleg<' for t he r :i. .. t th re, ~a rs. F'or t wu eo r., t,,, " s the co-lo:Jd;,r of tht- child ;.1ut1:,. 11:roup, in t'arroll countr. IJe i. a 111e mhf'I' of tile .\lorylanu l:d11- ,n,1011ul .\s•nclu.llon .• \~n.-ricnn Eel- , u cn t101111 \s .. orhl\ion. Xatlonnl Ai>· ,-; r <' .!l l on 01 <;•·•· .. •••l,11·y S<'hool l'ri n- dt•'•I~ 11 n I the- ~otl<,n.11 '"~oriall•i,~ tor the.\d\'ancement or t1olo1·1• ,I r,·ople. su!T(•rlng from "hil1el1>11 l1uo~crs" 1 ·rr.wfon1, 11~~i-tan1 !RJP• , \ ,~or nf tb1:.\l cannot t•t?rtorrn." ,. J1ools. ..\ 11 \\,.,.,. r.,d,- 1 In t _. . The speakl'r e111INI her l(·ctnre 1•rf' sin~ !hl'\r ,·uni;rmu 11\lon;. 1u1e1 hv setti ng (<>r1h thl' nCNI of hel p- nr;:ed tlUtt lh• Hltt•r, ,, whl<'ll :,i,.r, Ing chlldre11 10 ,J,•vPl0 11 sndal uu- h,·,•11 manifP•l• ,1 h• r,• "" 1·011t1ls1. 1 ler~tnndlnf,l:1 ! 'hlldrrn sh ould 'nfh "lnr» 1111• lnllHllin:. QC lb• come In c-0111,:u'I with all chi ldren coah •t ia :.t.u·• Ja n,). 1,, , conti nu ed Ir the co111111unl t) re~rdleS8 ot 11n111 1)1, •Ir' a,J ,11~, .•. ,., tuh< ~·, · 1 •o.c-v, <'olor or <'re,•il, and whether loi;l:i. t, tli h• • 11 •'om:p., t, > t•rul'I the> be rlrh or 1 1oor. e .ilt>il. fir. Kittrell ht•s on ly rerl'ntly 1 •c. turned from U lwria. A 11·1cn, wherr ~•,e made• a s111, 1y or n utrition u n- •it:r the au,.t>IC'es or the r. s. gov- Th, ,li,.tini;ul,.h«I t,c,, rd nr Juli~,.,. :,,r ll1, nn\10111 I ,·e111tc t I\U> 1w.1 d, ,1 b~ I ti . fl, ,111 . p r<;.B1dr n t ur l>illard I ·111, ,•rsll\. Thousiu>dJ I l e ts Sunday School su 1 wrln- l••11elf nt at Wt:stml nlHi•r :ll clhodlst c·hurrh; dls-trlct comrnlsFloner of Uo) !':cout!!; ro-chalrman or West- ml nlstrr I nt~r-raolnl F ellowshi p; l•rnme nl. o •·S&1 }s Wl ' r" •·11,,011111 rl rron1 n r. H en r~ r>re~ltled an(! )frs S"hooh rill n •'• th, 1·n11ec1 Stat•· m11l ~upervl,or or recrea ti on ror nrown or tht> niuslc- , lepar tmc1 t .\ltl ,u.. 11 ho "''I ~ccon,1 ,,llt<'l' ,n <' Olored } outh In his home to wn. I.I'll t,, riμ-ht: ~Ir,. : :ca<!ley, ~li·s. Dro wn . ~I rs. F itchett, . \l ll!l: \Vilson pla)·cd Eevcral pia no selocl1o ns. the :\laq lund e•unt.•,;t 1.i~t s r>rl t1;;, \\ hrn asked how he likes .\ lo. r y- J\fr-,; . Hearl, :II ru. Pu rnell and Miss l' ook e. S upor, isor Huf!'lngton. made Umely I\" I•· on t he ::1UhJl'rl, ··Ho\\ , ;.. 0 1 l,11HJ Sta le Teachtrs rollege. l1e re- 1 ~IIS'l An n~ :\I. C'ooke 18 ou n ew at Be ned ict College, taught in the re mark!! . In ~ly Chosen J',,o,.,,,lvn 11, Ir 10 J,lled .. I li ke It ti ne It 's all r ight" I n o,lc!lt lo11 10 st1 1d e nts a nd r~. 1 ' vnll· ul 1'1thl'r<'ulo~ls. .. · · ' n·trnc-t or in reacher ed u caUon and Dllhllc schools or South Coroli oa .. I ""t>e11 l11or of t he laborat ory scl1ool. ant i at the :--atl o nal Trade and t·ul t Y. th e"e we,·e In r he a udl e nc~ 1><.H l..\ ff1 ORY RE..'\'OVATI OXS \ 11a t l\ e ' or Ha rri sbu rg, Pa., !\llss r ro!Cs,.lonnl Sc hool o! Was hing- .!le, ·e rol memheri< or tlw :lla ry land ,II{. H l tal l~ Ul'C .\TIOX \h OI r, .\OOl 1T c. ·o ~tPLf.:l 'E.D •'ooke r, crheJ h er B. S. d ogr<: 1.. ton. J I. r. She al so iii a rorm or su- ch ild s tufl ) g r ou p l lJen In s t!S!don B) A.~N.UJAE FORD ·• •• n \\ "ir::itori- Sa11'nt T eachers Col- pcrinten d ent or th t- Io ni a Whipper he re, a nd gue st s from nea rby c om- lt ~nova1l on or l he porti on or · • .;,• and her .\[. Ed. fro m Penn- ;\l 11 t er nlt y Hom e f or U nwed Mo- m nnltl es. Tubm an Hall that was da magt'd ,ylva nln State Coll ege. She has the rs In W1u, 1ll ngton. ;\frs. Hco.1 - - ---- - by tir e las t te rm Is nearing- the pr ~vloml) taught at Wlns lon-Sa- h,li< a. ve ry ravorabl e lmp1esaion o! CHRIST: \IAS ACTJVJTl.ES po int oC compl e tion. .From all in- ten, and came to 111 1 fr om Wilber- f;owi e. She say!! , "l don't think t ncccm bcr-- Jlcatlo!U! It wlll be read)for oc- :orce rolve- rsl ty . :IUss Cooke likes- e•l'l:ild have ma<le a be tt er choice." J 7 --Chrlstmas carol i. ~ estlvnl. c upancy by the New Year. the ~plrlt ur genulo.) friendship and 1 ;\[r"- DorJ11 R. Heauley, our new Gl ee C lub Hec ltal at Chclten- The young ladles are cager to 11ro f l'sslonal oullool.c here. She :Pglst rar, ah;o comes from Wa,ah, ham School Cor Boys. move Into the new rooms wltb ~1Ms: "Th e stud e nts and racult> · lngton. She hold" a B. s. dl!gree their 11pacioW1 t"'1o closets and In- ''",n brrs have been very coopera- from Hampton- Jnetltute and baa luld n•phalt Ille floor& , 11, r and I arn sure that we can taught five ~earB In Moreland Tb<- fto or11 of the corridors and worlc tu~.,1her to r ea llze our goat--! Countr, Yn., two and a halt yeara l.>ll t bruom!! are or Imported marble. to make Dowlc the best." I Continued on Page :?, Column 4 l 8--Chrlstmas Vespers: GI rls' and )U:,;ed GIPe <"lubs. I!l- "Chrlstmas High Jinks," Op- eretta b) ' •he Demonstratloo School ·r 111s , ,•a r . Cor t hr f11 ~t u rr- ... ~tat · slllut'nts ha \'e t he ,,n,.·11 c :::-e o r p ursuln:, r11-oμ-n11n uf s tu d1u In Jun ior hli:h ~<1 11,:i.tlon 1·o m pl ,llon or , 11 ... ro11r >•Or c- r- l'lc u l11m qu;ilillf'i; uu,• to tc:11·h ,.-. th e [\far) land j 11r11or h igh scboulr. Mat h t>matl<'s, sol' lat s tudl('s, !O· cla1 scl e nC<ls, En,;ll11h n n,) physka 1 t' duca.tion are the n.-i.1,. or 11-dc,.,.. lallzallon. Eight een. stude nlb nre enrolJt'd In lbls dPpannient 111 p1·0SE>nl .

Transcript of The ·college I Eye · Sheppard and E rnest B tho Sta te, the visiting teacher ls n....

Page 1: The ·college I Eye · Sheppard and E rnest B tho Sta te, the visiting teacher ls n. suggestions: Give directions ooce: " l•'reedom Through Education·· part o! the school



Assistant Supervisor Has Office Here








Mr. George M. Crawrord, having The student body hu eelected llPen recently appointed assistant eight delegates to attend the Eaat­t-111>en·lsor of colored schools In :lfaryland. took bl.s office a t thb

MISI! Angellna Craft, Prince George's C?unty vialtlng te&eher,

ern States Association of Pro!es- speaking before the assembly on 81onal Schools for Teachers which O ctober 1 O, explalne<! the role or

D7 EVELYN RQBERilJ "Spanking Is wa r on a mlnla.ture

ac-al-0," declared Dr. Flerrunle Kit­trell, head of the home ecouomlc:, department at Howard u"ntveraity, In a talk bere on October 16.

SpeakJng on " C hild .OevelopmeDt," Dr. Kittrell eJtplo.lned that when a child has to ~ spanked, one may res t assured that the mother, teacher or counse llor has railed.

<<>liege on Octobe r l. He was ror- will hold lts Annual Spring Con- visiting teacher. 111erly principa l of Moton High r<:i·cnce on :l'lo.rch l8, 19, and 20 flc hool. West m lnt te r.

at the 8.ot e l Commodore In New York City.

The r ep reEentatlves from each

After tracing the development of the movement from advanced s tudies In the fields oc sociology, p:,ycho!ogy , and social "'·ork In the

cla!!s a r e: J\'reshman, Allee Waters early part o r the 20th Ce ntury. and Vernon Wlh,on; Sophomore, Miss Crart ta lked o r the r e lation­Art hur Neal a nd Gertrude J e nkins; !!hip of the visiting teacher to the Stress ing the Importance ot pro­

per guidance ror deslrable chlhl J u n ior. W Iiiia m l\ioore and Maud c lo.:,noorn teacher. to the pupils lloust on: and Se nior. Gertrude a nd to the c-ommunlt)'. Hired by g rowth, the speaker m ade these Sheppard and E rnest B tho S ta te , the vis iting tea c he r ls n. sugges tions : Give d irections ooce:

" l•' reedom Th rough Ed ucation·· part o! the school start. She give them s imply; bo sure you have is 'he con rere nco the me to be de- ,.ids the t ea c he r In m eeting and the child's a ttention: be cons!nent

with your guidance. ,•eloped through t he use or panel solving hcttlll\ p1·oblcms, proble ms prest>utatlons a nd dlscusslous. o f low m entality a nd poor atten- Dr. Kittre ll urged Intelligent aDd Rt udent conferencc11 will covl!r dance In general. continuous s tudy oC children from ldE'I.U! of natlona i lnterna lionat I The s peaker's closing remarks observation a nd Crom books. , Ob­tlgn,iflcance .as w ell a s problems 1•m phns ized the fac t tha t the wor\t servalion enables us to see thei r 1>artlc11la rly slgn!flcant to under- Is m a inly ot a preventive nature, be~a vlor a nd then analyse It. It graduate!! In te rms or their campus I the main problem be ing "to get l11 ve ry Important to know what to actlvl11es and lh·es . both academic I the child In school and keep him ~xpect of a c hild at different ag~. ex1.ra -cu r rlcular. I there." lack or this knowledge results In

STATE STAFF INCREASED BY SEVEN t he setting or goals tba.t arc unat­tainable. Said Dr. Kittrell, "Wbe»-

nr SEDONIA CARR ever a child ha.s to !!Ira.In tor a Seven n ew mt.mbera ha,·e been Mrs. Mamie L. Fitchett, our goal, It Isn't worth achie"l!og.'' An-

added to our faculty this year. t,oueekeeper, jolne the Bowle f9.m- 0ther "must" In helping chjfdren ~frs. Thora Kelly Brown, In- lly fro1"9 Euton, Md. A graduate develop Is "thinking In terms of

lCr. George Cra,\dortl t la uclor In French a!!d music, of lhe normal school at Hampton Individual differences."

Mr. Crawford Is a native or East comes to us trom Phlladelphla. Jnstltute, she l1as taught In Tai- In discussing overprotection ol rrlncess Anne and resides In West- Rhe 111 a graduate of the Phlladel- bot and Kont Count>· public schools children by parent!, tbe home minister. He was graduated from p hla Musical Academy, a B.A. ror many years. Mr11. Fitchett saya ~conomlst stated tha.t they (the Bowie Normal School In 1926 a nd from BenMlt College, ruid earned that she waa p-eeted wtt)l ,. wa.rm 1.'hlldren) should be a llowed to after teaching three years In the her M. Mus. from Nortbwtstern and pleasant atmosphere aDd until cl,' m enuu;· school at Westmlnlster, llnlverslty, EvaMton, Tillnols. She now, she has enjoyed her work h t! entered Morgan Collge; there ba.s appeared In piano recitals In bore. h e rPct:lvecl his B. s. degree, major- P hlladelphla and vicinity, In New Mnr. Etta Marie Read, dormitory fng an science and Engll:ih. H e at- J ersey and In Connecticut. \Vbeu director, comes Crom Wa.shlng­l•·nded Hllmpto n Institute and M ked her Impression of Bowle, ton. D.C. A graduate or Benedict. T Pniple Unh·ersl ty, receiving his ~h e said. "I a m enjo)lng n1y work " ollege. Columbia. S. C. , r eceiving ,,1ust <>r"1' <legr ec In •39 fr om the and Bowle ,·ery much. I :i B . S. In education, sh.- Is now lotter. round t he students ve ry helpful do ing g radua te wo rk at H owarJ

:"lnd co01:n:• ra ll"te. I a m sure tha t l -nivers lty. Mrs. H ead hu aerveG Mr. 1•rawtord has hud ;,1lcclal I :<h!lil con.trn ue to d o s o." as m a t r on -in d part time teache r v, ork In ch:mu,nlar)· currlculu111 at

i:ri·ow up as rast as possible an.:l become Independent_ We should te glad to have chlldren make de­cisions for themselves.

Dr. KJttre ll pointed out the need Cor attention to child h eallh with tho statem ent , "l am surprl.sed to see how man) ch ild ren in this country a r e hungry," Sh e spokil

11 1 length on the " hidden hunger'' Crom which they suffer because they do n ot ~cl proper rund. ·'An.

I r tl ta.ble chit(! probnbl) doci>n't get , nough calcl11111 .. JI c•hlldren arc

,----------------... -

=· I -------------Sophomore Wins National· A .vard

87 ANNA BA..'1KS

.\l ,TttF.A 1•n ooron. 1-'JR 'T 1:,,, 'J'KE ~ .\ '1'10~

1'!0. 1

,t -,

Althea Proctor, 60J)bom o, .-brought laurels to herfe ll, lb

llowlc a nd to Mar) 11\nll wh en ~e ,•meri;ed first prize w1nnl•r i n tb t'

11:atJonal Tuberc \llo~is Essa} Con te:!'t.. During Impressive c&n· Monies. Dr. D. Cnnby nobmson, ellecutlve secretary of the :\fa._ry.

land Tuberculosis Assoclo.Uon, rep. ru1cnling the national orgal>h,a. tlon, macte the awarcls at a epf'cliil u.-mbl,l· on No\'ember ~1.

r-or .her wor k, Altht~ l"ec(.i ... ~a a gold medal and a check •for $ !10 )fr:1., sponsor ot the ~·ontc., t he re, was awarded a testimonial and Or. H enry w~ PTP!entec! 4

hron11:e plac1ue for t he co lleg t:.

A IEO pres 11nt a.I th.- ~.>.Cro.i~."' wcr,• ~rs. Ern1:s1 C"ry. ol' lht l leal t h .Educallon 80;,1·,1, PrJn• ,, <1torht.' 1 ·ount ), .\1 rs. t h,•; nn., .su­iwn hor or lht' 1Jl1Mrtment In P• Ince Geori:r, •:,: ,trs. \loon. DI· 1 l'ctor or h , ·allh t>du,·1111011 1n Hat•, 11 orr l"lt): :\I r. i'. tu l H111llu1:tor, ~talc •up,n·iso1· an,J .\Ir. Gcor~

T, 11\Ph- a.nd hill! taken part ,n. t ht' "<'rl,~hot•s rondncte<l hy th,• <;tale I wJ'lartn1e11t of F.ducnllon at .\lan·­lt:11\.J i-:tatt> 1'P1tCht>r8 C'ulleg<' for t he r :i. .. t th re, ~ ~a rs. F'or t wu ~ eo r.,

t,,, " s the co-lo:Jd;,r of tht- child ;.1ut1:,. 11:roup, in t'arroll countr. IJe i. a 111e mhf'I' of tile .\lorylanu l:d11-,n,1011ul .\s•nclu.llon .• \~n.-ricnn Eel- , u cn t101111 \s .. orhl\ion. Xatlonnl Ai>·

,-;r <'.!l l on 01 <;•·•· .. •••l,11·y S<'hool l'rin­dt•'•I~ 11 n I the- ~otl<,n.11 '"~oriall•i,~ tor the• .\d\'ancement or t1olo1·1• ,I r,·ople.

su!T(•rlng from "hil1el1>11 l1uo~crs" 1 ·rr.wfon1, 11~~i-tan1 !RJP• , \ ,~or nf

tb1:.\l cannot t•t?rtorrn." ,. J1ools. ..\ 11 \\,.,.,. r.,d,- 1 In t _. . The speakl'r e111INI her l(·ctnre 1•rf' sin~ !hl'\r ,·uni;rmu 11\lon;. 1u1e1

hv setting (<>r1h thl' nCNI of help - nr;:ed tlUtt lh• Hltt•r, ,, whl<'ll :,i,.r,

Ing chlldre11 10 ,J,•vPl011 sndal uu- h,·,•11 manifP•l• ,1 h• r,• "" 1·011t1ls1. 1ler~tnndlnf,l:1 ! 'hlldrrn should 'nfh "lnr» 1111• lnllHllin:. QC lb•

come In c-0111,:u'I with all c h ildren coah •t ia :.t.u·• Jan,). 1,, , continued Ir the co111111unl t) re~rdleS8 ot 11n111 1)1, •Ir'• a,J ,11~, .•. ,., tuh< ~·,· 1•

•o.c-v, <'olor or <'re,•il, and whether loi;l:i. t, tli h• • 11 •'om:p., t, > t•rul'I the> be rlrh or 11oor. e .ilt>il.

fir. Kittrell ht•s only rerl'ntly 1•c. turned from U lwria. A11·1cn, wherr ~•,e made• a s111,1y or n utrition un­•it:r the au,.t>IC'es or the r. s. g ov-

Th, ,li,.tini;ul,.h«I t,c,, rd nr Juli~,.,. :,,r ll1, nn\10111 I ,·e111tc t

I\U> 1w.1d, ,1 b~ I ti . fl, ,111 . p r<;.B1dr n t

ur l>illard I ·111, ,•rsll\. Thousiu>dJ

I le ts Sunday School su 1wrln­l••11elf n t at Wt:stmlnlHi•r :ll clhodlst c·hurrh; dls-trlct comrnlsFloner of Uo) !':cout!!; ro-chalrman or West­m lnlstrr I nt~r-raolnl F ellowship ;

l•rnmenl. o •·S&1 }s Wl' r" •·11,,011111 rl rron1

n r . Henr ~ r>re~ltled an(! )frs S"hooh rill n •'• th, 1·n11ec1 Stat•· m11l ~upervl,or or recrea tion ror nrow n or tht> niuslc- ,lepartmc1 t .\ltl ,u.. 11 ho "''I ~ccon,1 ,,llt<'l' ,n <'Olored } outh In his home town. I.I'll t,, riµ-ht: ~Ir,. : :ca<!ley, ~li·s. Drown. ~I rs. F itchett, .\l ll!l: \Vilson pla)·cd Eevcral piano selocl1ons. the :\laq lund e•unt.•,;t 1.i~t sr>rlt1;;,

\ \ hrn asked how he likes .\ lo. ry- J\fr-,; . Hearl, :II ru. Purnell a nd Miss l'ooke. Supor,isor H uf!'lngton. made Umely I\" I•· on the ::1UhJl'rl, ··Ho\\ ,;..0 1

l,11HJ Stale Teachtrs rollege. l1e re- 1 ~IIS'l Ann~ :\I. C'ooke 18 ou ,· new a t Benedict College, taught in the remark!!. In ~ly Chosen J',,o,.,,,lvn 11, Ir 10 J,lled .. I li ke It ti n e It's all r ight" I n o,lc!l t lo11 10 st11dents a nd r~. 1'vnll·ul 1'1thl'r<'ulo~ls. .. • · · ' n·trnc-t o r in reacher educaUon and Dllhllc schools or South Corolioa ..

I ""t>e11 l11or of t he laboratory scl1ool. anti a t the :--atlonal Trade and t·ultY. the"e we,·e In rhe a udle nc~ 1><.Hl..\ ff1 ORY RE..'\'OVATIOXS \ 11atl\ e' or Ha rrisburg, Pa., !\llss r ro!Cs,.lonnl School o! Washi ng- .!le,·erol memheri< or tlw :lla ry land ,II{. H l tal l~Ul'C.\ T IOX \h OI r, .\OOl1T c.·o ~tPLf.:l'E.D •'ooke r, crheJ her B. S. dogr<:1.. ton. J I. r. She a lso iii a rormor su- child s tufl) g rou p llJen In s t!S!don

B) A.~N.UJAE FORD ·• •• n \\"ir::itori-Sa11'nt Teach ers Col- pcrintendent or th t- I onia Whipper here , a nd gues ts from nea rby com-lt~nova1lon or l he portion or · • .;,• a nd he r .\[. E d . from Penn- ;\l 11 ternlty Home for U nwed Mo- m nnltles.

Tubma n Hall that was damagt'd ,ylvanln State College. She has ther s In W1u,1ll ngton. ;\frs. Hco.1 - - -----by tire last te rm Is nearing- the pr~vloml) taugh t at Wlns lon-Sa- h,li< a. ve ry ravorable lmp1esaion o! CHRIST:\IAS ACTJVJTl.ES point oC comple tion. .From all in- ten, and came to 1111 from Wilber- f; owie. S he say!!, "l don't think t ncccm bcr--Jlcatlo!U! It wlll be read)• for oc- :orce rolve- rsl ty . :IUss Cooke likes- e•l'l:ild have ma<le a be tte r choice." J 7--Chrlstmas carol i.~estlvnl. cupancy by the New Year. the ~plrlt ur genulo.) friendship and 1 ;\[r"- DorJ11 R. Heauley, our new Glee C lub Hecltal at Chclten-

The young ladles are cager to 11rofl'sslonal oullool.c here. She : Pg ls t rar, ah;o comes from Wa,ah, ham School Cor Boys.

move Into the new rooms wltb ~1Ms: "The students and racult>· lngton. She hold" a B. s. dl!gree their 11pacioW1 t"'1o closets and In- ''",nbrrs have been very coopera- from Hampton- Jnetltute and baa

luld n•phalt Ille floor& , 11, r and I arn sure that we can taught five ~earB In Moreland Tb<- ftoor11 of the corridors and worlc tu~.,1her to reallze our goat-- ! Countr, Yn., two and a halt yeara

l.>lltbruom!! are o r Imported marble. to make Dowlc the best." I Continued on Page :?, Column 4

l 8--Chrlstmas Vespers: GI rls' and )U:,;ed GIPe <"lubs.

I!l- "Chrlstmas High Jinks," Op-eretta b)' •he Demonstratloo School

·r 111s , ,•a r . Co r t hr f11 ~t u rr- ... ~ ta t · slllut'nts ha \'e t he ,,n,.·11c :::-e o r p ursuln:, ~ r11-oµ-n11n uf stud1u In Junior hli:h ~<1 11,:i.tlon

1·om pl,llon or , 11 ... ro11r >•Or c- r- • l'lc u l11m qu;ilillf'i; uu,• to tc:11·h ,.-. the [\far) land j11r11or h igh scboulr.

Math t>matl<'s, sol'lat s tudl('s, !O·

cla1 sclenC<ls, En,;ll11h n n,) physka 1 t' duca.tion are the n.-i.1,. or 11-dc,.,.. lallzallon.

Eighteen. stude nlb nre enrolJt'd In lbls dPpannient 111 p1·0SE>nl .

Page 2: The ·college I Eye · Sheppard and E rnest B tho Sta te, the visiting teacher ls n. suggestions: Give directions ooce: " l•'reedom Through Education·· part o! the school


. ' u1a~

C()LLl:61:~ 1:~I: P1tlllishtd i y t he 81~Jn11s of ;,



F.DITORIAL STAFF J141tor ln chief . . . . Fra~ht Oatos J(anagln,r Editor . Evelyn Roberts Llt.erary Editor ... Maud Houston Faature Editor . . . Bessie Sherkllfl' SJ10rts .fi!dltor . . . Hytolla Roberta Humor Etlltor ........ I da Brown A11 Editors . • . . . . . . . . Lota l'>fills

Arthur Neal

BUSINESS STAFF Baafne98 Manager .. Ernest Black C".rculatlon Mgr .. Marian Banklna Advertising !',{gr., Mary Richar dson Exchange Editor ... Sedonla Carr 8ecreta.ry .. . , ... . . Elinor Colline





.. BJ MA'ul> ROD&roN The vetcran.s ot.:~•State" bad­

charge of th·e Armilrce DaY. serv­ices Novemb~r 11, In.-,.. the college library.

STAFF • (Continued From Page 1) In ; Norfolk, Va-,,: ilnd one year ln Wa.shlngton, D.C. Says Mrs. Head­ley,:, "Already I have )lecome Quite ton~ o! Bowle State Teachers Col-

lc,ge. I think Dr. H enry. the oth<>r

DE<.:F .. ,IDER, JM'I


07 SEDOXIA U;Um The 4-tr clubs of the Western

Shore celebrated their annual achievement day on our eampuJ ..• November U. Dr. H tlnry, In, hie welcome addre~. commended the clµbs on the proi;ress m!'-de throughout the year.

. ·Every American . citizen should

hatt lhe opportuDlt>· or seeing the

JfJ'~\10ffl., Train whe~ It enters bis particular 8tatc. The entire ·ldea. ·of 'ibo. U-aln lti to .arou8e ln · the American people a bette r under­standing oc the Idea.Ii, and prac­tlcce or American democracy "ii, well a.s to refre,FJ\ t~~lr minds ~ to what their toreCathers Cought nnd dled to keep for themselves and to instill lnlo their c;Jtlldren the lucentl'1e to push upward on

Captaln F. M. Stith, o.! the Chap. lain- Corpe, 1.1. S. Army, and at&­,t-ione~ a.t Foct.. ,Meade, waa the

offlcere ot admlnlstratlon, 'the fa,.

culty, .and the ·student body are very nne. i have enjoyed "°orlclng

Mr. Balley, county agent. glvtn~ guest speaker. A llQ.Uve of Lin- with them all, an(l 1 enjoy my the purpose of Achlc:vcmont Week, coin, Nebra,ka, he has served ln work, which ls tho first of Its kind t he army Cor five years. I have ever done."

Capt. Stith talked ot the Negro Mrs. Mildred Purnell, dletlUon the road to liberty, freedom, and and peace. "-The quest ror peacP. 3nd Instructor In home maklng, JurUce for all people. Is Uke Sir La.uncolot and the Holy com e11 to us trom Phlladelpbla. A

The Freedom Train carrying 127 Grall ... always so near and yet graduate ot Tuskegee ln!!tltute, documents or Invaluable American so tar. Th~ Negro bas a.n oppor- 1rom w))leh she received her B.S. heritage, was welcomed by the tunl1y, but he must meet the cheJ- <lf.grce, Mrs. Purnell holds an M.S.

stressed better lh:lng p1·acllces, the Idea of thinking clearly and set­ting up dealra.blo l!tanda rda or health, character 1,u,ldlng, happy living, good will. c ltlzc1111hlp, wafs of promoting good throughout the communities.

and WIii

people or M aryland on November length of education ..• " N degree t rom the UnlverSlty of e.- bers had Increased t ,;, 3,000. They %5 when It arrived at Pennsylvania In cloi!lng he aa.ld, "To the Ne-

He said that In 1947, club mem-

hraska. She has taught one a.ud a havo produced 500 h ogs, ra.laed half years a t Tuskegee. Mrs. Pur- 15,000 acres ot rood on crop Carma

Station In Baltimore and remained groea of America, stop up on the for public lnepocUon uoUI 10 P.M,. treadle of ll.te, look up; don't be

n ell says, "l am really enJoyln,; a nd home garde ns, :::.?00 C'hickena, The ne.xt day It WM oo dteplay In :lfra.ld. T.ook at the records which my stay at Bowle- and I am sure the Camden yards of the B &: 0 kbow that we moving upward." 1 will continue to do

80, ..

Railroad. The College Glee Club rendered Ml1111 Frances E. Wilt on or Bal­Among the his toric documents appropriate music ; Mr. William

8eo lor . . . . . . . . . . B83llle Sherclltt I It 801

,. llmor e 1s the new assistant llbra.- n.otlo-"to make th1: best.'' ~oon on dll!ptay wer e a otter wr • Stanford played a vlolln v, Junior .... , . . . . . Maud Houston C h'- rlan. She was graduated rrom

made 1.000 ga rmenlJ, ti nd canned 7,56 1 Jars ot fruits and vegetables. He closed by emph11.11lzlng the 4-H

t en by otumbua describing '° " Elegy" by Ala.ssanet. Sophomore . , .. Florence Snowden Morgun Colhitre with o.n A.B. d e-

voyage to the Now World, a his- Accompaoylng Capt. Stith were Frcahman , ...•.. , • Lois Gllmore LI O gree and earned her B.L.S. from

Dr. Ro!coe Browu ot the U. S. Public Health Service spoke on the

PHOTOGRAPHER ?,Ir. William A.. Stanford


PRESIDENT .. Or. William E. Henry

torlcal aCC!)Unt of ncoln's et- M::s. SUth and hls aaslstant, Cpl. tyi,burg Addre~e. a. story of t he w. J. Wright. Rlmmons College In Boston. She flrit tTnlted Sta.tea WAC. the De- has had previous experience In li­

relaUon of rural health to 4-H club work.

brary work at Douglas High School elaration ot Independence, and the

Oeclamtlon b>· the United Na­Uon11.

Exhibits ot Interest were dl8-­rlayed by the clubs of dl trerent

SAD[E IIA\ VK'JNS W.AS HERE In Baltimore, Morgan Collcgo, and countlel!. Charles and SL Mary'i,

Ry UYTOLIA ROIJER TS at Enoch Pratt Public Library of had tor their mott o " To Good

- F . W . O. Rarely has there been an attatr Baltimore. Miss WIison aa.ya. Health." The display ehowed weU

VOT,. 15 De<·ember, 1947 ~o. 1 W. S. S. F. REPRESENTATIVE SPJ.;AKS

ro hilarious as the Sadie Hawkins "There le a warm and friendly at· t-aianced meals with the correc t Dance given by the Sophomores mosphere he re that makes It easy rutrltlona J values a"-<! a unique on November H. Dud h;aced to ror one who 1B oow to adapt hlm- dressing table from fC ra l)ll, "Our SO.die," the festivities we1·c self to his surroundings and oc- Calvert County 4-H·ers proved

OHRlSTMAS SPffil T By FRAl'WIS GATES Mr. Fred Shutz, traveling s ecrn­

t:lry or the World Sludf'nt Service f.'und, addre..<>Sed the faculty and 11tudeots December 1Q, In a very

carried out In tro.dillonlll Oogpateh cupa tlon. The Etudents for tbo that they got the most trom reeds style, mt-anlog that the famed re..- most part are cooperative, a tactor by shot,;olng their large heallhy pul. mlly of Dogpatch accomp:i.nled Sa- Im portant to library service. I am Jets.

die. vroud t o be a member ot the stall Anne Arunde l hnd a winter's

The manifestation& . . of a spirit or good wlll and brotperly love marks the twent,·-1\Ith aay of Do· cember. On this day n1ore people r. re ho.pp)' than at any other time o r the ,·ea r as Christmas s timulates cur emotional rcellng l o lte highest

Gert, ude Jenkln11. Arthur Neal, of a growing school such a.s supply ot can nod gooils exhibited: Rtimulallng nn the work ot Eugene J ohnson, Ma ry H enson, Bowle." beets, sweet pota tor, and other th

e W. S. S. F. Herbert MltC'hell. Geor;e l ,11wl!o11o - - ----- gurdon crops. 1'~presslonl! or l!)'mput Oh y wert. :ind Evn.ngcllnc Murphy carried Prince George~ County hns made

vl5lblc on tho races ~r t h e entire out lmper110nat1on.s tv the hil t . HAPPY BmTHDA:l' use or scrap materlalf ror textile 1

~:~ Inspiration or Chrlstmai: ls audlen cP. a!I t he speaker p 4luted a The tlance wns en joyed so m uch Do you couot ,·our birthdays paint ings 11.nd modern household oJY> or the mental -tlmulants which vivid picture or the _problems raced that tho Sophomores have been lllanktully ? articles. T hey a im dlrnlo.ycd farm

h>' students In China, Germany, 1 Hornce d d r ., 1 1,lllt tho power to eli>vate lncJlvl- asked lo pla n a nother such w 1en rro uc ts an arm a, .. mn s.

Poland, \uatria n nd ln many oth er S di H k l O d I thank t he goodne1111 and the The largest and mo•t lnterestln" ,1.,.111s to a higher plane. A deep a o aw os ay comes roun _ .. 11 wu.r-devu11tute tl countrlt•s, as they I g a.c:! which on - my birth hn.s e-:hlblt wa ... that or :\l ontgomery lUld genuine lnll!rest in It w I

I aga n. ttm lled

11d1t .. n 1he hurden~ or some un- ·trug~!e to c·omb::il stan·all,,n, d S· ---- rnunty. Its memhcrs provell tho.t , f1. anti frod1·')11u1c facilltlts to C.T,F.B CTJU8 S ING!, J\'\ , -Jane Taylor they ltnen· how 10 ,,,,.11,·, .~ftve, -n1~". fcrtunuu• pt-rson~ und will cause ·• v = ,, .. ~

. •• ,, arr a collugo edu«-3Llon. t'OR'l' i\l E AOE I The Colh'g1• !!:ye congrat ulate,. r r>d 11 ,.,. wlsel." a n '' .. ,~i i. From th< m to dlsc.•11rd tht· ~loom of des- I "" ·' u "'

1 Ir which rnmes when thln,;:s go :\I~- <;hut,;. n 'H I '11ive1 s'ly ct The glee club a.pi>ecu•ed a t the I

tho~c persona having u blrlhday i1, t <'cJ bng materials. they hod made 1• 11 1. ~:f\fhtnt", urg ti thllt we un· l•'ort Meade C'hu-peJ November Io. ser,temlwr, October, Nov<"mh1:r 01· l,llc-hen H•ts lnc!u,lir.,N, lunc:.oc.: v .. ruru,;. I h lierR an•l l h•· pll,:ht ol' our lorelgn 'n Thnnksgivln~ servlce:1. f•'rRncl.< l>c<-emb.-r, a nd w .-;hes for t em scnr's. plac~ 111at", moth"r-t'!.aligh-1.,,1 II~ (q1111 o!l,:h I hh, H•.lS00 wltn ~ ~

" " unusulll dPr;:-ree 01 i he true holl- h 1·,..w tu<1c:1h and 11111 !urlll cvt.>ry GIiii's tlld an exccllc>nt job or rh- man)' more relc-brntions In t he fu· tr·r apron!' niul Ctll'laln,. They olso •l:t, -"l>frlt ,u 111 11•tually <c1•I the l•"' ~lh!r• ,•1Yt11·t l o lwlp them. i et-•h1r::- the Ar1>1111 In the absence t ure. had .l mo,lel form r·m11hn11lzlng rli:i r :l·l1t1c,• nt t .111 lstmus as w,• 1, 11m);h t Iii' \V. s. ~. I•', r ·turn to nr our director. :\llss Hohlnson.. ! II <la f'roc.-tor. !les~lc> li) r,1, !'lam- sr rip r:u ming. Beshlt>f thrs" unl-411 • n•lll our , .. 11, 1111114 our hom, ... , , lie Ir hnlls c.r Juirninl! and 1mrsnr who was Ill. 11l'l!a T•'rJzier, Arwlll,1 ( 'Oil\\ ll), H••I. (lilt' 111.0 ,luctl'. t he\' dlsi,lon,tl ra~

. the training dt n1cd th1•111 by t hf' Feotu,•ert "erp ":\ty Lord \Vh11l l'n 'rlL) lor. l<lng An1leno11 and l.,<J· 11e11 . oArl!< n 1111 - r,I• n ni·ot1 11 ~1s. Atl,1 .,ur ,·nurl'lw.> wlth tre~. I ·• " ,.,. ' •· · l•Chl n.n,I holly and help spread · h•·rrors or war. r• ;\lornln' " " T he Lord's Pinyer," , oy t· e hn.J hit llulu) i, 111 s,, p. Tlw 1 .H rluli mi•mh• rs ha,·i·

I 'T'hc NVf':tKt:l• ond<>,l hl11 1lhwo11rsc ·•HnlloluJah C'hor1111," "l~lerce \\'O!j 11•1111)1,;r, •Tflll• " J>ledwetJ llll'lr ltc·alls 10 \ uh• Ide> ch «-l'r ,, n,r} where. 1 , ,. ., Ma--J•:n· ·.q•i ,.s-•i \l,I.'. '· r«-:1lh1; 1,ortlons Mu letter the W Iid BIilow'' and "Wade in t1etoh1•1 11,1w ll>1olla rtohnts. t-lt•:u-l'r lhlulclng, hulrtia to gr!lntcr

-F. \V, O . I ,, hlt-h he r, •rPlw·tl 1rom a l.i~rmtu~ d1• \Vnt er." '1:11 , 11:i Bo)1•r, :ll ar)' lti«-hto·1!- ln)tlll} , hand" ro, t,ctt .. r l'"rvl••i• 11tutlcnt thunkl11~ him ror uook~. T he g roup was mngnitkontly 11.;>11, ,1a1 Ian \\'atc>r~. 1-'rls<-ll!,\ 111111 h <'.•lth ror hPttt>r 11,·tng tor 'ltORl\rlor:r, c\Jrari;, and other orLi- {'nlertal ncd at dinner In t he Po~t ~rrnt h, Delore!< Blair, Ermn 11111, t1 ,c•1r <'!uh, communlt> anrl C'our.­

f ' '\' U ' l'S 01:-;1-.:. \ <.;J,; s 1>RE,'\.DJN~ •·h• r f'•·•·lv,.,l r,om students In Mess Hall. on a tour or t he Po,s:, ,rrs. t'>mhla Bonn, Thoma,, Toye, tiy."

t: hhnlarl11 Is a torrlflc dlscusc. \n,, rha. u vl~ll 10 the Post ·. (', 0. Club, 8rne11t 81:irl< llnd Robert Grf•t:~ .Jn-nJP.-1 e11perlo.lly by llbrarla.nJ. ·:-\",1, rontcrcncc.-:> \\ere h<>ld with r· nd late r a t n t ea nnd dance hf'ltl .,,.,,ouw a year older. '-Ot'IAL (.',\ Lf; :\'O,\I{, Thi; :;ufrerer;_, an• mostly 11opho- ,1r. Shulz b)• rc> ot In th<' Service Club. Stuilents who crlet,ruietl birth-u.c-~..s o.1td ln•shnu:-n, but the ·c>vcral campus clubs In whkn c1 1"' i;pr«'adlng rtlpidl)• Lo the up- ,,•a ns ror u «-ampus campaign lvr r• ,.1 IJUsmen 11,i. well. It Is not runds In tl,c mU!rest i>t the u1 t.., ~31lrlly fatal Lo the victims, \'.'. 8, S. fl'. were dlscu>1~ed .

S li:PT.-,J ,\ :\'.

l, •11 It '" known lo c.iusc m•Jch Ir­• 11°,11011 /\mon~ tho•e who are Im· SE~TORS SPO~SOR TEA

.., Jm•. Oy FR.'\N<'IS GATF. • , '-> plcul attack or gobberlarln. T he Seulor llnler talned tbe

,.,. C'haracterlzed by three woll de- o.cul L>· and ! ludents nt a. musical lisl~d stages. I n tbe 11nt or cold tl>3 on November 2 lo the colleg~ «lD~. the victim Is mildly lndlt· llbrnry. The program consisted ot 1•rcn1 to those alJout him. In th:? solos by P eggy Wllllam!. Glorl'l •·('('Oil() or h ot stage, his llpt and 'l<'blnson. and ReNUHd Plumme,; 1~ni;u•1 begin t i' twitch. I n t nc. 1uets b>' Blan ch Roblnron and Es­t.hiNl or s weating !\tag<', he be- '!le Molock.. William Grace and Ar­C'Omca quite violent. U la lips and hur Neal; piano selectlone by Ida le>n~e continue t o twllch. although \•lli;on ,,nd !\\ rs. Tho r<t Brown; anti, e rapldl>·· ar.d he mutten, In- l trombone i o lo by Francis Gcltes. <o-c-r1glbly. The awPnllnir stage 111 Delores Hill was the mlstrc.M or a..- rar the mo~t dangerous. !eromonle.'1 while refreshments

Tb.ere 18 no p011ith·e cu re, but Yere served tn a charming manner cooperation with the lihrarlan by >Y the Senior hoste880s. ~rvlng the llbrar)' regulations lt wu a delightful occasion and wttl help prevent th<> ,u~oase. WP certainly t hl\nk the Seniors t i>,

- 1-·. W. G. such a lovely evening.

Th<' B>'C reJolcclJ wi th Mr. Young In his m0Lher·11 reco,•er,· Crom a 'l{'rJou!' lllnpce

• IIIATC-...u-.

Ill , •• ,,~,1,11 -


,lays In ~ovember Wt>re Elinor ro1. lint'. Dorothy Brooks. Haz.el Gold11.

'',\II \\'Ork a ntJ Sn l'lny l

,JM·k a Oull Bo)'" ·.t11 o, .:\lary Gr('gg, Gertrude Jen- l':{ Pl 5 . • • • • • • . Upenlnit ~oc,<11 l:lns. Hean J ones, Bernice \Vil­ia.·n'i, ror~l.'rvella Murphy, Flor­

ence Blok e, Victoria Hall. George l.awson, r11n ton Stewa, t and \.Vll­' :o.m Moor e. F:dnn C hesley, Cloris. Barkley, r, <'ne \Veedon. Barbara Milbur n, l~13nk Hebron. Francis Gatos 3n,l llerbert lllitrhell were born In De-

Oct .

12 .. . ... .. Ralr,.l)ow f'a1 .. ,,.

lg • . . . \.Veiner R oast and

:\Ju111l•nl Har !!7 •... H ike and Hobo Pu.1 t·r

4 . . . . . :\lovlc: "Hou,e on

9!?nd St rePt" tt . . . . . . . . . . . Game Social 1~ .•.•...•.. Informa l Social !4 .. Freshman Ta lent :--lgl\t

l'mbc r. 3t . , ••.•.. Ha rvest F~sll\ul

The month~ October and Novem. Kov. 8 • • Movie: "Cone)' Tsland"

:.ier ha,·e the number oC birth- l 4 . ... Sadie Hawkins Party

22 ..... Movie: "Lire Boat" ,:u}·s. Look In the next l~sue Ln I) 'C'. 11ee which w ill be the leading i; • • • • • • • • • • • • Movie Party

U .... Mo,ie: " Stanle)· and month. You'll be surprl11ed! !!!

SY.\fVATHY TO DEREA\'El> The E:)•c sorrows with the llfur­

Ph>• 8l11~rit who loH their gra:'<lfa. ther and lhc Proctor illsters In the death or their &'l'llndmother.

tT Jen. 10

Llvinfr-,tOnt:'" Christmas Carol Fcatlvnl

. . . . . . . . Club <"olluitlate 17 . . . . Movie: "Young Mr.


Lincoln­. . . ~ exlcan,~

~mP11t<>r F'onn~


Page 3: The ·college I Eye · Sheppard and E rnest B tho Sta te, the visiting teacher ls n. suggestions: Give directions ooce: " l•'reedom Through Education·· part o! the school


~-.·.:,· ..

DEOE)fllER, 104'1 THE OOLI,EGE EYE PAGE THBll .;,,;~;;,;.;,;;;;;,;...;.;.,.. _____ ~------------,-------------------------------------~---




By MAUt}' •[email protected]()~. Stx SCHOLARSHIP WINNEB8





' By MARla.N B&NKINS Cupid .Is, aiming !or and hitting t hl' . hc1.1.11,t1 or many Bowteltea. \Vha.l's more, the marks are mak­ing lhe arrangement permanent

The pruent junib'rs have re~ wrhed with new hope and anUcl-0J\llon for success In thle span of their journey through 'C~llegt.,.

State may hol\l some sort or l Ullan iX'antt

record tor a particularly high per- lyrl , toprano, Mng to an appre­ciative audience In the llb~ry·; November 21.

From the opening

Miss: B. o. Hill, who aerved mor, Ench m ember la determln.e!} to be tll&n ten years here iu dormitory succe&&ful at this Important ,

director, director of health and of development.

physical ;?ducatton,, and latterly u tlletlUon. le now Mnr. AJpheua Urown. Her ma.r rlage wu eol­omnlzed In Bluefleld, Weist Vir­ginia on November 19.

Though four oC our m embera hiilcd to return, the addition ot two I vet'!rans, WUllam Moore and ~eroy I Con.tee, has set our enrollment at Sl.

~enttige of relatives among our

atudent group. Look at these ata­

tlaUcs: Mozart's •· AlleluJa" to the ctoelng There are sev,en aeta of al~ers: numbeT, "Ah fOr-'11 e Lui'' the ,-rand

Ruth and Arvilla Conway, Evelyn aria Crom Verdl'e La Travlata, the

&nd H>"tolla Roberts, Althea and proQ'ram \ Vl\8 brlUla.nUy rendered. Tho o.rtl~l preaent ed four each

seven graduates were married Wllllam Grace has been elected

Hilda Proctor, Conaervella. and Ev­angelloe Murphy, Mrs. Cordelia

Boyer Boddy and Margretla Boyer,

.Toyce and Gloria Seldon, and

Blanche and Gloria Robinson.

Maud and Edward H ouston, and

M Ger man a nd French aongs with consummate sklll. The apotauae Indicated a preference for the fourth group which Included the lilting "To.lea of the Vlenn.A. Woods" by StrauM; "A Spirit Flower" by Campbell-Ttpton; the

J eaootte and Wil liam Thomas are Creole, "Fats Do Do" by the brother-sister du, s. Nlckeneon: nnd the spiritual, " I

tlurlng the summer: Madeline Wa- t•lll..l!s president and Mrs. Cynthia ters, ' H to C-arllon Furr; Aleth:1. ~- Bond Is our class sponsor. With Conway ' 45 to Allan Plummer: Ag. I.heir leatlen1blp, we a re expecUng nee Purnell '46 to Purnell Bull: 10 acc,,mpllsh much as a clnss.

Arny Tull '46 to John Hunt; Em- Everyone I.a looking forward to mallne Watts '46 to John McClain the !'Ccond semeEter when each wlll '46; llnd l\Iary Tyler 'U to Otis I t> a chance to exhibit hie aklll

'l'be cousins? Ot course they are Want Jeeus To Walk W ith Me," ~prow. :1t teaching. Al.ICE WA'l'ERS In the lead, represented by Eugene arranged by Boatner.

Lillian Ghent '47 vowed to love, The class has decided to enter- '"I r • t t 50 s t 1a shJ M E 1 1 1 d .., nner o • , c 10 r p Johnson a.nd Eleanor Marshall; me vant grac ou11 y re11pon •

honor and obey Char les (Glenny) toln the entire student body twice Numbered among the 63 Fresh d t I d J Ith t . Hazel Jamea. Elinor Collins and r o pro onge a.pp ause w wo

\'-'llllams '47 somoUme during the 1•nd to Cete the seniors at the an- men are 6 coed scholarship w1nne1·s encores: the lovely "Summer Thanksgiving holidays. r~ual Pl'Om. Alice Waters, valedictorian o! the Sedonla Carr; Alice Waters and Time" from "Porgy and Beu" and

Sylvia \Vr!ghl ' 47 wlll become \Ve welcome the Freshman Clo.a, T lncoln High '47 class at Rockville Maxine Clagett; Herbert Mltobell tho provocative "Fan Song." )frs. John Liner <luring h e Christ- and wt11h them tuck. INl<ls with three hon.ors totaling and Merrill ·west; Estelle McCut- Arthur Papalardo, playing with mas holidays and Nellie Garrlaon - ------ SJ.150.00: from tho National Honor- chen, Clara Thomas, Jeanette and r.glllty and accurac)·. was tho sym. ·,47 wlll marry Franklin Smith be- l'loclety. $60; from Montgomery Wllllams Thomas: George Lawson pothetlc accompanist. BOWIE IUUEFS t ore tho New Year comes In. Count)· Teachers .,ueoclatlon, $60; and Velma DashJell ; Robert and The artists were honored guest.a

To all the ~wlyweds and pr o~- By ELINOR OOLLINS und from Montgomery County Elk l\tary Gregg; Virginia and Gloria at a r eception In Foyer A atter Pt'Ctlve on"S. th~ Bowle family ot- H Is always lntere5tlng to kno1\ A~oclatlon, $1 ,060. Barkley. the concert, hosted by tho Oleo ieril congrMulatlons and wJshe!I how our cllt!amates a nd frtends Valedlotorlnn from Lakeland Cl b d So 1 1 c I t

r pt'nt their summer's ·vacation. Mr. James, principal or the lab- u an c a omm t ee. t horu happlnc!s o nn succ1>~s ln the High, Gloria Seldon Is the reclp- oralory .1chool, Is the uncle of Ha-··!'ra· t·' 'Ar malrl1nony." l"rancls Oates palntod his home. lent o! ft $100 •ch olarshlp from 1 ..U'"""l CAN EOUC/\'MQN WEE,.,..

~ v .. c :!e James, Junior, while Fra.n.k •.o;.-n. • • • ~ Otsplte hl11 ha,·lng several ac:01- the Parent Teacher Aasoclat lon. OBSERVED

Hebron Is Lo.Verne H ebron's uocle. Ry AN~A.MAE FOJU> noox fN REVIEW

<lt, nt.\l, such as spilling a container HIida Proctor, valedlctorla.n ot

of "hlte paint all over himself, her 0 10.s.~ from T>ouglo.!' High, U P·

By :\lA UH HOUSTON hf' didn't gh,e up until be had com- per Marlboro. rer1ilved a $76 scho- l\"EW WORKERS ON TRE JOB servo.nee of American Education l.c\\ llil'. S inclair, ''Klng>--1>lood plct<'d the Job. 1a1·!hlp from the Douglns Alumni By GF,OR GIA JEYKlNS Week In November through th"

Bowle pnrtle\pn.ted In the ob-

•~xal, 3-ISp, Rnnd

om Hofile. Evelyr, anrl H>·t olla Roberts Association plus awards In home Headed b>· Mr. Crisp, new au- 01 efentatlon oc an ns11embl)' pro-. Kln,;-shlood Royal Is a problem II mlcred valuable s ervice nt the economics an.d for her work with perlntendenl ot buildings and ,;ram and exhibits.

novel ha., as It~ theme, metal lfamllton f{otl'I, Ocean City, Md, the S:i.t'ety Patrol. grounds. addltlonr to our corps of The Sophomores wefe lo charge Intolerance in America. Srveral other students worked ThP P.T.A. of the Carver High In workert- falling Into the sebemo ot the pro,:-ra11• with M.-s. Purncli

The llllttlng ts In Grand Rapldl!, 111 Orunn City. They wPri>: Marga. t: lltton llwarded to fi'rat1cls Cnln, or things. 1\-. sponsor. Developing th<' theme

)fl~hlqnn. wh'.!re .'I/ell Klngshlood, rt·• Jl'ltt ... Bl~rbt-ra MIiburn, Mary ,utedlctorlnn or her clars. a 11chol- Now ,vorkers In the glrl.s' dorml- for the week, "The Schools Arc

a h11 nd1:1ome. CXA~ptaln oc t he In- r:1 hardson. lll lll') Powel~. lleou 1lrshlp amounting to $.i0. tcry are Mrs. Ruth Speak!I, or Ours," they reviewed the bl.ton·. 111ntry, rl•turns to a banking post- .1ones. r..n.ree Purnell, Stoney ~hep- Barbnra Jackson or Batea High, 13owlc, and Jl·lrs. Clara E. WIison, 11111·posc11 nnJ achievements o l tho 1lor,, aftor ha,mg heen wounded In r,.\1'11, :\te rrlll \\'Nt. Herbert l\llt- Annapolis, received an a.w,trd ot or Udenton. Before coming 10 l'd1001; explained Immediate needs 11w M\1•, l1111klng to;rwartl to a t-11, I ,rnll Trlng Andrrson. ili0, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ao- Howle. lllrs. Sp.,aks worked at the; and problems: described new ta.,,k11

hn 1,r•>- llf,• with bis wife and uur llbrurlan, :\!Is:; Edon Prout. thony Brown, Aonapolll!, and an, Jlolllng Field H ospital as t'he and rel!ponslblllti t'~ : und pointed

•lrui1:h1!'r. .,, ... 111 the <'ntl rc eum,ner aflc-r Junu 111:tlillono.l $16 ror an all "A" av- 11111"8e's osslrtant. Asl<NI hor opin- up the need ror 11ecurlng better un-

.\11• r a h int rrom his rather 1 :!, nm·sloii: n sprained ankle. She l'mge In rbemll11 ry. Ion or t re t) J){' of work she 1~ no"'· dcrstandlng anrl closer conimunll)

tliat h1· may have royal bluod from ,,.. ,.r, a l'MI for rour weeks. Des- Mnc·y GrPgg from Carver High, ,Jolt,,.-, she n•plle<l. .. It's all righl, 1·rl~ llonshlps. 1;11 ;lh•h 1111cottorl!, ht' I rnce!' his 1•11<· th ,. sprnln, MIES Prout con- TowllOn, was honored with an bul I liked t h\> hospital bN:er... Rpeclal <•xhlbll , rrom the 111dus-111111lh 1r1•c on)) to d1L1:01·l'I· a I tln11P,I her u sun l routine a nd nt- 11wur1l or $25 for the be~t work In :\JI~ WIison l~ a worket· In the I l tlal arts ( n•rnmks) and lwutU1 X, ~1·0 rori·-r>ur•rnt. \ \Tith a wire .-.nded to personal afro.In•. 1•r111poslllon writing. 1n un,lry. Shu b, vi, r y much Inter- 1ll•m1 rtm <? nls were on dlRplay.

nil child whu.t r:in he do? What r,:•a•·st niu,·k tnu i;-h t n~ th t> Jn . ,·~te,l In music an\! hi II

nu.•mbc r ;\II:,; <'cokl', who was th~ mov-• m h" In 'l I l iR r<•ncllon II n ,l th:it


, ,,._ H.i ·'a! 1 ' innp In tho suburbs U BR.\Jtv CORXl~H ,,r t h i> f! t,.i·cnson Go~pPI S!ngera. Ing Sl)lrlt twhlnd the <>b1wt1·atlon, ,,r lili, frlt·nds. rwlghlmr:; an\! co- 1. , ,,11 frmn .Jun,. until August. , By .)L\t · n flOr. TO~' 1•11e new l•us rlrlver Is ~It· . . \I. 11a!' :ilso re,,· pon.slble for tlw exhibit wp•kt>t~ brings a drtu11atlc con- Tht tht'nt<- or the camp wns ·work- " What u r>IO.<'<' to be In Is 1111 hc,rt v. Smoth,.rs. of Bowle, tUltl or chll ti r e1>'s hooks In the library ruw<ron to this novl'I l1r Sl1H•lal·· 1 • 011 d l>t•mocrncy.' I llhnn ! It sei,m~ a~ though nll ll P a,slslur4 Jnultor Is Mr. l•' i-a:ik ,•url.,g Book \\r<'!'k. Kon:mbcr L••wla tho souls or nll th l! writ e rs , that 16-!?:!.

· \\' n 11• <l1•lli:-htNI 10 find that hllV" lol'rJIIPn\hf'd \h!>lr llihours to I larrrson. of .Arundl'I. ;\Ir. ;\{f'ol.Z. Tlloui-l 11 ,·,•t) Int, 1toi1lh·.~ \\1, rk , ,. lmiwov .. nwnt~ have he,,n and rr l'hll11d11 l1>hln, I~ ulght\\11.tchrna:•.

th.. Ut•tlll•lo ns, w,•rt• 1·e1>011lng hPre, l I 11111,H~ rouc•· lvnhle that !'.ell ,,..,, 11t1l1 h<'ln,- rnn<le around thu

I •u In ome ,1on111tor.,. or middle ",.ullJ nn1101111111 l1L<i ra<'I' 11$ :-leg. n•11 111v1. 't'h re ,,n trlng of the ron<ls ,o! ,t. 'rhc• et~t1t th11 or hui •i•lc·n ·· ~ Ylal•• I do not ,,not to l•nndle. to

, • u ,,,. liu•r• ,·i>ry ,•a tua ble to us. 1•rofa1w \Ill' ll'lln•,i, their windlnr.- H~ N H ~ 1,:s-r IU u\ C"I{ 111,1 family (-n.n I.le tak"n 1n pro-

I 1,111,

:,.-1,1!1' dlsrou1•e on tlle race pro-1,1 .. m l:!••ts rorth fn1•1s as he thinks 111,,y would hi'. Hr has nt> v<>r ex­~u•rl(•nced such r, real llfe 31tu11.­;t11n. R e dol's establlfh the fact thnt even Jlf'O(lle who supposed!~· .1.r'.! not preJurllcNl, are. un,!er t h<' •urracc.

The novel heen rated by crl­ll<'f Ill' falllw,;- rar below tl: • sto. n­•''lrds l!C't by pre,·lons l.l'wls worko ,iueh as "Babbitt.'' " .\rrowsmlth" ~Ind " :\fnln Str eet." Tllo ugh It ma>

be Inferior so far aF lllenry merit • h <'Oncerned. Sinclair l,ewls d e­

sPr,•cs the e,·erlastlng thanks or ~l.'groes for daring to ch11mplon 1helr cauEe in EO fearl c68 a manner.

Tl ls cheering to note that 'Eb­<my" has given Lewis the award for ho.v"Jng written t l1e book doln~ most to Improve lr,'f'o r-raclal un-

~ · .. tt>rrtandlng during 1!147. The np.­. .! 1 lonall>· known 'cr itics who ·cho11e

.,Klrv;ablood Royal" t or thla honor 1nclu~ Bunles Mnntle, :-:orman <"onvln. Lewis Gannett and \Va.It~: White,

The girt. dorrnltry I hat was '-heel. 1 1·011111 us eoon dh1lod1.<' n. or th" tw,•nt) - t h1·e.- i,:ru,Jun1 .. s 1 f'vl,,usl)' rlumaged by Ore wlll shad,.. I HN•m to Inhale h;;l.rnlng-, lhul l't'C<'lvi>d 11;,i; r .-.,•R on J une I, iutl h,• l"Om))h•fpil w ith the most \\fllklng amid thPlr folluge. and h1•••nt) hn"'' re"eivrd tt'U <'h lng 1,0-rc·.-.nt N1ulpm1•nt ro1· 1110\ler-n 11\ • tht1 01!011r of tht'lr old rnoth-icent- slti!l11:1 'lnd thrre ar" In gr<1.d\J1.tlt•

,,,c:. d co.-orlng, Is frugrnnt t.s the first i.rhoof. Po>itlon,- b} eounlles a r r: 1'1w tieaut) oarlor, with its pnlo 1 '00~1 or thoSt' 11l'h-ntlllr npple;; Anne Arnnd{·I- Leon;,r Polk: Bal­

reen walls, and the laundry are 1·,hlch grew o.mlu tlw happy or- llmon'- l'or l'lnc Grt-gi; ; l.'arollne-1ulppt•d with 0uor<-st•t•nt lighting. ' c-ha1 d.''-< 'hnrles l.1.u11h, ~> ll·la Wr lght ao-d William Prier-


f'.'iTR.Ufl'RI\J.S l~ERWAY l'ho iNra mural program atarted · with a l:>irng. The young Jt,.

Illes, outnumberln~ !he males 4

lorm another.

Ga.mes scheduled for the '47-'48 tourn/\ments are volley ball, bae­~Ptb:il!. aoft ba!I, horre 11hoel', ta-

I. h/\ve two team~ In each, 'l:<' ten nis ana !'ards. h ' I" tho men havo Freshmen and Thi' vo11r>· boll tourr.oment •:ihomor-::r ocmblned to torm one ended with J unior nad Senlo1· vit'­nm, o.nJ J uniors und Seniors to , to r1ea.

~r.n; <'hn rleE-Aurelln Mack nnd .r.-1- n l:utl r,·: llorch<'Rler-Evctyn f'rlrc hl"tt rLnd Pennington :\11'111011;

l!nrdtcrd- ;\lorgar~ J oni's; Howard - Gwendolyn Prlteht>tt. 1-'lorenco ~uttc>r and ClddySEey Gray : Som. erset- 1.llllan Ghent. Lucille Ev­tnf nn!l C'harlcs Wll llnms; Ta!bot­F'rar,.-es Rober t.a; and, Worchester - Amundn rornlsh and Nelllll Gar. rlaon,

Georg<' Arnold Is auendlng grad­•1atc 1>chool at CaU,olic Unlverstt>· n Wn~hlngton, D. <'. while Mack

~lm1,son ts ~tudylng at Columbia IJnlverelt>· and Sidney Sheppard al N.Y.U.

:\fll!on :\lack, '45, received an :\t .A. from New York Unlverslt)' in Jur~ and Ill now teaclllng nt La.tu;­rel, Md,

··-··y~ ... -

DO YOU KNOW . . • that there are appraxlmately 250,000 "unknown cases" of tuberculosis?

•• • that Tl stlll klll1 more Americans betwNn 15 and 44 than a ny other dlaease?

• •• that the aurest way to discover TB and check lta apread 11 the chest X-ray?

• • • that your Christmas Seal money buya X-ray unlfl and makea po11lble -.. examinations?

PUASI, Hnd I• yew ..... trfbvtlon today.

0 r'-y\s\tn&S

uU1 "" · · Sea\s ~


Page 4: The ·college I Eye · Sheppard and E rnest B tho Sta te, the visiting teacher ls n. suggestions: Give directions ooce: " l•'reedom Through Education·· part o! the school


BJ REGINA FREDEIUCJl Ml• Mattbewe. Mr9. Crate .;. 4d

Nr. Jamee, p r lndp&J, lift ~•~ ~ turo«d to t b e Oemoost.r&Uon Pcbool. Ml1111 Cook e la tbo new ,ruperv11or.

)Cln Matthtwa' prlma.ry «rOUJ> 1a working on the unit. "Lh-1nc To­,tethc:r At Home;" Mrt. Craig's middle g-roup on "Homea Ot Our Community;" and M:r. Jam&' up­per ,rroup on "Our La.tin Amerl­' .u\. r-. c lghbors." The>· are carry­!ng out 11omc of the suggcated IJeJs It• the Unlvertlll)' of F lorida pro­: , ct. "~feelln,: B.ulc Nc<'d~ ... ,nndc vott<t hlP b> the ~lfred r. Sloan 1·01111c1a.t1on.

'Mic Thanksgiving dlnn•·r. with tui-kr, and all the trlmm1n,:;··, l'II ·

Jo> cd by the I 02 pupil~ in the col­lrgr dinlnit room. wns nu out ~,-nwth ot thP~· 6tudle!1.

l'ur>lts are now worklni; on, 1:hr1stma~ gift!! !or tho home. ma,le Jrom disco.riled and lneiq,en,,h·e matf'rlala.




87 Al\NA BANKS The CN'tbman class a.pJ)('ared ln

a prorr.un dlepla> Inc their t.&kolll on October u tn the library or Bannek{'r H.11.11.

There.a Corbin , t}lc mhrtrt'l'III ol ceremonies. really kne..,, wbat she v.u ea.ylnir when 11ho declared, " Tonight l! the nlgbt when every freshman will llt<'P fon,,•a.Td lllld dlaplay hls unu11u11.I 1,'1c1:•

They brOUlfht UII EOnga o f today u well o..a cla•:-lca: pol'mr of ,e.i­tcrd:is. and other rendltlon11, both ontcrtall>lng- o.nd cducalloMI.

First we w•·re fa.,ored with an unuaual dirplay of talent by t.ol!! Gilmore, who pht}l!d a plnno ,!k>lo, Sh1• nceompo.nlc, I all the other mu.

I sl\-11.I re n <11tlon11 of I b,• flrt,,rru,rn.

I Gloria T\•>lor. Pelores Hor11I<), r.n>.l"e 1'la1k, ,\nna Banks, Glnr1a Hobl:i.1 nn, fln> e Tlle;hman. J'es;:gy \\ llllumi< nnd Huth I iurM y ranr-101011. TIi l' llull'. not tn h t> out­,lon•'. w,•r, r e11r-t-s11ntc11 try Vrrn(J!'l­\\'ll~on. Cllntnn ~tewnrt nnd Bc·r­n11r<l Plumna•r. Thdr olos were 11ut o,-cr In a. hlg wa).

l HOSTS 2SD :\{0 \ ' Il-: t•. \ _RTY H> LOIS '\:"\ S G IL'10 R E ulen,lcd their ,·olc, t! in a 8> LOIS AN~ GIL)tORE 1''~shm1:n at ·st.ate· when n.skcd The raculty f\nd 11tudcn11 arc very rt·!'llng-, l aholl always han• 8 big~ <!net.

~fnxine Cl1•,rgctt o.nd P1•g1fY W II-

The Y. :lt.C.A. entertained at au- to &In: their lmprCSl:lon of Bowle. l'0operaUve.. r!',-ard tor $ Teacher• College. I Long to b~ rememb<'rtd are the tlbf'r " :lfo~e Party" on Deetmbi,r 11':lve tor t he most part, fn.\'Orn.blc Chestertown apeak a through tht' Vernon C. Wilson. popularly t'omlcal tkltll, Lorrntno Bant um, h ti t II I r .., l o Id b o She kno,,n ft• "V,l, .... of HIiisboro, C. Plltterned 11.ttor t e one 111 was rtp rs. vo cc o nuse o s or · - Doroth)- Brook s and Sollatlnl' Rlnir-!l-0 l't1Joyablc lut :rear. La.verno. l>orse> Crom DorttY ""-~•. "Al! Ions a& I've been hero?, f&.)'S. "The exterior Centurea oC the fl'Old g:t\'C ··Rt6lcrly R~-reoge." 1-ltudenta danced 10 the mualc o r ll4)I, .. 1 think Bowle 111 an Ideal l'vt' found Bowie to be a place tor collese and s r oundll we re thc ftrat "Opeo the noor. Richard" re.atur<,l a 1oovte fcaturlns a popult.r dance place for the training of Junior 11tudy :i.nd very promising for .,_ lo draw my appro.,al upun 111> a r - Uernard Plummer. Vernon Wlll!lOn band. After three reelc had been high 11.nd elementary t eachers. 1 future career." rival. Thr extenslve lawns a.nd and Samuel Brlcgs. run, rl'freahmeM8 were eerved &lid have been greatly lmprc.ued with When 1 "'ent up to Anna. Ba.nk&, tedato buildings seemed to ext.end Poems were presented b1 Mar, tbt remainder or t he evening de- tbt tea.chere a.a they seem to take of Perryville, 8.nd aakcd ror her welcome to me, a. nervoua and Gres-a.. Haul Ooldaboro. Jl'rane('a \ -nt•-' to danclnr. 1 h tu lrnprce"lon, ahc almo•t laughed In akepllcal freahma.n. The Interior .... oullc a bit or Interest n t o I - - ., C"aln, Arwllla C-onwa.y, M&ry H U'· \VUll3.m Moore "''a-1 chalrm1m of dent hlmaelr a.a well u In the wet- my tace. Later ahc .aid, " I think f{'atures, anlml\te and Inanimate, r LB, Oeorrla Jenkins and Margyetta uu• p rog-ram committee. Hlb co- rare or the qcbool.'' Dowle ls an Ideal school for slu· t).C'Ceded m) P)tlleel14tlona. Tho Bc>\er . 'll'o rk,.re 11·ere Oernard Plummer, Front Irma HIii, C room Bta.Uon, dents. At nret I dldn't like tt, but rrlt•ndly air poa,,ca!ed by lhe 1tu- Tht! J)rog,-am took a M>riooe torn ~-nuel Brl,tp, E•1rcne T\Jrner, I rl'C'Olv..:J. 1h11, reply: "I tblnk It meeting people changed my m lnd. ri£·nta and lnHruetor• and the com- "hen Elva Ta) lor and A ll(of wa. t:oward Broolar and Ed-,,ard Hou- la a n •ry nice college. I like the I am ,-ery .-1ad l,id bec:i.uus fortable room• a nd dormitories tera tnld about tho Set,To .u:ul b)II eton. atlltude or th<' raculty and tho l Bowle 1~ a. nne achool." , me a n "at home" feeling. II Ce In Am<'rlc.a. the Land of ~mo-Oeorge I.Aw&on, who heade<l the, wtudt'ntll aro ,err cooporallvl.' and I When cusked l1or tmpre11alon, Ar- Th<'se factors 11.nd many other• c-racy. < ntf' rlalnmcnl commllteP, was a.a- fri end!) , wlllo. Con.wo.). o r Wblle Haven, h1tw gl,•en me a pride and fenee At the climax. we , ·l•lled Anbla. .1,.: t>d by W'llllarn Gr&er, FrancLB Th<>olll. l'oopf'r of Euton StLya: nnnchalanth replied, " l guoE.11 It's of ~es-ponelblllt)' never to be ban· lrla '1,·llson v,·n· ,tracetuUy and Ca•~~ ~mul'I Brtis~. Merrill W l'at, " I think Bowle Is a ven· nice all right." lshrd, ror the Maryland State twautlrully b~crpretl'd an Arab,:in ao I Fr-ank Heb1on. ~chool. The tac t remain!! that I Grmltl Griffin Caroline County, T<iachers College. dnucc.

" Y" <>fficerH Ori!: PrE'sldcnt, A. llk1· II or I wouldn't be here." "IIYI', "To mr, It Is ti pin.ct> where t>..r11on.'l.lh·. I think 8ow1e 1s The rPactlon of th<' a 11d1eoee :--'t!ll, vice pre11ldcnt, E. Johnson; l~tllth Carroll of Na)- lor, studied one 1, utr,•,etl an opportunlt> to gr,·,,t. The tacully .i.s """II a.s tho ,1,<1 that th<• 1,ro~m a:ccrl'lary. F. Hebron: .,stlrtaol fnr a rew mlnut{'S an.d replied: " l ?1••.11r•• a morn l.'l<·,11.te,t dl',ttce ot ,.,udcnts pla~c,1 a big part In help- hnd bH·n 11uc<:Ci'<!l f11l. 11ccrNar). H. :\tltchl!II; trCJ15urer, 11-18 Bowl1: la a tlne }llacc. Tho • ducnlion "hlch Is cenllnl ear lntr me get ndJUl't"d tu college Ille. :\fr.-. Thora Brown Is th1• '-POD· I-'. Gat~; and, c:hnplaln, K. .\.II• slutl,·nt.l! ore very con11hlf'rate and making the bc11l or life. I nm sure 'l'h1• :\lcntor11 11re gr<-atb r"spon- •or uf th 1• truhman <'lal'-~. d1·Nton. t,•ntl II h!'lpln,r hand wherc\'·er lhl collt.'~t will pro"" bcneflclnl 11lh1'• ror th, lwurty w1•lconw. I • r·uede,J. I ban• nc·,·er 1111:t a bett<>r •n Ill" rn c\'ilry ~n) ,luring the lour 1-:111 ontr 110110 that tht1 rt•st of tho 'l'h" i<tnrr of The Coll• ,-c Eye r,u~ult~ ." ~ ,•nni 1 rlan to ~ta>· here." tlm•• I spend 111 Bowu." will be 11111 wbh,.E , n,•h 11n,1 all a \Cr)' Merry

~,o.,ln Cla!1'<ll of 5:amh glll'ln~s \111rg,-.,1111 no: <·r. a 1rn1ho or I nJo)nbl•• tus the 11a~t few months. •"hrL'ltm:u, ,1nd a 11:t11:-y :-,;, w Y":t•

Dale baJt er campu cull&!. II'• all &be aame &e lbe echoel-ctrl'• faHrUe eHtlllne - oeUoo Teln~ et'D ulrt pltaa • amarilJ &allored bloase. Hope SkUlm-'a "'llot boue" cot&ea - •Un striped eba.mbra1 - ., ... tide lbe bleue with be t1lckJq lreatmm. Pacl­•ec1 lltpa sin lbe ceecl Ute roancled allbo11eue.

Buy Your Dry Goods and Gifts


Wright's Bowie, Maryland

nl11u think., Row le Is n t\nll place. 1•01 t P1•t101<1t. i;ay.:;. " l Ilk, Bo'l\'11.' ~h•• !l'I) !<, • ~l<-mb<·N< or the ta.cull>· , ,'1'\ much, :'1111~ he It'll du, lo tho rin,I slurlt!nl hotly nm very wlllln,;- fni-t lhal I re1•,•h,•J u ruo!lt cor• 10 get :,<1Jus1e1I. r,-,, c,,•n found ,nal wf'Jcomo 1101,1 thl• \!enton that r don't w1mt to lt•uvo the cam- 1111,J r,•llv,\ 11cnoolrna1,•, I met \\ hon pus ottl.'n." ,.o.t\'I In.;."

"I 1lk1• It mnch better now than From l•'ro11thurg eomt!l! Gloria 1 itld at llrst." 1aya .;\lllr~d Waah- J Taylor who sa~s. "f wu aware or 1ngton or Sallsbnry. o "er., warm (,.cling of frll'ndllneas.

lfll%l'I \V!lrrcn, o! S<'vern. san, l was mad•· lo feel u• though I "Bowle Is an excellent echool An<l 1·1·ally belonl{t·d, n~ though ll W<4S hiu. utll'ttUalc !adlltlea Cot ~tUd> · I Juat 0111: big fa.mlly. l >u!'I to thlll

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Day Laundry

Service Shirts 15c Sheets 10c

Merry Christmuts ! from I

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Greasing Bowie Maryland

Compliments of

Luers Brothers Bowie, Maryland

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Joffe 's Store Bowie 2241

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