The colector chp 5 redone daniella two

Writing for a reading audience: ‘The Collector Chapter 5’ I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did. Well initially I just wanted to comfort her, to smell her, to be with her but I went too far this time. I didn’t use chloroform this time it was something stranger, something better. Reading the instructions at the back of it, nothing was described so menacing as it did, at the back of the bottle were chemicals which could do great harm, I have to admit I’ve gone too far, what should I do? I mean with Miranda it was a completely different situation but with her it’s more difficult. I suppose I could take her to Lewes surgery but i would have doctors pounding me with questions that I don’t have the answers to. Anyway as soon as I got home I was left with no other option but to leave her in that state and drive to Lewes to go to the pharmacy to see if anything was available but I doubted they would have over the counter medication for something this serious but it was worth a try. I didn’t dare tell them what happened. They offered me cliforine she said it was good for bad stomach pains. Light headed and dizziness but that’s not what her symptoms were at all; I took it to avoid any conversation. I had parked my car on the corner of the road behind a bright yellow one but it was nowhere to be seen. I thought maybe finally I have been caught; the police must have somehow traced my number plate. I went into the home ware store opposite where I parked my car, the shop owner said that a gentleman, middle aged, short cropped brown hair, glasses, wearing a long brown Mac peered through the rear window but shortly after disappeared. At this point I started to get worried! An image of GP came into my head; I caught a cab home, the driver was very similar to the shop owner description of my suspect. The cab pulled up outside of my house even though i asked the driver to park a mile away, strange how the driver knew exactly where I lived, nothing at that moment crossed my mind. I was too concentrated on the forthcoming disaster that I put myself in, so I got out of the cab and gave the driver his money. I tried to get a look at his face but he wore a hat that covered the side of his face. Anyway I opened my front door, placed my coat onto the coat hanger and headed straight towards the basement where I left her. She was huddled in the corner where there was a small crack in the wall; a slight breeze which always came from there, that’s where she must have got a bit of fresh air from. Her body showed no expression By Daniella D’aiuto

Transcript of The colector chp 5 redone daniella two

Page 1: The colector chp 5 redone daniella two

Writing for a reading audience: ‘The Collector Chapter 5’

I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did. Well initially I just wanted to comfort her, to smell her, to be with her but I went too far this time. I didn’t use chloroform this time it was something stranger, something better. Reading the instructions at the back of it, nothing was described so menacing as it did, at the back of the bottle were chemicals which could do great harm, I have to admit I’ve gone too far, what should I do? I mean with Miranda it was a completely different situation but with her it’s more difficult. I suppose I could take her to Lewes surgery but i would have doctors pounding me with questions that I don’t have the answers to.

Anyway as soon as I got home I was left with no other option but to leave her in that state and drive to Lewes to go to the pharmacy to see if anything was available but I doubted they would have over the counter medication for something this serious but it was worth a try. I didn’t dare tell them what happened. They offered me cliforine she said it was good for bad stomach pains. Light headed and dizziness but that’s not what her symptoms were at all; I took it to avoid any conversation.

I had parked my car on the corner of the road behind a bright yellow one but it was nowhere to be seen. I thought maybe finally I have been caught; the police must have somehow traced my number plate. I went into the home ware store opposite where I parked my car, the shop owner said that a gentleman, middle aged, short cropped brown hair, glasses, wearing a long brown Mac peered through the rear window but shortly after disappeared. At this point I started to get worried! An image of GP came into my head; I caught a cab home, the driver was very similar to the shop owner description of my suspect.

The cab pulled up outside of my house even though i asked the driver to park a mile away, strange how the driver knew exactly where I lived, nothing at that moment crossed my mind. I was too concentrated on the forthcoming disaster that I put myself in, so I got out of the cab and gave the driver his money. I tried to get a look at his face but he wore a hat that covered the side of his face. Anyway I opened my front door, placed my coat onto the coat hanger and headed straight towards the basement where I left her.

She was huddled in the corner where there was a small crack in the wall; a slight breeze which always came from there, that’s where she must have got a bit of fresh air from. Her body showed no expression at all, she had her arms wrapped around her knees and her back placed firm on the stone cold walls. I bent down to her level. I reached my arm towards her with a glass of water and two tablets that were placed in the palm of my hand. I was hoping that she would have taken them straight away but she didn’t. I knew this was coming so I expected the worst and the worst it was. She took the glass of water but the tablets still lay still in my hands. Her eyes followed me as I got up and placed the tablets on the bedside table. I knew if she didn’t take the tablets it would ruin my chance with her. I asked her if she wanted anything else, but she looked at me with a cold expression and turned her back toward me.

This was my opportunity to do what I need to do for this to work out my way. I didn’t want this to turn out how it had in Miranda’s case. Miranda wasn’t supposed to die. She was supposed to be with me, to live with me, to work alongside me like normal couples do, but that wasn’t the case with her. But it’s going to be the case for this one, this time I will do it properly, think about my choices and how I go about them.

By Daniella D’aiuto

Page 2: The colector chp 5 redone daniella two

Writing for a reading audience: ‘The Collector Chapter 5’

Anyway I tucked the tablets into my trouser pocket and left her in the basement while I went to the kitchen to make some soup for her and I, I know she didn’t reply to me when I asked her if she wanted anything to eat but I think I should make food for her anyway, she has to eat and be healthy if this is going to work.

When I took out the tablets from my pocket, I saw a scrunched piece of paper, she had written me a note with her lipstick on a piece of material that she had just before I went into Lewes to get her the medicine. I forgot all about it as it wasn’t important at that time. I unravelled the piece of material and it had printed on it “you’re not going to do this to me like you done to her “. I didn’t know what to do at this point, maybe she knows Miranda, and if she did I could be in trouble. This came quite a shock to me. What was I supposed to do? It hadn’t even crossed my mind that something like this could be a possibility.

Having come to terms that she wasn’t going to take the tablets, I had to come up with something more cunning, something more imaginative, this was my only chance for me to succeed in what I wanted to do. Anyway I was analysing the piece of material that I found earlier on that day, thinking of how she knew what I did to Miranda or if she even did know...Maybe she was related to Miranda, what if I’ve been set up and the police have got me under surveillance this very moment Damn! My whole life will be ruined.

I went down to check on her, to see if she was alright. I peeped through the spy hole in the cellar door. She was static, no movement at all, so I didn’t bother to say anything, I just left her be.

I went to make myself something to eat, I haven’t eaten all day, as I walked up the stairs a sudden knock came from my front door, What should I do ?. My worst fear had happen, what if this is the end?!

By Daniella D’aiuto