The Cold War Begins - Cold War 2.pdfThe Cold...

1 The Cold War Begins Chapter 16 &18 (old) Focus Question: How did U.S. leaders respond to the threat of Soviet expansion in Europe?

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The Cold War BeginsChapter 16 &18 (old)Focus Question: How did U.S. leaders respond to the threat of Soviet expansion in Europe?


Post WW II Europe Divided


Section 1 Notes:

• Stalin does not allow free elections in territories liberated by Soviet Army, thus forming Satellite States.• Europe is divided, Germany is divided, Berlin is divided inside Soviet controlled East Germany.• Stalin drops the "Iron Curtain" isolating East from West. Fear of plans to spread communism prompts the Truman Doctrine.• Why did we fear this?• U.S. provides aid to Greece and Turkey to combat communist influence.• America adopts the policy of "Containment" in dealing with communist expansion.• This is the beginning of the "Cold War", a political, social, economic conflict that will dominate foreign affairs and policies for over 40 years.• Marshall Plan was designed to rebuild war torn Europe and win support of nations still free. It was not occupation.• Stalin block access to West Berlin thus testing the West's commitment to contain communism.• Berlin Airlift saw round the clock flights of supplies to W. Berlin for nearly a year. This proved to Stalin that we were totally committed and he withdrew.• N.A.T.O and the Warsaw Pact form alliances that will solidify the division and play key roles in future conflicts.


Section 2

Focus Question: How did President Truman use the power of the presidency to limit the spread of communism in East Asia?


China Falls to Communism:With support from Soviet Union Mao Zedong takes control of China.U.S. supported Chaing Kai­shek but would not fully support his corrupt gov.The People's Republic of China gives communist control of 1/3 the world's population.When communist North Korea invades South Korea containment policy goes in affect.


The U.N. passes a resolution to aid South Korea,only because the Soviet Union was not there. President Truman uses it to send troops without congressional approval. General MacArthur plans a bold invasion at Inchon, which was not a geographically good site for an amphibious assault.


U.S. Invades and launches a 2 prong attack and drove the North Koreans out of the South and across the 38th parallel.MacArthur wants to push them further North, though China warned possible further involvement.Truman is convinced to invade the North. U.N. (American) forces push the N. Koreans near the Chinese border. The Army X Corps and 1st Marine Division split around the Chosin Reservoir while 20+ Chinese divisions mass along the Yalu River. General Almond ignores the intel and has forces push on. The Chinese attack in mass and drive the American forces out of the North. Undeclared ground war between China and U.S.

The Age of jet combat is born with American F­86A Sabers going up against Soviet MiG­15 Fagots. The airspace became known as "MiG Alley". Undeclared air­war Between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.


Truman opts for "limited" war and MacArthur publicly disagrees to Congress. Truman fires MacArthur and seeks peace negotiations.

In­class assignment: In pairs discuss and write about the following­

What are the pros and cons of "limited war"?


U.N. and North Koreans reach a cease­fire agreement on July 27, 1953. The cease­fire is still in effect today. 35,000 U.S. troops still man the fence at the 38th parallel.

S.E.A.T.O. is formed as a defensive organization.

This marks the 1st time a U.S. president commits a large force without Congressional approval and under the command of a multi­national force... the U.N.



Section 3; The Cold War Expands

Focus question­ What methods did the United States use in its global struggle against the Soviet Union?


September 1949 the Soviet Union detonates its first atomic weapon, thus begins the "Arms Race"Truman reacts by instructing the Atomic Energy Commission to develop the hydrogen bomb.

H­bomb Arms Race Mutually assured destruction

Massive retaliation

Brinkmanship Eisenhower Doctrine CIA & KGB Sputnik

Key terms:::::::


President Eisenhower and Nikita Krushchev move towards a "cooling" of the Cold War

Eisenhower supports nuclear arms spending and proliferation. Dulles' views lead Eisenhower to a policy massive retaliation which will lead to "nuclear deterrence" that will dominate dealings around the world. This will limit U.S. reactions to crisis in the near future. Nuclear proliferation.

Krushchev & Ike meet in Geneva and try to establish a "peaceful co­existence. Rebellions in Central Europe will force Krushchev to take extreme and violent action. "Blood in the water"


Egypt's Nasser puts the United States in direct conflict with Soviet Union, China, and our allies over desire to build the Aswan Dam. When Britain, France and Israel attacked Egypt and took back control of the Suez Canal, Eisenhower cut of oil supplies to our allies to end the conflict.To ease tensions, Eisenhower promised military action to support any Middle Eastern nation against communist aggression. The Eisenhower Doctrine.


The Soviet launch of Sputnik I and Sputnik II send the Cold War into space.Americans fear a Soviet space based launch platform. Why?We pass National Defense Education Act and Congress forms NASA in reaction.The "Space Race" joins the "Arms Race"


Section 4: The Cold War at HomeFocus Question­ How did the fear of domestic communism affect American society during the Cold War?

Was this the 1st. " Red Scare"?


HUAC Hollywood Ten Blacklisted McCarthyism

Key Terms

Spy vs Spy... Spy cases lead to McCarthyism

HUAC goes after suspected communist and many lose jobs, reputations, and futures.Hollywood Ten plead the 5th and Supreme Court rules in their favor in Watkins v United States. Oppenheimer accused and denied access to classified information.Alger Hiss... Nixon gets a conviction despite his prior service to America.Klaus Fuchs implicates Ethel and Julius Rosenberg who are convicted of passing secrets and executed.They claimed anti­Semitism but were guilty, though a small role for such a punishment.


Senator Joseph McCarthy goes after domestic communist.

McCarthy accuses the State Department of being full of communist. He accuses Marshall and fear of McCarthy grows.When he claimed the military was riddled with communist hearings were conducted and televised.Americans were shocked by McCarthy's tactics and he lost power and support by his own deeds and the end of the Korean War.