The Cold War Begins 1945-1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet...

The Cold War Begins 1945- 1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet Security Concerns American Economic Concerns The Yalta Conference Poland Declaration of Liberated Europe Dividing Germany Tensions Begin to Rise Truman Takes Control The Potsdam Conference The Iron Curtain Descends satellite nations

Transcript of The Cold War Begins 1945-1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet...

Page 1: The Cold War Begins 1945-1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet Security Concerns American Economic Concerns The Yalta Conference.

The Cold War Begins 1945-1960Section 1: Origins of the Cold War

A Clash of Interests

Soviet Security Concerns

American Economic Concerns

The Yalta Conference


Declaration of Liberated Europe

Dividing Germany

Tensions Begin to Rise

Truman Takes Control

The Potsdam Conference

The Iron Curtain Descends

satellite nations

Page 2: The Cold War Begins 1945-1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet Security Concerns American Economic Concerns The Yalta Conference.

Section 2: The Early Cold War Years

Containing Communism

The Long Telegram

George Kennan


Crisis in Iran

The Truman Doctrine

Dean Acheson

The Marshall Plan

The Berlin Crisis

West Germany is Founded

The Berlin Airlift

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Warsaw Pact – Soviet leaders organized a military alliance in Eastern Europe

Page 3: The Cold War Begins 1945-1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet Security Concerns American Economic Concerns The Yalta Conference.

The Cold War Spreads to East Asia

Civil War and Revolution in China

Mao Zedong

After the Fall

The Korean War

The UN Intervenes

China Enters the War

Truman Fires MacArthur

limited war

Changes in Policy

Section 3: The Cold War and American Society

A New Red Scare


The Loyalty Review Program

HUAC – House Un-American Activities Committee

J. Edgar Hoover

Page 4: The Cold War Begins 1945-1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet Security Concerns American Economic Concerns The Yalta Conference.

Alger Hiss

Whittaker Chambers


The Rosenbergs

Ethel and Julius

Project Venona

The Red Scare Spreads

“A Conspiracy So Immense”

Joseph R. McCarthy

McCarthy’s Charges

The McCarran Internal Security Act

McCarthy’s Tactics


McCarthy’s Downfall

Army-McCarthy hearings


Page 5: The Cold War Begins 1945-1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet Security Concerns American Economic Concerns The Yalta Conference.

Life During the Early Cold War

Facing the Bomb


fallout shelters

Popular Culture in the Cold War

Section 4: Eisenhower’s Policies

Eisenhower’s “New Look”

“More Bang for the Buck”

Massive Retaliation

The Sputnik Crisis

Intercontinental ballistic missiles

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Defense Education Act

Brinkmanship In Action

John Foster Dulles

Page 6: The Cold War Begins 1945-1960 Section 1: Origins of the Cold War A Clash of Interests Soviet Security Concerns American Economic Concerns The Yalta Conference.

The Korean War Ends

The Taiwan Crisis

The Suez Crisis

Fighting Communism Covertly

Central Intelligence Agency

Containment in Developing Nations

Iran and Guatemala

Uprising in Hungary

Nikita Khrushchev

Continuing Tensions


Francis Gary Powers