THE CITY of New York: I n...

THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. NEW YORK, JUNE 24, 1873. NI I M^ER LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. STATED SESSION. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. M AY I, 1873. Message from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 1, 1873. J To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York : I herewith transmit to you a communication from the Taxpayers' and Citizens' Protective Union of the Twelfth Ward, indicating a desire that " the street on the westerly side of Mount Morris park be named Morris avenue;" and requesting me to submit the subject of so naming that street to your consideration. * W. F. HAVEMEYER, Which was referred to the Committee on Public Works. RESOLUTIONS. A resolution designating the number and compensation of the clerks and other employees of the Board was adopted by the following votes Affirmative — The President. Aldermen Billings, Cooper, Falconer, Flanagan, Kehr, Koch, Lysaeht, McCafferty, Monhoimcr, Morn», Reilly, and Van Schaick—13. , , Negative—Alderman Ottendorfer—i. JOS. C. PINCKNEY, Clerk. Laid on the table, and ordered printed in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 8, 1873, each of the above nominations, respect- ively, were confirmed. MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 5, 1873. j To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York: In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- titled " An act to reorganize the Local Govern- ment of the City of New York," passed April 3o, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of, the Board of Aldermen, appoint Henry Clausen an Alderman of the City of New York, to fill the vacancy in said Board occa- sioned by the decease of Peter Gilsey, and to serve until the first day of January next, at noon. W. F. HAVEMEYER. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes. _ Subsequently, and at the meeting of May », 1873, the above nomination was confirmed. MAYOR'S OFFICE, 1 873. j NEW YORK, May 5, 1873 To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York: In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- titled " An act to reorganize the local govern- ment of the City of New York," passfed the 30th day of April, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint Charles F. Chandler a Commissioner of Health and President of the Board of Health for the term of four years, to wit, until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1877; and Stephen Smith, M. D., a Commissioner of Health for the term of two years, to wit, until the first day of May, which will be in the year »875. . . . Inasmuch as there are but two Commissioners of Health to appoint, I have designated for the two shorter terms.- _ __ W. F. HAVEMEYER. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 8, 1873, the above nominations, respectively were confirmed. , JOS. C. PINCKNEY, Clerk Patrick Dailey, (Captain) Alexander S. To- planyi, Joseph Phillips, John T. Stewart, and Joseph C. Joseph, City Marshals of the City of New York, to hold said office for the term of three years, to wit, until the first day of May which will be in the year 1876, as provided by Chapter 804 of the Laws of 1871. p w. F. HAVEMEYER. Which was received and ordered to be printed in fall in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 15, 1873, the above nominations, respectively were confirmed. _ . MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 9, 1873. j To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- titled " An act to reorganize the local govern- ment of the City of New York," passed the 30th day of April, 1073, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Alder- men, appoint William Laimbeer a Commissioner of the Department of Charities and Corrections, to serve until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1879 ; James Bowen a Commis- sioner of the Department of Charities and Cor- rections, to serve until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1877 ; and Myer Stern a Commissioner of the Department of Charities and Corrections, to serve until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1875. 7 W. F. HAVEMEYER. Which was received, and ordered to be printed in fall in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May IS, 1873, the above nominations were respectively co»Wd. jos. C. PINCKNEY, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. MAY 2, 1873. Message from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 2, 1873. j To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York: I avail myself of the opportunity offered me by your meeting of to-day to announce to you the death of Hoii. James Brooks, tor many years representative in the Congress of the United States of the Sixth Congressional Dis- trict of this City. Mr. Brooks has for a long period been con- nected with one of the prominent daily journals of this city, and in addition to his public ser- vices as representative in Congress, has, in his professional relations, been so intimately ac- quainted with and so deeply interested in the great questions which have agitated the public mind for the past few years, as to invest his career with an interest which in my judgment calls for some respectful recognition from your Honorable Body. 1 therefore ¿¿mmunicate to you the event ot his death for such commemorative notice as it deserves at your hands, and which I have no doubt it will receive. . ri „„_ W. F. HAVEMEYER. In connection with the above, appropriate resolutions of sympathy, regret and condolence were adopted. ^ & ^ ^ ^ Qerk . MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, May 16, 1873 To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York : In pursuance of section 11 of chapter 382, Laws of 1870, providing for the final completion of the New County Court House of City <Jf New York, and of " A n Act entitled an Act to reorganize the local government of the City of New York," passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the Board of Aldermen, appoint Wyllis Blackstone, Thomas B. Tappen, John P. Cummings, and Smith E. Shaw, Commissioners to provide for the final completion of the New County Court House of the City of New York. STATED SESSION. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. MAY S, 1873. Message from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 5, 1873.) To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York: In pursuance of the provisions of an act, en- titled " A n act to reorganize the local govern- ment of the City of New York," passed the 30th Hav of April. l»73, I hereby nominate to, and, feet to the c o S n t ofthe L a r d of Aldermen appoint John Wheeler a Commissioner and (resident of the Department of Taxes and Assessments, to hold said office for the Tenn of six years/to Vit, until the first dav of May, which Will be in the year 1879. Also, George H. Andrews, a Commissioner of said depart- ment of Taxes and Assessments, to hold said office for the term of four years, to wit, until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1877; and Severn D. Moulton, a Commissioner of said Department of Taxes and Assessments, to hold saicToffice for the term of two years, to wit, until the first day of May, which will be in the year ,875 ' W. F. HAVEMEYER. STATED SESSION. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. MAY 8, 1873. Messages from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 8, 1873. J To the Honorable, the Common Council of the City of New York: I herewith transmit a letter received from Colonel Emmons Clark, commanding the Seventh Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y., inviting the Mayor and Common Council to review that regiment at the City Hall, on Thursday, the 22d instant at 4 o'clock, P. M. __ * W. F. HAVEMEYER. Accompanying invitation, accepted. MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 8, 1873. j To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York : It becomes my painful duty to announce to you the death, in this city, yesterday morning, of Hon. Salmon P. Chase, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. I his melancholy event is one of great public im- portance, and though sudden, yet it could not not have been altogether unexpected. Cniet Justice Chase stood, for a long series of years, among the foremost of the public men of this country. His services in the Coun- cils of the nation, his pre-eminent ability, dis- played in the successful administration of the finances of the country as a member of President Lincoln's Cabinet during the war of the Rebel- lion, and his high character as the head of ths highest Judicial tribunal of the land, have ren- dered his memory dear to the whole people. Like many of his colleagues in the Cabinet of our late President, he has now yielded his life to disease brought on by unremitted and herculean labofs in the cause of his country. He died among us, and it is fitting that distinguished re- cognition of the valued and widely appreciated services of this eminent statesman should be ex- tended by the municipal authorities to his me- m0ry ' W. F. HAVEMEYER. Appropriate resolutions were adopted. JOS. C. PINCKNEY, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. MAY 15, 1873. Messages from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 15, 1873. j To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- titled " A n Act to reorganize the local govern- ment of the City of New York," passed the 30th day of April, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the consent of the Board of Aldeimen, appoint as Fire Commissioners of the City of New York, Joseph L. Perley, to serve for the term of six years, ending May I, 1879 ; Roswell D. Hatch, to serve for the term of four years, ending May I, 1877 ; and Cornelius Van Cott, to serve for the term of two years, ending May *' 1 75 ' W. F. HAVEMEYER. Laid on the table, and printed in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of Mav, 1873, the above nominations were respectively confirmed. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 15, 1873. J To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- titled " An Act to reorganize the local govern- ment of the City of New York," passed April 30 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint Walter W. Adams a Commissioner of Buildings for the City of New York, to hold said office for the term of six years, ending the first day of May, which will be in the year 1879. 1 W. F. HAVEMEYER. Which was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes. • Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 16, 1873, the above nomination was confirmed. MAYOR'S OFFICE, j. NEW YORK, May 15, 1873. | To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York: . . ¿ W ' j * * ' * •'•«* » u AM*A/i JTnW. F. HAVEMEYER. Laid on the table and ordered printed in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 19, 1873, the question of the legality of appointing Commissioners for the completion of the New County Court House, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of New York, was referred to the Counsel of the Corporation for his opinion. _ MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 16, 1873. j To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- titled " A n Act to reorganize the local govern- ment of the City of New York, passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint as City Marshals of the City of New York, to hold said office for the term of three years ending the first day of May, which will be in the year 1876, as provided by chapter 804 of the Laws of 1871, the following persons: Adolph Bimbaum, Albert Weber, Christian Sutter, Levi Lippmann, John J. Murphy, Thomas McGrath, William A. Hendricks, Henry Ross, Siegmund Leverson, and Joseph Wallace. J V W. F. HAVEMEYER. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 10, 1873, the above nominations were respectively confirmed, with the exception of Thomas McGrath, which was withdrawn. MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 16, 1873. j To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- titled " An Act to reorganize the local govern- ment of the City of New York, passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint Jacob A. Westervelt a Commissioner of Docks for the City of New York, to serve for the term of six years, ending May I, 1879; William Gardiner, a like Commissioner, to serve for the term of four years, ending May I, 1877; and William Budd, a like Commissioner, to serve for the term of two years, ending May I, 1875. W. F. HAVEMEYER. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes. 'Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 19, 1873, the above nominations were, respectively, confirmed. , JOS. C. PINCKNEY, Clerk. STATED SESSION. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. MAY 9, 1873. Messages from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 9, 1873. j To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City *f New York: In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- titled " A n act to reorganize the local govern- ment of the City of New York," pmeJApnl i hereby nominate to, and, subject to & c o ^ n t o f , S e Board of Aldermen appoint (General) Joseph Dickinson, Marvin K. cum, In pursuance of an ait'«it*l«d reorganize the local g^£«i|ie n U.f , 'tfie'C.^of New York, passed April 3?>.l 8 7J. nominate to/and subjfccti U ^ f ^ J ^ Board of Aldermen, M M AJOf Z City of New York,«' holismd rife¡fcf tte- term 0/three years, endive »fet*^,.«- provided by chapter 804,;La*s. of »«Jt, Following persons: Danie* A*. Mttphy, Abram Springsteen/ Frank Webb l^opold Garde Charles F. Mather, John Duggan, Tr John McDonough, Dennis Galvm, lohn H HiUier, George Boucsien, Aaron M. Ehrlich, Henry U Carey, and Stephen ^ H £' h a V E M E Y E R . Which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed in the minutes. STATED SESSION. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. MAY 19, 1873. Messages from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. ) To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York : I hereby respectfully beg leave to withdraw W n a m e of Thomas McGrath, nominated in iny Message of the 16th instant to your honora- S e Body/as a City Marshal of the City of New •YdA- in recalling this nomination I would SUfte tîrât I did so, not on account of any objec- tions raised against the character or fitness of that-gentleman for the position designated, but •fdrâhe reason that the nomination was, in the firât instance made under misapprehension. W. F. HAVEMEYER. The request of his Honor the Mayor, was granted. MAXOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 19, 1873 To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of t h City of New York: In pursuance of the provision of chapter 202 the Laws of 1870, «tided "An Ac.¿0 pro- i pnntea in «* iiuuuw-. of uie i^»«» w. t u ; ^ * In Subsequently, and at the meeting of May, 16, ^ f o r a Police Court House in the ThirdJu^ ¿ ¡ 2 abo£ nominations, respectively, were confirmed. ^ piNCKN EY, Clerk. 1 * STATED SESSION. BOARD OF . ALDERMEN. MAY 16, 1873. Messages from His Honor the MAYOR. Government of the city of New York," pa**d Aprii 30, 1873,1 hereby nominate to. and, rub- 2 t to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint Henry H. Porter a Co^ission^ " to locate and e r é t in the Third Judicial Distnct of the City of New York, a «nitable building to he used as a court house and place for the de- /

Transcript of THE CITY of New York: I n...

Page 1: THE CITY of New York: I n pursuanc of th e provisionf a acs ent - titled " An act t o reorganize th locae governl


VOL. NEW YORK, JUNE 24, 1873.

N I I M ^ E R



B O A R D O F A L D E R M E N . M A Y I , 1873.

Message from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, I

NEW YORK, May 1, 1873. J To the Honorable the Common Council of the

City of New York : I herewith transmit to you a communication

from the Taxpayers' and Citizens' Protective Union of the Twelfth Ward, indicating a desire that " the street on the westerly side of Mount Morris park be named Morris avenue;" and requesting me to submit the subject of so naming that street to your consideration.

* W . F. H A V E M E Y E R , Which was referred to the Committee on

Public Works. RESOLUTIONS.

A resolution designating the number and compensation of the clerks and other employees of the Board was adopted by the following votes

Affirmative — T h e President. Aldermen Billings, Cooper, Falconer, Flanagan, Kehr, Koch, Lysaeht, M c C a f f e r t y , Monhoimcr, Morn», Reilly, and Van Schaick—13. „ , , N e g a t i v e — A l d e r m a n Ottendorfer—i.

JOS. C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.

Laid on the table, and ordered printed in the minutes.

Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 8, 1873, each of the above nominations, respect-ively, were confirmed.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 5, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York:

In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-titled " An act to reorganize the Local Govern-ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passed April 3o, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of, the Board of Aldermen, appoint Henry Clausen an Alderman of the City of New York, to fill the vacancy in said Board occa-sioned by the decease of Peter Gilsey, and to serve until the first day of January next, at noon.

W. F . H A V E M E Y E R .

Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes. _

Subsequently, and at the meeting of May », 1873, the above nomination was confirmed.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, 1 873. j NEW YORK, May 5, 1873

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York:

In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-titled " An act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passfed the 30th day of April, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint Charles F. Chandler a Commissioner of Health and President of the Board of Health for the term of four years, to wit, until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1877; and Stephen Smith, M. D. , a Commissioner of Health for the term of two years, to wit, until the first day of May, which will be in the year

»875. . . . Inasmuch as there are but two Commissioners

of Health to appoint, I have designated for the two shorter terms.- _ _ _

W. F . H A V E M E Y E R . Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed

in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 8,

1873, the above nominations, respectively were confirmed. ,

JOS. C. P I N C K N E Y , Clerk

Patrick Dailey, (Captain) Alexander S. To-planyi, Joseph Phillips, John T . Stewart, and Joseph C. Joseph, City Marshals of the City of New York, to hold said office for the term of three years, to wit, until the first day of May which will be in the year 1876, as provided by Chapter 804 of the Laws of 1871.

p w . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Which was received and ordered to be printed in fall in the minutes.

Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 15, 1873, the above nominations, respectively were confirmed. „ _ .

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 9, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-titled " An act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passed the 30th day of April, 1073, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Alder-men, appoint William Laimbeer a Commissioner of the Department of Charities and Corrections, to serve until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1879 ; James Bowen a Commis-sioner of the Department of Charities and Cor-rections, to serve until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1877 ; and Myer Stern a Commissioner of the Department of Charities and Corrections, to serve until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1875.

7 W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Which was received, and ordered to be printed in fall in the minutes.

Subsequently, and at the meeting of May IS, 1873, the above nominations were respectively

c o » W d . j o s . C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.


B O A R D O F A L D E R M E N . M A Y 2, 1873.

Message from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, |

NEW YORK, May 2, 1873. j To the Honorable the Common Council of the

City of New York: I avail myself of the opportunity offered me

by your meeting of to-day to announce to you the death of Hoii. James Brooks, tor many years representative in the Congress of the United States of the Sixth Congressional Dis-trict of this City.

Mr. Brooks has for a long period been con-nected with one of the prominent daily journals of this city, and in addition to his public ser-vices as representative in Congress, has, in his professional relations, been so intimately ac-quainted with and so deeply interested in the great questions which have agitated the public mind for the past few years, as to invest his career with an interest which in my judgment calls for some respectful recognition from your Honorable Body.

1 therefore ¿¿mmunicate to you the event ot his death for such commemorative notice as it deserves at your hands, and which I have no doubt it will receive. . r i „ „ _

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

In connection with the above, appropriate resolutions of sympathy, regret and condolence were adopted. ^ & ^ ^ ^ Q e r k .


To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

In pursuance of section 11 of chapter 382, Laws of 1870, providing for the final completion of the New County Court House of City <Jf New York, and of " A n Act entitled a n Act to reorganize the local government of the City of New Y o r k , " passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the Board of Aldermen, appoint Wyllis Blackstone, Thomas B. Tappen, John P. Cummings, and Smith E . Shaw, Commissioners to provide for the final completion of the New County Court House of the City of New York.


B O A R D O F A L D E R M E N . M A Y S, 1873.

Message from His Honor the MAYOR.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 5, 1873.)

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York:

In pursuance of the provisions of an act, en-titled " A n act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passed the 30th Hav of April. l»73, I hereby nominate to, and, feet to the c o S n t o f the L a r d of Aldermen appoint John Wheeler a Commissioner and (resident of the Department of Taxes and Assessments, to hold said office for the Tenn of six years/to Vit , until the first dav of May, which Will b e in the year 1879. Also, George H . Andrews, a Commissioner of said depart-ment of Taxes and Assessments, to hold said office for the term of four years, to wit, until the first day of May, which will be in the year 1877; and Severn D. Moulton, a Commissioner of said Department of Taxes and Assessments, to hold saicToffice for the term of two years, to wit, until the first day of May, which will be in the year

, 8 7 5 ' W . F . H A V E M E Y E R .


MAY 8, 1873. Messages from His Honor the MAYOR.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 8, 1873. J

To the Honorable, the Common Council of the City of New York:

I herewith transmit a letter received from Colonel Emmons Clark, commanding the Seventh Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y . , inviting the Mayor and Common Council to review that regiment at the City Hall, on Thursday, the 22d instant at 4 o'clock, P. M. _ _

* W . F . H A V E M E Y E R . Accompanying invitation, accepted.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 8, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York :

It becomes my painful duty to announce to you the death, in this city, yesterday morning, of Hon. Salmon P. Chase, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. I his melancholy event is one of great public im-portance, and though sudden, yet it could not not have been altogether unexpected. Cniet Justice Chase stood, for a long series of years, among the foremost of the public men of this country. His services in the Coun-cils of the nation, his pre-eminent ability, dis-played in the successful administration of the finances of the country as a member of President Lincoln's Cabinet during the war of the Rebel-lion, and his high character as the head of ths highest Judicial tribunal of the land, have ren-dered his memory dear to the whole people. Like many of his colleagues in the Cabinet of our late President, he has now yielded his life to disease brought on by unremitted and herculean labofs in the cause of his country. He died among us, and it is fitting that distinguished re-cognition of the valued and widely appreciated services of this eminent statesman should be ex-tended by the municipal authorities to his me-

m 0 r y ' W . F . H A V E M E Y E R .

Appropriate resolutions were adopted. JOS. C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.


B O A R D O F A L D E R M E N . M A Y 15, 1873.

Messages from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, )

NEW YORK, May 15, 1873. j To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the

City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-

titled " A n Act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passed the 30th day of April, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the consent of the Board of Aldeimen, appoint as Fire Commissioners of the City of New York, Joseph L . Perley, to serve for the term of six years, ending May I, 1879 ; Roswell D. Hatch, to serve for the term of four years, ending May I, 1877 ; and Cornelius Van Cott, to serve for the term of two years, ending May

*' 1 7 5 ' W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Laid on the table, and printed in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of Mav,

1873, the above nominations were respectively confirmed.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 15, 1873. J

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-titled " An Act to reorganize the local govern-

ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passed April 30 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint Walter W . Adams a Commissioner of Buildings for the City of New York, to hold said office for the term of six years, ending the first day of May, which will be in the year 1879. 1 W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Which was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes. •

Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 16, 1873, the above nomination was confirmed.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, j. NEW YORK, May 15, 1873. |

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York: . . ¿ W ' j

* * ' * •'•«* » u AM*A/i JTn•

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Laid on the table and ordered printed in the

minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 19,

1873, the question of the legality of appointing Commissioners for the completion of the New County Court House, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of New York, was referred to the Counsel of the Corporation for his opinion. _

MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 16, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-

titled " A n Act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New York, passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint as City Marshals of the City of New York, to hold said office for the term of three years ending the first day of May, which will be in the year 1876, as provided by chapter 804 of the Laws of 1871, the following persons: Adolph Bimbaum, Albert Weber, Christian Sutter, Levi Lippmann, John J. Murphy, Thomas McGrath, William A . Hendricks, Henry Ross, Siegmund Leverson, and Joseph Wallace.

J V W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes.

Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 10, 1873, the above nominations were respectively confirmed, with the exception of Thomas McGrath, which was withdrawn.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, I NEW YORK, May 16, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-titled " An Act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New York, passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint Jacob A. Westervelt a Commissioner of Docks for the City of New York, to serve for the term of six years, ending May I, 1879; William Gardiner, a like Commissioner, to serve for the term of four years, ending May I, 1877; and William Budd, a like Commissioner, to serve for the term of two years, ending May I, 1875.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes.

'Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 19, 1873, the above nominations were, respectively, confirmed. ,

JOS. C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.


MAY 9, 1873. Messages from His Honor the MAYOR.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 9, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City *f New York:

In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-titled " A n act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New Y o r k , " p m e J A p n l

i hereby nominate to, and, subject to & c o ^ n t o f , S e Board of Aldermen appoint (General) Joseph Dickinson, Marvin K. c u m ,

In pursuance of an ai t '«i t* l«d reorganize the local g ^ £ « i | i e n U . f , ' t f i e ' C . ^ o f New York, passed April 3?>.l87J. nominate to/and subjfccti U ^ f ^ J ^ Board of Aldermen, M M A J O f Z City of New Y o r k , « ' h o l i s m d rife¡fcf tte-term 0/three years, endive » f e t * ^ , . « -provided by chapter 804, ;La*s . of » « J t , Following persons: Danie* A*. Mttphy, Abram Springsteen/ Frank W e b b l^opold Garde Charles F. Mather, John Duggan, Tr John McDonough, Dennis Galvm, lohn H HiUier, George Boucsien, Aaron M. Ehrlich, Henry U Carey, and Stephen ^ H £ ' h a V E M E Y E R .

Which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed in the minutes.


B O A R D O F A L D E R M E N . MAY 19, 1873.

Messages from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, I

NEW Y O R K , M a y 19, 1873. ) To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the

City of New York : I hereby respectfully beg leave to withdraw

W n a m e of Thomas McGrath, nominated in iny Message of the 16th instant to your honora-S e Body/as a City Marshal of the City of New

• Y d A - i n recalling this nomination I would SUfte tîrât I did so, not on account of any objec-t i o n s raised against the character or fitness of that-gentleman for the position designated, but •fdrâhe reason that the nomination was, in the firât instance made under misapprehension.

W . F . H A V E M E Y E R . The request of his Honor the Mayor, was

granted. MAXOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 19, 1873

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of t h City of New York:

In pursuance of the provision of chapter 202 the Laws of 1870, « t i d e d " A n A c . ¿ 0 pro-i pnntea in « * i i u u u w - . of u i e i ^ » « » w. t u ; ^ * I n

Subsequently, and at the meeting of May, 16, ^ f o r a Police Court House in the ThirdJu^ ¿ ¡ 2 a b o £ nominations, respectively, were

confirmed. ^ p i N C K N E Y , Clerk. 1 *


MAY 16, 1873.

Messages from His Honor the MAYOR.

G o v e r n m e n t of the c i t y of New Y o r k , " p a * * d Aprii 30, 1873,1 hereby nominate to. and, rub-2 t to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, a p p o i n t Henry H . P o r t e r a C o ^ i s s i o n ^ " t o

locate and e r é t in the Third Judicial Distnct of the City of New York, a «nitable building to he used as a court house and place for the de-


Page 2: THE CITY of New York: I n pursuanc of th e provisionf a acs ent - titled " An act t o reorganize th locae governl

T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . JUNE 24.

tention of prisoners brought to the police court in said district."

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Laid on the table, and ordered printed in the

minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 20,

1873, the co(if:delation of the above nomination was postponed.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

f In pursuance of the provisions of chapter 804, of the Laws of 1871, and of an act entitled " An Act to reorganize the local government of the City of New Y o r k , " passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint as City Marshals of the City of New Y o r k , to serve for the term of three years, ending May 1, 1876, the following persons: Frederick Reinemann, recommended to me by Mr. John Foley and others ; Patrick Feeny, recommended to me by Alderman Lysaght and Hon. Dennis Burns; Cornelius Farley, recommended to me by Al-derman McCafferty; John A. Weth, recom-mended to me by Alderman Reilly ; John Lar-kin, recommended to me by Alderman Koch, and James Boylan, recommended to me by Alderman Flanagan. »**•««« W. F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed in the minutes. ' Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 20, 1873, the above nominations were, respectively, confirmed, except Frederick Reinemann, who was confirmed at the meeting of the 22d of May.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

Pursuant to a resolution of your honorable Body, passed 16th inst., I herewith inclose the testimonials and recommendations of the follow-ing named persons, nominated to your honorable Body for City Marshals on that d a y : Adolph Birnbaum, Albert Weber Christian Sutter, Levy Lippmann, John J. Murphy, William A . Hen-dricks, Henry Ross, Siegmund Leverson, Jo-seph Wallace.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Received, and placed on file.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

In pursuance of the provision of an act en-titled " A n Act to reorganize the local govern-

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-titled 44 An Act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New Y o r l ^ ' passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint George W. Lane Chamberlain of the City of New York.

W. F. H A V E M E Y E R . Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed

in the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 30,

1873, the above nomination was confirmed. MAYOR'S OFFICE, |

NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. j To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the

City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-

titled " A n Act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint as Commissioners of the Department of Parks of the City of New York, Philip Bissinger, to hold said ofhce for the term of four years, ending May 1, 1877 ; David B. Williamson, to hold said office for the term of three years, ending May 1, 1876; Salem H. Wales, to hold said office for the term of two years, ending May 1, 1875 ; Frederick E. Church, to hold said office for the term of one year, ending May 1, 1874.

W. F. H A V E M E Y E R . Laid on the table and ordered to be printed in

the minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 20,

1873, consideration of the above was postponed for one week. Subsequently, and at the meet-ing of the 22d of May, the nominations of Philip Bissinger and Salem H. Wales were confirmed and the consideration of the other two nomina-tions was again postponed.

JOS. C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.

of the Bar Association to your favorable consid-eration.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Which was referred to Special Committee ap-

pointed for the purpose • of codifying the laws, consisting of the Clerk and the Committee on Law of this Board.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 29, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York :

Inclosed herein I send to your honorable Body weekly reports of the Chamberlain for the week ending May 10, 1873, and for the week ending May 17, 1873, addressed to me by the Chamberlain, in conformity with chapter 335 of


MAY 22, 1873. Messages from His Honor the MAYOR.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 22, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York:

In pursuance of the provisions of an act, chap-ter 804, Laws of 1871, and of an act entitled " An act to reorganize the local government of the City of New York, "'passed April 30th, 1873.

the laws of 1873, section 35. W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Which was referred to the Committee on Finance.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 29, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York :

I herewith transmit the Third Annual Report of the Department of Docks, being for the year ending April 30, 1873, together with the printed manual of the Department published June, 1872, and referred to in the said report, as also the communication of the Secretary of the De-partment accompanying the same.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Which was received, and, in connection with

the second annual report, presented July 15, 1872, 1,000 copies ordered to be printed in docu-ment form.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, } NEW YORK, May 29, 1873. J

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York :

The enclosed commuuication from Hon. A. H. Green, Comptroller, in relation to the Court of Sixth Judicial District, is transmitted to your honorable Body for such action as the emergency specified may seem to require.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Referred to Committee on Law Department,

together with communication from the Comp-troller.

JOS. C. P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.

ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passed April! 1 h e r e b y nominate to, and subject to the con-30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to 56111 o f t h e B o a r c l o f Aldermen appoint Thomas the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint M c G r a t h ' residing at No. 31 Madison Street, a as Police Commissioners of the City of New M a r s h a l o f t h e City of New York, to hold said York, Oliver Charlick, to hold said office for °®c,e { ? r t h e t e r m o f t h r e e y e a r s ending May 1, the term of five years, ending May 1, 1878 ; i876> m P l a c e of Christian Sutter, heretofore Hugh Gardiner, to hold said office for the term nominated to your honorable Body and not con-of three years, ending May 1, 1876; (General) ^ r m e c* Abram Duryee, to hold said office for the term of two years, ending May 1, 1875 ; John J. Russell, to hold said office for the term of one I year, ending May 1, 1874.

VV. F. H A V E M E Y E R . Laid on the table, and ordered printed in the :

minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 20,

1873, the above nominations were respectfully I .confirmed.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Which was confirmed.

JOS. C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk,


M A Y 29, 1873. Messages from His Honoç, the MAYOR.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 29, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

I hereby respectfully beg leave to withdraw

In pursuance of the provisions of an act en- f Ï ! ° a m C ° f F r e d e n c k t E - C ? ^ c h ' nominated to i t l e d " An Act to reorganize the local g o v e r a - 1 T ' " ? c . o m m u i » c ^ , o n t h « ' 9 t h

the City of New York ," passed8 April î t h e ^ r t m e n t ™ h c

^/ J a subject to ï & ^ f ^ T o ^ e X P r C m d * d U P ° -

titled ment of 30, 1873 . , the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint ¡fames Crawford, Nicholas McCormick, Theo-dore S. Kent, and Jacob J. Banta, Inspector of Weights and Measures in the City of New York.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Laid on the table, and ordered printed in the

minutes. Subsequently, and at the meeting of May 20,

1873, the above nominations were confirmed, in reverse order.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. |

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York: ••

In pursuance of the provisions of an act Jfcft-* titled * 2 = 1 r : ' ^

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . The request was granted.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 29, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York :

I herewith transmit a petition of occupants of stores in Warren street, between Church street and College place, requesting that the present " horrible condition" of the pavement in said street be remedied. In transmitting this petition for your consideration I would beg

t o C*H your attention to the fact that the Street 3r(t£i$stien hasbeeq once paved, and that Jn^i«- Jheipyowsioas»'oL &e£tion 115 of the pres-entv&rtfejvni&eeSeaiflieQttan be levied for the feAtVoaeat .thereof, (unless the same be pe-


JUNE 5, 1873 Messages from His Honor the MAYOR.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, May 31, 1873. J

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York :

I herewith transmit to your Honorable Body a report of Fire-Marshal Thomas McSpedon, submitted to me, and setting forth the transac-tions of the Bureau of the I* ire Marshal of the City of New York, April 4, 1873.

,W. F. H A V E M E Y E R . Received and ordered on file.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 31, 1873. J

To the Honorable the Common Couttcil of the City of New York:

I have received the enclosed communication from Mr. Walter F. Jones, offering for sale to the City of New York an original portrait, exe-cuted by Col. Trumbull, of the late Hon. De Witt Clinton, formerly Mayor of the City of New York and Governor of this State.

I transmit the same for your consideration. W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Referred to the Committee on Arts and Sciences.

Cpô^ett for. By V» jnq/*rih>i of, the owners of the }rbperty a k & g \ h e Jt&l i i f t 0f È

ment of 3°. I873 . . the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint property a k f c g V i e t l j a l l i * $f the proposed im-as Commissioners of Jurors, Joseph B. Varnui^. Improvement.. In the atiseftCe of such a petition

W. F. H A V E M E Y E R . • • ih lhiS '¿ai ; , ' t f ié : Ocpeipe of the proposed im-Also the following : * 1 pr^v/mçijAwlf 'tegome a charge upon the city

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | ¡at large. NEW YORK, May 19, 1873. j I * W . F. H A V E M E Y E R .

T9 the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the ! Which was referred to the Committee on Citjrsf New York : j Street Pavements.

Tbtf provisions of chapter 335 of the Laws of entitled " An Act to reorganize the local unent of the City of New Y o r k , " being

express in requiring the appointment of a Com-missioner of Juror*, I this day nominate to your body a person for that office. There is, how-ever, a legal and constitutional question involved in relation to this officer, and I therefore request amd recommend that the nomination be laid over until the opinion of the Counsel to the •Corporation shall have been obtained upon the subject.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Referred to the Corporation Counsel for bis


MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 29, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York :

I herewith transmit to your honorable Body the accompanying extract from the minutes of the Bar Association of this city, recommending that the ordinances of the City of New York should be revised and, as far as possible, codi-fied.

As the seventeenth section of the present charter provides that, " a s far as practicable, the ordinances of the Common Council shall be reduced to a code, and be published in the CITY RECORD." I recommend the resolutions

# MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 31, 1873. J

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York :

Enclosed herewith I send to your Honorable Body the weekly report of the City Chamber-lain, for the week ending Muy 24, 1873, submit-ted to me in compliance with the provisions of chapter 335, laws of 1873.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Ordered on file.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, May 31, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New York:

I take occasion respectfully to call your atten-tion to the expected arrival at this principal port of the nation of the steamship "Thur ing ia , " which sailed from Hamburg the 28th inst., having on board the remains of the late Minister of the United States to the Court of Russia, the Honorable James L. Orr, of South Carolina; and to suggest the exhibition, in the name and on behalf of the City, by its public authorities, of some appropriate mark of respect for the distin-guished character and station of the deceased.

The public career of Mr. Orr in his own State and in the Congress of the United States, where he became the Speaker of the House of Repre-sentatives, was one of great distinction. In his adhesion to the southern revolt against the gov-ernment he, naturally, was placed in eminent positions in the confederate government, but, upon the suppression of its authority by the tri-umph of the national arms, he promptly accepted the result as conclusive of the controversy, and has since labored with sincere and zealous devo-tion in the cause of pacification, for a complete restoration of the authority of the national gov-ernment over all its people.

The cordial and generous recognition by the President of the United States of the disposition and the ability which Mr. Orr brought to this great work of restoration, in conferring upon him the elevated public trusts of Minister to Russia,

was heartily supported by the country; and in the same spirit we may well desire to offer such public honors to his memory as will show that the population and government of this great city concur in approving and respecting the conduct and purposes of Governor Orr since the close of the civil war, in renewing and maintaining the authority of the national government and restor-ing peace and good will among all its citizens.

I submit to the wisdom of the Common Coun-cil the form and manner in which these public honors shall be rendered upon the sad occasion which calls them forth.

W . F. H A V E M E Y E R . Whereupon Alderman Kehr offered the fol-

lowing: fVhereas, His Honor the Mayor having offici-

ally communicated to this Common Council the expected arrival at this port of the steamship Tnuringia, having on board the remains of the late James L. Orr, who died in a foreign land while in the service of the people of the United States, being at the time of his death the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of this Republic at the Court of St. Petersburg, Russia; and

fVhereas, Fully concurring in the views ex-pressed by his Honor the Mayor, in his message to this Common Council, and desiring to give effect to his recommendations that civic munici-pal honors be accorded to the remains of the illustrious deceased upon their arrival in our harbor; be it therefore

Resolved,, That a Joint Special Committee of five members of each branch of tne Common Council, together with the President of each Board, be appointed to make arrangements for receiving formally, on behalf of the people of this city, the remains of the deceased minister upon the arrival of the steamer in the lower bay;

•that the Governor's Room in the City Hall and is hereby assigned for their reception; that an opportunity be afforded the people of viewing the body while in state in the City Hall ; that such other arrangements as may be deemed bet-ter calculated to do honor to the illustrious dead, by the people and government of this city, be made and carried into effect by the said special committee, during the time the remains are en-trusted to the keeping of the municipal authori-ties, and to that end the co-operation of civic societies, particularly the Order of Free and Accepted Masons, of which he was a distin-guished member, be invited.

On motion of Alderman Cooper, the resolution was adopted, and the President appointed as such special committee—

Aldermen Kehr, Cooper, Morris, Ottendorfer, and McCafferty.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, June 5, 1873. j

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

In pursuance of the provisions of an act, chap-ter 538, Laws of 1873, entitled " A n act to secure better administration in the police courts, in the City of New Y o r k , " passed May 17, 1873, I hereby nominate, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint

Alfred T . Ackert and Solomon T . Streeter,

Police Justices in and for the City of New York. W. F. H A V E M E Y E R .

Laid on the table and ordered to be printed in the minutes.

JOS. C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.


B O A R D O F A L D E R M E N . THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1873.

Message from His Honor the MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, )

NEW YORK, June 12, 1873. £ To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of thé

City of New York : In pursuance of the provisions of an act en-

titled " A n act to reorganize the local govern-ment of the City of New Y o r k , " passed April 30, 1873, I hereby nominate to, and, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint, Dr. Samuel Hall a Commissioner of the Depart-ment of Public Parks, to hold said office for the term of one year, ending May 1, 1874, in the place of Frederick E. Church, heretofore nom-inated, and by the consent of your Honorable Body withdrawn.

W. F. H A V E M E Y E R . Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed

in the minutes. JOS. C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.


THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1873. Message from His Honor the MAYOR.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, | NEW YORK, June 17, 1873. I

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York :

In pursuance of the provisions of an act chaptej 538, Laws of -1873, untitled f An act to securç better administration in the Police Courts of the City of New Y o r k , " passed May 17,1873,1 here-by nominate, and subject to tne consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint Edward Fitch^ Thomas D. Sherwood, William G . Ul^hofier. Elial F. Hall, James F. Kilbreth, Water S. Cowles, Marcus Ottenbourg, Benj. C. Wandellr

Police Justices in and for tne City of New Y « X -W. F. H A V E M E Y E R ,

Which was laid on the table and ordered' U be printed in the minutes.

JOS. C . P I N C K N E Y , Clerk.

Page 3: THE CITY of New York: I n pursuanc of th e provisionf a acs ent - titled " An act t o reorganize th locae governl

JUNE 24. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . S T A T E D S E S S I O N .


MONDAY, June 23, 1873, | 2 o'clock P. M. I

The Board met, pursuant to adjournment, in itheir chamber, No. 16 City Hall.

Present—William Wade, Esq., President, in the Chair ; and the following members : Assist-ant Aldermen Thomas Foley, Jeremiah Murphy, Charles M. Clancy, John C. Keating, Henry Wis-) ser, Michael Healy, Thomas L. Thornell, John Theiss, George F. Codington, Joseph P. Strack, William S. Kreps, Patrick Keenan, John J. . Kehoe, Edward Brucks, George Kelly, Stephen N. Simonson, Philip Cumisky, Henry A. Lin- ] -den, Isaac Sommers, and Benjamin Beyea.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.


By Assistant Alderman Clancy— Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be

directed to have the chairs, desks and the neces-sary conveniences put in the proper condition, and the necessary repairs made for the meetings of the Board of Assistant Aldermen.

Which was adopted. By the same— Resolved, That permission be and is hereby

f[ranted to Messrs. Mitchell & Kinzler, to erect a ight, open portico, fifteen feet in height, in front

of their premises No. 225 and 227 Fifth Avenue of the length of 2 3 ^ feet, to extend in width not over ten feet, provided they remove the railing said length which now extends fifteen feet in width; the work to be done under the direction and approval of the Commissioner of Public Works.

Which was referred to the Committee of Public Works.

By Assistant Alderman Keating— Resolved, That a Sewer, with the necessary

receiving Basins and Culverts be built in Madison Street from Scannel to Gouverneur Street under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Which was referred to the Committee on Sew-ers.

By Assistant Alderman Thornel!— Resolved, That permission be and the same is

hereby given to Joseph Onorato to erect a lamp-post in front of his premises No. 834 Broadway. The gas to be supplied through his own meter-work to be done at his own expense, and under supervision of Commissioner of Public Works, such permission to remain only during the pleas-ure of the Common Council.

Which was adopted by the following vote: Affirmative — Assistant Aldermen Murphy,

Keating, Wisser, Thornell, Coddington, Strack, Kreps, the President, Kehoe, Simonson, Linden, Beyea—12.

Negative—Assistant Aldermen Foley, Clancy, Healey, Theiss, Keenan, Brucks, Kelly, Cumis-ky, Somraers—9.

By the same— s Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby directed to prepare a printed list of all unfinished business since January I, 1873, stating whether or not the same has been laid over, or if referred, to what Committees, the same to be classified as originating in this Board, or in the Board of Aldermen.

Which was adopted. By Assistant Aldermen Brucks— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public

Works, be and he is hereby authorized and direc-ted to have the following named streets repaired forthwith. 39th street, from 9th avenue to north river, 32d street, from 9th to ioth avenues, and 30th street, from ioth avenue to the north river, as the streets above named are in a very bad condition as the water in the holes of said portion of the said streets has become stagnated and detrimental to the Public Health.

Which was adopted. By the same— Resolved, That George Boucsein be and he is

hereby re-appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York, his term having expired.

Which was adopted by the following vote: Affirmative—Assistant Aldermen Foley, Mur-

phy;Clancy, Keating, Wisser, Healy, Thorneli, Theiss, Coddington, Strack, Kreps, Keenan, the President, Kehoe, Brucks, Kelly, Simonson, Cumisky, Linden, Sommers, Beyea—21.

G. O. I. t . 1

By Assistant Alderman Simonson. ([Resolved, That the vacant Lots on north east corner of seventh avenue and fifty-third street, be fenced in, under the direction of the Com-missioners 01 Public Works, and that the accom-panying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Which was laid over.

G. O. 2.

By Assistant Alderman Linden— Resolved, That the vacant Lots on West side

of Ninth Avenue from Fifty-seventh to Fifty-eighth street be fenced in, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and that the accompanying ordinance therefore be adopted.

Which was laid over. (G. a . 3.)

By. the same— Resolved, That the free drinking hydrant now

situated oti the north west corner of the Boule-vard and west Sixty-seventh street, be and the same U hereby changed to the north east corner of the Boulevard and west Sixty-seventh street under die direction of the Commissioner of Pub-lic Works.

Which was laid over.

G. O. 4. By Assistant Alderman Sommers— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public

Works be, and he is hereby, authorized and di-rected to placefour gas lamps, and have the same lighted in front of. the Temple of the Congrega-tion " Anshe Chesed," situated at the corner of Sixty-third street and Lexington Avenue, the same to remain only during the pleasure of the Common Council.

Wlach was laid over.

G. O. 5. By the same— • Resolved, That Gas Lamps be placed in Sixty

sixth street between Madison and Fourth Ave-nues and the same lighted under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works.

« hich was laid over.

G. O. 6. By the same— Resolved, That gas mains be laid, lamp

posts erected, and street lamps lighted in Fifty-fifth street, from Fourth avenue to Fifth avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Pub-lic Works..

Which was laid over.

G. O. 7. By Assistant Alderman Beyea— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public

Works, be and he is hereby authorized and di-rected to have so much of Fourth Avenue from One Hundred and Sixteenth Street to One Hun-dred and Twenty-fourth Street as lies on each side of the improvement now in progress of sink-ing the track for railroad purposes, regulated and graded, and that the work be done otherwise than by public letting to the lowest bidder, if it shall be deemed for the best interest of the City

4>y the said Commissioner of Public Works, ana that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Which was laid over. By Assistant Alderman Clancy— Resolved, That the Board of Apportionment

be, and they are hereby requested to appropriate the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of celebrating the coming Fourth of July, 1873, and the same to be expended by the Com-mon Council, and be it further

Resolved, That, a Committee of Five from each Board of the Common Council be appointed to name places for the celebration, and make the necessary arrangements.

Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—Assistant Aldermen Foley, Mur-

phy, Clancy, Keating, Wisser, Healy, Theiss, Strack, Kreps, Keenan, the President, Kehoe, Brucks, Kelly, Cumisky, Linden, Sommers, Beyea—18.

Negative—Assistant Aldermen Thornell, Cod-dington, Simonson—3.

And the President appointed Assistant Alder-men Foley, Beyea, Keating, Strack and Som-mers as such committee on the part of this Board.

CAPERS FROM THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Being a resolution as follows: Resolved, That permission be, and the same

is hereby given to Mrs. Armstrong, to place and keep a canvas awning in front of her place of business, No. 650 Sixth avenue, the work to be done at her own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works; such per-mission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council.

Which was concurred in by the following vote—

Affirmative—Assistant Aldermen Foley, Mur-phy, Clancy, Keating, Wisser, Healy, Thornell, Thies, Coddington Strack, Kreps, ICeenan, the President, Kehoe, Brucks, Kelly, Cumisky Lin-den, Sommers, Beyea—20.

Negative—Simonson—1 Being a resolution as follows: Resolved, That permission be and the same

is hereby given to Owen O'Rourke to erect and keep a watering trough in front of his premises on the north-east corner of sixth avenue and thir-teenth street the work to be done at his own expense under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Coun-cil.

Referred to Committee on Public Works. Being a resolution as follows : Resolved, That permission be and the same is

hereby given to S. H. Evart to place three ornamental lamps inside the curbstone and on a line with the other street lamps, in front of prem-ises, Nos. 104 and ic6 Vesey street, to be sup-plied with gas from his own meter, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Com-mon Council.

Which was referred to the Committee on Lamps and Gas.

Being a resolution as follows— Resolved, That permission be and is hereby

given to Messrs. Hawk and Wetherbee, propri-etors of the Windsor Hotel, to place and light three gas lamps opposite the main entrance to the Hotel, on Fifth avenue, two lamps in front of the side entrance, on Forty -sixth street, and two lamps in front of the side entrance on Forty-seventh street, provided the gas be supplied at their own1 expense, and the work be done under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; the permission hereby given to continue only during tne pleasure of the Common Council.

Which was concurred in by the following vote: Affirmative—Assistant Aldermen Foley, Mur-

phy, Clancy, Keating, Wisser, Healy, Thornell, Thiess, Coddington, Strack, Kreps, Keenan, the President, Kehoe, Bracks, Kelly, Simonson, .Cumisky, Linden, Sommers, Beyea.—21.


Assistant Alderman Healy moved that the Board do cow adjourn.

Which was edified. And the President announced that the Board

stood adjourned until Monday next, the 30th inst, at 2 o'clock, P. M.



Pursuant to a written call of His Honor the Mayor, the Mayor, Commissioner of Public Works, and Counsel to the Corporation, met in the Mayor's Office, Thursday, May 8, 1873, at 4 o'clock P. M., under authority of the " A c t to reorganize the Local Government of the City of New York," passed April 30th, 1873, in relation to THE CITY RECORD therein mentioned, and also in relation to the other matters mentioned in Sections 110 and i n of said act. On motion of Mr. Van Nort, the Mayor was elected chairman to the Board, and D. S. Wendell appointed Sec-retary.

On motion of Mr. Smith, A. Disbecker was appointed Supervisor of THE CITY RECORD.

On motion of Mr. Smith, the Mayor was au-thorized to arrange and contract with the Pro-prietors of the Daily Register to publish the same as the official CITY RECORD until the fur-ther action of this Board, under the Supervision of the Supervisor.

On motion of Mr. Van Nort, said Proprietors, and Supervisor were directed to confer with the Corporation Counsel and take his direction, to the end, that said publication may conform to law.

On motion of Mr. Smith, the specifications required by the law in the matter of printing and stationery were referred to Commissioner Van Nort for suggestions in relation thereto.

On motion of Mr. Van Nort, it was ordered that Corporation Counsel Smith prepare an advertisement for contract, and publish the same.

The Herald, Times, Tribune, Sun and Staats Zeittmg, were designated as the daily papers having the largest circulation.

Adjourned. D. S. WENDELL, Secretary.


At a meeting of the Commissioners of Police pf the Police Department of the City of New York, at the Central Department 300 Mulberry street, New York City, on the 22d day of May, 1873, held for the purpose of organization, in pursuance of Chapter 335, of the laws of 1873, Present,

Messrs . HENRY SMITH, 1 OLIVER CHARLICK, I HUGH GARDNER, [ C o m m i s s i o n e r s . A B R A M D U R Y E A , JOHN R . RUSSELL, J

the following proceedings were had— Com'r Henry Smith was appointed temporary

chairman. On motion, a "Committee on Organization"

was appointed, consisting of Comrs Gardner and Russell.

The temporary chairman was added to the committee.

Adjourned. S. C. H A W L E Y ,

Chief Clerk.

The Commissioners met pursuant to adjourn-ment, on the 23d day of May, 1873, all present*

The " Committee on Organization " recom-mended the selection of Commissioner Henry Smith as President of the Board, and Commis-sioner Oliver Charlick as Treasurer.

They also recommended the appointment of three Committees, to consist of three each, to be known as •

The Committee on Street Cleaning, The Committee on Station Houses, The Committee on Rules and Discipline. They recommended the adoption of the printed

Rules and Regulations of the Police Department. The report ol the Committee was adopted. Commissioner Henry Smith was thereupon

chosen to be President of the Board of Police and Commissioner Oliver Charlick was chosen to be Treasurer of Police.

Adjourned. S. C. H A W L E Y ,

Chief Clerk.

The Board of Police met on the 23d day of May, 1873, a ' l the Commissioners present.

A resolution was adopted authorizing the appointment of four standing Committees, as follows:—

Committee on Street Cleaning. Committee on Station Houses. Committee on Rules and Discipline. Committee on Finance. The President appointed the Standing Com-

mittees, as follows:— Messrs. CHARLICK,

GARDNER a n d D U R Y E E .



Messrs. RUSSELL and) DURYEE, J

Committee on Street Cleaning.

Committee on Station Houses.

Committee on Rules and Discipline.

Committee on Finance.

By resolution the President was appointed ex-officio member of all Standing Committees,

The Rules and Regulations in relation to the Board of Police, the Police force, and the several Bureaus of the Police Department, were then adopted.

A resolution was adopted directing the Presi-dent to appoint a Committee of Three, to report on the subject of Surgeons, in respect to the member to be appointed, and the manner of se-lection.

Commissioners Russell and Charlick were ap-pointed a Committee to report " i f a n y changes can be made, having in view the improvement, efficiency and economy of this Department.

A resolution was adopted, removing James J. Kelso from the office of Superintendent of Police.

Geo. W. Matsell was appointed Superintendent in place of James J. Kelso, removed.

Application of T . H. Sprenger for a position as Clerk or Interpreter, was referred to the Com-mittee on Station Houses.

Transfers Ordered: Pat'l. Richard Hawley, from »3d to 3d Precinct.

" Andrew B. Mooney, " 30th " 19th "

Detail Ordered: Pat'l. john O'Brien, 19th Precinct at Hamilton Park,

Bills Ordered Paid: Thos. McSpedon, (ine'd. expenses), - . ¿33 00 Mew York Gas Light Co., . . . . . 85$ 33

Bill Referred to Finance Committee : B. C. Wheeler & Co., $ I 3 7 n

Leqve granted, under rule, to Pat'l. Thoi. Reynolds, 3d Precinct to receive $10 00

Leave of Absence : Surgeant Geo. W. Barrett, 3oth Precinct 3 days. Pat'l. Bern. Waters, 18th Precinct 1 day without pay. Captain Washburn, 9th Precinct one-half day

Resignation Accepted : Pat'l. Thos. Burleigh, 38th Precinct.

Parades Allowed : U. American Mechanics, Funeral. Adjourned.

S. C. H A W L E Y , Chief Clerk.

The Board of Police met on the 24th day of May, 1873. All Commissioners present.

Doorman Jas. P. Florence, 13th Prec't., was dismissed for violation of rules.

William H. Smith was allowed re-examination by Board of Surgeons.

Leaves of Absence. Pat'l james Murphy, 3d Prec't., % day without pay."

" K. Hawlev, 33d " 3 " « «• " I. E. Beeclc, 16th " % " •• •• " B. Lamb, aad " % " - «« " P. Meany, 23d " t " " "

Application of Thos. H. Lee, Secretary Com-mittee Grand Army of the Republic, that the members of the force be permitted to take part in ceremonies on Decoration Day, was denied.

Petition of Peter Miller for leave to apply for reappointment, was denied.

Communication from the Mayor, stating that he had given permission to Rev. W. H. Boole, or any person acting under his direction, to hold preaching in James Slip and vicinity. On file.

Resolved, That bills and demands against the Department be referred for examination and re-port to the committee having charge of the sub-ject matter.

Bill Ordered Paid: B. C. Wheeler & Co., „ | i 3 7 a i

A requisition was ordered to be made on the Comptroller for $257,400 for account of "Police Fund," and $5000 for account of "Supplies for Police."

Bill referred to Committee on Finance : E. M. Van Tassel, - - . . . . . . . x o

Petition of Wilhelm Matthias for return of de-mijohn cider brandy captured from burglars, was referred to Property clerk for report.

Com'rs Charlick and Gardner were appointed a committee to report upon the matter of build* ing Station House and Stables in progress.

Parades Allowed : - - - Funeral. Manhattan Stam, No. 171,

A. O. Hibernians, - - -Quarrymens Union, No. a,

Adjourned. S. C. H A W L E Y ,

Chief Clerk.



May 9, 1873.—The Board met. Present, President. Wheeler, and Commissioners Andrews and M0111 ton. After a formal organization, the Board adjourned.

May 2i .—The resignation of Francis A . Sands, as Assessor was presented and accepted.

May 27.—The Resignation of Robert C. Sands, as Clerk, to take effect May 31, was ac-cepted.

B. B. Chappell was appointed Clerk in place of Frank Riley.

May 31.—The annual salaries of the Depart-ment, were fixed as follows, to commence June is t : Secretary $2.000 Deputy at L a r g e . . . . . . . . . . 2.500

" in charge of Personal Estate 2.500 Deputies in District, each 2.000 Clerks, each 1.500 Superintendent 1.5001 Messengers, each 1.000-S u r v e y o r . . . . . , . . , 2.400 Assistant Surveyor 1.800

The annual salaries in the Assessors Bureau were fixed as follows, to commence June ist : Assessors, each $2.500 Secretary 2.000 Clerics, each 1.800

V \

Page 4: THE CITY of New York: I n pursuanc of th e provisionf a acs ent - titled " An act t o reorganize th locae governl

T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . JUNE 24.


Munson H. Treadwell, was appointed Asses-sor from June ist; Vice F. A. Sands, resigned.

June 4.—Albert Bogert appointed Deputy in place of John McGratn.

June 10.—James B. McLelland appointed Clerk in place of R.J3. jsands, resigned,

-J< place of Charles Walsh

n piac June 10.—James P. Conner appointed Clerk

1 place of Charles Walsh. Three writs of Certiorari against the Commis-

sioners on the relation, respectively, of John Paton, of James G. Harper, and of Richard Bell and Charles F. Smithers, representing the Canada Banks, were served on the Board. The Secretary was directed to deliver them in person to the Counsel to the Corporation.

June 19.—Joseph A. Lyons, appointed Depu-ty from July 1st, in place of George Vanderpoel, resigned.

June 20.—Valentine S. Woodruff, appointed Assessor in place of John T . Kelly.


No. 301 Mott Street. N E W Y O R K , M a y 14th, 1873.

The Board of Health of the Health Depart-ment of the City of New York, organized under the provisions of Chapter 335 o f the Laws of 1873, met at No. 301 Mott Street, on the 14th day of May, 1873, at 2 o'clock P. M.

Present, Henry Smith, President of the Board of Police, S. Oakley Vanderpoel, M. D., Health j Officer of the Port, Stephen Smith, M. D., Com-missioner of Health of the City of New York, and Charles F. Chandler, Ph. D., Commissioner of Health of the City of New York and President of the Board of Health of the Health Depart-ment. Commissioners S. Smith and Chandler presented their warrants of appointment which wefe ordered on Ale.

Emmons Clark was appointed Secretary of the Board.

T w o hundred and eighty-five orders for the abatement of nuisances were made.

The Attorney was directed to commence ac-tions for non-compliance with orders of the Board in 129 cases.

A series of rules and regulations for the government of the Department were approved and ordered to be printed.

Permits were granted as follows : T o occupy basement as a human habitation,

No. 131 Hudson Street. T o occupy basement as a human habitation,

No. 13 Desbrosses Street. T o occupy basement as a human habitation,

No. 74 Henry Street. To reoccupy buildings Nos. 81, 83, and 85

Baxter Street, (rear). To keep 6 Cows S. S. of 82d St. and 2d lot

E. of n t h Ave. T o receive manure at dock bet. 6sd and 63d

Streets. Copies of reports of Inspectors on the condi-

tion of 5th Ave. from 58th to 59th Sts. West 40th St., between 10th and n t h Avenues, and W. 41st St., bet. 10th and n t h Avenues, were ordered to be forwarded to the Department of Public Works for the necessary action.

A communication from His Honor the Mayor upon the subject of rules and regulations for Night Scavengers was received ana referred to the Committee on Law and Ordinances.

Bills of Francis Swift for the removal of Night Soil, for the week ending May 2d and May 9th, $634.62 for each week, were approved by the Board and the President and Secretary, were directed to certify to the same and forwarded to the Comptroller for payment.


That the Bureau of this Department be called the Sanitary Bureau and Bureau of Vital Sta-tistics.

That the Sanitary Committee prepare and re-port for the consideration of this Board, a modi-fication of the Sanitary Ordinances, adopted by the Board of Health of the Health Department heretofore existing, and in this date as will conform the same to ti. -ch Article of chapter 335, of the Laws of 1873', together with such additional provisions for the security of life Rnd health in the City of New York as to them may seem expedient, and to specify such distri-bution of powers and duties to the members and employes of the Board of Health as to the said Committee may seem appropriate.

That the rules and regulations of the Board of Health of the Health Department heretofore ex-isting and in force on the 30th day of April, 1873, so far as they are not respectively in conflict or inconsistant with the provisions of chapter 335, Laws of 1873, be, and are hereby extended to the Health Department and the Board of Health created by last said act, and to the officers, clerks, agents and employees of said Health De-partmeut and of last said Board, so far as they are applicable thereto respectively, until the further order of last said Board, except as amended at this meeting.

That the seal of the Board of Health hereto-fore existing shall be the seal of this Board of | Health and Health Department, and shall be in the custody of the Secretary.

That the Sanitary Permit Inspector of the late Health Department shall deliver all property of every kind in his use and possession belonging to the City or the Health Department to the San-itary Superintendent as his successor.

That the duties performed by the Sanitary Permit Inspector of the late Health Department shall hereafter be performed by the Sanitary Superintendent and the Secretary.

By order of the Board, May 16th, EMMONS C L A R K ,


N E W Y O R K , M a y 16th , 1 8 7 3 , No. 301 Mott Street.

One hundred and seventy-one orders for the abatement of nuisances were made.

The Attorney was directed to commence ac-tions for non-compliance with orders of the Board in 47 cases.

RESOLUTIONS. That the President and Secretary be author-

ized to contract for the printing of such blanks, and for such stationery, as are needed for the im-mediate use of this Department. ~

That the officers of this department heretofore called Health Inspectors and Assistant Health Inspectors be hereafter called Sanitary Inspectors and Assistant Sanitary Inspectors, and that the powers and duties heretofore conferred upon said officers are hereby conferred upon said Sanitary and Assistant Sanitary Inspectors until the futher orders of this Board.

That the officers of this Department heretofore called the City Sanitary Inspector and Sanitary Superintendent be hereafter called the Sanitary Superintendent, and that the powers and duties heretofore conferred upon said officer are here-by conferred on said Sanitary Superintendent, until the farther orders of this Board.

That a permit to erect a dwelling at No. 135 Clinton Street, rear, at less distance than required by the "Tenement House A c t " be denied.

That a copy of the report on condition of Lex-ington Avenue, between 50th and 51st Streets, be forwarded to the Department of Public Works for the necessary action.

By order of the Board, May 2d, 1873. EMMONS C L A R K ,





Statement for the week ending May 26, 1873 : Plans submitted for new buildings x5 Number of buildings embraced therein 21 Plans submitted for alterations a6 Number of buildings embraced therein 39 Complaints received from outside sources 9 Violations of the law reported 6 Violations of the law removed »6 Unsafe buildings reported 1* Unsafe buildings made safe 13 Unsafe buildings taken down 7 Buildings reported for fire escapes a Fire escapes provided 5 Special applications filed for the erection of frame

structures ; 33 Cases sent to Attorney for prosecution x

Inspector Andrew Keating was discharged May 23, for neglect of duty.

Office hours, 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. W. W. A D A M S

Commissioner of Buildings.


Statement of the hours during which all public offices in the City are open for business, and at which each Court regularly opens and adjourns, as well as of the places where such offices are kept and such Courts are

' ' E X E C U T I V E D E P A R T M E N T .

O F F I C E S . LOCATION. HOURS. Mayor's O f f i c e . . . . N o . 6, C i t y Hall 10 a.m.—3p.m. Mayor's Marshall.No. 5, City Hall 10 a.m.—3p.m. Permit B u r e a u . . . . N o . 1, City Hall 10 a.m.—3p.m. License Bureau.. .No. 1, C i t y Hall 10 a.m.—a p.m.

L E G I S L A T I V E D E P A R T M E N T .

Cl"k of the Common) „ , , Council and 0» B'dJ 7 & 8 City Hall.9 A . M . — 4 P . M . of Supervisors. )

Clerk of B'd of Assist-} j , C i t y H a l l . . 9 A . M - 4 P.M. ant Aldermen. J * "

F I N A N C E D E P A R T M E N T . Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. N o payments

received after a p. m. Comptroller's Office, West end, N e w County Court

House. 1—Bureau for the collection of the revenue accruing

from rents and interest on bonds and mortgages, and revenue arising from the use or sale of property belong-ing to or managed by the C i t y —

Ground floor, West end, New County Court House.

a Bureau for the Collection of Taxes— Brown-stone building, City Hall Park. 3—Bureau for the collection of arrears of taxes and

assessments and of water rents— (Sound floor, West end, New County Court House. 4—Auditing Bureau— _ _ Main floor, west end, N e w County Court House.

5—Bureau of Licenses. I Ground floor, west end, New 6—Bureau of Markets— j County Court House. j Bureau for the reception of all moneys paid into

the Treasury, in the City and for the payment of money on warranty drawn by the Comptroller and counter-signed by the Mayor—

(Office of Chamberlain and County Treasurer.) Main floor, west end, New County Court Hous«. 8—Bureau for the Collection of Assessments— Governor'* room. City Hall (temporarily.)

L A W D E P A R T M E N T . Counsel to the Corporation, 82 Nassau St., 9 a. m., 5p.m. Public Administrator, 115 and 117 " to a.m., 4 p.m. Corporation Attfy , " " " 8:30 a.m. ,^30 p. m Attorney for the Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes,

265 Broadway, Room 13, 9 a. m., 4 p. m.

P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T .

Central Office, 300 Mulberry street, always open. Corn's Office, " Supt's Office, " " Inspector's Office, " " " Chief Clerk's Office, " " 8 a. m., 3 p. m. Property Clerk, Bureau of S't Clesto'g, " Bureau of Elections, "

D E P A R T M E N T O F P U B L I C W O R K S . Commissioners' Office, 19 City Hall, 9 a. m., 5 p. m. Chief Clerk, 20 "

Contract Clerk, »1 " " " Engineer in charge of sewers, 21 City Hall, " " Engineer in charge of Boulevards and

•venues, 18 % Ci ty Hall, '* " Bureau of repairs ana supplies, 18 C i t y Hall, " Bureau of Lamps and Gas, 13 C i t y Hall, " Bureau of I incumbrances, 13 City Hall " " Bureau of Street Improvements,it City Hall " " Bureau of the Chief Engineer of the Croton

aqueduct, 11 % C i t y Hall, " " Bureau of Water Register, 10 City Hall, " " Bureau of Water Purveyor, 4 C i t y Hall, " Bureau of Streets and Roads, 13 C i t y Hall, " "

D E P A R T M E N T O F P U B L I C C H A R I T I E S A N D C O R R E C T I O N . •

Central Office, 66 Third av. 8 a. m., to 5 p. m. Out Door Poor Dep't, 66 Third av., always open.

Entrance on n t h Street.

Free Labor Bureau, 8 and 10 Clinton pi. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m Reception Hospital, City Hall Park, N . E. Corner, al-

ways open. Reception Hospital, 99th street and 10th av. always open. Bellevue Hospital, foot of 26th street, E. R. " "

F I R E D E P A R T M E N T . Commissioner's Office, 197 and 129 Mercer St., 9 a. m. to

4 p. m. Chief of Department, 137 and 129 Mercer St., 9 a. m. to

4 p. m. Inspectors of Combustibles, 127 and 139 Mercer St., 9 a.

m. to 4 p. m. Fire Marshal, 127 and 199 Mercer St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

H E A L T H D E P A R T M E N T . Commissioner's Office, 301 Mott St. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sanitary Superintendent 301 Mott St., 9 a. M. to 4 p. m. Register of Records, 301 Mott St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

D E P A R T M E N T O F P U B L I C P A R K S . Commissioners' Office, 36 Union Square, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

D E P A R T M E N T O F D O C K S . Commissioners' Office, 346 and 348 Broadway, comer.

Leonard St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

D E P A R T M E N T O F T A X E S A N D A S S E S S M E N T S .

Commissioners' Office, Brown Stone Building, City Hall Park, 32 Chambers St., 9 a. m. 4 p. m., on Saturday, 9 a. m. to 3_p. m.

Surveyor's Bureau, 19 Chatham St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Board of Assessors, " "

D E P A R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G S . Superintendent's Office, 2 Fourth av., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

C O M M I S S I O N E R S O F E M I G R A T I O N . Commissioners, Office, Casde Garden, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Superintendents, Office, Castle Garden, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D Office, No. 2 City Hall, N . W.

corner (basement, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.

M I S C E L L A N E O U S O F F I C E S .

Coroner's Office, 301 Mott St., ) Sheriff's " first floor, S. W . cor. > 9 a. ca. to 4 p. m.

N e w Court House. ) County Clerk's Office, first floor, N . E. 1

cor. N e w Court House. I . . _ _ Surrogate's Office, fim floor, S. E. cor. f 9 a m - to 4 p.m.

N e w Court House. J District Attorney's Office, second floor }

Old Court House, 8a Chambers ! 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Street. )

C O U R T S . 1 Second Floor, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Supreme Court,

General Term, Special Term, Chambers, Circuit, part 1, Circuit, part 2.

• New Court House.

10:30 a. m. to 3 p. m.

Superior Court ) d floor> N e w )

« « Î&ÎILJ Court H o u s e . )

SUPERIOR COURTS. 11 a. m. 11 a. m. 11 a. m.

Clerk's Office, 3d floor, New Court House, 9 a. m., 4 p.m. COMMON PLEAS.

Common Pleas, 3d fl., N e w Court House, 9a. m., 4p. m. MARINE COURT (Brown stone building.)

General Term, 32 Chambers St., Room 17,10 a. m., 3 p. m. Special " " " Room 15, " " Chambers, " " Room 18, " " Clerk's Office, " " Room 19, 9 a. m., 3 p. m.

GENERAL SESSIONS. General Sessions, 32 Chambers street, 10 a. m., 4 p. m. Clerk's Office, 32 Chambers St., Room 14, " "


" special 1 erm.

SPECIAL SESSIONS. Special Sessions, Tombs, corner Franklin

and Centre streets, Tuesdays, Thurs-days and Saturdays, to a. m.

JUSTICE'S (OR DISTRICT) COURTS. First District, 1st, 2d, 3d, and 5th)

Wards, S. W . cornerot Centre and} 1 0 a . m . , 4 p . m . Chambers streets. )

Second District, 4th, 6th, and 14th! _ _ , Wards, 514 Pearlstreet. } 9 a . m . , 4 P . m.

Third District, 8th,9th,and 15th Wards, I _ 13 Greenwich avenue. J " m - » 4 P - m -

Fourth District, xoth, and 17th Wards, i _ 163 East Houston street. } 9 a . m . , 4 p . m .

Fifth District, 7th, n t h , and 13th Wards» _ „ 154 Clinton street. J 9 a . m . . 4 p . m .

Sixth District, — — — Seventh District, 19th and 23d Wards,)

57 th street, between Third and Lex-> 9 a. m., 4 p.m. ington avenues. )

Eighth District, 16th and aoth Wards, I S. W. cor. 33d st. and 7 t h ave. J 9-3oa.m. 4pm.

Ninth District, 13th Ward, 3374 Fourth I _ _ _ . _ _ avenue. J 9 4 P- m.

POLICE COURTS. First District, 14th, ] 1

34th, 25th, 26th, | Tombs,cor. Frank- j 27 th, and portion)- lin and Centre}' 7 a. m., 3 p.m. 01 Sanitary Pre- j streets. I cinct. j j

Second District, 8th 1 1 9th, 15th, 16th, | Greenwich ave., j 20th, 25th, 33d, ) corner of 10th 9a. m.,6p.m. 28th, and 39th | street. Precincts. J J

Third District, 7th,) ] xoth, xxth, 13th, j I 17th, 18th, and ^69 Essex street. V 8 a . m . , 4 p . m . portion of Sanita- j ry Precinct. j J

Fourth District, 1 t h s t r e e t ^ } TAth aiet 00/i 1 1 • I .

8 a. m., 5 p. m.

Fifth avenue (Harlem.)


DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS, ) 348 BROADWAY, I >RK, June 18, 1873. )


PR O P O S A L S W I L L B E R E C E I V E D A T T H I S office until 13 o'clock, noon of Tuesday, July 8th,

1873, for furnishing White Pine and Spruce Piles of lengths and sizes as follows:

Piles 13 to 16 inches in diameter at butt, 65 to 70 feet long.

Piles 13 to x6 inches in diameter at butt, 55 to 60 feet long.

Piles xz to 15 inches in diameter at butt, 45 to 50 feet long. for a term of twelve months from the date of signing the contract. The piles to be delivered at such times and places, and in such quantities as required; they must be straight and sound, subject to the inspection and ap-proval of the proper officers of the Department of

The expectations are that the larger portion required, say about three-fourths, will be of the largest and long-est sizes.

The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Proposals must be addressed to Eugene T . Lynch, Secretary, and endorsed Pro|<osals lor Furnishing Piles to Department of Docks.

J A C O B A . W E S T E R V F . L T , W I L L I A M G A R D N E R , W I L L I A M B U D D ,

Commissioners of the Department of Docks. EUGENE T. LYNCH, Secretary. 1—ist I



NEW YORK, June 34, 1873.)


office until xa o'clock, noon of Tuesday, July 8th, 1873, for furnishing for a period of six months, from the date of signing the contract, the following described I R O N B O L T S , S P I K E S A N D B A N D S . T h e y must be of good quality, subject to the inspection and ap-proval of the Superintendent of Repairs and Supplies; to be delivered in such quantities, and at such times and places, at the Docks of this City, as they may be re-quired, at the expense of the contractor.

SPIKES six inches long, three-eighth square iron. SPIKES seven to eight inches long, seven-sixteenth

square iron. SPIKES nine inches and upwards long, one-half inch

square iron. BOLTS twelve to eighteen inches long, three-quarter

square iron, to be spike pointed and headed. BOLTS eighteen to tnirty inches long, seven-eighth

square iron, to be spike pointed and headed. SCREW BOLTS twelve inches long, three-quarter round

iron. SCREW BOLTS twelve to twenty-four inches long, seven-

eighth round iron. CORNER BANDS four and a ht If by three-quarter

iron, with countersunk holes for bolt heads. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all

bids. Proposals must be addressed to Eugene _T. Lynch,

Secretary, and endorsed Proposals for Furnishing Iron Material to Department of Docks.

A C O B A . W E S T E R V E L T , T L L I A M G A R D N E R ,

W I L L I A M B U D D , Commissioners of the Department of Docks.

Any information required of the above, will be given on application at the office of the Department of Docks.

1—iat E U G E N E T . L Y N C H , Secretary.


NEW YORK, June 34th, 1873.]


office until i s o'clock, noon of Tuesday, July 8th, 1873, for furnishing, for a period of twelve months, from the date of signing the contract, the following described materials ; they must be of good quality, subject to the inspection and approval of the Superintendent of R e . pairs and Supplies ; to be delivered in such quantitie. and at such times and places, at the Docks of this City as they may be required, at the expense of the Con-, tractor.

_ WHITE PINE PLANK to average forty feet long, five to six inches thick, twelve inches and upwards wide.

WHITE PINE TIMBER, twelve to fourteen inches square, averaging forty feet long, sawed on all sides.

W H I T E PINE TIMBER, twelve to fourteen inches thick, averaging forty feet long, sawed on two sides.

W H I T E PINE TIMBER, hewed, twelve to fourteen inches square, averaging forty feet long.

SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE TIMBER, sawed, twelve inches square, averaging forty feet long.

YELLOW PINE PLANK, five inches thick, averaging forty feet long, twelve inches and upwards wide.

OAK PLANK, twelve feet long, twelve inches and up-wards wide, yve inches thick.

OAK PLANK, averaging forty feet long, twelve to fourteen inches wide, five inches thick.

OAK PLANK, twelve feet long, five by eight inches. SPRUCE PLANK, eighteen to twenty-five feet Ions,

three to four inches thick, ten inches and upwards wide.

SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK DOCK LOGS. The Department reserves the right to reject any or

all bids. Proposals must be addressed to Eugene T . Lynch, Sec-

retary, and endorsed Proposals for Furnishing Wood Material to Department of Docks.

J A C O B A. W E S T E R V E L T , W I L L I A M G A R D N E R , W I L L I A M B U D D ,

Commissioners of the Department of Docks. Any information required of the above, will be given

on application at the Office of Department of Docks.

x—xat E U G E N E T . L Y N C H. Secretary.






NEW YORK, June ao, 1873. J Proposals, sealed and indorsed as above, will be re-

ceived by the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction, at their office, until a o'clock, P. M., of the 5th day of July next, for building Boiler and Engine for steamboat in course of construction. The plan and specification for the work can be seen and all informa-tion obtained on application at this office, for which pur-pose the supervising engineer will be in attendance from 9 to xa A. M., daily.


x—tot Commissioners.




Proposals sealed and endorsed, as above, will be re-ceived from Producers by the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction, at their office, until 3 o'clock, P. M., of the 5th day of July next, for supplying the D e -partment with about 10,000 Tons of Coal of the best quality, to be well screened and in good order, and each ton to consist of 2240 pounds.

AH of said Coal to be delivered in about the following sizes and quantities, free of all expense, at tlic following places during the month of July, August and September, in such quantities as may be called for.

A t Blackwells Island, 3,400 Tons Grate size.

130 Tons Stove size. A t Ward's Island.

1,650 Tons Grate size. , A t Randalls Island.

330 Tons E g g size. ' 130 Tons Stove size. 600 Tons Grate size. 560 Tons N u t size.

A t Hart's Island. 380 Tons Stove size.

A t foot of 36th street, East river, for Bellevue Hospi-t a l

1,350 Tons Nut size. For Steamboats.

1,396 Tons Grate size. A t such points in the city as may be required. For City Prisons,

354 Tons E g g size. 30 Tons Stove size.

Proposals to state the particular description of coal to be delivered as known in the market, from what mine produced, and all particulars to enable the Board to ar-rive at a proper decision.

The Commissioners reserve the power to rcject any and all propositions not deemed by them a^vantageoui to the Department.

A n y information required will be furnished on appli-cation at this office.

W I L L I A M L A T M B E E R , J A M E S B O W E N . M E Y E R S T E R N .

1—lot Commissioner».