The Circle of Unity on Earth- where Trigonometry meets Calculus, Religion, and Human Behavior

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  • 8/4/2019 The Circle of Unity on Earth- where Trigonometry meets Calculus, Religion, and Human Behavior


    Applied Math is a VERY interesting subject- it reveals A LOT about the world inevery aspect. I'm also trying to figure out a way to make Buttermilk margarine in Asia that is cost-effective and organic, and will do well in the Indian and Asian markets. I'm not sure why margarine has such a bad reputation- I agree thatit isn't always as good as traditional butter, but there are many everyday purposes in which margarine (especially when Buttermilk is added) is better than traditional butter. I agree that butter is better for cooking and preparing dishes w

    ith, Although I have yet to compare a butter naan with butter vs. a butter naanwith margarine made with buttermilk in a taste test. So maybe there are a few instances (such as naan) where margarine is better than butter for cooking that I'm not aware of, but I doubt it- the naan example is more like butter and toast than actually cooking ie preparing a dish with butter or ghee. If the costs of production make it profitable, then margarine might do quite well in India and Asia. It is more durable in terms of storage than butter so that variable will be factored into the analysis of whether margarine is profitable in India and Asia.The relative supply and demand of inputs (which determine their price) must alsobe considered.We all know and understand Differentiation, n'esst-ce pas? Differentiation is tres, tres importante and is one of the foundations of The Calculus authored by Si

    r Issac Newton. Does anybody ever remember what the definition of a derivative is? You can't integrate without understanding differentiation, and if you can't integrate or differentiate a single variable, you can't even begin to think aboutmultiple variables or the third planar dimension (ie the z-axis) which is the third dimension better known as reality. So in order to make any progress whatsoever, humanity must be able to differentiate. The definition of a derivative: Theslope of the line tangent to the curve of the function being considered ie if f(x)= sin x, f'(x)= cos x. If anybody ever saw f''(x) = (cot x) which is the derivative of f(x)= tan x, they'd know that BOTH functions are (at least) somewhat evil when their behaviors are expressed in human beings. Deceit and mimicking another function's appearance that has SIGNIFICANTLY different behavior NEVER yields good results for people, which is why people expressing the behaviors of the tangent and cotangent functions who do not have honesty and the welfare of others

    as a high priority ought to be killed because they will be a burden and a hindrance to the progress of humanity. The cotangent function is the derivative of the tangent function- so one may argue that cot (x) being the derivative of tan (x) equates into cot being good- which may or may not be accurate. The correct determination is based on the character of the original tangent function (ie person) the cot function (ie different person) was derived from. Interestingly, circular functions are a part of trigonometry- which makes sense (sort of) because when you try to create a circle made up of many different parts, you deal in smaller sized triangles and are "putting them together" or are trying to join them together to form the circle- always being aware that each triangle (which may be comprised of many smaller triangles and a few problematic shapes (remember circleshave no sides) that require grinding and cutting to fit into the circle and hel

    p make it complete. People have been granted choice by God or the Creator or Earth or Jungle or whatever name or one uses as their construct to think of The Universe- which means that though many beings make choices that are counterproductive to the formation of the circle and jeopardize and/or prevent the formation ofthe circle of unity thinking that if the other parts of the circle do not accept their chosen evil and harmful behaviors, that there will never be a circle- and so, they continue to choose as they have been choosing and utilize gaps between thoughts and the actual words that comprise verbal and written languages to try to justify themselves, turn others away from choosing to complete the circle,and to delay until they have more allies in their attempts to negate the completion of the circle and thus prevent unity on Earth on both the micro and macro levels. Which is the reason why they should all be executed and/or killed. The people who choose to spend their lives attempting to prevent the completion of the

    circle of unity on Earth seem to believe that the circle isn't complete and cannot be completed without them- which is a fallacy because it implies that every terrorist and/or criminal in the world will have chance after chance after chance

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    to prevent the completion of the circle- when the truth is that they will be killed and they will be replaced with others who will choose different. They are not a part of the circle nor they do they comprise any of the essential parts ofthe circle nor are they required in order to form the circle. If they choose tonot be a part of the completed circle of the unity of the Earth (which includesnot only every person that ever lived but also includes every bit of matter thatever existed) they do not have to be. Their choice is their choice and the Univ

    erse respects choice and the circle of unity on Earth and all the three worlds (from the Hindu religion) will be completed without them- after the Universe reclaims the life force that it gave them so that we can go about completing the ourcircle of unity in respect to this Universe and those who choose to do otherwise can proceed to whatever consequence they chose for themselves. Any person or being claiming that the circle of unity on Earth cannot be completed without themis beyond arrogant- it is the same as saying that the circle cannot be completewithout THAT particular ant, or THAT particular pigeon or that particular turtle, which is the same as saying that the circle won't be complete without a particular speck of soil or a particular piece of dust- when it is all one and the same. People, ants, pigeons, hawks, trees, lizards, pieces of dust, soil, molecules of water, particles of sand, brick, cement and mortar, etc. ie EVERYTHING is c

    omprised of the same stuff at their most basic levels and is therefore the samewhile having a multitude of minute differences such as black hair vs. brown hairor communicating using one pattern of sounds and symbols (ie language) as opposed to another. And if the people who think that THEY in particular are REQUIREDfor the circle of unity to be formed, they are not only arrogant and stupid butthey are also sorely mistaken. They are no more necessary to the completion of the circle than any particular cockroach in an alley or a particular crow in thesky. Their "life spirt" that God or the Earth granted them can be as easily utilized by another being (who is also a mechanism based on chemical reactions, syntheses, decompositions, and building blocks (such as amino acids, lipids, hydrocarbons, oxygen, hydrogen, etc) as it can be by them. THEY are irrelevant. Their life-spirit or essence which is the expression and proof of God or the Universe in everything that exists on the Earth and beyond can be transferred to another m

    echanism of life as easily as it was given to them. For any creature to think ofitself as being more is a fallacy and the first step to destruction. Sir IssacNewton stated that "Energy can neither be created or destroyed (by people). It can only change from one form to another." That law of the universe still holds true today- nuclear physics does NOTHING to refute it. The energy that Newton wasreferring to is the life energy or life force that is inside each and every particle of matter whether inanimate or animate in existence in the universe. Thatenergy can never be created or destroyed by human beings- until perhaps, the circle of unity is formed and there is no practical need to distinguish between human beings and God- because the human race will have evolved to the point where all of us who are still on the Earth when the circle of unity on Earth is competed will not be a puny species like many others on Earth that struggle to mold and shape themselves and make the choices to help complete the circle of unified life. Many die out and become extinct every day- because the choices they made were counterproductive to the formation of the circle of the unity of Earth. Whenthe circle of the unification of the Earth is formed, all life and the entire planet is one with God, and so, for one part of God to not be equal to another part of God is beyond ridiculous, though I'm sure critics will be sure to attack the idea with semantics and with their disjointed, hypocritical "logic" which is expressed repeatedly in every word they speak. And so, a failure to cooperate andto communicate (dishonesty is one of the failures to communicate) is not just akin, but the same as choosing to work towards the prevention of the completion of the circle of the unity of Earth and to choose to not be one with God or the Universe, no matter how "environmentally conscious" the individual(s) who engagein these behaviors may be or advertise to be. Driving a hybrid automobile or uti

    lizing solar power does not mean that a person or any creature on Earth (or beyond) can turn their backs to God and The Universe and can justify choosing to work toward the prevention of the completion of the circle of unity of Earth which

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    is the same as working towards the destruction of the Earth, the Universe, all life and even God "Himself" (if you really understand the concept of God and theconventions of punctuation in American English, then the quotation marks aroundthe word "Himself" will not be confusing or offensive to anybody no matter whatfaith they are or how conservative their views on God, religion, and other subjects such as taxes and curfews may be). And so if God gives people both the lifeforce that causes them to be and allows them to make their own choices, how can

    any person be angry at God for simply requiring that you return the life force He gave you (when it is actually a part of Himself- a concept known as Atman in Hinduism) before you go to wherever you chose to go, having chosen to not help complete the circle of unity here? The fact you or anybody else exists is proof that you did choose to help complete the circle of unity at a prior point- otherwise you would not be here on Earth at all- you would be wherever those who choosethe same as you are, whether it's a good place or a bad place. But since you are here and not somewhere else, you did choose to be here and perhaps now you have chosen different, which God permits though you changed your mind or lied. Returning the life force that is a part of Himself that God gave you to sustain youwhile you are on Earth before you head to wherever you choices take you is onlynatural and should not elicit such hatred towards God or the people who choose t

    o complete the circle of unity. Suicide seems like a harsh penalty only to the evil and the dishonest who are here to prevent the circle of unity from being completed and are acknowledged enemy combatants of God and The Universe. To not beone with God and the spirit of the Universe that creates and distributes the energy that allows people, birds, fish, reptiles, trees and sulfur, carbon, oxygen,calcium, nitrogen, helium, selenium, mercury, sodium, and every element in existence to exist and provides the ability of certain elements to react with, interact with or repel one another is to demand a life in a different Universe. And since your being here is impeding our progress and irritates you, you should commit suicide as soon as possible so that we can all keep progressing. We all willprogress towards the completion of the circle of unity here and you can progresstowards whatever objectives you have or will have wherever your home is, thoughit is not here because you chose for your home to not be here. And if you are a

    n enemy soldier who is not only trespassing but is also firing bullets at us andtrying to kill us rather than commit suicide and be on his or her way to wherever you are going, then we here will all kill you because we are working towardsthe completion of the circle of unification and it is difficult enough without adding more problems that slow us down and prevent the circle of unity from beingcompleted. We all know that most combustion reactions require oxygen. Why? Whatabout oxygen allows combustion to occur and is necessary (in almost every case)for combustion to occur? Why can't almost all combustion occur without oxygen?The answer is the requirement of oxygen in most all combustion reactions is proof of God or the Universe or whatever name an individual or a group chooses to refer to God or the Universe or the spirit of life or the life force of the universe as. The exceptions to the rule that oxygen is required for combustion that exist do so for a reason: because the vast majority of people on Earth should never use them- because people require oxygen for respiration and in order to remainalive. The normal is the normal for a reason- because if people need to utilizea combustion reaction, ie such as a fire or a flame to cook with, then they have the means to do so. God provided the human race with those means. But human beings SHOULD NOT attempt to utilize combustion reactions that occur without gaseous oxygen such as in underwater environments or without oxygen at all as in thecase of nuclear decay (which is not really combustion at all) or in a case suchas a flame resulting in a medium that has no oxygen- which is VERY possible, depending on what materials are in the medium- certain metals, elements such as mercury (only a certain isotope) and some others are capable of such behavior- meaning that people (as a whole) who require combustion reactions to occur should only attempt to do so in a medium that contains oxygen and the others should be av

    oided because they are dangerous in some way. The people who require combustionreactions to occur underwater should be avoided when they are causing combustionunderwater because they are dangerous during that time. If one wishes to cause

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    a combustion reaction in space where this little to no oxygen or underwater where there is very little gaseous oxygen, then they should either be worthy of being able to cause and demand such a reaction or if it is too difficult, then theyshould stay in mediums where oxygen is present when attempting combustion reactions. This logic applies to many other situations in life- especially in the Southern parts of the USA. If this causes any people or any beings in the universe to feel pity for themselves and causes them to not be able to continue living bec

    ause they are not worthy and choose to not do the work in order to make themselves worthy and choose to threaten suicide and/or choose to demand that others help them cause a combustion reaction where there is no oxygen and threaten suicideor harming others should one not occur, those individuals should go ahead and commit suicide. They should have committed suicide yesterday or a week ago. I don't think that any of them should have ever been born. This analysis does not only apply to combustion reactions or to the Southern parts of the USA. It also applies to most every instance in life where there is conflict- where triangles ofdifferent sizes and (lack of) character are choosing to refuse to form the circle of unity and are holding the rest of us ie all the beings in the universe hostage and prattle endlessly about how they are somehow required or necessary for the circle to be formed or be complete- when the only part of them that is requir

    ed for the circle to form doesn't belong to them at all- it belongs to God and the Universe- a being's life spirit is not a personal possession. It is the creation and at the mercy and control of God and of the Universe- and the Universe aka God has the benevolence to allow the beings who are borrowing God's aka the Universe's life force or life-spirit we all should be working towards the circle of unity- not for God or for the Universe but for ourselves. And the quickest, most efficient way to free the Universe's or God's life force or life spirit fromindividuals who prevent the circle from being completed is to kill them once their choice of whether to help the circle of unity be completed or weather to prevent the circle from forming becomes obvious- which has little or nothing to do with the words of any individual. Incidentally, elements such as carbon and phenomena such as light and sound all have chosen to help the circle be completed. They behave as they do and they are what they are, and they embrace the Universe.

    When people who are expressions of tan and/or cot functions utilize elements such as carbon or hydrogen or the phenomena present in nature such as light and sound for ill and to hurt or annoy others though those elements and phenomena havealready chosen to help complete the circle of unity, they are insulting themselves, people, and God- ie The entire Universe. If they behaved more like carbon (which always has 4 bonds) or a wave of light or sound and chose to be one with the universe and chose to help complete the circle instead of choosing to preventit from forming, then they wouldn't ask so many stupid questions and wouldn't make the choices they do- which is evidenced by their behavior. In order to complete the circle of unity, these individuals must die and must not be permitted todestroy the parts of the circle that have already formed or are beginning to form, and thus, should be exterminated as quickly as possible ie when their choiceis to not help form the circle or to prevent or destroy those that do becomes evident at a fairly young age. Tolerance and non-violence are good concepts that have little place in the current reality of Earth. Good concepts such as tolerance and non-violence are misused by people and their use of languages to destroy the circle and prevent it's completion therefore are warriors engaging in acts ofwar on the rest of humanity and the Universe- because these individuals, theirstupidity and lack are proof that they should commit suicide. And since this istheir choice, they must be exterminated. They are the true examples of vermin onEarth- more so than any rodent or insect. And in order to destroy them, the best weapon one can have is honesty. Anything else is an excuse and an exercise infutility. Utilizing emotions of family ties, political ties, nationalism, brotherhood or sisterhood, race, religion, creed, or any other link to other people totry to justify dishonesty is repulsive and is degenerate, disgusting, and damne

    d and contrary to the survival instinct in both the micro and macro scales. "Testing" is encouraged because it leads to individual abusing tolerance and which subsequently leads to their execution. Unfortunately, many people in the world ar

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    e squeamish and refuse to publicly acknowledge that the death penalty in a legalsystem that is reliable and honest is a good thing- or that military executionsof enemies are a good thing, in a military that has honesty and has reliable leaders in it's ranks. Others simply need another excuse to try to destroy the circle of unity or to prevent it form being completed- which is why the spend theirlives in futile attempts to destroy those who choose to complete the circle ofunity- which is why those who choose to prevent the completion of the circle of

    unity are wastes of sperm and egg that are not worth the life force that God and/or the Universe blessed them with when they were created which is a blessing all creatures and matter received. The individuals who chose to fight God are truly worthless and do not deserve to exist and as long as other people decide to practice tolerance and "non-violence" they are helping the enemies of peace, God,and unity and are actively trying to destroy the Earth and all creation. Destroythe enemies of unity and the circle and be honest. With these two tenets, thereis no need for listening to mindless prattle or to spend months in negotiationsto no avail or any need to waste any time- kill the enemies of humanity, help unify for the good of the universe and to not work it's destruction, because trueunity is impossible for those who choose to try to deny unity and the completion of the circle of unity- although they do make a good pretense and show of bein

    g universally loved and accepted). So don't waste any time- start killing your enemies using whatever weapons you choose- guns are weapons as are words- as aremany, many other phenomena in the world- and start stacking up the carcasses ofdead enemies into piles. Up with the body count- unity and peace will be omnipresent when we're done.Suman Nath ChowdhurySeptember 11, 20111:34 A.M./13:34 Local TimeKolkata, India