The Church of the Endtime Zombies_final.pdf


Transcript of The Church of the Endtime Zombies_final.pdf

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    The Church of the End-Time Zombies

    Detoxing from Religious


    By Pamela Sheppard

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    Copyright 2015 by Pamela Sheppard All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-312-86982-0 Sheppards Counseling and Publishing Center PO Box 356 East Greenbush, NY 12061 To protect the privacy of the individuals referred to, names of persons and other details and circumstances have been changed. Unless otherwise noted, scriptural references in this publication are from the New King James Version. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, be it electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other, without the prior permission of the author/publisher. For current information about books, visit Email address: [email protected]

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    The Preface

    In 1988, Geraldo Rivera televised a program that

    centered on Christian Cults, with the subtitle Zombies

    for Christ. Interviews were held with people who

    underwent deprogramming from the influence of

    charismatic, fundamentalist leaders and churches. The

    title stuck in my mind. As such, the use of the term

    zombies for this book seemed appropriate because I

    perceive that the entire institutional church is a

    Christian cult. Until the spiritual blindness is removed,

    all church attenders are akin to zombies.

    After the Apostle Peter declared that Jesus is the

    Messiah, the Lord responded by saying, And I say

    unto thee, Peter, that upon this rock, I will build my

    church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    To prevail means to overcome, win over, or succeed.

    The rock in this symbolism is not Peter but rather what

    the Father revealed to Peter, that Jesus is the Messiah.

    The Lords church is built upon the rock that is Christ

    Himself. He is the Head of His church.

    As you read this book, you will come to understand that

    in these later days, the institutional system is not the

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    Lords church. Not only is He not the head of Her, but

    in His own words, there was a time when He stood

    outside and knocked.(Rev. 3:20) The invisible church of

    Christ is neither a building nor an institutional system.

    The spiritual church is the Body of Christ, consisting of

    all born again believers, both living and dead.

    Since Satan is the god of this world and since the

    institutional church is also in the world, Satan has power

    and authority in the Harlot. His army of fallen angels

    and demons have strategically swooped in with false

    doctrine and practices. Many churchgoers have already

    departed from the faith and even some of the very elect

    have received false conversions and counterfeit gifts. .

    Yet this book is a beacon of hope, echoing the Lords

    words, that the gates of hell shall not prevail.

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    Acknowledgements and Dedications

    I am blessed to have been sent a group of wonderful friends and associates who I love dearly and whose love I experience every day. So my sincere gratitude goes out to the members of RESCUE, for allowing me to share some of their personal experiences and testimonies as expressed in their conversations on an online private WordPress Blog called Rescue Fellowship. Each of your contributions is extremely meaningful for the work the Lord Jesus Christ has committed into our hands. I also want to thank the artist, Michael Duggan for succinctly depicting my vision for this bookcover. I make references to various bible scriptures with only a few direct quotations from the New King James Version.

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    CHAPTER 1 The Zombie-Masters, The Rats and the Roaches .. 11

    A Telepathic Communication ...................................................... 11

    The Message Received on July 27, 2007 ...................................... 12

    The Church Addict ........................................................................ 14

    Comments From Former Zombies ............................................... 18

    The Process of Deception ............................................................. 22

    We Must Know Ourselves ............................................................. 24

    The Importance of the Altered State (ASC) ................................. 27

    The Pastors Dilemma .................................................................. 29

    CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................. 31

    The Flesh, the World and Its Institutions ....................................... 31

    The Role of the Prosperity Gospel ............................................... 33

    Leaving the IC is Not Easy .......................................................... 35

    I The Tree and Its Fruit ................................................................ 38

    What Did the Lord Say? ................................................................ 38

    Hurt People Hurt People .............................................................. 40

    Four Reasons Why Repentance Won't Occur ............................. 49

    CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................. 53

    Salvation and the IC ........................................................................ 53

    The IC and the Great Falling Away ............................................. 53

    The Most Dangerous Churches ................................................... 55

    Charles Finney and the Fake Jesus .............................................. 57

    The Sinners Prayer ....................................................................... 60

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    The IC Omits or Minimizes the Resurrection ............................. 66

    The Cross Without the Resurrection ............................................ 70

    A Dead Spirit Cant ACCEPT JESUS because it is DEAD! ! The

    dead can do NOTHING. ............................................................. 72

    All Sorrow Is Not Godly ................................................................ 75

    The Dark Night of the Spirit ........................................................ 76

    The Difference Between Saved And Being Born Again ............. 78

    CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................. 83

    Why A Zombie is A Zombie ........................................................... 83

    God Does Not Will For You! ........................................................ 83

    Confirmation .................................................................................. 84

    Passivity in General ....................................................................... 87

    A Blocked Conscience .................................................................. 90

    The Unpardonable Sin and Blasphemous Thoughts.................. 92

    Spiritual Personality Disorders ..................................................... 95

    How the Devil Uses Zombie Passivity ........................................ 98

    Zombies and Lack of Discipline ................................................ 100

    Just Plain Lazy Zombies ............................................................. 101

    Countless Zombies Susceptible to Witchcraft ........................... 106

    CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................ 111

    Fruits of the Altered State of Consciousness.................................. 111

    A Composite Profile .................................................................... 115

    The Jezebel Spirit ........................................................................ 117

    Joels Army.................................................................................... 118

    A Perverse Generation Seeks Signs ............................................ 120

    CHAPTER 6 ................................................................................ 139

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    The Chakras and the Kundalini .................................................... 139

    Opening Chakras : The New Bondage ...................................... 139

    Chakras As Demonic Doorways ................................................. 140

    Chakras: A Charismatic/Occult Connection ........................... 144

    Visualization and the Chakras .................................................... 145

    Kundalini Energy ........................................................................ 149

    Symptoms of Kundalini Activation ............................................ 152

    The Kundalini and Fasting ........................................................ 159

    Reiki? The Enemy Heals Too! Then Comes the Torment! ..... 162

    Zombie, Fix Your Life! .................................................................. 171

    Expose the Darkness! ................................................................. 171

    The Lords Prayer Is Also For Sinners ....................................... 177

    Wake Up, Zombie! ...................................................................... 182

    Prayer Language? Demonic Babbling ...................................... 184

    Be Discerning When Praying For Others .................................. 187

    Bibliomancy is Witchcraft........................................................... 193

    Be Angry, But Sin Not! ............................................................... 195

    CHAPTER 8 ........................................................................ 203

    Are YOU Born Again? .................................................................. 203

    Reasons Why False Conversions Occur .................................... 205

    Torment As A Sign ...................................................................... 213

    Condemnation As a Sign............................................................. 216

    Know Them By Their Fruit ........................................................ 225

    CHAPTER 9 ................................................................................ 231

    RESCUE: A Religious Detox Journey ........................................... 231

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    A Word From A Former Zombie: A minister Who No Longer Goes To Church

    Born again 38 years ago, I have been a minister of the

    gospel of Jesus Christ for 33 years, licensed 10/25/81

    and years later, ordained. Twenty-five of those years, I

    served as both a pastor and an evangelist in a well

    known African American denomination. I even founded

    my own church in 1996 which I closed in 2009. Today, I

    do not attend church, at all. I personally believe that

    church is a dangerous place to be, particularly for the

    sincere follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

    The Lord came to me as I slept in September 2003. In

    that dream, He stated that He could not use me in the

    denomination where I was serving because Pam, you

    are a candle hidden under a bed. Then, almost as an

    afterthought, He turned around and reminded me to

    let them put you out. I did not understand how the

    Bishop and the rest of the leadership could put me out

    after 25 years of faithful service. However, a week after

    the dream, I learned of a secret plot against my online

    ministry which I had started in 2002.

    I must admit that I definitely did not want to come out

    of the church. Yet that compelling dream left a

    powerful impact upon me. So against my normal

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    reaction to fight back when wrongfully accused, I

    remained in silence and let denominational leaders have

    their way. I chose to be obedient to the Lord without

    fully understanding His reasons so I let them put me

    out, not realizing at the time that I would never belong

    to any other church again.

    Looking back over the last 12 years since that dream, I

    am humbled by the fact that the fruits of obedience have

    been extremely rewarding on a spiritual level. In short,

    the knowledge and wisdom imparted to me in the last

    ten years have been astounding. Revelation reach an all-

    time high in the summer of 2006. I heard in the spirit a

    message that declared that the church had already been

    judged. Consequently, I certainly did not want to

    believe that this prophetic word came from God. How

    could I continue in Christian ministry without the

    authority and back up of such a powerful worldwide

    institution? I thought to myself this has GOT to be the


    This is what zombies do. They rationalize, minimize,

    and shove the truth on a shelf to gather dust, simply

    because the revelation does not suit their own personal

    agenda. Yet another zombie tactic is to assume that

    messages sent to them from the devil are from God

    when it suits them, which is generally all the time. Yet

    when they receive a word from God that does not fit in

    with their preconceived plans, they set out to disprove

    the message. Oh my! So for one solid year, I tried the

    spirits by studying church history. I thought to myself,

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    there will be something in church history that will

    reveal the truth.

    The result was my 4th book, the Fake Jesus: Fallen

    Angels Among Us. In 2008, I shut down the church

    that I started in 1996. Also in 2008, I deleted from

    everywhere my ministerial name as my studies proved

    the name Healing Waters was sent to me through a

    false prophecy uttered by a ning year old, inspired by

    Maitreya. Then an astounding, life-changing event

    occurred on June 25, 2007 when I went to church for

    one last time. On that day, and for the next two days,

    the Lord revealed so much that it was like reeling

    around in a whirlwind yet not falling, nor was I dizzy. I

    was shocked but at the same time, everything made


    In order to understand my position, you need to know

    that I am not coming from whether or not there are

    good churches or bad churches. Certainly, there are

    both, a situation that has continued for centuries. Even

    in our times, there are some wonderful, good people and

    excellent programs operating in plenty of churches.

    However, this is the power of man. This is the power of

    human flesh. No one can deny that human beings can

    do some good and wonderful things without God. For

    example, man has proven that he can build a rocket and

    walk on the moon. Man has also conceived the very

    computers that we all use and share with a wealth of

    information at our finger tips. This is a good thing.

    Likewise, just because a church is good doesnt mean

    that God is there.

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    So be warned! When your OWN eyes have finally been

    opened, look out!!! Being deceived by church leaders

    can be taken as a personal insult when you perceive that

    you have been duped: bamboozled, run amuck, gone

    astray, hoodwinked, made a fool of. Dont even go there

    in your thoughts about all of that hard earned money we

    put into the hands of religious demons. Lord, Help!!!! In

    my own case, truth has been so liberating that it has not

    mattered that it took 30 years to find. I have pressed on

    and I no longer look back. I certainly dont cry over spilt

    milk when the Lord has so much meat to share!

    My position is this.

    The bible foretells through Paul to the Thessalonian

    believers that in the last days, a time in church history

    would come when God would send strong delusion.

    In like manner, Paul even warned Timothy that in the

    last days, there would be a group of demons who would

    infiltrate the churches with false and mixed doctrine,

    capable of even causing some of the elect to depart

    from the faith and give heed to or listen and absorb

    devilish false teachings.

    From my work on the Fake Jesus, I have been

    convinced that THAT DAY came already. It is quite

    possible that Strong delusion has already been poured

    out. Paul also wrote that the Anti-Christ was being

    restrained by the Holy Ghost. Even so, there would

    come a day in church history when the Holy Ghost

    would be so grieved that He would be taken out of the

    way. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that when the

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    Holy Ghost is taken out of the way, the anti-Christ

    would be revealed.

    With the preparation of the book the Fake Jesus

    particularly the info about the ascended master known

    among occultists as Maitreya, I now suspect that the

    Anti-Christ is really a fallen angel. Certainly this angel

    will use the body of a man at some point and he has

    already done so. According to Benjamin Creme,

    Maitreya was revealed in July 1977. I was born again in

    March 1977, just 4 months before Maitreya was revealed.

    Consider that if the fallen angel who calls himself

    Maitreya has already been revealed, then strong delusion

    has already been poured out. 1

    So how did I get to church in the first place? Well, I had

    3 dreams that sent me to an African American

    denomination in 1979. I learned just as I finished The

    Fake Jesus that those dreams came from the religious

    fallen angel that is assigned to me. The book Come

    Out of Her, Gods People addresses why the enemy

    would actually send me to church and why God would

    allow it to happen.

    It is important to note, that I didnt become born again

    from the word preached either in church. In fact, no

    churchgoer either witnessed to me or invited me to visit

    their church. Instead, I became acquainted with the

    gospel through the holidays and various movies about

    1 Pam Sheppard, The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us, Pam Sheppard Publishing, 2007.

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    Jesus. I had heard that Jesus had died for my sins and

    that He was raised from the dead. I heard, I understood,

    and I did not believe.

    Nevertheless, in spite of my former godlessness, I

    became born again because the Holy Ghost drew me to

    the cross on March 29, 1977, on a Monday around 4 pm.

    That very day, He caused me to see that I was a sinner

    and He led me to repent. Faith was dropped into an

    atheist to believe that Jesus was dead and He got up

    from the grave in His physical body. It was like a

    lightbulb went off in my spirit where it has remained

    there like a hard rock in my spirit where He still lives

    after 38 years.

    Without ever having heard a word preached in a sermon

    by a minister behind the pulpit, God saved me. It is an

    experience that absolutely no one can take away from

    me. It is an experience that every born again person

    MUST have. This book will blow your mind and than

    empower your thoughts with compelling information as

    to why no born again experiences are happening in the

    institutional church,-nor at revivals, crusades,

    conferences, meetings or as you watch your favorite

    mega preacher on television or listen to him or her on


    Therefore, it stands to reason that if God saved an

    atheist without any church background who had never

    even read the bible, then God can save anyone

    anywhere, without using institutional churches. This is

    the symbolic message behind my born again experience.

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    As a former zombie for 25 years, it took me three

    decades for this particular revelation to sink in. You see

    the church of the latter day zombies is really the end-

    time church of Laodicea. We are poor, blind, naked,

    stupid, calling what is of the devil as as a message from

    the Holy Ghost. Yet, when we wake up and buy gold

    from the Lord refined in the true fires of God, our days

    as a church zombie are OVER!

    No doubt, the word of God has been heard around the

    world. There is no where that the name of Jesus is not

    known. To preach is not to stand behind a pulpit with a

    sermon. To preach is to proclaim or simply to tell the

    story of Jesus. Where in this world are you going to find

    ANYONE who has not heard the story of Jesus? The

    real problem today is that those who have heard the

    word in church simply do not understand it. I am

    willing to say that 95% of churchfolk do not understand

    either repentance, rebirth, or the resurrection. Without

    an understanding, they are not yet born again. (Matthew

    13:23) Yet they believe that they are converted because

    they have given heed to doctrines of devils. They are

    like zombies, stumbling around in the dark.

    In this book, it will be explained to you in a clear and

    concise manner as to why the worst of all the doctrines

    of devils is the sinners prayer and the invitation to

    Christian discipleshipdoctrines suggesting that by

    your choice, you can enter the kingdom of God.

    Whatever happened to no man is saved of himself,

    salvation is a gift from God, lest any man boast that I

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    accepted Jesus. No. We dont accept Jesus. He accepts

    us---a choice made from His own sovereign will.

    The bottomline is that I believe the church age has been

    over a long time ago---perhaps 50 years, definitely since

    1977. Actually, every single church on earth is a fruit of

    Catholicism. Catholicism is an evil, corrupt tree. Jesus

    said that good fruit cannot and will not come from a

    corrupt tree. Certainly, there are people in church who

    are born again, the elect of God. However, they are not

    redeemed because they heard a sermon preached in

    church. They are born again because the Holy Ghost

    brought them to the cross. I contend that every born

    again churchgoer did not receive salvation because of

    attending a local assembly, but in spite of it.

    I hope you will be equipped to digest the strong

    meat that shall be laid before you within these pages

    and that you will go forth and set a Church Zombie free!

    The reason why every churchgoer needs this book in his

    or her hands either in paperback or on his or her

    electronic device of choice is that in the years ahead, you

    will have to stand alone. Certainly, you are all welcome

    to come and join us at our online ministry called

    RESCUE. As long as Internet is available, we provide

    more individual support than any churchgoer has ever

    received or ever will receive in a building. We can

    provide you with counsel and advice to support you

    while you are on your own in your community. My

    perspective is that even if the Internet becomes unsafe,

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    you can reach for this book to find the wisdom you need

    to address your individual and local concerns.

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    The Zombie-Masters, The Rats and the Roaches

    A Telepathic Communication

    When I left the church in 2004, I did not know that it

    was a permanent move. I expected that the Lord would

    lead me to another church affiliation. I had my eye on

    Rev. Paul Mortons organization, the Full Gospel

    Baptists. It seemed a great choice for me because I had

    been ordained and served in a denominational church

    very compatible with the Baptists, yet I was also a

    Pentecostal in orientation, belief and practice. So when 3

    years passed and I did not have a leading to join ANY

    church, I wondered why. It didnt take long for me to be

    answered once I sought the Lord in prayer. In less than

    a week, a kind of telepathic communication took place

    to let me know that I was not to join any institutional

    church, ever again.

    I was spoken to in a kind of parable. I was asked,

    Pam, would you put curtains up at the windows of a

    condemned building?

    I thought of all of the condemned buildings I had seen

    growing up in the inner city. I answered in my mind.

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    No, I would not.

    Then came a kind of speech, more like a telepathic

    pattern of thought that went something like this.

    A homeless person will make a home in a condemned

    building. To escape the elements of the weather on the

    outside, he will satisfy himself and make do with no

    heat, no running water, no lights, and he will share his

    dwelling with its occupants: the rats and the roaches.

    Then I was hit in the face with the next outrageous


    Pam, if you try to edify the organized church with

    seminars and conferences, you will be putting up

    curtains at the windows of a condemned building.

    Wow. I was stunned. I had already begun to conduct

    deliverance seminars with the first one in Bermuda and

    the second one in Lawrenceville Ga. I was planning the

    third conference when this spiritual conversation


    The Message Received on July 27, 2007

    Metaphorically speaking, it was clear to me that the

    condemned building was a symbol of the entire

    institutional church. I reasoned that if this rather

    strange conversation was from the Holy Spiritthen

    the metaphor clearly suggested that the institutional

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    church, ---herein referred to as the IC--- is condemned,

    in other words, judged already.

    As this strange parable continued, it was explained

    that zombies who attend church regularly are those who

    are afraid of the outside elements of a dangerous and

    sinful worldand rightly so. Therefore, it makes sense

    to run inside of church walls for protection. The other

    symbols were explained. For example, the reference to

    light and heat. When churchgoer zombies run inside,

    what they find is no light. Yet God is light. And they

    find no heat, no warmth. No running water in the

    condemned building means no rivers of living water, No

    Holy Spirit. No heat. No fires of the Holy Spirit.

    Amazed and shocked, I realized immediately that this

    modern-day parable was clearly revealing that the Holy

    Spirit has left the organized church. And no wonder.

    Then came the strong punch line in the interpretation of

    the rats and roaches. The voice went on to say that the

    rats were the pastors and church leaders and the roaches

    were the church members. For the sake of my title, I

    have re-named the roaches. The roaches are a symbolic

    synonym for the zombies. The pastors and the leaders

    are the puppet or zombie masters, serving as hypnotists,

    gatekeepers and handlers within every IC. The process

    may vary from church to church but the goals, objectives

    and outcomes are practically the same.

    Leadership is looking for church members to become

    addicted zombies.

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    The Church Addict

    What is addiction? A simple and concise definition is

    that it is enslavement to a habit or practice or to

    something that is psychologically or physically habit-

    forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that the

    cessation of the drug or substance causes severe trauma.

    It had been my experience in working for decades with

    addicts that a physical addiction can be controlled

    within 30 days. However, in the addiction field, the

    recovery period for the soul takes at least a year. The

    soul also known as the ego in psychoanalyst is quite

    mysterious. It consists of both the conscious and

    unconscious mind, the emotions, the personality and its

    disorders, perceptions, likes, dislikes and the will power.

    Consequently, addiction may start in the body but the

    real struggle to overcome it lies within our souls.

    So too with the church addict. From 90 days to 6

    months, perhaps a year, the church addicts mind must

    be re-trained. False doctrines and practices that the

    churchgoer has believed in for decades must be

    challenged so that the soul can be renewed. As God

    Himself has compared false worship to prostitution or

    whoredom , I am not out of line in making a similar

    comparison. A church addiction can be compared to

    good sex with someone you know does not really love

    you. Simply put, you get hooked to the thrill and the

    feeling. Those of us who have never been there and

    done that wonder what the thrill is for a masochist.

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    Masochism from a psychiatric perspective is defined as

    a condition in which sexual gratification depends on

    suffering, physical pain and humiliation gained from

    despair, deprivation, and degradation. The perpetrator

    can be others or it can be self inflicted. Unfortunately,

    masochists are known to find pleasure in self denial and

    emotional pain.

    So fallen angels and demons work behind the scenes as

    they use church leadership to implement religiosity

    without power. While the leadership verbally beats the

    zombie both up and then down, the deceptive strategy

    is to lull churchgoers into a false sense of security-to

    rationalize and justify their behavior by concluding that

    avid churchgoing is not only the right thing to do, but

    that if they make the IC itself the center of their lives,

    they will please God and live fulfilling, blessed lives.

    How the Lord plays into this scenario is that the rats

    preach that the roaches or zombies will find Him by

    going to church every time the doors are opened.

    When religious deception sets in, the zombie has already

    mistaken faith in God for faith in his religion and in his

    church. So they find shelter in both. Zombies become

    addicted to the feelings they experience out of

    manipulating people. After all, religion produces good

    feelings, prestige, self-worth, a sense of protection, as

    well as an opportunity to feel like they are in control,

    when in reality, they are being manipulated and

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    controlled by the religion itself.2

    Countless tricks and deceptions are used to paint a

    prosperous image. For example, leaders will often use

    "logical fallacies," or logically flawed arguments, to

    persuade and manipulate churchgoers into doing what

    they want. According to Wikipedia,

    "A fallacy is an incorrect argument

    in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack

    of validity, or more generally, a lack

    of soundness."

    A very common fallacy used is called anecdotal

    evidence, confirmation bias, biased sample, and

    proof by example), "... it is the act of pointing

    to individual cases or data that seem to confirm

    a particular position, while ignoring a

    significant portion of related cases or data that

    may contradict that position."3

    Here is a classic example, frequently used. The

    leadership pushes members to tithe and "sow more

    seed. So they pre-arrange that particular zombies stand

    up before the church to give their testimony of how they

    finally decided to give tithing a try, and almost

    immediately thereafter, something really good

    2 Steven Arterburn and Jack Felton, Toxic Faith, Experiencing Healing, Over Painful Spiritual Abuse, Waterbrook Press, 1991 Kindle 2001 3

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    happened to them. Maybe they received a big settlement

    they had been waiting on for a long time, or a

    promotion at work, or a check in the mail that they

    hadn't been expecting, or perhaps they were approved

    for a house or car loan they should not have been

    eligible for with their credit rating, and things of that


    These kinds of testimonies would have everyone

    wanting to give more, because they thought if they

    poured money out of their coffers and gave it to the IC,

    the same would happen to them. The fact was, for every

    member who'd had an experience like that, there were

    many more who had been faithful in tithing and giving

    offerings for years, yet never experienced any kind of

    windfall or dramatic change in their financial situation.

    But those people were not going to be asked to testify

    about it in front of the church, so you weren't going to

    hear those stories. The leadership showed you the

    evidence they wanted the zombies to see and excluded

    the real truth.

    For zombies who have been raised in church all of their

    lives, these kind of improprieties are rationalized and

    minimized. Being bamboozled is not a problem because

    these churchfolk can't even conceive a relationship with

    God without church attendance. As a pastor for 17 of the

    25 years I served in the IC, I know the game real well. I

    was sincere in the work of feeding and tending Gods

    sheep. Nevertheless, the challenge ever before me was

    to find ways to fill the pews and then to keep the folk

    addicted to coming back. I also was in contact with

    hundreds of other pastors. As a handler, the average

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    sermon preached on a Sunday morning focuses on

    leaving your problems at the door and entering the

    sanctuary with praise and thanksgiving.

    Actually, the rat encourages the roaches to enter

    into a psychological defense mechanism called denial.

    Functioning as an enabler to the growing addiction,

    the congregants reality is overlooked by minimizing

    their problems for a few hours in order to get their

    praise on! The praise and worship leaders, the altar

    workers, the prophetsall support the pastor in their

    unified quest to keep the doors of the church opened so

    that they can continue to perform. To do so necessitates

    unreasonable pressure as demonstrated by a small

    sample of the many emails I have received on this

    matter, as depicted in the following comments:

    Comments From Former Zombies

    From a former church zombie in Colorado

    I had a prayer leader tell me that the devil wants to get

    me out of church to beat the snot out of me, at the time

    it did put fear in me not to miss a service nor those

    exhausting 3-4 hour prayer meetings. Like we needed all

    that just to stay prayed up for the 2 days until the next

    service came along. I remember one gals husband

    calling the church for his wife to come home because

    her son was in a wheelchair and he needed help with

    him. The pastor including the prayer leader (jezebel

    type) swore up and down that we had to intercede for

    the enemy to stop her husband from keeping her from

  • 19

    the Lords work at prayer meeting. Such bondage and


    After those meetings, I would go home and during the

    night, suffer sharp needle-like pains in my back and

    shoulders. I felt the demons binding me. I was very

    much in a contest to see who could spend the most time

    at church. We never truly cared for who we prayed

    for,,,,so and so would call me if I missed a meeting and

    say, " Oh it was a 911 meeting, the Holy Spirit showed

    up and GURL you MISSED it!" I used to hate that shit!

    As a former zombie, I was so deceived and stupid, but

    not anymore!!!

    A former church zombie from Georgia:

    When I was church hopping, I kept thinking, "Well,

    maybe this one is right, maybe that maybe this

    one." I am a person who was pretty much RAISED in

    the church, and my eyebrows were raised at a very early

    age...but since this is all I knew to be the route, the

    connection to God, I continued to immerse myself in it.

    I went from Baptist, to a little bit of Pentecostal, to non-

    denominational, to charismatic & apostolic.

    I sought and sought after the truth, but all I kept

    finding was different false doctrines everywhere! And the

    main reason I church hopped was because a church

    leader kept telling me that even though many churches

    are false, there are still some out there that are "good" hers. So hence, I prayed for God to lead

  • 20

    me to the right church, and went from this one, to that

    one, to the other one, still knowing that something was

    missing or just not right with each one of them. I

    thought it was odd that I never got a response.

    I kept wondering why God never "sent" me to a

    particular church. Well now I know why: BECAUSE


    God would NEVER send me to something that is

    contaminated. Next thing I know, I ended up leaving for

    good this time, KNOWING that I was not supposed to

    be in the IC, and realizing that all those times before

    when I left my church and returned, that it was God

    calling me out of the IC. At first I thought the problem

    was just with MY church that I left, and that something

    "better" was out there. But I searched and searched and

    searched, and never found it. But what I DID find was

    even MORE evidence that false doctrines are being

    preached ALL OVER THE IC. Now THAT was an


    A former church zombie from Kentucky

    I felt like I was in kindergarten, even the elders were

    babies, but they didn't know it. Some even taught that

    we were to be like little children. I don't know for

    certain, but I don't think that is what Jesus meant when

    He said be humble like little children. There is a far cry

    from being a responsible, stable, sound minded mature

    humble adult, and from being a border line spiritual

    imbecile. He said be humble like little children not

  • 21

    ignorant like them, but that's just me. The humility that

    these so called humble were presenting wasn't really

    humility at all but pride in disguise.

    Pride. Hmmmm. Lord have mercy. Attending church

    on Sunday is really a walk on the red carpet for the

    fashionistas to strut their stuff, and a place to show off

    what they drive, where they work, how much money

    they have and who they know!!! Where is God in all of


    A former church zombie from New Jersey

    NO meat in the I.C! No true healing or deliverance from

    sin. No true repentance that leads to true forgiveness

    and reconciliation with God. Vague answers to sincere

    questions. Misleading folks into false conversions. Too

    much emphasize on tithing. Secular practices are

    everywhere including taking secular music and

    tweaking it to be gospel. Participating in pagan

    holidays, traditions and now eastern practices such as

    yoga, hypnosis, and the like. Fear is rampant in the i.c.

    no peace. Fear of going to hell, being disowned by the

    church. Works are focused on. Most believe that they

    must perform works , they wear themselves out doing

    works and then they crash and fall back into a sinful

    lifestyle. Confusion, dissension, hypocrisy, pride, hate,

    strife, etc

    These four former zombies from different locations in

    the United States touch on some rather serious matters.

    Yet even more deadly is how the enemy uses the rats to

    cause the roaches to lose themselves through the altered

  • 22

    state of consciousness, also known as the trance. It is

    actually the trance that precipitates the addiction called

    either religiosity and more recently referred to as

    churchianity. In Know the Facts About the Altered

    State of Consciousness, the author quotes from the

    written work of Dr. Elizabeth Hillstrom:

    Altered states also have important commonalities. They can all impair one's ability to test reality, to think critically and logically or to remember. They create a passive state in which mental events seem to develop on their own and are simply experienced rather that being controlled. Many also weaken emotional restraints, allowing moods to swing from wild jubilation to deep fear and depression. In addition, they can all create perceptual distortions and hallucinations and precipitate unusual bodily sensations like numbness, dizziness, tingling or rushes of energy.... They can make people hypersuggestible, so they are open to many strange beliefs and are easily influenced by the suggestions of other people. Altered states have the singular ability to make all kinds of improbable events seem exceptionally real and significant.... One final effect of altered states is their apparent ability to facilitate or enhance mystical experience.4

    The Process of Deception

    The strategy of deception involves fallen angels to

    stand by patiently watching and waiting for their

    4 John Weldon and John Ankerberg, Know the Facts About the Altered State of Consciousness, ebook, 2012

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    churchgoing prey to allow themselves to be induced into

    an altered state of consciousness by any means

    necessary. Once they spot an opening, the religious

    angels seize the opportunity. The most well known and

    classic example is that of Alice Bailey, the infamous

    mother of present day occultism called the New Age

    Movement. A churchgoing woman, Bailey is actually

    the founder of what is known today as the occult.

    Most startling is that Alice Bailey began as a Sunday

    School Teacher in a Presbyterian church. Think of it.

    An IC Sunday School teacher helped to promote the

    New World Order.

    In 1973, the late doctor, Kurt Koch of Germany outlined

    what he described as an increasing chaos growing in the

    intellectual and spiritual climate of our times:

    1. An unquenchable thirst in the soul of man is

    continuing to promote an increase in all forms of

    mysticism, spiritism and musical ecstasy.

    2. Mankinds sensual desires are promoting an

    increase in sexual, alcoholic and drug


    3. The heightening of the spiritual need of our

    times has led to the birth of the so-called

    charismatic movement and other extreme

    religious tendencies.

    4. An overemphasis on the irrational is producing a

    growth in magic and other mediumistic


    5. The pandemonium of our times is most terribly

    evident in the Judas, Spiritistic and Satan Cults

  • 24

    which have recently sprung up in different parts

    of the world.5

    The times that Koch is referring to existed 40 years ago.

    In 4 decades, the spread of mysticism has been

    successfully carried out by virtue of the tremendous,

    explosive growth of the charismatic movement within

    the IC. Magic has successfully crossed over from New

    Age occultism into the church and religious worlds. As

    the Lord said, a perverse generation seeks after signs.

    Clearly we are that perverse generation.

    We Must Know Ourselves A Word From Watchman Nee

    Some may learn yet such learning may not be thorough enough. Judgment or discernment comes not from knowledge, cleverness or mind. It comes from what we have gone through ourselves. Only after God has broken something in your life, will you be able to judge someone else. Therefore, let us not try to escape from discipline and personal dealing or we will not be able to deal with other people. We need to learn deeply so that we may be useful. Whatever lesson you have learned from discipline or revelation, that very thing you will store in your spirit. He who is broken most is the richest for ministering to others.

    5 Kurt E. Koch, Demonology Past and Present: Identifying and Overcoming Demonic Strongholds, 1973, Translated from German, Kindle.

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    What is meant by ministry, your ministry? It means that you use what you have learned and stored in your spirit to help others. This is ministry. One of our prayers ought to be to ask the Lord to increase His judgment in you so that you might be enriched, that you may appreciate what is truth and recognize what is problematic. The Lord will deal with our spirit daily until it becomes dependable.6

    The problem with zombies is that their spirits are not

    dependable. Such a condition is understandable when

    we consider that the vast amount of churchgoers are not

    even born again, which means that their spirits are still

    dark, alienated from the life and the light of God. Those

    who are born again will h but deceived born again

    people have the light but it's like a lamp with a black

    shade on it.

    As an example, I remember when the Holy Spirit called

    me out of the IC in a dream. He said Pam, I cannot use

    you here for you are like a light hidden under a bed.

    The year of this revelation was 2003. It is amazing that I

    understood anything at all back then my discernment

    was completely off. I thought what came from God was

    of the devil and vice versa. Born again 26 years at that

    time, I was still a spiritual knucklehead. So not fully

    comprehending, I thought He was referring to one

    denomination and not the entire church system. My

    point is that even though you may be born again, other

    conditions must be met to. Have reliable and

    dependable discernment.

    6 Watchman Nee,

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    In spite of the vast variations within the IC relative to

    doctrines and practices, one common denominator is

    that the members lack spiritual experience, which

    includes knowing how to try the spirits. Those in the

    pews are passive, depending upon the experiences of the

    leaders, particularly the pastors. Even in dealing with

    the mundane issues of life, passive zombies often

    respond with Pastor said. Suffice it to point out both

    at this point and in other chapters that passivity sheds

    light on the reasons why church members tend to make

    poor decisions because they have suppressed their

    commonsense. So when a poor decision is carried out,

    zombies project blame on either the enemy or God

    Himself, a matter that is addressed more than once in

    this book.

    Once again, Watchman Nee clearly points to the lack of

    discipline as a major discernment issue:

    The Lord is looking for dependable people. The more the discipline, the better the standard of discernment. How do I know which kind of Christian is right? People who have received more discipline are the most reliable. For there will come forth worthy diagnosis and judgment. We need to know our own selves. If we have learned to know ourselves aright, we will be capable of dealing with all men. Humans are all almost alike. You yourself qualify as a representative.

    There is the seed of sin in all of us. Human nature in all of us is nearly alike. It is hard to find anyone who is altogether different. The difference is merely in the growing into fruit. If you really know yourself, you will be able to deal with most any person. Ones learning experience needs to be wide as well as deep so that none

  • 27

    of what your brothers and sisters have learned will be beyond your ability to discern. Gods judgment enlightens you. Each and every instance of learning will increase the light, enabling you to deal with others. But should the discipline of the Holy Spirit not be deep enough, the dealing will not be thorough and broad, thus disabling you from judging many things. And if you find yourself unable to judge, do not ever try to discern with your mind.7

    The Importance of the Altered State (ASC)

    So you are thinking How is the altered state of

    consciousness (ASC) obtained in the IC? I write about

    it in my book, Come Out of Her Gods People and

    also on my public blogs. Here is an excerpt:

    Satan has always wanted to be worshiped and therefore he looks for every opportunity within a church assembly to steal some worship for himself. In order to do so, he confronts and overpowers human resistance by creating within the churchgoer an altered state of consciousness. As the worshipper enters the spectrum and attains the ASC, a fallen angel attempts to walk into a worshipper. Through deceptive devices, an effective trick can cause a worshipper to be at various levels of risk of demonism.

    The passive situation for a churchgoer is to become like a puppet, a robot, even a machine. Passivity can also be obtained by a wrong interpretation of scripture. For example, a woman becomes a passive puppet, robotic

    7 Watchman Nee, CHRISTIAN Fellowship Publishers, Kindle, 2014

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    like machine when she accepts persistent physical battery from her husband because the bible says that God hates divorce. A passive Christian is like a zombie who is helpless in action. For this reason, he has not rightly divided the word because he believes that this is Gods will.

    On the Charismatic side, good people have been deceived into accepting all things supernatural as of the Lord and they have made a voice from God the

    deciding factor in every matter, both trivial and important. Passive believers have also suppressed their personalities to such an extent that they cant distinguish their own persona from demonic thoughts, visions and voices. 8

    The truth of the matter is that every church zombie

    should ask himself how did I come to believe what I

    think I know about God, religion and the bible? The

    problem is that I often hear church zombies brag and in

    that proud, nasal tone, I have always known God from

    a child. I think to myself yes, and you also knew Santa

    Claus and the Tooth Fairy too. If we continue to

    blindly concur with generally accepted ideas, isn't it

    likely that others have done the same? I believe that if

    Satan has deceived the whole world, since we all live on

    the planet, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure

    out that he has deceived us also.

    8 Pamela Sheppard, Come Out of Her Gods People, 2010, page 198

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    The Pastors Dilemma

    As will be repeated throughout this book, ministerial

    and laity leaders serve merely as figureheads or channels

    to the nefarious plots and schemes of the unseen spirit

    beings working for Satan as puppetteers pulling human

    strings. We all have been lulled into a semi- or fully-

    delusional state where we are drugged into believing

    something we know deep down inside just isnt right.

    We just went to church and went along with the

    programs to get along. We didnt want to rock the boat,

    so to speak, out of fear that we would be labeled

    rebellious, unfaithful, unteachable, or a host of other

    names leadership likes to place on thinking people who

    were blessed with common sense AND wisdom to know

    game when they see it.

    When I was a faithful pastor in the IC, I had several

    memorable dreams that showed me the spiritual

    condition of the entire IC but I misinterpreted them. I

    thought the dreams were pertaining to my former

    denomination only. I understood years later that a

    particular church in a dream was only intended to be

    representative or symbolic of the entire IC. In several

    dreams, The pulpit and altar area was defiled with

    menstrual blood, feces and urine. I would dream about

    toilets overflowing in the sanctuary. I also saw ministers

    and bishops sitting up on a high stage get blown off if it

    by a strong wind, followed by the words this is my


    I did not understand those dreams until three years

    after I left the IC. I now know that the defilement

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    represented the plagues. For in the natural, plagues have

    broken out because of infectious, unclean conditions

    caused by rats and other vermin. The unclean natural

    condition of a house will cause it to be condemned,

    boarded up.

    Besides a condemned building, I also call the IC a

    haunted house because it is filled with evil spirits who

    have taken the IC over, due to the plagues. A haunted

    house is filled with the demons that once inhabited the

    dead who lived in that house.

    The Lord Jesus called the religious folk of his day,

    white washed tombs on the outside, contaminated with

    dead mens bones on the inside. This is the IC today. It

    is also a huge whitewashed tomb. A haunted house.

    Dont let the white washed physicality, Her stained glass

    beauty fool you. The spirit realm is invisible to our eyes

    but it still exists. In the spirit realm, every pulpit is

    covered in unclean blood, urine and feces.

  • 31


    The Flesh, the World and Its Institutions

    Understanding the World

    The word tells us that God so loved the world that He

    gave His beloved Son to die as a sacrifice for sin.

    However, God loved the people in the world and not the

    systems of the world. The Lord Jesus did not love the

    world or its systems. We are warned in scripture that if

    we love the world or lust after it, then the love of God is

    not in us. Implicit in bibles perspective of the world is

    some very important information. Satan is the God of

    this world. The Lords kingdom is not of this world. The

    kingdom of JESUS Christ consists of people, both dead

    and alive who are born again, chosen to be among the

    elect of God, the body of Christ.

    As such, the world consists of various systems that

    include nations, organizations and institutions. So it

    stands to reason that all institutions are being ruled by

    Satan in order to build up his kingdom. So a very simple

    question comes to mind. Since all churches are

    institutions, either denominations, non-denominations,

    Protestant or Catholic, how could the Lord Jesus Christ

  • 32

    be the commander in chief of a worldly institution, run

    by the devil?

    The believers of the first two centuries were not a part of

    an institution. It was only in the year 313 AD that

    Roman Emperor Constantine decided to stop all

    Persecution of Christians, become a Christian himself,

    and then lay out the structure yesterday of what we call

    church today. So simple logic tells me that since Satan

    is the God of this world, then he must also be the God of

    All institutions. Need I say MORE? The church has

    been an institution since 313 AD so do the math.

    In his book entitled Engaging the Powers, biblical

    scholar, minister and author, the late Walter Wink

    outlined a model of assumptions that fits all facets of an

    institutional system. Wink addresses the need of the

    system to control its members to prevent chaos. This

    manner of control will require some people to dominate

    others. Those who dominate often use other people to

    achieve their goals. I'm keeping with the vernacular,

    elite zombies and the lesser zombies. Also a valued end

    justifies ANY means. Other assumptions include:

    1. Ruling or managing is the most important of all social


    2. As such, they should be rewarded by extra privileges and


    3. Money is the most value.

    4. The possession of money is tangible proof of ones

    political and social worth. To that, I also add religious

    or spiritual worth, since the IC is also an institution.

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    5. Property is sacred. Ask AMY member about their

    church building.

    6. Property ownership is an absolute right.

    7. Great size is proof of the institutions power and value.

    8. Institutions are more important than people.

    9. God is the protector and patron of the institution.

    10. God is not revealed to all, but only to a select individual

    or nation, and their rulers and or priesthood.9

    The Role of the Prosperity Gospel

    Wink's model of assumptions remind me of the

    prosperity gospel that started among American

    charismatics about 30-40 years ago and has spread

    throughout every denomination around the world.

    MacArthur adds meat to Winks assumptions held by

    worldly institutions, quite astutely expressed:

    The prosperity message unashamedly calls people to place their hope in the passing pleasures of this world. Rather than denouncing wrong desires, it glorifies worldly lifestyles, feeds on sinful greed, and makes poppycock promises to desperate people: Get right with the Lord and he will give you a well- paid job, a nice house and a new car.

    The prosperity gospel is more morally reprehensible than a Las Vegas casino because it masquerades as religion and comes in the name of Christ. But like the

    9 Walter Wink, Engaging the Powers, Fortress Press, 1992, pg. 95

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    casinos, it attracts its victims with glitzy showmanship and the allure of instant riches. After devouring their last cent, like a spiritual slot machine, it sends them home worse off than when they came. The subjective and mystical nature of charismatic theology is an ideal incubator for prosperity theology because it allows spiritual swindlers to declare themselves prophets, claim divine anointing, and pretend they speak with Gods authority in order to escape biblical scrutiny while fleecing people and peddling aberrant doctrines. 10

    Actually, the prosperity gospel has armed corrupt

    ministers to exert rule and control over the masses as

    they insist that to prosper, all must sow seed to impress

    God. The rats coerce the zombies to pay their tithes

    and offerings through a kind of f ear based coercive

    bargaining, ie you plant your seed and God will cause

    you to reap a 100 fold blessing. If you don't give, then

    you rob God and the fires of hell will burn hot for you. In

    spite of this obvious scam, the zombies belief system

    allows them to make excuses for this flagrant corruption

    as leadership continues to pick their pockets.

    In Engaging the Powers, Wink points out that at any

    time, the populace can rise up and overthrow the world

    system by virtue of their numbers but rarely does this

    happen. The reason for it is deception. The

    churchgoing zombie has believed lies to be the truth.

    Then again, a victim to a lie has too much pride to

    admit that he was duped. Zombies, though victims of

    the I.Cs delusional system of false doctrine and

    practices that clearly did not work, are nevertheless

    10 MacArthur

  • 35

    responsible for allowing the system to shape their souls.

    Besides hearing directly from God as I did, a zombie has

    the free will to use his or her COMMONSENSE and

    declare, this mess ain't workin.

    Yet there is a way to recognize the elect. The Lord

    showed me several years ago that He shall make His

    chosen ones lose every material thing that they have

    acquired, in order to open their blind eyes to the fact

    that the prosperity gospel is a lie from the devil. If it

    were from Him then it would work.

    Beside God having to make such a drastic statement to

    His zombies, He also gave each of us a will power. Our

    personal volition is the most important weapon to

    achieve and maintain freedom. Simply, STOP GOING

    TO CHURCH. You don't have to riot, sue, or maim

    anybody. You don't have to stick around the IC to try

    to fix what is broken beyond repair. Understand that

    you gave your money to the devil and he is not going to

    give it back to you. Nor will the church or the pastor

    make good your losses. So just walk. Simply put----,


    Leaving the IC is Not Easy

    Yet, the psycho-social aspects of churchgoing make it

    extremely difficult to give it up cold turkey. Culture,

    history and the fear of going to hell play a big part in

    sustaining the addiction. Fagetaboutit!!! Those whose

    entire income has been supplied by the IC will most

  • 36

    assuredly die in Her. Thank God that for 25 years a

    minister in the IC, I maintained a full time secular job

    Lets face it. If I had to depend on the IC for my

    livelihood, I might still be in the institution called

    church myself.

    I personally don't address and dissect all the false

    prophets, false doctrines and un-scriptural practices for

    a very practical reason. Besides being an author, I am

    also a pastor, a therapist and a deliverance minister. I

    simply would have no time to do anything else but write

    books as there are simply too many false prophets,

    doctrines and demonic practices for me to deal with

    each and every of them. So at the end of the day, I have

    reserved my attention to examine those practices that

    play a significant role in Satans end-time agenda, like

    speaking in tongues, and the zombie fascination for the

    supernatural as a few examples. Consequently, I try to

    keep things simple by concentrating on the entire forest

    and not every individual tree.

    So I face the fact that there are a significant number of

    church zombies today who are still looking for the right

    church. I know how that is because I was once one of

    them. Even though we know of the corruption of most

    churches, we still believe that the deception has not

    affected ALL churches. So if you have left the

    institutional church for good, you are going to run into

    people who will confront you on this matter.

    Q How are you going to handle it?

    There is more than one way. Here is a start.

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    The bible foretells through Paul to the

    Thessalonians that in the last days, a time in church

    history would come when God would send strong

    delusion. In like manner, Paul even warned Timothy

    that in the last days, there would be a group of demons

    who would infiltrate Christians with false and mixed

    doctrine, capable of even causing some of the elect to

    depart from the faith and give heed to or listen and

    absorb these devilish false teachings.

    From my work on the Fake Jesus, I have been

    convinced that THAT DAY came already. Strong

    delusion has already been poured out. EVERYONE

    has been affected including ministers and members.

    Demons are the authors of the false doctrines and

    practices that almost the entire church stands upon as

    pillars of truth.

    There is ONE doctrine more dangerous than all others

    that ALL churches go by. It s called by a few names:

    easy believism, the decisional gospel based on the altar

    call and the sinners prayer where you ask Jesus to come

    into your heart and a religious demon responds. This is

    so important that I have devoted an entire chapter to it

    in order to explain the issues in more detail. Zombies

    are deceived at various levels. So one of the facts we

    have to face is biblical. It is this. For the way to

    salvation is narrow and not broad and few will find truth

    and be undeceived. So I focus on the few.

    Unfortunately, to be un-deceived is the exception and

    not the rule.

    Here are some additional biblical variations to explain

  • 38

    your position as out of churchers.

    I The Tree and Its Fruit

    The Lord teaches us to know the essence of a thing, you

    have to look to both its root and its fruit. For

    ANYTHING, the same test applies. A good tree does

    not bring forth evil fruit and an evil tree does not bring

    forth good fruit. So when speaking to others of a

    different point of view, apply the Lords principle. You

    may not find history one of your favorite subjects but

    there is a simple way to expose the darkness in the


    So cultivate a historical perspective of how the

    organized IC started with the Roman Emperor

    Constantine in 313 AD, a fake Christian who did not

    abandon his pagan gods. In fact, Constantine and not

    the Pope, is the father of the Roman the Catholic

    Church. All churches have the Catholic Church as their

    mother. It is not difficult to present the witchcraft nature

    of Catholicism. Since the root and the tree itself are evil,

    how can one expect anything different from the fruit of

    the IC? Its foundation, its historical roots, were

    established by an emperor of Rome.

    What Did the Lord Say?

    The Lords kingdom of heaven parable in Matthew 13

    speaks of the mustard seed that grew into a huge tree

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    with many branches with the birds of the air coming and

    dwelling in them.

    The mustard seeds are the early apostles and disciples,

    the 120 in the upper room. The trunk and the roots of

    the tree is Catholicism. The branches are Protestant

    churches and denominations. Jesus explains later in the

    chapter that the symbolism of birds is that they

    represent demons. Fallen angels and demons have

    swarmed into the IC and taken her over with false


    Then there is Rev 18:4 Come Out of Her My People.

    You want to encourage those who are on the fence about

    the IC to think for themselves. Revelation is

    predominately an end-time book for end-time believers.

    So clearly the Lord is speaking to the last generation

    when He warns His people to come out of Her. So to

    encourage free thinking, how can Gods people all leave

    a nation? Gods people are in ALL nations.

    If we were to leave the USA, where would we go?

    Canada? The Caribbean? South America? Back to

    England? Would God tell us to come out and not give us

    the means to do so? Countries have immigration laws in

    these times.

    So could HER be a nation? Where are those who call

    themselves Gods people? THEY ARE MOSTLY IN

    CHURCH. Biblical symbols for Gods people

    are generally feminine, both in the old and the new

    testaments. Revelation mentions the harlot. The mother

    of harlots is Catholicism, the mother of all

  • 40

    denominations, sects and non-denominational churches.

    Blasphemous doctrines and practices that are the most

    glaring are those which add to or detract from the gospel

    of Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord. As Paul warned

    the Galatians, to add to or detract from the gospel brings

    a lasting curse with it. (Galatians:1:8) A curse is

    synonymous with a plague.

    What are the plagues? The worst plague is a curse of

    spiritual blindness caused by delusion and demonic

    deception. The worst of the worst is to be duped into

    believing that you are going to heaven, and to die and

    find yourself in hell for eternity. For what does it profit a

    man, if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul?

    (Matthew 16:25)

    Hurt People Hurt People

    Consider a news report of a pastor who was confessing

    his sins before his congregation and he dropped dead

    right there in front of them. When I looked at your

    comments to that link, I believe that the pastors death

    in his own church has a serious meaning. I have learned

    over decades that God uses newsworthy events of a

    shocking nature to send a wake up call to His people

    and I will explore this trend further in an upcoming

    chapter. Suffice it to say for now to my readers who do

    not fully understand why I warn members to stay out of

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    the IC, I revisit this subject with a spiritual explanation.

    Unless your soul tie is broken to the world, the enemy

    will try to draw you back into the the institution because

    todays church IS the world. So my readers need to really

    know why you need to stay out of that haunted house.

    There are spiritual matters going on at an unseen level

    that are quite dangerous because the IC has already

    been spiritually taken over. Since God is not there, it is a

    very dangerous place to be for the elect. The Lord

    revealed to me that when I arrived at the IC in 1979, the

    takeover had already taken place.

    Looking back, I can remember how the enemy tried to

    kill me in the pulpit also. Too much sorrow can kill you.

    One day, A few church members did such an awful

    thing to me in front of the entire assembled

    congregation, that I fell down and lay prostrate over the

    altar rail, weeping until I could barely stand and my eyes

    swelled up so that I could hardly see. Satans problem at

    that occasion is that my physical heart is way too strong

    to induce death. Furthermore, the angel assigned to

    protect me, DOES HIS JOB WELL!!!

    Here is how the takeover of the IC was implemented.

    When signs, wonders and strange religious practices

    that did not emanate from the Holy Ghost are accepted

    as divine, a spiritual invitation is made to the fake Jesus.

    Without hesitation, the fake Jesus pushes his way

    through the doors of your soul. When sermons are

    preached by wrenching scriptures out of their context

    for the purpose of making three points that have nothing

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    to do with repentance, rebirth or the resurrection, an

    invitation is made to the religious demon.

    When salvation is taken out of the sovereign calling and

    election of God and put into the hands of man to make

    a decision for Christ then Satan moved from the

    backseat into the pulpit. When unsaved people came to

    church altars chanting as they sought to speak in

    tongues, they invited demons to enter them and

    countless of these folk are now tormented, almost fully


    As would be expected, the zombies followed the

    preaching of a distorted gospel, looking for blessings,

    success, and prosperity to come in the abundant life

    they are taught that Jesus promised them. They have

    been seduced into believing that they have a right to

    the good life and all that prosperity entails. Rarely do

    preachers even mention that serving Jesus Christ can

    also bring trial, tribulation, trouble and in some cases,

    even death. Consequently, Satans seat has been secured

    by the gradual elimination of the cross from the gospel

    preached in most pulpits.

    Understand this. Statistics show that floods of people are

    leaving the IC daily. The question is, where are they

    going? It could be that many of these folk are just

    joining up with yet another branch of the IC or doing

    the IC thing at home. Opening a church in your home,

    teaching the same false doctrines and practices, causes

    that home to be just as dangerous a building as those

    with stain glass windows. It becomes a condemned

    building as well. Truly, unless you are cut off from the

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    IC in your soul, chances are, the harlot will pull you

    back in bed with her.

    I can't repeat this warning often enough. The fact that

    countless people have been indoctrinated into the I

    accepted Jesus practice aka the make a decision for

    Christ gospel are the worst abominations of them all.

    For this form of idolatry distorts the word of God to such

    an extent, than I am willing to estimate that 90% of

    churchgoers believe that they are saved, and they are

    not. Counterfeit spiritual births at the altars of God are

    the absolute worst plague, the fruit of idolatry. This

    horrendous sign is pervasive throughout the organized

    church worldwide---a wide gaping hole for demonic

    infestation and other horrendous plagues to enter with


    It follows that plagues that can destroy the soul are

    actually worse than those that debilitate the body only.

    Sickness and disease are certainly among the plagues,

    but there are several others. In our times, there are

    plagues that were not around in other generations:

    HIV/AIDS, crack, violence, drive by shootings, missing

    children and so many more. Domestic violence and

    drug abuse, spiritual abuse can also be addictive. For

    example, even though I was certainly spiritually abused

    by church leadership and by those I served as a pastor, I

    had become ritualized and I certainly had no intention

    to leave the institutional church because I thought God

    sent me there. What a crock!

    Of course there will always be the diehard zombies

    who quote the scripture about not forsaking the

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    assembling of yourself together with the brethren. Point

    out to them that when the scripture itself was written,

    the institutional church did not exist. So the Apostle

    Paul certainly was not referring to Sunday morning


    The world does not love Christians, so expect otherwise

    is also deception.The more we truth, the more we will

    realize that our journey is NOT popular. When I left the

    IC behind, I lost friendshipsTHATS A FACT. What

    I was hearing in the spirit was so revolutionary, so

    radical, that I consulted with no one. I did do a search

    and the only person I found on accord with me was

    Harold Camping. I bought some of his books, only to

    discover that he was still deceived in other important

    areas. So I consulted no one and simply waited on the

    Lord for direction.

    Without seeking or listening to the opinions of others, I

    found it much easier to stand alone. MOST people are

    not interested in TRUTH. Church zombies worship

    their religion so deeply, that they have no desire or

    respect for the truth. They only want to hear what makes

    them feel good.

    Once you are significantly undeceived, you will find that

    you cannot share what you are learning with everyone in

    your lifenot your parents, not your siblings, not your

    friends, and sometimes not even your spouse. Why?

    Because not everyone is READY for the truth, and quite

    frankly, not everyone is meant to know the truth.

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    You cannot force truth on the world. In fact, as an

    author and a minister, I don't pressure anyone to believe

    me. I just pump it out in a Blog, a video or a book, like

    BAM! In other words, take this or leave this as you have

    a very nice day. I don't try to force blind churchgoers

    to see that the religion they are in is not of God, but

    instead a bunch of religious lies from the enemy.

    What actually happens is that those who receive are

    those who have already been prepared by the Holy

    Ghost. You have got to leave that up to the Holy Ghost

    to open their eyes and show them. It is NOT our job to

    coerce anyone with the truth.

    You will be required to be as wise as a serpent but as

    harmless as a dove when zombies are sent to you by

    God, so as to use you to help undeceive them. Some will

    be sent by the devil to mock your ministry and to cause


    So, what do you do? You watch and wait and see. As I

    preach truth in my online ministry called Rescue, it

    doesnt take very long for me to tell the difference. When

    it is the enemy, religious demons in zombies who are

    bound by their religious

    In the Charismatic churches, they teach that God allows

    you to suffer to strengthen you for your high calling. As

    such, the the enemy attacking us because he was

    threatened by the mighty spiritual warriors zombies

    have become, coupled with this teaching is that there

    would be a huge blessing from God on the other side of

    glory that would make up for tolerating spiritual abuse.

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    Charismatics content that if a zombie just kept

    persevering, one day he or she will have a mega-

    ministry, a mansion, and fancy car.

    Denominational zombies are different. They perceive

    the physical church as THEIR property. As such, the

    IC is a financial, cultural and emotional investment that

    they refuse to relinquish. Also, denominational,

    traditional churchgoers have witnessed ministerial and

    lay leadership come and go. Consequently, they believe

    that all they have to do is stand strong and committed to

    the institution, and their enemies will either fly or off die


    Regardless of whether the IC is charismatic or

    traditional, religion is so ingrained in many of us, that

    oftentimes, it is difficult to make the distinction between

    a pure desire, led by the Holy Spirit, versus a hidden

    desire that will reveal your love for religion. It takes

    awhile to identify the religion within us, and detox

    ourselves from the very religion and religious acts that

    have shaped us, and influenced many of our life

    decisions. If you have been influenced by religion in any

    way, chances are the very beliefs, morals, and values you

    have are based on a religious foundation. In deliverance

    counseling, I challenge everyone along these very lines.

    For many religious zombies, the truth is a very difficult

    pill to swallow. It is painful, yet I will challenge

    everything church zombies have ever believed and

    practiced that was taught to them by the institutional


    Heres a good tip: If it is the road the majority of the

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    religious world is taking, then it is most likely NOT the

    road to truth, for broad is the way and wide is the gAte.

    that leads to destruction. If there is a less popular road

    that very few are taking, chances are it could be the right


    Therefore, don't fret or trouble yourself about what

    others are thinking or doing or what their opinion of you

    is going to be. If your mind is clear and open to a fresh

    way of reasoning, it will not be difficult for you to stand

    your ground, without argument or debate.

    Once out of the IC, I have continued to stand alone for

    the last ten years. My asset beyond all else is that I have

    a consistent, unwavering love for truth, even if truth

    hurts. Why? Because the emotional pain is followed by

    exhilarating personal freedom that builds up my spirit

    as well as increases my faith in God Himself.

    How about you? When tough times and tests come, will

    YOU be prepared to stand alone? Or will you cave in to

    pressure from those around you? Do you have the will to

    stand against adversity? Will you stand your ground, or

    will the ground open up and suck you under? Are you

    TRULY ready to detox from your churchianity?

    Andrew Strom, a charismatic once deeply involved in the

    prophetic movement provides some meaningful insight

    from his vantage point as an insider:

    The people in the pews are almost as much to blame as their leaders in allowing things to become as sick as they have now become. However, it is very important to note that when the people of Israel fell into a state of serious

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    spiritual decline, God often held the kings and spiritual shepherds of Israel directly responsible. Often, the judgment that fell upon the leaders as such times was far harsher than that which fell upon the nation as a whole. This is because they were some of the few who could have made a real difference....the obvious and brutal truth is this. It is simply not possible to have a lukewarm church unless the leaders are lukewarm, just as Israel was not able to fall into a state of worldliness or idolatry unless her kings and shepherds were men of compromise.11

    Among those zombies who will go so far as to admit

    they realize that the IC is corrupt, their emphasis is

    upon saving Her. Saving Her is their solution primarily

    because they mistakenly confuse the organization with

    the Body of Christ. However, I believe the Lords

    declaration of the prevailing power of the church was

    not referring to Her as an institution, but as a spiritual

    body of born again believers. The question is not

    whether or not the IC SHOULD be saved. No, the

    question goes a lot deeper. The question should really

    be CAN the I.C be salvaged in its present

    condition? Quite frankly, sin and deception have

    permeated churchianity so deeply, that only a profound,

    deep move of repentance and contrition could save Her.

    As Jesus warned the Angels of 7 churches in the book of

    Revelation, Remember therefore, from whence thou art

    fallen, and REPENT, and do the first works, or else I

    11 Andrew Strom, True and False Revival: Insider's Warning, Revival School, 2008 and 2012, page 109

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    will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy

    candlestick from its place, except thou REPENT.

    (Revelation 2:5) Since He clearly states that the

    candlestick is a metaphor for the church, it is apparent

    that Jesus Himself will bring down the organized church

    system, the entire thing known today as church.

    Another related and important question to ask today is

    has the opportunity for the church to repent expired?

    My position is solid on this matter because I believe that

    it was God who spoke to me and compared the IC to a

    condemned building, as stated, the rats are pastors and

    ministers, and the roaches are the pew warmers, also

    known as the zombies. I don't expect everyone

    wholeheartedly embrace a revelation that was personally

    given to me. However, on sheer commonsense

    reasoning, there are four practical reasons why I suspect

    that wide scale IC repentance is not going to occur.

    Four Reasons Why Repentance Won't Occur

    First of all, too many preachers, even the sincere ones,

    have made ministry a career rather than a

    calling. They cant repent because their pocketbooks are

    tied to church donations. There are several mega

    preachers who are independently wealthy because they

    became best selling authors. Even though they did not

    make themselves independently wealthy from church

    donations, it was zombies like you and I once

    were who gave them their start in the first place, a

    foundation they usurped on their way of up the ladder of

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    tremendous wealth.

    On the contrary, the livelihood of most full time pastors

    is dependent upon continuing to do whatever they can

    to pay their bills and provide food on their tables and

    care for their families with something left for retirement.

    Most pastors cant come out of the church simply

    because they would experience financial ruin in a

    failing economy.

    Secondly, repentance would necessitate a fundamental

    change in how the gospel is preached. Ministers can be

    very proud folk. They would rather confess to some

    kind of sin of the flesh before admitting that preaching a

    decisional, come to the altar and accept Jesus, repeat a

    sinners prayer gospel has caused people to invite the

    fake Jesus into their hearts.

    Thirdly, pulpits have already been taken over by

    religious demons and devils. The grip of these unseen

    forces has occurred because God Himself has sent forth

    a spirit of strong delusion, causing zombies to believe a

    lie. Preachers, even good, sincere, righteous men and

    women are already under the power of seducing spirits

    whose False and mixed doctrines they continue to


    Last but not least is the ICs own understanding of why

    she is falling: the Jezebel Spirit. Granted, there is no

    such demon. I have read several articles on the subject,

    written by an IC pastors. what I perceive is that this

    entire Jezebel thing is the ICs late explanation of what

    is happening to Her. The truth is that Fallen angels and

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    demons are riding the backs of fake Christians and

    using them to tear down each local assembly from


    What the IC is calling Jezebel is really the spirit of the

    anti-CHRIST. In summary, these are rats and roaches,

    planted by the enemy in each and every local, national

    and worldwide assembly that operate like termites,

    eating away at the system until it collapses from within.

    In summary, IC Jezebels struggle over and usurp power

    and authority by destroying other zombies. They

    manage to get in positions of authority, and are difficult

    to remove , once there.

    Most who are considered Jezebels are not the pastors

    but the lay leaders who support him. Pastors who want

    full control are often intimidated by lay leade