The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

The Church: Christ’s Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1


Introduction (p. 38) The Mission and Work of the Early Church Proponents—Peter, Paul, Apostles, Holy Spirit Content & Method—Jews and Gentiles Opponents—Persecution and Martyrdom Three Articles (A. 10) – The Mission of the Apostles (A. 11) – Spreading the Gospel (A. 12) – Persecution and Martyrdom

Transcript of The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

Page 1: The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

The Church: Christ’s Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60)


Page 2: The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

The Work of the Early Church (pp. 38-48)


Page 3: The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

Introduction (p. 38)•The Mission and Work of the Early Church•Proponents—Peter, Paul, Apostles, Holy Spirit•Content & Method—Jews and Gentiles•Opponents—Persecution and Martyrdom

•Three Articles• (A. 10) – The Mission of the Apostles• (A. 11) – Spreading the Gospel• (A. 12) – Persecution and Martyrdom

Page 4: The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

Article 10: The Mission of the Apostles (pp. 39-42)•Natural inclination about good news•Good News of the Apostles•Mission of the Apostles—Mt. 28•Where, when, and to who did message spread•Why generally and transcendentally•Why specifically and practically• The Church is missionary and the Church has a mission•Holy Spirit and the Church’s mission• The Trinitarian mission of the Church• Ancient and modern day disciples and the Church’s mission•Define evangelization• Challenge of JPII and the New Evangelization

Page 5: The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

Homework•p. 48; 1-2

•Read pp. 42-47 in the e-book

Page 6: The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

Article 11: Spreading the Gospel (pp. 42-44)• Nature of teachers and learners• NT word for disciple• How does the Church take this into account• Example of St. Paul• Jews• Gentiles/Hellenistic (defn.)• Acts. 17• Images altered? Message altered? = Effective evangelization• 1 Cor. 9

• How was Paul able to be so versatile• Background• Imagery—Paul and Jesus• Example of St. Francis Xavier•What will our example be?

Page 7: The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

Article 12: Persecution and Martyrdom (pp. 45-48)• Being a disciple is simple but not easy—daily examples• Early Jewish experience• Blasphemy• Treason• Martyr and martyrdom• Greek etymology• Proto-martyr (Acts. 6-7)• Later examples• James, Peter, Paul, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna…

• General persecution• Joy in pain?• Tertullian’s wisdom--why• Final persecution (Mt. 24, MK. 13, 2 Thess. 2)• Events, timing, antichrist, modern examples• Fear or confident hope?

Page 8: The Church: Christs Continued Presence and Work in the World (pp. 8-60) SECTION 1.

Homework•p. 48; 3-6

•Quiz #3 tomorrow (pp. 38-48)

•HW #3 tomorrow (p. 48; 1-6)