The childhood of "The islamist Rambos"


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Artículo elaborado por Mayra Albán para el curso Análisis Internacional. Carrera de Comunicación y Periodismo - Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Transcript of The childhood of "The islamist Rambos"

Page 1: The childhood of "The islamist Rambos"







Al Qaeda, one of the most radical groups of terrorists, indoctrinates children in especial school. Through these “war training lessons”, children use Kalashnikov rifles, pistols, grenades and all sorts of weapons, as their teachers recreate some the most extreme and violent episodes of real fights in order to “prepare” them to do in real life.In 2008, a clash between U.S. soldiers and Iraqis in Baghdad ended the life of one of the most important leaders of Al Qaeda, Abu Ghazwan. When the army of the United States revised the the terrorist (islamist) saved in his secret hideout, found videos, photos and documents that served as indoctrination for children between ages five and thirteen.

Secret documents found, report that this action facilitates the entry of armed groups to territories where there is strict control for governments. Children in addition to fulfilling their role as “shields”, also became suicide bombers like a thirteen year old girl who was the last to commit suicide before the death of Ghazwan. She participated in an attack in Diyala, Iraq, adhering a bomb on her body and killing five people, besides herself.

Today the terror caused by the existence of “child soldiers” have not disappeared. In Syria children that are three years old are trained to

Can you imagine Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone during of their childhood as soldiers, fighting the “most popular” wars in the world?. These famous action stars

never knew what war really is... only except for the effects on his famous movies. But the children of war really exist. They are not a an adaptation of a movie action like the

famous movie “The Expendables” none the less part of a Hollywood motion picture production. These children are captured by terrorist organizations and used as human

shields in wars.

By: Mayra alBán

The childhood of “The Islamist Rambo”

Page 2: The childhood of "The islamist Rambos"


Al Qaeda bases in Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq and Syria are the main hubs where indoctrination lessons are given to childrens. Parents enter their children to fight with them justified on religious doctrines of his holy book, Coran. They also hope that in this way they can impose their rules in different parts of the world.

foment violence. Only a year ago, the AFP news agency, video recorded a thirteen year old boy holding hands and being walked through by an older man. The boy carried weapons, as his face showed tears and expressions of fear, in the middle of a fight in a town in Syria, Azzara.

Today, Al Qaeda, has taken new ways to recruit children: their own animated movies. The ABC of London reported that Abu al-Laith al-Yemen, a subsidiary of Al Qaeda on Yemen, is preparing short films in which the protagonists are young soldiers who killing “unfaithful men” in various armed clashes.

Al Qaeda bases in Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq and Syria are the main hubs where indoctrination lessons are given to childrens. Parents enter their children to fight with them justified on religious doctrines of his holy book, Coran. They also hope that in this way they can impose their rules in different parts of the world.

Several organizations, including the UN, have spoken about child recruitment by Al Qaeda. Even the same U.S. President, Barack Obama, has expressed outrage over the issue. Despite the many complaints little or nothing can be done yet about this problem. The doctrine taking extreme Islamist radicals have jeopardized children from Arab and muslim countries. They have replaced toys and schools for indoctrination courses of a war in disguise, the Jihad, “Holy War”.