The Challenge of · 9/3/2009  · God’s...

Official Publication of Hope Lutheran Church; Cedar Hill, TX September, 2011 Volume XXVI Issue 9 Mission Statement: To discover and respond to our call TO KNOW JESUS TO FOLLOW JESUS TO SERVE JESUS in unique ministries. Church 972.291.7902 Fax 972.291.9003 Pastors Joel & Wendy Berthelsen [email protected] [email protected] Choir Director Andrew Trites [email protected] Director of Youth & Ministry Development Matt Cleaver [email protected] Organist Sanctuary Choir Accompanist Youth Choir Accompanist Cathy Peterson [email protected] Secretary Karine Samer [email protected] Heralds Editor Karine Samer [email protected] Church Council Officers President Dwight Bengtson- 972.515.8162 President-Elect Tammy Hill - 972.617.7264 Secretary Kristine Clark 972.274.4616 Members at Large Matt Cleaver - 972.754.7353 Carrie Hamilton - 972.775.3019 Bryan Pender - 972.775.1065 Ty Robenson - 972.723.9023 Barbara York - 972.298.7115 Appointees Treasurer Kathy Still - 972.293.8016 Financial Secretary Mark Driscoll - 972.742.4605 An Invitation to Balance, The Challenge of Balance September 11, 9:00 AM September 11 th I will lay out an Invitation to Balance. Christian discipleship is an act of balance. But first we must see it is not about balance. Many falsely think Christianity is first and foremost about balance. They imagine a scale. On the one side of the balance are the bad things they do. They imagine Christianity is the act of balancing out this bad with some good. But there is no such thing as balancing out our sin with some act of our doing. Surely the lowborn are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie. If weighed on a balance, they are nothing; together they are only a breath. Psalm 62:9 An entire life of doing good is but a breath. It has no weight to balance out the weight of our sin. Instead of vainly imagining we can give balance to the wrong we do we should instead trust Jesus who carried the weight of our sin on the cross. Isaiah 53:11 “After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light [of life] and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniqui- ties.” So first and foremost, Christianity is not about balance. We must receive justification by faith. We can not balance out sin with doing some good. Christ’s work is our only hope. Through the cross our sin is forgiven. Continued on page 2

Transcript of The Challenge of · 9/3/2009  · God’s...

Page 1: The Challenge of · 9/3/2009  · God’s way. In God’s time (kairos) and God’s way we find balance. Balancing Work and

Official Publication of Hope Lutheran Church; Cedar Hill, TX September, 2011 Volume XXVI Issue 9

Mission Statement: To discover and respond to our call


Church 972.291.7902

Fax 972.291.9003

Pastors Joel & Wendy Berthelsen [email protected]

[email protected]

Choir Director Andrew Trites

[email protected]

Director of Youth & Ministry

Development Matt Cleaver

[email protected]

Organist Sanctuary Choir Accompanist

Youth Choir Accompanist Cathy Peterson

[email protected]

Secretary Karine Samer

[email protected]

Heralds Editor Karine Samer

[email protected]

Church Council

Officers President

Dwight Bengtson- 972.515.8162


Tammy Hill - 972.617.7264

Secretary Kristine Clark 972.274.4616

Members at Large

Matt Cleaver - 972.754.7353 Carrie Hamilton -

972.775.3019 Bryan Pender - 972.775.1065 Ty Robenson - 972.723.9023 Barbara York - 972.298.7115

Appointees Treasurer

Kathy Still - 972.293.8016 Financial Secretary

Mark Driscoll - 972.742.4605

An Invitation to Balance,

The Challenge of Balance

September 11, 9:00 AM

September 11th I will lay out an Invitation to Balance.

Christian discipleship is an act of balance. But first we must see it is not about balance.

Many falsely think Christianity is first and foremost about balance. They imagine a scale.

On the one side of the balance are the bad things they do. They imagine Christianity is

the act of balancing out this bad with some good. But there is no such thing as balancing

out our sin with some act of our doing.

Surely the lowborn are but a breath,

the highborn are but a lie.

If weighed on a balance, they are nothing;

together they are only a breath.

Psalm 62:9

An entire life of doing good is but a breath. It has no weight to balance out the weight of

our sin. Instead of vainly imagining we can give balance to the wrong we do we should

instead trust Jesus who carried the weight of our sin on the cross.

Isaiah 53:11 “After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light [of life] and be satisfied;

by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniqui-


So first and foremost, Christianity is not about balance. We must receive justification by

faith. We can not balance out sin with doing some good. Christ’s work is our only hope.

Through the cross our sin is forgiven.

Continued on page 2

Page 2: The Challenge of · 9/3/2009  · God’s way. In God’s time (kairos) and God’s way we find balance. Balancing Work and


Continued from page 2.

We are born again to a living hope.

After having left behind this idea of Christianity as balance, we can then begin to see how Christianity is about

balance, but balance in a different way.

Discipleship is about balance.

Balancing Life Finding Balance:

“I urge you to live a life in balance (axios is the Greek word) with the calling you have.” Eph. 4:1

What are the basic things we need to balance? Below is list. The complexity of the list shows us we cannot do

it all at once. We need to approach the list with balance. We approach each of these in God’s time and in

God’s way. In God’s time (kairos) and God’s way we find balance.

Balancing Work and Rest:

“Come unto me you are weary and under heavy labor and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and

learn from me because my yoke is easy, my burden is light, and you will find rest for your soul.” Matt. 11. See

also Psalm 137

Balancing UP, IN and OUT

Balancing Relationships

Balancing training

Balance with God’s Call

Balancing Prayer Life

Balancing Spirituality

Balancing Out with Up and In

Having left behind the false notion of balance we can enter into God’s good balance. Do you feel the need for

balance in your life? It doesn’t just come with no effort and no planning and little prayer and little faith. Pay-

ing attention to God’s good timing it will come. Come and catch the vision of discipleship, September 11 at

9:00 AM.

Pastor Joel

Page 3: The Challenge of · 9/3/2009  · God’s way. In God’s time (kairos) and God’s way we find balance. Balancing Work and


Adult Sunday School

September 11 An Invitation to Balance:

A Vision of Discipleship

September 18 Titus chapter 1

September 25 Titus chapter 2 and 3

Confirmation Begins

Confirmation begins September 14 at 6:15 PM.

Students are invited to come for pizza supper

starting at 5:45 PM. We will end at 7:15 PM.

Pastor Joel

Reformation Sunday October 31 Dear friend(s),

You are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the

church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. It was for the

sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. We ought therefore to show hospitality

to such men so that we may work together for the truth. III John


I enjoyed studying four one chapter books in the month of August: Philemon, II John, III John and the book of

Jude. The above verse, taken from the book of III John, encourages the church to receive workers and teachers of

the faith joyfully, to show them warm hospitality and then send them on their way with blessing.

We have just such an opportunity coming on Reformation Sunday October 31. Drs. Paul and Ida Martinson are

going to be with us again representing China Services Venture. I hope you put it on your calendar now to be

sure to be here. They will tell us of their recent visit to China and the great things God is doing there.

It should be both fascinating and inspiring.

Pastor Joel

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Calling All Singers!

Choir Rehearsals starts on Wednesday, September 7th @ 7:30!

We’re calling all interested singers from High School-ers to Old

School-ers! We have some great music lined up for the fall and

winter months, and we hope you will join Us Let me know if you

have any questions.

Andrew Trites

[email protected]


Timothy Project Bible Study will resume on Wed., Sept. 14. at 7:15PM "All Scripture is inspired

by God and is profitable for teaching, reproof and training in righteousness so that the person of God might

be equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16ff (hence, the name: Timothy Project) We will begin

an in depth study of the four Gospels so that we can be TRUE disciples of Jesus... listening, learning from

Him and letting go to surrender to Him as our Lord in all things.


Page 5: The Challenge of · 9/3/2009  · God’s way. In God’s time (kairos) and God’s way we find balance. Balancing Work and


Memorials and Designated Giving

Below is a list of designated funds at Hope used to pay for expenses or support ministries not included in our annual

budget. You may donate to any of the funds below by designating your offering or memorial to the appropriate fund.

Numbers below are as of 3/31/2011.

Fund Name Purpose Balance Donated


Altar Guild Extra expenses related to worship not covered in monthly operating

budget. Examples of items bought are new altar paraments and ban-


$ 1853.72 $ 0.00

Bereavement Pay for food for funerals. $ 411.42 $ 0.00

Briarwood Sent directly to Briarwood Retreat Center, the camping ministry of our

synod, to support their ministry and operations. This fund balance is

kept at zero. Money is sent in as it is received.




$ 0.00

Cedar Hill

Food Pantry

Sent directly to the Cedar Hill Food Pantry. This fund balance is kept at

zero. Money is sent in as it is received.




$ 675.00



Upgrade computer equipment, including the computer in the sanctuary

used for Sunday morning PowerPoint.

$ 13.77 $ 650.00

Council Used at the discretion of the Church Council. $ 100.19 $ 0.00



Used at the discretion of the Church Council for outreach. $ 351.30 $ 0.00

Front sign


Maintain and improve the area around the front church sign. $ 622.24 $ 0.00

Lawnmower Replace a worn-out lawn mower at church. $ 2,506.00 $ 2,200.

Library Purchase new books as needed. $ 69.08 $ 0.00


World Relief

Sent directly to Lutheran World Relief to support their ministry and op-

erations. This fund balance is kept at zero. Money is sent in as it is re-


$ 0.00

$ 00.00



Develop new ministries at our church. For instance, this Fund was used

to send people to Stephen’s Ministry training.

$ 2,272.97 $ 100.00

Matt Cleaver


Support tuition costs for Matt Cleaver’s seminary program. $


$ 0.00

Sierra Leone Sent directly to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone to

support their ministry and operations. This fund balance is kept at zero.

Money is sent in as it is received.



$ 361.00



Maintain and upgrade sound system. $ 1,113.08 $ 0.00

Sunday School-


Used to support Nedie, a thirteen year old girl from Haiti that we have

supported for many, many years through Compassion International. Our

commitment is $38 a month.

$ 3.46 $ 238.00



General youth ministry expenses. Often used to give scholarships to

youth who cannot afford to attend certain events.

$ 18.02 $ 1590



Supports the cost of the summer youth mission trip. $ 2158.86 $ (199).

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Sunday Schedule:

Sunday School (All Ages) ~ 9:00 AM

Worship ~ 10:00 AM

Wednesday Night Activities:

5:30-6:30 PM—Reconfirmed (high school)

5:45PM—Pizza Dinner ($3 per person)


6:15-7:00PM—Wed. Night Prayer & Communion

6:30-7:15PM—Chimes Choir (children-adults)

7:15-8:30PM—Timothy Project Bible Study

7:30-8:30PM—Adult Choir

Newsletter Articles Deadline … The date is: August 18th

Please email your articles as an

attachment to:

[email protected]

2011 Calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 Sunday School ~

All Ages Begins

5 Church Office


6 7 Fall Wednes-

day night

schedule be-


8 9 10

11 The 10th Annv.

N Y Trade Center

12 13 Faith Circle

Meeting 7:30PM

14 Confirma-

tion, Wed. Night

Prayer and

Timothy Project


15 16 17


Council Meeting


19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30


Confirmation Retreat

Page 7: The Challenge of · 9/3/2009  · God’s way. In God’s time (kairos) and God’s way we find balance. Balancing Work and


Confirmation Begins September 14

th at 6:00 PM.

One my favorite things to do in ministry is meet with and teach our confirmation students. I look forward to starting up a new year of confirmation on September 14

th at 6:00 PM.

Pastor Joel

Feed My Starving Children

Friday- Saturday, September 23-24

On Friday & Saturday, September 23-24, you are

invited to participate in a one-of-a-kind event where

you will be able to pack food to be sent around the

world to children who are on the verge of starvation.

The organization Feed My Starving Children (http:// is hosting a “Mobile Packing Day”

here in the metroplex.

The location of the event is:

First United Methodist Church

2201 E. Hebron Parkway

Carrollton, TX 75010

This event is open to anyone elemen-

tary age through adults. This is a

great thing for a family to do together. You can

work alongside one another to serve and feed chil-

dren all around the world. In March 2010 a group of

us went and packed around 50,000 meals in an hour

and a half. It was truly an amazing experience. You

can see video of our group packing in March at—see if you can spot us!

As of right now, we are not organizing a group

from Hope. You may register yourself or your

family for a two-hour shift on Friday or Satur-

day by clicking this link.

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Homebound Residents

Janet Dinwiddie

Park Manor ~ Rm. 405B

207 E. Parkerville Road

DeSoto, TX 75115-6251


George & Jackie Milyo

2600 Parkview Lane #138

Bedford, TX 76002-7989

In the hospital ~

Fran Christensen

Select Specialty Hospital

800 Kirnwood Drive

DeSoto, TX 75115-6251

[email protected]

Recovering at home ~

Bob Sparr

P. O. Box 405

DeSoto, Texas 75154-1452 [email protected]

These members appreciate your prayers and words of encourage-ment.

Marv Christensen

812 Vince Lane

DeSoto, TX 75115-4410


[email protected]

Norman Emmons

2210 Stafford Drive

Arlington, Texas 76012-4141


[email protected]

Dick and Joanna Snow

1771 County Club Blvd

Mansfield, TX 76063-6607


[email protected]

Friends of Hope

Joe & Karine Samer ~ Joe recovering from back surgery

1114 Noblewood Dr.

Glenn Heights, TX 75115

[email protected]

Prayers and Words of Encouragement

Our homebound members and friends enjoy

visits, calls and cards. Please take a few min-

utes out for those who can no longer get out

and about.

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September Anniversaries

Pastors Joel & Wendy Berthelsen 9/03

Dwight & Margaret Bengtson 9/05

Scott & Kristine Clark 9/06

Dustin & Erin Slayton 9/07

Bob & Nina Griggs 9/09

Carrie & Shannon Hamilton 9/09

September Birthdays

Brian Sague 9/01

Alison Still 9/02

LeAnne Rugari 9/03

Melanie Jones 9/04

Doris Kuhn 9/07

Myra Sague 9/09

Rob Halowec 9/10

Lynn Emmons 9/11

Steve Harr 9/12

Mark Jones 9/12

Rebecca Nelson 9/14

Drew Peterson 9/15

Brian Fain 9/17

Kari DeWeerd 9/19

Brianna Lidle 9/19

Janice Wessa 9/20

Rose Janke 9/23

Pamela Bland 9/24

Dianne Kreh 9/24

Thomas Kuhn 9/24

Judy Knoll 9/27

Robert Nelson 9/27

Stephanie Juergens 9/28

Kristin Petrichenko 9/28

Lauren Roberson 9/29

Hdree Ashenafi 9/30

Dwayne Juergens 9/30

Cathy Nichols 9/301

Women of Hope

Regular Faith Circle Meetings

will begin again with the Septem-

ber 13th meeting at 7:30PM. Karen

Driscoll will be leading the

study “Living Free, Learning to

Pray God's Word” by Beth


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10 14

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Growing Your Faith: Call to Know, Follow & Serve Jesus

Starting September 11—Adult, Youth, & Children Sunday School: 9:00 AM

Adult Sunday School

Sunday, September 11— “An Invitation to Balance: A Vision of Discipleship.” Join Pastor

Joel as he discusses and leads a session outlining a vision for the future of discipleship at


Sunday, September 18—Titus Chapter 1.

Sunday, September 25—Titus Chapters 2 & 3.

Other Spiritual Growth Opportunities

Beginning September 14—Timothy Project Bible Study, Wednesday evenings, 7:15-8:30 PM. Taught by Pastor Wendy. Over a three year period of time, you will:

You will read through the entire Bible and study portions as you go. Learn to hear God personally speak to you through his living, active word. Incredible! Learn various spiritual disciplines so that you may know Jesus as a profound friend Learn to pray Learn to study the Bible in a faithful in-depth manner

No Bible knowledge or experience needed. Participate as you desire. We will study the early

part of the Old Testament this year as well as parts of the New Testament. Newcomers wel-


Beginning September 14—Wednesday Evening Prayer and Communion, 6:15-7:00 PM Wednesdays. Come for silent prayer in our prayer chapel. Prayer guides, Bibles, and journal-ing supplies are made available for you so that you can spend meaningful time in prayer lis-tening for God. Each evening closes with anointing with oil and Holy Communion.

Women’s Faith Circle—meets the second Tuesday of the month, 7:30 pm at the church. Come for fellowship, devotions, and Bible study led by Carolee Juergens. All women of the church are welcome.

Small (Spiritual Formation) Groups—Develop faith relationships. Talk about faith and real life. To explore an interest in becoming a part of a group, see Pastor Joel or Matt Cleaver.

Daily Devotionals and Study Resources

Available on the table in the church lobby. Take one!

Christ in our Home—Available quarterly, this devotional has daily Scripture readings,

thoughts and prayers.

Daily Texts—Written to last the whole year. Scriptures are given for you to read daily over the

course of 2010.

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Church 917 Straus Road

Cedar Hill Texas 75104

Return Service Requested


September 7

Wednesday Night Activities:

5:30-6:30 PM—Reconfirmed (high school)

5:45PM—Pizza Dinner ($3 per person)


6:15-7:00PM—Wed. Night Prayer &


6:30-7:15PM—Chimes Choir


7:15-8:30PM—Timothy Project Bible Study

7:30-8:30PM—Adult Choir