The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1848-10-07 [p...

Frinta an 1 Fallow 01 tiieasj LOOK HERE. Stoves! Stves!! Tho subscriber wishes to inform you, one and all, that he intends this Fall and Winter lo keep nil kindsofeloves, winch lie will foil cheap ibi cash or country produto. The following a ,ome of the kind* he will have on hand. The celobraaed Buck Stove, Church’s improved Favorite do Air-tight Philadelphia Air-tight do Willow Stove Cast Iron, air-tight Parlor stove Sheet iron do do Half cook, 1 boilor on top. Plain 9 plate stove Coal stovss for offices and stores and al other kinds that are in use. Call Crion's end fellow citizens and examine for yourselveo Trv, and prove—you will not fail to be pleased Recollect the old stand—the large brick, on lb* corner near the bridge. Ilesp’y JOHN H. GRAHAM. POSTPONED CONSTABLE'S SALE By virtue ol sundry writs of fieri facias issued by G. Purnell Esq., one of the justices of the peace in and for Ceci countv, at the suits of Geo Kidd, T. & f A- Janney, and David J. Nesbitt, and to me directed, I have seized and taken in- to execution all the right, title, interest and claims both at law and in Equity of Henry Wood roe, in and to all that piece or parcel of Land, situated on the south side of Octoraro Creek and bordering on the same, and adjoining the lands of John Swisher, Patrick Ewing, Stephen Wood- roe and o'hers, containing Sixty Acres more or less. The improvements consist of a largo two Story Dwelling House nearly new, and other necessary out houses. The quality of the land is good and very susceplahle ol improvement, on which the said Henry Woudroe now resides. And 1 hereby give notice that on Fri- day (he 13lh day of October inst., | at 3 o’clock P. M.j 1 will offer for sale I ¦the said property so seized and taken in execution to the highest bidder for cn-It, | at the store of John S. Everist &. Co., fßowlandsville,) toratisfv said writs. J C WATERS, Const Sept 9 ’IS —ts (§2.50) DENT VI. SURGBRT WILLIAM L. JONES. Surgeon Dentist from Bsltimor Jliaviiig removed to Ktkion, offer li is pmfesf iuiml to he citizens ofCecil and the fdjacciA j rounlioa* OtHco t.vo doors cast, of Joiihßon s Hotel, lately occupied as the ollico f Cecil 4'ounty A•ivocatav Terili extracted, filed, plumed, r inserted upon i lie latest vu Ihi >al iinprut/jJ priucipl •very moderate rates. (Special allcnlioa will bo paid to children when bis prolessiomtl services are required. | Advice gmlis. Ladies will bo waited,cn at their rcsidonses ifdesired. Vory uporior;es ofliis own inirv.i - facljro alw.tys unhand Mi/ 13th *4B 6;n,* West Philadelphia *t T O V li W OLU K S- The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public that they are now prepar rd to execute any orders with which they may bo favored, for their West Philapelpaia. Com- plete Co ok Stove, 01 - which they have three sick; Can.vos’ and Hake Cylinder Stoves, sov- ! on s:x.ts; Buses ami Tops for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes; Oven P i.ates, four sizes; Cottage Air- tight I’am.oh fen ves, [?br wood,] two sizes; Gah Ovens, three sizes; Cait-.hon Heaters, and a Drge and bcaulilul assortment ol Pattern* lor Iron Railing* Tncir goods am all made of the best material, and from now ind beautiful designs. Their M cki / kilad'a Complete is, without doubt the best and most saleable Cook Stove ;n the market. They are constructed with Mott's Rat x-nl feeder, front and Grate, wliicli gives them udccidtd superioril) over all others. They on ly want a trial to confirm what is hero asserted. Castings of all kinds nude lo oruei v*ua (promptness and despatch. •Samples may bo semi ami orders lert ui the Foundrv, or at J. 11. Kohler s 154 north fee—- coml si, Mathiei' & Dohkai h, 187 south Second and at Williams & Hinds’ 3i)B Market street. : WILLIAMS. KOIILLR, MATHIEU & CO. Aug. 19, ’4?,6ia. CALLS I’KR’S ALL-DEALING OINT MEN I'.—tiiik:: of the followign facte: Ist, That five-eights ofali we receive into the stomach, pass olf through the pores of the skin, in Insensible Perspiration 2d. That the .SAiii evacuates more matter than the Lin gs, Kidneys and BmWolb put togeth- er. 3d* That tlic 87; in discharges more maltri in twcr.ty-fonr hours, thin the Lowe Is do in U clays anil liial by severe exercise, a man will lost* three, four and fivepounds in one hour. 4lb. That the Creator pierced the human cut iclo with pores or tmall opening to the almost incredible number ofooo MILLION, nuking Ihs the G HAND OUT-LET ofall the redundan matter of the body. slli. That through these pores are constantly exndiiiir the old; altered and worn-out particles ol the Dhoti, ami humors of the body and the waste ofthe system. Gill. That lo stop up the pores, twenty-four hours would cause instant death. 7ih. That sudden changes of weather and cx posuro lo cold, close these pores in part, and hence the long catalogue of diseases over the land* Blh That as the skin is the medium fo cvaco aling all the humors otTlie body, wo scerho pru found folly and absurlity of resorting to pills jdrugfl sod other mixtures, to cure the great ma o rity ol (lit cases produced by checked perspira H. 9th until September, 18 44, there was no raedi cine before tlio public that had power lo restore the Insensible Perspi aiion , by imparting vitality and nervous anergy to the skin lOih. That Me A LIFTER'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT is that medicine, and which, by possessing this power, is effecting more go id than any five or even ten remedies in this country. Price 25 cents a box Also, Me A LISTER'S IUIR OH., an cxtiact from the Ointment and possessing the same mtd lea 1 properties. Price 50 cents a bottle. Sold in Rlklon b-' Dr. Jos. Wallace. July 29, ’4B. "if. C. &TF7T. R. R. Line. A <SgS\ The Stcamliont Con- j j- citation, Capt. Pearce, * or Washington, ("apt. Tnppe will, de- part from Frenchlown for Baltimore, at from 20 minutes before C o'clock to 15 minutes pan every evening during the running season. 'The cars will leave Frenchlown for New Castle ami Philadelphia every evening at from quarter to half paslG o’clock. Passonges to secure paa- •nge should reach Ibis place at he earliest time staled above. Wsi. P-BABR, .fgL FrentAtoww, iprilß?h ’if -tf. I | MORE NEWS. j The largest, The Most FASH- ION ABLE, and tho best nssort- I of men’s, woman’s, and chil- CV drens hoots and shoos, in Cecil county, is to bo found at the sub- scribers BOOT &. SHOE SPORE, in Klktou. Sign of the Big Boot- opposite the Court Route. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends, and the public generally, that he has purchased of his brother, (Enoch Crouch) hid entire stock of ladies’, Misses’, and children’s boots and shoes, and lias commenced manufac- turing Ladies' Shoes of every description. Ho is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, with men’s women's and childrens boots and shoes ofthe best sort at very low prices. THOS. C. CROUCH Elkton, Fob. 26th '4B. N. B. Country produce taken in exchange for boots and shoes. Wanted boot and shoe makers. ~ JVMite IS hereby given to the creditois of James Me Cabe, (hat a personal discharge hath been granted to said debtor, and that the seventeenth day of October being the second day of our County Court next,succeeding this date hath been set apart for tho final hearing in his case where li is creditors may attend, and show cause ifany they have, why a final discharge shall not be granted said debtor. GEORGE McCOLLOUGHCIk. July 15—*3 m. Cecil county court Hoticc- IS hereby given, to tho creditors of Robert Stephenson, that a personal discharge hath been granted lo said debtor, and that the seven- teenth day of October being the second day of our County Court next, succeeding this dale hath been set apart for the final hearing in his case, where his creditors may attend, and show cause, ifany they have, why a final discharge shall nut be granted said debtor. george McCullough,tm. July B—3m8 —3m Cecil county court. NOTICE. I S hereby given, to the creditor.* of George IP f Alexander, that a personal discharge hath , i been granted to said debtor, and that the seven- j tec nib day of October being the second day ofj our county Court next succeeding Ibis dite hath j been set apart lor the final bearing in bis case, I where his creditors may attend, and show cause, if nitv they have, why a final discharge shall not be granted said debtor. george McCullough, ciu. -—3 in Cecil county oou Notice. IS hereby given, to the creditors of Hugh J. Ferguson, that n personal discharge hath been ! granted to said debtor, and that the seventeenth 1 day of October being the second day of our coun ly Court nex succeeding this dale, hath been set I apart Ibr the final hearing in bis case, where his creditors may uttend, and show cause, if any they have, why a final discharge shall not be granted said debtor. george McCullough, cik July 15, :Im. Cecil county Court Notice. IS hereby given to the creditors of Henry G i Simpers, that a dersonal discharge hath been j granted to said debtor, and that the seventeenth j day ot October being the second day of our Coun ; ty Court next succeeding this date hath bebn set apart for the final hearing in his case, where bis creditors may attend, and show cause, if any they have, why a final discharge shall not be granted said debtor. george McCullough, cik. July B—3m Cecil ccunly court. JVOTICE. The subscriber having been appointed Consta ble for the Third Election District ofCecil couu ty, begs leave to inform bis Iriends and the pub liegcmerully, that hr is now prepared lo alien ; to ail business that may bo entrusted to his care with promptness. TMOJUAS THACKERY. N. B. Persons wishing to place accounts in my hands, can leave them with John A. Rankin or David Alexander, Esqa. Deer 11, '47—9m T. T. notTCFT~ The Orphans Court of Cecil comity will ] Hold a special meeting on the 12thda> of 1 September next it being the second Tues- day of said rnunih’ Test GEORGE R. HOWARD Reg September, 2d MB. I in. To Volunteers and their friends 2’lie undersigned being in posses-* ion ofaco j reel list of our brave soldiers who have died disease or by wounds received in the sovera j { bailies fought in Mexico, lake tins method ofin- | forming those interested, that they will give in- ; formation of the time, place, and cause of death of each individual. it will be necessary for those desiring such in- formation, lo state the Regiment or Company lo which they belonged, the names of those who commanded them and the dale of their enlist- j ment The above information will be given I without charge, provided the postage is paid. Tho undersigned would here remark, that j ; they arc extensively engiged in procuring Land Warrants, Pensions, ana arrearages of pay duo the discharged soldiers and the representatives of those who have died. A lino addressed t‘oi ther of tho undersigned will be punctually al- ien ded to •Samuel Stettinls, L’* S. Jus of the Poacc. Washington, D. G Wm. M. Fulton, Attorney at Law, Main St. Richmond, Va. Geo. W, Stevenson, Attorney at uw. Jnne 17— 3in No. 27 Bookman si. New Y ork THE NEW STORE. DENNY Si PEARCE, arc opening a atock of new ami elegant Dry Goods, in their new store room jus I tilted up, two doors from Dr. Wal- lace's Drug Store, where they will be happy lo see their friends and the public. They have alss an excellent lot ot Groceries. All theii guudo are of good qualities, and at cheap prices. JAMES DENNY, BENJAMIN C. PEARCE. Elkto, April Ist ’4 Non p a r i eeT w a si ung —ti,7 superior article celebrated for rciidcriu? the hardest of water officenl for cleaning all suhstmi ces to which it m:iv be applied, and is fast super ceding all other kinds of soap, Woolen manufac turers, Hotel Keepers, House Keepers St others aro invited to give it a trial. Just received and fur sale by Wm. TORBERT. Aug. 19. ’43 PA/NTING. —Mouse, Sign, and Fancy pain ting, done in the best manner, at. moderate prices by Wm. PELL, Elkton, Aug. 26. VTs 111 FIS//!! Mackerel .Vo 2 St 3 Northeast Herrings Labrador Scotch Cod Fish in store and for (al* by Wm. TORBERT. July 22 ’4B. George Earle. Attorney at Law. Elkton, Md, ( Off"* next dr t TsrVevt'* Stte. 155 Acres There are two Houses upon this property, one of which is a large 1 new two story house with a basement. 1 3. The house and lot containing about 20 Acres, which is described in a deed from Benjamin VV. Harris and others, to Samuel Freeman, and lies adjoining the Back Creek farm. i The lands where the said Samuel Freeman resided, now occupied by V\ m. R Freeman, and containing about 33 Acres. The improvements on this tract consist of a good two story dwelling house, two good barns, one ot which is nearly new, &c. All the above described property is of good quality, and is situated about 7 miles below Elklon, on Hie main toad leading to Warwick, and about one mile from the Delaware and Chesapeake ca- nal. Persons wishing to purchase are requested to examine the premises prior 1 to the day of sale. j The terms of sale prescribed by the de- | cree are that one third ot the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale one third in six and one third in twelve months thereafter, the credit payments to be secured by notes bearing interest with security approved by Ihe Trustee. The Sale will commence at 3 o’clock, IP. M. HENRY W. ARCHER, Trustee. ! Sept 9, ‘4B—ts ! * <l *Del Journal, and Harford Gazette, will copy law till sale and send bills to Trustee. NOTICE. IS hereby given, to the creditors of Edwtrd Wilson, Sr. that a personal discharge hath been granted to said debtor, and that the sv- -1 enteenth day of October being the second day of | our County Court next succecdiug this date 1 hath been set apart for tne final hearing in ins | case, where his creditors may attend, and show ; cause, if any they have, why a final discharge shall not be granted said debtor. george McCullough, ctk July is—3m Cecil county Court. Land Surveying. The subscriber still continues the business of! i surveying land, and from much experience in n orating lands, tracing lines, and d ividing estates lisprepared to execute nil calls m bin profession with expedition and accuracy. Ho also attends to CONVEYANCING, tf riling deeds, Mortgages, Wills articles ofa- groomant, Ronds, Rills of Sale, Leases Sic. Ho also uc*.s as LAND AGENT. In selling Lands on commission. All culls will be thankfully received and promptly attended to on moderate terms. Communications by mail will receive immediate attention; jvflMEs McCauley. New Leeds, near Elklon Md. June 17th '4B. NOTICE. The CommisTtouHrs n f Cecil county will meet at their office in the Court House, on Tuesday the 19ih day of September irifiP, to transact business. Persons having un- settled accounts are notified hereby to at* lend. By Order. P.C, RICKETTS, Clk. Com’rs. Cecil Co. September, 2d ’4B—l m. Valuable Property at Private Sale I'Vu'in, Mills anil Woodland- The subscriber will sell at Private Sale, all his properly, viz: No. 1. A fine farm, containing 80 ACRES, 1G of whichTs woodland, the balance is tillable, und-T good fencing and in a good state of cultivation, having been re- cently limed. There is on this property r_ acomfurtable Stone Dwell- with frame kitchen a well ol good water at the door; also, a spring of good water and stone spring house, a good barn, part log and part frame, and a good apple orchard No 2. A GRIST MILLnearly new, in good order, to which a saw mill can be attached with little expense; the frame of which is nearly ready to put I together. There are 11 Acres of Land attached to the mill, of good quality. This mill is located in a manufacturing district: is within I of a mile of the Mes- srs Parkes’ Rolling Mill, and about the same distance from Messrs J. D. Fisler & Co’s Cotton Factory, and about 1 mile from the Cotton Factory of Mr. D. Lord which together with a thickly settled vicinity affords a fine market for flour and feed. There is also on this lot a small J?ry/L Frame Dwelhnga fine spring XSjflT] 'Jk ol water near it, with some * lift other improvements, such ESStßl2a*aß stabling &c. No. 3. A lot of WOODLAND, containing SnsjjffSS ACRFS, well set with good and^Y*®* , valuable timber. The above Farm, Mill, and Woodland, will be sold altogether or separately to suit purchasers; This property willpos- itively be sold on reasonable terms, and lying in a healthy and thriving neigh- I borhood, is a very desirable properly, i being handy to stores, shops, schools and ! places of worship It is located about 5 miles north of Elkton on the public road leading from Cherry Hill to Cow- antown, about an equal distance from each. Persons wishing to, purchase will call on the undersigned at the Mill, or letters directed to Cherry Hill Cecil Co. Md., will receive immediate attention JACOB MARKEE Sep 2,’48-tf. * # *Del. Journal, and Village Record, insert 3t and send bills to this office. look'atthis: Prime Bolugne Sausage, vurj superior - Dried Beef, Bocf Tongues, Mackerel, Herring, smoked tnd in pinkie. Alsu, r fresh, lot of Choirs, Stands, &c , which will b. sold ver/ low for cash or country <uco. Wm. TELL | Aug CC. Cheap Sterc. etst £lkton CONSTABLES SALE j By virlueof seven writs ol fieri facias: issued by G. Purnell, Esq one of the jus- tices of the peace in and for Cecil coun- ty, at the suits of J B. Haines, Haines & Roman, J. B. & L Haines and Haines and McCullough, against the goods, chat- tels, lands ana tenements of Michael Clarke and Mary Clark, and to ms di- rected, I have seized and taken into exe- cution, all the right, title, claim, interest and estate at law and in equity, of the said Michael Clark and Mary ( lark, in and to all that Farm or tract of Land vith the improvements thereon, situated, ly- ing and being in the upper end ol Cecil 1 county, and adjoining the lands ol Hiram! McVey on the south, Janies Carrol on ' the east, and Chalkley 11. Culler on the | north, aid others; containing twenty | seven and three fourth acers, more or less.! '•'his land will he sold subject to a mort- 1 gage (lor a small amount) due to John S. Everist, And I hereby give notice that on SAT URDAY the 14-th day of October next, at \ 1 o'clock A. M., at the Store of Mr John Rawlings near Conowingo, 1 will offer the said property so seized aid ta- ken i i execution, at Public Sale to the hiirhest bidder for cash, to satisfy the saiii fieri facias. J C WATERS, Cont. Sept 23d ’4B—ts ($2.50) 1 €eut Reward Runaway frumtlie Subscriber, resitting in Fik Neck, on Monday the 18111 iust, awhile boy, named I’crry Short, an indented apprentice to the farming business. The said boy ia abont 14 years of age, and had on when lie wont away, a linen roundabout, striped panla and butt'vest. All persons are turbid harboring or trusting said boy. and the above reward, will be paid to any nereturnin' him to mo. GEORGE HARRISON. Sept. 23.—St. Daguerreotype Portraits. Of a superior quality, hsndiomolv colored snd put up in beautiful Morocco Cases, complete for only ONE DOLL V K, at SpiEi.r.a's cheap Daccekreah Galeesv , No. 90 1-2 Walnut Street, below Fourth, Philadelphia. All Pie- lures made at this estrb lishment will be tcurran- ted perfect. Sept. 23—-6 m. 248 AND 413 Market Street- PHILADELPHIA. TIIECHFAPK'U ajd LARGEST A‘tORTMEsTB GjM ail Silver W itched IN PHILADELPHIA. Gold Levers, fall jewelled, 13 carat cuo. $3 ) andovnr Silver ** sl6 and over Lupines 11 and over Qidrliora, $ 510 $lO Gold Pencils, I *0 Silver Tea SS a, equal to cun, 450 Gold Pens * * lioldor and penc.l, 100 With a itssoriineut of all kinds of; Watches, both gold and nil-! ver; Kiel* Jewelry, Uc. &c. | Gold Chain of tlie best rnnnu-! lactures, and in tncl every l/c' tgnft in llic Watch and Jew- -1 e1 ry line at much less prices cnn bought * n I** ty or else where. Please save litis advertisement, and call at either LEWIS LA DOM US. No. 413 Market street, above Eleventh, north side, or at JACOB LA POM US, 246 Market st. first store below Eighth, pouth side. £CjrVVe have Gold and Silver Levers still cheaper than the above prices—a liberal discount made to the trade. Sept 23—6 m. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The subscribers offer far sale that tract! of laud lying in Cecil county. Stale of Mary- land, bounded on llic South by the Bohemia river, which it famous for ducks and II h. on die North by the road leading to the fer- ry, and adjoining the Hon. Richard 11. Bay- aid's mansion farm. The farm contains about 200 ACRES. The soil of the hesi quality, with inexhaus- lable beds of shell marl; lime can he deliv- ered on the shore. The buildings consist of a good house, barn and other out build, n gs. For terms which will he aecommcdalin apply to WILLIAM BRYAN, or CHAN. A. BRYAN, McDonough, New Castle county, Del., Sept. 1C —fiw. Trustee’s Sale. In virtue of a decree in equity, the subscriber as Trustee will sell at Public Auction at the Court House, in Elklon, on Tuesday the 17th of October next, the real estaie of which Samuel Freeman late of Cecil county, died, seiz- ed consisting of the village of Back Creek and the adjacent lands as follows: Ist. The lands known as the Back Creek farm, containing about 130 Acres, of fine Land. The improvements on which consist of a large Frame Dwelling House with corn House, smoke house, and other outbuildings. There is also upon this property a very valuable Grist JiUll, with two pair of stones for grinding wheat and corn, also a Clover Mill, and Plaster Mill under one roof, and a Saw Mill, all of which are believed to bo in good repair. Upon this properly is also situated the village of Back Creek, consisting in part of 7 TWO STORY rnt* WELLING HOUSES, 2 agijill Store HOUSES, a Black- shop and Wheelwright shop; and the new house occupied hy negro George, in which he has a life os- tate, under the said Freeman’s will. The above property will be sold altogether or in parcels to suit purchasers. 1 2. The tract of land known as the Whilham Farm, which lies adjoining ijlhe Back Creek farm, and contains about wrnynmrniMmirammmmmstemm.'.. u n nr* TTMiirr—— WESTERN N LVV 70UK COLLEGES OP Ili-MLTIf, 207 Main street, Dufolo, N. V. Hi. G. C. VaiigluTri Vegetable Lilhontriplic Mixture, a celebrated medicine which I.aaxiuuto GREAT CURES IN ALL D.'SE \SES. is now introduced into tins ucciion. The limits of an snivel Ifacrriftitt will not p *nnit nn x. tilct F notice of this r*im*dy; wo have only tr tny r. hat i for its Afwnls in the United Slates and CaLtdua a large rumlcrtff oJacalcd | c MEDICAL practitioners in high pruieSMuuul staadim r , who make n gOnor- , : nl use of it in their practice in ilia lollowing fcii- j cusus; Dropsv, Gravel, and diroascs of the urin- , ary organs; Pi’n-H and all diseases of the blood; 1 derunguincnU otTho Liver. Kc., and all general j disease's of llic system. Ii is ptrlicuLrly ro j quested that all who cimtcmpl ilo in ns•; <*t tiv.e , 'article, or who liro iti.Lr.ii ilion ivvp; it. I will obtain a p unp!il< lof J 1 pages, which N/imis , I whose names .• n; lie low will gladly give aw \ ; I tills hooks tivu's up*.ii the method ot cure—ev- plains thu pro j unites of liiu article, uni toedis- t eases il ha* been used foi over tins country mi | j Europe for four years wi*’i sue i perle ct yi.ect. j | J? y 16 pages of luslimo iy from the IniTiost | Jni* t’ers will bo found, with names, phua-s and j Da° of, whifli c h bo r urn In hy a*.v one in- . or oeloU, and ilio parlies will answer postpaid ic iiiniunicutions. sk lur the pamphlet, an no oilier such pam- phlet has ever been keen. The evidence ol 111 > , power of thin medicine over all discuses is gu; j antood hy persons oi well known standing m >3- I ciety. Put up in 30 oz. and 12 oz. bottles. Pi‘ (,f V-* |3O o/. ; 5,1 12 oz.; the larger being the che aer. | Every collie has G. C. VAUGHN” ! I written on the directions, Pee patnphlftl ; i j and sold at Principal Oflico 207 Maiu •S-lrocl j [ BnllUJo, N. Y. UlUcei devoted to sale ol tins erlicle exclusively, !3‘2 Nassau, Ncw-Yark. and j corner of Essex and Washington, Salon), Mass., and by nil Druggists throughout tins country and Canada as Agents. AGENTS!—Dr. J. Wallace, Elkicn; R. L. Thomas, North East; Andrew Kidd, Port Depos- it; John S. Kvoristk Co., llowlandsvillo. Jan. 22d 1848— ly Goods tor the Season- G. W. KIDD. NO. 52 MARKKT ST. WILMINGTON. RAS r'cv, in Store a large and varied üb- h' r'.incnt of Foreign,Domestic Dry Goods. ho.igbt at the present low prices, which will ho disujfceJ of at a very small advance; ho names in j part j C-.s}imt*res, all wool, Orleans Clotljh, Oregon | Satin sirp. and bar. and Monterey plaids, do in rich colors. Lama Plaids, Ging- do all silk plaids, hams, in variety. j do worsted plaids, French ai*d English I Alpacas, blk. plaid and chintz, Mmisselines, in ¦ mode colors. great variety. HU’He oft era great bargains in.,4" & French Merinoes, &Thibit Clothsj English Merinoes. ParamcitaSc Coburg Cloths. A full supply of Hosiery. For Ladies. For Gentlemen. ¦ Alpaca Hose, ribbM. Lambs wool 1-2 h plain Vigonia I*2 do , Cashmcro do do do Merino E2 do Merino do mix'd. Woolen, Cotton and , An lalusia, new* stylo, I bread do do Raw Silk, woolen, col- j 10:1 &c. j Those in want of Goods at fair prices, and 1 who wish to buy articles for what they are rc- 1 prevented, will please cull aa above at 4 1 * G. W. KIDD'S. J' 52 Market St. Wilmington, j i Dee IlthMT A FI AE l> FA C!T IT IS UNIVERSALLY CONCEDED that; Stun tow p External Renualy, II UN T’S L 1 y I MF. N T. J Is nno ol llic Greatest Blessings v.itlim the react: j of II mankind- it cnn bo had for only Si e.i-nls i a bottle, and will always mrc wiii.-n timely ap-1 plied. Millions bavo testified to its wonderful | healing properties. U relieves tarn ins.anlly; j j il cores disease, and p)-n r'u!s deformity it reatorrs 1 to hialibv action the .Mrrctis Sijdim whenever, 5 il is attacked by any aflho eoinplair.u In wbi.-ii j it is sniijcet; there is no Medicine rvi com- j ¦ pave with it. It you ..avc cither ol llic following i diseases procure H, and you may rest assureii j that you will e.V[K.-ricncc re'iet at once, and llic j f j continued application will soon remove the dis- ease. Spinal A flections, Rheumatism, Paralysis I a and all Nervous Affections. Coimactioi 3 ol the Muscles, More Throat and Quincy, Issues, Old t Ulcers, Pains in liio Back and C.hesl, Ague in the Breast and Face,Too".h -acite, Sprains, Bruis- es, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup, Frosted Feet, Corns, Buuyous, Fresh VVouuds, Swellings and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections,'.Poisons, I ic Dol- dreux and all Cutaneous and Nervous Diseases, vanish before it, and leave the body in a sound and healthy stale. For evidence of iis great c bower over the System, see tbo pamphlets to bo oad of every Agent, grafts- l EXTRAORDINARY CURE OP SALT l RHEUM. New V'ork, February 18,1911. e Sir_l have been cured of the Salt Rheum by < a few applications ot //uni’s Liniment 1 was t effected with the complaint fo r eight months 1 J tried every tiling that was recommended, but all u to no purpose; the disease grew worse. InSsep- Icmber last, a gentleman (Mr. L. Jitus) with v ahem I was travelling, recommomlod Hunt’s c Liniment. I used il hut six times when the di- scase left mo. I have deferred making this com- c munication, until 1 was certain tbo cure was el 1 feulual and permanent. lam now certain it is so, and can therefore conscientiously recommend c Hunt’s L-oiraent as a certain and speedy cure lor Sa Yours^'rospectfully, J- P. CLEMENT. | * A VOICE FROM DELAWARE. M Lewis, Sussex co- Delaware, Feb 3, 1817, I Send me six boxes of Hunt’s Liniment imme J lately. lam entirely out. I navo heard of three cases of Corns being cured by twice bat i- ingwilb the Liniment; several cures ol Rheum- ' atism; one case olCroup, and one of weak limbs. 1 have bad no furnish the Liniment on the Sab- bath, so sanguine was the applicant of its bene- , ticia! effects. /•• WEST & SON GEOFGE E. STANTON, Proprietor, Sing Sing, Now York. JUyryland Agent. G. M- HARRIS, 106 Bat- more si., near Holliday, and for Hale by all T HE ITY DRUGGISTS. Sold by Dr. J. WAEEACE, Elklon. July 15. ’49 t Spring and SnmniP-r Kisliions, A C. COLE, thankful fJP OB jnLforlhc very liberal ixiiSj p?tronag*s extended to him informs liis cuslomers and j wR jM received the lalept Fash- W IBAmi ions and ie prepared to 'SB'S make Coats of every uos- | srll criplion,and all other kind? (111 III of men's'Srmante, in firr | ]t\i rate fashionable style* j Shop two door&woe tof lh; Lumbor The subacriborß have just received from Pori Deposit a fresh supply of Lumber of every des- cription, embracing Pine Hoards of all qualities; 1-2 inch Siding; Pine and Hemlock joists and studding; Fine and Cypress Shingles of all lengths, Hemlock Fencing Boards. £c., which they will offer to the public on the most Heroin- uioduting terms. - I DENM;IT* KAR.SNEK July C 2 M 8 CTicwprtiKc Cii;*. ; TnTmicrrTr ¦... <. jVSA.MJl'At'i'Ofit Sr. IUDGE ROAD, ahote l>ti.l'TuN\VOUE St. PHILADELPHIA. Iron P.iLlinga for public Mid p.iv.vto ~ -J;> ' ", ''Me sijuaroa, of eccry Tixiely ii'Ufiu r ¦ pnUiJrfi, -• —try lulling., of kuic and ilriqi** siun#; emLru*; ixijj upwards ofofie ant vj riclh* Iron Chairs ami Settees, for Garden. >li and P.l22l9—new stylo. Vcrmdia and P< tors, for Cotta gut, made in e\ y style. S, nrr Wrought Iron Gates, for Carriage entrant** New rtylo Balcony Brackets, ficc. I'on Tables of various stylus, embracing Locu XIV, K'izleiJjKn, (•ntliTc, and modern patten.* •vuli While and Gold lidliun Marblb tops, f" 1)1/!- have been introduced by llio eub- | icfiluT for Holds, llcHtiiurants, Ice Cream Sa ¦ Im-hh. Xc. They are beautiful articles of furn- ;'ore li.r II t Stores ami other uituhlisbtllcnL** | ix iih drsii;il)ie lo ru> k a grand display. II.• recently r niHlructed an elegant suh- j Mann.J Cast lion Hitching Post, in toim :tdm.. j t!ly itdiip: i.U lo j.;fiiianency of position, high y i oinaineoied, und representing a well i 1 Head of ill.( noble animal, the //one. Such aw i article lias long been a desideratum, and is’now olli .ed to the good taslo of the public* lijingtis visiting Philadelphia, are respect* , lullv invited to call at his W.-mToom*, and cx- j *.niinc hss dillerenl sprcimeiih of new and bouu- f work. j liOlli.RT WOOD Proprietor, Ridge Koud, above Butlouwuod Street, PUiIJ. tC'/’Ho Inis recently published, ut.gioat ex- | pause, an original work exhibiting the new de- I signs and patterns which are executed ut His es- tablishment, embracing all the above articles, and the vatious und splendid patters of Co mete- j ry, Balcony, Stop and other Railings which have bean manufactured for Laurel Hill and : oilier celebrated Cemeteries, designed expressly for his own establishment, ard which may be Hunt to any part of the world to those, who de- sire to make a selection. Undoubted reference will bo required to ensure a prompt return of the work, after an opportunity for making the selection. Philadelphia , April 22nd 1918— Cheap Hyafloip SShnds R. J. Williams No. Id North 6ih street Fljila. Vcnitian Blind Manufacturer, lias now on hand, the largest, and must fashionable assortment of larrow slut, and other Vepilian Blinds, of an/ other estahlishmcnl in the United Stales. Com- prising entire now stile, Tnmnigs, and colour, which will be sold at tho lowedl prices, whole- : sale and retail. Old Blind* Ramled and Trim- |ed to look equal lo new. i lie Citiznp of Cecil ¦ county und adjoining districts arc respectfully invited to call and examine his assortment, be- -1 Torn purchasing elsewhere. Keeling continent. 1 of pleasing ano giving satisfaction lo 'imy favor him with a cull | BENJAMIN j. williams. No. 12 North 6th si. ?.uU ’.TC XXE.\T’. Wa’shington (hiilrry of DA GIIEIIREO TYPES I .Vo '2,’U North Sor.oiid S*pWr>t, N. IV. co nor of (’allowhill Street. PHILADELPHIA. I THE Liken*.,.* mkci mid haamilullr <ml- .id M tin, .volt knniv,), for One Dollar. am U;j.v..mlly conceded lob. rj.utl in ••very >-t to timj jn the cn>. I’ictu us taken cn ii,.v .veil in cloudy aml .-'ear woiliier A ovflrl.nont of hiallUnt nn.l Lnckels on hr ""i. 1,1 mn *2 to frs. ind'iriinir tlio^iciure. Hie aniiscrjliuis rrapecltviUv invito tba citi- zens ofCecil County, to coil nyV.l rxiinioo speci- men* ofthe Htrait improvomonU in tl.c art of I>a- vruerreotypiny, which will bo exhibited ehocrful- iy und without cimruc. T. & .1. a. TEN NEST. r:nlJolp!iii Jill, I, um. Phil. Wil. find Balt. Rail Road Line. T hr, M(nnng T rain of Cars from IMiilaHel- ohia f'r Baliimore, **rriv at Klklon quarter be- fore 11 o’clock. AM. Morning trim from Rnltimoro for Philu. at quarter before 12 o’clock. Night lino from Philadelphia reaehn* F.lklon at halfpast 12 o’clock at night. Night train from Bakimora arrives horo quar- ter before 11 o’clock, P. M. ISKXJAMIN WELLS, Agt. Elkton, .'Jpril Blh MS. Merchants Look at This. The suhscrilior* having engaged largely in thn Tinning Business, are prepared lo supply Mer- chant* with all kinds of TIN WARE, at very low pricer, and will warrant all their ar- ticle* to surpass anything of the kind that ha* ever before been offered from Elkton. As one (•I’tho firm is a practical workman, and w?ork* f the business himself, and supcrinlendß tho work, it will be made in tho best manner and of the best materials. All persons wanting to purchase Tin Ware, will do well by calling at this shop, before pur- chasing else whore, asthoto will be a general ao- sorimenl always on hand. Ware will be deliv- ered anywhere within 50 miles free of cost. It is the intention of the firm to do a WHOLESALE business only. There will bo no retail hawking from this establishment. All orders in our line will be thankfully received and promptly attend- ed to. Pont forget the place—ln tho “hollow” corner of Beau Street, and opposite Krauts' Hotel. ROOFING Si SPOUTING. Roofing and Spooling done at the shortest no- tice. by the best workmen, of good matoral and warranted perfect* ENOCH CROUCH. .1. ILCLARIUGE. Elkton, March 4th MB—lf. LITjTLE MORE GRAPE CART. BRAGG. JOHN KRDE R. North east Corner Walnut and second St.* Philadiili’jiia. Keeps constantly on hand, of bis own manu factor© and imported, a complete assortment i Riflrs, Shot Gums, /huroi.s &c., Which I* warrants of the best quality as represented, to which he respectfully invite* the attention cf purchasers, He ’.s also prepared to supply Pnwnr.R Flasks, Shot Bags, Gamk Bags. .Superior Bowdkr, 1 Gcm Cotton, Pgucosbiun Caps, Shot, Bull nr | Moulds, uall k Bl.vsk Cartridoes, and ha* ( materials for Gun Makers, Sportsmen, &0.. ou ; tonnes as low as anny other esublishrnjul in tha ! United Slates. in testimony ofh is skill ns a r..anu f d' , turnr tho I Fn an’xlis Imptitutr awardod to him to Certi. I fir.aten in the years 1640 and 1*42 ami three SUrtr JJtdali in the years 1841 lb4t and 1847—a.1 of which may be seen at his place of business. - |I3“A choiro supply of lievoir iug Pistols cu-*- j stanlly on hand. I July 15, *49. Hn. Sunday School Library Book*.—A sp’nndrl afisoriuioul of MioeelJaneous. Juvenile, au 1 Sunday scho<d Library Books. Fur mile ul cn/ pices, at the i’orl Deposit IL/o ; Depot, by may 'J7 B. F. Huath., rfIIMOTIIY SEED for.V by 11 Aug CH, MS W m . r*'

Transcript of The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1848-10-07 [p...

Page 1: The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1848-10-07 [p ] · and nervous anergy to the skin lOih. ... Price 50 cents a bottle.

Frinta an 1Fallow 01 tiieasjLOOK HERE.

Stoves! Stves!!Tho subscriber wishes to inform you, one and

all, that he intends this Fall and Winter lo keepnil kindsofeloves, winch lie will foil cheap ibi

cash or country produto. The following a,ome of the kind* he will have on hand.

The celobraaed Buck Stove,

Church’s improved Favoritedo Air-tight

Philadelphia Air-tightdo Willow Stove

Cast Iron, air-tight Parlor stoveSheet iron do doHalf cook, 1 boilor on top.Plain 9 plate stoveCoal stovss for offices and stores

and al other kinds that are in use. Call Crion'send fellow citizens and examine for yourselveoTrv, and prove—you will not fail to be pleasedRecollect the old stand—the large brick, on lb*

corner near the bridge. Ilesp’yJOHN H. GRAHAM.


By virtue ol sundry writs of fieri faciasissued by G. Purnell Esq., one of thejustices of the peace in and for Cecicountv, at the suits of Geo Kidd, T. & f

A- Janney, and David J. Nesbitt, and to

me directed, I have seized and taken in-to execution all the right, title, interestand claims both at law and in Equity ofHenry Wood roe, in and to all that pieceor parcel of Land, situated on the southside ofOctoraro Creek and bordering onthe same, and adjoining the lands of JohnSwisher, Patrick Ewing, Stephen Wood-roe and o'hers, containing Sixty Acresmore or less. The improvements consistof a largo two Story Dwelling Housenearly new, and other necessary out

houses. The quality of the land is goodand very susceplahle ol improvement,on which the said Henry Woudroe nowresides.

And 1 hereby give notice that on Fri-

day (he 13lh day of October inst., |at 3 o’clock P. M.j 1 willoffer for sale I¦the said property so seized and taken inexecution to the highest bidder for cn-It, |at the store of John S. Everist &. Co.,fßowlandsville,) toratisfv said writs.

J C WATERS, ConstSept 9 ’IS—ts (§2.50)


Surgeon Dentist from BsltimorJliaviiig removed to Ktkion, offer

liis pmfesf iuiml to hecitizens ofCecil and the fdjacciA j

rounlioa* OtHco t.vo doors cast, of Joiihßon s

Hotel, lately occupied as the ollico f Cecil

4'ounty A•ivocatavTerili extracted, filed, plumed, r inserted

upon i lie latest vu Ihi >al iinprut/jJ priucipl•very moderate rates.

(Special allcnlioa will bo paid to childrenwhen bis prolessiomtl services are required. |Advice gmlis.

Ladies will bo waited,cn at their rcsidonsesifdesired.

Vory uporior;es ofliis own inirv.i -

facljro alw.tys unhandMi/ 13th *4B 6;n,*

West Philadelphia*t T O V li W OLU K S-The subscribers respectfully inform their

friends and the public that they are now preparrd to execute any orders with which they maybo favored, for their West Philapelpaia. Com-plete Co ok Stove, 01 - which they have threesick; Can.vos’ and Hake Cylinder Stoves, sov- !on s:x.ts; Buses ami Tops for Cylinder Stoves, fivesizes; Oven P i.ates, four sizes; Cottage Air-tight I’am.oh fen ves, [?br wood,] two sizes; GahOvens, three sizes; Cait-.hon Heaters, and a

Drge and bcaulilul assortment ol Pattern* lorIron Railing*

Tncir goods am all made ofthe best material,and from now ind beautiful designs.

Their M cki / kilad'a Complete is, without doubtthe best and most saleable Cook Stove ;n themarket. They are constructed with Mott's Ratx-nl feeder, front and Grate, wliicli gives themudccidtd superioril) over all others. They on

ly want a trial to confirm what is hero asserted.Castings ofall kinds nude lo oruei v*ua

(promptness and despatch.•Samples may bo semi ami orders lert ui the

Foundrv, or at J. 11. Kohler s 154 north fee—-coml si, Mathiei' & Dohkai h, 187 south Second

and at Williams & Hinds’ 3i)B Market street. :WILLIAMS. KOIILLR, MATHIEU & CO.


MEN I'.—tiiik:: of the followign

facte:Ist, That five-eights ofali we receive into the

stomach, pass olf through the pores of the skin,in Insensible Perspiration

2d. That the .SAiii evacuates more matterthan the Lin gs, Kidneys and BmWolb put togeth-er.

3d* That tlic 87; in discharges more maltri intwcr.ty-fonr hours, thin the Lowe Is do in U clays

anil liial by severe exercise, a man will lost*three, four and fivepounds in one hour.

4lb. That the Creator pierced the human cut

iclo with pores or tmall opening to the almostincredible number ofooo MILLION, nukingIhs the G HAND OUT-LET ofall the redundanmatter of the body.

slli. That through these pores are constantlyexndiiiir the old; altered and worn-out particles olthe Dhoti, ami humors of the body and the wasteofthe system.

Gill. That lo stop up the pores, twenty-fourhours would cause instant death.

7ih. That sudden changes of weather and cxposuro lo cold, close these pores in part, andhence the long catalogue of diseases over theland*

Blh That as the skin is the medium fo cvacoaling all the humors otTlie body, wo scerho prufound folly and absurlity of resorting to pills

jdrugfl sod other mixtures, to cure the great mao rity ol (lit cases produced by checked perspira

H.9th until September, 18 44, there was no raedi

cine before tlio public that had power lo restore

the Insensible Perspi aiion , by imparting vitalityand nervous anergy to the skin

lOih. That Me A LIFTER'S ALL HEALINGOINTMENT is that medicine, and which, bypossessing this power, is effecting more go id thanany five or even ten remedies in this country.Price 25 cents a box

Also, MeALISTER'S IUIR OH., an cxtiactfrom the Ointment and possessing the same mtdlea 1 properties. Price 50 cents a bottle.

Sold in Rlklon b-' Dr. Jos. Wallace.July 29, ’4B.

"if. C. &TF7T. R. R. Line.A<SgS\ The Stcamliont Con-

j j-citation, Capt. Pearce,

* or Washington,("apt. Tnppe will, de-

part from Frenchlown for Baltimore, at from 20minutes before C o'clock to 15 minutes panevery evening during the running season. 'Thecars will leave Frenchlown for New Castle amiPhiladelphia every evening at from quarter tohalf paslG o’clock. Passonges to secure paa-•nge should reach Ibis place at he earliest timestaled above. Wsi. P-BABR, .fgL

FrentAtoww, iprilß?h ’if-tf. I

| MORE NEWS.j The largest, The Most FASH-

ION ABLE, and tho best nssort-I of men’s, woman’s, and chil-

CV drens hoots and shoos, in Cecilcounty, is to bo found at the sub-

scribers BOOT &. SHOE SPORE, in Klktou.Sign of the Big Boot-

opposite the Court Route.The subscriber would respectfully inform his

friends, and the public generally, that he haspurchased of his brother, (Enoch Crouch) hidentire stock of ladies’, Misses’, and children’sboots and shoes, and lias commenced manufac-turing Ladies' Shoes of every description. Hois now prepared to accommodate all who mayfavor him with a call, with men’s women's andchildrens boots and shoes ofthe best sort at verylow prices. THOS. C. CROUCH

Elkton, Fob. 26th '4B.N. B. Country produce taken in exchange

for boots and shoes. Wanted boot and shoemakers.~


IS hereby given to the creditois of James MeCabe, (hat a personal discharge hath been

granted to said debtor, and that the seventeenthday of October being the second day of ourCounty Court next,succeeding this date hathbeen set apart for tho final hearing in his case

where li is creditors may attend, and show causeifany they have, why a final discharge shallnot be granted said debtor.

GEORGE McCOLLOUGHCIk.July 15—*3 m. Cecil county court


IS hereby given, to tho creditors of RobertStephenson, that a personal discharge hath

been granted lo said debtor, and that the seven-teenth day of October being the second day ofour County Court next, succeeding this dalehath been set apart for the final hearing in hiscase, where his creditors may attend, and showcause, ifany they have, why a final dischargeshall nut be granted said debtor.

george McCullough,tm.July B—3m8 —3m Cecil county court.


IS hereby given, to the creditor.* of George IP fAlexander, that a personal discharge hath ,i been granted to said debtor, and that the seven- jtec nib day of October being the second day ofjour county Court next succeeding Ibis dite hath jbeen set apart lor the final bearing in bis case, Iwhere his creditors may attend, and show cause,ifnitv they have, why a final discharge shall notbe granted said debtor.

george McCullough, ciu.-—3 in Cecil county oou

Notice.IS hereby given, to the creditors of Hugh J.

Ferguson, that n personal discharge hath been !granted to said debtor, and that the seventeenth 1day ofOctober being the second day ofour coun

ly Court nex succeeding this dale, hath been set Iapart Ibr the final hearing in bis case, where hiscreditors may uttend, and show cause, ifany theyhave, why a final discharge shall not be grantedsaid debtor.

george McCullough, cikJuly 15, — :Im. Cecil county Court


IS hereby given to the creditors of Henry G iSimpers, that a dersonal discharge hath been jgranted to said debtor, and that the seventeenth jday ot October being the second day ofour Coun ;ty Court next succeeding this date hath bebnset apart for the final hearing in his case, wherebis creditors may attend, and show cause, if anythey have, why a final discharge shall not begranted said debtor.

george McCullough, cik.July B—3m Cecil ccunly court.

JVOTICE.The subscriber having been appointed Consta

ble for the Third Election District ofCecil couuty, begs leave to inform bis Iriends and the publiegcmerully, that hr is now prepared lo alien

; to ail business that may bo entrusted to his carewith promptness.

TMOJUAS THACKERY.N. B. Persons wishing to place accounts in

my hands, can leave them with John A. Rankinor David Alexander, Esqa.

Deer 11, '47—9m T. T.

notTCFT~The Orphans Court of Cecil comity will

] Hold a special meeting on the 12thda> of

1 September next it being the second Tues-day of said rnunih’

Test GEORGE R. HOWARD RegSeptember, 2d MB. I in.

To Volunteers and their friends2’lie undersigned being in posses-* ion ofaco

jreel list ofour brave soldiers who have dieddisease or by wounds received in the sovera j

{ bailies fought in Mexico, lake tins method ofin-| forming those interested, that they will give in-; formation of the time, place, and cause of deathof each individual.

it will be necessary for those desiring such in-formation, lo state the Regiment or Company lo

which they belonged, the names of those whocommanded them and the dale of their enlist- jment The above information will be given Iwithout charge, provided the postage is paid.

Tho undersigned would here remark, that j; they arc extensively engiged in procuring LandWarrants, Pensions, ana arrearages of pay duothe discharged soldiers and the representativesof those who have died. A lino addressed t‘oither of tho undersigned will be punctually al-ien ded to

•Samuel Stettinls, L’* S. Jus of the Poacc.Washington, D. G

Wm. M. Fulton, Attorney at Law,Main St. Richmond, Va.

Geo. W, Stevenson, Attorney at uw.Jnne 17— 3in No. 27 Bookman si. New Y ork

THE NEW STORE.DENNY Si PEARCE, arc opening a atock of

new ami elegant Dry Goods, in their new store

room jus I tilted up, two doors from Dr. Wal-lace's Drug Store, where they will be happy losee their friends and the public. They have alssan excellent lot ot Groceries. All theii guudoare of good qualities, and at cheap prices.


Elkto, April Ist ’4

Non p a r i eeT wa si ung —ti,7superior article celebrated for rciidcriu? the

hardest of water officenl for cleaning all suhstmices to which it m:iv be applied, and is fast superceding all other kinds of soap, Woolen manufacturers, Hotel Keepers, House Keepers St othersaro invited to give it a trial. Just received andfur sale by Wm. TORBERT.

Aug. 19. ’43

PA/NTING. —Mouse, Sign, and Fancy painting, done in the best manner, at. moderate

prices by Wm. PELL, Elkton,Aug. 26.

VTs 111 FIS//!!Mackerel .Vo 2 St 3Northeast HerringsLabrador “

Scotch “

Cod Fishin store and for (al* by Wm. TORBERT.July 22 ’4B.

George Earle.Attorney at Law.

Elkton, Md,

( Off"* next dr t TsrVevt'* Stte.

155 AcresThere are two Houses uponthis property, one of which is a large

1 new two story house with a basement.1 3. The house and lot containing about20 Acres, which is described in a deedfrom Benjamin VV. Harris and others, toSamuel Freeman, and lies adjoining theBack Creek farm.i The lands where the said Samuel

Freeman resided, now occupied by V\ m.R Freeman, and containing about

33 Acres.The improvements on this tract consistof a good two story dwelling house, twogood barns, one ot which is nearly new,&c. Allthe above described propertyis ofgood quality, and is situated about7 miles below Elklon, on Hie main toadleading to Warwick, and about one milefrom the Delaware and Chesapeake ca-nal. Persons wishing to purchase arerequested to examine the premises prior

1 to the day of sale.j The terms ofsale prescribed by the de-

| cree are that one third ot the purchasemoney shall be paid on the day of saleone third in six and one third in twelvemonths thereafter, the credit paymentsto be secured by notes bearing interestwith security approved by Ihe Trustee.

The Sale will commence at 3 o’clock,IP. M.

HENRY W. ARCHER, Trustee.! Sept 9, ‘4B—ts! *

<l*Del Journal, and Harford Gazette,will copy law till sale and send bills toTrustee.


IS hereby given, to the creditors of EdwtrdWilson, Sr. that a personal discharge hath

been granted to said debtor, and that the sv-

-1 enteenth day ofOctober being the second day of| our County Court next succecdiug this date

1hath been set apart for tne final hearing in ins| case, where his creditors may attend, and show; cause, if any they have, why a final dischargeshall not be granted said debtor.

george McCullough, ctkJuly is—3m Cecil county Court.

Land Surveying.The subscriber still continues the business of! i

surveying land, and from much experience in norating lands, tracing lines, and d ividing estateslisprepared to execute nil calls m bin professionwith expedition and accuracy. Ho also attendsto

CONVEYANCING,tf riling deeds, Mortgages, Wills articles ofa-groomant, Ronds, Rills of Sale, Leases Sic. Hoalso uc*.s as

LAND AGENT.In selling Lands on commission. All culls willbe thankfully received and promptly attended to

on moderate terms. Communications by mailwill receive immediate attention;

jvflMEs McCauley.

New Leeds, near Elklon Md.June 17th '4B.

NOTICE.The CommisTtouHrs nf Cecil county will

meet at their office in the Court House, onTuesday the 19ih day of September irifiP,to transact business. Persons having un-settled accounts are notified hereby to at*lend. By Order.

P.C, RICKETTS, Clk.Com’rs. Cecil Co.

September, 2d ’4B—l m.

Valuable Property at Private SaleI'Vu'in, Mills anil Woodland-

The subscriber will sell at PrivateSale, all his properly, viz:

No. 1. A fine farm, containing80 ACRES,

1G of whichTs woodland, the balance istillable, und-T good fencing and in agood state of cultivation, having been re-cently limed. There is on this property

r_ acomfurtable Stone Dwell-with frame kitchen

a well ol goodwater at the door; also, a

spring of good water and stone springhouse, a good barn, part log and partframe, and a good apple orchard

No 2. A GRIST MILLnearly new,in good order, to which a saw mill canbe attached with little expense; theframe of which is nearly ready to put

I together. There are 11 Acres of Landattached to the mill, of good quality.This mill is located in a manufacturingdistrict: is within I of a mile of the Mes-srs Parkes’ Rolling Mill, and about thesame distance from Messrs J. D. Fisler& Co’s Cotton Factory, and about 1 milefrom the Cotton Factory of Mr. D. Lordwhich together with a thickly settledvicinity affords a fine market for flourand feed. There is also on this lot a small

J?ry/L Frame Dwelhnga fine springXSjflT]'Jk ol water near it, with some

*liftother improvements, suchESStßl2a*aß stabling &c.

No. 3. A lot ofWOODLAND, containing SnsjjffSSACRFS, well set with good and^Y*®*

, valuable timber.The above Farm, Mill,and Woodland,

willbe sold altogether or separately tosuit purchasers; This property willpos-itively be sold on reasonable terms, andlying in a healthy and thriving neigh-

I borhood, is a very desirable properly,i being handy to stores, shops, schools and! places of worship It is located about5 miles north of Elkton on the publicroad leading from Cherry Hillto Cow-antown, about an equal distance fromeach. Persons wishing to, purchase willcall on the undersigned at the Mill,orletters directed to Cherry Hill Cecil Co.Md., will receive immediate attention

JACOB MARKEESep 2,’48-tf.*

#*Del. Journal, and Village Record,

insert 3t and send bills to this office.


Prime Bolugne Sausage, vurj superior -

Dried Beef,Bocf Tongues,Mackerel,

Herring, smoked tnd in pinkie.Alsu, r fresh, lot ofChoirs, Stands, &c , which

will b. sold ver/ low for cash or country<uco. Wm. TELL

| Aug CC. Cheap Sterc. etst £lkton

CONSTABLES SALE jBy virlueof seven writs ol fieri facias:

issued by G. Purnell, Esq one of the jus-tices of the peace in and for Cecil coun-

ty, at the suits of J B. Haines, Haines& Roman, J. B. & L Haines and Hainesand McCullough, against the goods, chat-tels, lands ana tenements of MichaelClarke and Mary Clark, and to ms di-rected, I have seized and taken into exe-cution, all the right, title, claim, interestand estate at law and in equity, ofthe saidMichael Clark and Mary ( lark, in andto all that Farm or tract of Land viththe improvements thereon, situated, ly-ing and being in the upper end ol Cecil 1county, and adjoining the lands ol Hiram!McVey on the south, Janies Carrol on 'the east, and Chalkley 11. Culler on the |north, aid others; containing twenty |seven and three fourth acers, more or less.!'•'his land will he sold subject to a mort- 1gage (lor a small amount) due to John S.Everist,

And I hereby give notice that on SATURDAY the 14-th day of October next,at \ 1 o'clock A. M., at the Store of MrJohn Rawlings near Conowingo, 1 willoffer the said property so seized aid ta-

ken i i execution, at Public Sale to the

hiirhest bidder for cash, to satisfy the

saiii fieri facias.J C WATERS, Cont.

Sept 23d ’4B—ts ($2.50)

1 €eut RewardRunaway frumtlie Subscriber, resitting in Fik

Neck, on Monday the 18111 iust, awhile boy,named I’crry Short, an indented apprentice to thefarming business. The said boy ia abont 14years of age, and had on when lie wont away,a linen roundabout, striped panla and butt'vest.All persons are turbid harboring or trusting saidboy. and the above reward, will be paid to anynereturnin' him to mo.


Daguerreotype Portraits.Of a superior quality, hsndiomolv colored

snd put up in beautiful Morocco Cases, completefor only ONE DOLL V K, at SpiEi.r.a's cheap

Daccekreah Galeesv , No. 90 1-2 WalnutStreet, below Fourth, Philadelphia. All Pie-

lures made at this estrb lishment will be tcurran-

ted perfect.Sept. 23—-6 m.

248 AND 413



GjM ail Silver W itchedIN PHILADELPHIA.

Gold Levers, fall jewelled, 13 carat cuo.$3 ) andovnr

Silver “ ** sl6 and over‘ “ Lupines 11 and over“ Qidrliora, $ 510 $lO

Gold Pencils, I *0Silver Tea SS a, equal to cun, 450Gold Pens * * lioldor and penc.l, 100With a itssoriineut of all kinds of;

Watches, both gold and nil-!ver; Kiel* Jewelry, Uc. &c. |Gold Chain of tlie best rnnnu-!lactures, and in tncl every

l/c' tgnft in llic Watch and Jew--1 e1 ry line at much less prices

cnn bought * n I**

ty or else where.Please save litis advertisement, and call at

either LEWIS LA DOM US.No. 413 Market street, above Eleventh,

north side, or at JACOB LA POM US,246 Market st. first store below Eighth,

pouth side.£CjrVVe have Gold and Silver Levers still

cheaper than the above prices—a liberal discountmade to the trade.

Sept 23—6 m.


The subscribers offer far sale that tract!of laud lying in Cecil county. Stale ofMary-land, bounded on llic South by the Bohemiariver, which it famous for ducks and II h.on die North by the road leading to the fer-

ry, and adjoining the Hon. Richard 11. Bay-aid's mansion farm.

The farm contains about200 ACRES.

The soil of the hesi quality, with inexhaus-lable beds of shell marl; lime can he deliv-ered on the shore. The buildings consistof a good house, barn and other out build,n gs.

For terms which will he aecommcdalinapply to WILLIAM BRYAN,

or CHAN. A. BRYAN,McDonough, New Castle county, Del.,Sept. 1C—fiw.

Trustee’s Sale.In virtue of a decree in equity, the

subscriber as Trustee will sell at PublicAuction at the Court House, in Elklon, on

Tuesday the 17th of Octobernext, the real estaie of which SamuelFreeman late of Cecil county, died, seiz-ed consisting of the village of BackCreek and the adjacent lands as follows:

Ist. The lands known as the BackCreek farm, containing about

130 Acres,of fine Land. The improvements onwhich consist of a large Frame DwellingHouse with corn House, smoke house,and other outbuildings.

There is also upon this property a veryvaluable

Grist JiUll,with two pair of stones for grindingwheat and corn, also a Clover Mill, andPlaster Mill under one roof, and a SawMill,all of which are believed to bo ingood repair.

Upon this properly is also situated thevillage of Back Creek, consisting in part

of 7 TWO STORYrnt*WELLING HOUSES, 2agijillStore HOUSES, a Black-

shop and Wheelwrightshop; and the new house occupied hynegro George, in which he has a life os-tate, under the said Freeman’s will. Theabove property will be sold altogetheror in parcels to suit purchasers.

1 2. The tract of land known as theWhilham Farm, which lies adjoining

ijlhe Back Creek farm, and contains about

wrnynmrniMmirammmmmstemm.'.. u n nr* TTMiirr——

WESTERN NLVV 70UKCOLLEGES OP Ili-MLTIf,207 Main street, Dufolo, N. V.

Hi. G. C. VaiigluTri Vegetable Lilhontriplic ‘Mixture, a celebrated medicine which I.aaxiuuto

GREAT CURES IN ALL D.'SE \ now introduced into tins ucciion. The limitsof an snivel Ifacrriftitt will not p *nnit nn x. tilct Fnotice of this r*im*dy; wo have only tr tny r. hat ifor its Afwnls in the United Slates and CaLtduaa large rumlcrtff oJacalcd | c

MEDICAL practitionersin high pruieSMuuul staadim r , who make n gOnor- , :nl use of it in their practice in ilia lollowing fcii- jcusus; Dropsv, Gravel, and diroascs ofthe urin- ,ary organs; Pi’n-H and all diseases of the blood; 1derunguincnU otTho Liver. Kc., and all general jdisease's of llic system. Iiis ptrlicuLrly ro •

j quested that all who cimtcmpl ilo in • ns•; <*t tiv.e ,'article, or who liro iti.Lr.ii ilion ivvp; it.

I will obtain a p unp!il< lof J 1 pages, which N/imis ,I whose names .• n; lie low will gladly give aw \ ;I tills hooks tivu's up*.ii the method ot cure—ev- •plains thu pro j unites of liiu article, uni toedis- teases il ha* been used foi over tins country mi |

jEurope for four years wi*’i sue i perle ct yi.ect. j| J? y 16 pages of luslimo iy from the IniTiost |Jni* t’ers will bo found, with names, phua-s and jDa° of, whifli c h bo • r urn In hy a*.v one in- .or oeloU, and ilio parlies will answer postpaid •ic iiiniunicutions.

sk lur the pamphlet, an no oilier such pam-phlet has ever been keen. The evidence ol 111 > ,power of thin medicine over all discuses is gu; jantood hy persons oi well known standing m >3- Iciety.

Put up in 30 oz. and 12 oz. bottles. Pi‘ (,f V-*|3O o/. ; 5,1 12 oz.; the larger being the che aer. |Every collie has

‘ G. C. VAUGHN” !

I written on the directions, Pee patnphlftl ;i

j and sold at Principal Oflico 207 Maiu •S-lrocl j[ BnllUJo, N. Y. UlUcei devoted to sale ol tins

erlicle exclusively, !3‘2 Nassau, Ncw-Yark. and jcorner of Essex and Washington, Salon), Mass.,and by nil Druggists throughout tins countryand Canada as Agents.

AGENTS!—Dr. J. Wallace, Elkicn; R. L.Thomas, North East; Andrew Kidd, Port Depos-it; John S. Kvoristk Co., llowlandsvillo.

Jan. 22d 1848— ly

Goods tor the Season-G. W. KIDD.


RAS r'cv, in Store a large and varied üb-

h' r'.incnt ofForeign,Domestic Dry Goods.

ho.igbt at the present low prices, which will hodisujfceJ ofat a very small advance; ho names in jpart

j C-.s}imt*res, all wool, Orleans Clotljh, Oregon |Satin sirp. and bar. and Monterey plaids,do in rich colors. Lama Plaids, Ging-do all silk plaids, hams, in variety. jdo worsted plaids, French ai*d English IAlpacas, blk. plaid and chintz, Mmisselines, in ¦mode colors. great variety.

HU’He oftera great bargains in.,4" &

French Merinoes, &Thibit Clothsj

English Merinoes. ParamcitaScCoburg Cloths.

A full supply of Hosiery.

For Ladies. For Gentlemen. ¦Alpaca Hose, ribbM. Lambs wool 1-2 hplain Vigonia I*2 do ,Cashmcro do do do Merino E2 doMerino do mix'd. Woolen, Cotton and ,

An lalusia, new* stylo, I bread do doRaw Silk, woolen, col-

j 10:1 &c. ‘ jThose in want of Goods at fair prices, and 1

who wish to buy articles for what they are rc- 1prevented, will please cull aa above at 41 *

G. W. KIDD'S. J'52 Market St. Wilmington, j i


IT IS UNIVERSALLY CONCEDED that;Stun tow p External Renualy,

IIUN T’S L 1 y I MF. N T. JIs nno ol llic Greatest Blessings v.itlim the react: jof II mankind- it cnn bo had for only Si e.i-nls ia bottle, and will always mrc wiii.-n timely ap-1plied. Millions bavo testified to its wonderful |healing properties. U relieves tarn ins.anlly; j jil cores disease, and p)-n r'u!s deformity it reatorrs 1to hialibv action the .Mrrctis Sijdim whenever, 5il is attacked by any aflho eoinplair.u In wbi.-ii jit is sniijcet; there is no Medicine rvi com- j ¦pave with it. It you ..avc cither ol llic following idiseases procure H, and you may rest assureii jthat you will e.V[K.-ricncc re'iet at once, and llic j f jcontinued application will soon remove the dis-

ease. Spinal Aflections, Rheumatism, Paralysis I aand all Nervous Affections. Coimactioi 3 ol theMuscles, More Throat and Quincy, Issues, Old tUlcers, Pains in liio Back and C.hesl, Ague in

the Breast and Face,Too".h -acite, Sprains, Bruis-es, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup, Frosted Feet,Corns, Buuyous, Fresh VVouuds, Swellings and

Bruises, Scrofulous Affections,'.Poisons, I ic Dol-

dreux and all Cutaneous and Nervous Diseases,vanish before it, and leave the body in a sound

and healthy stale. For evidence of iis great cbower over the System, see tbo pamphlets to booad of every Agent, grafts- ‘l

EXTRAORDINARY CURE OP SALT lRHEUM. New V'ork, February 18,1911. e

Sir_l have been cured of the Salt Rheum by <a few applications ot //uni’s Liniment 1 was teffected with the complaint fo r eight months 1 Jtried every tiling that was recommended, but all uto no purpose; the disease grew worse. InSsep-Icmber last, a gentleman (Mr. L. Jitus) with vahem I was travelling, recommomlod Hunt’s cLiniment. I used il hut six times when the di-scase left mo. I have deferred making this com- cmunication, until 1 was certain tbo cure was el 1feulual and permanent. lam now certain it is

so, and can therefore conscientiously recommend cHunt’s L-oiraent as a certain and speedy cure lor ’Sa “Yours^'rospectfully, J- P. CLEMENT. | *


Lewis, Sussex co- Delaware, Feb 3, 1817, ISend me six boxes of Hunt’s Liniment imme

J lately. lam entirely out. I navo heard of

three cases of Corns being cured by twice bat i-

ingwilb the Liniment; several cures ol Rheum- 'atism; one case olCroup, and one of weak limbs.

1 have bad no furnish the Liniment on the Sab-

bath, so sanguine was the applicant of its bene- ,ticia! effects. /•• WEST & SON

GEOFGE E. STANTON, Proprietor,Sing Sing, Now York.

JUyryland Agent. G. M- HARRIS, 106 Bat-

more si., near Holliday, and for Hale by all T HE


July 15. ’49 t

Spring and SnmniP-r Kisliions,A C. COLE, thankful

fJP OB jnLforlhc very liberalixiiSj p?tronag*s extended to him

informs liis cuslomers and j

wR jM received the lalept Fash-W IBAmi ions and ie prepared to

'SB'S make Coats ofevery uos- |srll criplion,and all other kind? •

(111 III of men's'Srmante, in firr |]t\i rate fashionable style* j

Shop two door&woe tof lh;

LumborThe subacriborß have just received from Pori

Deposit a fresh supply of Lumber of every des-cription, embracing Pine Hoards of all qualities;1-2 inch Siding; Pine and Hemlock joists and

studding; Fine and Cypress Shingles ofalllengths, Hemlock Fencing Boards. £c., whichthey will offer to the public on the most Heroin-

uioduting terms. - IDENM;IT* KAR.SNEK

July C 2 M 8 CTicwprtiKc Cii;*. ;

TnTmicrrTr ¦... <.jVSA.MJl'At'i'OfitSr.


Iron P.iLlinga for public Mid p.iv.vto ~ -J;>'

", ''Me sijuaroa, of eccry Tixiely ii'Ufiur ¦

pnUiJrfi,-• —try lulling., of kuic and ilriqi**

siun#; emLru*; ixijj upwards ofofieant vjriclh*

Iron Chairs ami Settees, for Garden. >liand P.l22l9—new stylo. Vcrmdia and P<tors, for Cotta gut, made in e\ y style. S,nrr Wrought Iron Gates, for Carriage entrant**New rtylo Balcony Brackets, ficc.

I'on Tables ofvarious stylus, embracing LocuXIV,K'izleiJjKn, (•ntliTc, and modern patten.*•vuli While and Gold lidliun Marblb tops,f" 1)1/!- • have been introduced by llio eub-

| icfiluT for Holds, llcHtiiurants, Ice Cream Sa¦ Im-hh. Xc. They are beautiful articles of furn-;'ore li.r II t Stores ami other uituhlisbtllcnL**| ix iih drsii;il)ie lo ru> k a grand display.

II.• recently r niHlructed an elegant suh-j Mann.J Cast lion Hitching Post, in toim :tdm.. •

j t!ly itdiip: i.U lo j.;fiiianency ofposition, high yi oinaineoied, und representing a well i

1 Head of ill.( noble animal, the //one. Such aw

i article lias long been a desideratum, and is’now‘ olli .ed to the good taslo ofthe public*

lijingtisvisiting Philadelphia, are respect*, lullv invited to call at his W.-mToom*, and cx-j *.niinc hss dillerenl sprcimeiih of new and bouu-

f work.j liOlli.RT WOOD Proprietor,

Ridge Koud, above Butlouwuod Street, PUiIJ.tC'/’Ho Inis recently published, ut.gioat ex-

| pause, an original work exhibiting the new de-I signs and patterns which are executed ut His es-

tablishment, embracing all the above articles,and the vatious und splendid patters of Co mete-

j ry, Balcony, Stop and other Railings whichhave bean manufactured for Laurel Hill and

: oilier celebrated Cemeteries, designed expresslyfor his own establishment, ard which may beHunt to any part of the world to those, who de-sire to make a selection. Undoubted referencewill bo required to ensure a prompt return ofthe work, after an opportunity for making theselection.

Philadelphia , April 22nd 1918—

Cheap Hyafloip SShndsR. J. Williams No. Id North 6ih street Fljila.

Vcnitian Blind Manufacturer, lias now on hand,the largest, and must fashionable assortment oflarrow slut, and other Vepilian Blinds, ofan/

other estahlishmcnl in the United Stales. Com-prising entire now stile, Tnmnigs, and colour,which will be sold at tho lowedl prices, whole-

: sale and retail. Old Blind* Ramled and Trim-|ed to look equal lo new. i lie Citiznp ofCecil¦ county und adjoining districts arc respectfully

invited to call and examine his assortment, be--1 Torn purchasing elsewhere. Keeling continent.

1 of pleasing ano giving satisfaction lo• 'imy favor him with a cull| BENJAMIN j. williams.

No. 12 North 6th si. ?.uU

’.TCXXE.\T’.Wa’shington (hiilrry ofDA GIIEIIREO TYPES

I .Vo '2,’U North Sor.oiid S*pWr>t, N. IV. conor of (’allowhill Street.

PHILADELPHIA.I THE Liken*.,.* mkci mid haamilullr < M tin, .volt knniv,), for OneDollar. am U;j.v..mlly conceded lob. rj.utl in••very >-t to timj jn the cn>. I’ictu us takencn ii,.v .veil in cloudy aml .-'ear woiliier A

ovflrl.nont of hiallUnt nn.l Lnckels onhr""i. 1,1 mn *2 to frs. ind'iriinir tlio^iciure.Hie aniiscrjliuis rrapecltviUv invito tba citi-zens ofCecil County, to coil nyV.l rxiinioo speci-men* ofthe Htrait improvomonU in tl.c art of I>a-vruerreotypiny, which will bo exhibited ehocrful-iy und without cimruc.

T. & .1. a. TEN NEST.r:nlJolp!iii Jill, I, um.

Phil. Wil. find Balt. RailRoad Line.

T hr, M(nnng T rain of Cars from IMiilaHel-ohia f'r Baliimore, **rrivat Klklon quarter be-fore 11 o’clock. AM.

Morning trim from Rnltimoro for Philu. atquarter before 12 o’clock.

Night lino from Philadelphia reaehn* F.lklonat halfpast 12 o’clock at night.

Night train from Bakimora arrives horo quar-ter before 11 o’clock, P. M.

ISKXJAMIN WELLS, Agt.Elkton, .'Jpril Blh MS.

Merchants Look at This.The suhscrilior* having engaged largely in thn

Tinning Business, are prepared lo supply Mer-chant* with all kinds of

TIN WARE,at very low pricer, and will warrant all their ar-ticle* to surpass anything of the kind that ha*ever before been offered from Elkton. As one(•I’tho firm is a practical workman, and w?ork* fthe business himself, and supcrinlendß tho work,it will be made in tho best manner and ofthebest materials.

All persons wanting to purchase Tin Ware,will do well by calling at this shop, before pur-chasing else whore, asthoto will be a general ao-

sorimenl always on hand. Ware will be deliv-ered anywhere within 50 miles free ofcost. Itis the intention of the firm to do a

WHOLESALEbusiness only. There will bo no retail hawkingfrom this establishment. All orders in our linewill be thankfully received and promptly attend-ed to. Pont forget the place—ln tho “hollow”corner of Beau Street, and opposite Krauts'Hotel.

ROOFING Si SPOUTING.Roofing and Spooling done at the shortest no-

tice. by the best workmen, of good matoral andwarranted perfect* ENOCH CROUCH.

.1. ILCLARIUGE.Elkton, March 4th MB—lf.


North east Corner Walnut and second St.*


Keeps constantly on hand, of bis own manufactor© and imported, a complete assortment i

Riflrs, Shot Gums, /huroi.s &c., Which I*warrants of the best quality as represented, to

which he respectfully invite* the attention cfpurchasers,

He ’.s also prepared to supply Pnwnr.R Flasks,Shot Bags, Gamk Bags. .Superior Bowdkr,

1 Gcm Cotton, Pgucosbiun Caps, Shot, Bull nr| Moulds, uall k Bl.vsk Cartridoes, and ha*

( materials for Gun Makers, Sportsmen, &0.. ou; tonnes as low as anny other esublishrnjul in tha

! United testimony ofh is skill ns a r..anu fd', turnr tho

I Fn an’xlis Imptitutr awardod to him to Certi.I fir.aten in the years 1640 and 1*42 ami three SUrtrJJtdali in the years 1841 lb4t and 1847—a.1ofwhich may be seen at his place ofbusiness. -

|I3“A choiro supply of lievoiriug Pistols cu-*-jstanlly on hand.

I July 15, *49. Hn.

Sunday School Library Book*.—A sp’nndrlafisoriuioul of MioeelJaneous. Juvenile, au 1

Sunday scho<d Library Books. Fur mile ul cn/pices, at the i’orl Deposit IL/o ; Depot, by

may 'J7 B. F. Huath.,

rfIIMOTIIY SEED for.V by11 Aug CH, MS W m . r*'