The Causes And Easy Hints For Dealing With Nappy Rash

Nappy rash, or diaper rash, has been a p parents have been dealing with for as lo have been babies wearing diapers. It can b the child and stressful for the parent. although there may be no way to avoid it there are things that can be done to de chances and shorten the duration of an

Transcript of The Causes And Easy Hints For Dealing With Nappy Rash

Nappy rash, or diaper rash, has been a problem that parents have been dealing with for as long as there have been babies wearing diapers. It can be painful for the child and stressful for the parent. Thankfully, although there may be no way

to avoid it entirely, there are things that can be done to decrease the chances and shorten the duration of an outbreak.

First it is important to understand what causes this rash. The waste products that are deposited in a nappy are very damaging to the skin, especially skin as

fragile as that of a young baby. Add to that the fact that diapers do not allow air to reach the skin's surface and you have the perfect recipe for the all too

familiar redness, swelling and in severe cases, open wounds, that characterize a nappy rash.

In a perfect world, soiled nappies would be removed the instant they became dirty and children would almost never suffer from diaper rash. However, in the

real world parents can only do the best they can to keep the area dry and clean. It is vitally important that the nappy area be cleaned well after every change,

not just those that involve feces.

Another way to keep this rash at bay is too allow the area to be exposed to the air for as long as possible. Do not rush to put on a new nappy after removing

the soiled on. The exposure to fresh air will allow the area to become completely dry and kill and help to keep down the numbers of germs that thrive

in warm, dark, damp places.

Even when great care is taken, rashes can sometimes still pop up. Everyone seems to have a solution. Some of these are helpful but some have no basis in fact and may even do more harm than good. Knowing the underlying causes of

nappy rash will help the parent to make an informed decision.

Regular bathing with a mild soap can be invaluable in the fight against diaper rash. Soaking in warm water will not only fight the rash it will also the ease the

pain and discomfort. If the rash is severe, adding some baking soda to the water will help to soothe it.

There are also many, many ointments, balms and creams available to battle nappy rash. Some are more effective than others, some may even prove damaging to the very skin they are supposed to protect. Read the labels

carefully and speak to your doctor before deciding which one would best suit your needs. As in most situations, it is much better to do everything possible to

avoid the problem than to try to fix it later.
