The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-05-27 [p...

NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY , IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NOTICE RICHARD BELSER, JR. vs. MOLINE WILLIAMS BELSER To: MOLINE WILLIAMS BELSER, DEFENDANT - TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. This is an action for an absolute divorce on statutory grounds; You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than the 26th day of June, 1972, and upon your failure to do to the party seeking relief and service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This, the 9th day of May, 1972. M. Hugh Thompson Attorney for Plaintiff 203 ' A East Chapel Hill St. P. O. Box 1422 Durham, North Carolina 27702 6/12-20-27 6/8 ?THE CAROLINA TIMES Saturday, May 27,1972 Love Mm, Love My Wife, By GEORGE B. RUSS Effie was stunned with dis- belief when she first recog- nized Gladys Hodges. She could not bring her sense of reasoning to the focal point of logical understanding. She had been sure that Gladys wouldn't dare force a show down; She wanted to yell out from where she stood huddled in the doorway of the storage room, "what in the hell do you want?" Instead, she stood reeling on legs that threatened to fold up. And while she fought desperately to don a semblance of composure, the woman walked briskly toward her. "How are you, Mrs. Jefferies? You are looking well this coldest day, thus far, in December." Gladys spoke in a crystal-clear voice. The shock of seeing her husband's wo- man-friend did not show in her voioe. EfFie's tongue thickened until it was incapable of mobi- lity. She just stood gapping crazity at Chad's wife, the one woman she hated with all the venom she was capable of producing. Gladys was not unstrung by the strange, crudely rude behavior of the woman clutch- ing the knob of the door. "Mrs. Jefferies, I last minute candy orders for New Year's Day." Gladys opened her hand-bag and re- moved a pad and pencil. "Mrs. Jefferies, I am adding a new delicacy to my list for my customers who would like to have something a little different for the holidays - Apple Ring Cake. Apples cooked in rum and butter, then added to rich cake batter » the result is amazing. You have apple pie and cake at the same time." The idea of making a sale blinder her to the discomforts of the other woman. Bishop pushed pass his sister and stood smiling down on the dainty lady wearing a small brown hat." Good morning, Mrs. Hodges. 'Bout ready for Christmas?" Bishop was delighted to have Mrs. Hodges here; her presence made everything bright and cheerful. He stood grinning, admiring the lady. She was really something special. The good Lord had made only a few of this kind for the world. Hayes town was blessed with one. And while he stood beam- ing down on Mrs. Hodges, NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY RE: Estate of James M. Hubbard NOTICE TO CREDITORS: "Having qualified as Adminis- trator CTA of the Estate of James M. Hubbard, Deceased, late of Durham County Dur- ham, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the said Mechanics and Farmers Bank, 116 West Parrish Street, Durham, North Carolina 27702 on or before the 22nd day of November, 1972 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All parsons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This 16th day of May, 1972. Mechanics & Farmers Bank Administrator CTA of the Estate of James M. Hubbard. May 20, 27, June 3. 10, 1972. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO. 72 CVD 2064 NOTICE JUDITH TILLMAN WEEMS, VS. JOHN HORACE WEEMS, DEFENDANT TO: JOHN HORACE WEEMS: Take notice that a pleading relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of relief being sought is as follows Absolute divorce, said action being based on one year separa- tion. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 26th day of June, 1972 and upon your failure to do so the party seek- ing service against you will apply to the Court for the re- lief sought. This Bth day of May, 1972. F. H. Brown Attorney for Plaintiff 4001 Booker Street, Dur- ham, N. C. 27707 May 12, 19, 26, 1972 Effie snapped out of her stupor; "who told you, you could sell homemade candy?" She asked in a laconic voice. "I have incorporated my little enterprise. I am safe and legal, Mrs. Jefferies." "You can just call me, Effie. That's whatcha want to say any how. You come in her with your fish-gut airs, all you want to do is sell your mammy made candy." Effle moved about aimlessly keep- ing a sharp eye on the couple standing near the counter. Gladys kept on a smooth flowing chit-chat with Bishop; "Christmas time is the happi- est time of the year for me. I look - forward to receiving lots of gifts and enjoying good things to eat." Effle resented being ig- nored, therefore she paused in her agitated padng to spirit Bishop on his way; "I think you'd be putting your time to a good use if you'd go home to Beaulah." Bishop cringed from the stabs of his sister's prickly sar- casm, however, he remained unmoved. "I'm closing this place up for the rest of the day." Effie flung over her shoulder as she resumed her march to the front door and back again, but this time she registered dis appointment Wfien she dis- COG6H POHTIAC SPRING SALE SPREE!!!! coggln's exclusive sptrtUst acaitay car la tawal VENTURA RALLY n Everyone's talking about it ?and now it can be yours! It s COGGIN'S exclusive customized Ventura Rally n made especially for COGGIN PONTIAC. Has the real sports features or the real sport special Rally stripe. Rally II wheels, 3-in-the-floor shift, radio, thick foam padded seats, beautiful cloth and Morrokide upholstery, handsome dash accented with Carpathian burl elm vinyl and much, much more! Come see it $2545 air conditioned-brand '72 PONTIAC UMANS 2-4r. Haritap Here's the car that sports car lovers love. And it has at the optional features that make for better driving Like 350 2 barrel engine, 3-in-the-floor shift, radio' tinted windshield, air conditioning, dual brake system' heater, defroster, just to mention a few. ' $3345 FJi I Hh 1 ByilPß air conditioned beautifully '72 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 Ir. SEDAN Everything you could want in a luxury car is in this Catalina ... but at a much lower prive. This full size Catalina will be the perfect family vacation car with its air conditioning, whtewall tires, deluxe wheel covers, tinted glass all around, bumper strips, power \u25a0tering, power disc brakes, Turbohydramatic, radio, and lots more. $3845 op«i Dofjr H Sat H BPM Halfway Batwaaa tarfcaa aad Cbapal Nlll 0a 15-501 "WUutim H tafcM [C?...C*« a U «J*m" Coggln Tpontiac covered that Gladys Hodges nor her brother had not moved an inch, she shouted out angrily; "let the door hitcha in the back, right now! Gladys returned the pad- and pendl to her handbag, snapped it hung the huge bag on her arm, and started toward the exit guarded by her adversary. And there was something forebid- ing in Effle's manner as she stood waiting for her to pass. Gladys died a thousand little deaths before she was with in a few feet of the woman with the flaring nostrils and flash- ing eyes. She was a scared rabbit, but she didn't run. "I do believe we're going to, have a white Chriatmas this year.' she said in a dramatic, clear, crisp voice. "It don't make me no difference;?' Effle's voice was sneering, tremulous. Gladys knew she was out weighed on any stand she might take; silence, she knew, should put her in better stead than any other course she might take, therefore, she took the course of the lesser evil - she listened quietly. She wanted to walk past Effie, out into the brisk, icy, December wind and rid her nostrils of the fetid smell of garbage, but her path to fresh air was blocked by the gaudily dressed woman. She was wearing ex- pensive apparel, but the result was over done; the fur stole about her shoulders was of fine quality, however, Gladys was sure the artificial corsage of purple orchids could have been left off. Besides, she was wearing a curly, glossy, jet- black wig; huge ear screws made of seashells and jewels, three long strands of multi- colored beads the size of marbles cascaded the length of the bright red dress. Aside from her wedding rings, she was wearing rings on most of her long, tapering fingers. Effle's hands were beautiful and she made sure one's eyes did not over look these be- ringed fingers. Gladys wonder- ed if Effie advertised her cheap rings or her lovely hand s. Too, she wasn't sure of Effle's sardonic smile; was the ex- pression one of resentment, or was the woman amused with the awkward position in which she had cornered Chad'a wife? "I hope you find what you're looking for next time, Mrs. Hodgea" "What on earth gave you the impression that I am look- ing for more than an order?" Gladys gasped. She had been caught off guard. "You don't fool me with your pad 'n pencil *n your school-teacher airs. You thought your husband was here." "My husband?" Gladys was horror struck. "Pshaw! I am not the fool I look like." "You don't say?" Gladys kept a straight face, but she was hysterical with laughter on the inside. "Pshaw! "I've got sense I have never even used." Effie added falsetto laughter to her prodigous wit. "This meeting is agoagogue with enlightment, Mrs. Jef- feries. I ivish I had more time to visit with you." Gladys kept her tone free of all malice offorethought. "Okay! I'll make a long story short - Chad is an old friend of mine. I knew him before you came along. Old friends don't forget each other - that doesn't mean that there is anything between us -? like I always say, if you don't catch us with our clothes off, you can't prove a thing, Mrs. Hodges." Gladys staggered back a few urn DEALS aki mi mm At Coggin LI OtDS 442 2-dr. ht, p., automatic VB, mag wheals, tin- ted glass, gold w/light brown vinyl top. Local trade-in like SIOOC new for year model I Z/J 70 VW 2-dr. Sedan, 4 speed, radio, heater, local 1 owner, low mileage, \u25a0undance orange with * ? m black vinyl interior. I J 7 J AO CHIVYIMPAIA, 2-dr. ht, VB, automatic, power steering, ra- dio, heater, tinted glass, local car, may call previous owner. Red w/ whit* vinyl top.. 7A BUICK Estate Wagon, oil power plus factory air, power windows, power 6-way seats, cruise control, white with tan, vinyl interior. SOfiOC extra clean ZO 7 J LJ FORD FAIRIANE Sporf Wagon, V 8 automatic, factory air, power steering, luggage rack; radio, tinted glass, local car. Yellow with beige $ 11 A C interior, clean I 173 OPEt Wagon, 1100, radio, automatic, luggage rack Red with block $ AA C vinyl Interior 77 J AO FORD T-BIRD 2-Dr. HT, all power, factory dlr, power win- dows, 6-way power seats, AM/FM stereo, gold w/black local trade-in..., M595 CQ OLDS Cutlass Supreme, 4- dr. ht, fully equipped in- cluding factory air, wire wheel cov- ert, radio, tinted glass, Cornflower blue'w/white top & matching vinyl interior local trade-in SICAC Priced at only I J 7 J 7ft FONTIAC Executive 4-dr. all power, factory air, tinted win. dows. radio, heater. Sold & serviceaby JniQP Coggin Pontiac Z 4/J AO FIREBIRD Convert. Fully" equipped, factory air, bucket seats w/console, white w/black top, rally II wheels. SOOAT Extra dean ZZr/ COGGIN PONTIAC Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. 489.6531 929-2150 sDhMfonieg * We've fot the beet medicine In town for that new c»r fever. WLL£ <MB Vs A,,,' ity / Y Al montWy £.yment. of the veer on .ny of our \u2666Open All Day Monday* V-8, air conditioned, radio, power steering, power brakes tinted fllau, j \u25a0\u25a0 m whitowalli, wheel covert, hydromat- s297 DOWN?36 MOHTHIY PAYMENTS Of $108.97 lntere.t $522.92?T0tal Deferred Balance $3922.92?APR. 9.50% IMPALA-4-DOOR Over 500 Cars and Trucks In Stock! fo»t Main St. Downtown Phone 682-0451 ALEXANDER FORI) jgta "\u25a0?TO MM 330 E. MAIN STREET, DURHAM Phone 668-2311 fIMA Always the Leader in its Class: The 72 Mustang . M 4% Dewn . Fr0mT2672.00 M jM* PdVIKAnI JJP T7»?o?F n ,? P aS* m Per Month V HENRY BUOOB '"8 AP« ALEXANDER FORD FEATURED IN APRIL FROM THE WAGON MASTER Including freight and dealer's preparation, full factory e< PINTO WAGON -*m $2364.00 SELLING PRinF 4* WM (Squire Option Available) AA A A $72.00 DOWN AND TAX S MM M JB $2292 TO FINANCE B M _^ * m*down $2770.20 TOTAL PAYMENT Pf'ted fI*olll - steps under the Impact of the bluntly stated theofy. "If I had the slightest dream that my husband was anymore than an old acquaintance with you, I'd leave him so fast his head would go into a perpetual head swim." "Pshaw! You're not the only pebble on the beach." "Did you say beach? Gladys asked as she pushed the ex- hausted Mrs. Jefferies aside. The woman looked as though she has been struck hard by an attack of bellyache. -- continued. In fiscal 1973, manpower expenditures by the Veterans Administration will increase by an estimated 566 million to a total of $320 million. The ad- ditional funds will be used to provide returning Vietnam-era veterans with increased oppor- tunities for training in civilian jobs. Mitchell, who was lunar mod- ule pilot on Apollo 14, and Ir- win, who was lunar module pi- lot on Apollo 15, have put in their requests for retirement with their respective military branches, said a space agency spokesman. CLEARANCESALE! "Jf\ Volkswagen Squareback, Bulek Special 2 door, ' w burnt orange finish, ra- OO blue finish, power steer- dlo, whitewall tires, $1 /JCQ Ing, automatic transmission, ONLY .. lOPy this week *] 395 LeSabre 4-door hardtop, power steering, _ . - , power brakes, air conditioning, £7 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser tilt steering, beautiful white fin- ' passenger wagon, Ish, black vinyl top. JTOQC o reen finish. *"11 wer < olr ONLY conditioning, $1 PQC XX clean I J7 J Buick LeSabre 400 4 07 door, gold finish, vinyl Mercury Comet Capri 4 Z; nir eorvHNtion door bla* «"«?? f Vv conditlon " $ 2S9'5 automatic transmis- SQOC Ing, XX clean , ion . extra dean .... Pontiac Executive Sta- O' tion Wagon, power steer- fZC. Chevrolet Impala 4-dr. ing, power brakes, power win- OO sedan, white finish, V 8 dows, air conditioning, vinyl engine, power steering, auto- rooff, XX $ | Q£" matic transmission, JQOC clean I XX clean Viv SQ Oldsmoblle Delta 4-door hardtop, blue finish, black Ford Falcon Squire wag- vinyl roof, full power, air Oj on, yellow finish, auto- conditioning, X SITQC motic transmission, S"TQC Clean extra clean JOHNSON MOTOR CO. Dealer No. 680 Phone 682-8486 10A

Transcript of The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-05-27 [p...

Page 1: The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-05-27 [p 10A] · Durham, North Carolina 27702 6/12-20-27 6/8?THE CAROLINA







TAKE NOTICE that apleading seeking relief againstyou has been filed in theabove-entitled action.

This is an action for anabsolute divorce on statutorygrounds;

You are required to makedefense to such pleadings notlater than the 26th day ofJune, 1972, and upon yourfailure to do to the partyseeking relief and serviceagainst you will apply to theCourt for the relief sought.

This, the 9th day of May,1972.

M. Hugh ThompsonAttorney for Plaintiff203 ' A East Chapel Hill St.P. O. Box 1422Durham, North Carolina27702

6/12-20-27 6/8

?THE CAROLINA TIMES Saturday, May 27,1972

Love Mm, Love My Wife,


Effie was stunned with dis-belief when she first recog-

nized Gladys Hodges. She

could not bring her sense ofreasoning to the focal point oflogical understanding. She hadbeen sure that Gladys wouldn'tdare force a show down; She

wanted to yell out fromwhere she stood huddled in

the doorway of the storage

room, "what in the hell do

you want?" Instead, she stoodreeling on legs that threatenedto fold up. And while she

fought desperately to don asemblance of composure, the

woman walked briskly toward

her. "How are you, Mrs.Jefferies? You are lookingwell this coldest day, thus far,in December." Gladys spoke in

a crystal-clear voice. The shock

of seeing her husband's wo-man-friend did not show inher voioe.

EfFie's tongue thickeneduntil it was incapable of mobi-lity. She just stood gappingcrazity at Chad's wife, theone woman she hated withall the venom she was capableof producing.

Gladys was not unstrungby the strange, crudely rude

behavior of the woman clutch-ing the knob of the door."Mrs. Jefferies, Ilast minute candy orders forNew Year's Day." Gladysopened her hand-bag and re-moved a pad and pencil.

"Mrs. Jefferies, I am adding anew delicacy to my list for

my customers who would like

to have something a littledifferent for the holidays -

Apple Ring Cake. Applescooked in rum and butter,

then added to rich cakebatter » the result is amazing.You have apple pie and cakeat the same time." The ideaof making a sale blinder herto the discomforts of the

other woman.Bishop pushed pass his

sister and stood smiling down

on the dainty lady wearing asmall brown hat." Goodmorning, Mrs. Hodges. 'Boutready for Christmas?" Bishopwas delighted to have Mrs.Hodges here; her presence

made everything bright andcheerful. He stood grinning,admiring the lady. She wasreally something special. Thegood Lord had made only afew of this kind for the world.Hayes town was blessed withone. And while he stood beam-

ing down on Mrs. Hodges,


NOTICE TO CREDITORS:"Having qualified as Adminis-

trator CTA of the Estate ofJames M. Hubbard, Deceased,late of Durham County Dur-ham, North Carolina, this is tonotify ail persons having claimsagainst said estate to exhibitthem to the said Mechanics andFarmers Bank, 116 West ParrishStreet, Durham, North Carolina27702 on or before the 22ndday of November, 1972 or thisnotice will be pleaded in bar oftheir recovery.

All parsons indebted to saidestate please make immediatepayment.

This 16th day of May, 1972.Mechanics & Farmers BankAdministrator CTA of theEstate of James M. Hubbard.

May 20, 27, June 3. 10, 1972.




Take notice that a pleadingrelief against you has beenfiled in the above entitledaction. The nature of reliefbeing sought is as followsAbsolute divorce, said actionbeing based on one year separa-tion. You are required to makedefense to such pleading notlater than the 26th day ofJune, 1972 and upon yourfailure to do so the party seek-ing service against you willapply to the Court for the re-lief sought.

This Bth day of May,1972.

F. H. BrownAttorney for Plaintiff4001 Booker Street, Dur-ham, N. C. 27707

May 12, 19, 26, 1972

Effie snapped out of herstupor; "who told you, youcould sell homemade candy?"She asked in a laconic voice.

"I have incorporated mylittle enterprise. I am safe andlegal, Mrs. Jefferies."

"You can just call me,Effie. That's whatcha want tosay any how. You come in

her with your fish-gut airs, allyou want to do is sell your

mammy made candy." Efflemoved about aimlessly keep-ing a sharp eye on the couplestanding near the counter.

Gladys kept on a smoothflowing chit-chat with Bishop;"Christmas time is the happi-est time of the year for me.I look - forward to receivinglots of gifts and enjoyinggood things to eat."

Effle resented being ig-nored, therefore she paused in

her agitated padng to spiritBishop on his way; "I thinkyou'd be putting your time to

a good use if you'd go home

to Beaulah."Bishop cringed from the

stabs of his sister's prickly sar-

casm, however, he remained

unmoved."I'm closing this place up

for the rest of the day."Effie flung over her shoulderas she resumed her march to

the front door and back again,

but this time she registered dis

appointment Wfien she dis-


coggln's exclusivesptrtUst acaitay car la tawal

VENTURA RALLY nEveryone's talking about it?and now it can be yours!It s COGGIN'S exclusive customized Ventura Rallyn made especially for COGGIN PONTIAC. Has thereal sports features or the real sport special Rallystripe. Rally II wheels, 3-in-the-floor shift, radio,thick foam padded seats, beautiful cloth and Morrokideupholstery, handsome dash accented with Carpathianburl elm vinyl and much, much more! Come see it


airconditioned-brand'72 PONTIAC UMANS

2-4r. HaritapHere's the car that sports car lovers love. And it hasat the optional features that make for better drivingLike 350 2 barrel engine, 3-in-the-floor shift, radio'tinted windshield, air conditioning, dual brake system'heater, defroster, just to mention a few. '


FJi I Hh 1 ByilPß

air conditionedbeautifully


Everything you could want in a luxury car is in thisCatalina ... but at a much lower prive. This full sizeCatalina will be the perfect family vacation car withits air conditioning, whtewall tires, deluxe wheelcovers, tinted glass all around, bumper strips, power\u25a0tering, power disc brakes, Turbohydramatic, radio,and lots more.

$3845op«i Dofjr H Sat H BPM

Halfway Batwaaa tarfcaa aadCbapal Nlll 0a 15-501

"WUutim H tafcM [C?...C*« aU «J*m"

Coggln Tpontiac

covered that Gladys Hodgesnor her brother had not

moved an inch, she shoutedout angrily; "let the doorhitcha in the back, right now!

Gladys returned the pad-and pendl to her handbag,snapped it hung thehuge bag on her arm, andstarted toward the exitguarded by her adversary. Andthere was something forebid-ing in Effle's manner as she

stood waiting for her to pass.Gladys died a thousand littledeaths before she was with ina few feet of the woman withthe flaring nostrils and flash-ing eyes. She was a scared

rabbit, but she didn't run. "Ido believe we're going to, havea white Chriatmas this year.'she said in a dramatic, clear,crisp voice.

"It don't make me nodifference;?' Effle's voice was

sneering, tremulous.Gladys knew she was out

weighed on any stand she

might take; silence, she knew,should put her in better steadthan any other course shemight take, therefore, shetook the course of the lesserevil - she listened quietly. Shewanted to walk past Effie, out

into the brisk, icy, Decemberwind and rid her nostrils ofthe fetid smell of garbage,but her path to fresh air was

blocked by the gaudily dressedwoman. She was wearing ex-

pensive apparel, but the resultwas over done; the fur stoleabout her shoulders was offine quality, however, Gladyswas sure the artificial corsageof purple orchids could havebeen left off. Besides, she waswearing a curly, glossy, jet-black wig; huge ear screwsmade of seashells and jewels,three long strands of multi-colored beads the size ofmarbles cascaded the lengthof the bright red dress. Asidefrom her wedding rings, she

was wearing rings on most ofher long, tapering fingers.Effle's hands were beautifuland she made sure one's eyesdid not over look these be-ringed fingers. Gladys wonder-ed ifEffie advertised her cheaprings or her lovely hand s. Too,she wasn't sure of Effle'ssardonic smile; was the ex-

pression one of resentment,or was the woman amusedwith the awkward position in

which she had cornered Chad'awife?

"I hope you find whatyou're looking for next time,

Mrs. Hodgea""What on earth gave you

the impression that I am look-

ing for more than an order?"Gladys gasped. She had been

caught off guard."You don't fool me with

your pad 'n pencil *n yourschool-teacher airs. Youthought your husband washere."

"My husband?" Gladys washorror struck.

"Pshaw! I am not the foolI look like."

"You don't say?" Gladyskept a straight face, but she

was hysterical with laughteron the inside.

"Pshaw! "I've got sense Ihave never even used." Effieadded falsetto laughter to her

prodigous wit."This meeting is agoagogue

with enlightment, Mrs. Jef-feries. I ivish I had more timeto visit with you." Gladyskept her tone free of all maliceofforethought.

"Okay! I'll make a longstory short - Chad is an old

friend of mine. I knew him

before you came along. Oldfriends don't forget eachother - that doesn't meanthat there is anything betweenus -? like I always say, if youdon't catch us with our clothesoff, you can't prove a thing,Mrs. Hodges."

Gladys staggered back a few


aki mimmAtCoggin

LIOtDS 442 2-dr. ht, p.,automatic VB, mag wheals, tin-

ted glass, gold w/light brown vinyltop.Local trade-in like SIOOCnew for year model I Z/J

70 VW 2-dr. Sedan, 4 speed,radio, heater, local 1 owner,

low mileage,\u25a0undance orange with * ? mblack vinyl interior. I J 7 J

AO CHIVYIMPAIA,2-dr. ht, VB,automatic, power steering, ra-

dio, heater, tinted glass, local car,may call previous owner. Red w/whit*vinyl top..

7A BUICK Estate Wagon, oilpower plus factory air, power

windows, power 6-way seats, cruisecontrol, white with tan,vinyl interior. SOfiOCextra clean ZO 7 J

LJ FORD FAIRIANE SporfWagon, V 8 automatic, factory

air, power steering, luggage rack;radio, tinted glass, local car.Yellow with beige $ 1 1 A Cinterior, clean I 173

OPEt Wagon, 1100, radio,automatic, luggage rack

Red with block $ AA Cvinyl Interior 77 J

AO FORD T-BIRD 2-Dr. HT, allpower, factory dlr, power win-

dows, 6-way power seats, AM/FMstereo, gold w/black

local trade-in..., M595CQ OLDS Cutlass Supreme, 4-

dr. ht, fully equipped in-cluding factory air, wire wheel cov-ert, radio, tinted glass, Cornflowerblue'w/white top & matching vinylinteriorlocal trade-in SICACPriced at only I J 7 J

7ft FONTIAC Executive 4-dr. allpower, factory air, tinted win.

dows. radio, heater. Sold &

serviceaby JniQPCoggin Pontiac Z4/J

AO FIREBIRD Convert. Fully"equipped, factory air, bucket

seats w/console, white w/black top,rallyIIwheels. SOOATExtra dean ZZr/


Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd.489.6531 929-2150

sDhMfonieg*We've fot the beet medicine In town for that new c»r fever. WLL£ <MB

Vs A,,,' ity / YAl montWy £.yment. of the veer on .ny of our

\u2666Open All Day Monday*

V-8, air conditioned, radio, power 4»steering, power brakes tinted fllau, j \u25a0\u25a0 mwhitowalli, wheel covert, hydromat-

s297 DOWN?36 MOHTHIY PAYMENTS Of $108.97 lntere.t$522.92?T0tal Deferred Balance $3922.92?APR. 9.50%


Over 500 Cars and Trucks In Stock!

fo»t Main St. DowntownPhone 682-0451


330 E. MAIN STREET, DURHAM Phone 668-2311

fIMA Always the Leader in itsClass: The 72 Mustang .

M 4% Dewn .Fr0mT2672.00 M jM*PdVIKAnI JJP

T7»?o?F n,?

P aS*m

Per Month


FEATURED IN APRIL FROM THE WAGON MASTER Including freight and dealer's preparation, full factory e<

PINTO WAGON -*m$2364.00 SELLING PRinF 4* WM (Squire Option Available) A A A A


* m*down$2770.20 TOTAL PAYMENT Pf'ted fI*olll -

steps under the Impact of the

bluntly stated theofy. "If I

had the slightest dream that

my husband was anymore than

an old acquaintance with you,

I'd leave him so fast his headwould go into a perpetual headswim."

"Pshaw! You're not the

only pebble on the beach.""Did you say beach? Gladys

asked as she pushed the ex-

hausted Mrs. Jefferies aside.

The woman looked as thoughshe has been struck hard byan attack of bellyache. --


In fiscal 1973, manpower

expenditures by the VeteransAdministration will increase byan estimated 566 million to a

total of $320 million. The ad-

ditional funds will be used to

provide returning Vietnam-eraveterans with increased oppor-

tunities for training in civilian


Mitchell, who was lunar mod-ule pilot on Apollo 14, and Ir-win, who was lunar module pi-lot on Apollo 15, have put intheir requests for retirementwith their respective militarybranches, said a space agencyspokesman.

CLEARANCESALE!"Jf\ Volkswagen Squareback, Bulek Special 2 door,'

w burnt orange finish, ra- OO blue finish, power steer-dlo, whitewall tires, $1 /JCQ Ing, automatic transmission,ONLY

..lOPy this week *]395

LeSabre 4-doorhardtop, power steering, _ . -


power brakes, air conditioning, £7 Oldsmobile Vista Cruisertilt steering, beautiful white fin- ' passenger wagon,

Ish, black vinyl top. JTOQC oreen finish. *"11 P°wer < olrONLY conditioning, $ 1 PQC

XX clean I J7 JBuick LeSabre 400 4

07 door, gold finish, vinyl Mercury Comet Capri 4Z; nir eorvHNtion door bla* «"«??

f Vv conditlon " $ 2S9'5 automatic transmis- SQOCIng, XX clean, ion. extra dean ....

Pontiac Executive Sta-O' tion Wagon, power steer- fZC. Chevrolet Impala, power brakes, power win- OO sedan, white finish, V8dows, air conditioning, vinyl engine, power steering, auto-rooff, XX $ | Q£" matic transmission, JQOCclean I XX clean Viv

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