The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the...

Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985) 23-38 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands 121 The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the origin of oceanic and continental alkali basalt J.G. Fitton 1 and H.M. Dunlop 2,* Grant Institute oj Geology. University oj Edinburgh. West Mains Road. Edinburgh EH9 3J W (U. K.) ! Scol/ish Universities Research and Reactor Centre. East Kilbride. Glasgow G75 OQU (U.K.) Received July 20,1984 Revised version received September 27. 1984 The Cameroon line is a unique within-plate volcanic province which straddles a continental margin. It consists of a chain of Tertiary to Recent, generally alkaline volcanoes stretching from the Atlantic island of Pagalu to the interior of the African continent. It provides, therefore, an ideal area in which to compare the sub-oceanic and sub-continental mantle sources for alkali basalt. Basaltic rocks in the oceanic and continental sectors are geochemically and isotopically indistinguishable which suggests that they have identical mantle sources. This conclusion rules out substantial lithosphere involvement in the generation of alkali basalts and therefore weakens the case for mantle metasomatism as a necessary precursor to alkaline magmatism. The convecting upper mantle is a much more likely source as it will be well-stirred and unlikely to show any ocean-continent differences. The long history of Cameroon line magmatism (65 Ma) and lack of evidence for migration of volcanism with time makes a deeper mantle source unlikely. Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) also originate within the convecting upper mantle and so must share a common source with the Cameroon line alkali basalts (and, by implication, ocean island and continental rift basalts). A grossly homogeneous mantle with a bulk composition depleted in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE). but containing streaks of old, LILE-enriched material, provides a plausible common source. Large degree, near-surface melting of such a source would produce MORB. Smaller degree melts produced at deeper levels would percolate upwards along grain boundaries and become enriched in LILE by leaching LILE-rich grain boundary films. The mixing of these liquids with melts from the LILE-rich streaks will produce magmas with the geochemical and isotopic features of ocean island basalts. I. Introduction Alkalibasalts are strongly enriched in large-ion lithophileelements (LILE) in comparison to other basalt types. The contrast is particularly striking betweenalkali basalts and mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). MORB are generally believed to have evolvedfrom relatively large degree (10-20%) par- tial melts of spinel-lherzolite[1] and so provide information on the relative abundances of trace elementsin their mantle source. Alkali basalts, in . Presentaddress: B.R.G.M., Isotope Geology Unit, SGN/MGA B.P. 6009, 45060 Orleans, France. 0012-821X/85/$03.30 (i) 1985 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. contrast, are unlikely to represent large degree partial melts and so the nature of their source is much less clear. Alkali basalts also differ from MORB in having more radiogenic Sr and Pb and less radiogenic Nd isotope ratios. These isotopic differences have led to the suggestion [2,3] that ocean island tholeiites and alkali basalts are produced by the mixing of melts derived from plumes of undepleted lower mantle with melts from a depleted upper mantle. Other explanations have involved the recycling of lithospheric materials (e.g. [4,5]). Paradoxically the isotope ratios in alkali basalts generally indicate a mantle source which has been depleted in LILE 23

Transcript of The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the...

Page 1: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)


:sdepots: (2loN),

Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985) 23-38Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands


the East


; I-VII).TheCameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the origin of

oceanic and continental alkali basalt

J.G. Fitton 1 and H.M. Dunlop 2,*Grant Institute oj Geology. University oj Edinburgh. West Mains Road. Edinburgh EH9 3J W (U. K.)

! Scol/ish Universities Research and Reactor Centre. East Kilbride. Glasgow G75 OQU (U.K.)

Received July 20,1984

Revised version received September 27. 1984

The Cameroon line is a unique within-plate volcanic province which straddles a continental margin. It consists of a

chain of Tertiary to Recent, generally alkaline volcanoes stretching from the Atlantic island of Pagalu to the interior ofthe African continent. It provides, therefore, an ideal area in which to compare the sub-oceanic and sub-continentalmantle sources for alkali basalt.

Basaltic rocks in the oceanic and continental sectors are geochemically and isotopically indistinguishable which

suggests that they have identical mantle sources. This conclusion rules out substantial lithosphere involvement in the

generation of alkali basalts and therefore weakens the case for mantle metasomatism as a necessary precursor to alkalinemagmatism. The convecting upper mantle is a much more likely source as it will be well-stirred and unlikely to show

any ocean-continent differences. The long history of Cameroon line magmatism (65 Ma) and lack of evidence for

migration of volcanism with time makes a deeper mantle source unlikely.

Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) also originate within the convecting upper mantle and so must share a common

source with the Cameroon line alkali basalts (and, by implication, ocean island and continental rift basalts). A grossly

homogeneous mantle with a bulk composition depleted in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE). but containing streaksof old, LILE-enriched material, provides a plausible common source. Large degree, near-surface melting of such a

source would produce MORB. Smaller degree melts produced at deeper levels would percolate upwards along grain

boundaries and become enriched in LILE by leaching LILE-rich grain boundary films. The mixing of these liquids withmelts from the LILE-rich streaks will produce magmas with the geochemical and isotopic features of ocean islandbasalts.

I. Introduction

Alkalibasalts are strongly enriched in large-ionlithophileelements (LILE) in comparison to otherbasalt types. The contrast is particularly strikingbetweenalkali basalts and mid-ocean ridge basalts(MORB).MORB are generally believed to haveevolvedfrom relatively large degree (10-20%) par-tial meltsof spinel-lherzolite[1] and so provideinformation on the relative abundances of traceelementsin their mantle source. Alkali basalts, in

. Presentaddress: B.R.G.M., Isotope Geology Unit,SGN/MGA B.P. 6009, 45060 Orleans, France.

0012-821X/85/$03.30 (i) 1985 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

contrast, are unlikely to represent large degreepartial melts and so the nature of their source ismuch less clear.

Alkali basalts also differ from MORB in havingmore radiogenic Sr and Pb and less radiogenic Ndisotope ratios. These isotopic differences have ledto the suggestion [2,3] that ocean island tholeiitesand alkali basalts are produced by the mixing ofmelts derived from plumes of undepleted lowermantle with melts from a depleted upper mantle.Other explanations have involved the recycling oflithospheric materials (e.g. [4,5]). Paradoxically theisotope ratios in alkali basalts generally indicate amantle source which has been depleted in LILE


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with respect to the bulk earth for long periodseven though the rocks themselves are stronglyenriched in these elements.

Explanations for the LILE enrichment seen inalkali basalts fall into two categories. Either thebasalts are produced by very small degrees ofpartial melting or the source was enriched beforemelting. To produce alkali basalts from a mantlesource with chondri tic LILE abundances wouldrequire very small degrees of partial melting «

1%). Such small amounts of melt will be difficultto extract and so zone-refining has been proposed[6] as a means of concentrating incompatible ele-ments into a melt.

Many authors (e.g. [7-9]) have proposed thathigh concentrations of LILE are best explained byprocesses of mantle enrichment (metasomatism)shortly before partial melting. Source enrichmentmodels receive support from metasomatised man-tle xenoliths contained in kimberlites and alkalibasalts [10,11]. These xenoliths are generally be-lieved to originate within the lithosphere so alithosphere mantle source is implicit in such mod-els. Old, sub-continental lithosphere will have hada long tectonic, metamorphic and magmatic his-tory and so the diversity of the xenoliths found incontinental alkali basalts and kimberlites is notsurprising. Young, oceanic lithosphere mantle,however, is thought to represent the refractoryresidue left after the formation of the ocean crustand is unlikely to be enriched to the same extentas continental lithosphere mantle. This is reflectedin the scarcity of metasomatised mantle xenolithsin oceanic alkali basalts.

It should be possible to test these metasomaticenrichment models by comparing oceanic and con-tinental within-plate alkali basalts. If the modelsare valid then there should be systematic chemicaland isotopic differences between the two popula-tions of alkali basalt. If, on the other hand, suchdifferences do not exist then a source within theasthenosphere is implied. The asthenosphere iswell stirred by convection and must be the samebeneath oceans and continents.

The Cameroon line in West Africa (Fig. 1)provides a unique area in which to look for dif-ferences between oceanic and continental within-plate alkali basalts. It is composed of a line of

Tertiary to Recent alkaline volcanoes stretchingfor 1600 km from the Atlantic island of Pagalu.across the continental shelf and into the centre ofAfrica. Half the line lies in the ocean and half onthe continent.

The purpose of this paper is to report theresultsof a comparativegeochemicalstudy of basicvolcanic rocks from the oceanic and continentalsectors of the Cameroon line. In addition to thegeochemical work, a K-Ar dating programme wascarried out in order to look for systematic migra-tions of volcanism with time. The rock sampleswere mostly collected by the first author and OJHughes in the course of several field seasons inWest Africa. The only major parts of the line notvisited were the islands of Bioko and Pagalu. Sam.pies from these islands were collected by lOAPiper and A. Richardson as part of a paleomagneticstudy [12]. An additional sample of basalt fromPagalu was provided by the British Museum (Nat-ural History).

2. Analytical techniques

Major- and trace-element analyses were carriedout in Edinburgh by X-ray fluorescence techniquesusing a Philips PW1450/20 automatic X-ray spec.trometer. Major elements were determined on glassdiscs prepared by fusing the powdered samplewith Johnson Matthey Spectroflux@105. The sam.pIe preparation technique is essentially that de.scribed by Norrish and Hutton [13]. Trace ele.ments were determined on pressed-powder sam.pies.

Raw counts for both major and trace elementswere ratioed to a monitor to correct for machine

drift. Count ratios were corrected for mass absorp.tion effects using the coefficients of Theissen andVollach [14]. Major-element count ratios werecorrected by an iterative procedure and correc-tions for trace elements were made using coeffi.cients calculated from the major-element analyses.In addition, trace element count ratios werecorrected for interelement interferences usingarange of synthetic glass standards. Both major.and trace-element determinations were calibrated

against a range of international standards using


Mean and standard deviation c








Mean:!: 0


43.80 :!:0.09

14.06 :!:0.05

12.46 :!:0.03

8.31 :!:0.03

10.62 :!:0.03

3.61 :!:0.041.412:!: 0.005

3.165:!: 0.006

0.215 :!:0.007

1.030:!: 0.003

Pagelu .






saa Tome ~

hg. 1. Map of part of West Afri.

Cameroon line volcanic rocks (bl

mcntary rocks of the Benue troU!

Page 3: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)


alu,: of




gra-pIesD.l.s mnot


rriedIquesspec-glassmplesam-t de-: ele-sam-

nen tschine




;ing anaJor-bratedusmg




Meanand standard deviation of five analyses of basalt ST72




Mean:t (J


43.80 :t 0.09

14.06 :t 0.0512.46 :t 0.03

8.31 :t 0.03

10.62 :t 0.03

3.61 :to.04

1.412:t 0.005

3.165 :t 0.006

0.215 :t 0.007

1.030:t 0.003



Mean:t (J



380.5:t 2.9

236.6:t 3.5

18.2:t 0.3

48.4:t 0.4

113. 9 :t 1.1

1129.7:t 4.0

46.7 :to.5366.0:t 1.092.2:t 0.5

718.4:t 5.616.6:t 1.278.9:t 0.8

156.7:t 1.666.2:t 0.633.2:t 0.4


Pagalu .


Fig.1. Map of part of West Africa showing the outcrop of theCameroonline volcanic rocks (black) and the Cretaceous sedi-

mentaryrocks of the Benue trough (stippled).


the values recommended by Abbey [15].To assess the reproducibility of the analyses,

five separate aliquots of a basalt from Silo Tome(ST72) were analysed for major and trace ele-ments. The sample was chosen because itscomposition is close to the mean of all theCameroon line basic rocks. The mean and stan-dard deviation of the five analyses of this sampleare given in Table 1.

K-Ar ages and Sr-isotope ratios were de-termined at S.U.R.R.C, East Kilbride [16]. Thetechniques used have already been describedelsewhere [17].

3. The age of the Cameroon line

The Cameroon line is a linear chain of volcanoesso it was tempting to speculate that it may repre-

Continental sectorBiu






Mt. Cameroan


Oceanic sectorBiaka



10 30 4020Ma

Fig. 2. Summary of available K-Ar age data for the Cameroonline volcanic rocks. Filled boxes indicate data from this paper.Open boxes represent data from the literature: Biu [18];Mandara [19]: Ngaoundere. Oku. Bambouto and Manengouba[20); Mt. Cameroon and Bioko [211: Principe [17.21]; Sao Tome

[21.22]; Pagalu [12.23]. Asterisks indicate the presence of mor-phologically recenl cinder cones.



500t -


Mis 10


"'8IIfateau., .... . .


Page 4: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)


TABLE 2 sent a hot-spot trail. In onNew K-Ar data for Cameroon line volcanic rocks ity. and also to allow age CI

Sample Rock type K(wl.%) 4oAr*/4oArT 4oAr* Age to the Sr-isotope data. 33

(10-6 cm3g- J) (Ma:!:lo) samples were dated by the

Biu Plateau these determinations (from

N2 basalt 1.062 0.194 0.215 5.20 :!:0.33 been published [17]; the n0.196 0.119 5.35 :!:0.32 in Table 2.

N38 basani te 1.185 0.119 0.039 0.84 :!:0.09 All available K-Ar dat;Mandara volcanic rocks are summanC145 trachyte 4.425 0.182 5.906 34.00 :!:2.27

in Fig. 2 are arranged in g0.178 6.365 36.62 :!:2.51C146 basanite 0.834 0.307 1.062 32.46 :!: 1.33

0.323 1.111 33.95 :1:1.33 TABLE 3

C147 basalt 1.305 0.732 1.574 30.75 :!:0.69Average compositions of Cameroc

0.709 1.538 30.06 :!:0.69Oku ContinentalC85 rhyolite 3.745 0.952 3.290 22.13 :!:0.44 sector

0.950 3.320 22.33 :!:0.45 (n =134)C91 hawaii te 1.660 0.680 1.109 17.21 :!:0.40 mean 0

0.750 1.145 17.71 :!:0.39C95 rhyolite 4.350 0.841 3.987 23.32 :!:0.49 f',fajor elemellls (wI. %)

0.799 3.906 23.05 :!:0.50 Si02 45.71 2.48

Bambouto AI 20., 14.18 1.64

CIOO rhyolite 3.436 0.937 2.501 18.71 :!:0.38 Fe20.3. 12.40 1.25

0.881 2.458 18.31 :!:0.38 Mgo. 8.18 2.48

Cl07 trachyte 3.905 0.217 3.356 22.00 :1:1.24 Cao. 9.84 1.45

0.183 3.582 23.44 :!: 1.58 Na20. 3.36 0.72

Cl08 basalt 1.693 0.802 0.940 14.33 :!:0.31 K20. 1.47 0.42

0.520 0.916 13.84 :!:0.38 Ti0.2 2.98 0.55

CIII trachyte 4.185 0.695 2.671 16.40 :!:0.38 Mno. 0.18 0.03

0.554 2.494 15.26 :!:0.40 P20. 0.73 0.27

Manengouba Total 99.03C52 basanite 2.125 0.119 0.033 0.40 :!:0.04C55 basalt 1.250 0.190 0.045 0.94 :!:0.06 Trace elemellls (ppm)

C57 trachybasalt 1.680 0.029 0.031 0.48 + 0.29Ni 141 89-Cr 237 1740.029 0.044 0.71 :!:0.42

Dome northwest of ManengoubaV 264 77

C54 trachyte 4.520 0.955 1.966 11.15 :!:0.22Sc 21.8 6.3

0.935 2.203 12.49 :!:0.25Cu 46 18

Etinde Zn 107 12

C36 nephelinite 5.13 0.07 0.01512 0.082:1:0.3 Sr 919 272

0.07 0.01260 0.065 :1:0.1Rb 39.0 16.2

Suo Tome Zr 302 91

ST43 trachyte 3.820 0.207 0.200 1.35 :!:0.08 Nt> 72 23

0.227 0.191 1.29 :!:0.07 Ba 583 185

ST44 basani te 1.315 0.397 0.134 2.66 :!:0.09Th 4.6 3.0

0.304 0.121 2.39 :!:0.10La 58 20

ST 57 trachyte 3.750 0.387 1.939 13.25 :!:0.45Ca 111 41

0.350 1.885 12.88 :1:0.47Nd 49 16

ST60 basalt 0.785 0.111 0.016 0.51 :!:0.06y 29.2 4.6

ST 84 trachyte 4.670 0.802 1.393 7.64 :!:0.16 (7Sr/6Sr)0 0.70324 20c0.822 1.379 7.56 :!:0.16 (n = 66)

ST90 phonolite 4.803 0.536 0.617 3.30 :!:0.090.584 0.601 3.22 :!:0.08 .. Total Fe as Fe20.3.

ST96 hawaiite 2.310 0.640 0.576 6.37 :!:0.15 h Includes Sro. 0.33. Bao. 0.14. So.0.420 0.580 6.42 :!:0.20 ' x 10 5

he = 0.581 X10- JOy-I; hfJ= 4.962 X10- JOy-l; 4oAr*= radiogenic 4oAr; 40ArT = total 4oAr.

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In addition to extrusive rocks, the continentalsector of the Cameroon line also includes intrusivering complexes composed of granite and syenitewith less abundant gabbro and occasional rem-nants of rhyolite and trachyte. These stretch fromMt. Koupe in the south (30 km southwest ofManengouba) to Golda Zuelva in the north (60km northeast of the Mandara Mts.). The ages ofthese complexes, determined by K-Ar and Rb-Srmethods [25-27], range from 30 to 66 Ma and sooverlap with those of the extrusive centres. As withthe extrusive centres, there is no clear progressionof ages along the line.

It must be concluded, therefore, that theCameroon line has been intermittently active alongits whole length at least since the Oligocene and inthe continental sector since the Palaeocene. Thesubmarine basements of the oceanic islands maywell be contemporaneous with the continental ringcomplexes [22]. The Cameroon line is clearly not ahot-spot trail but is more likely an incipient riftassociated with the Cretaceous Benue trough[28,29].

4. Geochemistry of basic volcanic rocks from theCameroon line

423 rock samples, collected from all parts of theCameroon line, were analysed for major and traceelements. These rocks range in composition fromalkali basalt, basanite and nephelinite to rhyoliteand phonolite. The present paper will be concerned





Ecici.~b 100~"g'u;oQEo""'"~ 10


1000Cameroon line basic rocks (MgO>4%)

II 10 100

Continental sector mean composition ~1<Yin p.p.m. (n =134)

Fig. 4. Comparison of mean trace element concentrations inoceanic and continental Cameroon line basic volcanic rocks.

Data from the Etinde nephelinites have been excluded.

with the 293 basic rocks (here defined as thosewith MgO > 4%); the more evolved rocks will formthe subject of a later paper. 87Sr/86Sr ratios weremeasured on 111 of the basic rocks used in this

study. These were supplemented by 8 additional I87Sr/86Sr determinations on rocks from Manen.gouba carried out by c.A. Hirst at S.U.R.R.C.

Mean compositions of the basic rocks are givenIin Table 3. The nephelinites from Etinde are solunlike everything else from the Cameroon line thall


~o 0 0 0 0 3"0"COO ~."

~~ o,g",&: 0Q>8 <J)

°0 0 0o~ 0

o Q)0,p\oo

Oceanic sector Molecular %

Fig. 3. Normative composition of Cameroon line basic volcanic rocks (MgO > 4%; Etinde nephelinite data excluded). Fe203/(FeO+Fe203) normalised to 0.3 for all normative calculations.


'"""'"u":J'" 100'"u'"!!!

~ 50(;Z . Continental see

o Oceanic sectol

_._u_ Ocean island a



Rb Ba Th K Nb La CE

Fig. 5. Normalised abundance pament concentrations in averageCameroon line basic rocks (MgO >

excluded). Normalising values andbasalt pattern (shown for comparis

they are not included in tlconsidered separately. Copanalyses used in this study Ithe first author.

The normative compositi{excluding the Etinde sample3. Rocks from both the coranic sector of the Cameroorange from strongly neIquartz-normative and, in terment composition, are indisanother (see Table 3). Theelements. Mean compositiontinental basic rocks (againsamples) are compared in Fithe incompatible element c(malised to chondrite abuncpared with Sun's [30] avera:basalt. The oceanic and corocks and the average oceanshow remarkably similar pat

The compositional simil~and continental alkali basaline is also reflected in theiwill be illustrated here usinlthough the few Nd and Pb[31] show the same pattern. }

Page 7: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)



IS in)cks.


Ivene sothat

'eO +




. Continentalsector meano Oceanic sector mean

u Ocean island alkali basalt

10P Zr Ti yRb Ba Th K Nb La Ce Sr Nd

Fig. 5. Normalised abundance patterns for incompatible ele-ment concentrations in average oceanic and continentalCameroon line basic rocks (MgO > 4%: Etinde nephelinite data

excluded). Normalising values and average ocean island alkali

basaltpaltern(shown for comparison) arc taken from Sun [30].

theyare not included in the means but will beconsideredseparately. Copies of the individualanalysesused in this study may be obtained fromthe first au thor.

The normative composition of the basic rocks(excludingthe Etinde samples) is illustrated in Fig.3. Rocksfrom both the continental and the oce-anicsectorof the Cameroon line show the samerange from strongly nepheline-normative toquartz-normativeand, in terms of their major ele-mentcomposition,are indistinguishablefrom oneanother(see Table 3). The same is true for traceelements.Mean compositions of oceanic and con-tinentalbasic rocks (again excluding the Etindesamples)are compared in Figs. 4 and 5. In Fig. 5,the incompatibleelement concentrations are nor-malisedto chondrite abundances [30] and com-paredwith Sun's [30] average ocean island alkalibasalt.The oceanic and continental sector basicrocksand the average ocean island alkali basalt allshowremarkablysimilarpatterns.

The compositional similarity between oceanicand continental alkali basalts in the Cameroonlineis also reflected in their isotope ratios. Thiswill beillustratedhere using only Sr isotopes al-thoughthe fewNd and Pb isotopedata available[31]showthesamepattern.All the Sr-isotopedata




Oceanic sector




~ 0>-(;jc:co


Q; 15.DE::JZ

Continental sector



o0.7025 0.7030 0.7035 0.7040

(875r)865r 0

Fig. 6. Distribution of initial H7Sr/H6Sr ratios in oceanic andcontinental Cameroon line basic volcanic rocks.

obtained in this study are plotted as histograms inFig. 6. In this plot, the Etinde data have beenincluded with the continental sector data. Thebulk of the data from both sectors fall in the range0.7030 to 0.7035. The few high values in rocksfrom the continental sector are almost certainlythe result of small amounts of crustal contamina-tion. The sample with 87Sr/8bSr > 0.7040 (C74from Bambouto) contains partly digested granulitexenoliths and has been excluded from the meancompositions given in Table 3.

The oceanic and continental basic rocks are

indistinguishable even in the fine detail of theirSr-isotope variation. Several authors [32-34] havenoted that 87Sr/8bSr in volcanic rocks from theHawaiian chain varies inversely with degree ofsilica-undersaturation. Strongly alkaline basaltserupted after a period of quiescence often havelower 87Sr/8bSr than do the underlying tholeiiticrocks. A similar relationship is seen in the volcanicrocks of Principe [17]. Fig. 7 shows a crude corre-lation between 87Sr/8bSr and degree of silica

Page 8: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)

~I-o '"


Continental . .'-,, ,"" . '8

/' \-,,' \

" \// ~. I/' . . I

/ /

/ . // . . .// . . ... .// .- // . . /t. /I,, /

~ --'"


Fig. 7. Initial X7Sr/XbSr plotted against degree of silica saturation for Cameroon line basic volcanic rocks. ne is wt. % normall~

nepheline: "q" is wt.% Si02 equivalent to normative hypersthene. Biu Plateau data have been used to represent the continental seclosince basalts from this area frequently contain abundant peridotite xenoliths and cannot. therefore. have interacted with conlinenUcrust. The broken line encloses the field of data from the oceanic sector.

saturation in the basic rocks from the oceanicsector of the Cameroon line. A similar correlationin the continental sector rocks could result fromcrustal contamination and so, to exclude this pos-sibility, the Biu Plateau lavas have been taken asrepresentative. These frequently contain peridotitexenoliths (even in hypersthene-normative lavas)and so cannot have suffered significant amountsof crustal contamination. The clear correlationshown by these samples emphasises the strikingsimilarity between oceanic and continental alkalibasalts in the Cameroon line. This confirms theconclusion reached by Allegre et aI. [35] that oce-anic and continental alkali basalts have isotopi-cally similar sources.

The data set used in this study has also beendivided on a normative basis (Table 3) and theresults plotted in Fig. 8. From this diagram it isapparent that the nepheline-normative rocks aremore enriched in incompatible elements than arethose with hypersthene in the norm. The Etindenephelinites are more enriched still although theserocks are generally more evolved than the alkalibasalts as can be seen from their lower concentra-

tions of MgO, Ni and Cr (Table 3). The relativehlowconcentrationsof P and Ti in the Etinderoeb(Fig. 8) is consistent with fractionation of apatilt


perovskite and Ti-magnetite,ent as phenocrysts.

Once allowance has beening effect of fractionation onis clear that the three patte]similar and could easily be alble degrees of melting of aThe small spread of K concewith the buffering of thisphase in the mantle. Sincebunched together in the samecannot be phlogopite but isK-rich amphibole.

It must be concluded th,melting of a common mantlfor the geochemical featuresline basic magmas. The sameent beneath both the oceanittors.

5. Nature of the mantle sour,

Since the sub-oceanic andtie sources for the Camerooare identical, significant ifsphere mantle can be ruledmantle beneath the oceanic sMa old and almost certainlycontrast the sub-continental I]

had a long and complex histenriched in LILE. Furtherrr

account for the whole comp<basic rocks, from hypersthe]undersaturated, by variable rmantle source.

The Cameroon line has tously active for the past 6consistent migration of voIcanot very likely, therefore, thaia deep mantle plume originatidiscontinuity. If it is, it woulble coincidence for lower ill,tion to have kept pace exa,direction, with the movemen1over the past 65 Ma. Clear!must be coupled to the Iiiplausible source for the Can



.a'"~ 100.!!?(ijE(;z



~*-- ~*/ *

\ *--*

\o ~~~~ * --o~.

:/ '\l o\=:::~\~

* Etinde nephelinite (18.6% ne + 8.7% Ic) ~I

. Ne-normativebasalt(6.1%ne) \o Hy-normative basalt (6.7% hy) 0

10 Rb Bo Th K Nb La Ce Sr Nd P Zr Ti Y

Fig. 8. Normalised abundance patterns for incompatible e~ment concentrationsin averagebasic (MgO> 4%) Camerooline volcanic rocks.



O. 7035 I- 12cr1:660

87Sr* + +

0 * +1'It. 6*

86Sr + 6t? 66 66

0o I 00

0.7030 l- v 0 6V

V *0 V V


0.7025 I I I I I I II I I I I I

15 10 5 0 5 15 10 5 0 5ne 'q' ne 'q'

v PrincipeYlS * Bioko6 Principe OlS o 560 Tome . BiuPlateauo Principe tholeiite + Pogalu

Page 9: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)







perovskiteand Ti-magnetite, all of which are pres-entasphenocrysts.

Onceallowance has been made for the distort-

ingeffectof fractionation on the Etinde samples itis clearthat the three patterns in Fig. 8 are verysimilarand could easily be accounted for by varia-ble degreesof melting of a single mantle source.

Thesmallspreadof K concentrations is consistentwith the buffering of this element by a K-richphasein the mantle. Since Rb and Ba are notbunchedtogetherin the same way as K, this phasecannotbe phlogopite but is more likely to be aK-richamphibole.

It must be concluded that variable degrees ofmeltingof a common mantle source can accountfor the geochemicalfeatures of all the Cameroonlinebasicmagmas.The same source must be pres-entbeneathboth the oceanic and continental sec-tors.

5. Natureof the mantle sourceII


Sincethe sub-oceanic and sub-continental man-

tle sourcesfor the Cameroon line basic magmasare identical, significant involvement of litho-spheremantle can be ruled out. The lithospheremantlebeneaththe oceanic sector is less than 120

Maold and almost certainly depleted in LILE. Incontrastthe sub-continental lithosphere mantle hashada long and complex history and may well beenrichedin LILE. Furthermore it is possible toaccountfor the whole compositional range of thebasicrocks,from hypersthene-normative to veryundersaturated,by variable melting of a commonmantlesource.

The Cameroon line has been almost continu-

ouslyactive for the past 65Ma and shows noconsistentmigration of volcanism with time. It isnotverylikely, therefore, that the magma source isadeepmantle plume originating below the 670-kmdiscontinuity.If it is, it would require a remarka-blecoincidencefor lower mantle convective mo-

tion to have kept pace exactly, in velocity anddirection,with the movement of the African plateoverthe past 65 Ma. Clearly, the mantle sourcemustbe coupled to the lithosphere. The onlyplausiblesource for the Cameroon line magmas,



therefore, is the convecting upper mantle.This poses a problem since the convecting up-

per mantle must also be the source of MORB.Convection will ensure that the upper mantle iswell stirred and therefore homogeneous on thescale of individual convection cells. Homogeneityon a scale of 1000 km or more is implied by thegeochemical similarity between alkali basaltserupted in the oceanic and continental sectors ofthe Cameroonline. On the other hand, small-scaleheterogeneity may persist for long periods in aconvecting mantle [36]. In the next section we willexplore the possibility of deriving both MORBand alkali basalt from a grossly homogeneousmantle with small-scale heterogeneity. The need togenerate both from a common mantle source fol-lows inevitably from the conclusion that theCameroon line magmas originate within the con-vecting upper mantle.

6. Derivation of alkali basalt from the MORBsource

6.1. Incompatible-element modelling

For the purposesof modelling the generationofthe Cameroonline magmasfrom a MORB sourcewe have taken a mean composition of the mostbasic basalts (MgO > 10%) as a close approxima-tion to the primary melt. The justification for thisis shown in Fig. 9 which shows chondrite-normal-ised incompatible-element abundance patterns foraverage Cameroon line rocks with various MgOcontents. As expected, the overall level of abun-dance falls with increasing MgO content but thepattern remains the same. Adding a few percent ofolivine to the least fractionated composition wouldreduce the abundances further but would not dis-turb the relative concentrations. This would notsignificantly affect the outcome of attempts tomodel the incompatible-element abundance pat-terns.

The model parameters used are given in Table 4and illustrated in Fig. 10. The compositionof theMORB source was calculated by assuming thatSun's [30]average N-type MORB was generatedby 15% equilibrium partial melting of the mantle,

Page 10: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)


Fig. 9. Normalised abundance patterns for average Cameroon line basic volcanic rocks of various MgO content.

leaving a residue composed of 70% olivine. 23%orthopyroxene and 7% clinopyroxene. Partitioncoefficients (D) were taken from Frey et al. [7]

(their set 1 coefficients were used for rare earthelements) although the choice of coefficients is notcritical at large degrees of partial melting. Th was


Bulk distribution coefficients ( D) required to produce the most basic Cameroon line magmas from a MORB source at various degreesof melting ( F)

a From Sun [30J.

h Calculated by assuming that MORB is produced by 15% melting leaving a residue of 70% olivine, 23% orthopyroxene and 7%clinopyroxene.


Rh p,(] K Nb La Ce

hg. 10. Comparison of incompatilthe most basic Cameroon line lavlatcd MORB source.

omitted from the calculatiohe determined with veryCameroon line samples.

At the very low degreesgenerate alkali basalt fromvalues of D used in calculatis possible to generate a vepositions simply by varyinga factor of 2 or so. Sincecients are not known to b,magnitude it would be poiour alkali basalt compositivalues. Instead ~e have aSSltial melting model and c~bulk D values using the equ

C,jCu = 1/( D + F- DF)

where CL and Co are concemelt and source respective!tion coefficient and F the (resulting D values, calculategiven in Table 4. Values 0melting) would result in ne

Q) I /// I 100()c:«1


§ 100 Q)u.Q c:«1 <0

""0 c:

:JQ) .c(/) <0

«1 " 10E Q)....


0 mean MgO n <0z E> 4% 8.3% 278 '-

0> 8% 10.3% 156


>10% 11.4% 86



Rb Ba Th K Nb La Ce Sf Nd P Zf Ti y

MORBa MORB Cameroon D D D

(ppm) source h line (F=O) (F = 0.002) (F = 0.003)(ppm) ( > 10% MgO)


Rb 1.0 0.15 31.7 0.0047 0.0027 0.0017Ba 12 1.8 531 0.0034 0.0014 0.0004K 1060 159 9444 0.017 0.015 0.014Nb 3.1 0.48 62.7 0.0077 0.0057 0.0047La 3.0 0.47 51.9 0.0091 0.0071 0.0061Ce 9.0 1.4 101.8 0.014 0.012 0.011Sr 124 19.4 830 0.023 0.021 0.020Nd 7.7 1.2 43.6 0.026 0.024 0.023P 600 95 3234 0.029 0.027 0.026Zr 85 13.5 263 0.051 0.04:1 0.048Ti 9300 1632 18,600 0.088 0.086 0.085Y 29 5.1 27.7 0.184 0.183 0.182

Page 11: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)

earths notI was


md 7%

Rh 1\0 K Nb La Ce Sr Nrl P Zr Ti Y

Fig. 10.Comparison of incompatible element concentrations inthe most basic Cameroon line lavas. MORB [301 and a calcu-lated MORB source.

omitted from the calculations because it could not

be determined with very high precision in the

Cameroon line samples.

At the very low degrees of melting required to

generatealkali basalt from a MORB source. thevaluesof D used in calculations become critical. Itis possible to generate a very wide range of com-positions simply by varying the bulk D values overa factor of 2 or so. Since most partition coeffi-cients are not known to better than an order of

magnitude it would be pointless trying to modelour alkali basalt composition using published Dvalues. Instead we have assumed a low-degree par-tial melting model and calculated the requiredbulk D values using the equation:

CL/Co= 1/( D + F- DF)

whereCLand Co are concentrations in the partialmelt and sourcerespectively,D is the bulk parti-tion coefficient and F the degree of melting. Theresulting D values, calculated for a range of F, aregivenin Table 4. Values of F> 0.0034 (= 0.34%melting)would result in negative values of D for


Rb Ba K Nb La Ce Sr Nd P Zr Ti Y

Fig. 11. Calculated bulk distribution coefficients (D) requiredto generate the most basic Cameroon line magmas from aMORB source for a range of degrees of partial melting (F).The range of published D values (summarised in [7] and [37])for mantle phases is shown for comparison.

Ba. The permitted range of D values is quiteconsistent with the range of measured values [7,37]for likely mantle phases (Fig. 11). A striking fea-ture of this diagram is the relatively high values ofD for K which implies the presence of a K-richphase in the mantle. It was noted above that thepresence of a K-rich (but not Rb- and Ba-rich)mantle phase is implied by the data in Fig. 8.

The D values shown in Fig. 11 are clearlyappropriate for a garnet-lherzolite mantle sourcecontaining a small amount of a K-rich phase suchas a potassic amphibole. The least fractionatedCameroon line magmas could, therefore, be gen-erated by small degree « 0.34%) partial meltingof such a source provided that the melts can beextracted. Larger degree melting of the same sourcecould produce liquids of MORB composition. De-gree of melting cannot, of course, account for theisotopic differences between MORB and alkali




I A / '"




"0 I \ I 0.1c::J.c -'" I ---------- I D"0 10<1>

'"'" / ] 0.01E...0Z


Page 12: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)



basalts. These will be considered later.Watson [38] has shown, from surface-energy

considerations and experiment, that a body ofmagma in equilibrium with its surroundings willtend to infiltrate the dry grain boundaries of itshost at a relatively rapid rate of 1-2 mm per day.Similar rates of melt migration along grainboundaries have been predicted by Turcotte andAhern [39] on the basis of buoyancy. McKenzie[40] has derived a set of equations describing thebehaviour of partially melted rock. He concludesthat melt migration will be sufficiently rapid torestrict the amount of melt present in the mantleto less than 3% even for large degrees of melting.Magma is therefore more likely to move towardsthe surface along mantle grain boundaries than inlarge conduits, provided the mantle is at or closeto its solidus temperature. Since the melt movesrapidly in comparison with diffusion rates it willonly be able to equilibrate with the outer parts ofthe mantle phases in contact with it. Elementsconcentrated at mantle grain boundaries will beselectively incorporated into the melt.

It has long been known that uranium is con-centrated at grain boundaries in mantle xenoliths[41]. More recently it has become apparent thatRb and Sr [42] and light rare earth elements(LREE) [43] are likewise concentrated. Fluid in-clusions in mantle xenoliths are also strongly en-riched in alkali elements [44] and LREE [45]rela-tive to their host silicates. It is concluded that amajor part of the LILE content of mantle xeno-liths is present as grain surface films and fluidinclusions. These xenoliths are derived from therelatively cool lithosphere mantle but it seemslikely that similarly enriched grain boundary filmswill be present in the deeper convecting mantle.Magmas rising to the surface along grainboundaries will effectively leach these films andtherefore become strongly LILE-enriched.

Consider a magma produced by say 10% partialmelting of a depleted mantle source and allowedto percolate through 100 times the volume ofmantle from which it was originally derived. Ifsuch a magma leaches half the LILE content outof the mantle through which it passes it will as-sume the trace element characteristics of a liquidderived by 0.2% equilibrium partial melting. Its

major elements will be buffered by equilibrationwith the surfaces of the silicate mantle phases sothat it will still arrive at the surface as a basalticliquid. There is therefore no theoretical barrier toproducing the very large degrees of LILE enrich-ment seen in alkali basalts and even nephelinitesand melilitites from a depleted mantle source. Inthis respect the model is analogous to zone-refin-ing [6] and wall-rock reaction [46]. The differenceis that these processes require complete equilibra-tion with the mantle through melting and recrys-tallisation rather than surface equilibration.

6.2. Isotopic consideratio1lS

To be viable, this model must also account forthe small but consistent isotopic differences be-tween MORB and LILE-enriched (e.g. ocean is-land and continental rift) basalts. Compared withMORB, these basalts have higher H7Sr/H6Sr,206Pb/204Pb and lower 143Nd/144Nd. These dif-ferences require that the respective sources haveremained separate for 1-2 Ga [47,48]. At the


temperatures expecunlikely that grainisotopically distinctlong periods [49].larger-scale hetero~topic differences.

In the course of(e.g. the growth ofall of the magmareach the surface. Athe asthenosphereactivity. Within-piarecent phenomenonring, at least at theof the earth's hisshould, therefore, (riched in basaltic t

Convection will tstreaks [36] whichescape rehomogenLILE-enriched streU/Pb and Nd/SITand will, therefore,higher 87Sr/86Sr :143Nd/I44Nd ratios

In this model, thtion of mantle resaverage age of the !of the streaks is iJdiagram, small-degrfrom a MORB sour<to age to the preserthose calculated J

Cameroon line mag(Table 4). DSmhas Ithe partition coeffic:al. [7]. It is clear frarray" defined byplained as a familyMORB source (= tenriched streaks. Thponents will meanlower solidus tempemantle and will thereportion of melt durinevent.

The factors mostcharacter of the mag




0.5100.701 0.707 0.7090.703 O.705


Fig. 12. Sr-Nd isotopic evolution of a MORB source (RbjSr =

0.008. SmjNd = 0.365) and partial melts (0.01 and 0.1 %) de.rived from it 1 and 2 Ga ago. Solid circles represent present-day

isotopic ratios. Present-day mixing lines (curved) between theancient enriched melts and MORB-like magma are shown.

Numbers on these curves represent % enriched material in the

mixture. Fields of typical MORB and ocean island basalt (OIB)

are shown for comparison.

Page 13: The Cameroon line, West Africa, and its bearing on the · :sdepots:(2loN), Earth and Planetary Science Lel/ers. 72 (1985)



temperaturesexpected in the source regions, it isunlikelythat grain boundary films would remainisotopicallydistinct from the bulk mantle for suchlongperiods [49]. We must, therefore, appeal tolarger-scaleheterogeneity to account for the iso-topicdifferences.

In the course of within-plate magmatic episodes(e.g.the growth of an ocean island) by no meansall of the magma generated in the mantle willreachthe surface. A proportion of it will remain intheasthenosphere after the cessation of volcanicactivity.Within-plate volcanism is unlikely to be arecentphenomenon but has probably been occur-ring,at least at the present rate, throughout mostof the earth's history. The convecting mantleshould,therefore, contain numerous patches en-richedin basaltic components (including LILE).Convection will transform these patches intostreaks[36] which may remain large enough toescape rehomogenisation by diffusion. TheseLILE-enriched streaks will have higher Rb/Sr,U/Pb and Nd/Sm ratios than the bulk mantleandwill, therefore, evolve over geological time tohigher 87Sr/86Sr and 206Pb/204Pb and lower14JNd/44Nd ratios.

In this model, the 1-2 Ga age for the separa-tion of mantle reservoirs [47,48] represents theaverageage of the streaks. The isotopic evolutionof the streaks is illustrated in Fig. 12. In thisdiagram,small-degree partial melts are generatedfroma MORB source 1 and 2 Ga ago and allowedto age to the present day. The D values used arethose calculated for the generation of theCameroonline magmas by 0.2% partial melting(Table4). DSmhas been estimated from DNd andthepartition coefficient data compiled by Frey etal. [7]. It is clear from Fig. 12 that the "mantlearray" defined by oceanic basalts could be ex-plainedas a family of mixing lines between theMORBsource (= bulk mantle) and melts fromenrichedstreaks. The enrichment in basaltic com-

ponents will mean that these streaks will havelowersolidus temperatures than the surroundingmantleand will therefore contribute a greater pro-portionof melt during a low-degree partial meltingevent.

The factors most important in determining thecharacterof the magma arriving at the surface are






Sr =

) de-

I-dayI the

own.1 the



depth and degree of initial melting, and rate ofmagma ascent. Extensive, near-surface melting ofdepleted mantle at mid-ocean ridges will producetholeiitic magma (MORB) whose isotope andtrace-element ratios are very close to those in thebulk mantle. More restricted melting of the samemantle at depth will produce tholeiitic to alkalinemagma which will percolate and leach the overly-ing mantle and result in magmils of ocean islandbasalt (OIB) composition in oceanic or continentalenvironments. Magma types transitional betweenMORB and OIB can be produced where a site ofdeep melting (hot spot) is located beneath amid-ocean ridge as in Iceland [2]. The completerestriction of MORB to ridges is easily explainedby this model since ridges are the only places onearth where depleted, mobile mantle is melted atsufficiently shallow depths to prevent significantleaching of the overlying mantle. The continentalanalogue of MORB is flood tholeiite which mayalso be produced by extensive shallow melting. Inthis case, though, the source is probably old litho-sphere mantle which may have undergone a longhistory of enrichment. This source enrichment isreflected in the isotope geochemistry of continen-tal flood tholeiites [50].

The rate at which magma percolates upwardswill affect this isotopic composition. Rapid ascentwill preserve the" age" of the enriched streaks andmay account for the 1.5-Ga "isochron" [47] ob-tained from ocean island tholeiites. On the otherhand slow ascent will result in partial isotopicequilibration with the bulk mantle and may pro-duce "mantle isochrons" with lower ages. In ex-treme cases, where a magma batch is for somereason halted in its ascent for a few million years,isotopic equilibration may be almost complete andproduce alkali basalts with isotope ratios close tothose in MORB. This may account for the low87Sr/86Sr measured in highly undersaturated lavaserupted on some ocean islands following a periodof quiescence. Examples of this are found on Oahu[33], Maui [34] and Principe [17]. Chen and Frey[34] have explained the Maui data by mixingsmall-degree melts derived from a depleted(MORB) mantle source with larger-degree meltsfrom an undepleted mantle. This explanation iscompatible with the model presented here.

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Alkali basalts are likely to be produced bysmaller degree and/or deeper initial melting thanare tholeiites [7]. Since both degree of melting andthe volume of mantle through which a magma canpercolate will affect LILE enrichment, it followsthat LILE enrichment should correlate with degreeof undersaturation. Such a correlation is shown bythe Cameroon line data (Fig. 8). Magmas pro-duced by small degrees of initial melting will tendto rise to the surface more slowly, and thereforeapproach isotopic equilibration with the mantlemore closely, than will those produced by largerdegree initial melting. We would therefore expectthat the more undersaturated magmas will tend tohave lower ~7Sr/ ~6Sr ratios than will less under-saturated or saturated types. This explains thecrude correlation between Sr-isotope ratios anddegree of silica saturation shown by the Cameroonline (Fig. 7) and Hawaiian data.

Support for our model is provided by Sr-iso-tope data from MORB. Batiza [51] has recentlydemonstrated that the diversity in ~7Sr/~6Sr ratiosof MORB samples varies inversely with thespreading rate and hence the rate of magma pro-duction. He interprets this observation to imply a"plum pudding" mantle which is homogenisedmore efficiently at high rates of magma produc-tion. The greatest diversity in ~7Sr/~6Sr is shownby basalts from ocean islands where magma pro-duction rates are low in comparison with mid-ocean ridges. The model is also consistent withGill's [52] observation that the isotope geochem-istry of lavas from Fiji require the presence ofboth MORB and om sources in the mantle abovethe subduction zone.

7. Conclusions

(1) K-Ar dating of volcanic rocks from theCameroon line show no consistent migration ofvolcanism with time and so the line is not ahot-spot trail. The longevity of activity (65 Ma)rules out a deep mantle source for the magma.

(2) Basalts erupted in the oceanic and continen-tal sectors of the line are chemically and isotopi-cally indistinguishable. The magmas must, there-fore, have originated in the convecting upper man-

tie and cannot have interacted to any significantextent with the lithosphere mantle.

(3) Since the convecting upper mantle is alsothe source for MORB, a grossly homogeneousupper mantle with small-scale heterogeneity is im-plied.

(4) Partition coefficients (D) needed to derivethe Cameroon line alkali basalts from a MORBsource are consistent with published values formantle phases. The small-degree « 0.34%) melt-

ing implied can be achieved by a leaching processin which MORB-like percolating along grainboundaries incorporates LILE-enriched grainboundary films.

(5) Isotopic differences between MORB andalkali basalts (and ocean island tholeiites) can beexplained by the incorporation of melts from old,LILE-enriched streaks in the mantle. These streaksare the remnants of ancient enriched magmas leftbehind in the convecting upper mantle.


Fieldwork in West Africa and isotope facilitiesat S.U.R.R.C were supported by research grantsfrom the U.K. Natural Environment ResearchCouncil. The isotopic work was carried out duringthe tenure of a NERC research studentship(H.M.D.).

We are grateful to Mrs D.E. James and MrG.R. Angell for assistance with the chemicalanalyses and to Dr R.M. MacIntyre, Mr T. Mc-Menamin and Mr J. Hutchinson for help with theK-Ar and Sr-isotope work. We also thank MissCA. Hirst for permission to use her unpublishedSr-isotope data and Dr J.D.A. Piper for supplyingrock samples from Bioko and Pagalu.

Appendix 1- Location of samples used for K-Ardating

All distances are measured in a straight line.

N2 near base of lava plateau; roadside exposure 24 kmsouth of Biunorthern limit of Biu Plateau on road to Damaturu

Omtemale (plug) north of Mogode




side of track mid-way betvhillside to south of Kila

Sabga Pass, 16 km ENE 01roadside 6 km SW of Kurr

roadside at Mbingo, 28 krrAshong, 28 km SW of Banby track to Santa coffee fa

roadside quarry, 3 km NE

2.5 km SW of peak (LekwiBambouto

Njinjo, 11 km NNE of Ma

roadside by railway crossinNkongsambain stream 1 km SE of Manroadside ca. 4 km N of BaJ

loose block in river at Batc

northeast slope of Silo Josequarry at Palmar

northeast peak of Ilheu da!

coastal exposure near AgU3

south side of Mizambu (pitnortheast side of Maria Fel

dyke on coast southwest 01of Silo Tome



1 J.-G. Schilling, Rare-earth vari

ments" of the Reykjanes Ridg,Ridge, 29°S. and East Pacific ~

on the composition of the unde

Geophys. Res. 80, 1459-1473, 1

2 J.-G. Schilling, leeland mantle palong Reykjanes Ridge, Nature

3 c.J. Allegre, Chemical geodyn109-132, 1982.

4 A.W. Hofmann and W.M. W

ancien t oceanic crust, Earth Pia1982.

5 D. McKenzie and R.K. O'Nic

ocean island basalts, Nature 301

6 P.G. Harris, Zone refining and tlGeochim. Cosmochim. Acta 12,

7 F.A. Frey, D.H. Green and S.D.

basalt petrogenesis: a study ofmelilitites from south-eastern A

cal and experimental petrolo!463-513, 1978.

8 M.A. Menzies and V.R. Murth:chemistry of hydrous mantle nc

basalts: implications for I,

metasomatically veined mantle,323-334, 1980.

9 D.K. Bailey, Mantle metasoma'

change within the Earth, NatureN38C145

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andn beold,

:eakss left


d Mr:mical. Mc-th theMiss



24 km



side of track mid-way bctwecn Jiri and Kilahillside to south of Kila

Sabga Pass. 16 km ENE of Bamendaroadside 6 km SW of Kumbo

roadside at Mbingo. 28 km NNE of Bamenda

Ashong. 28 km SW of Bamenda

by track to Santa coffee factory. 2 km E of Santa

roadside quarry. 3 km NE of Dschang

2.5 km SW of peak (Lekwue Leloe) on south slopes ofBambouto

Njinjo. II km NNE of Manengouba summitroadside by railway crossing at Ndoungue. 6 km SW of


in stream I km SE of Manengouba village

roadside ca. 4 km N of Bangemloose block in river at Batoke

northeast slope of Sao Jose. Monte Cafe plantationquarry at Palmar

northeast peak of Ilheu das Cabras

coastal exposure near Agua Ize

south side of Mizambu (plug)northeast side of Maria Fernandez (plug)

dyke on coast southwest of Ribeira Peixe. south coastof Sao Tome




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Earth and Planetary Science LeuElsevier Science Publishers B.v..


Origin of contecase stud

J.J. Mahoney1,*

Concurrently erupted. 1banks of the Narmada Rj

nows and intrusives, whiclrocks from both areas for

end members. There is an ;

and tholeiitic primary magon the array, near the mid

lower group of tholeiites al

source. The negative (JUvcontinental crust or enrich,

elements other than K. RI

conjunction with the isotolin portions of the mantle s

1. Introduction

The question of the re]mantle sources of alkalic anbasalts, particularly in inst1occur together, has spawne(conjecture, and controversbasis of isotopic evidence dor very different mixing ~cally distinct mantle endmposed, both in oceanic an[1-4]. In continental regiol1lem of contamination by

Now at: Department of Geologyof Minnesota, Minneapolis, MI

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