The Calypso Family Apocalypse Ch21 Pt1

The Calypso Family Apocalypse Chapter 21 Part 1


The Calypso Family Apocalypse Chapter 21 Part 1

Transcript of The Calypso Family Apocalypse Ch21 Pt1

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The Calypso Family Apocalypse

Chapter 21Part 1

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Welcome back, this chapter is going to be a two parter because I had too many pictures and I wanted to finish up this segment of the story.

“Dad, It’s so good to see you.”

“How are you doing?”

“It’s hard, I had to build this shack and I didn’t have enough money to finish it.”

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“The shoddy furniture and the bare walls have been so depressing.”

“I’m hoping to be able to fix up the place soon.”

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“Hi, Kaitlyn.”


“They’ll be coming soon, great.”

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“What are you doing?”

“My little friend wants to say hi.”

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“Oh, I feel funny.”

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“Do you want to be my friend, now?”

“Sure, we’ll be best friends.”

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“This place is much better than my little shack.”

“Come on people, Time to dance.”

“I have to get some money.”

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After a quick coffee break, Matthew goes back to DJing. He’s so broke he can’t even use the sewing machine.

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Finally got enough money to pay the late bills.

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“No time to talk, I’m gonna be late.”

I don’t think he was that late, he just always ran for the final.

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“Only one more semester to go before my brothers join me.”

“I wish the time would go quicker.”

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He was so broke I could not even buy him a cheap computer. I had to let him use Mr. Humbles computer. I will put it away later when the other boys arrive.

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As you can see the house/shack is really small. It doesn’t even have a roof.

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“Celebrate good times, come on!”

Ah, Wallpaper, floors. Got to love the college grants.

You can sort of see it here. I built him a tiny bedroom so I could leave the radio on.

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I guess he must have maxed his grade bar.

“Yeah, and now I just have to kill time till my next final.”

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He make some good smustle faces.

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Matthew likes girls with black hair.

“Do you like college?”

“Yeah, it’s nice.”

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He uses anyone that comes by to help get his fun and social up.

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We finally have enough money to use the sewing machine.

“I can’t believe this sewing machine has lasted so long.”

Yes it is the same sewing machine. We had a couple of close calls in the beginning, but we still have it.

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“Yay, more money. Are they here yet?”

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Andrew, Anthony, and Tobias have arrived. They brought the genie lamps with them. I let Matthew make one wish for now.

“We still need some stuff, I wish we had some more money.”

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Sharing one computer gets a little hectic. I have to make them take turns.

“Go me. Good job.”

One done, three more to go.

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Meanwhile, back at the main house, Katie comes home from school.

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“Yay, I got an A+!!!”

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She brings home one of her cousins, this is Julia, Sean's daughter.

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“Look, Daddy, I got an A+!!!”

Peter, that’s not a very appropriate thought bubble.

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She’s cute when she struggles with her homework.

“Why do I have to do this?”

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After her homework is done, she get to spend time with her cousin.

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“Do you like school?”

“It’s ok. Do you think we’ll ever be played.”

Probably not. I will probably go and age them up soon.

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Julia’s mother was coming to get her when Beth called everyone to dinner. So they stayed and ate instead.

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The ghosts are still roaming around up in their area.

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I don’t feed them fish very often, they don’t get really hungry because they spend most of their time up in the living area, around Jumbok.

I believe that they got fat after this and I had to make them work off their poundage.

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Nothing much happens.

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Peter works off his fish and cheese weight.

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“Woo hoo, I’ve got a hot bod.”

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Beth leaves for work.

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We still have a few zombies roaming around stealing our paper.

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Peter pays the extremely late bills. I always forget them till its almost too late.

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“I got a promotion, I’m a Junior Officer now.”

So she’s at level 5 now, I guess she started at level 4

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“I got an A+ again.”

Big deal you had that yesterday.

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She also brought home another one of her cousins again. This is David. He is Sorka’s son. And the twin to Debra, whom we saw back when Matthew was a child.

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“Cool, it’s raining.”

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Must be a right of passage to dance the smustle on the sidewalk.

He even has an audience.

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What’s wrong you say?

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Just a vicious wolf.

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That’s not very nice.

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David doesn’t seem to care. He just keeps dancing. And the wolf looks at me wondering why the kid doesn’t respond.

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Peter runs down to pet the wolf. And no we’re not adopting it.

“Awww, but he’s so pretty.”

Not happening.

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I get Katie to skill in preparation for college.

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Beth and Peter go all cute on me.

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I let everyone do their thing and go out to look at the stars.

What’s that, Since when do I have a Moon?

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Huh, now I have two moons!

A Shooting Star!!!

I have so many stars now too, I wonder why.

I got Glamour Life and IKEA Stuff for Christmas.

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I guess I can’t look at the stars anymore, It’s time for Beth to leave for work again.

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You should be skilling.

“But by the time I get settled in to skill, it will be time for me to leave for school.”

Oh, Ok then.

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I made her come skill anyways. But she was right, as soon as I got her settled she had to leave for school.

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“See, I told you so, the bus is honking.”

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“Hi, Doggy, Bye Doggy.”

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“Aww, you’re such a cute doggy, Do you wanna play fetch, do you?”

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“Go get it.”

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He played fetch all morning, I was seriously considering letting them adopt him/her.

But the dog left when he stopped playing with it.

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“I’m home, someone come hug me. I got promoted. I’m in Counter Intelligence now.”

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Well, I’d hug her if I could, she brought home the Military reward. Now I can add it to my collection. Into inventory it goes. I still don’t have a place to sit it. I did put in out in the

yard momentarily so I could take this picture and then I put it away.

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Katie, watch out for the bus driver. He looks a little too happy to me.

“He’s ok. He’s just in his happy place.”

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Huh, what’s that. I have a sun now too?

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OK, this is weird, first I get two moons, now I have two suns.

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“Bye, Bus driver.”

“Happy Place, stay in Happy Place.”

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Katie needs a fun boost before she does her homework.

“Daddy! That hurt, don’t hit so hard.”

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Then she gets to work on her skills.

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“Why won’t they answer their door?”

I don’t know, maybe cause no one knows you.

This is Penny, the last time we saw her was when Essie invited her over to be an option for Brandon. Way back in the first and second Generation!

Essie is dead, you can’t talk to her anymore.

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I just found out that children can use the photo booth.

I had her take several photos and had her mother come up and they took some photos together.

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We’ll hang these up on the wall.

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“Go to school, come home, do homework, skill, skill, skill, that’s all I do.”

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“I got another promotion, I’m a Flight Officer now.”

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“I’m sick of School. I want to do something different.”

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That’s it for part one. Stay tuned for part two.