The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and...


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Transcript of The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and...

Page 1: The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:14,17.

The Call to Christlike Leadership

"we have seen His glory ... full of grace and truth ... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."

- John 1:14,17

Page 2: The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:14,17.

MOSES and JESUS "For the LAW was given through Moses..."

(John 1:17a) - the Law (Heb. Torah ) was the expression of God's character and moral will for man as embodied in the Mosaic covenant. It foreshadowed Christ who was to fulfill and embody that Law as the "TRUTH" (Col. 2:17; Heb. 10:1; Rom. 10:4; Matt. 5:17; John 14:6)

Page 3: The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:14,17.

"GRACE and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ." (John 1:17b)

Page 4: The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:14,17.

"GRACE and TRUTH" The foundational character of our Lord Jesus'


GRACE (Grk. charis; Heb. hesed ) - kindness and favor shown to an offender or to one of low position (Eph. 2:7; Rom. 2:4)

TRUTH (Grk. aletheia; Heb. 'emet ) - expression or revelation of God's character and moral will

Page 5: The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:14,17.

"GRACE and TRUTH" GRACE without TRUTH corrupts TRUTH without GRACE condemns

GRACE without TRUTH leads to licentiousness TRUTH without GRACE leads to legalism

Legalism values the Law above the worth of the person; GRACE values the worth of the person in order to inspire obedience to the Law (TRUTH)

Page 6: The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:14,17.

Grace Always Precedes Truth (Law)

The pattern of revelation in both Old and New Testaments

- Creation - Exodus - Christ

"Neither do I condemn you (GRACE) ..." "Go, and leave your life of sin. (TRUTH)". (John 8:11)

Page 7: The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:14,17.

Grace Always Precedes Truth (Law)

GRACE redeems; TRUTH transforms

GRACE affirms your worth; TRUTH sanctifies your walk.

GRACE gives you right standing with God, so that you'll have the confidence to rise up to the standard of His TRUTH

GRACE inspires the heart to love TRUTH

Page 8: The Call to Christlike Leadership "we have seen His glory... full of grace and truth... grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:14,17.