The Call - Christ Presbyterian Church Goodyear, · PDF fileIn my sermon entitled, ... our...

“Be Encouraged” In my sermon entitled, “When the Game Plan Changes (Acts 11),” we considered five critical shifts that must take place in our church (and our sister ECO churches) if we are to be successful in doing ministry in the coming age. I want to briefly comment further on one of those shifts that of safety and preservation to risk-taking and expansion when it comes to the life and ministry of our church. It’s no secret that taking a risk always involves discomfort. More so, it always involves a tremendous level of faith. It’s so easy to just swim in the confines of our little church aquarium at 925 N Sarival, isn’t it? But what if God really is calling us to live in the ocean as I suggested in the sermon? Years ago, during the construction of our atrium and education building, many of you may recall an article that was featured about Christ Church in the paper. I don’t recall the actual title of the article or whether it was in the West Valley View or the AZ Republic West Valley Edition, but I do recall that it had something to do with the “Ark” having landed in the west valley. It was a tremendous article and contained a lot of information about our new campus additions. In addition, we had a great opportunity to share in writing our vision with the readers. Part of that vision was that our buildings would be for the community. We desired to provide meaningful and relevant ministries here that would serve as bridges to our community. I’m proud to say that we have not disappointed (although we have much more room to grow!) with the offering of specialized ministries that have started over the past several years. GriefShare, DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids were already here, but we added so many more critical community-minded ministries, since that time. The list is Our Vision To know Christ and to make Christ known, by developing disciples in meaningful community and doing the work of Christ in our neighborhood and world. Our Mission We will be a church: Of, By and For God’s people Our Focus +Worship +Education +Nurture +Outreach Our Slogan Growing in Christ as He teaches us to serve. The Call Christ Presbyterian Church Newsletter Rev. Dr. Robert L. Simmons Rev. Brett R. Everett Pastor Bob Shelton August 2017 - Volume 17 / Issue 8 A Look Ahead August 06 The Wells Hail & Farewell 19 Days for Girls Sew 25 Life Line Screening News Articles Due 28 Spirit Team TrainingUshers September 10 W.O.W 16 All Faith Clothing Swap 23 News Articles Due 30 Bloom Annual Ladies Tea

Transcript of The Call - Christ Presbyterian Church Goodyear, · PDF fileIn my sermon entitled, ... our...

“Be Encouraged”

In my sermon entitled, “When the Game Plan Changes (Acts 11),” we considered five critical shifts that must take place in our church (and our sister ECO churches) if we are to be successful in doing ministry in the coming age. I want to briefly comment further on one of those shifts – that of safety and preservation to risk-taking and expansion – when it comes to the life and ministry of our church. It’s no secret that taking a risk always involves discomfort. More so, it always involves a tremendous level of faith. It’s so easy to just swim in the confines of our little church aquarium at 925 N Sarival, isn’t it? But what if God really is calling us to live in the ocean as I suggested in the sermon? Years ago, during the construction of our atrium and education building, many of you may recall an article that was featured about Christ Church in the paper. I don’t recall the actual title of the article or whether it was in the West Valley View or the AZ Republic West Valley Edition, but I do recall that it had something to do with the “Ark” having landed in the west valley. It was a tremendous article and contained a lot of information about our new campus additions. In addition, we had a great opportunity to share in writing our vision with the readers. Part of that vision was that our buildings would be for the community. We desired to provide meaningful and relevant ministries here that would serve as bridges to our community.

I’m proud to say that we have not disappointed (although we have much more room to grow!) with the offering of specialized ministries that have started over the past several years. GriefShare, DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids were already here, but we added so many more critical community-minded ministries, since that time. The list is

Our Vision

To know Christ and to make Christ known,

by developing disciples in meaningful community and doing the work of Christ in our neighborhood and world.

Our Mission

We will be a church: Of, By and For God’s people

Our Focus

+Worship +Education +Nurture +Outreach

Our Slogan

Growing in Christ as He teaches us to serve.

The Call Christ Presbyterian Church Newsletter

Rev. Dr. Robert L. Simmons

Rev. Brett R. Everett Pastor Bob Shelton

August 2017 - Volume 17 / Issue 8

A Look Ahead August 06 The Wells Hail & Farewell 19 Days for Girls Sew 25 Life Line Screening News Articles Due 28 Spirit Team Training—Ushers September 10 W.O.W 16 All Faith Clothing Swap 23 News Articles Due 30 Bloom Annual Ladies Tea


long (and probably not complete): Stephen Ministries, Journey of Peace (combat trauma), Warriors’ Angels (Families of those with combat trauma), Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Alateen, MOPS, Day’s for Girls, Quilter’s Anonymous and the American Sewing Guild. We’ve also opened our campus to Antioch Grace and Heritage Baptist Churches, Ministerio Hispano and Great Leaps preschool. And at a time when one of our local charter schools desired to expand while building in the west valley, we even were willing to share much of our space with Trivium Preparatory Academy. We’ve hosted the Goodyear Faith Community Thanksgiving and Bowls of Hope events as well as used our space to provide storage and prepping space for a host of other community-related ministries. Brothers and sisters, this is a great example of risk-taking and expansion of ministry – much of which is characterized by sharing God’s love in practical ways and Christ-like acts of compassion with the community around us. These ministries whether ministries of the church proper or community ministries using our space have spoken volumes of our desire to our missional mindset (another shift) and have brought many to our campus as regular attendees or members. More than anything, I think they have allowed us to honor God by allowing our walk to match our talk. We must not rest on our laurels however, but must be faithful and obedient to respond when God asks us to take even more great leaps of faith. I share all of this to say, “be encouraged.” God is doing and will continue to do great things through this church if we continue to be consistent in providing excellent opportunities for worship, fellowship, discipleship and service to our church community and at the same time, remain committed to loving our neighbors and leading souls to Christ in our “Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” And speaking of “to the ends of the earth,” don’t even get me started about how proud I am of the work that you have prayerfully bathed, physically undertaken and financially funded in Haiti! Let me remind you that less than 20 years ago, we were a church on the verge of closing our doors and now, like the First Century Church, we are sending out our own missionaries that “all the world may know!” I would argue that we’re only getting started too! Having said that, let me also acknowledge that, despite my youthful look, I wasn’t born yesterday. I know that ministries like these involve great leaders, staffing and yes, significant time and monetary resources. More so, in sharing our campus – many times for free or at an incredibly reasonable price – we open ourselves up to some ministry costs that fall upon us along with all the other operating costs we face. At our annual meeting, it was reported that we are presently operating on a deficit budget – in essence burning some of our savings and relying on the generosity and faithful tithing and generosity of our members and the thrifty and creative ingenuity of our elders to “balance our books” and keep the doors of the church open. I can tell you that our leadership has been working very hard to stay vigilant and be diligent in monitoring our finances, looking for ways to reduce spending, increase rental income and remain transparent with each of you in the ongoing status of our finances. But, I will also tell you that there is always the temptation to become anxious and/or to fail to trust our Provident God’s AND His timely provisions. There’s also the temptation to think that safety and preservation may help us to sleep better at night. Yet, in those times, we must do a couple of things. First, we must trust that where the Lord guides us, He will not forsake us. We must continue to praise His name! I love the words of the prophet Habakkuk in chapter 3 (vs 17-18) of the book by his name. At that time, the unfaithful nation of Judah faced God’s punishment and siege from the Babylonians, but they were also a nation facing severe financial crisis. Yet, even in this, Habakkuk said, "Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation." What a timely word for all of us!


Second, we must continue to trust in the provisions of our Provident God. Let us not forget that any financial concern we think we might have is of no concern to our generous and omniscient God who owns the “cattle on a thousand hills.” (Ps. 50:10). Third, and related to this, we must remember that, though God has all the answers and all the resources we need, we must still ask humbly and expectantly. As James says, “we have not, because we ask not.” Let’s look at this present concern for what it really is… It’s a chance for God’s people to bend our knees together in prayer and ask the Lord to provide not only the wisdom we need to operate the ministries of His church in the manner He so chooses, but also to provide the increase (time, talent, treasure, etc.) that we need to make His plan happen. This is our call to corporate prayer. Finally (and still related), we must avoid the temptation to think that that we can figure things out all by ourselves. Simple common sense, human reasoning and whatever else we may choose to throw at our dilemma by way of goals, strategies, processes and “best-laid” plans cannot replace or exist apart from the godly wisdom we need to move forward with the full blessing and empowerment of our Lord. Friends, call me simplistic if you wish, but I still trust that God is not done writing the history of Christ Church, as it relates to powerful ministry being done here and countless lives being changed by Christ. Call it “pie in the sky” thinking if you wish, but I prefer to call it the faith of a child who wholeheartedly trusts that we never have to give up on God and He will never give up on us. Let us continue to take great risks as the Lord leads us to do so – loving each other boldly in our church family and sharing that love with our neighbors. Let us continue to earnestly seek His direction and His timely provision. Let us continue to do our part as faithful tithers of time, talent and treasure. And above all things, let us not grow weary of praising our faithful God!

Pastor Brett

Assis tant Pastor …



On Sunday, August 13, many of you will be participating in the Worship Service where 2 Stephen Leaders – Shirley Lambert & Arlene Aamot – will be commissioned to join the Leadership Team of Stephen Ministry for our Church. They have just returned from their one-week Leaders Training Course in Dallas. What a powerful experience this Commissioning will be for them. Christ Presbyterian Church, officially, became a Stephen Ministry Church in November 2014, and sent its first Stephen Leaders for training in January 2015.You might wonder how long has this Ministry been around, and how did it start? Well, glad you asked – here is the Story of Stephen Ministry: Stephen Ministry – where did it all begin? It dates back to 1974 when Kenneth C. Haugk, a pastor and clinical psychologist, was pastor of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in St. Louis, MO. Fresh out of seminary, his strengths and heart were in caregiving ministry, and he was looking forward to making a positive impact on his congregation and community by providing pastoral care to all those experiencing divorce, grief, hospitalization, discouragement, and other life difficulties.


Very quickly, though, he found that the needs for care by far exceeded that which he alone could provide. He faced one of a pastor’s greatest frustrations: seeing people slipping through the cracks because their urgent needs were going unmet. In November of 1974, he discussed the situation with two seminary friends over a cup of coffee. The conversation turned to Ephesians 4 and “equipping the saints for the work of ministry”. Haugk realized that God didn’t intend for pastors to monopolize ministry. Rather, God gave all His people gifts for ministry and one of Haugk’s roles as pastor was to equip others to use their gifts in ministry. Haugk returned to his church with a plan. In the coming months, he recruited nine lay people who had the gifts and heart to do caring ministry. He then used his combined backgrounds in theology and psychology to develop a training program in Christian Caregiving. By March 1975, the nine were commissioned as “Stephen Ministers”. Their first care receivers included a widower, a blind person, a young woman with cancer, a truck driver forced to retire early, and an inactive member struggling with faith issues. The impact was immediate. People began receiving the focused Christian care they needed. Fewer people were slipping through the cracks, and Haugk found he had more time to perform his other pastoral duties. The Stephen Ministers were surprised by the spiritual growth they encountered as they saw God working through them to bring love and healing to others. The story could have ended there, had not two of the Stephen Ministers cornered Haugk on a hot May morning after worship services. “This is good stuff”, they said to him. “We’re not going to let you go until you promise to bring this ministry to other churches!” Still wearing his vestments and perspiring from the heat, Haugk gave in and agreed to find a way to bring Stephen Ministry to other churches. In November 1975, Haugk and his wife, Joan, founded the not-for-profit Stephen Ministries organization and began bringing Stephen Ministry to other congregations. It spread like wildfire. Christ Presbyterian Church, Goodyear, is one of more than 10,000 congregations from more than 150 Christian denominations that now have Stephen Ministry. More than half a million people have been trained as Stephen Leaders and Stephen Ministers, a number that grows by tens of thousands each year. More than a million people across the United States, Canada, and the world have been touched by God’s love through a Stephen Minister. And that is the mark of God’s doing, because, finally, the story of Stephen Ministry is a million stories and more of caring ministries. NOTE: Our new class of training for Stephen Ministers will begin in the Fall, and so far, we have seven persons signed up to begin that training. 2018 is going to be a very exciting year for Stephen Ministries at CPC.


OCTOBER 7, 2017

If you have ANY interest in learning more about Stephen Ministry, this is the Workshop that you want to attend. Staff from St. Louis will be here to present and answer questions at this half-day Saturday Workshop. Many churches will be in attendance to learn about bringing SM to their Church. We are very fortunate to be hosting this opportunity. And hope that our Members will support it with their participation and volunteer help. If interested, contact Donna Gates. There is no charge for Members of CPC to attend.


A NOTE FROM OUR PRAYER CHAIN GANG STUDY The Prayer Chain Gang that studies about Prayer every third Saturday, is studying a book, “Listening for God” by Marilyn Hontz. Some of you may have noted the “Hindrances to Prayer”, that remained on the whiteboard in Room 202. Well, here are some quotes that Ms. Hontz has shared in her book, from the famous prayer warrior George Mueller of the mid 1800’s, who ran an orphanage, solely on Prayer – these are his steps for seeking God’s Will on matters:

1. “I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a

given matter.

2. I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression.

3. I seek the Will of the Spirit of God through, or in connection with, the Word of God. The Spirit and

the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to great


4. Next, I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate God’s Will in

connection with His Word and Spirit.

5. I ask God in prayer to reveal His Will to me aright.

6. Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word, and reflection, I come to a deliberate judgment,

according to the best of my ability and knowledge, and if my mind is thus at peace, and continues so

after two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly.” …

His journal is an exciting testament of Answered Prayer, based on these steps!

Bob Shelton Assistant Pastor

Music Ministry …


This month’s news from the Music Department features our beloved pianist, Vitaly Serebriakov. In his bid to attain citizenship, he is required to share his talent with the community. Following up on his brilliant concert last year at CPC, I set up a series of concerts for him in Los Angeles. We know he can bring audiences to their feet with his dazzling technique and superb musicianship. Now, churches in LA will have the same

experience. So if you don’t see him on the bench August 6, you know where he will be - spreading the name and fame of Christ Presbyterian Church with other congregations. Please pray that his tour is a great success. Can I have an “Amen” to that?

David Wilson Director of Music


Deacon Ministry …

Judy Harding Moderator of the Deacons

Finance Team …


Weekly Income Received

General Fund Mortgage Reduction Misc. Total

7/2/2017 $12,339.69 $182.00 $12,521.69

7/9/2017 $15,385.00 $1,352.00 $ 55.00 $16,792.00

7/16/2017 $12,212.02 $132.00 $330.00 $12,674.02

7/23/2017 $11,632.80 $207.00 $11,839.80



$51,569.51 $1,873.00 $385.00 $53,827.51

The Deacons are more than the “card and cookie” people — our purpose is to “care” for

YOU, the congregation of CPC. This month’s article begins a series describing our ministries.

Each year CPC budgets money for the Deacons to use to fund their ministries. One such ministry is

Financial Assistance. needs

help paying an expense such as rent, a utility bill, etc. can come into the office on Tues. through Thurs. and

complete an application. The application, copy of the bill, and driver’s license are sent to the Pastor and

Deacons. They review the information for accuracy, check to see if funds are available, and then vote to

approve or disapprove the application. The applicant is then notified of the decision and if approved, the

office staff pays the bill directly to the business - no money is given directly to the applicant.

The Deacons also provide $25 Fry’s gift cards that the office staff can give to someone who comes

into the office and requests money for gas and/or groceries.

August 6th Lil Kerswill Group 15 [email protected]

August 13th Holli Bishop Group 3 [email protected]

August 20th Jill Poole Group 2 [email protected]

August 27th Kay Kenney Group 1 [email protected]



2017 Contribution Report

YTD Actual Income $451,426 YTD Actual Expenses $441,481 Surplus/Deficit $9,945 Prayerfully The Finance Team

Mission & Outreach Ministry …

PICK YOUR PASSION Thank you for your generous donations of water for the homeless. Phoenix Rescue Mission picked up 50 cases of water! Remember that we are always looking for donations for various items each month. Please consider donating one or more of the following items: Heavenly Hygiene Kits (items needed are soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo and


Days for Girls (gallon size Ziploc© freezer bags, girls panties sizes 10-14, travel soaps,

safety pins, terry cloth washcloths, and 100% cotton cloth remnants in solids or prints)

Knitting for the Needy - bin marked Clothing is for requested items to be donated

Thank you so much for all the non-perishable food donations. So far this year CPC has donated approximately 600 pounds of food and clothing. Great job. The food banks need food all year around, we thank you for your continued donations.

Christmas Jug Please help us fill this jug. We have the perfect place to put that excess change. Drop it in Christmas Jug in the foyer. We are not picky and will even accept paper money of any domination. Please help us fill the jug. The money will be distributed to multiple families, selected by our Credo Youth in December, that are in need of a hand up.

Feed My Starving Children We have reserved 15 spots at the Mesa Feed My Starving Children facility on Saturday August 12th from 2-4pm. If you have not participated in this event before, you are missing out on a great opportunity. Please contact Pam Bakker at [email protected] or 602-689-1122 to reserve your spot.

Clothing SWAP with All Faith Community Food Bank We are looking for volunteers to help with the organizing of a clothing SWAP that will be held at CPC on Saturday September 16th. We need volunteers that will be able to take in clothing during the morning hours


M-Th of that week. And volunteers to help on the 18th from 7am until noon. If you have a heart for helping out the local community, please contact Pam Bakker at 602-689-1122 or [email protected] for more information. Many hands make light work and for this event to be successful, we need many hands. More information will be coming in September about how you can donate clothing you may have.

Pam Bakker Elder

Nurture and Equipping Team …

WHAT DO PRESBYTERIANS BELIEVE? The next New Member Class will be Sunday, September 10, 2017. A light lunch is provided and, if needed, childcare. New members will be welcomed on Sunday, September 24,, at the service of their choice. Please indicate your interest in participating in the class by completing the yellow card in the chairback on Sunday and circle “M”. Also, feel free to attend the class if you just want more information about CPC. There is no pressure to become a member on the day you attend class.

Children’s Ministry …


Urgent Need of Childcare Providers—MOPS meets 2 times a month on the first & third Thursdays from 8:30-10:30 a.m. September through May. We need regular childcare workers (we understand if you need a sick day or go out of town) and substitutes. You will be paid $20 each Thursday for this service. If you have any questions, contact Judy Davis at 253-653-0294 or email [email protected].

Your Name


Special ized Ministry Team …


• August Bible Study – Our monthly Bible Study will be on Sat, August 12th, at 8 AM in the Atrium. Plan to join us for a great breakfast, and a fascinating presentation, “Why We Sing!”, by Dr. David Wilson.

• D’backs Faith & Family Night --

The Men of IAM are inviting the whole congregation to join us for the D’backs Faith & Family Night at Chase Field. This is on Friday, August 25 at 6:40 and they play the San Francisco Giants. Following the game there are both a concert and fireworks (at no extra cost). The concert features the Newsboys, a Christian group. You can find out more at .

To keep it affordable, we will get a block of $22 tickets. These are discounted for a group rate. This flat rate applies to all adults and children three or over. We will also assist with carpooling arrangements.

We need a commitment and at least a $1 down payment by August 1st at which time we will purchase the block of tickets. We must have full payment by August 12th. Payment can be either by cash or a check payable to “CPC Men of IAM”.

Make all reservations with and payments to Scott Phillips, 623-340-0158 and [email protected].

• Youth Dinners – We feed the youth on the second Sunday evening of each month. It’s a great chance to get to know some very bright kids. For more info, contact John Reichard.

• NOTE -- In December, the Men of IAM will meet on the first Saturday, December 2nd. This is a change from the usual 2nd Saturday in order to have the Atrium open all day on December 9th to prepare for the Christmas Pageant. This will be our annual Steak and Eggs with Pastor Bob. Mark your calendars!

For further information, please contact:

James Carter, President Scott Phillips. Secretary

425-772-9291 623-340-9158 [email protected] [email protected]


W.O.W. - WOMEN OF THE WORD Our new bible study , Holy Living in a Hostile World, by Stuart Briscoe will start September 9 at 10:00 am in room 102. Books are available between services in the Atrium and cost $10. Come for great discussion, fellowship, and let’s not forget snacks.

Line Sauer—Moderator (623) 849-6402 Lil Kerswill—Secretary (602) 999-1499


Just a quick note to say thank you for the latest box of knitted squares that I collected from CPC’s knitters and crocheters. Much appreciated as always. I am so grateful to all of you, who knit the squares for us. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the Chapter. We are as busy as ever, the numbers of children in crisis in the West Valley are growing instead of diminishing! At least we can give them some extra love. Evaline Buck—Project Linus

Something as simple as an 8” knitted or crocheted square is making a difference. If you want to contribute, use any yarn, any color, any pattern. How easy is that? Make an 8” square and leave a 20” tail of yarn at the end. Any project contributions (squares, blankets, hats, etc.) can be marked CPC knits and left in the breezeway clothing box. For more information, contact Jan Shaffer at [email protected]


L.A.F. (Laughter and Fun) will continue thru the summer to meet at 1:00 on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. We meet at Golden Corral located on the corner of Van Buren and Dysart. It will simply be a social meeting. No business during the summer months. Next month the meeting will be on August 15th. Please plan to come and join us. Everyone is welcome.

God Bless, Lovey Kreutzer


Worship Team …


Did you know that sermons are available on our website thanks to our webmaster Ron Hook?—visit If you prefer, please call the office or email [email protected] and a CD of the sermon can be made for you. The cost is $3.00 per CD. If you are interested in an entire sermon series, we can put the sermon series on a USB drive. The cost is $6.00.

AUGUST 6 AUGUST 13 A Gospel Threatened Hitting the Road and the Road Hitting You

Acts 15:1-35 Acts 16:1-40

August 20 August 27

Stop Along the Way—A Hungry People Stops Along the Way—A Seeking People Acts 17: 10-15 Acts 17:16-34 Watch Us Grow …

SUNDAY Worship CCS Credo Arctic Midweek Bible Study MOPS Total Adult Youth Children Adult Credo Adult Children

July 02 288 DNM 05 55 DNM DNM None - Summer July 09 265 DNM 29 42 DNM 06 July 16 265 DNM 33 51 DNM 10 July 23 264 DNM 38 59 DNM 10 July 30 NA DNM NA NA DNM DNM DNM = DID NOT MEET NA= NOT AVAILABLE


Sunday Flower Donations— A friendly reminder that if you would like to order flowers for the sanctu-

ary, the sign-up sheet is in the office. Deadline is noon on the Wednesday preceding the Sunday you want them displayed and in the announcements. Arrangements in honor of or in memory of are $40. Rosebuds for birth announcements are $15 (twins $18). You can place the money in your offering envelope and indicate under “other” or pay in the office. There are many dates still available in 2017!

Ink Cartridges— CPC accepts all types of ink cartridges for our recycle program. We receive credit at two

local office supply stores. Thank you for supporting this program.

Fry’s Community Rewards Program—Did you know you can support our nonprofit organizations just by shop-

ping at Fry's? It's easy when you enroll in Fry's Community Rewards! To get started, sign up with your Fry’s V.I.P Card online or in the store, and select CPC using code 85412 in the search. Select our church to support and enroll. Once

you're enrolled, you'll earn rewards for CPC every time you shop and use your V.I.P Card. And remember…all par-ticipants must re-enroll each year to continue earning rewards for their chosen organization.


Thank You To our church family and friends, We are so grateful to each of you for your prayers and support. I cannot express enough how blessed we feel to be enveloped in prayer. During this difficult time you give us strength. Thank you and God bless you. Chris and Nancy Haupt

How to Encourage Our Pastors

(2 Timothy 1: 1-6)

God has placed our pastors in our life whose job it is to train us in righteousness and speak the truth, even when we don’t want to hear it. We are blessed to have pastors who love us and care about our spiritual well-being. They need to know we care about them too. Many of us neglect to encourage our pastors, but being aware of their needs is an important part of belonging to the body of Christ. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul models the way we’re to encourage those who minister:

1. Tell them you appreciate them: There’s nothing more uplifting to a person’s heart than to know

someone else cares. Words are certainly valuable, but actions can speak even more loudly. So in-

tentionally seek ways to demonstrate your love to our ministers.

2. Express confidence in them: Let them know you recognize the sincerity of their faith and appreciate

their commitment to speak scriptural truths into your life.

3. Affirm the call of God on their life: Work with our pastors; respond to them in a way that shows you

understand that they have been called to minister and therefore have God’s hand upon them.

And when you experience the Lord working through them, let them know.

Above all, pray for our pastors. Don’t assume that others in the church are praying or that a spiritual leader doesn’t need intercession. The opposite is true. The devil would like to thwart effective ministering, but you can help to defend our shepherds as they tend the flock.

Lovingly Submitted by Nancy McNames


Spirit Team Members - Calling all current and potential ushers. Training for ushers will be Monday, August 28 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the sanctuary. Questions? Call John Reichard at 623-512-0238 or email [email protected].

Trunk or Treat - Looking forward to fall brings us to thoughts of Trunk or Treat. As you are out and about, please consider picking up the following individually packaged items that we are going to person-alize for this event: Rice Krispies Treats Tootsie Rolls Smarties Goldfish Mint Candies like Andes Candies and other assorted mints Thank you for your help -you can drop them off at the office M-T 9-4 & F 9-2. If you have a contact for bails of hay or corn stalks, Wanda would like to hear from you. Do you need additional information, contact Wanda Miller at 801-915-7465 or email [email protected].

Transportation Needs

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Our Autistic son Andrew is scheduled to attend Estrella Mountain Community College again in the fall.

Classes start on Monday August 21 and we are in need of assistance in getting Andrew to college, since

Jill, Amanda and I are all working. Andrew will be attending classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-

days. His class starts at 9:00am and so he would need to be picked at our home up at 8:30am. The class

ends at 9:50 am. We have two wonderful sisters who are willing to take Andrew on Monday and Wednes-

day, but we have been unable to find a driver for Fridays. We are seeking one or two individuals who

would be willing to pick Andrew up from our home and take him to college for his class and then drop

him off at his day treatment program. (located on McDowell Road, between Litchfield Road and Bullard

Ave in the same complex as Cigna Medical Group).

Andrew really does enjoy going to college and learning as much as he can, and we can’t thank you

enough for prayerfully considering this request. If you are willing to help Andrew with his education ex-

perience, please let us know by either email [email protected] or call us at 623-883-9134.

Thank you for your prayers and consideration in helping Andrew.

Love in Christ,

Deacons Roy and Jill Poole.

Happy Anniversary

5 Ray & Alice Lewis

6 Walter & Helen Hohlstein

7 Jay & Billie Gramlich

10 Vitaly Serebriakov & Svetlana Obregon Saens

11 David & Rose Green

Randy & Debby Morrow

Ronald & Carolyn Skwier

12 Parnell & Barbara Murphy

14 Bob & Sue Honson

15 Cory & Jan Shaffer

17 Will & Carly Bennett

18 Jim & Ann Scoular

19 Herb & Rose Ash

21 Tim & Jane O'Hearn

26 Ron & Pat Hook

28 Jim & Markeeta Bundschuh

John & Marie Perduk

30 Bob & Bonnie Bruce

Joe & Claudia Honsberger

1 Douglas Christensen

Nancy McNames

2 Thomas Douglas

Neil Guese

Edith Wanamaker

3 Roy Poole

4 Kathy Balle

Steve Moore

Randy Morrow

5 Deborah Eastman

Alice Lewis

Fayth Smith

6 John Reichard

7 Walter Hohlstein

Jean Mulligan

Madison Outram

Ron Sauer

Pat Woodruff

8 Sona Bokossah

Judy Davis

Ken Schmitz

11 Tish Berkey

12 John Babbitt

Pat Bowling

Hannah Everett

14 Marie Bokossah

16 Barbara Faler

Stacy Spetter

18 Joyce Peterson

20 Tony Madrid

Douglas Vesledahl

21 Jack Holman

22 Lee Williams

23 Barb Fox

24 Sharon Krudener

25 Jim Swanson

Marcus Taylor

26 Steve Bryant

27 Marie Perduk

28 Pat Hook

30 Linda Adkins

31 Cathy Holm

Happy Birthday


Rev. Robert L. Simmons, D. Min. Senior Pastor

Rev. Brett R. Everett, M. Div. Associate Pastor

Bob Shelton, C.L.P. Assistant Pastor

Holli Bishop, Office Coordinator

Lisa Swanson, Office Assistant

January Espinoza, Bookkeeper/Treasurer

David Wilson, D.M..A. -Director of Music

Vitaly Serebriakov, Pianist Traditional

Charisma Luat Guese, Pianist Contemporary

Heidi Gray, Praise Team Worship Leader

Christ Presbyterian Church (ECO) 925 N Sarival Avenue Goodyear, AZ 85338 623-882-0721 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Church Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm Sunday Worship Hours Traditional 9:00am Contemporary 10:30am [email protected] [email protected]

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Kudos Korner

Thank you to our amazing IT administrator John Merrill for always keeping us running with behind the scene support. Thank you to our webmaster Ron Hook for keeping us linked to the world through our outstanding website. Please visit or website at

for up-to-date information.