The Butte daily bulletin (Butte, Mont.) 1920-01-24 [p 3]€¦ · 1506 Mlarket St., .....1920....

Let's Nail the Lies of the Kept , Press OU, Mr. Union Card Man, want the news of the world which affects you. The Kept Press is withholding it, because the Kept Press is con- trolled by the financial barons. A really Fiee Press association, with the backing of organized labor, has been stirled. It will give you the news, and it will tell you the trilnli albolit. wihat is going on. THE FPEDERATICI) PIIESS is the name of I.he new working class pSre. ass ociation., It has already heotii to f 1unction1. It isendi.nig out world nws 0o fl .lg class paper s.. Ito ,i il nust, have myney. for .its iitial sltrigs oIrldevo Ci.Ueiit . ,,tYe,: MoM'•':,Liiln,' ('rdfl,. MAn, must hellp to makeothis ,eFree sPresis aiatiotnif airi immense success. Then you will kirow` h.'hat is goiflg on; and you will be able to act for y01ur 11 tlh i'lterests. The as:sociat(ion is'strictly a business. proposition. It is co-operative andl rno i - rof'i t-makiing. It was or- ganized for Ile express ipurp'lose of giviing workinig class news to theli worker, which is now oither entirely suippiressed by the Keptl Press or minimized. It lihas as the chairman of its executive board, lRobert M. Bluck, editor or of Te New Majority, which is published by the Chicago Federation of Labor and is the official organ of the niew National Labor party. Oilier member's of this board .r'e EI I. 11. Aul, edlitor of The Seattle UJnion Record; W. 1. H1illon, editor of Majority, at Wheeling, WV. Va.; I. II. Smith, editor of The Butte Daily IBulletin, Butteo, Mont.; .1. Deiteltlbauim, editor of The D)etroit Labor News, which is the official organ of the D.etroit Federation of Labor; Joseph Schlossberg, editor of 'The Advance, the official organ of the Amalgamriated Clot.hing WVorkers of America; Herbert E. (laston, of the Noiilportisain leagnio Ipapers at, Mifinneapolis, and F. .1. Scllwanlz, editor of Th e Worker, Fblrt Vayne, Ind. The executive head of the organization is IE. J. Costel- lo, of Thie Milwalkee Leader, for seven years an edi- tor and staff corroespolloident of The Associated Pr ess and morie recently ncews edit.or of' T'he Chicago Herald. Thie business manager is Louis P. Lochier, of New York, a publicist of' note aiid until recently editor of Thie In lrinational ,abhor News Service. THiIlE IFE'I,)IIATEI) PhIIESS executive board has au- thborizedl it bonid issule of $1t00,000 to take cre of Itlhe initial expenses of' its dtevelop l •ncent, aind you, Mr. U iion Card Man, are urged by The I)aily ittletin to buy as maniiy of' these boiids as youi can. Tley will be issued in donominations of $25.00 each, redeemable at the expiration of live years from date of issue, at the rate of' ilterest of 0 pri' cent, per annum, cuiiniilative ] o'lase fill nout: the apLt pliceat ion and send in, either to this office or direc t to the associa tion. TITE l'EIDE'RATED I'RENSS, W. B. Hilton, Treasurer, 1506 Mlarket St., .................................... 1920. WIHEELING, W. VA. The undersigned applies for....................bonds ot TIIO FEDER- ATED PRESS, of the denomination of $25.00 each, and incloses herewith (check) (money order) payable to W. B. Hilton, treas- urer, THE FEDERATED PRESS, Wheeling, W. Va., in payment therefor. (lie sure to give address.) HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS Your announce- ments express your ideas. With GOOD PRINTING you are sure of the best results. Let us co-operate with you in selection of stock, composition, and cuts, to make your ads or cir- culars more attractive. The same careful attention given to large or small jobs. THE BUTTE DAILY BULLETIN JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT C+1 Your Spare Time Can be spent profitably in reading literalure which is educational, entertaining and amus- ing. The Bulletin has for sale the following: Price The Subsidized Press .---....------..... 50c Wealth pf J. P. Morgan -...-........... 50c Dgbs i. rlPson.. .....-..................... 25c ,;,,,, BaritEksb -Rule in Indla ...-. '.......--.........1Oc. , ,: .. 'L *ns of the Revolution .------......... 10oc Good Morning, . .................-- 10 ','' FyND WOMAN'S FROZEN BODY. Seattle, Jan. 24.-The body of Mrs. Anna Monster, who had been missing from the home of her son since Sunday, was found frozen in a pond at Black River Junction, near here, yesterday. MAY ENACT BLUE lAW. Columbia, S. C., Jan. 24.-Smok- ing in public eating places will be )prohibited if a bill now on second reading in the state seuate is passed. "NI•.'. Ifl, NrI JI J VS uoQA AV~ SENATORS BORAH (Continued From Page One) Senator Lodge that if he "betrays" them by agreeing to the compromise now proposed, they will rei'unce to recognize him as the party Ictldei and will carry the battle into the republicani, prinmarii s atnd the na: iional colivention, fighting Lodge all the way. [1 The End of a Perfect Day LI' Ir. .J: "1 i " "i ' {iy ! l'"_ ":. ' i 1' ; i r^ '+ i i '1' J1 i /r 'A i I/, /I Capitalism Scared Silly by Soviet Russia (B (. ORG(1 n. 'ollE(JIA\.) "America First Publicity associa- tion," an organization with abun- dance of money, is throwing it around carelessly in full page ad- vertisements in the newspapers in the east. Not only is the advertise- ment a propaganda, but the most im- Itortant part is that the money paid tIle newsipap)ers is a direct bribo to keep them "good" and lickspittle anl strvile. ]Each ad says "this is one of a series; be sure to readt theml all," anld bears the hIark, "Copy'- right, 1 1lI, N. Y. Globe." Half of page of one article has the picture of :t yolung Ilman at a machine tool and close alongsidle is" coiled a snake and over it the words "Look out for the snake," and a full page wide display, "American Labor Will Crush Bol:octvism."'' It conmmenccs its argument with "Mlany of our millionaires were once workmen," and then adds as conttrast, "In Iiussia there is ito ad- alice for labor.'"' That is to Say tlil'ro is Ino chl nce to becomlle ta nil- litonaire, profitle r' alind illdullstrill at.iser. Su rely, .rom the capitlalist poiInt of view, that's awful. "All men Ithre must work," another awfully, awful thing. It is a lot of baby talk antl([ boogiemanl stuff giving a lying eccounlt of conditions in Russia that must be avoided here in the Uniteo Sdates. Among the lies is this, "The bons has authority to beat you and to even kill." The fact is their fore- men are elected by the workers. 'hat's the awful thing they are afraid of. Another illumitnating statement is about the terrible agitator: "Th0' agitator sits close to the money and the men who are clinging to power. You will be butchered without trial if you protest." iii fact, the whole thing would fool no on:e but a credulous boob who will open his mouth and shut his• eyes and accept what's given him. The accounts given of conditions MARKET REVIEW CHICAGO MARKETS. ('ASH. Chicago, Jan. 2.4.-Corn-No. 2 mixed, not quoted; No. 3 mixed, $1.49; No. 2 yellow, not quoted; No. 3 yellow, [email protected]. Oats---No. 2 white, 871/ @88'/c; No. 3 white, 8S6 @885%c. Rye-No. 2, $1.70. Earley-$1.32 @ 1.54. Timothy seed--$10.50 @14.50. Clover seed-$,45 @58. Pork---Nominal. Lard---$23.32 @ 23.42. Rihbs-- $19 0 20. hutter(. Eggs and Poultry. lu tter---Un changed. Eggs--- Higher. Receipts, 2,704 cases. Firsts, 63@63 1 / 2 c; ordinary firsts, 50 @ 60c; at mark, cases in- cluded, 58 @ 63c. Poultry-Alive, higher; springs, 30c; fowls, 33c. .MINNEAPOLS GRAIN. Minneapolis, Jan. 24.-Wheat-- Receipts 250 cars, compared with 292 cars a year ago. Cash, No. 1 north- ern, [email protected]. Corn-No. 3 yellow, $1.43(01.45. Oats-No. 3 white,. 8.2% i@84t/%c. Flax-$5.20 @ 5.30. Flou r-- Unchanged O Shils. .1 "'i' Bran•: x$43. ' . ... " { ' SLIVElt~K. CHICAGO. Chicago. Jan. 24.-Hogs--Receipts 40,000. Market active, 25c to 30c under yesterday's best time. Bulk •15.t10M15.40; top, $15.45; heavy. $14.90 @15.25; medium, $15.11 @ 15.40; light, $15.15 'i 15.45; light light, $14.75@ 15.10; heavy packing sows, smooth. [email protected]; pack- ing :ows, rough, $14914.35; pigs, $17,.75@ 14.75. ('attle-Receipts, 10,000. Market steady. Beef steers, medliul and !i -avy weigJ)t ,,l oice and prime, $16.50 @ } 1,5P t ,fum and good, ' y .l L175 tt l ;st94,.,, gounmmon, $9.50 4 11 65: lig ht weight, good and choice, [email protected]; common and medi- 4 !n RIussia are absurdl and l ontlradic- tnry and nothin g but the interns lional consorship of the press and the suppression of the truth lmakes possible so silly and lying a tirade. The whole idea is to scare the Amer- iran laborers of the terrible condi- tions they describe as prevailing 'in l.ussia. alnd the most prolminent item:; are the ones tihat appeal mlosi to the capilalist mind, that every- body has t.o do his or iher slhare of lthe wor:k and millitrairecs Iare notl allowed. That's awful searey to a plate, but I don't see where the workinlg ma•IIl needs to cry over the l'?profitleers' antl capitalists' funera!. lIut then, w\t are taught the pious doctrine that the interests of captlal and labor are idenltical, and of course the workler shares in the terror of the end of capitalists and capitalism. Well, there's this consolation: Soviet Russia is victorious over its mnilitary opposers. Thh alliel are too near bankrlluptevy to openly wiar against her, and-l in an elonomie ' contest beltwen pol alliisin and a hoclieiy wheill'o -thaec are ino drones. miillionaires anti profiteers, and where all pDerforni usetful service, there can be no question as to whi ch will come oulit ahead in the colupeti- tion. It's that test of efficiency chat capitalism would avoid but it can- not escape. Its downful i; inevi- table. LOOK FOR MONAI('ilY. Vienna, Jan. 24.-Activities of monarchists in Hungary are being closely watched due to the belief thatil reactiolnary coup will be au- t;nmpted. There is a growing belief that the coming elections may result in the establishment of a. meon;trchy. IEIAIlIADE WOMEN YOTI'E. Belgrade, Jan. 24.--Women ad- ministering property in their own rights will be permit.ted to vote at tile first national election of the Jlugo-Slav republic next month. urn. $9@ 12.25; butcher cattle, heif- ers, [email protected]; cows. $6.75@013; canners and cutters. [email protected]; veal calves, $17.50 @19.25; feeder steers, $8S i 12.50; stocker steers, $7.50@)11. Sheep- Receipts, 11,000. Market strong. Lambs, 84 pounds down, [email protected]; culls and commnon. $15 @ 17.75; ewes, medium, good and choice, $10 @n12.50; culls andl common, $6 81 9.50. SOUT"'l ST. PAUL. South St. Paul, Jan. 24.- Ho-gs-- lteceipts, 10.1180; 30c lower. Range, $14.90 @ 15.10; hulk, $15.051; 15.10. Cattle-R-tocipts, 2,400. Market steady. Fat steers, $6.50 81 17.50; cows and heifers, $6@ 11.75; calves 25c higher, $6.75 i @18; stockers and feeders steady, $5@12. Sheep-Receipts, 2,500. Market steady. Lambs, .7 @18.50; wethers, [email protected]; owes, [email protected]. i )IMONEY MARKET. New Yo kl, Jan. 24.-Mercantile paper, 6 per cent. Sterling--lemand, 363; cables, 364%. Francs--Demand, 11.96; cables, 11.94. Belgian francs-Demand, 12.041; Talbts,' 12.02. '. i r: Q ldcrs-Dmand,. 87'% acab;g$1,) L Jrc--Demand, 14.08;; cabldS, 14.0t6. : Marks--Demand, 140; cables, 142. Time loans strong;' all dates 7/. per cent. Call money carqy; high and ruling rate, 8 par csnt; low, 6 per cent; closing bitt, 7 per cent; offered at and last loan. S per cent. METI.'.0 MARKETS. New York, Jan. 24.-Copper, steady; ele'colytic, spot and first quarlter, 19 , 8, 19 , c; second quar- ter, 19"$c- 1li) c. Iron, firm and unchanged. Antimony, $11. Lead, qulia'; spot and February, $8.50n@ .7.5. . Zinc, firnter; East St. Louis, spot. $9.10 @9.25. Bar silver, 81.32. Mexican dollars, $1.00.y4. OPEN FORUM This column is conducted for and a -itten by Bulletin readers. If you have any suggestions to of- ter for the betterment of condi- tions in which the public in inter- ested, the Bulletin offers you this opportunity for their expression and interchange of comment with your neighbors and friends. Properly to protect this Open Forum, all communications must be signed with the name and ad- dress of the writer, but anony- mous signatures will be used ii the column it requested. Address all commn nications to the editor of the Bulletin and please be brief and to the point. Editor Bulletin: In accordanctle with your policy of fair play to all, will you kindly print the following denial of authorship for the letter printed in the Open Forum of ian. 17. and signed House- holder. I knew ln thinl• of this cn,-. munncation until I read it in your ptaper'. I lr'(si t it is it C() ploi tl,.,. , to be considerd hte nutlhor of ichli intelligent lIttier:; as ; are wrilttein for y3o'ii1 Ipa ir i by wtm' n, but I consider'r it muoist unfortunate that in a fret' coin'tiy womten are afraid t o sign th(liiii owil namlo to comiimunications such as Ithis, hait contlain so Ilcui infollial;ltion of value to the public, but. I a;at reluctant to accont the praise or Llamet for all such interest in thie public welfare. If it is a fact that our city food inspector has sipent much of her time on political trips. 1 believe I-iotiseholdler is strict- ly within her rights in criticizing such action of a publlic officer, whio is drawing her salary from public funds. It. is generally unlderstood that women l twould1111 Itl' more relia- ble, faithful public servants than nmen, andt if not, why chatngo the saex of offic'-hloldelt s. ILIZABETH! I:E INEDY. BOLSHEVIKI (Continued From Page One) until peace is concluded wit h all the Soviet enumics. The Esillonianis have olhiireld thnt this frontier does not conform exactly with their ntational boundaries. iBu1 i tiu0t. say that it approximnlates so clonsly to 1the originlal Estlionian do- manitds, and indeed, to thle Ea,,tihonin: tboindlndito as drawn on mIaps which I have bought iin Estihonittn shopls. that further difficulty is scarcely to be anticipated ill this respect. Elsthonia can, if ,'he will make,' 111 :e frontiers: perilianent at the peace. Ilut if sile is dissatisfied, and id'sires a piebiscilte th llolsRhev\ik' Iagree to suclh ia plebseito two years ifter thle end of thei civil war in Rus- sin, insisting ait the alme tl ile that lih plebiscito zo1,n should include !ite wide strip skirting tIrol the Gulf' of Fiiland( to thli, \\W t. N;:lrova river t:lu to V"'l,'ihberg Contrary to the inforrmation pub- lished abroad, the( Sovietl.s arl' not a this juncture expecting to a'rrange economic relations, including a com- miercial convention, with Esthonia, although this was their hope when they c:ame to D)orpat. The difflicul.y i:-. that IEsfthonia insists that,,She call- tuot act in this direction without thei conlisent of the allies, who are pI)lln,1 g er)liTlntuil l'pressure upoin this "indle- I'elllellt"' co'unlttry . 'The Soviest aL'" sot ctonfitlent or lth outcolme of their ipresent prohblems that thely are will- ing to wait fhr thleir coaitiD•ercital out- let unltil tes big powers show readi- :li•s Ito ddlishl with them. .SURGEON GENERA :1 (Cortintuedrclj,6m Page One) San Francisco-69 cases, 10 deaths. (Conlecticut-2-l3 cases. W1isconsin-Scatler'ing of in- Ifiuenza. hItunsis-Influenza prevalent, 40 deaths in Kansas ('ily auto- tmOtlbil schaotl. Ilichltmoud, Va. - Itfl uezena eases total ' 17 cases. PHlONE GIIS HIlAVE FLU (Special United Press Wire. i Chicago, Jan. 24.-One out of every htunidred., fit$.iL, ts are .ill of "fll," aet rdti'd .,tr, tlsp, IcaIhh4 do-: ilartmenltt. Toleliht" sd'i~lve'.It' set'- ionsly thlreatened \vitli.;',f600 tele- phone opeorators ill. (Paid Advertisement.) IF YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT USE BULLETIN WANcT ADS ' 1 WRCENT N ADVA NCE LESST-•. l I , 1iA $ MALE HELP WANTED IUSTLING MEN; $1 pants offe;t $3 suit off•r; write for free sanm- ples and stykls. rKnickerbocker Tail- oring Co., D tolt. G6j, Chictgo. ARI YOU SICK OR CRIPPLED? A few treatments of CHIROPRItAC- rIC will relieve you. At any rate give it a trial. Quit drugs. Avoid the operation. See Flora W. Emery, Room 9. Silver Bow block. THE RUBBI]ER SHOP. Goodrich "Iliglipress" rubber foot- wear. All rubber goods repaired and vulcanized. 5 N. Montana st. WANTED-Ambitious men to pre- pare for promotion. Apply In- ternational Correspondence School, basement, No. 1 West Broadway. FEMALE HELP WANTED AZ C wIIlE wiho doe:; not go to school i or an elderly lady to he('ll with lious(,work in small family a fewI nliles out o1f t)wl. Call at room 21 I Penn block, for particulars. WOMEN'S employment service. 619 Daly Bank Bldg., phone 347. SITUATION WANTED 1HOUSE work wantldd in 1private family by girl 17 years old. Phone 785-IR. FOR RENT -11O1 house, furnitiure for sale. price of furnliure $4i(0; good lt- tation for miners. Call at 526 E. Broadway. BUSINESS CHANCES I1OO1,HOOM1. i, 5 tablehs in conn1ec1tion with soda fountlin and cigar stori; price very roctonablll. Owner must leave cily. Call day or evening, 272 I1. Park st. UNDEiTAKERS F,' XN131lAi N T)'1"( '1. ulotcr Pollanltro, aged 24 years, will tlake p|,'e tomorivow (S n d i\y) fltor- Inon at 2 o'clock at )llggu• ituln der- talling lparlors. inteiinent in .houn- alinl View cemioletry. Tlnte funeral will take placuto llndt"r the m;tlltliites of hronch 800, Ind strial \V' 'rkers, of the \\'ut l. LARRY DUGGAN Rellab,* 'n,e-n1tker. and Eimbalmet 822 North Main Street ro one 770. FlUNEl3l NOTI'IE. Ilera'rom- 7 -- a T I he arraingeo•enti for lithe funeral of the late Erik l rit i - s'tron have not bioen co'ilplit. Tihe remains are at the Dtaniels & Bil bo undertaking mparlors. Funeral an- itnoutntcetlent will be made later. DANIELS & BILBOA Undertakers and Embalmers 125 East Park St., Butte. Phone 888. U1wsidenee Phone 4817-W. Auto Eauilpmnnt. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE 01" T'IME APPOINTEDIi FOR• PROVING IILL. ETC. In the District Court of' the Second Judicial District of Ihe Stale of Mon- tIni;I, County of Silve:r bow: In the nmatter of thi estate of Jaumies A. Canty, decnea.sed. I'ursuant to an order of said dis- trict court, made on the 19tIh day of Jalllnary, 1920), notice is hereby given that Saturday, the 31st day of Janu- ary, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said dliy, at the court 0oo01 of salid court. at lihe City of liutte. in the said C('ou!nty of Silver l iow, has been ap- loilnted as the time atild place for proving the will of said Jamlnes A. (anlty, deceased, and for hearing the al.tpliclltion of Katharine A. Canllty for the i:ssuance to her of letters of tes(•llltenttury, when an1ld where any 0perlson interlested lnay aippear and contest the samiie. Dated January 19, 1920. OTIS LEE, Clerk, By R. Ti. McGrath, Deputy Clerck. Cha rles E. O'Neill, Attorney. PROHIBITION IS DEFENSE FOB AL1EGED BURLAHRY (Special United Press Wire.) Santa M•onica, Cal., .ian. 24.---The, 1 rpgljibition law was made a defense for buriglary here today. It stuiped• tJ)il'liibwyers. 't e ti,:Iterl .Manville and John Charles were calied before Justice King on tile ciharge of stealing a quantity of whiskey. Their attorney pointed to a iphrase of the prohibition law saying "\Vhiiaey shall have no value." '"If whiskey has no value," he con- tended, "how could my clients be guilty of stealing anything." At last reports tlhe attorneys were still arguing. ('ONSID)EIIIAT TO PROFITEERS. (Slpr:ial United Press Wire.) Wasliiington, Jan. 24.--The senate yesterday afternoon passed the hill authlorizing the United- States Ship- ping board to pay the claims of wood- en ship builders for losses incurred thirough the cancellation of informal Ieactra'ts aifter' tlro arniistice was signed. INTRE N LE ,IJiNITU'IJl of four roomnl f'r sa•e. 727 E. Galena st. REAL ESTATE S FOR SALE Inquire at Biulletin office. ROOMING -lHOUSES FOR SALE SACRIFICE--28 completely fur- nished rooms, all rented; steam heat; gas; private baths. $3,300. Terms. Phone 52. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT DESIRABLE outside rooms, all mod- ern conveniences. Rates rosEso- able. Miners and studenta solicited. 121 W. Galena. F;Ol. REN'I', for sale and other pla- cards at the Bulletin office. FurA ished Housekeeping Rooms HIOUSEIS EI2:PING ROOMS, SINGLI, and suites, $S per month; also rent exchanged for labor. '619 Utah avenHue. FOR SALE IE1WELR.Y and second-hand cloth- ing for sale at Uncle San's Loan Office, 11 S. Wyoming street. Phone 1624-,1. THIIIRE pool tables in first.-class condition. Inquire 301 N. Main. FINANCIAL '1VE THOUSAND \W . . iv wanted to buy $5 worth of stock in The Bulletin Publishing Co. TAILORINc.. WANTED -- Men's and iwomin's clothes to be 'cleaned and presed. Montana Tailors, 425 Nos;i Main. Phone 757. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY ADVANCED on Liberty bonds, diamonds, was•hss, jeweol- ry and other articles of value. SPtuare deal. People's Lean office, 2 81/ E. Park. GET YOUR MONEY at 3 p• nt on diamonds, wahtchs, ,.;! y. ib-. erty bonds, Mhose L:nu, •'t;tairs Jeweler. Two entrances'--.?,r-tS and BIroadway. WE HIAVE mloney to h:an : ilarg and small amnounts aln r=.!;! -1tate and chattels. No delay. Von Fal- kenstein & Co., 310 '1hoenis blk. SOFT DRINKS. THE CANT•EEN, No. 11 S. Mo tana street, soft drinks of all kinds, cigars and tobacco. POPCORN STAND THIE LITTLE PIL\CE A retirned soldier trying to ma:lk; his living in the smallest place in Itown. "Juist.- rite" and "Army and Navy" cigars; lunion made in your own iown. The Little Place; No. t W.\ ' Prk SECOND-HAND FURNI- TURE WANTED HIGHEST price paid for used furni- ture and stoves. Union Furniture Exchange, 248 E. Park; phone 2783-J. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE' AND ra.nge. City Furniture Erxch•a,•', 206 E Park street. Phone i459-W',. PAPER CLEANING CLECG'S "Wonder paper cleaner, 2- room package 50 cents deliverl; rooms cleaned, $1.50. Phone 6158-W before 10 a. in. CLEANERS AND DY 3 LADIES AND GENT'S TAILOR shop-Cleaning, pressing : pair. Work guaranteed. 8ltop; 1n- 'ler new management. 4251 East Park st. 4ME RICAN Dyeing. & Cleaning Vk is. '194'' Harrison ave. lhorne 121. THAT old bat '-fake it Ofi. - nOw at the Niftyi;at Shop. S•4 giast Park St. SCAVENGERS PERRY & PATON, 1037 Maryland avenue. Phone 4075-W. DINING ROOM-' DOROTHY DINING ROOM-21 meals, $8.00. Sjhnday chicken dinner, 65c. Give u&a trial. Gran- ite and Wyoming streets. Miss Ell- zabeth Murphy. proprietor. PERSONAL MADAME GUY, spiritualist, neet' every Sunday, TuetGay,l rldi*, '. 219 W. Galena st., alartn ent 4,:.

Transcript of The Butte daily bulletin (Butte, Mont.) 1920-01-24 [p 3]€¦ · 1506 Mlarket St., .....1920....

Page 1: The Butte daily bulletin (Butte, Mont.) 1920-01-24 [p 3]€¦ · 1506 Mlarket St., .....1920. WIHEELING, W. VA. The undersigned applies for.....bonds ot TIIO FEDER-ATED PRESS, of

Let's Nail the Lies of the Kept, Press

OU, Mr. Union Card Man, want the news of theworld which affects you. The Kept Press iswithholding it, because the Kept Press is con-

trolled by the financial barons. A really Fiee Pressassociation, with the backing of organized labor, hasbeen stirled. It will give you the news, and it willtell you the trilnli albolit. wihat is going on.

THE FPEDERATICI) PIIESS is the name of I.he newworking class pSre. ass ociation., It has already heotiito f 1unction1. It isendi.nig out world nws 0o fl .lgclass paper s. . Ito ,i il nust, have myney. for .its iit ialsltrigs oIrldevo Ci.Ueiit .,,tYe,: MoM'•':,Liiln,' ('rdfl,. MAn, must hellp to makeothis,eFree sPresis aiatiotnif airi immense success. Thenyou will kirow` h.'hat is goiflg on; and you will be ableto act for y01ur 11 tlh i'lterests.

The as:sociat(ion is'strictly a business. proposition.It is co-operative andl rno i - rof'i t-makiing. It was or-ganized for Ile express ipurp'lose of giviing workinigclass news to theli worker, which is now oither entirelysuippiressed by the Keptl Press or minimized. It lihas asthe chairman of its executive board, lRobert M. Bluck,editor or of Te New Majority, which is published by theChicago Federation of Labor and is the official organof the niew National Labor party. Oilier member's ofthis board .r'e EI I. 11. Aul, edlitor of The Seattle UJnionRecord; W. 1. H1illon, editor of Majority, at Wheeling,WV. Va.; I. II. Smith, editor of The Butte Daily IBulletin,Butteo, Mont.; .1. Deiteltlbauim, editor of The D)etroitLabor News, which is the official organ of the D.etroitFederation of Labor; Joseph Schlossberg, editor of'The Advance, the official organ of the AmalgamriatedClot.hing WVorkers of America; Herbert E. (laston, ofthe Noiilportisain leagnio Ipapers at, Mifinneapolis, and F..1. Scllwanlz, editor of Th e Worker, Fblrt Vayne, Ind.The executive head of the organization is IE. J. Costel-lo, of Thie Milwalkee Leader, for seven years an edi-tor and staff corroespolloident of The Associated Pr essand morie recently ncews edit.or of' T'he Chicago Herald.Thie business manager is Louis P. Lochier, of NewYork, a publicist of' note aiid until recently editor ofThie In lrinational ,abhor News Service.

THiIlE IFE'I,)IIATEI) PhIIESS executive board has au-thborizedl it bonid issule of $1t00,000 to take cre of Itlheinitial expenses of' its dtevelop l •ncent, aind you, Mr. U iionCard Man, are urged by The I)aily ittletin to buy asmaniiy of' these boiids as youi can. Tley will be issuedin donominations of $25.00 each, redeemable at theexpiration of live years from date of issue, at the rateof' ilterest of 0 pri' cent, per annum, cuiiniilative] o'lase fill nout: the apLt pliceat ion and send in, either tothis office or direc t to the associa tion.

TITE l'EIDE'RATED I'RENSS,W. B. Hilton, Treasurer,

1506 Mlarket St., ....................................1920.WIHEELING, W. VA.

The undersigned applies for....................bonds ot TIIO FEDER-ATED PRESS, of the denomination of $25.00 each, and inclosesherewith (check) (money order) payable to W. B. Hilton, treas-urer, THE FEDERATED PRESS, Wheeling, W. Va., in paymenttherefor.

(lie sure to give address.)

HELPFULSUGGESTIONSYour announce-ments express your

ideas. With GOOD PRINTING youare sure of the best results.Let us co-operate with you in selection of stock,composition, and cuts, to make your ads or cir-culars more attractive.

The same careful attention given to large or small jobs.



Your Spare TimeCan be spent profitably in reading literalurewhich is educational, entertaining and amus-ing. The Bulletin has for sale the following:

PriceThe Subsidized Press .---....------..... 50cWealth pf J. P. Morgan -...-........... 50cDgbs i. rlPson.. .....-.....................25c

,;,,,, BaritEksb -Rule in Indla ...-.'.......--.........1Oc., ,: .. 'L *ns of the Revolution .------......... 10oc

Good Morning, . .................--10


FyND WOMAN'S FROZEN BODY.Seattle, Jan. 24.-The body of

Mrs. Anna Monster, who had beenmissing from the home of her sonsince Sunday, was found frozen ina pond at Black River Junction, nearhere, yesterday.

MAY ENACT BLUE lAW.Columbia, S. C., Jan. 24.-Smok-

ing in public eating places will be)prohibited if a bill now on second

reading in the state seuate is passed.

"NI•.'. Ifl, NrI JI J VS uoQA AV~

SENATORS BORAH(Continued From Page One)

Senator Lodge that if he "betrays"them by agreeing to the compromisenow proposed, they will rei'unce torecognize him as the party Ictldeiand will carry the battle into therepublicani, prinmarii s atnd the na:iional colivention, fighting Lodge allthe way.

[1 The End of a Perfect Day LI'

Ir. .J: "1 i " "i ' {iy ! l'"_ ":. ' i 1' ; i r^ '+ i i '1' J1

i /r 'A iI/,


Capitalism Scared Silly by Soviet Russia(B (. ORG(1 n. 'ollE(JIA\.)

"America First Publicity associa-tion," an organization with abun-dance of money, is throwing itaround carelessly in full page ad-vertisements in the newspapers inthe east. Not only is the advertise-ment a propaganda, but the most im-Itortant part is that the money paidtIle newsipap)ers is a direct bribo tokeep them "good" and lickspittleanl strvile. ]Each ad says "this isone of a series; be sure to readt themlall," anld bears the hIark, "Copy'-right, 1 1lI, N. Y. Globe."

Half of page of one article hasthe picture of :t yolung Ilman at amachine tool and close alongsidle is"coiled a snake and over it the words"Look out for the snake," and a fullpage wide display, "American LaborWill Crush Bol:octvism."''

It conmmenccs its argument with"Mlany of our millionaires wereonce workmen," and then adds asconttrast, "In Iiussia there is ito ad-alice for labor.'"' That is to Saytlil'ro is Ino chl nce to becomlle ta nil-litonaire, profitle r' alind illdullstrillat.iser.Su rely, .rom the capitlalist poiInt

of view, that's awful. "All menIthre must work," another awfully,awful thing. It is a lot of baby talkantl([ boogiemanl stuff giving a lyingeccounlt of conditions in Russia thatmust be avoided here in the UniteoSdates.Among the lies is this, "The bons

has authority to beat you and toeven kill." The fact is their fore-men are elected by the workers.'hat's the awful thing they are

afraid of.Another illumitnating statement is

about the terrible agitator: "Th0'agitator sits close to the money andthe men who are clinging to power.You will be butchered without trialif you protest."

iii fact, the whole thing wouldfool no on:e but a credulous boobwho will open his mouth and shuthis• eyes and accept what's givenhim.

The accounts given of conditions


('ASH.Chicago, Jan. 2.4.-Corn-No. 2

mixed, not quoted; No. 3 mixed,$1.49; No. 2 yellow, not quoted; No.3 yellow, [email protected].

Oats---No. 2 white, 871/ @88'/c;No. 3 white, 8S6 @885%c.

Rye-No. 2, $1.70.Earley-$1.32 @ 1.54.Timothy seed--$10.50 @14.50.Clover seed-$,45 @58.Pork---Nominal.Lard---$23.32 @ 23.42.Rihbs-- $19 0 20.

hutter(. Eggs and tter---Un changed.Eggs--- Higher. Receipts, 2,704

cases. Firsts, 63@631/2 c; ordinary

firsts, 50 @ 60c; at mark, cases in-cluded, 58 @ 63c.

Poultry-Alive, higher; springs,30c; fowls, 33c.

.MINNEAPOLS GRAIN.Minneapolis, Jan. 24.-Wheat--

Receipts 250 cars, compared with 292cars a year ago. Cash, No. 1 north-ern, [email protected].

Corn-No. 3 yellow, $1.43(01.45.Oats-No. 3 white,. 8.2% i@84t/%c.Flax-$5.20 @ 5.30.Flou r-- Unchanged O Shils. .1

"'i' Bran•: x$43. ' . ... " { '


CHICAGO.Chicago. Jan. 24.-Hogs--Receipts

40,000. Market active, 25c to 30cunder yesterday's best time. Bulk•15.t10M15.40; top, $15.45; heavy.$14.90 @15.25; medium, $15.11 @15.40; light, $15.15 'i 15.45; lightlight, $14.75@ 15.10; heavy packingsows, smooth. [email protected]; pack-ing :ows, rough, $14914.35; pigs,$17,.75@ 14.75.

('attle-Receipts, 10,000. Marketsteady. Beef steers, medliul and!i -avy weigJ)t ,,l oice and prime,$16.50 @ } 1,5P t ,fum and good,' y .l L175 tt l ;st94,.,, gounmmon, $9.50 411 65: lig ht weight, good and choice,[email protected]; common and medi-


!n RIussia are absurdl and l ontlradic-tnry and nothin g but the internslional consorship of the press andthe suppression of the truth lmakespossible so silly and lying a tirade.The whole idea is to scare the Amer-iran laborers of the terrible condi-tions they describe as prevailing 'inl.ussia. alnd the most prolminentitem:; are the ones tihat appeal mlosito the capilalist mind, that every-body has t.o do his or iher slhare oflthe wor:k and millitrairecs Iare notl

allowed.That's awful searey to a plate, but

I don't see where the workinlg ma•IIlneeds to cry over the l'?profitleers' antlcapitalists' funera!. lIut then, w\tare taught the pious doctrine thatthe interests of captlal and labor areidenltical, and of course the worklershares in the terror of the end ofcapitalists and capitalism.

Well, there's this consolation:Soviet Russia is victorious over itsmnilitary opposers. Thh alliel aretoo near bankrlluptevy to openly wiaragainst her, and-l in an elonomie 'contest beltwen pol alliisin and ahoclieiy wheill'o -thaec are ino drones.miillionaires anti profiteers, andwhere all pDerforni usetful service,there can be no question as to whi chwill come oulit ahead in the colupeti-tion.

It's that test of efficiency chatcapitalism would avoid but it can-not escape. Its downful i; inevi-table.

LOOK FOR MONAI('ilY.Vienna, Jan. 24.-Activities of

monarchists in Hungary are beingclosely watched due to the beliefthatil reactiolnary coup will be au-t;nmpted. There is a growing beliefthat the coming elections may resultin the establishment of a. meon;trchy.

IEIAIlIADE WOMEN YOTI'E.Belgrade, Jan. 24.--Women ad-

ministering property in their ownrights will be permit.ted to vote attile first national election of theJlugo-Slav republic next month.

urn. $9@ 12.25; butcher cattle, heif-ers, [email protected]; cows. $6.75@013;canners and cutters. [email protected];veal calves, $17.50 @19.25; feedersteers, $8S i 12.50; stocker steers,$7.50@)11.

Sheep- Receipts, 11,000. Marketstrong. Lambs, 84 pounds down,[email protected]; culls and commnon.$15 @ 17.75; ewes, medium, goodand choice, $10 @n12.50; culls andlcommon, $6 81 9.50.

SOUT"'l ST. PAUL.South St. Paul, Jan. 24.- Ho-gs--

lteceipts, 10.1180; 30c lower. Range,$14.90 @ 15.10; hulk, $15.051; 15.10.

Cattle-R-tocipts, 2,400. Marketsteady. Fat steers, $6.50 81 17.50;cows and heifers, $6@ 11.75; calves25c higher, $6.75 i @18; stockers andfeeders steady, $5@12.

Sheep-Receipts, 2,500. Marketsteady. Lambs, .7 @18.50; wethers,[email protected]; owes, [email protected]. i

)IMONEY MARKET.New Yo kl, Jan. 24.-Mercantile

paper, 6 per cent.Sterling--lemand, 363; cables,

364%.Francs--Demand, 11.96; cables,

11.94.Belgian francs-Demand, 12.041;

Talbts,' 12.02.'. i r: Q ldcrs-Dmand,. 87'% acab;g$1,)

L Jrc--Demand, 14.08;; cabldS,14.0t6.

: Marks--Demand, 140; cables, 142.Time loans strong;' all dates 7/.

per cent.Call money carqy; high and ruling

rate, 8 par csnt; low, 6 per cent;closing bitt, 7 per cent; offered atand last loan. S per cent.

METI.'.0 MARKETS.New York, Jan. 24.-Copper,

steady; ele'colytic, spot and firstquarlter, 19 , 8, 19 , c; second quar-ter, 19"$c- 1li) c.

Iron, firm and unchanged.Antimony, $11.Lead, qulia'; spot and February,

$8.50n@ .7.5. .Zinc, firnter; East St. Louis, spot.

$9.10 @9.25.Bar silver, 81.32.Mexican dollars, $1.00.y4.

OPEN FORUMThis column is conducted for

and a -itten by Bulletin readers.If you have any suggestions to of-ter for the betterment of condi-tions in which the public in inter-ested, the Bulletin offers you thisopportunity for their expressionand interchange of comment withyour neighbors and friends.Properly to protect this OpenForum, all communications mustbe signed with the name and ad-dress of the writer, but anony-mous signatures will be used iithe column it requested. Addressall commn nications to the editorof the Bulletin and please be briefand to the point.

Editor Bulletin:In accordanctle with your policy of

fair play to all, will you kindly printthe following denial of authorshipfor the letter printed in the OpenForum of ian. 17. and signed House-holder. I knew ln thinl• of this cn,-.munncation until I read it in yourptaper'. I lr'(si t it is it C() ploi tl,.,. ,to be considerd hte nutlhor of ichliintelligent lIttier:; as ; are wrilttein fory3o'ii1 Ipa ir i by wtm' n, but I consider'rit muoist unfortunate that in a fret'coin'tiy womten are afraid t o signth(liiii owil namlo to comiimunicationssuch as Ithis, hait contlain so Ilcuiinfollial;ltion of value to the public,but. I a;at reluctant to accont thepraise or Llamet for all such interestin thie public welfare. If it is a factthat our city food inspector hassipent much of her time on politicaltrips. 1 believe I-iotiseholdler is strict-ly within her rights in criticizingsuch action of a publlic officer, whiois drawing her salary from publicfunds. It. is generally unlderstoodthat women l twould 1111 Itl' more relia-ble, faithful public servants thannmen, andt if not, why chatngo the saexof offic'-hloldelt s.


BOLSHEVIKI(Continued From Page One)

until peace is concluded wit h allthe Soviet enumics.

The Esillonianis have olhiireld thntthis frontier does not conform exactlywith their ntational boundaries. iBu1

i tiu0t. say that it approximnlates soclonsly to 1the originlal Estlionian do-manitds, and indeed, to thle Ea,,tihonin:tboindlndito as drawn on mIaps whichI have bought iin Estihonittn shopls.that further difficulty is scarcely tobe anticipated ill this respect.

Elsthonia can, if ,'he will make,'111 :e frontiers: perilianent at thepeace. Ilut if sile is dissatisfied, andid'sires a piebiscilte th llolsRhev\ik'

Iagree to suclh ia plebseito two yearsifter thle end of thei civil war in Rus-sin, insisting ait the alme tl ile thatlih plebiscito zo1,n should include

!ite wide strip skirting tIrol the Gulf'of Fiiland( to thli, \\W t. N;:lrova rivert:lu to V"'l,'ihberg

Contrary to the inforrmation pub-lished abroad, the( Sovietl.s arl' not athis juncture expecting to a'rrangeeconomic relations, including a com-miercial convention, with Esthonia,although this was their hope whenthey c:ame to D)orpat. The difflicul.yi:-. that IEsfthonia insists that,,She call-tuot act in this direction without theiconlisent of the allies, who are pI)lln,1 g

er)liTlntuil l'pressure upoin this "indle-I'elllellt"' co'unlttry . 'The Soviest aL'"sot ctonfitlent or lth outcolme of theiripresent prohblems that thely are will-ing to wait fhr thleir coaitiD•ercital out-let unltil tes big powers show readi-:li•s Ito ddlishl with them.

.SURGEON GENERA : 1(Cortintuedrclj,6m Page One)

San Francisco-69 cases, 10deaths.

(Conlecticut-2-l3 cases.W1isconsin-Scatler'ing of in-

Ifiuenza.hItunsis-Influenza prevalent,

40 deaths in Kansas ('ily auto-tmOtlbil schaotl.

Ilichltmoud, Va. - Itfl uezenaeases total ' 17 cases.

PHlONE GIIS HIlAVE FLU(Special United Press Wire. i

Chicago, Jan. 24.-One out ofevery htunidred., fit$.iL, ts are .ill of"fll," aet rdti'd .,tr, tlsp, IcaIhh4 do-:

ilartmenltt. Toleliht" sd'i~lve'.It' set'-ionsly thlreatened \vitli.;',f600 tele-

phone opeorators ill.

(Paid Advertisement.)



IUSTLING MEN; $1 pants offe;t$3 suit off•r; write for free sanm-

ples and stykls. rKnickerbocker Tail-oring Co., D tolt. G6j, Chictgo.


rIC will relieve you. At any rategive it a trial. Quit drugs. Avoidthe operation. See Flora W. Emery,Room 9. Silver Bow block.


Goodrich "Iliglipress" rubber foot-wear. All rubber goods repaired

and vulcanized. 5 N. Montana st.

WANTED-Ambitious men to pre-pare for promotion. Apply In-

ternational Correspondence School,basement, No. 1 West Broadway.


AZ C wIIlE wiho doe:; not go to schoolior an elderly lady to he('ll with

lious(,work in small family a fewInliles out o1f t)wl. Call at room 21 IPenn block, for particulars.

WOMEN'S employment service. 619Daly Bank Bldg., phone 347.

SITUATION WANTED1HOUSE work wantldd in 1private

family by girl 17 years old. Phone785-IR.


-11O1 house, furnitiure for sale.price of furnliure $4i(0; good lt-

tation for miners. Call at 526 E.Broadway.

BUSINESS CHANCESI1OO1,HOOM1. i, 5 tablehs in conn1ec1tion

with soda fountlin and cigar stori;

price very roctonablll. Owner mustleave cily. Call day or evening, 272I1. Park st.

UNDEiTAKERSF,' XN131lAi N T)'1"( '1.

ulotcr Pollanltro, aged 24 years, willtlake p|,'e tomorivow (S n d i\y) fltor-

Inon at 2 o'clock at )llggu• ituln der-talling lparlors. inteiinent in .houn-alinl View cemioletry. Tlnte funeral will

take placuto llndt"r the m;tlltliites ofhronch 800, Ind strial \V' 'rkers, ofthe \\'ut l.

LARRY DUGGANRellab,* 'n,e-n1tker. and Eimbalmet

822 North Main Streetro one 770.


Ilera'rom- 7 --a T I he arraingeo•entifor lithe funeral of the late Erik l rit i -s'tron have not bioen co'ilplit. Tiheremains are at the Dtaniels & Bil boundertaking mparlors. Funeral an-itnoutntcetlent will be made later.

DANIELS & BILBOAUndertakers and Embalmers

125 East Park St., Butte. Phone 888.U1wsidenee Phone 4817-W.

Auto Eauilpmnnt.



In the District Court of' the SecondJudicial District of Ihe Stale of Mon-tIni;I, County of Silve:r bow:

In the nmatter of thi estate ofJaumies A. Canty, decnea.sed.

I'ursuant to an order of said dis-trict court, made on the 19tIh day ofJalllnary, 1920), notice is hereby giventhat Saturday, the 31st day of Janu-ary, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. in. of saiddliy, at the court 0oo01 of salid lihe City of liutte. in the saidC('ou!nty of Silver l iow, has been ap-loilnted as the time atild place forproving the will of said Jamlnes A.(anlty, deceased, and for hearing theal.tpliclltion of Katharine A. Canlltyfor the i:ssuance to her of letters oftes(•llltenttury, when an1ld where any

0perlson interlested lnay aippear andcontest the samiie.

Dated January 19, 1920.OTIS LEE, Clerk,

By R. Ti. McGrath, Deputy Clerck.Cha rles E. O'Neill, Attorney.


Santa M•onica, Cal., .ian. 24.---The,

1 rpgljibition law was made a defensefor buriglary here today. It stuiped•tJ)il'liibwyers. 't eti,:Iterl .Manville and John Charleswere calied before Justice King ontile ciharge of stealing a quantity ofwhiskey. Their attorney pointed toa iphrase of the prohibition law saying"\Vhiiaey shall have no value."

'"If whiskey has no value," he con-tended, "how could my clients beguilty of stealing anything."

At last reports tlhe attorneys werestill arguing.

('ONSID)EIIIAT TO PROFITEERS.(Slpr:ial United Press Wire.)

Wasliiington, Jan. 24.--The senateyesterday afternoon passed the hillauthlorizing the United- States Ship-ping board to pay the claims of wood-en ship builders for losses incurredthirough the cancellation of informal

Ieactra'ts aifter' tlro arniistice wassigned.

INTRE N LE,IJiNITU'IJl of four roomnl f'r sa•e.

727 E. Galena st.



Inquire at Biulletin office.


SACRIFICE--28 completely fur-nished rooms, all rented; steam

heat; gas; private baths. $3,300.Terms. Phone 52.


DESIRABLE outside rooms, all mod-ern conveniences. Rates rosEso-

able. Miners and studenta solicited.121 W. Galena.

F;Ol. REN'I', for sale and other pla-cards at the Bulletin office.

FurA ished HousekeepingRooms

HIOUSEIS EI2:PING ROOMS, SINGLI,and suites, $S per month; also

rent exchanged for labor. '619 UtahavenHue.

FOR SALEIE1WELR.Y and second-hand cloth-

ing for sale at Uncle San's LoanOffice, 11 S. Wyoming street. Phone1624-,1.

THIIIRE pool tables in first.-classcondition. Inquire 301 N. Main.


wanted to buy $5 worth of stockin The Bulletin Publishing Co.

TAILORINc..WANTED -- Men's and iwomin's

clothes to be 'cleaned and presed.Montana Tailors, 425 Nos;i Main.Phone 757.


MONEY ADVANCED on Libertybonds, diamonds, was•hss, jeweol-

ry and other articles of value.SPtuare deal. People's Lean office,2 81/ E. Park.

GET YOUR MONEY at 3 p• nt ondiamonds, wahtchs, ,.;! y. ib-.

erty bonds, Mhose L:nu, •'t;tairsJeweler. Two entrances'--.?,r-tS andBIroadway.WE HIAVE mloney to h:an : ilarg

and small amnounts aln r=.!;! -1tateand chattels. No delay. Von Fal-kenstein & Co., 310 '1hoenis blk.


street, soft drinks of all kinds,cigars and tobacco.


soldier trying to ma:lk; his livingin the smallest place in Itown. "Juist.-rite" and "Army and Navy" cigars;lunion made in your own iown. The

Little Place; No. t W.\ • ' Prk


HIGHEST price paid for used furni-ture and stoves. Union Furniture

Exchange, 248 E. Park; phone2783-J.

SECOND-HAND FURNITURE' ANDra.nge. City Furniture Erxch•a,•',

206 E Park street. Phone i459-W',.

PAPER CLEANINGCLECG'S "Wonder paper cleaner, 2-

room package 50 cents deliverl;rooms cleaned, $1.50. Phone 6158-Wbefore 10 a. in.


shop-Cleaning, pressing :pair. Work guaranteed. 8ltop; 1n-'ler new management. 4251 EastPark st.

4ME RICAN Dyeing. & Cleaning Vk is.'194'' Harrison ave. lhorne 121.

THAT old bat '-fake it Ofi. -nOw at the Niftyi;at Shop. S•4

giast Park St.


avenue. Phone 4075-W.


meals, $8.00. Sjhnday chickendinner, 65c. Give u&a trial. Gran-ite and Wyoming streets. Miss Ell-zabeth Murphy. proprietor.

PERSONALMADAME GUY, spiritualist, neet'

every Sunday, TuetGay,l rldi*, '.219 W. Galena st., alartn ent 4,:.