The Book of Shinchonji

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji(The New Heaven and New Earth) This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith. Kingdom of the Lord, The Center of the World God is the Creator who created heaven, earth and everything in them. According to the Bible, a creation took place in each era, and there was a particular place where the event took place. God began Adam’s world at Eden (Ge.2), Noah’s world at Mt. Ararat (Ge.8), Mose’s world, an offspring of Noah, at Mt.Sinai (Ex.34), Joshua’s world at Shechem, the land of Canaan (Jos24), and Jesus’ world at Galilee (Mt.4:12-17). The physical Israel is no longer the chosen people since it ended at the First Coming of Jesus. Though the seed of the gospel of heaven has been sown from the land of Judah to all over the world, the physical Israel has not yet received the Gospel of the Lord. Then where will the Lord appear in his second coming? The believers who are perceiving the God's will and the Bible may well be aware. God's offspring are those who have faith in him, not the physical Israel (Jn1:10-13). The physical Israel persecuted and killed the apostles, prophets, and Jesus who came to his kingdom and whom God was with (Mt.21:33-39). Jesus said about the physical Israel of those days, “.... therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you (the physical Israel) and given to a people who will produce its fruit.” (Mt.21:40-43) The tree that will produce its fruit is the tree of life, which bears twelve crops of fruit and yields its fruit every month (Rev22). At this day when the revelation will be accomplished, the tree of life means New John the promised pastor and 144,000 priests who receive the word of revelation from him (Rev7, Rev5:9-10), which is the new kingdom created by God. Twelve branches of the tree of life is twelve tribes, and each tribe will be consisted of 12,000 people who have the seal of God on their foreheads by bearing and yielding twelve crops of fruit every month (Rev7). These twelve tribes of the tree of life is the Kingdom of God (Heaven) that is promised to appear when the revelation is fulfilled. This kingdom is being created here in Korea, where the physical


Various religious essays written by the Korean fringe church, Shinchonji.Source:

Transcript of The Book of Shinchonji

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The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji(The New Heaven and New Earth)

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to

instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper


Kingdom of the Lord, The Center of the World

God is the Creator who created heaven, earth and everything in them.

According to the Bible, a creation took place in each era, and there was a particular place where

the event took place.

God began Adam’s world at Eden (Ge.2), Noah’s world at Mt. Ararat (Ge.8), Mose’s world, an

offspring of Noah, at Mt.Sinai (Ex.34), Joshua’s world at Shechem, the land of Canaan (Jos24),

and Jesus’ world at Galilee (Mt.4:12-17).

The physical Israel is no longer the chosen people since it ended at the First Coming of Jesus.

Though the seed of the gospel of heaven has been sown from the land of Judah to all over the

world, the physical Israel has not yet received the Gospel of the Lord.

Then where will the Lord appear in his second coming?

The believers who are perceiving the God's will and the Bible may well be aware. God's

offspring are those who have faith in him, not the physical Israel (Jn1:10-13). The physical Israel

persecuted and killed the apostles, prophets, and Jesus who came to his kingdom and whom God

was with (Mt.21:33-39). Jesus said about the physical Israel of those days, “.... therefore I tell

you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you (the physical Israel) and given to a

people who will produce its fruit.” (Mt.21:40-43)

The tree that will produce its fruit is the tree of life, which bears twelve crops of fruit and yields

its fruit every month (Rev22). At this day when the revelation will be accomplished, the tree of

life means New John the promised pastor and 144,000 priests who receive the word of revelation

from him (Rev7, Rev5:9-10), which is the new kingdom created by God. Twelve branches of the

tree of life is twelve tribes, and each tribe will be consisted of 12,000 people who have the seal

of God on their foreheads by bearing and yielding twelve crops of fruit every month (Rev7).

These twelve tribes of the tree of life is the Kingdom of God (Heaven) that is promised to appear

when the revelation is fulfilled. This kingdom is being created here in Korea, where the physical

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fulfillment in the entire chapters of the Revelation are being revealed. The completion of 6,000

years of God’s history depends on the creation of twelve tribes which are the fruits promised in

the Revelation. God has been working for 6,000 years for it.

The one who trust in God's will and the Bible and witnessed what has been revealed as is written

in the Bible, hereby testifies that there is the Kingdom of God and the tree of life which bears

and yields twelve crops of fruit in Korea, and the whole world will come alive because of Korea,

which will become its center. It is because God who is the source of every blessing and Jesus and

heaven will come to Korea (Rev3:12).

The leaves of the tree of life which bears and yields twelve crops of fruit every month will heal

all nations. All the nations will come to Korea to be healed, because there are foods for eternal

life in Korea. Time will come that ten people will flock to one who belongs to the kingdom of

heaven by his/her sleeve, earnestly asking 'Let us go with you, because we have heard that God

is with you’ (Zec8:23). We became the family of heaven because it is God’s grace that we have

the correct faith. This is only possible to the nation and people of God of the Spiritual New Israel.

We, Shinchonji Church of Jesus, surely trust in it. Amen.

Just as there had been a chosen pastor and a nation that God worked through him in each era in

the past, there is a chosen pastor and a nation that God is working with at this time too. Today,

the place where the revelation, the prophecy of new covenant, will be fulfilled is Korea, and the

work of a new heaven and a new earth (Rev 21:1) began in Korea. It is the promise and the will

of God.

The blessing that people of heaven will receive is eternal life and the kingdom of heaven where

God and Jesus and the angels are with. There is no such knowledge in the world bigger than this

blessing, nor any knowledge or wish of religion can supersede it. It is the conclusion of all the

religion. Hallelujah,


God and the Chosen Pastor

The text: Jn 16:8-15

In every generation, there was a pastor who was chosen by God. In the New Testament, who,

when, and where is the promised pastor?

God chose Moses and through him He fulfilled what was promised to Abraham. What God

fulfilled through Moses, was previously spoken to His people, the Israelites, before it was

fulfilled. Furthermore, Jesus was chosen (Lk 9:35) to fulfill the prophecies and testify what was

previously spoken through the Old Testament prophets.

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The prophecies of the New Testament were prophesied through Jesus and His disciples. At the

time of the second coming, one pastor (the one who overcomes) is chosen, shown the events of

the fulfillment and told to testify what was seen and heard to the world.

In each of the different generations, there are pastors of prophecy who speak of the future, but

there is also a pastor who testifies to what was seen and heard. The second of these two is the

promised pastor, whom God has chosen.

Prophecies are told in advance, so that the fulfillment can be believed in at the time they are seen

and fulfilled (Jn 14:29). The prophecies of the New Testament (gospel of the kingdom of heaven)

that will be fulfilled, is made known to the whole world as a testimony to all nations (Mt 24:14).

When the gospel of the kingdom of heaven is spread to all nations, then the end will come, the

Lord will return and fulfill the promised prophecies (Mt 24:29-31).

At this time, the Lord chooses the witness who saw and heard the events of fulfillment, from the

location in which they were fulfilled. He is then commanded to make this information known to

the churches. The congregation members, who have heard the testimony concerning the fulfilled

prophecies, must examine whether the prophecies were fulfilled according to the promises of the

scriptures. They must then believe in this reality, and become those who testify about them


All believers today have the Bible, and within the content of the scriptures, history, moral

instructions (teachings), prophecies and fulfillment are recorded. The people, who live at the

time of the New Testament, believe that the New Testament prophecies will be fulfilled in the

future. They all gather their hands in prayer, waiting for that day. Since God has always fulfilled

His promises, (Is 14:24, Hab 2:2-3), one can certainly believe God will also fulfill the New

Testament promises.

However, there is no one who knows regarding when, or where this fulfillment will occur. Nor

do they know who will see these events of fulfillment, and testify to them. Not only this, but the

meaning of the New Testament, which was recorded in parables, is even harder to understand

(Mt 13:34-35, Jn 16:25). Also, no one actually knows how big these events truly are.

The purpose of God’s 6,000 years of biblical history is recorded in the New Testament. It is

recorded that a new world will be created (Rv 7, 14, 21, 22). When the New Testament is

fulfilled, God’s new kingdom is created, and we become the people of heaven in this new

kingdom. By receiving salvation, we are receiving the greatest and highest blessings given in

6,000 years. We must ask ourselves, since we will be dwelling with God and receive heaven and

eternal life, is there a bigger blessing than this out there?

However, it is recorded in scriptures regarding this era, ‘will there be any faith on this earth’ (Lk

18:8). As a result of betrayal and destruction, which has taken over this world, there will be an

increase in wickedness (Mt 24). At a time like this, there must be one who fights and win these

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lawless men for there to be salvation, and for the promised kingdom of God to stand (Rv 12:10-

11). Let us believe in this truth and be those who inherit salvation.

We must find the promised pastor spoken of in the Bible and become the people of heaven. The

promised kingdom, New Heaven and New Earth “Shinchonji”, is the promised kingdom in the

New Testament, and is fulfilled today, according to the promises of the Bible. Those who believe

in this are those born of God’s seed. Those who do not believe and persecute this are those born

of Satan’s seed.

Shinchonji people are of heaven, they have been harvested and sealed according to the promises

in the Bible. They are reborn as new creations. Not believing in this truth is evidence of being

born of Satan’s seed. Just because someone is a pastor, it does not make him or her God’s pastor.

And just because someone calls himself or herself a believer, it does not automatically make

them people of God. We must ask, if one considers themselves a person of God, is there any

reason to refuse being harvested and sealed?

The firstfruits harvested in Revelation 14, are the fruits from the seed (gospel of the kingdom)

Jesus planted 2,000 years ago. This was done in accordance to the fulfillment of prophecies (Mt

13:24-30). The seed Jesus planted at the first coming, is the fulfillment of the prophecies given in

Jeremiah 31:27, and the two seeds Jesus and the devil sowed were planted together in Jesus’

field (churches).

At the time of harvest, it is only the ripened wheat, from the good seed planted by Jesus, who are

harvested and taken in front of the throne where God dwells. The ripened fruit born of the good

seed are the sons of heaven. Those not harvested at the time of harvest, but are left remaining in

the field (churches), are the sons of the evil one born of Satan’s seed (Mt 13:37-40). The actions

of all those refusing to believe the fulfillment of God’s promises, testify they are not born of

God’s seed.

We at Shinchonji overcame (we overcame Satan and the world with Truth and the word of

testimony), have been harvested, sealed, and have created God’s kingdom the 12 tribes.

Additionally, Shinchonji is where heaven and the earth became one (Mt 6:10, Rv21), the place of

salvation for the entire world. Those who believe in the New Testament will come to Shinchonji.

This is the place recorded in the Scriptures; this is the place of the fulfillment of God’s will.


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Wine of Adulteries

What is the wine of adulteries in the New Testament (Rv 7, 18)? It is written in the Revelation

18 that all the nations fell by this wine of adulteries and all who travel by ship in the sea deal

with this wine. Today is the time of the Revelation, that is the Second Coming of Lord.

Jesus said in parable about putting new wine into new wineskins, and old wine into old

wineskins at the Four Gospels (Mt9:17, Lk5:37-38).

Jesus said that he is the true vine and his disciples are the branches,(Jn15:1-5) The Bird of the

Spirit descended on Jesus and his disciples.(Mt3:16-17, Acts.2:1-4, 33) Jesus called the teachers

of the law and the Pharisees who sat in Moses’ seat(Mt.23:2) “whitewashed tombs” and “snakes

and brood of vipers”(Mt.23:27-34) God called these pastors (enemy) of Sodom and Gomorrah

as vines giving venom of serpents and the deadly poison of cobras (Dt.32:31-33, Isa.5:1-7). As

we can see, the vine is a man (pastor) and the wine is the word that comes from a man.

Let us examine the meaning of wine and wineskin as we look at how what Jesus said at

Lk.17:26-30 the time of his Second Coming is same as the days of Noah and the days of Lot

(judgement day of Sodom and Gomorrah).

New wine at the time of the First Coming was the word of revelation which the sealed book of

old covenant became open and new wineskins were the new pastors(Jesus and his disciples),

while old wine was the rules and law taught by men, and old wineskins were the traditional


Then what is the reality of wine of adulteries?

It is written in the Bible that the kings of the earth committed adulteries together with the

prostitute of Babylon, the people in the earth have drunk the wine of adulteries, all the nation fell

by this wine of adulteries, and all who traveled by ship in the sea dealt in this wine of adulteries

and became rich.(Rv.18) And that place (Babylon) is a home for demons and a haunt for every

evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird,(Rv.18:2), where all the nations get

married to the devil.(Rv.18:23) A pastor who truly loves God, Jesus, and the life of believers

and himself should confirm what is the place and the wine of adulteries, and should not let the

believers drink it.

Grapes come from vine and wine comes from grape. At his First Coming, Jesus was true vine

and his revelation was true wine. He made new covenant with his blood, saying ‘I will not drink

of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s

kingdom.’(Mt.26:26-29) Today when it is the time of the Second Coming, he gave the word of

revelation, that is, a new wine, to New John and request him proclaim it to people, nations,

languages and kings, that is, all the churches in the world (Rv.10).

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Today, there are God, Jesus and angels of heaven with twelve tribes who are sealed with the

word of revelation of Jesus in the spiritual Mt.Zion, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the

Testimony which is the kingdom of God promised in the Bible.(Rv.14:1-5, 15:2-5)

On the contrary, the prostitute of Babylon the kingdom of devil (false pastor like King

Nebuchadnezzar, Dan.4:20-22) and the one who has ecclesiastical authority with seven heads

and ten horns (beast: pastors) are wild vine of serpent, and their doctrine is the wine of

adulteries. This prostitute, that is the pastor of devil, is the one who married to the devil (dragon),

and those who made group with him became the spiritual Babylon, the kingdom of serpent, and

this Babylon (beasts, false pastors) destroyed the believers of God’s tabernacle of the Revelation

13. It is the end of age of the spiritual Israel, which all the nations fell by the wine of adulteries,

that is the doctrine of Babylon. In conclusion, the group of beast who intruded the tabernacle of

God and destroyed the believers there at Rv.13 is the spiritual Babylon, the kingdom of devil,

and the doctrine they testified is the wine of adulteries.

There are witnesses who saw the event at the scene, and they are the ones who fought the beast

that intruded the tabernacle of heaven at Rv.13, overcame and came out of there.(Rv.15:2-

5) After this, we can become people of heaven by being invited to the wedding banquet of the

Lamb, by receiving the revelation word of Jesus, and by being born again hearing the testimony

about the beast with seven heads and ten horns and wine of adulteries.

Misunderstandings about heresies and new religions

What are the criteria of heresies and new religions?

Religion originated from God, and it teaches the will of God. The author of the Bible, the

scriptures of Christianity, is God. The founder of religion is God as well. Therefore, the criteria

of heresies and religions are God and the Bible.

God was with Adam at one point. When Adam sinned, however, God had to leave him and went

to Noah to dwell with him (Gn 6). Which of these two between Adam and Noah should be

regarded as a heretic and a newly risen religion? From the perspectives of God, the origin of

religion, and his words, Adam who left God and sided with the snake (Gn 3) was obviously a

heretic and Adam formed a new religion. It wasn’t Noah, but Adam, who deviated from the

origin. Noah remained the same from the views of God and his words.

The descendants of Abraham, the Israelites, were proud of themselves being the chosen people

of God. Despite their pride, they broke the covenant (Jer 31:31-34; Hos 6:7) just like Adam (Gn

2:17; Gn 3). God had to bring the Physical Israelites to an end (Lk 16:16) and sent Jesus (Jn

1:32). The Physical Israelites swayed from God’s path and went on a different path just like

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Adam. Thus, they were the heretics, and Jesus was the orthodoxy since God and his words

dwelled with him. Jesus remained the same just as the origin.

Spiritual Israel started through Jesus, and it has been roughly 2,000 years since it started.

Today the world of Christianity has become corrupt like Adam, and it was already prophesied by

Jesus (Lk 18:8). Christianity has returned to mere flesh as if the sun, moon, and stars fell from

the sky and returned to dust (Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-14). In the midst of this corruption, the

messenger of the Lord has appeared in accordance with Jesus’ prophecies in the book of

Revelation (Rv 1:1-2; Rv 22:16). He has fought against and prevailed over Satan’s lies (Rv

12:10-11), and has received the revealed word (Rv 10). He is the advocate of Jesus whom the

Lord Jesus is with (Jn 14; Jn 16). This advocate preaches about the unchanging Lord and his

words according to what the Lord has spoken. Therefore, the religion this advocate practices is

not a newly risen religion. It is the religion of Jesus as it originated from beginning. He cannot be

a heretic, but the true orthodoxy, who has become one with the Lord.

In conclusion, whoever deviates from the Lord and his word and goes down a different path (lies,

untruth) is a heretic, and he is the one who forms a new religion. Those who leave this kind of

people to find the Lord and his words, and the place where the Lord and his words dwell, are the

true and the original orthodoxy.

What is the evidence of God’s absence and of his presence? It is whether having God’s word or

not. The place where worldly words and untruth (the seed of weeds) are taught is definitely a

denomination that has been united with the devil, not God.

If someone or an organization has diverged from God and stands on a different path without the

truth, and if that person or that organization persecutes, criticizes, measures, curses, and insults

those who speak the truth, then that is the real heresy, which is parted from the original religion.

The true orthodoxy and the original religion are with the place where love, forgiveness, blessings,

and the truth are found. I pray and ask that everyone reads this message and attains the correct

understanding of the heresies and the newly risen religions. To state again, the true and original

orthodoxy is the place where God and his words are present. The heresies are the places where

God and his words are absent. The places without God and his words are the new religions that

have drifted away from the original religion. It is only when God, who is the origin of religion,

returns that sinners can be restored, reborn, and recreated (Rv 21:1-6).

We in Shinchonji are with God, the origin of His words.

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The Identity of God & the Dragon

Main reference: Genesis Chapter 2 & 3

Both God and the dragon are spirit (Jn 4:24; Rv 16:13-14). What is the identity of God and the

dragon? Has anyone seen them?

1. The Identity of God

God is self-existing and the creator. The LORD (Jehovah) is his name forever, the name one

shall call Him from generation to generation (Gn 1:1; Ex 3:14-15; Is 37:16; Jn 17:3).

No one has ever seen God (Jn 1:18; 1Jn 4:12), except the one who came from God. Jesus and

Apostle John went to heaven and were able to see God (Jn 3:12; Rv 4). Since God is spirit (Jn

4:24), one can only see God while he himself is in the spirit (Rv 4:2). However the people of

heaven, those who are part of the 12 tribes, those who have their sins atoned for with the blood

of Jesus and are sealed with the word of God (Rv 1:5-6; Rv 7, 14) are able to see God and live

with Him forever (Rv 22:1-5).

God left His people because of their sins (Gn 3; Gn 6:1-7), although, He promised to come back

when the problem of sin is resolved through the blood of Jesus and to dwell with the people who

are born-again (Rv 21:1-7; 22:1-5). Just as God dwelled within Jesus, who was sinless, at the

first coming, the spirit of God is soon returning to the people.

2. The Identity of Dragon

The dragon, an angel God created who betrayed, has the names of the serpent, devil, or Satan

(Gn 3:1; Rv 12:9; 20:1-2), and is also called an evil spirit. Both God and Satan are spirits. When

they work within the human world, they work within a persons flesh.

Why did God’s creation, the angel, betray God and become Satan? Because he wanted to be in a

higher position of authority. In James 1:15 it states, ‘Then after desire has conceived, it gives

birth to sin, and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. It also says each person is

tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed (Jam 1:14)

The reason that one of God’s creations would become a traitor is due to greed. In Genesis 3, the

serpent and Eve betrayed God because they wanted to be like God. A description of the

betraying cherub is found in Ezekiel 28 where, ‘he called himself a god’ and that he was ‘the

model of perfection, full of wisdom and beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God…you

were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones.’ The cherub, as described in

the beginning, refers to one of the four living creatures. They are heaven’s army, who guard

God’s kingdom and heaven. One of these cherubim betrayed and became a serpent. He took

control of one fourth of the heavenly army and he was found in the Garden of Eden. Since he had

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gained more authority, he now wanted to be in the place of God, so he went on to deceived Eve

(Is 14:12-14; Gn 3).

The angel and his followers that sinned are described as ‘the angels who did not keep their

positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling’ (Jude 1:6; 1:9). In 2Peter it says,

‘they have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam’ (2Pt 2:15). This

kind of act is compared to as ‘a dog returns to its vomit and a sow that is washed returns to her

wallowing in the mud’. It also tells us in Revelation 9:14-16 ‘the four angels who had been kept

ready were released to kill a third of mankind. The number was twice ten thousand times ten


After the dragon, or the serpent, had deceived Adam and Eve (Gn 3), it has been able to govern

the world for the last 6,000 years here on the earth (Mt 4:8-9; Lk 4:5-6; Eph 2:2). Therefore,

from that time up until today, all of creation has come to resemble Satan, meaning there is not

one thing which is holy. Because all the nations were led astray (Rv 18), the tree of life must

appear and heal the nations once again (Rv 22:1-2).

God and Satan, the devil (the dragon), have been in a continuous war for the past 6,000 years,

battling to gain ownership of all creation. The dragon already knew 2,000 years ago that he

would be captured and locked up after 6,000 years. At the first coming, the demons begged Jesus,

‘It is before the appointed time, so send us not into the Abyss but into the herd of pigs’ (Mt 8:28-

32; Lk 8:26-33). But today, in the time of Jesus’ second coming, it is now the time to seize and

lock up the dragon into the Abyss (Rv 20:1-3).

The human world, created by God, has been governed by the dragon for 6,000 years, but from

the time when Revelation is fulfilled, God will rule (Rv 19:6). From that moment on, God will

govern forever.

Christians should know that the time of Revelation’s fulfillment is now, and strive to be saved by

believing and keeping the promise with God. Amen!

Genesis Chapter 1

Moses wrote the book of Genesis after he had heard its content from God. Genesis itself means

the era of the beginning, the beginning of the human world with God.

The physical realm was created by the spiritual realm (Gn 1:26-27). In Genesis 1, God makes

known the re-creation of the spiritual and physical worlds, by figuratively referring to the

creation of the physical world. Concerning the history of the Bible, there has been the work of

creation in each biblical generation, and the creation has been occurring in line with the logical

order shown in Gn 1. After Adam, the world of Noah was created in this same manner. After

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Noah, the world of Moses was also created in the same logical order. The creation recorded in

Jeremiah chapters 1-4 took place during Jesus’ time, and it was the same content as that of Gn 1.

The new work of creation takes place after the previous world is held captive by the gentiles, due

to its betrayal. This is applicable to the times of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the first

and second coming of Jesus. This new work of creation has occurred in each generation.

The words of the holy spirit (the Bible) can only be understood through the eyes and the heart of

the holy spirit. It can never be perceived by the physical eyes and the experiences that people

attain from the physical world.

God spoke in Psalm 78 saying, “I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter hidden things,

things from of old.” According to this very promise, Jesus came to the world and revealed the

secrets of the kingdom of heaven through the parables. At his second coming, however, Jesus

promised that these parables would be plainly explained, and everything would be spoken as

clear facts, not as parables. Therefore, Jesus’ second coming is the time promised in Amos 3:7,

when the plans of God (i.e. his secrets NKJV) will be revealed and testified (1 Cor 13:9-12).

♣ First day (vv. 1-5)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. *Now the earth was formless and empty,

darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

*And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. *God saw that the light was good, and

he separated the light from the darkness. *God called the light “day,” and the darkness he

called “night.” *And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Let’s take a look at the figurative meanings of this passage.

There is no passage saying, God created the heaven and the earth on the first day. What, then, is

the empty and formless earth? What is the dark sky? When did God create the waters, which He

was hovering over?

On the first day, the earth, sky, and waters are already recorded in the scripture without being

said that God created them. It also says God creates the light from the face of the waters. What

happened to the earth that it became empty and formless? Why did the sky go dark? Why did

God create the light from the face of the waters? The earth, sky, and waters already existed, these

elements were not said to be created. There was light but there is nothing saying the sun was


The literal sun, moon, and stars are not on the surface of the waters, but they are in the physical

sky. The scripture states, however, God was hovering over the waters and created light there.

This obviously does not make sense if it is understood physically.

When the scripture states that God created the heavens and the earth, it does not mean that God

created them for the first time. The earth is figuratively referring to flesh (those who were

formed out of the soil, Gn 2:7), and thus, when a person thoughts are mixed (with other

doctrines), it can be described as the earth being mixed or formless. Furthermore, a person’s

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heart is likened unto a temple of the spirit of God (1 Cor 3:16). If the spirit of God leaves the

person’s heart, then the heart of that person becomes empty. This is the status of the earth being


What does it mean that the darkness was over the surface of the deep? The chosen people of God

are the figurative sun, moon, and stars, who belong to heaven. If they fall from heaven and return

to mere flesh, then it becomes the condition of being darkness. They began with the holy spirit,

but they returned to mere flesh by some other force (Gal 3:3).

The scripture also describes how the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. The waters are

not physical waters, but they symbolize the world (Dn 7:3, 17). God was hovering over the

waters in order to find a light in the world. Having found the light, means having found the

person with the word of light (the pastor with the truth).

The light appears in the midst of darkness, and there is a scripture which says, “There was

evening, and there was morning.” In other words, God chooses a person with the truth like light

from among the people whose hearts and spirits have gone dark, due to their ignorance (1 Thes

5:4-8). Selection of a person is the first thing God does when he begins the work of re-creation.

This can be proved by several passages in the Bible such as Jeremiah 4, 1 Thessalonians 5 John

1:1-5, John 12:46, Matthew 24, and Revelation 6. These passages contain things hidden from the

creation of the world, and Jesus has revealed them through the parables. Please examine these

references for yourselves.

♣ Second day (vv. 6-8)

And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.” *So

God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And

it was so. *God called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the

second day.

After God chooses the light (the pastor] from the dark waters, God creates an expanse (i.e. the

sky or heaven) between the waters on the second day. He also separates the water under the

expanse from the water above it.

This is not the literal water in the world. How can the sky exist in the midst of the waters? The

waters symbolize the world, and the expanse symbolizes the tabernacle, which God creates in the

middle of the world. A ship in the midst of the sea, such as Noah’s ark, can also represent God’s

tabernacle. The water above and the water below, refer to the revealed word granted from heaven,

and the worldly words respectively. To say this again, after God finds and appoints the pastor of

light from the previous destroyed world, God builds an ark or a tabernacle, and referred to it as

the expanse in the world. After God’s tabernacle is established, his word from above can be

clearly distinguished from the words of the world below.

♣ Third day (vv. 9-13)

And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.”

And it was so. *God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.”

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And God saw that it was good. *Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing

plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And

it was so. *The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees

bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. *And there

was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

God creates a light on the first day and the expanse on the second day. On the third day, he

gathers the water under the sky to one place, and he lets dry ground appear. God calls the dry

ground “land,” and the gathered waters “sea.” Since God formed a man out of dust or soil (Gn

2:7), the dry ground that appears on the third day symbolizes God’s chosen people as well as

their tabernacle. The dry ground which appeared on the third day and the sky (the expanse) on

the second day refers to the same tabernacle. However, if a difference between those two is to be

said, the sky which is created on the second day is finally revealed to the world on the third day

as “dry ground”.

God lets the ground produce grass, vegetation, and seed-bearing trees, which symbolize the

believers(i.e. saints) of God. One pastor plays the roles of a light and the tabernacle in the sky,

just as Jesus did at the time of his first coming. The vegetation, grass, and the trees are the people,

who are born (i.e. evangelized), through this pastor and they are the dry ground, the flesh, which

appears in the world (Rv 21:1).

♣ Fourth day (vv. 14-19)

And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night,

and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, *and let them be lights in the

expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. *God made two great lights—the

greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.

*God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, *to govern the day and the

night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. *And there was

evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.

God creates a greater light and a lesser light in the expanse, and lets them serve as signs to mark

seasons and days and years. God lets the greater light (the sun) govern the day, and the lesser

light (the moon) govern the night. He also creates stars and sets them in the expanse to govern

the day and the night, and separates light from darkness.

Let us examine some problems we are facing in Genesis 1.

God creates the sky on the second day and the earth on the third day. In Revelation 21, it says the

new heaven and earth created, was made known after the first heaven and earth disappeared. In

light of this content in Rv 21, let us examine what the sky (the surface of the deep) and the

waters are on the first day.

The light appears on the first day, but there is no sun, moon, or stars in the expanse created on

the second day. The grass, vegetation, and the trees created on the third day, can only exist

through the light of the first day. Since the evening and morning repeat three times, bringing the

third day, God calls each of them the first, second, and the third days.

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If these are referring to the light, day, and night of the natural world, what are the sun (the greater

light), moon (the lesser light), and stars on the fourth day? How come the seasons, days, and

years start to be marked from the fourth day? Does this mean that there are two Suns in the sky?

On top of these questions, why is the sky located in the middle of the waters?

Having considered such problems, if the creation of Gn 1 is understood as the creation of the

physical world, it is illogical and makes absolutely no sense. Only when it is viewed as the

spiritual creation of God’s world, can it be taken logically.

Now, let us understand the creation on the fourth day.

God finds one pastor (light) when the heaven and earth (the first heaven and earth) of one

generation becomes chaotic and dark (first day). God establishes his tabernacle, the sky (the

expanse) through that pastor (second day). By having God’s tabernacle established, people of the

world (the water below or the sea) are distinguished from the dry ground (God’s people), which

are revealed to the world. Through these people of God, God lets good vegetation grow from the

land (fourth day). This good vegetation also represents God’s saints. This is the creation that

occurred both in the times of Adam and Noah.

On the fourth day, God structures the throne of the kingdom of heaven—the sun, moon, and

stars—through the saints who are previously gathered. From this time, the seasons, days, and

years of God’s kingdom can be marked and counted. However, the beginning of the creation

starts from the first day. This kingdom of God comes to govern the heaven and earth, day and


♣ Fifth day (vv. 20-23)

And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across

the expanse of the sky. *So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and

moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird

according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. *God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful

and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.

*And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.

God let the water teem with living creatures and let birds fly above the earth, across the expanse

of the sky. God also creates different kinds of fish and birds and blesses them. God commands

them to be fruitful and increase in number in the seas and on the earth. Jesus compares birds to

spirits, and fish to people. This means, therefore, that God enables his people to prosper and

spread out through the world.

♣ Sixth day (vv. 24-31)

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock,

creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was

so … *So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and

female he created them. *God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in

number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and

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over every living creature that moves on the ground … *And there was evening, and there was

morning—the sixth day.

God creates livestock, creatures that move along the ground, wild animals, and man. The Bible

says that Moses built what he saw in heaven here on earth. If you look at Rv 4, it shows the

images of the four living creatures in the spiritual heaven— the lion, ox, eagle, and man. The fact

that God creates the livestock, wild animals, creatures that move along the ground, and man on

earth, shows how he creates them according to what is done in heaven. Thus, the sixth day

explains that God builds the structure of the four living creatures, the heavenly army on earth,

according to the structure of the four living creatures in heaven.

Furthermore, God creates man in his own image and likeness. If one desires to resemble God’s

image and likeness, and if he desires to become a person with the same nature as God’s, then he

must be born again of God’s word and the holy spirit (Jn 3:5; 1 Pt 1:23).

God commands the man he created to be fruitful, increase in number, subdue the earth, and rule

over the fish of the sea, birds of the air, and every living creature on earth. God also grants man

every seed-bearing plant and every tree that has fruit with seed in it for his food. Through these

blessings, the man becomes the lord of all creation and the heir to receive God’s

inheritance. This is the creation on the sixth day.

God is the Lord of all creation. God creates his world (initial creation), but when that world

becomes corrupt, he re-creates another world (re-creation). The creation during Moses’ time

occurred after the times of Adam and Noah.

God figuratively uses the creation of the physical world to explain the spiritual creation. The

reason why God uses metaphors and figurative language, to refer to the spiritual creation, is

because it contains the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. God spoke to Moses, and Moses

recorded what he had heard from God in Gn 1. Even in Gn 1, there are hidden things according

to Ps 78. Jesus explained these hidden things through the parables at the first coming (Mt 13:34-

35), and promised to let them be revealed at an appointed time (Jn 16:25).

The same content as Gn 1 can be seen in the Old and New Testaments, as well as the epistles.

God creates a new world when the previous world comes to an end, due to its corruption. The

work of creation takes place according to the logical order expressed in Gn 1, regardless of

which generation. The physical sky and earth, however, remain forever.

God creates the new heaven and new earth in Rv 21. The same chapter makes known the first

heaven and first earth cease to exist. Neither of these heavens and earths are the literal ones of

the natural world, nor does the disappearing of the sun, moon, and stars refer to the literal ones of

the natural world disappearing.

When this article says, the spiritual creation, it refers to the re-formation of God’s kingdom

through the people who are born again spiritually. It is only when one completely understands

and knows the entire book of the Bible, which records the true will of God, that he will also be

able to clearly understand Gn 1.

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The Word in the Beginning

The text : Jn 1:1 – 34 (Main verses : Jn 1:1 – 5)

The point I want to mention with this text is the prophecy and the accomplishment of the Old


What is the word in the beginning? The word in the beginning was God, and the word was with

God. Through the word in the beginning all things were made. In the word was life, and that life

was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

(verses 1-5)

The darkness is a person without the light, which is the word, same with the darkness mentioned

in the first day of Genesis and 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, the believers belonging to the darkness

(night). The word in the beginning is the light of life and the seed of God, which has the power

of creation. Jesus is the Son of God and the word, because he was born with the seed of God (1Jn


John the Baptist who was promised to come in the Old Testament (Mal. 3:1) appeared in Jesus’s

first coming, but he was not the true light, only the lamp that burned and gave light for a while

(Jn 5:35). On the other hand, Jesus was the light full of perfect life (Jn 12:46), the true light

(verse 6-9).

At that time, the physical Israelites born of Abraham’s natural descendents were the chosen

people belonging to God, but like the sun, moon, and the star in the sky turning to darkness and

falling, they fell and became darkened (Joel 2:31, 3:15). God, the master of the whole world and

the light, and the Son of God came to them (Matt. 3:16-17, John 10:38, 14:10-11), they did not

recognize and receive him (verse 10-11), and rather they persecuted and killed him. Then, Jesus

and God who had the right to judge (John 5:22) gave the right to become children of God to

those who believed in his name, not concerned in natural descent and human decision, but born

of God (verse 12-13). In other words, they are born of the seed of God, not by man’s will. This is

the new work (Jer. 31:22) and they are the new Israelites (spiritual Israelites), God’s spiritual

family, the chosen people.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, we have seen his glory, the glory of

the One and only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth (verse 14). For the law was

given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (verse 17).

Then the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and the Levites to ask John, “Are you Christ, Elijah, or a

Prophet?”, he answered saying no, and replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice

of one calling in the dessert, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’” (verse 19-24). Some

Pharisees who had been sent questioned him, “Why then do you baptize?” “I baptize with

water,” John replied, “There is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am

not worthy to untie.” (verse 24-28).

The reason John baptized Jesus was that the one who comes after John might be revealed to

Israel (verse 31). And the one who sent John (God) told him, “The man on whom you see the

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Spirit come down and remain is the Christ who will come soon (the man who will baptize with

the Holy Spirit).” When John baptized him, the Holy Spirit remained on him (verse 29-34), then

God and Jesus became one.

God’s history about the prophecy and the accomplishment of the Old Testament (Mal. 3:1) was

achieved in this way. It was the appearance of John the Baptist, the messenger who prepared the

way before him and Christ, the messenger of the covenant in Jesus’s first coming.

We must remember the power of the Word in the beginning in John chapter 1, and that the Word

became flesh. Also, we must know about the darkness and the light, and not only can the

physical Israelites be the Son of God but also those who believe in Jesus’ name.

Bear in your mind that only when you have the word in your mind, God is with you, the word

makes the life and the light exist, the word makes you the Son of God, and only the word can

make you be born again.

The Three Secrets of the New Testament

People are unable to gain salvation if they do not know about the three secrets of the New


Among the three secrets, one is the secret of the seven stars and the seven golden lampstands

(Rev 1:20). Another secret is of the woman and of the beast, which has seven heads and ten

horns (Rev 17:5-13), and the third is the secret of the seventh trumpet (Rev 10:7).

God said in Amos 3:7, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to

his servants the prophets.”. Today is the time of the fulfillment of Revelation. At this time, God

tells the secrets of the New Testament to the one referred to as the New John, the chosen pastor,

and makes him deliver the testimony.

Let’s look into the three secrets of the New Testament.

The seven stars were in the hand of Jesus and he walked among the seven golden lampstands.

That is to say, they were chosen by Jesus and he worked through them, but they became

betrayers (Rev 2:,13:).

The woman and the beast, which has seven heads and ten horns, were the destroyers, the false

pastors (Rev. 13), who destroyed the people of the first tabernacle of the seven stars

(messengers), the tabernacle of the seven lampstands, the tabernacle of heaven in Rev 13.

The seventh trumpet is figurative for the one who is overcomes in Rev 2 & 3. The male child,

whom the woman gave birth to and his fellow brothers, fought against the beast, the false pastors,

who were the destroyers, and won the war. The seventh trumpet is the sound of salvation, which

proclaims that the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord (Rev 12:7-11,


Revelation proclaims the end of spiritual Israel, and the events of the second coming of Jesus.

The events of the betrayers, destroyers, and saviors were already spoken of within the scriptures

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(Mt 24:, 2Thes 2:1-4). If you do not know about these three secret groups (mountain, church),

the group of the betrayers, the destroyers, and saviors, you cannot truly understand which side

you are on. You are unable to know who the betrayer, destroyer, and savior really are.

Jesus said, ‘I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.’

(Jn 14:29). The man who is competent in the truth of Revelation, the one Jesus promised ahead

of time so we would believe in him, can distinguish the betrayer, destroyer, and savior when they

appear. However, the man who does not know the truth about Revelation cannot distinguish

these things, even though he sees them.

Until now, the Revelation was sealed and the actual entities had not appeared, so we could not

know the true reality. However, today, the Revelation has been fulfilled, and the actual entities

have physically appeared. As it was previously foretold, only one man, the New John, saw the

events of the fulfillment and was given the understanding by God. We also are able to see and

know the fulfillment by this man (Rev 1:1-2, 22:16, 10:). Therefore, believers can come to know

the three secrets of the New Testament and the groups they represent, when they meet the

promised pastor of the New Testament, and receive the testimony from him.

Today, in the end times, the person who ignores this word and only believe in his pastor will be

unable to receive salvation.

We hope you to realize this truth and search to find and meet the promised pastor.

Three kinds Mountains of Secret

Where can we find and what are the three secrets of the mountains? The three of secrets, are the

mountain of betrayal, the mountain of destruction, and the mountain of salvation.

Jesus said the signs of the end of age would be like the time of Noah and the time of Lot (Lk

17:26-30). It was the mountain, which the people in the days of Noah and Lot had to find and

flee to, for Salvation (Ge 8:4, 19:17-30). In the time of the second coming, the place to flee is

also the mountain (Mt 24:15-16). Among these three mountains; the mountain of betrayal (Eze

36:1-2, Rev 8:8, Rev 13), the mountain of destruction

(Jer 51:25, Rev 13, Rev 17:9), and the mountain of salvation (Isa 2:2-4, Rev 14:1-5) where is this

mountain we must flee to? First let us find out the spiritual meaning of a mountain.

As mountains are made from the dust or soil, the mountains, spiritually speaking, refer to the

churches where a great number of the saints (the congregation members) made from the soil

(physical body or flesh) are gathered, or the denominations that consist of these churches.

The saints of the tabernacle of heaven in Rev 13, who received a mark from the beast and

worshiped him, betraying the Lord, is the organization which is referred to as the ‘mountains of


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Because the actions of the seven heads, pastors of Babylon and the false prophet with ten horns

in Rev 13, are to enter and destroy the saints of the tabernacle, this organization of Babylon is the

‘mountains of destruction’.

The seven heads on which the prostitute (Rev 17:9) sits, are described as seven mountains and

seven kings (Rev 17:9). They are also referred to as many waters (Rev 17:1, 3).

The seven kings refer pastors who belong to seven churches and seven mountains or many

waters, represent which consists of many people. In Korean it is called, In-san-in-heh (a Korean

proverb, which means a great number of people, are symbolized by the mountains and the sea).

This is because the seven pastors are representatives of churches or denominations (mountains)

(references: Rev 17:1, 15).

The mountain of salvation' is the mountain (Mt 24:16) to which we must flee when we see

destroyers standing in the holy place. This mountain is a spiritual mountain, Mt. Zion where the

Lamb is standing and the throne of God is located (Rev 14:1-5). The place where the Lamb who

is Jesus, stands, is the place of salvation, which exists as a result of the destruction of the


Why are these three denominations, referred to as the mountains, secrets? Rev 1 and 13:6 say

that the tabernacle of the seven stars, that is, the tabernacle of heaven is a mystery (Rev 1:20).

That is why the mountains of betrayal are a secret.

The reason the mountains of destruction are secret is because the pastors of Babylon, the seven

heads who invades the tabernacle of heaven, are also described as a mystery (Rev 17:1-7). And

the mountain of salvation is also secret. This is because, when the seventh and final trumpet is

blown (1Co 15:51-54, Rev 10:7), the kingdom which is created by overcoming (the mountain or

organization of salvation), the twelve tribes with the firstfruits are called mystery.

The 'end of the age' means the end of the Christian world, Spiritual Israel (the chosen people),

who were created and will be judged through Jesus. It is not referring to the end of the physical

world. At this time of the end of the age, there are the events of betrayal, destruction, and

salvation (2Th 2:1-4). We must find and flee to the mountain of salvation (Mt. Zion which Jesus

is on), when we see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place (Mt 24:15-

16). He who overcomes sits on Mt. Zion, the throne of Jesus (Rev 3:21). No one in the world is

knows about these mountains. Nevertheless, people must come know through the one who

receives the truth that it is the mountain of salvation where they must flee, in the midst of this

destruction at the end of the age.

The Classification of Pastors

How many kinds of pastors are there in the Bible? Pastors are primarily divided into four kinds.

They are prophetic pastors (pastors of prophecy), promised pastors, general pastors, and false


The prophetic pastor is the one God chooses to allow to prophecy what will be fulfilled. This

pastor is also called a prophet because he sees and hears what will be done in the future.

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Prophecy, the prediction of the future, is God's prophecy, promise, and the blueprint of what is to

come. When it is fulfilled, it is done exactly as He prophesies. The prophecy before the First

Coming of Jesus Christ is the Old Testament, and the prophecy after Jesus Christ is the New


The promised pastor is the one God promised through prophets in the Bible. For example, at the

First Coming, Jesus Christ was the pastor God promised (Isa 7:14, Jn 5:37-39). God fulfills

prophecy through the promised pastor and lets him testify what has been fulfilled through the

Bible. Also, God, who prophesies, will come to the promise pastor, dwell with him, and fulfill

the prophecies.

The general pastor is the one who preaches the Law of the Old Testament, or sees and preaches

what has appeared through prophecies being fulfilled. The pastors who preached the Law of

Moses were general pastors, and those who preach what Jesus Christ fulfilled up to this day, are

also called general pastors.

Among these three pastors, the promised pastor is the number one and most important, next

would be the pastor of prophecy. General pastors are unlike the twelve disciples and other

apostles of the time (Paul etc…), they are not the promised pastors, they are just pastors who saw

the fulfillment and deliver the prophecies that have been fulfilled to their descendents.

The false pastor is the one who preaches lies. The seed of lies is what the devil gives to these

pastors (Jn 8:44). The devil chooses a liar as his pastor or herald and lets him testify his words.

He is the one who falsely says that he is saved, proclaims orthodoxy and condemns those who

tell the truth as heresy, persecuting them. At the end of the age, many false pastors will appear,

just as Jesus Christ prophesied (Mt 24:11-12).

Because believers don't know the Bible, they don't know whether the pastors of their

denominations are telling the truth or lying. They are saying Amen without questioning (Mt

7:21-23). As a result of this, they are receiving lies, the devil's seed, and becoming the sons of

the devil. The believers at the end of the age, can know the truth when they meet the promised

pastor, who is prophesied in the Bible. At the First Coming of Jesus Christ, general pastors, who

preached the Old Testament (the Law), became one with false pastors who received the devil's

spirit, and we all know what they did to Jesus Christ. The Bible says it will be the same at the

Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Rev 13,16).

Even though people may not have the ears and the eyes of the holy spirit, they should pray

continuously with the words of the Bible. At the end of the age, you can find your way to life,

when you meet the promised pastor from among the four kinds of pastors. The promised pastor

of the Old Testament was one who overcomes, Jesus Christ, and the promised pastor of the New

Testament is also the one who overcomes, the new John, whom Jesus promised in Rev 2-3.

The War in the New Testament

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The war, which is prophesied in the New Testament, is not a physical war between nations of the

world, but is a spiritual war in which the believers (Christians) fight amongst each other. It is a

war of doctrines between the people who belong to God and those who belong to Satan. It is a

battle to seize ecclesiastical authority from each other, insisting the truth against lies and

orthodoxy against heresy.

In the First Coming, the Israelites, who were the Jewish people, argued with Jesus using their

doctrines. That is to say, Jesus and the Pharisees were the ones who fought against each other

(Mt 15, Mt 23). In the same way, during the Second Coming, as recorded in Rev 13 and 12,

those who fight do so using the words of their doctrines and their ecclesiastical authority.

Those who insist that the war written in the New testament is a war of one physical nation

against another have greatly mistaken a spiritual war for a physical war. They do this because

they don't know God or the meaning of the scriptures (Mt 22:29). Teaching misunderstandings

like this, feeding others false truths and lies, is planting the weeds and giving the wine of

adultery to drink. If the holy spirit of God were truly with them, they would not be sowing the

false seeds.

The war prophesied in Mt 24 also happens within the temple. What is poured out onto the

betrayers and destroyers in Rev 16 was not a physical bomb of the world; it is the wrath of God.

What must also be known is the angels and horses who are bound at the great river Euphrates,

those who killed a third of mankind, were not using the weapons of the world, but were using

fire, smoke, and sulfur, which came out of the mouth of horses. Their tails, having heads, were

like snakes and the horses used them to kill people (Rev 9:14-19). The head is the prominent

men (leaders) and the tail is a prophet who teaches lies (Is 9:14-16). The fire, smoke, and sulfur

which came out of the horse’s mouths, is the false doctrines. The people's spirits that receive

these false doctrines will die.

All of God’s Saints need to receive the revelation of God in the end times of the world, to

know the true meanings of God word.

Being Reborn and Being Sealed

The text : John 3

What is the meaning of being reborn and being sealed as told by Jesus?

1. Being reborn.

All people are physically born of the physical body, and God told us we could go to heaven

only if we were born again from the physical body. It is also said, ‘which is born of the flesh is

flesh, which is born of the spirit is spirit, and we should be born again of water and the Spirit’ (Jn

3:5-7). The water is the Word of the Lord (Am 8:11-12), the Word is the Seed of God (Lk 8:11),

and the light and life (Jn 1:4). The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God.

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If we are not born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot earn heaven or eternal life. We lead a

faithful life because we hope for heaven and eternal life (refer to Jn 5:39, 1 Jn 5:13). What

should be born again is not our body but our spirit. What it means being born again is within

people’s mind, there is no water and Holy Spirit but there is the seed of demon and its spirit, and

therefore they should be reborn through God’s seed and spirit. It is told in 1 Peter 1:23 for us to

be reborn through the imperishable word of God. It is because where there is Word, there is God

(Jn 1:1). To those who do not have God’s word within, there is no God, life, or light. Also, as

they are not the ones who are born of God’s seed, they are not the children of God, nor can they

call God Father and God cannot be their Father.

2. Being Sealed

The seal is a stamp, and usually on the seal a name is carved on it. The stamp of the name is a

proof to verify what a person has said. What is the seal of God? The seal of God is the Word of

God (the Bible). It is because the Word in the beginning is God (Jn 1:1). God seals through His

word as if stamping a seal on those who receive His word and by doing so to prove them as

God’s people.

Then what does it mean to be sealed? It means that God’s promised word is being carved into the

minds of people. If there is nothing carved into their minds, even though they hear and see, it is

nothing more than that. He who is of the earth is from the earth and speaks of the earth, as

opposed to he who sees, hears, and learns in the heaven and speaks of the heaven (Jn 3:31-33).

Those who hear of the heaven and have faith in it are the ones who are sealed with the Word.

Jesus said, "For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for He gives the Spirit without

measure (Jn 3:34).” At that time, Jesus preached the revelation of the prophecy within the Old

Testament by opening it (Is 29:9-14, Mt 11:27). Today, the promised pasture of Sinchonji is

testifying the revelation which shall not be added to or taken away from its Word (refer to Rv

22:18–19), exactly as he had seen, heard and been ordered. At this time, those who believe and

have faith in this testified Word can be sealed as written in Rv 7.

Those who are sealed become a kingdom and priests to God (Rv 5:9-10; Rv 7, Rv 14:1) and be

born again with water and spirit to become the family of the 12 tribes of heaven, the promised

kingdom of God.

Immortal Kingdom of Heaven & Mortal


The world is mortal. The universe is immortal and the angels of Heaven are immortal as

well, but all the living creatures come to be and disappear like petals of a flower (Ps 103:15).

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A world in which living things die in regret, lament, crying and agony, just as plants vanish,

leaving seeds, and animals come and pass away leaving seeds as well, is a mortal world isn’t it?

Life is like a dream, which when you wake, leaves you empty. All die, leaving their properties

and power behind. In the long history of the world, nothing has ever been everlasting and life has

not been eternal.

Jesus, whom God the Creator was with, came to this world, he possessed no house and had no

money and shared the pleasures and pains with beggars and sinners (Mt 9:9~13). Jesus healed

their pains and illnesses, taught them with words of life, gave his life away on the Cross and only

his soul was lifted up to heaven. (Mt 27) Why did he depart? Was it because heaven was a

paradise, which had only love and joy, without death and pain? Or was it because he couldn’t

stay in such an evil world?

The teaching of God and Jesus was a lesson on how to live, to give forgiveness, love and even

life, and Jesus practiced all these teachings himself (Mt 22:35~40, Jn 13:34, Lk 17:3~4, 1Jn

3:14~16, Phil 2:5~8). However, his teachings can no longer be found in this world. On the

contrary, lies, persecutions and curses are widespread within the internet cafes. Are they God’s

Commands or the malicious slander of the devil? There is no forgiveness, love and blessings

found there. Would God, Jesus and his disciples like to stay in such a world as this? Until when,

should living beings in this world pass away by death in such agony? Both God and Jesus know

this world of pain.

Prince Sakyamuni asked God about four different feeling of anguish in this life (Birth, Aging,

Sickness and Death) and recorded the answer he received from heaven in the Tripitaka Koreana.

But there has been no Buddhist since, who has taken noticed of the instruction therein, by which

he also prophesied Jesus’ coming, that his teaching might be an extinguished lamp when Christ


Even though the future events are recorded in the book of Revelation, no one has known the truth.

Just like the Buddhists of today, who only believe in their chief priests’ words, and not in

Sakyamuni’s word, even though they have faith in him, Christians also only believe in the word

of their pastors and denominations, not in the words of God and Jesus. True faith is to believe in

and keep the word of God. The world is mortal, but God’s Word is eternal (Mt 24:35) and

immortal. If I have God’s word within me, it means that God is with me and because his word is

the seed of his life, I will become his offspring and will have His Spirit, and God himself within

me. (Lk 8:11, Jn 1:1~4, Acts 17:29)

A 1000-year kingdom (millennial kingdom), a paradise without agony, sickness and death,

which is a union of the Spirit and flesh, will be fulfilled (Rv 20:4~6, Rv 21:1~4). God will create

his kingdom by gathering his offspring (Rv 7), and capture and imprison the devil into the Abyss

for the first time in 6,000 years (Rv 20:2~3). The millennial kingdom is a world without

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mortality, and its residents are God’s offspring, who have the eternal words dwelling within

them. It is the prophecy of the New Testament, the covenant of God.

The law of heaven is love (1Jn 4:7~21). Like God and Jesus, let us love our neighbors as

ourselves (Mt 22:35~40, Mk 12:28~33) and let us become saints of love and true priests, which

share poverty and pain with our neighbors. Jesus gave himself up to save a nation and people,

like him let us offer ourselves as a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1), serving and giving love for the

Kingdom of God.

Religious Unification, World Peace

& The Restoration of Light

Main scripture: Revelation Chapter 21

Through whom and with what will Religious unification, world peace and the restoration of light

be achieved?

After the disobedience and sin of Adam, God, the creator of heaven and earth, gave His word

(the Bible) to the people so they could come out of the world of wickedness and be restored to

their originally created state. The Bible contains God’s will. World peace and the restoration of

light will come if the work is done in accordance to the Bible. This is the promised restoration

that is recorded in the Bible, and thus religious unification and world peace will be achieved.

There are approximately 200 different races, and approximately 5,000 languages in the world.

There are also many different religions. This is the reality of the global community. Although

religious people all say they believe in the one true God, they all have different ways of believing,

and it is mainly due to these religious differences that conflicts occur around the world. Conflicts

also occur due to power struggles. Regardless of who you are, in order for this world to attain

peace and the restoration of light, you must be born again through the seed and spirit of God. For

this, all religions must become one through one truth.

Who will do this work? God. God proclaims to the whole world what He will fulfill (prophecy),

and once it has been preached throughout the whole world (Mt 24:14), God appoints the

promised messenger, the one who speaks on behalf. Then, at the time of Jesus’ second coming,

which is today, God fulfills the promises of the New Testament. God shows the fulfillment to the

chosen messenger who speaks on behalf, and it is made known to the churches (Rev 22:16).

The churches that hear this message must verify the New Testament fulfillment and believe it in

order to be the family of God, and through this all religions will be unified.

The word of promise and the revealed word of fulfillment, contain the secrets of the kingdom of

heaven, the seed, and spirit of God. Those who receive the faith that is revealed (faith that has

been revealed) will become one. They become one because they are born again of the same seed

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and spirit, thus all religions will be unified by becoming one. This is God’s will and the promise

that is to be fulfilled.

Next, the religious people who became one with the Holy Spirit will renew the world, which has

been corrupted due to religion. This will be accomplished through the unprecedented culture of

heaven. What is the culture of heaven that helps establish world peace and the restoration of light?

On the 1st of March 1919, 33 religious leaders (national representative) from different religions

gathered and read the Declaration of Independence and declared the independence of our country.

In its content was proclaimed; ‘Shinchonji’s heavenly culture will soon renew the world.’ From

that time until today, even though many people say they love their country and want world peace,

there has not been peace on this earth. Wars have continued due to religion, and young people

continue to die in war.

Today, the culture of heaven, which can achieve world peace and the restoration of light, can

only be found in Shinchonji. Only Shinchonji can achieve this heavenly culture. This is why we

are called Shinchonji (new heaven and new earth). Achieving this heavenly culture is not

possible if God is not present with us, or if God does not give us the ability to fulfill it.

What was shown in the World Peace Festival: On September 16, 2012, Shinchonji, Church of

Jesus, and MANNAM Volunteer Association (International Department) came together and

united to present a cultural and sports Celebration of Restoring Light. It showed the heavenly

culture that will end war on this earth and achieve world peace.

Due to Adam’s sin, God has been working for the last 6,000 years to stop the evil actions of

fighting and killing in the corrupted world, and now the appointed time has arrived and the work

of peace has begun. Religious people and presidents of each country are sending us

commendations, and should continue to work together more with us in the future. This is the

work of God people must do, the work of fulfilling and creating after coming to Shinchonji.

Shinchonji and MANNAM have sent a DVD with regards to ending war, establishing world

peace and the restoration of light, to the presidents, governmental departments (Ministry of

Culture, Sports and Tourism), and government run Television broadcasts of each country, asking

them to watch it. We requested the presidents of each country sign a legislation agreeing to end

war, and then turn that legislation into an international law. If they love their people, their nation,

and they desire world peace they will sign. Any president who does not sign this agreement,

does not want world peace, and does not love their people or nation. They should show this DVD

regarding world peace to their people several times, and encourage all people worldwide to

participate in this world peace movement.

The youth group of MANNAM Volunteer Association, International Division, joined forces with

Shinchonji to work without ceasing until world peace and the restoration of light comes true

through the culture of heaven.

As mentioned above, each country has already received the video clips of the culture of heaven,

which can achieve world peace and the restoration of light. All people would like to see and

experience world peace. The whole world should unite together for the work of world peace and

the restoration of light through the culture of heaven, which God is with and has promised.

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World peace and the restoration of light is the only way to resolve the unjust death of young

people in war, and it will become the food for their spirits.

Lies, lies, lies…the teachers of lies

The texts : Genesis 3, John 8:44

What God made known to us through Jesus is, the one who lies which is the Devil, for he is a liar

and has been born from the father of lies (Jn 8:44).

They lie to mask themselves and to deceive others. The serpent is the dragon, the Devil, and

Satan (Rev12:9, 20:2). Satan pretended God was the liar, and then made his word sound like the

truth in Gen 3. He lied to Eve. God said when you eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of

good and evil, you will surely die, however, the serpent said,” you will not surely die, instead

you will be like God”. The result was Adam and Eve died. Who spoke the truth, and who lied?

From the time of creation until today, people who killed the prophets and Jesus, used lies as a

tool to persecute and to kill (Mt 5:10-12, Mt 23:30-36, Lk 20:9-16, Mt 27:11-25, Act 7:51-53,

Rev 21:8, 22:15, Jn 8:44).

According to John chapter 1, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. Luke 8:11

said, “the seed is the word of God.” This seed is the seed of the spirit. But, the seed of the serpent,

which is the word of the devil, entered Adam and Eve. Thus, the seed of the spirit of the Devil

entered them. Those who are born of this seed are born of this spirit, and will die, like Adam, due

to the wages of inherited sin.

The reason Jesus said those who lie are the Devil, is because they are born of the seed of lies.

Those who were born through the seed of lies, which is the spirit of the Devil, then have the

father of lies dwelling in them. Therefore, Jesus said in John 3, you must be born again through

the seed and spirit of God in order to enter heaven.

I can’t help but laugh when I read the statement written by the Christian Counsel of Korea (CCK)

and the Heresy Control Committee. I am reminded of an old saying that says, ‘the pot calls the

kettle black’ (Mt 7:1-5). Who are they trying to deceive this time? Are they really going to carry

out righteous judgment according to the Bible? It’s unbelievable. How can they carry out

judgment according to the Bible when they don’t know the Bible?

They lied, because the spirit and the seed of lies are with them, and they will lie again. The

United Church of Korea (UCK) has splintered from the CCK, and as soon as they split, I saw

them speak a load of lies. Just as they have done in the past.

I ask the CCK and UCK, “When you split an apple in half, does one half become an apple and

the other half a pear? Don’t they still have the same taste as an apple?”

Pastor Choi was appointed as the head of the Heresy Control Committee of the CCK; pastor

Choi had been the president of the Heresy Control Committee while it was part of the united

Presbyterian denomination under the control of the CCK. Thus, pastor Choi is from CCK, and he

followed their direction. Is this not the same ingredients and therefore the same taste? Pastor

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Choi received bribery money, and president nominees gave bribery money in the CCK

presidential election. So, if the money pastor Choi received was bribery, then is not the money

the nominees gave bribery money too? Was it bread? Speak with clear conscience! Isn’t this

fruit from the same tree?

There was a person who was expelled from Shinchonji after saying, “one must eat the flesh and

drink the blood of the Chairman of Shinchonji to be saved, and one must pray in the name of the

Chairman.” He united with the CCK and together they hosted seminars in which they slandered

Shinchonji. He also united with false pastors and created 14 lies about Shinchonji, which he gave

to the MBC PD Note TV program. They aired this false and distorted story that was far from the

truth (2007). However, the legal investigation found that this story was a lie, Shinchonji was

found not guilty, and MBC PD Note had to air the correction and apology (2009).

This is the current status of the CCK and the UCK. They bought their authority with money, they

oppress those that are labeled as heretics, and despise and treat them contemptuously. They have

created a lie factory, and are producing lies. Is this Christianity? It is as if the CCK and UCK are

competing to see who can produce more lies. It is a lie when they said 12 million* congregation

members of Korea (*in their statement it said, “To the 12 million congregation members in

Korea”); it is a lie when they said they will increase their number of congregation members to 20

million; it is a lie when they said they will have the largest church growth in church history, of 1

million. The truth is that the number of congregation members has decreased due to the

corruption of CCK leadership.

There are countries in the world where 80 - 90% of the population is Christian. Why are they

feeding lies? One divides into two, and then they call each other heretics. How could they keep

lying and saying their interpretations are according to the Bible? You said it with your own

mouth, calling each other heretics; the CCK and the UCK are the heresy of Korea. The people

who don’t know the meaning of the Bible and don’t have the qualifications to judge, say they

will carry out righteous judgments. It is truly hilarious. It will be your way of judgment!

According to the Bible, there is only one judge who received the white stone in Rev 2. How can

anyone carry out righteous judgment if he doesn’t have the spirit or know the Bible? It is certain

they will only act according to their doctrine of heresy. They are not the harvested good grain,

they are not sealed, they don’t belong to the 12 tribes of the promised kingdom, and they have

subtracted from Revelation. They do not even come to the open forum, but instead use their

authority given by men to label someone as a heretic according to their lies. It is obvious that

they will call anything that is not according to their doctrines heresy.

Shinchonji is not guilty of anything, why did you call it heresy? If there is anything wrong

according the Bible, then say it. You have not said anything, nor have you answered even one of

the 40 questions according to Scripture (questions given 10 years ago).

They have confined, assaulted and forced the conversion education on people. They have

aggravated the runaways and divorces, and hospitalized people into mental institutions against

their will. They did all these illegal activities, and yet they accuse Shinchonji. Do these

despicable actions show orthodoxy, righteousness, love, and forgiveness?

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If you (the Heresy Control Committee of the CCK) truly want to live a correct life of faith, let’s

stand before the Bible and in front of the public and be judged to find out who the real heretics

are. Can you do it? I have said this at every Shinchonji seminar.

The old, corrupted, and splintered CCK and their Heresy Control Committee say that Shinchonji

is not part of Christianity. Let me ask you this, if people of faith who are harvested, sealed, part

of 12 tribes, and are keeping the word of Lord without subtracting from it, are not Christians,

then, are the people who make commentaries outside the contents of the Bible, preach another

gospel, make arbitrary doctrines to domineer, have not been harvested, have not been sealed, and

subtracted from revelation, are they Christians? Answer! The way we see it, the CCK is the most

wicked organization since the beginning of creation. To let them know this, I told them to come

to the open forum.

We never wished to have our faith recognized by the CCK. It is only God by whom we ought to

be recognized. The CCK is like the priests and elders of Physical Israel who acted as if they

owned the religious world, full of arrogance exceeding their authority. The CCK and the UCK’s

standard of labeling others as heretics are only according to their standard, not God’s standard.

Your denomination, your title, your theology school, the doctrine, and your commission have

been given by people who have been appointed through money, and not by God. Am I lying?

It is Shinchonji that received the food of eternal life in Rev 2, 3, 12, 10, 21, the authority to judge

(the white stone), the iron scepter to rule all nations, the holy city from heaven, Jesus, Jesus’

throne, the new heaven and earth, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, the new song

of the revealed word, and the holy spirit. It is not you who received it. If you have received these

things, can you give the evidence of receiving them?

Shinchonji received these promised things from heaven, and you have made up things from the

world. Are those things from heaven a heresy? We have never taken what is yours. Yours are the

weeds left in the field, and what we have taken are the firstfruits born from the seed of God.

Jesus sowed the good seed of God in his field; however, the devil came and sowed weeds in this

field. Now, we have taken the good grain and left weeds (Mt 13). So, don’t the weeds listen to

you, and good grains listen to us? Isn’t this true?

Why do you exceed your authority when you don’t have the food of eternal life, the spirit, the

iron scepter to rule all nations, and the white stone to judge? Repent! For the kingdom of heaven

is near. If in fact you are able to judge those who have a correct life of faith, using righteous

scales, then you must attend the open forum. The CCK and the Heresy Control Committee are

the heretics according to the Bible. If these words are hard to accept, then come and let’s discuss

them, along with the Bible. Who are you to judge anyone? Aren’t you like the Pharisees, the

brood of vipers who judged Jesus and his disciples (Mt 23)?

According to the Bible, today there is only one promised judge who received the white stone

after overcoming, as recorded in Rev 2, 3, 12, 10. Repent and be obedient to the word.

How are you going to judge when you don’t have the word or the spirit? The spirit searches all

things, even the deep things of God (1Co2:10). Have to search all things, even the deep things of

God? How are you going to judge when you don’t have the spirit or the word, you have not been

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harvested, you have not been sealed, and you have subtracted from Revelation. Come, and begin

to learn from the elementary truths of the word.

I have nothing else to say to you other than this.

Shinchonji is not Catholic or Protestant. It is the new heaven and new earth, the Temple of the

Tabernacle of the Testimony that God and Jesus promised in the New Testament.

The promised true theology is the revealed word, the ‘new song,’ that only the saints, the

promised 12 tribes, can learn, according to Rev 14. Is this wrong?

Who am I ?

The texts: Gen 1, Jn 1:1-4, Rev 21:6

Who am I (saints), and what era am I living in, according to the Bible?

In the Bible, there was the time of Adam, the time of Noah, and the time of Moses, as well as the

time of Jesus’ first coming.

There was the prophecy spoken through Abraham, the prophecies spoken through Old Testament

prophets, and the prophecies spoken through Jesus and his disciples.

The prophecy God made through Abraham was fulfilled at the time of Moses; the prophecies

God made through the Old Testament prophets was fulfilled at the time of Jesus (Jn 19:30), and

the prophecies God made through Jesus and his disciples in the New Testament are fulfilled at

the time of Revelation, which is the time of Jesus’ return (Rev 21:6). God fulfills His promises

through the people living in each era.

The time I am living in now is 2,000 years since Jesus prophesied the New Promise (Testament).

The only thing I have and believe in is the Bible, this one book. I consider this book the food of

life, and the path to heaven.

Everyone faces sorrow, pain, mourning, and ultimately death due to the original sin that people

are born from and because of this, people cry out loudly. However, God is not in a position to

listen to everyone’s personal situations. God must take back the earth He lost because of Adam’s

sin, He must resolve the problem of human sin, and must renew all creation, creating the new

heaven and new earth.

At the time of the fulfillment of the promised prophecy, God must look after the workers

(whether they are men, or angels), and hear their report. Although people say they believe in God,

they don’t know God’s will and cry out for things that are only beneficial to them. Do the people

know what kind of work God does at the time of the fulfillment of the New Testament?

When God’s objective is accomplished, we – those who believe in God – will also have our hope

accomplished. Who am I at the time of the fulfillment of the New Testament? Who am I? Who

am I? How much do I know God’s will, act according to His will, and desire salvation and the

kingdom of heaven? God’s work is clearly not the work of the world.

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I (the writer; the promised pastor) was born as a light of heaven, met a heavenly being, was led

by the star, and swore loyalty to God with my blood. After this, I met Jesus who came down

from the clouds. I was anointed, and I sent the letters to the seven stars (the 7 messengers of the

Tabernacle Temple). I was put in prison for preaching the word.

I have heard and witnessed, in person, the entire events of Revelation, at the place where they

were fulfilled. Following the Lord’s will and command, I have traveled the world three times to

make these events known. This is because I believe in God and this one book, the Bible.

The Heavenly Culture and Sports event, and everything else that Shinchonji has hosted, was

done according to the Bible. The reason the breath I take and the way I think of the word and

God, all matches up, is because God and His word are my life. I always remember Mal 2:5-7. In

fact all of Malachi chapter 2 (1-17) is always on my mind and never leaves my thoughts.

I continuously pray to correct any faults, and to make the good things even better, so as to give

more glory to God. I think of the 6,000 years of filthy and confused history, and remember God’s

kingdom and His righteousness. I promise time after time to be the city of truth, justice, and

righteousness, and a virtuous king. I pledge this because I, someone who is no better than a

worm, can only see Jesus who shed his blood for me. We have seen both angels and humans,

those who believed in God and worked hard for God, being led astray.

I was a filthy, empty bowl originally. In order to fill this bowl (heart) with God and life, I wash

my heart with the heavenly water, clear as crystal, again and again. You must always protect

your own heart.

I am still a child, and immature. I am so worthless in the eyes of man, how would I look in God’s

eyes? Would he even remember me? However, I have dedicated my heart to the Lord’s work.

When I am tired, because there are so many things to be done, I want to leave my flesh and fly

like a butterfly up to the sky, riding on the clouds, I sing, I dance, I write poems, as if I am flying

up to the sky. Lord who came to my silent heart and planted love, I risked my life to build a

relationship with my first love, Jesus, whose face I see in the Bible…. ‘Love that is thicker than

blood, a betrayer will never know.’ Because of this I remember Jesus’ love, that he was even

willing to shed his blood, and I dedicated myself, not to be like physical Israel who forsook their

first love, but to establish the kingdom that stands like a rock with an unchanging faith.

The earth is our inheritance. Jesus’ new command is to have an unchanging love, which gives

life, like the sky gives it light, rain, and air without discrimination against borders, races, and

religions. Therefore, I continue to dedicate myself to keep this command and to establish the

kingdom of life, light, and love.

When the representative of the Gwacheon Tabernacle Temple, Mr. Yoo, whose spiritual name

was Samson, shouted out “God, please give me the power one more time” after he had betrayed,

I saw the tabernacle of the seven stars collapsing on the spot! What good does it do to regret after

sinning? The ownership of the Tabernacle Temple was transferred to the Presbyterian church of

gentiles, as written in Deut 28. We, who saw this, must establish the eternal kingdom that will

never be destroyed, as written in Dan 2:44 and 7:13-14. This will be done through faith. Our

hope is God and the kingdom of heaven.

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The God of Shinchonji listens to the prayers of the Shinchonji saints. Shinchonji is the promised

kingdom, God’s kingdom of heaven, and Shinchonji members are one. Let us love each other.

The Blood of Jesus for New Covenant and

His Fulfillment

The text : Mt. Chapter 26 ( Lk. 22, Rev. 5:9-10, Jn. 6:51-57)

Shinchonji Church of Jesus (Rev. 21:1) is God's kingdom, the priests and chosen people that are

created according to the promise of the New Testament (Rv 1:5-6). Those who blaspheme

against this kingdom will be cursed. Jesus said, just as it was in the days of Noah and Lot, that it

will also be in the days of the second coming (Lk 17:26-30). Those who saw what happened in

the days of Noah and Lot, through the Scriptures, will know what will happen in Jesus' second


● New Covenant

Approximately 2,600 years ago, God prophesied through Jeremiah, ‘The time is coming when I

will make a new covenant’ (Jer 31:31) and after 600 years, God came to Jesus and fulfilled the

prophesy (Lk 22, Mt 26). To proclaim what will be achieved, in advance, is the new covenant -

that is, the New Testament. Just as Jesus fulfilled what was prophesied through the Old

Testament, there is the time when the new covenant (New Testament) promised by Jesus will

also be fulfilled.

At the first coming Jesus was the living bread which descended from Heaven and he said, those

who eat his flesh and blood will attain eternal life (Jn 6). Jesus was the word from the beginning

(1Jn.1:1-2), those who listened to his words were the ones who ate his flesh and blood, the living

bread from Heaven. Jesus established the new covenant by his own blood during the night of

Passover, as God promised through Jeremiah (Mt 26). The new covenant was the law of God

(Heb.8), and this law was the words of the new covenant. By writing the law, the words on their

minds and hearts, people would be atoned for their sins, God would not remember their sins any

more (Heb.8:10-12). To eat the blood and flesh of Jesus is to inscribe the laws of the words of

the new covenant on their hearts.

Jesus shed his blood and water on the cross on behalf of sinners (Lk. 22:39-44, Col. 1:20-22).

This blood is the price for the sins of mankind and Jesus has purchased a kingdom and priests of

God and a great multitude (people) in white through his blood (Rv 1:5-6, 5:9-10, 7:9-14). This is

the blood of the new covenant, the blood that he shed to save the sinners. Likewise, Jesus made

the new covenant and then died. This is what Jesus said to his disciples the night before he

passed away, 'you would eat the blood and flesh that I (Jesus) shed when the Father's kingdom

comes, and until the time comes, take the bread and the wine in remembrance of me.' Today,

after 2,000 years since then, the word has been testified as people eating Jesus’ blood and flesh

as recorded in Rv 5:9-10 and 7:9-14, in the newly fulfilled kingdom of God. This is the time

when people drink Jesus’ blood that he shed, keep the new covenant, the time when Revelation is

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fulfilled, and the people, who are the priests of God’s kingdom and the great multitude are

dressed in white.

As the prophecy of the Old Testament came to be realized at Jesus' first coming, we should be

aware the New Testament (the new covenant) is becoming fulfilled at the second coming. Those

who perceive this will wait for the Lord at the second coming. The fulfillment of the new

covenant and the faith in it, are the promise with the congregation in the time of the second

coming. The new covenant is a promise, which will be accomplished in reality. The faith needed,

is to see and believe in the fulfillment according to the words of the new covenant (the

prophecy), it’s reality, which is fulfilled in accordance to the word of the covenant. The covenant

is completed by believing in the prophecy and its fulfillment. If people do not have the word of

the new covenant written on their hearts, even if God has fulfilled it accordingly, how could they

perceive and believe? The prophecy was given for us to believe and to recieve salvation by

seeing and believing in it when it's fulfilled (Jn.14:29).

God, who is life, had to leave because of man’s sins (Gen.6:1-4). Satan came to rule over the

world, and death reigned on the earth ( Mr.4:5-6, Rom5:14). Between men and God, there is a

barrier of sins. Only through Jesus' blood, it is possible to demolish the barrier and to live with

the God of life once again. Paul explain this in the book of Hebrews Chapter 8,9, and 10. By

overcoming with the blood of Jesus and the words of testimony (Rev.12), Satan (the dragon) can

be defeated, be hurled down and God's Kingdom, his priests and people will be restored back to

their original state.

Shinchonji Church of Jesus is where the new covenant of Jesus' blood has been fulfilled. There is

nothing in it, which has not been created according to the bible. It is God's kingdom, the priests

and the promised new people according to his words. Those who don't believe this do not believe

in either the promise or the words of God. Jesus prophesied that spiritual Israel would end, being

destroyed for their betrayal and becoming Satan' possession, and judgment would be based on

the words Jesus had spoken ( Jn12:48, Rev.20:11-12). When the churches have an end, any

words which claim them to be 'orthodox', or 'saved' would not be acknowledged.

We, Shinchonji, testify to the fulfillment of the New Testament according to who, what, where,

when, why and how, with the revealed words, and pray that the christians of the whole world

will believe in the testimony and recieve salvation sincerely. Amen!

The Resurrection

The texts: Rv 20, Jn 5, 1Co 15, Jn 11:25-27

What is resurrection? The meaning of Resurrection is returning to life, and there are three

different kinds of resurrections. One is the when a dead spirit in a living flesh returns to life.

Another is when the flesh and the spirit are both dead, but the spirit returns to life. Finally, when

the dead flesh returns to life.

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It can be thought of and is similar to saying it ‘revived', as when a business has died (failed) and

it was raised, restored to its original. Jesus Christ, who had come to the world as the light said, "I

am the resurrection and the life." (Jn 11:25, 12:46, 14:6).

He had raised Lazarus (Jn11) and the disciples also had raised the dead (Mt 10:5-8, Act 20:7-12).

In addition to this, God has done many different things which the human brain and science are

unable to do. Some examples are the many miracles done through Moses (Ex 8-12), such as

feeding the people of Israel manna and giving them water to drink (Ex 15,16), the miracle of the

five loaves of bread and two fish (Jn 6:5-13), and more. God is the only one who can do these

things for the believers.

Adam and Eve received the breath of life and became living beings, but their living souls died

when they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent, a guardian cherub

calling himself God (Eze 28:12-19), deceived Eve by telling her if she ate the fruit from the tree

of the knowledge of good and evil, she would not die, but instead would be like God. Eve ate

from it and eventually, both the flesh and the spirit died (Gen 3, 5:4-5).

All people have original, hereditary, and personal sin and the spirit and flesh have continued to

die as a result of the sins. People, who die because of this sin, are able to receive resurrection.

True resurrection is to go back to the age of the living soul, prior to Adam's sin. If Adam had

eaten only fruit from the tree of life, which gives eternal life and had not eaten the fruit of death

(the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), would the spirit and the flesh have

died? When the era of Adam became mortal due to sin, God set people's life to 120 years. When

one who became mortal because of the sin is forgiven, will he die of the sin? Jesus Christ who is

the way, the truth, and the life (Jn 14:6) said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who

believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never

die.” The disciples who listened to this said they believed (Jn 11:26), but the Jews, who had the

same qualities as the serpent asked, 'Abraham and prophets died, and are you greater than

Abraham?' and refuted Jesus' words.

Like this, just as the Jews of the first coming, the pastors and members of today's Christian

church don't believe in Jesus' words. Among disciples of the time, the Jews, and today's pastors,

who are the ones that believe in Jesus' words? Jesus raised Lazarus out of the grave four days

after he died, that is to say he gave him resurrection. Apostle Paul, who received revelation,

testified in 1Cor chapter15, if Christ has not been raised, Jesus' death and our faith are futile, but

as Christ has been raised, he becomes an example of our faith. He also said, what we will be

clothed is not earthly bodies but our heavenly bodies and if there is a natural body, there is also a

spiritual body. He continued to say, the perishable doesn't inherit the imperishable, and it is a

spiritual body that is raised. He told the secret about the resurrection of the dead and the living.

When the last trumpet sounds, the seventh trumpet (Rev 10:7, 11:15), the dead will be raised

with spiritual bodies and we the living will be changed. The perishable becomes imperishable

and the mortal become immortal, it is the time life will win death over death.

This shows that people are liberated from sin and resurrected to the age of Adam, before the sin

occurred. In John chapter 5, Jesus Christ talked about crossing over from death to life and that a

time has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God in their graves and those

who hear will rise to live. What does this mean? This is not talking about those whose bodies

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have died. People’s bodies, which are made of the dust and whose spirits are dead, are spiritual

graves and the church, where those whose spirits are dead gather, is the graveyard, or the grave.

Those who are in this grave are spiritually dead. The ones, who hear Jesus' voice, those who

come out of this place and go to Jesus, rise to live. When telling them to let the dead bury their

own dead (Mt 8:21-22), Jesus was saying to leave those who have a dead spirit and were burying

a physically dead body and follow him.

In the Revelation chapter 20, there are those who take part in the first resurrection. These people

are the first to resurrect. The souls of those who had been beheaded become one with those who

had not worshipped the beast in the Revelation chapter 13 and had not received his mark. These

are the 144,000 from the12 tribes, who are the sealed first-fruits and they reign with Christ for a

thousand years. These people are a new creation, who is made by the blood of the New

Testament, those who are born again, sealed and whose sins are forgiven with Jesus' blood.

Their first resurrection is to be resurrected as God’s original creation. The spirits of those who

suffered martyrdom are clothed with the flesh of the people of the 12 tribes (144,000) and they

resurrect into living beings, as it was before Adam’s sin. They reign on the earth with Jesus

Christ for 1,000 years.

The conclusion is, the resurrection of those whose bodies are dead will resurrect into spiritual

bodies. The dead spirit in a person’s flesh is forgiven of sins, receives the word of life of

revelation, and returns to life (resurrection) (Jn 11:25, 1Cor 15:51-54). The spirit and the flesh

are able to live together forever through the completion of Shinchonji, the12 tribes and the

coming of Lord (Rev 21:1-7).

This is the first resurrection of the city of the millennium. Amen!

The Promised Pastor We Must Meet In The

New Testament

The text: Rv 10: (Rv 2:, 3:, Mt 24:45-47, Jn 14:26)

Jesus was the promised pastor spoken of in the Old Testament that believers needed to meet.

Because of Jesus, many people could come to our Father God, and could know of God.Jesus was

the one who received the Revelation, and through the Revelation he allowed people to come to

know the one true God (Mt 11:27). Jesus was also the way, so people could meet God through

this way (Jn. 14:6). Jesus forgave the debts of the sinners, and played the role of the way and key

that made it possible to guide people to God.

In that time, the people who were considered Israel, those born of natural descent (Physical

Israel), believed in the law of God and Moses, but they didn’t consider the promised word of the

prophets of the Old Testament. In the prophetic book of the Old Testament, there were

prophecies written about God who would come, the messenger who would prepare the way, and

the promised pastor. There were concerning the form of the faith needed of Israel in that time. If

they realized and believed in prophecy through the prophets of the Old Testament, they would

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not have crucified Jesus who came with God. If they truly were with God, how could the priests

(pastors), the elders, the people from among the world, who were proud and chosen people who

believed in God, persecute and crucify Jesus?Historically, they where the chosen people, but

according to what was written in the Bible, there was evil in them (Jn. 8:41-44). God, Jesus,

heaven, and the angels left Physical Israel because they didn’t receive them (Mt. 21:37-43).

● The promised pastor that we must meet in the New Testament

(New Covenant).

The promised pastor of the New Testament is the Spirit of truth that spiritually comes in the

name of Jesus (Jn 14:26). As the flesh, he is the promised one who overcomes, spoken of in Rv 2:

3:(Rv 12).

Jesus said, when he comes a second time, that Christianity would be like the time of Noah, Lot,

and first coming of Jesus (Lk 17: 26-30). Just as the Physical Israel, those born of natural descent,

did to Jesus in the first coming, there will be an event in which people kill the two witnesses who

stand before the Lord of the earth (Rv 11:).

The promised pastor receives the promised food of life 'manna', the authority to judge 'a white

stone', and the right to rule all nations 'iron scepter' of Rv 2: 3:.

Also, the name of the city of God (heaven), the holy city New Jerusalem, which is coming down

out of heaven from God, the name of God, and the new name of Jesus will be written on the one

who overcomes. He sits together on the throne of Jesus. He also delivers the revealed word,

which he received, to the people of Spiritual Israel (Christians) of today (Rv 10:), just as Jesus

had done during his first coming (Mt 11:27). It is written in Rv 2:,3: that Jesus gives all of what

he had received from God in the first coming, to the promised pastor, the one who overcomes.

In this time, there is the word that the pastors, elders, and people of today will persecute and kill,

just as was done in the first coming of Jesus (Jn 16:2).

These people are called Spiritual Israel, those who believe in Jesus, but there is evil inside them,

not the spirit of God. In the first coming, Physical Israel believed in the Law of Moses and

prophecy, but they did not believed in Jesus, nor did they believe in the Jesus being the

fulfillment of the prophecy of the Old Testament. Likewise, the pastors, elders, and their people

of today, believe in God, Jesus, and fulfillment of the prophecy of the Old Testament, but they

don’t consider the promised prophecy of God and Jesus, and they don’t realize and believe in the

fulfillment of the New Testament. So, they are likened to the dark night (Mt 24:29, Rv 6:12-14).

In this night, Jesus and the messenger (one who overcomes) who comes in the name of the Lord


● The promised pastor that we must meet in the second coming of Jesus

(Mt 7:7-8).

In the second coming of Jesus, the promised pastor received everything that was promised in Rv

2:, 3:, and he becomes the way, truth and life (Jn 14:6 ). There is no one who can come to Jesus

without the promised pastor. Everything promised in Rv 2:, 3: is given to the one who overcomes.

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What else are the believers able to get salvation from? Every child knows it. God was in Jesus,

who came in the name of God (Jn 5:43, Jn 14:9-11). Likewise, today, Jesus is in the promised

pastor, who is working with the Spirit of truth that came in the name of Jesus (Jn 14:16-26).

In the first coming of Jesus, God opened the sealed book of the Old Testament and gave it to

Jesus, showed all the events of that time, and made Jesus deliver it to the people (Eze 1-3:, Mt

11:27). Today, at the second coming, Jesus showed the open book and the actual events of all the

chapters of Revelation to the promised pastor, the one who overcomes. Jesus makes him deliver

the word of God, everything he saw in Revelation, to the servants of Jesus, the 12 tribes (Rv 1:2,

22:16). So, the one who fully believes and keeps the word and testimony, without adding or

taking away (Rev. 22:18-19) will be blessed. They will become the kingdom and priest of God

(Rv 1:3, 5-6, 22:18-19). The one who does not believe and persecutes, is not on the side of God.

Because of this, there is judgment given. In that time of judgment, each person will be judged

according to what they have done, and enter into heaven or hell, the lake of fire (Rv 20:).

However, the sealed people of New Spiritual Israel, the 12 tribes, that is, 144,000 priests who are

wearing white clothes, live in heaven, paradise, with God and Jesus.

We, Shinchonji, always pray for the healing of all nations. Amen!

Heaven and Earth & Sun, Moon, Stars

The text : Rv 6:12-17

What is the true meaning of Heaven and earth, sun, moon, and stars in our main verse?

In Revelation chapter 21 it says, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven

and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” Also in Matthew 24:29 it

says, “the sun will be darkened, and the stars will fall from the sky.” Many famous pastors say,

“they (sun, moon, star) fall because of the nuclear bomb,” or “God’s authority will fall,”

confusing people with their own interpretations.

A person says they are a believer, but do not know God or His will. As mentioned above, how

could a person know God’s will? There are two ways to know; one is learning from Jesus, who is

from Heaven and knows God’s will from the open words and the other is through the Counselor,

the Holy Spirit, the promised pastor in the New Testament, the one who overcomes, who is sent

by Jesus. Read John 14:26, Revelation 22:16, Revelation 2~3. If you say you know all and do

not refer to any of theses verses, then all you speak are falsehoods and lies.

Believers who have their hearts with Jesus and God’s Kingdom must be aware of these kinds of

pastors’ words. If one receives false teaching from these pastors, they will be receiving the seed

of Satan and become sons of Satan. Eventually people will end up in the fires of hell where Satan

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is on the judgment day, if you believe in your pastor in the time of the end of the world, which

does not know the bible, and does not believe in Jesus’ words. For example, if Jesus said to “flee

to the mountain”, running away to the mountain will give salvation, but those staying in the

church will become sons of Satan (Mt 24:16). During the days of harvesting, people should come

out from their church and follow the harvesters to be saved; there is no salvation by staying at the

church. This is what the believers need to believe and abide by.

In Genesis 37:9-11, Jacob’s (Israel’s) family was the sun, moon, and stars. These sun, moon, and

stars are in heaven (Rv13, 12, and 15).

In His Second Coming, the sun, moon, and stars lose their light and fall. This happens in heaven,

the tabernacle. Why is Israel called the sun, moon, and stars? It is because they belong to God’s

heaven. The sun, moon, and stars becoming dark means, God had left them. Loosing light means

they lost their authority, they can no longer preach the word. Fallen means they no longer belong

to God’s group and fell to the earth. In other words, they started as Heavenly beings, yet due to

their corruption, they became earthly beings (Gn 6:1-3). This is same as Adam, the man who

became a living being, but by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil,

became a mere man of earth, due to his sin and eventually died. When we look at the process of

the sun, moon, and stars darkening and falling, a third of the sun, moon, and stars turned dark

and lose light (Rv 8:12, Rv 9:2).

Heaven is a tabernacle of the chosen people where the sun, moon and stars are located. Earth

represents a group of people made of the dust of the earth. The question is, which generation of

the sun, moon, and stars are spoken of in the prophecy of the New Testament of Jesus?

This is not talking about physical Israel. It is speaking about the end of spiritual Israel. There are

two meanings to the phrase, darkening of the sun, moon, and stars. One is from the involvement

of the destroyer, which causes spiritual Israel to come to its end (Mt 24). The other is the harvest

time, which is near, and it represents the end of the churches. Thus, the work of the pastors and

churches is at its end. This is as promised and is happening today. But how would people without

the Holy Spirit know? People who persecute have the earthly way of thinking; they do not know

what they do. As mentioned above, the end of spiritual Israel is the end of the first heaven and

first earth and the end of the sun, moon, and stars.

As it is written, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth

had passed away,” what is a new heaven and a new earth?

Spiritual Israel started from Jesus’ first coming; it is the world, which will disappear, as written

in Revelation 6. Revelation 7 is the coming world, which is recreated, God’s kingdom and priest,

the twelve tribes. Revelation 6 is the former heaven that has existed for the last two thousand

years, and Revelation 7 is the newly started second heaven. This nation is Shinchonji Church of

Jesus (in short ‘Shinchonji’), the twelve tribes.

The world that is coming to an end (spiritual Israel), which doesn’t have light, is flesh and

without word, is fallen from heaven. Recreated is the twelve tribes, which is the true light and

heaven, where God, Jesus and spiritual heaven New Jerusalem comes to.

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Thus, Shinchonji, the newly created twelve tribes, is the center of the world. The world will

begin to be recreated based on Shinchonji’s culture. Shinchonji lives by God’s culture and all

this is from the grace of Jesus.

Many pastors copy and use Shinchonji’s church style, but they do this to confuse and give

conflict to believers, and to set one’s own authority. One who comes as the Counselor, sent in

Jesus’ name, is truthful. The New Testament’s Revelation should be fulfilled and reveal the

realities, the actual entities, for this to be proven. If one only imitates and cannot show the real

entities, then we should know that it is false and fake.

We, Shinchonji, saw, heard and testify to all that happened in the Revelation, and we are the

twelve tribe created by the words from heaven. We pray without ceasing, for the world to be

saved by Shinchonji’s Culture of Heaven. Amen!

Two Covenants

The text : Hebrews 8:, 9:

God said to the Hebrews (Israelite people) who came out of Egypt, through Moses, “If you keep

my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole

earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” (Ex.19:5-6). But they

neither trusted in God, nor obeyed him by the Jordan River. (Exodus 32, Dt.9:11-24, Hebrews 3)

So God said in Jeremiah 31, he would make a new covenant because they broke the first

covenant (Jer.31:31-32, Heb.8:7-13), and made the new covenant in the blood of Jesus after

about 600 years. (Mt.26:26-29, Lk.22:14-20, Heb.9:13-15) This new covenant is the New

Testament, which main point is the promise of Revelation. Those who keep this covenant will be

forgiven for their sins and become a kingdom of God and priests, and a holy nation, that is, the

people of Heaven. (Rv.1:5-6, Heb.9:24-28)

They were the covenant through Moses, and the New Covenant through Jesus. Today, those who

keep the New Covenant will be blessed as promised. What we should trust and obey are the word

of promise (prophecy) and its fulfillment in the New Testament.

The affairs in the past (at the time of Moses) are the examples then, and what appear in the

mirror are their faces (appearances). Today, we look in the mirror glass, which is far more

transparent like pure gold. (Rv.21:21) As this mirror is the everlasting word like gold, everyone

will be judged according to his deed as recorded in the Bible. (Rv.20:12)

Two Kinds of Seeds and Harvest

The text : Mt 13:24-30

What does it mean by two kinds of seeds and harvest?

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Jesus sowed good seed of heaven in his field. In this field, demon has sowed his own seed (tares)

also among the wheat. Therefore, due to these two seeds, two kinds of trees grew together in one

field. The field is the world (Mt 13:38), that is to say, churches of Jesus, the seed is the Word of

God (Lk 8:11).

Regarding the sowing of these two kinds of seeds, it has been prophesized by God around 2,600

years ago from now through Jeremiah that “I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah

with the seed of man and with the seed of beast” (Jer 31:27). About 600 years passed from then

and thereafter, Jesus and Pharisees sowed each of their own seed. The seed of man was sown by

the Son of Man, Jesus, and the seed of beast (the seed of demon) was sown by Pharisees, the

beast or viper (Mt 23:29, 33). Two trees yielded from these two seeds growing together until the

time of harvest (Mt 13:30).

The time of harvest is when the sun, moon, star of the spiritual Israel are darkened and fallen

from the sky by the destroyer (Mt 24, Rv 13). At this time, Jesus and angels go to the field, the

churches of Jesus, where the seeds are sown, with sickles in their hands (Rv 14:14). Jesus and the

angels are spirit, and the sickle in their hands is the believers that have the Word. Just like this,

the harvest is done secretly at night (like what a thief would do) (1 Thes 5:2, 2 Pt 3:10) for

faithful people are harvested one by one into the barn where God is, and they are brought up and

sealed with a new song (Rv 14:3) to be re-born. When this happens, harvested people are those

who believe in the Word and follow the Word, which is God (Jn 1:1). The tares who do not

believe in the Word do not come after the Word. Thebarn where harvested believers go is the

spiritual Mount of Zion, where God is. Also in that place there are 12 tribes, which are the first

fruits, the throne of God, the lamb, four living creatures and 24 elders (Rv 14:1-5).

It is said that this time of harvest is the end of the age (Mt 13:37-39). Why the end of the age?

The end of the age means the end of the world of Christianity, or the spiritual Israel. What is the

reason for this? It is because after the wheat is harvested, the remaining churches and the tares

are being burned (Mt 13:30); which means that the spiritual Israel and church will come to an

end, and therefore the end of the age, and since the sun, moon and star are to become darkened

and fallen, there is an end and destruction to the spiritual Israel. Who will be redeemed, the first

wheat who are harvested into the barn at the time of harvest, or the remaining tares and their

pastors and churches? Those who stand against being harvested and like to remain in their

church are those who do not believe in Jesus and his Word.

Just as God told there would be the work of sowing two kinds of seeds and just as Jesus fulfilled

it during his time, Jesus told that there would be the time of harvest and today he has fulfilled it.

At this time, who are the heretics, the tares left behind in the field of sown seeds or the wheat,

harvested into the barn? At the time of Jesus, they called Jesus, the Son of Man who sows the

seed, a heresy and today they are calling Jesus “who came again to harvest” (Mt 24:31) a heresy.

The reason for this is because the demon that called Jesus a heresy during his time has gotten

into them. In the time of Jesus, as the pastors of Israel shut off the kingdom of heaven from men;

for they do not enter in themselves, nor do they allow those who are entering to go in (Mt 23:13),

today, the same thing is taking place. Those who believe in Jesus and his promised Words should

follow His Word.

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The reason why Sinchonji the church of Christ knows about the tree of life, the tree of

knowledge of good and evil, the sign of harvest and end of age, and the three mysteries of

Revelation is because it has seen and heard through what has been revealed by Jesus. The sent

person of God testifies what he sees and hears, and the sent person of God knows the Word of

God for He gives the Spirit without measure (Jn 3:31-34).

The believers should remind of themselves that the time of the Son of Man is same as the time of

Noah (Mt 24:37, Lk 17:26), and therefore should find the promised place of salvation in order to

earn redemption.

New Testament (New Covenant)

Matthew Chapter 13

God, the creator, established covenants through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. God

kept the covenant he had established with Abraham through Moses (Gn 15; Ex 12). God also

fulfilled the prophecies he had established with the Old Testament prophets through Jesus (Lk

24:44; Jn 19:30). God and Jesus have given us prophecies so that when they happen we will

believe (Jn 14:29).

The New Testament (NT) is not the same as the Old Testament (OT), which was already fulfilled.

It is a new promise, a new prophecy. Therefore, people who have believed in Jesus since Jesus’

first coming need to believe and keep the NT. The prophecies in the NT are to be fulfilled at the

time of the Lord’s second coming. Believers can attain salvation as they see and believe in the

physical fulfillment of the prophecies at the time of the fulfillment. Even if a believer reads the

NT and yet doesn’t know its meaning, he will not recognize the fulfillment despite seeing it. If

he doesn’t recognize the fulfillment, no doubt that he will be unable to believe in it.

Even if a believer reads and knows the meaning of the NT, if he refuses to believe in the physical

fulfillment he sees or if he refuses to act accordingly, he will not gain salvation (Mt 7:21; Jn

14:23). God has made a covenant in advance in order to save mankind, who has been held

captive under evil. This covenant is the prophecy God has recorded in the Bible for the sake of

our salvation. Hence, it is only when we believe in and act according to the words of the

prophecy that we will be able to cross over from death to life and attain salvation.

God and Jesus fulfilled the OT at the first coming of Jesus (Jn 19:30). However, God’s will and

purpose haven’t been fully accomplished through the first coming. God fulfilled through Jesus

his prophecies in Jeremiah 31—carrying out a new work, sowing two types of seed [Jesus sowed

the good seed], and establishing a new covenant. God fulfilled these prophecies in Jeremiah, but

his purpose wasn’t accomplished by fulfilling them. Those tasks mentioned in Jeremiah were

only planned to be carried out at the first coming, and the NT further prophesies another work

that Jesus needs to carry out at the second coming. The work that needs to get done at the second

coming is to harvest the crops of the seed, which was planted at the first coming, and to create

God’s kingdom and priests through those harvested crops. The seed Jesus sowed at the first

coming was the spiritual seed of God, that is, his word (Lk 8:11; Jn 6:63). The place where the

seed was sown was the church—the hearts of the saints in the church of Jesus are likened unto a

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field (Mt 13:24; 1 Cor 3:9). The time of harvest is the end of the world, and harvesters are Jesus

and angels (Mt 13:37-39). Two types of seed were planted in the field, which is the church of

Jesus (Mt 13:24-30). The seed of God (the word) grows into the sons of God, and the seed of the

devil (untruth, lies) grows into the sons of the devil (Mt 13:37-39).

The scripture says that the time of harvest is the end of the world. This world, in fact, is referring

to the world of the churches in Spiritual Israel. These churches have existed for the last 2,000

years, but Jesus made it known through his prophecies that these churches would come to an end

at his second coming. How, then, will this field—the church of Jesus where the two types of seed

were sown—come to an end? What is this prophecy about? Have believers of Jesus ever taken

this into consideration? If someone doesn’t believe in Jesus’ word of promise, can that person be

considered as Jesus’ believer? If someone truly believes in Jesus’ word of promise, he will take

the end of Jesus’ church into deep consideration and believe as the scriptures say. Jesus planted

the seed of heaven, and he also prophesied that there would be a time to reap the crops (Mt

13:24-30, 36-43). The time of reaping is the time of Revelation’s fulfillment (Rv 14). What

happens to the field at the time of reaping? First, weeds are tied up in bundles to be burned. At

this time, angels harvest good crops with sickles and bring them to the father’s house, the barn

(Mt 13:30; Rv 14). The weeds represent the sons of the devil (Mt 13:38-39). Those who tie the

weeds in bundles are their own pastors (Mt 23:13). The place where the weeds are tied up is their

own church. If people are bound with the words of their own pastors and remain in their own

churches, can they be considered as the sons of God born of God’s seed? Or are they people who

are harvested from their own churches to the barn, the sons of God born of God’s seed? Do you

think that people who choose to remain in their own churches, their pastors, and their churches

will attain salvation or be burned with fire? Should you believe and follow the words of the

harvesters at the time of harvest? Or should you rather believe in your own pastor’s words and

choose to remain in your church at the time of harvest? Believers must objectively judge for

themselves at this end of the age whether they should believe and follow God’s word of promise

or the words of their own pastors.

Roughly 2,600 years ago, God prophesied through Jeremiah that the seeds would be planted (Jer

31:27). About 600 years after that prophecy was made, God came to Jesus and fulfilled that word

by sowing the seed of his word (Mt 13:24-25). Today 2,000 years after that seed was sown, Jesus

has come to his church with his angels like a thief, and he is harvesting the crops and bringing

them to the barn of heaven according to his own promises in the NT (Mt 24:43-44; Rv 3:3; Rv

14:1-4). No one knows where Jesus has returned and where the barn is located, but Jesus has

promised the location in the Bible. Let’s take a look.

Revelation 14 shows the throne of God, the 24 elders, and the four living creatures (angels). This

place in Rv 14 is a spiritual Mt. Zion. There are the sealed 144,000, the firstfruits, gathered at

this spiritual Mt. Zion. It is a place where the 12 tribes, the kingdom and the priests, are gathered.

At this location, the people who are harvested are singing a new song before the throne, and

before the 24 elders and the four living creatures. The new song symbolizes the revealed word

that testifies about the physical fulfillment of Revelation’s prophecy. Out of all nations, this new

song can only be heard and learned at Mt. Zion where the 12 tribes are located. The promised

time of harvest is the time of Revelation (Rv 14:14-16). The harvested firstfruits are born

through the word of truth (Jas 1:18; 1 Pt 1:23). These fruits are created through the seed of life

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(Jn 1:1-4; Lk 8:11), and they are the same fruit born from the 12 branches of the tree of life

according to Rv 14 and Rv 22.

What is God’s will and purpose in prophesying through Jeremiah the new work, the sowing of

the seed, and the establishing of the new covenant 2,600 years ago? It is to show what must soon

take place in Rv 1:1 to his servants (Rv 7:3). What must soon take place is referring to all the

events in the 22 chapters of Revelation (Rv 1-Rv 22), and the servants are referring to the sealed

12 tribes, the 144,000 firstfruits, in Rv 7 and Rv 14. These 12 tribes are God’s new kingdom and

priests (Rv 1:6; Rv 5:9-10). This is God’s will and his purpose.

Believers, who are living in the era of the NT, can participate in God’s kingdom, the 12 tribes,

only by being sealed through the revealed word and by being born again to the new creation. No

matter how boastful and pretentious people are about themselves and their faith, they cannot

partake in God’s kingdom and the people of heaven in the 12 tribes—God’s kingdom (heaven),

the New Spiritual Israel—unless they are sealed and born again into a new creation. It is only

those who understand and act according to God’s will and the words of the NT that will attain

salvation (Mt 7:21).

Brief explanations on the World Peace

Festival Restoration of Light Culture and


World peace and restoration of light will be accomplished through the 6th

World Peace Festival,

which was co-hosted by Shinchonji and Mannam International Volunteer Association. Below is

the brief rundown on the events and the scenes of the festival on the day it was held.

The Millennial Gate is opened as the countdown is finished. Two representatives of Shinchonji

and Mannam enter through that gate while holding their hands and shouting hurray together.

Their hope-filled footsteps are radiant, and all the spectators are welcoming the two

representatives with hearty greetings.

After the entry of the two people, the athletes from the twelve tribes of Shinchonji—who look

like the heavenly warriors clothed in twelve different colors—and Mannam International athletes

clothed in white uniforms are bravely entering with the images of the four living creatures in

heaven and their distinct music instrument ahead of them. Their marching is as brave as warriors,

and their multi-colored clothing as magnificent as flowers in the garden.

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The entry is followed by hopeful and life-filled opening speeches from the two representatives,

the mass game performance by 2,000 people, and the card performances by 12,000 people.

Simultaneously the twelve tribes and Mannam International are cheering for their own teams,

and it is as if they are creating 13 different colored waves all over the sports stadium. Simply put,

the entire scene is portraying all the events from the Book of Revelation, and it is truly the

culture that heaven is only able to show to people.

An angel receives fire of the holy spirit from heaven. He passes it on to the promised messenger

(pastor). The promised messenger passes it on to the leaders of the twelve tribes. The twelve

tribe leaders shoot the twelve flames of fire to the torch stand like arrows. The flames of the holy

spirit are arising high in the sky. The flame of the torch has been ignited for the first time in 24

years since the same stadium held the 1988 Seoul Olympics. People around the world are

watching the lit torch at the stadium and through the Internet live broadcast. The fire of the holy

spirit is entering into the eyes of everyone, who is watching the torch stand. The hearts and the

thoughts of people, who have just received the fire through their eyes, are being united as one

with the fire of peace. They are shouting and shouting with cheer. This amazing unity is now

being portrayed by the writings and pictures of the mass game and of the card performances.

Peaceful shouts are emerging from all people.

More of the peaceful messages are being adding from the congratulatory speeches from the

special advisor of the president and other VIP guests from all over the world. Soon after all the

speeches are finished, the gigantic mass game begins to show the fulfillment of the book of

Revelation. The group of the dragon, which symbolizes Satan, invades heaven. Heaven is

symbolic of the tabernacle of God’s chosen people, portrayed as the golden lampstand. The

invasion of the dragon is followed by the destruction of the tabernacle of heaven. The messenger

of heaven witnesses the entire event. He shoots an arrow and destroys the group of the dragon.

The dragon splits into seven pieces and is scattered into seven ways. As the messenger of heaven

puts the war to an end, a strong roar of victory fills up the whole stadium. 200,000 spectators

inside and outside the stadium are being unified as one like the flowers of heaven.

The messenger of heaven receives the revealed scroll coming from heaven and shouts its

message like a loud trumpet call. The trumpet sound gathers all people around the world, and the

grand festival of God, World Peace Festival, Restoration of Light Culture and Sports, finally


In the afternoon, another mass game is performed with the theme of the unification of the

divided Korea. Back in 1950, a tragic Korean War broke out on June 25. North Korean soldiers

were forcing their way down to the southern part of Korea and occupied the land except the

region of Busan in South Korea. South Koreans, with the help of the UN soldiers, pushed their

way towards north and were able to reach Mt. Backdoo. As soon as they reached the far northern

side, Chinese soldiers intervened, and the South Koreans had to step back and move down to the

38th Parallel.

The whole world is paying their close attention to Korea. All of sudden, there is a trumpet sound

that announces the culture from heaven. The trumpet call transforms people of the world into the

doves of peace. These doves push their way upwards with the Declaration of the Unification of

Korea Monument ahead of them. Wherever the monument covers turns into the unified land.

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North and South Korea are unified, and the world puts war to an end. The festival of God, which

promotes world peace, begins.

There are 200,000 spectators watching this festival through two gigantic screens inside the

stadium and three other ample ones outside the stadium! The sound of their cheer shakes the sky.

The seats are all filled up from morning till evening. When the sun goes down, everyone turns on

their lanterns, and they twinkle beautifully like stars in the night sky. All the eyes that look at

these little sparkling lights are filled with so much inspiration. It starts to drizzle late at night as if

it were the tears of the deceased souls, who knew the tragedy of war, but now rejoice over the

end of war.

The twelve tribes are joyfully engaged in the festival of the sun, moon, and stars of heaven.

Twelve colored angels are gathering to the stadium like butterflies that smelled the flowers of

heaven. Everyone hugs and dances together. The sonorous sounds of different drums lift up

every one's hearts and make people feel that they are walking on the clouds. Shinchonji and

Mannam create unity where there is no high or low among people, and where a king and a

servant becomes one. Lastly, they play the scene of the wedding banquet of heaven. It is indeed

the site of the accomplishment of the world peace and the restoration of light!

All the events are translated into seven different languages and are broadcast live to the whole

world through Internet broadcasting. International reporters around the world also air the show to

their own countries. The citizens around the world, who watch the festival, put up bright and

hopeful expressions on their faces. Now they are busy inviting Shinchonji and Mannam over to

their own countries. Furthermore, Shinchonji and Mannam produced DVDs of the world peace

festival and sent them to all countries in the world. They are looking forward to hearing from the

presidents and broadcasting station officials, who watched the festival of God, the festival that

truly promotes world peace and restores the lost light.

World peace and restoration of light have been seen by heaven and earth. The globe will be

united as one, and world peace will be attained. The lost light will be restored in our generation.

Identity of the Tree of Life and the Tree of

Knowledge of Good and Evil

The text: Gn.2:7~9

What are the identities of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

Has any pastors ever made clear the identities of these trees since they appeared in the Bible

6,000 years ago. God tells us to teach the next generations in parables, the hidden things since

the creation, in Ps.78 and Jesus revealed it in parables at his first coming. He promised that he

would tell it open when it comes time (Jn.16:25) and that the Counselor, the Spirit of truth, who

will come in his name will guide us into the truth. (Jn.14:26, 15:26, 16:13)

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At this day of Jesus’ Second Coming, we, Shinchonji, where there is the promised pastor whom

the Spirit of truth is with, tells it open, not in parable, as is promised by Jesus. Now we will tell

you about the trees made from the two kinds of seeds.

Firstly, let us draw two trees, one with the seed of life from God, and the other with the seed of

death from the Satan, both having branches, fruits and birds.

God tells us that we will die if we eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

(Gn.2:17) and that we will live forever if we eat the fruit from the tree of life (Gn.3:22). What are

the identities of these trees? It is written in Prov.3:18, the tree of life is not a plant but a man who

gains the wisdom and it is also written at Isa.5:1~7, the vine is the Israeli.

There were two kinds of trees in the Garden of Eden, the tabernacle of Adam, and two kinds of

seeds were sown in one field of Jesus (Mt.13:24~30, 37), which grows up to be big trees, and

birds come and perch on the branches. (Mt.13:31~32)

These two trees began as seeds, and seeds are words. (Lk.8:11) Seed of God is the word of life,

but seed of Satan is the words of death. So, the seed of life is sown in the field of the heart and

will grow to be the tree of life, but the seed of death sown in the field of the heart will grow up to

be the tree of death. Tree of life will bear the fruit of life, but the tree of death will bear the fruit

of death. It is the natural law of seed and tree.

Jesus who is the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt.13:24, 37) mentions himself as the true vine, the

disciples as branch that will bear the fruits, (Jn.15:1~5) and the Spirit of God like a dove

descended on him. (Mt.3:16, 13:32) King Nebuchadnezzar was a large tree with branches

bearing fruits, which birds nested on and animals sheltered beneath. (Dan.4:20~22)

In his field, that means the Church of Christ, two kinds of seeds were sown, which would

naturally grow up to two kinds of trees. The seed of God was sown by Jesus, and the seed of

Satan was sown by the pastors of the law, teachers, and the Pharisees in those days. The good

seed becomes the sons of the Kingdom of God and the weed becomes the sons of hell of Satan

respectively as are sown. (Mt.13:38)

Of the two kinds of trees as mentioned above, one is Jesus who is the Kingdom of Heaven, and

the other is King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Who do you think is the tree of life and the tree of

knowledge of good and evil? Jesus said that he is the true vine (Jn.15:1) and called the teachers

of law and Pharisees as snakes. (Mt.23:29, 33) As it is written at Dt.32, their wine is the venom

of serpents and the deadly poison of cobras, the pastors of the law, teachers, and Pharisees are

the vines of snakes. As Jesus mentions himself as the way, the truth, and the life (Jn.14:6), he is

the true vine, the tree of life, while the pastors of Babylon these days in Rv.17, 18 are the trees of

knowledge for good and evil of the demons and devils, as they let all the nations drink the

maddening wine of their adulteries. If anyone eats the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good

and evil, his spirit will die and he will become the son of Satan and go to hell.

In conclusion, the identities of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the

Garden of Eden are as below;

At the First Coming, Jesus was the tree of life, and the pastors of the Pharisees who were

serpents were the tree of knowledge of good and evil. At the Second Coming, the tree of life is

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the twelve tribes of Shinchonji Church of Christ (Rv.22:1~2), and the tree of knowledge of good

and evil are the pastors like the beasts having seven heads and ten horns who invaded and

destroyed Heaven the tabernacle of the chosen people in Rv.13, and fed them the wine of their

adulteries(the venom of serpents) in Rv.17~18. As there were two kinds of trees together in the

Garden of Eden, there are trees made of two kinds of seeds together in the field of Jesus’ Church

these day. One is the tree of life born with the seed of God, while the other is the tree of

knowledge of good and evil born with the seed of Satan. The trees are the pastor of God and the

pastor of Satan respectively.

The Physical Fulfillment of Revelation

in the New Testament

Revelation (Rev 1~22) is the prophecy that Jesus promised in New Testament. You cannot be

saved if you add words to or take away words from Revelation. (Rev 22:18-19) Revelation has

prophecy and fulfillment. Prophecy is the written word and physical fulfillment is the physical

entities that appear by the written prophecy being fulfilled.

Revelation (Prophecy) is in a state of being sealed with seven seals until it's time to be

fulfilled.(Rev 5:1) When Revelation is fulfilled, it is done through the appointed flow (rebellion

→ destruction → salvation) (2Th2) and the one who achieves is Jesus Christ. Revelation means

opening and revealing the sealed one. That is, revealing how the written prophecy in the sealed

book is fulfilled and appears.

The delivery process of Revelation is as follows. God gives the sealed book in his hand to Jesus

Christ (Rev 5:1), Jesus takes it (Rev 5:7), and he breaks the 7 seals and opens it in Rev 6 and 8.

(revelation) In chapter 10, this revelation is delivered to John through the angel. Jonh that

receives the opened book tells peoples, nations, languages and kings as he is told. John, peoples,

languages and kings are the flesh. The flesh should be given the revelation of Jesus Christ by

John who receives it. (Rev 1:1)

The testimony of Revelation in New testament is to testify the fulfilled entities without adding to

it or taking away from it. In heaven or on earth, Jesus is the only one who can open the seven

seals of the book and John is the only one who receives the open book and delivers it. When the

Revelation is fulfilled, he is not Jesus' disciple John, but the new John (the promised pastor who

comes as the equal of apostle John). Unless people are given the revelation through John, they

can't know prophecy and physical fulfillment (what comes true), and they become like beasts,

not knowing the one true God, Jesus Christ and the new John whom he has sent. (Pr30:2-3) Just

like the First Coming there were people to whom the sealed old testament was revealed and to

whom the old testament wasn't revealed to by Jesus (Mt11:27, Jn17:3). So, at the Second

Coming, the time when revelation is fulfilled, there are those who receive the physical

fulfillment through new John and those who don't. The reason why they don't receive it is

because they are ignorant of the Bible , they interpret the word arbitrarily, or they don't interpret

the word.

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New John who received the revealed book has accomplished his mission by testifying the word

of God and everything he saw (all the chapters). Those who see and believe the promised

prophecy in Revelation and the physical fulfillment are saved and the unbelieving will be in the

fiery lake of burning sulfur.(Rev 21:8) You shouldn't practice a religion arbitrarily or

perfunctorily. You should choose the way of salvation with deliberate judgment. The one that

testifies the revelation prays for the salvation of all the people on the earth.

Testifying The Good News to all Christian

Saints on the Earth

About two thousand years ago, the word of the New Testament that Jesus promised has fulfilled

in Korea.

Today is the time of Revelation and the 2nd coming of Jesus. So, people who read the New

Testament of the Bible to receive salvation must listen carefully to this testifying evidence about

the fulfillments of the prophecy within the New Testament.

The revelation of the Old Testament, that is, the words sealed in a scroll, Jesus revealed and

testified it (Matt 11:27). Likewise, today, no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could

open the scroll or even look inside of the Revelation because it was sealed (Rev 5:). However,

Jesus opened the word of the Revelation and passed it through an angel. So, Shinchonji Church

of Jesus (the promised pastor) received this revealed words. And then, he prophesied this to

many people, nations, languages and kings (pastors). Meaning, he testifies to all people of the

Christian World (Rev 10:). If you don't receive this revealed word, you cannot know the one and

only true God, which are made known by the promised pastor. Also, you won’t know the

fulfillments, which were promised by God.

All believers of the world were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was

to come would be revealed. The revelation will be a guardian, which will lead to the physical

entities, so the people would believe in the fulfilling revelation and following it. However, when

the prophecy has been fulfilled and the entities have appeared, that testified physical entity is the

fulfillment of the prophecies. (John 14:29) The believers will see the physical fulfillment, be on

the righteousness by faith, become the Son of God in Jesus Christ, and clothe themselves with

Christ (Gal 3:23-27).

When the physical fulfillment of Revelation (looking at the actual physical fulfillment by

opening the sealed book) is coming, the believers are no longer under the prophecy, that is, a

guardian. In the time of the physical fulfillment of Revelation it is possible to believe in the

actual entity and testify it as the revelation. The heir is underage; he is no different from a slave,

although he owns the whole estate. The heir is subject to trustees (the pastor of prophecy).

However, God sent the Spirit of his son into our hearts until the time set by his father, so we can

call out "Abba, Father" and become the son of God who inherit all things (Gal 4:1-6).

By believing in the words of Revelation, the actual entities of revelation, and the fulfillments of

the revelation, we can know the one and only true God and become God's children, and inherit

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all things (Matt 11:27, John 17:3, Rev. 21:6-7). The man who doesn’t receive the words of the

revelation is like an animal. So, God will abandon him, and he will be consigned to the fiery lake

of burning sulfur because he committed the sin by not believing in it. The promise of God is the

revealed words, the creation of the 12 tribes, and God's nation by putting a seal on the servants of

God who believe in the Physical fulfilled Revelation. In the first coming of Jesus, God made

Jesus deliver the words of revelation, and God created God's nation (Spiritual Israel), 12 tribes

with believers who believe in the revelation (Matt 11:27, 10:2-4, James 1:1). Likewise, today,

the time of the second coming of Jesus, Jesus made the promised pastor deliver the words of

revelation through the angel (Rev. 10:) creating the nation of God (New Spiritual Israel) the 12

tribes with people who received the Revelation (Rev. 7:).

How can a man who doesn’t believe in the revelation, be considered a true believer? Blessings

(life) and curses (death) are in front of us. To live, we must choose life and listen to his words.

We, Shinchonji, Church of Jesus are the prophets of Jesus Christ, the testifiers of actual things.

Come and see! Except the pastor and people of Shinchonji, no one can know the Revelation. If

so, they must be liars. We testify with the five W's and one H of the actual revealed entities,

which are fulfilled by the promised prophecy. People, who want to receive salvation and choose

to come through their faith, will have these things revealed and by their belief in true religion

they will be members within the 12 tribes of Shinchonji Church of Jesus. We always pray for


Two kinds of spiritual seeds

The word regarding the seed in Mt 13:24-30 is the parable Jesus said what he had fulfilled in the

First Coming and what he will fulfill in the Second Coming.

First, let us exam what was fulfilled in the First Coming.

God came to Jeremiah 2,600 years ago and said what He would fulfill in the future, the days are

coming, when I will plant the kingdoms of Israel and Judah with the offspring of people and of

animals (Jer 31:27).

After about 600 years from that time, God who prophesied to Jeremiah came to Jesus (Jn 1:32,

Mt 3:16) and sowed the seeds (the offspring of people, good seeds) in the field (Israel) through

Jesus, and also his enemy came and sowed weeds, the offspring of animals, in the same field.

This animal stands for the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, pastors.

Why are they animals? They are like animals, because they are ignorant pastors who don't know

God, the Son of God, and the Word. (Pr 30:2-4, Is 56:10-12, Ma 23:33)

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Jesus sowed good seeds, the seeds of God (Mt 13:24,27), the Pharisees and the teachers of the

law sowed weeds, the seeds of devil (Mt 13:25,39).

What is the seed? The word of God is the seed of God (Lk 8:11), the word of devil is the seed of

devil. The spirit sowed his seed through his pastor. The place where it is sewed is the mind of

man in the church (Cor 3:9, 16).

It was the kingdoms of Israel and Judah (Jerusalem) the seeds were sowed at that time. Why did

Jesus speak about the seed, the secrets of kingdom of heaven, in parables?

God prophesied in psalm that he would utter hidden things from of old in parables and send them

to the next generation (Ps 78:2), after 1,000 years from that time, Jesus came and fulfilled the

prophesy by telling the secrets of kingdom of heaven in parables (Mt 13:34-35).

Another purpose that he spoke in parables is to hide the secrets from his enemy.

If you can't understand this parable, you can’t be forgiven and saved, and you will become an

enemy. (Mt 13:1-13, Mk 4:10-13)

It is the Second Coming, the time when those secrets are fulfilled, the secrets are no longer

spoken figuratively (Jn 16:25, Cor 13-8-12).

There is no reason that the secrets are spoken in parable, because the entities of prophesy


Next, let us exam the things in the future, in the Second Coming and the harvest.

The sown good seeds are to be the sons of the kingdom and the weeds are to be the sons of the

evil one. (Mt 13:37-38)

The harvest is the end of the age, the harvesters are angels, and the sharp sickles in the angel’s

hand are the saints who have the word of God. (Mt 13:37-40, Rv 14:14-20)

There are two kinds of people. One is the wheat-saints who have the seed of the word of God in

their hearts. Another is the weed-converts who have the seed of the word of devil in their hearts.

First, the weeds are tied to be burned in the harvest. (Mt 13:30)

Who ties them? Their pastors. Where are they tied? In their churches.

The tied ones are the sons of the devil who are born with the seed of the devil. (Mt 23:13), and

those are to be thrown in the fire of hell (Mt 13:38-43).

And then, the wheat, the sons of God, are gathered into the barn of God, that is Mount Zion (Mt

13;30, Rv 14:1). Those are the people who are saved in the harvest.

As the word of Jesus, in the Second Coming, you have to believe the word of harvesters, the

savers, and be harvested into the place where there is salvation, rather than listening to your

pastor (Rv 14:1-4,14-16, Rv 1:3).

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The Promised Place of Salvation in the

New Testament

The promised savior of the Old Testament was Jesus. (John 5:39) Where is the place of salvation

that Jesus promised?

In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, there was no salvation without knowing the

promised savior. But the salvation is given to the one who knows it. What is the condition for

salvation? Only the one who receives the revelation can know of this. (Matthew11:27, John17:3)

The revelation of Jesus can be given only through the man who has the spirit of Jesus, who is the

one who came in the name of Jesus, the promised pastor, the one who overcomes. (John14:26,

Revelation21:6-7, Revelation22:16)

The promised pastor of the New Testament, the one who overcame is atShinchonji, Church of

Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Revelation21:1-3, 15:2-5)

Today the one who overcame has the new name, New Spiritual Israel. God created the new

nation through him and it is where the 144,000 who are sealed from the 12 tribes and the great

multitude dressed in white are gathering. (Revelation 7, 14)

Only the 12 tribes who overcame the enemy and came out of the tribulation are the chosen

people who would receive salvation, and anyone who doesn't belong to the 12 tribes cannot be

redeemed. This is the covenant of the New Testament, the will of God and what we should

believe in and abide by. No matter what anyone says, the place of salvation in the New

Testament is only Shinchonji, Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony,

the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel. (Revelation7, 21:1-3, 15:5)

Among the betrayers, the destroyers and the savior of the book of Revelation, the place of

salvation is where the one who overcame the destroyers is located. (Revelation 12, 13) With the

savior, the one who overcame, there is the Heaven, God and Jesus together, as well as everything

promised in Revelation chapter 2 & 3. Other than this place, there is no salvation, no eternal life,

no heaven, no God or Jesus.

It's only one place where our members should go, (Revelation14:1-3, 15:2-5) one pastor who

was promised (revelation10, 22:16), only one white stone (Revelation2:17), an iron scepter that

is given to the one pastor to rule the nations with, the fruit of life and manna, the food of eternal

life, and Heaven descending from the sky is also given to only the promised

pastor.(Revelation3:12) Therefore, except the one who overcame there is no pastor who will give

us salvation, and there is no place we should go other than where the one who overcame is

located. To those who believe these facts are given Heaven and eternal life. This is a true

statement without lies.

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Distinguishing between God’s church and

Church of the World

In the world there are God’s Church and the church of the world.

How can we distinguish between God’s church from other churches of the world?

Even if someone studied at a seminary school founded by a man, receives ordination, establishes

a church of a so called Christianity, and gives lectures on the platform, his church cannot be a

church of God nor can he be a pastor of God.

God’s Church is where God’s words are spoken, while a church of the world is where the words

of the world are spoken. (Jn3:31-33) The place where God’s words are spoken is where the Spirit

of God exist (Mt10:20, 1Jn5:7), while the gods of the world exist where the words of the world

comes out. That is, the Spirit of God and God’s words exist in God’s church. The place where

the words of the world comes out is from the church of the world, having a pastor who received

ordination after graduating from a seminary school which was founded by a man.

God’s words are spoken because God exist, and the place where God’s words are spoken from

proves that God is there. The place where the words of the world are spoken proves not God but

the gods of the world exist there.

The congregation doesn’t have the Word because the pastor doesn’t have it, and the pastor

doesn’t have the Word because the seminary he studied at doesn’t have it, and the seminary

doesn’t have the Word because the spirit, which is the identity of the words, doesn’t exist

there. Who can deny it? God says that anyone who will add anything to or take anything from

his Word (revelation) cannot enter Heaven and he will add disaster to him. (Rv.22:18~19) He

also says the Word is with God, so the Word is God, and life is in the Word, so the Word is the

light of life (Jn.1:1~4)

We suggest those who insist that Shinchonji Church of Christ is an unorthodoxy, to take a Bible

examination between Shinchonji instructors and their doctors of divinity, professors and pastors,

and between the saints who were taught by Shinchonji instructors and the saints who were taught

by their pastors, in order to determine whom God’s Spirit is with and whose words are biblical.

The saints of Shinchonji Church of Christ fully understand the Bible being sealed by the Spirit

and the words of revelation (1Cor.2:10, Rv.7) and they can testify the prophecy described in the

Bible and its physical fulfillment. Let us determine by the Word (light, life, and seed: Lk.8:11,

Jn.1:1~4) who is the night and who is the day, and who is the darkness and who is the light. We

suggest that the loser should learn from the winner to follow the way of salvation.

It is time to unite together by realizing the truth. We should follow the will of the Spirit,

throwing away human tenacity. Untruth should not reign the world, nor should the evil

masquerade as the Spirit (2Cor.11:14~15, 2Thes.2:9~10), nor should death reign over life

(Rom.5:14). If they are confident then they should come out from their hiding and accept our

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suggestion to stop persecution. They should not disturb the way of Truth by evil any more.


All the saints of Shinchonji fully understand the Bible through the one who overcomes, who is

the promised pastor, and through the Spirit are going to tell what they know to all the people, so

they can be saved together. Truth is the seed of God and the son of God (Lk.8:11), while untruth

is the seed of Satan and the son of Satan. (Mt.13:38~39) Hence one can be saved and enter

Heaven only by being reborn through the seed of God and the Spirit. (Jn.3:5~7) This is the time

when the new testament is being fulfilled (Rv.21:6) and when we can be saved by having faith in

and taking action to the promised word of God and Jesus. (1Cor.15:1~2, Jas.2:17, Rv.12:7~11)

Promised Pastors of The Old and New


1. The Prophecy of the Old Testament and the promised pastor

In the Old Testament Malachi chapter 3 verse 1, God promised (predicted) to send his messenger

who would prepare the way before him and those who were seeking will come to his temple. He

also begot his son, gave him the inheritance and the iron scepter, warned all the people to be wise,

and to kiss the son (Ps. 2:7-12). The promised son was born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2) and was

born by a virgin (Isa. 7:14). He bear his cross for absolving all the people of their sins (Ps. 40-41),

granted them salvation, and promised to plant the seed of the heavenly gospel (Jer. 31:27).

After about 600 to 700 years from the time when the word was prophesied (Jer. 31:27), the

promised son was born like the prophecy, God was with him, and he fulfilled every prophecy of

the Old Testament (John 19:30). He overcame the world (John 16:33), created the 12 tribes of

spiritual Israel after ending physical Israel and Moses’s Law, and promised to come again to

harvest the good seeds he had sowed (Matt. 13:30, 36-43).

2. The promised pastor of the New Testament

We have to observe carefully of who gave the New Testament to whom not by the mind of a

treacherous courtier who just flatters the history of Jesus’s first and second coming (the

accomplishment of the Old and New Testament), but with a moral mind to believe the promise


First of all, God opened the history of the seven lampstands which would prepare the way before

his son and have Jesus accomplish the history (Rev. 1:12-20), have the one who overcomes born

by the woman (Rev. 12), and choosing him as his son to follow his inheritance (Rev. 21:7). Jesus

opened the sealed scroll and had the one who overcomes to eat it (Old Testament : Isa. 29:9-14,

Hab. 2:2-3, Ezek. Chapter 1,2,3, Matt. 15:24 / New Testament : Rev. chapter 5, 6, 8, 10) and

prophesy again to the chosen people (many peoples, nations, languages and kings, Rev. 10:11,

13:7). According to Revelation chapter 2 and 3, God gave to the one who overcomes the eternal

food, the judging stone, and the iron scepter as he had given to Jesus before. God also made him

to be his temple by having the Holy City, New Jerusalem descend down upon him, and gave

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him the right to sit with Jesus on Jesus’s throne just as Jesus had overcome and sat down with his

Father on his throne.

Just Like Jesus who had overcome the world, completed the law, prophecy, and the prophets

(Luke 16:16) creating the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel in his first coming, the one who overcomes

today also completed the prophecy and the prophets creating the 12 tribes of the new spiritual

Israel (Rev. chapter 12, 7).

As Jesus had planted the heavenly gospel’s seeds (Matt. Chapter 13) according to the prophecy

of the Old Testament (Jer. 31:27), today the one who overcome came like a thief, harvested and

sealed the people, and created the 12 tribes of God’s kingdom with them (Matt. 24:29-31, 2

Thess. 5:1-11). As Jesus had preached that the kingdom of heaven was near (Matt. 4:17), today

the chosen pastor, the one who overcome has also been preaching that the kingdom of heaven is

near (Luke 13:28-30).

We need to confirm and realize the history, prophecies, and fulfillments of Jesus’s first and

second coming through the Bible and believe the fulfillment accordance to the Bible. Not being

able to realize the Bible though you are looking at it is a serious illness in faith, and is a big sin.

Jesus purchased men through his blood and made a new promise in his first coming (Matt.

26:26-29), he established God’s kingdom and priests that are the 12 tribes in his second coming

(Rev. 5:9-10, chapter 7, chapter 14), and is creating the heavenly people who are in white robes

by cleaning their sins with his blood. Those who believes in the promise, the prophecy of the

Bible, can be saved by first confirming and believing the accomplishments of the Bible. Learn

the promised new song, and become the promised people, heavenly people (Rev. 14:1-5).

The Testimony of Revelation in The New


Revelation (Rev 1~22) is the prophecy that Jesus promised in New Testament. You cannot be

saved if you add words to or take away words from Revelation. (Rev 22:18-19) Revelation has

prophecy and fulfillment. Prophecy is the written word and physical fulfillment is the physical

entities that appear by the written prophecy being fulfilled.

Revelation (Prophecy) is in a state of being sealed with seven seals until it's time to be

fulfilled.(Rev 5:1) When Revelation is fulfilled, it is done through the appointed flow (rebellion

→ destruction → salvation) (2Th2) and the one who achieves is Jesus Christ. Revelation means

opening and revealing the sealed one. That is, revealing how the written prophecy in the sealed

book is fulfilled and appears.

The delivery process of Revelation is as follows. God gives the sealed book in his hand to Jesus

Christ (Rev 5:1), Jesus takes it (Rev 5:7), and he breaks the 7 seals and opens it in Rev 6 and 8.

(revelation) In chapter 10, this revelation is delivered to John through the angel. Jonh that

receives the opened book tells peoples, nations, languages and kings as he is told. John, peoples,

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languages and kings are the flesh. The flesh should be given the revelation of Jesus Christ by

John who receives it. (Rev 1:1)

The testimony of Revelation in New testament is to testify the fulfilled entities without adding to

it or taking away from it. In heaven or on earth, Jesus is the only one who can open the seven

seals of the book and John is the only one who receives the open book and delivers it. When the

Revelation is fulfilled, he is not Jesus' disciple John, but the new John (the promised pastor who

comes as the equal of apostle John). Unless people are given the revelation through John, they

can't know prophecy and physical fulfillment (what comes true), and they become like beasts,

not knowing the one true God, Jesus Christ and the new John whom he has sent. (Pr30:2-3) Just

like the First Coming there were people to whom the sealed old testament was revealed and to

whom the old testament wasn't revealed to by Jesus (Mt11:27, Jn17:3). So, at the Second

Coming, the time when revelation is fulfilled, there are those who receive the physical

fulfillment through new John and those who don't. The reason why they don't receive it is

because they are ignorant of the Bible , they interpret the word arbitrarily, or they don't interpret

the word.

New John who received the revealed book has accomplished his mission by testifying the word

of God and everything he saw (all the chapters). Those who see and believe the promised

prophecy in Revelation and the physical fulfillment are saved and the unbelieving will be in the

fiery lake of burning sulfur.(Rev 21:8) You shouldn't practice a religion arbitrarily or

perfunctorily. You should choose the way of salvation with deliberate judgment. The one that

testifies the revelation prays for the salvation of all the people on the earth.

The Tree of Life & the Tree of Knowledge

of Good and Evil

Jesus passed down to the future generations hidden things since the foundation of the earth

through spoken parables so as to fulfill what had been promised in the Old Testament (Ps 78:1-6,

Mt 13:34-35).

Then what is the true form of the two trees (Gn 2:9) recorded in Genesis?

As we read Genesis 1:11-12, about what is written regarding God’s creation, there are trees

bearing fruit, with seed in them, after their kind. Jesus told that a grain of seed as small as a

mustard seed is sown in a field and when it is fully grown into a tree, the birds of the air come

and nest in its branches (Mt 13:31-32). There are two kinds of seeds: the physical seed and

spiritual seed. There are ten thousand different kinds of physical seed. What Jesus spoke of is the

spiritual seed (Lk 8:11), and he revealed the secret of the book of Genesis through the parable of

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physical seed. It is also recorded that when the time (of the fulfillment of truth as a form of

reality) came, this parable would be said not in figurative language but plainly of the Father

(John 16:25). The time is when we no more read through prophecy, but are able to see face to

face; not only we know in part, but we shall know fully (1 Cor 13:12), that is the time of the

reality when the prophecies are being fulfilled, so it is the time of the second coming of Jesus

(refer to 1 Cor 13:8-12).

The seed of God’s Word of life (Jn 1:1-4) is sown and grows into the tree of life, and from that

tree, bears 12 kinds of fruit and in its branch, the bird (spirit) of the air comes and dwells (Mt

13:31-32). Jesus is the Word of life (1 Jn 1:1-2), the way, the truth, and life (Jn 14:6), and the

Spirit of God descended and came upon him as a dove (Mt 3:16). The same Jesus said that he is

the true vine (Jn 15:1-5), so Jesus is in fact the tree of life that bears 12 kinds of fruits (refer to

Rv 22:1-2). Also Jesus told that he is the heaven (Mt 13:24, 37)

What is the difference between what is said in the above and Matthew 13:31-32 in which it says

about a small grain of seed being sown, growing up into a big tree and birds nesting in its

branches? Also, how does it differ from the tree of life in Revelation 22:1-2? All these parables

are all referring to the same thing. Also in Proverbs 3:13-20, it is said that the man who finds

wisdom and understanding it is a tree of life. From these verses, the tree of life and the tree of

knowledge of good and evil do not merely refer to physical trees, but are used as a metaphor that

indicates people.

If Jesus, the Word of life, is the tree of life, what is the tree of knowledge of good and evil (the

tree that makes you know about good and evil)?

In Revelation 18:2-3, it is said that Babylon is a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every

unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird, and with the wine of the

immorality, all the nations have drunk (and befallen). This evil spirit, devil is the serpent, Satan

and the dragon (Rv 20:1-3). This serpent is exactly the one who made the woman, Eve to eat the

fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Genesis chapter 3. The Babylon king in Daniel

4:20-22 was a big tree and its fruit abundant, and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches and

the beasts of the field found shade under it. This tree is the vine of the evil spirit or the serpent

and the wild vine with the venom of serpents (Dt 32:31-33). Jesus, the true vine, is the tree of life

as opposed to the wild vine or Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who is the tree of knowledge

of good and evil (refer to Dn 20-22). In other words, these two types of trees are not just a tree

but two kinds of people. Matthew 13:38’s tree of life grown from the good seed is sons of

heaven while the tree of knowledge of good and evil is grown from the seed of tare, sons of the

evil one from hell. Today’s pastors of spiritual Babylon as recorded in Revelation are the trees of

knowledge of good and evil, and the one who overcomes (or the ones who overcome) in

Revelation 3:12, 14:1-5 and in 15:2, he and they are the trees of life. As written in Revelation,

among the two types of trees in the Garden of Eden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil,

Babylon, will be fallen after its judgment and thereafter, the only one which will remain to exist

is the tree of life (the victor) that bears twelve kinds of fruit (Rv 22:1-2).

To conclude, the field in which God’s Word, the seed of life is sown is neither an animal, nor the

soil of the ground, it is people’s mind. The seed sown into the mind of people grows to be a big

tree, which is the 12 tribes, 144,000 priests of God and a countless multitude clothed in white

robes (Rv 7, 14:1-5, 5:9-10, 7:9-14). Upon them, the Holy Spirit comes and dwells (refer to Rv

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20:4-6, 21:1-7). This place is the heaven as written in Matthew 13:31-32 and the tree within is

the tree of life in the Garden of Eden and the tree of life that are standing on either side of the

river that is formed by the water of life coming from the throne of God in the time when the

prophecy of Revelation becomes fulfilled. Also, the big tree or an organization grown out from

the seed of evil spirit, which is death, is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the nation of

demon, Babylon or hell (Rv 18:2). These two types of trees are the pastors that belong to either

good or evil.

God has hidden this until today and now he has revealed it, but people are mistaken due to “not

understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God (Mt 22:29).” But the believers who have their

hopes in Heaven can reach to the salvation by believing and understanding it.

The two seeds and the two trees (the tree of life and the knowledge of good and evil) as written

in Matthew chapter 13 are what Jesus has said in parables (Mt 13:24-41, Jn 15:1). These two

trees were prophesized in the Old Testament, Genesis chapter 2, Ezekiel chapter 47, and

Proverbs chapter 3, and these old mysteries were revealed through parables by Jesus and were

prophesized again in Revelation chapter 22. In the time of the Second Coming of Jesus, the

promised pastor, who saw and heard what Jesus made him understand so clearly through the

angels of heaven, is testifying these things. (Jn 16:25, Revelation 1:1-2, Revelation 10,

Revelation 22:8, 16).

The Reality of Today’s Christianity

God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (Jn 3:16), and his son, Jesus, gave his

life for the world (sinners) (Mt 20:28; Mk 10:45). Jesus also said just as the Father loves the Son,

the Son also loves the world and his disciples should love one another. This is the new command

of the New Testament

(Jn 13:34; 1Jn 4:7-11).

It’s not God who is ending the Christian world, but the leaders of the Christian world who

brought this upon themselves. Within the Christian world there are ministers (priests, pastors,

reverends) who buy their ordainment and doctorate degrees in theology. This is what has ruined


Leaders who bought their doctorate degrees in theology or paid money to become pastors rule

over believers with ecclesiastical authority, and therefore, their objective was power and

money. Theology scholars and ministers holding ecclesiastical authority live in luxurious

houses, drive expensive cars, and live such extravagant lives. How could this be in accordance to

the teachings and love of God and Jesus?

Believers work hard to serve at churches and even in financially difficult times, they give tithes

and thank offerings. So many pastors take the difficulties faced by the believers and their

willingness to sacrifice themselves and serve the church for granted. Although they pretend to be

good role models, the reality is they have not cleaned the church even once.

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Meanwhile, there is no spiritual food for God’s people to eat and people are wasting away (Am

8:11-13; Mt 24:7). Because the pastors did not receive a proper education in theology, they do

not have the word, which is the spiritual food. Since the pastors do not have the word, which is

the source of life for faith, they only speak of earthly things. They also misinterpret the Bible

and say, “It is this. It is that,” and feed believers with false teachings.

This is the same as feeding poison to God’s people. This is the reality of today’s Christian world,

and this is the end-time of Christianity.

God shed the light of love to the world (Jn 1:1-5; 1 Jn 1:5-7).

However, the pastors, who are steeped in sin, abuse the authority they are entrusted with and live

in luxury while the believers go hungry spiritually and physically. God, who sees this, brings this

generation to an end (Mt 24:3-14, 29-30; Rv 6:12-14) and says he will build a true world of faith

through a pastor God acknowledges as true (Mt 24:45-46; Rv 12:5; Rv 7; Rv 10; Rv 21:7; Rv


If pastors truly hope to be saved by believing in God and Jesus and receiving atonement of sins

through Jesus’ blood (Mt 26:28; Rom 6:6-11), rather than the congregation members, the pastors

first need to give all their possessions to the church. After this, they need to receive the word of

heaven, that is, spiritual food, and teach it to the congregation members and govern over the


There should not be any incidents where people are able to buy positions of authority in the

church. Furthermore, false doctorate degrees of theology purchased with money and certificates

of ordainment should be turned in and people should repent and seek for salvation instead.

In the Christian world, whosoever wishes to be a pastor should be tested on the Bible and only

those who pass should be given the certificate to become a pastor and the authority to stand at the

pulpit and govern the people.

If one does not have knowledge of the Bible, he should step down from the position of a pastor.

If pastors, who do not have the qualifications, become pastors, the Christian world will become a

world of famine and darkness where there is no word (Am 8:1; 1 Thes 5:1-6).

God’s people will not be able to receive salvation and pastors will be seen as traitors in front of


God, as well as God’s people, wish for true faith, true pastors, and true truth.

But isn’t the Christian world today filled with lies and people seeking authority?

If believers trust more in their pastor’s words than God’s words, how can God give them


Let us repent. Now is the time for the Second Coming. We must understand the time of the

Second Coming is a time of confusion just like the time of Noah and Lot (Mt 24:37-39; Rv 11:8).

Wealth and authority cannot save a person (Mt 16:26). Only those who understand the promised

words and abide by them will be able to attain salvation

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(Jn 14:23; Rv 1:3).

The greatest truth among all mankind

The new kingdom promised in the New Testament is the new heaven and new earth, Shinchonji.

(Rv 21:1-7)

The promised pastor, the one who overcomes, starts God's New kingdom and brings salvation as

he fights against and overcomes the Nicolaitans through the blood of Jesus and the word of his

testimony (Rv 2; Rv 3; Rv 12).

Whoever does not belong to the 12 tribes, the promised new kingdom, belongs to the Kingdom

of the world (Rv 22:14-15)

Whoever dwells in the first heaven and first earth, and has not been born again to be part of the

new heaven and new earth is brought to an end (Rv 21:1).

The pastors of the churches that do not have the revealed word are the pastors of the world.

Preaching worldly words is preaching a different gospel (Gal 1:8-9).

Those who have not received the word of the revelation of the New Testament have not attained

salvation and heaven. They are without God (Rv 3; Rv 10).

Those who have added or subtracted from Revelation with their own thoughts will be unable to

go to heaven and will be condemned (Rv 22:18-19).

Anyone who hears the word of the revelation from the opened book and does not take to heart

will end up in hell (Rv 10).

Zion Theology of Shinchonji, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, has received the

greatest truth among all mankind (Rv 21; Rv 15; Rv 14; Jn 14-16).

Teachings that do not come from the Zion Theology are teachings from the theology of the


Come to Shinchonji where the firstfruits are gathered! They have been harvested and sealed! (Rv


Whoever has not been harvested are the weeds, the children of the devil (Mt 13:37-39).

Whoever has not been harvested and sealed belongs to Babylon (Rv 17).

The message of God is being proclaimed to people, but they refuse to hear and believe in this

just like it was in the days of Noah and Lot (Lk 17).

The New Testament has been fulfilled! (Rv 21:6)

Shinchonji has testified about its fulfillment and everything we have seen! (Rv 1:1-3)

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Instead of looking at people, examine yourself according to the words of the Bible. Have you

believed and acted according to what the Bible has commanded? Will you be able to stand

against those very words that will judge you? (Rv 20:12, 15)

Light of Life, the Culture of Heaven

Lee Man Hee, a descendant of the Korean royal family, who was sent from heaven as the light of

love — Who is he?

Born to a poor peasant family on September 15, 1931, he was given a name meaning light. Why

was he given such a name? Before his birth, his grandfather saw in a dream the ray of a strong

light separating the dark sky and descending upon the mother of his grandson. Having had this

extraordinary dream, his grandfather decided to name his grandson “light” before birth.

The creator God was life and light according to the scriptures (Jn 1:1-4). His son, Jesus, was also

the light of life (1 Jn 1:1-2; Jn 12:46). The light that came from heaven was the word, which

granted life to all mankind (Jn 1:1-4). Heaven provides life to us as it gives the light, rain, and air.

It grants us this light as a means of true love.

The light that came from heaven can also be symbolized as the culture of heaven that gives life

to all things. This is the unchanging culture that created all things in heaven and on earth. The

only possible means to renew and heal the tainted creatures is the culture of heaven, the light of

true love. Within this culture of heaven dwells the divine being of the creator, the holy spirit. The

one who knows the foundation of the creation of heaven and earth is the creator. Furthermore,

the holy spirit of the creator knows the deep things (the secret) of heaven and earth (1 Cor 2:10).

This is the culture of heaven.

The new era, the era of Shinchonji (i.e. new heaven and new earth), is created through the culture

of heaven. Let’s bring peace and restore light for each individual and for the world through the

culture of heaven! The one who can accomplish peace and restore light is the person of the

culture of heaven, who has seen and heard what was in heaven, and who has received commands

from above.

Let’s examine some of the great figures from the 6,000 years of the biblical history and their

accomplishment. God made promises as well as carried out the work of creation. The ones who

testified about God’s promises and creation were the people chosen by heaven. Adam was the

first man (the chosen person, the chosen pastor). Noah, Moses, and Jesus were also chosen by

heaven afterwards. Siddhartha and Confucius prophesied about the coming Jesus. Who, then, is

the pastor whom God has promised through Jesus and his 12 disciples in the New Testament (i.e.

NT)? Jesus has prophesied that he would put this promised pastor in charge of all his possessions

(Mt 24:45-47). The pastor promised in the NT is the one who overcomes in the battle against

Satan and the pastors belonging to him through the truth (Rv 2-3; Rv 12). God renews the world

through him who overcomes. The creation has eagerly been waiting (Rom 8) for the one who

overcomes to appear (Rv 21:7). The creation has been waiting in eager expectation for him to

appear because the one who overcomes can liberate them from their bondage to decay and renew


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That which enables one to overcome and to renew the creation is the culture of heaven. On

March 1, 1919, 33 Korean representatives proclaimed the Declaration of Korean Independence.

Within the Declaration there is this statement: “Behold! The culture of the new heaven and new

earth renew the whole world!” That which enables this declaration to be fulfilled is only the

culture of heaven. The holy spirit, the divine being of heaven, resides in this culture of heaven.

This spirit enters into people who accept the culture of heaven, and it can renew those people.

This is what culture is capable of. The wisdom residing in the culture of heaven is living and

active. It re-creates men’s thoughts into the thoughts of heaven, new thoughts. This is the culture

of heaven. The culture of the earth is made of what is on the earth. The culture of heaven, in

contrast, is made of what is in heaven. In fact, all things in heaven and on earth were created by

heaven. We must renew the world, accomplish peace, and restore light through the culture of

heaven. Let’s rid ourselves from the taints of the secular world and be born again of the seed of

the culture of heaven!

The chairman of Shinchonji has come as a precious bowl (the bowl of heaven) that stores the

wisdom and the commands from heaven, and the seed of the culture of heaven. That which can

make this known to people is his wisdom and the word of heaven he has mastered. In addition,

people have known and realized the value of this person through various cultural festivals that

served as a light. The divine being of heaven is capable of displaying and accomplishing what no

one else on this earth can accomplish within a brief instant.

Through the 6th

World Peace Restoration of Light Culture and Sports festival, the eyes and the

ears of people, who have watched the event, have been opened. This festival has opened up their

eyes and ears because it portrayed the culture of heaven where the spirit of heaven dwelt. Victory,

joy, unity, and the flowers of love have bloomed widely, and the flames of peace have risen high.

The footsteps of world peace and the restoration of light have begun humbly, but prosperous will

the end be! The seed of the light of life has been planted, and it will bear its fruit. Light has met

with another light, and they will become a greater light. World peace will be accomplished, and

light will be restored as everyone is united through love. All things will respond to the culture of

the pioneers, who bring world peace and restore the light.

The representative of the Mannam Volunteer Association, Ms. Kim, has been watching the

Shinchonji chairman closely. There is a statement the representative Kim has been proclaiming

during each and every festival she hosted. She has spoken several times in public how the

chairman, Lee Man Hee, was someone that the Republic of Korea as well as the whole world

absolutely needs, and that everybody should at least meet him once in their life time. During one

of the opening speeches for the World Peace Festival, the representative Kim confidently assured

everyone that the 6th

World Peace Festival would surely let everyone understand why the

chairman, Lee Man Hee, was an essential person to all mankind. If you were one of the

spectators of the event on that day, you will know the answer to her statement. International

participants around the world didn’t leave their seats from morning till late night. Shouts from

the participants never stopped for a second. People’s hearts and thoughts were united throughout

the event. The event was indeed the festival of God where people were united with spirits above.

This is the answer to her statement. The chairman Lee is a mentor of this world who proclaims

the physical fulfillment of the prophecies of the Bible, which has taken place in the east, and is

being proclaimed to the west. He is the embodiment of the true light, life and love, and he

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continues working to bring peace and to restore the light to the world. He is someone that all

mankind should at least meet once in order to accomplish world peace.

The Shinchonji chairman, Lee Man Hee, was a Korean War veteran, who fought in the frontlines.

Having been deeply deplored over the tragedy of the fratricidal war and the death of the citizens

of his own, the chairman Lee refuses to take any money that the Korean government provides

monthly for former war veterans. He is a peace activist who loves his own nation and citizens,

and who vigorously runs in effort to bring peaceful unification to the Korean peninsula.

While watching the tragedy of the fratricidal war, Lee made up his mind before his dying

comrades that he would accomplish world peace and restore the lost light for his own country

and citizens. Lee has never stopped praying before God, asking for his help. Nothing has stopped

him from praying because Lee believed that God would be capable of bringing world peace, and

that it would be feasible if God would help, and that heaven would be capable of providing

wisdom and the tools to accomplish world peace.

Why, why, and why did young men around the world have to die? For whom did they have to

die? The sacrifice of their lives is greater than the universe. The wish of the deceased souls was

surely the world peace and the restoration of light. Their wish must have been to live in a world

without war and without death. Everyone living in this globe is the same family that surpasses

national borders, races, or religions. Why do we have to fight against one another? Why do

people have to kill others’ lives that are granted by the light, rain, and the air from heaven?

If religions of the world are united, the world will also be unified. In order for the religions to be

united, all religions must be overcome by the truth. The truth of the culture of heaven belongs to

heaven, and it must be given from heaven.

The chairman Lee was the first person who led the Korean New Town Movement in his

hometown, Cheongdo. By having met the behind-the-scenes volunteer, Kim Nam Hee, the

Mannam representative, the chairman Lee has expanded Mannam Volunteer Association not

only nationwide but worldwide as well.

Furthermore, these two representatives hosted a commemorative event for the 54th


Memorial Day on June 6, 2009 (otherwise referred to as the First Citizens’ Festival for the Love

of their Country, Love for Taeguk, Love for Moogunghwa). This festival was hosted on the road

in front of the COEX Mall, Seoul, South Korea. The national flags of the 16 Korean War

participating countries were made into 625 kites, and the two leaders let these kites float in the

Seoul sky and prayed for the rest of the UN war veterans and the deceased souls. The two leaders

determined their minds not to let the sacrifice of the veterans go in vain. In order to cherish the

memory of the deceased souls, they made a large-scale Korean palm-printed flag (60 by 40

meters), which required the participation from 17,337 people--including students from

elementary, middle, and high schools, and universities; citizens, soldiers, international residents,

and more. This large-scale flag was put up, and the memory of the deceased souls was cherished

by many Korean citizens. As Korea’s largest palm-printed flag, it has been registered in the

Korean Book of Guinness, and it has been kept in the National Cemetery, Seoul.

Those two representatives held another citizens’ festival to commemorate the 65th


Independence Day held August 14-August 15, 2010 at Seoul Olympics Peace Plaza. This event

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called the Festival of World Peace, Restoration of Light, and Victory, took place in front of the

Peace Gate with about 200,000 spectators and several ambassadors from different countries. This

event, still considered as the flower of culture, has been something unprecedented until now. The

large-scale palm-printed flag was put up high in the sky again on that day, and a laser show was

performed on the background of this flag in the night sky of the event. The laser show portrayed

how one person, who became a light, was added unto another light. The motto of the event was

also displayed on the flag by the laser, which said, “When light meets light, there is victory.” The

chairman, Lee Man Hee, represented 33 people from various walks of life, and read aloud the

declaration from the Korean Unification Monument. It seemed like the sky was going to explode

by the hopeful shouts of the spectators. The Korean Unification Declaration Monuments are now

standing both at the Goseong Unification Observatory, east frontlines [Korean border], and at the

west frontlines, Imjingak.

Furthermore, Mannam hosted another festival to commemorate the 60th

Korean War on June 26,

2010, at Sejong Cultural Center, Seoul. Korean War veterans and ambassadors from 60 Korean

War participating and supporting countries were invited to cherish the memory of the deceased

souls. As part of the preliminary events ahead of the actual commemoration, Mannam volunteers

toured 21 locations at which the Korean War Memorial Monuments are situated including the

UN Memorial Park in Busan. The volunteers paid a silent tribute to the former war veterans. At

the same time roughly 14,400 elementary school students from 17 different regions in South

Korea participated in printing their thumbs to make national flags of the Korean War

participating countries. These thumb-printed flags were presented to the ambassadors who were

in attendance of the event. On the day of the event, the ambassadors from 21 countries partook of

creating a special bronze sculpture by agreeing to print their hands on it. The sculpture contains

the determination from those ambassadors that they oppose warfare and desire to keep peace

within this world. It is now being kept in the Yongsan War Memorial Museum, Seoul.

The participants also took part in creating a time capsule during the event. The time capsule

contains the messages from the Korean War veterans, the messages of gratitude from the citizens,

and the message that pictures the Korea that will have gained peace 10 years later, and so forth.

This capsule is scheduled to be opened 10 years later in 2020.

The Shinchonji chairman and the Mannam representative (Kim Nam Hee) have bound the globe

as one and created Mannam International that surpasses borders, races, religions, and societies.

They are leading the way of the volunteers worldwide. Who could possibly accuse them of

wrongdoing unless insane?

The culture of heaven has finally been launched! It is accomplishing world peace and is restoring

the lost light through the volunteers who are working unnoticed and yet shining. What is the

culture of heaven? It is the culture that deals with the highest spiritual world. It is the culture of

heaven, the culture where God and people are at work together. It is an extraordinary philosophy

that would be hard for people to believe even if they were told. It is a movement that is unseen,

and it is like a gemstone that enters into people’s hearts and creates them.

In September 2012, Shinchonji and Mannam had a joint festival entitled “The 6th

World Peace

Restoration of Light Culture and Sports Festival.” It was held in Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium,

Seoul. In fact, the gate of the stadium was closed for the last 24 years until last year this festival

was held. Twelve flames of fire rose to the sky on the day of the festival, and the 200,000

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spectators stored the flames in their eyes and hearts. As all the participants were united as one,

the festival was truly a joyous event for both people and for the spirits.

Several international reporters, ambassadors, and the special supervisors of the presidents of

different nations referred to this event as “the grand festival of heaven and earth.” Having been

deeply inspired, they also made a remark, “The entire event was like flowers blooming at the

gates of heaven.” It was a festival that only Shinchonji and Mannam were able of hosting. It

served as proof how there is victory when light meets light.

More than any physical battles that kill people’s flesh, spiritual conflicts within religious

organizations where people insult and label others as heretics are much cruel. Unlike those

existing conflicts, the World Peace Festival truly showed the possibility of peace and the

restoration of light. It was a place of unity where everyone held hands together, rising above the

walls that used to separate them before.

The promised pastor in Shinchonji, the one who has overcome, received the fire of heaven from

an angel. He passed it onto the 12 tribes, and the 12 tribes shot the 12 flames of the fire to the sky.

The flames ignited a flame holder, and it burst into flame as the fire of God, the fire of peace and

unification. This shall blaze up forever in each person’s eyes and hearts!

The World Peace Restoration of Light Culture and Sports was indeed a festival of victory as

Shinchonji and Mannam have met together—as light met with light.

Somniloquy of the Korean Christians

Korean press must wake up and become the trumpets of peace

The MBC PD Note aired false and biased TV programs regarding Shinchonji and deceived

citizens of Korea for the purpose of sabotaging Shinchonji, which has solely been working

according to the commands of heaven. Shinchonji, however, was proved to be innocent

after the prosecutor’s investigations.

Following those investigations, MBC PD Note acknowledged their false and biased documentary

regarding Shinchonji and broadcast a report of correction upon it. Having watched this broadcast,

false pastors in Korea, feeling discouraged, have fallen asleep and have been sleep talking and

snoring since then. Instead of speaking absorbs with those false pastors, Korean politicians and

press must wake up and see how soberly international reporters have broadcast regarding

Shinchonji. Are the Korean politicians and press still not awake from lies?

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Why does the Republic of Korea refuse world peace and restoration of light, which the world

eagerly wants? Having been divided for so long, is Korea not the country that needs to shout for

world peace and the restoration of light louder than any other country in this world?

Reporters around the world came to Shinchonji’s 6th

National Olympiad (the World Peace

Festival, Culture and Sports Restoration of Light), which was held on September 16, 2012 at

Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium, Seoul. The international reports are falling all over themselves to

air this inspirational peace festival in their own countries. The audience was from all around the

world, and they continue to speak hopeful and joyful messages and kind remarks about what they

have seen and heard during the festival.

We would like to ask the Korean press to wake up from their sleep and to stop listening to the

somniloquy and the snore of the Korean Christian world. The Korean press must rather listen to

the words of the international press and become the trumpets that promote peace.

Betrayal and persecution

Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), trees (i.e. people) can be recognized by their

fruit (i.e. actions) (Mt 7:15-20). The very words that Jesus spoke will condemn people at the time

of judgment (Jn 12:48).

According to the Bible, Satan was an angel who betrayed God (Rev 9; Isa 14; Eze 28). Not only

did Satan deceive Adam and Eve, he also entered Judas and deceived him into betraying his

teacher, Jesus (Ge 3; Jn 13:21-27). Spirits and flesh that betray God (e.g. Cain and Balaam) end

up belonging to the evil one (1Jn 3:12). For this reason they will be treated like dogs and pigs

(2Pe 2). They have forsaken what is good and have become a branch of the wicked tree (Jer

2:21). This is why they deceive and persecute God's chosen people.

In the second coming, according to 2Th 2:9-12, the arrival of the lawless one will occur

according to Satan's normal way of doing things – meaning it will include all kinds of false

miracles, signs, and wonders. Many people, including some leaders, have deserted the 12 tribes

of Shinchonji out of greed and a desire for authority. They failed to “keep within their proper

domain but abandoned their own place of residence,” (Jude 1:6). They formed a sect a because

they belonged to the evil one like Cain and Balaam. They are the ones carrying out the work of

deception and persecution. In acting this way they have become the physical fulfillment of the

prophecies about the antichrists (1Jn 2:18-19; Jude 1:6, 11, 17-19; Mt 24:24-25). The true will of

God and Jesus is to love our enemies and forgive their sins. We must feed them if they are

hungry. Instead of obeying these commandments, those who have left us are judging, criticizing,

persecuting, cursing, murdering, lying, and even imprisoning people. Don’t these deeds stem

from wickedness?

This is our faith: “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ

lives in me. So the life I now live in the body, I live because of the faithfulness of the son of God,

who loved me and gave himself for me,” (Gal 2:20). If the spirit of Christ were really within the

people who have betrayed God by leaving us, would they be persecuting and cursing others in

contradiction of Christ’s command to love our enemies?

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I pray that those who have betrayed God and are now carrying out the work of persecution will

repent of their deeds and return to obey the Lord’s commands.

Let us all believe and obey the teachings of the cross, which is our pride.

Distinguishing holy spirits from evil spirits

How should we refer to the spirits that belong to God and the spirits that belong to Satan?

What is the difference between a holy spirit and an evil spirit?

2Pe 2:4 and Rev 9:14-19 both show us that God was not lenient on the angels who sinned. He

threw them into hell and chained them up in utter darkness until the day of judgment.

According to Eze 28 and Isa 14:12, one of the archangels (cherubim) claimed to be God. The

angels bound at the great river Euphrates because of their betrayal (Rev 9) turned out to be

demons. This is why Rev 20:2 mentions the dragon, the devil, Satan, and the serpent. How

should we distinguish the angels who belong to God from the angels who end up belonging to

the devil?

The angels who belong to God can be referred to as holy spirits, but the angels who belong to the

devil are evil spirits. The term “holy spirit” implies consecration, while “evil spirit” implies

wickedness. We should not simply call them angels. We have to be more specific, saying either

“good” or “evil” so that people understand which angels we are discussing. Let’s examine how

the scriptures refer to these two kinds of angels.

“The one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for he does not give the spirit sparingly,”

(Jn 3:34). The spirit in this verse does not only indicate one specific being (i.e. the divine).

• Each person gathered in Mark's upper room was filled a holy spirit, (Ac 2:1-4).

• Jesus breathed on his disciples and said, “Receive the holy spirit,” (Jn 20:22).

• “...while God confirm!ed their witness with signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts

of the holy spirit distributed according to his will,” (Heb 2:4).

• “...To each person the manifestation of the holy spirit is given for the benefit of all...” (1Co


• Daniel had within him a “spirit of the holy gods” (Da 4:8-9).

• “I heard a holy one speaking. Another holy one said to the one who was speaking...” (Da


• “The Lord my God will come with all his holy ones with him,” (Zec 14:5).

• “...when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels...” (Lk


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• Cornelius the Centurion was directed by a holy angel (Ac 10:22).

• “The Lord is coming with thousands and thousands of his holy ones,” (Jude 1:14).

• “Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness...God created humankind in his

own image, in the image of God he created them,” (Ge 1:26-27).

• “But the one united with the Lord is one spirit with him,” (1Co 6:17).

As we have examined above, God creates and gives birth to people through his holy spirit.

Anything or anyone created by the spirit of God is holy. Any spirit that is holy is the same as a

holy spirit. Aren’t holy spirits simply angels who are holy? Regardless of whether you are

talking about angels or people, if they have been created through the holy spirit, they are holy.

The spirits that are holy should be called holy spirits, and the people that are holy can even be

called holy gods according to Jn 10:35. If this is the case, anyone who belongs to God can be

called either a holy god or a holy spirit. The spirit of God, however, is different from the spirits

created by God. Just as a father cannot become his own son, the creator God cannot become a

created spirit or flesh. Figuratively speaking, the foundation stones, supportive pillars, and the

rafters are all quite different despite the fact that they come together to form a single house.

The God of the Trinity

Most Christian denominations believe in the doctrine of the Trinity; they often regard belief in

the Trinity as a sign of Christian orthodoxy.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the

Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And

remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Mt 28:19-20)

Mt 28:19-20 does mention that people should be baptized “in the name of the Father, the Son,

and the Holy Spirit,” but the bible does not mention the word Trinity.

When people use the word “Trinity” they refer to the idea that God is three in one; the idea that

God is simultaneously both one and three beings. People read verses like Mt 28:19-20 and

created the doctrine of the Trinity. How is it that three beings can simultaneously exist as one

being? The father, son, and holy spirit in Mt 28:19-20, are three separate beings that all dwelled

within Jesus’ body (Mt 3:16). Since God is in Jesus (Jn 14:10), the holy father, the holy son, and

the holy spirit are in one body. This is the true meaning of trinity. This is why Jesus was able to

say that he and the father were one (Jn 10:30). When Jesus no longer had a physical body, the

three again existed as three separate beings.

According to Jn 3:34, God gives the spirit without limit to the one whom speaks God’s words.

According to Ac 7:55-56, Stephen, while full of the holy spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the

glory of God, but he also saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Stephen saw both God and

Jesus as two separate beings. Remember, too, that the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35).

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While Jesus was working on earth, both God and the holy spirit were in him. According to the

Bible, when Jesus’ spirit remains within us after receiving Holy Spirit (Jn 7:38-39), three beings

will be able to dwell in one body again.

Let’s look at a few reference scriptures that reveal how Jesus’ spirit is within us. Ro 8:9 says,

“You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. Now

if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this person does not belong to him.” Through the

shedding of Jesus’ blood on the cross, God sends the spirit of his son into our hearts according to

Gal 4:1-7. Today, at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, Jesus is knocking at the door of our

hearts because he wants to come in and dwell within us (Rev 3:20; Jn 14:20). Jesus bore the

cross to fulfill this work. Since Jesus is now fulfilling God’s will that he promised to accomplish

on earth in the last days, Jesus also warns us about the appearance of many false prophets and

antichrists that appear within the Christian world at the time of the end (Mt 24:11, 24). We must

be alert! So that we can avoid being deceived by their false doctrines.

What is the true will of God? What must we do to accomplish it?

God’s first command was not to have other gods before him (Ex 20:1-3). The second was not to

make any image for worship (Ex 20:4-6). Israel was destroyed because Solomon built idols and

worshipped them in God’s holy temple (1Ki 11). In Korea, the Protestant churches that once

emerged from Catholicism, worshipped the image of the Japanese emperor during the Japanese

colonization. Only a few churches refused. In this era of corruption it is now time to pray in spirit

and truth (Jn 4:23-24). It is time to unite and obey the holy father, holy son and holy spirit.

According to the scriptures, when the seventh trumpet sounds, God will bring with him “those

who have fallen asleep.” In other words, those who have died in the Lord will come with him as

spiritual bodies (1Co 15:51-54; 1Th 4:13-16). Then we will be changed; born again as a new

creation with the water and the spirit. Death, crying, mourning, pain, and all the former things

will no longer exist (Jn 3:3-7; 2Co 5:17; Rev 21:4). When the perishable puts on the

imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, death is swallowed up in victory. Shouldn’t we

believe this? We cannot create truth by persistently claiming something to be true. The truth is

something that happens according to God’s word. Let us believe that God fulfills everything

according to the Bible.

Distinguishing orthodoxy from heresy

Although words like cult, sect, faction, and division appear in both the Old and New Testaments

(e.g. Ac 24:5, 14; Gal 5:20; Tit 3:10; 2Pe 2:1), the word “orthodoxy” cannot be found in the

Bible. Few people would disagree, however, with the idea that there must be a standard that

judges orthodoxy from heresy; a way to determine whether a particular group is orthodox or a


Orthodoxy and heresy originated with God and Satan, respectively. God is self-existent (Ex 3:14)

and the creator of heaven and earth (Ge 1:1). Satan, on the other hand, is a created being (Rev

12:9, 20:2), who appears as the serpent in Ge 3:1. It is more appropriate for modern

denominations to be referred to as “traditional” rather than “orthodox.” Present-day churches are

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holding tightly onto their traditions, some of which stretch back to Jesus' time, but if they did not

receive a revelation directly from God directing them to begin a new denomination, they cannot

be orthodox. It is much more accurate to say they merely hold on to their own specific traditions.

Lies never become the truth just because we want them to. John testifies that Jesus, who came in

the name of God (Jn 5:43), was the one who spoke on behalf of God (i.e. the Advocate). Let us

examine Jesus’ words.

Jesus said in Jn 16:13-15 that the word passes from God to Jesus, from Jesus to the spirit of the

truth (the Counselor), and from the spirit of the truth to you. Please consider how the word is

conveyed to people in Rev 5 and 10. Jesus takes the scroll which God sealed, and he opens it.

Jesus gives the open scroll to an angel, who passes it on to Apostle John. Then John is told to

preach the word to the people. Thus, only Jesus and the one with Jesus can be orthodox.

Everything else is just worn-out tradition.

Satan, is the source of all heresy; the originator of all cults. Those who tell lies because they have

received evil spirits, instead of the holy spirit of God, are the true heretics. According to Gal 1:6-

9, anyone who preaches a gospel contrary to the gospel that Jesus' disciples preached through

Christ himself (i.e. the words of the New Testament), that person is a cult member. Anyone

whose deeds deviate from the commandments given by the Lord is also a cult member. What is

hypocrisy? What are the actions of heresy? People who lack love, refuse to forgive, tell lies that

harm others, persecute, and criticize others are the true hypocrites and cult members.

Interestingly, the pastors of every generation have denounced God’s messengers who were

delivering the word. They called them heretics and even killed them (Mt 23:34). Why did they

do this? Wasn’t it because their congregation members had left them to follow the word (i.e. the

holy spirit)? Neither the prophets of the Old Testament, nor even Jesus and his disciples at the

first coming were excluded. Those pastors who were persecuting the truth were the real cult

members because they had received the spirit of the devil. Most of the people who followed

those pastors must have believed and agreed with their words and deeds. We know that the devil

always disguises himself as God. He claims that lies are orthodox and that truth is heresy. The

lies have had supreme control over the world, and the truth has been despised (2Th 2:1-2). The

scriptures ask, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk 18:8). The

scriptures also record that all nations have been led astray and that they marry the devil at the

time of Revelation’s fulfillment (Rev 17-18). Even the two witnesses who serve the Lord in Rev

11 are killed because of their work. I pray that all of us may know the truth according to the

Bible so that we can truly distinguish orthodoxy from heresy. We need to call the cults, “cults,”

and the orthodox, “orthodox.” We cannot make snap judgments just because we do not know or

understand the word.

No one is qualified to judge the difference between orthodoxy and heresy unless he or she knows

the true meaning of the Bible, because it is our standard. Those who do not know the meaning of

Revelation, should close their mouths and quietly learn the word. Blessed are those who learn the

word, understand it, and believe it instead of cursing others.

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The Lord's commandments, faith, and


Although God is love (1Jn 4:16), people will still be judged according to what they have done as

recorded in the books (Rev 20:12)

God loved the world so much that he has given us his only son (Jn 3:16). That only son, Jesus,

befriended sinners and bore the cross for them (Mt 9:10-13).

The Bible says that God will pay back those who say, “Keep to yourself! Don't get near me, for I

am holier than you!” (Isa 65:5-6). Additionally, Jesus told us to love our enemies and to feed

them when they are hungry (Mt 5, 25:31-46).

We, as believers, know very well that it is those who keep the commandments who have true

faith in God and Jesus. Even if you believe, however, and claim to act in the name of Jesus, if

you do not act according to the true meaning of the scriptures, you are not a true believer (Mt


Do you think that it is truly God's will for people to hold educational seminars that fail to

disguise their true purpose – persecution, judgment, slander, and spiritual murder which God has

forbidden? Is this not the will of Satan? Is it good for Christianity and for believers? Christian

churches must realize that it is the infighting and persecution of Christians by Christians that has

cut the total number of Christians in Korea by 30% since 1990. Is it a newly established

denomination that has caused this drop? No! Isn’t a drop in attendance the most natural outcome

when people perceive corruption in the churches of their generation?

From a certain perspective, Christianity (i.e. the belief in Jesus Christ) itself is a new religion. If

all new religions are cults, should all Protestants return to Catholicism? Should all Catholics

return to Judaism?

Anyone who believes in and follows the Lord's commandments becomes a Christian regardless

of their denomination (Jn 1:12-13); anyone who has the spirit of Christ and keeps his commands

becomes a Christian ( Ro 8:9-11). It is only those who hold to and teach the word of life, only

those who love and forgive one another, who are doing God's will (1Jn 4). Christianity should

unite and into deeply into the word with faith in the words of promise.

The persecution and slandering of each other that is going on between Christians should not be

happening. Only when it stops will Christianity be restored as the light of the world (Mt 5:13-16).

The kingdom of heaven and eternal life

The main message that God and Jesus gave in the four Gospels was the message about the

kingdom of heaven and eternal life. Anyone who does not believe this message does not believe

in Jesus or his word, because the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35).

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There are two kingdoms of heaven in the Bible. One is the spiritual kingdom located in heaven,

and the other is the physical kingdom that is fulfilled here on earth. There are also two kinds of

eternal life; spiritual and physical. What does this mean?

• The kingdom of heaven in the spiritual and physical worlds

The kingdom of heaven in Rev 4 and 21 is the kingdom in the spiritual world. Moses made the

tabernacle according to the pattern he saw in heaven (Heb 8:5), and God came to dwell there (Ex

25:22). Jesus called himself the temple and the kingdom of heaven because God was dwelling

with him (Mt 13:24, 37). The kingdom of heaven is like a bird perching in a tree that has grown

from a small seed (Mt 13:31-32). The tabernacle of the chosen people, where the sun, moon, and

stars can be found, can be called heaven (Rev 12). The sun, moon, and stars represent Israel (Ge

37:9-11). Thus, heaven is the tabernacle of the chosen people (i.e. the sun, moon, and stars), with

whom the God of the spiritual heaven dwells (Rev 13:6). Jesus asked in the Lord’s Prayer for

God’s will to be done on earth as it is heaven (Mt 6:10). He also said that the gathering place for

believers on this earth is the kingdom of heaven (Mt 8:11). People who fail to believe the words

of these promises misunderstand the Bible.

• Spiritual and physical eternal life

According to Ge 1:26-27, God created men in the image and appearance of God. God calls the

men he creates “sons of the most high” and “gods” in Ps 82. God gave Adam the breath of life

and Adam became a living being (Ge 2:7). The living being ate the fruit from the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil and his spirit died. His flesh returned to the dust at the age of 930

(Ge 5:5, 3:19). If Adam had not eaten the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,

wouldn’t he still have lived in God’s image? In Jesus’ first coming, one of the topics his

opponents liked to debate was eternal life (Jn 8:47-55). Jesus clearly assured us that we must

believe in eternal life. God, who is life, left men because the sons of God returned to the flesh

(Ge 6:1-3). From that time on all men have had original sins, inherited sins, and the personal sins

that accumulate as they live their lives. As all of these sins added up, the human lifespan got

shorter. People lived up to a thousand years in Adam’s time, but now the human lifespan is

roughly 80 years (Ps 90:10). When the sins that shrink the human lifespan are resolved, that

lifespan will increase again because God can come to people and live with them (Rev 21:4; Jas

1:15; Ro 8:9-11).

Let us find out what Jesus said about the two kinds of eternal life.

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even if he dies, and the

one who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (Jn 11:25-26) When Jesus

asked his disciples about eternal life they affirmed that they did, indeed, believe (Jn 11:27). This

was the same time Jesus was able to raise Lazarus from the dead (Jn 11).

This, however, is not the only example in the scriptures. God took away Enoch (Ge 5:24); Elijah

went up to heaven (2Ki 2:11); and Moses’ body was not found on the earth (Mk 9:4-8; Jude 1:9).

Jesus, too, resurrected and ascended to heaven (Jn 11:25; Ac 1:22; Ro 1:4; Ac 1:2; Heb 4:14). It

must be natural for those who believe in the Bible to believe these facts as well. Ever since Jesus

shed his blood, anyone who believes in Jesus can be redeemed from his or her sins; God and

Jesus can become his or her God (Heb 8:7-13). This is possible because peoples’ sins can be

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atoned through the blood of Jesus. The Bible says that those who have eaten Jesus’ flesh and

drunk his blood before the second coming will be raised on that day as spirits (Jn 6:51-57, 63;

1Th 4:13-18; Rev 20:4; 1Co 15:51-52). The spirits and flesh that appear in these references are

not those of regular people; they are the ones who become new creations by being born again of

the water and the spirit (Jn 3:5-6; 2Co 5:17). Anyone who wants to argue that the words of these

scriptures are incorrect must have evidence to support that claim. On the other hand, if the words

of these scriptures are correct, we must all believe them. Furthermore, there are some who

persecute the people who believe these scriptures, calling them heretics. In fact, they are the ones

who do not believe Jesus’ words, and in failing to believe, they themselves become heretics.

They are no different from the Pharisees who called Jesus a serpent (someone who is demon-

possessed) in the time of the first coming.

Let us examine a passage where the Jews, the chosen people, argued with Jesus over the issue of

eternal life.

“I tell you the solemn truth, if anyone obeys my teaching, he will never see death.” Then the

Judeans responded, “Now we know you're possessed by a demon! Both Abraham and the

prophets died, and yet you say, ‘If anyone obeys my teaching, he will never experience death.’

You aren't greater than our father Abraham who died, are you? And the prophets died too! Who

do you claim to be?” Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory is worthless. The one who

glorifies me is my Father, about whom you people say, ‘He is our God.’” (Jn 8:51-55)

Jesus said, “If anyone obeys my teaching, he will never experience death,” but, because of this

comment, the Jews exclaimed that Jesus was demon-possessed. The Jews asked Jesus, “Both

Abraham and the prophets died ... Who do you claim to be?” In reply to their words, Jesus said

that he would not lie as they did, but he would keep God’s word (eternal life). This Jesus, who

raised Lazarus from the dead, also said that he would be raised to life three days after his death.

This did, indeed, take place, and after his resurrection he appeared to his disciples, saying,

“Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones like you see I have.” (N.B. The KJV

uses “spirit” instead of “ghost.”) He also ate a piece of broiled fish in their presence (Lk 24:39-


Considering John’s testimony in Rev 21:1-4 and that of Paul in Ro 8:11, life can be given even

to a mortal body if God dwells within it. It is also written, “ ... Death will not exist any more – or

mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist,” (Rev 21:4). Paul said,

“Now when this perishable puts on the imperishable, and this mortal puts on immortality, then

the saying that is written will happen, ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory,’” (1Co 15:51-

54). The scriptures also say, “ ... They will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign

with him for a thousand years,” (Rev 20:6b); “ ... They will reign forever and ever,” (Rev 22:5).

Why would we believe in Jesus if there were no such thing as eternal life? Eternal life is in

God’s hands, regardless of whether you are referring to the spirits or the flesh. It is only

applicable, however, to people who become new creations; people who are born again. The

“dead,” whose flesh have died in the Lord, will be raised as spirits. Those who are alive and

remain until the coming of the Lord will live with Jesus for a long time just as people lived a

long time before Adam sinned. Having faith in this idea is the true meaning of carrying out a life

of faith. If there is a natural body, there is a spiritual body as well (1Co 15:44).

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The reason that we believe in Jesus as the


We believe that Jesus is the Christ because he came and fulfilled everything that God promised

through the Old Testament prophets to fulfill in the future (Jn 19:30). This is why we Christians

have been testifying about Jesus and all the things he fulfilled (Ac1:4-8). More import!ant than

what he has already fulfilled, however, is the new promise (New Testament) that Jesus made

with us. This new promise was given to us so that we might believe when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29).

Now it has been over 2,000 years since the new promise was made. The people who refused to

believe when they saw the fulfillment of the old promise were not true believers, and neither are

those who fail to believe when they see the fulfillment of the new promise.

The twelve tribes of Shinchonji are testifying with pride about what we have seen – the

fulfillment of the new promise. If you hope to have true belief, if you hope to attain heaven and

eternity, you need carefully analyze our testimony. Today, salvation is impossible without

believing in the fulfillment of the New Testament, just as there was no salvation for those who

refused to believe in the Old Testament.

The priests during the first coming called Jesus and his disciples ringleaders of sects and riots

(Ac 24:5, 14). Christians at that time were cast out of their jobs, schools, homes, towns, and

countries (Heb 10). Although Paul was responsible for the stoning of Stephen (Ac 7:54-8:3), he

later met Jesus, stopped calling him a cult leader, and instead began to proclaim him to be the

Christ (Ac 9). Today, however, no one calls Jesus a cult leader anymore. Now, it is Shinchonji

that everyone calls a cult. According to God and the Bible, however, Shinchonji is not a cult; it is

the kingdom and priests of God (Rev 1:5-6, 5:9-10, 20:6, 21:1). Believers who truly know the

Bible can certify that Shinchonji is the right way. We know that it is only by way of the cross

that we can be atoned and saved from our sins.

Jesus’ commission and power

According to Jn 10:35, the scriptures cannot be broken. Jesus came according to the scriptures,

fulfilled prophecy according to the scriptures, and left again according to the scriptures. God

promised Abraham that the Israelites would escape Egypt after four generations. Just as he

promised, God came to Moses, performed many miracles, and delivered the Israelites out of

Egypt. Just as he prophesied through the Old Testament prophets, God came to Jesus and

performed many miracles. He raised Lazarus from the dead and walked on water. He fed 5,000

people with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish leaving 12 basketfuls of leftovers (Mt 14:17). How

could Jesus have performed these miracles if God wasn’t with him?

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Moses had power because God was with him. Jesus had power because God was with him. God

fed the Israelites manna and quail in the time of Moses (Ex 16). God also came to Jesus to

perform powerful signs. The priests of that time, however, were jealous of Jesus because they

could not perform the same miracles. They cursed at their congregation members that followed

Jesus. They tried to prevent others from going to Jesus by calling Jesus a cult leader and the devil

(Jn 8:51-59; Ac 24:5, 14; Mt 12:22-28).

They should have given thanks and glory to God that Jesus was able to feed so many people with

just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Instead, they slandered Jesus for not keeping the traditions of

the elders (e.g. washing one’s hands before eating). They were obviously not thinking clearly.

True heretics blame others for their own wrong doing. Jesus, on the other hand, bore the cross for

our sins and established the 12 tribes of the Spiritual Israel. He also promised what would be

fulfilled in the future. He promised he would return and then he ascended to heaven. Today,

believers must not be like the Jews of that time, who refused to believe and instead told lies

designed to harm others. We pray that everyone will believe in the work of God so that everyone

can be saved.

Why did Jesus bear the cross?

There are two main reasons Jesus bore the cross. The crucifixion allowed for the atonement of

the sins of men (Mt 26:28; Ro 6:6-11), and it allowed God and Jesus to come and unite with

people who have no sin (Ac 2:36-38; Gal 2:20; Ro 8:9-11). Before the crucifixion, the spirit was

not yet with people (Jn 7:38-39), but after Jesus was crucified he breathed on people and told

them to receive the spirit (Jn 20:22-23). Jesus, right before his ascension, commanded his

disciples to wait for the holy spirit that the Father promised to send and to be his witnesses to the

ends of the earth after the spirit came upon them (Ac 1:4-8). After that, they received the spirit

Jesus had promised and went on to preach the gospel (Ac 2:1-4). The holy spirit, which left

people because of their sins, was able to return to people without sin because Jesus bore the cross

on behalf of his disciples to atone for their sins. Where does Jesus currently reside?

Let us truly believe by meditating on the following scriptures:

• I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So

the life I now live in the body, I live because of the faithfulness of the Son of God, who loved me

and gave himself for me. (Gal 2:20)

• You will know at that time that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you. (Jn


• Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the

door I will come into his home and share a meal with him, and he with me. (Rev 3:20)

• And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, who calls

“Abba! Father!” (Gal 4:6)

• You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in

you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this person does not belong to him. But if

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Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is your life because of

righteousness. Moreover if the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, the

one who raised Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies alive through his Spirit

who lives in you. (Ro 8:9-11)

• We are coworkers belonging to God. You are God’s field, God’s building. (1Co 3:9)

• Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? (1Co 3:16)

• Then I saw thrones and seated on them were those who had been given authority to judge.

I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony about Jesus and

because of the word of God. These had not worshiped the beast or his image and had refused to

receive his mark on their forehead or hand. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a

thousand years. (Rev 20:4, NASB)

According to the scriptures, Jesus resides within us after he has atoned for our sins. This is why

he bore the cross and it is our hope. It is wrong to talk about the Bible if you do not understand it

fully and if you are not a Christian. These people are not qualified to talk about the Bible. You

must proclaim and testify the truth only after receiving the holy spirit that allows you to see, hear,

and master the Bible. You should be thankful that you now know the true meaning of Jesus’

cross, which we proclaim for our own salvation.

Physical marriage and spiritual marriage

Physical marriage

The marriage of Adam and Eve in Ge 2:20-24 is a marriage between two bodies (flesh). God

chose them and joined them together. When Jesus mentioned marriage, he said that no one can

separate what God has joined together (Mt 19:6; Mk 10:9). Anyone who causes them to separate

must not believe God, Jesus, or their words.

Spiritual marriage

God led the Israelites out of Egypt to the land of Canaan and said, “They broke my covenant,

though I was a husband to them,” (Jer 31:32). This scripture shows us that God is the husband

and the Israelites were his bride.

God prophesied through Hosea when he said, “I will betroth you to me forever” (Hos 2:2-20)

That is why God came to Jesus and why Jesus said that he and the father were one (Jn 10:30).

This is what Paul meant when he said, “The Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.”

Jerusalem here refers to Jesus. Paul also referred to the unity of God’s spirit with our spirit as a


God was able to come to Jesus because Jesus had no sin. God left men because of their sins (Ge

6). God cannot be with sinners. God sent Jesus to resolve the problem of sin by bearing the cross.

Thus, there are two reasons for bearing the cross: to resolve the problem of the sin, and to allow

the spirit to unite with our flesh. These two things are promised in many places in the Bible (e.g.

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Ro 8:9-11; Jn 14:20; Rev 3:20; Gal 4:6; Gal 2:20). This is the marriage between the spirit and

flesh in the New Testament.

The Difference between God’s People and

Satan’s People

Today, we believers carry out our lives of faith based on the Bible, which is the book of God.

Adam and Eve disobeyed God and obeyed the serpent (Satan) instead. This betrayal allowed sin

and Satan to enter people; it became the seed of disobedience. Just like Adam himself, the rest of

Adam's family also became children of disobedience (Ge 5, 6:1-7).

He was grieved that he had created man on the earth. The sons of God had returned to mere

being flesh and all the thoughts and inclinations of their hearts were evil. God told Noah that he

would wipe everything from the face of the earth and that Noah should build an ark to escape the

coming flood. In spite of Noah’s attempts to preach to the world regarding the coming flood,

people refused to listen because of their corrupt hearts (Ge 6-7).

Believers of today must remember the words of Jesus when he prophesied that the world at the

time of the second coming would be like the days of Noah's rebellious generation (Mt 24:37-39).

Everyone must believe in these words from Jesus and search for the ark (shelter) of salvation.

Although Noah found favor in the eyes of God, the world that descended from him sinned

despite witnessing the flood that swept away the world of Adam after it betrayed. This is why

God appointed Abraham, Moses, and Joshua to destroy the tribes of Canaan, which were among

the descendants of Noah who betrayed. All the Israelites who came out of Egypt at the time of

Moses were afraid of the Canaanite tribes. They all died in the desert because they refused to

believe and trust God. Because they disobeyed it was only their descendants who were allowed

to enter the land of Canaan.

Even if God creates a man and appoints him to perform a specific task, if he refuses to believe

and decides to disobey God, he will ultimately become a wicked and corrupt gentile just like

Adam and Canaan. He becomes an enemy just like the angel who sinned against God. Solomon,

who was appointed as king of Israel, broke the very first commandment of God, which says,

"You shall have no other gods before me." As a consequence for his worship of gentile gods, the

11 northern tribes of Physical Israel became gentiles. Eventually, even the southern tribe of

Judah, centered on Jerusalem, was swallowed up and destroyed by gentiles (Isa 1). Their

destruction was a direct result of their sin of betraying God by worshipping gentile gods. God

left them just as he had left the world of Adam. In spite of God’s departure, they continued to

pretend to be God's chosen people. They persisted in doing evil and even appointed priests on

their own (Mic 3; Isa 1). Amid their evil deeds, God sent his messengers (the prophets) to

prophesy future events. The people, however, were incredibly evil and corrupt. They killed every

single messenger sent by God (Lk 20:9-15; Mt 23:34). Later, Jesus came according to the

prophecies God’s previous messengers had made. He fulfilled those Old Testament prophecies,

and made new prophecies about future events. As is common knowledge, the pastors of that time

were so evil that they killed Jesus and his disciples as well.

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What does the New Testament say about this present day, which had to appear faithfully

according to Jesus' prophecies? The New Testament says that the entire world will be deceived

and become the world of the devil just like at the time of the first coming (Rev 16, 17, 18). It

says that the sun, moon, and stars (i.e. God's chosen people) go dark and fall from the sky. It says

that the days of the second coming will be like the days of Noah and of Lot (Rev 11:8). If we

take all these prophecies together, it is hard to understand why so many people claim, I have

been saved, I belong to an orthodox church, and I have received the holy spirit." How can it be

true if all nations have to be deceived prior to the second coming? These people simply the false

theologians and false pastors of the world? Rev 16 and 17, say that all the kings of the earth have

been led astray by the evil spirits and have become intoxicated with the wine of adulteries. If

these kings of the earth represent false pastors, then the state of this generation is exactly like that

of the generation at the time of the first coming (Mt 23, Mt 4:8-9).

What is the path that believers should have walked at the time of Adam, the time of Canaan, or

the time of the first coming? What path should believers walk at the time of the second coming

(the time of Revelation’s fulfillment)? It is only the word that should become our path; it is only

the word that should be considered our teacher. Now is the time for us to think of the words of

promise as our path, to consider the Lord's words our teacher, and to pray humbly and quietly. If

this time is just like the days of Noah, everyone must get on the ark to obtain salvation. If Jesus

is the way, the truth, and the life, then believing in the spirit of truth (the Counselor) who comes

in the name of Jesus is the same as believing in Jesus (Jn 14, 16).

If the promised spirit of truth (the Counselor) had entered the world before now, then all

denominations and all pastors would have fully understood God's word (Jn 17:17) and would be

teaching it. The fact that they do not know the word is evidence that the promised spirit of truth,

who speaks on behalf of Jesus, has not yet come to them. Is there any other place apart from

Shinchonji that is able to interpret the promises and prophecies of Jesus (Jn 14:26)? No! No other

place can interpret the meaning of prophecies; it is only Shinchonji that understands them.

Shinchonji has heard the revealed words according to Rev 10, seen the physical fulfillment of the

prophecies, and has been proclaiming them – this is our evidence for the claims above.

Everything can be resolved through conversation unless a person was born to persecute us or has

a demonic spirit. People who do not know should be honest with themselves. They should strive

to learn. People who do know should teach others. This is the duty of all true believers. It should

be clear that no one who belongs to the organizations of the pastors who killed the prophets and

apostles in the Old and New Testaments (Mt 23), who killed the two witnesses at the end of the

age (Rev 11), or who destroyed the tabernacle of God's chosen people (Rev 13) can possibly

obtain salvation.

Everyone must realize through the Bible that anyone conducting seminars that provoke jealousy,

cursing, swearing, persecution, and criticism of others is obviously working on behalf of the

devil. Our Lord has shed his blood to give us his words of promise. We pray that everyone who

believes these words and obeys them will receive salvation.

Living a life of faith- faith and obedience

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Today, we believers carry out our lives of faith based on the Bible, which is the book of God.

Adam and Eve disobeyed God and obeyed the serpent (Satan) instead. This betrayal allowed sin

and Satan to enter people; it became the seed of disobedience. Just like Adam himself, the rest of

Adam's family also became children of disobedience (Ge 5, 6:1-7).

He was grieved that he had created man on the earth. The sons of God had returned to mere

being flesh and all the thoughts and inclinations of their hearts were evil. God told Noah that he

would wipe everything from the face of the earth and that Noah should build an ark to escape the

coming flood. In spite of Noah’s attempts to preach to the world regarding the coming flood,

people refused to listen because of their corrupt hearts (Ge 6-7).

Believers of today must remember the words of Jesus when he prophesied that the world at the

time of the second coming would be like the days of Noah's rebellious generation (Mt 24:37-39).

Everyone must believe in these words from Jesus and search for the ark (shelter) of salvation.

Although Noah found favor in the eyes of God, the world that descended from him sinned

despite witnessing the flood that swept away the world of Adam after it betrayed. This is why

God appointed Abraham, Moses, and Joshua to destroy the tribes of Canaan, which were among

the descendants of Noah who betrayed. All the Israelites who came out of Egypt at the time of

Moses were afraid of the Canaanite tribes. They all died in the desert because they refused to

believe and trust God. Because they disobeyed it was only their descendants who were allowed

to enter the land of Canaan.

Even if God creates a man and appoints him to perform a specific task, if he refuses to believe

and decides to disobey God, he will ultimately become a wicked and corrupt gentile just like

Adam and Canaan. He becomes an enemy just like the angel who sinned against God. Solomon,

who was appointed as king of Israel, broke the very first commandment of God, which says,

"You shall have no other gods before me." As a consequence for his worship of gentile gods, the

11 northern tribes of Physical Israel became gentiles. Eventually, even the southern tribe of

Judah, centered on Jerusalem, was swallowed up and destroyed by gentiles (Isa 1). Their

destruction was a direct result of their sin of betraying God by worshipping gentile gods. God

left them just as he had left the world of Adam. In spite of God’s departure, they continued to

pretend to be God's chosen people. They persisted in doing evil and even appointed priests on

their own (Mic 3; Isa 1). Amid their evil deeds, God sent his messengers (the prophets) to

prophesy future events. The people, however, were incredibly evil and corrupt. They killed every

single messenger sent by God (Lk 20:9-15; Mt 23:34). Later, Jesus came according to the

prophecies God’s previous messengers had made. He fulfilled those Old Testament prophecies,

and made new prophecies about future events. As is common knowledge, the pastors of that time

were so evil that they killed Jesus and his disciples as well.

What does the New Testament say about this present day, which had to appear faithfully

according to Jesus' prophecies? The New Testament says that the entire world will be deceived

and become the world of the devil just like at the time of the first coming (Rev 16, 17, 18). It

says that the sun, moon, and stars (i.e. God's chosen people) go dark and fall from the sky. It says

that the days of the second coming will be like the days of Noah and of Lot (Rev 11:8). If we

take all these prophecies together, it is hard to understand why so many people claim, “I have

been saved, I belong to an orthodox church, and I have received the holy spirit." How can it be

true if all nations have to be deceived prior to the second coming? Aren’t these people simply the

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false theologians and false pastors of the world? Rev 16 and 17, say that all the kings of the earth

have been led astray by the evil spirits and have become intoxicated with the wine of adulteries.

If these kings of the earth represent false pastors, then the state of this generation is exactly like

that of the generation at the time of the first coming (Mt 23, Mt 4:8-9).

What is the path that believers should have walked at the time of Adam, the time of Canaan, or

the time of the first coming? What path should believers walk at the time of the second coming

(the time of Revelation’s fulfillment)? It is only the word that should become our path; it is only

the word that should be considered our teacher. Now is the time for us to think of the words of

promise as our path, to consider the Lord's words our teacher, and to pray humbly and quietly. If

this time is just like the days of Noah, everyone must get on the ark to obtain salvation. If Jesus

is the way, the truth, and the life, then believing in the spirit of truth (the Counselor) who comes

in the name of Jesus is the same as believing in Jesus (Jn 14, 16).

If the promised spirit of truth (the Counselor) had entered the world before now, then all

denominations and all pastors would have fully understood God's word (Jn 17:17) and would be

teaching it. The fact that they do not know the word is evidence that the promised spirit of truth,

who speaks on behalf of Jesus, has not yet come to them. Is there any other place apart from

Shinchonji that is able to interpret the promises and prophecies of Jesus (Jn 14:26)? No! No other

place can interpret the meaning of prophecies; it is only Shinchonji that understands them.

Shinchonji has heard the revealed words according to Rev 10, seen the physical fulfillment of the

prophecies, and has been proclaiming them – this is our evidence for the claims above.

Everything can be resolved through conversation unless a person was born to persecute us or has

a demonic spirit. People who do not know should be honest with themselves. They should strive

to learn. People who do know should teach others. This is the duty of all true believers. It should

be clear that no one who belongs to the organizations of the pastors who killed the prophets and

apostles in the Old and New Testaments (Mt 23), who killed the two witnesses at the end of the

age (Rev 11), or who destroyed the tabernacle of God's chosen people (Rev 13) can possibly

obtain salvation.

Everyone must realize through the Bible that anyone conducting seminars that provoke jealousy,

cursing, swearing, persecution, and criticism of others is obviously working on behalf of the

devil. Our Lord has shed his blood to give us his words of promise. We pray that everyone who

believes these words and obeys them will receive salvation.

Living a life of faith: Believe, obey and be


Everyone’s deeds will be judged according to what is written in the books (Rev 20:12), because

the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35)

Jesus told us that the one who humbles himself will be exalted, and that we should take the least

important seat at the wedding banquet (Lk 14:10-11). The morning star, son of the dawn (Isa

14:12-15), tried to set up his throne above the stars of God so that he could rise above even God.

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The guardian cherub of Eden called himself God (Eze 28). This act of exalting himself instead of

God goes against God’s commandments and even opposes God. Today, within the Christian

world, people buy pastoral licenses and doctoral degrees in theology. They bribe and lobby to

gain power and authority as chairs of Christian associations and leaders of their denominations.

How can we call them believers? Aren’t they supposed to believe and obey Jesus’

commandments? How can we call them humble? Where do pastors get all the money they use to

bribe and lobby their way to the top? True believers try to obey Jesus’ words. If these pastors

were true believers they would not misuse the money given by their congregations as they strive

for ever greater power and authority.

Everyone’s deeds will be seen clearly at the time of judgment, just as if as one were looking in a

mirror. Physical Israel did not enter their hope because they did not believe Jesus’ words and

disobeyed him (Heb 3-4). Today, we must believe and obey. Let us not be afraid of persecution.

Those who are persecuted will be blessed (Mt 5:12). Let us leave the place that is persecuting

and move to the place that is persecuted. Doing that is the same as boarding the ark of salvation.

This is the narrow gate and the difficult way that leads to life (Mt 7:13-14).

The blood, flesh, and prayers that give


Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), all people will be judged according to what

they have done as recorded in the books (Rev 20:12). The consequences of this judgment are

heaven and hell.

Jesus bore the cross to atone for our sins. He declared that, in the last days, he would raise up

anyone who eats his flesh and drinks his blood. He also said that the requests of those who pray

in his name will be granted (Jn 6:51-57; 14:13-1; 16:13, 26). It is only the blood of the righteous

one (i.e. Jesus) that redeems us from our sins. It is only in his name that we must pray for our

prayers to be answered. It is only through Jesus' blood and his flesh that we can obtain salvation.

It is also through obeying the New Testament, the promise of Jesus, that we can be saved (Jn

14:21-24; Rev 1:3, 14:12). No other flesh or blood can give us salvation. If we pray in someone

else's name, Jesus will not give us anything we ask for; we will not receive anything.

People who ignore Jesus' words, claim that someone else's flesh and blood are necessary to

receive salvation, or claim that we must pray in someone else's name for our prayers to be

answered are true cult members; heretics that hold to the doctrines of demons. These people have

revealed the fact that they have united with Satan; they belong to Satan. Unfortunately, there are

believers who cannot distinguish the truth regarding these people or their lies. They think the

liars explained above are orthodox. They unite with those who claim that someone else's flesh

and blood are necessary for salvation and who urge others to pray in another name so that their

prayers are answered. What can you say about these people? Are they heretics or are they

orthodox? They are trying to convert others to their own organizations and points of view. Really,

what can you say about them? Are they heretics or orthodox? If you are a true believer in Jesus,

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please consider this point and discern the truth (1Co 10:15). We have banished these people from

Shinchonji; we have banished everyone who has claimed that something other than Jesus’ flesh

and blood are necessary for salvation and those who tell others to pray in anyone but Jesus' name

(Jn 6:51-57). They are now holding seminars and persecuting us (i.e. the church and pastor that

expelled them). Who are the real cult members? Who are the ones that truly believe in the Lord?

All believers must discern whether persecuting others, cursing, judging, criticizing others, and

spreading lies are actions according to the commands of the spirit (Mt 7:1-5, 5:10-12; Lk 6:37-
