The Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon How to Negotiate Life Ray of Hope Christian...

The Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon How to Negotiate Life Ray of Hope Christian Church May 15, 2012

Transcript of The Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon How to Negotiate Life Ray of Hope Christian...

The Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of


How to Negotiate Life

Ray of Hope Christian ChurchMay 15, 2012

Proverbs 8:1-36

“spoken three thousand proverbs and written 1005


I Kings 4:32


Songs of Solomon

The Song of Songs

O daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you – if you find my lover,

what will you tell him? Tell him I am faint with love.

Song of Songs 5:8

Song of Songs 7:1-9

Ecclesiastes, comes from the Latin form of the Greek word,

“Ecclesia”,which means “assembly.” The

one who stands before the assembly is the preacher or the

teacher.1:1,12,16,2:9 and 12:9

Life is really worth living?

Meaningless! Meaningless! Says the Teacher. Utterly

Meaningless! Everything is meaningless. What does man gain from all his labor at which

he labors under the sun? Ecc. 1:2

Human life is insignificant compared to everything else and


1:3-11, v. 8 “What does a man gain from all his labor at which he

toils under the sun?”

We can never understand it all.

Is it reasonable to live if you do not understand?


Even pleasures are meaningless.2:1-11

Jesus himself says that a human’s

life does not consist in the abundance

of things. Luke 12:12-21

Death ends it all

All of us must die, young and old, rich and poor, wise and


Ecc. 2:24-26

3:12-21; 5:18-6:7; 8:15

Since life is short and everything we strive for is meaningless, we should do

three things:

• Live by faith – 11:1-6• Know that life will end so therefore

live for God. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, don’t waste your life 11:1-7; chapter 12

• Trust God and always obey him – 12:8-14

Life for Solomon is a chasing after the wind when one does

not know and fear God.

Wisdom is the theme, the key word in the book of Proverbs.

The English word Proverbs comes from two Latin words, Pro

“instead of” and verba words “instead of many words.”

A proverb is a sentence that is given instead of many words. It

is a short statement that

summarizes a wise principle.

The Hebrew word for proverbsmeans “comparison.”

• Synonymous Parallelism – Proverbs 19:29 – where the second clause restates the first

• Contrast Parallelism – Proverbs 13:9 – where a truth is stated in the first clause and is made stronger in the second by using contrast.

• Synthetic or Completive Parallelism – 20:2 The second clause develops the thought of the first.

Life for Solomon is all about choices.

“wisdom is the ability to use knowledge in the right way

to make decisions and


There is a wisdom that comes from God, knowing

God, from being in relationship with God.

Proverbs 9:10

“the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge of the Holy One is


Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God for believers

I Corinthians 1:24, 30; Col. 2:3

Wisdom in the book of Proverbs is portrayed as a godly woman who calls persons to life and to

God, into a life of blessing and success.

•Wisdom’s first call–Proverbs 1:20-33

•Wisdom’s second call is to wealth. 8:1-31

•Wisdom’s third call – 9:1-12

Folly or foolishness is portrayed as a seductive

woman, an adulteress who tempts the

foolish and leads them to hell.

Proverbs 5:1-10

•You can lose your reputation – 5:9

•Lose your possessions – 5:10•Lose your health – 5:11•Lose your life – 5:22-23

There are three persons in Proverbs who need wisdom


The fool is dense, careless, sluggish, lazy and self satisfied

I Samuel 25

The Fool

• hates instruction 1:7, 22• is self confident – 12:15• thinks he or she knows everything –

18:2• talks without thinking – 29:11• mocks at sin – 14:9

The Fool• gives full vent to his anger – what

comes up, comes out!• is hotheaded and reckless – 18:6-7• lacks discernment• The fool says in his heart, there is no

God! Psalms 14:1

The simple person

• believes anything and everything they are told – 14:15

• are easily led astray and lack understanding – 7:7

• cannot see ahead to know what is coming – 22:3 so they are repeatedly getting into trouble

The Scorner

• mocks at God’s wisdom because it is too high for him or her – 14:6

• would never admit it because they know everything- 21:24

• Is arrogant and prideful

The Hebrew word for mocker or scorner literally means to

“make a mouth.”

9:7-8, 13:1

will one day be judged – 19:29

But the wise man or woman, the one who fears the Lord

• Listens to instruction 1:5• Obeys what they hear – 10:8• Stores up what they learn – 10:14• Shares what they learn-win others to

the Lord – 11:30

But the wise man or woman, the one who fears the Lord

• Flees from sin – 14:16• Trusts in the Lord with all their heart – 3:5-

6• Guards their heart – 4:23 – for out of the

heart flow the issues of life• Watches their tongue – 16:23

The tongue can be a source of blessing and cursing. This should not be as the writer

James says 3:1-12

The tongue should always be an object of blessing

10:20; 15:4; 18:20

The tongue is so powerful that we have to watch how we use it

Proverbs 18:21,“Life and death are in the

power of the tongue.”

With the tongue we are to give wise reproof - 25:1

Deliver souls from death – 11:9

Teach people the things of God15:7

Carry the good news of Christ 25:25

• Lying – 12:17-23;12:18; God hates a lying tongue – 6:16-17

• Bearing tales – 18:8. We tell stuff that does not need to be told – 11:13, destroying friendships and other relationships – 17:9

• Talking too much 12:13, 18:6-7 and get into trouble. 10:19. A guarded tongue leads to a safe life. 13:3. A person of few words is a person of knowledge.

• Talking to soon without listening to people – 18:13, 17. James 1:19. Let everyone be swift to hear and slow to speak.

•Flattering – a form of lying when the motives are wrong. 26:28, 29:5

•Proverbs 5:1-9; 26:25

• Quarreling – 12:16, 18, 27:15; 15:1

• Being able to control one’s tongue is the way to rule an empire – 16:32, 14:17