· The Board of Directors of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company,...

The Board of Directors of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company, convened at the ottice of the Company, yesterday, when the death of Col. Silas Burke was announced; whereupon, the following resolutions were passed, and the Board adjourned over until the 2bth inst., without transacting any busi- ness; Jr it resolredy That Col. Burke having re- commended himself to our confidence, respect ami esteem, by the prompt and faithful pei- fonuance of his official duties, and by his kind and conciliatory deportment, his death ha> excited in the bosoms of his colleagues am associates, emotions of pain and sorrow, am that he is entitled to their lasting remem- ' also rtsolml, That ly his death the Countv of his residence, and the State, has lost a most useful and estimable citi/.on. lie it also Knotted, that the members of this Beard sympathize with his suni'in- widow and children in their bereavement oud that the condolence ol ad and eavh of them, and these proceedings be respectfully ^junlunieatejn<Mlieu^>^b^>ork^^m rtl.UNKRt'IAL. PRICES OK PROJMXK IX ALEXANDRIA. rKOM CABS, VKSdtLS, AMD WAGONS, Mari lax n Tobacco.00 ft $< 00 Kota, Super.» «*> £ 0 ^ Family.*'■' Wheat, red....) *> £ } Do w late.* ^ R 0 O o ft 1 00 rL:white:::::::.•>"» °*n Do yellow.*> ^ & 0 82 Oats..'.»> lS ^ 0 ^ I’ouv Meal, p bushel.1 20 ft i 20 Fitter, roll, lb.0 18 ft 0 22 Do liikin.O Iff ft fS Facov hog round.7 50 ft > Poke, (dressed).5 00 ft 5 I’m Lard, (in k*-gs).2 o») ft 9 50 1'lover Seed..7 25 ft 7 50 Tibotht Seed.4 2«> ft 4 *>0 White Bean*.2 80 ft 0 85 Plastkh, (retail).4 50 ft 0 00 F LAtSKhl*. .125 ft 0 00 Bui k-Kvao Pkaw.1 25 ft 0 00 Svmac, (jp humlmi).1 25 ft 1 5o $*LT.. 2 on ft 2 25 Hai, (Uile).0 SO g) 0 85 FLOCK.—4 he market is quiet, and prices unsettled. Moderate sales ol bi\ei Side at ft $2 25. Pioneer MilU $lo 25. Stocks light. 4*KAIN —Wheat is dull, with a considerable decline in prices. Sales ol 3* 1 ■*> <? I h o bush. 1 It L* A at !a lOOCls. IOI gootr. 10 piime iru, anu ivv f# 105 for white. In other grain there is but lit- tle doing, and prices remain as last quoted. CATTLE MARKET- Beet Cattle may be quoted at $9 bitf/i Sr: 95 p l"''lb' gro-* Live Hogs t? * 9b u $’> 50. Lambs ^*9 9o [d > f Sheep •> t 5' >. Bl SIN Ess Money matters improving. Kullimorv Market. Bai.tim.-kk, S, pt. U.— Flour is twenty dive rents lower to-day. Sales ot “U * banels.— Wheat—sale>ot 1 9.»m>) bushels, white at $1 5b (a $1 05. and red at •'fcl 50 Uf 0,». ( orn— vales of bushels, white at 7.‘if# “do., and yellow at 79c. Oats—sales at -IS xr 5iic. Money Matter*, JLe. The New York Cost of Wednesday, says— The demand for money continues active, pro paratory to the approaching heavy payments in the di v goods trade. After the middle of this month jobbers acceptances will fall due in large amounts. The banks discount to the extent ot their receipts, w hich are large, but do not, we are informed increase their bums. 1 he rates for money are steady at 19 >xi 15 per cent, for prune bills, and 15 xt *> tor second class, while call v\a> as easy as 7 pel cent. Railroad securi- ties, unless accompanied by two or three indivi- dual liabilities ot le'ponsiblity, are not advanc- ed on by the banks. The Boston Journal of Wednesday, says— The Money market continues stringent. The demand is not active, but rates hold the advan- ced quotations given tor the last week. 1 he lowest figuie tor first class paper is l‘> per cent, and from thi' to 19 includes within its range the bulk ot negotiations on satisfactory securities of ev ery description. The New York Journal oi Thursday, say>. The money market i> easier: prime business j*aj*er is more in demand at 19 xi 19 per cent., and the quantity offered ts decreasing. I here is less objection to long dates, and 0 or 8 mo>. notes sell quite readily where the signatures are well known. ALMANAC. _ ! K)4. Sv s Sir Ml SEPTE.MB’R. rises.j *#*. Mo»x s Fhasks * Silt *• 17 Sunday ...•'> W >’• 7 llr- 11 * ~ M- IS Monday..jr> W fi f. *fw- U> Tuesday. .!••. •«:><• & *«r- '? 1 M' •A) W«1u^m1u) .> I I"11"' " 2 91 Thursday. [5 5b 0 9 11 Hi II WA FER. 99 Friday_5 59 0 1' Skit. 10. 9h. 5dm. LATEST DATES. London.Sept. 9 Havre.Sept. I Liverpool.Sept 2 New Orlmiu. .Sept. 0 MAKINK 1.1ST. lOKTOF ALEXANDRIA, SEPTEMBER 15. Arkivko. Sehr. Henrietta Jane, Swann. Baltimore, lum- ber to Waters. Zimmerman Ac C»». Sc hr. Telegraph, Davis. Baltimore, lumber to Smoot Ac Fhler. Sehr. Whirlwind, Neal, Boston, to (’umberlaml Foal aim Iron Co. Sehr. William Smith. Bettoworth, Fail haven, to Cumberland Coal and lion Co. Sehr Council. Hooes, -. to Cumberland Coal and lion Co. Three masted Sehr. Old Dominion. Spates, Boston, to ('umberlaml Coal ami lion Co., and plaisTer to 31. F. Id ridge. Sehr. John Hart, Smith, Windsor. X. S.. plais- ter to Fowle Ac Co. Sehr. 3larv B. Knapp. Wasgett, Portland, to Howard \ Foor. Sehr Cassandra. Mothershead, Blntf Point, corn to Miller. Perry Ac Co. Sehr. Virginia, Weaver, Xomini, wheat and corn to Kohmson Ac Pa\ne. Sehr Lurrefia Sr Clair. Port Tobacco, wheat to Irwin \ Powell. Sehr. Gustav us. Queen, Mattawoman. wheat to Irwin Ac Powell. Sehr. Rebecca. Humphries, Boyd’s Hole, wheat to Irwin \ Powell. Sloop Martha Ann. Haney, \eocouuco, wheat to Irwin Ac Powell. Sailkd. Brig Lydia Stoller. Newbegin. Keuebec, coal by Cumberland Coal and Iron Co. Brig Shack lord, Dolan, Boston, by M. El- d ridge. Hr. Sehr. Abby Albion, Bent, St. John, X. B.. by C azeuove Ac Co. Hr. Sehr. Lew is Smith, Parr. St. Sohn. X. B., by ('azfnove \ Co. Sehr Rough and Ready. Parsons, Xew Bedford, coal by Cumberland Coal and Iron Co. Memoranda. Brig John Alfred, Dcarbon, clearer! at Xew York, for this port. 13th instant. Sehr. Maria, Small, hence at Boston, 13th. Sehr. Josephine, Dakin, from this port, tor St. John, X. B..armed at Holme's Hole, 11th. Sehr. M. C. l)nrfee. Jennings, from this port, for Fall River, arrived at Xew York, 13th. with loss of sails. iy Bishop Johns is expected to preach in St. Paul's Church, on Sunday morning next, at th« usual hour. sep 15—‘Jt CASTILE SOAP, a full supply, just receiver.! and for sale by H. COOK Ac CO., sep 1(> Sarepta Hall JmLTHREE HOCSKS FOR RENT enquire JHEof W. H. BA R I LE, sep 16—er>3t Agent lor S. Bartle By Y€*ter«lay’» Southern Mall. We learn from the Lynchburg Virginian that a serious accident occurred on the Vir- ginia and Tennessee Railroad last Weilnes- ; dav morning, above Big Spring Depot. The downward freight train, in passing the Trestle work, came in contact with three dirt cars which had been negligently left on the track, aud the engine was thrown off, de- tached from the train, and precipitated some sixty feet over the embankment. The engi- neer succeeded in leaping from the engine to one of the freight cars: but the conductor, Mr. Conner, and the fireman, a free negro went down with it. The hitter was killed instantly, and the conductor severely, per- haps fatally injured. The engine is said to be a perfect wreck. On Tuesday at Louisa Court House, a man by the name of John Thacker, was arrested and committed to jail, on a charge of stealing the pocket book of Mr. Winston Melton, con- taining $500. The pocket book was found on the person of Thacker, with $500 of the mon- ey in it. An erroneous statement is going the rounds of the papers, to the effect that a negro named Sprigs was murdered near the Black Heath Pitts a few days ago. The fact is, that Sprigg himself stabbed a negro named Win. wliosub- se^uently died. “7 On Wednesday evening last, Mr. B. Henry llolschcr was taken sick and died very sud- ; j deulv, as is generally supposed, from the effects of poison. The poison is believed to i have been administered in a glass of whiskey. Dr. F. J. Metteaur, at present Professor of j Chemistry, in Hampden Sidney College in this State, has been elected to the chair of ; Chemistry and Natural Philosophy in the University of Mississippi. I " A bale of new cottdh, from Northampton County, North Carolina, was sold in Norfolk, ; 1 on Tuesday, for ten cents j4 lb. 11ST OP LKTTKRS remaining in the Post j Ottice, Alexandria. Yu., on the l-'th day of ‘September, Ls> f Persons calling loi Letters in t. is list, will nleas** suy they are advertised. ! a Andrew. Richard Ayer, Rev Henry H »' Bennett. John Burin, B Buckley, John-2 Bertter, Mr Brooke. M or rice Bumsey, Antonia Bell. William G Carter. Eliza Cunningham. Ann Cruzin, Wm H—2 ('oilins. Charles 11-2 (\>v\ne, Jr, P W Casteloe, Edward | ('lark, Alexander Corrente, Mrs Chapman. David Carr. Edward C Care. Robert Carrick. Mr Callaghan. Charles Casev, Patrick 1> Pinall. Wni E Dunn,Edward Dewey, l'ho’iniN lh>ney. John-2 Downey. John Doran. Bernard Davis George F-2 Davis, Catherine E Evans. Lewis English. Joseph Elliott. Robert F Ford, John F Finch, Win Eudeley. James Eicketts. Samuel E Eegan, Patrick h Grimes, Gibson Gray. Mary Golf! Bushrod George, ( apt M m Gale, Wm James Gabeuv. Patrick H 1 Hemel. Arthur Hughs. E W Huvror, Sallic Hoy, Perdicaris 7* Howe, George Hill. George W Hedernian, John Hewitt, Armena X Heilenian. Harriet Hersburg. Herman Heiden. Thomas Hamlin, Wm 11 Havden,'P 1> Harding, Cordelia-2 Hough. Samuel T Harper. 1 M Hulein. Susan J Johnson. Care Judkins, Rev W K ; Johnson, Richard N Jones. 1 apt Jacobs, Franklin Jameson. Elias James, Capt Thomas K 1 Kohs, Charles Keenan. John Kellev, Wm Lovell, Josiah Lindsey. James i Lackey, George Lacev. \\ B Me i McFarland, Catherine McSherry. Michael 1 McQuinn, John S-2 McCarty. Miss ! McGrath. John McDonohl, James L ! McKin. Theopholos McMaster, James 1 McGeinty, Kosey McDougall. I apt Simon S M Mullins, Thomas Myles. Patrick : Monaghan, G Molcv. Mary ; Molev. Mary-2 Miller. Benjamin ll Melvin. Rebecca Miller, Warner Miller. T M Miller. Phomas Mercer. Geo P-2 Medley, Francis O Maim, John—Mason. Arthui l j Marshall, Louisa J Mai ton. John Marbiirv, S F Malloti, John—2 N. Xooinait, John New ter, Ludwick O’Sullivan. Jeremiah O Oliver. John Ownes, \ V Preston. I’apt C’uas K Perry ( hallos ( R j Russel, Miss Francis Ryan, Joun Rvan. Joseph Kvan. Philip^ Robinson, ( apt Alex Robinson. \\ 1 Robinson, ( apt (»eo Rixey, A M : Riddick. Joseph H Ring’ohi, John ! Reese, Win A Reach, ( apt John i Redman Miss F Randolph. K B S ; Stone, Joseph Stoods, PaR'aid j Starr. Henry Stewart. John S Sullivan, Michael Small, M Small, Mrs R Smith. Mrs Sarah Smith. M L Sk.liner. Miss J M i Slinglmg. Jacob Sinclair, Mi Slimitt. Peter Sneehan, Michael Sears. Douglas Schaich, Francis T Tyrol, John Tibbets, Horace P I Thayer. John Thurlow. Jesse Taliaferro. Mrs Wm B Talbot, W timer J U William H Underwood W Waglom, James C. Woodall. Mrs F.lizabeth : Winston, F.lizabeth Wilmoth. Benj J I Wert. Sarah Wielane. August * Washington, Mrs Dr Worner, Chailes Wagner, Joseph ^ alsh, John Walden. Z P Waipnot, Christian ay 16—It T. W. ASHBY. P. M. XTOTICE.—The Annual Meeting ot the A Stockholders ot' the Little River Turnpike Road Company, will be held at the office ot the ! Farmers' Bank ot Virginia, in Alexandria, oh j IVeduesdoy, the nth liny Of LHnher uext, Utween the hours of :t and 5 o>/o*. If M, at which time an election will be held tor President. Directors, •uul Treasurer ot said Company. W. H. MAKBCKW I reasmer. Sep 10—Wtd lWKReni° [Leesburg Washington win and V\ in. Kep.J 4 lkxandria female seminary.— /\ The opening of this School is necessarily jxjiponed till the 2d of next month, in conve- nience of the improvements in the builuw.* “IrSr^^ with rc*}rdto x\e{ oUar* J£/lSweK.. * ,.-t Principal. 9 mo lo—dot _ ___-£- /"VFFIck REMOVED.—I have removed my ( ) Office from Washington, to the cornet oTKing and St. Asaph streets, ^cond floor, above the store of Robert Hunter, esq. Entrance tloin King street. vir a f V sep 9—law3w* CHRIS h. NEALE LOCAL ITEMS. Mr. Rolls, who was so seriously injured a few days since, while attempting to couple two cars, at the depot of the Orange and Al- exandria Railroad, is still in a critical condi- tion, though he was slightly better yester- day. The Fall trade, though backward this sea- son, is commencing, and our merchants are well prepared to meet the demands of the country. We advise our country friends to try this market before purchasing elsewhere. The travel to this place is increasing rap- idly, and daily we notice large arrivals of strangers. Our Hotels and boarding houses are doing a tine business, most of them being full. The steamship Martin Hoffman, which sailed from this port on Wednesday, broke some of her machinery, and was compelled to return yesterday. The Alexandria Canal is now in tine navi- gable order, and boats are arriving in con- siderable numbers. The coal wharves pre- sent a very animated appearance. The remains of the late Col. Silas Burke were taken to his residence, at Burke’s Sta- tion, on the Orange and Alexandria Rail- road, yesterday. The September term of the County Court of Fairfax County, will be held on Monday next, the 18th inst. MARRIED. Oil Tuesday, the 1 *2111 instant, by the Rev. Mr. Hodges. FRANCIS OSBORN to Miss 1SABKL- I„A RFF.D. <11 ot W ashington. At Baltimoie. on the 12th instant, in Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Wvatt, LlVll'S (AMPBF.LL DIWCAN. esq., '(’ounsellor-at- I Law. ot New Orleans, to Miss MARV KF.BKC- CA SMITH, daughter ot the late Dennis A. Smith, esq-, ot Baltimore. DIED. Suddenly, in Alexandria, on Thursday alter- noon, the 1 Ith inst.. ot paialysis. (on. SILAS r>i UKi.. oi lamax v oimiy. : v ms menus and acquaintances are re>pectful!y invited to at- tend liis funeral on Sunday morning. 17th inst j at 1'* o'clock, Irom hi> late resilience, near Burke's Station, on tin* Orange and Alexandria Railroad. In Washington, on Thursday, CHARLES 1. KIRBY, printer, aged thirty-live years. A L EX A XP in A. OX MONDAY, September l*lh, STANLEY’S W K S T K It .X W I L, I> S U II.I. UK KX it IItlTF.I> l N A L E X A X 1> R I A, AT LIBERTY HALL. AXI) BEAMIX FOR A FEW' DAYS. sep 16—tt MORE NEW BOOKS.— hnmnan fur's Para- \ hies.— Parables oi Frederick Adolphus Kummacher. with 2*> illustrations, a handsome octavo volume, plain cloth. •'Si 7.7, in extra binding. $2 7t). Airs. Let s \oinig People s Library, in lour vol- umes, bound in cloth. gilt backs, containing The African (Yusoes. Fhe Australian Wanderers. Anecdotes ol Animals, and Anecdotes oi Bird**, Fishes, and Reptiles. $3 37LorJ>-l cts. per vol- ! lime, seperate. Midsummer Flotvers for the loung. by Mary j Hovvitt. illustrated. 84 cts. Pnrmisi and Prejudice, by Mrs. Gore, author of •The Banker's Daughter," -Preict incut." Xc., in paper 70 cents, bound 77 cents. Tin Hold in Snob, imagined and illustrated, by j Henry L Stephens 7U cents. Fit cm Minuti s around A civ V ink, by G. (L I Foster, author ol “New York by Gaslight. 20 : cents. Tin Hiiih may man's Stratagem, or Claude at the Scaffold, with illustrations. 20 cts. The Beautiful Segtir Girl, or the Mysteries ot Broadway, by J. H. Ingraham, 20 cts. A, w Edition oj Jay's Exercises for ev ery morn- ing and evening during the year, printed on a large and beautiful type, m tour volumes, each volume containing the Exercises tor 3 months. * 1. Lcgtads and Records, chiefly Historical, by Chailes B. Taylor, author ot ‘‘Records ot a Good Mail s Lite." Xc.. 70 cents. Cm pen.Ur s Physiology.—Principles ot ( om- parative Physiology, bv William B. Carpenter, M. I).. with 3h'.» wood engravings, a new Ameri- can, from the fourth revised London edition. $ 1 N'. *'i eery Interesting llark.—Bayard lavloi sAd- ventures in Central Africa, a most vvonderlul book. Sit 70. l irginia Comedians, a work founded on the Cul ly History of Virginia. $1 70. Just published, and tor sale bv sep A ROBERT BELL. 1 1ALL IMPORTATION, 1851 —ENGLISH < THREE-PLY and INGRAIN CARPET- INGS.—BRYAA*. ADAMS Y CO., have just received tier ships David Crockett and 1 or- nado. direct Irom Manchester. England, a hnio* and elegant assortment ol 1HREE PLY. 1MPKKL1L und JXG1U1X CARPET- IXGS. V or permanence ot color and durability ot'texture, these goods are unsurpassed by any in the market. Housekeepers desirous ot a su- perior article, would do well to examine these *oods,as they are offered at prices to please. i;lx\AN. ADAMS & CO., sep 10—eofim Alexandria. ^ a. I PIONEER MILLS.—A LAD. 15 to 17 years old, ot good business habits, is wanted in tin* Counting Room oi tin* Pioneer Mills. sep 10—‘>t _ __ 1)1KD SEED.—A fresh supply of Hemp. ) Rape. Canary, Millet, and Maw Seed, re- ceived and tor sale by H. COOk. & ( O.,^ sep 16 Sarepta Hall. w-* NEW STAGE LINE.—The 11M. 11> rs I > no j. will commence ruu- JungaSTAGE COACH from Middleburg to the Plains, (in connexion with Manassas Gap Rail Road.) about the *>lh ol July, daily. (Sundays excepted.) leaving .Middleburg at 7 o'clock in the morning, and the Plains alter the ! arrival of the train from Alexandria, so as to reach Middleburg before dinner. | The Ro vn has been much improved-— a com- I fortabie COACH ami good safe HORSES have ! born provided. One of the proprietors will | drive, and every effort will be made to secure I the patronage of the travelling public. FALL through to Alexandria $‘J and tickets given at either end oi the line. SUMMERS & &>. j Middleburg. iy IS—eo'Un_ ____ Housekeeper wanted.— n»e uuder- sigued, residing in Loudoun County, near 1 tne Village of Upperville. wishes to employ a respectable FEMALE, who is experienced in * HOUSEKEEPING. One who is skilful with ; the needle would be preferred. Further inlorma- J tion may be had a* the office ot the Alexandria 1 Gazette, or by letter to the subscriber. J J. G. GRAY. Upperville, Loudoun Co., aug —eott | 'VTOTICE.—1 will sell on a credit of twelve or eighteen months, tor $ >00, a CAltai auk I almost new, and carrying very conveniently, six persons with the driver. The original cost Was $500. Any person wishing to start a hack ei- ther in Alexandria or Washington, would do well to call on the undersigned, at Valley View, near Markham Station, Fauquier Co. THUS. H. FISHER. Fauquier Countv. sep 6—eo6w_ S~~ PIRITS TURPENTINE, Campbene. Alco- hol, SO and 05 per cent, and No. 1 Ethereal (Til, just received, and lor sale by *ep 14 H COOK N CO S aiepta Hall. £^MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. New Orleans, Sept. 13.—For the last two days our city has been the scene of the wild- est excitement, growing out of a series of fearfully bloody riots between the Know Nothings and our Irish citizens. Several persons on both sides have been killed and wounded. The first outbreak occurred on Sunday t evening last, when a number of the rioters were shot before the disturbance was quelled. One of the wounded men died the following day. On Monday evening the riots were renew- ed with increased violence of feeling on both sides. A great many of the rioters, however, were badly injured by pistol shots and other deadly missiles. Several bouses, occupied by the Irish, were seriously damaged, and in a few cases they were completely gutted. On Tuesday evening, the struggle was again renewed, wheu two of the rioters wore killed, and a large number wounded. The Mayor, then immediately ordered out the National Guards and the entire police force, since which time no further rioting has taken place. The military and police are kept in readiness for instant action. The most intense excitement prevails over the entire city, and apprehensions of the most fearful character are generally enter- tained. Hartford, Sept. 15.—Samuel Church, Chief Justice of the State of Connecticut, died at Newtown, on AV cduc-sday evening last, aj;ed seventy years. ¥ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. V —The subscriber offers for salt* her / i DWELLING HOt'Si: AND LOT OF O >1' \ 1). situated on tin south title of \ Duke, be!inm Royal and J’lit struts. n»xt door j n est of (lo residence of Mr. 1). //. Lambert, in front on Duke stieet. os leet •’> inches, and in depth on a ten li*et alley. I JO feet. The Dwelling House j i> ot buck, thm* stones hign. limsheu to The attic, having ten rooms, exclusive ol a kitchen and >e! \ant s rooms, a portico oil tin* e;ist, tlie whole extent ot the building. A tine deep dry I cellar, walled up with stone, an excellent lee House. Stable, two and a halt stories high, two meat Houses, a pump. well, and hydrant. To a person in want ol a comfortable resi- dence, there ait* lew situations mole desirable than this, being located in a healthy, pleasant neighborhood, in a part ol the city rapidly till- ing up with line dwellings, convenient to mar- ket, \c. Terms liberal, and made known on applica- tion to Gko. Warn:. Auctioneer, or sep 12 ots [Sent.] C L. WHIT E. TTALUABLE MILL AND LAND FOR \ SALK.—Having determined to remove \Ve.*t, I oiler at private sale, at a great bargain my MILL and LAND, situated in one ot the best wheat growing neighborhoods in the Val- ; lev. on the line between Clarke and Frederick Counties, and immediately on the Railroad leading from Winrhester to Harper s Ferry.— I’be M ILL ha* two run ol llurrs, and a lir>t rate country stone for grinding Corn and Plaster, with a breaker attached to it—all in good or- der. There are FI FT V-ON K ACRES OF! LAND attached to the MILL, part of which is good bottom, and a portion in young and tiniI;y /*A timber. The DWELLING and other out- JiiglLhuiidings are comfortable and convenient. Persons wishing to purchase a desirable and valuable property, will do well to call and view the premises. l iie terms will be made easy and accommo- dating. For particulars inquire ol tne on the premises,or by addressing me at Wades Depot, Clarke County, Ya. JAMES F. REYNOLDS. Clarke Co., V a.. j»* •>—lawtl t)/ k/ | DOLLARS REWARD.— Runaway M ) from the subscriber, living at his farm. Preskill. in Culpeper County. Va , on Iasi Mon- day night, the 11th ol September, his two negro men, .1 AMES and SAM. Janies in in height about f> feet P'or 11 inch- es. ol red or albino complexion, somewhat cross-eved. woolly-hair, high cheek bones, and may have had on when he b it dark clothes. Sam in m height about 3 feet or b ineue*. verv black, and well proportioned in his person, and* suppose«I to have had on dark clothes when he h it. 1 will give the above reward if apprehended out of the State, and secured so that 1 get them again. $130 if taken in any part of the State outside of the Couuth's of Fauquier and Culpep- er and $50 if taken w ithin either of the above ! counties. JOHN C. MAJOIL sep | i—eo-t* Culpeper C. H. Ya. I) ANA WAY from me, in Richmond County. \ about the luth of July last, my negro man 11KSLY. Henry is in complexion a dark I copper color, full suit of hair, good, sprightly countenance, thick set in figure, about 3 feet S inches in height. Some ol m.*ja\v teeth have been extracted, his front teeth are good. No i other marks now remembered. He iabout j years ot age. 1 1 l,r> rwxr rA O f t O II V l' U umi lurking about in the comity ol Westmoreland ; where he has a wile, succeeded in obtaining th»* iree papers ol a lice colored man named George Ih-niv under which he has made or is making i ij|s 4 >cape. Fifty dollars reward will In* paid ! for his apprehension and delivery in jail, or to I me within the State. One hundred.dollars lor ! his apprehension and confinement in jail w ithotit ; the State. FIIKPKRIC SKTTLK. Warsaw, Va aug 19—\Jaw4w .. ! ’%TOTl(,K.— Having procured the services m j \ my family of Mr. William TiiiumoM), who 1 is a graduate ot the l uiversity ot \ ngiiiiu. in | the Ancient and Modern Languages and Chem- ! isti v, and is competent to tca< h ail the Luglish branches. Natural Philosophy. Algebra, Plane and Descriptive Geometry. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and Surveying, as taught in Schools. I am desirous of receiving into my family t hree or lour boy* from 10 to 14 years ot a up, who will in all respects he treated as my own children. The School will be opened on the ISih of Scp!anir.\ and the charge at the rate of 1 m( ), for the term ot len months, one had payable in advance, and the other at the expira- tio'nol the term. MS. K MARSHALL Leeds, near Markham station. Fauquier Co.. V.,.. aug26—2awtf IV-U'PAliANXOCK ACAIIK.M Y —The i x- Venises of this Institution will re-cont- : nience oh ll*fir* dan of OCTOBER. ISfrl. and will continue without interruption until ti,c -ll.s/ OJ jnlq. 1 Sob. Tunis_per session of ten months, one half payable on the let day ol October. 1*54, and the other half on the 1st March IS-.- Phis includes every thing except lights, book-, and stationary, which can be tu. nished by the Principal on reasonable t**i ms. I Circulars giving lull information as tod,vis,on | of subjects, Ac., can be obtained by addressing the Principal.llappabai,nock Academy. ( an,line County. U. , i Karlv applications are requested. THOMAS R. THORN ION, Pnncipal. Caroline County, aug -u eotl -jjTyortCE.—Ran away from the subscriber, i \ living near UpjierviHe, Fauquier county, Tho" July. 18H my man GIBSON tt. ry or three \ears old. dark col- ; ore°d, long'oushy black hair, and rather slender made: five feet seven or eight inches high, and muck of speech when spoken to. 1 wilt give I nr dollars if taken m the State ot \ irginia and one hundred and tatty dollars. .1 taken out of State, andloilgediii.pol-tua.^ge.hin, •again. Cpperville, aug *°11 auction sales! SALE THIS DAY. SERVANT GIRL AT AUCTION.—On Sat- urday, the 1 Gth inst.. at 12 o clock, will be sold in front of the Mayor's Office, a likely SER- VANT GIRL, about 25 years of age, of good character, sound and healthy, has been accus- tomed to house business, is a good war her and ironer, and a pretty good plain cook. Terms at i sale. A credit of six months will be given for an approved endorsed note, bearing interest from the day of sale. GEO. Will IE, srp 14—:;t A net. 1JIAUQUIER LAND FOR SALE TO THE 1 HIGHEST BIDDER.—On the ibth day of October, ] s51, 1 w ill offer for sale, (ii not sold privately before thatlime. and if sold, due notice will be given) on the premises, a tract oi LAND lying on Marsh run. within two or three hundred yards of Be a let on Dejx>t. on the Orange and Alexandria Rail Road, and immediately on the Falmouth road, containing about ’>"•> ACRES, a part of which is excellent bottom land, and the whole well adapted to grass— lies well, is well watered, and in a good neigh- borhood. The terms will he made known on the day of sale. J. R. LEWIS. Fauquier Co., sop 7—eots PETERSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE.— j The first session of this Institution, will commence on the last H'edntsday in this month. (27th day of September.) and close an the 15th July. 1S55. FACULTY. Rev. GEORGE W. CARTER. President, and Prof. Belle Lettres, Ethics, \o. ROBERT KERR. A. M,. Mathematics and Natural Sciences. WILLIAMS T. DAVIS. A. M.. Ancient Language.** and Literature. JOSEPH WALL. Modern Languages and Painting. J. FRED. WULFF. Music and Drawing. Miss EMMA J. TAYLOR, lfriiameutal Branches. Miss AMANDA D. ARM IS LEAD. Primary Department. Terms of Tuition for the Scholastic tear: Primary Department. Academic, (advanced English branches,). •!•-> (ollegiate—higher English branches with Latin or Greek,. EXTRAS. Modern Languages, each. ! Music on Piano or Guitar. oU Drawing in Pencil, (per quarter,). s Painting in Oil or Water, (per quarter.). ... 10 ! Lectures and Experiments in .Natural Scien- ces. (|>er course.). #> Sacred Music—Daily exercise.nochakue. ; HOARDING. Voting ladies from a distance will reside in the family ol Wilua.m Lka, Juni., Esq , who occupies the College premises, as will, also. 1 President Cauteh and lady. For further particulars address the President, in the careot E. P. Nash. Petersburg. Va. Petersburg. Va., sep 7—eolrn IT PPERVILLE ACADEMV.—J. WE LB V ) JRMSTROMl, Prim ijHtl.—The next ses- | moii of the l*pperville Academy, trill commence mi the] st Momlay in SEPTEMBER. The Principal has gone to much expense in j making all suitable arrangements for the accom- modation ol students entrusted to Uis care. He will receive Boarders in his own house, to whom every attention will he paid. and. thanktu! tor past lavuis. he promises that no laborer toil will be spared to render his school worthy of patron- age. The location is very desirable, being in one ot the finest, most healthy, and moral parts ot \ irginia. 1 in* course ot instruction is practical and thorough, and such as will enable students to take a high stand at the l niversity ot \ irgiu- ia or any other College. In addition to all the English branches, Natural Philosophy, Chemis- try. Mathematics, Greek, Latin, trench and Ital- ian will be taught. Natural Philosophy and Chemistry practically illustrated by experiments. The Principal is a graduate ot Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, and has had an experience ot seve- ral years iii his profession. 1 in- names ot many of liis patrons will be found m his list of reler- eiices. He is aided by two well qualified Assis- tants; the first Assistant, Mr. R. laylor, is very highiv recommended bv Colonel Smith, and ha-5 graduated rjusr in his class at the \ irginia Mili- tary Institute this year. Cpperville is situated w ithin -ix miles of the Rectortown Depot, on the Manassas Gap Rail Road. Stagi'' from Alexandria pass through the village. Tkkms:—For Board and Tuition, including washing, per scholastic year, •'?>* 1 * ’0—payable halt yearly in advance, viz. on <>d September and fid February. Apply to the Principal tor Circulars. Rks kkknces : James K. Marshall, esq., Markham Station. M. G. R. R. Henry M. Marshall, esq., Markham Station, M. G R. U. F.dward C. Marshall, esq.. President Manassas Gap Rail Road. , Hon. J. M. Mason, Winchester, Va. Richard 11. Carter, esq., Rectortown, Va. Rev. Mr. Kinsolvmg. Middleburg IV O. | Gen. A. Rogers. do do. Rev. G. Norton, Warrenton, V a. Robert E. Scott, esq., do do. Samuel Hall. esq.. Linden Station, M. G. R. R. John T. Dulany. esq., Cpperville IV (>., hati- John A. Carter, esq., Upperville P. O., Fau- quier County. \ a. Doctor J. Gray. Upperville P. ().. Fauquier County, Ya. Krzin Snowden. esq.. Laurel Factory. Mil. Francis L. Smith, esq., Alexandria. Ya. U. W. Latham, esq.. Washington. J. Clarke, esq.. Millwood P 0,\a. (’. H. Whiting, esq.. Exchange Bank. Wash- ington: and the Faculty ot \ irgmia Militaii I Institute. Lexington. Upper-xiHe, jy go—eo2m __ X’FAY BALTIMORE ACADEMY.—The ! N Trustees of the above institution, have se- i cured the services o( Mr. S. < LINDSFA. a 1 graduate ot Ham|'>den Sydney College, a gentle* man of experience as a 1 eacher. and ot eminent ; qualifications. The exercises ot this Institution : will be resumed on the 1st day ot August next, j The Scholastic year(lU months) will consist ol | two terms, the first will commence as stated i above, and end the lf>th December: the second ; wiU commence the Kith January, and end dutli ] June, 'i’he course of instruction will comprise ! the Latin. Greek.and English languages. Algebra, Geography, Plane. Solid and Anulytpeal Geome- try, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Frigono- ; metrv. Survey ing. Navigation, Astronomy. 1 Uhetoric. Natural Philosophy, and Chemistry. Terms ok Tuition: For primary F.uglish branches for Scuoki-tn year ** ** $*>. *• higher u ~{)- Latin and Greek t: No Student \\ ill be received lor le-s time than j a Session, without aspecia! understanding to that ! effect, and no deduction made tor absence, except in cases ot protracted Mckuess; and payment is expected semi-annually. Board can be had in private families in the vicinity of the Academy, lor a month, (to j include all charges.) 1. also, teel authorised to i say. that tin neighborhood isoneol great health- J iness and moral it v. By order of the board: JXO. B. HI NTON, New Baltimore, jy *J4—eo2m President. Mediterranean \yhitf: seed W7HEAT.—The undersigned, offers to the consideration of Farmers, seveial hundred bush- els of this superior W HUE W heat for Seed. He purchased a small quantity in Philadelphia of the importer, direct from the Mediterranean, in the fall of 1S52. , a. It is a smooth Wheat, long nead. and stiff 1 straw’, producing abundantly, a large wnite | grain, ripening immediately alter the red Medi- I terranean. JOSEPH 1 L IA Millwood Claike Co ; \ <* aug 14 w J\v ; AUCTION T 7’ALl'ABLK LAND at AUCTION. NEAR , ALEXANDRIA.—1 will oiler at public auction, on Tuesday, the ‘Ad of Or to Ur mxt. it tair, if not the next fair day, a TRACT OF I.AXD. near Bay ley’s x Roads, o miles from Alexan- dria, and about the same distance from Wash- ington and Georgetown, containing about 1A A ACRES—BO acres cleared, and the balance in hard timber, a sufficient quantity to pay for th»* enure tract, if cut and sold on the land. Persons wishing to purchase land near Alexandria, will do well to examine this tract, as it possesses ma- ny advantages, being well watered, and lying near the markets of the District and Alexan- T^djia. The improvements are a small ill'; FRAME DWELLING—there is a young appie orchard growing on the land. I will sell on the most liberal terms, which will he made known on the day ot sale. Persons wishing to examine this land, will call on Dr. S. M. Dade, 11\ iiig near, who will take pleasure in pointing out the lines. GEORGE F. CARTER. Near Groveton. Pr. Win.. Va., sop Id—eots VFARM IN LOUDOUN COUNTY FOR SALE.— Being duly authorize, I will oi- ler at public sale, at Fairfax Court House, on Monday, the U*th day of October next. (that being (ourt day.) a 1 RAC 1 Oh LAND. situated in Loudoun County. \ a., near the lairfax County line, containing about 'Jo 1 ACRES. lf>0 of which are in cultivation, the remainder in wood, suffl eient for farming. &c. It is the same land for- merly owned and occupied by A. Heath, dee d., and is within 2* miles ot the line of the Manas- sas Gap Kail Road, and about the same distance south of the Little River Turnpike. M There is a DWELLING HOLSL and other buildings—an apple orchard and other fruit trees. The soil is very improveable. and well adapted to glass and the various crops cultivated in the neighborhood. Sale at 2 o'clock. Term* accommodating. H. CARTER. Attorney, near sep it*,—2aw 1 w Mt. Pierce. Fairfax Co.. Va. 1 PUBLIC SALE OF LAND, STOCK, CROPS. \c.—ON THIRSDAY. the 2sth day of September. I Sol. (i f fair, if not the mxtja;r d/y.) I will offer at public auction, af my iesi* deuce ill Madison County, THREE 111 N- 1)RED AND SEVENTY SEVEN ACRES of good and improved LAND lying on Crooked Run. and is well watered. b»*iiig one mile from James City, and ten miles Irorn Culpeper Court / A House. The improvements ai e in good or- -I-'IIb .Ut Phis land adjoins the lauds ot W. V 'I'.__] I.. .. ...... W [Jit II Ill'll, L* at uii ait'i 'sum 0. in « 4*»sj a Plank oi McAdami/ed Road is expected to be built, which will run through <»r near this place. At the same time and place. I will offer all of my personal property, consisting ot a Slot K OF HORSES, among which is a pair ot Match l oils, lhiee years old List Summer, t A l 1 LE, SHEEP and HOGS. ONE W)KE OF OXEN, CROP OK CORN, one b mid red and fifty bids, of New Corn, and about 1"U bbls. Old Corn; •j, mj bushels of Oats: *'•<1 bushels ot Rye: Hay. Fodder, Shucks. Xc. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FI RNITI RK, among which are right good Feather Beds, one pair ot Mahogany Tables, one good lolled I’IaNO. Also, a good CARRIAGE. 'Terms —The land will be sold tor one-third cash, the balance in one, two, and three years, with interest from date. The personal propcity on a credit ol ten months on all sums over ten dollars. JAMES KIRKMAN. Addiess—Leon, P. O.. Madison County. V a. Madison Co., sep ‘J—cots 1 PUBLIC SALE OF LAND, NEGROES. STOCK. CROPS. Xc.—On Writneetby, the With liny ot September next, il fair, it not the next fair day. we will oiler at public auction, at the -NEW MARsH FARM, three miles from Bealton Station, Orange and Alexandria Rail Road, Fauquier County, adjoining the lands o Wellington Gordon, esq Doct. N. V Clopton. Xc., the following valuable property, viz: one- halt (about 4*d5 ACRES) of said FARM: fif- teen Negroes, a portion of them young and I very desirable: all the stock, of said FARM, I consisting ol Houses. Cattle, (among which I are six yoke of tine work Oxen.) Mit.ks. Suker, i Hugs. Xc., the Farming Utensils, the growJug crop of Corn. Hay. Straw. Xc., Xc. We will also offer l»«J ACRES ot heavily timbered land, known as a portion ol the MinoLKEiKLD 1ka*t. The Terms ok Sale ot the LAND will be liberal, and will be made known on the day of sale; the NEGROES will be sold lor cash, and : on the remainder of the property for all sums, over a credit of twelve mouths will be given, the purchaser to give bond with appioved : security. >10 and under the cash will be re- quired. N. V. CLOP'I ON, £ JAS. K SKINKER. ) 11 i Fauquier County. Va., aug (J—cuts Orange land for sale.—in execu- tion of the will of William RobeiSon. de- ; ceased. I shall, on the ifmj of Srpttrnfer next. (Court dav.) sell before the door of <)i auge Court House, at auction, a 1 RACJ Of LAND, situa- j ted on the Rapid Ann River in Orange County, | belonging to the estate ol William Robertson, dec d.. and adjoining the lands ot John A. Rob- erts, Thomas Newman, and others, containing j about 1G.'$ ACRES, the precise quantity to he ascertained by survey. This land is good south west mountain laud, with a portion ol rich low ground, is well watered, and Iras a sufficiency ot i timbe r. 1 Terms.—One-half of the purchase money to j be paid in twelve months, the other in two years; ! to be secured by bonds w ith good security, and a deed of trust on the premises. Immediate possession will be delivered, re- ceiving the right ot ingress and egress to receive the grow ing crop of corn. JOHN C. GREEN, adm r.. with will annexed oi Wm. Robertson, dee d. Culpeper County, Va. aug l7—eotd 11 ARM FOR SALK.—The subscriber will ^ sell by public auction, on 'Thursday, the i ‘t>th day >/ S.j> tent her. at Samuel C.ittss Tavern. I near A lexajnlria. at 2 o'clock, p. in., bis I'ARM. ui Fairfax County, 12 miles from Alexandria, and '2 miles from Accotink Mills, containing ( goo ACRES. There are about bo or 00 acres ot low laud, on I’ohick Creek. 1 lie improvements consist ot a good two story b RAM K JeM.HuF>K. containing eight rooms. Servant" Houses, Corn House, Stables. Ac. 1 he cleared land is of excellent quality, and can be made with little expen"e. an excellent Market Garden and Dairy Farm. About eighty acres ol this ; land is in wood, lheie is. aiso, a stream oi i navigable water within thirty yardso! the house. Teijms <o Sale.—One-halt Repurchase money will he required in hand, the remainder in 12 and IN months, hearing interest from the day ol sale, and secured by a deed ot trust upon the ! land. For further particulars, address the sub- 1 scriber at Fair lax Court House, \ a. A. L M< KKN/.IK. i Fairfax County, Va.. aug 2s—2a\vts SAI.K OK A LIGHTER. KILE DRIVER, Ac.—By virtue ol a deed of trust from Duncan McPher»on. tin* subscriber will sell at i Port Royal, publicly or privately, a LIGH1 KR I AND PILK DRIVER, with all the necessary ! fixtures lor whan building, in first rate order.— Tin* Lighter has a cabin sulFiciently large to ac- i comodate tlfe number of hands requisite to the prosecution ol the business. If said property is not sold privately by the 6th day ot October. 1 will on the *’>th day of that month, he ex- paged to sale, at public auctum. to /hi highe&t bidder, at Port Royal, Caroline County Va. i Terms accommodating. RANDOLPH PEYTON, Trustee. Port Royal, Va., sep 1 1—eotd I FTY DOLLARS REWARD.—Runaway ^ from the subscriber at the b auquier Springs, on the l nh September, negro-woman 7JAA. ^bout five leet m height, very stout, very black, countenance front teeth, age about forty to forty-five years- dressed in blue cotton j dress when she went away. Said woman was from the estate of the late Mrs. Gibson, of Fau- quier County. I will give the above reward it said woman is taken without the County of Fau- quier. and twenty-five dollars if taken w ithin the 'County. MRS. MAJOR R H. CHILTON. Fauquier County, Va., sep 11—eotf AY,r J, HIGDON, still continues to receive If orders in House and Sign Painting, at the lower end of King street. sep 19—ly AUCTION SALES. ■'!'ITATKRLOO.— The undersigned will* offer y f at public sale, at Prince William Court- house on Monday, the 2d day of October next. (that ; being Court day.) hi* FARM known by the above name, and containing 471^ ACRES ot LAM). !t is situated in the County of Prince \\ il !iam, and adjoins the lands ot Dr. Jesse B. Ew- ell, Josiah Carter, and the heirs ot Lewis Berke- ley, dee d., and is within a short distance of the line which di\uies Loudoun from Prince William. The tract is in the form ot a parallelogram, and can he advantageously divided into two tarrns of equal size, to accommodate purchasers, as there are suitable buildings tor small families, and a sufficiency of excellent timber at each end. i of the tract. The soil of it is adapted to all crops raised in the County, and it could be made a profitable 1 grazing Farm. It in a healthy, agreeable neighborhood, and | convenient to several mills, two turnpikes, and a Railroad. Possession can be had of one half of the farm, at any time during the present year. The land wili he shown to any person wishing to pur- chase. by Mr. John C. Elgin, of Oakland, near Centreville. and by Mr. Christopher Swart, liv- ing on the premises. Tkkais—One-fourth cash, and the balance in lour equal annual instalmants, with interest from ! the day of sale: the purchasers to give bond* with approved personal security, and a deed of trust on the property. The sale will commence, at 2 o'clock. P M. There will be sold at the same time and place, and upon the same terms, by the executors oi Lewis Berkeley, dee d., a tract ot land adjoining Waterloo, and the farms of Messrs. Jas. tireeii and Edmund Berkeley. The tract is known by the name of “North End,” and contains fill) ACRES or LAND.— About *i00 acres have been under cultivation, and tile balance is in good timber; two hundred of which might be cleared to advantage, and a great part sold to Railroad contractors. There is, also, on the land, an abundance of building stone. The soil is adapted t* all crops raised in the County. There are several never failing streams passing through the land, and an excellent spring near to a new log bouse and kitchen. The land will be shown at any time before the sale by Mr. Ed. Berkeley, residing at Evergreen, the ad- joining farm. W. NOLAND,^ sep t—eots Aldie, \a. \ / AId ABLK .MILL PKUIT.K l ), i nr. > SHENANDOAH HIVER, AND NEAR THE MANASSAS GAP RAIL ROAD LEA- DING TO ALEXANDRIA, FOR SALK.— The sub>criber. determined to remove West this Fall, oilers tor sale his property in the County <»t ^5^ Warren. Ya., called the ‘‘SHANNON Jluig MILLS’* situated on the Shenandoah River, one mile horn the Manassas Gap Kail Road, leading to Alexandria, and lour miles lrom Front Royal, the county seat 01 Waireu County. It consists ol a large Four Story MILL, with three rim ol Burr Stones, and room f»»r three more, with the best water power on the River; also, a large and comfortable 1 V\ O- STORY BRICK HOUSE; a good two story Miller's House, large Barn, Blacksmith Shop, Carriage house, and all other necessary out-buil- dings, with FIVE ACRES OK FIRST RATE RIVER BOTTOM LAND thereto attached.— This Mill is capable of manufacturing one hun- dred and fifty barrels of flour y day, and is very valuable from its position, being situated at a point on the River from which flat boats can at all seasons takes freights of 12*) barrels of flour from the mill door to Alexandria or George- town. or 2<A> barrels to a depot on the Manassas Gap Rail Road, about two miles from the Mill. There is also a Depot on said Rail Road, a mile from tlie Mill, with a good road for wagons leading thereto. I his Mill is located in a tine win at-growing region, and can command, under I the management ot a man ol enterprise, the : grinding ot "Jb,UHU bushels ot wheat annually, with a ready sale for all theollal—so great are the ! conveniences of market over any other Mill ou the River, li is useless to add more in regard to 1 this valuable property, as persons wishing to purchase, will call and \ iew it for themselves; and it will at all times give the undersigned plea- suie to show it. being generally on the premises. There i> in addition to the above, and attached to it. a SAW MILL, with two run of Saw*—one perpendicular, the other circular. The Saw Mill is Hi good repair, and capable ol doing a large lumbering business. The teims will he liberal and made to suit the convcnicneeof the purchaser, as 1 am determin- ed to sell without reserve. The above property, it not sold at private sale between this and Sal usd ay. the 1th day of Uetobtr I next, will, on that offered at ic sale, on the premise**, to the highest bidder. en and I where the terms will he made known, i Further information can be obtained by visit- ing me on the premises, or addressing rne atNin- j eveli, Warren Co., \ a. J. I*. LAiSHAW. W arren County. Va.,apl7—lawtl \ VALUABLE LAND IN CULPEPER CO, FOR SALE.—By virtue ot a Decree of i theCiicuit Court ot Culpeper County, made on j tiie f)th day ot January. lhf>4, in a suit theiein depending! in which F. Mauzy. guardian ol his children, is Plaintiff, and Emily Bradford amt others are Defendants. 1 shall, on Monday. Ike 1 bth day »J September next, at the door of the Court House of Culpi per County, offer tor sale to the I highest bidder. TWO TRACTS OF LAND, one I called the “Si'mmkr Dice. Tract, containing j about *i<) ACRES; the other called “CatletV containing about 271 ACRES, lately the pro|w*r- ty of S. K. Bradford, dee d. The small tract lies South-east ol the Court House. The other tract is about one-third in timber, and lies about three miles east ol the Court iIou*£—is well en closed. Gut has no improvement except a Stable and house toi servants. The Terms ol sale are as follows :— I he Sum- mer Duck Tract will be sold lor so much rash j as will pay the costs of the suit, including all ! expenses and commission on former sales ol ! real estate; and the balance, ll any, in one, two and three years, with interest from the day of ■>.ile, on the several instalments. 1 he ( atlet i Tract will be sold for so much cash as will he necessary to pay any deficiency ol costs, &e alter applying the purchase money of the other tract, and the balance in one, two and three years, with interest from day ol sale. 1 he bonds of the purchaser to be secured by goo* 1 pel sonal security, and the title also retained un- til all the money is paid. V S. BRADFORD, Comm r. Culpeper Co., aug 5—<?OTs JOCDOLN LAND AT PUBLIC SALK J I will sell, at public sale, on Monday, the tad day of October, lbf>4. at Jackson's Hotel, Fairfax County, Va., my LANDS lying in the lower part ot Loudoun County, bordering on the Famax line, about a mile and a hall iroru JDranesville. 'The tract contains 8b4 ACRES. It is within a mile and a half ot the Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal, and hall a mile ol the Turnpike road leading to Alexandria and Georgetown. It is the best watered FARM in I the county of its si/e; has on it a fine young j ORCHARD oi 200 FRUIT TREES just com- ! nienced hearing, aud has abundance ot limber. The larger portion ot the tract is ot deep red soil, well adapted to V\ heat, Clover, and PI®* ter. 'The Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Rail Road will run within a mile or two of this tract. A further description deemed unnecessary, as those wishing to purchase will first view the pioperty. Terms accommodating. CHARLES G. ESKRIDGE. Leesburg. Va.. aug 2b—eots ’l TILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALEa—I j have for sale a DWELLING in the vil- lage ol Salem, Fauquier county, with 7ra Ackkh ol land attached. The house islarg«*®d com fortable. and the land of excellent quality. R not sold at private sale before the20fA®f Septint- ber next, it will on that day be offered ®t puWu auction, on the premises. Mr. Robt.B. Brasher, living on the place, will take pleasure m *lOV% ing it to those wishing to purchase. Terms—One-third <•*»!.. the hmU«M equal instalment* »t one and t»o f«*rs. 11. delerred payment* •••«««**- , kl( HARD D SIIALKLEri, Agent au^ 17—2awts for H. W. Sbacklett. J

Transcript of · The Board of Directors of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company,...

Page 1: · The Board of Directors of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company, convened at the ottice of the Company, yesterday, when the death of Col. Silas

The Board of Directors of the Orange and

Alexandria Railroad Company, convened at

the ottice of the Company, yesterday, when

the death of Col. Silas Burke was announced;

whereupon, the following resolutions were

passed, and the Board adjourned over until

the 2bth inst., without transacting any busi-


Jr it resolredy That Col. Burke having re-

commended himself to our confidence, respect ami esteem, by the prompt and faithful pei- fonuance of his official duties, and by his kind

and conciliatory deportment, his death ha>

excited in the bosoms of his colleagues am

associates, emotions of pain and sorrow, am

that he is entitled to their lasting remem-

' also rtsolml, That ly his death the

Countv of his residence, and the State, has

lost a most useful and estimable citi/.on.

lie it also Knotted, that the members of

this Beard sympathize with his suni'in-

widow and children in their bereavement

oud that the condolence ol ad and eavh of

them, and these proceedings be respectfully

^junlunieatejn<Mlieu^>^b^>ork^^m rtl.UNKRt'IAL.


Mari lax n Tobacco.00 ft $< 00

Kota, Super.» «*> £ 0

^ Family.*'■' Wheat, red....) *> £ }

Do w late.* ^

R 0 O o ft 1 00

rL:white:::::::.•>"» °*n

Do yellow.*> ^ & 0 82

Oats..'.»> lS ^ 0 ^ I’ouv Meal, p bushel.1 20 ft i 20

Fitter, roll, lb.0 18 ft 0 22

Do liikin.O Iff ft fS

Facov hog round.7 50 ft >

Poke, (dressed).5 00 ft 5 I’m

Lard, (in k*-gs).2 o») ft 9 50

1'lover Seed..7 25 ft 7 50

Tibotht Seed.4 2«> ft 4 *>0

White Bean*.2 80 ft 0 85

Plastkh, (retail).4 50 ft 0 00

F LAtSKhl*. .125 ft 0 00

Bui k-Kvao Pkaw.1 25 ft 0 00

Svmac, (jp humlmi).1 25 ft 1 5o

$*LT.. 2 on ft 2 25

Hai, (Uile).0 SO g) 0 85

FLOCK.—4 he market is quiet, and prices unsettled. Moderate sales ol bi\ei Side at

ft $2 25. Pioneer MilU $lo 25. Stocks light. 4*KAIN —Wheat is dull, with a considerable

decline in prices. Sales ol 3* 1 ■*> <? I h o bush. 1 It L* A

at !a lOOCls. IOI gootr. 10 piime iru, anu ivv

f# 105 for white. In other grain there is but lit-

tle doing, and prices remain as last quoted. CATTLE MARKET- Beet Cattle may be

quoted at $9 bitf/i Sr: 95 p l"''lb' gro-* Live

Hogs t? * 9b u $’> 50. Lambs ^*9 9o [d > f

Sheep •> t 5' >.

Bl SIN Ess Money matters improving. Kullimorv Market.

Bai.tim.-kk, S, pt. U.— Flour is twenty dive

rents lower to-day. Sales ot “U * banels.—

Wheat—sale>ot 1 9.»m>) bushels, white at $1 5b

(a $1 05. and red at •'fcl 50 Uf 0,». ( orn—

vales of bushels, white at 7.‘if# “do., and

yellow at 79c. Oats—sales at -IS xr 5iic.

Money Matter*, JLe.

The New York Cost of Wednesday, says— The demand for money continues active, pro

paratory to the approaching heavy payments in

the di v goods trade. After the middle of this month jobbers acceptances will fall due in large amounts. The banks discount to the extent ot

their receipts, w hich are large, but do not, we

are informed increase their bums. 1 he rates

for money are steady at 19 >xi 15 per cent, for

prune bills, and 15 xt *> tor second class, while call v\a> as easy as 7 pel cent. Railroad securi- ties, unless accompanied by two or three indivi- dual liabilities ot le'ponsiblity, are not advanc- ed on by the banks.

The Boston Journal of Wednesday, says— The Money market continues stringent. The

demand is not active, but rates hold the advan- ced quotations given tor the last week. 1 he lowest figuie tor first class paper is l‘> per cent, and from thi' to 19 includes within its range the bulk ot negotiations on satisfactory securities of ev ery description.

The New York Journal oi Thursday, say>. The money market i> easier: prime business

j*aj*er is more in demand at 19 xi 19 per cent.,

and the quantity offered ts decreasing. I here is less objection to long dates, and 0 or 8 mo>.

notes sell quite readily where the signatures are

well known.


! K)4. Sv s Sir Ml SEPTE.MB’R. rises.j *#*. Mo»x s Fhasks

* Silt *•

17 Sunday ...•'> W >’• 7 llr- 11 * ~ M-

IS Monday..jr> W fi f. *fw- U> Tuesday. .!••. •«:><• & *«r- '? 1 M'

•A) W«1u^m1u) .> I I"11"' " 2

91 Thursday. [5 5b 0 9 11 Hi II WA FER. 99 Friday_5 59 0 1' Skit. 10. 9h. 5dm.

LATEST DATES. London.Sept. 9 Havre.Sept. I

Liverpool.Sept 2 New Orlmiu. .Sept. 0



Arkivko. Sehr. Henrietta Jane, Swann. Baltimore, lum-

ber to Waters. Zimmerman Ac C»». Sc hr. Telegraph, Davis. Baltimore, lumber to

Smoot Ac Fhler. Sehr. Whirlwind, Neal, Boston, to (’umberlaml

Foal aim Iron Co. Sehr. William Smith. Bettoworth, Fail haven,

to Cumberland Coal and lion Co. Sehr Council. Hooes, -. to Cumberland

Coal and lion Co. Three masted Sehr. Old Dominion. Spates,

Boston, to ('umberlaml Coal ami lion Co., and

plaisTer to 31. F. Id ridge. Sehr. John Hart, Smith, Windsor. X. S.. plais-

ter to Fowle Ac Co. Sehr. 3larv B. Knapp. Wasgett, Portland, to

Howard \ Foor. Sehr Cassandra. Mothershead, Blntf Point,

corn to Miller. Perry Ac Co. Sehr. Virginia, Weaver, Xomini, wheat and

corn to Kohmson Ac Pa\ne. Sehr Lurrefia Sr Clair. Port Tobacco, wheat

to Irwin \ Powell. Sehr. Gustav us. Queen, Mattawoman. wheat to

Irwin Ac Powell. Sehr. Rebecca. Humphries, Boyd’s Hole,

wheat to Irwin \ Powell. Sloop Martha Ann. Haney, \eocouuco, wheat

to Irwin Ac Powell. Sailkd.

Brig Lydia Stoller. Newbegin. Keuebec, coal

by Cumberland Coal and Iron Co.

Brig Shack lord, Dolan, Boston, by M. El- d ridge.

Hr. Sehr. Abby Albion, Bent, St. John, X. B.. by C azeuove Ac Co.

Hr. Sehr. Lew is Smith, Parr. St. Sohn. X. B., by ('azfnove \ Co.

Sehr Rough and Ready. Parsons, Xew Bedford, coal by Cumberland Coal and Iron Co.

Memoranda. Brig John Alfred, Dcarbon, clearer! at Xew

York, for this port. 13th instant. Sehr. Maria, Small, hence at Boston, 13th. Sehr. Josephine, Dakin, from this port, tor St.

John, X. B..armed at Holme's Hole, 11th. Sehr. M. C. l)nrfee. Jennings, from this port,

for Fall River, arrived at Xew York, 13th. with loss of sails.

iy Bishop Johns is expected to preach in St. Paul's Church, on Sunday morning next, at th« usual hour. sep 15—‘Jt

CASTILE SOAP, a full supply, just receiver.! and for sale by H. COOK Ac CO.,

sep 1(> Sarepta Hall


sep 16—er>3t Agent lor S. Bartle

By Y€*ter«lay’» Southern Mall.

We learn from the Lynchburg Virginian that a serious accident occurred on the Vir-

ginia and Tennessee Railroad last Weilnes- ; dav morning, above Big Spring Depot. The downward freight train, in passing the Trestle work, came in contact with three dirt cars which had been negligently left on the track, aud the engine was thrown off, de- tached from the train, and precipitated some

sixty feet over the embankment. The engi- neer succeeded in leaping from the engine to

one of the freight cars: but the conductor, Mr. Conner, and the fireman, a free negro went down with it. The hitter was killed instantly, and the conductor severely, per- haps fatally injured. The engine is said to be a perfect wreck.

On Tuesday at Louisa Court House, a man

by the name of John Thacker, was arrested

and committed to jail, on a charge of stealing the pocket book of Mr. Winston Melton, con-

taining $500. The pocket book was found on

the person of Thacker, with $500 of the mon-

ey in it.

An erroneous statement is going the rounds of the papers, to the effect that a negro named

Sprigs was murdered near the Black Heath Pitts a few days ago. The fact is, that Sprigg himself stabbed a negro named Win. wliosub- se^uently died.

“7 On Wednesday evening last, Mr. B. Henry

llolschcr was taken sick and died very sud- ;

j deulv, as is generally supposed, from the effects of poison. The poison is believed to i

have been administered in a glass of whiskey.

Dr. F. J. Metteaur, at present Professor of j Chemistry, in Hampden Sidney College in

• this State, has been elected to the chair of

; Chemistry and Natural Philosophy in the University of Mississippi. I "

A bale of new cottdh, from Northampton County, North Carolina, was sold in Norfolk, ;

1 on Tuesday, for ten cents j4 lb.

11ST OP LKTTKRS remaining in the Post

j Ottice, Alexandria. Yu., on the l-'th day of

‘September, Ls> f Persons calling loi Letters in t. is list, will nleas** suy they are advertised.

! a Andrew. Richard Ayer, Rev Henry H

»' Bennett. John Burin, B Buckley, John-2 Bertter, Mr Brooke. M or rice Bumsey, Antonia

Bell. William G

Carter. Eliza Cunningham. Ann Cruzin, Wm H—2 ('oilins. Charles 11-2 (\>v\ne, Jr, P W Casteloe, Edward

| ('lark, Alexander Corrente, Mrs Chapman. David Carr. Edward C Care. Robert Carrick. Mr Callaghan. Charles Casev, Patrick

1> Pinall. Wni E Dunn,Edward Dewey, l'ho’iniN lh>ney. John-2

Downey. John Doran. Bernard Davis George F-2 Davis, Catherine

E Evans. Lewis English. Joseph

Elliott. Robert F

Ford, John F Finch, Win

Eudeley. James Eicketts. Samuel E Eegan, Patrick


Grimes, Gibson Gray. Mary Golf! Bushrod George, ( apt M m

Gale, Wm James Gabeuv. Patrick H

1 Hemel. Arthur Hughs. E W

Huvror, Sallic Hoy, Perdicaris 7* Howe, George Hill. George W Hedernian, John Hewitt, Armena X Heilenian. Harriet Hersburg. Herman Heiden. Thomas Hamlin, Wm 11 Havden,'P 1> Harding, Cordelia-2

Hough. Samuel T Harper. 1 M Hulein. Susan

J Johnson. Care Judkins, Rev W K

; Johnson, Richard N Jones. 1 apt Jacobs, Franklin Jameson. Elias

James, Capt Thomas K


Kohs, Charles Keenan. John Kellev, Wm

Lovell, Josiah Lindsey. James i Lackey, George Lacev. \\ B

Me i McFarland, Catherine McSherry. Michael 1

McQuinn, John S-2 McCarty. Miss ! McGrath. John McDonohl, James L

! McKin. Theopholos McMaster, James 1 McGeinty, Kosey McDougall. I apt Simon

S M Mullins, Thomas Myles. Patrick

: Monaghan, G Molcv. Mary ; Molev. Mary-2 Miller. Benjamin ll Melvin. Rebecca Miller, Warner

Miller. T M Miller. Phomas Mercer. Geo P-2 Medley, Francis O

Maim, John—Mason. Arthui l

j Marshall, Louisa J Mai ton. John Marbiirv, S F Malloti, John—2

N. Xooinait, John New ter, Ludwick

O’Sullivan. Jeremiah O

Oliver. John Ownes, \

V Preston. I’apt C’uas K Perry ( hallos (

R j Russel, Miss Francis Ryan, Joun

Rvan. Joseph Kvan. Philip^ Robinson, ( apt Alex Robinson. \\

1 Robinson, ( apt (»eo Rixey, A M : Riddick. Joseph H Ring’ohi, John ! Reese, Win A Reach, ( apt John

i Redman Miss F Randolph. K B S

; Stone, Joseph Stoods, PaR'aid

j Starr. Henry Stewart. John S

Sullivan, Michael Small, M

Small, Mrs R Smith. Mrs Sarah Smith. M L Sk.liner. Miss J M

i Slinglmg. Jacob Sinclair, Mi

Slimitt. Peter Sneehan, Michael Sears. Douglas Schaich, Francis


Tyrol, John Tibbets, Horace P

I Thayer. John Thurlow. Jesse

Taliaferro. Mrs Wm B Talbot, W timer J U

William H Underwood W

Waglom, James C. Woodall. Mrs F.lizabeth : Winston, F.lizabeth Wilmoth. Benj J I Wert. Sarah Wielane. August * Washington, Mrs Dr Worner, Chailes

Wagner, Joseph ^ alsh, John Walden. Z P Waipnot, Christian

ay 16—It T. W. ASHBY. P. M.

XTOTICE.—The Annual Meeting ot the

A Stockholders ot' the Little River Turnpike Road Company, will be held at the office ot the

! Farmers' Bank ot Virginia, in Alexandria, oh

j IVeduesdoy, the nth liny Of LHnher uext, Utween

the hours of :t and 5 o>/o*. If M, at which time

an election will be held tor President. Directors,

•uul Treasurer ot said Company. W. H. MAKBCKW I reasmer.

Sep 10—Wtd lWKReni° [Leesburg Washington win and V\ in. Kep.J

4 lkxandria female seminary.— /\ The opening of this School is necessarily

jxjiponed till the 2d of next month, in conve-

nience of the improvements in the builuw.*

“IrSr^^ with rc*}rdto x\e{ oUar*

J£/lSweK.. *

,.-t Principal. 9 mo lo—dot _

___-£- /"VFFIck REMOVED.—I have removed my

( ) U» Office from Washington, to the cornet

oTKing and St. Asaph streets, ^cond floor,

above the store of Robert Hunter, esq. Entrance

tloin King street. vir a f V

sep 9—law3w* CHRIS h. NEALE


Mr. Rolls, who was so seriously injured a

few days since, while attempting to couple two cars, at the depot of the Orange and Al- exandria Railroad, is still in a critical condi- tion, though he was slightly better yester- day.

The Fall trade, though backward this sea-

son, is commencing, and our merchants are

well prepared to meet the demands of the country. We advise our country friends to

try this market before purchasing elsewhere.

The travel to this place is increasing rap- idly, and daily we notice large arrivals of

strangers. Our Hotels and boarding houses are doing a tine business, most of them being full.

The steamship Martin Hoffman, which sailed from this port on Wednesday, broke some of her machinery, and was compelled to

return yesterday. The Alexandria Canal is now in tine navi-

gable order, and boats are arriving in con-

siderable numbers. The coal wharves pre- sent a very animated appearance.

The remains of the late Col. Silas Burke were taken to his residence, at Burke’s Sta-

tion, on the Orange and Alexandria Rail- road, yesterday.

The September term of the County Court of Fairfax County, will be held on Monday next, the 18th inst.

MARRIED. Oil Tuesday, the 1 *2111 instant, by the Rev. Mr.

Hodges. FRANCIS OSBORN to Miss 1SABKL- I„A RFF.D. <11 ot W ashington.

At Baltimoie. on the 12th instant, in Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Wvatt, LlVll'S (AMPBF.LL DIWCAN. esq., '(’ounsellor-at- I Law. ot New Orleans, to Miss MARV KF.BKC- CA SMITH, daughter ot the late Dennis A. Smith, esq-, ot Baltimore.


Suddenly, in Alexandria, on Thursday alter- •

noon, the 1 Ith inst.. ot paialysis. (on. SILAS r>i UKi.. oi lamax v oimiy. : v ms menus

and acquaintances are re>pectful!y invited to at-

tend liis funeral on Sunday morning. 17th inst j at 1'* o'clock, Irom hi> late resilience, near

Burke's Station, on tin* Orange and Alexandria Railroad.

In Washington, on Thursday, CHARLES 1. KIRBY, printer, aged thirty-live years.

A L EX A XP in A.

OX MONDAY, September l*lh,


U II.I. UK KX it IItlTF.I>



MORE NEW BOOKS.— hnmnan fur's Para- \

hies.— Parables oi Frederick Adolphus Kummacher. with 2*> illustrations, a handsome octavo volume, plain cloth. •'Si 7.7, in extra

binding. $2 7t). Airs. Let s \oinig People s Library, in lour vol-

umes, bound in cloth. gilt backs, containing The African (Yusoes. Fhe Australian Wanderers. Anecdotes ol Animals, and Anecdotes oi Bird**, Fishes, and Reptiles. $3 37LorJ>-l cts. per vol- !

lime, seperate. Midsummer Flotvers for the loung. by Mary j

Hovvitt. illustrated. 84 cts.

Pnrmisi and Prejudice, by Mrs. Gore, author of •The Banker's Daughter," -Preict incut." Xc., in

paper 70 cents, bound 77 cents.

Tin Hold in Snob, imagined and illustrated, by j Henry L Stephens 7U cents.

Fit cm Minuti s around A civ V ink, by G. (L I Foster, author ol “New York by Gaslight. 20 :

cents. Tin Hiiih may man's Stratagem, or Claude at

the Scaffold, with illustrations. 20 cts.

The Beautiful Segtir Girl, or the Mysteries ot

Broadway, by J. H. Ingraham, 20 cts.

A, w Edition oj Jay's Exercises for ev ery morn-

ing and evening during the year, printed on a

large and beautiful type, m tour volumes, each volume containing the Exercises tor 3 months. * 1.

Lcgtads and Records, chiefly Historical, by Chailes B. Taylor, author ot ‘‘Records ot a Good

Mail s Lite." Xc.. 70 cents. Cm pen.Ur s Physiology.—Principles ot ( om-

parative Physiology, bv William B. Carpenter, M. I).. with 3h'.» wood engravings, a new Ameri- can, from the fourth revised London edition. $ 1 N'.

*'i eery Interesting llark.—Bayard lavloi sAd- ventures in Central Africa, a most vvonderlul book. Sit 70.

l irginia Comedians, a work founded on the Cul

ly History of Virginia. $1 70. Just published, and tor sale bv



INGS.—BRYAA*. ADAMS Y CO., have just received tier ships David Crockett and 1 or-

nado. direct Irom Manchester. England, a

hnio* and elegant assortment ol 1HREE

PLY. 1MPKKL1L und JXG1U1X CARPET- IXGS. V or permanence ot color and durability ot'texture, these goods are unsurpassed by any in the market. Housekeepers desirous ot a su-

perior article, would do well to examine these

*oods,as they are offered at prices to please. i;lx\AN. ADAMS & CO.,

sep 10—eofim Alexandria. ^ a.

I PIONEER MILLS.—A LAD. 15 to 17 years old, ot good business habits, is wanted in

tin* Counting Room oi tin* Pioneer Mills.

sep 10—‘>t _ __

1)1KD SEED.—A fresh supply of Hemp. ) Rape. Canary, Millet, and Maw Seed, re-

ceived and tor sale by H. COOk. & ( O.,^ sep 16 Sarepta Hall.

w-* NEW STAGE LINE.—The 11M. 11> rs I > no j. will commence ruu-

JungaSTAGE COACH from Middleburg to

the Plains, (in connexion with Manassas Gap Rail Road.) about the *>lh ol July, daily. (Sundays excepted.) leaving .Middleburg at 7

o'clock in the morning, and the Plains alter the ! arrival of the train from Alexandria, so as to

reach Middleburg before dinner.

| The Ro vn has been much improved-— a com-

I fortabie COACH ami good safe HORSES have

! born provided. One of the proprietors will

| drive, and every effort will be made to secure

I the patronage of the travelling public. FALL

through to Alexandria $‘J and tickets given at either end oi the line. SUMMERS & &>.

j Middleburg. iy IS—eo'Un_ ____

Housekeeper wanted.— n»e uuder-

sigued, residing in Loudoun County, near

1 tne Village of Upperville. wishes to employ a

respectable FEMALE, who is experienced in * HOUSEKEEPING. One who is skilful with

; the needle would be preferred. Further inlorma-

J tion may be had a* the office ot the Alexandria 1 Gazette, or by letter to the subscriber.


Upperville, Loudoun Co., aug —eott

| 'VTOTICE.—1 will sell on a credit of twelve or eighteen months, tor $ >00, a CAltai auk

I almost new, and carrying very conveniently, six

persons with the driver. The original cost Was

$500. Any person wishing to start a hack ei-

ther in Alexandria or Washington, would do well to call on the undersigned, at Valley View, near Markham Station, Fauquier Co.

THUS. H. FISHER. Fauquier Countv. sep 6—eo6w_

S~~ PIRITS TURPENTINE, Campbene. Alco-

hol, SO and 05 per cent, and No. 1 Ethereal

(Til, just received, and lor sale by *ep 14 H COOK N CO S aiepta Hall.


New Orleans, Sept. 13.—For the last two

days our city has been the scene of the wild- est excitement, growing out of a series of

fearfully bloody riots between the Know Nothings and our Irish citizens.

Several persons on both sides have been killed and wounded.

The first outbreak occurred on Sunday t evening last, when a number of the rioters were shot before the disturbance was quelled. One of the wounded men died the following day.

On Monday evening the riots were renew-

ed with increased violence of feeling on both

sides. A great many of the rioters, however, were badly injured by pistol shots and other

deadly missiles. Several bouses, occupied by the Irish, were seriously damaged, and in a few cases they were completely gutted.

On Tuesday evening, the struggle was

again renewed, wheu two of the rioters wore

killed, and a large number wounded. The

Mayor, then immediately ordered out the National Guards and the entire police force, since which time no further rioting has taken

place. The military and police are kept in readiness for instant action.

The most intense excitement prevails over

the entire city, and apprehensions of the most fearful character are generally enter-


Hartford, Sept. 15.—Samuel Church, Chief Justice of the State of Connecticut, died at Newtown, on AV cduc-sday evening last, aj;ed seventy years.

¥ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. V —The subscriber offers for salt* her

/ i DWELLING HOt'Si: AND LOT OF O >1' \ 1). situated on tin south title of \

Duke, be!inm Royal and J’lit struts. n»xt door j n est of (lo residence of Mr. 1). //. Lambert, in front on Duke stieet. os leet •’> inches, and in depth on

a ten li*et alley. I JO feet. The Dwelling House j i> ot buck, thm* stones hign. limsheu to The

attic, having ten rooms, exclusive ol a kitchen and >e! \ant s rooms, a portico oil tin* e;ist, tlie whole extent ot the building. A tine deep dry I

cellar, walled up with stone, an excellent lee

House. Stable, two and a halt stories high, two

meat Houses, a pump. well, and hydrant. To a person in want ol a comfortable resi-

dence, there ait* lew situations mole desirable than this, being located in a healthy, pleasant neighborhood, in a part ol the city rapidly till-

ing up with line dwellings, convenient to mar-

ket, \c. Terms liberal, and made known on applica-

tion to Gko. Warn:. Auctioneer, or

sep 12 ots [Sent.] C L. WHIT E.

TTALUABLE MILL AND LAND FOR \ SALK.—Having determined to remove

\Ve.*t, I oiler at private sale, at a great bargain my MILL and LAND, situated in one ot the

best wheat growing neighborhoods in the Val- ;

lev. on the line between Clarke and Frederick Counties, and immediately on the Railroad

leading from Winrhester to Harper s Ferry.— I’be M ILL ha* two run ol llurrs, and a lir>t

rate country stone for grinding Corn and Plaster, with a breaker attached to it—all in good or-

der. There are FI FT V-ON K ACRES OF! LAND attached to the MILL, part of which is

good bottom, and a portion in young and tiniI;y /*A timber. The DWELLING and other out-

JiiglLhuiidings are comfortable and convenient.

Persons wishing to purchase a desirable and valuable property, will do well to call and view the premises.

l iie terms will be made easy and accommo-

dating. For particulars inquire ol tne on the

premises,or by addressing me at Wades Depot, Clarke County, Ya.

JAMES F. REYNOLDS. Clarke Co., V a.. j»* •>—lawtl

t)/ k/ | DOLLARS REWARD.— Runaway M ) from the subscriber, living at his farm.

Preskill. in Culpeper County. Va , on Iasi Mon-

day night, the 11th ol September, his two negro

men, .1 AMES and SAM. Janies in in height about f> feet P'or 11 inch-

es. ol red or albino complexion, somewhat cross-eved. woolly-hair, high cheek bones, and

may have had on when he b it dark clothes. Sam in m height about 3 feet • or b ineue*.

verv black, and well proportioned in his person, and* suppose«I to have had on dark clothes when he h it.

1 will give the above reward if apprehended out of the State, and secured so that 1 get them

again. $130 if taken in any part of the State

outside of the Couuth's of Fauquier and Culpep- er and $50 if taken w ithin either of the above

! counties. JOHN C. MAJOIL

sep | i—eo-t* Culpeper C. H. Ya.

I) ANA WAY from me, in Richmond County. \ about the luth of July last, my negro

man 11KSLY. Henry is in complexion a dark I copper color, full suit of hair, good, sprightly countenance, thick set in figure, about 3 feet S

inches in height. Some ol m.*ja\v teeth have been extracted, his front teeth are good. No

i other marks now remembered. He iabout

j years ot age. 1 1 • l,r> rwxr rA O f t O

II V l' U umi

lurking about in the comity ol Westmoreland ; where he has a wile, succeeded in obtaining th»* ■ iree papers ol a lice colored man named George

Ih-niv under which he has made or is making i ij|s 4 >cape. Fifty dollars reward will In* paid ! for his apprehension and delivery in jail, or to

I me within the State. One hundred.dollars lor

! his apprehension and confinement in jail w ithotit ; the State. FIIKPKRIC SKTTLK.

Warsaw, Va aug 19—\Jaw4w ..

! ’%TOTl(,K.— Having procured the services m

j \ my family of Mr. William TiiiumoM), who 1

is a graduate ot the l uiversity ot \ ngiiiiu. in

| the Ancient and Modern Languages and Chem- ! isti v, and is competent to tca< h ail the Luglish

branches. Natural Philosophy. Algebra, Plane

and Descriptive Geometry. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and Surveying, as taught in

Schools. I am desirous of receiving into my

family t hree or lour boy* from 10 to 14 years ot

a up, who will in all respects he treated as my own children. The School will be opened on

the ISih of Scp!anir.\ and the charge at the rate

of 1 m( ), for the term ot len months, one had

payable in advance, and the other at the expira- tio'nol the term. MS. K MARSHALL

Leeds, near Markham station.

Fauquier Co.. V.,.. aug26—2awtf


Venises of this Institution will re-cont-

: nience oh ll*fir* dan of OCTOBER. ISfrl. and

will continue without interruption until ti,c -ll.s/

OJ jnlq. 1 Sob. Tunis_per session of ten months, one

half payable on the let day ol October. 1*54, and the other half on the 1st March IS-.-

Phis includes every thing except lights, book-,

and stationary, which can be tu. nished by the

Principal on reasonable t**i ms.

I Circulars giving lull information as tod,vis,on

| of subjects, Ac., can be obtained by addressing the Principal.llappabai,nock Academy. ( an,line

County. U. ,

i Karlv applications are requested. THOMAS R. THORN ION, Pnncipal.

Caroline County, aug -u eotl

-jjTyortCE.—Ran away from the subscriber, i \ living near UpjierviHe, Fauquier county,

Tho" July. 18H my man GIBSON ♦ tt. ry or three \ears old. dark col-

; ore°d, long'oushy black hair, and rather slender

made: five feet seven or eight inches high, and

muck of speech when spoken to. 1 wilt give

I nr dollars if taken m the State ot \ irginia

and one hundred and tatty dollars. .1 taken out of

State, andloilgediii.pol-tua.^ge.hin, •again.

Cpperville, aug *°11

auction sales! SALE THIS DAY.


urday, the 1 Gth inst.. at 12 o clock, will be sold in front of the Mayor's Office, a likely SER- VANT GIRL, about 25 years of age, of good character, sound and healthy, has been accus-

tomed to house business, is a good war her and ironer, and a pretty good plain cook. Terms at

i sale. A credit of six months will be given for an approved endorsed note, bearing interest from the day of sale. GEO. Will IE,

srp 14—:;t A net.


October, ] s51, 1 w ill offer for sale, (ii not sold

privately before thatlime. and if sold, due notice will be given) on the premises, a tract oi LAND

lying on Marsh run. within two or three hundred yards of Be a let on Dejx>t. on the Orange and Alexandria Rail Road, and immediately on the Falmouth road, containing about ’>"•>

ACRES, a part of which is excellent bottom land, and the whole well adapted to grass— lies well, is well watered, and in a good neigh- borhood. The terms will he made known on

the day of sale. J. R. LEWIS. Fauquier Co., sop 7—eots

PETERSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE.— j The first session of this Institution, will

commence on the last H'edntsday in this month. (27th day of September.) and close an the 15th July. 1S55.


President, and Prof. Belle Lettres, Ethics, \o.

ROBERT KERR. A. M,. Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

WILLIAMS T. DAVIS. A. M.. Ancient Language.** and Literature.

JOSEPH WALL. Modern Languages and Painting.

J. FRED. WULFF. Music and Drawing.

Miss EMMA J. TAYLOR, lfriiameutal Branches.

Miss AMANDA D. ARM IS LEAD. Primary Department.

Terms of Tuition for the Scholastic tear:

Primary Department. Academic, (advanced English branches,). •!•->

(ollegiate—higher English branches with Latin or Greek,.

EXTRAS. Modern Languages, each. ! Music on Piano or Guitar. oU

Drawing in Pencil, (per quarter,). s

Painting in Oil or Water, (per quarter.). ... 10 !

Lectures and Experiments in .Natural Scien-

ces. (|>er course.). #>

Sacred Music—Daily exercise.nochakue. ; HOARDING.

Voting ladies from a distance will reside in the family ol Wilua.m Lka, Juni., Esq , who

occupies the College premises, as will, also. 1

President Cauteh and lady. For further particulars address the President,

in the careot E. P. Nash. Petersburg. Va. Petersburg. Va., sep 7—eolrn


) JRMSTROMl, Prim ijHtl.—The next ses- | moii of the l*pperville Academy, trill commence

mi the] st Momlay in SEPTEMBER. The Principal has gone to much expense in j

making all suitable arrangements for the accom-

modation ol students entrusted to Uis care. He

will receive Boarders in his own house, to whom

every attention will he paid. and. thanktu! tor

past lavuis. he promises that no laborer toil will

be spared to render his school worthy of patron- age. The location is very desirable, being in one

ot the finest, most healthy, and moral parts ot

\ irginia. 1 in* course ot instruction is practical and thorough, and such as will enable students to take a high stand at the l niversity ot \ irgiu- ia or any other College. In addition to all the

English branches, Natural Philosophy, Chemis-

try. Mathematics, Greek, Latin, trench and Ital-

ian will be taught. Natural Philosophy and Chemistry practically

illustrated by experiments. The Principal is a graduate ot Trinity Col-

lege, Dublin, and has had an experience ot seve-

ral years iii his profession. 1 in- names ot many of liis patrons will be found m his list of reler-

eiices. He is aided by two well qualified Assis-

tants; the first Assistant, Mr. R. laylor, is very highiv recommended bv Colonel Smith, and ha-5

graduated rjusr in his class at the \ irginia Mili-

tary Institute this year. Cpperville is situated w ithin -ix miles of the

Rectortown Depot, on the Manassas Gap Rail Road. Stagi'' from Alexandria pass through the village.

Tkkms:—For Board and Tuition, including washing, per scholastic year, •'?>* 1 * ’0—payable halt yearly in advance, viz. on <>d September and fid February.

Apply to the Principal tor Circulars. Rks kkknces :

James K. Marshall, esq., Markham Station. M. G. R. R.

Henry M. Marshall, esq., Markham Station, M. G R. U.

F.dward C. Marshall, esq.. President Manassas

Gap Rail Road.

, Hon. J. M. Mason, Winchester, Va. Richard 11. Carter, esq., Rectortown, Va. Rev. Mr. Kinsolvmg. Middleburg IV O.

| Gen. A. Rogers. do do. Rev. G. Norton, Warrenton, V a.

Robert E. Scott, esq., do do. Samuel Hall. esq.. Linden Station, M. G. R. R. John T. Dulany. esq., Cpperville IV (>., hati-

John A. Carter, esq., Upperville P. O., Fau-

quier County. \ a.

Doctor J. Gray. Upperville P. ().. Fauquier County, Ya.

Krzin Snowden. esq.. Laurel Factory. Mil. Francis L. Smith, esq., Alexandria. Ya.

U. W. Latham, esq.. Washington. J. Clarke, esq.. Millwood P 0,\a. (’. H. Whiting, esq.. Exchange Bank. Wash-

ington: and the Faculty ot \ irgmia Militaii

I Institute. Lexington. Upper-xiHe, jy go—eo2m


X’FAY BALTIMORE ACADEMY.—The ! N Trustees of the above institution, have se-

i cured the services o( Mr. S. < LINDSFA. a

1 graduate ot Ham|'>den Sydney College, a gentle* man of experience as a 1 eacher. and ot eminent

; qualifications. The exercises ot this Institution : will be resumed on the 1st day ot August next,

j The Scholastic year(lU months) will consist ol

| two terms, the first will commence as stated i above, and end the lf>th December: the second ; wiU commence the Kith January, and end dutli

] June, 'i’he course of instruction will comprise ! the Latin. Greek.and English languages. Algebra, Geography, Plane. Solid and Anulytpeal Geome-

try, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Frigono- ; metrv. Survey ing. Navigation, Astronomy. 1 Uhetoric. Natural Philosophy, and Chemistry.

Terms ok Tuition: For primary F.uglish branches for Scuoki-tn

year ** ** $*>.

*• higher “ “ u ~{)- “ Latin and Greek t:

No Student \\ ill be received lor le-s time than

j a Session, without aspecia! understanding to that ! effect, and no deduction made tor absence, except

in cases ot protracted Mckuess; and payment is

expected semi-annually. Board can be had in private families in the

vicinity of the Academy, lor a month, (to j include all charges.) 1. also, teel authorised to

i say. that tin neighborhood isoneol great health-

J iness and moral it v.

By order of the board: JXO. B. HI NTON, New Baltimore, jy *J4—eo2m President.

Mediterranean \yhitf: seed W7HEAT.—The undersigned, offers to the

consideration of Farmers, seveial hundred bush-

els of this superior W HUE W heat for Seed.

He purchased a small quantity in Philadelphia of the importer, direct from the Mediterranean, in the fall of 1S52.

, a.

It is a smooth Wheat, long nead. and stiff

1 straw’, producing abundantly, a large wnite

| grain, ripening immediately alter the red Medi-

I terranean. JOSEPH 1 L IA

Millwood Claike Co ; \ <* aug 14 w J\v

; AUCTION T 7’ALl'ABLK LAND at AUCTION. NEAR , ALEXANDRIA.—1 will oiler at public

auction, on Tuesday, the ‘Ad of Or to Ur mxt. it tair, if not the next fair day, a TRACT OF I.AXD. near Bay ley’s x Roads, o miles from Alexan- dria, and about the same distance from Wash- ington and Georgetown, containing about 1A A ACRES—BO acres cleared, and the balance in hard timber, a sufficient quantity to pay for th»* enure tract, if cut and sold on the land. Persons wishing to purchase land near Alexandria, will do well to examine this tract, as it possesses ma-

ny advantages, being well watered, and lying near the markets of the District and Alexan- T^djia. The improvements are a small ill'; FRAME DWELLING—there is a young

appie orchard growing on the land. I will sell on the most liberal terms, which will he made known on the day ot sale. Persons wishing to

examine this land, will call on Dr. S. M. Dade, 11\ iiig near, who will take pleasure in pointing out the lines.

GEORGE F. CARTER. Near Groveton. Pr. Win.. Va., sop Id—eots

VFARM IN LOUDOUN COUNTY FOR SALE.— Being duly authorize, I will oi-

ler at public sale, at Fairfax Court House, on

Monday, the U*th day of October next. (that being (ourt day.) a 1 RAC 1 Oh LAND. situated in Loudoun County. \ a., near the lairfax County line, containing about 'Jo 1 ACRES. lf>0 of which are in cultivation, the remainder in wood, suffl eient for farming. &c. It is the same land for-

merly owned and occupied by A. Heath, dee d., and is within 2* miles ot the line of the Manas- sas Gap Kail Road, and about the same distance south of the Little River Turnpike.

M There is a DWELLING HOLSL and

other buildings—an apple orchard and

other fruit trees. The soil is very improveable. and well adapted to glass and the various crops cultivated in the neighborhood.

Sale at 2 o'clock. Term* accommodating. H. CARTER. Attorney, near

sep it*,—2aw 1 w Mt. Pierce. Fairfax Co.. Va.


day of September. I Sol. (i f fair, if not the mxtja;r d/y.) I will offer at public auction, af my iesi*

deuce ill Madison County, THREE 111 N- 1)RED AND SEVENTY SEVEN ACRES of

good and improved LAND lying on Crooked Run. and is well watered. b»*iiig one mile from

James City, and ten miles Irorn Culpeper Court

/ A House. The improvements ai e in good or-

-I-'IIb .Ut Phis land adjoins the lauds ot W. V 'I'.__] I.. .. ......

W [Jit II Ill'll, L* at uii ait'i 'sum 0. in « 4*»sj

a Plank oi McAdami/ed Road is expected to

be built, which will run through <»r near this

place. At the same time and place. I will offer all of

my personal property, consisting ot a Slot K OF HORSES, among which is a pair ot Match l oils, lhiee years old List Summer, t A l 1 LE, SHEEP and HOGS. ONE W)KE OF OXEN, CROP OK CORN, one b mid red and fifty bids, of New Corn, and about 1"U bbls. Old Corn; •j, mj bushels of Oats: *'•<1 bushels ot Rye: Hay. Fodder, Shucks. Xc. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FI RNITI RK, among which are

right good Feather Beds, one pair ot Mahogany Tables, one good lolled I’IaNO. Also, a good CARRIAGE.

'Terms —The land will be sold tor one-third cash, the balance in one, two, and three years, with interest from date. The personal propcity on a credit ol ten months on all sums over ten

dollars. JAMES KIRKMAN. Addiess—Leon, P. O.. Madison County. V a.

Madison Co., sep ‘J—cots


With liny ot September next, il fair, it not the next

fair day. we will oiler at public auction, at the -NEW MARsH FARM, three miles from Bealton Station, Orange and Alexandria Rail

Road, Fauquier County, adjoining the lands o

Wellington Gordon, esq Doct. N. V Clopton. Xc., the following valuable property, viz: one-

halt (about 4*d5 ACRES) of said FARM: fif-

teen Negroes, a portion of them young and I very desirable: all the stock, of said FARM, I consisting ol Houses. Cattle, (among which I are six yoke of tine work Oxen.) Mit.ks. Suker, i Hugs. Xc., the Farming Utensils, the growJug crop of Corn. Hay. Straw. Xc., Xc. We will also offer l»«J ACRES ot heavily timbered land, known as a portion ol the MinoLKEiKLD 1ka*t.

The Terms ok Sale ot the LAND will be liberal, and will be made known on the day of sale; the NEGROES will be sold lor cash, and

: on the remainder of the property for all sums,

over a credit of twelve mouths will be

given, the purchaser to give bond with appioved : security. >10 and under the cash will be re-

quired. N. V. CLOP'I ON, £ JAS. K SKINKER. ) 11

i Fauquier County. Va., aug (J—cuts

Orange land for sale.—in execu-

tion of the will of William RobeiSon. de- ; ceased. I shall, on the ifmj of Srpttrnfer next.

(Court dav.) sell before the door of <)i auge Court House, at auction, a 1 RACJ Of LAND, situa-

j ted on the Rapid Ann River in Orange County, | belonging to the estate ol William Robertson,

dec d.. and adjoining the lands ot John A. Rob- erts, Thomas Newman, and others, containing

j about 1G.'$ ACRES, the precise quantity to he

ascertained by survey. This land is good south west mountain laud, with a portion ol rich low

ground, is well watered, and Iras a sufficiency ot

i timbe r. 1 Terms.—One-half of the purchase money to

j be paid in twelve months, the other in two years; ! to be secured by bonds w ith good security, and

a deed of trust on the premises. Immediate possession will be delivered, re-

ceiving the right ot ingress and egress to receive

the grow ing crop of corn.

JOHN C. GREEN, adm r.. with will annexed oi Wm. Robertson, dee d.

Culpeper County, Va. aug l7—eotd

11 ARM FOR SALK.—The subscriber will ^ sell by public auction, on 'Thursday, the

i ‘t>th day >/ S.j> tent her. at Samuel C.ittss Tavern. I near A lexajnlria. at 2 o'clock, p. in., bis I'ARM.

ui Fairfax County, 12 miles from Alexandria, and '2 miles from Accotink Mills, containing

( goo ACRES. There are about bo or 00 acres ot

low laud, on I’ohick Creek. 1 lie improvements consist ot a good two story b RAM K

JeM.HuF>K. containing eight rooms. Servant"

Houses, Corn House, Stables. Ac. 1 he cleared land is of excellent quality, and can be made with little expen"e. an excellent Market Garden

and Dairy Farm. About eighty acres ol this ; land is in wood, lheie is. aiso, a stream oi

i navigable water within thirty yardso! the house. Teijms <o Sale.—One-halt Repurchase money

will he required in hand, the remainder in 12

and IN months, hearing interest from the day ol

sale, and secured by a deed ot trust upon the ! land. For further particulars, address the sub- 1 scriber at Fair lax Court House, \ a.

A. L M< KKN/.IK. i Fairfax County, Va.. aug 2s—2a\vts

SAI.K OK A LIGHTER. KILE DRIVER, Ac.—By virtue ol a deed of trust from

Duncan McPher»on. tin* subscriber will sell at

i Port Royal, publicly or privately, a LIGH1 KR I AND PILK DRIVER, with all the necessary ! fixtures lor whan building, in first rate order.— Tin* Lighter has a cabin sulFiciently large to ac-

i comodate tlfe number of hands requisite to the

prosecution ol the business. If said property is

not sold privately by the 6th day ot October. 1 will on the *’>th day of that month, he ex-

paged to sale, at public auctum. to /hi highe&t bidder, at Port Royal, Caroline County Va.

i Terms accommodating. RANDOLPH PEYTON, Trustee.

Port Royal, Va., sep 1 1—eotd

I FTY DOLLARS REWARD.—Runaway ^ from the subscriber at the b auquier Springs,

on the l nh September, negro-woman 7JAA. ^bout five leet m height, very stout, very black, countenance front teeth, age about

forty to forty-five years- dressed in blue cotton

j dress when she went away. Said woman was

from the estate of the late Mrs. Gibson, of Fau-

quier County. I will give the above reward it said woman is taken without the County of Fau- quier. and twenty-five dollars if taken w ithin the

'County. MRS. MAJOR R H. CHILTON. Fauquier County, Va., sep 11—eotf

AY,r J, HIGDON, still continues to receive If • orders in House and Sign Painting, at

the lower end of King street. sep 19—ly

AUCTION SALES. ■'!'ITATKRLOO.— The undersigned will* offer

y f at public sale, at Prince William Court-

house on Monday, the 2d day of October next. (that ; being Court day.) hi* FARM known by the

above name, and containing 471^ ACRES ot

LAM). !t is situated in the County of Prince \\ il

!iam, and adjoins the lands ot Dr. Jesse B. Ew-

ell, Josiah Carter, and the heirs ot Lewis Berke-

ley, dee d., and is within a short distance of the line which di\uies Loudoun from Prince William.

The tract is in the form ot a parallelogram, and can he advantageously divided into two

tarrns of equal size, to accommodate purchasers, as there are suitable buildings tor small families, and a sufficiency of excellent timber at each end.

i of the tract. The soil of it is adapted to all crops raised in

the County, and it could be made a profitable 1

grazing Farm. It i» in a healthy, agreeable neighborhood, and

| convenient to several mills, two turnpikes, and a

Railroad. Possession can be had of one half of the farm,

at any time during the present year. The land wili he shown to any person wishing to pur- chase. by Mr. John C. Elgin, of Oakland, near

Centreville. and by Mr. Christopher Swart, liv- ing on the premises.

Tkkais—One-fourth cash, and the balance in lour equal annual instalmants, with interest from

! the day of sale: the purchasers to give bond* with approved personal security, and a deed of trust on the property. The sale will commence,

at 2 o'clock. P M. There will be sold at the same time and place,

and upon the same terms, by the executors oi

Lewis Berkeley, dee d., a tract ot land adjoining Waterloo, and the farms of Messrs. Jas. tireeii and Edmund Berkeley.

The tract is known by the name of “North End,” and contains fill) ACRES or LAND.— About *i00 acres have been under cultivation, and tile balance is in good timber; two hundred

of which might be cleared to advantage, and a

great part sold to Railroad contractors. There is, also, on the land, an abundance of

building stone. The soil is adapted t* all crops raised in the

County. There are several never failing streams

passing through the land, and an excellent spring near to a new log bouse and kitchen. The land will be shown at any time before the sale by Mr. Ed. Berkeley, residing at Evergreen, the ad-

joining farm. W. NOLAND,^ sep t—eots Aldie, \a.

\ / AId ABLK .MILL PKUIT.K l ), i nr.

> SHENANDOAH HIVER, AND NEAR THE MANASSAS GAP RAIL ROAD LEA- DING TO ALEXANDRIA, FOR SALK.— The sub>criber. determined to remove West this Fall, oilers tor sale his property in the County <»t

^5^ Warren. Ya., called the ‘‘SHANNON Jluig MILLS’* situated on the Shenandoah River, one mile horn the Manassas Gap Kail Road, leading to Alexandria, and lour miles lrom Front Royal, the county seat 01 Waireu

County. It consists ol a large Four Story MILL, with three rim ol Burr Stones, and room

f»»r three more, with the best water power on the River; also, a large and comfortable 1 V\ O-

STORY BRICK HOUSE; a good two story Miller's House, large Barn, Blacksmith Shop, Carriage house, and all other necessary out-buil- dings, with FIVE ACRES OK FIRST RATE RIVER BOTTOM LAND thereto attached.— This Mill is capable of manufacturing one hun- dred and fifty barrels of flour y day, and is very valuable from its position, being situated at a

point on the River from which flat boats can at

all seasons takes freights of 12*) barrels of flour from the mill door to Alexandria or George- town. or 2<A> barrels to a depot on the Manassas

Gap Rail Road, about two miles from the Mill. There is also a Depot on said Rail Road, a mile from tlie Mill, with a good road for wagons leading thereto. I his Mill is located in a tine

win at-growing region, and can command, under I the management ot a man ol enterprise, the : grinding ot "Jb,UHU bushels ot wheat annually, with a ready sale for all theollal—so great are the

! conveniences of market over any other Mill ou

the River, li is useless to add more in regard to 1 this valuable property, as persons wishing to

purchase, will call and \ iew it for themselves; and it will at all times give the undersigned plea- suie to show it. being generally on the premises.

There i> in addition to the above, and attached to it. a SAW MILL, with two run of Saw*—one

perpendicular, the other circular. The Saw Mill is Hi good repair, and capable ol doing a large lumbering business.

The teims will he liberal and made to suit the convcnicneeof the purchaser, as 1 am determin- ed to sell without reserve.

The above property, it not sold at private sale between this and Sal usd ay. the 1th day of Uetobtr

I next, will, on that offered at ic sale, on the premise**, to the highest bidder. en and

I where the terms will he made known,

i Further information can be obtained by visit- ing me on the premises, or addressing rne atNin-

j eveli, Warren Co., \ a. J. I*. LAiSHAW. W arren County. Va.,apl7—lawtl

\ VALUABLE LAND IN CULPEPER CO, FOR SALE.—By virtue ot a Decree of

i theCiicuit Court ot Culpeper County, made on

j tiie f)th day ot January. lhf>4, in a suit theiein

depending! in which F. Mauzy. guardian ol his children, is Plaintiff, and Emily Bradford amt others are Defendants. 1 shall, on Monday. Ike

1 bth day »J September next, at the door of the Court

House of Culpi per County, offer tor sale to the

I highest bidder. TWO TRACTS OF LAND, one

I called the “Si'mmkr Dice. Tract, containing j about *i<) ACRES; the other called “CatletV

containing about 271 ACRES, lately the pro|w*r- ty of S. K. Bradford, dee d. The small tract lies South-east ol the Court House. The other tract is about one-third in timber, and lies about three miles east ol the Court iIou*£—is well en

closed. Gut has no improvement except a Stable and house toi servants.

The Terms ol sale are as follows :— I he Sum-

mer Duck Tract will be sold lor so much rash

j as will pay the costs of the suit, including all ! expenses and commission on former sales ol

! real estate; and the balance, ll any, in one, two

and three years, with interest from the day of

■>.ile, on the several instalments. 1 he ( atlet i Tract will be sold for so much cash as will he

necessary to pay any deficiency ol costs, &e alter applying the purchase money of the other tract, and the balance in one, two and three

years, with interest from day ol sale. 1 he

bonds of the purchaser to be secured by goo* 1

pel sonal security, and the title also retained un-

til all the money is paid. V S. BRADFORD, Comm r.

Culpeper Co., aug 5—<?OTs


J I will sell, at public sale, on Monday, the tad day of October, lbf>4. at Jackson's Hotel, Fairfax County, Va., my LANDS lying in the lower part ot Loudoun County, bordering on

the Famax line, about a mile and a hall iroru

JDranesville. 'The tract contains 8b4 ACRES. It is within a mile and a half ot the Chesa-

peake and Ohio Canal, and hall a mile ol the

Turnpike road leading to Alexandria and

Georgetown. It is the best watered FARM in I the county of its si/e; has on it a fine young j ORCHARD oi 200 FRUIT TREES just com-

! nienced hearing, aud has abundance ot limber.

The larger portion ot the tract is ot deep red

soil, well adapted to V\ heat, Clover, and PI®*

ter. 'The Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Rail Road will run within a mile or two of this tract.

A further description i» deemed unnecessary, as those wishing to purchase will first view the

pioperty. Terms accommodating. CHARLES G. ESKRIDGE.

Leesburg. Va.. aug 2b—eots

’l TILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALEa—I j have for sale a DWELLING in the vil-

lage ol Salem, Fauquier county, with 7ra Ackkh ol land attached. The house islarg«*®d com

fortable. and the land of excellent quality. R not sold at private sale before the20fA®f Septint- ber next, it will on that day be offered ®t puWu auction, on the premises. Mr. Robt.B. Brasher,

living on the place, will take pleasure m *lOV%

ing it to those wishing to purchase. Terms—One-third <•*»!.. the hmU«M >«

equal instalment* »t one and t»o f«*rs. 11.

delerred payment* •••«««**- ,

kl( HARD D SIIALKLEri, Agent au^ 17—2awts for H. W. Sbacklett.