The Blood Type Diet: Lose Weight the Right...


Transcript of The Blood Type Diet: Lose Weight the Right...

Page 1: The Blood Type Diet: Lose Weight the Right… · want: moderate (brisk walking, swimming, jogging) to intense (running,
Page 2: The Blood Type Diet: Lose Weight the Right… · want: moderate (brisk walking, swimming, jogging) to intense (running,

The Blood Type Diet: Lose Weight the Right Way…Naturally

Do you know your blood type? No? well, you better find out because knowing it might help you lose weight quickly and achieve optimal physical and mental health according to a pile of studies and experts in the field.

How come could that be possible? Simple. There are four main human blood types: A, O, B and AB. Your blood type affects the way your body reacts to the food you eat, to physical exertion (exercise), to allergens, etc.

Everything we eat generates an internal chemical reaction with your specific blood type. Depending on your blood type there are certain nutrients that accelerate and improve, or slow and worsen your metabolism, helping you burn calories better and faster or worsening it.

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It is the law of nature, according to Dr. Titus Vanessa (PHD), if you follow your blood type dietary recommendations you’ll quickly manage to get to your ideal body weight and will also get rid of unwanted and dangerous health conditions that put you at risk of chronic disease.

It is also well known, that your blood type makes you prone to certain diseases and health conditions so it is wise to learn how these illnesses can be prevented so you can live longer and healthier, adding some quality years to your life naturally.

Next you will be handed the keys to achieve optimal weight and health. Also you will be given information regarding your blood type -- what type of exercise is better for you, the good traits that naturally come along with your blood type, how you can lose weight effectively and quickly and the health threats that you expose yourself if you don’t follow through with it. This will help you live better and add some quality years to your life.

Buckle up! Enjoy the ride!

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Your Blood Type Guide to Weight Loss and Optimal Health

Blood Type O: A diet high on animal protein is recommended. Rich on lean meat, poultry, fish and complex vegetables. Very low on grains (especially wheat products), legumes (beans, lentils, etc.), corn, dairy and eggs (these last two need to only consume sporadically). You are basically a Carnivore.

Reasons: People with this blood type have the ability to metabolize meat and meat products easily due to their natural high level of stomach acidity. However, they can’t deal with dairy products very well. It causes them allergies and immune system reactions.

Good things about the blood type O: People with this blood type have the strongest immune system. They can metabolize meat, processed and junk food better than other blood types. People with this blood type always have endless amounts of internal energy. They seldom get tired and are often labeled as hyperactive people due to this.

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Physical activity: This blood type requires intense workouts. Running, weight training, crossfit, etc.

Health Threats: People with this blood type, because of the high stomach acidity they naturally have, are prone to have stomach ulcers and digestive tract cancers. Their bodies also naturally produce excess amounts of hemoglobin which make them have more blood than usual running through their cardiovascular system.

This makes them naturally prone to cardiovascular health problems due to the extra work the heart is put through because of this. Consequently blood type O people are natural blood donors and doctors recommend them to donate their blood from time to time because this is good for their hearts.

Natural Weight Loss: If your blood type is O you will easily lose weight by taking grains (rice, corn, wheat, etc.) and legumes (all beans, peas, etc.) off your diet. Especially focusing on keeping wheat products out of your plate due to their Gluten content.

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In general gluten and wheat lectins – a group of proteins that bind with carbohydrates and agglutinate animal cells -- interfere with proper metabolism of foods making it slow and hindering the body’s natural capacity to burn fats, which makes obesity much likely to develop in blood type O carriers.

Blood Type A: A meat free diet based mainly on vegetables and fruits. High on complex and simple carbs, whole grains and legumes, especially organic and fresh. Have to keep your meat, poultry, pork and meat based products consumption sporadic.

Reasons: Blood type A was the first mutation of the original blood (type O). People with this blood type have very sensitive immune and digestive systems. They can’t metabolize meat well and, on top, this blood is denser, thicker than the other types

Good things about the blood type A: People with this blood type thrive, health-wise, on a vegetarian diet and are naturally fit and lean when following their blood type food recommendations.

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Physical activity: If you keep yourself on a heavy vegetarian diet, you’ll be alright fitness-wise and therefore will be able to do any type of exercise you want: moderate (brisk walking, swimming, jogging) to intense (running, weight training, crossfit) workouts.

However, if you keep bad eating habits (eating meat base products and junk/processed foods regularly) you will be better off adhering to a moderate exercise routine. People with this blood type tend to be sedentary…even more than the other three types.

Health Threats: If you are a blood type A person you are one of the first on line for cardiovascular disease and cancer if you neglect you plant based recommended diet. People with this blood type are naturally more fragile than the blood type O and their life expectancy tends to be shorter.

Type A blood is denser, thicker than other blood types. This factor is the one that makes people with this blood type more prone to blood circulation and atherosclerosis problems. Meat and dairy products make this blood thicker, denser than it is thus making the heart work heavier than normal, what in turn creates high blood pressure problems and cardiovascular disease.

Studies have also found a direct relation between mental stress and this blood type. People with this blood type are more affected by stress than the others, making them regular victims of depression and anxiety problems.

Natural Weight Loss: You were born with a body that has a natural ability to stay lean and in the right weight. That’s one of this blood type’s gifts. But if you allow yourself to constantly indulge on the foods that are not suitable for your blood type, then you will have to fight all your life with unwanted extra-weight and obesity.

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Blood type A is the total opposite to blood type O in terms of metabolism: type O metabolizes animal products fast and efficient but type A has a lot of difficulties metabolizing this type of products.

Blood type A people get fatigued and tired after eating meat because of the heavy burden it poses to digestion and metabolism. This type of foods make them retain more water in their bodies (excess weight) and be prone to inflammation (chronic disease).

Blood Type B: Avoid corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds and tomatoes. Chicken and pork should be consume in moderation. Eating all types of vegetables, eggs, lean meats, and all dairy products is recommended.

Reasons: According to science blood type B was the third mutation from type O, after type A, and share characteristics from the other two blood types (O and A). People with this blood type are “privileged” because they can eat and

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metabolize the majority of the food type spectrum and keep their overall health intact.

Good things about the blood type B:

Type B people can eat meat and meat based products without doing a lot of damage to their bodies (especially to their hearts), just as well as the type O people. In moderation, of course. They can also go vegan and function very well under this diet, as well as the type A people.

Another good thing people with blood type B is that they can metabolize dairy products very well. Dairy products are hard on Blood type O and A people’s digestive system.

Life expectancy of blood type B people is better than the type A carriers. Also they are not very susceptible to immune diseases, cardiovascular disease or cancer and, when they get one of these illnesses, their survival rate is higher than the other blood type carriers according to studies.

Physical activity: You can go from moderate to intense physical activity; from brisk walking to weight training any day and the results will be great.

Health Threats: As people with this blood type are naturally very healthy they don’t get sick regularly but when they do get sick they get some rare diseases like polio, ALS, and others, but those are rare however.

Natural Weight Loss: If your blood type is B you will lose weight easily by avoiding eating corn, rye, peanuts, lentils and wheat products.

These foods slow their metabolism and alter digestion thus altering the body’s capacity to properly breaking down foods and burn calories, causing water retention which increases body weight.

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Blood Type AB: Foods recommended for this type are seafood, dairy, green vegetables, tofu, tomatoes, turkey and lamb. Avoid, or eat sporadically, read meat, chicken, pork, caffeine, corn, beans and bananas.

Reasons: Type AB represents only 2% of the world population and is a rare blood type. People with type AB blood tend to have low stomach acid therefore they can’t metabolize meat products well.

Physical activity: This blood type carriers do well with sports. They are built for both light and vigorous aerobic exercises like running, biking and strength training.

Good things about the blood type AB:

Blood type AB people assimilate food lectins well. That’s why they can eat most types of grains and vegetables without problems of allergic reactions. Their body constitution is naturally strong and are prone to be active people.

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Health Threats: People with this blood type are susceptible to the blood type A and B diseases, therefore you have to watch out for cardiovascular and auto-immune issues and cancer. However, they are stronger and more active than the blood type A.

Natural Weight Loss: If your blood type is AB you will lose weight naturally by eating meat in small amounts and mixing it with vegetables. Eating tofu regularly also helps them lose weight with ease.

To lose weight it also helps to avoid – or eat sporadically -- these type of foods: beef, wheat, rye, beans, liver and corn. All these foods slow down metabolism and cause water retention (which causes an increase in body weight).

There is No Shortcut to Weight Loss: You Have to Forget Your Preferences

As with any other diet, you need to be able to stick to your blood type dietary recommendations in order to make it work and in order to achieve the guaranteed results it promises. You have to put your personal taste and preferences aside.

Because these diets dictate that you eat very specific types of foods based on your blood type, it is not open to personal taste and preferences, I reiterate.

For instance, if you like very much meat and starches, you won't be very happy on the type A diet, because it is mostly vegetarian. However, over time, everybody gets accustomed to their blood type diet as your palate gets used to the different tastes of the newly adopted foods.

This has happened to me and it happens to anybody that makes the efforts and is willing to change for the better.

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My Take on This Diet

This diet works according to many personal testimonies that I’ve heard and read. I have also implemented it in my life, although I would be telling you lies if I say I have follow it 100%.

Because the diet is very restrictive of foods I have come to love what I do is that I try to stick to it about 75% of the time and eat “not recommended” foods for my blood type sporadically (on weekends and in social gatherings where you can avoid them altogether).

I give this diet a strong Guinea Pig Rank of 4 (go to our blog and see what this is all about) mainly because I’ve witnessed many of the blood type traits and characteristics -- that the available scientific research suggest – on people around me. It is true.

For instance, I can confirm -- for the blood type O -- that most of the data regarding the influence that this blood has on its carriers, are true. My father in law’s blood type is O and he checks almost all the characteristics seen here in the section about this blood type. It is astonishing.

He is 83 years old now and most of his life he’s had high levels of hemoglobin in his blood. Doctors have advised him to donate blood every year due to this. He started to have cardiovascular problems 30 years ago and he’s carried a pacemaker in his heart for the last 5 years.

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He doesn’t get tired easily. He’s currently working in his business from 9 to 5 (even more sometimes) and he’s been working since he was a teenager.

He eats meat and starch based foods regularly and hasn’t gotten any chronic illness besides the cardiovascular issues I’ve just mentioned, and last but not least…he’s sex life is currently very active.

Moderation With Refined Carbs, Junk and Processed Foods is Key For Any Blood Type…For Everybody

It doesn’t matter what type of diet or health regime you are following right now. Perhaps you are not following any and are just doing what pleases you. In any case, moderation with refined carbs, junk and processed foods is a must for you to keep your body and brain healthy and strong and for increasing your life expectancy significantly.

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Organic Fresh Foods and Supplements are Also Critical

Picking organic, naturally grown vegetables and produce or grass fed cow’s meat over packaged, canned and preserved foods will help you avoid and prevent diseases in the future as processed foods contain plenty of chemicals – preservatives, antibiotics, pesticides, coloring agents and artificial flavours – that come with bad strings attached (unwanted negative side effects) and harm our bodies over time.

Also as our daily food sources normally fail to provide our bodies daily demand of nutrients especially vitamins and minerals, we need to make up for it with daily supplementation of this nutrients.

Fortunately we have plenty of good dietary supplement manufactures, with clean and proven track records, that we can get this supplements from and aid ourselves in getting these nutrients and keep ourselves full of energy and healthy.


There you go! Hope you enjoy it!

So please re-read this post whenever you consider necessary so you don’t forget these useful information about your blood type and how it can help you lose weight fast and naturally. Let's add some quality years to our lives by being mindful about these important issues.

Please share this post with your loved ones and with as many people or social media groups you know so they too can benefit from the implementation of these tips into their daily lives.

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and also about your pocket because, at Natural Health Gems we care about both of them.

Take good care!. God bless you!

Joseph Chez