The Black Death

The Black Death VictoriaScott Mrs. Nicastro Per.3 12/08/09

Transcript of The Black Death

Page 1: The Black Death

The Black DeathVictoria ScottMrs. Nicastro


Page 2: The Black Death

The Plague It came in three forms bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. Each different one killed in a different way, but all where

formed by bacteria. The plague was in Gobi desert then went to Europe. Europe’s epidemic lasted till the 6th century. Think the weather had something to do with the plague,

during the 14th century the Earth started to cool then people stopped getting sick.

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Spread Disease Speared from flees

to rats and then humans.

Ship from across boarders had rats that came off the ship caring the disease.

All the plague had started with bacteria getting into the human body.

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Diseases One plague called bubonic only transmitted

by bites to humans. Pnemonic was transmitted by human to

human. It started with the lunges when breathing in bacteria.

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Time Line Started in the 14th century and went on until the 16th century.

In Cyprus in 1347 during the summer then traveled to Italy in October.

Went to Marrseille in 1348 in January and reached Paris in the spring.

Trade in Germany during 1348 then went to Low Countries.

Norway was hit in May 1349. Did reach eastern Europe until 1350 then Russia in 1351.

Went by trade Routes.

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How it Destroyed Population? Many people lost children,

husbands, wives, and brothers. In Europe during 1350 only 0ne-

fourth population was dead. Florence had half 90,000 population die.

In Seina and Hamburg two-third population died.

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Economic Problems

Farms and villages died making it hard for people to get food and clothing.

Trade was feared when rats transmitting the diseases.

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Economic Problems Farms lost money by having the air so

polluted with disease.

Repairing mechanics was impossible because the person that fix already died.

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Destruction and Help

During the Hundred Years War it added to plague and famine.

They can only put bodies in large trenches, there were eleven pits that held 12,000 bodies in Erfurt in 1350.

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Help Received Medical reaches found a better way in the 4th

century to surgery remove bumps. Improved health practice medications prevented contagions by sanitatings the towns.

In Florence and Venice had commission for public health in 1348.

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Disease Spread Uncontrollable Other diseases such as typhus and influenza that made the

population have more ding of plague. Extreme pandemic plague spread swiftly in 1347 then bacillus

plague spread through the air. In 1352 French villages died also England. Central Europe during 1348-1349

Europeans blamed the Jews for giving them the plague.

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The Diseases SymptomsPlague

One they would get buboes, fevers, they start to vomit, and become delirious. Then the victim dies of a Black Death.

Typhus and Syphils deadly disease as the Black Death.

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Work Cited .

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Work Cited Print Sources

"Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1485." DISCovering World History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Colony High School. 2 Dec. 2009 <

"Plague." World of Health. Online ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2007. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Colony High School. 2 Dec. 2009 <

(Plague an Death) Renaissance 2002ed. “Plague Decimates European Population, 1347-1352." DISCovering World

History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Colony High School. 2 Dec. 2009 <