The Black Death

The Black Death Plague of the Middle Ages Victoria Scott


victoria scott per.3

Transcript of The Black Death

Page 1: The Black Death

The Black DeathPlague of the Middle Ages

Victoria Scott

Page 2: The Black Death

The Plague It came in three forms bubonic,

pneumonic, and septicemic. Each different one killed in a different

way, but all where formed by bacteria.

The plague was in Gobi desert then went to Europe.

Page 3: The Black Death

Spreaded Speared from flees

to rats and then humans.

Ship from across boarders had rats that came off the ship caring the disease.

Page 4: The Black Death

Time Line

Started in the 14th century and went on until the 16th century.

In Cyprus in 1347 during the summer then traveled to Italy in October.

Went to Marrseille in 1348 in January and reached Paris in the spring.