The Bismarck tribune. (Bismarck, N.D.), 1929-12-27, [p ]. · 2019. 7. 26. · Idaho Bean Growers To...

Miss Inna Dahlmen Is Bride of Gerald Jones The wedding of Min Irma A. Dahl- men, Minneapolis, and OerAld Alvin Jones, son of Mrs. E. L. Gilbert, 610 Avenue A, toook place last evening at the Presbyterian manse, the Rev. Floyd Logee, pastor of ths First Pres- byterian church, reading the service. Attending the couple were Min Evelyn Freeburg, Min Elisabeth Blelseffer, Charles Voracheck and John Erickson. Hie bride's goon was of blege- brown chiffon and flat crepe, and her accessories were in brown. An informal reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Penwarden Jr., Parson court, followed the cere- mony. Mrs. Jones has been employed as a teacher in the Altken, Minn., schools, and will return there after the holi- days. At the close of the school year she will Join Mr. Jonn here. The groom Is employed In the bookkeeping department of the First National bank. ? ** Wendell J. Sanders, student at the North Dakota Agricultural college, Fargo, who came here to spend Christmas with his grandmother, Mrs. Thomas W. Sanders. 310 Thayer avenue, left this morning for Fargo. "The Collegians," orchestra managed by Mr. Sanders, will play at several affairs in Fargo next week. * ** Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Morris. Minot, are spending the holidays here with Mr. Morris’ mother. Mrs. R. E. Morris, and his brother and sisters. Mr. Morris Is manage of the repair de- partment of the Minot branch of the I o*o Harvester company, and was recently transferred there lrom the Orand Porks office. * * •** Mrs. Eva Hunt, Boston, Mass., has come to Fort Lincoln to spend the ** * winter with her son-in-law and daughter, Captain and Mrs. A. K. Kupfer. Mrs. Hunt came here from Detroit, Mich., where she has been visiting another daughter. *** * ** Mr. and Mrs. L. V. MUler. 60t Fifth street, have as their guest for a few weeks Mr. Miller's mother. Mrs. Agnes MUler. Minot. Mrs. Miller’s fattier, Oeorge Blmilte. Devils Lake, who spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. MUler. has returned to his home. ? ** Miss Myrtle Russell, who has been employed In the office of P. A. O'Keefe, receiver, for the past year or more, has resigned her position and left this week for her home at Stanton where she plans to spend several months. * ** The Christmas party of the First Presbyterian church school will be held Saturday afternoon from S:I0 to 4:10 In the church parlors. The time wUI be spent with games and songs, v.nd Christmas pictures wUI be shown. Miss Evelyn Oeorge. Oil Fourth street, has gone to Marshall. Minn., to spend the balance of her Christ- inas vacation with friends. She wUI return to Seobey, Mont, where she teaches, after the first of the year. ** * Miss Huel Pieros left last evening for Minneapolis after spending a week here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pierce. 411 Fifth street. Miss Pierce Is commercial artist for The Dayton company. Minneapolis. * * * Miu DeUe Bran of the workmen’s compensation bureau, has returned from a business trip to the eastern part of the state. Miss Bran spent Christmas In Fargo with friends. ••* Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harty. 417 West Thayer, have as their guests Mrs. Harty’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kaskln of Jamestown, who will visit here during the holidays. o o Mrs. W. A. Alfonte. wife of Colonel Alfonte, Fort Lincoln, has returned from Los Angeles. Calif., where she spent the past two months visiting with relatives. ** Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hughes. tit Seventh street, had as their guests Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. John Knrth, Jamestown. * * Arnold Oasssr of the highway de- partment has returned to Bismarck from Orand Forks where he spent Christmas with his parents. O 9 O C. B. Little, whs Is visiting at sev- eral points In the south. Is a guest this week at the Hotel Everglades. Florida. *** Mrs. E. D. Pangburn, Fort Lincoln, has returned from a several weeks’ visit with her parents at Mankato, Minn. no Mrs. John L. George, 811 Fourth street, left yesterday for Toledo. Ohio, for an extended visit with a former school Mend. *• * The regular meeting of the Re- bekah lodge will be held at I o’clock this evening in-the L O. O. F. hall. Social and Personal Thursday Musical Club Has Christmas Party At the traditional Christmas party of the Thursday Musical club yester- day afternoon at the home of Him Elisabeth Jones. Christmas music by Hadyn and Handel, and old time carols and songs from victrola records made by the Trinity choir, New York, were given. Mrs. Frank Barnes was leader, and the selections included "Adeste, Fidelia." "Silent Night," "The First Noel," and others. The records were loaned the club through the courtesy of Hosklns-Meyer. An especially interesting talk on "Musical Europe in 1929,” was given by Mrs. V. J. Laßose, who during a re- cent European trip visited the birth- places of several renowned composers. * » St George’s Church Holds Annual Party Special entertainment is planned for the annual Christmas party for children of St Oeorge’s Episcopal church, which will be held tomorrow afternoon at 9 o'clock in the parish house. The program for the afternoon Includes a Christmas playlet, a pan- tomime. and several songs and recita- tions, and Is being arranged by the parish ladies. At 7:20 Sunday evening there will be a special candlelight carol service to which the public is invited. Monday at the Elks hall there will be a social gathering of the congre- gation, with refreshments, music, games and dancing. Mrs. I. N. Steen and Miss Carol Steen, Carson, are visiting with friends in the city today. T. T. Eastburn. Dawson, is here to spend the holidays with Mrs. East- burn and their family. Stanley Robtdou has gone to Min- neapolis where he will spend about a week visiting friends. Clell Oannon spent Christmas day with relatives at Underwood. I City-County Briefs ; H. H. Johnson, HalUday. is a busi- ness visitor in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellis, Abnont, are spending a few days in Bismarck. John O. Hanehett, Valley City at- torney, was here on legal business yesterday. Rev. R. R. Bletz has returned to his home at Heaton after spending several days here. Mrs. Ina Stark, manager of the Robertson store, is spending a few days visiting friends in Jamestown. Private Rafford Ooodwin. Fort Lincoln, left yesterday for Fort Riley. Kansas, where he has been trans- ferred. John W. Bouders, Fort Lincoln sol- dier. who recently received his dis- charge, left today for his home at Lehlghton, Fa. Chase Jackson and his brother. A. C. Jackson. Jamestown contractors, are here for the meeting of the high- way department today. A. C. Webster, Orville Webster and Claude Frank, road contractors from Turtle Lake, are here for the lettlns of road contracts by the highway de- partment today. Mrs. Ray Haaelgrove and Miss Opal Gray, Arena, are spending the day here shopping. Mrs. A. M. Hanunes. New England, is a visitor In Bismarck today. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Gilbreath, Mott, are spending the day In the city. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ramstead, Het- tinger, arc stopping In Blmarck to- day. Charles D. Vernon. Fort Linooin soldier, will leave this evening for St. Paul where he will enter the Fort Snelling hospital. Sergeant J. Richardson. Fort Lin- coln. left today for Ban Francisco. Calif., from whore he will said next month for service In Hawaii. 8. O. Sorkness and Carl Lindberg, Jamestown contractors, an hare for the meeting of the highway commis- sioners today, when contracts for road construction willbe let. K. M. Haas and Edith Haas, Minot contractors, are hare today for a meeting of the highway commission. Others who are here for the awarding of road contracts by the commission are O. W. Wendland, A. J. Smith. B. H. Erble and J. Wilkins, all of Kulm. Friends hero have received wont of the death of W. R. Waldo, which ! occurred December 17 at the family And now the doughboys are going to doll up. Here's Miss Isetha Clapper of the quartermaster general's office, Washington, wearing one of the nifty new uniforms—with new-fangled collar ’an everything—designed for the enlisted men in Uncle Sam’s army. home at 102 West Flora street, Stockton, Calif. Mr. Welde taught music here for several years. He is the father of Mrs. E. H. Light, Lans- ing, Mich., formerly of Bismarck. Funeral Services Held for H. Mahlmati Funeral services for Harry C. Mahl- man were held at Zion Lutheran church at 2 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. J. V. Richert conducting the rites. The pallbearers were Verne Bpohn, Homer Spohn, Hal Dobler, Graver Riggs, Harry Clark and L. Laßue. Honorary bearers were Adolph Engelhardt, Bam Clark, O. N. Dun- ham, John F. Albers, T. H. Albers and H. Tielman. China Reports State 10,000 Were Killed In Manchuria Fights Shanghai, Dec. 27.—(/P)—The of- ficial Kuomin News Agency stated tonight that the nationalist govern- ment estimated upwards of 10,000 soldiers and civilians were killed or wounded as a result of "recent soviet military incursions Into Manchuria." The Kuomin further stated it was estimated that a property loss of one billion Mexican dollars (#500,000,000 gold) had been incurred. Russian troops invaded Manchuria November 18 and clashed with Chi- nese soldiers for a few days. Stnee that time there has been sporadic ac- tivity by soviet forces during pesos negotiations. Idaho Bean Growers To Get #IOO,OOO Loan Washington. Dee. 27—<*>—The fed- eral farm board today announced ap- proval of application of Southern Idaho Bean Orowers association, Twin Falls, Idaho, for a commodity loan not exceeding SIOO,OOO to supple- ment a loan of $250,000 form the In- termediate Credit bank at Spokane. This loan will enable the associa- tion to make additional advances to grower members. Rockefeller to Have Old Fashioned Party Ormond Beach. Fla.. Dec. 27.—<*»>— John D. Rockefeller. Sr., will celebrate the Christmas holidays at hit whiter home, the Casements, here tonight. The annual party will be attended only by a few friends, Including Gen- eral Adlebert Ames, the capitalist's famous golfing partner. It will be an old fashioned Christmas party with a large tree as a background for the singing of old fashioned songs by a quartet, and the exchange of gifts. The guest liarfor the party never la Made public. SISTER DIES H. O. Hanson, of the Carpenter Lumber company, has been called to Minneapolis by the death of a Hater. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Atwood, James- town, visited in Mandan over Christ- mas at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Coat Sale Now On at A. W. Lucas Co. $16.50 to $65.00 Sport and Dress Coats at Half Price V ' Also AU Fur Coats at Reduced Prices i . 100 Coats in Basement at $4.95 This Is Less Than Half Price THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1929 f Snappy, Eh? *\ We’ll Say! | MANDAN NEWS ALI TEAM MONDAY Coach McMahan Expects His Green Chargts to Get Valu- able Experience Coach Leonard C. McMahon's Man- dan high school basketball Braves have a tough assignment Monday night. The high school outfit at that time will play an all-star alumni aggrega- tion. which has last year's team prac- tically intact, at the high school gym- nasium, it was announced this morn- ing by the athletic director. Making up the alumni tedm will be Jack Stephens and Phil Helbllng. guards; Don Arthur, center and Lloyd McDonald and BUI Russell, forwards, all members of last year's team. Stephens at present is spending Christmas vacation with his parents before resuming his studies at the University of Michigan. Stephens has earned a regular position on the freshmen basektball team at the Wotvertng institution. Don Arthur is regular forward on the freshman team at the North Dakota Agricul- tural college. McMahan says the alums should be easy winners in the contest and he believes the game will give the inex- perienced chargee a few “new slants" on how basketball should be played. The Mandan coach has only one letterman from last year’s team back this season. He is Captain Wilfred LUllbridge, the Brave main-stay. Other high school athletes who will be used in the fracas Monday are Lloyd and Byron Spielman. Frank Boehm. Frank Heldt, Lloyd District, and several others. City of Mandan Pays ‘Hamlin Piper’ After Rat Campaign Finish Mandan’s city commissioners wast- ed little time in their regular weekly business meeting at the Mandan city hall last night. It was announced this morning by W. H. Beits, city auditor. The only business conducted was the passing of a stack of bills, which included one for the “Fled Piper of Hamlin," who conducted a poisoning campaign last week against rats at the city dump grounds. Bismarck Man Escapes Injury as Auto Burns Oscar Newsted, Bismarck, escaped serious burns shortly after 7 a. m. to- day when his automobile caught fire and burned a few hundred yards west of the Dome pavilion on the Bis- marck-Mandan memorial highway. Newsted believes defective wiring caused r. short circuit and fire In the front part of the automobile, in which he was riding alone on his way to Mandan. He Jumped from the coach as soon as smoke poured from vents in the motor hood. The ear was badly damaged, even the covering on the spare tire at the rear having burned, according to Henry R. Handtmann. Morton county sheriff, who was a passer-by shortly after the Mam broke out. Personal and ] Social News of | Mandan Vicinity | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hanson have returned from Jamestown where they spent Christmas with Mrs. Hanson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Knud- son. (DMAS BEAUTY M! ENDS TONIGHT Winner in Mandan Residential Decoration Contest to Be Announced Tomorrow Mandan tomorrow will know who had the most beautifully decorated home in the Morton county city over Christmas, it was announced this morning by Rev. OUbert W. Stewart, chairman in charge of the contest. Prises totaling SSO will be given winners in the contest by the Rotary and Lions clubs. The two Judges. Eric A. Thorberg and E. G. Wanner, both of Bismarck, tonight will make their final Inspec- tion and Judging trip about the city. They made their first trip Christmas Eve. The contest has done much to make residents take more pride In the city's appearance during the Christmas sea- son, according to members of the committee in charge. Two MandaA Youths On Probation After Robbing Ideal Cafe 9 9 9 Two youths under 19 years of age today are under probation in Mandan following their robbery of a Mandan cafe last night. They are Fred Rex and Ffed Web- ber. Mr. and Mrs. William Mumane and small daughter are spending the holi- days at the home of Mrs. Murnane’s parents in Grand Porks. The youths broke into the Ideal cafe, 110 Third avenue northwest, and obtained alomst S4O from the tin. Webber was employed at the lunch room. John J. Leppart. proprietor of the establishment, suspected Webber and Henry R. Handtmann, Morton county sheriff, had little trouble in finding the boys and recovering all of the money taken. Mr. Leppart. because of the boys’ ages, deckled not to press charges and Louis H. Connolly, state’s attorney, suggested probation. f Household Helps 1 LEMON RINSE 9 9 9 Little girls with yellow curls or light blonde hair should have a bit of lemon put in the rinse water every time they are shampooed. They will appreciate having their hair stay light, when they grow up. NON-SKID MAT It is a wise housewife who reduces the hasards of slippery bath tubs by purchasing one of the comparatively inexpensive suction rubber bat mats for the bottom of the tub. Fat McOlnley hr > returned to Dickinson after spending Christmas with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nichols. 9 9 9 SATES NICKS When washing valuable china or glassware, it is advisable to place a thick Turkish towel or a rubber pad in the bottom of the dishpan to pre- vent their chipping. GLYCERINE WASH When washing gloves, be sure to put a teaspoon of glycerine Into the water both for washing and rinsing as this softens them. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson have as thslr guest their son. Earle John- son. New York City, who will visit In Mandan for several weeks. Onion Breath 9 9 9 If you have served onions for s meal, It is a good plan to end with some Hove drops, or candled spice to take away the smell of onions on your breath. CHOPPED FIGS Mrs. A. L. Watt and baby have gooe to Oananeque. Ont., for an ex- tended visit with her parents. is* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Booth are spending the week In Fargo with friends. If you add a few drops of lemon to ftp or dates that you are running through the chopping machine. It will prevent clogging. 9 9 9 QUICK BAKE Mrs. Elisabeth Vetter has gone to Livingston. Mont., for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Cole. Potatoes bake much more quickly if soaked a few minutes In hot water before being put into the oven. 9 9 9 PICKLED PEACHES Nothing is finer to garnish fried chicken, lamb chops or breaded veal cutlet than pickled poaches. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tostevin have as their guest Mrs. Tostevtn’s broth- er, H. A. Clemens, Racine, Wis. 9 9 9 PALACE * Theatre MANDAN, N. D. Tonight and Saterday Night 7:11 - 0:1S Pries 15e and 4te The Grandest Show ever pat on! The Greatest Singing and Talking Picture of All Time! “Show Boat” In What Month Is Your Birthday? nkM< i On your Birthday seed year Mather Flowers Hoskins-Meyer ¦MM* am Harris-Woodmansee Store Moves Into New Home Across Street Harris and Woodmansee today were completing the moving and installa- tion of the newspaper, magasines, books, stationery and office stocks In their new location at 114 Fourth street. Business was all being done there by the firm. The store now occupies a room M by 35 feet, with a balcony In the rear portion, while other stocks are housed In the basement of the building. The firm has decided to expand Its stock In the new location, using the base- ment for a line of office furniture. A fine new sign of gilt letters on a black background has been placed over the entrance by PUmoor. With the removal from 113 across the way, that property becomes avail* able for the contemplated three story Penney store to be built by Webb Brothers on the site tHis spring. Foreign Policy of Tardieu Given Huge Vote of Confidence Paris, Dec. 27. (A*) —The chamber of deputies gave Premier Tardieu and Foreign Minister Briand a sweeping vote of confidence on the question of foreign policy this evening after the premier had demanded that it either turn the government out or give It carte blanche for the coming Hague negotiations. The vote of confidence was carried by a majority of 335, the radicals and socialists abstaining from voting. It was the most striking victory that the Tardieu ministry has won in Its ex- istence thus far. Two Killed in West Virginia Explosion Beckley, W. Va.. Dec. 37.—OF—Two men were killed and 13 others escaped in an explosion in the C. C. B. Smokeless Coal company mine at Btotesbury today. The bodies of the victims were located by rescue crews. The men killed were Joe Dover. 37. and John Cowan, 20. both engineers. Rescue workers believed they walked into a pocket of gas and caused the explosion. The explosion, characterised as flavor , \ GSfaS' WHY YOUU LIKE- MOTHER’S MACARONIS— years* ex- perience Itee taught ns nsndi about macaroni Savon ana we are proud of the supe- riority of Mother's brand. stank testing make it tastier* dainlkr, nwc n "" l Mad* bf Rkt M—ilrhrum mt laaaas 5 Hollywood's film stars will be pres- ent. Miss Lava, whose real aamw is Juanita Horton, gave her age as' 28 years. Hawks is well known ini financial circles here. Ha ia 28 years old. Blanche Sweet will be maid of honor. Bebe Daniels, Carmel Myers, Irene Mayer, Norma Shearer and her sister, Athol Shearer, and Margaret Aater will be bridesmaids.) AMBASSADOR SCHURMAN QUIT* Berlin. Dec. 37.—(*>—Dr. Jacob Ooukf Bchurman, American ambas- sador to Oermany, has received word from the state department that his resignation as ambassador has beat accepted. THvnMNMbt nuuum Matinee s;So—Evenings 7 and 9 TODAY •• Friday ‘Jealousy’ Jeanne Eagela Fredric March An All-Talking Paramount Picture OTHER FEATURES "»p Bomb Bang’* - A Talking Comedy Harm say Bays A Paramount Sereon Act News Events by the Universal News Reporter SATURDAY Matinee - 2:3* Evening \ AU ¦ T<aun * —— if? More thrilling than you have V.., ever imagined him. The V. greatest detective of them " leads you on a baffling man-hunt for the arch- fiend, Morlarty, In S ‘THE RETURN OF T HOLMES' C/fo Brook, 0 Qmmount Qtctuir Mystery! Romance! All the ¦ nervetlngUng. heart-gripping surprises you read about in A. Conan Doyle’s famous books. And now you BEE and HEAR Holmes vividly “The Virginian” Paramsawt’a Vint AU-Taßlng Midnight Show NEW YEAR'S EVE TUESDAY. DEC. 31ST at 11:33 TICKETS CSs MOW ON BALE HOSKINS-MEYER Call Bakken - Brady & Janz Certified Public Accountants Announce the formation of a partnership for the prac- tice of Public Accounting and Auditing with offices at Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks and Minot. J. A.CULL, P.C.BAKKEN, E.W.BRADY R. A. JANZ Partners "local." occurred la one entry of the operation. Rescue crews were en route to the explosion sone when the 13 men emerged. Miners In the affected area barricaded themselves In a passage- way until ventilators forced the smoke and gas from the section, then walked out to safety. Bessie Love Becomes Broker’s Bride Todsy Hollywood. Cal., Dec. 27.—<AP)— Bessie Love, motion picture actress tonight willbecome the bride of Wil- liam B. Hawks, Beverly Hills broker, in a ceremony at which the elite of

Transcript of The Bismarck tribune. (Bismarck, N.D.), 1929-12-27, [p ]. · 2019. 7. 26. · Idaho Bean Growers To...

  • Miss Inna Dahlmen IsBride of Gerald Jones

    The wedding of Min Irma A. Dahl-men, Minneapolis, and OerAld AlvinJones, son of Mrs. E. L. Gilbert, 610Avenue A, toook place last evening atthe Presbyterian manse, the Rev.Floyd Logee, pastor of ths First Pres-byterian church, reading the service.

    Attending the couple were MinEvelyn Freeburg, Min ElisabethBlelseffer, Charles Voracheck andJohn Erickson.

    Hie bride's goon was of blege-brown chiffon and flat crepe, and heraccessories were in brown.

    An informal reception at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Richard PenwardenJr., Parson court, followed the cere-mony.

    Mrs. Jones has been employed as ateacher in the Altken, Minn., schools,and will return there after the holi-days. At the close of the school yearshe will Join Mr. Jonn here. Thegroom Is employed In the bookkeepingdepartment of the First Nationalbank.

    ? * *Wendell J. Sanders, student at the

    North Dakota Agricultural college,Fargo, who came here to spendChristmas with his grandmother, Mrs.Thomas W. Sanders. 310 Thayeravenue, left this morning for Fargo."The Collegians," orchestra managedby Mr. Sanders, will play at severalaffairs in Fargo next week.

    * * *

    Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Morris. Minot,are spending the holidays here withMr. Morris’ mother. Mrs. R. E. Morris,and his brother and sisters. Mr.Morris Is manage of the repair de-partment of the Minot branch of theI


    Harvester company,and was recently transferred therelrom the Orand Porks office.

    • * *

    • * *

    Mrs. Eva Hunt, Boston, Mass., hascome to Fort Lincoln to spend the

    * * *

    winter with her son-in-law anddaughter, Captain and Mrs. A. K.Kupfer. Mrs. Hunt came here fromDetroit, Mich., where she has beenvisiting another daughter.

    * * *

    * * *

    Mr. and Mrs. L. V. MUler. 60tFifth street, have as their guest for afew weeks Mr. Miller's mother. Mrs.Agnes MUler. Minot. Mrs. Miller’sfattier, Oeorge Blmilte. Devils Lake,who spent Christmas here with Mr.and Mrs. MUler. has returned to hishome.

    ? * *Miss Myrtle Russell, who has been

    employed In the office of P. A.O'Keefe, receiver, for the past year ormore, has resigned her position andleft this week for her home at Stantonwhere she plans to spend severalmonths.

    * * *

    The Christmas party of the FirstPresbyterian church school will beheld Saturday afternoon from S:I0 to4:10 In the church parlors. The timewUI be spent with games and songs,v.nd Christmas pictures wUI be shown.

    • • •

    Miss Evelyn Oeorge. Oil Fourthstreet, has gone to Marshall. Minn.,to spend the balance of her Christ-inas vacation with friends. She wUIreturn to Seobey, Mont, where sheteaches, after the first of the year.

    * * *

    Miss Huel Pieros left last eveningfor Minneapolis after spending aweek here with her parents. Mr. andMrs. E. H. Pierce. 411 Fifth street.Miss Pierce Is commercial artist forThe Dayton company. Minneapolis.

    * * *

    Miu DeUe Bran of the workmen’scompensation bureau, has returnedfrom a business trip to the easternpart of the state. Miss Bran spentChristmas In Fargo with friends.

    • • *

    Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harty. 417West Thayer, have as their guestsMrs. Harty’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.D. E. Kaskln of Jamestown, who willvisit here during the holidays.

    • o oMrs. W. A. Alfonte. wife of Colonel

    Alfonte, Fort Lincoln, has returnedfrom Los Angeles. Calif., where shespent the past two months visitingwithrelatives.

    • * *

    Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hughes. titSeventh street, had as their guestsChristmas day. Mr. and Mrs. JohnKnrth, Jamestown.

    • * *

    Arnold Oasssr of the highway de-partment has returned to Bismarckfrom Orand Forks where he spentChristmas with his parents.

    O 9 OC. B. Little, whs Is visiting at sev-

    eral points In the south. Is a guestthis week at the Hotel Florida.

    * * *

    Mrs. E. D. Pangburn, Fort Lincoln,has returned from a several weeks’visit with her parents at Mankato,Minn.

    • noMrs. John L. George, 811 Fourth

    • street, left yesterday for Toledo. Ohio,for an extended visit with a formerschool Mend.

    * • *

    The regular meeting of the Re-bekah lodge will be held at I o’clockthis evening in-the L O. O. F. hall.

    Social and PersonalThursday Musical Club

    Has Christmas PartyAt the traditional Christmas party

    of the Thursday Musical club yester-day afternoon at the home of HimElisabeth Jones. Christmas music byHadyn and Handel, and old timecarols and songs from victrola recordsmade by the Trinity choir, New York,were given. Mrs. Frank Barnes wasleader, and the selections included"Adeste, Fidelia." "Silent Night,""The First Noel," and others. Therecords were loaned the club throughthe courtesy of Hosklns-Meyer.

    An especially interesting talk on"Musical Europe in 1929,” was givenby Mrs. V. J. Laßose, who during a re-cent European trip visited the birth-places of several renowned composers.

    • * »

    St George’s ChurchHolds Annual Party

    Special entertainment is plannedfor the annual Christmas party forchildren of St Oeorge’s Episcopalchurch, which will be held tomorrowafternoon at 9 o'clock in the parishhouse. The program for the afternoonIncludes a Christmas playlet, a pan-tomime. and several songs and recita-tions, and Is being arranged by theparish ladies.

    At 7:20 Sunday evening there willbe a special candlelight carol serviceto which the public is invited.

    Monday at the Elks hall there willbe a social gathering of the congre-gation, with refreshments, music,games and dancing.

    Mrs. I. N. Steen and Miss CarolSteen, Carson, are visiting withfriends in the city today.

    T. T. Eastburn. Dawson, is here tospend the holidays with Mrs. East-burn and their family.

    Stanley Robtdou has gone to Min-neapolis where he will spend about aweek visiting friends.

    Clell Oannon spent Christmas daywith relatives at Underwood.

    I City-County Briefs ;

    H. H. Johnson, HalUday. is a busi-ness visitor in the city today.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellis, Abnont, arespending a few days in Bismarck.

    John O. Hanehett, Valley City at-torney, was here on legal businessyesterday.

    Rev. R. R. Bletz has returned tohis home at Heaton after spendingseveral days here.

    Mrs. Ina Stark, manager of theRobertson store, is spending a fewdays visiting friends in Jamestown.

    Private Rafford Ooodwin. FortLincoln, left yesterday for Fort Riley.Kansas, where he has been trans-ferred.

    John W. Bouders, Fort Lincoln sol-dier. who recently received his dis-charge, left today for his home atLehlghton, Fa.

    Chase Jackson and his brother. A.C. Jackson. Jamestown contractors,are here for the meeting of the high-way department today.

    A. C. Webster, Orville Webster andClaude Frank, road contractors fromTurtle Lake, are here for the lettlnsof road contracts by the highway de-partment today.

    Mrs. Ray Haaelgrove and Miss OpalGray, Arena, are spending the dayhere shopping.

    Mrs. A. M. Hanunes. New England,is a visitor In Bismarck today.

    Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Gilbreath, Mott,are spending the day In the city.

    Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ramstead, Het-tinger, arc stopping In Blmarck to-day.

    Charles D. Vernon. Fort Linooinsoldier, will leave this evening for St.Paul where he will enter the FortSnelling hospital.

    Sergeant J. Richardson. Fort Lin-coln. left today for Ban Francisco.Calif., from whore he will said nextmonth for service In Hawaii.

    8. O. Sorkness and Carl Lindberg,Jamestown contractors, an hare forthe meeting of the highway commis-sioners today, when contracts forroad construction willbe let.

    K. M. Haas and Edith Haas, Minotcontractors, are hare today for ameeting of the highway commission.Others who are here for the awardingof road contracts by the commissionare O. W. Wendland, A. J. Smith. B.H. Erble and J. Wilkins, all ofKulm.

    Friends hero have received wontof the death of W. R. Waldo, which

    ! occurred December 17 at the family

    And now the doughboys are going todoll up. Here's Miss Isetha Clapperof the quartermaster general's office,Washington, wearing one of the niftynew uniforms—with new-fangledcollar ’an everything—designed forthe enlisted men in Uncle Sam’s army.

    home at 102 West Flora street,Stockton, Calif. Mr. Welde taughtmusic here for several years. He isthe father of Mrs. E. H. Light, Lans-ing, Mich., formerly of Bismarck.

    Funeral ServicesHeld for H. Mahlmati

    Funeral services for Harry C. Mahl-man were held at Zion Lutheranchurch at 2 o’clock this afternoon,Rev. J. V. Richert conducting therites.

    The pallbearers were Verne Bpohn,Homer Spohn, Hal Dobler, GraverRiggs, Harry Clark and L. Laßue.

    Honorary bearers were AdolphEngelhardt, Bam Clark, O. N. Dun-ham, John F. Albers, T. H. Albers andH. Tielman.

    China Reports State10,000 Were KilledIn Manchuria Fights

    Shanghai, Dec. 27.—(/P)—The of-ficial Kuomin News Agency statedtonight that the nationalist govern-ment estimated upwards of 10,000soldiers and civilians were killed orwounded as a result of "recent sovietmilitary incursions Into Manchuria."

    The Kuomin further stated it wasestimated that a property loss of onebillion Mexican dollars (#500,000,000gold) had been incurred.

    Russian troops invaded ManchuriaNovember 18 and clashed with Chi-nese soldiers for a few days. Stneethat time there has been sporadic ac-tivity by soviet forces during pesosnegotiations.

    Idaho Bean GrowersTo Get #IOO,OOO Loan

    Washington. Dee. 27——The fed-eral farm board today announced ap-proval of application of SouthernIdaho Bean Orowers association,Twin Falls, Idaho, for a commodityloan not exceeding SIOO,OOO to supple-ment a loan of $250,000 form the In-termediate Credit bank at Spokane.

    This loan will enable the associa-tion to make additional advances togrower members.

    Rockefeller to HaveOld Fashioned Party

    Ormond Beach. Fla.. Dec. 27.——John D. Rockefeller. Sr., will celebratethe Christmas holidays at hit whiterhome, the Casements, here tonight.

    The annual party will be attendedonly by a few friends, Including Gen-eral Adlebert Ames, the capitalist'sfamous golfing partner. It will bean old fashioned Christmas partywith a large tree as a background forthe singing of old fashioned songs bya quartet, and the exchange of gifts.

    The guest liarfor the party never laMade public.

    SISTER DIESH. O. Hanson, of the Carpenter

    Lumber company, has been called toMinneapolis by the death of a Hater.

    Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Atwood, James-town, visited in Mandan over Christ-mas at the home of their son-in-lawand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. C.

    Coat Sale Now On at A. W. Lucas Co.$16.50 to $65.00 Sport and Dress Coats at Half Price

    V '

    Also AU Fur Coats at Reduced Pricesi .

    100 Coats in Basement at $4.95 This Is Less Than Half Price


    f Snappy, Eh? *\We’ll Say! | MANDAN NEWS

    ALITEAM MONDAYCoach McMahan Expects His

    Green Chargts to Get Valu-able Experience

    Coach Leonard C. McMahon's Man-dan high school basketball Braveshave a tough assignment Mondaynight.

    The high school outfit at that timewill play an all-star alumni aggrega-tion. which has last year's team prac-tically intact, at the high school gym-nasium, it was announced this morn-ing by the athletic director.

    Making up the alumni tedm will beJack Stephens and Phil Helbllng.guards; Don Arthur, center and LloydMcDonald and BUI Russell, forwards,all members of last year's team.

    Stephens at present is spendingChristmas vacation with his parentsbefore resuming his studies at theUniversity of Michigan. Stephenshas earned a regular position on thefreshmen basektball team at theWotvertng institution. Don Arthur isregular forward on the freshmanteam at the North Dakota Agricul-tural college.

    McMahan says the alums shouldbe easy winners in the contest and hebelieves the game will give the inex-perienced chargee a few “new slants"on how basketball should be played.

    The Mandan coach has only oneletterman from last year’s team backthis season. He is Captain WilfredLUllbridge, the Brave main-stay.Other high school athletes who willbe used in the fracas Monday areLloyd and Byron Spielman. FrankBoehm. Frank Heldt, Lloyd District,and several others.

    City of Mandan Pays‘Hamlin Piper’ AfterRat Campaign Finish

    Mandan’s city commissioners wast-ed little time in their regular weeklybusiness meeting at the Mandan cityhall last night. It was announced thismorning by W. H. Beits, city auditor.

    The only business conducted wasthe passing of a stack of bills, whichincluded one for the “Fled Piper ofHamlin," who conducted a poisoningcampaign last week against rats atthe city dump grounds.

    Bismarck Man EscapesInjury as Auto Burns

    Oscar Newsted, Bismarck, escapedserious burns shortly after 7 a. m. to-day when his automobile caught fireand burned a few hundred yards westof the Dome pavilion on the Bis-marck-Mandan memorial highway.

    Newsted believes defective wiringcaused r. short circuit and fire In thefront part of the automobile, in whichhe was riding alone on his way toMandan. He Jumped from the coachas soon as smoke poured from ventsin the motor hood.

    The ear was badly damaged, eventhe covering on the spare tire at therear having burned, according toHenry R. Handtmann. Morton countysheriff, who was a passer-by shortlyafter the Mam broke out.

    Personal and ]Social News of |

    Mandan Vicinity |Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hanson have

    returned from Jamestown where theyspent Christmas with Mrs. Hanson’sparents, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Knud-son.


    Winner in Mandan ResidentialDecoration Contest to Be

    Announced Tomorrow

    Mandan tomorrow will know whohad the most beautifully decoratedhome in the Morton county city overChristmas, it was announced thismorning by Rev. OUbert W. Stewart,chairman in charge of the contest.

    Prises totaling SSO will be givenwinners in the contest by the Rotaryand Lions clubs.

    The two Judges. Eric A. Thorbergand E. G. Wanner, both of Bismarck,tonight will make their final Inspec-tion and Judging trip about the city.They made their first trip ChristmasEve.

    The contest has done much to makeresidents take more pride In the city'sappearance during the Christmas sea-son, according to members of thecommittee in charge.

    Two MandaA YouthsOn Probation AfterRobbing Ideal Cafe

    9 9 9

    Two youths under 19 years of agetoday are under probation in Mandanfollowing their robbery of a Mandancafe last night.

    They are Fred Rex and Ffed Web-ber.

    Mr. and Mrs. William Mumane andsmall daughter are spending the holi-days at the home of Mrs. Murnane’sparents in Grand Porks.

    The youths broke into the Idealcafe, 110 Third avenue northwest,and obtained alomst S4O from the tin.Webber was employed at the lunchroom.

    John J. Leppart. proprietor of theestablishment, suspected Webber andHenry R. Handtmann, Morton countysheriff, had little trouble in findingthe boys and recovering all of themoney taken. Mr. Leppart. becauseof the boys’ ages, deckled not to presscharges and Louis H. Connolly, state’sattorney, suggested probation.

    f Household Helps 1LEMON RINSE

    9 9 9

    Little girls with yellow curls orlight blonde hair should have a bitof lemon put in the rinse water everytime they are shampooed. They willappreciate having their hair staylight, when they grow up.

    NON-SKID MATIt is a wise housewife who reduces

    the hasards of slippery bath tubs bypurchasing one of the comparativelyinexpensive suction rubber bat matsfor the bottom of the tub.

    Fat McOlnley hr > returned toDickinson after spending Christmaswith his son-in-law and daughter, Mr.and Mrs. Lee Nichols.

    9 9 9

    SATES NICKSWhen washing valuable china or

    glassware, it is advisable to place athick Turkish towel or a rubber padin the bottom of the dishpan to pre-vent their chipping.

    GLYCERINE WASHWhen washing gloves, be sure to

    put a teaspoon of glycerine Into thewater both for washing and rinsingas this softens them.

    Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson haveas thslr guest their son. Earle John-son. New York City, who will visit InMandan for several weeks.

    Onion Breath

    9 9 9

    If you have served onions for smeal, It is a good plan to end withsome Hove drops, or candled spiceto take away the smell of onions onyour breath.


    Mrs. A. L. Watt and baby havegooe to Oananeque. Ont., for an ex-tended visit with her parents.

    is*Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Booth are

    spending the week In Fargo withfriends.

    If you add a few drops of lemonto ftp or dates that you are runningthrough the chopping machine. Itwillprevent clogging.

    9 9 9


    Mrs. Elisabeth Vetter has gone toLivingston. Mont., for a visit with Mr.and Mrs. William Cole.

    Potatoes bake much more quicklyif soaked a few minutes In hot waterbefore being put into the oven.

    9 9 9

    PICKLED PEACHESNothing is finer to garnish fried

    chicken, lamb chops or breaded vealcutlet than pickled poaches.

    Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tostevin haveas their guest Mrs. Tostevtn’s broth-er, H. A. Clemens, Racine, Wis.

    9 9 9


    MANDAN,N. D.

    Tonight and Saterday Night

    7:11 - 0:1S Pries 15e and 4te

    The Grandest Showever pat on!

    The Greatest Singing andTalking Picture of

    All Time!


    In What MonthIs Your Birthday?

    nkM< i

    On your Birthday seed yearMather Flowers

    Hoskins-Meyer¦MM* am

    Harris-WoodmanseeStore Moves Into NewHome Across Street

    Harris and Woodmansee today werecompleting the moving and installa-tion of the newspaper, magasines,books, stationery and office stocks Intheir new location at 114 Fourthstreet. Business was all being donethere by the firm.

    The store now occupies a room Mby 35 feet, with a balcony In the rearportion, while other stocks are housedIn the basement of the building. Thefirm has decided to expand Its stockIn the new location, using the base-ment for a line of office furniture.

    A fine new sign of gilt letters on ablack background has been placedover the entrance by PUmoor.

    With the removal from 113 acrossthe way, that property becomes avail*able for the contemplated three storyPenney store to be built by WebbBrothers on the site tHis spring.

    Foreign Policy ofTardieu Given Huge

    Vote of ConfidenceParis, Dec. 27.—(A*)—The chamber

    of deputies gave Premier Tardieu andForeign Minister Briand a sweepingvote of confidence on the question offoreign policy this evening after thepremier had demanded that it eitherturn the government out or give Itcarte blanche for the coming Haguenegotiations.

    The vote of confidence was carriedby a majority of 335, the radicals andsocialists abstaining from voting. Itwas the most striking victory that theTardieu ministry has won in Its ex-istence thus far.

    Two Killed in WestVirginia Explosion

    Beckley, W. Va.. Dec. 37.—OF—Twomen were killed and 13 others escapedin an explosion in the C. C. B.Smokeless Coal company mine atBtotesbury today. The bodies of thevictims were located by rescue crews.

    The men killed were Joe Dover. 37.and John Cowan, 20. both engineers.Rescue workers believed they walkedinto a pocket of gas and caused theexplosion.

    The explosion, characterised as

    flavor ,



    years* ex-perience Itee taught ns nsndiabout macaroni Savon anawe are proud of the supe-riority of Mother's brand.

    stank testing make it tastier*dainlkr, nwc n"" l

    Mad* bf Rkt M—ilrhrum mt laaaas

    5Hollywood's film stars will be pres-ent. Miss Lava, whose real aamwis Juanita Horton, gave her age as'28 years. Hawks is well known inifinancial circles here. Ha ia 28years old. Blanche Sweet will bemaid of honor. Bebe Daniels, CarmelMyers, Irene Mayer, Norma Shearerand her sister, Athol Shearer, andMargaret Aater will be bridesmaids.)

    AMBASSADOR SCHURMAN QUIT*Berlin. Dec. 37.—(*>—Dr. Jacob

    Ooukf Bchurman, American ambas-sador to Oermany, has received wordfrom the state department that hisresignation as ambassador has beataccepted.


    Matinee s;So—Evenings 7 and 9

    TODAY • • Friday

    ‘Jealousy’Jeanne EagelaFredric March

    An All-TalkingParamount Picture

    OTHER FEATURES"»p Bomb Bang’* - A Talking Comedy

    Harm say Bays • A Paramount Sereon ActNews Events by the Universal News Reporter

    SATURDAYMatinee - 2:3*Evening

    \ AU ¦ T