The big challengue

Copyrights are allright? Tooth sensitivity, what can you do! Addictions, there is something to do with them? Come with us to the Venice Carnival


In this newspaper you will find different information such as national, sports, health, etc.

Transcript of The big challengue






what can you


Addictions, there is

something to do

with them?

Come with us to the Venice


I think those habits are a perfect complement to get our goals. I had the opportunity to investigate about them and I have discovered some tips to help improve my performance. In the beginning, I just thought “this is boring” but in the end, it was very necessary for me to apply them due to my job duties and also in my personal life. I have to be honest; the most important thing is to try every day. It is not easy because not all people have the gift to work with each habit; but it is important to identify in what personal area we have to improve. Once it is identified, we can start finding a way to improve it. I agree with this affirmation: “The fact that if you want to be effective people you need them.” People do not always know about it; I have read about it in some newspaper (I believe it was in Summa Journal), and big companies are hiring people who have these habits in their profile so I think that, if we want to be part of those important companies, we have to find the way to be more effective people. I have to say that I identify with the first one. I think I am a proactive person but I definitely have to improve every day to be more proactive because every day is different and, some days I am more stressed out than others and I lose control of myself. To be proactive means to not be afraid of change. Proactive people look for changes and for new challenges. This is the habit that I like the most, but also is one of the ones I am working a lot to improve it.

Business Today

As I said in the last paragraph, I like more “Be proactive, Personal Vision”, because I am not afraid of changes. I think all of them are very important but the other ones work when you have accepted changes. You can continue with the other like: Put first thing first, think win-win, synergize. You have to know what each one means to find one that we can identify with and to teach others to improve. We might be able to learn about habits that we are not good at. As I said before, those habits are like a gift and, the very first thing to do is to find the one that we are good at. Those habits have to be part of all of us if we want to have good job and to be better persons, not just in the work, but also in our life. That is because those tips are good and I think companies that try to share this information with their coworkers, they want better persons for their companies and as a result, we will become better employees. Personally I believe that presenting those good habits is a way to grow up in the companies; at least in my case, I had the opportunity to learn about some of them and I could it see how good it is to get better things for me and my family as well. Things like: better pay checks which means more responsibilities but also more interesting jobs. I think this depends on each person. If people want better things from life, they have to work more to try to get them; I mean to leave our past and common lifestyle to learn new and better things.

By Adriana Rodríguez

The seven habits of the most effectively people are a method, created by Steven Covey. He proposes a series of habits that people should apply to be effective in personal plan and interpersonal plan. Furthermore, the method indicates that personnel empowered in this way, can align their systems and structure with the corporate mission and business strategy. It is an interesting methodology, because if people apply the seven habits, their level of confidence increases which arises leadership. However, to lead others requires doing it before with oneself. Early habits focus on the person as such, and then go running to relationships with others, ending with the need to be renewing the circle. It is a well-rounded methodology as it covers all levels of a person´s life, because evens the seventh habit, including the renewal of the physical, mental and spiritual. The habit number two, begin with the end in mind is one of the main. It is very common to see people fail much in their objectives. Not completed university courses, businesses open for few months, divorces. Companies must have a mission, but individuals do not have this practice and would be very good for each setting forth a mission to have a purpose in life. When you establish a mission staff can answer questions like: what is my life about? What things are important? What legacy do I want to leave? But applying the seven habits can help in all aspects of life. Without neglecting other areas of our lives as physical, mental and spiritual. All this together cannot fail to yield positive results for life and therefore I believe that this methodology is very good, but the trick is to apply, then we must decide to learn the seven habits deeply and resolutely implement them. By Jimmy Mussio

Copyrigths and Trademarks

Copyrights, is not a well-know topic in our

country, but most people might know the

importance it has. Costa Rica grants copyrights

protection to all artistic, scientific or literary

creation, from the moment it is fixed in any

tangible medium of expression. This topic is very

broad therefore; we will focus on only the most

relevant aspects, specifically on two areas:

trademarks and copyright and related rights.

Trademarks are distinctive signs, used to

differentiate between identical or similar goods

and services offered by different producers or

service providers.

Copyright and related rights protect rights of

authors, performers, producers and broadcasters,

and contribute to the cultural and economic

development of nations. The purpose is twofold:

to encourage a dynamic creative culture, while

returning value to creators so that they can lead a

dignified economic existence, and to provide

widespread, affordable access to content for the

public. To proceed with the deposit and

registration of a work in the Registry of

Intellectual Property of Costa Rica it is necessary

to provide some information and documents,

such as:

General information: Author’s (s) name with its complete conditions. Title of the work intended to be registered. Genre (literary or artistic). Present a brief description of the work’s content. Indicate if the work is unpublished or published and enclose a copy of the work.

Power of Attorney (POA) The applicant shall grant a POA in favour of trade mares and its lawyers.

Other documents if the application is filed by an editor, printer, translator or any other person different from the author, it is necessary to file evidence regarding the acquisition of the right.

Specific requirements according to the type of work. Aside from the general requirements, the Law establishes a series of specific requirements according to the kind or work, like unique artists work, computer programs or data bases.

In the last years, copyrights are involved in

troubles with piracy. When one of the acts

requiring authorization is done by someone else

without consent. The unauthorized copying or

copyright materials for commercial purposes or

dealing in copied materials in know as piracy.

In order to minimize the damage being inflicted

by piracy, it will be important for a copyright

owner to take swift action in seeking to prevent its

continuation. For as long as piracy continues, he

will be deprived of a portion of his potential

market, and thus of the capacity to recover the

economic reward for his creativity or investment.

The theme is big and in our country it’s a fact this

topic are out of control to the government and is

usually look products to sold in the streets ,

rented or copied copyrighted materials, in full

view of the authorities.

So it is necessary that everyone be informed and

made aware of the problem that these practices


By Jimmy Mussio

The abuse of citizens’ personal data is a current

situation en Costa Rica that it is why is very

important the Costa Rican custom they have to know

how exactly works this government agency.

This agency advocates for the correct managing of

citizens ´personal data as per what it is found in the

act N° 8968.

It is an agency dependant of the Ministry of Justice,

that was created in September 5 st 2011. Currently

the director of the agency is M.Sc Arlene Gonzalez

Today this agency operates in the National Register


Ensures the compliance with the laws regarding data protection; specially

ensures that the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition

are respected.

In relation to those seeking data

1. The Agencia de Protección de Datos has the power to impose fines

to those not respecting the law.

2. Issuing authorizations in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Require corrective actions.

4. Order, in cases of unlawful data processing, the termination and

deletion of the data.

5. Issuing authorizations of international transfers of data.

In relation to the citizens

Processing their complains regarding suspected violations of the data

protection laws.

Inform the citizens about their rights regarding the data protection law.

We have the necessary to make that this agency works, now is very

important the citizens know what means the new law and of course they


By Adriana Rodriguez


Intense battle between doctors and the Caja

Representatives of the College of Physicians and the Costa Rican Social Security are in strong discussions for the

30% cuts in marketing budgets of the Caja. While doctors arguments that the cuts will affect to the citizens and

indicate that for July several services will be suspended, the Caja representatives say that physicians have no

power to make such claims.

"For us this is an example of the arrogance of those running the institution," said Alexis Castillo, president of the

College of Physicians and Surgeons.

The organization of medical services of the Caja should be subject to control not only formal institutions that by

law have this mission, but also by citizens, said the doctor.

"We remind the authorities of the Caja that the institution was promoted, created and developed by renowned

medical visionaries. That gives us the moral authority to defend the occurrences of the current administrators, "he

said Castillo.

This, after Ileana Balmaceda, chief executive of the Caja, criticized the complaint filed by doctors regarding the

possibility of patient care jeopardized by lack of resources from July.

The role of the College is focused on ensuring the proper practice of medicine and not interfere in issues that relate

to the governance, Balmaceda said.

The role of the College is focused on ensuring the proper practice of medicine and not interfere in issues that

relate to the governance, Balmaceda said.

Should the hours be reduced to provide medical services or those involved should be revised budgets

dedicated to paying hefty payroll office workers, for mismanagement and lack of control of their leaders, not

giving the performance it should?

Is it bad for the College that brings together professionals dedicated to serving the health of people worry

about what has already been demonstrated, as is the fact that the Caja has decades of mismanagement and


Why instead of talking only to reduce the hours are not talking about medical receivable, as the law requires,

to whom they owe billions to the Caja, which would solve part of the problem of their finances and to begin,

at last, to administer and manage it well?

To the Caja governments have underfunded and companies do not pay dues to them by law and have sent off

those who have managed and mismanaged. But of these two evils, so serious, do not speak the authorities.

Alexis Castillo, president of College of Physicians.

By Jimmy Mussio

Health Adictions

Addictions are a big world, because there are a lot of kinds of addictions, as we had the opportunity to learn in the field trip last Saturday February 4th. We discussed about how it affects the life of people who have problems with drugs or something attitudes that the sick people suffer. About what exactly is an addiction, I would say an addiction is a kind of mental or physical disorder that is present in the notorious attitudes. Some of them can provoke dead if people don’t seek professional help, but before that, sick people they have to ask for help, this is the first step. I know is a difficult situation but the families who have a family member with addiction problems, they have to be strong and need to ask help first in God; after that human help. In other hand, I think there are too many reasons people become addicts. Some reason are: At a vulnerable age for example on our younger years, some factors could be work stress, family problems, relationships problems, depression, any way too many different ways to became an addict. But all the addictions could be dangerous until you can get dead. talk about it with people close to them like family or friends but people whose addicts have trust and then they will start it more comfortable and they won’t feel alone and they will bring their problems at the solution.

By Adriana Rodríguez

Other universal problem is the stress. The stress is the most popular state disorder? of the body it’s could be provoke for any abnormal situation; I mean a situation that is not common is our life. Sometimes there could be little things in the same time or a big problem. But I think it is one of the more easy to control. People suffer stress they can try to control it by doing exercises, go out of the routine, doing yoga or sometimes just talking about it. But they have to do something. Recreational activities are an option to leave back problems at least for a while. This is a kind of therapy and sometimes works. It is a way to try to live in harmony with people is around you and it works to feel better and to be in harmony with yourselves. Finally the experts suggest people who think have addiction problems, first they have to talk about it with people close to them like family or friends but people whose addicts have trust and then they will start it more comfortable and they won’t feel alone and they will bring their problems at the solution.

By Adriana Rodríguez


An addiction is a physical, mental and social, depended on a substance or activity that causes physical

and psychological disorders. An addiction can lead people to change their habits; generating

consequences that negatively affect their health and relationship because of desire to maintain these

dependencies on a fictitious need level.

In the past the addiction of people depend on the consumption of alcohol and drugs, however now we

listen to other addictions primarily for the advancement and dependence of all generations the use of

technology, for example: using the Internet, video games, cell phones, shopping, and more. This

information is confirmed by the list ten most common addictions, plastic surgeries listed below, internet

use, sex, love, skin tanning, shopping, exercise, dental care, video games, watching TV and workaholics.

In my viewpoint people develop addictive behaviors as a result of consumption and technological

advances. Although there are factors genetic, the pressure social is also a critical, trigger them to modern

addictions. Addictions are difficult to identify, but there are behaviors that may reflect the problem; for

example, little time for self-care, loss of face to face communication with friends and family, not control

lack of concentration among others. When a person has several of these signs may be reflective an


Addictions. Recovered on 16 february,2012 from

Written by Maricruz Mendoza

Today, people are used to talk about stress, because is it associated with hard work, study, pressure from parents,

others. In my opinion stress have a psychological and social component, considering the imbalance on everyday

activity, can cause people to be influenced by others or by lack of staff capacity, also can generate physical and

psychosocial disorders according to the tolerance, knowledge and experience of the person. Stress does not have a

specific solution the handling of the situation primarily in the attitude of the person and the support they may

receive from friends, family and classmates.

In the management of addictions and stress are different therapies which focus on recreational activities and

moderate times, among which were mentioned reading, going to the gym, traveling, sleeping, running, playing

sports in the water, eating, listening music, attack fears and find support groups to overcome moments of crisis.

Experts in the areas of addiction and stress indicate different activities for the management of these situations,

however mentioned that the key to overcome is a personal decision, as well as individual and group therapy to

address and prevent these problems.

Everyone must learn to handle situations that may cause psychological imbalance and affect our health, if we find

that point of stability between daily activities and recreational activities, could live in harmony.

The activity last Saturday was interesting, helped to strength knowledge about experiences of classmates, updated

information of addictions and stress, and tools to advise family and friends, to deal with problems everyday life

and even more to prevent them. I like the open classroom activity.

Written by: López D, Guillermo (2012). San José Costa Rica

Sources: Open Classroom Methodology, Saturday February 4, 2012, San Ramón de Alajuela

• Preiss, S (2009) Northstar 5.Pearson Longman. Pag.1 Unit 1, 22

Many commercial companies offer

toothpastes that contain sodium

fluoride which when used daily can

reduce the sensitivity over a period of

two weeks; other companies offer gel

or spray for treating the sensitivity

these products containing potassium

nitrate, these can be applied twice

daily for one month; for example,

there is a bionatural toothpaste that

releases calcium and phosphate

which helps the minerals in tooth

enamel to be stronger, lowers acidity

contained in plaque and saliva.

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is tooth discomfort in one or

more teeth that is triggered by hot, cold, sweet

or sour foods and drinks, or even by breathing

cold air. The pain can be sharp, sudden, and

shoot deep into the nerve endings of your teeth.

(Web MD, 2011). The most common cause of

sensitivity is when the dentin becomes exposed

as a result of receding gum tissue (the

protective blanket that covers the tooth roots).

There are many factors that may lead to the

development of tooth sensitivity, including:

brushing too hard, recession gums, gum

disease, cracked teeth, grinding teeth, tooth

whitening products or toothpaste with baking

soda and peroxide, the age, plaque build-up,

mouth use, acidic foods, recent routine dental


What can I do to reduce tooth sensitivity?

In order to reduce people should maintain

good oral hygiene, use a soft bristled

toothbrush, use desensitizing toothpaste,

watch what they eat, use fluoridated dental

products, avoid teeth grinding, see the

dentist at regular intervals.

Before undergoing treatment must rule out

other problems that can cause similar

symptoms of sensitive, such as cavities,

crack or tooth fractures or defective

restorations, therefore depending on the

cause, your dentist may suggest different

kinds of treatment.

Mouth washes and toothpastes should be

specific, containing potassium nitrate,

potassium chloride or strontium chloride,

decreasing sensitivity by reducing the

permeability of dentin, may be in cases of

more severe involvement sealing materials

used that adheres to the gum as if it were a

protective varnish, which must be renewed


Sources Consulted

Web MD. (November 2011). Recovered on

07 April 2012, Tooth sensitivity:


Written by Maricruz Mendoza

Venice Carnival

The most elegant carnival in

the world is the Venice

Carnival. The costumes used

are characteristic of the 1750´s

years. Nobile mascheras are

very common; also people

use white masks with black silk robe and hats

with three points. After 1972, other colors

have been added to the costumes, but masks

are still mostly white, silver and gold. In 1797

Napoleon Bonaparte abolished the carnival

festivities, but Italian government restored

the carnival celebration in 1979 officially.

Since then the festival begins each beginning

of Lent.

Already in the eleventh century, when Venice

was a feared potency and triumphed in the

Mediterranean, there are references to its

existence but it was not until two hundred

years later when he declared a public

holiday. Celebrate the carnival, also

represented a kind of epic poem, for in him

were used historical events as inspiration, so

that history and reality are mixed and

blended ingredient part of the holiday.

So with the victory of the

Serenissima on the Turks, who

were defeated in 1571 at the

Battle of Lepanto, which was

the reason to celebrate it again

in the carnivals of the following year. But

certainly was in the eighteenth century when

Venice Carnival reaches its peak. Aristocrats

began to attend this festival

from different places to

have fun and enjoy the great

opera season scheduled for

the dates.

The success of the carnival

splendor sank with the decline of the city,

with its loss of power also lost the power of

intense and exaggerated life of its citizens

and even just thirty years ago had not

recovered its carnival tradition. Now, many

Venetians feel overwhelmed by the tourist

invasion and leave out this season, but many

others remain and join the street atmosphere

and music, being partakers of the festival and

helping with costumes and extravagant

visual to the show in the afternoons Piazza

San Marco.

For us, the carnival is tradition, remembrance

and for the simple reason that Venice is

already a city masked, mysterious and

magical, where instead of getting around a

decorated live it. Also, we prefer to say that

the carnival constituted an opportunity to the

poor to be equal to the powerful to cover both

their faces with a mask.

By Jimmy Mussio

Cultures of the World

May Day Tradition

The history about the May Day celebrations

probably originated in the spring fertility rites of

ancient Rome, which occurred at about the same

time of year marking celebrations honoring the

goddess of spring, Flora. By the middle Ages,

the day was being celebrated with a procession

led by a "Queen of the May" chosen from a

population of pretty teen girls, followed by the

townspeople dancing around a maypole

decorated with streamers and colorful spring

flowers. A May Day celebration has been carried

out in England for over 2000 years and in the

actuality is celebrated one year to the next.

In England have a customs very interesting such

as, the first day of the month of May is known

as “May Day”. It is the time of year when

warmer weather begins and flowers and trees

start to blossom. It is said to be a time of love

and romance. This tradition is celebrated by

many people from different customs. On May

Day, people are used to cut down young trees

and stick them in the ground in the village to

mark the arrival of summer. People dance

around the tree poles in celebration of the end of

winter and the start of the fine weather that

would allow planting to begin.

Morris Dancing is a traditional form of folk

dancing, performed by groups of men or


The dances are usually performed at festivals

such as May Day, Whitsun and Christmas. The

dancing is very lively and accompanied by an

accordion player, a melodeon or fiddle player or

a noisy band with a drum. Morris dancers wear

different clothes depending on the region of the

country in which they dance.

There are usually six or eight dancers arranged

in two lines or in a circle facing each other. The

dancers may carry white handkerchiefs that they

shake, or short sticks that they bang against each

other as they dance. Some dancers have bell-

pads tied at their knees, which make a loud and

cheerful rhythm as they dance.

As in others countries that first may is a special

day because it celebrates a significant date, as in

our country is celebrated on the day of the

worker and because of that is a public holiday

and it celebrated with a party with all the staff

working in the company. This is an interesting

tradition with a variety of activities that are held

throughout the town and all. Is also a tradition

where you have to know the culture of every

people and how people live these many

traditions that characterize a culture or region.


May Day - Morris Dancing. Retrieved on April

16, 2012 ofhttp://www.woodlands-


Written by Maricruz Mendoza


The Pilgrimage to the Lord of the Hill This tradition is practiced in the north of Mexico; here live an indigenous group called

the Otomies, meaning "those who speak Otomi." An excellent habitat for this

population is in the highlands with green spaces in forest areas and mountain, where

main activity is farming corn.

For hundreds of years the natives worship their gods for favors received, through their

traditions have not changed with new customs and colonization. In 1820 a chapel was

built in the town of Tuxtla Gutierrez to worship the Christ called "Child Manuel

Salvador", better known as the Lord of the Cerrito. This chapel has always been the

care and attention of neighboring families, who have ensured that, takes place every

year the usual celebrations, the most important in the month of May dedicated to Lord

of the Cerrito.

As it was previously said Otomies work and culture revolves

around farming and ceremonial or religious cycles, so families

organize their activities around the growing seasons, rainfall, and

Catholic calendar to participate in religious ceremonies. Thus was

born the most important tradition of the people, the pilgrimage to

the shrine of Lord of the Cerrito (Ixtlahuaca), also called the "Lord of

the Waters", involving numerous Otomi peoples.

Every year on May 3th at dawn at the foot of a steep mountain in

Jiquiplico - Ixtlahuaca, north of the State of Mexico, the Otomi are

directed to seek permission from the Lord of the Hill to climb and

reach Him, to show their devotion and request anime rain their

crops, corn and provide them sustenance.

In this celebration the town takes a hard climb and challenging walk

blessed by a cheerful, colorful costumes and magic songs full of hope

and faith far above the fatigue to nourish the soul. After reaching the

summit can look with pride to the Lord of Cerrito awaiting their

reward and with the faith of those who see them as grateful for his

effort, that's where devotion becomes a feast.

This celebration of the indigenous people has managed to retain,

enriched over time, trying not to lose its essence and becoming a

tradition of the Mexican State, thanks to people who have long

sought and contributed to the welfare of the chapel, its land and



Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos

Indígenas. República México

Barrientos L, Guadalupe (2004) Otomíes del Estado de

México. México : CDI : PNUD,

The best athlete of today

When at home we talk about great athletes comes to mind Rafael Angel Perez, Ronald

Lanzoni, among others, but now we must mention one of the most outstanding athletes

Nery Brenes Cárdenas, who at 26 can boast of its momentum, spirit of dedication, effort,

dedication and perseverance to achieve dreams and goals.

Nery in Limon was born September 25, 1985, early onset with athletics at school, then

competed in the National Games and continuing national competitions and Central

America. In 2006 came the world of Helsinki, Finland, where it was not the first phase,

but accumulated experience. It then struck the classification and participated in the

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in a single test, the 400 meter dash, finishing in tenth

place. In mid-March 2010 participated in the World Indoor Athletics, where he finished

in fourth place.

Their efforts were rewarded on 26 October 2011, during the Pan American Games in

Guadalajara, where he won the 400 meters flat, with a record of 44.65 s, the best of his

career and seventh-best mark of the year worldwide, giving Costa Rica the first gold

medal in athletics in the history of the competition.

In this year 2012 Nery Brenes made history and gave the big surprise by winning the

world title indoors in the 400 meters at the World Indoor Athletics in Istanbul Turkey,

one of the star of the competition tests, also setting up a championship record with a

time of 45 seconds and 11 hundredths. Costa Rica gets not only his first medal in world

championships, but also their own brand of world champions in this sport.

All Costa Ricans and sports fans, we owe this conquest beautiful and challenging for

the national sport, in addition to dream and to support all athletes who like Nery

Brenes may be the best in the world, working with dedication and humility, always

trying to be the best.


IAAF.Org. Athletes-Biographies. Retrieved April 2, 2012

Quesada, Elisha (10 March 2011). "Nery Brenes is world champion in the 400

meters at the World Athletics in Turkey." Sports. Retrieved March

10, 2012.


Nery's mother died

Rosalina Maydela Cardenas, mother of Nery

Brenes, died the April 23, 2012 at 8:30 pm at

the age of 43 years at the Calderon Guardia

hospital in San Jose.

Nery Brenes mother suffered from

pulmonary fibrosis since five years. This was

confirmed by Brenes track team through a

press release.

After a series of complications, Nery's

mother had to be hospitalized at the

Calderon Guardia last week, where he died

this Monday.

The woman's body will be moved to Lemon

the morning of Tuesday, where he lived the

last 20 years.

Your candle will be at the funeral Hilton,

behind the gym at Limon Eddy Bermudez

from 12:00 noon.

Jessica Salazar. Nery’s mother Died.

Recovered on Monday April 23, 2012



Written by Maricruz Mendoza

Reflective writing

Involves reflection critical, and therefore, must be

performed regularly. Students need this practice

through reflective writing to be better in the

analysis and personal growth. Writing and

thinking is a personal response to experiences,

situations, events or information. This is a

process where thinking and learning becomes a


Over the years I have noticed a lack of

argumentative ability and reflection of the people

of our country, reflected in the media, radio,

television and contact with people on a personal

level and work regardless of their level of

knowledge. For this reason we interpret that our

parents and teachers sometimes lacked vision

about how we should deal with many issues of

daily living, or each one of us fell into

conformity, being unable to analyze and argue

our environment and how this can harm or

benefit us.

Reflective writing in the English course has been a

major challenge, considering the difficulty we have in

the Spanish language for the situations mentioned

above, is why in another language has a particular

meaning, even when the conjugation of verbs, use of

pronouns, connectors, punctuation marks and

grammatical tenses, are transformed into different

meanings. Despite the time required to use tools and

make grammatical or writing an essay is an important

experience and training necessary for our education.

Nothing happens in vain, maturity, experience and

social environment, leads us to take on new challenges,

to be better people and achieve new knowledge. At this

stage as a student and through the writings and analysis

on various topics in English, I managed to acquire skills,

new ideas, technical and practical tools for writing and

reasoning to analyze more environmental situations in

order to achieve better results applicable at the student,

staff and labor.

To the reader