The big 6 research method

Research Process The “Big6™” is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit:


This slideshow outlines the steps in the Big6 research process. The “Big6™” is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit:

Transcript of The big 6 research method

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Research Process

The “Big6™” is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more

information, visit:

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Why use this process?It beaks down the research


so you don’t feel overwhelmed!

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The Process1.Task Definition2.Information Seeking3.Location and Access4.Use of Information5.Synthesis6.Evaluation

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1. Task DefinitionDefine the problem?

What is the assignment? Note cards? Outline? Paper? Works Cited page?


Identify information need? What information do you need for the


Make a list of key (important) words to search. Only type key words in a search box.

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2. Information Seeking StrategiesWhat are some sources you could use to find

the information you need?

Which of these sources are…Accurate?Available?Reliable/authoritative/ trustworthy?Easy to use?Current?Precise?

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3. Location and AccessLocate Sources by going to

Card Catalog - Click on the catalog tab to search. Write down title and call number before going to the shelves.

Databases (online professional articles). See handout and choose the most relevant.

Online encyclopedias (contain background info.)Websites – Use only reliable websites. Try Net

Trekker to find reliable educational sites.

Find the information – Skim subheadings first. Move on if the information does not meet YOUR


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4. Use of InformationEngage – Read closely for relevant


Extract information – Only record what’s important for YOUR assignment. Be sure to write down your citation (source

info.) If using notecards, write the citation on your source card and number it with the number that matches its note cards.

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Trash and Treasure Note takingTreasure: The important information you find

that will help you fulfill your assignment. You can copy word for word (quoting) or put the information into your own words (paraphrasing).

Only copy words or phrases, not sentences.Don’t copy words you don’t know.

Trash: All the other “stuff” in the source that doesn’t answer the question(s) you have.

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5. SynthesisOrganize all of your information

Put your information in the format your teacher requested (i.e. outline, draft, etc.)

Present the information – Make sure you meet the paper or project requirements!

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6. EvaluationJudge your project

How well does your project meet the assignment guidelines and/or the rubric?

Judge your processHow can you be more efficient the next time

you have a research project to do?

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Practice makes perfect!

Use the Big 6 Process and become a super researcher today!

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MediagraphyImages – Clip Art, Photos, Sounds, &

Animations – Microsoft Office. Microsoft Corporation, 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2009. <>.

The “Big6™” is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit: