The best fitover sunglass


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What are the best fitover sunglasses? What's important when choosing a pair of fitovers... and what's not.

Transcript of The best fitover sunglass

Page 1: The best fitover sunglass

The Best Fitover SunglassDave Dean

VP Marketing, Live Eyewear Inc.

If you neglect to educate yourself about a product before you buy it, you run the risk of being duped. It could be an

automobile or something as simple as a shirt. Not knowing what’s important to you and how one brand differs from

another can often lead to disappointment. You may even reach a point where you regret buying it in the first place. It’s

the same with sunglasses but especially so with fitover sunglasses.

Conventional sunglasses are considered by most to be a fashion accessory. Buyers of sunglasses sort of know what

they are for but quite often they’re not educated on what features to look for first. Do the glasses deliver 100%

UVA/UVB protection. Are the lenses polarized? Are they scratch resistant. Not knowing these things will short change

a shopper. The uneducated may end up buying a pair that look fantastic but they’ll often come to learn that beauty is

only skin deep. It’s what’s on the inside that counts. The style and color that initially caught their eye wears thin once

the lenses start to haze for example. Let’s face it, people don’t treat their sunglasses very well. Most start off carefully

putting them away in a case when they’re not wearing them but once the initial infatuation wears off, the glasses can be

found sliding up and down a dashboard, thrown into the glove box or stuffed into a purse with their keys and coins.

If the lenses aren’t scratch-resistant, thousands of tiny abrasions begin to appear. They’re so small that it’s hard to see

them without a microscope. As these miniscule scratches begin to gather the lenses start to get hazy from a process that

could be equated to a gradual sandpapering. Things don’t look as clear as when the glasses were brand new.

Ultimately, vision can become so blurred that the sunglass is no longer used.

If you’re buying a fitover sunglass, aesthetics are the last thing you should worry about. How a fitover looks doesn’t

rank in comparison to long-term performance. If the fitovers aren’t adjustable, if they don’t fit well or completely

encompass your prescription eyewear, you’ll end up disappointed. The function of a fitover is the single most

important aspect. They’re not fashion accessories. You’re buying them to perform a specific purpose.

Many manufacturers know that the majority of people don’t put function first when shopping for a pair of fitovers.

Instead, shoppers continue to apply the same criteria they would when choosing a fashion sunglass. Flair. Color. Style.

That’s why you’ll see fitovers painted pretty colors. Fitted with shiny temple adornments. Stylish shapes. Unimportant,

inexpensive aspects that exploit the customer’s failure to switch from fashion accessory mode.

Live Eyewear has published several fitover buying guides. As the maker of the worlds highest quality fitover we know

how people end up getting mislead. I can’t recall an owner of a fashion focused fitover that after trying a pair of

Cocoons® would ever go back to wearing them. When asked why they bought them in the first place, most say that they

liked the style or the color. They soon learn that for a fitover sunglass to perform well they cant be designed as fashion

accessories are. A professional grade fitover sunglass cant be made of translucent plastics that can be painted with chic

patterns. It can’t deliver the sort of environment needed to work well if it looks just like a regular sunglass.

Cocoons are our ‘masterpiece’. They’re made of lightweight, distinct materials that deliver a perfect ‘ride’. They’re

virtually unbreakable. So much so that they’re covered by a lifetime warranty. They’re adjustable, scratch-resistant,

polarized and deliver 100% UVA/UVB protection. They’re the benchmark of the fitover sunglass category.

Cocoons aren’t the cheapest fitovers you’ll find. But value-wise, you can’t go wrong. Before you buy a fitover

sunglass, learn what’s important. Take the time to educate yourself and hopefully you’ll avoid disappointment and

possible regret.

You can read about Cocoons all over the internet. You’ll find thousands of reviews, discussions forums and

recommendations. The Cocoons website is packed with educational information, technical specifications and customer

feedback. I encourage you to visit.